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GRADUATION Gifts for Catholic Graduates. Gallery <fc Co., 718 Eleventh St. N.W. I \ RMS wopc F STREET N.W. DOCTOR’S FORMULA FOR EXTERNALLY CAUSED SKIN TROUBLES PRAISED FROM COAST TO COAST! No matter what you've tried without success for unsightly surface pimples, blemishes and similar skin irritations, here's an amazingly successful doctor’s formula—powerfully soothing. Liquid Zemo—which quickly relieves itching soreness and starts right in to help nature promote FAST healing. 30 years continu ous success! 1 so Zemo's 10 different mar- ' velously effective ingredients help YOUR ekin. (Jet a bottle of Zemo TODAY ! Citizens' Association Authorizes Unit to Fight 'Fifth Column' Columbia Heights Body Marks 46th Anniversary At Meeting Resolutions to aid in the fight aganist “fifth column" activities were passed by the Columbia Heights Citi zens' Association last night in a meeting marking the group's 46th anniversary. On the motion oi George H. Brown, first vice president, a resolu tion was passed pledging co-opera tion with the National Government’s defense program Col Luther R. Maddox, president was authorized to appoint a secret committee to in-' vestigate and report on “all activities of a subversive nature, or so-called ‘fifth column’ movements.” A motion by Mrs Margaret H. Worrell asks Congress for a law to refuse the Communist party a place on Federal ballots. The resolution was passed. Deportation Kill Backed. In line with the defense program, a resolution was passed approving the Dies bill which provides "for the reduction in quota immigration, the exclusion and the deportation of certain classes ot undesirable aliens, and for the creation of a Board of Deportation Appeals’ Fire Chief Stephen Porter pointed out that his department was one of the first lines of defense against sabotage. Inspector of Police Arthur E. Mil ler proposed an Accident Prevention Bureau to reduce fatal accidents in the District. Inspector Miller is now examining the expense and practi cality of such a bureau. Judge Cayton Speaks. Judge Nathan Cayton of Munici pal Court declared that today this country faces greater danger than ever before in its long history. Re sponsibility for the continuance of the American system rests with tha citizens of the Republic, he said, adding that District citizenry even tually will share in this responsi bility. Guests included Col. Antonio Tor res, chief of police of Manilla, P. I„ who is in this country making a study of police methods. Other guests included A. D. Calvert, pres ident of the Lincoln Park Citizens’ Association; David W. Gabelein, president of the Chillum Heights Citizens' Association; Dr. C. B. Campbell and William J. Tucker, secretary of the Anacostia Citizens’ Association. Alton B. Carty, past president of the Columbia Heights Citizens’ As sociation. spoke briefly on the his tory of the group. Miss Darnall Graduates Dorothy Darnall, 3636 Brandy wine street N W., has been gradu ated from Monticello College in Al ton, 111., it was announced here to day. Elvove to Get Degree Elies Elvove of 4725 Eighth street N.W. will receive the degree of master of science at the University ol Illinois June 10. Signs of Appendicitis Call for Operation, Ex-lnfernes Told Freedmen's Association Told Knife Is Justified Even in Doubtful Cases A suspicion of appendicitis war rants an operation when definite diagnosis cannot be made promptly, the 21st annual convention of the Association of Former Internes of Freedmen’s Hospital was told to day as the second day of sessions began in the hospital auditorium. Drs. Burke Syphax, Samuel L. Bullock and John B. Manly, sur geons at Freedmen’s, presented a number of case histories illustrat ing pitfalls in accurate detection of appendicitis. Failure to operate at once frequently has increased the hazards which the patient was forced to overcome and in some HEADACHE? Hsrs is Amazing of Conditions Duo to Sluggish Sowals i If you think all laxative* act alike, juat try this _ _ •!* vo*otabio laaotlvo. ■*> mild, thorough, refreshing, invigorating. De >endable relief from sick headaches, bilious spells, ired feeling whew associated with constipation. UVlfhnilt Dick tet * 25c box of NR from your WillWIIl druggist. Make the test—then f not delighted, retuna the box to us. We will efund the purchase trice. That’s fair. Woodward \ & ► LOTHROP our Play Shoes from California Here they come—a parade of them, straight into your Summer—putting your free hours on the gayest, most comfort s able footing imaginable. Women’s Shoes, Third Floor. 'y D—"Random" for your gypsy trails. Red or blue and white flexible capeskin_$5.95 E—"Highway," the Coolee tie so marvelously light on your feet. Red, blue, yellow, white or rust cotton duck_$3.95 • F—"Harlequin"— cool cotton duck and calf tie—gayest in turquoise and red. Or you may choose white with navy or brown _ $4.95 G—"Flying Color*" gloves your feet in cotton duck with colorful inserts—two of them elasti cized_$3.95 H—Your country-perfect shoe -—bucko calf slip-on in red, white or blue. Cushiony rubber sole .. $4.95 I—Playtan oxford—you wear it for golf, for "spectating" or for loafing. Coolly woven of leather straps. Marvelous new rubber suction sole.. —$6.95 A—"Popooie" for your loz> hours. Soft capeJkin—in lime, grope, red, white or blue, $5.95 B—C ool comfor t—woven leother sandals, wooden-heeled. Natural or white,-- _$3.95 C—"Mexf - Coolee" — Joyce'* tan or white elk, wedge-soled sandal_ ..-$4.95 cases had led to death, they empha sized. Strong Medicine Held Harmful. Persons experiencing abdominal pain continue to' pursue the most dangerous course—the use of ca thartics—before increased discom fort prompts them to seek advice of a physician, the doctors said. Dr. George M. Leiby, in charge of venereal disease work of the District Health Department, fol lowed with a talk on the "Epidemi ology of Syphilis.” Dr. Perrin H. Long, associate pro fessor of medicine in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medi cine, and Dr. Richard W. Te Linde, chief gynecologist of Johns Hop kins Hospital, were to be heard dur ing the afternoon session, following a luncheon in Frazier Hall of How ard University. Dr. Cobb Speaks. Being a relatively young species, man has not yet had time in which to evolve corrections of anatomical characteristics which are not ideal for his erect posture, Dr. W. Montague Cobb, associate professor of anatomy in the Howard Univer sity School of Medicine, told the as sociation yesterday. Dr. Cobb men tioned hernias and visceral disorders as among ailments traceable to structural shortcomings. Men, he said, should regard with pride rather than dismay the advent of baldness, because it indicates con formation to nature's hair patterns for the primates, of which man is a member. Warning to Fathers. Fathers should not indulge in boasting if their children are born with one or more teeth or cut them at an early age, however. Dr. Cobb declared. If the infants attempt to use these premature teeth, the strain might pull their heads out of shape, because the skull sections are heM together membranously, rather than by locking sutures which develop later, he said. Dr. Joseph E. Moore, associate in medicine at Johns Hopkins Univer sity, discussed “Determination of Cure in Syphilis.” Dr. Ralph J. Young, president of the association, presided. A smoker will be held tonight at 9 o'clock in Odd Felloes’ Hall, Ninth and T streets N.W. The convention will end tomorrow. New telephone number: REpublic 6300 for Jelleffs Fur Storage With double protection: First fumigation, then cold-air storage in en larged modern vaults on premises, 6th floor. Pictured: Stunninr afternoon print In rayon sheer with airy hemstitching on bodice. Lace trimmed pocaets, front pleated panel In skirt. $7.95. Smart broad farottinr at neck and sleeves, rive an oririnal touch to this brirht rayon sheer flower print. 86.50. Three rows of tiny lace make an unusual effect on the bodice of this flower printed cotton voile. 82.05 Faded dots on a very rood look* inr tailored frock in cotton voile. Brirht novelty belt and matchinr kerchief. 83.95. Concert at Wilson High Woodrow Wilson High School will present its spring concert tomorrow at 8 p.m., in the school auditorium, featuring a combination'of vocal and instrumental selections. Hendrik Essers and Mrs. Janet W. T6rbert will direct special choral groups, glee clubs, orchestra and band. —- ■ - s ADVERTISEMENT. WHAT CAUSES EPILEPSY? A booklet containing the opinions of famous doctors on this interesting sub ject will be sent FREE, while they last, to any reader writing to the Educa tional Division, 535 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y„ Dept. J303_ here are the services you receive with our PERMANENT WAVES —thorough test curls —refreshing shampoo —beautifully styled Finger Wave Every day we become more noted for our beautiful Permanents. Regardless of what price wave you decide upon, you enjoy the INDIVIDUAL attention and expert technique of our talented technicians.—Jelleff’s Beauty Salon—Fifth Floor. Note please— New telephone number: REpublic 6300 Honds suntanned? . . . Revlon's "Red Punch" 'punctuates' them! Just Opened! Fifth Floor—New Building—giv ing much needed larger quarters to your favorite Cotton Shop! —Making a gala occasion of it with a glorious new collection of Soapsuds 14 Frocks by Voiles Chambrays Dotted Swisses Ginghams Seersuckers Batistes Nelletta Enka Rayon Spun Rayon Weaves Ncm, at the height of their triumph, a fascinating selection of new fashions plucked from Nelly Dons abundantly blooming summer garden. Winners, every one! Radiant-_and practical! Because each and every one is endowed with the superb 'fit for which Nellv Don is famous With those “hidden values” that bring you such outstanding quality marks as bound, wide seams, lingeiie straps, deep hems. And who doesn’t immediately recognize the Nefiy Don !°f * ^ Y ^ drGSS? Fashion and fabric desiSns are exclusive and oriSinal with at $2.95 Daisy Fern and Swanee Print Voiles, Clover Print Seersuckers. Powder Puff Batistes. Dressy and shirtwaist styles; rose, blue, green, grey, aqua, navy, pink. Sizes 14 to 44. at $3.95 All-white and palm-tree pattern dotted Swisses, checked tissue ginghams, Apple Spray and Frost Bar Voiles, popular Photographic Print Voiles, Ombre Stripe Chambrays. Cool, simple-to launder tailored styles, pretty afternoon frocks in white, red, blue, brown, black, rose, aqua, green, • yellow, pink, navy. Sizes 14 to 44. at $6.50 Nelly Don Enka Rayon Prints portraying Pompa dour, Orleans and Rosedown designs. Magnolia print woven check voiles, Snapdragon Fashionelle. Blue, green, brown, rose, black, marigold and blue bell snapdragon prints. Sizes 12 to 44. at $7.95 and $10.95' Shadow-sheer rayon Criss-Cross print in navy, bluebell, rose. White spun rayon with airline tucking. Aster print voile with lace, marigold, violet, bluebell. Lovely Mountain Flower print of Nellair Enka rayon in bluebell, navy, rose, green 12 to 44. Nelly Don says, "Just try one on!”—knowing full well that the test is in the wearing, and once you’ve worn a NELLY DON, you’ll always want MORE. Cotton Shop—Fifth Floor CAPERS by Joyce of California SKYLARK A Cheery Play Moccasin In fine capeskin—a bright, modern idea of what a Play Shoe should really be. Perfect for rustic life, it goes hand somely with every type of play clothes—comfortable as a slipper. RED BLUE HQNEY WHITE Shoe Solon, Fourth Floor