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Exercises to Start Tonight at Virginia Theological School Bachelor of Divinity Degrees to Be Conferred On Class of 16 Special Dispatch to The Star. SEMINARY, Va., June 5—Com mencement exercises at the Virginia Episcopal Theological Seminary will get under way at 8:15 o'clock tonight j with the annual missionary sermon. The guest preacher will be the Right Rev. Thomas C. Darst, Bishop of Eastern North Carolina There will be a communion service j at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, followed by \ the commencement exercises at 10'30 a m., with the Right Rev. R. E. L. Strider, Bishop of West Virginia, giving the address. Alumni of the seminary will hold their annual ! meeting at noon. Exercises End Friday. The exercises will end Friday with ordination services at 10:30 a.m. Guest minister will be the Rev. B. D. Boyd of Grace and Holy Trinity Church, Richmond. Bachelor of divinity degrees will be conferred on a class ol 16. with two graduates receiving degrees cum laude. Doctor of divinity degrees will be conferred on three ministers, the Rev. Nelson Page Dame of Rich mond. oldest living alumnus of the seminary, who was graduated in 1877: the Rev. John Long Jackson, Bishop of Louisiana, and the Rev. James Alvin Russell. Graduates Listed. Those who will receive bachelor of divinity degrees include John Joseph Albert of Charleston, W. Va ; Ed ward Jefferson Clary of Richmond; James Wilver Connor of Washing ton, D. C.; John Raymond Cooper of Baltimore; Robert Littlefield Cran dall of Macon, Ga.: Frederick Wil liam Dorst of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Joseph Britt Ellington of Thomaston, Ga.; Julian S. Ellenberg ol Greenwood, B. C. Joseph Gilbreath of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Julien Gunn, jr„ of Rich mond; Arthur Henry Marsh, jr„ of Washington, D C.; John Newton Peabody of Ambler. Pa.: Richard Rossman, 2d. of Wilmette, 111.; Fred erick Edward Thallman of Wood bridge, N. J.; Rufus Joseph Womble of Raleigh, N. C.; George Tittmann of St. Louis, Mo., with Robert Louis Baxter, jr., of Coral Gables, Fla.. | and P aschal Dupuy Fowlkes of j Richmond receiving cum laude hon ors. Certificates of education will be awarded to Carl Richard M. Lund- | berg of Las Cruces, N. Mex.: George H. T. Cliff of Sisterville. W. Va., and Cohn Campbell of Asheville. N. C. Those to be ordained include Mr. Clary. Mr. Gunn, Mr. Peabody and Mr. Fowlkes. Entertainment Planned For George OXonnor George O'Connor, who has en tertained the great and near great here all his life, will be entertained by them tonight. There is going to be a party to honor Mr. O'Connor at the May flower Hotel, starting at 7 pm., given by Dr. M. G. Gibbs, chair man of the board of Peoples’ Drug Stores. After a buffet supper, profes sional and amateur entertainers will perform and there will be a number of skits. The guest of , honor will then be called on to sing some of the tunes that have made him a favorite at gatherings here. . Joseph P. Tumulty, lawyer and once secretary to President Wilson, will give a short talk. Among the . guests invited are Joseph E. Davies, ( special assistant to the Secretary of State: Federal Loan Adminis trator Jesse Jones, Senator Har rison, Commissioner John Russell j Young and other leaders in na- j tional and local affairs. Sacrament Students Win 15 Scholarships Children in the Blessed Sacra ment School have won 15 scholar- | ships in competitive examinations. The awards are to Catholic second ary schools. The winners are Patrick Kolb, i Jerry* McKenna, Sophie Anne Thomas. Patricia Sullivan, Justine O'Boyle. Barry Mulligan. Betty Jean Keenan, Patrice Schuette. Billy Ewers. Anne Donnelly and Mary Rickmeier. Jerry McKenna, Patricia Sullivan and Sophie Anne Thomas won two each. *-—! ( i i i I i • Thanks to Mueller’s, women all over the country are spending much less time in the kitchen and serving better meals this Summer. Mueller’s Thin-Spaghetti Dinner —so easily and quickly prepared makes a delicious, substantial one dish meal—the kind men like. (See recipes on Mueller's package.) Mueller’s Thin-Spaghetti cooks in only 9 minutes—needs no cold water rinse—is never sticky or soggy. Why not serve Mueller’* Thin-Spaghetti withzestful.tangy * 600 Prs. “WI-OV’ HOSIERY Irregulars of 11.35 89c —Unbelievably sheer NYLON Hose 30 and 40 denier Cl and 3 thread) Any slightly heavy thread or slub in the yarn (which is barely noticeable) I causes these to be classed as lrregu | lars . . Sunblush shade in sizes 8^* | to 101*. Kann's—Hosiery—Street Floor. White Rayon Sharkskin $2.99 DRESSES —Sleek, perfect fitting rayon sharkskin Is a warm-weather favorite . . . Styles include, button trims, flared skirts, vee necks, wide lapels and car digan necklines. Misses' sizes. Kann's—Inexpensive Dresses—Second Floor. $1.00 Printed Cotton Batiste Gowns and Pajamas —So cool and oomfy on sultry nights ... so easy to wash and Iron! Charming gowns and two-piece pa jamas with frilly laces, deep ruffles, Empire bustlines, ribbons and tucks! Regular and extra slses. Kann's—Lingerie—Second Floor. 2 Styles! Reg. $3.49 METAL ROCKERS —New Barrel Back Style. Extra Wide Seat 8tyle! Streamlined beauty and rocking comfort Both rockers have flexible tubular steel frames, wide shaped “saddle” seats and weather-resistant finishes. Kann’s—Furniture—Fourth Floor. 82.99 Printed Rayon Summer Frocks 81.69 — A well-known brand we cannot ad vertise at this reduced price! Many S attractive young styles with flattering necklines, soft aetailin« and full skirts. j All of washable rayons in fresh prints. Just 360. shop early! Si*es 12 to 20. Kann’s—Daytime Drewes | —Second Floor. V Men's $2.95 and $3.95 SLACK SETS . . . —ISO finely tailored washable C- ^ DC. aiack suits Guaranteed ore- *Jt shrunk cotton fabrics. 2', resld ual shrinkage. Shirts have two breast pockets, slacks have pleated wJ/ ) fronts and belt to match. Shirt aises small, medium, lares. Slacks sises 30 to 4". Kann’s—Men's Furnishings —Street Floor. Qu^JUfufOhi6f $9.95 16-in. "Pennsylvania" LAWN MOWERS —Complete with 5 self-sharp ening blades and 10-ln. rubber tired wheels. We’ve already sold hundreds of these popu lar mowers . . . Take advan tage of this sale now! Kann's—Housewares —Third Floor. "MARVIN" Metal Slat VENETIAN BLINDS $4.95 Value • Enclosed Head • Rustproof Concealed Hardware • Flexible Steel Slats • 3 coats of Baked Enamel • Worm Oear Tilting Deeice • Full Proof Automatic Lock • Linen Mingled Tapes • «4 in. Lon* • 14 sizes. 23 to 38 Inch width. Kann’a—Upholstery —Third Floor. 39c Cannon Bath towels ... 4 for *1 —Get set for Summer with plenty of Cannon towels . . These are 24x4fi Inches . . Good heavy weight and ab sorbent quality. White with colored borders. Kann's—Linens—Street Floor. Beautiful $1.99 Chenille Spreads —Luxurious new spreads in ^ bright Summer shades . . . Made ^ on excellent sheeting with white ground and colored chenille tuftings. Double bed sizes only. Kann's—Domestics— Street Floor. Reg. $39.50 Seamless AXMINSTER REGS —Handsome reproductions of Persian, Chinese, Karlr American and Modern designs In deep reds, greens, rose, rusts • and tans) 8iie Bxl2 ft. This low price makes It well worth burlng now! (9x12 and 8 Waffled Top Mothproof All Hair Rug Cushions. $5.BO.) Kann’*—Rufs—Third Floor, Inner-Spring MATTRESS Or BOX SPRING —Inner-wring unit eompoeed of more then e hundred tiny reelllent colli, fully ■mulcted, thickly covered with cotton felt, end equipped with ventilator! end hendlee. Woven cotton and demeck ticking!. Box wring! to match mat tren. All alaee. K Ann'»—Bedding—Third Floor. EACH rri n $1.98 25-ft. Guaranteed GARDEN HOSE —Coupled remnants corru gated and fabricated rubber hose. This low price is made possible only by our buyers' very special purchase. Just 300 lengths. Kann's—Housewares— Third Floor. (QtizDcufQH&j Sizes 4x6-7x9-7x10 and 8x10 PICTURE FRAMES Reg. $1 79c —Oold and silver fin ished frames with easel backs, some have rings for hanging . . . They will enhance any of your favorite pictures. Karin's—Leather Goods—Street Floor. $1.55 Value! 1,000-Sheet Rolls Kano’s Toilet TISSUE 22 for $1 —Soft and abaorbent tis ane Choice of white cnf colon. Put in a full aup Plr and Meet Knnn’g—Toiletrioo —Street Floor. QntDcUfQn&j Reg. $2.98 Silver-Plated WATER PITCHERS $1.99 —Lovely bright flnlsh. plain design on a copper base, m quart slae . . . Purchase for rifts and your own personal use. Kann’s—Silverware —Street Floor.