Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Continued.) RfST A URANT. next to large downtown theater (whisky): does $150 daily; closed Sundays: only whisky license on block: same owner 10 yrs.: has other business in Chicago; price. $8.500; easy terms. Bob Hollander. Tower Bldg. ME. 4813. ROOMING HOUSE, near 20th and Mass.: 13 rms.. 3 baths; very attractive furniture; one of the best in town: $600 handles. Mr. Armstrong. Metropolitan 4813. ROOMING HOUSE. Col. rd. near 14th: 1*2 rooms. 4 baths. 2-car garage; rent. $90. lease; house in excellent condition. Price. •1 300: terms. WINFIELD & THURM. ons inih st nw na hb*,4 ROOMING HOUSE, APTS., $300 DOWN—10 ROOMS. Irving si., near 14th n.w. —2'2 baths, farage ‘real kitchens with sinks*; almost- \ new furniture: will sell. EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave. Rm *217. NA. 3310 * RMS.. APTS 13 rms. 4 baths; oil heat; good income $*oo handles KEACH & FORBES, RE. 2919. ROOMING HOUSE, 20 RMS., PRICE, $1,500—DOWN, $650. Near 18rh. Park rd. n.w —All apis., all filled; rent. $140; average furniture, ti •lectne ice boxes Hurry! EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave,. Rm. 217. NA. 3310,» SPECIAL BARGAIN. Rooming and boarding; Wyoming, near j Fol rd.; *2H rooms. 5>? baths; rent. $*200: ! rood lease, garage. Price only $2,500; food terms. WINFIELD & THURM. ^«WR Tilth St. N.W. _ NA. 9054. NEAR COL. RD. & 18th.' Fully equipped restaurant and 6-room tnd bath duelling. 2467 18th st. n.w. tow rent, fixtures on terms CHAS. L NORRIS, "i;i6 P». Ave. N.W. RE. “U" BOARDING HOUSE. 14 RMS. Rhode Island axe. at 15th n.w.—3 baths; Income quoted oxer $65o monthly: axerane furniture: showing nice profit: $7 50 down, i-car garage EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Axe. Rm 217. NA. 3310. • ROOMING HOUSE. 16th st.: 1*2 rooms, 3 baths, oil heat, reasonable rent, clean. Price. $1.8oo: terms WINFIELD & THURM, j fl08 10th St. N.W. NA. 9654. GUEST HOUSE. 12 rms . 4 baths; oil heat; gar well furn . $900 handles KEACH & FORBES, RE. 2919. BEER TAVERN, Rest n.e. location; showing excellent profits: rent. $loo. lease. Owner will • acrifire for $2,250; terms WINFIELD & THURM, 008 10th St. N.W. NA. 9654. _ ^ GUEST HOUSE, 16 RMS., CONN. AVE.—HIGH CLASS. Near Col. rd. n w.— 4’2 baths troom and board!: a dandy location; completely •quipped. $3.5oo: terms. EDWIN L. ELLIS. 1010 Vermont Ave . Rm 217 . NA. 3310 • ROOMING HOUSE. 11th st. near M st.; 11 rooms. 3 baths: rent, $75; fully fur- i llished price only $450 WINFIELD & THURM, j ^ PUR ldih St N W_ NA. PB54. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ACCORDION—It isn't necessary to buy an instrument if you want to find out if you would like learning to play If you are a responsible person we will loan you an accordion without charge or deposit of ; any kind The only cost is a nominal fee : for private lessons, which you pay for as they are taken, not in advance This same plan also Is available on other in- , ftruments National 4730. Kitt s. 1330 G st n w (In the middle of the block.» ANTIQUE Egyptian wall hangings, lot ' $35: 3-dc living rm .suite, $45: teak wood cabinet $50: cost $350; pr. I’.'-ft. French Oriental runners. $35 ea Rare Oriental rugs $35 ea Lorgeo Studios. *520 Conn ave Apt 23. WO. 3809. ANTIQUF and modern silver for wedding gifts at great savings. Also finp Minton. Wedewood. Cauldon china Murray Gal leries. 1 734 30th st n.w Dupont 1311 ATTIC FANS at dealer's prices, to close cut 1939 models: O-room house fan as low as $48.50. Call Mr Warner. NA. 3008 BATHTUBS $5 each: doors from $1: flooring, free of nails. $13.50 per m : 300.000 used brick, sash and other mate rials at low prices Wrecking 1 1 buildings for Dist. govt . at 7th and H sts. s.w. ±CE WRECKING CO 50 F St. S.W RE. 3000. BED. single, mahogany, four-poster: mat tress. springs complete. 27()L 14th st. n w\ In Quire desk 6* BEDROOM Out of Storage Warehouse. Unless You T<° 11 Your Friend1-. They'll ©vear—‘ IT'S NEW"- Visit Our Storage Warehouse and S®e the Selection of Fine Used Furniture. Bedrooms Dining Rooms. Living Rooms. Lounge Chairs. Electrolux Refrigerator. Gas Ranee. Hor Point Elec tric Range. Six Pc. Dinette- -"Value* That Will Astound You " OPEN EVERY NIGHT. Free Local and Long Distance Moving Estimates All New Modern Fullv Insured ; Vans. Packing. Rug Cleaning Low' : R a *r s. ACME MOVING A* STORAGE COMPANY 40 18 Mth St. N.W. Georgia 7 003, OPEN NIGHTS. BEDROOM Ask Yourself Thi> Question— 'Why is the Acme Storage Warehouse Crowded With Furniture Buyers?" The Answer—"Brcau>e the Values Are Sensa tionally Low" f urnish Your En'ire Home cr Apartment. LLed Furniture Thar Ac tually "Look- New" Free Estimates on Local and Long Distance Moving All New Modern Insured Vans. Cratine. Rug. and ; Furniture Cleaning. Low- Rate* ACME MOVING Sc STORAGE COMPANY. 4 0 18 14th St. N.W. Georgia 7»M>3. OPEN NIGHTS BEDROOM, dining room suites- typewriter, .studio couch, refrigerator. WE DO MOV ING. Edelman. 3303 Georgia ave * BICYCLE. boy s. recently overhauled, almost like new. 434 9th st. n.w. 7* BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. PING-PONG TABLES Conn Billiard Sc Bowling Supply Co. 810 9th st n.w District 4711. BRONZE AND GALVANIZED SCREEN WIRE | —-Odds and ends Galvanized at only l'2c Sq. Ft Bronze, mostly 17 and 20" wide, nt only 3' ac Sq. Ft No phone orders: come to any of our three stores HECHINGER CO 3 — BIG STORES—3. BRICK. LUMBER AND PLUMBING MA TERIALS REMOVAL NOTICE. We have closed our Southwest yard Its entire stock has been combined with that of our Northeast vard Here you will find the greatest selection of used material in the: City Foundation to roof at rock-bottom prices The entire personnel of our Southwest yard will be glad to serve you at our 15th and H Sts Northeast Branch. _HECHINGER CO BRICKS, used, handmade, from wrecking portion of D C Jail Building H Hrr furth. jr.. Inc 12 and O sts. s.e. BUILDING MATERIALS doors, windows. Plumbing, heating plant, radiation, lum ber. etc. wrecking 1010 Minn, ave se. . Ace Wrecking Co . 50 F st s w RE 300n DAVENPORT, brown, excellent condition. $35. RA 7330. DIAMONDS—In spite of the great advance In prices on diamonds we are still offering *reat bargains in diamonds from estates and private parties. Fine color diamond little less than l1 carats for $'187 Fine color perfect diamond carat in fine Platinum mounting. $350. Special lot of wedding lines from bankrupt stock. 7 cut ; diamonds. $19.75 each Perfect diamond. ; ft1* carat, owner will take $1.05n Ask I for Mr. Oppenheimer. 903 F st. nw. DISPLAY CASES—New and used. All sizes at deep-cut prices No money down Lib eral trade-in. Atlas. 931 G st. n.w. DI. 3 7 37. t)OG TRAILER in good condition. 451 1 : Wisconsin ave. Woodley 5252. ELECTRIC FANS, ventilating and circulat- ( Ing. attic, wall and desk types. For esti- j mate*, call Emerson 8805. ELECTRIC FANS, cleaned, greased and re paired: sold and exchanged: 51 years sell- i Ing and serving fans. SUPERIOR LOCK & ELECTRIC CO . ! 34 10 L St. N.W. ME. 0450. ] 0* ELECTRIC RANGES—Standard makes at ! deep-cut. prices. No money down. Liberal i trade-in. Atlas. 021 G st. n.w. DI. 5757. j ENAMELED SINK. pood. used. 18x24 roll rim with oack $2.49: big bargain for homes. summei^cortapes, etc. Hechinper Co. | FIXTURES^—Full eaummem for grocery. ; meat store. Frigidaire eauipped: priced rea- ! aoneble._Alexandria 4202 after 0 p m. 8* FURNITURE—Storage lots and others, like new; bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm., liv rm. On sale daily. 9-5. at Metropoli tan Warehouse. 50 Flo»ida_ave. _n.e. FURNITURE—Contents of .'{-room aot.; modern, good condition; reasonable Michi- ; Oil 4426 after 6 p.m. No dealers. FURNITURE—Entire furnishings of 0-rm. home; sacrificing, leaving town; no dealers. Georgia 5760. _ FURNITURE BARGAINS—Fine Quality fac tory floor samples at great savings for cash. STAHLERS. 025 F st. n.w._Open till 9. FTJRNITURE—Contents of model home at 1 •ensatlonal savings; brand-new living rm.. din. rm.. 4 bedrooms, chairs, tables, desk, mattresses, rugs, lamps, etc. 5511 Mass, ave. n.w. Emerson 1905. tint, decorator.) FURNITURE—Bureaus. studio couches, beds, tables, chairs, desk; reasonable. 1591 Harvard st. n.w. FURNITURE—Double decker maple bed with ladder, complete with coil springs and mattresses. If new. $89.50 for $59.09. ! Millers. 2022 14th st. n.w. Open eves. GAS RANGES-—New; discounts up to 50% off. Used as low as $8. No money down. Liberal trade-in allowance. Atlas, 921 G |t. g.W. DI. 5757 _ GA8 RANGE, enameled. 4-burner, side oven. atoraRe space, used, good condition; big bargain; $7.50 de 1 ivered. Hechinger Co. GAS RANGE BARGAINS—Brand-new floor samples at Dig discounts: ultra-modern features; all sizes on display at Wash ington's largest gas range distributor; factory rebuilt ranges. $12.50. J. S. Le Fevre. Inc . 2007 K n.w._ Republic 9017. OIL BURNER. $149.50. completely in atalled. fully guaranteed: M. H. controls and 275-gal. tank: no down payment: no Layment till fall, thrn $5 month. J S. e Fevre. Inr , 2007 K n w. RE. 0017. __ PIANOS FOR PENT. $2 50 monthly Re public 1590. Piano Shop, 1015 7th *t. B.w. Open evenings. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) PIANO—Used Kimball-made baby grand, plain mahogany case. $275; looks prac tically new; very easy terms. NA. 3223. Jordan's, corner^ 13th_*nd O jits._ PIANO—If you have an old upright or player you're not using, why not let us call for it? We will give you credit good now or in the future on any piano, radio, phonograph or musical instrument in our store NA 4730 Kitt s, 1330 G st. (in the middle of the block*. PIANO—Latest model Knabe spinet, very slightly used; now lor sale at a worth while saving over the new price; verv easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt’s. 1330 G st. PIANO—Slightly used, latest model wal nut baby grand, very special, only $180; small apartment size, but has full 88-note keyboard: new guarantee: easy terms. NA. Kjtt's. G st. dn the middle of the block.) PIANO—Slightly used small-size spinet piano, in very good condition. $05; verv easy terms. NA 4730. Kitts. 1330 G st. *in the middle of the block'. PIANO—Latest model full 88-note Hunt lngton Colonial-style spinet, only very slightly used. $155: very easy terms. NA. 3223. Jordan’s, corner 13th and G sts. PIANO—Practically new popular style HuntinRton Louis XV model spinet, now for sale at a $100 saving: owner has been transferred out of the city, and it can be purchased by merely continuing the small monthly payments. NA. 3223. Jor dan s. corner 13th and G sts. PIANOS—We have two ui’d Steinway unusually good condition, that we are offering at less than one ha.f their original prices. Late models m,1,1,.. p,din ca*ses- Very easy terms. NA. Jordan’s, corner 13th and G sts. PIANOS—Do you know that we maintain tne largest piano-teaching studios in this city? We specialize in beginners' courses and all our instruction is absolutely pri vate and given by one of a select staff of college-trained instructors. If you are Interested in giving your child lessons, drop in and let us show you around and explain to you how little our beginners’ course costs; only $15 for both private lessons and the use of a piano in your home (Approved persons only ) NA. 4 Ltd. Knt s. 1330 G st. (in the middle of the block'. PIANO, mahog. upright; fine tone; good condition; price. $45. 3413 Quesada st. n w._Phone Woodley 7605. • PIANO—Will sacrifice parlor grand, ex cellent condition; leaving town. Woodley 5578. PIANO AND BENCH. Shoninger, small up* rig nt, excellent condition. $25. Georgia 11*1. 1636 1 1 th st. n.w PIANO. Ivers & Pond parlor grand, ma hogany finish, size 5 It. 6. rebuilt like new. wonderful tone Bargains for cash. Schaefer._142N Irving st. n e. RADIOS. 120, all makes, out of storage and repossessed. All playing. Original values to $150. now $3. 620 N. Y. ave. n.w. RADIOS—Clearance sale; trade-ins $4.95 up Philco console, $0.05. Apex Elec. Co, 1 Oil 9th st., at G. REFRIGERATORS—New and used. $20 up; guaranteed up to 5 years; easy terms. P. O. Smith. 4 13 H .st._n.e._ Lincoln 6050. RADIO-PHONO, comb.. R.C.A 1940 model reg. $ 149.95. lor $87.50 cash; brand-new set._Apex Elec. Co.,_709_9th_st., at_G. REFRIGERATORS—Atlas Appliance Co., WASHINGTONS LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE, will sell immediately at new low prices brand-new 1940 standard makes of refrigerators with factory 5-year guaran tee. All these refrigerators are brand-new. in original factory cases, and are being sold at the lowest prices we have ever of fered We have a group of Westinghouse, Frikidaire. General Electric. Cro.-ley. Kel vinator. Norge. Copeland and others that have been used, but are in perfect condi tion, which we are slashing the prices as low as $24 on these models. We also have a group of 1939 refrigerators :n original factory cases which will be sacri ficed at 65'c off list prices. No money down. Long, easy terms. Unusually liberal trade-in allowances. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington's Largest Appliance House, 921 G St. N.W.—Entire BiMlding District 3137. Open Eyes. Till 9 P M. REFRIGERATORS, guar., rebuilt, repos sessed and floor samples. All standard makes as low as $24.95. Terms. PAY $1 WEEKLY with light bill. We are one of THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE RE PRIGERATOR SERVICE SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th St. N.W. National 8812. REFRIGERATOR ELECTRIC DISPLAY CASES—New and used. All sizes at deep cut prices. No money down Liberal trade in Atlas. 921 G st. n.w. DI. 3731. Open e\es. till 9 p.m REFRIGERATORS, repossessed and re built. all standard makes; Frigidaire. G. E.. Crosley Leonard Kelvinator. Coldspot. Norge and many more $19 95 up. Terms. 3 years' free service We have always 200 refrigerators to choose from, at the lowest prices in Washington. LUX APPLIANCE CO.. Washington's Largest Refrigerator House. Ml J‘th St. N.W. Phone RE. 1176. REFRIGERATOR. Electrolux. 5 cut. ft; Ist-class condition: $25. 447 Park rd. n.w SEWING MACHINES, recond., $7.50 up. new machs. 10c day: repairs: free ests. Singer Sewing Mach. Co.. 01 1 12th n.w NA._1118. SEWING MACHINES. very good buys: port . $15 tip: con. elec.. $20 up: treadles. $5 ud; all guar.. Singer port.. $29.50; Singer con . $49.50. with o-yr. guar., incl. sewing inst. Other good buys. Terms. Repairing. Open eves, till 9. 91 ; F n.w. RE 1900. RE 231 1. SEWING MACHINES—Used machine clear ance sale; treadles. $5 up: electric consoles and portables. $17.50 up easy terms. Setting instructions with every machine. Singer Sewing Center. 7 03 H st. n.e. LI. VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt and floor sam ples. one-yr. guar.; all popular makes; as low as $9.95 ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th St. N.W._National 8872. VACUUM CLEANERS'— Hoover. $12 95; Eureka $9 75: ELECTROLUX. $10 95. with att., rebuilt and guar, like new 1 yr. BEST BRANDS CO . 805 11th St. N.W. National_7773 7* WASHERS —Special clearance of discon tinued models; Norges. $38: Maytags. $44: A B C.’s. $37: Thor*. $32: all new and sold complete with filler numn hose also new and used bargains in other makes, the largest selection in the city: old wa hers in trade; lo days’ trial: pay $1 weekly. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th st n.w. OPEN EVENINGS WASHERS, rebuilt and reposs.. 1-yr. guar. low as $14.95. We are also FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE on the NEW BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY. MAYTAG THOR. G E AND APEX WASHERS. Libera] trade-in allowance. Pay with your light bill. ELECTRICAL CENTER 514 10th St. N.W. _National 8872. WASHERS—Brand-npw "Easy" washers, formerly $79.95, now only $49.95. Street and third floors, S Kann Sons Co WASHERS—Sacrificing brand-new wash ing machines in crates at discounts of more than H0f7 off list prices. Used Easy. A. B C General Electric. Westinghouse. | Maytag. NorRe. Thor and others as low , as $s. No money down. Liberal trade-in. ; Terms. $1 weekly. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington's Largest Appliance House, j 921 G St N.W Entire Building. District 37 37 . _ Open Ev ?s Till 9 P M. WATER COOLERS. General Electric, sale or rent: reas.: prices and terms. NA. I 0800. G. E. Supply Corp.. 1330 New York TYPEWRITERS~ "> »» pairinp .skilled mechanics. reasonable Visit TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS. 1 1M mil st. Republic '>•:*. Br d. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living suite upholstered for *45: covering and new inside material in cluded made like new' in finest tapestry and friezette workmanship guaranteed LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO 250!* 14th ST N.W. COLUMBIA 10172 BEDROOMS 3 dcs . SOLID MAPLE. $39.95. 3 Pcs MOD. WALNUT $47.75. 3 dcs. MOD. SUNTAN. $09 95. Many more to select from. TERMS GREEN’S ONLY STORE. OPEN EVENINGS 3000 Ga Ave. GE. 2223. CEDAR CHESTS—Just a few left. 1 CLOSEOUTS as lottr as $9.95. GREEN’S ONLY STORE. OPEN EVENINGS 3000 Ga. Ave. GE 2223._ BED. also SPRING and MATTRESS com plete. $14 88. Choice of Maple or walnut. 1 GREEN’S ONLY STORE. OPEN EVENINGS ; 3000 Ga Ave. GE 2223. | LUMBER. 1x0 T and G roofers_$32 1x8 sheathing _$32 2x4. up to 12 ft_$28 2x0 and 2x8_$32 2x10 _ . $3.3 Also good prices on cinder blocks, brick, mortar and plastering materials. Lumber subject to 5*“* discount for cash ARLINGTON COAL & LUMBER CO.. JACKSON 1880. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT._ FANS, air circulators, quiet running, table and floor models, all sizes, rental. 55 month u p._E. O. Li kens. NA, 6797._ _BOATS._ OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS—Ben dix. Elto. Evinrude. Wolverine. Old Town. Many others. Largest display in town. Terms. S. King Fulton, Inc., 805 Maine ave.s.w. __ _ _ FOR SALE—16-ft runabout, battery ignl 'ion Elio. 580. or_trade._Phone_WO.1602. 38' CRUISER, sleeps four: Lycoming en gine: $500. Phone CO. 5489._ • 28' SMALL FORWARD CABIN, model A Ford motor, completely converted: 5250. Marine engine. Gray. 12-h.p.. 1 cyl . 2 cycle and reverse gear: 560. Louis Pierce, 14th and Water sts. s.e._• DOGS, PETS, ETC._ POINTERS, oair (male and female), pure bred. Puppies partly broken. 14 months old. Also registered English setter, thor oughly broken Reasonable, as have no place to keep at present. WO. 1700._ BLUE PERSIAN KITTENS, pure bred: reas. S. Donovan. 706(1 Eastern ave., at Piney Branch_rd.. Takoma Pk.. D. C._ IRISH SETTERS. 6 mos. old. registered: exceptionally healthy and well developed: weigh now 45 lbs. Phone NA. 3120. Br. 970. FARM fr GARDEN. WELL-ROTTED COW MANURE, flutllty • nd quantity suarantaed. In lots from 1 to 100 yds.; also soil; rasa. WI. 4196. BABY CHICKS. ROCK8. R. I. Reds. White Leghorns. *7.BO per 100. Conker's feeds. James Feed Store. Hit* K st. n.w. Metropolitan 0080, _MISCELLANEOUS RANTED. BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture wanted; contents of apts. or homes; also odd pieces. WE DO MOVING CAREFULLY AND REASONABLY. Georgia 141H._ • CASH REGISTER, suitable for restaurant, providing for number of waiters and for at least four departments. Replv giving description, model, serial number and low est cash price. Box :I8.'1-D. Star. CLOTHING—Highest prices paid tor men's used clothing Berman’s. 1122 7th st n w Met 3767 Open eve. Will call._ FURNITURE—Want to purchase some good used household goods, also piano. Call evenings after_7. ME 5255 _ 7* FURNITURE, rues, household goods, etc Best prices paid For best results call Natl 5244; after 8. Lincoln 5488 Reliable mov ing done._lowest_ortces.__ FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings; highest cash prices paid Call Murray. Taylor 3333. HIGHEST PRICES paid for men’s used clothing and shoes. Ladies' furs, .iewelry and old gold. Bring it to Michael's Pawn brokers Exchange, 1351* You st. n.w. Open eves. SEWING MACHINE—We buy all types; repair. hemstitching buttons covered. Pleating. 1*17_F_st. RE. 11*0(1, RE. 2311. GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM. TEETH DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH A KAHN INC.. 48 YEARS AT. P36 F ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASH PRICF8 FOR YOUR GOLD. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY GET OUR OFFER BEFORE YOU SELL ARTHUR MARKED. 918 F ST. N.W,, ROOM 301 _NA^0284._ CA8H FOR OLD GOLD. Silver, watches, diamonds and old dla carded Iewelry. fill) cash value paid _ BELINGER'S 818 F St N W _ WANTED—A CELLO. Give fu II pa r 11 c u 1 a is. Box fifl-A. Star, ft* ROOMS FURNISHED. VERY ATTRACTIVE room in bachelor’s apt.; excellent food and service. Michigan 077 1. 1007 EYE ST. N W.—Ideal downtown foe., flowers, trees, showers, best beds; quiet, real comfort. $4 week up. Man 2025 7th ST. N.W.—Corner room, well ven tilated. 2 baths: suitable for 2: on bus line. Taylor_5284. __ 10.22 NEWTON ST. N.W. -Large' room, bay window, fireplace, also small single. Cool,_ quiet: pvt. home:_nr._transp. l'HE VIVIAN. 1722 O si n w.. oilers lovely rms.. ell with running water* newly deco rated ard furn.* inner-soring mattrensea. Venetian blinds, showers swltr.hbd . elev single._$0 50 wkiy un dbles.. 88 50_ud GORDON HOTEL on beautiful 10th st., between Eye and K—Lovely rooms with running water: single from $7.50 weekly; , double from $10.5(1 weekly; with bath from , $12.50 weekly: 24-hr elevator and switch- i board_service; excellent dining room._ j THE WESTMINSTER. 1007 17th n.w.— Lovely rooms, newly decorated, running water. Inner-spring mattresses: singles. $5 up*, doub., $7 up- showers. Vlcv_ CHEVY CHASE—Ideal for summer; porches, grounds, shade trees; kitchen privileges, i Wisconsin_2672. ALTURAS. 1500 16th st. n.w.—Attractively furnished rooms, near showers; 24-hr. i elevator and hotel service; $5 a week ! andjup.__ 1322 L ST. N.W . walking distance down town—Nice, clean, single rooms. $2 and $4 week. 1447 MASS. AVE N.W.—Twin beds run ning water;_$7. For quiet peopje only HALF BLK SEN OFF. BLDG . 128 C fit. n e . Apt. 50.—Large, cool, front rm in j pvt. apt : 4 windows, new twin beds, unlim. j phone, elevator. $30 mo THE NORTHUMBERLAND cor opposite Roosevelt Hotel—Delightful room. Rentle- ' men. every comfort desired; elev. service. Dupont 8805. THE BANCROFT. 1627 1 Pth st n w — Lovely, cool rooms, private and semi private baths: reasonable 1726 COLUMBIA RD N W.. ~Apt 102— Bright, coo! room in cultured home for refined woman. Columbia 8000 PRINCE KARL HOTEL. 1001 K nw — Attr. rms.. running water, inner-spr matt.; i hotel,_24-hr._switchboard sec._servlce._elev. j 1724 P ST. N W.. Apt. 22—Large, cool. ! newly furnished room, private entrance, single or double; references._ 5* WOODRIDGE. 2217 Newton ne—Attrac tive. cool front room 1 or 2. twin beds: meals, garage optional _ DUPONT CIRCLE. 1725 Rigg< pi n w - Large, airv lst-floor room, grill privii.: unusually nice home 27 10 CATHEDRAL AVE NW *nr Ward man Park Hotel* — Beaut furn. rm . semi pvt bath; lovely o\t. home; gent. CO. j 5486 2020 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE Apt 704 Lady; very attractive front in lge cor. apt . entirely pvt . lge closet, shower. 16th st. bus. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2101 N st. n.w. Ant 7—Cool well-furnished twin-bed rm . lee. closet, also studio rm. DU. 4 11*.’ 1401 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—Large, cozily furn. room, southern expos., front, ad joining bath, shower conv. trans : con genial family, unlim. phone reas Apt 2o0. NEAR CONN. £ CATHEDRAL AVES . 2917 28th st. n w.—Master bedrm.. pvt. barh. 2 expos • gentleman: July 1. HO 2260. 1410 GIRARD ST. N.W Large, front, at tractive bedroom. $2.50 week. Apply ADt. 2 after 6 Dm. PRIVATE ENTRANCE; close in shower. Phone; newly aer. and fu:n : single. $4-$5: double. $0-s8. 1424 Belmont st n w NEAR WARDMAN PARK. 2704 Cathedral ave . block Conn ave.-—Double or single, prn ate hom*. Adams 84 7 5 1217 M ST. N.W.—Cool. airy, double and single rooms: gentlemen preferred, walk ing distance downtown. 1914 BILTMORE ST. N W.—2 lovelv front dble rms . unlim phone: close Ambassa dor Theater._ shopning center CO 262;'. 1102 13th ST. NW—Newly furnished l.h.k. rm 2 windows, so. expos.. $6.50, also sinRle. $2.50. 1227 L ST N.W.—Cool and very attrac tively furn. l.h.k. rm., $4. also front single rm.. $2.50. 1410 M ST. N.W., Apt. 106—Walk to work: Immaculately clean room, next to bath, unlimited phone: gentlemen DUPONT CIRCLE SECTION—For'discrim .nanng gentlemen: beautiful, large studio 1 room. 4 windows, furnished in antiques: also small studio room; summer garden, maid and valet service. 2019 O st. nw DU 5466. SCOTT CIRCLE. 1521 R I—Best city lo cation; single, double rm.. every conv.. I h°me^_ reas.: transients_ considered. 1222 SOMERSET PL. N.W.. off 16 th— Cool master bedrm,. private bath, in new detached home RANDOLPH 2908. 2727 CONN. AVE. nr. Wardman Park—; Large front room, private bath: double or single, twin beds private home 4204 4th ST. N.W.—Large, attractively furnished front room, convenient bus, $20 month Randolph 8817. NR I 6th ST. BUS and Mt. Pleasant car— Lee rm 2 windows, c.h.w . maid serY., $20: or smaller rm.. $15. AD. 2222 BEDROOM, pvt. shower, lav.: pvt. en trance: use of recreation rm.; gent ; $20 mo Randolph 527 9. 2116 P ST. NW. Apr. 24—Large, coo’ room, southern exposure, next bath. Du Dont 7498, COOL, attractive, next bath, in downtown apt. bldg.; fine view: Rentleman. North 2685 after 5 p m. 1225 L ST N.W . Apt. 46—Single or double room, nicely furn., Beautyrest mattress; double $2 each, single. $5. 4 12 SHEPHERD ST. N W —^-Clean, nicely furnished bedroom, kitchenette. closet, completely furnished for light housekeeping; $25 for J. $30 for 2 ATTRACTIVE ROOM with twin beds and private bath, in Chevy Chase. D. C Tele phone Woodley 4650. 2217 14th ST. N.W", Apt. 1—2 single rooms with or without meals: with refined German-Jewishcouple. Reas._6* 2823 *$th ST N.W.—2nd-floor sinRle front room, private home: unlim. phone; i meals if desired CO. 10200. TWO NICE ROOMS, furnished for l.h.k. Adults only, no children. Heat. light, gas and elec. refg. $20.00 month. J. A. Harris. No. 12 H st. n.w. RE. 2212. OFF CONN., 2015 Porter—Double room. 3 exposures, all conv.. refined home, gentle man. Woodley 2700. • 1746 K ST. N.W., APT. 56. __Single room._Metropolitan ”547. N ST.. NEAR CONN* AVE.~ Refined pvt. home. 2 rooms, pvt. bath shower: 2 or 3 gentlemen._Hobart 2780. • “THE MAURY,” 701 10ih st. n w.—100 beautifully furn •Ingle and twin bedrooms, running water neat ■ bowers and tub baths. Inner-spring mattresses, elevator Nicely furnished reeeo S8nwk°0m: ,ln* *• *6 60 wk up: double. GUNSTON HALL 1»(IR FLORIDA AVE. N.W Desirable rooms for women; attractive roof garden; 20c taxi zone. Dupont 6313._ BURLINGTON ^lOTEL, VERMONT AVE.. OFF THOMAS CIRCLE Large outside rooms, individ ual lavatories, adjoining bath, $9 and $10 weekly. Rooms with pri vate bath, $12 and $13 weekly. CAIRO HOTEL Q St. Botwoon 16th A 17th By tho Wook from*.™_ $8.50 from* r°°m* $10.50 Spoeial Monthly Ratoi Largo, Cool Roomt. Rot. Mgr., HObart 2104 TOONERVILLE FOLKS —By Fontaine Fox The Little Scorpions have taken steps to induce the ^ MEMBERS TO MAKE MORE USE OF THE CLUB ( iP4Q hv Fwuith Fo») ROOMS FURNISHED. (Continued.) 120 MD. AVE. N.E.—Quarters, men: meals; cheap: block Capitol. Library: free phone. Lincoln 24UH-J. • GRAFTON HOTEL, 1 1 .'If* Conn ave.—Large, comfortable rooms, with Simmons inner-spring mattresses; singles with running water. $8.1 5 wk. up; doubles. $1 <*.:>(» wk. up: with pvt. bath, sin gles $12.50 wk. up: doubles. $15.50 wk. up. D. A. R. CHAPTER HOUSE, 11.22 Mass. ave.—Large, attractive, cool. furnished rms . 4 baths; for refined ladies: *22.50 up: comfortable. HO 3t>3<*. COLORED—Man and wife, part rent for services: large basement room, husband employed: no children. Columbia fotoo COLORED—1 !*3f* 11th st n.w.—Large front room, home privileges; reasonable. Hobart 2128 after 1:30 p m_ ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TWO LARGE ROOMS, arranged for l.h.k.; heat. liRht. gas and elec, refg : $.{<>: adults only J. A. Harris. 13 H si, n.w. RE. 2313 ROOMS WANTED. YOUNG LADY desires room in refined Jewish_home. Box 4f*H-D Star._h* SUBURBAN ROOMS. ARLINGTON—Peasant room, home en vironment excellent food: near Colonial Villas*. 1732 North Veitch st. CH. 0718. TAKOMA PARK—Attractive, well-furnished studio room with private bath, unlimited phone; modern home: $25 SH. 2**f»5. INGI.ESIDE INN on Rockville Pike about 5 miles beyond Bethesda. Guest bv the week or month Excel, meals and leason a b 1 e_r_a t es. Phone_Kensington _ 1!*3._ ROOMS WITH BOARD. ]4.itfWHITTIER ST NW. vie IHth and Alaska ave.—Front bedroom for *i pvt. bath: new air-conditioned home RA *!OnT. 1H41 K ST N W.—Nicely furnished single and double rooms, also bedroom, living room, private bath, excellent board '• ‘I.Vil CONN . opp. Shoreham—Large, cool, attractive, turn room overlooking park, adjoining bath: delicious meals AD HI 15. NEAR CONN AVE AND WARDMAN—Pvt. family with .'i women guests Vacancy lor one more refined lady Board opt AD. tilths. 1K4S KALORAMA RD N W —Bright double room, twin beds, next bath, south, expos. Ideal location Excel meal*. CO NR NAVY YARD Bolling Field—Large room board optional; private family. Lin coln *!OSH 1S17 F N W.—Vacancies for gentlemen. Large double and triple rms.. good home cooked meals: nr. Govt, bldgs.: s.-51 -Sto. 115Hi 11th ST N.W.—Large double room, very bright and cool, twin beds, unlirn ohone conv. franco. *.Ti 50 up BEST N W RES. SECT —Lge attr. rm . 5 window s. :t exp . mostly south, with pvt. path, in pvt. home, eopt a bedrm and liv ing rm. comb . twin beds, box springs, maid service uni phone bus stop at door. Southern cooking, meals optional. .'i.ViO Van Ness st. EM. 70H0. NORTHWEST SECTION—Clean room good board: in new home, reasonable near bus and car line Phone Woodley :ioo!» 1: 7H MASSACHUSETTS AVE N W — A dis tinctive home for voting people, in an un surpassed ’(.cation reasonable 1 5 CLIFTON ST. N W . 1 blk 14th— Single and dble rm . semi-pvt. bath unlim. phone: $.*J5 and S:i7_.5<i. Free parking CHEVY CHASE—No place like home guests desired, in private family delicious meals: no objection to children ideal to .-pend summer among wonderful trees. WI. H* 2013 MASS AVE . Dupont Circle—Jewish: lovely home for young people: airy, com fortable rooms, rxcellerr food 0* 1225 CLIFTON ST. N.W. 1 blk 14th— Single and dble rm . eemi-DVt. bath, unlim. phone: S35 and $37.50. Free parking 1300 17th N.W. above Mass, ave—Single, double, one with bath: 25 years’ exp We aim to please (owner) • SINGLES. DOUBLES. 2-i m apt—If you want a cool room we have it. Meals ontional. 1807 Kalorama rd AD 0843. *.’401 15th ST. N.W.—Ex-embassy, fine lo cation. facing park: plenty of windows; single, double triple. $32 50 up 5315 10th ST NW-—Master front bed room with shower: graciously styled 2 room suite fine food. Ft A 77 13 TWIN-BED ROOM, semi-pvt bath, also single; good food; reasonable. Columbia 1025. MT. PLEASANT. 1734 Hobart st —Delight ful s'ngle room. so. exp. private lav.: ex cellent meals: reas. AD 7448. 1000 N ST. N.W.—Newlv decorated, show ers. open fireplaces. $35 to «40 month; walking distance: ownership. Mrs Botz. COR 15th AND L STS. N W—Attr rm., big clo«et. home cooking; gentleman. 1101 15th st. n.w,. Apt. 201. 1523 R I AVE N.W.—Large, cool rooms for refined young people Also single, double basement rooms Reasonable 2209 MASS. AVE. N.W. An address you can give with pride. 2 singles. Beautiful big share rooms: one with private bath, for young ladies. Share of 2nd floor front for young man. Unlimited phone. Finest table._ 1423 M ST. N.W. ’ MANCHESTER. ’ Very attractive units of large double room, dressing closet, private bath and telephone, suitable for 2 persons. Some with 2 and 3 ex posures. Modern dining room. Elevator and switchboard service. Manager. DI. 41)50. $42 Up. ‘ CALVERT HOUSE. 1401 loth st. n.w.—Attractive double; also from basement studio for 2 or 3; Dutch fireplace, private bath; switchboard; selective menus. Parking. ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) .'{‘21 B ST. S.E.—Double and single, cool . mis.: across from Congressional Library; unlim. phone: conv. transp.. reas. FR. : H*.»7f». KING-SMITH STUDIOS, 1751 N H AVE N.W. Pleasant students’ rooms, suites and studio apartment: for summer months. Meals if desired in outdoor dining room. Reasonable Ladies only. 1711 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Nicely furn. singles; reasonably priced; excellent food elevator service 1234 MASS. AVE. N.W. Apt with privil Frteidaire and board for 4 boys; t2 for $:j,Y '2 for Also Jge. triple rm . 5 windows, lge. closet, :2nd flr. corner, nice view: business girls pref., ex - ceptional meals and atmosphere_ ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. YOUNG MAN desires room, preferably with board, must be reasonable. Phone Fred Kreh^Columbia eves._ APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 512 C ST N E. OPPOSITE STANTON Park—2 rms , kit., private bath. Frigidaire. : 54 T ST N.W —1st FL . CLEAN LIV RM . bedrm.. kit . bath, c.h w\. refg., phone, gas. elec : bus. car stop; *11 wk. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY API -HOTEL 20th and F sts n w —1 room, kit dinette, pvt bath, day $3 1 or 2 persons: week. Six: month *60 Full service. Frigidalre: nicelv lurn _Natl 5425 ; 3546 HERTFORD PL. N.W~3 RMSTpVT. i bath. ami. gas. plec hot water incl ; cool. $62.50 Columbia 02X7. 1326 HARVARD ST N W—ENTIRE 2nd floor. 2 large rooms laree kitchen and bath; refined couple onlv ALBAN TOWERS — SUBLEASE ATTRAC tively furn : overlooking National Cathe dral ground'. Large living room, bedroom, porch, kitchen bath *H5: includmn elec, i and ga' 3700 Mass ave . Apt 505. DETACHED HOME. PVT APT—3 OR 4 rooms, private bath, elec refg . garage opt : convenient lot 5506 14th n w GE 5010 1X22 N H AVE NW—2-ROOM lst floor apt . refg *0 1505 22nd n.w.— Bedroom, with sink. *3 each PARK LEE. 1630 PARK RD —EXCELLENT location, cool. 2 exp attr apts.. 1. 2 new ly dec rms hall din., kit bath, shower, Frigidaire. ele\ *5o-«65. HO '4f*x DOWNTOWN. 1421 MASS. AVE NW — Large room, kitchen, bath and shower. 2 closets: fullv furnished piano utilities in cluded: .sublet: reasonable. District 7605 > or see resident manager 2000 CONN AVE—FURN IN ANTIQUES large Iiv. rm . kitchen, bath, solarium: I free elec :_$75 MI 3000. Aot 707 SUMMER MONTHS—-5, ROOMS ATTRACf tively furnished, three exposures. Apt 500. , 1610 R st. n w Hobart 0035. X* • COOLEST HOUSE IN WASHINGTON " | Takoma Park—Large room, kitchenette, i l.h.k gas light, heat, c.h w . phone, gar den. inner-spring mattress, all furn. Where else can you find so much for onlv <20 a month? One child permitted. Phone GE 2087. THE WESTCHESTER. APT. O-B— 4 RMS . completely furnished. **n. utilities includ ed. See between 7 and S *7 5n WEEKLY—2 ROOMS INCLUDING kitchen gas. elec : nicely furn . first floor; semi-private bath. 415 East Capitol st. 5* CONN. AVE NR. S—SUBLET JUNE 2n to Sen* 15. Studio apt., entire 2nd fl.. 2 spacious . dinette, kit., bath: utilities furn. *65. DU. 1999. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CLEAN AT tractive, convenient apt for 2 or 3 gentile adults? RA. 8165 after 6 pm AVAILABLE NOW UNTIL JULY 15. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, utilities. *io wk. Conv. location Columbia 6011-J. 1 24 3rd ST. N E — DELIGHTFULLY COOL, airy 2-rm. art., shaded porch, shower; elec refc : every conv.: adults LOVELY STUDIO APARTMENT. LGE. KIT. end bath. 2nd fl Apply at the Permanent Wave Beauty Shop. 618 12th st. n.w. ME. 9388 321 B ST. SE^-2-RM FURN~APT“rEA sonable: $7.50: Frigidaire Franklin 6275 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. FULL RECREATION basement, pvt bath with shower; sanitary tubs._ 1841 Burke st. se._ 2900 CONN AVE . APT 335—LIVING room. 2 bedrms., dinette, kitchen, bath, at tractively furn Avail June 15. SUBLET JUNE 15-OCT 15 OR LONGER. Large apt.. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Georgia 4717. 1844 COLUMBIA RD NW.—NEW APT.' newly furnished, living room, bedrm . mod ern kitchen, built-in bath and shower. CONVENIENT TO CENSUS—GIRL TO share cool two-room new anartment with two girls at $20 monthly 2806 O st. s e , Apt. 7. II 8387-J after 6. 6* ATTRACTIVE. 1 RM . KITCHEN. BATH. *45. Apply 1733 N st. n.w. TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN. TILED BATH, second floor: insulated, modern; garaee: $50. 1131 Euclid st. n w. 6* 3-ROOM APARTMENT. NEAR LINCOLN Park. 1327 Mass. ave._s.e._LI. 7151. 5* 1224 13th ST. N.W.—3-ROOMS. KITCH enette; airy, walking distance downtown; reasonable._Apply in laundry. NEAR SOLDIERS' ' HOME PARK.- N W — Entire 2nd floor. 2 rms . kit., bath, porch; gas, elec. incl. $57.50. to empl. couple. RA. 8558. after 6pm 1828 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—2 RMS . KIT . incl gas. elec . refg . c.h.w.; $25 and light service. No children. _ 1761 EUCLID ST. N.W.. Va BLK. 18th AND Col. rd . Mt. Pleasant cars—Cool, clean l.h.k. apt., everything furn. Sec this before you rent. No objection to 1 child. KENNEDY-WARREN. 3133 CONN. AVE. n.w.. Apt. 1006—Air cooled, completely furnished. 1 room, large dressing room, dinette, kitchenette, bath. $75. or sell furniture and rent unfurnished. Apply desk, or call WI. 6789. 6* STAR FLASHES —By Bruno TO AVOID LIBEL SUITS, NAMES ON SIGNS, ETC., INI FILMS USUALLY ARE TWOSE. OF- _ STUDIO EMPLOYEEf — (8UT FEW OE /j THEM AGREED 4c TO MAVE TrtElR 7 NAMES ON * TOMBSTONE.* IN * DATE—. ,Jt. wrrN deStiniY- / A ROOSTER WEARING RED RANTS’ FOLLOWS LINDA DARNELL ON) THE SET. IT'S HER. PET/WEEDV' — HANDSOME NEWCOMER. TO THE SCREEN, ^ GEORGE MONTGOMERY \ HAS RIDDEN IN 1 EVERV SPRING A ROUND-UP ON H»S I FATHER'S RANCH 1 SINCE HE WAS 7...^ 1 EXCEPT THIS VeARf\ rms STUDIO WAS AERAlO HE MIGHT APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) TREES. FLOWERS. COOL, 5-ROOM-AND - bath apt.; all outside rm*., porches; Ideal for summer. Avail, until Oct. 1st; $«5. Bus by door. 1872 Newton st. n.w. 1320 HARVARD N W — 2 ROOMS NORTH and south exposure, semi-private bath; wk.. $35 mo.^ See manager. Apt. 11. 1815 VARNUM ST N.W.—2 ROOMS, newly decorated completely furn for ft7f?>' month; 2 adults. Taylor 3 W ST. N.W. -2 ROOMS NICELY FURN . kitchen, semi-bath. inst. hot water. O. E. refg.. nr. car and bus. DU 5237. *4; WK I R . K B. STUDIO APT TO settled woman who will show apts.; hus band empl.; no children Box 3H7-D Star. SUMMER MOS—2 BEDRM8 LIV R., kit., bath; high elev.; exceptional view; cross vent 2712 Wls. ave. n.w DOWNTOWN 1211 13th ST. N W-TWO larae rms., sleep alcove, kit., bath, porch; Electrolux: adults: so. expos ; $50 mo • 1735 KILBOURNE PL NW—LARGE. AT tractlve fr. rm.. 2 bedrooms, kit., dinette, bath:_gas. refg. elec.: $05 • 1343 MONROE ST. NW—ENTIRE 2nd floor, 2 rooms, bath, kitchen, sink. Frlfid aire: private home: refined adults only. • 2431 E ST N.W (NAVAL VILLAGE» — Bldg.. 1-2 bedr . liv r.. dinette, kit. bath: near Army Navy. Int. Apply janitor • COOL BARGAIN ON PARK ACCESSIBLE, complete, beautiful mah. throughout; sleep three: bar fans, service. HO 1041. • R008EVELT HOTEL—8UBLET EXCEL lent apt 3 expos living rm bedrm., twin beds, din., kit., bath; summer rates. Ex. 30ft. 1375 IRVING ST N.W.—1 RM.. KITCH enette. semi-pvt. bath, clean, quiet house; convenient location: adults_only. ATTRACTIVE 2 RMS.. PVT BATH. 8 mA.: $38 month. Warfleld 17ftft. $35—TWO FRONT ROOMS H.. L . G : laundry nriv. Infant welcome Hobart 67ftft. 2520 17th n e . evenings. • 3350 17th ST N W — LIV RM., BEDRM . din. rm.. kit.: showier bath; scr porch; 2- car gar All utilities. Yard. $80 Adams 2223. 4018 GEORGIA AVE—LARGE 1 ST-FL front rm.. pvt. entrance, porch. Kelvinator and sink Studio or bed: $0 75 wk. ANXIOUS TO LEAVE TOWN, WILL SUB Ict 2-rm.. k . din . b. apt. for summer; than rent to reliable party. Metro politan Apts.. 200 R. I ave. n e • WESTCHESTER—Liv. rm , solarium, dress, tin. kii . b; well furn.; cool, lac Woods: avail, early June to Oct. 1. EM. 3780. 3- ROOM APT . NICELY FURNISHED. NEW stove and Frigidaire, gas, elec . phone. $45. 1024 Mpss. ave. s.e 202 oth ST S.E—LARGE FRONT ROOM, kitchen. Murphy bed. attractively fur nished $7 adults. CHARMING STUDIO APT AT KING Smith Studios lor summer, completely equipped. $55. 1751 New Hampshire ave 1333 HARVARD ST N.W—TWO i-ROOM apts , completely equipped, including Frigid aire; $7 and $7.50 wk. CO 10401. • MT. PLEASANT. 1842 MONROE ST. N W —Spacious, cool entire 1st floor new bath, porches, garden $♦»(» CO. 0007-R. 1 101 CLIFTON ST. N W —2 AND 3 ROOM apts . $35; refg., gas and electricity fur nished 7* ATTRACTIVE 1-ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH apartment, completely furnished Apart ment 101. 1750 1 Hth st. n.w North 5400. SUBLET 5 MONTHS LIV RM . DIN RM , 2 bedrms . foyer, bath and kit ; completely furn . walking distance. HO 3280 Ext. 301 11* 3200 10th ST. N W —FRONT APT.. COM pletelv furnished. 2 large rooms, solarium, dinette, electric kitchen twin bed', davberi $$5 per month Front apartment, com pletely furnished DE 0400. Apt 115 0* 814 CONN AVE . NEXT CLARIDOE HOTEL — Large, attrac room, redec kit . Frigid ; everything furnished, maid service: $42 50. • SUBLET STUDIO APT SCREEN PORCH, dressing room dinette, for month nr longer. Sacrifice 4550 Connecticut ave . Apt H08 • NO 818 17th ST N W Oppo'ite Transportation Bldg 1 and 2 room1 and ba’h. non-hou'fkeep ing apt s Completely furnished including maid and valet service *4.VOo-$oo Oo. Janitor on premises. ME 1448. THOS J FISHER * CO . INC Realtors. _738 15th St NW DI H830. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. Call Assistant Manager. _ Columbia 2000. 1633 16th N.W., COR. R. ~ Ladv. share beaut, furn apt . mod bath, shower, 2 exposures: reasonable: meal' 1215 16th ST. N.W. Nicely furnished single ant ; non-house keeping. mmd. linen, elec Res mgr LA SALLE APTS.. 1028 CONNECTICUT AVE. Party unexpectedly called out of town will Miblet two-room, kitchen and bath apartment Decorated and furnished bv well-known decorator Telephone 0 to H. Na tio n a 1 21 HH. Eve n ing ME 2ini_21 APARTMENTS RJR. OR UNFUR. ATTRACTIVE APTS . HIGH-CLASS NEIGH^ borhoods: Rome furnished Car available on appt. MRS_GREEN Shepherd 5138_ SUBLET—3 R . K and B . «:«.<>': FURNI lurc. $4(i cash. 3335 N st. n.w., Apt 4(14 5* NR WALTER REED* HOI 8 oth—H RMS bath: 12 window': a.m 1 : utilities: conv . refined locality reasonable. RA 88fti. 20H UPSHUR ST N.W. BY SOLDIERS Home—Big basement, bath, laundry, gas range: children welcome: bus. schools • RIGHT DOWNTOWN. 1 RM., K„ $35; 2 RMS., $40. Modern elev. ant bids . larcp. briBht room', bis close'.': furn. at slight extra charce BLAIR. 1331 M si. n w cHARVARD cHALL Furnished or Unfurnished 1650 HARVARD ST. N.W. Six Star Apt. Home * Swimming Pool + Roof Gordon * Gymnasium + Porches * Game Room * Garage Call—send for folder or phone Columbia 57 14. MOVING, PACKING fr JTORAGE. MOVING WORRIES are eliminated when you use Merchants, reliable movers for 48 years; padded vans, trained men. Call NA. 80oo for free estimate._ APARTMENTS WANTED. TWO GENTLEMEN DESIRE FURNISHED apartment convenient to airport. Box 4-E, Star.• APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 924 N ST. N.W.—LARGE 2-ROOM APART ment. gas range. Venetian blinds, large closets: light and heat furn. Now available, $3(1 per month. Key at 1235 10th st. n w. 2037 K ST N.W.—3 RMS.. KITCHEN, bath. $47.50 PERCY H. RUSSELL CO., 1731 K st. n.w._ CONN AVE , NR. WARDMAN—LOVELY apt.; 4 rooms, kitchen, ba'h. fireplace; greatest value in town: $65._Woodley J2020. 5108 9th ST N.W.. FACING PARK—2nd fl.. 2 rms., kit., private bath, porch; hot water; Frigidaire; elec., gas separate me ters; adults; $38.50. 3061 N ST. N W.—UNUSUALLY^ATTRACT tive apt.: 4 large rms.. with beaut, old walled garden; 3 open fireplaces: exclusive surroundings Open 10 to 12 and 3 to 6. 2806 CHANNING ST. N.E.—$47.50 MO. 1 st floor, 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, front porch, inclosed large back yard: includes light, neat, gas, elec. refg.. a.m.i.: hot water summer and winter, newly decorated; ideal suburban atmosphere: Vj blk. stores, trans , 10 min, crater of city._•_ NEW DETACHED’BUILDING; N.W.—SUB lease. $5 per mth. reduction: spacious 2 bedroom apt., 3 exposures. Venetian blinds, parquet fls.. air conditioned, roof garden, recreation rm : rent includes gas and elec trlc refrigeration. Adams 2218,_6' 53 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—2 ROOMS. PRIVATE bath. $35-$38-$40: gas. elec, furnished. Apply Nick's Room Rental Service. 912 N st. n.w. NA. 2374.__ NEW CORNER APT.. 1919 C ST. NI.— Living room, bedrm.. kitchen, bath, all modern: gas. elec . heat, refg inch: sult able couple: $47,50. AT. 7964. 1*18 INGLE8IDE TER. N.W—LARGE front room, kitchen, bath: near bua and ear*; reaaonabla. Adams 6367. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1 32l_ORREN ST. NA. NO. 3—2 :LARGE rms , kit., din . bath, acreened Doreh. end yard: heat, hot water lncl. for #43 50: avail. JuneJRJh. District 2434. DENTIST OR DOCTOR, ATTENTION— New nelshborhood. fast-growing commu nity: 2nd-fl. apt.. & rooms: opportunity. 1/30 Trinidad ave. n.e. Lincoln 5473._ HOMELIKE APT.. 6 ROOMS AND BATH, porches: conv. trans.: #05. Adam*_1895. 100 EDMON8TON RD.. HYATTSVILLE. Md.—3 rooms, kitchen and Drivale bath, private entrance: near bus._ Warfield 2937. DOWNTOWN. 2121 H ST N.W.—2 RMS . ! kitchen, balh, relg. inch. #4H: roof gar den. Resident, manaaer. ME 3703 1729 35th ST. N.W—2 ROOMS. KITCH en, bath. $41.50: refg F. M. PRATT. 1017 K st nw National 8082._ 1139 4th ST N E—MODERN. ’.3 LGE rms. kit . pvt. tile bath elec. Trig.. c h w gas. elec . heat lncl: awnings #30.50—FAIRLEE. 1321 KENYON N.W.'. nr 14th and Park—Lee. liv. rm.. bright, cheery, nice dinette, kit., tile bath, relg ; newly decor attr . well-managed bldg MT. RAINIER. 3110 DATE ST. N.E—5 rms . bath. gar. One block bus. 31st and Cedar at*. Key. 312(11 Date. OR. •>304. ' DUPLEX. MODERN, 2-FAM3 NEW SUB divlsion; cool, private: 2 rms.. dinette kit., sh. bath. 2nd fl : yard, awnings, utilities lurn.; adults; $50. Open. 66 Farragut pi. n.w . ^t Gallatin st. TAKOMA—DESIRABLE. MODERN APT': 4 rooms, kit., bath and sleeping porch. Iront porch. At bus; $50. SH. 11408. 171 J 35th ST N W—HIGH. HANDY TO cars. bus. schools and playgrounds: 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, refrigeration. #43 50 and #45.00 per month. LOUIS P SHOE MAKER. 1719 K st. n w. NA. 1108 1745 COLUMBIA RD NW?—CONVENIENT to everything: 4 large rooms, porch bath refrigeration: $57.50 per month. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K_st. n.W. NA. 1108. NEAR CONNECTICUT AVE! AND TAFT Bridge, at 2321 Ashmead pi n w—3 rooms, kitchen bath, fireplace, $02.50 per month, including electricity LOUIS P SHOEMAKER 17 19 K it. n.w. NA 1100 : 1041 BENNING RD N.E—MODERN: 2 rooms, kitchen, private bath: conv. transp ; adults: reasonable. AT. 34 14-J. IM3oKALORAMA RD NR COLUMBIA 1 [“T-- rm*- kiL. bath; gat. eiec. furnished; i #40. Apply Apt. 3 I —i-'!,CAHF9RNIA ST—UNUSUALLY AT , .tactive Jst-fl, apt.: Ige. liv. rm., fireplace. , kit., bedrni . bath DU 4014 | 3515 14th ST. N.W.—2 LGE RMS KIT, j bath. Ige. screen-d-in porch. $55: including : gas. elec . Frigidaire Also studio rm . I kit., semi-pvt. bath $33 : SUBLET .303.3 Kith ST NW. APT 104 Two rooms, kitchen and bath. Hobart 7431 ! ! THE AUGUSTA. COR N Y AND N. J ayes, n.w—In this fine corner downtown bldg, now available delightful front corner apt . overlooking city: cool, cheerful: 3 rms.. k and b.: $45: new condition, beau i ■•fully kept bldg., excellent class tenants. < | res. mgr Frigidaire on house current. I THE FILLMORE " 1139 N H AVE N W I—In tnis well-kept downtown apt bldg 1 now available a first-class corner apt.. *’ and b" eIec* refrigeration, gas in cluded a' $4*. Res. mgr New condition j j 1175 MD. AVE NE—IN THIS MODERN apt bldg, on beautilul Md ave there is now available a clean, bright, modern front i bldg 3 rms, k md b . 40 including refg. on house current. See I janitor ! | 5400 CONN. AVE —3 F. . K , B #50 00 J40H Conn ave—2 r.. k b. 40 50 4524 Iowa ave.—2 r, k . b 40 50 *00 3rd st n.w.—2 r . k b. 3r so M FRANK RUPPERT. 1031 7th St NW 1,499 15th ST. N W —4 R and B. $50 00 «iJ? nJ?v5 *' n.w—2 r . k. and b. 47 50 . o!?,o~ind st- n.w-- r. k and b. 47.50 1115 H st. n.w.—4 r. and b. 3750 nw —'> r god b 25 00 1 JiSt,ESL^0RRIS WOODWARD Realtor, j _<23 30th St N W Phone DI. 5808. I THE TREMONT. ' 2:,,! 2,1 7th st. n.w.—One rm kitchen, bath. # 9 50 Res, mar.. Dupont 7103_ 1717 ltjth ST. N.W. , - r . ■ . b. refg. $55 up „ _ <114 V ST N.E. -—3 r . k b refe . *.*;n up 6*05 GEORGIA AVE N W - r . k . din b . Frigidaire Vic. _ , 1 75* QUE ST N.W - r,. k . d:n . b Frigidaire *45 UP. 51 RANDOLPH PL N.W 4—5 r k. b Frigidaire *40 tip INTERSTATE PROPERTIES INC DI 0*64 4318 RIVER RD N.W Five rooms, large screened porch: cool on hot days: pleniv of sunshine. *4\’ 50 month SHANNON A: LUCHS CO.. 1505 H st. n w National *345. HFRE_ APE REAL VALUES * . $3 <i .r>o-$4*.oO; 5311 *th st n.w.—rms. kit ba’h redec free refe See todav *45-$5*.50: 5336 Colorado a\e. nw —C and 3 Jovelv rooms., kitchen, bath, refe $5*. »o 1405 Somerset pi r. w —New bld* ..frer refe - rm< • ki’ din WASHINGTON REALTY. GE *300 or 4455 THE GUTHRIDGE No. 2115 F St. N W. W’lthin walking distance to business dis trict and Government departments. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $38 50 r»n no. Electric refrigeration without charge. Elevator and switchboard service Resident manager, RE. 0645. T5OS-,i "SHER A- CO. INC Realtors, No. ,.18 loth St. N.W. DI. 88.30. | CONN. AVE.—3221. 2_R K B . Shower. Foyer. Kiev : 831 so DUPLEX APTS. •IN-: 1 7th ST N E. ' rms , kit . din., ba . scr pn . $46.50. Hear and hot water furn Elec, refrigerator. 2109 R ST. S E 2 rms., kit., din. ba.- scr po . $46 00. Hear and hot water ft.rr. Elec, refrigerator. 1428 A ST. S.E ‘J » bath, porch, gas heat, i $29.50. 2441 4oth ST N.W Jjin • • bath, porch. *4-.oo Elec refrigerator SHANNON A LUCHS CO 1.-><>.-> H St N.W Realtors NA. 2345 2445 15th ST. N.W.. MERIDIAN PARK APARTMENT. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen <gg2 5Q E,evator. Resident Manager. H. L. RUST CO.. 1001 15th St. N.W. National 8100. THE CARLTON (Corner of Lanier PI A Ontario Rd N W v 2 rooms kitchen and bath, electric re frigeration: $37.50 to $42 50 EDW L. STROHECKER. | 1010 Vermont Ave ME 27 13 $40—VERY UNUSUAL. Here i> a complete small apar'ment that Is exceptionally bright and sunny—with THREE EXPOSURES, mostly South Foyer. Living Room with Murphy Bed. Dinette. Kitchen. Dressing Room and Bath CON VENIENT AND MODERATE' 2201 15th STREET N.W. 233 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E. 2 rms . kit., bath, heat hot water, jani tor service. Also 2-bedrm. apartment._ 3219 MT. PLEASANT ST. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath *39 50 , . SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. Io05 H S’ N.W._National 7345. 4801 3rd St. N7W— Duplex. 7 bedrooms, newly decorated, fenced-ln ’ yard: heat, hot water and relg. lurnished. Apply^Apt. 7. 4020 7th ST N.E. Living room, dinette, bedroom modern kitchen, tile bath with shower; $45. Resident Manager Apt. 2. Dupont 3285. BRADLEY. BEALL & HOWARD. INC.. National 02 <1. _Southern Bldg. KlUrti DOWNTOWN, MIRAMAR. (15th St. and Rhode Island Ave N.W 1 Close to everything including Govt. agtDts.. stores, amusements etc. $47 50 —Living room with built-in di nette table and chairs, cozy sunroom. dressing room with Murphy bed, kitchen and bath. FEATURES INCLUDED: Frig daire current free, ventilating doors, in every apartment, auiet. carpeted corridors bellboy service sun garden Resident Manager. Michigan 5800. 9,pcn and Lighted Until 10 P M. _cafritz__ di. nnsn. MODERN DUPLEX APTS. Nicholson st. n.w.—Apt. 4. 2 Tooms. kitchen dinette, bath: :t expos . auto gas heat, screened porch: $44 Vlt47';‘ P>- n-w—Apt. 1. 2 large rooms. *"JK*' ?®,h- *creenea porch: $.18 mo. vttS31rfin st'—A,Dt- 3- " '*f*e rooms, elec. refS ' lsi'so «llss-lncl°«d notch; _ FLOYD E. DAVIS CO - '33 1-th St. N.W._ NA. 0.352. NEW BUILDING ~ 5204 3rd ST. N.W. $50. bHoben. dinette and bath: v0~*nrenVu*tion: bedroom, large closets; y,®"?11»n blinds, vent, fan: opposite park; close to stores, transportation _RES. MGR.. APT. NO 3. 511 FRANKLIN ST. N.E., APT. 3. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath, screened rear porch: gas heat. Key ft No. 1. $38.00. B. F. SAUL CO., _025 15th at._ NA. 2inn. 2-BEDROOM APTS., $45 UP’ Living rm.. dinette, kit., bath, screened porch laundry and storage in basement: modern: restricted 4901 and 4925 1st st. n.w. MOR., 5051 N. Hamp. ave. HA. 2935. 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 4 Rooms. Kitchen, bath. $60.00._ HAMPSHIRE COURTS, 6051 New Hampshire Are. 2 and 3 rooms, foyer, dinette, kitchen Rnd hath. All corner, fireproof. Insulated, modern apartments. $52.50 to $64.60, Includes gas for cooking and refrigeration Parauei floors, incinerators, exhaust fans' Boaclous. shady lawns surround the II butldlnxs. Insuring cool summer days. Rm. ldont manager, UTBS CORBETT, RA. 2935. _APARTMENTS UNFURNISHID. THE NORWOOD, 1343 last Capitol 8t., Apt. 14—5 rooms, reception hall, bath: elec, refg.: $45 00. FOR SOLID COMFORT! Modern Downtown Apts. AMAZINGLY LOW RATES. Fireproof bldg : 24-hour switchboard, elevator service: free refg : foyer, huge liv ing rm . bath. $37: choice corner apt . 2 rms.. kit . $55 1630 R st. n.w DU 6500 DESIGNED FOR YOU! LARGE DOWNTOWN APTS. SPECIAL LOW RATES. Modern, fireproof, 7*storv. elev . switch ed. bldg : rooms large, bright, grand views all off main hall: big closets 4-5 rms. kit., bath. $65-575: save rent by subletting few rooms 1016 N st n.w HO 4 776 1725 LANIER PL. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath' in cluding refg.. $47 50. W. H. WALKER Shoreham Bldg. NA. 1680. TILDEN GARDENS, 3024 Tilden st. n.w.—3 bedrooms. 2 bath* iving room, dining room, sun parlor and kitchen. Apply Apt 301. _ 1708 NEWTON ST. N.W. Quiet location; near Roclc Creek Park Cool corner ant.; 3 rms.. kit., bath; $55 Refrigeration Included THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., Real Estate Dept._National knsn 1732 TRINIDAD AVE. N.E. MODERN APARTMENTS * rooms, d a., kit . bath Ms 00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO —. I 505 H St. JLW. J'latlona! 7345 LOOK! 6301 16th ST. N.W. 1 and 2 beautiful rooms, kitchen, dinef**. refg. plentiful closets, paneled walls. Vene tian blind5- carpeted corridors, from $47 50 E&SSfX'SS;***1™''- included WASHINGTON REALTY CO. GE 6300 DUPONT CIRCLE—$50. Large aDartment at a very reason able rental. Jusr east of Dupon* Circle, within a short walk down town Elevator service building THREE ROOMS. Kitchen Ba*h and OPEN CONCRETE PORCH—two cx Posures. 1705 P STREET N.W. 20 TO 25 FT. LIVING ROOMS. CORNER APT. NEARING COMPLETION NEW BLDG—6501 14th ST. 1 Block Off lnth. at Underwood St. Large Bedrooms. Junior Dinins Room* i room, dressing closet jap sn Studio llv. rm. (J!Jx70 ft.), kit. 4f) so \ room, jr., din. rm.. kit. 4P .vi rooms, jr. dir, rm , kit. 54.50 ™ J rooms, jr. din rm kit, 74 5,1 UD ELEVATOR. GAS AND ELECTRICITY FURNISHED ott . Prom Goif Course SHAPIRO. INC . DUPONT 7777. 2404 14th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath 549 so , -„-s5ANNON & LUCHS CO -InOo H St. N VV. National 7345 400 G ST. N.E. Corner apt. 5 rms. bath: 1.000 so f> floor space AdoIv ist-fl apr 5408 1st PL. N.W.. Facing N. H ave —Spacious, modern. 2 ,m* • din ■ bath wuh shower. D»in'r'i wall.*, cross ventilation: 552.50 1016 16th ST. N.W. DESIRABLE DOWNT OWN LOCATION * ia?rs’ kUChen 8nd S70.00 4 rooms <2 bedrooms i, Cl 1 c r\r» kitchen and bath Electric Refrigeration and Elevator Resident Manager. H. L. RUST CO.. looi 15th St N.W. National 51 on. COOL PORCH APTS. SHORT WALK TO OFFICE. Close downtown modern bide. In beau , ., sslvan settinc huge living rm . o' - SSi,'k.1'- ,drf,ss rm.. Murnhv bed bur re4fg Tree ^'ouT* M,hS •nrt EXCLUSIVE LOCATION, vr«nnT?T=E?£P°£S„ROCK CREEK MAR®CIS APT 2.10S ASHMEAD PL N w B? Ba? EN£ OK TAFT BRIDGE •1-RM . K . Sn5 UP: 4-RM. K . $75 Mooern firenroof elevator bldg ,erre J,*!,'8' nhone service: refined clientele, ex cellent_service Phone Hobart nu®3 FORD APTS., C1Q-A 5C4 ,:lth ST N.E hath^rT; rooms, dinette kitchen nr d Ga and refrigeration included Front aoar men! New buildina R74lf Jamtor on bremises or cal’. Lincoln * LACLEDE. hl7h Y"-mon' ave. n w.—4 rooms and W H ^LK&9U«M.m'r- °r '"'one CONVENIENT LOCATION .n3,-;4.tbP,re?r7gerIt7om>40°0m"- k"'h'" bst'n.34$4P M' n 3 r°bms. kitchen and mi-. r, DUPLEX APT refri'.Vranon *4n:\.r0 r°°ma anrt ba'b' CHAS. L NORRIS, 1 • *ra Avp N W RE Til'' $37.50—14th & PARK RD. Such a convenient location, lust around the corner from this popular community center. Quiet select building Foyer. Living Room. Di bcUf._Kitchen and Bath—RE FRIGERATION etc. Worth your rersonal inspection' 1349 KENYON STREET N.W. 3039 MACOMB ST. N.W. A desirable apt,, just west of jin a Qu,*t residential . neighborhood, near schools. ~ kitchen and $47 5Q 3 £po™5, kitchen and $55 00 Refrigeration Included in Rent. H. L. RUST CO.. 1001 loth St. N.W. National SlOfl. DOWNTOWN—AIR COOLED 1730 K ST. N.W. t Just West of Conn Ave ' Living room with open fireplace, bedroom, dressing room electric kitchen, tile bath "lth shower. Venetian blinds, tinted walls «tio no ,_L E BRFUNINGER * SONS. 1 <•»> K St. N W. National 2040. MODERN DUPLEX APT. 4005 47th st. n.w.—Apt. !. 2 large rooms ki-chen. dinette, bath, screened porch; auto, gas heat: $42 50 mo , FTOYD E DAVIS CO _ <33 12th St, M.W.__ NA 0352. 2001 16th ST. N.W. _2 and 3 rms,. kitchen._bath NA. 1021. 4226 7th, COR. VARNUM.~ neargggj C^rc^.^^ , NEW^^\ Houses for rentes f'ith Apartment Advantages K Only a iarse-scale development like Skyland could Oder such services and popular prices Living room dining room and kit on 1st floor: Z bedrooms and bath on *.nd floor Ample aa closer space. As low as *pOo«UU Exhibit Apartment Furnished by W. A J. Sloane | Sftth A (rood Hop# Rd. S. E. For Information Call AT. 9400 T# INSPECT: Drive eut Penn»ylvanla ^ Avenue S. E., te 11 th St., turn :<vj eeatlnue en aerett 11 th Street I :/ first traffic ii|ht, turn left er Hepe dead, fellew te tep ef .:$!L te 25th Street t. E. THE MONTEREY Cor. Conn Are. and Porter St. N.W. 1 rocm. kitchen and bath (37..10 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and screened porch *50 on Elevator. Refrg. on House. Res. Mgr. Woodley 04t)l. 3616 CONN. AVE. N.W 1 room. Murphy bed. kitchen, dinette and bath . *:m..lo tin 2 rooms, kitchen, bath *1.1.00 up Refrigeration on House. THE SHELBURNE , 17th and S Sts. N.W. 1 room and bath *30 00 - rooms, fover. kit., bath. *4,1.00 up 3 rooms, kitchen and bath *0.1.00 Refrigeration on H, C. Elevators. THE PARKRIDGE 1073 Park Rd. N.W. . rms . dinette, kit. and bath. *.12..10 Elevator. Refrigeration on House. 1745 K St. N.W. 1 room and bath *37..10 H.G.SmithijCo. *11 ISth St. N.W. NAtl. .1*03 (Ocmtlnued on Rest Pa#. )