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DIRECTORY OF UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS (Continued.) DUPLEX APTS. 4909 1st St. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, both, screened porch. 847.50 2315 40th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bcth and screened porch. 845.00 Ample storage space, modern laun dry facilities. Open daily for in spection. Weaver Bros., Inc. District 8300 * DUPLEX "N *50 Two rooms, kitchen, dinetta and bath with shower. Large concrete screened porch; use of yard; rent Includes heat, hot water and ianitor service J61 RANDOLPH N.W.., EMBASSY TOWERS • 1620 Fuller St. N.W. » J Block South Col. Rd. Select Apartments in a Most Desirable Neighborhood 2 room*, dinette, kitchen and bath (somp with solarium*, reasonable rentals. 24-Hr. Elevator Service Resident Manager Adams 1218 BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. N.W. National 9300 1631 Euclid Street N.W. Large Family Apartments $75 and $85 3 and 4 rooms, dinette, kitchen and hath apartments. Refrigeration on house current. A modern elevator buildine. con venient to stores, schools and trans portation. Attractive apartments. Venetian blinds. Resident Manager. COI. 10^04 AMERICAN SECURITY /'.■ilKb'vtT. i iloth A Penna. Ave. N.W. NAt. TERRACE : 14th St. at Kennedy N.W. + LIIGH excellent location: new M 11 building facing south, over looking city. Plenty of large closets, carpeted halls, elevator, loof garden, modern lobby. An unusual building of refined at- ^ mesphere at budget prices. ? r n n m «. dinette. 562 50 kitchen, bath ^ Gas and Electricity Free. Call Resident Manager. Geo. 7900. L. E. Breuninger & Sons * irno R St. N.VT. NA. 2010 „ Duplex Apartments Under Grady Management Semi-detached building. 2 large rooms, bath, kitchen, dinette, screened rear porch. Apartment No. 1 804 Randolph St. N.E., $47.50 Heat, Hot Water— Janitor Service OPEN J. Dallas Grady & Son 1104 Vt. Ave. N.W., Dist. 3750 VC AD Nth Street 11 CM IV B Park Rnad • 3504 • 14th Street N.W. LARGE APARTMENTS y/v# rooms Kitchen, bath, pantry and rear porch. Three exposures, electric re frigeration, newly deco rated. Convenient to bus and car lines, stores, theaters, schools, etc. $65 and $69.50 B.F. SAUL CO. 0i.> liiih St. N.W. NA. •-into COMPARE PRICES T1LDEN HALL 3915 Conn. Ave. ■ 1 room, kit bath, hall $15.00 ■ 2 rooms, kit., bath, hall $57.50 I 3 rooms. kit . bath, hall $70.00 1 Elev., Elec Refg , Switchboard. I THE WOODLEY 1 1851 Columbia Rd 2 rooms, kit., bath, hall $50 oo 3 rooms, kit., bath, hall $70.oo 4 rooms, kit., bath, hall $85.00 5 rooms, kitchen, pantry. bath and large hall $05 00 Electric refrigeration on house | current; elevator. 1 THE FERNWOOD I 1 158 Columbia Rd 9 2 rms . kitchen, bath, hall $17 5f» I Elec. Refg. on H. C.; Elevator. THE MELWOOD 1803 Riltmore St N.W. 1 t. rec. hall. kit., bath, $10 oo 2 rms . kitchen, bath $50.00 Refg. on H. C : Elevator. I Switchboard. 9 (Furnished if Desired ) | THE MAYCROFT | 117 1 Columbia Rd. I n rms . kit , hath, foyer. $5’'* 50 3 rms . kit., bath, hall $82 50 Elec. refg. on h. c. Elevator. THE KNOWLTON 32*7 ;nih st N.W. . 2 rms.. kit., bath, porch. $55.00 I 4 rooms, kitchen, batli and ] Porch <3 exposures) «so oo ■ Electric refrieeration. Elevator. ■ T. F. Schneider Carp. I lO'-’x 15th St. N.W. f National 6330 j MARYLAND COURTS 9th and E St*. N.E. 1 r., b.; bachelor_$30 up 2 r., k„ b..$45-$55 3 r., k„ b-$57.50 up Free Refrigeration Elevator Service Switchboard Service Day and Night See Resident Manager Phone LINCOLN 10490 I APTS. FOR RENT | NEW BUILDING { 2010 CHANNING N.E. In this charming new Southern Colonial .small apt. bldg, may be found unusually attractive apts. at moderate rentals. Cool country 1 ike surroundings and yet only 12 min by auto to White House. Elec., ehs. automatic heat Included in rentals. 2 rms . k. and b . S4ii Also large rms.. bath model kitchen. spacious dinette. $85. Drive out R I. Ave NE to l?th. south on 1Tth to Bryant, east on Bryant to 20th. D. S. NASH. Owner 1818 Bryant N.E. Jtlje Sresben 2126 Connecticut Ave. N.W. (Just South of Taft Bridge) Exclusive residential locality Beautiful corner apartment, having two bedrooms, drawing room, din ing room, library imay be used as third bedroomi. kitch- (loe Aft en. bath and foyer ip I ZO.VV Continuous Switchboard and Elevator Service Resident Manager ; B. F. Saul Co. 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 2100 Choice Apartments SUBURBAN ENVIRONMENT ALL CITY CONVENIENCES 908 WEST DRIVE ^ SILVER SPRING A brand-new apartment worthy of your immediate inspection. 1 and 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. LARGE DINETTE AND COMPLETE BATH GAS ELECTRICITY AND REFRIGERATION INCLUDED SHepherd 618.5 NEW BUILDING 1800 SHEPHERD ST. N.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, CCC bath. DU. 3285 _ Heat, hot water, gas, electricity, refrigeration and janitor service included 6220 4TH ST. N W. 2 and 3 rooms, dinette kitchen tile bath ample closet $47 fir $58 Apply Apt. 2—6232 Heat. Hot Water. Janitor Service. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. NA. 0271 Southern Bldg. Directory for \ 1, 2 and 3 Room Apts. $45 to $97.50 2730 Wisconsin Ave. SKYLINE TOWERS Apply Retident Manager, Mrg. Thompgon, Emergon 8400. 3725 Mocomb St. N.W. MACOMB GARDENS Apply Resident Manager, Mrs. Gorman, Woodley 9200. ' 3206 Wisconsin Ave. ALTO TOWERS Apply Resident Manager, Mrs. Shamel, Emerson 833S. 1835 3rd St. N.E. THE GELMONT Apply Resident Manager, Mrs. Etzler, Decatur 2690. WEAVER BROS., INC., DISTRICT 8300. DOWNTOWN APTS. New—Ultra Modern—Fireproof. Rental include* electricity for cooking, lighting and refriger ation. Empire 2000 F St. N.W’.—Air-Conditioned. $55.00—Rec hall, living room, built in dinette, table and chairs, sunroom. dressing room with Murphy bed. kitchen and bath. June 3 5. $79.50—Corner apt., rec. hall, living rocm. combination sunroom and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Resident Manager, RE. 2081. Gwenwood 1030 19th St. N.W. (19th st K> Air Cooled | $52.50—Living room, combination sunroom. and dining room, dressing room with Murphy bed. kitch en and bath June 3 5. $72.50—Corner apt., living room. combination gunroom and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. June 20. $110.00—Specially designed de luxe studio apartment on top floor, consisting of unusually large liv- ! ing room <22'xl8'). dining room, beau tiful built-in glass bar, kitchen, large bedroom and hath. An unusually bright apartment with a magnificent view Resident Manager. RE 4088. OVERLOOKING PARK Park Crescent 5901 18th St N.W. N.W Rulldinr. Just 2H Blocks from Col. Rd. and Ontario Rd. $85.00 ~APt- No —Corner apt. Rec hall, living room, com bination* sunroom and dining mom 2 bedrooms kitchen and bath, large closets. Resident Manager, CO. 8343. Features of All Buildings. All-electric kitchen, ventilating doors, Venetian blinds, carpeted corridors, painted walls, sun decks. 1404 K CAFRITZ Diet.»080 “THE UPSHUR” 219 Upthur St. N.W. (Near Soldier!' Rome Pork) • $42.0O~Livln* room with • 7 '. Murphy bed. kitchen, dinette and bath. • $50.00—Livln* room, bed ... w . . J 0 0 m • dinette, kitchen ond bath. This modern building 1s equipped with all-electric kitchens, rock wool insulation and located only M> min utes from downtown. Resident Manager. Phillips & Canby, Inc. NA. -1(100 1012 lrtth Street N.W. SSO.50 93 me INCLUDING HEAT AND HOT WATER 441 MANOR PL. N.W. Adjoining Soldiers’ Home Grounds. 3 R O O M S (2 bedrooms)* large modern kitchen with plenty of cabinets, tiled bath with shower. Venetian blinds, fenced-in yard. Open and lighted evenings. See Manager in Apt. 2 One block east of Georgia Avenue—one block north of Park Road. U block from Park View School. Henry J. Robb, Inc. 1021 Vermont Ave. DIst. 8111 THE 'inn LINDBERGH mVv“.€nuw.“* Sear Government Buildings and Downtown Stores 1 loom, dinette, *41 AA kitchen and bath _ ^ 1 UP 1 room,, dinette. tCl CA ... kitchen and bath up Elevators. Switchboard, Service Doors. Frigtdarre on House Current. H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 18th St. N.W. Natl. 8901 The Congressional 215 B St. N.E. Overlooking Maryland Ave. New Modern. Fireproof Air-Conditioned Bldg. Sun Deck. Open for Inspection. 1 and 2 rooms kitchen, dining alcove and bath, with all gas and electricity Included. Display Apt by Hecht Co. S48.50 to 867.50 (A Few Bachelor Suites Available) Aubinoe Apts., Inc. 1B10 K N W. REp. 1538. Ow ne rs—Builder. 1811 Wyoming Ave. N.W. Apts, with and without porch; convenient to 2 car lines and buses, downtown and school. Rents reasonable. See resident manager, Apt. 2. CHAS. S. SHREVE 1001 15th St. N.W. CHOICE APARTMENTS 330 R. I. Ave. N.E. Desirable 2-room, kitchen ond bath opts.; refrigeration on house current. Rentals, $40 month. 1440 N St. N.W. 1 ond 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; gas, electricity, heat and hot water included in rent. $35 and $50. 1110 13th St. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen ond bath. Heat furnished. Rental, $50. This I apt. also suitable for business purposes. 3022 Porter St. N.W. Apt. 101—2 rooms, kitchen and bath; electric refrigeration. $45. Key with janitor. | Near Capital and Library 322 2nd St. N.E. Apt. 3—2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath.. ...$48.50 I BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K N.W. NAt. 9300 ’Round the Town Apartment Values 1314 Mossachusetts Ave. 1 room, kitchen, bath end foyer $54 50 2 rooms, foyer, kitchen, din ing alcove and bath_$72.50 Gas. electricity and refrigeration Included in rent. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. Furnished apartment now available. Res. Mgr.. MRS. BALL. ME. 3477. 2601 Colvert St. N.W. 3 rooms, large recep. hall kitch. bath, lavatory and porch - $80.00 BLAIR PARK APTS. 7819-23 Eastern Ave. tTo the rioht of Gen rota Avenve at District Line) 1 room, kitchen, dining al cove and bath $40.00 2 rooms, kitchen, dining al cove and bath $5100 Carpeted halls, elevator service, laundry facilities, recreation room. Res Mgr. MRS. CUPPETT. Apt. No. 6. 7823 Eastern Ave. SH. 4002. WOODCREST MANOR 1521-29 28th St. S.E. A High—Cool—Location (Out Pa. Ave., cross bridoe to tilth st., rioht V4 block.) 2 rooms, kitchen, dining al cove and bath $58.50 All heat. gas. electricity Included in rent. 2801 Penn. Avg. S.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath . $67.50 THE NORMANDIE 6817 Georgia Ave. 2 rooms foyer. dinette, kitchen, bath and porch $63.50 3 rooms foyer. dinette, kitchen, bath and porch $84 50 Light and eas included in rent. Res. mgr., GE 5908. THE FAIRFAX 1200 East Capitol St. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath_$47.50 APARTMENTS OPEN DAILY AND EVENING FOR INSPECTION WEAVER Dist. Dr***** Wosh. 8300 BROS INC Bldg. REALTORS A Nice Place to Live Willard Courts 1916 17th St.N.W. DETACHED BUILDING ELEVATOR 2 large rooms, kitchen and bath -$45.50 Smmm 2900 Conn. Avo. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath .-$52.50 3 rooms, kitchen and bath-$70 to $85 Electric Refrigeration j 1 Elevator Switchboard | Resident Manager H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 lt|th St. N. W. NA. 5908 4707 Corner i CONN. AVE. 1 Large living room, foyer, dinette, kit hen, both and porch. One bedroom, dinette, kitchen ond both. Two bedrooms, dinette, kitchen ond bath. Outside apartments, all large rooms, plenty of closet space, screened porches. j 21-hour elevator and switchboard service, carpeted corridors, attrac tive lobby, garages and laundry fa cilities in building Convenient to churches, schools, stores and trans portation. All electricity on house current. Resident Manaper Em. 6R00 THE MOZART 1630 Fuller St. N.W. $55.00—- rooms, kitchen and bath, front apt.. ; ex posures bright and cheerful, elec tric refrigeration. Resident man ager. CO -55tl. THE CEDRIC 4120 14th St. N.W. $50.00 —2 rooms, kit., dinette and It bath: elec, refg Res Mcr. Near schools, churches, playgrounds and transportation. THE CAMBRIDGE 921 19th St. N.W. $50.00— room kit., dinette and If bath Elec. refg. Eleva tor. Res. Mgr. THE LELAND 2012 O St. N.W. $32.50—Ap' 22—2 rooms and bath. Electrlo refrigera tion. Real Estate Department 18th & Pa. Are. N.W. Natl. 4S18. 1601 Argonne PI. N.W. Corner of Harvard St. Switchboard Elevator Ca^e Beauty Shop Valet Shop Modern apartments of 1 Room, Kitchen $^^.50 and Bath _ "ffc up 2 Rooms, Kitchen $R4-50 and Bath . Wfc up Resident Manager. AD. 8710 Thoms J»G«WiY 7.18 15th St. N.W. DI. fis.10 APARTMENT DIRECTORY $32.50 to $55.00 Elevator Elec Refrigeration Claiborne 518 H Street N.W. 2 rooms and bath 4 and 5'rooms, kitchen and bath. $37.50 to $47.50 Electric Refrigeration 1206 10th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kit. and bath. $37.50 to $77.50 MARLBOROUGH 917 18th St. N.W. 2 rooms and bath. 6 rooms, kitchen and bath. $45 and $52.50 Including Refrigeration 1661 Park Road N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $45 and $57.50 Electric Refrigeration 1835 K St. N.W. 1 and 2 rooms, kit. and bath. $45.00 and $47.5(f Electric Refrigeration 1440 Rhode Island Are. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $47.50 to $65.00 Including Refrigeration 214 Mass. Ave. N.E. X and 2 rooms, kit., bath, dressing closet. 2 rooms. iunior dinina room, foyer, lit, and bath._ $62.50 and $65.00 Electrtc Refrigeration 2426 19th Street N.W. 3 rooms kitchen and bath. $80.00 Including Refrigeration HAMMOND COURTS 30th and Q Sts. N.W. f> rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. THE* •WASHINGTON LOAN • AND TRVST-COMPANY 000 F Street N.W. Rental Dept. NA. 8440 10 Min. from Downtown ] 2531 QUESt. N.W. Adjoining Rock Creek Park. Just West of Mass. Are. 1 room, kitchen, dinette CAA and bath; Murphy bed ▼ 7 rooms, kitchen, dinette erA A and bath _ Electric Refrigeration on House Current. Tiled bath, built-in shower, mod ern kitchen, large cabinets, double drainboard sink. HENRY J. ROBB. INC. See Resident Manaser. 1021 Vermont Aye. DI. 8111. 1841 Columbia Rd. N.W. Modern eight-story apartment building. 24-hour elevator and secretarial switchboard service. Carpeted hallways. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, CH enclosed porch and bath Foyer, living room, bed alcove, bedroom and bath, Junior din* CTH ing room and kitchen l Furnished at Slightly Additional Cost Refrigeration and all electric current on the house. Resident Manager, Adams 4619 LA Near Catholic University 4024 8th N.E. Duplex—2 ond 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, both ond screened porch. $50 to $62.50 Electric Refrigeration BOSS & PHELPS 1417, K St. N.W. NA. 9300 * Immediate Occupancy THE EVERGLADES H Street at 23rd J1 ashington's Newest Downtown Fireproof Apartment Featuring Individually Air-Cooled Corridors ELECTRICITY (for cooking, lighting ond refrigeration) ond SWITCHBOARD SERVICE Included in Rent 1 room, foyer, sunporch, dressing room, kitchen ond bath ond 1 room, foyer, jr. bedroom, dressing room, kitchen ond bath. Exhibit Apcrtmerts Furnished by the Polo s Royal Open Daily, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. For Plans and Reservations See Resident Manager y ALLEY-— . VISTA Belmont Rd. Overlooking Rock Creek Park One of Washington’s smart apartment build ings, located in the exclusive Belmont Road section, just off Connecticut Avenue. Dining \ Room, Valet Shop, Beauty Shop and Drug Store in building. Living room, dress- Living room, Mur- Foyer, living room, ing room, dinette, phy -bed dressing do u'b 'ft ^e^ogure! i kitchen, bath, in- room, large bed- dressing room one . . . .. , , and two bedrooms, closed porch with room, dinette, kitchen, bath and in bed. Southern ex- kitchen and bath, posure. Overlooking Rock Park. Creek Park. „ , $52.50 $75.00 & (Furnished. $57.80) $67.50 S82.50 Rttident Manager, Hobart 4000 WASHINGTON MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Reservations Now Available in HARVARD VILLAGE 1824 HARVARD STREET N.W. A LOW-COST APARTMENT PROJECT OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK $45*00 to $62 50 Electricity, Cat and Refrigeration Included Apply Rental Office on Premitet Randall. 13. Hagner & Company INCORPORATED Real Estate 1321 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 VALUES WORTH SEEING SEDGWICK GARDENS 3726 Conn. Av«. Foyer, living room with Murphy bed. bedroom, bath, dinette and kitchen. $67.60. Refrigeration on house current, secretarial switchboard. Garage. Res. mgr., Mrs. Louise Guest. WO. 4160. FULTON COURTS 2551 17th St. N.W. Reception hall, living room. 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, kitchen and porch. #65.00 and $67.50. Elec tric refrigeration. Resident Man ager. _ WISTERIA MANSIONS 1101 Mott. Ave. N.W. Rec. hall, living room, bedroom, bath, dinette and kitchen. Re frigeration on house current. Elevator and switchboard serv ice. Resident manager. 1421 COLUMBIA ROAD Combination living and dining room. 1. 2 and 3 bedrooms, bath, porch and kitchen. Elec. refg. on house current. Resident manager. 3800 14th STREET Large foyer, living room. 1. 2 and 3 bedrooms. 1 and 2 baths, inclosed porch and kitchen. Refg. on house current. Elevator. Garage. Res. mgr. THE WINSTON 3145 Mt. Pleasant Street (Near Iftth ft Columbia Road > 8 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and porch. $50.00 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. $00, Electric refg. on house current. 1026 15th STREET (Comer 15th and L Sts.) Living room, bedroom, bath and kitchen. Switchboard and elevator aervlce. Resident manager. 4701 CONN, AVE. Large foyer, living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, bath, porch, dinette and kitchen. Refg. on house current. Elevator. 8ec. switchboard. Garage. Reg. mgr., EM. 0803. 4514 CONN. AVE. Large foyer, living room, dining room. 1 and 2 bedrooms, bath, dinette, kitchen and Inclosed porch, ample closet space: garage. Refg. on house current. Elevator, seqfetarlal switchboard. Res. Mlf. Woodley 4477. 3409 29th STREET (1 block west of Conn. Ave. and Ordwav St., near Uptown Theater.) 2 rooms dinette, kitchen and bath, $5? 50. Electric refrtgpration on house current. Modern plumbing— newly decorated. Resident mgr., EM. 0208. RANDALL U. ELAGNER <& COMPANY INCO»»»ftAT|» Real Estate 2322 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 “A Distinctive Location” Ha £i>aUe 1028 Conn. Are. Apartment Seeker— If you are looking for a good downtown place to live, tee us. We have a few different sised units to choose from. —Manager on Premitee— Th. B.autiful N.w CENTURY 2651 16th St. N.W. (Corner of Fuller Sf.) 1 room, drotoine room, dinette, kitchen and bath. 2 rooms. Jr. dining' room, kitchen and bath. Rentals Include electricity for light ing. cooking, refrigeration, etc., secretarial phone service. Reaident Manager, Ad. 2000 BOSS & PHELPS 1117 K N.W. NAtl. B.700. 1301 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. of 13th Street LOCATED only a few blocks from the central retail business and theatre section — Suites with inclosed porches, latest type kitchen equip ment, painted walls and hardwood floors. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. Rents include electricity for lighting and gas for cooking and ' refrigeration. Reception hall, bed- g ST A.50 room, living room, 99 mt kitchen, inclosed W m porch, bath. Reiident Manager National 9683 WASHINGTON MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 1433 to 1443 Spring Rood N.W. 'Near Sixteenth St. and Rock Creek Park.) 2 rooms, dinette kitchen and ba’h. $50.00 to $55.00 Electric refriger ation. Murphv beds Resident man agers. Phones RA 8531. RA. 2041. THE LEGATION 51'ift Connecticut Are. tat Legation St.) 4 rooms, foyer, kitchen and bath with porch. Elevator and secretarial tele phone service Garages In basement. Resident manager WO. 0406. THE NEW BERNE 1115 r-ftb St. N.W. 'At Mass. Ave.) 2 and 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. $45 oo—$62.50. Resident manager. ME 4573. 901 20th ST. N.W. 'At Eye St.) 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $55 00. Janitor on premises. 42 Independence Avt. S.W. Opposite Capitol Grounds 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $52.50. Resident manager. ME. 2559. CASTLE MANOR 2.M.1 13th SI. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath: Murphy bed $37.50. Resident manager. CO. 3380. 1616 P STREET N.W. 3 and 4 rooms kitchen and bath. $5n 00-$80 00. Porches. 3 exposures. Janitor on premises. DU. 0984. THE MARQUETTE 2115 Pennsylvania Aye. N.W 1 room, kitchen and bath. $45 00. Elevator and switchboard telephone sen ice. Resident manager, RE. 0285. 7308 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, with porch. *40.50. Resident man ager, GE. 2216. 2807 CONNECTICUT AVE. <Bet. Woodley Bd. and Cathedral Are.) 2 rooms, large foyer, dinette, modern kitchen and bath. S62.50. Resident manager, AD 6822. 204 F STREET N.W. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. 830.00-f35.00. Janitor on premise*. 738 15th Dl. St. N.W. 6830 1321 Si 1329 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 room kitchen bath. _$.T.’ so 2 rooms, kitchen, bath_$40.00 1417 NEWTON ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $45 no Elec refrigeration on house current. Resident Manager 2548 14th ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath . $50 no Elec, refrigeration on house current. 6323 LUZON AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, din . kit . bath $62.5n 1 room. dr. rm„ din., kit., bath. $ 1400 SOMERSET PL. N.W. 2 rooms, din., kit., bath, Murphv bed __ __ _$60.50 1420 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. 2 rooms, din., kit., bath . $51.50 Refrigeration and gas included. 3707 WOODLEY ROAD N.W. 2 rooms kitchen, bath $50 on Refrigeration included. Resident Manager. 3625 16th St. N.W. Apt. 20—4 rms. (2 bedrms.. full din ing rm.V kitchen, bath, porch, refrit, on house current .. _ $»5 3222 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath ...- $39.50 Elec, refrigeration. PARK TOWERS 2440 16th ST. N.W. 1 rm , dressing rm.. bath_$40 00 1 rm . dr. rm , kit., hath $52 50 2 rms kit., din., bath porch $67.50 5 rms.. kit., 2 baths, porch $120 00 Refrigeration on house current. Switchboard. 3 elevators, garage In building. Resldent_Manager. 900 19th ST. N.W. 1 room, kit . bath _$40 no 2 room’, kit., bath ... $60 00 Refrigeration on house current. Switchboard. 2 elevatora. Resident Manager _ 2901 16th ST. N.W. 3 rms.. kit., b . Inc!, porch_$67 RO 4 rms kit., hath, porch $80.00 Fireplace. Electric refrigeration in cluded _ 2311 15th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen bath $70 no 12 bedroomsi. Electrolux refrigerator. 1201 CLIFTON ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath_$60.00 Electric refrigeration. 49 T ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath_$39.50 Keg. Apt. 1 [Shannon & luchS| Realtore 1505 H St. N.W. NA. 2345. Under Management of B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. National 2100 The ROCHESTER APARTMENT 1438 MERIDIAN PL. N.W. Electric refrigeration 3 rms.. kit., bath and porch $47.50 6228 NORTH DAKOTA AYE. N.W. Gas refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit., d. a and bath $43.50 THE METROPOLITAN 200 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N E 5-story elevator bldg. Secretarial telephone service. Gas. electricity and gas refg included in rent. Resident manager. De. 0928 One and two rooms, kitchen, d. a. and bath (some with porches) *45.00 to *57.60 1445 SPRING RD. N.W. Electric refrigeration on house cur rent. Resident manager. RA 7182. 2 rms.. kit., dr. rm.. d. a. and bath _ *55.00 THE PARAMOUNT 829 QUINCY ST. N.W. Elec . gas and refrigeration included In rent. Elev. Resident manager. GE 8955. 2 rms kit., d. a. and bath $52.50 3 rms.. kit., d. a., foyer, bath and porch _$70.00 310 TULIP AVE. TAKOMA PARK, MD. Resident manager. SH. 3380-M. 4 rms.. kit., bath and porch *47.00 1468 HARVARD ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 4 rms., kit., bath and porch-.$50 00 5610 COLORADO AVE. N.W. Gas. electricity and refrigeration In cluded In rent. Resident manager, RA. 2883. 1 rm.. kit., d. a. and bath $45.00 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath_-$57.50 SULGRAVE MANOR 5130 CONN. AVE. N.W Modern elev. bldg., elec, refrigeration on house current. Secretarial switch board. Resident manager. WO. 4133. 2 rms.. kit., d. a., foyer, porch and bath $82.50 -r— RHODE ISLAND GARDENS 230 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. Elec, refrigeration Elevator and switchboard service. Resident man ager. DE 2893. 2 rms., kit., d. a. and bath... $47.60 2148 O ST. N.W. Elec refrigeration on house current. Elevator Resident manager. Ml. 0727. 1 rm kit. and bath _ __ $38 50 61 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.R, Electric refrigeration. 2 rms., kit. and bath _$30.50 THE CALIFORNIA APT. 1775 CALIFORNIA 8T. N W. Electric refrigeration. 4 rms , kit. and bath_$42.50 3516 W PL. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit. and bath_$38.50 1808 CONN. AVE. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Elevator. Resident manager. MI. 0018. 2 rms., kit. and bath _$47.60 THE DE SOTO APARTMENT 1300 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 4 rms.. kit. and bath -$02.60 GARDEN TOWERS 2325 15th ST. N.W. Modern elev. bldg Secretarial tele phone service. Gas. elec, and re frigeration Included in rent. Resident manager CO. 8063. 1 rm kit d. a., bath, foyer, bed closet --.$52 50 1 rms., kit., d. a. and bath_$00.00 2517 K ST. N.W. Gaa refrigeration. Elevator. Resident manager. DI 2578. 1 rm. ktt., d. a. and bath_$88.50 THE RHODE ISLAND 1437 RHODE ISLAND AVI. N.W. Electricity and refrigeration on house current; elevator. Resident manager. DE. 1552 2 rms.. ktt., d. a. and bath .-.557.60 THE LAMONT APT. 1027 LAMONT ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration 2 rms , kit. and bath $40 00 4 rms., kit. andbath $55.00 THE LA REINE 5425 CONN. AVE. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Elevator, laundry facllltes. Resident manager WO. 0970. 1 rm.. ktt.. d. a dr. rm. and bath. _ $43.00 1460 EUCLID ST N.W. * Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. AD. 8040. 2 rms.. kit. and bath $42.50 (Continued on Knit P%f.) ™*