Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 120 19th ST. S.E Attractive building of recent construc tion. Apartments of two rooms kitchen, bath and large screened porch. RENTALS, $45. Featured particularly are the built - in bookcases. Venetian blinds and large Elec trolux refrigerator. Complete apartment service. ROBERT W. SAVAGE. 813 Union Trust Bldg. NA 3630. TRINITY TOWERS, 8023 14th st. n.w.—Desirable 1 and 2 rm. ants available Refrigeration on house current. 24-hr. elevator and switchboard bervice. $40-$d5. Adams 3640. 936 MADISON ST. N.W. Bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath: heat, hot water, refrig erator Apply res manager. Apt. 305. ECONOMY.APARTMENTS, ! Equipped With Bryant Gas Heater. Rear ; Yard. Screened Porch Just North of Florida Ave. 1723 Capitol Ave. N.E $30.00- Ant. 4— Reception hall, living | room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath, i LARGE APARTMENT 1703 Capitol Ave. N.E *45oo—Api No. 2-—Corner apt., living room. 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. Res mgr. 1650 W. Va. ave. n.e., Apt. 1 Lincoln 3623-R. 1404 K CAFRITZ. DI. 1*080. _ THE ARGONNE, 1629 Col id n.w—3 and 4 rooms, kitchen and bath; 24-hour elevator and switch- , board service. Columbia 4635. MODERN DUPLEX APT. 1369 Nicholson st. n.w.—Apt. 3. 3 large rooms kitchen, dinette, both, screened porch, auto, gas heat . $49.50 per mo. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO 733 12th St. N.W. NA. 0352. THE STANLEY. 1 rm . kitchen, bath. $35. National 1921. DOWNTOWN—$29 50. 427 4th st n w.—3 rooms, bath: newly decorated, h.-w.h. Taylor 1524. DUPLEX—$42. 5511 2nd st. n w.—Large, airy apt ; back porch, laree yard. gas. hea’. Open. 1014 K st. H C REINER. NA 6540._ THE ROYDON, 1 t»I!* R ST N.W Excellent Downtown Location. Attractive units, completely redecorated; Plec refg elev resident manager. 8 rooms, foyer, kit. and bath $02.50 American Security & Trust Co., 15th and Pa. Avc. N.W. NA. 4815. 3026 WISCONSIN AVE. (OPPOSITE CATHEDRAL ) C rooms, kitchen and $42.50 bath ^ ^ 3 rcoms, kitchen and $52.50 bath Refg. Included in Rent. Res. Mgr. H. L. RUST CO.. lonl 15th St. N.W. National 8100. COLORED—1324 MONTELLO AVE N E - 1 or rooms, kitchen, bath, adults only; refined neighborhood AT 1750. FOR COLORED—1 <*28 21st ST. N.W.—1 r k. and b.; $20.50. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. __723 20th S: N.W. Phone DI 5808. COLORED. Duplex Apartment 3 rooms <2 bedrooms*, kitchen, dinette find bath, screened rear porch *2 block to car line. Apt. 4. 7os Kenyon st. n.w. OPEN—$52 50 J DALLAS GRADY SON Vt Ave N.W. District 2750._ FOR COLORED Miv HOPKINS ST. N.W (Bet O and P Sts.; 2oth and 21st Sts V Lovely 1 rm . kit. and bath apts . now available at $35.50. 1828 RIGGS PLACE N.W. < Bet. R and S Sts.. 18th and loth Sts A. 1 rm.. kit. and bath apts. with Murnhy bed :f desired now $35. ROBERT W SAVAGE. _ 813 Union Trust Bldg NA. 3030._ 1207 5th ST. N.W. Colored—3 r. b.; nice cond ; $25. NO. Pi 2Q _ APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. TAKOMA—LOVELY LGE . 1st FL . FRONT, furn or unfurn.; 4 r. b . liv. ?m . 10 win dows. fireplace gas. elec . heat, refg . pvt. poech. yard. 250 Park ave ARLINGTON. 57 10 N. 25th RD —UNFUR . 4 rms.. 2nd-fl air-conditioned aot . bath. * u 11 y equipped kit.: $52 50. incl. refg . gas elec . hear, water: adults. LI 3775-W. HYATTS. MD - 2 RMS. KIT, PVT entr. tlie bath, dinette; car ; fenced yard: elec, refg . util incl.: $50 also 2 rms.. kit., nvt. bath: furn elec refc.. util, incl.: fidults only; $45 WA. 1455 23 CHAPMAN ST . ALEX . VA — FUR nished: rms private bath. $52.50. Phone Alex 2145 or 2038. 3000 MT VERNON AVE . ALEXANDRIA— 3-room apt utilities furn : lo minutes downtown Call TE 3304 after 5. ALEXANDRIA—BEAUTIFUL APT . CROSS ventilation overlooking river and lovely carden: charmingly furn 2 rm^ kit.. bath: utilities incl.. $75 Temple 4088. 4 32 EAST CHESTNUT ST. ALEX.. VA — Several modern apts available Redeco rated. 2 rms.. kitchen, elec, refc . dinette, tile bath with shower, large screen porch; beat, hot water and janitor serv. furn. S"e res mgr . Apt. 2. or call BRODIE A* COL BERT. INC.. Alexandria 2484. 105 S Royal st. SILVER SPRING. MD. 1575 FLOWER ave—Unfurn 2 rms. kit bath porch; cool and pleasant: $45 GE 1845 NEARBY VA—3 RMS BATH. UNFUR rushed, cool, outside apt.: lgo grounds: ouiet house adults Chestnut 5810 SILVER SPRING—5 OR 0 LARGE ROOMS, entire 2nd floor, detached home, modern k and b. pvt. entr. gar avail., nr. all shops, transp. Shepherd 5744-W. NO 5 EAST WINDSOR AVE ALEX andria—Unfurn 4-room apt . with utilities furn.; will care for 1 child 10c fare to city. Newly decorated. Alexandria 587 8 ARLINGTON. VA. Brand-new. nicely located, beautiful 2nd f. apt . 3 rms . kit . bath, modern, cool and airy, everything furn nr. schools, stores, buses Chestnut 7558 BOULEVARD APTS., ALEXANDRIA. VA * 13.50—Large living room bedroom, di fcette. kitchen and bath: 4 closets. $5!*.5<»—2 bedrooms large living room. fLnettc. kitchen and bath. Apply resident manager or phone Tem Dlf 4 240 2 blocks *outh of last traffic light on Mt. \ernon blvd.. left-hand side of street. Sgs Mt, Vernon Boulevard ALEXANDRIA, VA. Large. Cool Apartment* at I niiMial Low Rate* Mnr« space for Ie«<» money. j Commanding a glorious view l of the Potomac River. Game Room. Laundry Facili- . j ties in Basement . . . Janitor ~ Serviee Included. Ample Storage Spare. j $46 »p 3, 3y2, 4 and 5 ROOMS S Block* Beyond J.ast Slop Light in Ale randria, La., on ! Mi. Vernon Bird. \ Make Reservations Now ... Phone AT. 9414 or TE. 4017 fc."- -■ -- ---- ■— ■ - CO-OPERATIVE APTS. FOR SALE. ATTENTION. CONSERVATIVE BUYERS. I have 4 large room and bath co-operative apartment in Hampshire Gardens for sale cheap, for a settled couple who want com fort and refinement at a very small cost: priced very reasonable for quick sale. Box 4E7-D. Star._ HOUSES FURNISHED ALEXANDRIA: SUMMER MONTHS 3 BED rooms. 2 baths, shady garden: conv. buses and stores: nr river Temple 2235. COMPLETELY FURNISHED CHEVY Chase home—0 rooms, bath: beautiful yard, shade, from June 15. Wisconsin Min _ _ _ CHEVY CHASE — CHARMING HOME, completely furnished. 4 bedrooms, sleep ing Dorch: short or long lease. Wisconsin 3510 for appointment._0* TAKOMA PARK. 317 GARLAND AVE.— Five large rooms, all modern conv.. oil heat: reasonable SH 3701-W RRIOHTWOOD. 1422 LONGFELLOW ST. nw—lo rooms. 2 baths, completely fur nished. linens and utensils: June 20 to Oct. 1: $75 per month GeorRia 2335. CLEVELAND PARK — FOR SUMMER, rool detached house, largo rms.. shady yard. Phone Woodlpv 1525. CHARMING HOME. DE LUXE. BRICK, like new. o rooms. 2 baths, recreation rm . nil heat. 2-car narage. porch, a.m i.: cool and auiet. conv, to expr bus. schools. For lease now. OWNER. Taylor 4224 0152 31st ST. N.W.—8 ROOMS. SCREEN pd porch, nice yard with flowers: $00. Avail. June 21 for 2 mos Woodley 7505. MODERN 0 ROOMS. 21* BATHS. BEAUTI fully located: cool, shady, screened porch, quiet street: reasonable._WI. 4917._ _HOUSES UNFURNISHED. DO YOU WANT A COOL COUNTRY PLACE In the city, with gas furnace and re frigerator?_Call Georgia 3207. _ CHEVY CHASE. D C—10 RMS.. 2~BAS (extra kitchen 2nd floor'; suitable for two congenial families: made over new: oil heat: SI 00. H rms.. ba,. $70. FULTON R , GORDON. 1427 Eye st. DI. 5230. Office, open 7 to 9 p m. 1 HOUSES UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) VA' AND MD—f« RMS.. BA . 'BUNGALOW, made over new, $40: two semi-detached 5 rms.. ba each, new condition. $45; (i rms.. 2Vi has., near Lee Highway. $75. Office also open T to II p m. FULTON R. GORDON. 1477 Eye st. DI. 5230._ WARDMAN PARK SECTION. 21)28 28th n.w Available June 20, 0 rooms. 2 full baihs. maid's room, gas heat, built-in ga rage. cedar closets. Inspection by appoint ment only. $10(1 monthly. _CO 1973. 3(18 EDGEWOOD AVE.. NORTHWOOD Park—,,-room bungalow, garage: rent. $85 R. L._ HUGHES. Wisconsin 8740. 412 ONEIDA PL N.W.—SEMI-DET 8 rooms 4 bdrms . 2 baths: gar.; oil heat; excellent cond : $85. OWNER. CO. 4813. CLEVELAND PARK 331 1 ROSS PL N W — 4 bedrms,. 2 baths, fin attic: det. home; lovely yard. $8(i OWNER. CO 2075. BURLEITH E M I - DET . AUTOMATIC heat, newly decorated; large steeDing notches. Phone OWNER. WO. 73.37. after 0 Dm CLEVELAND PARK. BLK. OFF CONN —7 i rms.. kit.. 2 baths. Available Julv I. Call after 5:30. Emerson 5821 3801» S ST. N W.. $75—0 ROOMS AND bath: gas heat, elec refg.. near lunior aiia spnior hi"h schools and grade schools: excellent neighborhood: convenient to bus line Emerson 3008. NEW BRICK. INSULATED. SCREENED porch: auto. heat, hot water: lge closets. I nrcplace; gar. OWNER. Alex. 41811. 0-8 p.m. ; PETWORTH. CORNER 7th AND WEBSTER sts.—il-rm. det. house; newly decorated; $♦>5 mo. Blk. St. Gabriel's Church. RA. 0743. SILVER SPRING—PR ACT. NEW 6-RM , brick, recreation rm . lge. screened porch. ; Parage; oil heat: avail, immed SH. 3780-J. ! 4224 40th ST N.W.—CORNER BRICK. [ new. 0 rooms. 2-bath efficiency, recreation room; air conditioned; $72.50. WO. 4811. I __ ___' _ o* I 1007 E ST. N.E.—5 R., B., A M I.7~NEWLY 1 decorated; $37.50. Open. Taylor 0008. : 1 40(j CHAPIN ST. N.W —UNFURN . UPPER 1 flat, o r.. b : h.-w.h . back porch; furnish own oil heat; $52.50 NA. 0724. 1717 HOBART ST N W.—4 BEDRMS I 1 incl. porch. 1 st fl . auto. heat, refg . garage. Available July 1. $75._ EM. 2301. : 3712 FULTON— S R.. A M I ; $85 MO.; sell $50 cash. $811; cheap: beautiful down j town home for rent Dupont 1200. • j MODERN HOME. 8 ROOMS. 4 BEDRMS . 21» baths, screened porches, maid's quar j ters. garage, oil heat Wisconsin 5507. ; FOXALL VILLAGE — ATTRACTIVE M j r . 2 b . double screened porches adjoining j park, gas heat; insulated, cool. WO. 4015. SILVER SPRING—SPACIOUS BUNGALOW. 4 bedrooms, large porch, economical Cen ! tury oil-burning furnace; garage, nice neighborhood short walk 1-fare D C. line, j schools, stores; $00.00 Shepherd 4440._* •WOODRIDGE. ’ 2408 20th ST. N E — A I charming detached 0-rm. home lor a lover | of flowers. Inspect now. Available July 1st. Every convenience, automatic heat, screen i fd porch, lovely gardens, garage: country i like surroundings; house is insulated and weather-stripped, an ideal home Venetian blinds. $00. Drive s. on 17th at R I. ave. n e. to Bryant, e. on Bryant to 2oth. WOODRIDGE—I HAVE AVAILABLE A charming detached duplex house. 4 rms . k . b. screened porch, yard; new condition, private entrance: elec., gas. heat included at $55 00: especially convenient to Govt. Prtg. and City Post Office employes; 7-min. express service. nl2c fare. Apply D. S. NASH. 1810 Bryant n.e. 1 2 1 0 OATES ST N E —0 ROOMS. BATH, built-in garage. Good condition. Rent. *52.50. HUGH R CONNER. 02.4 15th st. n w Republic 4900._ Eve.. Atlantic 2702’ ON ILLINOIS AVE. NR SHERMAN C7R cle—0-room brick in excellent condition, with 2 inclosed porches, detached garage. ! automatic heat. Priced right for adult tenant. Phone BRODIE A' COLBERT. INC . 1707 Eye St. NAV._ NA. 8875. CHEVY CHASE D C.—DETACHED AND well located 8 rms. <4 bedrms », extra large bath, large attic with stairway, j sq. to bus and school Avail about June 15. $S5. J. H GORDON. Woodley 1945. 820 22nd ST. N.W.—0 R. AND B . H -W H.. elec . $45.50 JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD Realtor. _724 20th St N.W. Phone DI. 5808. _ 1701 M ST. N.E Convenient to downtown, stores, schools and transportation; semi-detached cor ner large yard. 0 rooms and bath, auto matic heat, electric refrigeration, b.-i. ga rage .4 porches: $00. ; Ready for occupancy now. Inspect any I time. ! COOLEY BROS.. District 1481. 14(»4 DECATUR ST N.W.—8 ROOMS~ 2 baths. 1-car garage; automatic refngera , tion; oil burner; $70 WASH LOAN <fc TRUST CO.. ! 900 F N.W NA 4440 47 40 KANAWHA ST. NEAR CONNECTI cut ave.—9 rooms (0 bedrooms*. 2 baths inclosed porch gas furnace, garage. $100 per month LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 17 19 K St. N.W. NA. 1100. SILVER SPRING—LARGE 5-ROOM BRICK bungalow, auto heat, garage; near schools and public park MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO . _7900 Georgia Ave. SH 5100. 1624 16th ST. S E — $50 MO. Modern brick semi-detached. 5 rooms and bath, completely renovated. HARTMAN REALTY. INC. 1448 Good Hope rd _ AT 5584. ' CORNER POTOMAC A: CATHEDRAL AVES.. 5501 Potomac ave. n.w—Corner detached, overlooking Potomac Val ley: 8 rooms, bath. 2 porches, ga rage: attractively landscaped lot. Key on premises; $loo SHANNON dc LUCHS CO., j _ 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345 34 HAWAII AVE. N.E. New end house 0 rooms and bath; $H0 rnrv_DI. 2724. Evenings. WO 0452._ DETACHED HOMES, CHEVY CHASE, MD. 4608 Norwood Dr.—$75 Drive out Wisconsin ave., jusT past Dis trict line, lovely home, rer hall, living room with fireplace, bright dininc room. 4 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, screened side porch, elec refrigeration, detached garage, large front and rear yards. 4005 Norwood Dr.—$85. Beautiful home, rec hall, living room with fireplace, dining room. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, tiled bath with built-in tub and shower extra toilet and lavatory on bed room floor, large screened front porch. , toilet and laundry tubs in basement, front and rear yards, detached garage, electric refrigeration 1404 K CAFRITZ DI 9080 _ BURLEITH, RESTRICTED COMMUNITY. NEAR SCHOOLS. CHURCHES. TRANSPORTATION Several modern homes now avail able: t> rooms and bath, some with porches, garage, refrigeration: $65. See Mrs McKone. 47 22 T st. n.w SHANNON & LUCHS CO . _ 1505 H St. N.W. National 2445 BUNGALOW. 417 Garland ave.. Tak. Pk . Md—Very attract, mod. bungalow: oil heat; insulated, refe : big yard. DIXIE REALTY CO., Na tional 8880. NEAR GOV'T DEPTS. 2012 G st. n.w.—H rooms. 2 baths, oil j beat, newly decorated, landscaped yard. CHAS. L. NORRIS, i 2135 Pa. Ave. NW «RE 2112. 2411 OBSERVATORY PL. N.W. Attractive brick residence of recent con struction Six rooms, bath, built-in garage. Near schools, stores and transport anon. Rent. $1*5. ROBERT W SAVAGE. _SI3 Union Trust Bldg NA 3030. CHEVY CHASE. D. C„ I 3721 Jocelyn st. n.w.—Semi-detached R j room < 1-bedroom» house, oil heat, electric | refrigerator; rental. $75. BOSS & PHELPS, _1417 K St. N.W. _ National 9300._ 4309 2nd ST. N.W. (Near Varnum St. N.W < 0 rooms, newly decorated: $05. Front and rear porches, 2-car garage. Open 1 i to 0 p m. BRADLEY BEALL & HOWARD. INC.. _National 0271 Southern Bldg. 528 6th ST. S.E. 11 room.1. 2 baths, oil heat, semi-det . 3 car gar near Navy Yard. To be recondi tioned. $05 a mo. A. S. GARDINER. _1510 K St. N.W National 0334. CHEVY CHASE—$65. 41st st. n.w.— 0-rm. brick: 20-ft. liv. rm. with fireplace: 2 screened porches; ear : excellent locat. DIXIE REALTY CO.. NA. RKRO. THE FOLLOWING HOMES ARE NOW . offered for lease only, to responsible families. MARYLAND. 3700 HARRIS ST . MT. RAINIER <552 50 Bungalow. 0 rooms. 2 baths. v * h.-w.h.; new condition; suitable 1 : two families. 4 100 BEECH AVE DECATUR HEIGHTS. Cfifl 00 New detached brick, 0 rooms. \jyj ule bath. fireDlace, basement. \ garage, h.-w.h. WASHINGTON. 4625 43rd PL N.W. <570 00 Modern semi-detached brick, fl rooms, tiie bath, fireplace. 3 porches, oil heat garage. ■ TO INSPECT CALL NATIONAL 5536 WEEKDAYS 9 TO 5. MT VERNON MORTGAGE CORP.. i SECOND FLOOR. MACHINISTS^ BLDG._ COLORED. NEWLY COMPLETED, 5511 JAY ST. N.E. 3-room asbestos-shineled bungalow, bath, basement: lovely location and all modern eonveniences: $43.0(1 monthly. 1227 48th ST. N.E. 5-room stucco bungalow, bath, parage, large lot and all modern conveniences; $50.0(1 monthly. FEDERAL FINANCE CO 91 3 New York ave. n.w. NA. 7410. • HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. THE RIGHT PERSON FOR YOUR HOUSE! Call Miss Guilford and have YOUR house rented in double-quick time to THAT per son Arlington. Alexandria and Fairfax property in demand. Large waiting list available. CH. 1341. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. _ UNFURNISHED HOUSE, (i ROOMS AND bath, near Catholic school. Box 234-D. | Star_ WE NEED HOUSES In Northwest D. C. and nearby Md.. priced . from $flO 00 up. THOS L. PHILLIPS. 1 3618 Conn. WO. 7900. HOUSES FOR SALE. SPECIAL.' NEW. li-FAMILY APT. BLDG. ~9~~ Minnesota ave. s.e.. 1 blk. north Pa. ave shopping center: large lot; attractive home and investment: only 1 left, move right in: easy terms. Your opportunity. Open today 10-7 p m. E. W BAILEY. Owner-Builder. AD* 4789. WOODRIDGE—Z SMALL FRAME HOUSES and corner lot. Rent for $00. Good in vestment; $4,400._Call OWNER. RA. 0135. NR. MASS. AVE AND 38th ST N.w7— Semi-detached light tapestry briok. ZZ ft. wide. H rms.. Z baths, *2-car straight-drive in garage: modern kitchen: oil heat and fully insulated. A good buy in this con venient high-class location. H. C. BISCOE. Woodley 1700._ IN WOODED SECTION OF LOVELY homes we have a detached brick with four bedrooms and two baths on second floor, attic finished as bedroom, recreation room in basement with fireplace, screened porch: auto. heat, built-in garage; at $12. 050 th;s home is right. THOS L PHILLIPS. WO. 7000. until 0 p m . 3518 Conn. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE MAN DE sires to become associated with an estab lished builder or broker having salable properties, where earning possibilities are average or better. Box 1-E. Star. $8,500 — CHEVY CHASE — CONVENIENT S everything is this lovely center-hall home. 9 large rooms, beautiful corner lot Owner ordered out of city. Here's a refel value Call REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. 1438 until 0 p.m 1700 BLK. QUE ST. N.W—3-FLOOR brown stone front, partly furn., 11 rms,. Z'> baths h -w h.: ideal location for guest house. $11,500. Woodley 313!*. LOVELY BUNGALOW. WE ARE PROUD to offer for your inspection this lovely bungalow located in desirable Takoma Park, within Z blocks of the Sanitarium and conveniently close to all transportation and shopping districts This unusual home offers 5 extra large rooms (living room feet long with wood-burning fireplace* and a beautiful landscaned lot 70x150. Priced very low for immediate sale This home may be purchased on terms far below rent. Phone Metropolitan 1143 NEW 9-RM DETACHED BRICK. LARGE lot. facing park- small cash, balance like rent. 93*1 Ridge rd s.e 4*234 40th ST N.W —NEW BRICK. NEAR parochial, public schools, just off Wiscon sin ave : o room*-. ‘2-bath efficiency, air conditioned Bargain. WO. 4811 9* SEMI-DETACHED 9-ROOM BRTCK HOME i —Excellent condition- near graded, jr. high and high schools. OWNER. 9408 8th st. n w GE -Ms.". 1"* IN THE VICINITY OF 14th AND GAL lalin ts.. a brick home with four bed rooms. two baths, double inclosed porch, sunroom. oil heat. Venetian blinds, two car brick garaee Practicallv in new-hor.S" condition THOS L PHILLIPS. WO 7900 until !» pm 3518 Conn OWNER WILL SACRIFICE SMALL BRICK house in row. deep lot for flowers garage cool, screened sleeping porch, til 4 Hamilton i st n w GE 7051 •* AT $s .050— A BEAUTIFUL DETACHED brick home on a tree-covered lot 95x141. ; having a lovelv living room 15x’23 ft., large dining room and large kitchen: three beo- ( rooms: oil burner, slate roof- lust a real opportunity. THOS L PHILLIPS. WO 7900. until 9 pm. 3518 Conn. NEAR 38th AND WOODLEY RI) N W — Semi-detached brick of 7 rms . ._ baths, built-in garage oil hurner newly papered and painted A real buy in this close-in. high-class. conv. location at *-9..•;■>(*. witn easy terms. H. C BISCOE- WO 1 (O'* AMFRICAN UNIVERSITY PARK BFAU tifullv finished California type bungalow: 5 rms. finished attic nil heat fireplace large basement, lot 195 deep. By OANLK. call eves . WT '*4 71 UPPER 14th ST NW DET BRTCK 7 room*' 'I baths finished attic recreation room: larse lo’ near schools, priced right. Shown bv appointment. MRS. CARTER | NA ZZ95 i MUST -BE SOLD—NTCF 9-ROOM HOUSE All modern improvements. Near R'anton ! Park WO 7541 GOING TO SELL AT A BARGAIN A lov v six-room 'M -bath, detached bricK home in Chevy Chase. D C Practicallv new very large rooms and one-halt pock from transportation. Will ron^idm- sma_l row house in trade. Call MR. OREM GE 4939 or DT. 3349. GEORGETOWN *2717 O ST N.W—OPEN tonight. 7 to 9:30—Visit this new brick home tonight. Large liv. rm din rm.. kit.. ‘2 bedrms and den (or 3rd bedrm *. in closed garden. ‘2 fireplaces furnished so furniture arrangement may he seen This house is remarkably cool and very livable: 51 *250 down. Price and t**rm« reasonable. GRAHAM LYTLE MICHIGAN '2559 $10.500——JUST COMPLETED ON ALBE mar*e st.. 1u«* *'-* block wed of Conn. ave. a group of Williamsburg-type homes, each home contains 3 large bedrooms- two at ‘ tractive baths larce living and dining rooms and real kitchen, attached garagp For transportation, schools and churches this location is the best in Washington. 1515 K.__BEITZELL_DI 3100. 4 LEFT 4 RALE. OPEN 4 INSPEC'HON. 4 YOU 4«14 Conduit Rd J LEO KOLB. INC . 1237 Wis Ave. N.W. Michigan 2100__ PRICE GREATLY REDUCED—$4 05(1 1412 K st. s.e—Semi-det. brick. 6 rms . b . oil heat, large yard. car. Small rash ; Dayment. balance monthly Call today. ; NA 3383. Eves.. WO 0271_ NEW—SEMI-DETACHED $450 CASH $45 PER MONTH Highest location 0 rooms automatic heat clubroom Colonial front porrh. 1541 FORT DAVIS ST. S E. OPEN Out Pa. ave s.e. to Ft. Davis st.. left ' 3 blocks to our sign. WAPLE & JAMES INC _District 3346. 1 22i 1 4th St N.W._ $7,450.00 6 large room5:. 2 baths, bedroom and hath on 1st floor, living room 15x3“. new j kitchen and bathroom fixtures; lor 60x150; 1 one block to church, schools and trans portation Call E M FRY. INC . \Yl_074o CHEVY CHARE. MD Colonial 6-room home newly decorated i and modernized, for sale by owner leav > ine city Large beautiful! landscaped lot with running brook. Near schools, stores and transporta’ion. Reasonably priced at «!• 45“ 4303 Elm st. Chew Chase. Md. WT. 4386-M. out Wisconsin ave . 5 blocks past Bradley lane, right 3 blocks to prop | ertv._ _ BRICK BUNGALOW Nestline in a Rose Garden. N W . in D C Notning skimpy in the size of the house 1 or lot. Plenty of fine shade including a .beautiful weeping willow tree 5 large rooms, full basement, automatic heat, ga rage Direct express bus downtown , $; .300 00. _ District 7740. Evenings. DE 0212. j PRICED UNDER SO.-WUMI Close to Georgia ave and Upshur st. 1 Detached home. 7 rooms, hath, h -w h . oil burner Garace#An excellent buy for a home or investment Call Mr. Schirmer. THOS E JARRELL CO . Realtors. 721 10th St. N W. NA 0765. Evenings Call Shepherd 3581. $7,000—IN CHEVY CHASE. D C.—A fully detached residence on a lot 68 feet front, situated less than two squares from public school and close to trans portation. Six nice rooms and bath, hot-water heat with oil burner An un usual opportunity—homes at thi^ price in this choice location are very rare 1 $0.450—A modern home, only few years ; old. on a 60-ft front lot. widening to 100 feet in rear In Crest View. Md.. adjacent to American University Park Center-hall plan, breakfast room, maid's room and lavatory, automatic hot-water heat, slate roof, furred walls and all other modern equipment. SHANNON A' LUCHS CO . _1505 H St NW National 2345. WOODRIDGE. D C 2214 Taylor st. n.e Pre-showing of a new o-room brick bunaglow in a high lo cation Every modern convenience Air conditioned. Terms Ooen daily till 8 p.m. Other bungalows. $6,450 on. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO 2381 R. I. Ave. N.E. North 7203. ; - — - - I 5-room brick, good condition, desirable n e . convenient to stores and transpor tation. An unsuallv good opportunity for the smart home buyer. Call MR. NOR VELLE. WI. 1202 or NA 0856._ $0,500. Beautiful new Colonial center-hall brick home. 3 bedrooms 1J2 baths: excellent n.w. location, n^ar Mass ave. Don't overlook this one Call MR. NOR VELLE. WI. 1202 or NA. 0856._ FURNISHED 5-ROOM AND BATH BUNGA j low. screened porch, laundry rooms, full ! basement, h.-w h.. double garage: over 1 acre of rich ground, fenced in: about lr2 miles from D C. bet Mass. ave. ext. and the Conduit rd : $5,450; easy terms. Call Mrs. Burcess. Wisconsin 4253. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. _1710 K St. N.W. National 1166. | IDEAL ROOMING HOUSE. Just West of Conn. Ave. North of Dupont Circle. 10 rooms. 2 baths, extr^ lavatory, dou ble rear porches, brick garaee; additional rooms easily put in basement. Admiral’s daughter just vacating. Price Only $0,750. Here’s a chance to get a high-grade place on small down payment and low monthly payments. Call Greenwood 2232 evenings or before 10 a m._! SILVER SPRING. $4,750. Frame bungalow. 5 large rooms: extra large lot; in A-l condition: one block from bus line. $5 050. Brick bungalow. 5 large rooms, h.-w. oil heat. Beautiful wooded lot 68x151. Onp block from bus line. For bargains, these cannot be beat. MR. MYERS. Randolph 1811 . Shepherd 5201._ SOUTHEAST SECTION. Builder desires to close out last THREE HOUSES of a large group moving opera tions: six rooms, bath, recreation room layout: auto, gas hot-water heat, fenced in yard to alley: large closets: the price and terms will surprise you. Call Mr. Bedell. CO 5385. WAPLE & JAMES. V _DI 3.346. _J_ WOODRIDGE Near 26th and R I. ave.—Bungalow with 5 large rooms and attic h.-wh. garage Will sell eouity for $825 cash. Total price. I $5,400 Just the bargain you've been look ing for Vacant, can be shown bv anpt ' any tim*v Mr. Partlow. RA. 1036. WAPLE j S’ JAMES. INC L DI 3346. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. 6523 7th PI. N.W. Detached brick 6 very large rooms, beau ; tiful tile bath, garage. Convenient to all schools and transportation. MR. OREM. GE. 4630. DI. 3346._ 1937 39th ST. NW~ 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. | LIFE S LIKE THAT —By Fred Neher \ WILL-YUM. ^ ^77^777777777^/// \ I 1 J k-T ^ i » 'll I i_u-j— b-f "WHY ^ID'JA HAVE TO MARRY A SCHOOL TEACHER, POP?" I HOUSES FOR SALE. I ON A LARGE CORNER LOT IN CHEVY j Chase D C a center-hall Colonial brick, sheltered by giant trees. Four bedrooms. ; *wo baths, flrst-fl. lav. sunroom. den oil i m]Uner Much below original cost. Call | MR orr. wo CHEVY CHASE, MD. Conn, ave . 2 squares east to Fulfon j st_ — New. detached house, priced <* *s.2oO I cash, balance like rent. Where chil ! dren can play with safety. Our last d i houses sold in f> weeks. Worth seeing at j once. BROWN BROS. CORP . DI. 2724. Eve.. WO 0-4:42. i Adjacent Hock Creek Hills. Circumstances require immediate ddpo- j sdion of attractive New England Colonial com age completed in 1 bv owner for own occupancy, home displays unusual in terior design and appointments and excep tional construction, d large rooms and ! spacious closets: xj acre, high elevation: ' low ’axe1- and heating cost and priced 1 >1.«».*(» below actual builder’s cost of ma- | tenal and labor Call OWNER. WI \n:i4-J , 323-325 Whittier St. N.W7. j Be sure to see these low-pr. red new I homes. d room-. 2 baths garage, lovely ; -vhade tree17. Close to express transporta- 1 non. stores and schools Nothing in the; District will compare with home for price, ' Sm.4.">0 to $7 Hod. Open to J) p M WAPLE & JAMES. INC., IT:4 14th St. N\V District twin $7,950. j Near Soldiers Home Park. Ono of those handsome two-story Co 1 lonial orick dwellings situated on Quebec ; s:. w ithin 2 squares of the intersection of ; Georgia ave and Rock Creek Church rd SEMI-DETACHED, 22' wide, 4 bedrooms tile bath, front and rear porches all ! modern improvements and garage. Liberal I terms can be arranged THOS J FISHFR & CO . INC . DI 0*30 OR EVENINGS i CALL MR CHILD. RA 8531 _ EAST CAPITOL ST. Beautiful 0-r,. 2-b brick: h-w h . elec, new plumbmc floors, oil burner, etc . completely remodeled with painstaking care property is clear g>>od terms can be arranged F A. GARVEY. DI. 4508. Eve and Sun . Georgia 0000 GLOVER PARK. 0 room'. 2 baths, recreation room. 2 wood-burning fireplaces (in recreation and living rooms', built-in uarace with over head doors complete kitchen with Oxford cabinets. Detroit Jewel gas range and Eiec trolux. plenty closets <2 on 1st floor*: automate gas heav 1 2 blo<k*to school and i transportation. This house is being sold ! due to death in owners family and is priced considerably below the cost when * new’ a short time ago. To inspect contact J. C. WEEDON CO., US 3011_ 1727 K N.W _ I REAL BARGAIN. 3-room brick house, size 20'x3<» bed room and bath on 1st floor. 2 large bed rooms upstair1 automatic oil heat home on.v •’ years old Thoroughly reconditioned Prettv yard with lawn and flowers Well located, close to car line and stores Tr ce !'.»<i terms n,"d cash, balance like rent See v today |o:» :14:h n e or : call MR PASCOE. A'lantic 2 son. A REAL HOME—A REAL BUY. 44th and Davenport sts.. American Uni -Lovely detached home on beautiful lot. less than 4 .ear1* oiri con Mam* <i rooms. 'I bath* finish'd :ird floor. ! auioma ir neat, detached garage i\ »*rai buv nt trrmv Csill Mr Tuclt'r. RA 1044. o: DI 0202 With 1_ JOHN J. O'CONNOR. TWO-FAMILY HOME. sc.miii Convpmpnt to Taylor m and Goorcia avp Here's your opportunity to 1 Lvt' apartment and let the other pav i l-TlTbiiLls ...B1.prnmn’ REALTY ASSO I CIATES. NA. 14.;.*' until n p m. 1937 39th ST. N.W 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS S8.450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. $7,350. N w corner brick bungalow. D C —On lovely landscaped lot. near transportation and school, paved street Living room with | fireplace. oak floors, automatic heat screen ed porch garage Vacant Terms. Call : MR LANE. WI »!2HJ*. or NA 0S5H PRICE, $8,250. TERMS.“ 3943 S ST. S.E., ; On top of Penra ave. hill s e.—New de I [ached homes, adiacent to Hillcrest: model home open to !• pm: ’you will be amazed and delighted to find a home of this char acter at the price: six spacious rooms. 3 large double bedrooms, most attractive and complete and ultramodern kitchen, daylight basement, attached garage large lot To reach: Out Prnna ave s.e. to top of last hill aactoss Alabama ave . 1 block to p-»rt Davis . 1 block to S st.. righ* to homes WAPLE & JAMES. INC., S’les Representatives, L--t Hth St. N.W. DI. It.-tlfi BARGAIN—2-FAMILY, Semi-detached—I have a complete 2-family home with 2 baths. 2 complete kitchens, automatic heat near 7th and Kennedy sts. I n.w Price. 8»>.f)5<i. terms This is truly a i bargain. Call Mr. Tucker. RA. 1 0 4 4. or 1 DI U2»>2. With JOHN J. O’CONNOR. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, lOO-FOOT FRONTAGE. $7,450. Chevy Chase. Mri.—This is an absolute bargain One complete bath and an extra lavatory, automatic oil heat, vi car garage House has just been recondi tioned. Lily and fish pond, fine shade trees and unusual landscaping. Vacant, imme diate possession BOSS & PHELPS. NA. 0400. “ WONDERFUL “ INVESTMENT. Now is the time to take advantage of a rare opportunity You can buy this 4 BEDROOM AND 2-BATH home for only $8,450. No other location in town is like j it—woods, park, high elevation, no traffic; 10 minutes from the White House; exce! ! lent construction and will stav rented at a high figure. MR BLACKWELDER will he 'lad to give you all the details. CALL NOW. RA 2154. J WESLEY BUCHANAN. NEW HOMES. f> rooms and ba»h. air-rondifion: built 40: only s left. $500 cash, balance like rent. Allison st. n.e OWNER AND BUILD ER. DI 2724. Eve . WO. 0442.__i $25 | Per month up Why rent? Let us build ! your home. We help finance. WILLIAM M. KITCHIN & CO , Tower Bldg. NA. 88r>0._Evenings. RA. 2045. I Near 16th and Monroe Sts. and Sacred Heart Church. $12 500—English basement (corner) brick home on 10th st. containing 10 rooms. 4 baths. Very excellent location for doctor or dentist on street floor with complete living quarters on 2nd and 4rd floors, including 4 bedrooms. 2 baths on 4rd floor. Call BOSS PHELPS. NA. 0300. Evenings. Mr. Condit. HO. 0200._ 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. NEW BRICK HOME. Sample house. 1814 Taylor st.—(» fine i rms.. 2 halls, lovely kit., bath. See MR MAYNOR. 2414 R I avc n.e NO. 4448 DON’T TRY TO RESIST IT. It’s no use. you just won t be able to say “no” when you see this beautiful home of true Cape Cod design. Built in a large lot. situated in a delightful neighborhood. This home will afford you much nleasure for years to come. The full center hall and 24-ft. living room will surely appeal to you. and the large bedrooms will all carry twin beds (1 bedroom on first floor) An inspection of this desirable property will convince you of Its value. The price is less than f 10 000. Call Mr. Dobblni. Wisconsin 07B6. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. _HOUSES FOR SALE._ $6,500. Marietta Park just above Concord ave,. convenient to Whittier Elementary School and new Coolidge High School- -Semi-del. brick. 7 rooms, bath, screens, weather strips, awnings, furred and insulated, gas heat, garage. Eves phone CO. MOli. L. T. GRAVATTE, 7*’!> 15th St. Realtor NA 0755. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY'. Semi-Det . Facing Govt. Park. 41 7M-4 1 :14-11 tit) Grant st. ne Price, ?5.?5o. easy terms Metal Windows, air cond . insulated Benning rd to Minnesota ave , leli to Grant st Open daily. THOS D WALSH. INC . __M5 11th NW District 7558._ $500 CASH. Dr? ached brick home—d rooms, bath, automatic oil heat, slate roof copper tut;rr and downspouts Lot 5"xl55 with shade trees. Priced ST.400. 5509 JOHNSON AVE. OPEN DAILY. Drive cut *>ld Georgetown rd 1 * rules from the Brthfvda Bank STEUART BROS., INC., _ oe imr:. BE INDEPENDENT, Own your littla farm just across the line in Md Brick house. * rooms. baths, porches, aitic. open fireplace, automatic j heat situated on about 1 acre growing I garden nlot. grape arbor chicken house and run o!d-fash;omd flower garden fi^h pond. ".-car garage. Mip' sell, due to death in family An absolute bargain at Slo.l»5<». Call Mr Barnum. REALTY ASSOCIATES NA 145S 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $3,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. OPEN SUNDAY. t.oiorrc j ” : toth st r. e.—Recondi tioned. like new 8 rooms bath h -w.h.. cedar hardwood floors, priced $>4 85o; ?25o cash, balance M3 monthly. E M AIKEN INC *00 H St. N W National 3558.__ In Congress Heights. New senv.-detached brick homes, every ro»*m bright with ventilation large lots; automatic oil heat. bis. origin, dry base men*: screens, metal weather-stripped and insulated N< w ready to move into and start living in your own home PRICE. *3 830 AND $>8,250. $>458 CASH Inspection Invited to 0 PM. 3308 12th St. S.E. Drive out Nichols ave s c to Ala . left to 11th pi. right to Congress st.. left to 12th st.. left to our sign. _ WAPLE A JAMES INC . DI 3348. 4715 17th ST.'N.W. DETACHED ENGLISH TYPE BRICK Spacious liv rm opening on larce porch: 5 berirm 3 baths: one of the most dis tinctive home' in this section. 2-car ga rage. beautiful grounds, large trees. Less than half original cost Open MISS REED GEORGIA 8053 _ 3201 CENTRAL AVE. N.E.. In Woodridge Owner transferred 8 rms. 3 porches corner lo* *5.850 *500 cash payment. *55 mo. H. C. MAYNOR. 2314 R I ave. n e TOURIST HOME—$10,800. Thi beautiful 8-room house, located on a corner on prominent pike has 4 large bedrooms 2 of which have running water: •1 bath' automatic heat Buy this and have .t pa- for itself This is a bargain. Call REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. 1438 until 8 p m _ __ S10.750. Just Off C'hevy Chase Circle. A lovely, substantial home within one half block of the circle, adjacent to and overlooking one of the mo7 beautiful estates in the city. At the price quoted above it represents an excellent value and in our opinion it will warrant your im mediate consideration Detached. N excep tionally comfortable rooms. 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor. 2 fireplaces, attic with finished room and storage space, covered porches, automatic heat 7-car garage. Wooded let 88 x175' THOS J. FISHER A CO . INC • DI 8830. OR EVENINGS CALL MR CHILD. RA. 8531. _ SMALL ESTATE. 7 10 of an acre, in the Bethesda area, many shade trees 18K-ft. frontage: 8 large rms . 7 baths, auto. heat, lining rm.. 78x15: must be sold. Call MR. DOWNER. Georgia 8017. Come Out and See 2414 Tunlaw Rd. N.W. fi rooms. 2 baths, in Wash ington’s most desirable close in location. Out Wisconsin Are. to Calvert, West to Tunlaw Rd.. left to House. BEITZELL District 3100 1515 K St. N.W. Wesley Heights—$1 0,950 This neat little home nestled among beautiful trees on a well-landscaped lot is perhaps the outstanding buy of the season in Wesley Heights, close to Horace Mann School and transportation. It consists of living room, dining room and den on 1st floor, recreation room and extra bath in basement: automatic heat; bedrooms: garage. Any one in terested in Wesley Heights property should see this house immediately. FOXHALL VILLAGE—$8,950 Situ0rd in best part of this con venient and popular community. This large d-room brick home of English architecture is an out standing buy. In beautiful condi tion it includes ,‘t big bedrooms, a large attic, built-in garage and many other features. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, Dl. 1411 Calls received until 9 P.M. INSPECT Furnished Exhibit Home 52 Knowles Ave. Kensington, Md. Only $500 Gash Balance of Purchase Price 4*4 % Int. Through Bus Service in front of Homes to Downtown Washington. Open to 9 P.M, Daily Drive out Conn. Ave. to Knowles Ave. In Kensington, left 2 blocks to homes E. M. FRY, Inc. 4703 Hampden Lana WI. 6740 HOUSES FOR SALE. 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. SILVER SPRING." REDUCED $1,000. Large 5-room brick bungalow, full base ment, auto, heat: large lot: space on second floor for 3 additional rooms; garage; near schools and public park. MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO . ?!M)t5_Georgia Ave. SH 51QQ. SACRIFICE. CLIFTON ST. N.W . NEAR 13th. 3-story and basement brick, 1 1 large rms.. 3 tile baths, porches, h.-w h., etc. This house originally sold for over $13,000. Priced for immediate sale only $0,050 on terms. | .LEO M BERNSTEIN CO.. ME 5400._ ! JUST OFF 16th ST. N.W. Near Colorado ave —A splendid semi detached brick, all large rooms, 4 bedrooms, i 3 baths, porches, automatic heat: good lot; price more than $10,000 under cost. Ask for Mrs. Stamp (evenings WO. 0001 i. WM. M. THROCKMORTON. Inveat. Bldg._Sales-Rentals._DI.dntiT $7,450, . PETWORTH (ST GABRIELS PARISH.) _ , 322 TAYLOR ST N W Colonial row brick, 0 large rooms and bath, 30' wide, spacious porches, large closets, parquet floors, special cabinet sink; oil burner Very reasonable terms _CALL NATIONAL 5833._ $6,950, Near Walter Reed Hospital. Completely Furnished—Bargain. This substantial semi-detached brick contains 0 rooms, bath, fireplace. 3 open porches 3 inclosed sleeping porches, elec, refg and a 3-car garage. BOSS & PHELPS. NA 0300. 1937 39th ST. N.W. “ 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. ' HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME, while or colored any condition. E. A. BARRY. 3439 14th st. ilw. Columbia 9089. I PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICES FOR old D C houses, no commission MRS KERN_2032 Woodley pi n^_ COJ8675 9 TO 9 RMS PREFER OLD HOUSE Like possession within 45 dav.v D. C. only. All cash. E A GARVEY. 1120 Vt. ave. DI 4508^ eve «tnd_Sun. Georgia_9990. 9 TO 8 ROOMS/ PREFER OLD HOUSE lor alteration if sound: deep lot privacy, i in or near D. C. near transp. downtown I dc.rribe. giving location, price. Box 309- , j D. Star WANTED—BUILDER TO BUILD LOW Price home in Lapham. Md. C. HENRY. 713 Irvins n e. DU. 8254. eve. 7* FOR CASH—WE HAVE CLIENT TO PUR chase your property, large or small: price must be right Consult our sales force for : immediate results. FRANCIS A BLUNDON CO . INC 805 H St N.W. NA 0T14._ WANT TO PURCHASE FROM OWNER 2 or 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Chevy Chase or vicinity of Bethesda. not over 3 vears j old. A*k for MR SPERBER. BRADLEY. BEALL &, HOWARD. INC. j_National_0271._Southern_Bldg _ SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. CAMP SPRINGS MD —NEW HOUSE 5 rnu . bath, attic, full basement h.-w h . large porches; lot 80'x22o ; $4,500. Only *300 down. $35 mo. DAN ABBOTT. Clin ton 20-W DESIRABLE HOMES ALL SECTIONS OF Arlington Va OLD DOMINION REALTY CO . Chestnut 0343 BUNGALOW —FIVE ROOMS BATH ONLY $3oo cash $4o mo $4,950. Near Gien mont School Fireplace, garage, oil h.-w h. Immediate possession. OWNER. Kensing j ton 108-J. _ 9* SEAT PLEASANT MD—-BUNG.. 5 RMS . bath gar porch elec range, furnace. $3,550. $200 cash. $35 mo. 9603 Car I mody rd. _ j UNIVERSITY PARK-LARGE. NEW. MOD. j every detail: 5 r.. bath. 30x30 dry base I m»nt. roomy, insulated attic: heat and air 'controlled: refined large lot. $5.20<i. $5oo , cash. $35 mo. GEO C WALKER. WA. : 1899. 6* ATTRACTIVE ' -ROOM AND BATH HOUSE in the country, lurnace. cellar. electric i range, like new; just of! Defense highway; price. *3.750. terms arranged O. B. ZANTZINGER CO . 945 K st. n.w. NA. 9593. Eves . Hillside "414-J RARE BARGAIN' DISTRICT HEIGHTS. Md —Six-room and bath brick Colonial; garage. fireplace insu.ation weather stripped. Financed less than rent. Hill side 0951-W. • 8 ACRES ARLINGTON CO . NEAR LEE blvd . elevated, large trees, stream and park 2 cottages. North 9455 | NR SILVER SPRING—20 ACRES A M I . ! including sewerage Price reduced for • quick sale Will divide. S. T HICKMAN. 9903 5th st. n.w. ■\‘2 ACRES ALL WOODED 0 MILES D C: $1,125: $50 cash. $20 mo. Nice. ; larae lots with tree$; $330 to $385; 10^ i cash. *5 mo. Only a few left G. T. McNAB. Fall? Church 1 4<»8 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. 4 LOTS ALI. CON^ ; veniences shade and fruit trees transpor I tation. near stores: $4.45o. Easy terms, i G T. McNAB Falls Church 1408. ! FIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BRICK . bungalow, auto. heat, oak floors $200 down: price. $5,985. Warfield 8321. UNUSUAL SUBURBAN HOME. 3 MILES FROM D. C. LINE. Circumstances make it necessary that this owner-built brick home be sacrificed at $0,750 on very easy terms Contains large ; living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast 1 room, renter hall, half bath on first floor. 3 bedrooms with 2 closet? each, unusually • large tile bath attic large, light, airy basement of poured concrete, guaranteeing dry basement with 5 large windows Large lot with 2-car detached Rarase This is really an unusual buy Should sell fir>t inspection, so don't delay. Call at once for appointment to inspect. Shopping and bus block CAPITAL VIEW REALTY COMPANY. 92 5 N ew York Av e N W Re a Lots N A 9T97. j SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. VERY ATTRACTIVE ALL-ELECTRIC HOME Takoma Park—6 rrr.s bath *2 showers: oil heat: lee. lot. shade trees. SH 6189 ARLINGTON—10 MIN NAVY ’ BUILDING; new Colonial home. 4-4 bedrooms 4 baths oil heat: wooded._Chestnut_t)”5()._ 7* ARLINGTON. VA.. 1408 N FILLMORE st.—♦> rms. kitchenette, bath, scr porch: h -w h.. refg . gas range: *»>o._CH_5794 ; COUNTRY ESTATE. FURNISHED FOR July and August: 1*2 bedrooms. 4 baths: 50 ! acres, tennis court: near Chevy Chase. 15 ■ min from downtown. Wisconsin 5670 COZY BUNGALOW. NEWLY DECORATED: nice lot: room for garden, water, elec, and gas: 4 nice rooms, kitchenette and toilet: *2 blks. from business section of Hyatts. No. 15 Charles st. Edmondston Md. Inquire O'1 Wine ave . Hyatts.. Md •’115 14th ST. SOUTH. ARLINGTON NEW n-room house, bath. ami. new elec, r^fg Open evenings 4 to 6: *55 0* ARLINGTON — FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. ON large lot stream and outdoor fireplace, a*- , tachcd garage, oil heat. *»*24 N. Abincdon st. or OX. 1789 s* BRANDYWINE MD —7-ROOM HOUSE *2- 1 car garage, small farm: $40 mo. *2*209 i Yotipl.s e. AT 0555-W. 11* COUPLE WANTED TO SHARE HOME with another couple ‘201 Universitv drive. Hyattsville, Md. GR. 1*204. call after : «) P.m. _ ARLINGTON. VA^-AVAILABLE JUNE 15 55'*>—6 r., b,. Lyon Village. $60—5 r.. b., oil heat. $65—♦> r , b., coal heat. $7o—6 r.. b.. oil heat C. W. CLEVER CO. J _1123 N. Irving St._Chestnut 4‘2*2*2._ NEW 6-ROOM HOUSES I In Woods ide. Silver Soring Md . convenient location to schools, stores, churches; bus lin^-aj-corner_Call Randolph 0477. * SUBURBAN PROP. SALE OR RENT. | REMODELED MD FARMHOUSE. QUAINT ; and attractive. 4 bedrooms, electricity, bath, telephone, large lawn, shade, good roads; 45 minutes il5 mi.) from DOWN TOWN Washington. Will install automatic oil heat for suitable tenant: $70 per month. or sell “as is” with lo fertile acres, in cluding fruit, nut trees, berries, grapes, : rarden. good barn, timber, etc . for $7,950. DI-3t2;Lor eve.. MI. 6708.__ INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE DETACHED CORNER BRICK APT. OF 24 units, in excellent rental section. 1007 rented; will pay about 357 on cash re quired above long-term first trust. The building is in first-class condition and rents are very reasonable. A real invest ment. H C. BRISCOE! Woodley 1700. 15 APTS . 2 BRICK BLDGS , N.W : WHITE: auto, heat, elec, refg., gar : income. $500: $25,000 or offer. RA. 6840. WILL SACRIFICE $2,050 EQUITY FOR $1,050 on new brick det. Colonial 3-apt. bldg, in detached section; nr. bus, stores, schools. Annual rental, $1,740. 1007 rented. Large lot. paved street. Box 3133, U St. Station Washington. D. C. SPECIAL, SPECIAL BARGAIN—CORNER drugstore, fine apts.: good income Act today ME. 0050. B. M. ODUM, 142.7 Eye st._n.w • SAFE INVESTMENTS. Builder has some small apartments and houses all rented. Call lor information. Randolph 0377._ • i A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY! j $4.250—Six-room and bath residence, with hot-water heat, oil burner, electricity and gas; arranged as two apartments. Rented to one tenant at $45.50 per mo. Four-family flat. 2 buildings, brick: white neighborhood; 2 units have 2 bedrooms each: central oil heat, total Income. $4,050 per year: price reduced for quick sale to only $25,000: will con sider selling separately if desired. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. I 1505 H 8t. N.W. National 2345, TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT. $7,500.00. Within ten minutes of Navy Yard 2 apartments of living rm.. 2 bedrboms. tiled bath and combination kitchen and dining rms Large porches, separate automatic heating plants. Occupy one. rent the other for $40 00. Call Mr Schirmer THOS E JARRELL CO., Realtors. 721 10th St. N.W. NA 0705. Evenings Call Shephard 3681. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) SPECIAL! SPECIAL! BARGAIN — MASS, ave., between 13th and 14th sts. n.w. 10 apt. bldg. Rent. #7.000. Price. $35,000.00. First time advertised Act today. B. M. ODUM, exclusive agent, 1427 Eye at. n.w. ME. 0856._* • 12-APARTMENT BLDG. Excellent s e. rental section, low rents; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; $32 to $40; equipped with Frigidaires and stoker, built in 1927, original owner has maintained the building in good repair. Priced less than 5V» times annual rental. J C. WEEDON CO . ! 727 K st. n w ME. 3011. _ GEORGIA AVE BARGAIN. Modem restaurant bldg, in most promi nent Bright wood section; leased for long term to responsible tenant: nonoperating expenses, price. $26,500, on terms. This is worth investigation. CHAS. L. NORRIS, 2135 Pa Aye N.W._RE 2112. STORES FOR RENT. BRICK GARAGES CHEAP RENT; 2nd com ; good light for shop purposes Rear 1724 Kalorama rd n.w^ Republic 1072._ 3000 CONNECTICUT AVE . OPPOSITE Zoo entrance; 10x42. with kitchen: ideal! location for grill, etc. Apply office or j phone Adams 48(H) LOTS FOR LOW-COST HOUSES AND APT" location in s.e. As low as 15c ft. Call BUSADA. Atlantic 0307 RECONDITIONING SEMI-CORNER STORE, possession June 10; 17x45 inside, new toilet and fixtures, terrezza floor, well lighted; cheap rent. $55: very large bay window, large fenced-in rear yard tre mendous growing community; must be seen to appreciate: won’t last long. 7202 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. Md. Good for any business, ladies’ or men's apparel, barber, beauty, baker# or tailor shop. etc. A. J. MASCHAUER owner. 1926 Biltmore st. n.w., CO. 9140. or see your own broker._ 1711 PA. AVE. N.W —LARGE STORE. Heat furnished Downtown, near Gov ernment departments LINKINS CO 1622 H St N.W District 3522. 1028 21st ST. N.W.—$35. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD Realtor , 723 20th St N.W. Phone DI. 5808 t— ' i STORE OR OFFICE j WITH MEZZANINE l7l2Conn.Ave. N.W. Percy H. Russell Co. 1731 K St. N.W. ! BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. ! NEAR 17th AND W STS S E—STRICTLY white location 220x1*5. zoned for aprs . including a 1-room and bath frame house. Owner retiring and wil. sacrifice for Mo 500 on reasonable terms Mr Raine. IRA 3441 . WAPLE A: JAMES. INC.. DI. 3346. __ SALE OR LEASE Vicinity of 2oth and K Ms. n w.—Will build to suit a desirable tenant store and ! warehouse on lot 32x12 f‘ to wide alley : Call Mr Tammaro SHANNON A LUCHS CO Nr. nal 2315 Wo dlrv 8308 I BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. 04* GOLDEN ST SW 'Oth AND l“th. D . and Ei — Large 2-story brick bldg., apnroxi ! mately 'tuxioo. suitable for warehouse nr automobile repair shop C H. PARKER CO • 135 4th St S V NA 252*;. FARMS FOR SALE. j $50 DOWN 10 ACRES LEVEL WOODED land flowing stream 15 miles D C.. near State road, price. $475 GIBONS. 2312 Pa. ave. s.e. Lincoln 5441. ! 125 ACRES ON HARD SURFACED ROAD ' with dairy barn, within 20 miles of Wash ington: priced under $75 per acre. Call 1 MR ABBE. Wisconsin 6740 322-ACRE STOCK FARM ON PIKE WELL | located. N Va : finely watered, springs ; stream*- 200 acres blue crass sod: Co , lonial house, brick and frame, good con dition 10 room* modern improvements beautiful grounds, shade: stock, horse barns: tenant houses Reduced to $30 ono to settle estate shown by appointment. Farms and homes. Northern Virginia bar gain prices. BUELL FARM AGENCY Herndon. Fairfax Co., Va. Office, house opp. Baptist Church. • 60-ACRE TOBACCO AND GRAIN FARM Colonial frame house six rooms, ^iaige panelled living room w:*h fireplace, tenant house and 3 tobacco barns; $0,500. CHAS. F._LEE. Annapolis. MdL BE WISE»—BUY A FARM In Mom. County. Md within commuting distance, for about the price of a row house. Here's one with 125 acre* that will pav for itself in a short time if prop erly managed Very livable 6-room house, large barn and other necessary out buildings: price. 67 50(». $2,000 ca*h. bal ance 30 vears at 4%. JOHN A BRICKLEY Barr Bldg._DI. 7321. AD 0771. FARMS WANTED. WIT L EXCHANGE 64.uoo EQUITY IN AT tractive. well-located 6-room brick house in n.w Washington, on farm within 25 miles of D C and add some cash if nec i essary Write or cal! H C BISC^E. .3633 Garfield st n.w WoodV-y_1 7on._ COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE. MARYLAND FARMHOUSE OS Co WOOD ed acres bordered by two streams old-time flower garden, fruit vegetables, electricity private telephone and plumbing close to schools, stores and churches in Poolesville . Montgomery County Maryland, modestly furnished and ready to move into: any sensible financing will be considered by owner. C. G. VAN EMON Tel. Poolesville 40-W_ LOTS FOR SALE. ONLY A FEW GOOD BUILDING SITES now Weft on Mount Vernon boulevard, ad jacent to Potomac River, in a proven sub ! division can be purchased on terms 10'v cash. 'I'r per month, electricity, water. | sewer available. Box 43S-D. Star ABOUT 3 MILES FROM FALLS CHURCH. Va —Beautiful woodland, new section now being opened as that offered is exhausted. I lots 1 OOxCOtj feet. SC50: SC5 cash. *C5 ! per month. Ask for Col Joyes. Eve ! nings call CO. 5875. LOUIS P SHOE MAKER. 1710 K st n.w. National_l 1 H*». BETHESDA DISTRICT NEAR OLD j Georgetown rd . bus and school perfect I lots OoxlCO feet as low as $7C0: SC5 cash. SI5 per month. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER, i 1710 K st. n.w. National 1 lrtfi. NEAR 17th AND W STS S E—STRICTI Y | white location. CCOxlHA. Zoned for apt*. I including a 7-room and bath frame house Owner retiring and will sacrifice 'or Sl«> - i 5<»0 on reasonable terms Mr Ramp. RA. j 3441 WAPLE A- JAMES. INC. DI 3340. NEAR 14th AND UNDERWOOD STS N.W. ! 5 Beautiful Detached Lots SI.350 Each. SHAPIRO. INC DUPONT 7777. BUNGALOW SITES—«05o Level. 1 so from bus. 3 blks from school and U. S rark. 4»>xOO. Eve phones. LI. 1 ooo. LI Smto ADFLBERT W. LEE. 1343 H ST. N W._DI 4000. _ACREAGE FOR SALE. _ OVER 3Vi ACRES. Pacing two avenues. Can be subdivided, i $65 o acre. THOS. E JARRELL CO. Realtors. _721_,IOth St _N.W._National 0785._ WATER FRONT PROPERTY. RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A HOME on beautiful South River. Md Two cot tages. each with over 200 ft. of water front; full riparian rights: sold singly or as a whole to close an estate. D M. GREENE, atty Warfield_S810. _ 7* __ SEASIDE. CHESAPEAKE BEACH — COT tage. 4 bedrooms, porches, kitchen, bath. Electrical equipment. Rent lor month or season. Emerson 3836. _ FAIRHAVEN MD.. ON CHESAPEAKE Bay; cost $8,000; will accept $3,000. or will trade bungalow, clear for Washington giound or house. DI. 2724. Eve.. WO 0432. FOR SALE OR RENT-COTTAGE AT Piney Point, on the beach, o rooms, elec tricity. bath and showers, running water and gas: nicely furnished. Call Great Mills 18-F-12. or Emerson 5043. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ACCOMMO dates 8. excel, beds. elec, range, running water: faces Chesapeake Bav; $20 wk. NEELD ESTATE Plum Point. Md. Call alter 5. AT. 0504-W. WANT TO RENT SMALL COTTAGE FOR teacher- reasonable- commuting distance: June 18 Cal! Randolph 5885 CHERRY AVE., NORTH BEACH PARK—5 rm. furnished cottage; elec.; near water; $15 week. WO. 6717._ PATUXENT BEACH CAMPHOUSE. BAR gain for quick sale. J. B. HANSEN, Cali fornia, Md. _• __ WELL-BUILT. MODERN. FURNISHED. 6 room and bath house in Fair Haven Cliffs^ price. $4,350: terms._BH. 5945._ BROADWATER. MD.—FOR SALE. COM pletely fu/nished. 0 rooms, 5 bedrms.. 3 baths, fireplace, inclosed porch. Florida shutters, electric kitchen, arttsian water: boathouse W’ith sun deck: 1 hour from Washington. OWNER. Georgia 1252. BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE ON PRETTY knoll, with lge. shade trees: wide sand beach, fishing pier; 4 lge. rms.: front, side porches: elec., fireplace, running water, knotty pine liv. rm. An unusually attract, cottage at a very low price and easy terms at popular summer colony on Chesapeake Bay. Call MR. FLEMING. GE. 7448. WATER FRONT FOR SALE 5 to 10 acre tracts. 5 miles from Annapolis. Md . on South River nr. Chesa peake Bay. Box 82-D. Star. SEVERN RIVER. 200 acres. 18 miles from Balto/ on upper Severn; 5-rm bungalow, barn, chicken housf. new wharf and boathouse. Full riparian rights. Very reasonably priced. STEFFEY. INC.. 336 N. Chas. st.. Balto.. Md._ LAKE JACKSON, 12 mil fresh-water lake, swimming, boat ing. fishing, hiking; 30 mi. D. C. Real log lodge, a m i., stone fireplace, 3 rooms, bath, porch; wooded plat. Price. #1,660. terms. PhOM Manassas. Va„ 13-P-4. OFFICES FOR RENT 2 LARGE OFFICE ROOM8. GEORGE town business center. $.17.50. Dupont 1155. .. SILVER SPRING EXCELLENT LOCATION for doctor's office; 2-room suite, $.'17.50 up; new building. MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO . 70110 GeorEia_Ave._ 8H 6100 1 WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. APPROXIMATELY 10.000 8Q. FT..'FIRE proof bid* For Information call AMER ICAN STORAGE CO . Adams 1450._ K ST —CLOSE IN. Two street frontages, dock and r. r. Rid ings. approximately 9.000 so. ft.; rental, $250. Call Mr. Carney. BRADLEY BEALL & HOWARD. INC., Nat ion a1 0271._Southern Bldg SUMMER HOMES. ARLINGTON. VERMONT—LARGE. COM fortable home. June 15 to December 15. 6 master bedrooms. 3 maids' rooms. 3 bath- > rooms, large living room, seven windows, open fireplace; reception dining and « breakfast rooms; h-w.h.; 15 minutes from , Manchester golf links; large piazza; beau tiful mountain views, nrice. $1 200. Phone Gard'ui_City_iN Y.» 45.',3__ . SUMMER CAMPS TALL TIMBERS—CAMP FOR BOYS TALL Timbers. Md . opens its season July 1. Enrollment limited. Call Adams 10128, MONEY TO LOAN. PLENTY MONEY AVAILABLE FOR 1st and 2nd trust loans. D C and Md. Alse . !?.an4 closed In 48 hours. - W T. COTHERN. Old New York ave. n w. NA ,416._ 7« LOftJJS TO D C -MD -ViT*HOME OWNERS $256 to $2,500 advanced on your 2nd ; trust note. Pay hack in small monthly - paymts Quick, courteous serv COTONIAL INVESTMENT CO., 1429 L st. n.w. DI6150. ___10*_ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP « nterest on first trust on Improved D C nropertv [ JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1115 EYE 8T_ N W_ LOANS—LOANS—LOANS. „ ? v§ Freedman. 1 30<> r. i Ave NW Established 1924._ Decatur .3020. MONEY ON SECOND TRUST We will buy second trust notes D C. nearbv Md or Va Reasonable rates NAT MORT A* . 7 CORP __13T? N g Ave jMW Sail 5833 MONEY WANTED. -5.011(1 FOR OR 5 YEARS. 40_INTER est, secured by first trust on 7-room house ' i in Mount Pleasant. Interest and taxps payable quarterly in advance, if desired. no premiu m or com ml ssion. NA 2406 PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Operating Under Uniform Small _Loan Laws. ONE-TRIP LOANS ! Save t me end energy vh'en you borrc.v. 'Jse Domest :'s "Coe-Trip" Loan plan i he on7 time you need come in is when sen get the cash Just telephone our c-ff -e—g ,e us a few fa:*s—we'il do the ; rest. DOMESTIC Finance Corporation i A SMALL LOAN COMPANY MT. RAINIER, MD. 3201 ft I Ave. Phone Mich. 4614 ROSSLYN, VA. Arlington Tr. Bid* 2nd FI. Chest 030* Silver Spring, Md. 789‘i Georgia Ave. Phone SHep. 54.50 Alexandria, Va. 103 8. Wash. St. Phone Alex. 1715 _"FIRST IS FRIENDLINESS” L CANS without security on your Signature Alone Easy. Convenient Payments $o<‘ you repay S2c per week Slut; you repay $1.03 per week >!.->« you repay $2.43 per week you repay $3.24 per week S300 you repay $4.85 per week Above payments Include Interest. THE ONLY CHARGE You receive the lull amount you borrow As long as 20 months to repay No if’Ps or deductions. No red tape, stricrky confidential can repay at any time. JUST PHONE State Loan Co. A SMALL LOAN CORP. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Rhode Island Ave. DEcatur 5553 ;:!< Georgia Ave. SHepherd 5100 1,('0 Lee Highway—Facing Key Bridge _ CHestnut :i’J^4 _ | LOANS to $300 ON YOUR SIGNATURE GOING TO THE WORLDS FAIR? II you are. let us make you a loan to finance your trip. Employed women as well as men can borrow on their signature only. Call, write or phone MARYLAND PERSONAL BANKERS Georgia Avenue Silver Sprig, Map land _Phone* SH 2852 PROPOSALS. COMMISSIONERS. D C . WASHINGTON. June 3. 1!»40—Sealed proposals wi’l be re • reived at Room 500. District Building, until 2 o clock Dm. iE S T> June 17. !!»4o. and then Dubliclv ODened for ; «-idernne. oavinc and renaving the roadwav of M Street NW. from New Hampshire I Avenue to 28th Street with about 10.800 I square yards of cement concrete j base course and about 13.800 square ! yards of sheet asphalt pavement, or ' alternate The attention of bidders Is ! directed to the special provisions covering subletting or assigning of contract and to 1 * of domestic materials. Attention oi bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employ ment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract Ap ply Room 427. District Building, for pro Thi a,c,my director. District of Columbia Employment Center, is MR EDWIN JONES. 808 E Street N W _ Je3. SEALED BIDS. INDORSED "Bids for tUtTr^ aV<>ns to hangar, specification No 9858 '* tolinbo*received until 11 a.m.. June li>, ltun. at the Bureau of Yards and Docks. Navy Department. Washington. D. C and then and there publicly opened for altera tions to hanRar at the Naval Air Station 'Reserve Basel. Anacostia. Washington UThe work, includes concrete construc tion. hollow tile, steel and iron work, metal doors and windows, metal toilet partitions metal lathing and plastering, woodwork and S-uuidmg. electrical _and heating system? Specification No. 9858 and accomoanving may he obtained on application to the bureau. Deposit of a check or postal m°ney irder for Slr'- nayable to the Chi?f of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, is re quired as security for the safe return of the drawings and specification B MOREELL. Chief of Bureau. 14 May, 1940 my' .WORKS AGENCY. ' ~PUBLKJ rull2r?f5 oo dr5’n1 otray°n,’ .Washington, il C-. May 1040.—Sealed bids In dunlin a?tinwi1LbewtPubiicla °pened in this oljflca Standard Time, June 11, 1940. ain changes In and additions to the heating system in the Tariff Commission Building. Washington. D. C DrawTnSs and specifications may be obtained at this office The furnishing of more than on. set will be at the discretion of the Com! RErraoinq0* £ubIlc, Buildings w"e REYNOLDS. Commissioner of Publlp Buildings. Federal Works Agency 1.1 a >1 LEGAL NOTICES. T EDWA^ s;s°8n,». “ United DSIt^sICTorC?h°eRTD.?tfictT^ Columbia.—VIVIEN G DUPRE. 1424 ?,! ■ plaintiff vs FRANK D DUPRE address unknojn. defendant —civil Action 'i4!" rThe object of this suit is moi,udgrncnL of divorce a vinculo matrl ’.he ar°unds of desertion. On ™ab:h of, .(.he Plaintiff, it is this jbth bay of May, 19411. ordered that the ?»!-ndant'. Brank D Dimre. cause his ap raPi5e .1* entered herein on or be fore the fortieth day. exclusive of Sun pays ami legal holidays, occurring after day tile first Publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be pro caabed with as in case of default. Pro vided. a copy of this order be published pnee a week for three successive weeks In the Washington Law Reporter and tha Washington Evening Star before said dav. DANIEL W O'DONOGHUE. Justice. (Seal ) Attest: CHARLES E STEWART. Clark By W. F LEMON. Assistant Clerk. mr3e.Je6.ia