OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 06, 1940, Image 21

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-06-06/ed-1/seq-21/

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Bond Market Mixed,
With Some Rails
Moving Higher
Fractional Advances
And Declines About
Balanced at End
Bond Averages
20 10 in 10
Rails. Indust. Util F'an
Net change —.2 —.2 unc.—1.6
Today, close 49.1 *98.9 91.5 *35.1
Prev. day.. 49.3 99.1 91.5 36.7
Month ago. 58.4 103.6 97.0 46.1
Year ago... 57.6 100.1 96.6 62.9
1940 high.. 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5
1940 low .. 48.3 98.9 90.3 35.1
1939 high.. 64.9 102.0 97.5 64.0
1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7
10 Low-Yield Bonds.
Close _ 108.8 Prev. day 108.8
M'nth ago 113.2 Year ago. 112.4
1940 high 113.2 1940 low 108.4
1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6
•New 1940 low.
(Compiled Ds the Associated Press.)
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 6.—Bond prices
followed an uneven course in slow
dealings today.
With fractional gains and losses
close to a balance toward the close,
a few of the rails exhibited firmness.
Widely distributed estimates of
improved earnings prospects for the
railroads gave something of an op
timistic slant to the investment
outlook, although operators contin
ued to sit back waiting for definite
word as to the progress of the battle
in Northern Fiance.
Higher by fractions moved such
Issues as Great Northern "G" 4s of
’46. Pennsylvania general 4’2s of
’65, New York Central 5s. Nickel
Plate 4'2s, Lehigh Valley 412s of '40,
Commonwealth Edison convertible
3’2s, Bethlehem Steel 3’2s and
Third Avenue adjustment 5s of ’60.
Fractional losses were registered
for International Telephone 5s,
American & Foreign Power 5s and
Puerto Rican American Tobacco
(tamped 6s of '42.
United States Governments were
(teadv but only lightly traded.
Foreign government dollar loans
generally slipped, with Italian and
Argentine issues suffering the most.
General Cable Vote
Is Postponed Again
By the Associated Press.
JERSEY CITY. N. J., June 6 —
The adjourned special meeting of
stockholders of General Cable Corp.
to vote on a recapitalization plan
was further adjourned today to
July 2
Dwight R. G Palmer, president,
(aid a hearing on a restraining or
der issued by Chancery Court of
Jersey City at the behest of certain
preferred shareholders had not been
held. He said he expected a hear
ing soon.
Originally the meeting was called
for May 23.
Dividends Announced
NEW YORK. June 6.—Dividends de
clared. Prepared by Pitch Publishing Co :
Rate. Pe- Stock of Pay
nod. Record, able.
Lexington Tel 80c Q 6-1 6-15
Atlas Press 15c O 6-5 6-10
Bird Machine .. __ 25c Q 6-15 6-~8
Hickok Oil A 20c 6-10 6-15
Hickok Oil B 20c _ 6-10 6-15
Roberts Pub Mkts-5c __ 6-15 6-25
Am Capital $3 pf 25c __ 6-15 7-1
Indiana Hydro-Elec
Pow 8% pf ?1.75 __ 5-31 6-15
Am Agri Chem _ -..30c 6-15 6-29
Am Snuff Co_ 75c Q 6-1.3 .-1
Do pf . $1.50 Q 6-1.3 <-l
Cleve Elec Ilium _ 50c Q 6-15 7-1
Collins Company. . $1 5-2.3 6-29
Crystal Tissue 12'aC Q 6-15
Diamond Alkali Co._ 5oc 6-5 6-12
Gen Accept Corp 25c Q 6-6 6-15
Gen Accept Corp A 25c Q 6-5 6-15
General Baking 15c 6-15 7-1
General Printing Ink. 10c_.. 6-1K 7-1
General Time Instrum 5<>c 6-10 *1-1
Hem-Werner Mot Pts_15c Q 6-15 6-25
Hickok Oil A _26c Q 6-10 6-15
Hickok Oil B _25c Q 6-1 o 6-15
Lehman Corp _ 20c 6-21 7-5
Loews Inc_50c Q 6-1H 6-29
Rav-O-Vac 50c Q 6-15 6-29
Do of 50c Q 6-15 6-29
Roberts Pub Mkts_loc Q 6-15 6-25
Square D CO . 50c 6-15 6-29
Do Df . $1.25 Q 7-1 7-1
Wheeling <k Lake
Erie Ry - _ -- 6-24 7-1
Cent Aguirre Assoc .37'*c Q 6-29 7-15
Midi Oil Cor $2 cv pf_25c __ 6-29 7-15
Molybdenum Cor Am._25c __ 6-15 7-1
National Candy _25c __ 6-12 ^-1
Rome Cable Corp_loc __ 6-14 7-1
Stand Oil Co Kansas.HOc __ 6-2U 6-26
New York Produce
NEW YORK. June 6 (£»>.—Eggs. 21.369;
about steady
Mixed colors; Fancy to extra fancy,
18-20*. 2; extras. I7*a-V. storage-packed
firsts, 17-17 l4; graded firsts. 16Va-3/4; cur
rent receipts. 15‘4; mediums. 14-14*4;
dirties No. 1. 141 ♦; average checks.
13 *4-*a.
Whites, resale of premium marks. 21*4
Nearbv and Midwestern, extra specials.
2112\ premium marks. 19*4-21; specials,
IP. standards. 1734: resales of exchange
to fancy heavier mediums. 17*4-20. Near
by and Midwestern, mediums. 17.
Browns, nearby, fancy to extra fancy.
19'2-21 * a. Nearby and Midwestern, spe
cials. 19; standards. 1734; mediums. 16*4.
Duek eggs. 17-19.
Butter 1.335.031: steady. Creamery,
hicher than extra. 27-27*4: extra (92
score). 2634; firsts (88-91). 25-26’4; sec
onds (84-87). 24-2434.
Cheese. 154.742; steady to firm. Prices
Dressed poultry, easy Fresh, boxes,
fowls (36-42 pounds). 14*4-19*4; (48-54
pounds). 14-19: (60-65 pounds). 14-19.
Chickens, broilers. 21-23.
Frozen, boxes, fowls (36-42 pounds).
141 2-1 9’a; <48-54 pounds). 14-19: (60-65
pounds). 14-19 Other fresh and frozen
prices unchanged.
Live poultry, by freight, weak. Fowls,
colored. ]6*a-17la: Leghorn. 15-16.
By express, weak. Chickens. Reds. 19
23 Broilers. Rocks. 20-22*a; crosses. 21
22 R"ri.- 19-20: Leghorn. 18-19; medium.
17-18 Fowls, colored. 16Va-17: Leghorn.
i6-l' Southern. 15-15*4. Pullets. Rocks.
1 c:o: -s. small. 22. Old roosters. 11-12.
New York Bank Stocks
NEW YORK. June 6 <P>.—National As
•ociation Securities Dealers. Inc.:
(Quotations as of 2 o'clock.)
Bid. Asked.
Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2 40) _ 3034 3234
Bank of Manhattan (.80a)_ 13*4 14s4
Bank of New York < 14)_ 310 330
Bankers Trust (2) _ 4534 473/4
Brooklyn Trust (4) - 68*4 73*4
Cen Han Bk Ac Tr (4)_ 77*4 80*4
Chase National (1.40)_ 27 28*4
Chem Bk Ac Tr (1.80)_ 39*4 41*4
Commercial (8) 164 170
Cont Bk Ac Tr (80) _ 10*4 12
Corn Ex Bk Ac Tr (3)_ 42 43
Empire Trust (.60) _ 8*'2 9*4
First Nat (Boston) (2) 39 41
First Natl (100) 1575 1615
Guaranty Trust (12) xd _ 243 248
Irving Trust (.601 _ 9*4 10*4
Manufacturers Trust (2)__ 28*4 2934
Manufrs Tr pf (2)_ __ 50*4 52*4
Natl City (1) _ 22 23*4
N Y Trust (5) _ 88 91
Public (1*2) _ 24 *'4 253-4
Title Guaranty Ac Trust _ 134 2*4
U. S. Treasury Notes
NEW YORK June 8 i/P..—Prices quoted
In dollars and thirty-seconds.
fate. Maturity. Bid. Asked, yield.
v* June 194ii _ inn
lVi Dec 1910 . 101.1 101.3
I'-a Mar. 194!_ 101.9 101.1!
14* June 1941 ... 101.12 101.14
1** Dec. 1941_ 101.25 101.27 .04
JV'4 Msr. 1942 _ 102.27 102 28 .10
8 Sept. 1942 .. . 104.2 104.4 .18
1*4 Dec 1942 103.18 103.20 .31
June 1943 101.11 101.13 85
1V4 Dec. 1943_101.11 101.13 .72
1 Mar. 1944 _ 100.15 100 17 .85
84 June 1944 99.14 89 18 88
1 Sept. 1944 inn n 10013 no
84 Mar. 1845 ... 9*.25 98.31 .97
(r DricaU wire direct te The Star.
Approximate Traniactions Today.
Domestic Bonds_ 2.930.000
Foreign Bonds _, 550,000
U S Govt Bonds ... , 90,000
High. Low. Close.
2 4 s 1951-53 101.12 101.12 101.12
24* 1949-53 rg. 103.3 103.3 103.3
24* 1948-51 ... 105.30 105.30 106.80
24* 1951-54 ... 104.28 104.28 104.28
2 *4s 1956-59 ... 103.26 103.26 103.26
2*1* 1960-65 ... 103.21 103.20 103.21
24s 1955-60 ... 105.1 104.31 105.1
3s 1946-18 _ 108.8 108.8 108.8
3s 1951-55. 107.22 107.22 107.22
3 li* 1941 _ 103.21 103.21 103.21
3'i* 1943-45 ... 107.21 107.21 107.21
34s 1944-46 . 108.2 108.2 108.2
3’4s 1944-46 rg 107.30 107.30 107.80
34* 1940-43 Jun 100,14 100.14 100.14
3 4* 1941-43 Mar 102.29 102.29 102.29
4 4* 1947-52 ... 117.7 117.7 117.7
3* 1944-49 105 23 105.23 105.28
14* 1945-47 . 100.10 100.10 100.10
24* 1942-44 103.2 103.2 103.2
3s 1989 B w 1. 894 89 894
3s 1980 1 w i. 884 884 884
Hieh. Low Close.
Antioquia 7s 45 A 84 84 84
Antioquia 7s 45 C 84 84 84
Argentine 4s 72 Feh 69 67 67
Argentine 4s 72 Apr 69 67 67
Argentine 44* 48 84 82 82
Argentine 4 4s 71 . 744 74 74
Australia 44s 56 344 344 344
Australia 5s 55 .... 40 40 40
Australia 5s 57 . 394 384 3R4
Belgium 7s 55 . 43 43 43
Brazil 64s 1926-57 . 94 94 94
Brazil 64s 1927-57 _ 94 94 94
Brazil C F.y El 7s 52 94 84 84
Brazil 8s 41 . 114 114 114
Brisbane 5s 57 344 334 334
Brisbane 5s 58 .. _ 37 35 35
Budapest 6s 62 54 54 54
Buenos Aires 4H* 77 474 464 464
Ruen Air 44s Aug 76 484 48 48
Buen Air 4*4* Apr 76 484 48 48
Buenos Aires 44* 75 51 51 51
Canada 2 4s 44_ 78 78 78
Canada 2 4* 45.. 724 72 724
Canada 3s 68 . 624 624 624
Canada 34s 61_ 64*, 644 644
Canada 4s 60 _ 714 704 714
Canada 5s 52_ 844 84 844
Chile 6s 60 . __ 134 124 124
Chile 6s 60 assd_ 114 11 11
Chile 6s 61 ,lan . 124 12', 124
Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 11 11 11
Chile 6s 61 Sept assd . 11 11 11
Chile 6s 63 assd 11 11 11
Chile M B «4s 57 asd 104 104 104
Chil Mttn Ln 7s60 asd 104 10 10
Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 174 17Vi 174
Colombia 6s 61 Oet .. 17 17 17
Copenhagen 4 4* 53 . 184 184 184
Copenhagen 5s 52_ 22 22 22
Cuba 44s 77 _ 544 544 544
Denmark 4 4s 62_ 22 214 214
Denmark 6s 42 . 30 29 29
El Salvador 8s 48 ct 94 94 94
Ger C A Bk 6s 60 July 104 104 104
Ger Govt 54s 65 .. 15 144 15
German Govt 7s 49 _ 19 184 19
Ger Gov 7s 49 un st.. 11 11 11
Haiti 6s 52 . 85 85 85
Hung EM 74* «1 B 54 54 54
Italy 7s 51 ... 40 394 40
Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 30 30 30
Japan 5 4* 65 _ 62 62 62
Japan 64* 54_ 814 814 814
Milan 64* 52 . .. 274 27 274
New So Wales 5s 57 . 36 344 36
Norway 4s 63 254 254 254
Norway 4 4* *5 . 244 244 244
Oriental Dev 54* 58. 514 514 514
Panama 5s 63 st asd 54 54 54
Peru 1st 6s 60 ..._ 64 5 5
Peru 2d 6s 61 ... ... 54 54 54
Peru 7s 59 _ 64 64 64
Porto Alegre 8s 61_ 6 6 6
Queensland 7s 41_ 66 66 66
Rio de Jan 64s 53 .. 64 54 54
P.io Gr do Sul 6s 68 _. 54 54 54
P.ioGr do Bui 8s 46.. T4 74 74
Sant* Fe Prov 4* 64.. 63 63 63
S*o Paulo St 6s 6* 54 54 54
Sao Paulo St 7s 40 __ 23', 23>, 234
Silesian Bank 6s 47 .. 9 9 9
Sydney 54s 55 . .. 41 41 41
Taiwan Elec 54s 71.. 524 52. 52
TokyoCity 54* 61... 68*, 58«, 58»,
Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 ... 68 574 574
Uruguay cv 3a4s 79 38'- 384 384
Uru 3*4-4-44* adj 79 40', 394 394
Uruguay 4H*-44a 78 424 414 41*,
Uruguay 6* 60 474 474 474
Yokohama 6s 61 59*4 59*« 594
Abitibl P&P as 53 ... 27% 27% 27%
Adams Kip 4s 47_ 99% 99% 99%
Alleg Corp 5s 44 ._ 70 70 70
Alleg Corp 5s 50 std . 29*. 28% 29%
Allied Stores 4%s 61. 89% 89% 89%
Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 107 106% 106%
Am & For Pw 5s 2030 50% 50 50
Am I G Ch 5%s 49 ._ 102 101% 101%
Am Inti 5%s 49 _ 91 91 91
Am T & T 3 V*s 61_106'. 106 106%
AmT*T3%s66_ 105% 105 105%
Am T & T a %s 43 ... 106% 1061, 106%
Am Wat Wks 6s 75 .. 99% 99% 99%
Anaconda db 4H» 60 103% 103% 103%
Anglo-Chll Nltr db 67 29 28% 29
Armour Del 4s 57 96*, 96% 96%
A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 102 101% 102
A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 rg 99 99 99
A T*S TC StL 4s 58 .. 110 110 110
Atl Coast L 4%s 64 . 42 42 42
Atlantic P.efln 3s 53.. 105 104% 104%
B & O 1st 4s 48 _ 58% 58 58%
B&O 1st 48s std_ 57% 57% 57%
B & O cv 60s std_ 9 8% 9
B & O 95 A stamped.. 17% 17% 17%
B & O 95 C stamped 20% 20% 20%
B & O 96 F stamped.. 17% 17% 17%
B & O 2000 D stpd 17% 17% 17%
BAOPLF,&WVa4s51st 40 40 40
B & O S W 50s std .. 33 32 33
Bang & Aroos 5s 43 _ 91% 91% 91%
Bell Tel (Pa) 5s 60 C 128 128 128
Beth Steel 3 % s 59_ 102% 102 102%
Beth Steel 3 %s 62 . 105% 105% 105%
Roston ft Me 4%s 61 52 52 52
Bost&Me 4%s 61 std. 49% 47% 49
Bos ft Me 5s 55 . 55 52 55
Boston & Me 5s 55 at. 49% 47% 49%
Bos & Me 5s 67 53 51 52%
Boston ft Me 5s 67 st. 50 47% 49%
Brklvn C H 5s 41 ofs 74 73% 73%
Bklyn Ed cn 3%s 66 106% 106% 106%
Bklyn Man 4%s 66 ct 85 84% 84%
Bklyn Un El 5s 50 . 107 107 107
Bklyn Un El 5s 50 ct 84% 84% 84%
Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45 . 109% 109% 109%
Bklyn Un G 5s 57 B 103% 103% 103%
Buff Roch ft P 67 std. 28 28 28
Canada South 6s 62 67 66% 66%
Canadian NR 4%s 61. 73% 72% 73%
Can NR 4 %s 56_ 74 737* 73%
Can NR 4%s 57 _ 74% 74% 74%
Can NR 6s 69 July... 79% 79% 79%
Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 78% 77% 78%
CanNor6%s46_ 92 90% 92
Can Pac db 4s perp... 42% 42% 42%
Can Pac 5s 54 _ 54% 54'% 54%
Caro Cl ft Oh 6s 62 ... 102 102 102
Cent of Ga cn 5s 45 .. 5% 5 5
Cent of NJ gen 6s *7. 12% 12 12
Cent NJ gn 5s 87 rg 11% 11% 11%
Cent N Y Pwr 3%s 62 106% 106% 106%
Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 58% 58% 58%
Cert'd deb 5%s 4g 71 70% 71
Cham P&F4%s 35-50 104% 104% 104%
Chesft O 3%s 96 D .. 95% 95 95
Chesft O 3%s 96 E... 94% 94% 94%
C& O gen 4%s 92_119 118% 118%
Chi ft Alton 3s 49 ... 9% 9% 9%
Chi B&Q gen 4s 51— 85% 85% 85%
Chi B&Q 4%s 77. 73 71 73
C B ft Q rfg 5s 71 A... 78 77 77
Chi & E 111 5s 51 ... 10% 10% 10%
Chi Grt West 4s 69... 21 20% 21
CM&StP4%s89C — 19% 19% 19%
Chi Mi) ft St P 5s 75.. 4 3% 4
Chi ft NW gen 4s 67_. 11% 11 11
Chi ft NW 4%s 2037 . 6% 6% 6%
Chi&NW 4%s 2037 C. 6% 6% 6%
Chift NW cv 4%s 49. 1% 1% 1%
Chi Rl&Prf 4s 34 .. 4% 4% 4%
Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct. 3% 3% 3%
Chi Un Sta 3%s 51— 101 100% 101
Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 105 105 105
Chi & W Ind cv 4s 52 . 88 88 88
Chi ft W lnd 4%s 62 87% 87% 87%
Cin G ft E 3 %s 66 106% 106% 106%
Cin Un Term 3 %s 69 107 107 107
Cin Un Term 3%s 71 105 104% 104%
CCC&StL rf 4%s 77 38% 38% 38%
CCC&StL dv 4s 90 52 52 52
C C C ft St L Wrh Wat
Valley 4s 40 ... .. 100 100 100
Clev Un Ter 4%s 77 .. 63% 62% 62%
Colo ft So 4%s 80 .. 23% 22% 22%
Col G&E 5s 52 Apr — 101 100% 101
Col G&E 5s 62 May. 101 100% 101
Col G A E 5s 61 - 88% 98% 98%
Cobb Ed 3 %s 68 . 111% 111% 111%
Cons Ed N Y 3 %■ 46 104% 104% 104%
Cons E NY db 3 %s 41 106% 105% 108%

_ _ Hlah. Low. Clot*.
Coni Ed N Y 3 Via 66 . 104 104 104
Cona Ed N Y SVis 66. 106% 106% 106%
Consol OH 3 Via 61 ... 103% 103% 103%
Consum Pwr 2 % a 66. 105 105 105
Consum Pwr 3V4s 65. 106% 106% 106%
Consum Pwr SVis 70 107 107 107
Conti Oil 2% a 48 - 104% 103% 104
CranaCo 3%s 61 ... 104% 104% 104%
Crown CAS 4 Vis 48 100% 100% 100%
Crucible Steal 4 Via 48 101% 101% 101%
Del A Hud ref 4s 43 39 37% 37%
Den A R G W 5s 56 1% 1% 1%
Den A RGW 5s 55 ast 1% 1% t%
Den A RGW rf Rs 78 4% 4% 4%
Det Edison 4s 65 ... 109% 109% 109*.
Det Edison 4 Vis 61 ... 108% 108% 108%
ET V A Ga cn 5* 56.. 91% 91% 91%
Elec Auto Lt 4s 62... 106 1(,6 106
Erie sen 4s 96. 19 19 19
Erie ref 5s 67_ 9 8% 9
Erie ref 6s 76_ 9 8% 9
Firestone T 2%a 48_ 105 104% 104%
Fla E C Ry 4Vis 69_■ 60 50 50
FlaECRy 6s T4_ 5 5 5
Gen Cable 5 Vis 47- *9% 99% 99%
Gen Stl Cast 6Vis 49.. 62 60% 62
Goodrich 4%s 66- 101% 101% 101%
Goth Silk H Ss 46 ww. 79 79 79
Grt Nor Ry 8%a 67... 70 69 69
Grt Nor Ry 4a 46 G... 96% 95% 96
Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H.. 88% 88% 88%
Grt N Ry 4%s 76 D . 78 77% 77%
Grt N R fn 4%s77 E. 78 78 78
Grt Nor Ry 6%s 52... 94% 94% 94%
Har Rlv A P 4s 54 .. 58 58 58
Houston Oil 4V4s 64._ 97% 97% 97%
Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 26 26 26
Hudson C G 1st 5s 49. 120% 120% 120%
Hud A Man inc 5s 57. 10 10 10
III Bell T 8%s 70 B._. lb9% 109% 109%
III Cent 4s 52 _ 33% 33% 33%
111 Cent 4s 53 _ 33 32% 33
111 Cent 4% s 66 _ 30 29% 30
111 Cent ref 5s 56 ... 43% 43% 43%
ICC&ST NO 4%s 63 .. 32% 32% 32%
ICCAStL NO 5s63 A . 36% 35% 35%
Int R T 1st rf 6s 68 ct 74% 74 74%
Int RR 7s 32 ... 71 70% 71
Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 79 79 79
Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 62. 8% 8% 8%
Int Hydro El 6s 44 ._ 41 41 41
Int March Mar 6s 41.. 53 53 53
Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 100% 100% 100%
Int Paper ref 6s 55 . 93 92% 92%
Int Ry of C A 6%s 47. 82% 82 82
Int TAT 4 Vis 52_ 23% 23% 23%
Int TAT 6s 55 _ 25 24% 24%
K C FSAM rf 4s 36 et. 24% 24% 24%
Kan City Term 4s 60 . 107% 107 107%
Koppera Co 4s 51. .. 101% 101% 101%
Laclede Gas SVis 53. 39 38% 39
I^adede G 5Vis 60 D . 38% 38 38
Laclede Gas 6s 42 A.. S3 33 33
Leh CAN 4%s 54 A .. 45% 45% 45%
Leh Val N Y 4 Vis 40.. 33 33 33
L V RR con 4s 2003 9% 9 9
L V RR 4 %s 2003 asd 9% 9% 9%
Lex A East 5s 65 .. 109% 109% 109%
Libby McNAL 4s 55_. 100 99% 99*,
LIkj A Myers 5s 61.. 124 124 124
LlKK A Myers 7s 44.. 122% 122% 122%
Loew’s 3 Vi a 46 . 101% 101% 101%
Lone Star G SVis R3._ 106% 106% 106%
Lon* Isld ref 4s 49 .. 86% 85% 85%
Louisv GAE SVis 66.. 107% 107*. 107%
L A Nash 3%s 2003.. 73% 73% 73%
LAN 4 Vis 2003 - 84% 84% 84% I
LA N 5a 2003 B 94 94 94 '
LAN AAK C 4s 55 rf. 106% 106*. 106%
McKeae A R 5%s 60.. 83% 83% 83%
Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct . 80% 80% 80%
Marion St Shov 6s 47. 70 70 70
Mich Cent 4 Vjs 79 .. 57% 57% 57%
Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 . 100% 100% 100%
mo i 15 & __ » X it
Mo Pac 3d ext 4s 13 *2 62 62
Mo Pac 5s *5 A _ 13'* 134 134
Mo Pac 5s 65 A ct_ 124 124 124
Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 134 13 13
Mo Pac 5s 73 G_ IS 1.3 13
Mo Pac 5s 30 H_ 13 13 13
Mo Pac 5s 31 I .. 134 13 13
Mob A Ohio 4 4s 77 ct 22 22 22
Monon* P S 44s 60 1074 1074 1074
Monona Ry 1st 4s 60 . 103 103 103
Mont Pwr 3*is 66 984 98 984
Morris A Es 24s 2000 344 34a* 34*,
Morris A ES 5s 55 294 29 29
Mount StTAT 34*63 106 106 106
Mutual Fuel G 5s 77 . 1124 1124 112V*
Nassau El 4s 51 ctf* 60*, 60*. 504
Nat Dairy 3 4s 51 105*, 105** 105**
Nat Distill 14s 49 ... 1004 100 100
Nat Steel 3* 85 102 101** 101*,
Natl Supply 34* 54 . 103 1024 1024
Newark C Gas 5* 43 . 1194 1194 119*,
New Orl PS 5s 55 B.. 105 105 105
New Or P S 5s 52 A 1044 104*, 104»,
New Orl TAM 5s54 B 26 26 26
N T Central 34* 52 . 44 44 44
N T Central 34s 97.. 694 694 694
N Y central 34* 43 74 74 74
N Y Cent 44s 2013 A 394 394 394
N Y Cent rf 5a 2013 454 45 45
X Y Cen L Sh 84S 93 54 54 54
N Y ChiAStL 3 4s 47. 81 81 81
NY Chi A St I* 48 43 73 73 73
N Y ChlAStI* 44* 71 484 424 434
N Y CAStL 64s 74 A *14 614 514
X Y Dock 4s 51 474 474 47**
X Y Edis ref 34s *3 1064 106'* 1064
N Y G E HAP 48 49 ... 114 114 114
NTGE HAP 5s 43 . _ 122 122 122
NY NH AH 44* 67 . 124 124 124
NY NH AH ev 6s 43 .. 13 13 13
N Y Stesm 3 4s 63 .. 102 102 102
NY Tel 3 4* 67_ 107 107 107
Xiar Falls P 3 4s 66 107*, 1074 107*.
Xiac Sh 54s 50 _ 97** 974 974
Norf 8outhn 6a 61_ 9 9 9
North Am 3 4*49_ 105 105 105
North Am 14* 54 . 1034 103', 1034
North Am 4s 59 ... 105 105 105
Northn Ohio 5s 45 50 50 50
Nor'n Pac gn 3s 2047 354 364 354
Nor’n Pac 4s 97 ... 61 604 61
Nor'n Pac 4 4 2047... 384 384 384
Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C . 434 434 431.;
Norn Pac 5s 2047 D . 43 43 43
Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 474 464 474 '
Northn Sta Pw 3 4 67 1064 106 1064 ;
Ohio Edison 3*48 72 103 103 103
Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 106 106 106
Okla GAE 364*66 108 108 108
Ont Pwr Niaa 5s 43 . 94 94 94
Ore* RR AN 4s 46 1084 1084 1084
Pac Gas A El 3 4* 66 1064 106 1064
Pac G A E 344a 61... 109 1084 108*,
Pac G A E 4s 64 1104 1104 1104
Pac TAT rf 3*4* 66 B 105*, 105** 105*,
Par Broadwy 3s 65 ct 42 42 42
Param Pic 34s 47.. 76 76 76
Parraelee 6s 44_ 394 394 394
Penn Co 4s 52 E .. 994 994 994
renn ui & sa 4 *s 6U 101 101 101
Penn PAL 3 *s 69 . 106 105* 106*
Penn PA L 4*8 74.. 101* 101* ioi*
Penn RR 3**52- 76* 76* 76*
Penn RR 3*8 70- 83* 83* 83*
Penn RR 48 43 . 110* 110* 110*
Penn RR 4* 31 .... 90* 90* 90*
Penn RR 4',4s 34E .. 91 91 91
Penn RR gn 4*s 35 96* 95 95*
Penn RR gen 6s 68 102 102 102
Peoples GLAC 5s 47 112* 112* 112*
Pere Marquette 4s 56 47 47 47
Pere Marq 4*s 30 60 50 50
Phelps Dodge 3*s 62 107* 107* 107*
Phlla Co 6s 67 ... 103* 102* 102*
Phlla Elec 3*s 67 . 108* 108* 108*
Phillips Petrol 3s 43. 104* 104* 104*
PCCAStL 5s 70 A- 99* 99* 99*
PCCAStL 5s 75 B .. 100* 100* 100*
PittAW Va4*s60C. 42 42 42
Port Gen El 4*s 60 _ 66* 66* 66*
Porto Rico A T 6s 42. 77 76* 77
Porto R A T 6s 42 St.. 77 76 77
Postal Tel AC 6s 63 17* 17 17*
Pub Svc N 111 3*s 68 107 106* 107
Purity Baking 5s 48 100 99* 100
Reading R 4*8 97 A. 63* 63* 63*
Rem R’d 4*s 66 ww. 91 90* 90*
Rep Steel 4*s 66 92* 92* 92*
Republic Stl 4*s 61. 90* 90* 90*
Republic Stl i*s 54. 104* 104 104
Revere Cop 4*8 56... 98* 98* 98*
R I A A I 4*s 34- 6* 6* 5*
Saguenay Pw 4*s 66 69 69 69
St L IMS RAG 4s 33 50* 50 50*
St L Pub Svc 6s 59 ... 59 59 59
St L R M A P 5s 55 . 33 33 33
St L-San Fr 4s 60 A__ 8 7* 7*
St L San Fr 4s 60 ct.. 7* 7* 7*
St L-San Fr 4*s 73.. 7* 7* 7*
St L San Fr 5s 50 B._ 8* 8* 8*
St L 8 F 5s 60 B ct... 8* 8* 8*
St LS Wist 4s 89_ 56 65* 55*
St L S W 2d 4s 89_ 25* 25* 25*
St P K S L 4 *s 41 4* 4* 4*
San Antonio P S 4s 63 105* 105* 106*
Schulco 6*s 46 B .. 36 36 36
Seab'd A L 4s 50 st p. 7 7 7
Seabd A L con 6s 46 . 3* 8* 3*
Seabd A L 6s 46 ct . 8* 8* 3*
Shell Un OH2*s 54 94* 94* 94*
Simmons Co 4s 52 95 95 95
Skelly Oil 3s 50 99* 99* 99*
Socony Vac 3s 64 104* 104 104*
Southn Cal G 4s 65 109 109 109
Southn Kraft 4*s 46 99* 99* 99*
So Natl G 4*s 61... 105 105 105
So Pac 3*s 46 _ 46* 46* 46*
80 Pac ref 4s 65_ 54 63* 53*
So Pac 4*s 68—. 82* 32* 32*
So Pac 4*s-69. 32* 32* 32*
So Pac 4*s tl_ 32* 32 32*
So Pac Oreg 4*s77.. 89* 87* S7*
So Pac 8 F Tel 4s 60. 68* 63* 63*
So Ry 4s 58.. 44* 44* 44*
So Ry gen 4s 61_ 67* 57 87*
So Ry 649s 36- 61* 61* 61*
Staley 4s 46- 104* 104* 104*
Hlah. Low. Close.
Stand Oil N J 2 % s 53 102', 102% 102%
Stand Oil N J 3s 61 _ 103 102% 102%
Studehaker cv 6s 45 86% 86% 86%
Swift A Co 3%s 50 104". 104% 104%
Ter RR As StL 4s 53 106% 105% 105%
Tenn RR As StL 5s44 112% 112% 112%
Texarkana 5%s 50 76% 76% 76%
Tex Corp 3a 59 104% 104 104%
Texas Corp 3 %s 61 103% 103% 103%
Tex A Pae 6s 77 B 53% 53% 53%
Tex A Pac 6s 79 C 53% 53% 53%
Tex A Pae 5s 80 D 53% 53% 53%
Third Ave 4s 60 46 46 46
Third Ave adj 5s 60 13% 12% 13%
Tide Wat OH 3 %a 52 105% 105% 105%
Un El (Mo) 3%s 62 107% 107 107
UnOil (Cal) 6s 42 A 109J| 1094! 109||
Un Pacific ist 4s 47 .. 110% 110% 110%
United Drug 6a 53... 76% 76 76
UtahLAT5a44 .. 98 97% 98
Utah Pwr A L 5a 44.. 98 97% 97%
Va El A P 3 %s 68 B__ 107% 107% 107%
Va Ry 1st 3% 66 - 104% 104% 104%
Wabash lat 6a 39. . 30% 30% 30%
Walker HAS 4%a 45_ 102% 102% 102%
Westchester L 6s 60. 120 120 120
West Penn P 3%a 66 108', 108% 108%
West Sh 1st 4s 2361 . 36% 36% 36%
WestVa PAP3b54. 98% 98% 98%
West Md 1st 4s 52_ 74% 74% 74%
West Union 5s 60 .. 56 55% 65%
Wheel Steel 4%s 66 . 99s, 99% 99%
Wilson A Co 4s 55 ... 104 104 104
Wis El Pw 3 % s 68 106 106 106
Youngst’n SAT 4s 48 102% 102 102
Youngst’n SAT 4s 61 102% 102%. 102%
Washington Produce
BUTTER—03 score, tub,. 28%: 1-pound
orints 29%; V«-oound prints. 29%; 92
score, tubs. 27%: 1-pound prints. 28%;
%-Dound print*. 28%: 91 score, tubs.
27*4: 1-pound prints. 28%: %-pound
prints. 28’4; 90 score, tubs. 20%; 1-pound
prints. 27%: %-pound prints. 27%; 89
score tubs, 28%: l-pound prints. 27; %
pound orints. 27%: 88 score, tubs. 20;
1-pound orints. 20%; %-pound prints, 27.
LIVESTOCK—Calves. 9; sprlna lambs.
11: pies. 120-130 pounds. 3 05-3.30; 130
140 pounds 3.30-3.66; 140-150 pounds.
3 70-3.95; 159-109 pounds. 4 06-4.30;
170-210 pounds. 4 40-4.00; 220-240
pounds. 3.80-4 40; 240-30(1 pounds 4 06
4 15: sows 2.30-2.80: wliole undressed
calves. 9%-10%: lambs. U%-12.
Prom Agricultural Marketing 8ervlce.
Prices paid net lob Washington:
EGOS—Market about steady Prices
paid for Federal-State graded ear* received
from grading stations 'June 0>. Whites.
U. 8 extras, large. 21-23: U. S extras, me
diums. 17-19: U. S. standards, large. 18
20: U. S standards, mediums. 10-17; U S.
trades. 14-11 Browns, U S extras, large.
20-22: U. 8. extra*, mediums. 17-19; U.
5 standards, large. 18-20; U 8 standards,
mediums. 10-17: U. 8 trades. 14-17. For
nearby ungraded eggs, current receipts,
whites. 10: few higher: mixed colors. 15;
few higher.
LIVE POULTRY—Market weaker on
chickens, about steady on turkeys. Fowl,
colored, all sizes, 10-17: No. 2s. 12-13:
Leghorns. 12-13: roosters. 8-9. Chickens.
Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all
sizes. 21-22: No 2s. 13-15: Delaware Rocks
and crosses, broilers and fryers all sizes.
20-21; No 2s. 13-14; Leghorn broilers 2
pounds and up; 10-17: under 2 pounds 15.
Turkeys, old toms. 10-11: hens. 13. No. 2s.
hens and toms. 8-10.
Fruit* and Vegetables.
Compiled by the market news section
of Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales
to 8:00 a m. on thi* morning s wholesale
market in less than carlot quantities
APPLES—Market steady. Truck re
ceipts very light. Maryland Virginia
Pennsylvania and West Virginia, bushel
baskets. U. 8. No 1. Wlnesaps. 2-2*4
Inches. 1.00-1.10: 2V4-2'j inches. 1.65
1.75. 2*/*-234 Inches. 1.90-2.10: Pippins.
2* 4-inch minimum. 1.35-1.50; 2Va-inch
minimum. 1.85-2.10; Yorks. 2*4-inch min
imum. 1.25-1.35; 2‘a-inch minimum 1.50
1.65; scalded. 50-1.00. l’s-bushel boxes.
U S. No. 1. Staymans. 2‘a-lnch minimum.
1.65-1.75; 234-3 inches. 1.40-1.50; ripes
and mgsty. 1.00-1.25. Pippins 2*4-inch
inches, min. 1.90-2.00; Wlnesaps. 2*4
inches. 1 36-1.50. 2*4-2* ? inches. 1.75
1.86; 2 *4-23 4 inches. 2.00-2.25 Yorks.
2’j-inch minimum 1.60-1.65. 234-inch
minimum. 1.66-1.75. Pennsylvania Vir
ginia and West Virginia bushel boxes and
cartons, fancy. Delicious I13s-150s. 2 00
2.25; 88s-100s. 2.35-2.50. ripe, all sizes.
1.26-1.50; Wlnesaps. 163s-K5s. 1.85-2.on:
138s-150s. 2.00-2 15 1 13s-125s. 2 25:
88«-100« 2 25-2.35; Romes. 113s-150s.
1.75-1.85: 80s-100s. 2.00-2.25: Paragons
113s-138s. 1.75-1 85: 80s-100s. 2 00-2 25.
No carlot arrivals: no cars on track
ASPARAGUS—Market weaker. Truck
receipts moderate No carlot arrivals: no
cars on track Pyramid crates, dozen
bunches. New Jersey. Jumbo. 1.50-1.75.
extra colossal, mostly around 1.5o; colos
sal and ex*ra fancy. 1.25-1.50: fancy.
1 00; few higher, few lower; poor to ordi
nary quality and condition, lower Dela
ware. various sizes. 75-1 25 few higher:
Pennsylvania, very poor quality and con
dition low as 50; beat, few high as l.BO.
CABBAGE—Market about steady Truck
receipts moderate No carlot arrivals: no
cars on track. 1 ’a-bushel hampers, ooint
ed types, packed locally. North Carolina.
50-60; few higher: Virginia. 50-75
CAULIFLOWER—Market about steady
One Washington arrived one unbroken
;ir on *rack. California, pony crates.
2.15-2.25; few higher
CELERY—Truck receipts light No car
lot arrivals, no cars on track. Individually
washed. Florida, market about steady:
Florida standard crates. 4-6 dozen. 3 75
4.00: 16-inoh crates, trimmed tops. best.
3.50- 3.75. mostly around 3.50: poor to
ordinary quality and condition. 50-75.
few higher: California market ^lightly
atronger V» erates. Golden Heart. 22 and
24 lnche. crate, washed and precooled. 3
dozen. 4.00-4.50, few lower, mostly 4.0O
CUCUMBERS—Market about steady
Tiuck receipts light. No carlpt arrivals;
no cars on track Florida, bushel baskets.
2.50- 2.75. few higher.
ONIONS—Market steady. One Texas
arrived, two broken and two unbroken
cars on track. Texas. 50-pound sacks
yellow Bermudas. U. 8 No 1. mostly 2.75.
Correction: Yesterday's price should have
read, mostly 2.75. instead of mostly 1.75.
PEAS—Market steady for California,
bushel hampers. California, fair quality
and condition. 1.00-1.25; best. 1 50-1 75
Virginia, market slightly stronger bushel
baskets. 1 00-1.25: mostly 1.00-1.10, fair
quality. 75. Truck receipts light. No car
lot arrivals: one broken car on track.
Peppers About Steady.
PEPPERS—Market about steady. Truck
receipts light. No carlot arrivals no cars
on track. Florida, bushel hampers. Cali
fornia Wonders. 2.00-2.50: mostly around
CANTALOUPS—Market stronger. One
California arrived; one broken and one
unbroken cars on track. California. Sal
mon Meats. Jumbos. 36s and 45s. vine
ripened and precooled. 4.00-4.50; stand
ards 45s. mostly 4.00.
HONEYDEWS—Market about steady.
California, jumbo cantaloupe crates. 12s.
mostly around 2.50: standard cantaloupe
crates. 9s. mostly 2.75: jumbos. 36s, 4.0o.
HONEYBALLS—Market steady No car
lot arrivals; one broken car on track.
California, vine-ripened and precooled
Salmon Meats. Jumbos, 36s and 45s. 4 So
ft.00: standards. 45s. mostly 4.50. few
lower: ponys, 64s. 3.00-3.50.
LETTOCE—Market slightly weaker.
Two California arrived; three broken and
two unbroken cars on track. Truck re
ceipts moderate. L. A. crates. Iceberg
type: California. 5-dozen. best mostly
around 6.00; few higher; 6 dozen, mostly
around 5.00, few higher: ordinary quality
and condition, mostly 5.00: Washington.
5 dozen, fair quality and condition 75
1 'V
STRAWBERRIES—Market about steady.
Truck receipts moderate. No carlot arriv
als: no cars on track. 24-quart crates
various varieties: Eastern Shore Maryland
and Virginia, Norfolk section and Dela
ware. supplies insufficient to quote: nearby
sections of Maryland and Virginia. 2.00
-.60. very few higher: New Jersey, gen
erally good quality. 2.50-3.00: mostly 2.50.
CARROTS—Market steady. Truck re
ceipts light. No carlot arrivals: two
broken and three unbroken cars on track.
California Los Angeles crates, bunched
best. 4.25-4 50; small size, mostly 4.00:
North Carolina. 36-40 per dozen bunches
TOMATOES—Market steady. No carlot
arrivals: one unbroken car on track. Truck
receipts moderate. Florida, lug boxes,
green and turning, wrapped, 6x6 and
larger, best. 1.60-1.76. mostly around l.5<i;
fair quality mostly around 1.25; 0x7.
1.00-1.50, mostly 1.25: %-bushel baskets,
green and turning, wrapped, generally good
quality. 1.25-1.50: Georgia, ventilated
crates, green and turning, unwrapped.
CORN—Market steady No carlot ar
rivals: one broken car on track. Truck
receipts light Too few sales to quote.
POTATOES—Old stock, market steady.
No carlot arrivals: two unbroken cars on
track. 100-oound sacks. U. S. No. 1 size
A. good quality and condition. 2.50-2.05:
new stoek. truck receipts light. Two
South Carolina arrived: two unbroken cars
on track North Carolina, market about
steady. South Carolina, market slightly
weaker. North and South Carolina cob
blers, U. S. No. 1. 100-pound sacks, 2.16
2.26. few higher, few lower: South Caro
lina, stave barrels, cobblers. U. 8. No 1.
mostly 4.26, few higher: Alabama. 60
Pound sacks Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1.
PEACHES—Market about steady. Truck
receipts light. No carlot arrivals: no cars
on track. North Carolina, %-bushel bas
kets, Mayflowers and Uneedas, U. S. No. 1.
2 inches and larger. 1.26-1.60: South
Carolina, bushel baskets and Mayflowers
and Uneedas. fair quality and condition.
50-16: %-bushel baskets, Mayflowers and
Uneedas. small size, poor to ordinary qual
ity and condition. 50-75. according to qual
ity and condition.
WATERMELONS—No carlot arrivals: no
cars on track. No supplies on the market.
BLACKBERRIES—Market slightly weak
er. Truck receipts moderate. Supplies not
cleaning up. North and South Carolina.
24-quart crates, early sales. 2.60-3.00:
most y around 2.50; late sales. 2.00-2.90;
mostly around 2.25: holdover, low as 50.
Baltimore Stocks
Special Dispatct^to The Star.
Sales. STOCK8. High. Low. Close.
02 Balto Transit pf.1.60 1.50 1.50
103 Consol Row pf--112%112 112
75 East Sugar As vt 7% 7% 1 %
30 Fidelity A Deposit 101 101 101
1070 Mar Tex Oil Oo_ 2flc 2«e 26c
102 New Amster Cas. 12% 12% 12%
34 Fa Water A Fow 57 57 57
400 U 8 Fidel A Guar 16% 16% 16%
$6500 Balto Tt deb^A 30 20% 30
Mfcifcissa* Hi* ¥ b*
Chevrolet Discloses
Sales 33.8 Per Cent
Above Year Ago
May Results Favorable
Despite Drop From
Preceding Month
By the Associated Press.
DETROIT, June 6.—Chevrolet di
vision of General Motors Corp. re
ported that its retail sales of new
cars during May numbered 92,764.
The company previously reported
April sales of 108,362 cars and
Sales during the final 10-day
period of May were 35,751, a gain of
33.8 per cent over the figure reported
for the preceding 10 days.
Pontiac division announced that
its sales of new cars for the month
of May numbered 22,516 units. The
company previously reported new
; car sales for April totaled 22,741.
Sales for the final 10-da.v period
j of May were reported as 8.008. In
' the preceding 10-day period the
| company reported sales of 5,904
Buick Division reported its retail
sales of new cars during May totaled
26,072 units, an increase of 32 per
cent over the same period a year
ago. Tne company previously re
ported April sales of 28.652 vehicles.
Unfilled orders on hand at the end
of May were reported as nearly
Scotch Whisky Stocks
Reach High Levels
Fy the Associated Press.
Scotland passed along word today
that it had enough Scotch whisky in
warehouses to supply the world for
the next four years.
This news, relayed to the Com
merce Department, said that Scotch
whisky stocks were so large that de
spite higher production and ship
ping costs the export price of liquor
had not been increased.
The report also stated that Scot
land was amassing whisky partic
ularly for the American market,
because sales here provide the Brit
ish with dollar currency that can be
used to purchase airplanes and
other w'ar materials.
The war already has reduced new
production of Scotch whisky about
a third. But stocks of whisky al
ready in warehouses were estimated
at 133,000,000 imperial proof gallons.
Waste Paper Exports
Show Big Increase
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, June 6.—Sharply
: expanded export shipments of
cheaper grades of waste paper were
reported in metropolitan markets
this week.
The export price for No. 1 mixed
papers, dealers said, was now around
•10 a ton, compared with *8.50 for!
the same grade for domestic use.
Waste paper is converted by pro
cessors into pulp again, and pulp Is
an important ingredient in the
manufacture of explosives. Many
waste paper cargoes are reported
I clearing on American vessels for
Spain, presumably for trans-ship
ment to Great Britain. Finland
and Norway, now under German
rule, formerly were large suppliers
of paper pulp to Britain.
Republic Steel Calls
400 Back to Work
By the Associated Press.
MASSILLON, Ohio. June 6.—Re
public Steel Corp. today ordered a
, blast furnace, three open hearths
and blooming mills into operation
here next week to meet increasing
demands for steel.
Carl Myers, district manager, said
400 men would return to work.
Washington Exchange
Mergenthaler Linotvpe—10 at 13V
10 at 13V
Washington Railway & Electric pfd
—10 at 109, 10 at 109, 30 at 109.
Capital Traction first 5s—$4,000 a:
Washington Railway & Electric pfd.
—2 at 108 V
Riggs Bank common—2 at 255.
Washington Railway & Electric pfd.
—12 at 109.
Washington Gas Light pfd.—5 at
100V 10 at 100V
Mergenthaler Liribtype—100 at 14V 1
8 at 14V
Bid Asked
Anacostia A Pot 5s 1949 PS 100'4
Ana At Pot Guar 5s 1949 106'a
Capital Traction 1st 5s 1947 98 98Va
City Si Suburban 5s 1948 98 101
Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 115
Pot Elec Pow .V«s 1966 103 _
Washington Oss 5s 196(1 124 _
Wash Rwy * Elec 4s 1951 105 _
Chevy Ch Cl 1st 4’/«s 1957 103 _
Col country C 1st 4'«s 1957 103 _
Ter Rf At W CD 1st 4'/4S 1948 100 _
Amer Tel Si Tel (9) _ 150
Capital Transit <t.50) _ iota 1214
N & W Steamboat (41 55 70
Pot Elec Pow 6', pfd 16) 111
Pot El Pw 5 Vat. Pfd i5.RO) 111 112
Wash Gas Lt com (1.5(1 20‘4 21‘4
Wash Gas Lt pfd (4.5o>. 10014 10114
Wash Ry Si El com <g.’!6) 630
Wash Ry Si El pfd (5) 108>4 110
Amer See At Tr Co <e8l 22.3 240
Bank of Bethesda (.75) 30 40
Capital (v41 145 165
Com & Savings (ylO.OO).- 300
Liberty (H> ... 168 180
Lincoln (y5> _200
Natl Sav Si Tr (4.00) 195 220
Pr Georges Bk Si Tr (t.0O>. 19 25
Riggs '081 . 254 270
Riggs Pfd (51 _ 101 _
Washington (6) _120 _
Wash Loan Si Tr (e8)_ 223 _
American (t8) __ . 105 _
Firemen’s (1.40) _ 27
National Union (.76) _ 1214 18
Columbia (k.30) __ 14 _
Real Estate (mil) 150 185
Carpel Corp (2.00) 24 30
Garflnckel com (.70) *K5ii 10
O’flnckel ft'r cu cv pf (1.50) 23*4 26
Lanaton Monotype (2.001 28 32
Lincoln Serv com (tl.OO) *17 22
Line 8vc 77c Dr of (3.50) *46'4 52
Mergenthaler Lino <P.50> 1314 16
Natl Mtge At Inv pfd id.35) MS* 4
Peop Drug com new (tl.OOI •1414
Real Est M At G pfd (.50) 5>4 6y«
Security Storage (5). 80
Ter Ref A Wh Corp (3) __ 54 58
Wdwd At Loth com <s2.00)_ 40 52
Wdwd At Loth pfd (7) 116
•lx dividend.
t Plug extras, d 35c paid In 1039 e 2%
extra g $14.00 extra paid December 23.
1939. k20e extra. mS1.50 extra p 60c
paid September 20. 1938 > $2.00 paid in
1039. 180e paid December 20. 1930.
v SI .00 extra paid January. 1940. yU.OO
irlnu wire direct te The liter
Stock and Sales—
Dividend Rate Add 00 High. Low. Close.
Aero Sup B .20* 8 6'/« 6 5%
Air Assoc' (.50).. 1 11 11 11 ‘
Alles& Fisher 2 2% 2% 2b
Alum Co Am (2e) 350s 150% 147 150%
Alum Co Df 16 > 50s 111% 111% 111%
Alum Ltd <3e) 350s 55 53 55
AmCP&LiAlIh 25r 25% 25% 25%
Am City P&LiB) 1 % % %
AmCynamBSO 10 31% 31 31%
Am Fork & H.70e 300s 11% 11% <11%
Am Qua* El 1.60 16 26% 26% 26%
Am General 1 2% 2% 2%
Am Gen pf (2) 50s 23% 23% 23%
Am Lt&Trao 1.20 1 12 12 12
Am Republic* 3 6% 5% 5%
AmSuperpwrpf 1 7% 7% 7%
AssoG&E (A)(r) 1 A A A
Atlas Corp war.. 1 ft ft
Avery (B F) war. 1 % % %
Aviation & Tran* 8 2% 2% 2%
Baldwin Lo war, 6 5% 5% 6%
Baldw L pf 2.10 50s 22 22 22
Baldwin Rub.50a 1 4% 4% 4%
Basic Dol (.25e). 3 4% 4% 4%
Bath Iron (,25e) 8 12 11% 11%
Beau Brumm ,25e 14 4 4
Beech Aircraft 1 4% 4% 4%
Bellanca Aircraft 1 4% 4% 4%
Bell Aircraft 6 17% 16% 16%
Bickfords pf 2.60 100s 36% 36% 36%
Bliss (EW» 4 15% 15 15%
Bowman-Bilt % % %
Brazilian TrL&P 3 3% 3% 3%
Brewater Aero 27 9% 9% 9%
Brlt-Am U rg (1) 1 lo 10 10
Brown For Dist 2 1% 1% 1%
Brown Rubber 5 1% 1% 1%
B N&EP 1st (5i 50s 92 92 92
Bunker Hill .50* 1 9% 9% 9%
Can Col Airway* 1 6% 6% 6%
Cap City Pro 15e 50s 8 8 8
Caro P&L pf (6) 60s 89% 88% 89%
Carrier Corp 4 6% 6% 6%
Celan ptc pf 17a) 100s 108 108 108
Cent N Y Pw pf 6 Ids 91 '4 91% 91%
Cent P & L pf (7) 25s 98% 98% 98%
Cent States Elec 1 % % %
Chesebro (4a)... 100s 95 95 95
Cities Service 11 4% 4% 4%
Cities Service pf 1 62% 62% 62%
Col Fuel & 1 war 1 4% 4% 4%
Colts Pat FA (2) 60s 72% 72% 72%
Community Wat. 1 % % %
Consol Biscuit .. 1 1% 1% 1%
Cons Steel Corp 1 3% 3% 3%
ContIG&E pr pf 1 20s 85 84% 84%
Conti Roll & S(n) 2 6% 6% 6%
Cosden Petrolm 1 1% 1% 1%
Creole Petr 50a 2 14% 14% 14%
Crocker-Wheeler 1 3% 3% 3%
Croft Brewing 10 % % %
Cm Ck Int A 50k 4 4 4
Crown Drug 05e 5 11 1
Dennls'n pr pf 3e 25s 20% 20% 20%
Duke Tow er 1.50e 125s 68% 68% 68%
Eagle Pitch Lead 1 8% 8% 8%
Eastn G&F 6 of 50s 15% 15% 15%
Easy W (B) 125* 2 3 2% 3
Elec Bond & Sh 24 4% 3% 4
Elec B & S pf (6) 2 46% 46% 46%
Elec B & S pf <6) *\. 56% 56% 56%
Equity Corp _ 2 % % %
Esquire (.60) 3 3% 3 3
Fairchild E& A 8 5 4% 5 *
Falstad Brew 60 1 7 7 7
Fansteei Metal 10 8%- 8 8% \
Fedders Mfg .15* 2 7 6% 6%
Fldelio Brew 2 % % %
Fla P&L pf 2.94k 100s 95 95 95
Ford (( an) A (1 > 2 9% 9% 9%
Ford Can (B)(1) 25s 9% 9% 9%
Ford Ltd (.16g> 1 1% 1% 1%
Glen Alden 125e 3 6% 6% 6%
Godchaux (B) 1 5% 5% 5%
G A&P 1st pf (7 ) 25s 125 125 125 :
Gulf nil of Pai I • 10 25% 25% 25%!
Gulf St Ut pf 5 50 10s 102 102 102
Ham ermlll 25* 250* 21% 21 21%
Hazeltine (3) 1 18 18 IS
Hecla Min 20e 1 4% 4% 4%
Humble Oil .75e 5 49% 49% 49%
lll-la Pwr div ct 1 5% 5% 5%
Imp Oil Ltd 50a 7 6% 6% 6%
Ind Pip* L 10* 1 6% 6% 6%
Ind Svc 6% pr 20s 12 12 12
Ini Co N Am 2i 30s 55% 55% 55%
Int Indust (.10* - 2 1% 1% 1%
IntPa&Pwrwai ]S 2% 2% 2%
Int Petrolm 1.50 8 9% 9'. 9% :
Intern H Eq .60 8 7% 7 7%
KgaCLtdpfB) 10* 81% 81% 81%
KghC Ltd pf D 5 10s 55 55 55
Lake Sh M (le) 4 ID* 11% 11%
Lakey Fdry & M 10 8% 3 3%
Lane-Wells (lai 1 9% 91, 91,
Lehigh Coal 1 1% l*4 1*,
Leonard 011 1 % v, 1,
Locke Steel 1.20a 100s 11% 11% 11%
Lon* Star 20* 3 8% 8% 8%
Long island Ltg 1 % % »,
Lynch Corp (2) 50s 21 21 21
Me win msureag 2 5 44 5
Mdmiic Radio 1 4 4 i,
Manatl Sub war l 4 4 4
Master Elec 1.20c 100s 30 30 30
Mer&MfgA.IOe 1 34 34 3».
Merr-Ch & S pf A 25s 534 534 534
Meaabl Iron 27 4 4 4
Mich Bumber 17 ft ft ft
Mien Sugar 1 4 «„
Mid S: Pet B lOe 4 4 4 4
Minn M A S 6Ue 150s 48 . 474 48*.
Mclvbdenum 25e 5 64 64 64
Mont Ward A(7) 50s 1454 1454 1454
Mount City C 1 24 24 2*.
Murray (O) 25e 1 84 84 84
Nat Cont ( 45e) 1 94 94 94
Nat Full Gas ill 12 104 104 104
NatP&Lbfi*] 250s 77 764 764
Nat Rubber Marl 1 4 4 4
Nat Sugar Refln 1 74 74 74
Nestle Le Mur A 3 *, 4 4
NEPA6C»pf 4.50k 200s 56 56 56
New Haven Clock 1 44 44 44
NJ Zinc lie) 350s 504 494, 504
NY St E&G pf 6 4 10s 99 99 99
Mae Hudson Pw 7 34 34 314
Nlag S Md B 25g 1 34 34 34
Nlles-B-P 1.25e 2 614 60 614
Noma Electric 1 34, 34 34
NIPS 7* pf 1.75k 10s 105 105 105
OhloPwrpflS) 10s 112 112 112
Oldetyme Dist 14 44 44 44
Pac Gas & Elec
&4<7. pf 1.375 l 264 264 264
Pac GasBCkpfl 51 4 294 29 4 294
Pac Ltg pf (6) 25*101 101 101
Pantepee 011 14 24 24 24
Peninsular T (2) 100s 274 274 274
Pennroad 7 14 14 14
Pa-Cent Airlines 5 13 13 13
Phillips Packing 1 34 34 34 1
Phoenix Secur 15 64 5*. 64
Phoenix Secur pf 150s 25 244 25
Pioneer Gold 40 2 14 14 14
Pitts Forg i.25e) 1 8*. 84 84
Pitts Metal 1.25e 1 114 114 114
Pitts Plate G(2e) 1 724 724 724'
Plough Inc ,45e _ 2 74 74 74
Potrero Sugar 1 a4 »4 4
Producers Corp 1 A ft ft
PS Ok pr In pf<7) 30s 105 105 105
Pug Sd $5pf 1.25k 75s 68 68 68 1
Puget Sd P $6 pf 75s 17 164 164
Quaker Oata (5) 200s 97 954 954
Republic Avlat’n 11 44 44 441
Rio Gr G vtc . 4 4 4 4
Rome Cable 20e 18 8 8
Russeka Fifth Av 1 24 24 24
St Regia Paper 1 24 24 24 1
St Regis Pap pf 25s 54 54 54 !
Scovlll Mfg .50e 2 264 26 264
Scullln Steel war 6 4 ft ft
Segal Lock 2 4| 4 4
Simmons H A P 32 44 44 44
Singer Mfg (6) 210s 107 105 107
So Penn 011 1.60 2 824 324 324
S C Ed pfC 1.275 1 264 264 264
Spald (AG) 1st pf 10s 10 10 10
Stand C&S .60e 1 74 74 74
Stand Oil Ky a 1) 1 174 174 174
Stand Stl Sp 60e 3 214 204 214
Sterling Alum 2 6 6 6
Sterling Ino (.20) 4 2 14 2 *
Sunray Oil 05e 1 14 14 14
Taggart 3 3 3 3
TaylorcKyiDlst 14 4 4
Technicolor .60s 1 94 94 94
Thew Shovel 50s 134 134 134
Tilo Roof (,66a) 1 10 10 10
ToddShtpyd 1.75e 25* 59 59 59
TolEdpf(S) 10*1014 1014 1014
Trans-Lux (.lOe) 1111
Tri Conti war 5 4 ft 4
Tubixe Chatlllon 1 54 54 54
Tublze Chat A le 50s 23 23 23
Udylite (,20e) 2 34 34 34
Unit Alrc t P 10a 3 104 104 104
Unit Cgr Whelan 14 4 4
Unltad Gas 7 1 1-1
Unit LtAPwr (A) 2 ft ft ft
Unit LtAPwr pf 3 19 184 19
Unit Sh M 2.60a 300a 584 574 584
Unit Sb M pf 1.50 50s 404 404 404
U 8 Foil «B) ... 4 34 34 34
U S' Lina* pf 1 24 24 24
U 8 Plyw pf 1.50 100s 27 27 27
U 8 Radiator 1 14 14 14
U 8 Rub Reclaim 4 34 24 34
Unlv Corp vtc 4 34 34 34
Utah Idaho Bug 1 14 14 14
Util Equity pf lk 50a 88 38 38
VaPubSarv pf.. 88i 65 85 65
WaatVaCAC... 1 14 14 14
Wattain Air Cxp 1 44 44 44
Stock and Salea—
Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close.
Woodley P*t 40 1 4% 4% 4%
Woolw Ltd .317* 15 6 6
WriRht Hare.40a 8 3% 3% 3%
r In bankruptcy or receivership or being
reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or
securities assumed by sue!# companies
Rates of dividends in the foregoing table
are annual disbursements based on the
last quarterly or semi-annual declara
tion Unless otherwise noted, special or
extra dividends are not included, a Also
ex’ra or extras, d Accumulated dividends
paid last year e Declared or Dald ao
far this year f Payable in stock g Paid
last year h Cash or stock k Accumu
lated dividends paid or declared this year
ur Under rule ww With warrants. xw
without warrants, war Warrants.
Curb Bonds
DOMESTIC High. Low Close
A a Power 4%s 87_ 99% 90% 09%
A * £ow" 5s 51-106% 105% 106%
A s, Power 5s 58_ 105 105 105
AU Power 5s 68 - 102% 102% 102%
Am P&L 6s 2016_ 03 92% 02%
? ? 4«® 63-IQ* 108 108
Ark P At L 5s 56 - 104% 104% 104%
As El Ind 4 %s 53_ 41% 41% 41%
As G A E 5s 50 _ 11% 11 n%
Ati City El 3%s 64 ___ 106 106 105
B*d -£°c° «* 50 - 106% 105% 106%
Bell Te C 5s 57 B 00% 89% 89%
Birm El 4%s 68 93 93 93
Can Nor Pwr 6s 53 65 65 65
Cent St El 5s 48 27 26% 27
Cent St El 5%s 54 28% °6 °6
„St PA:L 5%s 53 69% 69 69%
Chi Rys 5s 27 c.o.d. 4(1% 40 40
Cm St Ry 5%S 52 77 77 77
Cities Svc 5s 50 71*. 7i*. *p.
Cities Service 5s 58 71 % 71 <-S 71 %
£ } I . 12S 52 81 8(1 89>,
Cit s PA'L o%s 49 so*, so*, an*.
£on GEL&P _.3%s 71 106% 106', 106%
Con t G A E ns 08 A 81% 81 81%
Cudahy Pka 3*.s 55 95% 95% 95%
net lop' 5',2S 50 1"4'I 1041. 104%
net Int Bg 6%s 52 4% 4*. 4*.
j?ia!n G A- P 4s 56 A 79% 78s, 78%
E Pw A- L' 5s 2030 71% 71 7i *
PM Wa,E1- I5* 'Vi A 103*4 10,3*. 103*.
Fed Wat n%s .54 94*. 94*. 04*.
r-fPAn‘ 5* 54 1 02 % 101*. 1 (11 %
Gatineau P 3%s 69 .57', 56% 57%
Gen Pub U. «%s 56 ft"% 9" 2 o', 2
Gen W' WA-E 5s 43 A 95% ,5% 95%
Georgia Pw 5s 67 194% 11.4% 104%
Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 67 66% 6(7*5
Guard Inv 5s 48 A 26 -6 "6
Homo Lap 3%s 66 107'• 107% in-i
lfiapu' A*Tt 21 106V, 106% 106%
t ! •*>*'a* p.'ji. p;i Q'5
Tl r ^ ft'i A . 1 1 0*M*2
1 Tj" *-L 2' V S4 B 100 100 ] on
t *1 ^ *^S ft** C OK• 8 p* PK1.
Jnd Hvd Elec 5s 58 93 93 93
Indiana Svc 5s 5o A 6" 6° 6"
Indiana Ser 5s 63 A 59 59 59
In6i8o aT P5 5s 52 60 80 60
Tml n ACL lM 3 •* 68 10.5% 105% 105%
Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 E 26 ‘>6 <*6
Inters! Pw ns 57 5°% 5’*% 5-*%
Interst Pw 6s 52 34% 34.2 5i,"
;,'oCLp A- L 4%s 61 C 104*. 104’, 104*i
L 8 DlSt P 3%* 66 A 195*4 105*, 105*,
!? P* A y 5s 57 196s, 196*, ,96*:
Mem C A P 4'as .*>*2 ]00 ]00 ]oo
Mensrl Co 4,?s 4 7 K'j c*i o%
Midl«n V R R 5s 45 si kk
MR G & E 4 %s 67 98 98 93
Minn P A’ L 5s 5.5 _ 10.3% 103*, 193*.
N°t £U? TSVr 5s 60 __ 86*4 86’, 86*
K2t P & L «S 2026 A _ 1 10s, linsJ 110%
Net P A’ L 5s 20.30 B 101s, ]o 1 9- mt%
Nat Pb S ,5s 78 cod 20 * "n ’on *
Nebr Pwr 4%s 81 119*. 11 n*. l To*
New ECr'AP 52 0*% 68' ^8.
t GivE os 4? 5 °1 a ;ii, sti i
Netv E GA'E ns 48 .34 ... 2
S GAE 5s 50 54 5.T3, S'i9*
veJ p pp,t 2? 4?, oo% on.; go.;
.*>4 P.'i3* 0°,3w Q03.
New Or PS 6s 49 A 98% 98*; 98%
Nor A Lip 51 as .36 98 2 98 * 98 2
oSefn'orn s'8!-47 ln4% 1°4%
i-r Co s 107*4 1 0734 1073-,
3'as flR 195% 195% lOS',
SI1,' P1111 Svc 4s fi2 - 107% 107.; 97.
Ok% PA W0- *^ 55 19.5% 105% 195%
'f v'Vh B
Ksn-l*sr55 ’2?: TP
K5S cE.epc&Ys'V7,70F IRS \i }5 4
Penn Elec 5s 62 H 196 196 ior
Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B 102s, 10**% 10**%
P's» GIA-C 4s 6! D 9.5*, 05% 95%
Pub Ser N J 6s c**s n- ‘in- 2 ,22 *
Pug Sd PAL 5%* ^i p.i 'oji
Pug S PAL 5, 59 c 89 2fi 8 89 8
Pu S PA-L 4%s 59 D 85% 85%
Scrton*?*? 5’2,!,5- A fi0’s *9 89
|wdwa-5p v%4 >«7 a lSS‘8 'SJ*8
'5&P 4*2* 70 D 6434 64,2 643.
fherid Wyo 6s 4 7 Rp’a Rpi.
Sou ri\Lv* A025 A 106»J 1061* 106
Sou Cal Ed 334S 60 107,2 107 107'
Sou Cam ,V< S7 P7>! P7W Q-i
So Co Gs Cal 4'?s 6S l r»4 i ^ io4,i 104’!
tTc^F T« 5*t.81 A 105 105 2
^ d GA:E 6j 46 st ros. *t03. «rn
GasArEl 6g 51 A 60’4 .5P>2 5014
? 5;s. El Rs ?> < -5P3 a 5P’ 2 ,5p34
GasArEl 6j 66 B 60’ 4 60'4 60’4
i»arr“tPCorpt 5s*5n” f? ?J|!j ?5
™n%*iKVbsa i?5*;j55*:
Unit Lt*Pw 6s 75 78 8 75% '-kT*
Unit LtA-Pw 6%s 74 -6% -bi; a2,’
Uni. LA-R D S% 5" S3 8? 2 =3 2
Unit LAR M 8s 52 A 111 i?o% 11?
vUr> P'HJ' -0"' A ST aR,s s~
W6«PPAIS a 2S»4'5 A 101 190% 101
VnJw Pt2L A’’ 193*, 193*, 103s,
York Rwy 5s 4. st 94% 94 94
iv*£c? Hyd 7f 52 38% 38% 38%
Medelm Col 7s 51 7s, 7»; 7%
Rio de Jan 6%s 59 ... 5% 5% 8%
Terni-Soe «%s 53 A nja^ ogsj ngj2
With warrants, xw—without war
rarts n—New st (stpi—Stamped
(Negotiability Impaired by maturity
Chicago Stock Market
CHICAGO June 6 i-Pt.—-Following is th*
complete list of transactions on the Chi
cago Stock Exchange today
s,1*xn .WK STOCKS High Low Close
50 Abbott Lab 521. 501 s-i
loo Allied Lab 13’, 131, 137
•126 Am Tel A- Tel _ 150', 149s, 140
250 Armour A Co _ 4', 4 41,
-50 Avia A Trans 23, •” -’a:
100 Belmont Radio .. 3', 31, 31*
-iO Bendix Av 25’, "5’, *’x’l
Ui.oBorg Warner 14’, 143, lis.
lOOBurd Piston Ring 2>, 21,
100 Butler Bros 4’, 43, 43’
50 Campbell W’yant 1212',
40 C III Pub Svc pf 15', 15 15
200 cen 111 8ec ', ■ , 1.
!00 Cen 111 Sec pf 43, 43 ,3’
100 Chi Flex Shaft 55', 55 55
V55 Chrysier Corp 51', 5ft', 56’,
250 cities Serv 45, 4‘, 4s,
900 Com’wlth Edis 26s, °6',
50 Compr Ind Gas IIs, ’11s,
195 Cons Oil 6 5’,
100 Consumers Co B ', 3,
110 Crane Co 135 131, 131,
10 Cudahy Pack pf 55' 55', 55',
30 Deere A- Co 14', 143, 143,
50 Dixir-Voriex A 31', 31', 31'
50 Elgin N Watch xd 21', 21', 21',
50 Four Wh Dr Auto 3s, 3’, 3’,
t>50 Fuller Mfg 444
100 Gen Finance Is, l3, 13,
15 Gen Foods 39', 39', 39',
200 Gen Motors 39', 39', 39',
SOGoldblatt S', s'. S',
35 Goodyear TAR 14', 13’, 14',
■"> Gt Lakes Dredge IS', IS', IS',
ll-’Int Hart-ester 40', 393i 393,
100 Jarvis IWB) 9', 9', 9',
looRerlyn Oil A 13, 2', 23,
•’9 Lincoln Print pf 19>2 in', 191,
25 Marsh Field 9', 9', 9',
ion Mid West Corp 53» 53, 53
loo Midland Unit pf 2', 2',
100 Montg Ward 333i 33", 333,
50 Nat-Stand _ 23>, 23', ”3',
loo Noblitt-Sparks . _ 23 23 23
'-50 Penn K R ... irj, mi, i«i,
1.1 People* Gas LAC 26*. 26'. 26',
I" Perfect Circle 23', 23', 23',
no Pressed Stl Car.. si, s-’, *3.
130 Juaker Oats. .. 91 95s, 95s,
60 Quaker Oats pf 142 14" 14"
no Rath Pack _ .34 34 34
200 SanEamo El . 22 20', 22
50 Schwitzer Cumm 6', 6',
loo Sears-Roeb .. 63’, 63’, 63’,
.’OSivyer Steel Cast 10', 10', 10',
50 So Bend L Wks 23 23 '’3
09 Spiegel Inc_ 5", 53< 5s,
R0 Std Oil Ind 213, 21', "Is.
130 Stewart Warn xd 5s, 5s, 5',
■I.jO Sunstr M Tool 23’. 23 "3’*
!90 Swift A Co IS'. IS'. IS',
45 Swift Int 113, ns, 173,
199 Texas Corp 34', 34', 34',
50 Trane Co 10 10 10
no Union Carbide xd 61’, 61’, 61’,
JPrnii £ir Lines 13^ 13'2 13',
,5SJ I Gypsum 533, 533. 53s,
100 U S Steel 45", 44’, 44’,
lOU S Steel pf no 109’, 109s,
ino util A Ind pf . Is, l’J "3’
150 Walgreen _ 16’, 163, 16’,
El & M 9.3', S3', S3'.
50 Wrtgley (W) Jr 16 16 16
25 Zenith Rad S’* S’* S’.
*10.000 Chi Rys 5s 27 ct 4(1 40 40
Stock sales today—10 000 shares.
Bond sales today—*10.000.
Commodity Prices
NEW YORK. June 6.—The Associated
Press weighted wholesale Drice index of
35 commodities today declined to *1 15.
new 1940 low.
Previous day. 71.27: week ago 7162:
month ago. 73.67; year ago. 67.00
1940 1939 1937. 1933-37
High 75.29 75.22 74.37 98.14
Low 71.27 63.78 63.86 41.44
(1926 average equals 100.)
Miscellaneous Markets.
Additional New York markets as com
piled by the Associated Press:
LEAD—Futures closed 5-10 higher.
8ales. 60.000 pounds. December. 5.00.
No sales in line and tin futures
COFFEE—Spot steady: Santos No. 4.
.ts-'A: Rio No. 7. 5’«. cost and freight
Offerings included Santos Bourbon 3s and
5s at 8.40-7.10 Santos No 4 "D" fu
tuies closed 7-10 higher Sales. 2.000
bags. July. 5.79b: September. 5.92b; De
cember. 6.08b.
CRUDE RUBBER—Futures closed un
changed to 13 higher. Sales. No. 1 stand
ard, 6o contracts. July. 21.00: Septem
ber 19.15: December. 18.60b. Smoked
ribbed, spot. 21.50n.
RAW HIDES—Futures closed 32-36
higher Sales. 7.2oo,ooo pounds. June,
9 71n: September. 9.86; December. 10.05
06. Spot. No. l Western light native
cows. 9s«n.
RAW SILK—Futures No. 1 closed V4-3V4
lower. Sales. 440 bales. July. 2.54b;
September. 2.47; October. 2.43-43(4.
COCOA—Futures closed 7 higher Sales,
4 2.5 tons. July, 4.61n; September. 4.70n;
December. 4.80n.
WOOL TOPS—Futures closed 5 points
higher to 2 lower. July. 95.0; October.
93.3b: December. 92.5b. Spot, standard
tops. 101.0. up 1.0.
bBId-. n Nominal.
A Leeds (England) judge Is giv
ing blackout pickpockets heavy sen
Chrysler Corp. Opens
New Engineering and
Research Buildings
Tour of New Units
Coincides With 15th
Assoctitfd Press Business Writer.
DETROIT, June 6.-r-The thousand
and-one factors that go into the
designing and production of a motor
vehicle were demonstrated striking*
ly for a group of automotive and
science writers today as Chrysler
Corp. opened two new engineering
and research buildings at its home"
plant. t
The formal opening of the two
new units was timed to coincide
with the 15th anniversary of the
founding of the corporation. De- >
signed to enable the corporation's
research workers to utilize almost
“every means known to science.'' in
determining the construction of the
car of today and tomorrow, the new
facilities give these workers 162.000
square feet of floor space with 94
laboratories, offices and testrooms.
Asserting that Chrysler Corp. has
spent more than $57,000,000 in engi
neering and product development in
the past 15 years, Fred M. Zeder,
vice chairman of the board of the
corporation in charge of all its
engineering, said the new units,
while providing for practically every
conceivable scientific use, would be
followed by others.
Beauty Utilized.
The new laboratories are of un
usual beauty and refinement, of
which "cool red-tiled floors and
restful biege walls * * * Venetian
blinds and black-and-white ceramic
work benches" are noteworthy ex
This phase of the undertaking is
part of the plan and purpose of the
engineers who designed the new
"Science,” said Zeder, “has often
come out of the attic, just as the
automobile has come from the car
riage shop or bicycle builder and
moved into inadequate quarters
with makeshift tools. And science,
guarded by a jealous hierarchy, has
often functioned behind closed doors
in secretive obscurity. But these
conditions are not essentials to the
success of engineering research as
a co-operative effort. On the con
trary, by ‘bringing science out in
the open' with the most advanced
equipment, the most impeccable
neatness, the most ordered routine,
may be released the best creative
energies of the men who use them,
provided those men are imbued with
the essential ‘enthusiastic curiosity’
that fires the true researcher in
any field.”
Many Facilities Available.
A few of the facilities available
in the new laboratories are the X
ray tube to study atomic structure
of metals; the spectroscope to as
certain the elements of which an
experimental part is composed;
polarized light to study stresses in
working parts of the automobiles;
electrophysical apparatus to pro
duce voltages up to 500,000 or radio
frequencies beyond normal broad- .
cast bands for the most exacting
electrical experimentation: cork
suspended rooms for absolutely vi-‘
brationless weighing; cathode tubes
to measure the most complicated
or simple vibration; photomicrog
raphy to make possible photography
through a microscope with magnifi
cation up to 5,000 times the original:
a wind tunnel for aerodynamics re
search; cold rooms for experimenta
tion in temperatures as low as 60
degrees below zero Fehrenheit and
a dynamometer building where va
rious types of engines can be made
to strain against dynamometers to
determine, among other things, just
what power they will develop under
specific conditions.
General Time Orders
Increased Dividend
Bs the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 6.—General
Time Instruments Corp. directors
have voted a dividend of 50 cents a
share on common stock, payable
July 1 to holders of record June 19.
The previous payment was 25 cents
a common share on April 1.
Maker of clocks and other timing
devices, the company has domestic
plants in Chicago. La Salle-Peru,
111., and Thomaston. Conn.
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO. June 6 t/P> (United State**
Department of Agriculture).—Salable hoes,
12.000. total 20.000; market slow
throughout; few early sales, fully 10 lower
than Wednesday's average; later trada
generally 15-20 off: top. 5.35; bulk good
and choice. 180-270 pounds, 5.00-30; 270
330 pounds, largely 4 80-5 10. good 400
500-pound Dacking sows. 4.00-25; lighter
weights 4.35-50
Salable sheep 1.000: total. 5.500: lata
Wednesday few choice native springers.
11.05: bulk sorted. 11.50: throwouts.
8.50- 9.50: fed. clinned lambs, on native
order 9.00: medium Texas kinds. 8 00;
today's trade generally steady on all
classes; two doubles, handywelghts Cali
fornia spring lambs. 11.10 and 11.25;
small lots, choice native springers. 11 50
and 11.85: throwouts. largely 8 50-9 50:
few native clipped lambs. 9.00-25 with
medium Texas 7 75-8 00: practical top.
fat. light native ewes. 3.75. with most
medium and heavy weights. 2.75 3 50;
culls. 2.50 dow n
Salable cattle. 4 000; salable calves
1.200: generally steady on steers agid
yearlings: not very active; buyers picking
their way all through list: medium grades
sold fairly well early.but good to choice
offerings got best action late, strictly
choice steers absent; mostly 8 50-10 00
trade; top. 10.40: plain. 800-pound Mexi
can-bred steers, 8.00: several loads natives.
8.35-60: these cattle 25 lower for week,
while strictly good and choice weighty
steers as much as 50 down compared a
week ago heifers stetdy to 15 lower: good
grades off most: around 9.00-50: strictly
choice 1.000-pound Kosher heifers. 10.15;
cows strong, especially heavy fat cow*,
selling at 7.00-75: bulls. 10-15 higher:
very scarce: heavy sausage bulls. 7 35:
vealers. fully steady at 9.00-10.00; mostly
9.50- 10.00. ‘
New York Sugar
NEW YORK. June 8 wpi.—World sugar
futures sagged under pressure of producer
liquidation and outside selling today Mid
afternoon prices were off 1 to 3 points:
July. 1.19*4: December. 1 18*4.
Trade buying In the domestic contract
found sellers hesitant and the market
ranged unchanged to 2 points higher; July.
1.81: March. 1.88. 1
Raw sugar remained Inactive Philip
pines for June shipment were offered at
2.70 cents. Cubas were nominally 2.70
to 2.75 duty paid basts
The refined basis price was unchanged
at 4.50 cents, although leading New YorZ
refiners announced a 10-polnT allowance
effective yesterday and today In com
petitive Southern territory
Futures No. 3 closed 1 lower to 2 higher.
Sales. 6.150 tons.
High Low. Last
July . 1.82 1 81 1.80b
September _. 1 87 1.8R 1.86b
January 1 86 1.83 1.85b
No. 4 futures 1*4 lower to *4 higher.
Sales. 2.800 torn.
July 1.24 1.18 1.22*4b
September _ 1.18 1.14 1.17b
December 1.119 1.18*4 1.19b
b Bid.
London Bar Silver
LONDON. June 8 dpi.—Bar stiver, 23 Hd
up *4. (Equivalent. 42.39 cents on the
dollar basis $4 03.) Bar gold, 188*. un
changed (Equivalent. S33 85.)

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