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Another 'War' Puts , Veteran of A. E. F. Back in Hospital Gqrman-Born Ex-Soldier St$j»becl in Fight; Painter Sought ^n<jj|ier "war" has put Kurt SchodBfm. 47, of 905 M street N.W., back 3d a hospital. MrT Schoenau, German-born A. E. F'^iero, was in Emergency Hos pltagjoday with three stab wounds, suffered during a fight which grew out M an argument over the Euro peaa,war. His condition was said to be ierious. Felice arrested a 60-vear-old painter, who lived in the neighbor ho<y. several hours later. Mr. Schoenau walks with a crutch be came of a wound received during th^ World War. Betails of the argument are vague, j buj at one point the painter was he^rd to suggest that Mr. Schoenau | ' g>» back to Germany." A few mjnutes later they were fighting in the street in front of the veteran's hbme. ; When the fight was over Mr. Schoenau said nothing about his Wounds, and they were not dis-t covered until the blood began tof roll down his shirt front. He was rushed to the hospital, where fel low-roomers appeared in force to Offer blood transfusions. Miss Agnes Loukota. 15. of the | M street address was found to have blood of the same type and gave a transfusion. In his room police found his discharge papers, which revealed , he had gone to Europe with the 1st Division in 1917. He partici-' pated in almost every major bat tle in which the Americans fought and was gassed once and wounded once. The bullet wound paralyzed one leg. and he had been on crutches ever since. He received a small pension from the Government. He | was cited on August 13, 1919, for “gallantry in action." MIDSHIPMA N-PRlEST — Richard Heath of Somerville, Mass., today was to make the unusual move of exchanging jm officer's uniform in the United States Navy for the habit of a Roman Catholic priest. He is one of the class graduating today at Annapo lis. It was only three weeks ago that he learned his re quest to take up studies for the priesthood had been ap proved. Senator David I. Walsh of Massachusetts ar ranged for the suspension of the regulation compelling Naval Academy graduates to serve two years in the Navy after graduation. Starting August 3 Mr. Heath will un dertake seven years of study in philosophy and theology at the Dominican House of Studies at Catholic Univer sity. —Harris-Ewing Photo. We now corry a complete stock of Glidden "Time Tested" Paints. Sheridan Hardware Co. 6127 Geo. Are. N.W. GE. 3040 ivWMAUi | Listen to... 630 K. ? 1 NEWS | IBROADCASTS I TODAY 12 (noon)—H. R. Baukhage 12:30 p.m.—H. V. Kalten born 12:53 p.m.—European News r 3:00 p.m.—War Commen 1 tary 3:55 p.m.—AP News 5 :00 p.m.—Evening Star • Flashes 5 :45 p.m.—Lowell Thomas 6:45 p.m.—European News 9:00 p.m.—London & Ber , lin 9:15 p.m.—European News 1 9:30 p.m.—Dorothy Thomp. * son 1 I :00 p.m.—European News 12:00p.m.—European News J2:45 a.m.—AP News : 1:00 a.m.—News - TOMORROW 7:00 a.m.—News Here and {Abroad 7:25 a.m.—European News '*'8:30a.m.—Earl Godwin 8:45 a.m.—London, Paris, , Berlin 10:00 a.m.—News »11:00 a.m.—European News WMAL 630 on Your Dial Washington'! Loading Nowi 7'Station brings you hoadlino k ifcius—at it happont. Naval Academy Graduates I Spec!*) Dispatch to T.. Star. ANNAPOLIS. Md., June 6.— Graduating exercises were held at the United States Naval Academy today. Members of the graduating class are listed as follows in order of merit: D'Arezzo. Joseph P. Maclnnes. D. F. Ramsey. Lyle B. Hamill. John M. Graziano. Frank J. Lowerre. W. P. Morray, Joseph P. Frana, Benjamin T. Hinman. Jack J.. .id Brody. John Paul. Wann. Irwini F. jr. Lockett. Lawrence S. Muhlrnfeld, Edward Stefan. Karl Henry Schneider. R j. Goranson, H. T. Gerber. Ralph I. Knight Fraser 8. 8eim Harvey B Youna. Eric Reed Hardy. John Ingolf HittorfI, J. P . jr. Ooodfellow. A. S., Jr. SJedKe Edward C Joslm, Royal K iherwin. sT'a? jr! Chase, John Dawson Miller Harvev m James C. gS£: $%£!'£■ Ma*ilm-vr Fr»HNw Jr 8m0lln Howard L. Hall° Ben Tamin^C ^‘‘\uddAT jT' T Bundy. Clifford W Benbow William w ilo°S8HST.S? Ifo Kirlt.0 Eugene Baker wmil% n' Henderson. R. N. Hechler, Theodore. Jr. jiSberfs I r" jj' House”’ wflhani ft We&*A W Woodina lilUh?rtHR Buchanan. G. A., jr. Refn 1 john franru Game. William H. Crofi Wini.m r" Hayes. Edward F. Kealor. Lyle Henry MeKirinevhWMn Trum. Herman J . 3d Gurley. Tlinmas C KC«*!i°f^anWVJh?nAie Hursl. Robert H s/Vi(JIVn1 K Ela. Arthur John |Lr*“r' whlJ T',„ Roseborough. w. jr. ^ oL " i Jr‘ Clours. Edw ard B. Klare* HW HP ir ' Frankenberger. N fS./' Jr » Koshliek. R J. Meyer. WjUiam R Williamson. H E. 5^Hdpvadtv P A,. Hall Cary Hardison J'11‘ams1„J°hn ,w Bassett. Leonard F. ^^aRrL‘ Thompson. Paul V Edwards. Alfred C. Boehm. William R Rodgers. Edward A. McMullen. John J Keister. Harlln M. Ellison. 81 ante* E latseh. James H. Lacouture. John E John. Ralph K., Jr. Forter. Samuel A Gray. Louts P. 3d Clancy. Albert H . tr Rader. Rex Edward Kmalzel. Charles W Hrrlel. Frank M. Schubert. Anthonv R Karch. Frederick J. Calhoun. O V . ir. Bowell. John H. Benjes. A C . jr. Parlett. R. V.. jr. Weber. Joseph Dodane. Robert Lee Preston. John Mayo Peters. Irvin George ^Togel. Harvel Oscar Cannon. James B Darby. M E . jr, Montgomery. J. W. M. Sims. John Hensel Bush. William W.. jr. Mutty. John Barry Snyder. Joseph C. Lothrop. Scott Hill. Herman Avery Collins. Halbntt F. Fox. Lawrence F. Kronmiller G H. Libbey. Lester B . jr. Paddock. Merlin Wood. C. M . jr. Lomax. Flank Stuart Obrist. C. H.. jr. Gex. Virgil Edward Lloyd. Bruce K , jr. Treanor. Joseph R Thompson. I A R. Coyle. James Joseph Skinner. Charles A. Gillette. E. S jr Englander. F. L. Partridge. John H. Sheker. Gene W. Bent Horace Edward Lockwood James C. Phelan. James F. Freund. John F. Alpert. Myron Dickes. Orval C. Dobie. Ernest W„ jr. Earle. Thomas B. Mayo. Louis Harkev Hiller. A J . jr McLaughlin. Earl W Bruce. Donald Earl Carlson. Conrad H Henry. John William Holmes. Jack Albert Whitacre. John A. Champion. C H. Beers. Charles J. Rinschler. J W Campo. Abraham C. Woods;*. Arthur G. Cam. Mat Murry jr. Appleton Daniel S Beaver. Bud Kearnz Orser. Lynn Stanley Davison. Henry D. Radford. C J . tr. Colson. W. J.. 3d Arnold. Daniel E Chabot, Leon E. Ereckson. H J jr Heath. Richard J. Fruechtl. Edward J. Karl. Richard Louii Osborne. Manley C. Longino. J. C. jr Libbey Miles A. Hodges. William M. Rhodes. Arthur W. Snyder. Millard C. Fickenscher. E R jr. Brown. Jack B Harris. Robert E Kirkpatrick. R. D.. jr. Banker. Donald F. Blair. Clarence F Varnum. A McK Barneti. A H jr. Smith. James C jr. Dail Robert S Bryan William C. O'Brien, E F . Jr. King. Louis N. Utley. Wallace A. Butler William M. Dupzyk. Robert R Hunker. Albert H. Weatherup. R A Laster. C C. Jr. Glennon. Philip T. Rottenbere. W. R. Andres. Vaughn J. Trimble. Rex A . ir. Laning. Richard B. Michaelis. F. ,-f. Hunt. Lucian J.. jr. Vickrey. W. C ir. Lattimore. William Gray. Oscar E . jr. Graham. Henry F. Boettcher. R R. Merrill Howard D. Childs. Earle B Caldwell, David C Dueber. E A jr. Pauli. Robery Henry Teig. Vernon E Blodgett. John T. Bried Donald R. Smith. Orville S. Nesbitt. Richard J. Berndtson. A H. Fisher Neil H Moon, Russell F. Oreenbacker. J. E. Caspar! William J. Howatt. John Paul. DeGarmn E M Clements. R. E Healey. Vincent P Srheu Donald S. Howell. John David Cochran C H Neddo. Donald N Cochrane R Lull. Burda. Alois J , jr. Witter. Ward W. Vickery. Hugh B Bulflnch. Kent R Maltby. A. L, jr. Schrimer Alan H. Blevins. Daniel O.. jr. Abrahams. Melvin Block. George L Matusek Victor C,. Pionkowski. E. F Deterdtng. C. E . jr. Desmond. R. P . Jr. Anderson. Rov O. Kanaga. Franz N. Hill. Raymond E. Vaughn. Roger C Fly. William Edward Rhodes, Hedrlc. jr. Purdon. David, jr. Donley, Edwin I. Clark. William A. Sellers. Coleman. 4th Carpenter. W. M. ReI"ley- R'laene A Lamb. William E Taylor. Thomas H. White, Robert H. Walline. C 8. SiSSf'YU1,lam F- Caldwell. John H. NewhalLA. w.. Jr. Proteus, Reginald J. fable. Donald M. Gorczyk, Pred John McCollum. Jack F. Keating. William J. McGrath. T. P. Lamiman, Eugene D Montgomery. G . Jr. Blesemeler, H. VA Trice. William W. Carlson, Harold O. Allsopp, Robert T. Varland. Markeson Sewers. Charles Jacobs. F P , jr Nicholson A. T . Jr. Huddleston. R E Little. Ashley J. Holtzman, Louis E Fischer. Harry F . jr. Demetree. Joseph Hedrick. James G. Skoczylas. J s Preston, James T. Mason. R. K . jr. Wood, Hugh. Jr. Paul. Paul Moore Rees. Carlton Puson Adams. Carl Warren F«f"; T?omas R., jr. Miller. Robert N. gc»on'JP£n S*ount Rogers. Edgar N. Facker. Rich»rd W. Heimark. Jacob V. Rohn. Bruce Arthur af-iSfctt. Mi'ton L . jr. Niles Richard M Milliken. James 8. Antle \v. S. ir Nethifn^Ai**' ^r' Cook.' Allen p„ jr. FlVuers1’ H Mack. William H. He«Urnr!'ntfJriCe ir11, McRoberts, James F. McCarthy^ yuesl- Robert John Weeden Carf A W lcott' William J.. 3d Taekaherrv f wA' r Kcough John Joe Morrfsnnr,iM5in8n William.'.. Gerald G. Peterson*’ fiJjL,1* S Simmons, K. G Bravbrnnlr Ncwbould. E. J. McElllantt' n wcK' Mason- C. P. jr. WesthnffU'w1' w1, Kalen Robert L. King, David L. G. Esbh"A n hu r* Ger a 1 d Brown. Russell A. white AH«hrrv r ?Jd Garrett J°Nend Pr*“ W^ner.H Arthur" H Sellers H. V Jr Boyum. John Ho&g Bergner. Allen A. o*Nem Rue°h?rW Br^ey^winUmV’ Hansok. Burton R. Bogardusj Robert A Clark, Douglas A. Anderson. R O.. Jr. §*n,ftTr'-.Sarl £ Jr' Marks, David A Jotih Edward W Ralt. John Crocker Stlmson. Robert C. Lanier. W D . jr Campbell. R B Clagett. John Henry Robb. William B. Baldwin. Cary Albert Bishop. John Loy Smith. Haywood C. Wagenhals. 8. E. Eckert, Philip P. Wler. John Paul. 1r. Murray. Raymond J. Scafer. H. L , Jr. Smith. Harvey J„ Jr. Brown. Richard E. Street, Abbot Prince Rockwell. John H.. Jr. Elkins. James S„ jr. Whitehead. U. I„ Jr. Roddy. Thomas M. Walker. W A., yd Barton. Wilbur G. Lee. Norman I,. Jr. Hodnett. W. P.. Jr. Faerber. Norman k. Beck, William H . Jr. Smith. C H , Jr. Michael. John Carl Wolfe, David Conrad Smith. Roger Palter Hanna. Hugh Allen Smith. C. D , 'fd Alexander. A. F. Noble. Jay Alvin. Jr. Weed. Edwin O. Breault. David T. Vellls, Demetrius J. Kimball. Edwin C. Wolls. Tom H. MacGregor. S. H tr. Jackson. John J . jr. Plummer. John E Quinn. Robert Daniel Glenn. Everett M. Bill. Robert Gregory Strum. L. W . Jr. Hawes. George M Baldwin. Maurice L. Swacker. Stewart W. Haker. Burton F. Barron. John P Swepgton. St. C.. jr. Sullivan, John W. Burgan. William W. Jeffery Robert E. Edgar John B.. Jr. Kittredge, O W. Hancock. V. I., jr. Perras Louis A., jr. Elliott. George T. Gill Calbert Burke Winters. Leigh C lewis. David H Cluster. Alvin P. MacMurray. J. W. Worley. Jesse David Vaughan. Henry Leg Herring George W. Phillips, Denny P. Tayoun. G K.. Jr. Wallace. J A., fid Walker. Warren. Jr. Mendenhall. E. V.. jr. Burke, Julian T . Jr. Menville Louis O Seal. John Douglas Steuckert. Julius F. Herrick. T. A.. Jr. Egan. James Gatlin Roark. Lonnie H Wright, John H. Bergman, Eldo W. Newcomb. Robert A. Lincoln. N. R„ jr. Mulderrlg. M J., Jr. Trettel. Paul 8. Ball. Eugene E , Jr. Sanford. Ernest E. Wood. Emmett W McArthur. Paul E Hebeisen Alfred B. Hanna. John Carlyle Hughes. W J . Jr. John. Clary Leonard Guice. William L . Jr. Burke. Louis E ir. Farrior. James s Wilson. David S. Sampson. Willard A. McFarland. F. B Tilton Eugene B Laffey. William F Schrager. Victor L Shafer. Richard W. Morton William B. McIntosh. Robert W. Long. Richard W Mueller. Richard C. Hansen, H. Du B More than 1,000 newspapers in Germany have quit since 1933. 5 ra ANNIVERSARY 10 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING ENSEMDLE A positive $50 voluelBt jMl, Jk AF solid 9 0ldJ(|BBBBf)3 mountings. Engoge BP ^P ment Ring has large, pure, white perfect ^^B fl^B diamond flanked with 4 smaller diamonds. Wedding Ring is set with 5 genuine diamonds. I____i SPAR TARNISH AT THE REGULAR PRICE-AND firf(Moffo*0**1 7$ame size icfi M® DIMAND THIS M MARK or OUAIITY ON AUTHt SAINTS M YOU BUYI Y • Now is the time to varnish up! Figure your full year’s requirements — buy half at regular price — get the other half for ont cent! "Time-Tested” Spar Varnish is the Perfect All-Purpose Fine Quality Varnish. Easy to brush on. Quick drying —do a chair or table tonight and use it tomorrow! Unaffected by hot water, alcohol or alkali — resists scuffing and scrub bing— never loses brilliance. Proof against all weather, indoors or out. • Buy from the dealer listed here. Look for the “Time-Tested” symbol of quality on the label of all paints, varnishes, lacquers and enamels you buy—to insure economy and best results. FOR EVERY PAINTING NEED THERE IS A "TIME-TESTED" PRODUCT SEE THIS STORE FOR "TIME TESTED" PRODUCTS CLIDDEN PAINT STORE 1317 14th St. N.W. We Deliver HObart 0278 "Where Washington Buys Its Paint" % Behind-Lines 'Murders' Charged by Germahs By the Associated Press. BERLIN, June 6 (By Radio).— The German radio asserted today that 72 Germans, Italians, Russians, Hungarians, Netherlanders, Bel gians, Danes and Swiss had been “cruelly murdered” behind the Al lied lines in connection with the German offensive In Western Eu rope. The broadcaster aald this had been “proved” by a statement from a Danish engineer, Paul Winter, and discovery of the bodies by German troops. The Belgian Rexist (Fascist) lead er, Leon Degrelle, “probably was shot at Lille,” the broadcast said, and a brother of the Dutch Na tional Socialist leader, Anton Adrian Mussert, "murdered in France.” Sajwn Saving SpecialgL '‘'’””””"””*39.50 \ ?,&&? \ STVJO'O \ $2^.95 \ 53 / \l 7, onW) U »r,***iVd 1 L Save 25% to 60% in IDEAL’S For Friday and Saturday we are featuring MAPLE bedroom, living room, dinettes and odd pieces at drastic reductions. 8ome one-of-a-kinds, so early shopping is advised. $49.95 Simmons Maple Studio A ?<Ulu,.n.F. touch of massive proportions Has SOLID MAPLE flare arms anrf back, ft pil iows. Full sprina construction, quality FA tapestry covers. Makes to double or twin OdZiOU beds Ideal Bedding & Furniture Co. 622 E St. N.W. No. 4094 [ WHY NOT SERVE THE BEST? | It Costs no More at MAGRUDER'S Finest Home-Grown STRAWBERRIES Full Quart Box 15® New Sunkiit JUICE ORANGES--.dox. 19C Home-Grown BEETS & TURNIPS, large bunch_ 5c ■ I I Moxwtll Houm COFFEE LB. 23® KIRKMAN'S BORAX SOAP 7 cokti 25® GRANULATED SUGAR 'Li"' 4»« ROASTING CHICKENS, Ib.tJtP Swift's Premium PORTERHOUSE STEAK, lb.49c Jumbo SWEET BREADS.pair 59c 1138 CONNECTICUT AVE. District 8250 ✓ jr-j„ . . . . _. Special! Friday only! Fine Living Room Fabrics ON THIS SIMMONS COUCH Plenty of style in the coverings on these comfortable, quality built Simmons Twin bed Studio Couches! We bought all Sim mons had in order to obtain them at a price that enables us to offer you such an out standing value. One-of-a-kind coverings. INNERSPRING MATTRESSES EXTRA WIDE — EXTRA LONG SIMMONS TWIN BED STUDIO COUCHES , (Regularly $54.95 Values) FRIDAY ONLY Extra wide and extra long for greater sleeping comfort. Both the box spring side and mattress sides are of comfortable innerspring mattress con struction. Three innerspring pillows and expert tailoring, including self welts. Unusually deco rative living room fabrics such as are ordinarily used on fine sofa beds. Come early tomorrow and save on one of these! Special for Friday only. MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E HOUSE OF LIFETIME FURNITURE X ■ r