Newspaper Page Text
Capital Store Sales For Week Decline Below Year Ago Four Weeks' Volume Registers Gain of .3 of 1 PerCent Although department store sales In Washington during the last week in May fell below sales for the comparable week last year, the four weeks ended June 1, 1940, showed a gain of 0.3 of 1 pe. cent as com pared with the four weeks ended June 3, 1939. This was shown by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in a report today which indicated a simi lar tendency throughout the whole Fifth Federal Reserve district. For the week ended June 1, 1940,! sales here fell off by 12.7 per cent as compared with the week ended June 3. 1939. and there also was a decrease of 5.7 per cent as com pared with the week ended May 25. 1940. For the Fifth Federal Reserve dis trict sales in the week ended June i 1, 1940. were 9 per cent less than for the week ended June 3 last! year and were 6 per cent below sales 1 In the preceding week this year. The four weeks preceding June 1 this year, however, showed a gain j of 2 per cent over the similar, period last year. Bond Interest Ordered.. Directors of Washington Proper-| ties. Inc., at a meeting Thursday declared interest for the six months fiscal period ended April 30 at the rate of 2.5 per cent on the com pany's general mortgage income bonds. It was reported that $9,196, 000 principal amount of income bonds were outstanding as of April 30. $1 109.500 having been retired through operation of the sinking fund since the last report. Inter est checks will be mailed on August 1 by the Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co. of New York, paying agent, to holders of record at the close of business July 19, 1940. Listed Bond Values Off Sharply in May By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 8.—A decline Of nearly $3,000,000,000 in the quoted value of bonds during Mav was re ported by the New York Stock Ex change. As of May 31. said the exchange. I. 369 bond issues with a par value of $53,413,788,592 were listed. On that day their market value was $46,936,861,020, or $877.70 per $1,000 bond. These figures compared with the i April 30 listing of 1.376 bond issues' with par value of $53,645,947,072. On that date their market value was $49,611,937,544. or $924.80 per $1,000 bond. J. C. Penney Volume Well Above Year Ago NEW YORK. June 8.—J. C. Pen ney Co. reported May sales of $23.- ! 599.265. a gain of 6.1 per cent over $22,231,685 in May last year. For the first five months sales increased to $100,565,907 from $93,418,939 for the comparable 1939 period, an ad vance of 7.6 per cent. Witwatersrand University, South Africa, is adding an engineering building. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Completed Properties (Owner occupied or rental) Favorable Rate rmsi UthD OF IRI.S1 ONLk GEORGE I. BORGER 043 Indiana Arr N W \at*1 0350 Town & Country Motors, Inc. H Wonts Several New-Cor SALESMEN We are the sole distributors in Wash ington and vicinity for Mercury and Lincoln-Zephyr. Our proposition is very liberal and pays you a salary while learning the business. We prefer men who have had selling experience. For an Appointment Phone j Michigan 3524 CHEVY CHASE CLUB First Mortgage Four and One-Quarter Per Cent Bonds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur auant. to .he provisions of an Indenture dated January L 1997. between Chevy Chase Club and National Savings and Trust Company. Trustee, and American Security and Trust Company. Registrar, under which the above bonds were issued. Chevy Chase Club has elected to exercise its option to and will pay and redeem all of Os ouistanding First Mortgage Four and On^-quarter Per Cent Bonds due January 1. 1957. issued under said Indenture, viz: i Bonds in the aggregate principal amount r>f «9C6.000.00. on July l. 1940 at th* redemption price of 104^ of the principal thereof, together with th° accrued interest thereon to said redemption date. Accordingly upon surrender to the said Registrar American Security and Trust Company at its principal office 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.. Washing ton D C oi the aforesaid bonds called for redemption as aforesaid, together with si1 unmatured coupons appertaining thereto. j the principal amount of said bonds, with 1 the premium of 4rv provided in said In denture will be paid on July 1. 1940. and the interest nayablp on July 1. 1940. on said bonds will be paid to the holders of the coupons appertaining to said bonds maturing on such date Said bonds will i become due and payable on July 1. 1940 at, the place and at the redemption price above provided and from and after July 1 1940 will cease to draw interest, and the coupons maturing subsequently to said date will be void Registered bonds must be accompanied bv duly executed instruments of assign- . tnent and transfer. Dated May 91. 1940 CHEVY CHASE CLUB. Bv o. Thomas Dunlop, President. Baltimore Markets BALTIMORE. June 8—Potatoes, old, 100-pound sacks, 1.65a2.60; new, 100-pound sacks. 1.50-2.00; sweet po tatoes. bushel, 75al.60; yams, bushel, 50al.00; asparagus, dozen bunches, 75a2.50; beans, bushel, 75a2.00; beets, Southern, crate, 1.00a 1.25; cabbage, l’z-bushel hampers, 30al.00; carrots, Western, crate, 4.25a4.50; cauliflower, Western, crate. 2.00a2.25; celery, crate. 1.00a5.00; corn, Texas, 5-dozen sacks, 1.50a 1.75; cucumbers, bushel, Southern. 1.50a3.00; eggplant, l'-i bushel crates, 1.75a3.50; lettuce, Ice berg, crate, 1.25a7.00; Big Boston, crate, 60a85; nearby, Big Boston, bushel, 50a75; Iceberg, 60al.l5; lima beans, bushel, 2.25a2.50; mushrooms, 4-quart baskets, 30a50; onions, 50 pound sacks, 2.50a2.75; peas. South ern, bushel, 50al.25; peppers, bushel, 1.50a2.50; radishes, red tips, nearby, bunch, lalts; spinach, bushel, near by, 10a40; squash, bushel, Southern, 75al.00; tomatoes, lug, 50al.75; apples, box. 1.50a2.25; bushel, 1.00a 2.00: blackberries, crate, 2.75a3.25; cantaloupes, crate, Western, 3.75a 5.50: dewberries, crate, 2.75a3.25; grapefruit, box. Southern, 1.50a2.75; honeyballs, crate, 3.00a4.50; honey dews, crate. 2.00a3.00; huckleberries, quart. 10a 13: lemons, box, 4.00a5.50; oranges, box. Florida. 2.00a4.00; California. 3.50a4.75; peaches, half bushel. 1.25al.75: rhubarb, nearby, bunch, la2: strawberries. 24-quart crate, 75al.75; nearby, 1.00a3.00; watermelons, each, 40a50. Poultry and Eggs. Live poultry—Chickens, Rocks, pound, 22a26; crosses, 21a24: mixed colors. 21a24: Leghorns, 17al9. Fowl, Rocks. 17al9; mixed colors, 15al8: Leghorns. 13a 15. Roasters, mixed colors, 10al2: Leghorns. 7al0. Ducks, Pekins, 15al6. Eggs—Nearby, ungraded, current receipts, dozen, white. 16al9; mixed colors, 15' 2 a 16’ 2. Receipts. 1,284 cases. Butter—Prints, 92 score, pound, 30; 90 score. 29; country rolls, 18; packing stock, 16. Receipts, 856 tubs. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat, No. 2. red, winter, garlicky, spot, domes tic. bushel. 95. Settling prices were: Wheat. No. 2, red. winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, bushel. 95. Com, 9 No. 2. yellow, domestic, bushel, 76a78. Western billing at a premium over this price. Cob corn, barrel, 3.50a3.70; country prices re ported, 3.30a3.50. Oats, bushel. No. 2. white, do mestic, 53a58; Pacific Coast. No. 1, white, 72a74. On all sales of oats to the local trade, excepting those on track, there is an additional charge of 134 cents per bushel for storage and elevation, which is paid by the buyer. Rye. No. 2. bushel. 70a75. Barley, No. 2. bushel. 55a60. Hay, ton. 14.00a 17.00 Wheat, straw, ton. 9.50al0.00. Flour, barrel, winter, patent. 5.55 a5.85: winter, straight. 4.35a4.60: spring, patent. 5.20a5.45; spring, straight, 4 85a5.05; hard, winter, straight. 4.65a4.90; rye flour, dark to white. 3.45a4.25. Millfeed. ton. spring bran, 29.50a 30.50: standard middlings, 30.00a 31.00. Live Stock Market. Cattle. 50. Compared with Friday last week, steer market mostly barely steady to shade lower: few extremes as much as 25 cents off. week's top. 10.60. for 988-pound yearlings; bulk sales, medium and good, 900 to 1.340 pounds. 8.50al0.15: small lot, 860 pound heifers. 9.50; beef cows, mostly 6.00a7.50; canners and cutters, largely 4.00a5.25; top sausage bulls, 7.25. Calves. 40. Compared with Friday last week, this week's sales mostly 50 cents lower, outlet 50 cents-1.00 off. good and choice Friday mostly 9.00a9.50: few handpicked. 10.00; bulk, common and medium for week, 6.50a9.00. Hogs, 775. Steady with Friday, practical top, 5.75; good and choice, 170 to 210 pounds, 5.50a5.75; 220 to 240 pounds, 5.25a5.50; 250 to 300 pounds. 4.75a5.30; 150 to 160 pounds. 5.10a5.35: 140 to 150 pounds, 4.75a 5.00; 130 to 140 pounds. 4.50a4.75: 120 to 130 pounds. 4 35a4.60: packing sows. 3.65a4.15. Compared week ago. mostly 25 cents lower. Above prices based on Rrain fed hogs. Sheep. 10. Compared with Friday last week, spring lambs, mostly steady, but closing undertone weak to lower; good and choice grades, natives mostly, 11.50al2.00: few closely sorted. 12.25; week's top. 12.50, paid Monday for railroad deck on shipping account: most throwouts, 9.00al0.50; common, light kinds down to 8 00: slaughter ewes, scarce; few' head shorn. 3.00a3.50. New Factory Orders Top Shipments in April By the Associated Press. Edward J. Noble, Commerce Un dersecretary. said yesterday that in April, for the first time in six months, new orders received by manufacturers exceeded shipments. After last fall's sharp rise in fac tory production orders lagged far behind shipments, causing a large accumulation of unsold goods. In March the two factors nearly balanced and in April, Noble said, new orders pushed ahead of ship ments on old orders. New orders increased about 7 per cent over March, while shipments remained practically unchanged. However, during April some ship ments were made out of accumu lated inventories instead of out of current production, and inventories of manufacturers declined about $100,000,000. Seasonal declines in production of some industries was blamed for part of this filling of orders out of inventories. Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance Apartment and House Management Relieve yourself of the worries incidental to the management of your apartment house and residential properties by placing them in charge of our Property Management Depart ment—with its organisation and successful experience. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. McPhenon stuart National 2100 NEW YORK STOCK, BOND AND CURB MARKETS Mocks (By Private Wire Direct ta The Star.) Stock and Saiea— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlth. Low. Close. Adams Exp ,15e ..2 5 5 5 Air Reduction la.. 2 38 38 38 Allen Indust .25e. 17 7 7 Allied Chem (6) ft 140% 140 140 Allied Mills (,75e) 1 10% 10% 10% Allied Stores 4 5% 6% 5% Allis-Chalmb ,50e 6 25% 24% 25% Am Airlines_ 5 53% 62 52 Am Bosch _ 5 6% 6V» 6% Am Brake Sh .30*. 2 34 33 34 Am Can (4) 1 90 90 90 Am Can pf (7)_ 1 166 166 166 Am Car & Foundry 8 23% 22% 2214 Am Chain & C .80* I 16 16 16 Am Com’l Alcohol 3 5 4% 4% Am Crystal S .25*. 1 9% 9% 9% Am European Sec. 2 3% 3% 3% Am & Foreign Pwr ft 1% 114 114 Am&FP 6% pf.60k 1 11 11 11 Am Hide&Leather 2 3% 3% 3% Am Locomotive 3 11% 11% 11% Am Loco pf (lk).. 1 41% 41% 41% Am Pwr & Light . 1 2% 2% 2% AL&P$5pf 2.8125k 1 34% 34% 34% Am Radiator 30 5% 5 5 Am Rolling Mills. 1 10% 10% 10% ♦ Am Ship Bldg 20 23% 23% 23% Am Sm&Ref 1.50e 12 35% 35V* 35% Am Steel Fy DOe 8 22% 22% 22% Am Stores (,25e) . 1 10% 10% 10% Am Tel & Tel (9) 4 151 150% 150% Am Tob’co (B) (5) 1 74 74 74 Am Type Found _. 5 3% 3% 3% Am Water Works. 4 6% 6% 6% Am Woolen 1 7% 7>/« 7% Am Woolen pf (3k) 2 33% 32% 32% Am Zinc _ 2 5 ft 5 Anaconda .75e . 29 21 20% 20% Anaconda W & C_. 1 22% 22% 22% Anchor-H G .15e . 4 13% 13% 13% ♦ Anchor HGpf(5) 20 108 108 108 Armour (111) . ft 4% 4% 4% Atch T&Santa Fe. 4 14% 13% 13% Atl Coast Line ... 1 10% 10% 10% Atl Refining (1)... 11 20% 20% 20% Atlas Corp (.25e). 4 7 7 7 Aviation Corp ._ 13 6% 5% 5% Baldwin Loco ctfs 5 14% 14% 14% Balto & Ohio . 3 3% 3'* 3% Barber Asph ,50e 1 9% 9% 9% Barnsdall Oil .30*. 2 8% 8% 8% Bayuk Cigar ,S0e 1 25 25 25 Belding-Hem ,4de. 2 7% 7% 7% Bendix Aviat (le) 9 26% 26% 26’* Beneficial L'n 90e 2 18% 18% 18% Beth Steel (2.25e) 32 70% 69% 69% Blaw Knox . I 6% 6% 6% Bliss & Laug .25e. 1 15% 15% 15% Boeing Airplane . 18 14% 14 14 Bohn Alum’ll .50e. I 22% 22% 22% Borden Co (,60e) 6 18 17% 18 Borg-Wrarner .50*. 5 15% 14% 15 Bridgeport Brass. 2 9 8% 8% BriggsMfg (.50e). 4 16 15% 15% Bklyn-Man Trans 7 18% 18% 18% Bklyn-M T pf ctfs 2 58% 58% 58% Bklyn Un Gas ,50e 1 14% 14% 14% Bucyrus-Erie .25e, 6 7% 7% 7% Budd Mfg _ 1 3% 3% 3% ♦ BuddMfgpf ... 150 26 25% 25V* Bullard Co.75e . 2 26% 26% 26% Burr’s Add M 20e. 1 7% 7% 7% Bush Terminal 11 2% 2% 2% tByrs AM pf 4.33k 10 45 45 45 Calif Packing .25e 3 16% 16% 16% Callahan Zinc 7 1% 1 1% Calumet&Hec .50e 1 S’* 5% 5% Campbell Wy 65e 1 12% 12% 12% Canada Dry _ 3 13% 13% 13% Canadian Pacific - 7 3 2% 2% Cannon Mills 1 31% 31% 31% Carpenter St 1 75* 1 29% 29% 29% Carriers & G .05e 12 2 2 Caterpillar Trac 2 1 45 45 45 Celanese (la) 9 24% 24 24 Central Foundry 1 1% 1% 1% tCent 111 L pf 4.50 in 106% 106% 106% Centurv Rib Mills 1 3% 3% 3% Cerro De Pas (2e) 3 27 26% 27 TCertaln-teed pf.. 50 17% 17% 17% Ches & Ohio 2.50 3 33% 33 33 Chi Pneu Tool _ 1 9% 9% 9% Chrysler (2.50e) . 16 57% 57% 57% Clark Equip 1.25e 2 26 25’, 26 Climax Molyb 1.20 3 27% 27% 27% Cluett Peab (le) . 3 30 30 30 Colum BC(A).90e 3 17 17 17 ColumbG&E 20e 12 4% 4% 4% Cornel Credit (3) . 2 29 28% 29 Cornel Inv Tr <4)_ 2 35 35 35 Cornel Solvents __ 10 8% 8% 8% Comwlth Ed 1.80 20 27% 26% 27% Comwlth & Sou'n 10 % % % Congoleunt (1)_ 1 15 15 15 Congress Cigar_ 10 10% 10 10 Consol Aircraft 1 20% 20% 20% Consol Cop M .15e 8 5% 5% 5% Consol Edison (2) 19 24% 24% 24% Consol Oil (.80) 4 6% 6 6% Container (.50e)3 11% 11 11% Conti Baking (B)_ 1 ■% % % Conti Can (le) .. 2 35% 35 35 Conti Diam'd 25e- 16 6 6 Conti Insur 1.60a. 2 31 31 31 Conti Motor __ 17 3% 3% 3% Conti Oil (.50e> _. 4 17% 17% 17% Conti Steel (,50e) 1 21% 21% 21% Copperweld (.40e) 3 17% 17% 17% Copperweld pf 2.50 1 50 50 50 tCorn Exch (3) 80 42 41% 41% Corn Products(3) 1 46 46 46 Coty lne (.25*) 1 4% 4% 4% Coty International 2 % % % Crane Co 3 14 13%. 13% Crown Cork&Seal 2 20% 20 20 Crown Zeller (le) 2 13% 13% 13% fCuba Am S pf 2k 10 62% 62% 62% Cuneo Press 1.50 1 20 20 20 Curtiss Publish'* 6 2% 2% 2% Curtis Pub pf (2k) 1 32 32 32 Curtiss- Wright 39 8% 7% 7% Curtiss-\Vr< A) le 9 24% 24s* 24% Cutler-Ham'r ,50e 3 16% 16% 16% Davega S pf 1.25 _ 1 15 15 15 Deere & Co _ 1 15 15 15 Deisel-W-G-.375e. 1 14 14 14 Del & Hudson _ 1 9** 9*. 9’* Del Lack & Wn . 1 24 24 2’, Detroit Edis (3e)_ 2 99 99 99 Dia'd Match 1.50_ 2 28'i 28'a 28'i Dome Mines (2) 4 12s, 12'a 124 Douglas Air (3gl - 12 76'-, 76 76 Dunhill Internatl. 2 64 fi'4, 64 Du Tont <3.50e) ... 7 152 1514 1514 East'n Air Lines ._ 4 28:4 28', 28>1 East’n Roll Mills.. 1 34 3s* 3s* Eastm Kodak (6) 1 125'a 125', 125', Eaton Mfg (l.SOe) 4 26*. 264 264 Eitington Schild 3 ', i, V, Elec Auto-L 1.50s. 2 28s, 28', 28', Electric Boat .4"e 4 12', 12', 124 Electric & Music 2 ft 'a ft Elec Pwr & Light. 6 3', 3', 3', ElPaso Nat G (2). 5 28V, 28'a 284 Erie RR 1st pf(r). 2 14 1s, 14 Evans Products... 1 5s, 5s, 54, Ex-Cell-O (le)- 4 31 30 30 Fairb'ks Morse la 2 314 314 314 Ferro Enamel la 1 10s, 104 10s, Fidelity Pho 1.60a 1 30', 304 30', Firestone T .50e _ 2 134 13', 13'/, Fllntkote (lg) . 1 11 11 11 Food Mach (.250 1 19', 19'a 194 Freeport Sulph(l) 1 274, 27s, 274 GaylordCont .20e. 1 8’, 8", 84 TGen Bak pf (8) 20 124', 124 124 Gen Cable _ 1 44 44 44 Gen Cable (A) 1 134 13s, 134 tGen Cigar pf (7). 30 106 106 106 Gen Elec (.70e)_- 20 304 294 294 Gen Foods <2)_ 4 39s, 394 394 Gen Mills <4a) 1 81 81 81 Gen Motors 1.75e 56 404 40 404 Gen Motors pf (5) 1121 121 121 Gen Outdoor Adv 1 34 34 34 Gen Print Ink .10e 17 7 7 Gen Refractor.SOe 5 244 234 244 tGen Stl Cast pf 10 17s, 174 174 Gen Tire & R 50e 3 11 11 11 Gillette Saf R 60 14 44 4 4 Glidden Co ( 30e)_ I 114 114 114 Gobel (Adolf) 3 2s, 24 24 Goebel Brew ( 20) 2 2 2 2 Goodrich (BF) 6 114 11 11 Goody'r T&R ,75e. 4 144 134 134 Graham-Patge 1 1* ft Hi Granby Cons 50e. 2 54 54 54 Granite City S .. 1 104 104 104 Great North'n pf . 3 184 184 184 Grt No O ctfs ,75e 3 134 134 134 Great Wn Sug (2) 2 21 204 204 Greyhound (1) 2 10s, 10s, 104 Greyhound pf .55-. 1 9s, 9s, 94 Grumman Alrcra-. 17 174 16'/* 17 Guantanamo Sug 1 Is, 14 14 tGuantanamo S pf 30 134 13'/, 13V* Hall W F Prtg(l). 1 12 12 12 Hamilton W ,50e_. 1 14 14 14 Harb-Walker .50e. 3 204 20V* 204 Hayes Mfg Corp . 1 24 24 24 Hecker Prod (.60) 2 8 8 8 Hercules Mot 25e 1 14 14 14 Homestake (4.60) 9 38 374 374 Houd-Her (B).75e 2 10 10 10 Houston Oil 4 34 34 34 Hudson & Manhat 1 4 4 4 Hudson Motor_ 6 34 34 34 Hupp Motor_ 3 4 A ft Inland Steel (2e)_. 1 73 73 73 Inspiration Cop .. 2 84 84 84 Interboro R T (r)- 1 24 24 24 Interboro R T ct . 1 24 24 24 Interchemical ,80e 3- 224 22 22V* lnterlake Iron 9 74 7s, 74 Inti Agricultural- 1 14 14 14 Inti Harvest l'60_. g 404 404 404 Inti Hydro El (A). 1 24 24 24 /1 stocx and Bales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlah. Low. Close Inti Mercantile M- 3 6% 6 6 Inti Nickel Can 2.. 17 22% 22% 22% Inti Paper & Pwr. 7 11% n% n% Int Paper pf l.25e. 2 45 44% 45% Inti Shoe (1.60)... 2 28% 28% 28% lntl Tel & Teles... 5 2% 2% 2% Inti T&T F'r’n cfs. 1 2% 2% 2% Island Cr Coal (2). 1 23% 23% 23% Johns-Manv ,75e_. 1 45% 46% 45% tJohns-M pf (7).. 10 124% 124% 124% Kelsey-Hayes A.. 1 10% 10% 10% Kelsey-Hayes B._ 2 5% 5% 5% Kennecott (le) ... 16 27 26% 26% Keystone Stl ,60e. 2 11% 11% 11% Kresge S S(l.20a). 7 21 21 21 Kroger Groc (2).. 2 26% 26% 26% Leh Valley Coal... 1 % % % Leh Val Coal pf .. 1 2% 2% 2% Lehman Corp ,60e. 5 17% 17% 17% Lehn & Fink ,50e . 1 10% 10% 10% Libbel-Ow-F (le). 6 32% 31% 31% Libby McN & Lib. 1 5% 5% 5% Life Savers(1.60)_ 1 33% 33% 33% Lion Oil Ref (1) _ 1 9% 9% 914 Liquid Carbon(l). 1 12% 12% 12% Lockheed Aire_ 15 29% 29 29 Loft Inc - 19 18 17% 17% Lone Star Cmt 3 _ 1 31 31 31 Louis&Kash 1.25e. 1 43 43 43 Mack Trucks . . ._ 4 19% 19 19% Macy (RH) (le).. 2 21% 21% 21% Magma Cop (le) . 2 24% 24% 24% Marine Midl'd ,30e 14 4 4 Martin (Glen)_ 11 32 31% 31% Martin-Parry_ 2 8 8 8 Masonite Corp la. 2 23 22% 22% McGraw Elec (1). 2 19 19 19 McIntyre Pore 2a. 1 29% 29% 29% McKeesport Tin _ 1 6% 6% 6% McKesson & Rob.. 8 4% 4% 4% Mengel Co _ 1 2% 2% 2% TMengel Co 6% pf. 140 14 14 14 TMer & Min Trans 1 13 13 13 Mesta Mach 1.50e_ 2 30 29% 29% Miami Cop 20e _. 1 7% 7% 7% Mid Cont Pet .40e. 1 13 13 13 Mo-Kans-Tex pf._ 2 1% 1% 1% Mo Pacific pf (r) .3 % ^ % Mohawk Carp 50e 1 11 11 11 Monsanto Ch (2) . 1 89 89 89 TMonsan pf B 4.50 30 115 115 115 Montg Ward 2.25e 12 35 34 34 TMorrisfe Es 3.875 70 23% 23% 23% Motor Prod ,50e .. 1 10 10 10 Motor Wheel 1.60. 3 13% 12% 13% tMulllns Mfg pf.. 80 22 22 22 Munsingwear .25e. 1 9% 9% 9% Murray Corp_ 2 4% 4% 4% Nash-Kelvinator_. 4 4 4 4 Natl Acme (,50g). 2 17% 17% 17% Natl Biscuit (,80e) 3 17% 17% 17% Natl Cash Reg (1) 2 10% 10 10% Natl Cyl Gas .40e. 2 8% 8% 8% Natl Dairy (.80).. 11 12% 12% 12% tNatl Dairy pf A 7 20 108 108 108 TNatl Dairy pf B 7 40 108 107% 107% Natl Distillers (2) 5 18% 17% 17% Natl Gypsum_ 2 5% 5% 5% Natl Lead (.60) _ 1 15% 15% 15% Nat Malleable .50e 2 16% 16% 16% Natl Pwr & Lt .60. 1 6 6 6 Natl Steel <.50e)__ 2 55 54% 55 Natl Supply_ 1 6% 5% 5% Natl Tea Co 15 5 5 mum *uim ic } l ns s Newport Indus 1 7 7 7 NY Air Brake le ._ 1 35% 35% 35% NY Central . .. 8 10% 10 10 NY Chi & St L pf.. 2 17% 17% 17% NY Shipbuilding.. 2 18% 18 18 Nor Am Av .50e ... 6 17% 17% 17% No Am Co (1.20) 10 15% 15% 15% No A 53%ri pf 2.875 1 50 50 50 Northern Pacific . 2 5% 5% 5% Omnibus C 1.20 . 2 9% 9% 9% Otis Elevator .35e 2 11% 11% 11% TOtis Kiev pf (6) 100 127 127 127 j Otis Steel 5 7% 7% 7% Otis Steel 1st pf... 2 23 23 23 Owens-111 G1 (le). 2 44 44 44 tPacific coast . 10 2% 2% 2% Pac Gas & El (2) 7 26% 26 26 Pac Mills .. 1 8% 8% 8% Pac Westn O 40g 1 5% 5% 5% Packard Motor . 32 3% 3% 3% Pan-Am Airways. 5 13% 13% 13% Pan-Am Petrolm 3 8% 8*4 8% Paraffine Inc 1 25e 1 28 28 28 Param't Pic .15e . 7 4% 4% 4% \ Park Utah M .10e 5 1% 1% 1% ! Parke Da vis 1.20e 7 34 33% 34 Pathe Film _ .. 1 6% 6% 6% Patino Mines _ 3 6% 6% 6% Penney(JC) 1.50e. 2 73 73 73 Penn Coal & Coke. 1 1% 1% 1% Penn R R (.50e) . 4 16% 16% 16% TPere Marquet pf. 60 15 14% 14% tPere Marq pr pf 30 23% 23% 23% Petrolm Corp ,3oe 1 6% 6% 6% Phelph Dodge.50e 5 26% 26% 26% Phila&RC&I (r) 1 ft ft ft Philip Morris (3a) 1 71% 71% 71% Phillips Petr (2).. 2 30 30 30 tPirelli (4.675e)_ 50 40 40 40 Pitts Coal _ 2 4 4 4 Pitts Screw (,15e) 2 5% 5% 5% Plymouth Oil 1.40. 1 16 16 16 Poor & Co (B)_ 1 6% 6% 6% Port R Am T A(r) 1 % % % Pressed Steel Car 15 8% 8% 8% Pressed S C 1st pf 1 8% 8% 8% Proctor & Gam 2a . 3 55% 55 55 j Pub Svc NJ 1.20e 2 32% 32 32% Pullman (.50e) 10 19% 19% 19% Pure Oil 3 7% 7% 7%' Purity Bak (,50e) . 1 9% 9% 9% Radio Corp <,2 0e) 17 44 44 44 Radio-Keith-O(r) 10 4 4 Rayonier Inc 1 154 154 154 Reading 1st pf (2) 1 19*4 194 19*, Real Silk Hose 1 2-4 24 24 Renting Rarid .KOe 2 6*, 64' 6', Rem R pf ww 4.50 1 37*, 37*, 37*, Reo Mot vtc ctfs 20 14 14 14 Republic Steel ._ 34 15*. 15*, 15*, Reynolds Metals . 1 8*, 84 84 Reyn Tob(B) (le) 5 34 334 334 Richfield Oil ,50g 5 64 64 6*, Ruberoid (.30e) 1 124 124 124 tSafeway S pf (5) 170 98', 984 984 St Joseph Rd (1a). 4 27', 274 274 I Schenley Distill... 3 84 84 84 Scott Paper 1.60 ... 1 354 354 35*. Seaboard Oil (1).. 2 124 124 124 Sears Roebuck 2_ 7 65 644 644 Servellnc(l) ... 3 84 84 84 Sharp & Dohme_ 1 34 34 34 Shell Un Oil .50g_. 18 8 8 Simmons Co 4 14 14 14 Simms Petroleum. 1 14 1*, 14 Skelly Oil (.25e) 2 134 134 134 tSloss-Shef pf (6) 20 109 109 109 Smith & Coro .50.. 1 64 64 64 Socony-Vac .25e IS 74 74 74 So Am Gold (.10e) 1 14 14 14 So Cal Ed 1.50a 6 244 244 244 Southern Railway 6 9 84 84 Southern Rwy pf. 3 15*, 154 154 Sperry Corp (2g). 5 394 39 39 Spicer Mfg (le) ... 2 25 24*, 24*. Spiegel. Inc 30e 1 54 54 54 I tSpiegel In pf 4.50 130 494 49 494 j Square DCo.SOe . 9 31*, 314 314 j Stand Brands .40 14 54 54 5Vi Stand Gas & Elec.. 11 1 1 Stand G&E $4 pf._ 1 24 24 24 Stand Oil Cal (1).. 7 184 184 184 Stand Oil rnd (1) 19 224 21*, 21*, Stand Oil N J(la). 20 354 34*, 35 Stone & Webster 2 54 54 54 Studehaker _ 19 64 64 64 Sun Oil (la) ... 3 50 49 49 Sunshine M 1.60... 1 74 74 74 Superior Steel_ 1 10*, 10*, 10*, Swift inti (2) 2 17*. 174 174 Syming-Gould ww 3 5*, 5 5 Syming-Gould xw. 1 44 44 44 Tennessee Corp_ 1 4*, 4*, 44 Texas Corp (2) . 3 354 35 35 Tex Gulf P (,10e). 1 2*, 24 24 Tex Gulf Sul (2a). 6 274 274 274 Tex Pac C&O .40 .. 1 6 6 6 Tex Pac L T ,10g._ 14 4 4 tThe Fair pf .... 20 304 304 304 Thompson (J R) _ 1 44 44 44 TimkDet Ax 1.25b 2 224 214 21*, Timken R B 1.25e_ 5 384 374 374 Transamerica .60 2 44 44 44 Transcontl&W Air 19 15*, 15 15 20th Century Fox. 4 54 54 54 Ulen & Co (r) . 4 * ft fl, Un Bag & Pap 15» 3 107* 104 104 Union Carb 1.70e .. 13 624 62V, 624 Unit Airc'ft 1.50e. 21 424 424 424 Unit Air Lines_ 10 144 144 144 United Corp- 2 14 14 14 United Drug_ 14 4 4 United Fruit (4).. 1 624 624 624 Unit Gas Imp (1). 4 104 104 104 Unit Paperboard.. 1 34 34 34 US Gypsum (2)_ 4 53 524 53 U S Hoffman _ 1 34 37, 34 U S Indus Alcohol. 1 164 154 154 U S Pipe&Fdy (2). 2 224 224 224 U S Play Cards 2a. 2 274 274 274 U S Rubber 7 164 164 164 U S Rub 1st pf (8) 3 714 714 714 US Steel (le) ... 53 474 464 464 U S Steel pf (7) ... 1 1094 1094 1094 Unit Stockyards . 1 14 14 14 tUniv Leaf T pf 8. 10 1344 1344 1344 tUniv Piet 1st pf.. 50 70 68 70 Vadsco Sales_ 4 4 4 4 Vanadium _ 6 30 29 29 Van Raalte (le)... 1 23 23 23 tVaEIPwrpf (8). 10111 111 111 Wabash (r)- 14 4 4 Wabwhpf ▲ (r)— T 4 4 4 i Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Waldorf Syst .60 _ 1 6% 6% 6% Ward Baking (B). 1 % % % Warner Bros Piet. B 2% 2% 2% Warren Bros (r)B % % % Wesson O&S pf(4) 1 61% 61% 61% tWest Pen E pf 6. 10 92 92 92 West'n Auto S (2) 4 23% 23% 23% West’n Maryland 1 2% 2% 2% Westh’se A B .50e. 6 19% 19% 19% Westhsa El 1.75e 4 8S% 84 84 tWesths E pf 3.50. 60 120 120 120 Wheeling Steel... 2 20 20 20 White Motor_ 1 8% 8% 8% Wilcox Oil&G .10e 2 2% 2% 2% Willys-Overland . 102 2% 2% 2% Willys-Overl’d pf. 17 4% 4% 4% Wilson & Co_ 4 4 4 4 Woodward Iron... 4 22% 21% 21% Woolworth (2.40). 7 30% 30% 30% Worthingt’nPump 1 16 16 16 Wrigley (3a). 1 78 78 78 Yellow Truck ... 1 11% 11% 11% Ygstwn S&T ,50e. 5 30% 29% 29% t Dnlt of trading 10 shares. r In bakruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed By such companies. Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarter or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not Included. x Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends paid last vear e Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable In stock, g Paid last vear h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends oaid or declared this vear. Slock Leaders Take Irregular Course; Changes Small Volume Drops to Only 199,250 as Traders Watch War News By VICTOR El BANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. June 8.—War news provided scant bullish stimulation for the stock market today and leading issues shifted over a nar rowly irregular trail. It was the slowest session since last July 18, transfers for the two hours approximating 199,250 shares. Final price changes mostly were In minor fractions either way. Reports from Paris that the Nazis were making progress with their drive in Northern France offset to some degree further indications the French were putting up a stiff re sistance. Bulletins placing the Ger mans within 50 miles or so of Paris were a bit disappointing to specu lative forces which had been count ing on the Allies holding on the Somme-Aisne front. Domestic business developments were still the main sustaining mar ket influence, brokers said, notwith standing a little more pessimism regarding proposed imposition of heavy defense taxes on both individ uals and corporations. “Free" sterling backed away, along with the French franc, following the ruling of the British that the offi cial and higher rate for this cur rency would henceforth be used for all foreign commerce. Bonds were steady and commodities mixed. Motors managed to tack on modest plus signs now and then as talk was heard of a few of these com panies going into armaments lines in a big way. Willys-Overland common and pre ferred were up most of the day following announcement this con cern, with a subsidiary, would enter the munitions field. General Motors and Chrysler were resistant. The former was under stood to be in a position to take care of expected Army orders without any large increase in pay rolls. Ahead at one time or another were Douglas Aircraft, Sperry, Gen eral Electric, Du Pont, Anaconda. International Nickel, Eastman Kodak and Consolidated Edison. Inclined to lag were U. S. Steel. Bethlehem. Youngstown Sheet, New York Central, Pennsylvania. Mont gomery Ward, Goodyear. Allied Chemical. Westinghouse. Owens Illinois. Texas Corp. Boeing and U. S. Rubber preferred. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Cotton fu turps rallied in late trading today when persistent trade and spot house buying encountered reduced volume of offerings. Final prices were up 5 to 8 points. Commission house and Southern liquidation in early dealings was supplemented by some Bombay sell ing but pressure diminished at the close. The range'follows: Old contract: Open High. Low. Last. July . 9.50 9.55 9.47 9.55 New contract: July _ 9.74 P.75 9.74 R.TRn October _ _ 8.04 8 89 8 83 8.89 December _ 8.58 8 60 8.55 8 60 January _ 8 46 8 46 8 46 8.Sin March _ 8.33 8 39 8.32 8.39 May _ 8.18 8.24 8.16 8.24 Middling. *pot (r#-inch), 10.43n. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed nil futures rlosed unchanged to 2 lower. Sales. 22 contracts. July. 6.08b: September. 6 14; October. 6.16; December. 6.18b; January, 6.20b. b Bid Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 28*4: 1 -pound Drints, 291/4; ’ i-oound prints. 29*4: 92 score, tubs. 2734: 1-nound prints, 2 8 V4: ’4-pound prints, 2834: 91 score, tubs. 27*4: 1-pound prints. 28‘4: ’4-Pound prints. 2834: 90 score, tubs. 263/4; 1-pound prints, °7V4; v4-nound prints. 2734; 89 score, tubs. 26V4: 1-pound prints. 2634: V4-pound prints. 27V4: 88 score, tubs. 26; 1-pound prints. 2B,/2; ’^-oound prints. 27. LIVESTOCK—Calves. 9; spring lambs. IOV2. Other livestock prices unavailable. From Agricultural Marketing Service, prices paid net f.o.b. Washington: EGGS—Market steady. Prices paid for Federal-State graded eggs received from grading stations iJune 8): Whites. U. S. extras, large. 21-23: U. S. extras, mediums. 17-19; U. S. standards, large, 18-20: U. S. standards, mediums. 16-17: U. S. trades. 14-17. Browns. U. S. extras, large, 20-22; U. S. extrp.s, mediums. 17-18: U. S. stand ards. large. 18-20: U. S. standards, medi ums. 16-17; U. S. trades. 14-17. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts, whites. 16. few higher; mixed colors, 15, few higher. LIVE POULTRY—Market* weaker on chickens; about steady on turkeys. Fowl, colored, all sizes. 15-16; No. 28. 11-12; Leghorns. 11-12; roosters. 8-9: chickens. Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes, 21-22; No. 2s. 13-15; Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes, 19-20: No. 2s. 13-14: Leghorns, broilers. 2 pounds and up. 16 cents; under 2 pounds. 14. Turkeys, old toms. 10-11; hens, 13; No. 2s. hens and toms, 8-10. Dividends Announced NEW TORK. June 8.—Dividends declared (prepared by Pitch Publishing Co >: Passed. Brach E J ft Sons. Accumulated. Pe- Stk of Pay Rate.rlod.record. able. Carthegs Mills HI pf A S3 6-11 6-15 Carth Mills 61 pf B SI.20 __ 6-11 8-15 Petrol ft Trad Ptc A 37',4c 6-11 6-21 Regular. Apex Elec Mfg 25c 6-20 7-1 Apex Elec Mfg pr pf_$1.75 Q 6-20 7-1 Bancohlo Corp _ 22c Q 6-22 7-1 Bulova Watch _50c Q 6-20 7-1 Climax-Molybdenum Co 30c O 6-18 6-28 Economy Grocery Strs 25c Q 6-1R 6-25 Formica Insulation .. 25c__ 6-15 7-1 Hummel-Ross Fiber_15c . 6-14 6-29 Meyer-Blanke Co ..40c _ 8-6 ' 6-12 Reliance Elec ft Eng-.25c 8-15 8-25 Torringtoo Co_40e Q 6-14 6-25 Vlehek Tool .. . 10c 8-20 8-29 Vlchek Tool 7* pf—*1.75 Q 8-20 8-29 i Bonds Br private wire direct te The Star. Approximate Transaction! Today. domestic Bonds_ 1,200,000 Foreign Bonds__ 370,000 U S Govt Bonds_, 40,000 TREASURY. Hixh. Low. Close. 2s 1947- 103. 103. 103. 2%s 1951-53- 101.18 101.16 101.16 2%s 1945-47 rg.. 106.24 106.24 106.24 2%s 1956-59_ 103.28 103.28 103.28 2«is 1960-65_ 103.20 103.20 103.20 2%s 1955-60_ 105.1 105.1 105.1 3s 1946-48_ 108.8 108.8 108.8 3*4» 1943-45_ 107.16 107.16 107.18 3%s 1944-46_ 108.1 108.1 108.1 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3%s 19',4-64.__ 105.22 105.22 105.22 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2%s 1942-44_ 103.1 103.1 103.1 3s 1944-52_ 105.10 105.10 105.10 NEW YORK CITY BONDS 3s 1980 B w.l_ 89% 89% 89% 3s 1980 1 w.i.. 89% 89% 89% FOREIGN BONDS. Hirh. Low Close. Antioquia 7s 45 B_ 8% 8% 8% Antioqula 3d 7s 57_ 7% 7% 7% Argentine 4s 72 Feb-. ' 67% 67% 67% Argentine 4%s 48_ 82% 81% 82% Argentine 4 %s 71_ 72 71 71 Australia 4%s 56_ 36 35 36 Australia 5s 55_ 40% 40 40 Belgium 6s 65 _ 51% 50% 51 Belgium 6%s 49_ 51% 50 51 Belgium 7s 55 . . ... 50% 60 60 Brazil 6%s 1926-57—. 9% 9% 9% Brazil 6%s 1927-57 .. 9% 9% 9% Buenos Aires 4%s 77. 45 45 45 Buenos Aires 4%s 75. 47% 46% 46% Canada 2%s 44_ 80 80 80 Canada 3s 67_ 67 67 67 Canada 3s 68_ 67% 67% 67% Canada 3% s 61_ 70% 69 70% Canada 4s 60 73% 72% 73% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd .. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd.. 10% 10% 10% Copenhagen 4%s 53— 20 20 20 Copenhagen 5s 52 — 20% 20% 20% Cordoba Prov 7s 42—. 70 70 70 Denmark 4%s 62_ 21 21 21 Denmark 5%s 55_ 27% 27% 27% Denmark 6s 42 _ 30 30 30 French Gov 7s 49_ 107 107 107 Ger Govt 5%s 65_ 13% 13% 13% Italy 7s 51 . _. 41% 40 40 Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B-. 37 37 37 Ital p U Crd 7s 62_ 32% 32% 32% Japan 6%s 65_ 64 63% 64 Japan 6 %s 64- 84 83 84 Milan 6%s 52_ 29% 29 29% New So Wales 5s 57— 36 36 36 Oriental Dev 6s 53_ 57 57 57 Panama 5%s 53 _ 97% 97% 97% Poland 4%s 68 asd_ 4 4 4 Rio de Jan 6%s 53_ 5 5 5 Rio de Jan 8s 46 6 6 6 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66-— 5% 5% 6*4 Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 5% 5% 5% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 25 23% 25 Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 6% 6% 6% Taiwan Elec 5%s 71.. 53% 53% 53% Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 . 58 58 58 Urn 3%-4-4%s adj 79 39 39 39 Uruguay 4%s-4%s 78 40% 40% 40% j Uruguay 6s 64 48 48 48 Yokohama 6s 61 60 60 60 DOMESTIC BONDS. ! Abitibi P&P 5s 53 ... 29 28*, 28*, I Alleg Corp 5s 41_ 70'-, 70 70 Alleg Corp 5s 49.. . 59 59 59 ! Allied Stores 4Hs 51. 89*, 89*, 89*, ' Allis-Chalmers 4s 52. 107 106*, 107 ; Am I G Ch 5Vjs 43... 102 1017, 102 | AmT&T31is61_106'i 106', 106', Am T& T 3s 66_ 105*, 105' , 105", Am T & T 51,2® 43 . 10644 106*, 10644 ! Arm'r(Del) 1st 4s 55. 96', 96 96', | A T&S Fe gen 4s 95__ 103', 102*, 102*, j A T&S Fe 414s 48 . 1007. 100’, 1007, j Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 66 65’* 65'. R & O 1st 4s 48 _ 68', 58i* sgi, B & O cv 60s std . .. 9'* 87« 87% B & O 95 A stamped.. 21 20'* 21 B & O 95 C stamped.. 24'. 23'-. 24', B & O 96 F stamped.. 20', 20’* 20', B&0 2000 Dstpd 21'. 20', 21', B&OPLE&W'Va4s51si 46', 44*, 46', B & O S W 50s std 36 35'4 35'., Bell Tel of Pa 5s 48 B 112'i 112', 112', Bell Tel (Pa) 5s 60 C. 128*. 128** 128*, Beth Steel 3Us 59_ 1027, 1027i 1027, Beth Steel 3 Us 52 _ 106), 106'/, 106V* Boston & Me 4 *4 s 61 _ 51 51 51 Bost&Me 4*is 61 std. 48 48 48 Bos & Me 5s 55 - 55'4 55'i 55H Boston & Me 5s 55 st. 49'4 48 48 Boston & Me 5s 67 st. 48 47*, 47*, Bklyn Ed cn 314s 66 107'4 107V, 1074, Bklyn Man 414 s 66 ct 85', 85 85', Bk QC&S 1st 5s 41 ct. 517i 517, 517. Bk QC&S Cn 5s 41 ct_. 44*, 44’, 44*, Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45 . 109*, 109*, 109', Buff G E 4'4s 81 . 111V, 111', 111'* Buff Roch & P 57 std. 30', 30', 30V, j Canadian NR 414s 51. 76', 76', 76', Can NR 414s 57 _ 771, 77', 77', ! Can NR 5s 69 July_ 81', 81', 81L Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 80', 80', 80', : Can Nor 6>4s 46 _ 92'* 92 92'* Can Pac db 4s perp 42', 42', 42', j Caro Cl & Oh 6s 52 .. 103', 10.3', 103', Celotex 4 ’4s 47 ww 77', 77', 77li Cent N Y Pwr 3*, s 62 106’, 106', 106', Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 58*. 58*. 58** I Cent Pacific 5s 60 35*, 35', 35', 1 Cert'd deb 5'4s 48 70', 70', 70'4 Cham P&F 4** s 38-50 103 103 103 ! Ches & O 3 *4s 96 E 95*, 95'. 95', Chi & Alton 3s 49 __ 9', 9 9 C B & Q rfg 5s 71 A... 78', 78', 78', Chi &E 111 5s 51 _ 10', 10', 10', Chi Grt West 4s 59_21', 21*, 21*. Chi Mil & St P 5s 75— 4 37, 4 CM&StP adj 6s 21)00._ l'i 1', l'i Chi Un Sta 3 $*s 63 .. 105V, 105V. 105)4 Chi & W Ind 414s 62— 88 88 88 CCC&StLrf 414s 77.. 3974 3974 391, Clev Un Term 5s 73_. 71*i 71 71 Colo F & Ir 5s 70_ 68V, 68'i 68>4 Colo & So 414s 80 ... 23', 23', 23', Col G & E 5s 52 May.. 101', 101 101'i Col G & E 5s 61 ... 99*, 99', 99', Colum RP&L 4s 65_ 10714 107V, 107Vi j Comw Ed 314s 58_ 113 112', 112', ' Comw Ed 3’4s 68 . 108*i 108*, 108** Cons Ed N Y 31*s 46. 1047, 1041, 1041, Consol Oil 31,s 51 104'* 104 104 Consum Pwr 314s 65. 107 107 107 Consum Pwr 3 V4s 70 107V4 107*, 107)4 Crucible Steel 414s 48 102 102 102 dci w iiuu i ci ts 10 _ os1'* oo»vi Den & RGYV rf 5s 78.. 44 44 44 Det Edison 4s 65 . 1104 1104 1104 Duquesne Lt 34s 65. 107 107 1074 Elec Auto Lt 4s 52_106 106 106 Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 144 144 144 Eriecv4s53B_ 144 144 144 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 48 474 48 Fed Lt & Tr 6s 42_ 102 102 102 Gen Am Ir.v 5s 52_ 102 102 102 Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49.. 63>4 634 634 Goodrich 414s 56 ... 102 102 102 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G _. 96 96 96 Grt N Ry 1st 414s 61. 1064 1064 1064 Grt Nor Ry 614s 52... 95 95 95 Har Riv & P 4s 54 .. 58 58 58 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A. 264 264 264 Hud & Man Inc 5s 57.. 104 104 104 Hud & Man ref 5s 57.. 39 384 39 111 Cent ref 4s 55. 35 35 35 111 Cent 44s 66_ 314 304 304 ICC&ST NO 44* 63_ 33 33 33 lCC&StL NO 6s63 A.. 354 354 354 Ind & Louisv 4s 56 84 84 84 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66... 744 744 744 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 744 744 744 Int Paper 1st 6s 47... 100 100 100 Int Ry of C A 5s 72_ 80 80 80 Int T&T 44s 62_ 24 234 234 Int T&T 6s 55_ 25 244 244 Kan City Term 4s 60. 1074 1074 1074 Ky&Ind T 4 4s 61 st_. 68 68 68 Koppers Co 4s 61_ 1024 1024 1024 Laclede Gas 5s 42 ... 814 814 814 Leh Val C 5s 54 std... 24 24 24 Leh Val C 6s 43 std... 514 514 514 L V RR 4s 2003 asd .. 9 84 84 LV RR cn 44s 2003.. 9«% 94 94 L V RR 5s 2003 asd.. 104 10 10 Libby McN&L 4s 55.. 994 994 994 Long Isld ref 4s 49_ 87 87 87 McKess & R 5%s 50.. 834 834 834 Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 804 804 804 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct.. 804 804 804 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 1004 1004 1004 Minn St L 5s 34 ct ... 44 44 44 MStP&SSM 54s 49.. 1 1 1 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90... 214 214 214 Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 134 13 134 Mo Pac 5s 78 G ... 13 13 13 Mob & Ohio 44s 77— 224 224 224 Mob & Ohio 5s 38_ 27 264 264 MonongPS6s65_ 106 106 106 MontPwr3%s66 ... 994 99 994 Nassau El 4s 51 ctfs. 51 51 51 Nat Dairy 3%s 51 . 1064 106 1064 New Orl P S 5s 55 B._ 1044 1044 1044 N Y Central 34s 52.. 444 44 444 NT Central 34s 97— 70 70 70 N T Central 4s 42_ 86 854 88 1 l Rich. Low. Close. N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A. 40 40 40 N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 ._. 46% 46% 45% N Y ChiAStL 4%s 7*. 44 43% 43% N Y CAStL 6%s 74 A. 61% 61% 61% NYEdisref 3%s66.. 106% 106’% 106% N Y G E HAP 4s 49_114 114 114 NY NH A H 4%s 67_ 12% 12% 12% NY NH AH cv 6s 48_13% 13% 13% NYWAB4%s46_ 3% 3% 3% Norf Southn 6s 61_ 9% 9% 9% North Am 4s 69 105% 105% 105% Norn Pac 6s 2047 D— 45% 45% 45% Nor’n Pac 6s 2047_ 49% 48% 49 Northn Sta Pw 3 % 67 106% 106% 106% Ohio Edison 3%s 72. 103% 103% 103% Okla GAE 3 % s 66_ 107% 107% 107% Pac Gas A El 3 %s 66- 107% 107% 107% Pac G A E 5 % u 61-109% 108% 109% Pac G A E 4s 64_111 111 111 Penn G1 A Sd 4%s 60. 102% 102% 102% Penn PAL 3 %s 69_106% 106% 106% Penn RR 3%s 62_ 77% 76% 77 Penn RR deb 4%s 70. 82% 82 82 Penn RR gen 6s 68_101** 101% 101% Pere Marquette 4s 66 46% 46 46% Pere Marq 6s 56_ 56 56 56 PhllaCo 5s 67.. _ 105 105 105 Fhila Elec 3%s 67_109% 108% 109% Phillips Petrol 3s 48.. 106% 106 106 PCCAStL 4 %s 77_ 92 92 92 PCCAStL 5s 75 B ... 100 99% 99% PittAW Va 4%s 60 C. 46 45% 46 Port Gen El 4%s 60— 66 66 66 Porto R A T 6s 42 st„ 76 76 76 Postal Tel A C 5s 63— 17% 17% 17% Press Steel Car 5s 51 80 80 80 Pub Svc N 111 3%s 68 107% 107% 107% Rem R’d 4%s 56 ww_. 90 90 90 Republic Stl 4%s 61.. 93 93 93 Republic Stl 6 %s 64— 104% 104% 104% Richfield Oil 4s 52 — 104 104 104 Rio Gr W 1st 4s 39— 20 20 20 Rio Gr col 4s 49 A_ 6% 5% 5% R I A A I 4%s 34__ 6% 6% 6% St L Pub Svc 6s 59_ 61 61 61 St L S F 5s 50 B ct — 8% 8% 8% Seabd A L con 6s 45._ 3% 3% 3% Shell Un Oil 2%s 54_95% 95 95 Skelly Oil 3s 60 _ 99% 99% 99% Socony Vac 3s 64 .. 104% 104 104% So Bell TAT 3%s 62.. 107% 107% 107% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A— 103 103 103 So Natl G 4%s 51_ 105 105 105 So Pac col 4s 49_ 31% 31% 31% So Pac ref 4s 55_ 63 53 53 So Pac 4 %s 68_ 32% 32% 3.3% So Pac 4 %s 69_ 32% 32% 32% So Pac 4 %s 81__ 32% 32 32 So Pac Oreg 4%s 77.. 38% 38% 38% So Ry 4s 56 __ 45 45 45 So Ry gen 6s 56 _ 59 59 59 Stand Oil N J 3s 61—. 103 103 103 Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 105% 105% 105% Tex Corp 3s 59_ 104% 104% 104% Texas Corp 3 %s 51— 103% 103% 103% Tex A Pac 5s 77 B — 55 55 55 TexAPac 1st 5s 2000. 105 105 105 Third Ave 4s 60 _ 46% 46% 46% Third Ave adj 5s 60 . 13’* 13% 13% Tide Wat Oil 3 %s 52. 106 106 106 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 111 110% 110% Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 58% 58% 58% United Drug 5s 53_ 75% 75% 75% Utah LAT 6s 44- 98% 98% 98% Utah Pwr A L 5s 44— 98 98 98 Va El A V 3%s 68 B — 107% 107% 107% Va Ry 1 st 3 % 66- 104% 104% 104% Wabash 5s 76 B _ 5 5 5 Warner Bros 6s 48_ 79 79 79 Warren Bros 6s 41 . 20 19 20 West Penn P 3%s 66. 108% 108% 108% West Sh 1st 4s 2361.. 37 36% 36% West Md 1st 4s 52 ... 74 74 74 West Union 4%s 50.. 55 55 55 West Union 5s 51_ 56% 56 56% West Union 5s 60_ 55% 55% 55% Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 15*, 15% 15*, Wis El Pw 3%s 68 —. 106% 106% 106% Wis Pub Svc 4s 61... 107*, 107*, 107*, Youngst'n SAT 4s 48. 102% 102% 102*, Youngst n SAT 4s 61. 103% 102*, 103% Store Sales Sag 9 Per Cent From Last Year By the Associated Press. The Federal Reserve Board esti mated yesterday that department store sales decreased 9 per cent In the last week of May, compared with the corresponding week last year. Sales in the week ended May 25 were unchanged from a year ago, sales for the four weeks ended June 1 were 1 per cent over last year. By Federal Reserve districts, com parisons of sales in the one week ended June 1 with a year ago fol low: Decreases—Boston. 17 per cent; New York. 16; Philadelphia. 14; Cleveland. 3: Richmond, 9; Atlanta, 2; Chicago. 11; St. Louis, 2; San Francisco, 4. Increases—Kansas City, 2; Dal las. 3. No figure was given for the Minne apolis district. Virginia Employment Gains During May By the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Va„ June 8.—The State Industrial Commission yes terday estimated, on the basis of occupational accidents as an index of employment, that total hours of work in Virginia industry during May was 9 6 per cent more than in April. The May figure was 1 per cent less than for May, 1939, though 12 per cent more than for May, 1938. During May, 15 fatal and 6.750 non-fatal accidents were reported to the commission, which approved agreements and issued awards for payment of compensation in 821 cases. 2,950 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, June 8 (Jp).—St. Joseph Lead Co. reported 875 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $4.85 per 100 pounds, East St. Louis, 1.950 tons at $5.05, New York, and 125 tons at the New York average. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE June 8.— Sales STOCKS. High. Low close. SOBalto Trans pfd 1.55 1.55 1.55 10 Consol Pow com 70i, 70V, 70V, Fidelity * Deposit 102 102 102 200 New Amster Cas 13 13 13 BONDS Si.OoOBsi Tra deb 4s A 3nv, .30'i 301, 2.500 Balt Trans 5s B PO PO 90 Chicago Livestock CH1CAOO. June 8 OPi (O. S Dept. Aer >. —Salable hogs. 300: total, 8.800: supply too small to establish market: all prices same as Friday: quotable top around 5.40; shippers took none: holdover. 500; com 5“£,ed ago: Weights 180 pounds down. 35-00 lower: weights over 180 pounds 15-25 off; sows. 25-35 lower. Salable cattle. 300: calves none; com pared Friday last week: Good and choice fed steers and yearlings 25 lower. Instances 35*40 down; common and medium grades 16-25 lower: meaty stock steers and feed ers shared killer decline. light thin year lings and stock calves steady, good and choice fat heifers 25 off. plain and medium kinds weak to 25 lower: all cows 15-25 higher: bulls 25-40 up: vealers 50 to I. 00 lower: bulk steers in killer flesh, very good to choice offerings predominating; little above 10.50. however; practical top II. 25. paid for light steers; prime special ties no criterion genera! market at 12.25. extreme toe: common grass steers to 7.00. but little under 8.00: light heifers topped at 10.35; heavy heifers 10.15: cows acutely scarce: not enough bulls to meet trade requirements: cutter cows to 8.25; strictly good fat cows t.o 8.00: heavy sausage bulls to 7.35: vealers closed at 10.00 down. Salable sheep, none: total. 2.000; late Friday: Two doubles 2-year-old wethers on Texas order. 7.40: load California spring lambs lacking quality POO; com pared Friday last week: Spring lambs 35-50 lower, clipped lambs 25-40 lower; no wool-skins offered; fat sheep weak: best native springers In small lots 11.85. bulk 11.60-11.85; throwouts. 8.50-9.50: Cali fornia springers. 11.25: bulk. 11.00-11.25: few native type clipped lambs. 9.25; bulk supply on Texas order. 8.00-8.75. with lower grades 7.75 and few throwouts to feeders 6.76; lightweight western ewes quotable to with practical top natives 3.75 and medium and heavy weights. 2.76-3.50. throwouts largely 2.00 S.60 and Banners 1.60 down. Curb By irinti wire direct te The BUr. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hl*h. Low. close. Aero 8up B .20* 1 64 54 54 Ala Power pf («) 20s 85 85 85 Alum Ltd <3e) ... 100s 69 66 56 Am Cynam B .60. 11 324 314 314 Am Export .50e .. 1 94 94 94 Am Gaa A El 1.60 1 27 27 27 Am Republics. . 1 54 64 54 Am Seal-Kap ,12a 1 44 44 44 Am Superpower 1st pf (6)-100a 49 48 48 Ark Nat Gas(A). 2 14 14 14 AssoG A Elee(r) 1 A A A AssoGAE (A)(r) 3 A A A Atl Coast Fish .. 2 14 14 14 Atlas Plyw.626e. 2 13 13 13 Avery pfxw 1.60. 25s 15 15 15 Aviation A Trane 1 24 24 24 Baldwin Lo war.. 7 64 64 84 Basic Dol (,25e).. 2 44 44 44 Bath Iron (,25e). 1 12 12 12 Beech Aircraft .. 1 44 44 44 Bellanca Aircraft 6 44 44 44 Bell Aircraft .. 2 174 174 174 Bell Tel Can (*).. 40a 98 98 98 Berk A Gay war.. 28 A A A Breeze Corp .60*. 3 6 44 6 Brewster Aero... 21 114 104 11 Brown Co pf (r). 60s 184 184 184 Brown Rubber... 1 14 14 ja4 B NAEP pf 1.60.. 3 174 174 174 Bunker Hill ,50e. 1 10 10 10 Caro PAL pf (7). 30s 98 98 98 Celan pto pf (7a) 60s 107 107 107 Cent NT Pw pf 6. 20s 914 914 914 Cent States Elec. 3444 Chi Flex S (6a).. 200a 654 56 55 Cities Service_ 1 44 44 44 Cities Service pf. 1 624 624 624 Cities Svc pf (B). 7 6 6 6 Conn Tel A Elec. 6 1 4 1 Cons Steel Corp.. 8 34 34 34 Coeden Petrolm.. 1 14 14 14 Creole Petr ,60a.. 1 154 154 154 Dayton R<A)(2). 200s 24 24 24 Decca Ree .60 ... 1 44 44 44 Dennis’n pr pf 3e 60s 20V* 20V* 204 Distilled Liquors 2 14 14 14 Duke Power l.SOe 25s 684 684 684 Eastn GAF 6 of 100s 154 154 154 E GAF prpf 2.25k 100s 434 42 42 Eastn Sts pf A .. 25s 14 14 14 Eleo Bond A Sh . 3 44 44 44 Emp GAF 6% pf. 20s 58V* 584 584 Equity cv pf (3). 325s 20 20 20 Fairchild Avia... 1 94 94 914 Fairchild EA A . 11 54 64 64 Falstaff Brew .60 1 6% 64 64 Fedders Mfg .15e 1 64 64 64 Fla PAL pf 3.94k 100s 954 954 954 Ford Ltd I.16g> .. 1 14 14 14 Fruehauf T .60s. 1 21 21 21 Gen Pub Svc pf.. 20s 264 264 264 Glen Alden .125e. 1 64 64 64 Gorham Inc pf... 100s 11 11 H Grt Nor Pap (le) 50s 36 36 36 Gulf Oil of Pad) 2 254 254 254 Harv'd Brew Ooe 6 14 14 174 Hecla Min .20e_ 1 44 44, 4*, Horn A Hard (2) 100s 274 27V* 274 Humble Oil ,75e.. 2 504 60 50 Imp Oil Ltd .50a. 2 64 64 64 Ina Co N Am 2a.. 60s 55 534 634 Int Hydro El pf.. 16 6 6 Int Indust (.l(ig). 1 14 14 m Int PaAPwr war. 7 24 24 24 Int Petrolm 1.50 11 104 10 104 ■ Int Petm reg 1.50 1 104 104 104 I Intarst H Eq .50 1 74 714 714 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 100s 12 12 12 Jacobs Co- 1 14 14 JerCPALpf (6). in* 92 92 92 JerCPALpf (7). 20? 994 994 994 Jones A Lau Stl. 5 194 194 194 Lake Sh M (le) . 6 114 11 n Lakey Fdry AM. 1 34 34 34 Lane-Well* (la). 1 94 94 94 Long Island Ltg. 14 4 4 Long Is) Lt pf B. 50* 24 24 24 La Land&Ex .20* 4444 Mead John (3a) 20* 130 130 130 Merr-Ch & S pf A 50* 614 504 604 Mich Bumber_ 51 4 ^ Molybdenum .25* 4 74 64 64 Monarch M 1.50e. 1 374 374 374 Mount City C- 1 24 24 24 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 5 104 104 104 j Nat Oil Prod .50*. 1 36 36 36 Nat l"n Radio (n) 14 4 4 New Idea (.60).. 4 104 104 104 NJZlno(le)-100* 554 544 654 N Y Hon R .75*.. 60s 18 18 18 NY Shlpb'g fd ah 3 154 154 154 NYStE&GpfBH 20* 99 99 99 N Y Transit .25e_ 16 6 6 NY Water Syc pf. 20* 174 174 174 Nlag Hudson Pw 4 34 34 34 Nlag Hud 1st (5) 100* 764 764 764 Nor Am Lt A Pwr 14 4 4 N A Rayon B.50* 1 174 174 174 NIPS 6% pf 1.50k 10* 100 100 100 NIPS 7* pf 1.75k 100* 105 105 105 North’n St* P (A) 3 9 9 9 Ohio Pwr pf (6 ) 20* 1134 11341134 Okla Nat Gas.50e 1 14 14 14 Pantepec 011 26 24 24 24 Pender Gr B .50e. 1 12 12 12 Pennroad 2 14 14 14 Penn Salt (5.25e) 50* 159 159 159 Pepperell (3e) 25* 57 57 67 Pitts Forg i.25e) 1 94 94 94 Pitts ALE (2e) 50* 54 524 54 ritts Plate G(2e) 4 70 70 70 Pbsvccoi pf (7) 10*110 no no Puget SdPJ6pf 50* 17 17 17 Pug Sd Fulpl.25e 4 184 18 18 Republic Avlat'n. 19 44 44 4*4 Root Petroleum.. 2 14 14 14 Ryerson H_ 2444 St Keels Paper... 8 24 24 24 Scovill Mfg.60e.. 4 26 264 254 Segal Lock _ 14 4 4 Seiberllng Rub.. 2444 Sher-Wlll pf (6). 140* 1104 110 1104 Simmon* HAP.. 6 44 44 44 Simplicity Pat_ 2 4 4 4 Sonotone (,1ft*).. 3 14 14 14 Soss Mfg .0625*.. 1 34 34 314 South'n On Gas.. 1 3 3 3 Stand Oil Ky (1). * 174 174 174 Stand Oil O (1)— 1 284 284 284 Stand Pwr A Lt.. 1 4 4 vt Sterling Alum_ 16 6 6 Taggart .... 1 24 24 24 Technicolor .50*. 1 10 10 10 Tob Prod Exp.40g 1 44 44 44 Tung-Sol Lamp.. 2 14 14 14 Udylite ( 20e) .. 1 34 34 34 Unit Alrc't P .10* 2 114 114 nu Unit Cgr-Whelan 2 A A A United Corp war. 4 V* 4 4 Unit LtAPwr pf. 2 19V* 19 19 Unit Profit Shar. 1 A A A Unit Sh M 2.60a 150* 60 60 60 Unit Sh M pf 1.60 210* 41 40 40 U 8 Foil (B)_ 14 4 4 Unit Wall Papar. 6 14 14 14 Va Pub Sery pf.. 2*s 66 66 66 Wey’berg S .375e. 50* 6 6 6 Wright Harg.40a 1 34 34 34 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included, a Also extra or extras, d Accumulated dividends Paid last year e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable in stock, g Paid ast year. h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared this year HI Under rule ww With warrants. xw Without warrants, war Warrants. __5_ Clearing House Issues Report at New York By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—The weekly statement of the New York clear ing house showed: Total surplus and undivided profits unchanged at $931,357,000. Total net demand deposits (average) increased $13, 139,000. Time deposits (average) increased $11,018,000. Clearings week ending today, $2,981,204,161. Clearings week ending May 31, *$2,801,228,586. • Five days. Baltimore Exchange Names Evans Chief Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, June 8.—Henry C. Evans of Stein Bros. & Boyce has been re-elected president of the Baltimore Stock Exchange. Frank Fisher of J. Charles, W. L. John son, W. Carroll Mead and Herbert W. Schaefer have been elected to the Governing Committee for three year terms and William G. Baker, Jr., elected trustee of the gratuity fund. i