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' t 1 — ■ News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations By PAGE McK. ETCHISOX. President Organized Bible Class Association. The Women's Bible Class of the First Congregational Church elected the following officers: Miss Susan D. Richards, president; Mrs. Arthur L. Smith, vice president; Miss Grace Hurd, recording secretary; Miss Emma Heald, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. S. Mitchell, treasurer, and Miss Flora Paige assistant treasurer. Mrs. E. C. Alvord, teacher, will speak tomorrow morning. Jimmy Bloodworth, second baseman of the Washington base ball i-thiii, jumeu me VHUgiiu ui' Calvary Baptist Church last Sun day. He was presented for mem * bership by Class President. J. St. Clair Hambly. Tomorrow will be Decision Day. Linn C. Drake will tsach the lesson, William S. Har way, Jack Wagoner and Carl Bo ftardus will assist in the program. Charles I. Haycraft will sing. The Ella H. Walker Philatliea Class of Calvary Methodist Church elected omcers at its annual § business and so- ?’ rial meeting at | Vacation Lodge 1 Of the Y. W. C. j A., Cherrydale, | Va. They are: I Muss Edith Was- 1 muth. president; f Mrs. Elsie Bix- " ler. vice presi dent; Miss Ha zel Shoup, sec ret ary; Miss Edna Compton, treasurer; Miss Grace Healy, at Mr. Etchison. tendance secretary; Miss Jessie Ingram, corresponding secretary, and Judge J. W. Thompson, teacher. The Paul A. Menzel Class of Con cordia Evangelical and Reformed Church is co-operating in the an nual church picnic next Saturday in Rock Creek Park. The Anna May Wood Class of Waugh Methodist Church will hold a business and social meeting to day at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Gertrude M. Donovan, 1735 D street N.E. Miss Wedding and Miss Tur ner will assist Mrs. Donovan as hostesses. The Phi Gamma Kappa Class of Metropolitan Baptist Church will hold a business meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Rogers on Tuesday evening. An outdoor supper will be served. A patriotic program will be given. Frank J. Halliday will speak on “Habits.” The class will conduct the service at the Northeast Mission on Wednesday evening. William Bai ley will be In charge of the pro gram and the class president, Jack Prost, will speak. The A. B. Pugh Bible Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will be taught tomorrow morning by Justice Bolitha J. Laws. Reports on the annual attendance snd membership contest will be made by the chairman. Mr*. John W. Smith will speak to the adult department at 9:30 a m. on “The Child in the Midst. Special music will be given by the male quartet of the church choir. Hillman Harris will be the guest teacher of the Drake Bible Class of Calvary Baptist Church tomor row morning. Herbert Irvin will be in charge of the devotional program. Mrs. Julia Brueggman and Mrs. Martha McMillin will sing a duet. Claydon Collins will preside. William R. Schmucker. treasurer ©f the Organized Bible Class Asso ciation. will be the guest teacher at the Potomac Chapel Men's Bible Class of Potomac Methodist Church. President Norman Ingalls will be in charge. The Philathea and Yaden Bible Classes of the Petworth Baptist Church will hold their annual picnic today in Rock Creek Park. The Philathea Class will hold a business meeting Monday evening. Mrs. Pearl May High will be hostess. Miss Thurston's class of the Cov enant-First Presbyterian Church will hold its closing session for the season tomorrow- morning. Miss Mabe Nelson Thurston will speak mi ‘'Malarhi Demands Honesty Toward God.” The Florence M. Brown Class ofg Calvry Baptist Church will hold a business meeting Tues day at 8 p.m. The class w-ill be In charge of the services at the Receiving Home for Children to morrow at 3 p.m. The Box Bible Class of Emory Methodist Church will hold its 18th annual summer outing next Satur day at Elmer Johnson's cottage, Broadwater Beach. Md. John Gard ner, president, will be in charge of the class session tomorrow morning. The Class in Comparative Religion of all Souls’ Church will hold its closing session of the season to morrow at 10 am. Mrs. Selina G. Schultz will review the work of the class during the last year, and the annual meeting and election of of ficers will be held. The class will reopen in September. Charles C. Haig will discuss “The Prophecies of Jonah and Daniel” at the session of the O. W. L. Bible Class of the Covenant-First Presby terian Church tomorrow morning. Carl Bock will speak to the Men’s Bible Class of Mount Rainier Chris tian Church tomorrow morning on *■ Ezekiel Teaches Personal Respon sibility.” The annual fishing trip will be held next Saturday. The Fidelis Class of National Baptist Memorial Church will hold the Fidelis Tacky Mystery Sister Party at the home of Ola Lyon, 311 South Edgew-ood, Arlington, Va„ Tuesday evening. Cars will leave the church at 7:30 p.m. The Men’s Bible Class of Eld brooke Methodist Church will hold its last meeting tomorrow morning until September. E. A. Swingle will give the closing message of the Old Testament course which he has given during the year. His theme tomorrow will be: “From Genesis to Malachi.” Harold S. King of the Executive Committee of the Organized Bible Class Assooiation will present a historical motion picture program on the work of the association at a meeting of the Alpha and Brother hood Bible Classes of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Wednesday eve ning. The Harrison Bible Class of Con gress Street Methodist Church will take a group picture of the class at the close of the morning ses sion tomorrow. All class members are urged to be present. Dr. Elmer Loins Kayser, teacher of the class, will speak at the class session. Dr. Brooks Will Preach At Universalist Memorial “Personal Religion in Ihe Face of Crisis” is the topic of Dr. Seth R. Brooks, minister of the Universal- i ist National Memorial Church to-1 morrow at 11 a m. The National Capital Choir will sing and H. Jerome Graham will be at the organ. The Young People’s Christian Union will meet at the church at 6 p.m. for an outdoor meeting in Rock Creek Park. After supper Dr. Brooks will tel! Bible stories. The Women’s Association will hold its annual picnic at Palisades Park on Tuesday. Automobiles will | be at the church from 10 to 10:45. The Board of Management will meet in the Romaine-Van Schaick loom Tuesday evening. The women will sew for the Red Cross on Friday from 10 to 3 p.m. and from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Chapel of the Redeemer Corner Stone to Be Laid The corner stone of the new Chapel of the Redeemer will be laid this afternoon at 5 o'clock by Bishop James E. Fieeman, assisted by the vicar, the Rev. M. M. Perkins, and officials of the department of mis sions. The service tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock will consist of morning prayer and address, conducted by Thomas G. Spence, lay reader. Bishop Stamm Speaks Tomorrow at Albright Church Dedication Dr. and Mrs. Weaver To Be Guests of Honor At Banquet Tuesday Albright Church will rededicate the present building, which has been completely refurnished, and dedicate the first unit of the sanctuary in services tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. The guest preacher and dedicator will be Bishop John S. Stamm of Harrisburg, Pa., of the eastern area of the Evengelical Church. At 11 am. he will preach the dedicatory sermon and at 7:45 p.m. he will deliver the dedicatory ad dress and lead in the dedicatory ritual. He will be assisted bv the Rev. George E. Schnabel. Tire three choirs will present a group of an thems, and for the evening service they will be augmented bv the choir from the Beverly Hills Church, Alex andria. Va. On Tuesday the dedication ban quet will be held, with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Weaver as the guests of honor. Dr. Weaver is the District Superintendent of the York district of the Central Pennsylvania Con ference. The guest speakers will be Mrs. C. Newton Kidd of Baltimore, president of the Woman’s Mission ary Society Branch of the Central Pennsylvania Conference, and At torney Theodore McKeldin of Balti more. Following the banquet and speaking, the women and men will adjourn to their respective rooms for dedicatory services. The ladies’ par lor will be dedicated in honor of Miss Susan Bauernfeind, a mission ary of Tokio. Japan. Mrs. Samuel Stewart will preside at this dedication, and Mr. George Corbin will preside at the dedication of the new’ clubroom. Mrs. A. F. Weaver will deliver the biographical sketch of Miss Bauernfeind's 40 years of service, and Dr. Weaver will speak at the men’s clubroom dedication. The structure, with the repairs, has cost $30000. The architects were A. B. Lowstutter, and asso ciated with him was John Savolaine. Both are members of the congre ga tion. Gospel Mission to Hold Evangelistic Meetings Evangelistic meetings will be held at the Gospel Mission, 810 Fifth street N.W., daily at 7:30 p.m., June 9 through June 21. Evangelist Glenn W. Wagner Is a graduate of the Dallas Theological Seminary and for a year conducted a young people’s program over WJSV known as the Gospel Twilight Hour. At the University of Illinois he was a member of the national champion ship football team. His topics: June 9, “Judgment EVANGELIST GLENN W. WAGNER. —Star Staff Photo. Among the Nations”; Monday. “The Great Tribulation, Who Will See It?”; Tuesday, “Peace and Dictator ship"; Wednesday “The First Sin in Heaven”; Thursday, “The First Sin on Earth”; Friday, “Can Man Know That He Has Life?" and Sat urday, “Greatest Hindrance to Re vival.” Ted Crum, pianist, will assist in the services. The public is invited. Fort Lincoln Church Services are held every Sunday at 4 p.m. throughout the summer, fea tured by the singing of Washington's church choirs, with organ music and Deagan chimes and with brief de votional messages by the Rev. Dale Crowley. The choir of the Brook land Baptist Church will furnish the music tomorrow. The public is invited. Calvary Methodist Congregation to Hear Dr. Vernon N. Ridgely The Rev. 0. G. Robinson, Pastor, Is Made a Doctor of Divinity At Calvary Methodist Church to morrow, at 11 a.m„ the guest speaker will be Dr. Vernon N. Ridgely, former pastor, now minister of the Center Street Church, Cumberland, Md. Dr. Orris Robinson, pastor, will conduct the service and the Senior Choir will sing. There will be no evening service. The pastor has been in West minster, Md., attending the sessions of the annual meeting of the Balti more Conference. He and the Rev. Robert L. Wood and the Rev. J. Earle Cummings received at the college commencement exercises on Monday the degree of doctor of divinity. The Calvary Men’s Class will con duct the service at the Central Union Mission Monday evening. Charles Brett, Mr. Hodges and Mr. Kar will participate in the. service in charge of Henry Rhodes. Beginning next Sunday there will be two identical morning services, at 8:30 and 11 o’clock. Pageant Will Be Given At Epworth Methodist Sunday school day will be observed in Epworth Methodist Church at 11 a m. tomorrow when a pageant en titled “The Golden Chain,” written by Martha Bayly and Roy E. Nolte and directed by Miss Grace Bash, will be presented. Parts will be por trayed by members of the Sunday school. Dr. Clifton K. Ray is attending the annual conference at Westmin ster, Md. He will return early next week. At 8 p.m. tomorrow, the serv ices will be conducted by the young people's department. The Joy and the Minot Bible Classes have arranged for a supper in the social rooms at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. The postponed meeting of the Official Board will be held Wednes day evening. Dr. Montgomery Listed As Guest«Minister Dr. James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of the House of Repre sentatives, will be the guest min ister at the Metropolitan Presby terian Church tomorrow at 11 am. The young ladies' choral groups will furnish the morning music. At 6 p.m. Dr. Alton B. Altfather of Falls Church, Va., will preach. Music will be furnished by the Metropolitan Quartet. At 7:30 p.m. the Christian En deavor Society will hold a young DR. JAMES SHERA MONTGOMERY. people's communion service and In stallation of officers, with Dr. Alt father presiding and the young peo ple taking the active parts. The new officers are: President, James MacFarland; vice president, Arlene Appich; vice president of Social Service Committee, Alice Robinson; vice president of Program Commit tee, Lucille Bailey; vice president of Membership Committee, Janet Wertz; vice president of Social Committee, Jane Chance; recording secretary, Betty Mclnnes; corre sponding secretary, Janet Gaards moe; treasurer, Charles Cooper; sergeant at arms, Jack Wise. Western Presbyterian Children's Day will be observed tomorrow. At the morning service Dr. Dunham will speak on "A Little Child.” The Junior choir will sing. A Lesson for the Week r A « Dead Land's Living Voice Carries Current Call 3<j By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. In the dead desert that was once Assyria. Babylonia and Persia the traveler finds countless ruins. As I wandered over the desolations that were Ninevah and Babylon and Ur and Niffur I seemed to hear echoes from the dead past, for these places were once peopled by living voices which have echoed down the ages. Poremost among them are the words of the Hebrew prophets, who 1— : a. a. n. m_11..1..J mere a we it in Ditter exile irom their*! beloved homeland. Today we study one of the vivid utterances of the prophet Ezekiel, speaking from the SI1UIC55 Ul U1C Tigris River. His message was meant princi pally for his own people, contaminated by their pagan en vironment and confused in their religious thinking, but it is also pecul iarly a word for today. This is a stir- ' ring challenge to editors, preach W. T. Ellin. ers. statesmen, teachers, parents and all who have a public responsi bility—the watchmen upon the walls of society. Ezekiel brings all such up with a sharp turn. Theirs is a life-and-deatn responsibility. The blood of victims is upon their heads. Even in our English translation the burning eloquence of this message from Jehovah to His ancient prophet shines through: “So thou, son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word of My mouth and give them warning from Me. When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die, and thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way; that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thy hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way. to turn from it, and he turn not from his way. he shall die in his iniquity, but thou has delivered thy soul. “And thou, son of man. say unto the house of Israel: Thus ye speak, saying. Our transgressions and our sins are upon us. and we pine away in them; how then can we live? Say unto them, As I live, saith the Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches baptist Bethany. Children's Day will be observed at both morning and evening serv ices. In the evening a pageant, “Let the Little Ones Come,” will be presented in the church hall. The Stevenson Bible Class will conduct the service at Central Union Mission Tuesday evening. A strawberry festival will be held on the church lawn Wednesday from 5 to 10 o'clock. The pastor and his wife with several members of the church will attend the South ern Baptist Convention in Balti more next week. Wisconsin Avenue. Combined Children's Day and church program. 9:30 to 11:45 am. The Rev. C. R. Ferguson will close the program with an illustrated message on “The Three R's” as the subject. “The Regenerated Soul in a Large Place” will be his topic at 8 p.m. Temple. Children's Day will be observed with a special program at 10:30 am. The Rev. R. L. Gregory will speak at 8 p.m. on "Except Ye Repent.” Brookland. “Our Master and Our Teacher” will be the subject of the Rev. M. C. Stith at 11 a m. and at 8 p.m. “For Best Living.” At the close of the evening service the ordinance of baptism will be observed. Baptist Home Board. Board of Lady Managers of the Baptist Home will hold a business meeting at Calvary Baptist Church on Monday at 10:30 am. Mrs. H. B. Hoofnagle, president, will preside. Grace. Children’s Day service will be held at 10:45. There will be a dedicatory service by the pastor. In the eve ning at 8 o'clock the assistant pas tor, W. L. MacMillan, will preach. Rehoboth (Colored). “Prayers That Cannot Fail'’ is the topic of the Rev. Mr. Johnson's morning discourse. In the after noon there will be a reception of new members and the Lord's supper. At 7:30 the pastor will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the gradu ates and students of the Washing ton Baptist Seminary. “Equipped for the Conquest" will be his theme. On Monday there will be a quintu plet wedding. The Rev. W. H. Skipwith, evan gelist, will preach Wednesday night. The senior choir will serve dinner on Friday. Liberty (Colored). Dr. Hampton T. Gaskins will preach 11 a.m. on “Parents’ Duty to Children"; 3:30 p.m. a special ser mon will be preached to the I. Tol iver Club: 8 p.m. the Sabbath School will render a program. Zion (Colored). Children's Day will be observed at 11 a.m. The Senior Christian Endeavor Society will hold a special service at 6 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Mary Mason Jones, president Teachers’ Union, Local No. 27, and vice president of the I Womans Trade Union League of the District of Columbia. Mrs. Emma Tolson will preside. At 8 p m. the Rev. A. Joseph Edwards will preach. Mount Gilead (Colored). At 11 services conducted by the Rev. G. R. Page: 3:30 p m., Sunday School cradle roll exercises; 6 p.m., training union: 8 p.m., sermon by the Rev. W. L. Turley on "God's Beckoning Sky Line." Friendship (Colored). "Life More Abundantly” will be the subject of the Rev. B. H. Wait ing at 11 a m. The Sunday School will observe Children's Day at 3:30 p.m. A special sermon will be de livered by the pastor to the Order of Fishermen at 8 p.m. Good Will (Colored). The Sunday School will have its annual Children's Day parade at 10:30 a.m. In the morning Dr. James L. Pir.n will speak on "The Place of the Youth in the Church." At 3:30 the Rev. Landon Morris, boy preacher, will deliver a sermon. In the evening Dr. Pinn will speak on "A Picture of Christian Efficiency.” Third (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock's topic at 1 1a.m. is “Mountain top Experi ences." Rev. Herring of Alexandria, Va.. will be the guest preacher at 8 p.m. Sermon to the Masons. The senior choir will sing. Mount Carmel (Colored). At 11 a m., sermon by the Rev. Leonard Terrell of Hackensack, N. J.; 8 p.m., sermon by the Rev. W. H. Jernagin on "Some Things Moses and Samuel Could Not Do.” On Monday at 8 p.m., pre-concert of the New England Convention by five choirs. Mount Pisgah (Colored). The Rev. Lloyd N. Young will speak at 11:30 am. and 8:30 p.m. The Rev. Edward Thomas will be the guest speaker at 3:30 p.m. He is the pastor 4>f Little Zion Baptist Church, Burk, Va. Mount Bethel (Colored). Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 11 am. on “The Day of Judgment.” He will also preach at 8 p.m. Music by the senior choir. Trinity (Colored). Sunday is Children's Day, begin ning 10 a.m. Sunday school at 11:30 a.m. The pastor will preach on "Training Our Children Reli giously.” All parents are invited to be the guests of their children at this service. At 4 pm. the children will render a program; 8 p.m., eve ning worship. Florida Avenue (Colored). Children's Day and reorganization services will be observed Sunday at 11 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. Robert L. Rollins. At 8 pm., preaching by the pastor. Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 am. Dr. C. T. Murray will preach on “Jesus Answers the Ques | tion Who Is the Greatest.” Serv j ices will be held in the junior I church at 11:20 a.m., the Rev. S. W. Williams preaching. Holy com- ' munion will be served at 3:30 p.m. • ‘The Greatest Mystery in the World” will be the subject at 8 p.m. Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preach at 11 a m. on “The God of Mira cles." Communion service, with re ception to new members, will be held at 4 p.m. In the evening the Rev. T. W. Stewart will preach. Capitol View (Colored). The Rev. J. Clarke Griffin will preach on “What Did You Come Out to See?” at 11 a.m. Children’s Day program, 3:30 p.m. New Bethel (Colored). The Rev. William D. Jarvis will preach at 11 a.m. on “Five Ways to Happiness.” Christian Columbia Heights. Children’s day will be celebrated tomorrow’. The younger children’s program will be held at the Sunday school hour in Power Hall. The topic at 11 a.m. will be “Christian ity and the Next Generation.” The evening service will be in charge of the youth groups with Maynard Eicher presiding. The church board will meet on Thursday evening. Fifteenth Street. At 11 a.m., sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “When God Becomes Real.” At 8 p.m. the ser mon is “Is God Sure to Win?" On Thursday will be a session of the Bible • School Executive Com mittee. Park View. “The Knock at the Door” will be the subject of the Rev. J. Lloyd Black at 11 a.m., and at 8 p.m., "The Gospel of Lost Things.” The of ficial board at 8:30 p.m. on Friday. An illustrated lecture, "The March of a Great Race” will Jje a special feature of the program Monday evening. Congregational People’s (Colored). As a feature of the Children’s Day observance Sunday morning the Rev. A. F. Elmes will present a story message for the elementary depart ments of the church school. The sermon for the day will be from the topic, “As a Little Child.” The Junior choir will sing. Lincoln (Colored). Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on “On Knowing What to Do in a Storm.” The vested chorus choir, with Miss Cleota Collins as soloist, will render the music. Holy com munion will be celebrated. Sons of the South, a quintet from Tuskegee, will sing two selections. The Men's Brotherhood meets at 10 a.m. The guest speaker, Dr. Walter G. Daniel, librarian, Howard University, will discuss "Christians on Vacation.” Men and women are invited. A union prayer service will be held with the People's Congregational Church Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Deacons’ Federation. Episcopal Church of the Epiphany. The services tomorrow are as fol lows: Holy communion, 8 a.m.: primary graduation and closing ex ercises at 9:30; Junior and Senior Bible Classes, 10 am.; morning prayer and special sermon by Dr. Z. B. Phillips, 11 a.m.; evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser, 8 p.m. On Tuesday, the Feast of St. Bar nabas, there will be celebrations of the holy communion at 7:30 and 11 a.m. All Saints’. The Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will have “Salvation" as his theme at 11 am. Holy communion at 7:30 a.m. Parents’ day will be observed in the Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. The closing meeting of the young people's group will be held at 6 p.m. St. Agnes. There will be two masses tomor row, 7 and 10 a.m., by the Rev. A. J. Du Bois. Sunday school attendance prizes will be awarded at the 10 am. mass. The parish picnic, in Rock Creek Park, arter the 10 am. mass. Transfiguration. Ten members of the Boys’ Club will leave today with the Brother hood of St. Andrew on a pilgrimage to Jamestown and Williamsburg, Va. The services on Sunday are at 7:30, 9:30 and 11 am. The Rev. J. J. Queally will preach. Lutheran Georgetown. “The Lion and the Lamb’’ will be the subject at 11 am. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty. St. Mark's. Sunday will be Children’s Day. The children will take part in the morning service in recitations and exercises. The theme of the service is ''The Child and the Church.” A. M. Cooper, superintendent of the Sunday school, will be the speaker, and there will be special music by the church choir. On Wednesday, 8 p.m., the Broth erhood will be hosts to the Alpha Bible Class. On Thursday, 8 p.m., service at the Central Union Mis sion. St. Stephen’s Evangelical. At 8:45 and 11 a.m. the Rev. Sam H. Kornmann will have for his sub ject "The Parables of the Mustard and the Leaven.” A meeting of the Church Council will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. Lutheran Inner Mission. The society will hold services to morrow in the tuberculosis wards of Gallinger Hospital. There will be a service in the Chil dren's Sanatorium at Glenn Dale in the afternoon, and the teachers will be from the various Lutheran churches. There will be a meeting of the board of the society June 14 at 8 pm. in the chapel of Luther Memo rial Church. Mount Olivet (Colored). "Your Minister" is the subject of the Rev. Mr. Schiebel Sunday mom ing. After the service there will be a brief confessional address by the pastor as an aid to self-examination preparation for the participation of the holy sacrament of the altar to be celebrated the following Sun day. The following student members of the congregation returned home from Immanuel Lutheran College, Greensboro. N. C.: Ruth and Wil helmina Brown. Alfred Beaman. James Edward Brown and Charles Ford. Methodist Aldersgate. At 11 am. the Rev. Percy Crit tenden will preach. There will be no evening service as the pastor is absent at conference. Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:*5 a m. Maj. E. W. Brown, president, will preside. L. R. Keech will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Elmer Louis Kayser, dean of George Washington Uni versity and teacher of the class, will be the speaker. The lesson theme is "Ezekiel Teaches Personal Re sponsibility." In the absence of Dr. Kester, who will be attending the annual Maryland Conference at Westminster, Md., John C. Lewis of the Maryland Bible Society will be the speaker at 11 a.m. There will be no evening services. A group picture of the Bible Class will be taken at the close of the class serv ice and all members of the class are expected to be present. Lincoln Road. A Children's Day program has been arranged, when 70 little chil dren will present the program. At 8 p.m. the Youth Council has in vited the young people societies of surrounding churches to join them in a rally. Reports will be given of the place of youth in the new Methodist church. Mrs. Alice Haf fev will preside. Refreshments will be served. Chevy Chase. Dr. John Edward Bentley of Amer ican University will speak at 11 am. in the absence of the Rev. Edward G. Latch, who Is attending the Baltimore Annual Conference at Westminster, Md. The Woman’s Missionary Society will have a picnic luncheon Tues day at the home of Mrs. George Emery Phillips on Jones Bridge road. Jones Memorial (Colored). Children’s day will be observed tomorrow. At 11 am. Dr. Julius S. Carroll will preach on "The Kind of Education Needed for Today." At 3:30 p.m. the church school will render its Children’s day program, entitled "Dramatized Worship." At 8 pm, a religious drama, "The Life Railroad to Heaven,” will be pre sented by the Christian Goal Dra matic Co. St. Paul A. M. E. The newly appointed presiding elder, Dr. C. C. Ferguson, will de liver his first quarterly message at 11 a.m. The senior choir will sing. At 4 p.m. Children's day will be observed, with the Sunday school choir furnishing the music. At night there will be sacred moving pictures, sponsored by the Usher Board. The Rev. J. M. Harrison, jr., is the pastor. John Wesley A. M. E. 7. Dr. Stephen Gill Spottswood will preach on "Concentrated Chris tianity” at 11 am. At 8 pm. Morn ing Star Lodge and Forest Temple, I. B. P. O. E. of W., will observe their anniversary sermon, under the auspices of the Women's Usher Board. Dr. Spottswood will be the speaker. Music will be furnished by the Cathedral Choir. Galbraith A. M. E. The Rev. James L. White will preach at 11 am. on "Have the Christians Lost Their Light?” The pastor will speak at 8 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Duffle of the Contee A. M. E. Zion Church will preach for Mrs. Charllotte Washington Monday at 8 pm. The pastor will preach Sun day at 3:30 at the Tabor Presbv- ! terian Church, accompanied by the chorus. Metropolitan A. M. E. At 11 am. preaching by Rev. J. C. Beckett; 3 p.m.. Children's Day exercises; 8 p.m., song festival by Gospel Choir and sermon by the Rev. A. E. Peacock. Contee A. M. E. At 11 am. the Rev. E. H. Stitts, pastor of the Wareriere Temple A. M. E. Zion Church. W'ilmington, N. C., will speak. The senior choir will furnish the music. At 3:30 pm. Mrs. Rosa Keene will give a special service in the interest of this church. The Faithful Jubilee Chorus of St. Paul's Community Church will ren der a program. At 8 p.m. a sermon on "I Find No Fault in This Man" by the Rev. Abraham C. Duffle. Israel C. M. E. The Rev. L. S. Brannon will con duct “sunrise prayer service” at 6 a.m. The junior church and Sun day school will present a Children’s Day program at 9:30 a.m. The pas tor will speak at 8 p.m. Pilgrim A. M. E. The 14th anniversary and rally, which commenced last month, will close tomorrow with preaching by the Rev. C. E. Walden in the morn ing. The speaker in the afternoon service will be the Rev. Paul L. Moore of St. John's Community Church, who will be accompanied by his choir. At the evening service a literary and musical program will be rendered and the reports from the captains of the rally will be re ceived. Allen A. M. E. At 11 a.m. Dr. G. Oliver Wing will speak on "A Plea for Our Boys and Our Girls." The senior vested choir will sing. At 3:30 p.m. special program. At 8 pm., Children's Day exercises. Lane Memorial C. M. E. At 11 am., sermon by Bishop C. L. Russell of the Ninth Episcopal Dis trict, Colored Methodist Episcopal Church; 8 p.m., the Golden Gate (See ACTIVITIES Page A-15.) i Lord Jehovah. I have no pleasure In the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye. turn ye from yoflr evil wavs, for why will ye die. O house of Israel?" “His Blood Will I Require." -. Let us see how this awesome truth applies to us. There was once an eminent Phila delphian, a bank president, w>ho was honored as "a leading layman." He was an officer in his own church and conspicuous in denominational and civic affairs. Sunday after Sun day he sat under the preaching of a fashionable clergyman. Yet all the while he was a thief, a robber of his friends and depositors. Dls i covered, he committed suicide, and ! the crash of his big bank rocked the city. What responsibility Wad that preacher in the case? Had he been a true watchman upon the walls, so preaching God s word that no sinner could abide It in com placency and impenitence? Recently I happened into a church where the preacher was desperately shaken, because one of his officers had on the previous day committed suicide. But the man had been liv ing in open sin; and the church had not disciplined him. That minister was suffering tortures of contrition for what he felt to be hi* failure What of the editors who view the day s moral slump, and the corrup tion and crime all about them, merely as spectators and news-pur veyors? If society crashes, what will be the responsibility of these profes sional watchmen upon the walls? We turn to the professors in In stitutions of learning, with their pav irresponsibility and disregard of es sential morality. When, with amaz ing disregard of the axiomatic tryjh ; that what a man Is speaks moue loudly than what he says. New York City College appointed as teagher a man of shamelessly immoral con duct and teaching, a large group of professors supported the appoint ment. Such irresponsibility con cerning the ageless moral standards brings many teachers within the scop° of Ezekiels warning. Moral indifference is the blight of our time. Stern Words for Slack Times. Ours is a "tolerant" age. There has been a growing slackness in the moral sense of the public. We take as a matter of course many things ' that would have deeply shocked our grandparents—such as widespread gambling and drinking and un chastity. Graft permeates public life in many places. Divorce has become so common that it is scarcely a scandal any more. Sabbath-break ing is well-nigh universal. Business, ; as the depression revealed, is shot through and through with unethical and even criminal practices. The United States Congress has not gumption enough to stop the flow of war munitions to Japan, without which it could not conquer China. Sordid business has a sanctity in many eyes that brings into contempt j the moral law. Now here reappears the old He brew prophet, sternly pointing the finger of doom, not only at the WTong-doers. but also at the watch men who permit the wrong-doing, j "His blood will I require at thy j hands. ’ This truth of account ability to God is soul-shaking. “Turn Ye! Turn Ye!" Sometimes I dream of the day when, over the radio and through I the press, a divinely - anointed prophet voice will call all of our reckless, wandering world back tp man's first obligation, a sense of l responsibility to God. I cannot te : convinced that God has not ma<5e ■ ready this new, universal trump*, the radio, for some high design 4f , His providence. He is getting *s ready to hear anew the Ezekifl , message. "Turn ye! Turn ye! from I your evil ways: for why will ye dief” Even the dullest of us—save thofe sadistic souls who look upon it gs a mere spectacle, as interesting netjs —are having our souls torn bv the war in Europe: which never would have come to pass had statesmen and citizens possessed r high sense of personal responsibility. Now the burden and grief of it rest upon us all. We cannot shift or evade our duty to God and man. By voice and vote, by practice and by prayer, each of us must demonstrate that he stands as personally responsible to the Most High. The Sunday School Lesson for June 9 is “Ezekiel Teaches Personal Responsibility.”—Ezekiel 33:1-20. Dr. Russell to Direct Catholic Guild Meeting Dr. William H. Russell of the department of religion of Catholic University will direct the meeting of the Washington Catholic Evi dence Guild, of which he is vice moderator, at Franklin Park tomor row from 3 to 5 p.m. He will discos “Christ Living in the World Today in His Mystical Body." Other speakers wiil be Joseph M. Scanlon, Ronald Murphy and Leander Troy. The aftemoifci meeting In Mount Vernon Park will be in charge of Hugh McKenna. Gerard Benson, Norman Werling, Flavian Wilson and Robert Freiler also will speak. The Rev. Alonzo McDonnell will be chairman of the meeting In Franklin Park from 7:30 to 9:30 pin. Speaking with him will be the Rev. James O’Brien, Gregory Smith, John Harvey and F. W. Spaeth. Franks Thornton will have charge of the evening meeting in Mount Vernon Park. Other speakers will be Leo Travers. Daniel Egan, C. G. Klimo wicz and A. J. Gafflgan. Mr. Egan will talk on “The Blessed Virgin," Mr. Klimowicz on “Confession” and Mrs. Gafflgan on “Faith and Rea son.” The public is Invited to quea tion the speakers. ._. Ml West Washington Baptist ;lj Children's Day service at 11 a jin. Sermon by the Rev. Charles IjE. Austin at 8 p.m. On Wednesday evening a delegation will go to the Southern Baptist Convention tys Baltimore. If you are Interested, 4tfU the pastor, 1 . BIBLE FAVORITES Daniel 3 The Fiery Furnace * 5hadrach, meshach andTbednego.youngNebuchadnezzar commanded ms soldiers/Jimt . ."EK^j2eZZA* *T A ^Py*" IMAGE ON HEBREW CAPTIVES, FAVORITES OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE FURNACE SEVEN TIMES HOTTER THAN USUAL . NEBUCHADNEZZAR CRIED, COME OUT OF THE FURNACE/ 'N BABOON. A HERALD CRIED TO RULERS Of WOULD NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE, NEBUCHADNEZZAR CAST THESE MEN IN "-—SUDDENLY NEBUCHADNEZZAR THE THREE YOUNG MEN STOOD BEFORE HIM. NOT A AU. THE PROVEMCTES. "WKNTHE SOUND OF INSTRUMENTS SENT FOR THEM. YOU WILL BE CAST INTO THE CRIED."WERE NOT THREE MEN CAST INTO THE HAIR Of THEIR HEADS WAS SIN6E0. THE KING CRIED, JfARD’AU-~ /EOFLE SHALL BOW DOWN FIERY FURNACE."HE WARNED. ‘OUR GOP IS ABLE TO FURNACEFm "YES."SAID THE MAN BESIDE HIM. / BLESSED BE THE GOO WHO SENT HIS ANGEL TO AMP WORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGE. THOSE WHO _ DELIVER US. "THEY DECLARED, OUT EVEN IF WE SEE FOUR MEN AaLKING UNHURT, SAID NEtUCHAD- DELIVER YOU. LET NO AAAN SPEAK A WORD AGAINST REFUSE SHALL BE CAST INTO A FIERY FURNACE." PERISH. WE WILL NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE." NCZZAR, ”AHD THE FOURTH IS LIKE THE SON OF GOO." THE GOO OF 3HADRACH, MESHACH AND ABEDNEGOr u-,--j-r-: