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Wallace Church Will Observe Children's Day Younger Departments Will Take Part in Morning Service The annual Children's Day will be observed in the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian Church tomor row. Instead of a combined session, as In former years, the Bible school will meet as usual from 9:30 to 10:45. Representatives from the younger departments at 11 a.m. will take part in the congregational service, L. D. O'Flaherty, associate superintendent, presiding. The junior choir will lead the singing, and the ushers will be from the intermediate department. Dr. C. E. Hawthorne will preach on “A Little Child Shall Lead Them." Dr. Hawthorne is one of 10 min isters in Washington preaching in a 10-sermon series on the temperance problem at 8 p.m. His subject is “Modern Liquor: A Handy Tool in Satan's Workshop.” On Wednesday evening the Bethella Shaw Guild will have a silver tea in connection with its program on the association work of the denomination. The leader is Mrs. R. D. Bennett. Hostesses are Misses Maude Davis. Louise Bercaw’, Rebecca Luckett and Mrs. Ruth Culp. The Summer Bible School Com mittee will hold a rally day meeting Wednesday evening in the Bible echool auditorium. Teachers, old and new, will be there to greet the children and their parents. Re freshments will be served. Movies of the summer Bible school taken in 1938 and in 1939 by Dr. C. B. Align will be shown by him. Ip these days of stress the church Is open all day Thursdays for prayer. At '7:45 p.m. a season of public Intercession and Bible study will conclude the day. Dr. Rasmussen Selects Topic for His Sermon Dfr. Carl C. Rasmussen, pastor of Luther Place Memorial Church, has chosen “Society Attacks Our Youth" as Jiis subject at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Youth Day will be celebrated in all services throughout the day, be ginning with the Children’s Day program at 9:45 a.m. The junior choir will sing at the Children's Day program and again during the 11 o'clock service. Edgar Berdahl, rep resenting the young people's de partment, will sing “My Task." At 1 p.m. dinner will be served in the church parlors by the young people. At 2 p.m. cars will take the group to Holiday House, where the after noon will be spent in recreation. Tea will be served. At 5:30 p.m. the Rev. Carl W. Folkemer will speak. Mrs. Paul Kiefaber, president of the World Service Society, an nounces the mission study of that society for Tuesday evening. The annual Sunday school picnic will be held in Piere Mill grounds, Rock Creek Park, on June 15. Cars will leave the church at 2 and 2:30 p.m. Children's Day Service Planned by Lutherans The Incarnation Lutheran con gregation and Bible school will pre sent a Children's Day service at 9:45 a.m. entitled “At Thy Service, Lord,” in the interest of the Lu theran Orphans’ Home at Loysville, Pa. At 8:30 and II a.m. the Rev. Henry Manken. jr., will preach on a “Fivefold Picture of the Gospel.” The Senior Luther League recently elected as officers: President. John A. Weil; vice president, William Moore, jr.; recording secretary, Hope Griffith; corresponding secretary, Virginia Rittenour; financial secre tary’. John F. Pitt; pianist, Peggy Cook. Plans are being made for the Young People's Fellowship supper on June 23 at 6 p.m. The Brother hood is scheduled for June 10 at 8 p.m. A special women's meeting will be held under the auspices of the missionary societies on June 12 In the parish hall at 8 p.m. The guest speakers will be two Lutheran missionaries, Miss Mabel Dysinger and Miss Laura Gilliland. A social will follow. Hamline Church to Hold Children's Day Service The annual Children's Day service will be held tomorrow at 11 am. at Hamline Methodist Church. The children in the youth department of the Church School will give a pageant. Among those partici pating will be Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Herrell, Robert Schnabel and Ann Holden. There will be a children's processional as part of the pageant. The Epworth League at 6 p.m. will have a "pink lemonade party." fol lowed by installation of officers. On Thursday night the young adults will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fansher, 724 Whittier place N.W. McKendree Methodist Children’s Day exercises will be given by the Sunday school at 11 am. in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills avenues N.E. Walter A. Graham, conference director of the Young Adult Group work, will apeak at 8 pm. [kl [ rt I r«l fnl FnF Ini FnlFnl Inf fnl I nt F Pil f« : Jil ImI I nl f«> fnl fnl Fnl DR. BERNARD BRASKAMP. Washington Law Class To Hear Dr. Braskamp Dr. Bernard Braskamp, pastor of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Pres byterian Church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon for the gradu ating class of the Washington Col lege of Law tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the church. His subject will be, "Freedom and Discipline.” Children's day will be observed at 11 a m. and will include a program by departments of the church school and an address by Dr. Braskamp. The Women's Guild will hold its last meeting of the season on Wednesday at 11 am. The trustees will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Fifth Baptist Launches Summer Program The Fifth Baptist Church has launched a summer program of in tensive religious activity to be in effect until September 15. Dr. John E. Briggs, senior minister of the church, and J. Herrick Hall, junior minister, will conduct both morning and evening services each Sunday. An augmented choir will sing. A junior choir and a young people's choir have been recently organized. The program will feature train i ing schools for Sunday school teach ers and officers with fellowship and social work for the young people. Special emphasis will be given to the Sunday evening services in con gregational singing. Mr. Hall will preach tomorrow morning on "Religion's Impregnable Fortress” and Dr. Briggs will talk in the evening on “At the Parting of the Ways.” The choir's selections will include Mendelssohn’s "I Waited for the Lord.” in which Mrs. Gladys ; Sanders and Mrs. Grace Richards will sing the leading soprano parts. I - Southeastern Graduates To Hear Dr. Miller "Give Us Heroism in Place of Heroics” will be the topic of Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller when he ! addresses Southeastern University students at their baccalaureate serv ice tomorrow morning in National City Christian Church. Three hun dred members of the graduating , class, members of the university ! faculty and their friends will be guests of the congregation. On Thursday evening a reception will be held for Miss Hide Mano in the social hall, under the sponsor : ship of the Woman's Council and Betty Mills Circle. Waugh Methodist Children's Day service will be j held at 11 a.m. A pageant will be | presented, entitled "Children of the Bible.” The children of the Church School will take part.. At 8 p.m. the young people will participate in the service. Miss Annarose Sleeth. com missioner of missions in the Young People's Division, will give an ad dress on "Beauty and Ugliness Around the World.” The young peo ple's choir will sing. The Rev. Clarkson R. Banes is the pastor of the church. Eldbrooke Methodist Dr. Charles F. Boss, Jr., executive secretary of the General Conference Commission on World Peace of the Methodist Church, will be the guest preacher tomorrow at 11 a.m. Dr. Boss is a native of Washington and entered the Methodist ministry from ! Douglas Memorial Methodist Church. Dr. Walter M. Michael is at West I minster, Md., attending the sessions of the Baltimore annual conference. The annual Children's Day exer cises of the church school will be i held at 7 pm. The Junior Choir i will sing. | - Memorial United Brethren. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at. 8:45 a.m. on "Decisions That Deliver.” There will be a | Children's Day program at 11 a.m. It will be “The Child In the Midst.” I 1 1 &glf-3RgaUzatUm SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP > Brahmachari Jotln of India “Universal Manifestation” Sunday, June 0, at 11 A.M. Public Class In Philosophy and T off a Wednesday, June 13, at 8 P.M. 4748 Western Ave. N.W. (Bui Stop Chesapeake and 40th Sts.) arcnnonnnnmnnnnnnnnnnfuinnnnnnKnKnrTinnmnnnaflnnniT: ^Deum muiuuKus” m m m AMBKOTC m m m - _ 3 We praise Thee. O God! , vMb We acknowledge Thee to be the Lord: i AB the Earth doth worship Thee, the Father Everlasting l To Thee all the angels cry aloud: the heavens and all f the power* therein. V\ (f i To Thee cherubim and seraphim continually do ay.^kW "Holy. holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth: | Heaven and Earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory! | M of GREATHYMN: Poetic tradition divides the honor for its composition between Am brote and his convert. Augustine. Ambrose lifted his hands to Mg beoren and chanted the first lines in a holy rapture. Augustine M| responded, and so flare by stave tn alternating ftralni. tprong this standard hymn of Christian protfe. ® [ CcnPiUutid £y j DEAL FUNERAL HOMS f 4812 Georgia Ave.N.W. Series of Meetings Will Stress Theme Of Church Loyalty Work Is Preparatory To Opening Here of Christian Mission “Church Loyalty and Church At tendance” is the special phase of the program preparatory to the coming of the National Christian Mission, which will be stressed in a series of meetings to be held here from June 21 to June 24, it was announced to day by Dr. R. H. Miller, pastor of National City Christian Church and chairman of the Committee on Ar rangements for the mission. Dr. Guy H. Black, field secretary in charge of plans for the mission, which is to be held in 22 major cities throughout the United States, will hold the first of these meetings. He will discuss the plan at Georgetown Presbyterian Church on June 21 at 8 p.m. Similar meetings will be held June 23 at 3 p.m. at the Ninth Street Christian Church: at 8 p.m. at Luther Place Memorial Church, and June 24 at 8 p.m. at Petworth Methodist Church. Dr. Black will take up with Dr. Horace E. Cromer, chairman of the Church Atendance Committee, and his groups in the various churches in all areas of the city, methods of organization. These meetings follow a series of conferences with Dr. Jesse E. Bader of New York, director of the na tional mission program for the Fed eral Council of Churches, held here i this week with chairmen and mem- | bers of all committees. Dr. Bader announced October 6 has been designated by the Federal Council of Churches as “world com munion Sunday.” Dr. Edwards to Return To Preach Tomorrow Dr. John R. Edwards, pastor of Union Methodist Church, is attend ing sessions of the Baltimore An nual Conference at Westminster, Md. He will return and preach to morrow at 11 am. on "A Passing Grade.” At the close of the serv ices, Dr. Edwards will return to Westminster for the conference me morial service in the afternoon and the closing session of the confer ence at night. Miss Gertrude Fay Marsh, dea coness. will conduct the 8 p.m. serv ice. She will speak on “A Porous Church.” The anthem. “The Lord's Prayer,” by Watson, will be sung by th* choir at the morning service. Mrs. Helen Turley, guest soloist, will sing the offertory, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains,” by Harker. Children’s Day will be observed June 16 at 9:30 am. and a sermon at 11 a.m. ; Church of the Brethren Beginning tomorrow the church will go on its summer schedule. The Church School will convene from 9:30-10:15 and the church service from 10:15-11:00. Due to the ab sence of the pastor, who is attend ing the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren at Ocean Grove, N. J„ Page McK. Etchison, religious work director of the Y. M C. A., will speak at the morning service on “How May We Find God?” At 8 p.m. the Rev. George Ackerly, assistant pastor of the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, will preach on “Overcoming Evil.” The Church School picnic will be held June 15 on the Old Reservoir Grounds at Rock Creek Park, at 2:30. Baptist Ministers to Meet Dr. C. Davis Foster, president of the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Philadelphia, will address the Bap tist Ministers' Conference of Wash ington and Vicinity on Monday at 12:30 p.m. at the Vermont Avenue Colored Baptist Church. The meet ing will be held in the interest of the Christian Review, a national Baptist newspaper. The Rev. Ham ilton T. Gaskins will preside. _tufhcrtm F A I T H Lee Blvd. at Jackson, Arlinrton. V». . Church Service. 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m --Church School. f):.'i<i am. GEORGE J. JlREffENOW, Paator TAKOMA »nd Dahlia Sts. N.W. (Three Blocks East of Walter Reed.) o on J Adrian Pfeiffer. Pastor. inl'iE a,m‘—Sunday School. J a m-~Children’s church, j j .00 a.m.—Morning Worship. INCARNATION oaLSSSHMST (Maryland Synod United Lutheran Church) *”■ Henry Manken, Jr.. Pastor SerTi?ff' 8:3n and 11:00 a.m. __Bible School. 0:45 a m. A Charming Church and a Biblical Message CHRIST LUTHERAN (MI830URI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REY. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL, Pastor. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon on "The Dangers Confronting Youth and How We Can Help Them.” We Invite You to Attend Atonement Lutheran Church Maryland Synod. U. L. C. North Capitol and Rhode Island Ave. 0:40 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service. 8:00 p.m.—Vesper Service. REV. H. E. SNYDER, Pastor ST. PAUL’S I Connecticut Ave. at Everett St. N.W. Henry W. Snyder, D. D., Minister. 8:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Children’s Day Servioe. 8:00 p.m.—"Temple Builders.” CHURCH OF THE REFORMATION Opposite Folger-Shakespeare Library 212 East Capitol Street DR. OSCAR E. BLACKWELDER Pastor. DR. JOHN WEIDLEY, Pastor Emeritus. REV. RALPH W. LOEW. Associate Pastor. _ 8:30 a.m.—Matin Service. Sermon. "The Christ We Preach,” Rev. Loew. , 8:30 a.m—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Service. Sermon, "How We Get Lost.” Dr. Blackwelder. 7:00 p.m.—The Luther Leagues. 8:15 p.m.—Evening Service. Sermon, "The Place of Art in Religion.” Dr. Blackwelder. The Publie Is Cordially Invited. -7 Rev. T. P. Fricke to Talk On 'If We Would Win' Children’s Day will be observed by St. Matthew’s Lutheran Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow when the children and young people will present a program entitled “God’s Helpers.” At 11 a.m. the Rev. T. P. Fricke will preach on “If We Would Win.” The junior choir will furnish special music. The Luther League will hold a social and business meeting Mon day evening. The Womens Mis sionary Society, with Miss Helen Scheidecker leader, will meet one week earlier than usual this month, at 8 p.m. Thursday. During. July and August the Sun day school will start at 9 a.m. and the worship service at 10 a.m. Vespers Take Place Of Evening Service At Calvary Baptist 25 Boys and Girls From Sunday School Will Be Baptized The Rev. w. S. Abernethy, minis ter of Calvary Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on “Whence Cometh Our Help.” The children’s sermon topic will be ”He Didn't Know.” Instead of the usual evening service there will be a vesper service at 5 o’clock, when about 25 boys and girls from the junior de partment of the Sunday school will be baptized. The subject of the sermonctte at this service will be “Growing." The officers will be hosts at the supper tomorrow to the members of the church choir, following the vesper service. The last meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society before the sum mer recess will be held Wednesday morning. The program will consist of reports from the delegates to the recent sessions of both the Northern and Southern conventions. Lunch eon will be served at 12:45. All women are invited. The Executive Committee will hold a business meeting afterward. The Sunday School Executive Committee will meet Monday eve ning, Bert H. Wise presiding. The Baptist Young People's Union will hold a picnic supper, followed by a business meeting, on Friday evening. There will be elec tion of officers. Chevy Chase Baptist To Have Children's Day A children's day program will be held as a "radio broadcast," under the direction of Gilbert V. White, at the Chevy Chase Baptist Church at 10:30 am. tomorrow. It will be a combined Sunday school and church service. The following scholars will par ticipate: Julia Workman. Ann Stockett, Betty Mohler, Betty Lou Jones, Peggy Ann Lester, Donald Hughes, Alice Harvey. Tom Stockett, Barbara Stephenson, Frances Ferris, Barbara Rushbrook. Sylvia Bunting! Betty Clark. Billy Hughes. George Huguely, Jean McCleod, David Bow en, Leslie Rushbrook: a story, “Sampson and Delilah." by Miss Rennie Gulick and Robert‘Patch; quartet, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord." by Miss Virginia Clark, Miss Vinchenza Spano, Joseph Gulick and Louis Bigge. A solo, "I Think When I Hear,” will be rendered by Howard Moore, chorister. A service of dedi cation for infants will be conducted by the Rev. Edward O. Clark. The Senior Christian Endeavor Society will lead the service at 8 p.m. with Miss Elizabeth Mooney, president, presiding. £uttyrran TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV.. HUGO M. HENNIG MR. HUGH KRIEG, Assistant 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 p.m.—English service. "Whom Jesus Receives." Tafluna I Y«rmxi 5tKV.| —i~rrh| ~W j €KmHB S. LCNIIU , PMIUL. 8:45 a m.—Sunday School. Classes for All. 11:00 a.m.—“Be Ye Therefore Humble.’* Holy Communion. 7:00 p.m.—Junior and Senior Young _People._ ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN I Kentucky ATe. at IMh St. S.E. Rev. Theodore Paul Fricke, S. T. M. 9:30 a.m.—Children's D«y Program. 1 I :00 a m.—"If We Would Win.” RESURRECTION ^Td Virginia Synod. United Lutheran’ Church REV WILLIAM .?. DI CKER. Paster am-—Th® Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—The Service Augustana Lutheran Church Invites you to its service in its new ssortusry on V St. N W. just off ol tomorrow *t 11 am.. and to its Sunday School st 0:45 a m. ARTHl’R o HJEI.M, I). D.. Pastor: Residence 3030 Veaiey St. N.W. Tel. EM. OOll LUTHER PLACE Memorial Church „ _ , At Thomas Circle Rer. Carl C. Rasmussen, D. D., Pastor. Re». Carl Folkemer, B. D„ Assistant Pastor .O'clock Service— "SOCIETY ATTACKS OCR YOUTH." _ Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen. 8:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Chil . dren's Day Program. 6.80 p.m.—V e s p e r s at Holiday House on Mount Vernon _Highway. Keller Memorial Lutheran Church Maryland Avenue and 9th St. N.B. J. Harold Mumper. S. T. M.. Paitor. Sunday Church School at 9:30 a.m. The Bible Interpreted tor Every day Living. MORNING WORSHIP ot 11 o.m. Holy Communion. Meditation: "Communion." YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETIES at 6:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP at 7:45 p m. Holy Communion. Meditation: "In Remembrance of Me." I 'Reverence for God's Temple' Is Theme of Rev. Clifford H. Jope The Committed Life' Will Be the Subject At the Evening Service “Reverence for God's Temple” Is the subject of the Rev. Clifford H. Jope at 11 a.m. in the Ninth Street Christian Church. The choir will sing “O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings,” by Barnby. A number of graduates from the junior church will take their place in the senior congregation. At 7:45 p.m., the pastor will preach on “The Committed Life.” The junior choir will sing “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled.” Dorothy Cecil will sing a solo “If I Bear Not a Cross for Him.” “Whatsoever Ye Sow” is the name of the play to be given Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in special radio fashion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Forney and their son Fred will be the sponsors of the play and will have charge of the service. The cast includes: Andrew Shannon, Andrew Allen, Clifford Jope, jr.; Mildred Crump, Melba Cornett, Jonnie Kent, Jeant Wray, Glenn Mann, Margie Hughes, Mau rice Petersen and John Gartner. The play is being directed by Miss Vesta Orrick. The annual Sunday school picnic will be held June 15 at Marshall Hall. Series on Revelation Continues Tomorrow Continuing the series of sermons on "The Message and Meaning of the Book of Revelation,” Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Reforma tion, will preach at 8:15 p.m. to morrow on "The Place of Art in Religion.” "How We Got Lost” is his topic at 11 a.m. The Rev. Ralph W. Loew, asso ciate pastor, will speak at 8:30 a.m. on "The Christ We Preach. The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a picnic at the home of Mrs. Louise Dellwig, 15 Wetherill road. West moreland Hills, Md„ on Wednesday. Luncheon will be served at noon. Atonement Lutheran "A Lost Grace—Humility,” will be l the subject of the Rev. Howard E. Snyder at 11 a.m. There will be no evening service. Children s Day will be observed with a junior church service at 10 a.m.. conducted by the Rev. James T. Powers, who will preach on "Of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven.” The Sunday school picnic will be held June 22 in Rock Creek Park. Transportation will be provided. The Week-Day Religious School will open June 24 at 9 a.m. for chil dren from 5 to 12 years of age. Children in the vicinity, regardless of denomination, are welcome. Unity S’rljonl m New Colonial Hotel, isth at M St. N.W. Marta ret Ann reldt. Speaker. 11 00 am.—‘'The Inner Voice" Wed.. 8 pm.—" Power." I'nltr Literature Available DI. at3fi.* Suangrliral anil JSffnrmri —-——:— GRACE REFORMED *»»■»« Rev. Calvin H. Wingert. Pastor. 9 40 a m.—Church School. 10:30 a.m.—Children’s Day Program. 5:00 pm.—Christian Endeavor Picnic and Meeting. CONCORDIA MI!&CAL *Otb and G Sts. N.W. KEV. CHARLES ENDERS. Pastor. 9:46 a.m.—Bible School. 11:06 a.m.—“Children in the Chnreh.” I BBgBgjB WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Ave. and Randolph St. N.W. I C. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D., Minister 11:00 am.—Children’s Day Service. “A Little Child Shall Lead Them ” H:00 D m.—“Modern Liquor; a Handy jj Tool in Satan's Workshop." $lrrfibytman « . 1 ~ Lutheran Brotherhood Will Meet Monday Dr. Henry W. Snyder wlU be the guest speaker at the meeting of the District of Columbia Lutheran Brotherhood at the Georgetown Lutheran Church at 8 p.m. Monday. His subject will be “The T Makes a Difference.” The devotions will be conducted by the Rev. H. E. Beatty. President L. G. Schmidt will pre side and the business session will stress the proceedings of the recent Maryland Synodical Brotherhood Convention. Plans are being made for this organization to sponsor a series of luncheon meetings for Lutheran ministers and laymen. All Lutheran men are requested to attend this meeting and bring friends. Bishop Will Preach At Baccalaureate Service of G.W. U. People's Evensong Will Be Held at Cathedral Tomorrow at 4 P.M. The Rt. Rev. James E. Freeman, Bishop of Washington, will preach the baccalaureate sermon for the graduates of George Washington University in Washington Cathedral tomorrow at 8 p.m. At the people's evensong in Wash ington Cathedral tomorrow at 4 p.m. the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Theodore O. Wedel, canon chancellor. He will also preach at the 11 a m. service. Other services tomorrow will be celebration of holy communion in Bethlehem Chapel at 7:30 a m. and 9:30 a.m. Weekdays holy commun ion is celebrated at Washington Cathedral at 7:30 a m. Pilgrimages, led by Pilgrim aides and members of the Cathedral Brotherhood, will follow the 11 a m. and 4 p.m. services tomorrow. The bishop's garden will be open from noon to 2 p.m. (0thrr S>rriJtn?j0 Church Emmanuel (An Undenominational Church for All People) 1 Oth and D Sts. S.W. Dr. Charles A. Shreve, Pastor in no g m—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship sermon hy the Pastor—"The Face In the Cloud." * p.m. "Where the Healing Waters Flow" Address by Dr. Shreve Evanrelistie Service Wednesday! anti Fridays, 8:00 P.M. _3Ton-g>rrtarian "MAN CATCHERS" ■ 1 H AM M 'THE MAN NOBODY ul MISSED" I ,| 8 P.M. I d Church of the Air WOL. » AM IKI Thursday Service. 8 P.M. Ill JOIN THE HAPPY CROWDS WHO THRONG THE TABERNACLE EVERY UJ SUNDAY Vffl Da. Clark. Foocey . Minister ill Piney Ba Po.dt Geokia fttt.RWyjl prrfibgtrrian_ CENTRE PRESBYTERIAN Soothern General Assembly. Intersection 15th, 16th end Irving Sta. N.W. Rev. James H. Taylor, D. D., Paster 9:30 a m—8unday School. 11:00 a m—8ermon by Dr Taylor. 6:90 p m.—Westminster League. < :O0p.m.—Christian Endeavor 8:00 p.m.—Sermon by Mr. J. Walter Dickson._ , Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at 22nd and P Ste. N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the Sooth to the Nation's Capital. Re». Andrew K. Bird. D. D.. Minister. Dlrine Worship. 11 a.m. and 7:48 p.m. A Cordial Welcome to Too. Fourth Presbyterian Church 13th and Fairmont Streets N.W. W REV- JAS H. MIFRS. Minister. |i 11 an>-—"Pleasure versus Dis cipline," gj (Broadcast over WOL, 11:80 AM.) ! _ 2nd Sermon -_iz 8:00 p.m.—"The Locust Demons." ~ ■:' '‘1:1"'. 1 "V'' " 'l_nr NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & N. Y. Avenue Minister*: DE. PETER MARSHALL, DR. ALBERT EVANS. 9:30 am.—Church Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"A Study In Black and White." 9:45 p.m—Young People's Meetings. Preaching. Dr. O. M. Jones of New York City. GUNTON-TEMPLE MEMORIAL 19th and Newton Sts. Rev. Bernord Braskamp, D. D., Minister. 11:00 A.M. Children’s Day Service 8:00 p.m.—Baccalaureate Service—Wash ington College of Law. Sermon By Dr. Braskamp. Subject, “Freedom and Dicipline.” CIV * I * |J Sixteenth and 1 il Kennedy Sts. N.W. J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister 10:30 A.M. "Monhood in the Making" 9:45 ajn.—S. S. 7:00 pjn.—Y. P. COVENANT FIRST Connecticut Ave. at 18th A N SL. N.W, Miniitart: ALBERT JOSEPH McCARTNEY, D. D. WILLIAM HENRY DENNY 11 A.M.—Morning Worship— "A CLOAK OR A SWORD?" Rev. Paul B. Rhodes, Guest Preacher 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School for All De partments. Vesper Service. Thursday, 8:00 p.m METROPOLITAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH * 4th fir B S.E. * *1 Rev. J. L. FENDRICH, D. D., L. L. D. 11 A.M.—Guest Speaker, DR. JAMES SHERA MONTGOMERY. 6 P.M.—Guest Speaker, J>R. ALTON B. ALTFATHER. EASTERN Md. Aye. A Sixth St. N.E. ALFRED E. BARROWS. D. D., Pastor Children's Day Program by Sunday School, 10:30 A.M. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. Key. J. Harvey Dunham. D. D„ Minister. 8:30 a.m.—The Church School In As sembly. Exercises. 11:00 a m.—"A Little Child.” The Junior Choir Will Sing. 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Meetings. GEORGETOWN (Pounded 17801 P Street, near 31st Street N.W. Rev. Jehn Bailey Kelly, D. D., Paator 9:45 a.m.—The Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Children's Day Service. Con ducted by the Children. A Short Talk by Dr. Kelly. Thurs., 8 p.m.—Midweek Service. The Public Cordially Invited. SHERWOOD Rhode Island Avs. at 22nd St. N.E. 3 CHURCH SERVICES 8:50 A.M. 11 A.M. 0 P.M. Gnest Minister REV. LEONARD C. BROWN. CHEVY CHASE Checg Chats Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister, Minister 0:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—M o r n In* Worship, *‘The Larger Family.” Wilbur La Roe. Jr.. Speaker. 'Superior Conquerors’ First Baptist Church Sermon Subject Delegation Prepares To Attend Southern Convention Next Week “Superior Conquerors” will be the subject tomorrow of Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden’s sermon at the First Baptist Church. The Lord's Supper will be administered. The choir of 80 voices will sing "O Sacred Head Now Wounded,” by Bach, and “Were You There?” by Burleigh. At the evening service Dr. Pruden will use as his topic, "Commendable Sensi tiveness.” The choir will sing "Holy Art Thou.” by Handel. The Anne Jackson class will hold a business and social meeting Mon day night while the deacons will also meet. The Luther Rice class will meet for business and a social Tuesday at 8 p.m. A large delegation from this church will attend the sessions of' the Southern Baptist convention in ; Baltimore next week. Those who are representing the church are Dr.1 and Mrs. Pruden, Dr. and Mrs Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruthven and Mr. and Mrs. Linton Collins. The choir will sing at one of the sessions and Ruth Reumann Hall, contralto, will appear as soloist. Dr! Pruden will address the Pastors’ Conference of the convention on Tuesday morning. r~ - — ..._.. Presbyterian Assembly To Be Subject of Talk “Our Larger Family” will be the subject of a talk on the Presbyterian General Assembly by Wilbur La Roe, Jr„ a commissioner to the as sembly, at 11 a m. in Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. Children’s Day will be observed by the church school at 9:45 am. when there will be two services, one for kindergarten through sixth grade and the other for intermediate and senior grades. The service for the elementary grades will consist of choir music, songs, dramatizations and stories given by the children themselves. A sound motion picture. “Faith Triumphant.” on the life of St. Paul, and music by the inter mediate Choir will be features of the service for intermediate and senior grades. The Young Adult Group Is spend ing this week end at Capon Lake Inn, Intermont, W. Va. The Fireside Group will hold a picnic tomorrow, leaving the church at 4:30. Divine Service. The Rev. G. L. Patch will give tha Divine Science meaning of “The Pearl of Great Price” in a lesson sermon tomorrow at 11 a m. at the Grafton Hotel. The Gospel Mission Evangelistic Meetings at 810 Fifth Sf. N.W. NIGHTLV. 7:30 O’CLOCK Sunday, June 9th Through 21st MR. GLENN W. WAGNER. E»»n»Hlit. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend These Meetings. VESPER SERVICES 1 ot the + Little Church of Fort Lincoln Bladensburg Road at the District Line EVERY SUNDAY AT 44)0 O'CLOCK Featuring the Inspirational Choirs of Washington's Metropolitan Area With Deagan Chimes and Organ Music SUNDAY, JUNE 9: THE CHOIR OF , BROOKLAND BAPTIST CHURCH JAMES CARLETON, Director And a Brief Devotional Mettage by Rev. Dale Crowley You'll Enjoy This Friendly Hour The Public Is Invited 4Hrtt|0biHt <2H?urrI| Headquarters—Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. N.E. Resident Bishop, Edwin Holt Hashes. D. D IX. D. District Superintendents, G. Ellis Williams. D. D., and E. C. Beery, D. D. Church School in All Churches at 9:45 A.M. HAMLINE lfUh and Alli.on St.. N W Rev. H. W. Borgan. D. D.. Minister. 11:00 a m. and 8:00 d m.—Worship. WAUGH Third and A Streets N.E. Clarkson R. Banes. Minister. 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.—Worship. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL^ 11th and H Sta. N.E. Rev. Clarence H. Corkran. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M, and 8 P.M. RYLAND Branch Ave. and 8 St. 8.E. (at Penn. Ave.) REV. KARL G. NEWELL. _Worship. 11:00 a m. and 8 p m._ ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Ave. and River Rd N W. Rev. Walter M. Michael. D. D.. Minister Worship. 11 AM and 8 P.M._j TRINITY 5th and Penna. Ave. S.F Rev. Edward B. Wilcox, Minister. 11 on a m —"The Fifth Colnmn.” 8:00 p.m.—Evening of Music. PETWORTH N. H. Ave. and Grant Circle N.W. Dr. Frank Steelman. Minister. Worship. 11 A M. and 8 Of) PM Every Man’s Bible Class. 9:30 AM. WESLEY Connecticut Ave. and Jocelyn St. Rev. J. Luther Neff, Minister. ll:OOam.—Children’s Day. UNION ?Oth Street Near Penn. Ave. N W. JOHN R. EDWARDS. D. D.. Minister. 11 oo a m—“A Passing Grade.” 8:00 p.m.—“A Porous Church.** McKENDREE MASONIC HALL Island and Mills Are. N.E. Her. Samuel E. Ross. D. D.. Minister. Worship U A.M and 8 P.M Metropolitan Memorial The National Church Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues. 11 oo a m.—Holy Communion. WOODSIDE 8811 Georgia Avenue. (Silver Spring Maryland > Rev. R. D. Smith. Ph. D., Minister. 8:30—11—8. CALVARY Columbia Road Near Fifteenth St. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON. Minister. Louis A. Potter. Director of Music. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship. Mount Vernon Place The South’s Representative Church 11:00* m—“UNITED WE STAND.” 8:00 D m.—"WHAT IS MAN?" DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN. Minister. FOUNDRY !£?»."" “The Church of the States’* FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister 11:00 *.m.—"WANTED—A LARGER LIVING ROOM ” 8:00 p.m.—Music by Tuskegee Msle Quintet. Address by Dr. Charles T. Boss. Jr. lEpiarapal Epiaropal I^astyrngton Catfjebral Witconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodley Road Holy Communion 7:30 and 9:30 a.m Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a m. People's Evensong and 8ermon 4:00 p.m. Canon Wedell will preach at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p m. Baccalaureate 8 e r v 1 c e for George Washington Univer sity 8:00 p.m. s Preacher, the Bishop of Washington. ST. AGNES’ CHURCH 4ft One Street N.W. Key. A. J. Dubois. 8. T. B., Sector. Summer Schedule: Sundays: Masses at 7 and 10 a.m. Mass dally at 7 a.m.: Thurs.. 9:30 am. Holy Hour. Fridays at 8 p.m. Confessions. Sal.. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ROCK CREEK PARISH BEV. r. J. BOHANAN. D. D. The Country Church In the City. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St. and Rock Creek Church Rd. Services 8:30 and 11:00 am. Church School. 9:30 a.m. HOLT COMFORTER CHAPEL 7th and Oglethorpe Sts. N W. BEV. JOHN 8. KROMER. Services at 7:30 and 11. Church School at 9:30 a.m. All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Ayea. N.W. REV. H. D. STERRETT, Rector. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. —Morning Prayer and Sermon. 6:30 p.m.—Young People's Club. oLd POHICK George Washington's Home Church Visitors Welcomed Cordially. Sunday Morning Service. 11:00 O’clock. REV. JOHN CURTIN RUNKLE. LL. B.. B. D., Rector. No. 1 Hwy„ 10 Ml. South of Alexandria. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 222 8th St. N.E.—Tel. Atl. 1746. THE REV. A. Q. PLANK. Sunday Masses. 7:30 and 11. Church 8chool at 9:30 a.m Vespers. 7:30 p.m. Daily Mass. 7 a.m. Holy Hour., Thuri. 8 p.m. Confessions. Sat. 7-9 p.m. &amt Jfflarfe’g "ON CAPITOL HILL" Third and A Street* Southeast REV. ROBERT J. PLUMB. Rector. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon by the Rector. Thursday. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Ejnjilimtg 1317 G Street N.W. Rer. Z. B. Phillips, D. D„ LL. D. Rev. Duncan Fraaer, B. A. s nn a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 am.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon . „ by Dr. Phillips. o:i2pm'—Young People s Fellowship. SOOp.m.—Evening Prayer and Ser mon by the Rev. Mr. Frgser. Th* Nativity u*' “«»• Enoch M. Thompson. Rector. Tues..,: Thurs. 10 30; Wed. A Fri . 7 30 JiViiS1."!*}? Congregation worship* at Nativity while new chapel is building. St. Margaret’s r®"n- Are. and Bancroft Flae# REV WILLIAM L. MATO. B. ■* Minister In Charge. * m'—Ko1t Communion. Thura i Pr*Tfr Sermon. Tnurs.. ] l a m.—Holy Communion. CHURCH OF ST\STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. The Rer. Paul D. Wilbur. S. T R Rector. ' Holy Communion_ son.™ Church School n-ooS'm' Sermon rill: 00 J m Young Peoples Fellowship 6*5 pm WEEKDAY SERVICES: „ Tuesday. St. Barnabaa. Holy Communion^^..-7:30a.m. Holy Communion*—**'-10:QQ g.m. ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 3340 O St. N.W. Rey. F. BLAND TUCKER. Beetar. o onVTl'—?.olT Communion. » .iO a.m.—Commencement Service of 11 -no . Sunday School. 110ri * m—Morning Prayer. Tuesday and Thursday. 10 a.m. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 23rd St. Near Washington Cirelo. 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a m.—Eucharist and Sermon. SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 16th nod H Streets —Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—-Morning Prayer and Sermon, Preacher, Dr. Hart. ChristChurch, Georgetown 31 at and O Street* N.W. The Reverend J. Gllleapie Armstrong. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ilia Litany.