Newspaper Page Text
i Home Improvements i —_____ WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1940. B—T~ New Star Home Delightful and Efficient Wood Acres House, Now on Exhibit, Is Small, Well Planned • By MARGARET NOWELL. More than 2.000 persons attended the opening of the fifth Silver Star Home of the year, the at tractive, moderately priced Colonial dwelling at 7101 Massachusetts avenue, Wood Acres, Md. This house will enter the second week of its exhibition period tomorrow and will remain open through Sunday, June 23. The Star home was built by Albert W. Walker, prominent Washington builder and developer. It was designed by Schreier & Patterson architects, ad has been tastefully decorated and furnished by the Hecht Co. The new brick dwelling contains six rooms and two baths. Members of the Silver Star Homes Committee, composed of housing experts, indorsed the Wood Acres house unanimously. James S. Taylor of the Federal Housing Ad ministration is chairman of the group. Other members are Fred A. Smith, president of the Washington Peal Estate Board: Edwin H. Posengarten. builder; Irwin S. Porter, architect, and John Nolen. Jr., director of planning of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Solves Difficulties. The difficulties and discourage ment, we all have known in trying to find an attractive small house within the moderate price range vanish into thin air after a visit to Wood Acres and the new Star house, There has been criticism that most of the small houses in and • round Washington were designed w-ithout inspiration, and as long as they were adequate to the needs of the average family, their purpose was served. The Silver Star house is notable for the fact that every inch of •pace has been ingeniously and in telligently utilized, that family liv lng in this house may be dignified and gracious at the same time it is healthy and happy, and the ma chinery of housekeeping and enter taining run gently on a natural rou tine. The house presents a welcoming cool interior with summer rugs, sheer curtains and gay. flowery slip covers, and with its vista of wooded acres of i trees in their natural state is a pleasant spot to “come home to.” Impression of Spaciousness. The front, door opens directly into a spacious living room with a sun •hiny butter yellow paper on the walls, -which, carried up the stairs, gives tin effect of spaciousness. The w-ide tfoorway into the dining room, the tfoor onto the porch and the view of extending green grass and trees beyond add to this impression. The dining room has an attractive paper with scenic medallion on a gray ground which is very nice be yond the yellow living room. The draperies in dining room and living room are alike and the whole house Is finished in maple. The living room is gay with a sofa • nd large chairs covered in a flow < See STAR HOME, Page B-5.) t_ _ We will buy monthly pay ment deferred purchasa money second trust notes, secured on o w n • r-oe rnpied private dwelling. UNION FINANCE 60. 916 Woodward Bide. | _NA. 7936. NEARING COMPLETION Modern 5-room brick homes over looking; the Potomac River—just 10 minutes from downtown. IOc Fare Zone and all city conveniences. Cross Highway Bridge vast Hot Shoppe to 2nd traffic light >2.1rd St.), tyrv right 2 blocks, then left to property I AURORA HILLS OFFICE Arents—Jackson 1710-1711 a correct address p Proud, indeed, ore those families who can give West- ^ moreland Hills as their ad- ^ | dress. | K Socially correct, it stamps w, them with a mark of dis- p: p tinction. In choosing this p p tree - studded, picturesque P community for their resi- p ^ dence, they hove shown good -; ■ taste . . . and their friends p respect and admire them ^ for it. p pi Lots from $1880 f v/fo Drive nut Mass Ave. 1o ^ Westmoreland Circle and A gp our field office. Loughborough "// Development Corp. 095 15th SI. X W. NA. 6370 | STAR HOME INTERIORS— Here are views of the dining, master bedroom and living room of the fifth Silver Star Home of the year, located at 7101 Massachusetts avenue, Wood Acres, Montgomery County, Md. The house will begin the second week of its exhibition period tomorrow. It was built by Albert W. Wal ker and has been furnished by the Hecht Co. —Photos by John Mueller, Star Staff. Purchase of Apartments For Barracks Denied A rumor to the effect that the War Department is contemplating purchase or lease of Colonial and Arlington Villages, large-scale ren tal housing developments in nearby Virginia, as possible barracks for soldiers was declared today to be without foundation by both War Department officials and the man agement of the apartments. The story, which apparently had wide circulation, was that tenants of both Colonial and Arlington Vil lages would be subject to removal with five days' notice. It was also rumored that leases at the two places are now being drawn in cluding a clause to that effect. J. C. Blake, manager of Colonial Village, stated that neither he nor Gustave Ring, who built and owns both de velopments, have been approached by the Government regarding the lease or sale of either place. War Department officials denied that any plans have been made concerning the two housing projects as possible barracks. It has been announced that plans are under way for the War and Interior De partments to buy the present Wash ington Airport, the Agriculture Ex perimental Farm and adjacent property for parks and barracks. Wt Will Buy 2nd Trust Notes De sirably Secured on Residential Property, Reasonable Rates. National Mortgage & Investment Corp. I 1312 N. Y. At*. N.W. ^ NAlional QUALITY—BEAUTY—PRICE WORLD FAMOUS KITCHEN Air-Conditioned by GENERAL ELECTRIC A Standard in- Heat The influence of William Lloyd Garri son reflected in this fine neighborhood. 4400-4404 GARRISON ST. N.W. Now be critical — thie brick home hat: Oxford Cabinets. J-M Insulation. Marie Chef stove, peach-blue Mosaic tile, slate roof, brick garage, and copper piping Also full basement designed for recreation room, ventilator fan. screens, finest texture brick, fireplace, weatherstrips. Yes, and G.-E. 6 cu. ft refrigerator, blue-red kitchens, lino leum. 6 rooms; t',4% 1st trust; all for S8.550; corner house only SS.O.VI. with bav windows. Trees, shrubbery and only one block west of Wisconsin Ave nue. Take this ad with you when* you look at other houses and make your own comparisons. $8SSO lip Sales by Owner-Builder Connor & Ryon Merle T. Jacobs, Inc. REpuhlic 321fi NAtionsl 304B A “Trade-In” and Priced by Builder for QUICK Sale 49?3 Kansas Ave. N.W. Excellent 20 - foot row brick, 6 rooms and bath, 3 porches, automatic heat, garage. Conven ient neighborhood. Open Today Wm. M. Throckmorton Investment Soles—Rentals 01. Bldg. 6092 ESTATE MUST SELL A Bargain For Someone 49 Acres—1,260 ft. Front Rockville Pike With attractively restored cen ter-hall Colonial home in a beautiful setting of trees and shrubbery. 8 rooms, 2>2 baths, automatic heat, elec, refrigera tion, garage. Make fine sub division or tourist development. Well located 4 miles from Bank of Bethesda. Land rolls gently, has small wood. Brodie & Colbert, Inc. 1707 Eye St. NA. 8875 Ijust completed 4610 Alton PI. N.W. One of the loveliest Colonial homes ever built in American University Park. A center-hall plon that is different. Six rooms, 2!i baths and every modern feature. Beau tiful wooded let. Priced Low at $12,250 To inspect: Drive out Mass. Ave. to 46th St., right to Alton PI., then left to home. UNIONS CO. 1622 H St. N.W. Dl. 3522 MAYBE You want a large porch or a large living room, dining room and kitchen plus a large recre ation room and 3 large bed rooms for a low price in a good neighborhood with all the conveniences. MAYBE You think I am talking about a $10,000 house. Well, I am, but at $8,750. I will set yon at 4814 Conduit Rd. Open Daily and Sunday. J. LEO KOLB, INC. 1237 Wise. Ave. MI. 2100 Home of the Month In Select Crest wood You are cordially invited to attend a preshowing of the Home of the Month in Crestwood. Designed by Louis R. Moss, built by Edward A. Hyde and located at 1727 Shepherd Street Northwest. The artistry in design and execution of this charming home will appeal to the most discriminating taste. The accommodations are spacious and perfectly appointed. In addition to the usual six rooms and two baths, there is a mezzanine library with ad joining lavatory, a finished attic, a recreation room, ® servant s room and lavatory, and upper and lower screened porches. The built-in garage has an entry from the vestibule. The preshowing will start at 10 A.M., Sunday, June 9, 1940, conducted by representatives of Edmund J. Flynn, agent for the builder. Courteous responses will be given. to any in quiries directed to the office of the agent in the Woodward Building, telephone Republic 1218. THESE ARE THE HOMES THEY ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT! ALL PRICED LESS THAN /„ Chevy Cha$e, D. C., $1 1 000 ^ Blk- of Conn. Ave. I One Sold Before Completion ! Sample Home, 3516 Albemarle St. N.W. . Offering for the first time these V*> .1 VN \ detached homes with 6 large 4V rooms. 2 colored tile baths, living room with fireplace, 3 large, full jM /V* size bedrooms, garages with over AJ* head doors, copper waterpipes and flashings, porches, Oxford cabinets, Schlage hardware. 6-ft. refrigerators, > automatic heat, air conditioned; large lots to alley, only y2 block to Conn. Ave. Open Daily and Sunday j Built and Owned by BARKLEY BROS.—for tale by Drive out Connecticut Ave. to .... Albemarle St., left block to 1515 DUt homes. Open daily and Sunday. ^ St. 3100 *6950 <« *8850 IN SLIGO PARK HILLS—SILVER SPRING, MD. Here, in a woodland setting adjoining the picturesque Sligo Park and its winding brook and shaded glades, is a home community without parallel in this area. Charming detached homes, air con ditioned, three bedrooms, garage, porch, club room, in a select neighborhood, close to schools, stores, churches, actually on a main bus line. Exhibit Home, 520 Houston Ave., Furnished by Hilda N. Miller ★ TO REACH: Drive out Georgia Ave. to Bouifaut St. in Silver Spring (Peoples Drug Store), turn right and bear left oe Houston Ave. across Dale Drive to homes. Or go out Colesville Rd. to Dale Drive (Mrs. K’s Toll House), turn right to Houston Ave., left to property. WAPLE & JAMES, INC. !222 MHi St. N.W. PI strict 1344 «-— Kitchen Time Saver It is suggested that a receptacle built on the inside of the kitchen door with an opening sufficiently large to receive groceries and other packages delivered during the course of the day will be a convenience and a time saver. HOMEY BUNGALOW with Picturesque Rock Garaen Only $7,450 Spend your summer comfortably at 8811 Cedar St., Silver Spring, Md. j You will be delighted to see this charm ing home. Besides many other features it has A spacious rooms, private porch l®ng- full attic, maid’s room and bath. The spacious lot Is beautifully landscaped with roses, perennials and shrubs. See it Sunday. Open until 8 P.M In Silver Spring. tu*n right at House * Herrmann, follow Maple Lane tHo of armoryj to Cedar St . left to prop erty. REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC. l.V>8 K St. Realtors NAtl. 14.'J8 Permits Issued For $2,332,985 Of Building Volume Far Below That of Previous Month and Year Ago The dollar volume of private building in May fell far below the totals for the District for both the corresponding month of last year and for April, 1940, it was announced today by Building Inspector John W. Oehmann in filing his monthly report of construction operations. Permits were issued last month for new building valued at $2,332,985. In May last year new building valued at $4,970,530 was approved, establishing a 10-year record. The value of new work in April this year was $3,554,840. More Small Dwellings. However, the number of one family dwellings included in the permits for May was far greater than in April. Col. Oehmann's of fice approved 231 new homes last month, valued at $1,389,000. as com pared to 145 valued at slightly more than $1,000,000 during April. Work on small homes was the bright spot in the May building picture. Last May, permits were issued for 364 dwellings, which is regarded as a (See PERMITS, Page~B-2J • jvcic : : HOMES | Of QUALITY, on fashionable Reser- <k ♦ 7.0'r Road. “Right-in-Town. De- Z jL lightfully planned and carefully eon- j, structed. fully detached all-brick 1 - homes containing every desirable I convenience. Unusually large living T “Dream Kitchens.’’ de luxe w baths, automatic all-year-round air *♦ *> conditioning by General Electric. 4 * ?V.llv. InsuUtfd by .lohns-ManvIllr. 4 + at a very, very attractive price 4 * and terms. YOU must see 1752 Z J RESERVOIR ROAD Northwest. J » W ALTER HERMANN t *■ Woodward Bid* National 4193 4 d- Exclusively. ^ ♦ Driye nest on Que Street. North to 4 ♦ Reserioir Road, Thru Dumbarton 4 d- to No. 175.’. 4 New Orleans Colonials 5273 Nebraska Ave.—Chevy Chase, D. C. exhibit Home Furnished bv HILDA MILLER Center Hall Colonials Price range, $9,450 to $10,250. 6 rooms, 2 tile baths, paneled recrea | tion rooms, double front homes, overlooking U S. park. Fenced-In ) gardens. Three public schools and stores within a moment's walk, j Transportation at your door. Tc Beach: Drive out Conn. Ave. to Nebraska Ave . turn right 2 blocks to homes. Open Daily and Sunday L'ntil 9 P.M. Thos. J*. Fisher & Co., Inc. 738 15th St. N.W. Realtors DI. 6830 j I And $50 Per Month Buys a I I Barkley-Built, All-Brick Home! I Facing Monastery Park I I Semi-Detached—Air-Conditioned 9 9 Some With Built-In Garages! 9 ■ Model Home, 4214 14th Street H.E. I Furnished by Pelais Royal 6 rooms, tiled bath with shower, fully equipped QBk^ kitchen and many other modem features. Near ^^B QO schools, shopping center and transportation. HURRY! Only a few left! ^^9 |^^E To Reach: Go nut North Cavitnl St. to Michigan Are . right ^^Bm on Michigan Arc to Taylor St. NE. right t block (nr to Jith St , right 1 block) to homer. Oven daily and Sunday. ^HhI^hE 1515 DI. jBSoM st. M4lr44m sioo JBKEB m JfCfrestmo o AlLn •I AT ROCK CREEK PARK % (, *(«*, Urd A faldwfll, Brrrtmf+rt j Blending Yesterday's Charm tcith the Comfort and Convenience of Tomorrotc 4210 Mathewson Drive N.W. Drive out 16th St. eight blocks beyond Park Pd. to Upshur St., left 3 blocks to Crestwood, adjoining Pock Creek Park. CROM the hand-wrought grilled iron balcony accenting the • simple architectural beauty of this New Orleans Colonial home to the ultra-modern all-Westinghouse conveniences re-' quired all the ingenuity of mastercraftsmen. And the result5 Yesterday's charm cleverly blended in unobtrusive manner with every modem convenience. Eight rooms, 3!/i baths, first floor library with lavatory', recreation room, maid's room and bath. Built br Paul P. Stone A Aron Shockey Furnished by Mazor Masterpieces TAST PAUL P. STONE, Realtor W