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Private Building In Capital Takes On New Life Construction Permits During Past Week Valued at $939,395 Private building in Washington during the week enjoyed its most arrive period in two months as the office of Building Inspector John W. Oehrr.ann approved permits for new construction work having a total valuation of $939,395. There were 65 one-family dwell ings included in the list of permits issued by Col. Oehmann. Largest permit of the period went to the Grocers’ Finance Corp., who will erect a $400,000 warehouse at 301 Ninth' street S.W. More important permits of the week follow; Grocers’ Finance Corp., Fourth and D streets S.W’., owners; Jeffress Dwyer, Inc., 1719 K street N.W., builders; E. Burton Corning, 1640 Connecticut avenue N.Wr„ architect; to erect one 3-story brick-and-con crete grocery warehouse, 301 Ninth street S.W.; to cost $400,000. Meadowbrook, Inc., Tower Build ing, owners and builders; Harvev P. Baxter, 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., architect; to erect sixteen 2-story brick dwellings. 1810. 1812, 1814. 1816, 1318. 1820 Twenty-second street S.E. 1 and 2201, 2203. 2205, 2207, 2209. 2211, 2213, 2215. 2217, 2219 S street S.E.; to cost $72,000. II_1__r-ri -ii *<»v»uunwiuwi», Xi IV.., X Tl XJ U11U Ing. owners and builders; Harvey P. Baxter, 1108 Sixteenth street N.W.. architect; to erect fourteen 2-story , brick dwellings. 1714. 1716. 1718. 1720. I 1722, 1724 Twenty-second street and 2210. 2212, 2216, 2218. 2222, 2224 and 2228 and 2230 S street S.E.; to cost $59,000. Jacobson Bros., 1612 K street N.W., owners and builders; George Swihili and Clifford White. 927 Fifteenth street N.W., designers; to erect six 2-story brick dwellings, 1658, 1662.1 1666. 1670, 1674, 1678 Primrose road N.W.: to cost $8,000 each. Hebrew Home for the Aged. 1125 Bpring road N.W., owners; George C. Martin, builder; Julius Wenig. Edmonds Building, architect; to erect one 2-story brick-and-concrete office building, 1131 Spring road N.W.: to cost $25,000. W. F. Brenizer, 1501 South Capitol street, owner; S. D. Moses, Mills Building, builder; M. S. Rich, engi neer; to erect one 1-story brick-and concrete public storage garage, 207 Q street N.W.; to cost $25,000. Miller K. Reading, owner, designer and builder. 3032 Military road N.W.; to erect two 2-storv brick-and cinder block dwellings, 3547 and 3553 Brandywine street N.W.; to cost $9,500 each. m. Li. btone. Connecticut ave nue N.W.. owner and builder: Rob ert K. Smith, 3433 Connecticut ave nue N.W., designer; to erect two 2 storv brick dwellings. 6609 and 6613 Thirty-first place N.W.; to cost $17, 000. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneiberg, 1429 Crittenden street N.W., owners; Harry Rosenfeld, 1429 Crittenden street N.W., builder; Joseph H. Abel. 1327 Connecticut avenue N.W.. de signer; to erect one 2-story brick tile and stone and stucco dwelling, 3027 Davenportf street N.W.; to cost $16,500. David H. Alsop. 801 Kentucky ave nue S.E., owner; H. P. Giddings, 6040 Thirteenth place N.W., builder; Fred E. Taylor, 1406 Flower avenue. Silver Spring, Md., designer: to erect two 2-storv brick and cinder block dwellings, 3108 and 3112 Worthing ton street N.W.; to cost $16,000. Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Lewis, 4610 Thirtieth street N.W.. owners; Wil liam Lewis, 3219 McKinley street N.W.. builder; Arthur L. Anderson, 719 Thayer avenue, Silver Spring. Md.. designer; to erect one 2'i-story stone dwelling, 4714 Linnean avenue N.W.: to cost $12,000. J. C. Nealon. 5821 Nevada avenue N.W., owner and builder; D. B. Johannes. jr„ 927 Fifteenth street N.W.. designer; to erect two 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings. 6504. 5508 Thirtieth place N.W.; to cost $14,000. David E. McCoy, 923 Fifteenth Street N.W., owner; Korzendorfer & Brooks, Inc., 923 Fifteenth street N.W., builders; Eimer Cappelmann, 1147 Connecticut avenue N.W.. ar chitect: to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwelling. 5015 Ma comb street N.W.; to cost $13,000. W. C. & A. N. Miller Develop ment Co., 1119 Seventeenth street N.W.. owner and builder: G. E. Mac Neil, 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., architect: to erect one 2-story brick and stone dwelling. 4668 Garfield street N.W.; to cost $10,000. M. L. Stone, 3433 Connecticut ave nue N.W., owner and builder; Edwin Weihe, 927 Fifteenth street N.W., architect; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 6612 Thirty-first place N.W.; to cost $11,000. Martin Isen, Woodward Building, owner and builder; Frank B. Proc tor, 8412 Georgia avenue, designer: to erect one 2-story brick and frame dwelling. 7410 Alaska avenue N.W.; to cost $11,000. M. L. Stone. 3433 Connecticut ave nue N.W.. owner and builder; Rob ert K. Smith, designer; to erect one 2-stor.v brick dwelling, 6616 Thirty first place N.W.; to cost $8,500. Stone Construction Co., 927 Fif-j teenth street N.W., owners and' Veir Homes on Mass. Are. 8 Rooms—2% Baths I----! Famished Exhibit Home 5311 Mass Ave. —Featuring— • 8 large bedroom*. • 2 baths. • 2 third floor room* with ronninr water. • Den with lavatory on 1st floor. • Recreation room with fireplace. • Screened porch. • Air-conditioned heat. • Attached garage. j Price, $13,950 WILL TRADE FOR SMALL HOUSE OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY Drive ovt Mass. Ave. just, beyond Westmoreland Circle to homes. WILUAM BOSWELL M7 lftth St. N.W. MCt. 3033 NEW BE THESDA DWELLING—This home at 5003 Battery lane has been purchased by Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Ingerson from Cooley Bros., builders, through the office of J. Wesley Buchanan. Dr. Ingerson is a geologist with the Carnegie Institution. —Star Staff Photo. builders; David Wickline, designer; to erect one 2-storv brick dwelling, 4812 Alton place N.W.; to cost $8,000. Stone Construction Co., 927 Fif teenth street N.W., owners and builders; David Wickline, jr., de signer; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 4816 Alton place N.W.; to cost $8,000. Stone Construction Co., 927 Fif teenth street N.W.. owners and builders; David Wickline, designer; to erect one 2-storv brick dwelling, 4724 Alton place N.W.; to cost $8,000. Stone Construction Co.. 927 Fif teenth street N.W.. owners and builders: David Wickline, designer; to erect one 2-storv brick dwelling, 4720 Alton place N.W.; to cost $8,000. Stone Construction Co., 927 Fif teenth street N.W., owners and builders; David Wickline, designer; to erect one 2-storv brick dwelling. 4716 Alton place N.W.: to cost $8,000. A. C. Millbrook. 927 Fifteenth street N.W.. owner; Stone Construc tion Co., builders; David Wickline, designer; to erect brick dwelling. 4421 Forty-eighth street N.W.; to cost $8,000. J. Hicks Balwin, Investment Building, owner; Cooley Bros.. In vestment Building, builders; G. T. Santmyers, 1410 H street N.W.. architect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwelling. 4317 Warren street N.W.. to cost $7,000. Church of Nativity and Resurrec tion. Fourteenth and Massachusetts avenue S.E.. owners and builders; Frances Knee, 1731 K street N.W.. architect; to erect one 1-story brick church school, 701 Fifteenth street N.E.; to cost $6,500. Samuel and Clara L. Abelman, owners: M. Cladny Construction Co.. 635 F street N.W., builders; J. A. Parks, Edmonds Building, archi tect: to erect one 1-story brick store. 1216 Thirteenth street N.W.; to cast $5,000. H. H. Jones, jr„ 918 Rhode Island avenue N.E., owner: Pringle Con struction Co., 907 Fifteenth street N.W., builder; A. M. Pringle, archi tect; to repair 918 Rhode Island avenue; to cost $6,000. Home Realty Co., 906 Tenth street N.W., owner and builder; C. West,1 1420 K street N.W., architect: to repair 1700 V street N.W.; to cost $5,000. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Smith, 4413 River road N.W., owner; H, Clinton Smith, 4413 Rivfr road N.W., builder and designer; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling, 4315 Van Ness street N.W.; to cost $6,000. Apostolic Faith Church, owner and builder; H. W. Turner, 903 W street N.W., designer; to erect one 1-storv frame church, 5100 E street S.E.: to cost $5,700. W. L. Turner, 1105 Vermont ave nue N.W.. owner and builder; Earl Von Reichenbach, 2106 Nichols ave-. nue S.E., designer: to erect three 1-story frame dwellings, 3344-48-52 Dubois street SJE.; to cost $6,600. Reed W. Passon, Sherman avenue N.W., owner: B. J. Barnes, builder; R. C. Archer, jr„ 215 Florida avenue N.W., architect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwelling, ^Columbia Federal Loan will solve your Home financing problems. Pass Books * All monthly payments applied directly to loan show new balance. Inn ba'anre k, ^ • No commissions or re . newal charges. payment. 3 • No red tape or waiting. Loan* Available in D. C. or Nearby Maryland and Virginia BMBIAFEBIBM 716 11th Street N.W. National 6543 A Little Bit More Most reliable dealers now carry the proper grade fuel oil for your burner; they offer a delivery from trucks carry ing sealed-in meters which give you a printed reading of the exact amount of oil put in your tank; they employ pleasant, courteous drivers; they offer a contract which protects you in the matter of price; they are equipped to service your oil burner efficiently. We offer all this— and "a little bit more." To learn what this extra something is, sign a fuel oil contract now with John P Agnew & Co, 714 13th St. N.W. NAtional 3068. WESLEY HEIGHTS—*10,950 4418 Lowell Street N.W. Owner transferred. Here is your opportunity to buy a charm ing home in exclusive Wesley Heights at an unusually attrac tive price. In perfect condition. It contains living room with fireplace, den on first floor, 3 big bedrooms, recreation room and bath in basement and lovely garden. Anyone interested in Wesley Heights should see this house immediately. Open 10 to f PM. Sunday 011 15th St. Frank S. Phillips Dl. 1411 427 Sixty-first street N.E.; to cost $5,000. C. B. Edwards. 2404 Thirty-second street S.E., owner, designer and builder; to erect one 2-story brick and frame dwelling, 2504 Thirty third street S.E.; to cost $5,000. Hubbard Houses, Inc., 1700 I street N.W., owner; Lee T. Turner, 1366 Perry place N.W., builder; Pioso & Peterson, Chicago, 111., designer; to erect one 1-story brick restaurant, 5351 Wisconsin avenue N W.; to cost $5,000. Rose Bennett Anderson, 1629 Co lumbia road N.W., owner and build er; to repair 3205 Eighteenth street N.W.; to cast $4,000. John Scrivener, agent; Clarence W. Gosnell, 1414 Monroe street N.W., builder! to make repairs, 735 New Jersev avenue N.W.; to cost $4,000. E. M. Aiken. Inc., 800 H street N.Wr., owner and builder; G. T. Santmyers, 1410 H strlet N.W., ar chitect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block flat (2 units!, 1119 New Jersey avenue S.E.; to cost $4,000. Franklin Park Apartments, 1322 I street N.W., owners and builders; Rossel Edward Mitchell, designer; to make repairs, 1332 I street N.W.; to cost $2,100. Frank J. Fugazzl, 5060 Illinois avenue N.W., owner; H. W. Gaines, 1719 Thirty-fifth street N.W., de signer; to erect one 1-story brick store, 925 Emerson street N.W.; to cost $2,400. Edward Costigan, Thirty-third and K streets N.W., owner; Harry Glddings, 6050 Thirteenth place N.W., builder; G. T. Santmyers, 1410 H street N.W., architect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block truck repair shop, 1007 Wisconsin avenue N.W.; to cost $2,500. Emory Talbert, 4029 Alabama ave nue S.E., owner; National Green house Co., Illinois, architect; to erect two 1-story concrete, steel, frame and glass greenhouse, 4029 Alabama avenue §.E.; to cost $2,000. Meridith Hill, 6411 Piney Branch road N.W., owner; National Engi neering Co., Tower Building, build ers; J. Marcus Hallett, architect; to make repairs, 6411 Piney Branch road N.W.; to cost $1,250. Mrs. Meredith Hill, 6411 Piney Branch road N.W., owner; National Engineering Co., Tower Building, builders; J. Marcus Hallett, de signer; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block addition, 6411 Piney Branch road N.W.; to cost $1,000. S. Kann Sons Co., Eighth and Market square N.W., owner: James L. Parsons, jr., Homer Building, builder; to repair 601 Thirteenth street N.W.; to cost $1,000. REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST TRUSTS to finance I or refinance homes in the District or nearby Maryland and Virginia. Current Ratee Straight Loam or Monthly Payment! LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 7th b D St*. N.W. 17th b H St*. N.W. SUPER VALUES I In Select SHEPHERD PARK 6 Built, 4 Sold Before Completion *8.750 «p Exhibit Home, 1128 Geranium St. N.W. One of a new group of six homes, this fine residence presents a sensational value in its price class. Six rooms and two baths, two fireplaces, ultra modern kitchen, recreation room and many other features you would only expect in a much higher priced house. See and compare today. To Reach • Drive out Ifith St , turn riffht on Alaska Ave. to Geranium, riffht to 12th St and homes. 1515 mwrsn Dist. K St. 3100 IS Degrees Cooler Th Wash ington at 9 P.M. in— HILLWOOD a *5,550 $625 CASH Including Settlement Chargee New quality homes constructed by builders who for the past 27 years have been building higher priced homes. Individual design—restricted community as suring finer environment. 5-room homes $5,550 up; 7-room home $5,890 with monthly payments approxi mately $37 a month. See and compare today! 5 sold last week. Exhibit Home 244 MEADOW LANE Furnished by Hutchison's, Inc., Drapes by John Liyon Open Daily and Sunday Drive over Memorial Bridge and out Lee Boulevard to H1LLWOOD Straight out to Meadow Lane, left on Meadow Lane 1 block to home. Watch for our large sign at Hillwood Ave. and Lee Blvd. Arlie Johnson, Sales Bradley Village THE OUTSTANDING, MODERATELY PRICED NEW HOME COMMUNITY—BETWEEN EDGEMOOR AND KENWOOD *8,250 F. H. A. APPROVED I Spacious 3-bedroom homes in an unexcelled location on high eleva tion one block south of Edgemoor Club. Quality construction and modern features throughout. Churches, schools and shopping center ore convenient—bus at your door. Come out today—they ore going fast. Open daily, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. ! Exhibit Home—6703 FAIRFAX RD. TO REACH: Out Wiieontin Are. to Bradley Bird., left on Bradley Blvd. to Fairfax Road, then riaht to exhibit Home. /tfoeodkci JEVEIOPERI (j/JuMWOOi, JDRIW00P «P MEDLEY VIULlIT _729 Old Georgetown Rood WI»coniiii 6696 1 F. H. A. Applications Again Exceed $100,000,000 New records for F. H. A. home financing were set in May, Admin istrator Stewart McDonald an nounced today, and for the second consecutive month now home ap plications for mortgage Insurance exceeded (100,000.000. Applications involving new homes to be built under F. H. A. super vision were far ahead of last year, the number showing a gain of bet ter than 40 per cent and the amount a gain of about 33 per cent. A total of 22.053 mortgages amount-; ing to $101,217,472 were selected for appraisal by the F. H. A. in May on homes to be built under its in spection. This was slightly larger in amount and a few less in number than the April figures of 22.092 mortgages in the amount of $100, 901,774. May was also the most active month ever recorded under the F. PLYMOUTH HAVEN from $3,250 u ihuc m i^uu rain. • w prlce* Include 70x300 Loti John Alden—4 Rms.—$3.250—ft 1 tt.86 Mo. BSflto — £ Rmi.—$4.250—$26.04 Mo. Standish — 6 Rmi.—$4.750—$20.10 Mo. It s vacation time at Plymouth Haven the year round Enjoy the summer's fun after vour day at the office. Only 20 minutes from Washington and vou're home for swimming, golf, tennis, picnic inp gardening. It’s hard to believe so much country -an exist so close to-Wash lngton You ENJOY the summer Instead or dreading every heat wave These are more reasons why Plymouth Haven Homes are sold before completion Why not pay us a visit today Open daily and Sunday, in a m. to 9 p.m. Sample house under floodliehts TO REACH Drive about Ji/4 milex va?t Alexandria on beautiful Memorial Highway, . turn right at Wellington and follow signs. THE HOMELWI) CO. I. Wnl.y Bufh.nan, Agrntn. Al.r*. .V5I0 H. A. program for homes started un der its inspection, Mr. McDonald said. A weekly average of about 3.800 new small homes being fin anced under title II were started In May. compared with about 3,700 in April and about 2.900 in May 1939. In two weeks during the month the number of homes started ex ceeded 4.000 for the first time in the P. H. A.’s experience, compared with last year’s weekly peak of 3,122. This does not include about 1.000 small homes being financed under title I. The undimished volume of new home applications in May points to continuation of active new-home construction in coming weeks, Mr. , McDonald said. New-home appli- j cations were about 5.000 or more in every week during May except the last week which included Memorial Day. French Woodenware Shown Among the exhibits of decorative art from other countries displayed at the New York World's Fair is charming French woodenware, made in irregular shapes and dec orated with Persian designs In crackle paint effect. In Berkeley—Chevy Chase, \ld„ three squares west of Chevy Chase Circle I---n 136 HESKETH ST—$13,500 ®*th unusual interior design and planning layout—thoroughly IN mvirWAL Features—CHERRY FLOORS THROUGHOUT—huge living room with antique paneling—all bedroom^ will accommodate twin beds. 2 til» baths and 1st floor lavaiory ALL-ELECTRtC KITCHEN Maid's room and bath Knotty pme recreation loom with fireplace. Attached garage. Air conditioned with OIL HEAT. Level bo foot lot—restricted subdivision. Open for Inepection Daily until 9 P.M. TO REACH: Turn writ on Orr.fton St at Cherv Chose Circle ? block, to Kirks,tic St . right to Hesketh. or lust beyond D C. Line, wis Are to sign at Hesketh. THOS. J. FISHER & CO., INC. 738 15»h St. N.W. Realtor DIatrict 6830 WOODWARD & LOTHROP 10™ 11™ F AND G Streets Phone District 5300 Do You Want to Enjoy Real Comfort All Summer Long— our Manufacturing Division makes this possible with Custom-made Awnings • designed to keep the hot rays of Summer sun out of your rooms. • to keep the simmering waves of heat away from your porch. • to protect your draperies, rugs and upholstery from bright sunlight. • to add to the outward appearance of your home. with Custom-made Screens • to keep out unwelcome insects— and allow cool breezes to enter. • constructed to fit unusual window and dcor openings perfectly. • designed in complete harmony with the architecture of your home. • make possible an extra, cool room out of your porch. —and behind these important features stand our years of experience in making custom-made awnings and screens . . . using only the finest ma terials obtainable to give long service. Deferred payments may be ar ranged. Telephone District 5300 for further information or an estimate Manufacturing Division Office, Seventh Floor. A French Provincial in COUNTRY CLUB HILLS Nearby Virginia's Most Highly Restricted Community Adjoining IVashington Golf and Country Club DESIGNED, PLANNED and BUILT for GRACIOUS LIVING PRICED SURPRISINGLY LOW ^ _ t__ __ 3219 NORTH WAKEFIELD ST. Beautifully Furnished by Hutchison’s, Inc. A HOME of beauty and refinement in an unexcelled environment—only 20 minutes from down town, yet enjoying a truly country estate atmosphere. Located on a large corner lot containing Vs acre or 14,400 square feet, with a siting of lovely trees and having 7 spacious rooms, 2 Vi baths and 2-car built-in garage. If you entertain larger than usual groups, you'll appreciate the size of living room, 1 5x30, with 2 doors opening onto porch or veranda, 1 0x40. The large studio master bedroom, size 15x27, will also intrigue you as well as other features of this unusual home. May we also remind you that Country Club Hills is really the SPRING VALLEY of nearby Virginia and offers the maximum in prestige and restrictions *to insure a sound home investment. ! OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P.M. TO REACH—Drive over Key or Arlington Memorial Bridge to Glebe Road and Washington Golf and Country Club—ftfn right and follow arrows on Rock Spring Road along golf course 3 squares iS Wakefield—then left 2 squares to property. r. . Presented by Developers Chestnut and Builders KEITH D. BRUMBACK 3527 SMB—