Newspaper Page Text
21 Ths »tor? thus far: Jim Charter*’ luck, legend among aviators, fails him at last and he is killed in a test flight. Six months later his daughter. Joan, decides to accept wealthy Scott Lanninc’s offer ot marriage She’s been unable to get work: she has no money—nothing in fact, but the plans for a military plane left her by Jim. But the night before the date set for the wedding she hears 8cott tell Laura Ward, glamorous society girl whom he has long escorted, that his marriage nee1 change nothing be tween them Jo.'in runs away and through Mike Halloran. cab driver, who used to work for Jim. gets work as secretary to John North, head of the North Aircraft. To evade Scott she takes the name Hammond. The first day at work she finds that North and Laura Ward are close friendfc. CHAPTER V. Saturday Joan drew her first pay check at North Aircraft. It was for $30. It seemed like a fortune. She breathed easier after receiving the check. Everything was fine, and she expected to return Monday, despite the blunders her inexperi ence had caused her to make. By Tuesday she had been with North Aircraft, with John North, a full week. Tuesday night, about 10 o'clock, Mike Halloran tele phoned. Joan had just returned to her hotel room from a near-by movie. She was surprised and pleased by j She said, “Mike, you mustn’t get in any more trouble because of me." "Aw, that’s all right. I’ve been in trouble before. Now look, Joan. I was figuring that if I dropped out of sight for a while everything would be jake. If that dick don’t find me, he can’t make me talk. And you'll be safe. That guy you're afraid of won’t be able to' find you." “But you can’t go away, Mike. There’s your taxi job—’’ “Yeah. But I’m tired of hacking. There ain’t money enough in it for a guy like me. I’m hankering to get back in flying. There ought to be a job for a good mechanic like me.” She could tell that his mind was made up. She didn’t want him to make a sacrifice for her, but she knew there was no use arguing. She said. “Go to the North Air craft plant in Baltimore, Mike. There'll be a job for you. I’ll talk to Mr. North in the morning.” "Thanks, Joan. That's swell. Now I'm gonna hang up. There’s a guy hanging around outside this booth. I think he's another dick ; watching me. S’long.” Joan turned from the phone, There's a guy hanging around outside this booth. His call. Mike, I m so glad you phoned!” “How is the job going?” Mike asked. ‘ Splendidly. And I want to see you. I want to pay something on my loan.” “ I don't think you'd better see me. Joan. That’s why I phoned. Something's turned up.” “What, Mike?” “Remember I told you about that private detective? Well, he looked me up again today. He discovered somehow that I used to work for Jim Charters.” “Oh!” said Joan, her heart sink ing. She had felt so secure as each new day passed. “And then what, Mike?” “He figures I know where you are. I tried to stick to my story— that I dropped you at the Grand Central that night. He called me a liar. I called him something worse. He started to get tough, but I headed him off. He said he'd see me later, said he was giving me time to make up my mind to talk.” Joan Feels Panicky. Joan had a moment of panic. She couldn't have Mike get into trouble. She knew that the detective would report to Scott Lanning, and that Scott Lanning would see Mike. Scott would threaten, browbeat Mike. crossed the room, and sank weakly onto the bed. She was frightened. Scott was still searching for her. His detectives were closing in on her. She no longer was safe. She had been wrong to imagine she could hide herself even among New York’s millions. To be safe she'd have to go away. . . . Plans to Move Office. She was afraid on the streets the next morning. She was afraid that the men searching for her would spot her. She was breathless when she reached the office. Even after she had begun to work her un easiness remained. She carried the mail into John North. He said "Thank you,” and thumbed through it. Then, "Don’t go. Miss Hammond.” Joan sat down and waited. He said, "We’re closing the office here, Mis Hammond. For econ omy.” Joan's heart sank. "Some of the staff will go to the plant at Baltimore. I don't imagine you'd care for the change.” “I'd care for it very much,” Joan said. John North looked up. "You'd like to leave New York?” “Yes. I would like the change.” "Well, all right. I dislike break ing a new secretary.” He smiled at her the first time in a week. WESTGATE Flint Drive, near the end of Newport Avenue, has b$en paved. A group of three houses of Colonial design and unusually gracious arrangement are being built there to sell at $9,650 and $9,950. Your inspection is invited! To reach: Turn right oft Mass. Ave. extended onto Newport Avenue, go over the hill to Flint Drive. William Sands Owner-Builder National 3326 SIX ROOMS OF HONEST AMERICAN Apes no "period" and doesn't pretend to be "the Home of Tomorrow." It is simply good to look at and live in. 4111 Oliver St., Chevy Chase, Md. Design and Plan from Batter Hornet and Cardent, Located in an established and restricted new home com munity, close to schools and transportation, this unique home contains 3 bedrooms; 1st floor lavatory; fin ished recreation room; attached garage; air-condi tioned, oil heat. Landscaped lot, 60x125. Open Daily to 9 P.M. TO REACH: Out Wisconsin Ave., turn right on first street past District line. D. J. HUGHES Owner-Builder 503 14th St. N.W. National 0317 “I’ve become used to you. Brom ley’s driving to Baltimore today. Perhaps he'll give you a lift.” He turned back to his corres spondence, and Joan walked back to her desk. This, she told her self, was luck. Real Charters luck. Jim is Amusing. Jim Bromley was amusing. He seemed glad to have Joan as a companion for the trip to Balti more. He had picked her up at her hotel after she had packed her bags and they were now well on the way. Bromley said, "If my wife should see me with a girl like you she’d take the next plane for Reno.” “Is she jealous, Jim?” “With homicidal tendencies.” “I think you're joking.” “Joking nothing. Do you think my wife would like her man trapezin’ around the country with a glamorous blond?” “I don’t know.” Joan said. “I’ll have to take your word for it. But I never heard you talk about your wife before. Do you really have one?” Bromley grinned. “Naw,” he said. He grew serious after a time, talking about North Aircraft. He spoke of things that Joan had merely suspected during her week with the company. Bromley was much concerned over the financial standing of North Aircraft. He said that John North had tried to arrange for a loan, but the bankers had turned him down cold. uruy one gave cniet any en couragement," Bromley said. "And he wouldn’t unless we'd build a military plane.” “Why doesn't Mr. North build a military plane?" Joan asked. "He hasn’t the designers and engi neers, for one thing. And for an other, he’s got his heart set on building planes that the ordinary person—provided that sort of per son can learn to fly—can own.” "It’s an all right ambition,” Joan said. "It's more dream than ambition in John's case,” said Bromley, and his voice was gloomy. “Things are really looking bad. Joan.” “You mean North Aircraft may fail?” “Just one little push will send it under. And John North will be grounded for good.” (Continued tomorrow) Tomorrow: Joan reveals her Identity. New Low-Rental Homes UnderWay in Arlington The first large development of low-rental homes in the Washing ton Metropolitan Area is nearing completion on South Wayne street, near Columbia pike in Arlington County, it was announced today by the B. P. Saul Co. When completed the development will contain 64 homes. It is expected the project will be finished in Au gust. The houses have five rooms, including living rcfcm, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms and bath The project was started to meet a widespread demand for rental houses. It is pointed out that while thousands of new homes have been built in this area in the last few years, almost all of them have been erected for sale. The new homes are Colonial in design. Shelves for Flowers A window garden in the break fast room or kitchen is very attrac tive. builders have discovered. Three or four shelves Just wide enough to hold flower pots or bowls of ivy may be easily built in. Foundation for Terrace In building a terrace it is wise to lay a bed of cinders or gravel or broken stone underneath as a drain age bed. This also serves as a cushion against frost. The terrace is then much less liable to heave badly from frost action. Kent IV- ■ -v"---- -1 Price, $16,850 Will build on a beautiful site in this exclusive com munity. Only the finest materials, equipment and workmanship. Contains extra bedroom and bath or study on 1st floor. Three nice bedrooms on second floor. See Salesman for Further Particulars at Sample House at Macomb Street and Glenbrook Road To Reach: Out Mass Are. to Ward Circle, left an Nebraska Are. past American University and straight ahead to Glen- ! brook Rd. and left to Macomb St. and sample house. PHILLIPS & CANBY, INC. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA I kMMW Another group of homes about completed. First group entirely sold out of these six and seven room, 2 bath homes—semi-bungalow, some bed room and bath first floor—some two-story. You will find in this group just what you want. Living room 14'x24' with massive stone fireplace —(center hall). KITCHEN YOU CAN PLAY BALL IN. Air-con ditioned heat, real closets, porches, garage. Oh, that shower bath in the yard for old and young kiddies. The hornet ahead of the timet that have “everything.’’ Loti 1SS feet deep. Looking for you out today to see your future home. SEE THAT FORM-STONE HOUSE. Sample house open daily 8 p.m. To Reach: Key Bridge, right on Lee Highway about 4 miles (Robt. E. Lee School) right to 26th St. (3 blocks). PRICE AND GROGAN Owners-Builders GLEN COVE offers Individual New Homes I . — -J T—— . 5039 Saratoga Avenue A lovely corner home, first floor lavatory, knotty pine recreation room with fireplace, slate roof, Johns-Manville insulation, attic for storage purposes, large rear porch, large kitchen with ample space for table and many other necessary appointments. Open Daily and Sunday Directions: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to River Road, left on River Road to Qlen Cove. J. R. HENDERSON, Developer—Wise. 6218 District F. H. A. Office Has Record Month Applications for home mortgage insurance received at the District of Columbia insuring office of the Fed eral Housing Administration reach ed an all-time peak during May, it was announced today by H. Loy Anderson, District director of the F. H. A. Mr. Anderson reported that in the face of a slight drop in building permits for the Metropolitan Area, the local F. H. A. office received 520 applications for mortgage in surance totaling $2,661,100, com pared with 440 cases totaling $2, 422,100 in May last year. This fig ure topped the previous high reached in April, 1940, when the office received 494 applications to taling $2,549,000. The May volume brbught the to tal of applications received at the District insuring office during the first five months of the year to 1,956 in the amount of $10,508,000. In the same period of 1939 there were .1.866 cases totaling $10,393,100, ■" I 4807 WELLINGTON MIKE ! (Convenient Betheada) Attractive group of well-built homes ranging in size from 2 bedrooms and bath to 4 bedrooms, 2 Vi baths. ‘8,950.0*11,500 This lovely home has 3 large bedrooms, 2 Vi baths. Other homes of distinctive architecture, some are white-painted. OPEN DAILY A SUNDAY Out Wia. Ace. to Bradley Bird., left 1 long block to Wellington Dr., right to vroperttei. REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC. 1506 K Realtors NAt. 1438 NEW BRICK BUNGALOWS I Indian Spring Park 302-304 I Garwood St. $6,350-$6,450-$500 ^ s48 50 w Just oomnletrd this week—FINEST OF CONSTRUCTION A bright rooms PLACE*L FFINI°lRA8fm°fvtY015 FURNITURE. Llvinc room with REAL FIRE' FLAIL. FULL BASEMENT under entire house Large semi-finished ATTIC. HFVT 0n# ar‘tl equ,pmcnt of lh« bMt- Modern automatic AIR CONDITIONING DEFERENTT"t thePRirE.1,01 SE BlT S0METHING NEW- better and Open Daily 2 to Dark—Sunday 10 to Dark TO REACH - Out Georgia Ave. to Colesville Rd . right on Colesville Road < ‘i blocks past Mrs. Ks Tavern* to Franklin Ave. Follow Franklin Ave 10 blocks to Ganrood St., right to houses. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. Reallort 733 12th N.W, NA. 0352 FURNISHED DISPLAY HOME BEAUTIFUL ALTA VISTA $74 SO S'* rooms- 0,1 3 bedrooms very lorge, tile bath, * shower, living room with Colonial fireplace, cheer ful dming room, most modem kitchen, basement has fireploce for game room, air-condition heot, garage attached with entrance to kitchen, nice level lot, wide poved street. FURNISHED BY HUTCHISON BROS., 2004 14Hi N.W. Open Daily and Sunday Until 9 P.M. Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda. left, drive out Old Georgetown Road, turn left on Johnson Ave. to 5526, the Displav Home. PAUL M. LUDT, Exclusive Agent 6600 Wisconsin Ave. WIs. 6693 809 LIVE OAK DRIVE NEW GRUVER-IRVIN HOMES IN UTIFUL WOODSIDE FOREST Woodside Forest offers you dignity of design and character of refinement at prices within your means. Here you will find ,'t-bedroom. 2-bath homes of the most modern planning and the finest equipment monev can buy Spacious rooms arranged for utmost convenience. Construction of the highest quality See for yourself—TODAY! TRADES CONSIDERED Open Sunday and Daily ’Til 8 P.M. TO REACH: Drive out Go A re. to Silver Soring, turn right at Colesvil le Pick to Dale Drive (Mrs. K's Tollhouse Tavern) left to Gruver signs Or straight on through Silver Soring to Columbia Blvd., turn right to Grudkr signs and to houses. WM. M. THROCKMORTON Investment Bldg. Realtor District 6092 ——_ MU 111—— 816 LIVE OAK DRIVE IF YOU plan to buy or bdild o homo com* to thi* Bonk and our officers will toll you how you may own your own home com pletely by making easy monthly payments. We make loans to indi vidual homo owners in Washington and nearby Maryland and Virginia ... on fair terms and at prevailing interest rates. Let us tell you of our plans for YOUR own home ownership. /NATI0NJh\ I SAVIjtft 1M» TIVIT 1 V 15th St. & N. Y. Are. N.W. i \ Chartered by Congress 1867 i 'TL Member: Federal Reserve J System and Federal Jr, Deposit Insurance Jr iij _LOST._ BLACK PURSE, on streamlined streetcar, between 14th st. and Wise. ave. and M ! p-*. Reward. RB. 0200. Br. 367. • BRACELET, gold link, with green stones, valued a.s keepsake. Desk, All State* Hotel. i 31* 19th st. n.w._•_ i DOG. wire-hair fox terrier, white, black and brown: strayed from 1308 Lawrence st. n e. Reward. _Decatur 0442;_ GLASSES smoked, shell-rimmed. 5th floor. Hecht’s. reward DI. 6865, Ext. 267. bet. 9 a m and 4:30_p.m._9*_ POCKETBOOK. lady’s, patent leather, con taining tortoise shell glasses: reward; return glasses. 228 Woodward Blag. Republic J 21 8._gve<.. OE. 6741._ WALLET black lost vie. 14th and Col i rd contains business papers. Return to Acme Market. 14th and Col. rd. Reward. WRIST WATCH iady s yellow gold Hamil ton Initialed M. D-M Lost between Earle Theater and W’lllard Hotel. Reward. Call Marie Del-Mar. WO 7524. WRIST WATCH, white gold, with 4 small diamonds and black cord bracelet. Reward. Call Decatur 6400. Apt. 41H. | = _FOUND._ BRING OR REPORT deserted, stray animals (only) to the Animal Protective Association. ; Atlantic 7353 ! BUNCH OP KEYS-fn *00 block of Madi * on st. n.w Apply 7;$:* Madison st. n.w. DOG. male, resembling police light tan and white no tag. Found vicinity Georgia ave. and Shepherd st. n.w. Call Taylor 3841. I_ SPECIAL NOTICES T WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ~ANY debts contracted by any one other than myself JAMES H. MILLIKIN 243S»a 1 Hth st.n.w.__ f<» A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 Provides same service as one costine S.jnn. Don’t waste "insurance money ” Call DEAL ! with -5 years' experience Lincoln S-JOO. DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT EASTERN DENTAL LABS. 307 B ST. S.E. PHONE LINCOLN iH’IS._ FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT Private Waiting Rooms Robt. B S'-ott Dental Tech Rms. 901-962 ; Westory Bldg. 605 14th at F Met. 1833 I__HELP MEN.__ •AUTO MECHANIC apply at 8hreve Bros. Garage. 1232 12th st n.w. If you have ever been discharged for indulging in in toxicant liquor*, do not_apply. AUTO MECHANIC, body and fender man combined salary and commission. Box ; 253-D, Star AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN—We~can use a few thoroughly experienced men to com plete our sales force, unusual opportunity to increase your earnings if you are not afraid to work splendid commission and bonus system See Mr. Pond. L. P. Sieuart. Inc , 14th and Rhode Island ave. n.w. I BOY. colored, experienced in grocerv store and walk orders. Call Randolph 1177. 9* BRICKLAYERS wanted at 43rd and War ren sts. n.w.. lst-class only, Monday morn ing Frank M Winnemore. Republic 2306. CARPENTERS, bring your tool* and re ! Port 4oo block of Roosevelt st.. Huntington Terrace._ DRIVER SOLICITOR, to sell merchan dise to delicatessen and lunchrooms. !»06 I E st._n.w. <»• i DRY CLEANING HELP experienced only: : apply white wool spotters, w'et washers. I shippers, silk pressers. marker, rug cleaner. , Needles_Cleaners._l 333 Buchanan n .w DRUG CLERK, experienced with good references: over 21. Columbia Pharmacy. 1030 4th st. _sw*. ELECTRICIAN, first-class, and helpers; must_know D C. code. Box 33-E. Star._ GAS STATION ATTENDANT, capable of running shift in busy station. Apply Sun 4 p m • Jack's Auto Servicenter. 5130 Wis. ave. PA?BT. M.AN- truck driver, colored. Apply to 1.103 Que st, n.w. after 5 p.m. JANITOR. Quarters only; no furnace. Box 20-g. Star. 8* MAINTENANCE MAN. experienced in laundry equipment: steady work for de pendable and sober man. Box 295-D. Star._ MAN. young, experienced irT~radio~repair mg. to service pinball machine: steady employment to right man. Apply in per son. Pioneer Novelty Co., 2533 Bladens burg rd. me. MARKERS, experienced only; steady em ployment. Apply in person. 1609 17th st. n.w. H to 10 a.m MECHANIC. Pontiac, first-class: weekly salary. H. J. Brown Pontiac, Inc., Ross lyn Va. PHARMACIST, experienced, local refer ences. Apply Home Pharmacy. 4th and H sts. li e. _ PIANIST AND SINGER for evening wort. 4 hours night. Box 352-D. Star. PLASTERERS WANTED. Call immediately. Lincoln 0608, Salvatore Di Gregorio, 1138 Neal st. n e. 9* PRESSER. experienced only need spply. University Hand Laundry, 2145 Eye st. n.w^__ PRESSER. experienced on dresses and suits. Apply 8113 Georgia ave. _ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN—We have opening in our organisation for two go getters with real estate license: good coverage and plenty of prospects: must have automobile. Apply in forenoon, REALTY ASSOCIATES. 1500 K st. n.w. _ SALESMEN, real estate (2), wide awake. New houses. Taylor 2760.__ SALESMEN for Chrysler Alrtemo oil burn ers and heating equipment: we need 2 ?ood steady men for our permanent sales orce: attractive expense allowance and commission arrangement; must be able to furnish good reference as to character and ability See Mr. Scott or Mr David son at Loughborough Oil Co.. 1022 ITtb st. n.w.__ SALESMEN to sell on floor refrigerators, ranges, commercial cases and major ap pliances In WASHINGTON’S LARGEST AP PLIANCE HOUSE. Good salary and com mission. Good opportunity. Atlas, 921 G st. n.w. SCREEN INSTALLERS outside mechanics: must have car and must be experienced. Apply at once, Flaherty Bros., 1232 Mt Olivet rd. n.e._ __ SHEET METAL WORKER wanted lor in side work, must be able to handle skylights, cornice ventilators, from start to finish. Want first-class man. Steady work. State age. experience, wages desired. Box 250-D. Star._ SHOEMAKER wanted (colored)^ 8219 Ga. ave. n.w.___• SODA DISPENSERS, experienced with ref erences. over 21. Apply at once, Glen Echo Park, Md._ TAILOR, experienced only. Apply 2300 Rhode Island ave. n.«._Peeler's. Inc. WAITER, colored, for New England summer guest house; also room cleaning: room, oard. #40: write age. experience, phone number. Box 251-D, Star._ OPENING in local office of large, well established firm, for man. 25-35 vrs. old. with proven sales ability: earnings well above average assured in closed territory; car required; state age. experience, edu cation. Box 8S5-D, Star. HELP MEN. (Continued.) EVENING WORK. Wanted—ft meh permanently employed In the Government, not over 4 ft years. 2 hours per evening. 4 evenings each week; work is dignified and pleaaant. This is a ft-year-o!d national corporation. Oppor tunity for permanent executive position in Sept, if you ouallfy. Please name your State. Box 312-D, Rgr._ HEATING EQUIPMENT SALESMAN. Distributors of very complete line of oil and gas fired heating equipment require experienced or qualified salesman. We will pay for good men. Write, giving name, ad dress, phone number, number of sales last year, number of years in business, any other Information in your favor. We will talk with you before checking your refer ences. Box 266-D, Star._ LOCAL DEPARTMENT store desires the services of an ex perienced slip cover cutter. Reply stating age, experience and qualifications. Box 239 D, Star. YOUNG MAN—Opportunity for one of pleasing personal ity and ability in large, well established real estate office. Prefer some one with experi ence in mortgage loans or real estate sales. Reply in own hand writing, giving full information as to previous experience, etc. Must own car. Applications considered confidential and no inquiries made until after interview. Salary, with opportunity for advancement. Box 60-E, Star. SALESMEN. _ . SALESMAN WANTED. We have opening here for additional salesman to sell our well-known line cl continuous form stationary and business system equipment, splendid connection fo right man. attractive re-order business can be established. Must have car. man selected will be properly trained If in terested in such a connection and wan* to know more about our business phone A J. Kennedy, southern sales manager the Egry Register Co., care Ambassador Hotel for personal Interview P* _ HELP WOMEN. _ BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced. Apply Mary Lee Beauty Shop. 3034 Georgia ave. n.w. from 8 to_7 p.p. _ COUNTER GIRIiS. 2. experienced. Apply Park Lane Inn. 2023 Eve st. n.w GIRL, white. 20-25. as waitress for sand wich shop No experience necessary. Local refs. Apply 404 9th st. n.w. LADY, young, stenographer, available on call: 2 or 3. 4-hour periods a week can arrange time to suit; vicinity 14th and R sts. n w Box 236-D. Star._ MANICURIST, expert, in barber sho A. and A Barber Shop. 710 14th st. n_w * MASSEUSE, thoroughly experienced, to give body toning and reducing massage. 520 wk. Apply 1420 P st. n.w.. 2nd fl PRE88ER8. experienced on silk dressev Apply Premier Cleaners, rear 633 H st. n.e. SHIRT FINISHERS and folders, ^experi enced. Apply Ambassador Laundry, 1426 Irving st. n.w._ SHIRT MACHINE CPERATORa also fin ishers. steady work, good pay. Washing ton Laundry. 27th and K its, n w._ STENOGRAPHER for insurance office, young lady, state age and qualifications. Box 208-0. Star._ WOMAN white, not over 35. to do cook ing. care for 5-yr.-old child; live in: reference required. State salary expectrd. Box 72-R Star._P* WORKING MANAGER, strong, acttled for small guest house: refs, required: salary. $3 wk. and large front rm. with grill privilege. Box 286-D. Star _ SALESLADIES, “ With thorough and lengthy Derm^ne"1 records selling dresses or furs in bet'*: store* Permanent positions. JOSEPH R. HARRIS CO , ! 1224 r St. N.W. _HELP DOMESTIC. COOK general houseworker. !aundr'r stay nights: $.8 wk. Shepherd 4110. C after 10:30 am._ GENERAL HOU3EWORKER. good coo. stay nights $8: reference and hea’' certificate required. WI. 1482-W GIRL, general housework, cooking, sorr.' laundry; suburbs: must live In: experienced, reliable and neat, none others need apply. Phone Wisconsin 5868._ GIRL, colored. 25 to 35* cook and genera', housework personal laundry: live in wk. P. O Box_181. Silver Spring Md GIRL, colored, for light housework; sma’l family good home: $16 mo.; bring health cert. Emerson 4072._ GIRL colored, g h.w.. experienced with 1 children light laundry; stay in: state age: 87.50 per_wk _Box_?l -E. Star^P* GIRL, familiar with Kosher cooking, good cook and housekeeper: local references only. Apply Saturday afternoon or Sunday morn ing. 1332 35th st. n w,_ GIRL, white, live in. general housework. small apartment._SH. 412P-M_ GIRL genera! housework live in or stay some nights: references; $5 wk. Emerson i 0262. _ GIRL, white, experienced with children, light housework: live in: health cert, ren : only neat and reliable need apply, in per son after 7 pm. 5009 Albemarle st. n.w HOUSEKEEPER, white, for small apt. 1347 Newton st. n.e. HOUSEKEEPER, white, good cook, under 40: empl couple, child 3: pvt. rm.; no Sundays: _?7 wk RA. 6323 after 6. WOMAN, colored, settled: stay nights: suburbs; g.h w. laundry; references; J30 mo, North 0519._ WOMAN, white. 70-40, general house work: 2 in family: «20 month. Good home for right party. RA. 4848. WOMAN, settled, foreign born preferably, care for home and children for employed mother Woodlev 3347. j WOMAN, white, live in: general house work and care oi child, age 2'2. 1300 Saratoga ave. n.e. mi S295. WOMAN, white, housekeeper for employed couple with infant and small child, onlv capable person need apply; live In: Sin wk Atlantic 8671-J. = ~" —■ V -> _SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT. thoroughly experienced, taxes, costs, statements; age 3T. Shepherd I 2671.__ g* ! ACCOUNTANT, expert: part-time bookkeep ing: books started, audited, balanced: tax i sports: city refs.; rcas Georgia 8313_ COOKS. Chinese <3>. want positions. 15 £?ars..« restaurant experience; references. Box 50-E. Star. _ g* MAN young, colored, wants Job ~as~d river of delivery truck or helper on long distance truck; reference. LI. 1725. p • MAN. white, desires job~~is~watchman or elevator man: reference. Phone Emerson ?P*7_„_ 10* STENOGRAPHERr^xpert. typist, clerk; 3 • years experience: available immediately, age 25: mimeo. exper._CO. 05P6. p* STUDENT, able-bodied, responsible, excel - I Lent references, seeks part-time work out of doors summer months; room and board. isox p-e. Star. p« SITUATIONS MEN & WOMEN. £SkP^F' 7hltP' .mld#le-»ged. exeellen cook man for yard, garden, repair work can drive, best refs. 5014 Klingle st. n w COUPLE, colored, wish work of any kind._Dupont 6310 MAN and WIPE, colored. Southern, desire work, private family; J2 yrs.' ekD. cook" « h w_Dupont_i nfill._ p. SITUATIONS WOMEN. ENGLISH WOMAN] former children'* nur'e" with small son. would like position for sea or country; local references. -i»n chips st. n.w. p* GIRL. Southprn. col . wants work as -amstr^s nr ^alteration or sewing of any NURSE, companion (white)] unencum bered: ref. Call CO. BOtsT _ NURSES, grad., undergrade desire 12-hour duty. pvt. or institution; doctor's ref; live out._CO. 73(11._ g. OFFICE WORK or practical nursing-thor oughly capable woman must have imme diate employment, PI- 6132._9* PRACTICAL NURSE, masseuse, doctor's references: private duty, physical culture work or doctor's receptionist. LI. 3921. SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. COOK, colored, chambermaid or prac tical nurse; neat; sleep in; reference. HO. 4978. Ask for Devenla,9 • COOK, light colored, waitress or nurse maid: neat; sleep in; reference. HO. 4978. Ask for Gladys.__g* GIRL, colored, wishes work as mother's helper; no cooking; home evenings. AT. 741 0._ • GIRL, colored, wishes-job-waitress, maid": best references. Virginia Burton, 919 o st. n.w _ GIRL, colored, neat, experienced, wants part-time Job; city references; good cook MI. 9^_i7._ _ GIRL, colored, reliable, wants Job. part time or all day Call DE. 4455. GIRL wishes morning or day's "work]-!!-J ref. 14111 Swarm st. n.w. Decatur 3541. MAID, colored, good ref] chambermaid] waitress or g.h.w., go to Rehoboth or N J Box 9H-E. Star. _ . WOMAN. Colored, wishes g]h,V] plain cooking; steady or day's work, good refer ences. District J)924^_ S^n^ gHU^REN orhousework.-! Kt •'* DAYS' WORK a week, preferable- Be^ thesda-Chevy Chase; good reference. Phone Bradley 9852._ CAMERA SERVICE b REPAIRS. SIS 19th Bt. N.W. Phene National 471*.