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DIRECTORY OF UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS I (Continued.) MOST FOR THE MONEY! i $52.50 Living room, bedroom, kitchen- I dinette, both; porch, laundry, | yard. Rent includes light, heat, | refrigeration, gas. All conven- | iences of modem apartment | with atmosphere and acces- | series of individual home, in | these new 2-family homes. See furnished exhibit at 4918 No. Capitol St., one block south of | Gallatin St. N.W. J. B. TIFFEY and Son _Ge. 9670. | DUPLEX APTS. Comfortable and Convenient 2005 2d ST. X.E. 216 T ST. X.E. 5 and S rooms, kitchen and hath with shower; fully screened, includ ing rear porch: awnings Terraced lawns with garden furniture shade trees and shrubbery. Convenient transportation, near schools and churchet. Complete Janitor service. Heat and hot water furnished. $47.50 and $52.50 Open Daily and Sunday Until 9 P.M. RESIDENT MANAGER on Premises WM. H. SAUNDERS CO. 15)0 K St. N.W., DI. 1015 The Paramount 2 Rooms Kitchen Dining Alcove Bath Porch $52-5° 829 Quincy St. N.W. 2 rooms, foyer. solarium with Murphy bed. kitchen, dining alcove. bath, porch $62.50 3 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, foyer, bath, porch. $70.00 Elevator Resident Mrr. B. F. SAUL CO. NAtl.n.l *100 935 15th St. “THE UPSHUR” 219 Upshur St. N.W. (Near Soldiers’ Home Park) • $42.00—™,'?” kitchen, dinette end bath. • $50.00^™ kitchen and hath. Tht* modern buildini la eoulnped with all-ejectric kitchens, rock wool insulation and located only 10 min utes from downtown. Resident Manager and Office Representative on Premises Phillips & Canby, Inc. lfA. 4600 1012 15th Street N.W. 1909 B St. N.E. t me kit., dinette, bath and aereened porch. (Electric kitchen). (45.50 8417 Maple Ave. Silrer Spring, Md. B bedroom*, livtn* room, dinette, kitchen, bath and screened porch. (HO. 00 4017 7th St. N.E. 8 room*, kitchen, dinette, bath and screened porch, reduced to *47.50 5256 44th St. N.W. 8 rooms, kitchpn. dinette, bath and screened porch _*47.50 322 Delafield PI. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and porch _*47.50 50 Eye St. N.W. a rooma, kitchen and bath (45.00 Wm. H. Saunders Co. INC. 1519 KSt. N.W. District 1015 THE MOZART 1630 Fuller St. N.W. ♦ ee nn—* rooms, kitchen and bath; front apt.. 2 ex poaures: bright and cheerful; elec tric refrigeration. Resident man ager. CO. 2562. THE CEDRIC 4120 14th St. N.W. een 00—* rooms, kit . dinette and bath: elec. refg. Res. Mgr. Near schools, churches, playgrounds and transportation. THE CAMBRIDGE 921 19th St. N.W. ten 00—1 room. kit., dinette and ■" ‘ bath. Elec. refg. Elera toe. Rea. Mgr. THE LELAND 2012 0 St. N.W. I tit 00—Am. 45—2 room* and * bath. Electric refrigera tion. _ warn seciirity Real Estate Department 15th * Pa. Are. N VV. Natl. 4815. RHODE ISLAND |*Jd. Island At*. GARDENS Elevator and secretarial tele phone service; electric re frigeration on house current. | Reiidtnt Manager Decatur 2«»3 2 rooms, kitchen, din ing alcove, bath $47.50 B. F. SAUL CO. NA. 2100 925 15th St. N.W. 77i« Beautiful Ntw CENTURY 2651 16th St. N.W. (Comer of Fuller St) 1 room, dre*sinr room, dinette, kitchen and hath. 2 mom*, ir. dininr room, kitchen and hath. Rental* include electricity for lifht in*. cookina. refrireration. etc., aecretarial phone aeryice. Resident Manager, Ad. 2000 BOSS & PHELPS J41TKN.W. NAtl. 0300. SEE Before You Decide 1440 Chapin $1. N.W. Modern buildina: continuous tier, service: one souare from 14th st. csr line and ]fith st. bus. overlook ina Meridian Park: built-in shower, refa. and elec, furnished. 1 and 2 room, kitchen and bath, $40 and $50 TRIBBY Evona Bldg.DL4778 . Duplex Apartments | Silver Spring, Md. [ No. 1—8210 Fenton ,St. C c 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette end [j bath, rear porch_$47.50 [ Heat, Hot Water and Refrigerator G Included in Your Rent G Out Georgia Are. to Silver Spring G Are., cost on Silver Spring Ave. to G Fenton St. 0 See Mri. Copea, Resident Mfr. | or G J. Dallas Grady b Son 1104 Vt. At*. N.W.' Dlst. 37SO C ..... [ 2407 15TH ST. N.W. FACING MERIDIAN PARK Beautiful fireproof building catering to a restricted clientele. Air-cooling, carpeted corridor*. roof promenade, commanding a gorgeous panoramic view over Washington, All apartments hate large dinettes, and completely equipped electric kitchens. Parquet Floors. Built-in China Closets. Many Large Clothes Closets. Showei Bath*. Equipped Bed Closet*. Venetian Blind*. Portable Book Cases. Concealed Radiation. Ventilating Doors. Rents Include electricity fee lighting! cooking and refrigeration. 1 room, kitahen. bath and porch. 1 room, kltehon. bath and solarium ] rooms, kitchen, bath and poreh Sea Raeidant Manager 2407 15TH ST. N.W. WALK TO WORK | AND I LIKE IT! PARK CENTRAL Corner 19th and F Sts. DOWNTOWN APTS. You'll like livin. at the Park Central . . . it's close to everything . . . Poto mac Park. Office, Downtown store, and amusements. Ventilating doors add comfort lor the summer months. There's a valet and beauty shoo in the building. *40 Cft—Living room, dressing room .P-tc.uv/ wl(h Murphy bedi buUt_tn dinette, table and chairs, kitchen, bath. «4g on—Living room, dressing room ^ with Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen and bath. C40 Cn—Living room, dressing room ^ " with 'Murphy bed. built-in dinette table and chairs, gunroom, kitchen and bath. egg CQ—Corner Apt. Ree. hall. v living room, bedroom, sun room with Murphy bed, dinette, kitchen and bath. tit-hour switchboard and elevator serv ice. Bellboy service, carpeted corridor.. Bee Resident Manager—MKt. MtO, Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. 14th k K CAFR1TZ PI. 9080 COMPARE PRICES T1LDEN HALL 3045 Conn. Art. 1 room, kit, bath, hall $45.00 3 rooms, kit., bath, hall $70.00 Kiev., Elec Reft., Switchboard. THE WOODLEY 1851 Colombia Rd. 3 rooms, kit., bath, hall $70.00 4 rooms, kit., bath, hall $85.00 6 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath and large hall $05 no Electric refrigeration on house current; elevator. THE FERNWOOD J458 Colombia Rd. 1 rm . kitchen, bath, hall. $37.60 2 rms.. kitchen, bath, hall $47.66 Elec. Reft, on H. 0.; Elevator. THE MELWOOD 1803 Riltmore St. N.W. Jr., rec. hall, kit., bath, $40.00 rms., kitchen, bath . $50.00 Reft, on H. C.; Elevator. Switchboard. (Furnished if Desired.) THE MAYCROFT 1474 Columbia Rd. 2 rms., kit., bath, foyer, $52.50 3 rms.. kit., bath, hall $82.50 Elec. refg. on h. c. Elevator. THE KNOWLTON 2227 20th St. N.W. 3 rms.. kit., bath, porch. $55.00 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch (3 exposures) $80.00 Electric refrigeration. Elevator. T. F. Schntidmr Cora. 1025 15th St. N.W. National 0830 4707 earner 1 CONN. AVE. DV3rt Large living room, foyer, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch. One bedroom, dinette, kitchen ond both. Two bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. i Outside apartments, all large rooms, plentv of closet space, screened porches. 34-hour elevator and iwilehboard oervice, carpeted corridor*, attrac tive lobby, garage* and laundry la eilitici In building. Convenient to churches* schools, stores and trans portation. All electricity on house current. Resident Manager Mm. 6800 i—TH.E RITZ—i 1631 Euclid Strut N.W. Large Family Apartments $7S and $85 3 and < mm. dinette, kitchen and bath apartment*. Refrigeration on house current. A modern elevator building, con venient to stores, schools and trans portation. Attractive apartments. Venetian blinds. Resident Manager. COl. 10304 • AMERICAN SECURI / . zee tbu»t i mIMh A Penns, Are. N.W. NAt. 431», Near Catholic University 4024 8th N.E Duplex—2 ond 3 rooms, kn a, dinette, bath and screened f h. $50 to $62.50 Electric Refrigeration Open 10 to 6 Sunday BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. N.W. NA. 9i cHAHVAUD cHALL 1650 HARVARD ST. N.W. TWO TO from C FOUR ROOMS OJ * Swimming Pool * Roof Gordon * Gymnasium * Porches * Game Room * Goroge Call—<end for folder or phone Columbia 5711. '•i/SUU.Rfl NEW APTS. 1936 3rd SI. N.E. Two rooms, kitchen, large dinette ond bath with shower; fully screened, including rear porch. Terraced lawns, excel lent transportation, convenient to schools ond churches. Com plete janitor service. Heat ond hot water furnished. $49.50 Several two-bedroom units ot $57.50 Open for Inapection | Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. 1519 K St. N.W. Dl. 1015. . Between Euclid Street end Colombia Road and ldth and 17th Street*. Northwest. • 1 room, hitch- *17 ea an and bath. . I«wU S nn§„ hitch- tBC All an and bath . BWWiUU S run., hitch- dew Eft en and bath > «»U • All apartment* newly decorated One and Electricity Included In Rent So* Resident Manatee H. L. RUST 10. 1M1 lKh St, NAtL SIM f WELDON HALL^V W 1262 Slat St. N.W. X M Gas. Klee, and Reft, on House. X a 1 ROOM KIT.. BATH $37.50 » f 2 ROOMS. KIT., BATH $60.50 1 I NORTHMINSTER I 1 2114 N St. N.W. 1 % Elec, and Refg. on House. B % 1 ROOM. KIT. BATH. $34.50 M e \2 ROOMS. KIT . BATH $45.50 M % Resident Manaier M f TIVERTON g 1121 24th St. N.W. X M Gas. Bee. and Refc. on House. X a X ROOM. HIT.. BATH..$37.50 B I 2 ROOMS. KIT., BATH, 246.60 1 I „ PENFIELD I 1 209 20th St. N.W. I % One. Bee. and Refg. on House. H 11 ROOM. KIT.. BATH..$36.60 M X^ MADISON m 1732 Bre St. X M Elec, on House Current. X a 1 ROOM. BATH _ $35.50 B a 2 ROOMS. BATH $46.60 1 I NON-HOUSEKEEPING 1 I Resident Manager ■ I CARVEL HALL 1 1 ISIS K St. N.W. I \ Gas. Bee. and Refg. on House, a \l ROOM. KIT. BATH—$30.60 M \L W. GROOMES J ^^1712 Bre st. N.W. THE MONTEREY Cor. Conn. Are. and Porter 8t. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath *37.30 S rooms, kitchen, bath and acreened porch ... _ >30.00 Elevator. Refrr on House. Res. Mtr. Woodley 0«ai. 3616 CONN. AVE. N.W. 1 room. Murphy bed. kitchen. dinette and bath *38.50 un * rooms, kitchen, bath 043.00 up Refrigeration on House. THE SHELBURNE 17th and 8 Sts. N.W. 1 room and bath *30.00 2 rooms, foyer, kit., bath. *4.7.00 up 3 rooms, kitchen and bath *0.7.00 Refrigeration on H. c. Elevators. THE PARKRIDGE 1073 Park Kd. N.W. 2 rms . dlnett kit., bath. *32.30 up Elevator. R- rigeratlon on House. H.G >mithijG>. 811 1* t. N.W. NAtl. 3*03 S» vf.50 f W INCLUDING H r AND HOT WATER 441 MANOR PL. N.W. Adjoininr Soldiers' Home Ground*. 3 R O O M 8 (2 bedrooms), larre modern kitchen with plenty of cabinet*, tiled bath with shower. Venetian blind*, fenced-in yard. Open and lighted eveninrs. I See Manarer in Apt. 2 One block east of Georgia Avenue—one block north of Park Road. *4 block from Park View School. Henry J. Robb, Inc. 1024 Vermont Are. Dlst. 8141 Min. from Downtown 2531 QUESt. N.W. Adjoining Rock Creek Park. Just West of Mass. Arc. 1 room, kitchen, dinette CAA and bath; Murphy bed _ t 7 rooms, kitchen, dinette «A ■ and bath _ _ Electric Refrigeration on House Current. Tiled bath, built-in shower, mod ern kitchen, large cabinet!, double dralnboard sink. HENRY J. ROBB, INC. j See Resident Manager. I 10*24 Vermont Are. DI. *141. Near 18th & Col. Rd. i Carlton Terrace 2377 Champlain St. N.W. | 1 rooms, kitchen and bath $40.00 § 908 14th St. N.W. | 4 rooms kitchen and bath. Key In a Men a Shop at entrance $47 5Q E - ' | The Lanier 1 1773 Lanier PI. N.W. f : 5 and 3 rooms, kitchen, ba'h and 5 s porch. Near l*th and Col. Rd ‘ $42.50 b $47.50 | 2520 L ST. N.W. i 5 rooms, kitchen and bath, refrlger- a : ation Included In rent Near store! a : and transportation. Res. mgr ?» ■ $40.00 i ■ Vernon Hall I | 1210 12th St. N.W. s 1 room, kitchen, dinette and tiled a E bath: Murphy bed: slat doors In E e modern fireproof bldg , near Mass, a Are . within walking distance of a downtown- 535 up a R marbury stamp & CO. i 212 Soothern Building Dist. 8137 § ..• yurt 6X1 fKCUUj ptflJC£S tfore Is ImjIT ova. Uitst2i€6'ftr | G^tLr om, waptcXtOK. <r| our a^uarttu€ii[6iLjcru;UnlL iwua to "toe. "£iEr&. AvEuEair&e wour U aAo A^vartmtM^Tante iswvuj ojj Pumxcj room, sum, room, -WcL roorn^ a/wrL $afctu f3s/»itaM9522 pirrrwtffu 4000 Cathedral Aye. N.W. Woodley 7700 OUTSTANDING VALUES' Heat and Hot Water Furniehed Near Soldiere’ Home L'nuanallr Larre Ronma 220 Alliaon St. N.W. $50.00—No. 212—Livlnr room. bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath: elec, refriter&tion. Overlooking Park 1860 Clydesdale PI. N.W. Frigidaire. Just 2 blocks north of 18th and Cel. Rd. •42 50—Front apt.; rec. hall, living 9 ' room, dressing room. Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen end bath. S50 00—APt- No. 301—Livln* room, ' with Murphy bed. bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath; electric refrigeration. In Petworth 337 Delafield Pi. N.W. •55 00—Apt. No. 2—Living room. 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath: elec, refrigeration. Right Downtown, Walk to Work 1419 N St. N.W.. near Thomas Circle. •47 50—Apt. No. 7—Rec. hall, liv 9 ’ ing room, bedroom, kitchen and bath: electric refrigeration free. Downtown 1111 13th St. N.W. 125 00—APt- No. 4—Bachelor apt. * living room and bath. Near Rooeevelt High 4207 Arkansas Ave. N.W. 257 50—Living room. 2 bedrooms, 9 ‘ dinette, kitchen and bath, elee. stove and refrigeration. Screened rear porch. June 16._ Near Walter Reed 7410 Geergla Ave. N.W. *45 00—APt- 1—Living room, bed 9 room, screened rear porch, dinette, kitchen, bath and refrigerator. 7438 Georgia Ave. N.W. 547 50—Apt. 304 — Beautiful apt.. ' consisting of living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen, bath and re frigerator. See Resident Manager. 7408 Georgia Ave. N.W., Apt. 2. OX. 2216. Efficiency Apt. 1211 Beam St. N.E. 546 50—Apt. 1—Living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen and bath, screened rear porch, elec, stove. 1404 K CAFRITZ DJst. 9080 Comer Quincy Street. One block to Georgia Avenue shops, transportation and all Petworth activities. 2 reons, kitekaa. diaatta aad k«‘k .$41.50 2 rooaia kitekaa. dinatta, katk aad solaria at .$S0.M 2 ream, kitekan, katk aad large •craaaad covered parek...$59.59 All Cat aad Eltttrieity Intludtd in Rtat Elevator In RmMmI Mutpr A HAVEN FROM THE HEAT Yet only 20 MINUTES of the Capitol and Downtown Washington * READY SOON “Prince George's Gar. Reservations Now Available in HARVARD VILLAGE 1824 HARVARD STREET N.W. A LOW-COST APARTMENT PROJECT OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK *5750 to *75 °° Electricity, Cat and Refrigeration Included Apply Rental Office on Rremitet Randall H. Hagner A Company IWCO»PO»ATtO Real. Estate 1321 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 Doorway to Better Living A limited number of fresh, new apart ments—the ultimate in gracious living at modeat cost—still remain available in this modern building. One and two rooms, kitchen, bath. Oas and elec tricity Included in rental. Oarages in building. $47.50 to $61 ! Representative on Premiaet 9 A M. to 9 P.M. RAndolph 1275 13th Place, between Fort Drive and Peabody St. i WALKER & DUNLOP, INC. 120015th St. N.W. District 0222 VALUES WORTH SEEING SEDGWICK GARDENS 3726 Conn. Avc. Foyer, living room with Murphy bed. beth. dinette, kitchen, in closed porch, southwest expos ure _ __ _ _ $52.5(1 Foyer, living room with Murphy bed bedroom. b»th, dinette and kitchen, $87.50. Refrigeration on house current, secretarial switchboard. Oarage. Res. mgr., Mrs. Louise Ouest. WO. 4160. FULTON COURTS 2551 17th St. N.W. Reception hall, living room, t bed rooms. bath, dinette, kitchen and porch. $65.00 and $67 50. Elec tric refrigeration. Resident Man aser. ■ „ WISTERIA MANSIONS 1101 Matt. Ava. N.W. Ree. hall, living room, bedroom, bath, dinette and kitchen. Re frigeration on house current. Elevator and switchboard serv ice. Resident manager, 1421 COLUMBIA ROAD Combination living and dining room. 1. 2 and 8 bedrooms, bath, porch and kitchen. Elec. refg. on house current. Resident manager. 3800 14th STREET Large foyer, living room. 1, 2 and 8 bedrooms. 1 and 2 baths. Inclosed porch and kitchen. Refg. on house current. Elevator. Oarage. Res. mgr. THE WINSTON 3145 Mt. Pleasant Street (Near Iflth A Columbia Road.) I bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and porch. *30.00 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. *00. Electric refg. on house current. 1026 15th STREET (Corner 13th and L Sts.) One room and bath, no kitchen. Living room, bedroom, bath and kitchen. Switchboard and elevator service. Resident manager. 4701 CONN. AVE. Large (over, living room, dining room. 1 and 2 bedrooms, bath, poreh. dinette and kitchen. Refg. on house current. Elevator. Sec. switchboard. Oarage. Rea. mgr., EM. 0803._ 4514 CONN. AVE. Large foyer, living room, dining room. 1 and 2 bedrooms, bath, dinette, kitchen and Inclosed porch, ample closet space; garage. Refg. on house current. Elevator secretarial switchboard. Res. Mgr.. Woodley 4477. 1818 RIGGS PLACE 1 room. Murphy bed. bath, dinette and kitchen. *32.So and *33.on. Electric refrigeration and Resi dent Manager. 1801 CALVERT STREET 1 room, bath, no kitchen. Resident Manager. RANDALL U. HAGNER A COMPANY INC«»»*AAT|» * Real Estate 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 rktnglfam GARDEN APARTMENTS Quiet—Economy—Recreation And » 15-minutt riae to WtiHintton 5-Room Duplex.$68.80 and up. AVAILABLE NOW Livinr iinlni room and kitchen an let fleer and . . . t bedrooms and bath unstairs. French deers tc outside terrace. Really a hence with all cewrenicneee el an anartment. 313 North Glebe Road Oleb« Road aad Perihinc Drlre, Arlinctoa, Va. CHoetnei SMA I Immediate Occupancy THE EVERGLADES | H Street at 23rd Washington’s Newest Downtown Fireproof Apartment Featuring Individually Air-Cooled Corridor$ ELECTRICITY (for cooking, lighting ond refrigeration) and SWITCHBOARD SERVICE Included in Rent 1 room, foyer, sunporch, dressing room, kitchen and bath ond I room, foyer, jr. bedroom, dressing room, kitchen and bath. Exhibit Apartments Fum>sbed by the Patois Royal Open Daily, Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. j If or Plant and Retervatiant See i Resident Manager J * * ^ F » f - V w 1 Now Available in This | Distinguished Apartment Residence I One 1-room apt., consisting of living rm , dressing rm., ft bath, din. alcove and kit. $AQ QQ Eastern exposure. * One 2-room apt., consisting m of living room with in-a im door bed, bedroom, large • dining alcove, kitchen and $88.00 bath. Overlooking Park. lentak Include Secretarial Telephone Scrrlce, Klee., Elee. Eefra. and Gee 0/-c KENNEBY*mRREN! Washington’s First Air-Cooled Apartment 3133 Connecticut Ave. ADams 9600 Din Inf Beeua Garaee lender Management of H. L. Rust Company 1001 15th St. N.W.—NAtl. 8100 Week end* sale. | 1720 20th Str.«t N.W. Studio apt with fire place 2 roome. kitchen , and bath. $60.00 2434 16th St. N.W. Ovpeaite Meridian Park. ■2 rooms, kitchen, dinette .. and bath. $70.00 2 exposure*. 2 roome. kitchen, large dinette and bath. Electric re frigeration included in ... .. rent. Resident manager. poo.UU 2401 Calvert St. N.W. Opposite Shorehmm Hotel. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Electric refrigera tion included in rental: elevator service: switch board. Resident man- .. ager. $55.00 2445 15th St. N.W. Meridian Park Apt. The low range of rental, the convenient location this bldg. ofTers most unusual opportunltv for more modern living 1 room kitchen, dlnatte „ and bath. $45.00 2 rooms kitchen, dinette and bath. $62.50 ( > 3025 Porter St. N.W. Cleveland Perk. 1 Week west of Oenn. •ve. 2 room* kltchea and bath Beetrte re frigeration Included In ... .. rental. $48.00 1016 16th St. N.W. Desirable downtown lo cation. Elevator. Resi dent manager. Beetrte refrigeration 3 rooms, kitchen and „ bath. $70.00 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms. kitchen and bath. $118.00 1736 Columbia Rd. 2 ^ rooms, kitchen and $48.00 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and screened porch. aen an Elec, refrigeration tn- ™.°u eluded in rental. Beva tor Switchboard. Real dent manager. 1800 Era St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: downtown: gas and electricity Included In , , . ► rental. Rat. manager. $68.00 Under Management of B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. National 2100 - * THE INGLESIDE APARTMENT lflRl LAMONT 8T. N.W. Electric refri*eration. 3 rm«„ kit. and beth *40-00 3925 DAVIS PL. N.W. New bid* Gas, elec, end refrltere tlon Included In rent. Air-cooled halls. Llv. rm.. dr. rm., Murphy bed. dinette, kit. end beth_ _$48.50 THE DE SOTO lion MASSACHUSETTS AVI. N W. Electric refriferetlon. 4 rms.. kit. end beth_ $02.50 143* CHAPIN ST. N.W. Electric refrleeretlon. 2 rms., kitchen end beth ._ $45 00 425 D ST. S.E. Electric refrl*eratlon 2 rms.. kit., d. e. and beth-..$17.80 310 TULIP AVE.. TAKOMA PARK, MD. Resident menecer. 8H. 3330-M 4 rms.. kit., beth end porch $47.00 3115 MT. PL. ST. N.W. Electric refrl*eretlon. 3 rms., kit. and beth_$45.00 *517 K ST. N.W. Gas refrigeration. Elevator. Resident manager. DI. 2578. 1 rm., kit. and bath_$38.50 GARDEN TOWERS 2325 15th ST. N.W. Gas. electricity and refrigeration In cluded In rent. Resident manager. 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath-.$«n.00 With sun porch and foyer_$70.00 1808 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W, Electric refrigeration on house cur rent. Resident manager. MI. 881B. 2 rms., kit. and bath _$50.00 THE LA REINE 5425 CONN. AVE. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current.. Elev.. laundry facilities. Resident manager. WO. 0070. 1 rm.. kit., d. a., dr. rm. and bath --- --$48.00 *148 O ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Elevator. Resident Mgr. MI. 0727. 1 rm., kit. and bath-..$39.50 6228 NORTH DAKOTA AVE. N.W. Oai refrigeration. a rmi.. kit., d. a. and bath...*48.60 1438-41 EUCLID *T. N.W. Oa«. electricity and refrigeration hi. eluded In rent. 1 rm.. kit . d. a. and bath...*43 M 3 rmi., kit., d. a. and bath_*63.60 5147 O ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. Reetdent man ager. DE 4707. 8 rmi., kit. and bath_898.60 1*24 MONROE ST. N.W. feetne refrigeration, rmi.. kit., ree. hall and bath.*63.80 rmi., kit., rec. hall and bath.*82.60 1315 BELMONT ST. N.W. Fee. refrigeration on houae current, rm.. kit. and bath_*33.60 5518 W PL. N.W. Electric refrigeration. f 3 rmi.. kit. and bath_M8.60 I 5517 11th ST. N.W. | Eleerefrlgeratlon on houae current. || Reildent manager. CO. 8288. H 8 rma„ kit. and bath_*43.60 H THE ROCHESTER 1438.MERIDIAN PLACE N.W. j JSf H« COLORADO An. N.W. ; aarf^s^LjaffirsaiA: OE. 4304 1 rm.. kit. and bath_>44.00 THE WEST VIEW 1123 EYE STREET N.W. Elec, refrlceratlon on house current. Resident Manacer. W8$ - . • THE METROPOLITAN . 200 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. 3-story tier. bide. Secretarial tele phone service. Oas. elec, and eae re frlceratlon included la rent. Resident Manacer. DE. 0028. 1 rm.. kit., d. a. and bath ...848.00 i rms.. hit., d. a. and bath...>80.00 ■ (OantlniMd tm Mil t%f.)