Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1321-29 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 rm . din . k . b . Murphy bed $32.50 2 rms , kit . bath 40.00 SHANNON A LUCHS CO. 1505 H St N.W. National 2345. 7019 GEORGIA AVE., Opposite Walter Reed Hospital. 9 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and sun porch $52.50 • rooms, kitchen dinette and bath 62.50 4425 14th ST. N.W. $ rooms (2 bedrooms), kitchen and bath $55.50 Refrigeration on House Current. 1421 SOMERSET PL. N.W. 9 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $51.50 Heat. Gas and Refrigeration Furnished. 2504 10th ST. N.E. 5 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath M4.0(l 2 rooms. kitcheA. dinette, bath and Porch 51.00 Refneerat ion on House Current. Res. Msr. Dupont lO.'iti 2520 10th ST. N.E. • rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath Mo.00 E. M. WILLIS & SONS. S101 Investment Bids. National 74TA. THE GELHAVE, 41)5 loth ST NE Excellent Northeast section; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: $42.50. Electric Refrigeration on H. C. Resident Manager. Franklin 0.349. L E BREUNINGEP A SONS. ^ 1130 K St N.W. National 2040. MODERN DUPLEX APTS. 1340 Nicholson st n w . Apt 4—2 rooms, kitchen dinette, bath 3 expos, auto. Ras heat, screened porch: $41.50. 471.3 3rd pi n.w. Apt 1—2 large rooms, kit . dinette, bath, screened porch $38 month. 5012 Oth st. n.w Apt. 3—3 rooms kit . dinette, bath; gas heat, elec, refg . $51.50. 3010 ? t h st. n.e. Apt. I—2 rooms, kit., dinette, bath porch: $41.50. 320 l*th pi. nc. Apt 1—.3 rooms (2 hedrms.', kit., dinette, bath, screened porch, refe Key Apt. .3: $45. FLOYD F DAVIS CO . 13.3 J 2th St. N.W. NA 0352 QUIET. COOL STREET. ONLY >2 BLOCK from cars, stores and movies. Well-kept building with good service. J 843 MINTWOOD PL N.W. JUST OFF COL RD. $32.50 TO $65. 1 mom. rec hall and bath to 5 rooms tnd bath with refrigeration. WALTER A. BROWN. National 1052 Wisconsin 51.34. NEW AND MODERN—$45. A: Masonic Hill, just east of Con necticut ave Newb renovated Throughout, with all modern fixtures and many refinements such as Vene tian blinds. \emilating tan in kitchen etc Foyer, living room, bedroom. Pullman dinette, kitchen and bath. "Quiet building with select tenancy. Apply Apt. 22 at — 1901 19th ST. N.W. 543d Connecticut Ave. N.W. Desirable completely remodeled apart ment. consisting of two rooms, modern kitchen, tiled bath with built-in tub and shower, table-top gas ran~e. electric re frigeration on house current. $55 (Ml HENRY J. RORB. INC. 10C4 Vermont Ave N.W. District SI 41. 219 T ST. N.E. 2 and a rooms, kitchen, bath. $17 50 up. Refrigeration house current newly dec. HARRY A. OLIKER CO., SiK 15th St. N W. _ NA. 7157.__ DOWNTOWN—S29.50. 427 4th st n w.—A rooms, bath: newly decorated h.-w.h Taylor 1524. MODERN DUPLEX APT. 4005 47 th st. n.w—Apt. 1. 2 large fooms kitchen dinette bath, screened porch; auto, eas heat $42.50 mo. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO 733 12th St. N.W. NA 0.152. Defined colored adults r_*i f st. r w.—3 rooms, hall kit bath, shower; free refrg : res mgr NA. 8682 COLORED— 52 QUINCY PL. N W —2 tnomY kitchen, dinette fdyer and bath. 4.1.50 Inamre of lanitor. FOR REFINED COLORED Living room, dressing room, kit . bath: modern bide . $.15. 17 04 T st. n.w. DIXIE REALTY CO. 1417 L st. n.w._ COLORED—151 S ST. N.W. 2 Rms. Kit. anri Bath $47.50. 1820 SWANN ST. N.W 2 Rms. Kit and Bath. $40 no. JAMES E SCOTT BE 1514 711 Fla Ave. N.W. 9* ~FOR COLORED—$35 UP. 54 M ST. N.W. Immediately available. 1 and 2 room, kit. and bath apt- , in modern apt. bldg. JEROME S MURRAY RE 2400. 1111 C» St N.W. MI. 4529. «_"_:■ t-. r.. - * ' " — APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. ATTRACTIVE APTS.. HIGH-CLASS NEIGH borhoods: some furnished Car available on appt._MRS. GREEN. Shepherd 5128 3119 ALABAM A AVE. S F.—2 ROOMS, kitchen. $45 includes everything. 4-RM. PORCH APT , $52. Nr. 16th and Park Rd. Modern apt bldg., large cheery rms.. huge closets, double exposure. Furn. at §mall extra charge. CO. 1182. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. 1 RM, K„ $35; 2 RMS., $40. Modern elev. apt. bldg.: large, bright moms, big closets: furn. at slight extra charge BLAIR. 1121 M st. n w __ FLATS FOR RENT._ 1466 CHAPIN ST. N.W.—UNF. UPPER flat. Or b. h.-w.h., back porch; furnish own_oil heat; $52.50. NA. 9724 _ NR GLENN DALE AND TAKOMA SANI tariums. 5 r. and b . a.m.i.. $12 50-$45. Houses D C Md . Va.. sale, trade, rent re duced Shore cottages. N. E. RYON CO., eve. GE. 61 4*v 6 LARGE ROOMS. BATH SCREENED porch, yards, a m i : newly decorated; ex cellent location. 329 11th st. n e GET OUR RENT LIST Of apts . houses and flats. Revised daily, mailed upon request. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 614 Pa. Ave. S.E. Lincoln 0084. — - -- • ■ • • -- - ■ - ■ ( _APARTMENTS_SUBURBAN. ARLINGTON. 0710 N. 25th RD.—UNFUR , 4 rms., 2nd-fl air-conditioned apt . bath. *ully eotupped kit.; $52 50. incl refg . gas, elec., heat, water: adults. LI._37 75-W 23 CHAPMAN ST. ALEX. VA.—FUR nished; 3 rms. private bath. $52.50. Phone Alex 2745 or 2938._ 422 EAST CHESTNUT ST . ALEX.7 VA.— Several modern apts available Redeco rated. 2 rms , kitchen, elec, refg., dinette, tile bath with shower large screen porch; heRt. hot water and janitor serv. furn. See res mgr . Apt. 2. or call BRODIE A- COL BERT* INC., Alexandria 2484. 105 S. Royal st. SILVER SPRING. MD., 1575 FLOWER ave.—Unfurn. 2 rms . kit . bath, porch; eool_and pleasant; $4.V GE. 1845. FIRST-FLOOR APT . 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath, lights, hot water. $35.00. R. V. LEWIS. Landover rd.. opposite entrance Cheverlv. Md !»• 7 RUSSELL RD. ALEXANDRIA VA —Liv ing room and 1 or 2 bedrooms, kit., di nette. bath and norch; rentals include heat, hot water, private garage and janitor serv ice. See janitor on premises or call NA. UNFURN. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN BATH. 3 st floor, with yard and porch: light, heat, aas furn.: $37. Kensington 343-J NEARBY VA.—LOVELY APT OF 3 RMS * kit., bath, unfurnished: close to everything; reasonable rent. J_ WESLEY BUCHANAN. Chestnut. 3 341. $60—3-ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH furnished apt.; 10c bus at door; Arling ton. Va._Chestnut 334 4. tJNFURN. ROOMS. KITCHEN AMI; pvt. entrance; adults. 42 University rd.. College Park Md. Warfield 274 1. 3606 MT. VERNON AVE. ALEXANDRIA— 3-room apt., utilities furn.: 10 minutes downtown Call TE. 3364 after 5. LARGE LIV RM . KIT -DIN . SLEEPING porch with pvt. bath: $35. 2 other rms. H desired. Warfield 1240. ALEXANDRIA—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND bath. $55: everything turnished: excellent *iew of river: very desirable location. Ox ford 124.$:_Sunday and eves . CH. 1271._ 2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE. FURNISHED: no children: center of Clarendon; Va block bus. Call Chestnut 1370. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH: 2nd floor; private home; separate entrance, elec, refrg.. heat. elec., gas incl.: $35 mo.; employed couple preferred 111 S. Oak st.. Falls Church. Va. Call after 6 pm weekdays._ TAKOMA—LOVELY. LGE.. COOL. 1st FL.. front, furn. or unfurn.: 4 r . b , liv. rm.. 10 windows, fireplace; gas. elec., heat, refg., pvt, porch, yard._256 Park ave. ARLINGTON, VA.. 2016 WILSON BLVD.— Sublet furn. June 15-Sept. 1 delightful summer home in private residence, large lawn, trees: elev., 5 min. Washington. CH. 6880._0* CORNER ARMY AND NAVY DR. AND Glebe rd.—A.m l., bedroom, kitchen and private bath; 25 minutes by bus from Washington. Oxford 0663-J._»• __ DELIGHTFULLY COOL FURNISHED APT. for summer, 5 rooms, bath. 2 porches; reasonable._GE. 2064 or GE. 2691._9* __ ARLINGTON VA.. 4216 LEE HIGHWAY— 3 rooms and bath, unfurn.; cool, outside rooms: adults; pvt. entrance. CH. 3209._ THE IRVING APTS.—UNFURN.. LIV. RM.. bedrm.. dinette, kit., bath, screened porch. 605 N. Irving st.. Arlington. Va._ HYATTS. MD. 23 AGER RD.—4 RMS.: a m i.; $20 mo ; mile Queens Chapel Air port.___ 609 WASHINGTON BLVD, DISTRICT figts.. Md—2 rooms, kitchen, bath. Private entrance and yard. A.m i. $35 month. ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR NEW HOME.~2 rooms, kitchen, bath; unfurn.: heat, light, fas included. Adults only. 4SJ4 14th st. North. _Arlington. Va. Chestnut 8h59. JS14 NORTH STAFFORD ST.. ARLTNO ton. Va—2 large furnished rooms, share bath with one other person. Oxford 0529. t ROOMS. KITCHEN. PRIVATE BATH, private entrance: no children. Call Chest nut 4210. 6709 N. 6th at.. Arlington. Va. L APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. (Continued.) SILVER SPRING. MD -ST LEVEL. PVT. I ent.: (newt; compl. lurn.. >11 util.; oil heat; large 1 r . flrepl . bedrm . recep. h.. kit . bath, piano, radio: $5(1 mo. Empl. couple pref. Refs. Bus. stores Sat. and Sun. 718 Ridge avc SH. 4949 9* BOULEVARD APTS., ALEXANDRIA. VA. $49.50—Large living room, bedroom, di nette. kitchen and bath; 4 closets. $59 50—2 bedrooms, large living room, dinette, kitchen and bath Apply resident manager or phone Temple 4240. 2 blocks south of last traffic light on Mt. \ernon blvd. left-hand side of street BETHESDA. 4801 NORTH LANE, unfurnished apes.. consisting of 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath. Con vement to stores and transportation; $47 50 to j>n..oU. R. MARBURY STAMP & C©„ 212 Southern Bldg District 8157. M1. Vernon Boulevard ALEXANDRIA, VA. Large, fool Apartment* at ( niiMial Low Rates More space for less money. Commanding a glorious view of the Potomac River. Game Room. Laundry Facili ties in Basement . . . Janitor Service Included. Ample Storage Space. *46 "P I, 3V2i 4 and 5 ROOMS 3 Rlorkt Beyond Last Stop I.ioht tn Ale.randria, l a., on Alt. Vernon Bird. Make Reservation* Now . . . Phone AT. 9414 or TE. 4017 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNISHED HOUSE, ti ROOMS AND bath, near Catholic school. Box 234-D. filar._ HOUSES FOR SALE._ SPECIAL. NEW. FAMILY APT. BLDG 2622 Minnesota ^\e s.e. 1 blk. north Pa. ave shopping center, large lot; attractive home and investment: only 1 left, move right in: easy terms. Your opportunity. Open today io-7 p in E. W BAILEY Owner-Builder. AD 4786. WOODRIDGE—2 SMALL FRAME HOUSES and corner lot Rent »or $60. Good in vestment $4,400. Call OWNER. RA. 9135. BEVERLY HILLS — CUSTOM-BUILT. 6 rm. det brick, nearly new; lge lot. high trees $5<m cash OWNER Temple 3105. lOVEI.Y BUNGALOW WE ARE PROUD to offei tor your inspection this lovelv bungalow' located in desirable Takoma Park, within blocks of the Sanitarium and conveniently close to all transportation and shopping districts. This unusual home oners 5 extra large rooms (living room 22 feet long with wood-burning fireplace) and a beautiful landscaped lot 70x150 Priced \ery low for immediate sale This home may be purchased on terms far below rent. Phone Metropolitan^ 1 1 4.3 _ OWNER LEAVING CITY. MUST SELL O-room semi-detached brick, excellent con dition near schools and churches. 640M Mh st. iuw. GE24H5._ 111* AURORA HILLS VA. — 6-RM DUTCH Colonial: desirable neighborhood: conven. to downtown Washington: moderately priced OWNER. Jackson I043-J BROOKLAND—5-RM BATH BUNGALOW, cellar, auto. heat, finished attic, yard, gar.; Friaidaire. hwd. floors: $4,750. GUNN A: MILLER. Atlantic 1130. $6.950—INEW O-ROOM COLONIAL BRICK located on beautiful Cheltenham drive. 2 blks. east of Wis. ave . just beyond the Bank of Bethesda. Big wooded lot. finest construction, tile bath, shower, air-condi tioned heat: near high school grade school. : parochial school, stores and bus; $500 down payments less than rent PAUL M LUDT. real estate. 6600 Wis. ave. WI. 6693. NEW 6-RM DETACHED BRICK. LARGE lot. facing park; small cash, balance like rent. 632 Rioge rd. s e. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE SMALL BRICK house in row. deep lot for flowers: garage: cool, screened sleeping porch. 614 Hamilton st n.w. GE 7 051. 0* I. ENFANT SQ SE—2-FAMILY HOUSE ‘ Upstairs rented. $6o. Garage large enough for moving van. $K,950. A M. j ROTH. 016 Woodward Bldg. NA. 7936.; HERE IS A BARGAIN—HOME AND IN vestmeni combined for some thrifty Navy Yard worker, nice corner lot. 6 rooms. 2 i baths, recreation room, garage; brand-new condition, can be used as 2-family home. Inspect 19(10 D st. n e . open 4 to 7 daily. Down payment reasonably low. monthly payments to suit you. Hurry, this home will sell quickly. COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO., 14 29 L st n.w. DI 6150._• | NEW 6-RM. COLONIAL BRICK ON FAIR glen rd.. just off Bradley blvd Fairglen rd. overlooks Kenwood development. All 3 bedrms.. very large: tile baths, big living rm . dining rm and kitchen; vestibule en trance: Colonial fireplace, garage attached with entry to side rear porch That is screened in: porch also has entry to kitchen, so you can dine there during summer sea sons: level lot beautifully landscaped $9 650: easy terms. PAUL M. LUDT. 6600 Wisconsin ave. Wisconsin 6093. LIVE WELL FOR LESS IN OWNER S UN der-priced delightful Woodside Park home Values advancing. Ml6 East Grace Church road. 65! 1 7th PL. N.W.—SIX-ROOM AND TWO bath brick home: Fluid oil heater: two screened porches: brick Rarage: near jr. and senior high schools, recreation center. By OWNER, phone Georaia 2050. it* {!-’• 1« MT. PLEASANT ST—N ROOMS. 3 baths. 2 kitchens. 3 porches: $1,000 cash. $..> month: 88,800. OWNER BRICK. NEW '.’-STORY DETACHED, slate roof, concrete porch, fine basement, beau. kit., lots of cabinets: $5,890: 106 cash. *40 monthly, includine int.. taxes and ms. SH. 57H0. o* JUNE BRIDE OR ANY BRIDE WILL LOVE this home, min labor, max. comfort: brick bunc.: 2 bedrms : auto heat, flowers; best n.w location. SH 40S.3-J !)• OPEN—23 JEFFERSON N.W—(i R. AND b ■ new a m.i detached, barkain: terms. 14"’o CLIFTON st.: Jo r, 3 b : a m i - re duced: terms; ideal for roomers. 13HH Spring rd : 7 r and b.: cor. alley: ami: price, terms inviting. For D C.. Mont. Co baraains see Mr. Bieber. SH 0505 N E RYON CO. (eve GE til4«i. NA. 7007. NO. CLEVELAND PARK (3715 WINDOM pi. n.w.t—ti rooms, 2 baths, attic, iarke lot; absolutely new cond : will accept reas oiler Open Sat.. Sun., 3-6 p.m. OWNER. DI. 4340. LI. 7632. __• SACRIFICE PARK HOME STUDIO LIV. rm 3 bedrms., 21* baths, maid's rm., recreation rm.: lot 110x160: $11,050. COFFMAN REALTY CO . SH 4123 ~ I il ArSn iMSM lo. ONLY $6,950. Semi-detached brick dwelling, containing 3 rms. complete modern kit with elec, refg and bath on each floor: big dry cellar with new automatic heating plant and hot-water storage heater. If you are looking for a home bargain or investment, see 54 16 8th st. n.w. Open Sunday. 2 to o p in. _DI. 8917._W. L MOORE. _GE. 2802._ A FINE HOME. Near Conn. ave. and Bureau of Standards— New 6-room. 2-bath home, center hall at tached garage; large wooded lot. Price will surprise you. For details call WALTER AIKEN. AD. 5297. or NA. 0856. PRICE. $10,250. About the nicest home in Marietta Park. Corner. Colonial center hall. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, also sunroom and breakfast nook on first floor. Automatic heat. Two-car garage To inspect call Mr. Schirmer. THOS E JARRELL CO., Realtors. 721 I Oth St. N.W. NA. 0765. _ Evenings Call_Shepherd <1581. $7.950—BRICK SEMI-DErACHED. Corner lot: ' rms., 4 private bedrooms, 3 large covered porches, full daylight base ment with oil burner, detached garage. This house is in excellent condition. It must be seen to be appreciated For ap pointment call Mr. Reavis, with BEITZELL, pi._3100._or_after_6 p m.._RA._7746._ NEW—OPEN. DETACHED—BRICK—DETACHED 1371 Tt w kesbury PI. N.W.—8 Rms.. 3 Baths. CHEVY CHASE. Colonial 0-room house, newly decorated: modern kitchen, screened porch, oil burner, automatic water heater: large, beautifully landscaped lot with running brook, near schools, stores and transp.: reasonably priced. 4393 Elm st.. Chevy Chase. Md . out Wisconsin ave. 5 blocks past Bradley lane, right 3 blocks to property. WONDERFUL LOCATION FOR ROOMING HOUSE. 10 rooms. 3 baths: garage: oil heat: sleeping porch: fireplace; space for more rooms in basement, etc. Just West of Conn. Ave. North of Mass. Ave. PRICE. ONLY $9,750. ~ ®asy Terms Arranged. _Ca41_MR. WARING. Greenw'ood 2232. ~ CHEVYCHASE " 39th AND MILITARY RD. « , 8-Room Corner Brick. Built-In Garage, First-Floor Lavatory. Entire House Newly Decorated THOMAS P. BROWN. _615 4th St. 3.W._NA. 6872. „ HILLCREST—OPEN 1 TO 6 P M. 2009 Branch ave. s.e.—Brick home, six rooms. 2 baths, recreation room, shower, built-in garage: $11,600: terms. LLOYD R. TURNER. 600 7 th st. s.w. ME. 1647. _9* 8723 SECOND AVE.. SILVER SPRING. MD. Detached brick, 6 rooms, bath, nice lot and trees. THOS E. JARRELL CO., Realtors, '_721 _loth SI. N.W._National 0766. CLOSE-IN NORTHEAST. 6 rooms; new-house condition; 2 rear porches, front porch; elec, refit., garace. Easy terms or may consider lot in trade. After 6 p m . Mr. Glidden, DE. 0054-M. J 777 Owen PI. N.E. WAPLE & JAMES. INC.. DI. 3346. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Larce Shaded Lot. Good S.E. Location. Priced Right. Muat be Sold. CtlJ Mr POSTER Warfield 917* or DI. 3348. HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) NEAR CATHOUC UNIVERSITY_ROOM - on8Kh.0llse °ir> lPurist home, furnished. R r., ts (S Rdod lot. trees; NA lflROW’ H' WALKER’ Shoreham Bldg. _ NORTHEAST. ,h^enlent to market: tt rooms, bath 2 Inclosed porches; built-in garage; oil heat; eastly arranged as two apts Call Mr INC “DI-WtH '!"04' WAPLB * JAMES, „ I BARGAIN—$6,350. Upshur, nr. 7th—Attrac. Col. brick. H lovely rooms, tile bath, modern kitchen; O ■ porches etc ; recond.; terms _LEO M BERNSTEIN Ar CO . ME 5400. A REAL BUY. ONLY $10,000. ~~ 1200 Hemlock St. N.W nDr.J,u'LA-,bo.,.e Walter Reed Hospital.) OPEN TODAY AND ALL DAY SUNDAY Corner brick. Three large and bright rooms and two colored tile baths on 2nd nooi. There Is also a room of! dining room and a large cplored tile bath in base ment. Built-In garage. Oil heat. Elec, refs. , . , „ _ WALTER A. BROWN. __1H 1 n Eye Street. NA. 1052. NEW BRICK HOMES. S E $300 CASH. $45 PER MONTH Highest location. H rooms, automatic heat, clubroom Colonial front porch 1530 FORT DAVIS ST. S E OPEN Out Pa at*. s.e. to Ft. Davis st.. left 3 blocks to our sign. WAPLE <fc JAMES INC _ District 3340. 1224 14th St. N.W. WOODF.IDGE. Detached brick home, five years old. to be sold at sacrifice price of $7,500 This house has 0 rooms and tile bath, hot water heat and detached brick garage Information call Mr. Mac Murrav. Tavlor 0X1X. WAPLE A- JAMES. INC., J224 14th st. n w. DI. 3340 FASHIONABLE 16th ST.“ You must see these sparkling new de tached homes of unusual design being built on lots 150 feet deep, shaded bv trees as lovelv as you’ll And anywhere Ask for Mr. Lundsren. Met. 114.1 until Ppm J_WESLEY BUCHANAN 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. Adjacent Rock Creek Hills. Circumstances require Immediate dispo sition of attractive New England Colonial cottage: completed in 103!) by owner for own occupancy, home displays unusual in terior design and appointments and excen tional construction; ti large rooms and soactous closets; >, acre, high elevation low taxes and heating cost and priced XI.Hod below actual builder's cost of ma terial and labot Call OWNER WI 2I.34-J 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. WOODSIDE PARK. A beautiful home built six years ago brick, slate roof and steel casements, furred and insulated. Three large bedrooms two modern bathrooms and large finished attic F11 ■*> t floor large living room with open fireplace, dining room sun parlor break fast nook and all-electric kitchen Base ment recreation room with open fireplace work cellar heating plant in separate room! oil hot water with yearly hookup. Lot. ,.>x.oo with steel fence and double brick garage. Cost $15,000 will be sold by owner It, blu rfduction. By appointment, phone Shepherd 1412. $6,950—NORTHEAST. Colonial brick, arranged into two com plete apartments of 3 rooms and bath each hot-water heat; 2-car brick garage Price includes furniture and 2 electric refriger ators JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _ 314 PENNA AVE SE 1211 TAYLOR ST. N.E. 4 bedrooms lame lot. semi-dot. brick; conv. terms and down payment. ,, , JEROME S MURRAY RE. 248(1. 1331 G St. N.W MI 453!). 1 1508 SEMINARY ROAD, Montgomery Hills Forest. Md. New det. brick: 6 rms.. bath center hall built-in garage; cool, high: transp. schools conv.; reas. terms and mo. payments. JEROME S MURRAY. RE. 2460. 1331 G St N.W MI. 452P. , SACRIFICE, 3730 W ST OVERLOOKING GEORGETOWN Circumstances compel owners to sell im mediately exceptional custom-bull! spaci ous home, ti unusual bedrooms. 3 baihs '--car built-in garage, servant's quarters, large grounds; commanding site unusual view: price $12,500, which is of origi nal cost. WO 5*4 1. Eves, CH 2727 $32 81 Mon,hl>'. including taxes. F H A J.. »nd insurance: or $300 cash and >45 per mo will buy one ot these big IS-ft. homes. High, cool elevation EXHIBIT HOME. 3936 BLAINE ST. N.E. . Furnished by Hilda Miller. _ p^V’detached and community group Tiled bath with shower. Bryant air-condi tiomng. large living room, bright dining room, modern de luxe kitchen. $4.990—$5,350. TO REACH: Out Benning rd. n.e. cross railroad bridge, turn right on Minnesota ave 2 blocks to Blaine st.. left to home. You will see our sign 2 blocks up. WAPLE A JAMES INC , , Sales Representatives. _1 --4 14th St N.W. District 3346. Rock Creek Park Estates, Restricted Neighborhood. A Williamsburg Colonial. !* rooms. 3 baths, finished attic, with maid s room and extra bath in basement: large wooded lot ‘--c»r attached garage; one bedroom and bath on first floor: modern in every detail Priced to sell quick For information call Mr. Lynch. RA 1242. or . _ WAPLE A JAMES. INC . _1224 14thi St. N.W DI. 3346. 300 Block Whittier St. N.W. - 9 Built, 4 Sold Before Completion. Sample House. 327 Whittier St, N.W. If you want one of the best 6-room and 2 baths, garage, wooded lots, near transportation, schools and stores Thcv are $500 below anything near this value Terms to suit. Open from 10:30 a m. to 9 pm WAPLE & JAMES, INC.. _1224 14th St NW_ DI 3348 QUINCY ST. N.E, NEAR TAFT JUNIOR High School—Detached brick dwelling of : six rooms and bath with recreation room. < porches, etc. A verv cozy home. Out-of town owner says sell for $7,350 JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., District 3580,___HI4 G St NW_ 4124 18th PL. N.E. Open all day Sunday. Exceptional op Eortunity to purchase a large corner stone ome with 6 extra large rms.. 2 baths and recreation room, lavatory 1st fl In a delightful neighborhood. The price is right and the terms are easv. Will con fer trade. REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. , 143$.___ 5704 14th ST. N.W. Large rt-rm , 2-bath home, just refin ished: in excellent neighborhood, conv. lo everything Beautifully planted lot. In spect this Sunday Open all day. REALTY ASSOCIATES National 14.1S 306 Lynn Drive, Chevy Chase' Md. Beautiful stone Cape Cod; bedrm and bath 1st fl.. 2 bedrms. and bath 2nd fl.. large porch: conv. location: best buv in this beautiful section. Open all dav Sun day. Drive out Conn. ave. to East-West hw>\. turn left at light to Maple ave. 2 sq and left one sq to Lynn drive. REALTY ASSOCIATES. National _li:i8. HUNTINGTON TERRACE. Beautiful, substantially built brick Cape Cod homes of tj rms. and *2 baths. 1 bedrm. and bath 1st fl.. screened porch, large wooded lot: excel, neighborhood These houses are bargains at $9,850. Will con- ; sider small house in trade or small down payment and balance like rent. 8817 Gar field st. and 307 Roosevelt st. Drive out Wis. ave. and Old Georgetown rd. to Roose velt st., then left to our sign Open all day Sunday. REALTY ASSOCIATES. Na tional 1438. UNUSUAL VALUE—$6,9507 New ‘2-story houses, in American Univer sity Park. 5 large rooms, cellar, modern in every detail: shaded lots to alley: a de lightful place to live and a house vou can afford. 5:204 45th st. n.w. CREAL & TURNER, builders. Emerson 6598. EXQUISITE HOME, ~ 108 Woodridge ave., Northwood Park. Silver Spring. Custom built 5-room Cape Cod type, exceptional setting: expensively finished: appealing to those who require fine things. COFFMAN REALTY CO.. SH. 4123. 1937 39th ST. N/W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. _J. WESLEY BUCHANAN._ Cut Out This Ad and See CHEVY CHASE BUNGALOW $500 Cash—$50 Monthly. H«02 SUMMIT AVE. N.W. 5 large rooms and beautiful bath, oil heat, big lot, elec, refrigerator, fine attic Drive out to Chevy Chase Circle on Conn, ave. or Brookville rd„ thence north to Taylor st. and east 2 squares Just east of Brook Tea House and lust south of Rolllnwood. ONLY Sfl.fioO. Open Daily and Sunday Until 8 P M HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W. District 7877. 3 BLOCKS FROM CAPITOL 8 rms.. bath, brick. 2 back porches: h.-w.h.. gas furnace: garage: price reason abla. P. J. WALSHE, INC., 1107 Bye Bt. N.W. _NA. 7468. 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. $8,450. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1 MODERN MAIDENS “• • • BUT you told me over the phone to come just ! AS I WAS!” _HOUSES FOR SALE. BETHESDA. New brick. 6 rooms. 2 baths, garage, porch. Large wooded lot. $8,050. EM. 0354. $9,950. Columbia Hts . west of 14th st.—3-story and cellar brick, 25 ft. wide, lot 130 ft. deep. Has 1 1 rooms and *2 baths, recreation rm and lavatory in basement; oil heat, elec. refg. excellent for apts. or rms. Price less than assessed value. Evenings phone Temph ] Tox L. T. GRAVATTE, _15th St. REALTOR. NA <IT5a _ WESLEY HEIGHTS. Owner will sell H-room home tar brlow cot. . All larae rooms. See it, make offer. Call eves. 0-0. Georgia XI J 4 1937 39th ST. N.W. 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS. • $8,450. _J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. HOME OR INVESTMENT. Semi-detached brick. $5,750. o rms . bath, auto heat, elec refg . table-top range, insulated, weather-stripped, caulked. In good repair throughout. Conven. n.w. section „ NO BROKERS DI. 3121. EVES., RA. 6781. DETACHED—SACRIFICE, $6,950. Takoma. D C.—Bargain. Lot 00x*.240 Garage. Rooms immense 4 bedrms., h.-w h . splendid home for large family. _5JAM ROSEY, ADAMS 2700. $5,250. 44 1 nth ST. N E Conveniently situated—A six-room and bath brick hot-water heat, completely re conditioned. Can be sold on a cash pay ment of $300. balance in monthly install ments less than rent JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, _ 314 penna. ave. s.e. NORTHWOOD PARK, SILVER SPRING, MD. Tw_o-st°ry home, s.e corner Southwood and Edgewood aves. Living room witn fire place. ainmg room and kitchen downstairs. Two bedrooms and bath upstairs Oil heat; $0,500. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT TO RE SPONSIBLE PARTY on conditional bill of iale. House open lor inspection ail day Sunday. WALKER & DUNLOP, INC., _1-00 loth St. N.W District o2‘2‘J. CORNER BUNGALOW, $‘250 CASH. >50 MONTHLY Attractive Woodridge home. :2Unl *2-2nd st. n.e. Priced under >0.000. 5 rooms, bath, recreation room, gas heat. Call J. B. Collins. RA 0400. with WALTER A. BROWN. 1415 Eye st. n.w NA. 105.2. TAKOMA PARK D C. Delightful modern eight-room home on large corner lot. porches on three sides, built-in garage: trees. Hewers, shrubs, e.c. R asonable price and terms JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., _District 35U»>. 014 G St N W. __ $6,300. West of 14th Near Cavalier Hotel. Attractive home 3 stories, x rms <5 bedrmst. bath, oil heat, elec . refc . screens, weather strips: lot ‘25x100. Eve or Sun . phone Columbia Moo L. T. GRAVATTE, 729 15th St. Rea;:..: NA. 0753. urc.i\ BRICK— 3EMI-DETACHED Southern Exposure—High Elevation. 7 ROOMS—2 BATHS, 4 BEDROOMS, Ample closet space, large covered front porch, screened br porch 607 ONEIDA PL. N.W. Priced to Sell—Terms Arranged. ROGER MOSS. _927 15th. DI 3181._ $500 CASH. Detached brick home—rt rooms, bath, automatic oil heat, slate roof- copper gutter and downspouts. Lot 50x155 with shade trees. Priced $?-4J»o. 5509 JOHNSON AVE. OPEN DAILY. Drive out Old Georgetown rd. 3.8 miles from the Bethesda Bank. STEUART BROS., INC., _GE 9012. BETHESDA, MD—BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER AND SAVE. Unu.cual Irame Cape Cod. Studio living room 21x14. balcony, library. 2 baths, air-conditioned oil heat: leaving city, must sell immediately: areally reduced _till-: LINCOLN ST Wl. 6*20._ In Congress Heights. New semi-detached brick homes, every room bright with ventilation; large lots; automatic oil heat. big. bright, dry base ment; screens, metal weather-stripped and insulated. Now ready to move into and start living in your own home PRICE. $5.!»50 AND $«,*!50. $.150 CASH. Inspection Invited to 9 P M. 3308 12th St. S.E. Drive out Nichols ave. s.e. to Ala., left to 11th pi., right to Congress st.. left to 12th st . left to our sign. WAPLE & JAMES. INC.. DI. 3.14fi._ On Top of Penna. Ave. Hill S.E. NEW DETACHED HOMES. Adjacent to Hillcrest. PRICE. $8,250: TERMS. 3943 S St. S.E. Model Home Open to H P M. You will be amazed and delighted to find a home of this character at the price. Six spacious rooms. .‘I large double bed rooms. most attractive and complete and ultramodern kitchen, daylight basement, attached garage. Large lot. To reach: Out Penna. ave. s.e. to top of hill across Alabama ave , 1 block to Fort Davis st., 1 block to S st., right to homes. WAPLE & JAMES, INC., SALES REPRESENTATIVES. 1224 141h St. N.W. DI- 3348. 6-Room Detached Homes $8,250 Exhibit Home, 6507 Fulton St. Six rms., air-conditioned oil heat: lie. lots: porches, full basements with lavatories and laundry fa cilities. Built to highest quality specifications throughout. In this desirable section of Chevy Chase, Md.. you are convenient to coun try clubs, schools, stores and transportation. BEITZELL ISIS K St. H.W. BI. 8100 _ HOUSES FOR SALE. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. Modern town house in exclusive n.w. section Suitable lor doctor diplomat or high-clncs nnvate residence Contains 1 ."> rooms, in bedrooms. .112 baths: beautifully renovated. For quick sale owner will con sider offer much less than assessed value. Inspection by appointment. Call FRANCIS HEIGLE. NA. 8880. __ SUNDAY—WOODLEY 9100._ A GOOD BUY IN MARIETTA PARK. Close to the new Calvin Coohdge High School, also close to grade and junior high schools. New recreation center nearbv. Semi-detached brick. 8 rooms and *.l baths. 4 bedrooms, recreation room with mantel, large cold storage, automatic heat, built in garage, modern kitchen with dinette at tached General Electric refrigerator; caulked, screened and weather-stripped. Large yard with lovely hedge and shrub bery. $1 .non cash and $oo per month To Inspect Call COOLEY BROS. WO. l\*o5. I ■ " ■ 3-Bedroom Homes 86,450 Never before have homes of this size and quality been offered in this close-in location at such low price. 6 large rooms, tile bath and shower, automatic heat, concrete covered porch, full base ment with lavatory, stippled walls; on deep lot. Call Beitzell, DI. 3100 A Better Home PETWORTH §7,450 FULL *»0 WIDE SIX LARGE ROOMS SPACIOUS PORCHES PARQUET FLOORS LARGE CLOSETS SPECIAL CABINET SINK OIL BURNER 322 TAYLOR ST. <Rt. Gabriel# Parish) OPEN SUNDAY NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP. NA. 5833 1312 N. Y. Ave. Williamsburg Colonial Si? $7,950 ft rooms and bath, first-floor lava tory. 0 fireplaces, beautiful shrub bery and gardens. New house con dition. Lot 75x150. attached ga rage. Just off Mt. Vernon Boule vard at 10th and G Sts. New Alexandria Moderate down pay ment and $65 monthly. Hurry, as this home is really a wonderful bargain. Open Sat. A Sun.. 6-6 P.M. Colonial Investment Co. uve a M. N.W. DI. eiso HOUSES FOR SALE. CORNER BRICK. 8 R. AND B., OIL HEAT; Irving st. and Warder n.w.: price. *5.600. Ror particulars nhone NA. 2205 WM. T. BALLARD, _1221 Eye Bt. N.W.__ BARGAIN—HOME OR INVT. 84 Vee n.w.—10 r.. 2 b.. 2 porches. 2 strwy.. 2 entr., 2 kit.: many extras; new cond : *300-5500: *R0-*80 mo. Home or invest. Might exc.; open. Owner or your agt. _ ___ __10* $6 990 gl°ver park—cool, new ’ 3 bedrooms, bath, shower, large coCnJat.;?h,J[!n ' ?e luxe klt ■ *ut0 heat; ?UJ,tPrei' tran,h- BY OWNER. WOtM5SHB5f d ed' NA- 3#~" Eves.. $25 Per month up Why rent? Let us build l?UrK-r??HTv Wie 3nance- WILLIAM M KITCHIN k CO. Tower Bldg. NA. 8860, Evenings. RA. 2035. $8,950. DETACHED—LOT tin FT. WIDE. West of Conn. ave.. just above Nebraska ave. near Reno rd.—Seven beautiful rooms. 4 bedrooms, oil heat, 2-car garage. One 5,1 the most attractive values in Chevy Chase. Eve. or Sun., nhone Woodley 02!l() L. T. GRAVATTE, _720 15th Si. Realtor. _NA. 0753. $8,950.00. BELOW ORIGINAL FIRST TRUST. DETACHED ENGLISH HOME—4 BEDROOMS. CONVENIENT TO SCHOOLS AND BUSES. DIRECT FROM OWNER. 3920 INGOMAR ST., CHEVY CHASE, D. C. WOODLEY 3402. Cut Out This Ad and See—1 7 SOLD—1 LEFT, 1210-1228 Buchanan St. N.E. Northeast of Catholic University. $500 Cash—$50 Monthly. T Rooms and Bath. Air-Conditioned Heat. Hardwood Floors. Large Lots. Recreation Room. De Luxe Kitchen. Only $7,350. Drive Our Michigan Ave. to 15th NE. North to Buchanan St HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP 14 In H St N.W District_7H77. COLORED 10 ROOMS. 7 BATHS; H.-W.H. Uasi, elec ; excell, condition and neigh borhood. $$.509; make offer and terms. 1.5th at., east of Girard. DE. 11 hi or MI. 7057. COLORED—0.57 R I. AVE. N.W.—5 rooms and bath, large lot $:i.00o. Ap ply OWNER. Apt. .51. 904 N. Y. ave 9* COLORED Beautiful Eastland Gardens. 47nd and Kenilworth ave n.e.—Purchase j , a lot in a splendid neighborhood 40x147; when paid $759 to $500 I will build a • modern home Also 4 74 4 Lane d1. n.e.— Five-room, bath bungalow, h.-w.h.: good ! condition HOWARD S GOTT. Colorado Bldg., Room 1 Lincoln h$95-J. Sales man. F M. Chives COLORED Near 7th and H NE $h 450- Attractive brick home, suitable for 7 families, very good condition Large 7-story building on rear of lot suit able for workshop or rental purposes A really special value. Reasonable terms may be arranged Better call todav FLOYD E DAVIS CO. National 0.557._ COLORED—OPEN SUN. 1-7 lhth st. n.e—Reconditioned like' new K rooms, tile bath, cellar, h.-w.h.. hardwood floors, new sink, stove. Be sure to inspect Price. $4,950. $750 cash, bal ance $45 monthly Call Mr Davis. E M AIKEN INC . $00 H St. N W NA 355*4. Eves.. MI H$5T. HOUSES WANTED TO BUY._ CASH FOR HOUSES BRICK OR FRAME, white or colored any condition. E. A. BARRY. 343!) 14th M. njv. Columbia 6086 PRIVATE PARTY WANTS H-RM HOUSE 2 or 3 yrv old r. w.. Petworth section pre ferred Box 285-D. Star WANTED TO RENT OR BUY A SMALL home with conveniences, on acreage. Box 287-D Star I PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH-PRICES FOR old D c houses, no commission MRS KERN 2632 Woodley pi n.w. CO 2675 H TO 9 RMS PREFER OLD HOUSE Like possession within 45 davs: D C. onlv All cash. F A GARVEY. 1126 Vt. ave. DI 45ns._eye and Sun Georgia_6690. 6-ROOM BRICK IN PETWORTH: EQUITY in 5-room modern brick bungalow near Glenmont. Md . as Dart payment. Box l 252-D Star. 1 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE DESIRABLE HOMES ALL SECTIONS OF Arlington Va OLD DOMINION REALTY CO . Chestnut 6343 BUNGALOW —FIVE ROOMS BATH ONLY $300 cash $4o mo $4,950. Near Glen mont School. Fireplace garage oil. h.-w.h. Immediate possession. OWNER. Kensing ton 1U8-J. 9* SEAT PLEASANT MD —BUNg7~5~RMS . bath. gar., porch elec, range, furnace $3,550. $200 cash $35 mo. 6603 Car motiv rd NR SILVER SPRING—20 ACRES AML including sewerage Price reduced for quick sale Will divide S. T HICKMAN. 6903 5th st. n w SILVER SPRING—NEW 6-ROOM BRICK center-hall plan all modern equipment, oil heat air conditioned, nice living room, porch, full basement tile bath on large ; corner lot. near schools and buses: nice residential section: $6 500: F. H. A. terms. WM E RICHARDSON, broker. 9599 Frank lin ave SH. 6473. SEAT PLEASANT—-1~ A . 6 R ~$3.95o7 ! $450 cash $35 mo. 37 a . 6 r. Central ave : 2 mi to D C : Turner estate: re duced terms. 2 bunc . Hillside: $2,500 ea Bus Cor Marlboro pike must sell FOR- j ■ ESTVILLE. J a . * r , ami.: make offer. 1 Mr. Tucker LI. 5059. N. E RYON CO . eve GE. 61 46 NEARBY VA—BEAUTIFUL HOMES AT | sacrifice prices for quick sale. Located in 1 front of George Washington High School. Mount Vernon and Jackson aves.. JO min utes from Washington by bus. Temple 4213 ARLINGTON—NEW’ 6-RM HOME: OWN er transferred: will sacrifice. $8,450. Call Chestnut 6351. NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM LOG BUNGALOW , on 3 full acres nicely shaded. 225 ft. fronting on hard paved road. 8 miles from D. C. line: electricity, water, telephone, nice , stream of water; $3.15Q: terms can be arranged. T. P. JOHNSON, Falls Church 1735 or 1986. TEN MILES FROM CENTER-OF WASH ington—14 acres, large brick house, mod- ! | ern._Call evenings._AlexandriaJ)596. 9* i 5-ROCM COLONIAL. BEAUTIFULLY LAND- j scaped, picket fenced and very large screen- | ed porch: exclusive section^ at 2604 Valley i drive. Alex. W. H BACON, Jr., owner- l builder. Oxford 2571. 9* WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK BUYER charming country home, hour's drive from Washington; 14 rms.. bath, h.-w.h., elec . j 3 porches, spacious lawn beautifully plant- i ed: abundant shade, excell, garden. 2-car j garage, tobacco barn and other bldgs, j On State road; 8 acres in village of Chaptico. Have to see to appreciate. Call ; or write for appointment. H. F BUR- I ROUGHS. Chaptico. St. Marys County. 1 Md. Phone Mechanicsville 16-F-3._ BARGAIN. 8 ROOMS. FINE LOCATION; | strongly built by dav labor for perma nent home; elec, furnace, porches large garden, fruit, shaded lawn. bus. trolley; near everything; $5,509; Wash.. 12 mi. j Vienna 98-J. MRS. JOSEPH BERRY 9* ARLINGTON—CAPE COD. 5-RM. BRICK bungalow, full basement and attic, oil heat. scr. porch, det. garage, large lot: 2 yrs. old; by OWNER.l OOO N. Stafford st. 7 ROOMS. MODERN; LOT 75x200. IN closed; lull basement: $3,500: easy terms. C. B MUNSON._Chestnut_6(iflO._ NEAR FOUR CORNERS. MD.—PRACTI cally new; 5 rooms, brick Colonial; lava tory 1st floor, oil heat, summer-winter hookup, full basement: lot 1(10x250: lovely trees and shrubbery. OWNER, S^j. 3260-J. LYON- VILLAGE. ARL. VA.—10 MIN. from city; for sale at a sacrifice; beauti ful home on lrg. cor. lot; English-stvle brick with stone trimming: 8 rms., sun parlor: 1st flr.. lrg. liv. rm. with fire place. dining rm., sun parlor, dinette, bed rm. with bath. kit . Frigidaire rm . in cinerator: 2nd fl.. 3 bedrms bath. 4 lrg. cedar closets, attic, basement, double ga rage. insulation, oil heat, shrubbery, flow ers: must be seen to be appreciated. OX. 1H60.__ LANGLEY. VA.. 3 MILES TO D. C„ 20 minutes to center of city; 6 rms. and bath, full cellar, h.-w.h., 2-car garage, servant's quarters, a m.t., over ’« acre. McLEAN. VA.. attractive brick bungalow. 5 rooms and bath., attic rooms, over Vi acre shaded lot. 20 minutes downtown. By owner. HARRY A. DARNE, Falls Church 851-W-4._ 2324 N. VERNON ST.. ARLINGTON—8 rms., bath and shower: el. kit.: h.-w.h.: flre pl.: large wooded lot: garage; 10c bus: small cash pmt.. $55 mo.: bargain. $6,250. RUBY LEE_MINAR. J5X.J0456._CH. 0337._9* _ ALEXANDRIA—A REAL OPPORTUNITY— 5-room brick bungalow, located just off Russell rd.; large lot; priced for quick sale; small cash payment. Oxford 1248. Chest nut 1271. ____. ALEXANDRIA—VERY ATTRACTIVE CAPE Cod home: 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, sunroom. living room, dining room, kigehen: auto matic heat: garage; beautifully landscaped lot. Open Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1 to 7. Drive over Memorial Bridge, left on Arlington Ridge rd. to Russell rd . follow Russell rd. to Howell ave.. left on Howell one block to home. 100 Howell ave. Oxford 1248. _ LEE MANOR. LEE HIGHWAY. MERRI fleld. Va.—New 6-room stone. $6,950. Own er E. HARRISON. FallsJChurch 803-W-l._ WEST FALLS CHURCH — STUCCO: 8 rooms, bath; water, sewer, electricity, fur nace: one acre, landscaped: fine home. | OWNER. Columbia 4455-J._•_ NEW SUBDIVISION BEING DEVELOPED. 22 bungalows being built In Oakdale Ter race. Md„ just across D. C. line: 4 com pleted. 2 sold Everything modern: brick construction, furred walls, insulated: ga rage: weather-stripped; automatic hot water heat, hardwood floors, tile bath, fully screened: lot 50x120. Price, $5,500; $39.50 per mo. To reach property, drive nut Sargent rd. to Ohillum rd.. 1 block east on Sargent rd. E R. ZIRKLE. owner and builder, RA. 6359. Open Bat. and Bun. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) OOOD 8^r66m _i-bath home~in-at tractive 2*/a-acre setting, with stream. 8 miles from Key Bridge; schools, stores, churches. Call Mr. Rogers Falls Church 1211. eves, and Sun. FRANCES POWELL HILL. 184 4Conn. a v e.. DE. 3422. weekdays. $4,750. Brick and frame Cape Cod. 5 rms.. oil hot-water heat, fireplace, electric range and refg.; lge. screened porch, garage, lot 50x130: very small down payment, bal ance as low at $40 per month. Temple 6383 or 428ft! 2*4 ACRES, 6*4 mi. D. C.. 6-rm. bungalow: elec., oil burner: 2 chicken houses, garage, land scaped, shade; 2 blocks school, transpor tation: $4,000: terms. $4.500—$300 CASH. $42.50 MO In College Park. Md. 0 rooms, bath; air-cond. heat, elec, range; full basement, laundry trays, automatic hot water; ga rage. chicken house; beautiful shrubbery, shade, deep lot to alley. ERVIN REALTY CO. Call Hyattsville 334; eves.. Green wood 1231. ARLINGTON, VA., NEAR CENTER JOP CLARENDON. Brick bungalow with nice living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and nice tile bath on 1st floor. Steps to small bedroom in attic; full cellar with un finished maid s room. Lot 50x120. Price. $4,050: $000 down, balance $45 a month. Call Mr. Martin Reamy. JUDSON REAMY, 1122 N. frying St. CH. 0220. 7-ROOM BRICK. WOODED LOT GARAGE recreation room, sun parlor; blk to trans.: located in the country club section. Reasonable down and monthly payments. 2 acres of land, sloping gently down to a stream in the rear, small old house, lo cated near Mt. Vernon: $1,750. W. S. HOGE, Jr., CH. 0800._ Eves.. CH. 4119. NEW 7-ROOM BRICK, $7,950. 4 BEDROOMS—2 TILED BATHS Restricted residential neighborhood In nearby Arlington, near schools and trans portation. Automatic hot-water heat with recessed radiators, lot 55x110: consider renting to responsible tenant. Call OWNER. Chestnut. 3300 0*_ TO SETTLE ESTATE. Chevy Chase View. Attractive Dutch Colonial home. 7 rms large attic, basement, sun porch, h.-w h.. all redecorated this spring. House on hill In grove of pines. Large garden plot. Abundant raspberry and blueberry plants. Lot 125x200. Ideal location for children, plenty of room, yet near to spools. Growing community with many new homes in vicinity. Drive out Conn, ave.. almost to Kensington, turn left on Dresden st to No. IK Tel Kens 13n-W THIS MODERN HOME IN AR lington County for sale. Owner here from Florida, somebody is going to buy it this Saturday or Sunday. House open from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. for inspection. You are going to buy direct from owner. Drive to Clarendon. Vir ginia, keep on Wilson blvd. to North Harrison st.. turn right 1 block to 873, the Martin home. * CHANCE OF A LIFETIME To owi> your own home at less than monthly rental in beautiful Living ston Heights, one of Arlington's most exclusive subdivisions, one square to 10c bus. shopping center, etc 20 minutes downtown Wash ington. Walking distance Golf and Country Club. New. « rooms and tile bath, at tached garage, full basement, oil air conditioned. The price only 90.650. $385 Cash Including Settlement Feet per mo. till paid, no renewal OPFN TILL 9 P M, Sat. A Sunday | 2228 N. Buchanan St. Turn noht at \ Buchanan St and Lcr Highnav. 1 so nboi e Glebe Rd Traffic Light. 1 block to home. ALBERT H. COHEN, Realtor EXCLUSIVE A CENT CHESTNUT 1661 COUNTRY HOMES and ESTATES in Nearby VIRGINIA 1 Btl| (Crnturg (Charm “3four Stairs”. jr YOU are seeking a home with true ■“ mellowed charm such as a winding staircase of walnut and cherry, a six paneled Colonial door random-width floors. 2 fireplaces with original man tels and a third fireplace which takes a cord-lergth log. then you should see ' Four Stairs Situated at the end of a winding lane on the brow of a hill, this home of white clapboard with an old log wing contains 8 rooms. Although every modern convenience. Including oil heat has been made available, ali of the old charm is retained “Four Stairs " which derives its unique name from the fact that, it has four distinct and separate stairways, is com plete as a small estate Less than 15 miles from* Washington, just off a hard-surfaced road in the Fairfax hunt country, this small estate contains 17 acres ipartly wooded* beau tiful rolling ground, 3 streams and a spring. Price, $12,500. Termt. NEW HOME, HALF-ACRE LOT, WITH 25 SHADE TREES 7 rooms. 21? baths and a basement lavatory; paneled den. 2 porches, rec reation room, floored attic for storage; air conditioned oil heat, slate roof, rock wool insulation, copper plumbing, steel casement windows Restricted community in a traffic-free area. House just completed and now open for your inspection. Price. $11,750; terms. To reach: Over Key Bridge and out Lee highway to Military rd. in rherrydale. Right on Military rd. to Beechwood Circle ^marked by our sign), right on circle to house. OrTN TODAY FOR INSPECTION A PLACE WITH POSSIBILITIES Wooded estate of 168 acres, near Bel mont Bay. with a 10-room partially completed Colonial manor house, less than 25 miles from Washington The house, situated on a hill, is surrounded by largp oak trees and is hidden from the road A spring-fed stream winds through the property. Plans available to purchaser for completion of the house. Price. $8,750: terms. HILLTOP COUNTRY ESTATE COMMANDING A MAGNIFICENT VIEW This beautiful home of Colonial archi tecture. within eight miles of Washing ton. is located on a 7*/a-acre hilltop in a neighborhood of large and small estates. From the lawn there is an unobstructed view of the surrounding country. The house is in excellent condition, and sets well back from the road. On the first, floor is a 10-foot center hall with stairway: living room 15 x28' with fireplace and French doors opening to a side porch, dining room 15'xl5 and a large modern kitchen On the second floor is a master bedroom 15'x2.V with private bath and two other bedrooms and bath. Additional space available on the third floor for several rooms and bath. Shown by appoint ment. Excluaive A gent a 2840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington CH. 3838 Oxford* 1272 SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. VERY ATTRACTIVE ALL-ELECTRIC HOME Takoma Park—6 rms. bath 2 showers; oil heat; lte, lot, shade trees. 8H. 6189._ COUNTRY ESTATE, FURNISHED. FOR July and August; 12 bedrooms. 4 baths; 50 acres, tennis court: near Chevy Chase. 15 min, from downtown._Wisconsin 5670. 3416 14th ST. SOUTH, ARLINGTON—NEW R-room house, bath, a.m.i., new elec. refg. Onen ereninss_3 to 6; $56. 9* ARLINGTON" — FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, ON large lot. stream and outdoor fireplace, at tached garage, oil heat. R24 N. Abingdon st._or_OX._l.789__ x •_ _ BRANDYWINE. MD.—7-ROOM HOUSE 2 car garage, small farm: $30 mo. 7209 You pl. s.e. AT. 0BS5-W._11 •_ 719 24th ST. SO.. ARLINGTON. VA.— Unfurn. R-rm. house, garage, auto, heat and hot water, scr. pch.: nr. school, stores, airports. Army Navy Club, 10 min. to 14th and Pa. ave. Vacant on or before June 15th. Rent. $70 mo. To see. call M. W. CHINN, owner, at NA. ROOO. Br. 445. dur ing_G°vt. hrs., or Oxford 2801-J evenings. ARLINGTON! Va.—5-ROOM BRICK; GA rage. oil heat, refrigerator: $65 mo 2504 N Washington blvd. Call MR. DOUGLAS, CH. 0220. office hours. _ __ NEARBY VIRGINIA—FOR ” IMMEDIATE possession of very desirable homes and apartments, see THE GOSS CO., 2202 Wilson blvd. Oxford 1248. CH. 1^71. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. (Continued.) SILVER 8PRINGTMD^MODERfc 5 - ROOM bungalow, with large lawn plenty of room for flowers. Cali Shepherd 6626-J to in spect._ LYON PARK. VA.. 922 N DANVILLE ST — For lease, furnished 6 rooms and bath; 10 min. from Washington, reference; adults only: *66._Adams 10416._ GARRETT PARK. MD.-ld DEGREES cooler than Washington; refined community, good trans.: beautiful new 2-bedroom brlcK bungalow, a.m i.. air conditioned: *65 mo. O. E. KEELER. Kensington 563. ARLINGTON—NICE BRICK HOME. 5 RMS* oil heat, fireplace, garage. *65. 1911 N. Rooseveltst. Falls Church 1395-J NEARBY MD—BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS, all conveniences, shady lawn and garden; 25 minutes to city. Bowie 2076 after 6 n.m. ALEXANDRIA—COOL. BRICK. FURN : ami., sleeping porch, garage; care. $40 mo.: immediate possession. Temple 4o 13. NEARBY VA —$60; ATTRACTIVE 3-BED room home, oil heat, double garage, beau tiful flowers: very desirable location. OX. 1248. Sunday and eves . CH 1271. DECATUR HEIGHTS — REASONABLE rent, summer: completely furnished # room house, screened porches, shady yard. Hyattsville 100-W. 9* BETHESDA—6 ROOMS. HALL AND 1 bath, full basement, steam heat, oil burmer. ;.?parate garage nice location, well shaded, lot 80x140: $70. 18 Charles sf.. Alta Vista. Phone Wiscohain 5248-W. COUPLE WANTED TO SHARE HOME with another couple 201 University drive. Hyattsville. Md. GR. 1204. call after 6 Dm _ ARLINGTON VA —6 ~ ROOMS. NICELY furnished new Colonial, insulated, 2* a baths, nice lawn, trees; 2*2 blocks bus, 10c zone. Call Oxford 1372 9* DESIRABLE FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6 rooms and bath, water, electricity; *125 for season For rent by owner. MRS. MILLER, 6th ave.. Washington Grove. Md. 9* ARLINGTON. VA.. J 408 N FILLMORE st —rooms bath scr porch: h-w.h.. reft., ga^ range: $60 CH 5793. 1019 SOUTH HIGHLAND ST . ARLING ton. Va.—6 rooms modern: large lot. on bus line *40. C. B. MUNSON, owner. CH 6660. $45 on—SMALL BRICK SUBURBAN HOME comparatively new. a m i. nice screened porch; large yard. Will sublet for 3 or 4 mos. to reliable couple. Avail. July 1. 5005 Elm st . Bethesda Md. WI 1451 -W ROCKDALE SPRING MANOR— $90 A i month Modern 9-room. 2-bath residence i on a shadv knoll adjoining Rock Creek All modern conveniences and facilities of . a country estate. Located on Rockville Norbeck highway. 1 mile from Rockville : Easy .'50-minute drive from Washington 1 via Wisconsin ave. or Georgia ave Open Saturday and Sunday. C. EMORY PHIL LIPS RE 6161. ; NEARBY VA. — 7 - RM HOUSE. FTRE piace. garage, oil heat. 1l2 oaths, lovely view. 2 lots: 10 min. D. C.. $00. Oxford 80-J-l 1 _ .'.-ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED. LARGE screened porch very cool; $30 mo. R. K. , HOWAT. District 3415. _ __ S05 20th ST SOUTH. ARLINGTON. VA— Julv l. partly furnished 0-room Colonial dttached home. P2 baths, doubie garage, a.m i , school, stores, churches airports, Armv Naw Club. 10 minutes downtown. Jackson 1989-W.__ ft* LYON VILLAGE ARLINGTON VA. Bnck home 5 bedrms. 3*2 baths paneled den. recreation room maid’s room, bath, screened porch. 3153 19th st. north. ; Chestnut 0364 _ ARLINGTON. VA —AVAILABLE JUNE 15. *55—5 r.. b . Lyon Village. , $00—5 r. b. oil heat. *d5—« r . b . coal heat. ' $75—0 r.. b . oil heat C W CLEVER CO . _1 123 N Irving St Chestnut 3222_ MARYLAND. 4106 BEECH AVE. DECATUR HTS MD New brick home in cool, quiet community containing 3 bedrms . living rm with fire place, dining rm . modern kitchen, com plete basement, garage ONLY $»’.(• MT VERNON MORTGAGE CORP Second Floor. Machinists’ Bldg NA. 5536 MT. RAINIER, MD., 3709 HARRIS ST Beautiful reconditioned bungalow on quiet street, conv. to buses. 3 bedrms.. living rm. dining im . kit . 2 baths LEASE t)NLY $52 50. _MT VERNON CORP NA 5.336 SUBURBAN PROP. SALE OR RENT. REMODELED MD FARMHOUSE QUAINT and attractive. 4 bedrooms, electricity bath, telephone, large lawm. shade, good roads 35 minutes <15 mi.) from DOWN TOWN Washington. Will install automate oil heat for suitable tenant: $70 per month, or sell as is” with 10 fertile acres, in cluding fruit nut trees, berries, grapes, garden, good barn, timber, etc . for $7,950. DI. 3723 or wepk ends. Bowie 2141 ARLINGTON—5-ROOM BRICK. AUTO* hea-. hardwood floors. 2213 No. Harrison. $200 down or rent $50 monthly. CH. 0470 LOVELY NEW. COOL AIR-CONDITIONED, brick and stone studio home, never occu pied; 30 minutes to the White House: high • elevation overlooking private estate: near Chew Chase bus; 3 beautiful bedrooms. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, recreation room, large lot. Drive out Connecticut ave. to Glen ridge st.. Chevy Chase View, turn left on Glenndge at to No S. FORESTVILLE MD —NEW 0 R. AND B h.-w.h basement, garage; 2 lrg lots A real value EUGENE ENTWISLE. Forest ville. Mo 3105 SOUTH 13th ST.. ARLINGTON VA— 9 rooms, h.-w.h.. shade, porches, yard inclosed 2 entrances, bus close. Rent, $7<> sell. $7,500. on easy terms. MRS. MUNSON, owner. Chestnut OrtHO __ SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. EMPLOYED COUPLE DESIRE SMALL cottage, nearby Virginia cool: rent rea sonable. prospecthe buyer. Box 2.38-D, Star MODERN SUBURBAN DETACHED HOUSE, on terms *200 cash. $50 monthly. Phone North 4002 _ INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. WHITE OR COLORED TWO-FAMILY FLAT,' six rooms up 5 rooms down Rent. $92.60 Excellent n r. location. Condition very good Separate hot-water heating units Priced for quick sale at S7.500.00. Call MR JORDON. Decatur 1514._10* NEAR NAVY YARD— 'i-RM. AND BATH row-brick dwelling with h.-wr.h., elec. Rented reasonably to white at $33. Price, $3.25o. DI Mi*! 7. W. L MOORE GE. 2*02. NEW BRICK DET. 4-APT BLDG . NEAR ing completion, in n.w., 6 rms . bath each, full basement; lot 62x140. wooded section. ’ McCUNE. DU. 1663 or DU. 6500. Apt. 636, WILL SACRIFICE $2,800 EQUITY FOR $1 500 on new brick det. Colonial 3-»dl Dldi*. in detached section: nr. bus, atores. schools. Annual rental. $l.74o 1Q(V, rented Large lot. paved street. Box 3133. U St. Station. Washington. D. C._ 1153 4th ST. NE—NEW 4-FAMILY flat, each apt. consisting of 2 rms., kitch en. dinette, bath, screened-in rear porch. Senarate heat. Rental, $154 monthly. Price. $I3.5oo. Terms. Call Mr. Davis. E M AIKEN. INC . son H St N.W. NA 3666: EVES ■ MI. 6«5T NEAR 22nd AND K STS N W.—THREE story and basement brick apartment build ing (colored). 7 apts.: yearly rental, Price. $1.3.500: reasonable terms. WM. T. BALLARD, _ 1221 Eye St N.W. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. $.3 350—Five-room brick house, rented at $37.50. $2 950—Five rooms, bath: rented $35 $23.500—Four 2-family duplex apts.; an nual rent. $.3,216. $19.500—Six brick residences; monthly rent. «194.50 HARRY LUSTINE _ 819 Ilth St. N.W. NA 2844. 8* INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. Five rooms, bath, electricity; rented for $25; $2,950 Five rooms balh. elect., h.-w h.; rented for $.17.50: $2.2511. Four two-family duplex buildings ell rented; monthly rent. $7H8. price, $22,500 HARRY LUSTINE. $ 1P 11th SI. N.W NA 2844 ■ Modern Brick Hotel and Service Station Less than 50 miles from Washing ton. this hotel is situated on the country's heaviest traveled North South Highway. In addition to tran sient business, the hotel may also draw from a large military reser vation nearby. The building, In excellent condition, contains 15 bedrooms, with running water in each. 4 baths, dining room, lobby office, equipped kitchen, storage rooms and other facilities. Offered completely furnished at a price to sell Included on the epproximate 2-acre corner lot is a modern serv ice station with 2 rest rooms, a 8-car garage, a cottage, tennis court, croquet court and ample space for additional cottages. For full particulars Exclusive Agente 2840 Wilson Bird.. Arlington, Yu. Ch. 2828; Ox. 127%; Eve. Ch. 5787 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. WAREHOUSE SITE. PRICE. $15,000.00. CORNER, railroad siding. 12.000 sq ft of ground and 2 brick buildings. Call Mr. Schirmer. THOS E. JARRELL CO., REALTORS. 721 10th St N.W. NA. 0785. Evenings Call Shepherd 2581. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. CHIROPODIST—EXCELLENT LOCATION in Washington's_most exclusive beauty salon. DAVID RIFKIND, 710 14th st. n.w. NA. 4Jy".Tt BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED. WISH TO BUY APT. HOU8E PRICES about $100,000 for part cash and dear properties. Box 23-K Star. 8*