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Georgetown U. Head Honored at Dinner Of Alumni 'Loyal Citizens' Form Vital Part of Defense, Dr. O'Leary Says in Talk The Very Rev. Arthur A. O'Leary, P J. president of Georgetown Uni versity, told an assemblage of 800 alumni last night at the Mayflower Hotel that "loyal citizens" are as much a part of national defense as the implements of war. "Thank God. there never has and never will be a “fifth column’ at Georgetown.” he added. The dinner was arranged by the Georgetown Alumni Council in honor of the university president and was featured by the awarding of athletic letters to qualifying members of the varsity teams and an "off-the-record" address on na tional defense by Brig. Gen. George V. Strong, assistant chief of staff In charge of the war plans division. Referring to the measures for pre paredness outlined by Gen. Strong in the only formal address of the evening. Dr. O'Leary appealed to the alumni to co-operate with the university in training men in “obe dience and loyalty and service to the State and to God" in this crit ical period. Pledges University’s Aid. "Georgetown will contribute as a part of the national defense the training of men to be good citizens as'.it has been doing the past 150 years,” he pledged. "We can make tanks, airplanes and guns but they will prove useless unless manned by »loyal citizens." Rufus S. Lusk, chairman of the council, presided as toastmaster, and E. Barrett Prettyman presented the president of the university with a testimonial, a smoking set, as a mark of appreciation from the alumni. The athletic awards were made by Dr. William J. Cusack, president of the Georgetown "G" Club. Newly elected officers of a na ♦ ional alumni association formed earlier in the day were announced and introduced at the dinner. They were Martin Conbov, '98. former United States attorney for the eouthem district of New York, who was chosen president; Judge Michael I. Igoe of Chicago, class of 1910, and Daniel J. O'Connor. ’16 of Boston, vice presidents; Robert B. McCann. '23 of Richmond, Va.. sec retary, and John Saul, '18 of Wash ington. treasurer. Conboy Succeeds Hogan. Mr. Conboy. who predicted for the new organization a successful future, succeeds Frank J. Hogan of Washington as president. He is an honorary doctor of laws of the uni versity. Spokesmen paid tribute to Dr. O'Leary as the Georgetown presi dent who had done more to foster expansion of the alumni than any of his predecessors. Representative William B. Bank head. Speaker of the House and a member of the law class of 1895, had served as general chairman of arrangements for the dinner. He was unable to attend last night, j however, because of official busi ness. James S. Ruby, jr., executive i secretary, announced the newly elected alumni officers. At 10:30 o'clock this morning fhe baccalaureate mass will be celebrated on the campus: in the event of rain, the service will be in Dahlgren Chapel. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Wilfrid Parsons. S. J.. retiring dean of the graduate school, and the Rev. John J. Kehoe. S. J.. faculty director of athletics, will be the celebrant. The awarding of academic prizes to honor men among the 500 grad uates will take place at 8:30 o'clock tonight, with the Rev. John E. Grattan, S. J.. dean of the college, presiding. Carl H. Watson, jr.. will deliver the traditional Cohonguroton oration. Honorary Guests. Other honorary guests of the alumni included: Rev. Edmund A. Walsh, S. J., vice president, Georgetown: Rev. John E. Grattan, S. J., dean, college of arts and sciences; Rev. Wilfrid Parsons, S. J., dean, graduate school; Rev. David V. McCauley, S. J., regent, medical and dental schools and dean of the medical school: Rev. Fran cis E. Lucey, S. J.. regent, law school; George E. Hamilton, dean, law school; Dr. Hugh J. Fegan, assistant dean, law school: Dr. William N. Co gan. dean emeritus, dental school; Dr. Joseph L B. Murray, dean, den tal school; Dr. Thomas H. Healy, dean, school of^ foreign service; Daniel J. Donovan, auditor of the District of Columbia: Dr. William Gerry Morgan, member. Board of Regams: Martin Conboy. member, Board of Regents: the Rev. John J. Kehoe. S. J., faculty director of athletics; Dr. William J. Cusack, president. Varsity "G" Club; John L. Hagerty, head coach, football; Joe Judge, head coach, baseball: Elmer P. Hardell. head coach, track; An thony Sylvester, coach of golf; Thomas J. Mangan. coach of ten nis; Maurice Dubofsky, assistant coach, football: H. Gabriel Murphy, graduate manager of athletics: Dr. Edward P. Donovan, director of the glee club, and James S. Ruby, jr., executive secretary, Georgetown Alumni Association. Representatives from the George town Clubs in the United States were: Anthony B. Brennan. West Vir ginia: Dr. Leo J. Brown, Northeast Pennsylvania: Richard R. Canna, capital district. New York; William L. Cooney, Baltimore; Dr. William J. Cusack, Varsity "G” Club; Philip D. Dean, Norfolk; Thomas A. Dean, Chicago; William J. Dempsey, Georgetown College Alumni Club of Washington; Ernest L. Duhaime, Miami; George L. Dyer, jr., St. Louis: John E. Farrell, Essex County, N. J.; Joseph A. Galvin, Boston; Dr. Harry H. Hefferan, Con necticut; Joseph P. Hester, Central New York: Dr. A. L. Joliet, Cleve land. J. Harry La Brum,' Phila delphia; William K. McGowan, In dianapolis; Dr. John R. McIn tyre. Georgetown Dental Alumni Club of Washington: Dr. Leo Brison Norris, Georgetown Medical Alumni Club of Washington: Dr. Edward j M. O'Brien. Georgetown Clinical Society; Miles M. O'Brien. Detroit; j George S. Roper, Georgetown For eign Service Alumni Club of Wash ington; Harry Sandager, Rhode Island: William A. Shea. Society of New York Alumni of Georgetown Uniwsity: Joseph P. Sheridan, Harrisburg; William H. Sitterding, Richmond: Howard G. E. Smith, P 'Talo; Dr. Joseph G. Villapiano, 1 i, ALUMNI DINE—Notables at the Georgetown alumni dinner in cluded, left to right, the Very Rev. Arthur A. O’Leary, president of the university; Rufus Lusk, toastmaster, and Brig. Gen. George V. Strong, speaker. —Star Staff Photos. Monmouth County. N. J, and Dr. George Williams, Trenton. The Guest List. The complete guest list follows: A AbbiUcchlo, R. J. Altieri. August Abtll. W. Andrma John Acorn. Robert E Angevtne. W. K Adams, J. Arthur Ansley. Everett B Adams. George Arabam. James M. Adams. George E. Argy. WiITtam P. Adkins. Jesse C. Aschenbach. E. H Ahern, John W. Atcheson, L Aiello. Caesar L. Aukward. Joseph Allwine, Louts P. Ault. Garnet W. B Baldt. George C. Brennan Joseph B. Ballinger. William M Briefs. Goatz A Barabas. Stephen Bnlmyer. G J Barnard Jerome P. Brimer. Harry W. Barry. Brock. James Bartel. William P Brogan. Albert J. Bastian. Walter M. Brogan, F. B Beale, Robert S Brown. Chauncey Beck. C. M. Brown. Leo J. Bernton. W Henry S Buckley. John J. Balszek. Stanley Bucy. Charles W. Bloyis, A. Bulvln. Rosclaus Boote. Ward E. Burg Joseph P. Boyd. Howard Burke. John P Boyd. Samuel Rurkinshaw. Neil Bovle. Charles Burlee. Bill Brady, J. B Burns. J. Frederick Brann Vincent Bushnell. O A. Brazinsky. John F Bushwaller W J. Brennan. Anthony B Byrne, J Harry c Calhoun Charles A. Collins. William J. Ca an. G. C Connolly. M Callan. C». Chris Connally. William Cambouri, Manuel Connor. Bernard Canfield. Austin Constantinople. P. S. Canna Richard R. Conway. Patrick A. Cantrel. Joseph A Cook. P. Michael Cantwell. Thomas Coolahan. Charles Carey Joseph A. Cooney. William L. Carmody. John Cooper. Leon F. Carneval Vincent Corish. Julian Carney. Thomas G. Costello. Jamev R. Carroll, William Costello. Robert F. Carroll. William V Coster. W F Carter. John G. Coughlan. J. Fendall Cassidy. G_ A., jr. Coutinho. J. Dev Caulfield. P. A Crammond Earl»» D. Cavanagh. John R Crane. William J. Cawley Frank Crane. Willis Cecil. Curtis D Creaghan John S. Cecil. John L. Crosson. H. J. Cernzin Michael S. Crowley. Harry Chais. Louis G. Crowley. J F. Chmielewsk!. M S. crown. John Clark. William Earl Cunningham. Johr#K. Coe. Fred O Curran, Edward M Cogan. W. N. Cusack William J. Cohen. Bernard Cushman. William M. Co.ien. Joseph Cushwa. Raymond C. Coleman. Sam Cutting. Reginald A. Collins. William H. D D'Agostini. A. J. Donahue. James J. Daley. Thomas A. Donahue. John F. Daly. Charles Donahue. M. E Daly. Francis P. Donahue. Michael T. Dalzel). S W. W Donahue. T. F. Daniels. Joseph J. Donohue. F. J. Darby. John J. Donovan. John Daugheritv E S. Donovan. John J. Davies. Harry F. Donovan. Leo Davies, J. Jenkyn Donovan. Patrick J. Davis. James A. Downey. J J. Dean. Philip D Doyle. Michael M. Dean. Thomas A Driscoll. Francis B. Degnan Philip A Driscoll. Henry Dempsey. W. J. Dr^coll William J. De Orsev. C. L. Dubv. John J Dessof. J. Du^hring. F. E. Dertwipiler. William Duhaime E. L. De Vito Michael Durkin. Jamr. H. Dieckelman. J. H. Durkin. James Doherty C H Duross Charles E. Dolan F. M Dyer, G L.. jr. Donohoe. James F Easterly Fred Ellis George P Ftimon'ston. M R Emu. George E. Fdmonston. B S . jr. Fsoenscheid V ^ ^2311. Thoma« A. Estabrook. W. T. Egner. Raymond A. Evans. Robert A Fichenlaub. F. J Evan5 W. J. H Fisenherc H Everitt. Edward L. Elkins. Philip D. Ewers. Ira F Fatielev. J. M. Fi>hburne. B P. Fariner. Frank Fiiseligi. Albert Fahertv. Leo C Fitzgerald. J. B. Falcone. Louis P. Fitzgerald J D Farrell John E. Fitzgerald, .tseph Fay. Arthur Fitzgerald. T.. ir. Faymonvill*. P R. Fitzgerald. T. R Fecan. Hugh B Flahertv. Thomas Feuhan. F. X Flaherty. V, Fenlazzo. A. J. F’aherty. W. C. Fennell. J. H Flavin. Thomas J. Ferriter James W. ’Hynn. .Tame- B. Ferrv. Thomas F Foie*. John D. Fickle. M. E Fowler. Henrv M. Fischer. Melville Fulcher, o Hug'' Fish. Charles ^urman. George B. G Gashan. Jam*s T. Giesler. Fred D. Gaghan. Joseph F. Glide*. Thomas Galvin. Joseph A. Giordano Amadeo Gardiner. Frank G. Glezen. Roy J. Gardiner. Gw*nn Golden. Beniamin Gardiner. H. S. Goldstein Philin Gartner. J. Carlton Golvin. Francis T. Garvey. Bernard F. Gorman. C. R. Gauges. J. G. Gorman. John J. Gehhardt. C. E. Griffith. Clark Gellerman. Joseph Groff. Chalmers F. George. George P. Guider. John W. G'bbs. F. P. Gwynn. H B. Gibbs. M G. Gwvnn. W. C. Giebel. James A. H Haas. Frederick J Higgins. R. J. Haden T. Leo Hildebrand. J. R. Hall. Frank C Hmkel. T. S. Hallisa'* John A Holden. R. T. Hammett. C. M Homan Richard B Harden. John W. Hood. Andrew M. Harrington. J F Hoover W. H. Harrington. Georg0 Hop? a. Our Harrington. R Hornin*. G. D. ir. Harris. R. T. Horvath. R-ank S. Have- C«rroll Howard Ha*tle* Heagel Francis T Huehes. n w. J Hefferman Harr'’ Huehes. George P. Herbert. Bernard Huneerfo-d. V. R H°ster. Joseph P Hunter B A D. Hic’iev Daniel H*land. Kernan Higgins. Eugene W I. Ingersoll. Wm. B .1 Jacobi. Herbert J. Johnston. Ernes* s. Jacobs. J. Joliet. A. J. Jaeger. W. H. £. Jordan. L. G. K. Kane. A. Philip Kenny. Chores E. Kapoler. C. J. Kerekes. T'bor Karl. Peter A Kiernan. Tames F Kashlap. J. M. Kindleberger Karl Keane Mar'in J King. Edward A Kearney. John T Kirby. Thomas j Keating. Joseph T. Kirchner. Albert H Keaveny. J Kirchner. R. C Keech. R. B Klemann. J S. M. Keegan. Keyio E. Knarr. Matthias W. Keigwin. C. A. Koons. Charles V. Keliher. Thomas Koontz. Floyd Keller. Joseph E. Koshlap. J. M. Kelley, j. Paul Koppanyi. 7 Kelley. Martin J. Korman. Milton D. Kelly. Clarence E. Kreis. Georcre W Kelly, Francis J Kremer. John Kelly. John C. Kress. Andrew Kelly. Linus A Kreuzberg. Harvey Kelly. Josepn J Krick. Jerome J. Kempton. R H Kronheim. M. S.. jr.. Kennedy Michael L. La Brenn. J. Harry Le Comte. R. M. Lamb, George P. ^Leeman. Herbert P. Lane. John D. Le Moult. Adolph Lange Edward H. Lesher. Wm. A. Largay. Thomas Lio. Agostino L%scari. John A. Litschgi. St. John E. Laskey, John E. Long. Bernard J. Laskey. John L. Loughram. P. H. Laughlin. K. F Low. Russell Lauten. Herman G. Lowe. James T. Lawton. F. J. Lowe. Thomas F. Leach. Sandford B. Lupek. Aloysius R. Leahigh. James Lusk. Rufus S. Leahy. Wm. E. Lyon, Frank Lee. Thomas S. M. MacElwee. Roy S. McNamara. M. J. Mackie. Wm. M. McNearney, Harry FANS ALL MAKES 3 Months to Pay JCURROinG 517 10th St. N.W. NA. 2160 Maguire. Edward McQuade. John Mahar. Richard A. Meehan, Robert Mahoney. Joseph J. Mercier, Lucten Mancan. M F Mersch. Victor Marbury, Chas C. Meyer, Martin W. Marshall. George Michael, S. B. Martel. Leon A. Michel. Wm. Maserick, A. Mickey. Joseph F. Matthews James F. Milone. Henry S. Matuya, A. C Molse. F. S. Maurer. Robert A. Mollari, Mario Maurer. R. A., jr. Monks. Thomas R. May. Cary Montgomery. W. McAtem. Gerald Mooney, Dr. and son McBride. Joseph A. Moran. Joseph M. McCabe. James E. Morganstown. C. McCallum, Archie Moriarty. John J. McCarthy. Joseph Morin. Howard McCarthy. Jos. J. Moser. Charles K. McCole, Patrick Moser. James M. McCollam. Wm. E. Motgenbecker. J. McCormick. Clifford Muldoon, Joseph A. McDonnell, Wm. F. Mullally. James A. McFadden, Jos T. Mullen. John McGinley. L J. Mullikin. T. J McGovern, Jas. P. Mulvihill, B M McGowan. Wm, K. Muncaster. S B McGrath. Brian A Mundell. Joseph J. McGrath, Francis P. Munhall. J McGuire, W. G. Murphy, E J. McGurn, George L. Murphy. John A. McKaig. Malcolm C. Murphy, Wm C. McKenna. Frank Murray. John J McLane. A. Donald Murto Charles B. McLaughlin. Leo Musoute James B. McMenamin. Jos. Musso. Charles McNally, Hubert N Nash. F. C. Neilsen. Fred K. Nash. James F Nolan. Thomas A. Nattier. Frank E.. jr. Norris. Abell, jr. Nealon. William F. Norris. Joseph A Nee. M L Norris. Leo Brison Neff. Abner Norton. Raymond Needham. P. H Nugent. Charles Neubeck. Francis L. Nutting G. K. Neumeyer. Charles O O Brien. John O'Connor. Walter J. O Brien. John M O Dra John O'Brien. Miles M. O Donnell. William F. O'Callaghan Mat- O Donoghue. M F thew J.. jr. Oehman. Andrew F. O Connell. John O’Grady. Francis D O'Connor. George H. Orlosky. Albert O'Connor. G. H.. jr, Orlosky John J. O’Connor. Jeremiah J.Orlosky P J O Connor. John J. Ostmato. Mark P Pale.v. Frank Poirier. A J Paternoster. Angelo Posey. Richard B Patterson. J. C. C. Potter. George E . jr. Payne. Lewis A. Powell. John E. Pearlman. Paul Powers, T R. Pelzman. Fred Powers. Vincent Penhallow, D P Prettyman E Barrett Petropoulos P C. Prurtm Paul H Pickford. E M. Prochnik Edgar L G ! Pillen. Herbert Pruner. Edward R. Plessner, Theodore W Q Quail. Myles H Quinn Thomas D Quigley. Martin Quinter Ralph D. Quinn. Arthur L. Quirk. George M Quinn. Henry R Rack. Joseph Reynolds William Randall. William A. Rhodes. Vincent C. Rayens. Charles E Riggi Irving P Raymond. La Four L. Robbs. Charles S. Regardie Benjamin Rodlun. C N. Reid. William A. Roger. J F Reilly. James F. Rooney Matthew Reilly. Janes F Roper George Rests George A Rosenberg Maurice D Reuschlein. H. G. Ryan. John F. Sachs. S Sherline. Herman M. Salan. L. J ShifTlette. James E. Sandaaer. Harry Shioe Archie K. Sanderson. Fred R. Shreve. C. Dudley Sanderson. R. O Silverman. I. Sandler. I Lewis Simas John A Sandmeyer. Melvin Pimmons. B S Saul. Bernard F. Simmons. Francis L. Saunders. Clifton K Sirica John J Saur. Karl W Sitrerdina. Bill Scalier. Thomas C SUterding Frit* Schaefer. Bertram F °laUery James Sch*f*r. Frederick «mith. O Alher’ Schild*r. Clark Smith. H G. E Schmitt John S ^mith. John J Schneider Leo V. Smith. John P. Schram Abraham J. Smith. Svdney Schreiber. Henrv R. Smith. W. A . ’r. Schriver. Ollie M Snvder. Peter F SchwarrzfMiUord F. Solnitzkv. O Schwartz. Sylvan Soanhoofd. A W. Scott. James Brown Solain. James F Sexton. R. L. ' STaggers. John W Shanser. Georg* T Stebbin7 Philip A. ■ Sharbey. Francis M. Steele. Harold J Sham*. Francis T Steele. John Shaughnessy w. J. Setson. Francis C Shaw. Georg* A. Stohlman. Frederick Shea. William A. Stohlman. M A Shea. William T.* Stoley. John F. Sheeham. Albert* Strasser George W i Sheehan. J. Joseph Strinr Howard She*hv. Joseph E Stuart. Daniel Sheffrev. Joseph Sullivan. E. B Shepard. Nelson Sweeney. James J. Sheridan. Joseph P. Sweenye. Paul A. i T Tamm. Edward Tobin. Richard F Tansill. F. R Toland Edmund M Taylor. Paul Toohev. John J. Taylor. W. T. Toomey. James Teichmann Walter Toomey. James A. Temke. Arthur Trainor. U. R Temple. Philips Treacy. H. J. F. Tennyson. A. L. Trinder. John H. Testa. Louis D Trinor. Eugene Thomas. Francis D. Trundle. Sidney Thore. E. M. Tucknott. Georae Thorn. D. S. Tumulty. J. P., jr. i Thornton. Herbert Undeck. Andrew Undeck. J. P. V Van Herpe. F X Vemer Arthur A. Vandevanter. R. Villopiano. J G. Vaughan. C. C. Volker. Herman Vaughan. G. T Voltz. J. F. Veitch Fletcher P \X Wagner. B M "'hitman. E. R. Waldron. John Wigglesworth. T E. Walker. Edwin H. Wilkinson. H . H. Wall. Joseoh S Williams. Charles Wallace. Joseoh Williams. F. B Walsh. J Herbert Williams, George W. Walsh. Richard M Williams. J. Cassin Walsh. T. Gillespie Wise. Bernard Webb Clarence O Wolp«rt Frank V. Weber, R J. Wood. Foster Welch Francis X. "'oodward. Ross J. WhiteJey. R P Woolridee. W. N. Whitesell. Russell A. Woolls. W. P. T Yon. E M. Young, James R. , Young. W. B. A MUSICAL MASTERPIECE Gulbransen DIA-CRON CONSOLE 3 ft. 8 in. high—59 in. wide —26 in. deep. Designed ex pressly for those who pre fer a small modern piano with the brilliant, rich, resonant tone of a GRAND. Exquisite authentic styling. Full 88-note scale. 5-post back. Soundboard, highest quality Adirondack Moun tain spruce. Genuine ivory keys. Hammers of finest quality wool felt. Wood parts of action are preci sion made from the best grade white rock maple. It is an instrument of high artistic perfection. Mahogany Walnut *395 *415 Deeerlptlee Folder Mailed on Rennert Other Conaole Model* $225 to $485 Convenient terms of purchase Droop’s • 1300 G Steinway and Culbranie* Plano*. -J Annual Summer Sale 10.95 to 14.95 ■ Cool Dresses • Cool Dork Sheers! • Town ond Resort • Striking Prints! Dresses! • One-Piece Dresses! Fair Washingtonians regard this Annual Sale os the one best chance of early Summer to get cool looking, smart-looking dress wardrobes lined up! Dresses personally selected to more than justify your confidence in this event! Daytime dresses I ... 10.95 to 14.95 values . . . for every occasion! 10.95 EVENING DRESSES . . . White rayon sharkskins . . . piques . . . dotted swisses . . . with "swishy" skirts. Many with jackets. Sizes 10 to 18 . . . Sale priced, 8.88. 'Better Dress Shoo. Third Floor ) ? / GOWNS! SLIPS! PAJAMAS! PANTIES! Originally $2 to $11.Noiv 99© to 7*29 It's most timely ... for you who ore buying intimate gifts for graduates . .. for bride-elects assembling trousseaux ... for you who want finer lingerie at a saving! Rayon crepe, rayon satins, rayon sheers, silk-and-rayon, and silk. Tailored and lace trimmed gowns and slips! 2-Pc. Butcher Boy Pa jamas! Hand-made, fitted fop panties! ORIG. 2.00 HOW 1.29 « ORW. 3.00 A'OW 1.49 's. / r o/?/o. 3.00 A Off7 1.99 ORIG. 2.00 NOW 1.29 Just a few of llie many! 100 Orig. 2.00 Slips..99c SO Orig. 2.2S Slips.. 1,49 SO Orig. 3.00 Slips.. 1,49 SS Orig. 3.00 Slips..|,99 3S Orig. 4.00 Slips..2,66 2S Orig. 6D0 Slips..3.99 13S Orig. 2.00 Gowns, 1.29 4S Orig. 3.00 Gowns, 1.99 61 Orig. 4.00 Gowns, 2.66 43 Orig. 7.00 Gowns, 4,66 30 Orig. S11 Gown Ensembles — 7.29 100 Orig. $2 Pajamas, 1.29 SS Orig. $2 Panties, 994* It’s cool, pleasant shop ping ... every floor health fully air-conditioned.