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<£ar& of QJlfankfl FIRBY. NELLIE THOMAS. From Mother. Father and Family: We wish to express our manv thanks to our friend? ■ r.d also relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy arid a d in the time of our distress a' the death of NELLIE THOMAS FURBY Manv thank* to the Arcade Sun shine co-worker*. ALICE E. THOMAS. • 0 ratlin BECKHAM. JOHN GARLAND. On Tues day June 11 1940. JOHN GARLAND BECKHAM of TOP Wolfe st . Alexandria. V*i son of John and Louise Beckham Re miins resting at the Lewis funeral home. £00 Wolfe st., Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. BILLINGS. DORIS. Departed this life Wednesday. June 11. 1940. at GaUincer Hospital DORIS BILLINGS lowne daugh ter of Doris Billings, granddaughter of Riizabe’h and Ch tie* Billings Other relatives and friends also survive Re mains resting at the funeral home of John T. Rhine.* A* Co.. 901 3rd st. s.w. Notice of funeral later BIGGS. WILLIAM H On Tuesday. June 11. 1940. WILLIAM H BIGGS beloved husband of the late Maggie Biggs He is survived by five dauRhter* and two sons. Remains resting at Gasch's funeral home. 46 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville. Md Services at the above funeral home on Friday. June 14. at 11am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery 13 BLALOCK. BFN. On Sunday. June 9. 194 0 in Asheville. N C BEN BLALOCK, husband of Lucinda Blalock, son of Emma Blalock, brother of John, ir Preston. Wil liam and Oland.a Blalock and I ucy Greg ory nephew of Sam Blalock. Ellen Irving. Rosa Wmfield Matilda Cook. Mary Morse and Lillian Ausbv. Other relatives and friends also survive Remains may be viewed ai Frazier's funeral home. 389 R. 2. ave n w. Funeral Thursday. June 13. at 1 nm. from Vermont Avenue Taptisi Church. Fpv c T Murray officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 11 BRANDFORD. LEO On Sunday. June 9 19 In, i FO BRANDFORD. b-lnved pus band of Flizaheth Brandford. devoted fa ther of Dorothy A. Brandford. brother of Ro a Pn B*' *’•' nMd Anna Carter. Ethel Fepd. Charlie and William Brandford He also leaves one uncle and one aunt to mourn th°ir loss. Funeral Friday. June 11 at 1:39 pm from the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14".' You st n w . Rev W. H Jernaem of ficiating Relatives and friend.* invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 13 PRICE. BESSIE II. On Sunday. June f> l.ojn BESSIE H BRICE daughter of Isom Hunter, loving mother of Sophie Bricp and Norma Brooks, sister of Nannie Robinson. Anna Hunter. Dcssie Phelps. Lucius. John Henry. Willie J and Hush G Hunter; grandmother of James Paul Brooks, jr Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 380 R. I ave n.w. Funeral Thursday. June 13. at 1 pm. from the John Wesley A M. E. Z on Churrh. 14th and Corcoran sts. n.w . Rev S G Spon.swnod offic a’lnc Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BENDY, JAMES. Departed this life fuddenlv on Tuesdav. June 11. 1040. JAMES BUNDY, beloved husband of Cerise Bundy He also leaves to mourn their loss one son. James, ir ' a granddaughter. ( dys Lee of New York City: a mec^ Miss Irene Brown, an aunt. Mrs. Marv Carter: a stepson. Paul White, and a host of other relatives and friends Remains may be vrwpd a’ the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.t: You st. n.w , after 10 a m. Friday. June 14. Funeral serweps will bp held Sa‘urday. June 15. at 1 30 pm. at tho Salem Ran T s* Church N st. between Oth and loth fs r. w . Ret. R D. Grymes officiating Relatives and friends invited to attend. Family at 1804 14th st. n.w. 14 COOPER. REDMOND. Departed this life Mondav J ne 10. 104<». at Gallineer Hos r • - . RFUMON'D COOPER, beloved son of V ’ll’.am and Mary Cooper He also is sur V:\ed by nine brokers and s-Mprs and ether relatives and fr;ends in Fr.fleld. N C Funeral Thursday. June 13. at 1:30 T> m . from the John T Rhines A- Co fu neral chane1. 3rd and Fvr sts. s u . Rev Kelsey officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. DPI LINGER. JOSEPH HARRY. JR. On Fundav. June 0. 104n. JOFFPH HARRY DFLLTNGER Jr . of o*:5 North Jackson st . Arlington Ya bc’overi son of Joseph Harry, ft. and Vaf;p Pov Dellmeer. and bro*her of Mr- Warren Harrison and Miss M;rcarrt Dellinger Remain* res-me a* the Ives funeral home *?8ir Wilson blvd . Arl ngton. Ya.. until Thursdav. June ]3 at 11 am : thence ?n Prosper* Hill Cemetery. Fron* Rovpj va where funeral services will be he’d at 1 d m DEM IN. M 4RG 4RTT CECILIA. On Wednesday. June 1*2. 1040. at her rr. ct®nrr j 5<»4 Neal sr n e,. MARGARET C. DEVLIN (pee Meehan*, beloved wife of Thomas J Devlin Funeral will be he’d from Timothv Han lon's funeral chapel. H st. ne. on Fridav June H. at 8 30 am H;~h re omem mass a* Holv Name Church at 0 a m pel a. rivet and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 FR ANC IS. C»FOK*• r. Decried this l ie Tu~5day. June 11 194 0. :v, the University Hc'PUal. Baltimore. Md . GEORGE FRAN CIS beloved son of *hp latp John and Mary Franc!5. He leave5 to mourn their loss a <jpvo*ed wife, daughter, two Grandchildren, two brothcrs. John and Willie Francis: one fie'er Julia Smith, and a host of o’hpr relatives and friends Funeral Friday. «TU’-p 14. at 9 o'clock a m . from SL Paous’ Church. BalMmore Md Burial in Mo- nt (-’Mr* Cemetery. W^'hineton. P C Fu neral arrangements by Raymus Saunder. • GALLAGHER. AIM A B. On Wednesday Jur» 12. 194" at hrr residence. 405 F'-st Can:*ol st AIM A B GALLAGHER, be loved wife of V’llliam B Gallagher mother rf Ju,,a F and Vil* am B. G?’ ?~hc’- 1r . p->d Marian F Dickerson She also is survived by three sis’ers pnd four bro’hers Funpr~1 from the Chamber5 funeral Lome, ait 11th st 5p on Saturday. Jun° 1A p* £ .’0 a m Mass wdl bp offered at F’ Joseph’s Catholic Church a’ 9 a m Ppb'jvpc pnd friend5 invited Interment Be'hel Cemetery Alexandria. Va. 14 GALLAGHER. RF. V EDWARD F. On Monday June 10. 19*". a- o«or-p*own TT~.vprsi*v Hospital Rrv FDWARD F GALLAGHER S J Remains m*v be v-ewed the rectory of Holy Trinity Church. 35 14 O s: n w.. on Tue'dav. June 11 af’er 4 pm until I pm. Wednesday. June 12. Off.ce of the dead will be recited on Thursday. June 13. at 9 :io a m. Requiem mass will be offered at 1" am Interment Georgetown University Cemetery. 12 GARBERS. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN. On Tuesday. June 11. join, at Mount Al’o Hospital. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN GARBERS beloved hu.-band of Minnie n Garbers. Remain5 resting a* th« Chamber5 George town funeral home. 31m and M sts n w. GraveMde services ar.d interment in Ar lington National Cemetery on Thursday. June 13. at 11 a.m 12 GARBERS. AMI LI AM C. The comrades of R. chard J Harden Camp. .No. Um’ed Spanish War Vet erans wiT assemble at 10:15 t m Thur-dav. June 13. 1940. it Chambers funeral home. ’.I5* and M sts. n w.. 0 r the _ funeral of our ia’p comrade. WILLIAM C GARBERS Interment Ar lington NnUonn! Cemetery. VICTOR McCLOSKEY. Commander. H L. LESLIE. Adjutant. GASSAAVAY. HARRIETT. Departed this I fp Monday June 1". 19 10. at Chestnut Ftrice Mri after a lone illness. HARRIETT GASSAAVAY She 'eaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Mrs. Sadie Webb one f • AVi . a1" Ga? iwaj six grandchildren, tw . eree* grandchildren and other rcla t • ec and friends Remains rest me a? Sin 12th s*. nr. after \ p.m. Wednesday. June 12 Funeral Thursday. June l.'L at I pm from the chap 1 of Barnes & Matthews’ funeral home. "It 1’ii 5* s w . Rev. F. F. K-nt officiating Interment Harmony Cem etet v. GIL! I. ROSALIA. On AVcdncsdav. June 32. !!»!••. ROSALIA OULl.I beloved wife c' rhe ’a’e Frank S. Guiii and mother of VT’-rnr Anthony. Frank and Alvn Gulli Funeral from 'he residence of her son. 4*>24 4th s* n.w. Sat urday. June 15. at 9 '" am thence to S’. Gabriel’s Church, v ne re icq: ;em macs wdl be said af 10 a m. for the rppo5r of her soui Relatives and fr.p"d5 invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 HART. MOM AM li A On Tuesday. June It. U‘4". :<• hi5 r°-'0'nee. L.'ni Cor coran 5- n w MONTAGUF \ HAK I', he lmed von of Marc are’ and the late AYilIiam Hart ar.d brother cf Manor." pnd the lete Jerome Kart Also surviving are an aunt. Mr- Pau- ne Green and other »elat.ves and fr end5 Remain5 rr.-’ na at the Mc C-'i'fp funeral home i£2ti 9*'' s’ n.w Rrcu'.en mass wil be offered at Ft. Aug-r- * me « Catholic Church Thursday Jur.p 13 at 10 a m . for th® rcoosp of hi5 goul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • HART. >10X1 AGUE A. The Junior Holy Name Society of St Aucus’ine's Church vi'l mepf a- the MoGutre funeral home. 3F20 9*h s* nw, AA’ednesday. J’tre 12. 1940. et £ d m to reci’p ’he Rosarv for the roposp of thp soul of MONTAGUF A. HART FATHER J HAMILTON. S D. JENKS. HOLLAND W. HOLT AND W. JENKS Services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. nw on Fri da'' June 14. 1940. at 11 a m Interment private. 13 MASSTE. NANNIE. CH Sunday. June P 1940 at Freedmen's Hospital. NANNIE MASSIF beloved mother of Thaddeus. John Charlie Joseph and Susie Ma'sie Virginia Brown Emma Chris’.an ?rd Mar garet Mingo She also leaves other rela tives and friends Remains re5tin? ?.t the W Ernest Jarvs funeral church 1432 You at nw after 5 rm Wednesday June 12 Funeral Wednesday. June 12. at £ rm. ftom the above funeral home. Relatives and friends invited. 12 , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. YVilliam Lee’s Sons Co. FTNERAI DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Maas Are N.E._Lincoln 0280. LINCOLN 0372 * LINCOLN 0468. Zurhorst Funeral Home, Es'ablished 185? Day and Ambulance Service. _City Calls. $2._ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither succesfor to nor connected with the original W R ^prare establishment 1009 H st. N.w, FUNERAL DESIGNS GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* i Hit F St N W_National 4878 GEO C. SHAFFER. Inc EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES A7 MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 Co. 14th & Eye Srathfl McCALL. L. CLAUDE. Suddenly, on i Tuesday. June 11. 1P40 at his residence. I 144 12th st n e . L CLAUDE McCALL. be j loved husband of Lora Lee McCall and fa ther of Maxine McCall. Remains resting 1 af the Zirkle funeral home. 510 C st. n e. Notice of funeral hereafter. MEYER. FREDERICK A. On Tuesday June 11. 1040. at his residence. 2106 G I st. n w , Washington. D C . FREDERICK A MEYER, beloved husband of Ramza i Meyer Remains resting at 8 Owens ave.. Hyattsville. Md. Services at the Presbyterian Church. Johnson ave. Hyattsville. Md on Thurs day. Junn 1.1. at 2 pm Relatives and fr.cnds invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. MICKEL. MRS. JULIA. On Tuesday. •J|:ne 11. 1040. at Doctors' Hospital, Mrs. JULIA MICKEL of 180,1 Biltmore st. n w.. bploved wife of Joseph Mickel and mother of Salwa Jean Mickel and Aneleme Mickel. Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2P01 14th .st, n w. on Thursday. June 1.1, at 1:30 pm: thence to St. George s Syrian Orthodox Church. 100? 8th st. nw. where mass will be offered at 2 p.m Rev Father John A. Kourv will ; officiate. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. MULLICAN, MARY ALICE. On Tues , day. June 11 1040. at Montgomery Countv ! Hospital. Olney. Md.. MARY ALICE MUL LICAN. widow of Henry Mullican. Re 1 rrlay?.K resting at the Colonial funeral home I of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Funeral services at the Methodist j Church. Layhill. Md . on Thursday. June I 13. at 2:30 p.m. Interment church ceme tery. NEALE, HARRIETT ANN. On Monday June in. 11140. at her residence. 1H50 Park road n w HARRIETT ANN NEALE, beloved daughter of Augustine W and Jane Neale, late of Charles County. Md. Funeral from the above residence on Thursday. June 13. at S am. Requiem inns' at St. Ignatius’ Church. Chapel Point. Md at, 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. XL ALL, MATILDA A. On Tuesday. June I L J!»4o. at Greeneville. Tenn . MATILDA A beloved wife of the late D R Neall and mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Boltnmlev Funeral from 3034 M st n.w Thursday. June 13. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemeterv. jo OFFTERDINGFR. HFNRV T. On Tues j dav *H)np ' ' 1040. at Siblrv Memorial i Hospital HENRY i. OFF l ERDINGFR of 1 Kennedy place n.w.. beloved husband ; of Alice T OfTierdingcr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral i home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday, j June 13. at 10:30 am. Interment Fort ’ Lincoln Cemetery. PI RIF. NELLIE MATTHEWS. On Mon day. June 10. IPlo, at her residence r.’o : ntDTp Chase drive. NELLIE MATTHEWS PIKIL. beloved wife of the late William Pine mother of Harry J . Louis A. and Raymond M Pirir funeral from the above residence on : Wednesday. June i\\ at 3 Dm Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood 1 Cemetery. POORE. MARION WAY. On Tuesday June IJ. 1040. at the Episcopal Ear Eve »nd_Throat Hospital. MARION WAY ; POORE of 43H River rd . n.w . beloved j husband of Gladys M Poore and father of j Marion Wav Poore, ir. Funeral services at the above residence ' °n Friday. June 1 4. at >*:30 a m : thence to S' Ann's Catholic Church. Wis ave i and Vuma st. n w . where mass will be of tered at 0 a m. Interment Mount Olivet I Cemetery. 13 i -AND. HARRY I EE. Suddenly, on I Tuesday. June 11. 1040. at his residence. Jl;?l‘land Dlace n HARRY LEE ! RAGLAND beloved husband of Ida P. ■ Kagiand and father of Joseph Pemberton ! Ragland. F P Counselor at Brisbane. Australia, and Harry Beaufort Ragland of , New York City. I Funeral services at his late residence on Friday. June 14. at 11 a.m. Interment private. j;i RAGLAND. HARRY LEE. A special »•) comm unicat on of Dawson Lodge /W No- F A A. M . will be held /L\\ at the Masonic Temple on Fn Junp Ft. 104n. at 10 a m . the purpose of attending the \ funeral of our late brother HARRY LEE RAGLAND. By order of the worshipful mas’er. JOHN A COLBORN. SperPtarv RIDDICK. LENA I*. On Tuesday. June >'■ ILENA r RIDDICK dnushtfr of Anpio Pncr. Mstrr of Ruth Colpmnn, Raiay and Nathaniel Price. Essip Mae Fai;l ■ con and Gertrude Powell. Funeral and interment Weldon. N C Arrangements bv Malvan Sc Schey. ROBINSON. ROSE!.. On Monday June in. 1!Mn ROSFL ROBINSON, brimvd wife of Arthur Robinson, devoted daughter of Mary Lewis, granddaughter of M l. Thurston Sh<- also leaves five sisters four brothers, other relatives and friends Remains resting a* the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. nw Funeral Thursday. June 13. at ^ pm. from the First Baptist Church. Ridge ave Takoma Park. Md Rev V T. Taylor of ficiating. Relatives and friends invited Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. J 2 SCHEIXENBFRG. ETHFI, M Entered eternal lifp on Monday. June u>. 3.040 Homeopathic Hospital. ETHEL M SCHEL 1 ,nIp Smith', the beioved wife of John G Pnellenbers. mother of John \v :1.1am Srhe lenbere ard daughter rf the late William Leroy Smith and Mrs. Laura G S m: t li. Funeral services at her latte residence. 1 M ' n.e.. on Thursday. June 1.3. at | •. n m Relatives and friends invited In | term-nt Mount Olivet Cemetery. 'Fred Pr:cJj: JJ/i.. nepers please copy.* Services bv W. W. Chambers. 12 SCOTT. JAMES SHERMAN. On Sun 1 Gallinser Hospital .'AMEN GHERMAN SfOi T o M i * *. - A Mnr , husband ol the late Lillie L°ott. Ho leaves four daughters, Go brothers. John and Them a s Scnti; a oP. ' °ted mot he r-in-la w and other relatives end friends to mourn their loss Remains resting ?■ the Henry S. Washington <V Son' fureral home. 4*;; N nw Funeral Thursday. June 33. at 1-pm. from Galbraith A. M. E Zion Church I 1 j » ntn st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. SMACKI M. GEORGE. On Tuesday. ■L n- 11. l!UO GEORGE SMACKUM of ..n*0 M st. n.w beioved son of Stanton and Mary Smackum. husband of Martha , Smackum. brother of Louise Dan San Marguerite and Theresa Smackum. Chris .Alexander Joseph and Francis smackum. He also leaves other relatives and friends Remains ^estinc at the W Erne't Jarvis West End parlor. 28th st and Dumbarton ave . after II a m. Fridav. Jun* 14. , , Funeral Saturday. June 15 at 8:30 a m . 1 from the above parlor, thence to the ! Church T^e Epiphany where mass will , re offered at .0 a m Relatives and friends ; invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemc tery. J4 SMITH, ANNIE F. On Wednesday. June e* ,1:M° ANNIE E SMITH, beloved wife of William Smith, mo'her of Mrs Mav Overton. Mrs. Grace Andrews. Mrs Nancv Rockefeller of Norfo’k Va : Mrs Myrtle Mochwart of New York Citv and W G Smith of New Yo-k Cry Remains resting at Chambers’. !4<>n Chapin st. nw Notice of funeral later. STFAFNS. JAMES M. On Tucsdav June II 1040. JAMES M. STEVENS, beloved husband of Mathilda Stevens and father of Benjamin C. Stevens Funeral from the \V W Deal funeral home. 4 SI 2 Georgia ave nw on Thurs day. June 13. at 4 n m Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Jacobs. Ill 13 STEWART JAMES E. Passed awav on W rdnesd^ar. June 12. 10 In JAMES E STEWARi. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Fay Stewart; one sister. Pearl E Jackson: one bro’her. Joseph Stew ar: and other relatives and friends Re mains resting at Campbells funeral home. 423 4th st s w Notice of funeral later. STROTHER. ANNIE J. On Monday. J’ no lo 1040 at Casualty Hoscifal. AN NIE J STROTHER widow of John Strother Services at the T. Frank Murrav funeral home 74! llth st. sc., on Thursday. Jur^ 13. at 0 a m Relatives and friend' ; inv. ed. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. TALBERT. C ARRIE. On Monday June 10. 104o. CARRIE TALBERT, mother of Iona fcibert. Lugene Fields. Effie Kelley *2rv_ Charlie. Walter. Calvin and Booker T Talbert. She also leaves twenty-two grandchildren Remains resting at Stew art s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e . and may be viewed after 4 n m. Wednesday Interment Thursday. June 14. in Rich mond. Va. 12 WHITING. RICHARD GATLIN On Wednesday. June 12. 1010. at his residence. 7-0 Marion st.. Hyattsviile. Md . RICHARD GATLIN WHITING, beloved husband of Le."tP e Whitinc Services at the Pinkney Memorial Fn scopal Church Spencer st.. Hvaus v: e Md.. on Friday June 14. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery 13 WISE. SUSIE S. On Tuesday. June 11. I1"" a* Georgetown University Hospital. SUSIE S. WISE. belo\ed w.fe of Charles D. W i'e. sr . of 1300 36th st. n.w. Washing ! ton. D. C . and mother of Lerov A . Charles D. <r . p.nd John E Wise, and Mrs. Leona Marie Collins She also is survived bv : four sisters. Annie Sadie C and Mattie E. Vr;:ht. and Mrs. John B Powers of Eagle. Alaska two brothers. William H and Isaac W Wright and four grandchildren Remands resting at the Ives funeral horr.e. 284? Wilson hlvd Arlington. Va . where s«rvic®s will be hrld on Fridav. June 14. at 2 rm Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Columbia Gardens Ceme tery. 13 In fHrmnrtam KRAHLING. JAMES C., JR. In loving remembrance of our dear son and brother. JAMES C KRAHLING. Jr., who left us two i vears ago todav. June 12. 1P.2S. Some th’nk wo have forgotten. Pome think the wound is healed But little do they know the sorrow Thai Lee jn „.jr hearts concealed. DEVOTED MOTHER. FATHER. BROTHERS AND SISTER. OLIVER. FANNIE R. A tribute of love to 'he sacred memory of our beloved little n-ethrr. FANNIE B OLIVER, who entered eternal rest two years ago today. June 12. ; llitts. j Pe-icpful be thy rest, dear mother, Tis sweet to breathe thy name; In 'ife we loved you dearly. In death we do the same. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our ryes shed many a tear. God only knows how we miss you At 'he end of two saddened years. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER GERTRUDE. AND SONS. MERRILL. WALTER AND CLARENCE. • ri MI-HREY, WILLIAM P.. CHARES B. ; AND J. ELI.A. In loving remembrance of ■ our dear ones, WILLIAM P. PUMPHREY. wvo left us January 1. ion: CHARLES B PUMPHREY. June 12 1914: J. ELLA PUMrHREY. January 2S. 1915. Till memory fades and life deoarts. You will live forever in our hearts; Time tskes away the edge of grief. But memory turns back every leaf MFP M H PUMPHREY AND MRS HATTYE BERRY. • * H. T. Offterdinger Rites Will Be Held Privately Tomorrow Former Tobacco Merchant Was Owner of Realty Business Here Funeral services for Henry T. Offterdinger, 74, will be held pri vately tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at the Hines funeral home. 2901 Four teenth street N.W.. with burial in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Mr. Offterdinger, who died early yesterday, was the owner of the Ofty j Corp., a real estate firm, and was a vice president of the Lincoln Na I tional Bank. A former tobacco mer chant, he retired from that business in 1922 after building here one of ; the largest cigar making factories : south of New York City. Born in Lynchburg. Va„ Mr. Offterdinger came to Washington ! at the age of 14 and within five years j was in the cigar making business for himself. He opened a shop in the 500 block of Ninth street N.W., where for 40 years he turned out many brands of cigars. Some of his better known brands were the Ofty, ' which derived its name from an ! abbreviation of his own. the Medita tion. the After Dinner, the Deer Head and La Anita. Sold Business in 1922. When he sold his tobacco busi ness in 1922, it was a prosperous or ganization and one *of the city's land marks. During the following I six years Mr. Offterdinger was vice president of a cigar making firm in Andover, Pa. Meanwhile, in 1924, he had become associated with the Lincoln National Bank. Before be coming vice president, he served as a member of its Board of Directors j ; and as chairman of the Executive | Committee of the board. In 1926 he started the Ofty Corp., j a real estate holding and developing ! concern. Although formally retired i during the past several years, he I continued to devote a great part of his time to the business. Early Member of Rotary. Mr. Offterdinger was a member of Almas Temple of the Shrine, Co lumbia Commandery, Knights Temp lar: Lafayette Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and Columbia Lodge of Masons. He was one of the first members of the Rotary Club and a former member of the Washington Board of Trade. He made his home at 1627 Kennedy place N.W. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. ! Alice T. Offterdinger: three sons. Theodore. J. Frederick and Harold P. Offterdinger: two daughters. Mrs. Anita L. Spain and Mrs. Mildred M. Brooke, all of Washington, and two sisters in Lynchburg. V. H. Polachek Dies; Hearst Executive B> the Associated Press. GREAT NECK. N. Y„ June 12.— Victor Henry Polachek. 63. member of the general management of Hearst newspapers and retired business manager of the American Weekly, died at his Long Island home yester day. A newspaper man of the old school, he worked successively for the Chi cago Times, the Chicago Inter- j Ocean, and The New York World. After a year as city editor of the New York American he returned to Chicago where he was managing editor of the Examiner from 1904 1914. Thomas P. Van Arsdale To Be Buried Here Thomas P. Van Arsdale, 80. a na tive of Washington, who died sud denly in San Diego. Calif.. May 30. will be buried in Glenwood Cemetery here, relatives have announced. Mr. Van Arsdale was in business in the Capital until his retirement 10 years ago. , He succumbed to a heart attack at the home of a niece. Mrs. WTilliam B. France, and funeral services were held in San Diego June 1. In addition to Mrs. France, Mr. Van Arsdale is survived by two other nieces. Mrs. Vernon E. West and Miss Emily Van Arsdale of Wash ington. and two nephews, Joseph G. and George E. Van Arsdale of New York City. In iHrmoriam ROYALL. CLARA F. A tribute of love to the memory 0f our dear mother. CLARA F ROYALL. who departed this life one year ago today. June 12. 1939. HER FAMILY. • | ROYALL, CLARA STRFB. In loving memory of my dear mother. Mrs CLARA i STREB ROYALL. who passed away one year ago today. June 12. 1939. A loving one from me has gone. A voice I loved is still: A place is vacant in my home This world can never fill. HELEN. • SMALLWOOD, VIRGINIA. In loving memory of our darling mother and sister. : VIRGINIA SMALLWOOD, who departed this life June 12. 1922. Her thoughts were all so full of us, She never could forget! And so we think that where she is. She must be watching yet. THE FAMILY • SFF.CHT, GFORGF A. A tribute of love i and remembrance to our dear son and cousin. GEORGE A SPECHT. who de- j Parted this life thirteen years ago today. ! June 12. 1927. So sad. co sudden was the call. His death was a shock to all. But God in His wisdom knew what was best. So He took him to heaven to rest. Every day brings sweet memories. Every memory brings a tear: Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of the one we loved so dear. LOVING FAMILY. • SPRIGGS. FLORENCE I. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother, j FLORENCE I. SPRIGGS, who passed away four years ago today. June 12. 1936. As the years pass on we feel an increas ing need for vour presence, mother, dear Your wise counsel and guidance meant so much to us. YOUR DEVOTED CHILDREN • SPRIGGS. FLORENCE I. A sacred and sincere tribute of love to the memory of my dear mother. FLORENCE I. SPRIGGS, who parsed away four years ago today. June 12. 1936. There is a sad but sweet remembrance, There is a memory fond and true. There is a token of affection, mother. And a heartache still for you. ELISE. • STEVENSON. AMELIA SURER. In lov ing memory of my dear mother and our sister and friend AMELIA SUBER STEVENSON, who passed away four years ago today. June 12. 1936. God knows how? much we loved her. Never shall her memory fade. Loving thoughts will ever wander To the spot where she is laid HER DEVOTED SON. LOUIS STEVENSON AND LOVING SISTERS. LOUISE PENN AND MATTIE MARSHALL. • THOMAS. HELEN R. In loving memory of mv dear mother. Mrs. HELEN R THOMAS, who departed this life one year ago today. June 12. 1939. God saw the road was getting rough. The hill was hard to climb: He gently closed her loving eyes. And whispered. 'Peace be thine.” HER LONELY AND DEVOTED DAUGH TER. EDMONIA GALLAGHER. • TILLS, SARAH. A tribute of love to the sacred memory of our darling mother. SARAH TILLS, who left us six years ago today. June 12. 1934. Often we think of you. dear mother. And our hearts are sad with Dain: Oh! This world would be like heaven If w* could hear your voice again. Just when your life was sweetest. And you could have lived your best. God tool you home to enjoy eternal rest. DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. CLARA SIMMS AND ROSETTA ALLEN. • Hugh Pendexter Dies; Author of Boys' Books By the Associated Pres*. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., June 12.— Heart disease caused the death yes terday of Hugh Pendexter, 65-year old noted author of boys’ books, as he rested in bed listening to his wife reading. He suffered an attack some time ago while visiting a brother-in-law, B. F. Faunce. Mr. Pendexter’s home was at the little Maine town of Norway, where he wrote more than 60 novels and boys’ books and more than 1,000 short stories since his work caught the public fancy 29 years ago while he was a newspaper reporter at Rochester, N. Y. Among his best-known novels were "Old Misery,” "Kings of the Missouri," "The Dark Road," "A Virginia Scout,’* and "The Bush Lopers." World War Veteran Kills Self at Laurel Roy Brown. 44-vear-old World War veteran, was found fatally shot In the back yard of the home of his father-in-law, D. E. Headley of Laurel. Md., early this morning. According to Policeman Charles N. Thomsen of Prince Georges County, Mr. Brown was discovered lying in the yard with a pistol in his hand by Mr. Headley, who had heard a shot. Mr. Brown, police said, had been in ill health and was undergoing treatment at Soldiers Home Hos pital in Washington. Dr. James Sasscer. acting county medical examiner, issued a cer tificate of suicide. Airport Move Pushed CUMBERLAND, Md., June 12 (/P). —Moving quickly to obtain an air port, the Mayor and City Council voted yesterday to pay at least $2,000 Saturday to take up options on 219 acres of land near Wiley Ford, W. Va„ 3 miles from Cumberland. Councilmen said action was to be taken immediately, due to the pres ent national policy for adequate defense. College Head Host Members of the Silver Spring (Md.» Businessmen's Association were guests last night of Dr. Roy Tasco Davis at National Park Col lege, Forest Glen, at a dinner meet ing. Dr. Davis, president of the college, showed technicolor motion pictures of college activities. LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 I Ith St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations lr/(^MONUMENTS 111 III *40up ll J MARKERS HI FALVEY IK |fiRANITE CO. INC «- «* ', W Established 50 Years KlljL:=^^209 UPSHUR ST.NW. Near Roc* Creek Cemttmy - Mrs. Elizabeth Doster Dies at Home Here Mrs. Elizabeth Annie Middleton Doster, 77, widow of Ben Hill Doster, newspaperman, died Sunday night at her home, 3806 Twelfth street N.E. Funeral services were to be held at 3:30 p.m. today at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Shreveport, La. Mrs. Doster, a native of Atlanta, Ga., had made her home in Wash ington 15 years. Her husband, once an employe of the Atlanta Constitu tion, died in 1911. Mrs. Doster was a member of Esther Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a founder of Magnolia Chapter of that order in Shreveport. She was also a member of the D. A. R. and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. She leaves three daughters, Miss Julia Doster and Mrs. Grace Wil liams, both of Washington, and Mrs. Dora A. Utz of Shreveport. Wife of Maj. McIntyre Dies at Warrenton Special Dispatch to The Star. WARRENTON, Va*. June 12.—Mrs. Lillie Smith McIntyre. 80. wife of Maj. Robert A. McIntyre, Warren ton attorney, died last night after a year's illness. Mrs. McIntyre, a native of Fauquier County, Va„ was the daughter of the late Maj. A. G. Smith, founder of the Bethel Mili tary Academy. Besides her hus band, she leaves a son, R, C. Mc Intyre of Richmond, and two daugh ters, Mrs. A. Ludlow Clark of New York City and Miss Elizabeth Carter McIntyre of Warrenton. Funeral Services Today For Larry F. Page Larry F. Page, 33, researcher in long-range weather forecasting with the Agriculture Department, died Monday in Emergency Hospital. Funeral services were to be held at 3 p.m. today at the Gawler funeral home, 1750 Pennsylvania avenue N.W. Burial will be private. Mr. Page, a native of Des Moines, Iowa, was graduated from Drake University in 1927. He lived in Des Moines until 1934, when he came to Washington. He first served with the Weather Bureau and later with the Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates in the Agriculture Depart ment. In 1938 he studied at the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology. Re turning to Washington the following year, he was assigned to the com ^PAINT YOUR HOUSE MOW —and the most economical house paint we could recommend for the job, is H-Q OUTSIDE PAINT. Ready mixed in white and best liked colors: .75 3 Gala, or More 1 Gal ., * 1.95 fi >/* Gal., *l.3j V Quarts, i5o | Ij Here’$ a Guaranteed Ked Koor raint Another H-Q product sold exclusively at Peoples Hardware Stores, It is ready to use, in an ideal mixture of red metalic and pure lin- £ ^g b ^ seed oil with Japan dryer. ,jy Not only economical, but I ., (;i|> extremely serviceable. $1 69 ■ or Alore gallon___ H-Q FLOOR AND DECK ENAMEL, for inside and Oft AQ outside use on all kinds of floors, steps, decks. Gallon Vi Gal., $1.70; Quart, 89c H-Q Caulking Compound A plastic compound for raulkin* doorways, wood, con- AP Crete or brick. Also ^ V |Jfw excellent for boats. I Ret. S2.50. Gallon ■ Gal., fl. 10; Qt.. t.Oc H-Q Flat Wall Paint Lovely flat finish for walU ceilings wood work. etc Our reg ular $2.15 Quality— Gallon *2 Gals, or more $1.75 Gal. Ree. $1.15 Gal. $1.25 Reg. 79c Quart 75c PURE RAW LINSEED OIL _ ..98c Got. 100% PURE TURPENTINE (not steam distilled). 59c Gal. COMPLETELY DENATURED ALCOHOL_55e Gal. PAINT THINNER (Mineral spirits) 30c Gal. Choice of the above with your own container. SHELLAC (orange and white), $1.40 Gal.; 5 Gals., $1.35 Gal. PAINT REMOVER, full pound can_ 69c "LUCKY STRIKE" HOUSE PAINT A durable white, flat white and colors. We recommend “Lucky Q Strike'' Paint for lonR wear and economy. Good paint at a bargain price. PEOPLES HflfiDUIflfif FOR DELIVERY: Lincoln 10430-4044; Woodley 5311; Adamt 1641 mlttee directing work on the 1941 yearbook of the Agriculture Depart ment, "Climate and Man.” He also wrote several special reports on sta tistical meteorology. He made his home in Buckingham Village. Arlington, Va. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Irene Gier Page; his father, Lon R. Page of Des Moines, and a brother, Jean Page of Fayette, Mo. Broadcasting Academy Final exercises of the National Academy of Broadcasting will be held tomorrow at 8; 15 p.m. at 2017 S street N.W, Buy ISow and SAVE PRICES ADVANCE JUNE 17 on i "blue coal9 SUMMER BUDGET PLAN No Down Payment No Interest Griffith - Con sumers serves you ‘blue coal’ from 11 conven ient locations in and around Washington. We Guarantee 2,240 lbs. to ton on every delivery (riffith-(onsumers (ompany 1413 New York Ave. N.W. MEtropolitan 484C Coming June 21! First De Luxe All-Coach Train Maine and New Hampshire -^ THE Never before to the cool north woods and beaches of New England a train like this! A gay day liner so fast you're in Portland for dinner. Running every day from June 21 to September 13 —and at the NEW LOW COACH FARES! A great train to a great vacationland! Look at its Features — «• among tho first to reserve a seat on The • TAVERN-LOUNGE CAR .RADIO Eas-Wind. All sent, must •-AMART GRILL * * IOW-PRICED MEALS be reserved inaavone*. * LUXURY COACHES WITH ■ .T LARGE PANORAMA" ■ i - 7 RECLINING SEATS AT WINDOWS NO EXTRA COST _4 . COMPLETELY AIR- . • ATTENDANTS CONDITIONED Hl$TOftyf Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star SPECIAL- tradnowfer YOUR NEARBY RUUD-MONEL DEALER WILL GLADLY EXPLAIN DETAILS AMBER(<rR A WOHLFARTH. INC. 4 701 41st St. N.W. ATCHISON A KELLER. INC. 1116 Irvine St. N.W. MILTON BAIRSTOW 1011 E. Capitol Street J L. BATEMAN A SON 2212 R. I. Ave. N.E. JOHN M BEANE 327 L St. N.E. JULIES T. BECKER 1020 18th St. N.W. OTTO W. BENSON 5008 Conn. Ave. N.W. FRANK BENTLEY, INC. 3717 Georria Ave. N.W. A. P. BOVELLO 3330 Georria Ave. N.W. JOHN E. BOYLAND 2413 Penna. Ave. N.W. BRINCEFIELD CO., INC. 2024 R. I. Ave. N.E. CHARLES B. BROOME 614 F St. N.E. M. J. COLBERT CO.. INC. 1008 M St. N.W. THOS. E. CLARK. INC. 4131 Conn. Aye. N.W. JOHN T. COLLINS 1330 Valley Place S.E. CROCKETT ENG. CO.. INC. 4*21 Elm St.. Betheeda. Md. DALT A MADDEN * 13 H St. N.W. S. J. DENNY 3415 14th St. N.W. H R EBERLY A SON 1500 N. Capitol St. EDW B. ESHLEMAN 2414 Hamlin St. K.E. J. C. FLOOD CO. 2012 14th St. N. W. W. L. GARY CO.. INC. 3111 11th St. N.W. JOHN W. HIGDON 4300 10th St. K.E. JOE HIGH. INC. 1215 13th St. N.W. SHERMAN W. JACK 31 Sycamore Ave.. Tak. Pk. F G. JACKSON 1009 E St. N.W. FRANK A KERR A CO. 1361 Wise. Ave. N.W. HERVEY L. LAUDER 1629 Wise. Ave. N.W. C. M LIPP A SON 1412 Que St. N.W. F. N. LORIA CO 4713 Miller Are., Bethesda JAMES W. McCORMACK. JR. 302 R. I. Ave. S.E. WM. E MILLER 042 Ouincr St. N.W. HARRY E. NAU A CO . INC. 3517 13th St. N.W. E. J. PAYNE 1600 A St. N.E. PRUITT A ZIMMERMAN. INC. 2438 18th St. N.W. A. F. SENGSTACK CO. 616 Penna. Ave. S.E. ARTHUR SNOWDEN 812 Kentucky Ave. S.E. ARTHUR A. STACY 1430 Varnnm St. N.W. SAMUEL S. STREB 3501 McKinley St. N.W. ARTHUR J THOLL 1708 9th St. N.W. EDW. TOLLAND. INC. 1316 »th St. N.W. GEORGE D WEITZEL 1243 Good Hone Rd S.E. MATTHEW A. WELCH 3S0n 12th St. N.E. WILEY * LL'DKE ISO? Nichols Are. S.E. HARRY E. WILLIAMS 1405 X. Capitol Street WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. 411 Tenth St. N.W. WASHINGTON SUBURBAN GAS CO. 14 Johnson Aee.. HrattsTilio ALEXANDRIA GAS CO. 601 Kina 8t„ Alexandria ROS8LYN GAS CO. 3240 Wilson Bird.. Arlinaton A FREE MONEL POT CLEANER WHEN YOU CALL ★ ★ ★ "Happy Baths" ... an other way of saying "clean and hot" from a new RUUD Automatic Gas Water Heater with a Monel tank. Monel-protected RUUD Hot Water is carefree and thrifty, for everyone in the family . . . every hour of every day. There is absolute freedom from rust, for Monel's the modern, extra strong, silvery metal which can never rust. The Monel tank is guaranteed in writing against failures due to rust or corrosion for 20 YEARS. 20 YEAR GUARANTEE Get all the details today. Your nearby RUUD-MONEL Dealer offers SPECIAL RUUD-MONEL TERMS and a LIBERAL ALLOWANCE for your old water heater. - RUUD "\r«“ All Sizea for Old and New Home