OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 05, 1940, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1940-07-05/ed-1/seq-14/

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Defense Not Directed
Against Nazis, Says
Communist Paper
British and French Press
Accused of Attempt
To Prejudice Relations
By the Associated Press.
MOSCOW, July 5 —Pravda, Com
munist party organ, said today
Soviet defense preparations and the
actions of the Red Army in the
northwest, west and south were di
rected “against plans of the British
French war mongers” and were not
directed against Germany.
Pravda's comment was inspired by
publication in it and other Moscow
papers, including the government
paper Izvestia, of excerpts of al
leged French documents* in the
latest German white book pur
porting to show plans to attack
Russia's oil fields.
Izvestia said in part:
“These documents prove once
more how justified was the Soviet
Union when it based its foreign
policy on efforts to strengthen its
defense in the north and south
and to strengthen its positions on
the frontiers with Finland, the
Baltic states, Rumania. Turkey, etc.
“The British and French press
never ceased and are not ceasing
to circulate rumors to the effect
that measures of the U. S. S. R
in Finland, the Baltic states and on
the western frontiers constitute a
'menace to Germany.’ The purpose
Of these provocators is clear:
“First, they futilely attempt to
prejudice German-Soviet relations
clearly and solidly defined by
treaties existing between the U. S.
S. R. and Germany:
"Second, this slander is to serve
as a smokescreen for anti-Soviet
machinations by the authors of
these rumors themselves.
"The documents of the sixth white
book show with full clarity how wise
and timely were the defense meas
ures of the U. S. S. R. aimed to
thwart anti-Soviet plans of the
British-French imperialists."
Pravda, in the same vein, said
Soviet measures were not directed
against Germany.
Germany Accuses Allies
Of Oil Sabotage Plot
BERLIN, July 5 (£*).—Germany
published today three more alleged
French documents of the new Nazi
“White Book” purporting to show
that the Allies had planned to de
stroy Soviet Russian oil fields this
summer to further the war on Ger
Seven previous alleged documents.
Which the official German news
agency, DNB, said were seized by
German troops in France, were de
clared to have shown that the Allies
planned to cut off the Reich’s ore
and oil sources and entangle neu
trals in the war.
Daladier Note Revealed.
The first of three issued yesterday
was described as a hand-written
note by former French Premier
Edouard Daladier, dated January
19, requesting Generalissimo Mau
rice Gamelin and Admiral Jean
Darlan to "compose a memorandum
about possible intervention for de
struction of Russian oil fields.”
Another alleged document dealt
with French and British air forces
and reported their general staffs in
accord, as of April 5, on a joint oper
ation against Russia’s Batum and
Baku oil refineries and port facilities
In the Caucasus.
Date for Attack Set.
The third of this series and the
ninth alleged document thus far
published embraces a letter sup
posedly sent by Generalissimo Max
lme Weygand to Gen. Gamelin and
Air Force Gen. Vuillemin April 17
acheduling operations to begin at
the end of June or early in July.
Later the Germans appended four
more documents purported to be
telegrams from Gen. Gamelin to
British Prime Minister Churchill
during the early days of the Nazi
drive through the West, urging im
mediate dispatch of 10 British air
squadrons to relieve pressure on the
Allied armies.
Father Slays Daughter,
Shoots Self, in Convent
By the Associated Press.
VALHALLA, N. Y„ July 5.—Jo
•eph Moshell, 47, wounded and still
In his American Legion uniform,
, was held today on charges of first
degree murder in the slaying of his
daughter Melba, 15, before the hor
rified gaze of the sister superior in
the Episcopal Convent of St. Mary's
in the Field.
State troopers, who found Moshell
on the floor of the convent room
yesterday with a self-inflicted bul
let over his heart but still conscious,
said he operated a chain of three
dry-cleaning establishments in Phil
Sergt. John A. Gafney of the
troopers said Moshell entered the
convent with a box of candy, asked
for his daughter and when she en
tered the room drew his revolver.
Sergt. Gafney said Moshell then shot
her through the heart and right side
and turned the gun on himself, while
the sister superior. Sister Celestine,
fled to call the police.
Troopers said that the girl was
committed by Juvenile Court to an
institution in Philadelphia and re
moved on June 6 to the convent
when she complained that her fa
ther was “pestering” her. They
said the father had insisted in fre
quent telephone calls that the girl
return to Philadelphia and that she
had refused.
28,132 Cases Handled
ByN.L. R. B. in 5 Years
Br the Associated Press.
The National Labor Relations
Board announced yesterday, on its
6th anniversary, that it had han
dled a total of 28,132 cases, involv
ing 6,140,000 workers, since it was
established. Of these, 25,030 cases
have been closed, it said.
“Ninety - two per cent of the
closed cases were disposed of
through agreement of employer and
employe representatives, dismissal
by the board or withdrawal by the
complaining union or individual,”
the announcement said.
“The remaining 8 per cent were
closed in some other way, includ
ing compliance, certification, inter
mediate report of no violation and
cease and desist orders."
No matter where you live, Northeast, South
east, Northwest, Southwest, there’s a Sanitary
near you. Every Sanitary in D. C. has the
same low prices.
BUTTER sr » 30‘
CHEESE * 17c
PURE LARD • 6e i
TUNA FISH 1 ~ 15e I
TUNA FISH § 2 29c\
N.B.C. RITZ »20‘
LIBBY’S w '™ 5e
All prices in this advertisement are for the District of Columbia until the close o*
business Saturday. July 6. 1940 Due to the Maryland and Virginia Unfair Trade
Practice Acts, some prices are higher in those States.
......— ,—■■ — — —. -... «
m Loin Lamb Chops-lb 43c
W Rib Lamb Chops.,b 29c
r Chipped Beef fS*'-*lb 13c
i Slices of Ham -.,b 29c
Sanitary's Franks.,b 23c
Brigg's Bologna.,b 25c
Happy Valley Bacon-,b 23c
, Standard Sliced Bacon-lb 17c
{ Salt Fat Back-,b 8c
Frethly Killed ,
.lb- 27c
SSL,.lb- 31c
Red Jacket
2 it*. 25^
Check These Values
Del Monte Pears_*5^ 19c
Standard Tomatoes_ _ can 5c !
Green Giant Peas_ _ fan 13c j
Pabst-ett Cheese_.2 pi**. 23c
Grape Juice-w°0r Pt. 10c n- 19c
Apte Orange Juice_A ,3«'.nr 19c
Prudence CoBreneefd Hash_2 «« 29c
Stokely's Tomato Juice- _ 3 e«ns 23c |
Town House_3£ru,t 4 Etf 23c
Highway Peaches_2 25c
Phillips Tomato Juice_3 1««,‘ 10c
Heinz Soup tS_ 2 «n5 25c
Heinz Baby Food_3 cans 20c
Phillips Beans_ _can 4c
A Whole Meal
for a Quarter!
Here’s your opportunity to enjoy a
real "Down East” Saturday night
dinner for a song. We were able to
make this purchase and jumped at
the chance to pass on a real bargain
to you.
Two 19-ounce Cans of
New England Style Baked in Brick Ovens
And One 12-ounce Can of
New England Style with Raisins
Friend's products have a long standing reputation for
quality. They are made in New England where folks really
know how to prepare beans and brown bread.
Do not confuse these beans All
with cooked beans .They Three
are genuinely oven baked Cant
with pork and molasses. for
Campfire Ma rshnio I lows - - • j**. 14c
Hunt's Fruit Cocktail-19c
Hershey Choc. Syrup - - - - 2 can* 15c
N. B. C. Pride Assortment - pkg. 23c
Hyde Park Assorment-23c
Pink Salmon PETER PPAN ------ a i4c
Stokely's Baby Foods-4 — 25c
Clicquot Ginger Ale_2 Q4- bots. 19c
Clicquot Club Soda_2 ««4- bots. 19C
Clicquot Ginger Ale_12 ®*- b®4- 5c
Hires Root Beer_6 12 «*• bots. 25c
Hires Root Beer_3 28 ®*- bots. 25c
Rock Creek Ginger Ale 3 24 bots. 25c
Rock Creek Asst. Drinks, 3 24 “■ bots. 25c
Coca-Cola-6 bots. 25c
Dr. Pepper_6 bots. 25c
Pepsi-Cola_6 bots. 25c
Rock Creek Ginger Ale 6 12 «*• bots. 25c
Lith-a-Limes_6 18 ®*- bots. 25c
AU prices are for contents only-—bottle deposit
hiley belle freestone l
Fine «US» t“2rgl^“S- ,u I
meat Freestione Pavored lb. I
There are no ftner e I
peaches °^na e' 1
?,esh or on cereals. g .... 15C 1
Fresh Corn - - - * , 5c 1
i Fresh Cucumbers - -19c I
Stringless Beans- -3 m 25e 1
Fresh Tender Peas- -7c 1
4 A 17r Yellow Onions - - - ib $c I
§ 0 p*|rm Ripe Bananas - I
Have one in the ice ^ I
WHOLE ft. V/2C |
melons- ■
. n,.2e
Dated Bread
Look for the date
on the wrapper.
1 lb.
. ^
Julia Lee Wright’s Products
Raisin Bread _ioat 10c
Whole Wheat Bread._ioaf 9c
Rye Bread_ioat 9c
Sandwich Bread_ioar 9c
Bar-B-Q Rolls_pkg. 10c
Finger Rolls_pkgi 10c
Hard Rolls_pkg. 10c
Danish Pastry_pkg. 10c
| Wine Cake_each 29c
Cup Cakes_pkg. 5c
| Dessert Cups_pkg. 10c
1 Pound Cake_ __ea. 25c
Raisin Pound Cake_ea. 29c
Angel Food Cake_«maii 19c
Jelly Roll_large 29c
SUGAR as 10 44'
FI MIR Go,d"edo1 s b 9*ic
ILUUn Pill,bury sock
FLOUR s= a 37‘
FLOUR “ a 39e
PEAS ’a*' 215C
SPRY.a 45c
CRISC0-— .*.45c
I he Aristocrat or
Thrifty Coffees
lb. 12c
Saves Your Hands
and Money
j Soap
24-os. pkg.
ft 4
M t i

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