Newspaper Page Text
% „ Weather Forecast An Evening Newspaper Pair and slightly warmer tonight; to* ....... _ , morrow increasing cloudiness; Monday With the rllll Doy S News showers. Temperatures today—Highest, LOCAL—NATIONAL—FOREIGN 79, at 1 p.m.; lowest, 58, at 5 a.m. Associated Press and (A5) Wirephotos. North From the United states Weather Bureau report. American Newspaper Alliance. Chicago Full details on Page A-2. Dally News Foreign Service and The 8tar a ■ 1 .. Siall Writers, Reporters and Photographers. _Closing N. Y, Morkets—Soles, Poge 10._ M„„,„ rreM 88th YEAR. No. 35,130._WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1940 —THIRTY PAGES. ** THREE CENTS. FrenchWarships Fleeing British Reach Toulon J Battleship and Five Cruisers Among Vessels Now Safe By the Associated Press. GRENOBLE. France, July 6.—A large battleship and a number of other French warships which es caped from the British in the battle of Oran were reported to have ar rived at Toulon today. Word came, however, of the sink ing of two other French vessels. The newspaper Le Petit Dauph lnols of Grenoble reported the 26.500-ton battleship Strasbourg, five 7.000-ton cruisers of the George Leygues class and a number of de stroyers, submarines and gunboats arrived at the French naval base. The Strasbourg was said to have been damaged only slightly. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, In his report to the House of Com mons on the British action, said a ship of the Strasbourg class “was pursued by aircraft of the fleet air arm and hit by at least one tor - pedo. * • * She will, at any rate, be out of action for many months to come.” Plane Carrier Declared Safe. The Petit Dauphinois dispatch quoted naval authorities at Toulon as denying British Admiralty re ports that the French seaplane carrier Commandant Teste was at Mers El-Kebir when the British at tacked. They said the ship was safe “in some French port.” The French Naval Ministry' an nounced the gunboat Rigault de Genouilly was torpedoed without warning off Algiers by an unidenti fied submarine yesterday afternoon. The fate of the crew was not ascer tained. The 1,378-ton destroyer Frondeur was attacked and sunk by two Brit ish cruisers after a two-hour battle off the Island of Crete in the Med iterranean, the French Navy Min istry' announced. (The German wireless said the crew of 140 was rescued after three days. The date the Fron deur was sunk was not given, but it was reported to have been en route to a French port in execution of the terms of the armistice with Germany and Italy.) The British vessels opened fire on the Frondeur upon refusal of the Frenchmen to surrender, the Navy Ministry communique said. The dispatch said that after the battle some members of the French crew were left drifting in life boats and were picked up by a Greek steamer later. From Vichy, the French naval ministry announced that it had ad vised Germany and Italy that France's naval bases in the Medi terranean would not be disarmed for the present, in order that the remainder of the French fleet could be defended against attack. Le Petit Dauphinois said the an nouncement referred to the main French bases at Toulon, Bizerte, Ajaccio. Oran and Mers El-Kebir, which were to have been disarmed under the armistice terms. The newspaper said the French idea was agreed to by Germany, and the decision was left to Italy, along with all other matters pertaining to the Mediterranean. French Minister of the Interior Adrien Marquet has issued an order prohibiting all foreigners from en tering France unless approved by a special committee in his department, Petit Dauphinois reported in an other dispatch from Vichy, present seat of the government. France Is Released From Armistice Clauses VICHY, France, July 6 (JP).—Italy has joined Germany in releasing France temporarily from the obli gation to carry out the armistice disarmament clauses concerning air and naval forces in the Mediter ranean, official sources said today. It was added that a telegram from Italy offering such a release and a wire from France asking it had crossed in transit. Meanwhile, a government spokes man said he would ask the presi dents of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies to postpone until Tues day a scheduled assembly to dis cuss a new constitution. The Naval Minister issued an or der forbidding French officers to wear British decorations. D. C. Couple Killed In New Jersey Crash Br the Associated Press. HIGHTSTOWN. N. J., July 6.—A man and his wife were instantly killed today and four persons were seriously injured when a car and a truck crashed head-on about one mile north of here. The dead were Richard Frank Trimmer. 70, of 3701 Twenty-sixth street N.E., Washington, and his wife, Ruby, 39. Their daughters, Anna. 18, and Doris, 13, were badly injured and were taken to a Trenton hospital. All four were riding in a car driven by Mr. Trimmer's son, Richard, jr., when it collided with the truck. The truck driver and his helper, who were not immediately identified, also were taken to the hospital in seri ous condition. The younger Trim mer was treated at the scene for minor injuries. Stanley Crawford, a sailor from the U. S. S. Haraden, also was slightly hurt. He was riding in the truck as a hitchhiker en route from j his home in Chatham, Mass., to rejoin his ship at Norfolk, Va. At the Trimmer home here it was said the family left Washington early today to go to the New York 1 World's Fair. Mr. Trimmer is em ployed at the Government Printing Office, , 4 Army Officer Dies in Flames In Vpin Effort to Save Son, 5 Mrs. Edith Lloyd Lerniond and her son George, jr., in a recent pose. —1937 Hessler Photo. - Father Rescues Two Children, but Loses Life on Next Trip Capt. George Lermond, U. S. A., was burned to death in a futile attempt to save the life of his 5 year-old son, George Lermond. jr„ when fire destroyed the home of his father-in-law, Maj. William Lloyd, near La Plata, Md., early today. Capt. Lermond’s wife, Mrs. Edith Lloyd Lermond, and their two other children, William, 4, and Edith, 15 months, escaped the flames. Capt. Lermond, who was 35. dashed into the burning nursery when he was awakened by the fire, and carried the two younger chil dren to his wife on a sleeping porch and she lowered them to safety in the yard by means of bedsheets. The Army officer then re-entered the bedroom in an attempt to rescue his older son and was overcome by smoke before he reached the boy’s bed. Mrs. Lermond endeavored to drag her husband to safety but was driven back by the flames. She escaped the house by climbing down a rose trellis from the second-floor sleeping porch to the yard. Family Alone in Home. The Lermond family was alone in the house. Maj. Lloyd, retired from the Army Medical Corps, and Mrs. Lloyd left yesterday on a vacation trip by motor to State College, Pa. The family servants were at their homes nearby. Maj and Mrs. Lloyd, reached after a police radio broadcast sent out by the Maryland and Pennsyl vania State police forces, were on their way home this afternoon, un aware of the tragic deaths. They were notified simply that their home had burned. The home, known as Wicomico Knoll, located at Mount Victoria, about 18 miles from La Plata, ap parently caught fire shortly before 4 a.m. Elmer Pilkerton, who lives nearby and is employed as a laborer on the Lloyd farm, said he awoke at 3:50 a.m., noticed a ruddy glow in the sky and saw the Lloyd home on fire when he went to a window. Pilkerton aroused his wife, Mrs. Mary L. Pilkerton, and he raced to the Lloyd home while she tele phoned to ihe La Plata Fire De partment. Rescuer Is Driven Back. Pilkerton said that when he reached the scene, Mrs. Lermond and her two younger children were standing outside the burning home and that the fire had almost leveled the building. He attempted to enter the home when Mrs. Lermond told him her husband and son George were in the structure. ‘'But the place was a real inferno and I couldn’t find any place to get in,” he said. Pilkerton said Mrs. Lermond told him that when the fire was discov ered her husband entered the nursery and brought William and Edith to her on the sleeping porch and that she lowered them to the ground with bedsheets. "Mrs. Lermond said her husband attempted to reach the nursery a second time to save George and when he did not reappear she went after him,” Pilkerton explained. Climbed Down Rose Trellis. “'Mrs. Lermond said she found her husband lying unconscious on the floor near the nursery door and attempted to drag him to safety, but was driven back by the flames and was forced to climb down the rose trellis to escape.” Mrs. Lermond, overcome by grief, was treated by Dr. J. T. McAndrews of La Plata after being taken to a neighboring home. Her two chil dren also were taken to neighbors’ residences and given first aid by Dr. McAndrew for scratches about the face and partial suffocation. The bodies of Capt. Lermond and his son were removed from the ruins by La Plata firemen and were taken to the funeral home of Hunt & Ryon at Waldorf. Investigation Is Ordered. Origin of the fire was not im mediately determined and an in vestigation was begun by Dr. James L. MacKavanagh of La Plata, Charles County medical examiner. The fire is believed to have started near the kitchen on the first floor. Mr. Pilkerton said that when he reached the home, the fire appeared to be burning more (See FIRE, Page A-3.) $1,000,000,000 Budget Adopted in Ottawa By the Associated Press. OTTAWA, July 6.—The House of Commons adopted last night, 151 to 17, the new budget providing for ex penditures of more than $1,000,000, 000 and new taxes expected to total $280,000,000 in the present fiscal year. \ CAPT. GEORGE LERMOND. —1931 War Department Photo. Hitler Triumphantly Returns to Berlin; Hailed by Populace Capital Streets Packed With Cheering Crowd, Led by High Nazis By the Associated Press. BERLIN, July 6 — Adolf Hitler ar rived at Anhalter station this after noon on a triumphal home-coming from his conquests in the west. Berlin was ablaze with celebra tion. Church bells pealed. Bands and orchestras played on every street corner. From the railway station to the resplendent chancellery, all the streets leading to the Wilhelmstrasse were packed with Germans shouting a welcome to their fuehrer. Hitler climbed into an automobile with his entourage and started on his triumphal journey through the capital. All gauleiters (Nazi district lead ers), all available admirals and high army officers stood along a red car pet beside Hitler’s train. Youth or ganizations in the station raised a tremendous din with bugle and drum corps and shouting. At the exit of the station hung a huge iron cross among clouds of flags and swastikas and laurel wreaths. Great vases of flowers stood about the station. Tens of thousands of citizens stood in the hot sun in the station square and along the streets to the chan cellery. Goering, Goebbels, Hess Lead. Field Marshal Goering. Propa ganda Minister Goebbels and Dep uty Party Leader Rudolf Hess led the delegation greeting Hitler at the station. Hitler reviewed honor companies from the navy, army and air force while drum corps played. The Fuehrer spent only a few minutes outside the station before he entered his car for the 15-minute (See HITLER. Page A-4.) Britain, Reich Trade Blows With Planes England Summons 300,000 More Men to Arms By the Associated Press. LONDON, July 6.—Bombing planes struck at strategic points in Britain, Germany and the Mediterranean today while the British were call ing 300,000 more men to arms. Strategfc Gibraltar experienced its second ail-raid warning of the war, with anti-aircraft blazing at a high-flying, unidentified plane al most dfrectly over the British forti fied zone. The warning continued for an hour. No casualties and no damage were reported. In the first smash at the fort last night bombs fell harmlessly into the sea. A Madrid broadcast heard here asserted it had been “established’’ that the raiding planes yesterday were French, presumably intent on avenging the British naval attacks Wednesday and Thursday. (In Algeciras, Spain, it was re ported that three British cruisers, damaged off Mers El-Kebir, had landed the bodies of 30 British seamen killed in the naval ac tion and that a French armed vessel had escaped from Gibral tar despite the presence of the most powerful of all warships, the British battle cruiser Hood.) New German Raids. German bombers raided the south coast and southwestern district of England. The Air Ministry news service re ported that British Spitfires at tacked two German Heinkel bombers off the south coast early today, downing one in the sea and crippling another that vanished in the clouds. For the third time in 24 hours, German planes appeared this morn ing over southwestern England and were quickly chased away by British fighters. No bombs were dropped. The Air Ministry also announced that a German bomber was shot i down in a raid over the northeast1 region last night. Early in the day j bombs were dropped on a town on the south coast with damage to a \ few houses. Only one minor casu- ' alty was reported. Early this afternoon a German \ plane invaded the northeast coast of Scotland and was plunged into the sea by Royal Air Force lighters, the Air Ministry announced. Civilian casualties in raids on Britain since June 18 totaled 115 today, it was officially announced. Thirty-nine of the casualties oc curred in the Channel islands. German flyers killed were reported to exceed 146 in the same period and Nazi planes destroyed were listed as 36—22 shot dowm in night raids and 14 in daylight invasion. The Royal Air Force bombed Ger man airdromes yesterday and naval bases last night, the Air Ministry reported. Three bombers failed to return from the two raids. 300,000 Ordered to Register. At the same time Britain ordered 300.000 men of the 1909 class to reg ister today, bringing the total of! men under arms to more than 3.000, 000. Three additional classes are to register later in the month, raising the total above 4,000.000. A settlement regarding the French fleet at Alexandria was expected shortly. It was understood the British have given Vice Admiral Godfroy, commanding the French units at Alexandria additional time to make a decision, and the French officers were in a huddle. Britain has made it clear that the fleet is not to fall into German or Italian hands. The French Eastern Mediter ranean fleet remained bottled up in Alexandria Harbor and its fate was held “in abeyance,” British sources in Alexandria said, ex pressing belief the French officers and men there were with them. Just how many French warships still were outside the British drag net was undetermined. Appeal to French Seamen. An appeal to seamen of the French mercantile fleet to bring their ships to British ports was broadcast over the British Broad casting Co. radio by M. Becu, sec retary of the International Asso ciation of Officers of the Mercantile Marine. They were told that by responding (See-LONDON, Page'Xtf) Summary of Today's Star Page. Amusements, s B-14 Church News. A-ll-12-13 Comics B-12-13 Editorials... A-8 Finance .A-10 Lost, Found. B-7 Page. Garden Page B-7 Radio. _B-12 Obituary_A-6 Real Estate. B-l-6 Society _. . A-7 Serial Story A-12 Sports ...A-14-15 foreign Hitler returns to Berlin in tri umph. Page A-l Britain and Germany exchange air attacks. Page A-l Threat of French-British action in Caribbean seen. Page A-l Part of French fleet returns safely to Toulon. Page A-l Two enemy attacks repulsed in Africa, Italians claim. Page A-3 Prien credited with new record in sinkings by subs. Page A-3 Mexican Army held in readiness for election disorders. Page A-7 National. Senators back warning to Reich on U. S. hemisphere policy. Page A-l Youth, paroled slayer, held in killing of brother, sister. Page A-2 Tightening restrictions on aliens planned in Congress. Page A-3 U. S. steps in to bar aluminum strike by ordering parley. Page A-3 Friends say Hull is cool toward sec ond place on ticket. Page A-3 Army and Navy experts to testify on military training plan. Page A-4 ft Youth Congress favors defense, op poses conscription. Page A-7 Washington and Vicinity Army officer and son die as Mary land estate bums. Page A-l D. C. woman, injured in Fairfax auto crash, dies. Page A-16 Editorial and Comment Answers to Questions. Page A-8 Letters to The Star. Page A-8 This and That. ' Page A-8 David Lawrence. Page A-9 G. Gould Lincoln. Page A-9 Constantine Brown. Page A-9 Alsop and Kintner. Page A-9 Jay Franklin. Page A-9 Sports “College spirit” keeps Dodgers in league lead. PageA-14 Kiefer, Skinner due to retain A. A. U. swim titles. PageA-14 Smith extends Welsh, Johnsen’s foe for net title. PageA-15 Culpeper Horse Show hunter title goes to Clifton’s Lad. PageA-15 Miscellany Service Orders. Page A-12 Nature’s Children. Page A-12 Bedtime Story. Page B-12 Letter-Out. Page B-12 Winning Contract. Page B-13 Cross-Word Puzzle. Page B-13 Uncle Ray’s Corner. Page B-13 B To Run or Not to Run Trio With Dynamite Chased From Du Pont Plant in Louisiana Bloodhounds Put on Trail Of Men Surprised Near Ethyl Storage Tanks By the Associated Press. BATON ROUGE, La., July 6 — Three men carrying four sticks of dynamite were surprised as they at tempted to enter the grounds of the $20,000,000 Du Pont ethyl plant near Baton Rouge last night. Sheriff Newman Debretton said the men escaped, leaving the dvna- j mite behind them. Searchers found ; evidence of fresh digging at the base of a fence around the plant. The dynamite was found just inside. The sheriff ordered an extensive search. Bloodhounds were being used. The huge storage tanks were fin ished tetraethyl lead, ingredient in high-grade gasoline is stored, are near the point where the men ap parently attempted to enter the plant. F. B. I. to Investigate. At New Orleans. A. O. Rutzen, agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said he had I not been notified of the occurrence: by the Baton Rouge sheriff, but; would assign an agent to learn the facts and report to him. A night watchman at the employes' gate to the Baton Rouge plant re ceived a mysterious telephone call during the night saying the caller, aa foghunter, had seen two men digging at the fence.* The inform ant. who did not identify himself, said he shouted at the men, where upon a third appeared. The watchman hurried to the scene, but the men fled as he ap proached. Blast in Spring Killed Three. Oil men estimate one-third of all the tetraethyl fluid used in the high est grade gasoline consumed in this country is produced at this plant. Valued at $20,000,000, the plant was completed within the last two years. This spring the city was thrown into temporary panic when huge explosions at the Du Pont plant killed three workers and injured a score more. It was explained then that a tank of tetraethyl had become overheated. Woman Who Got Tip On Bombing Is Threatened NEW YORK, July 6 OP).—'The telephone operator who received a warning Tuesday that the World Fair British Pavilion was to be blown up—a warning followed by the fatal Independence Day explo sion of a bomb found in the build ing—was threatened with death late last night by an anonymous tele phone caller. "I’ll kill you,” said a man who called the home of Mrs. Marjorie Rosser shortly before midnight. The man who reached Mrs. Rosser at the British Pavilion Tues day warned her to “get every one out before the box explodes.” Given a description of the two voices, po lice expressed belief both calls were made by the same man. Mrs. Rosser was not at home when last night's call came through. Her husband, Robert, told police that as soon as he picked up the receiver the man spoke the three words in a low monotone and hung up before Mr. Rosser had a chance to say anything. , Guard Set Up at Horn*'. Police were notified immediately and a guard was set up at the home. Two days after the previous warn ing, a deadly time bomb was found in a vacant room of the British Pavilion. Exploding after police carried it into the open, it killed two detectives and wounded six others. The police laboratory determined the timing mechanism was an 8-day clock. The bomb had been cush ioned on a fine grade of upholster er's hair used only in the most ex (See”BOMBINGrPage A~27) Naval Battle Indicated Off Moroccan Coast By the Associated Press. VALENCIA, Spain, July 8.—Fish ermen from Alcoy hurriedly put into this port today, alarmed by evidence of what appeared to be a battle be tween naval vessels and planes off the French Moroccan coast. One Bulgarian Routs 20 Rumanians, Takes Post Without a Shot By the Associated Press, SOFIA, July 6.—A one-man Bulgarian invasion of Rumania was reported today in semi official circles. An excited Bulgarian soldier, armed with a rifle and two hand grenades, dashed across the frontier into Dobruja and 20 Rumanian soldiers retreated from their post without a shot being fired. A Bulgarian patrol found the soldier in possession of the post, singing lustily. He was finally removed. Willkie Delays Choice Of Campaign Board Until He Sees McNaryj Conference Due Monday; Nominee to Start Tuesday On Colorado Vacation By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 6 —Wendell L. Willkie today chose Colorado as the ; site for his vacation and said he j would leave for Denver Tuesday. Arrangements were made in a I telephone conversation with Colo rado's Gov. Ralph Carr, who was delegated to pick a "likely spot” for the Republican presidential nominee to stay for two weeks. Mr. Willkie made this announce ment as he resumed a conference with a 12-man subcommittee of the Republican National Subcommittee to map campaign plans and choose a three-man board to direct his campaign. Announcement of the board's make-up had been expected today, but Mr. Willkie said it would be withheld until he had conferred with his running mate, Senator Mc Nary of Oregon, in Washington Monday. “Any conjectures on my cam paign plans are rumors and guesses,” he added at an informal press con ference, "because I have not de cided anything yet.” Among those most prominently mentioned for the post of campaign manager, however, were House Mi nority Leader Martin of Massa chusetts and Samuel W. Pryor, jr„ Connecticut national committeeman. Representative Martin was Mr. Willkie's house guest overnight and this morning the candidate took (See”WILLKIE, Page A727) D. C. Man Disappears On Potomac Fishing Trip A 62-year-old Washington man disappeared while on a Potomac River fishing trip near Quantico last night, Maryland State police re ported today. The victim's last name is Young, according to State police, who lacked his first name. Police said he lived in the 2500 block of K street N.W. According to a report received by the provost marshal’s office at the Quantico Barracks, the man dis appeared while on a fishing trip with two companions, Archie C. Warden and James Corlish, both of Washington. Police lacked details of the cir cumstances surrounding the disap pearance. They and Marines were dragging the river today. Americas Seek Data On News of Britain's Martinique Blockade Full Report Awaited Before Deciding Action, Secretary Hull Says Secretary of State Hull said today the United States, acting jointly with other Americans nations, was seeking information through its neutrality patrol and other means about reports of a British blockade of the French West Indian Island of Martinique. He said American patrol vessels were scattered over a wide area, but that reports so far were inadequate to provide the full information he felt would be necessary before de fining this Government's attitude toward the situation. Asked if there had been any dis cussion of the possibility of calling to the attention of Great Britain and Frahce the fact that Martinique lies within the Pan-American neu-^ tiality zone, Mr. Hull said there had not been time as yet to gather sufficient facts on which to base any definite action. He declined a direct answer when asked about reports that this coun try might join with other American republics for protective occupation of the French possessions in this hemisphere in order to prevent their going into German hands. The secretary said he crossed such bridges when he came to them. Question of Air Bases. He indicated the question of bases for United States air forces in Cen tral and South America may be considered at the Conference of Foreign Ministers of American Re- ; publics opening in Havana, July 20.! News reaching here from Fort de France, the capital of Martinique, that two British cruisers are hover ing near the shores had indicated that the Caribbean Sea, at the door step of the United States, had been 1 turned into a potential theater of war. The French Admiralty at Fort de France admitted the cruisers’ presence. The prospect of belligerent action within the 300-mile safety zone pro claimed by the joint action of the 21 American Republics raised the problem of what steps the United States and its fellow signers of the Declaration of Panama ^iould take in view of the extraordinary situa tion. Another Protest Likely. The fact that the Americas have protested previously to the European belligerents against disregard of the declaration, which establishes the safety zone, suggested that they will protest again. Some observers even went so far as to envisage action at Martinique comparable to that at Oran, where British battleships fired on French (See CARIBBEAN, Page A-3.) Fortune in Francs Is Seized by Ulster By the Associated Press. BELFAST. July 6.—A fortune in francs in a Belfast bank was seized by the Ulster government today. The wealth was part of the cargo carried by a vessel which arrived here recently from Brest. Over 120 bags were found packed with thou sand-franc notes, the total face value being put at well over $4,000,000. The money now is under armed guard pending the government’s de cision on its disposition. U. S. Interests Lie in War's End, Even if British Lose, Nazis Say The economic interest of the United States and the other Ameri can countries “obviously lies in a rapid end to the European war, even if the end entails the defeat of Britain,” the latest “political report” cabled dally from Berlin and dis tributed by the German Embassy here said today. “It Is almost certain,” the bulletin stated, “that England will now try with that part of her fleet which is still capable of operation to block ade the Continent, while Germany will proceed to close the Continent completely to England. “The prolonged continuation of this state of affairs will have ef fects on the American continent. The United States will at first mate a up to a certain extent for deficits by increasing trade with England, but the time will come when Germany’s counter-blockade will cut off Eng land from all imports from abroad. “The South American states must find a market for their products in Europe &s a whole, otherwise their economic machine will be completely thrown out of gear. The northern part of the American continent can not purchase all the coffee, wool, cotton, wheat, oil-containing food, cattle and frozen meat which the southern part is offering. “Therefore, the interest of the American countries obviously lies in a rapid end to the European war, even if the end entails the defeat of Britain.” A Senators Back Hull's Warning To Germany Connolly Adds U. S. Will Defend Policy 'With All Resources' BACKGROUND-, On December 2. 1823, President Monroe enunciated his famous doctrine. No more transfer of American land to European mas ters was part of its thesis. On June 17, 1940, Secretary of State Hull reiterated this doctrine in notes to German and Italian gov ernments, newly victorious over France, .owner of .colonies .in America. -German reply .re pudiated doctrine, but Mr. Hull restated it yesterday with new firmness. (Hull Text on Page AS.) By GARNETT D. HORNER. Germany had warning today that the United States will defend the Monroe Doctrine “with all of our resources" against any Nazi chal lenge and will oust any Reich diplo mats in this country who publicly discuss American policies. Secretary of State Hull’s state ment reaffirming that this Govern - | ment will not acquiesce in transfer of Western Hemisphere territory from one non-American power to another won quick support from Senators aroused by a German note rejecting a previous “hands-off America” warning. Chairman Pittman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said the German challenge of Monroe Doctrine principles “may have been made as a justification for a future violation of the Doctrine.” Senator Connally, Democrat, of Texas, a member of the committee, asserted that if such a violation is attempted “we are prepared to de fend it with all of our resources and military and naval power against all comers." Diplomats Warned. The State Department's warning against public discussion of Amer ican policies by Nazi diplomats in this country was evoked by a news paper interview quoting Baron Ed gar von Spiegel. German Consul General at New Orleans, as saying Germany would not forget American aid to her enemies. While acknowledging that Von Spiegel apparently did not know i he was speaking for publication, the department reminded the German Embassy that foreign diplomats cannot “properly” discuss this coun try's policies and still remain here. The Von Spiegel incident is con sidered closed, the department said. In another thrust at “totalitar ian" powers. Secretary Hull asserted that continued advocacy of princi ples of his reciprocal trade program remains a “fixed policy" of the ad ministration because "the only al ternative, especially after the war, would be the destructive course of totalitarian autarchy.” He explained that recent creation of a new Division of Commercial Treaties and Agreements to replace the old Trade Agreements Division was intended to “strengthen and make more efficient" the practical implementation of the reciprocal program. Colonies Caused Concern. The exchange concerning the Monroe Doctrine grew out of con cern here that Germany might at tempt to take over French, Dutch and British possessions in the Hew World. A formal note advising tha Reich we would neither recognize nor acquiesce in such transfer waa delivered June 18. Germany replied Monday, Sec retary Hull disclosed yesterday, ex pressing surprise that such a note . should have been sent to her be cause the Nazi government "had given no occasion whatever for the assumption that it intends to acquire such possessions.” The German note went on to argue that the American policy was "un tenable” because it would “amount to conferring upon some European oountries the right to possess terri tories in the Western Hemisphere and not to other European coun tries,” and that validity of Monroe Doctrine principles depends on re ciprocal non-interference in Euro pean affairs by American nations. Germany Standing Pat. Despite Secretary Hull's new warning that the Monroe Doctrine must be respected. Germany is "standing pat” on her policy regard ing Latin America, an Associated Press dispatch from Berlin quoted authorized Nazi sources as saying today. The German sources outlined (See"MONROE DOCTRINE, Pg. A-4) Hong Kong British Bar Trade With Indo-China By the Associated Press. HONG KONG, July 6.—British authorities of this crown colony halted all shipping and air service* to French Indo-China today pend ing clarification of the French col ony’s attitude toward Great Britain. Four French merchantmen were among the vessels held here. The 250-ton French gunboat Ar gus, anchored in the harbor, still was flying the tri-color as it ha* been since September. CHUNGKING, July 6 </P).—Gen eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek warned. friendly powers today against in difference toward “Japanese threats’’ to French Indo-China. British Bur ma and the Netherlands Indies. In a statement issued on the third anniversary of the outbreak of the Chinese-Japanese war, Gen. Chiang reiteiated his determination to con tinue the struggle against Japan whatever other nations do, but ap pealed to America and to Soviet Russia for assistance. Jk