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Hinckley to Take Oath As Commerce Aide Early This Week Former C. A. A. Head Still to Supervise Many of Its Activities By OLIVER McKEE. Robert H. Hinckley, formerly chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, will be sworn in as As sistant Secretary of Commerce early this week, it was announced at the Department of Commerce yesterday. In his new post Mr. Hinckley will supervise the Weather Bureau, transferred to the Depart ment of Commerce by the reorgani sation which went into effect June 30, and many of the activities of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, also transferred to the Commerce Department in the recent re shuffling of Federal agencies. Mr. Hinckley is expected to give particular attention to the enlarged program for training civilian pilots. With the speeding up of national de fense plans, this program has as sumed increasing importance. Mr. • Hinckley played a leading part in initiating this training. 18.000 Pilots Trained. On June 30 the program had turned out nearly 10 000 new pilots. For the' fiscal year which began July 1 plans call for the training of 45.000 pilots. Congress has ear marked $37,000,000 for this work. Between June 15 and September 15 primary training will be given to 15.000 pilots. This will consist of a ground course of 72 hours and a flight course of 35 to 50 hours. Sec ondary Instruction of 45 additional flying hours will be given this sum mer to 1 000 students who already have completed their elementary training. In the fall 15.000 more primary pilots will be trained and another 15.000 during the spring semester. The training will be car ried on in 500 centers located in every State, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. During the past year : only one student lost his life in an j aircraft accident. Though the functions of the new Civil Aeronautics Hoard have been placed within the framework of the Department of Commerce, it will ex ercise its functions independently of the Secretary of Commerce. The board will prescribe safety stand ards, rules and regulations, and will have the authority to suspend and revoke safety certificates after Jiea’rings. It also will exercise the Investigative and other functions formerly vested in the Air Safety j Board, abolished by the reorganiza- | tion order. The board will carry on its accident work both in Washing- j ton and in the field. New Administrator. A new official, the administrator Cf civil aeronautics, will handle many of the former activities of the Civil Aeronautics Authority with respect to safety regulations. The adminis trator will direct a field staff of aeronautical and engineering in spectors, and airworthiness engi neers. He will provide for the flight testing and examination of appli cants for airmen certificates, super vise the examination and flight testing of aircraft for type and air worthiness. and the examination of aircraft manufacturers’ facilities to determine whether a production certificate should be issued. He also will supervise the equipment and facilities of aircraft repair stations and flying and mechanic schools. A joint resolution is pending in Congress to permit Col. Donald H. Connallv of the United States Army to assume the duties of adminis trator. Meet on Poland Members of Group 848. Polish Na tional Alliance, and the Polish Club Of Washington will meet with rep resentatives from Wilmington and Baltimore at 1 o'clock this after noon at 5832 Georgia avenue N.W. to discuss relief measure in Poland. RESORTS. PEN MAR, PA. pa r k view sEc/sar Hot and Cold Running Water in All Rooms. Mrs. C. Middlckauff._ THE L\VDOV Rooms well furnished. Home comfort*. Good meals. Chicken dinners a specialty Close to nark and station. Reasonable. MRS. Rt'TH COOK. Mirr. SCHWEXKSVILLE, PA. Private estate. Cool. Verandas, walks, lawns, srenerv, cottages, sports, hostess; restricted; J50 mi. from Wash. Dist. 5300. DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. THE MOUNTAIN-HOUSE. Cool, Comfortable. A family resort for vacationists and tourists. Booklet. Mra. t, Hauser A Sons. POCONO MANOR,”PAT WE Pamper portals ON VACATION AT BoCONO-gm J^yVNOR ", Excellent golf, riding ' swimming . . . indoors III outdoors filled with enter tainment tor everybody— that's P.M. for your sugfr mer vacation. Delightfully cool, friendly and informal. Pttm-fresh food Brin* the timily to die top of the Poconos tor the lumnur. HERMAN V. YEAGER, Genprol Monogpr POCONO MANOR* PA» * POCONO MOUNTAINS^ PA. inn [BUCK HILL FALLS. PA. I Only ft hours to this ft.000-acre -mountain beauty spot. 300 fireproof rooms. R clay tennis courts. t>7-hole golf Olympic-size outdoor pool; riding- Selected clientele. J. J. Nolan. 01 ‘7 jftth St. N.W.. Rep. Nat, •ftitto. IUTHERLAND K 2 000 A C I E RESORT ■ ) Atop the Poconos. Only 5Va hours ■l - from Washington. Planned activ ■■■ j ities or relaxation in the piney 5* / mountain air. Private lake, sand * i—beach, tennis, indoor and outdoor shuffleboard. golf, riding, library, evening social life. All inclusive rates. 25 to $41*. Restricted. roroNO pines, penna. "ash. office: 906 10th St. N.W. RE. 1337 I Capacity 200. Highest spot in Focono*. Golf at Hotel. All (ports. Home cui sine. Selected clientele. Booklet. Write H. E. & J. M. GEI8SINGER, Bog 10, Bell Tel. Cresco 3511. r 1 mi * l F. B. I. THEATER REHEARSAL—"Robin of Sherwood” will be presented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Theater Group at the Sylvan Theater Tuesday night, and two of the players are shown here at rehearsal yesterday. Helen Wright i left) plays Maid Marian and Stanley Nygren fills the role of Robin Hood. —Star Staff Photo. _ < F. B. I. Theater Group To Present Festival The Theater Group of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Recreation Association and the 22?piece W. P. A. Orchestra will present the third summer festival program at the Na tional Sylvan Theater, beginning at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night. It will be the orchestra's first ap pearance in the festival series. The F. B. I. players have taken part in four previous festivals. The players will present "Robin of Sherwood," a new version of the Robin Hood story arranged from a script by Prof. J. R. Crawford of Yale University, under direction of Paul A. Neuland and William A. Coleman. Forty players will take part in the drama. The W. P. A. Orchestra will be di rected by Fra»k Lanning. former member of the National Symphony Orchestra. Cat Fanciers' Show To Feature 'Figaro' "Figaro.” a kitten said to bear a striking resemblance to the feline character of the same name in Walt Disney's Film “Pinocchio.” will be among those exhibited July 20 by the Columbian Cat Fanciers in the Lewis Hotel Training School. Wash RESORTS. PENNSYLVANIA. ington Circle. Lee Marsteller of Silver Spring, Md., is owner of the kitten. The show will be open from 9 a m. to 10 p.m. and will be judged by Mrs. Anne Stevenson. _TRAVEL. Visit ^Chateau Frontenac EASIEST TRIP “ABROAD” It, costs so little to go “abroad” this friendly old Quebec, America's only walled city. ..a bit of 17th Century Normandy. By motor, 60 miles from U. S. border. By train, overnight. Gateway to lower St. Lawrence, shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Saguenay, Gaspe. Rates at Chateau $3.50 up per day (European). Budget meals. Your travel aoent or any Canadian Pacific office; C. E. Phelps. 14tb anl New York Ave. N.W.. Wash.* D. C. National t*J35. Canada welcomes U. S. Citizens. No passports RESORTS. PENNSYLVANIA. Seagoing Fireman inspired Catalina Aquaplane Derby LOS ANGELES, July 6 —A Cali fornia fireman named Prank Sande man went aquaplaning early one morning. He had no bathing trunks, so wore his red flannel underwear. It was foggy and the man driving the speedboat soon got lost. But the sea was smooth, so they chugged along. Pretty soon they drove into a harbor filled with yachts—Avalon Harbor. Mr. Sande man, red flannels and all, had rid den all the way across the 44-mile channel! Mr. Sandeman was rewarded by being pinched for too much speed in the harbor. But his feat lives on and this August 4 will be com memorated a«ain by the annual Catalina - to - mainland aquaplane derby. Experts can ride at a mile-a minute pace. In the race the riders will leave Avalon at noon and winners will cover the 44 miles in about an hour and a half. It's a race of skill and endurance. Riders jouncing along over the roll ers say first their arms go to sleep* next their legs get numb, then pains shoot through their backs, their heads ache. Some tumble off into i the ocean and have to be fished out. The man in the motorboat has to be an expert, too. If he whips across a wave too fast his rider is jerked off and the race is gone. Smart navigation can be the de ciding factor. The Santa Catalina, channel is one of the trickiest stretches of water on the coast. Currents sneak across it and lead racers astray. A team once wound up back at Catalina by mistake. Another team won by following a RESORTS. OCEAN GROVE. N. J. Q1 1 r C M OS OCEAN FRONT. U L L il OCEAN GROVE. N J. Good Moderate Rate Hotel. American or European Plan. Write H._W. Williams OCEANVIEW Broadway A Central, WV n View Ocean Groye. N. J. Convenient—Close to Beach BREAKFAST included with ROOM Modest Rates. Booklet. _ I.. K. Beidler ^ WILDWOOD, N. J. I ^ I XfoCL At% • MURDOCK MWIRGEHEHT* J e’Uxttutiv*, hut nat ExPiuitW 0 M W E L L o mms* / mtriean and Enrtptan Plan, Baaiiat J. S. Olwell. Prop., Wildwood. N. J. DORSEVis %f.C.WHITCSCLU*W«iswoooJU CPIPP IsrJiz wJF V H B^ Wk frcmbfRch ! Prmm Iglh Ar "orkm, • MX PCIPP I ROSEMONT INN '.'30 E. Glenwood Are. Running Water In AJ1 Rooms. Free Parkins. Ownejr^ Mat._Mrs. C. L. Mou«ley. ARLINGTON HOTEL BlA MAGNOLIA AVE. NEAR BEACH 9lO "1-Meal Plan. Private Baths. Free Rathinc A Parkin*. C. H. ClMWkly. Topham. WILDWOOD CREST. N. J. ^rHearJeacin Amer. Plan I ORVILLE T.KING | j BELMAR HOTEL Wildwood Crest. N. J. Overlooking Ocean. , American and European. Reasonable Rates. ! | 1. C. MINK. Prop, and Owner. 7* ; 1 PENNSYLVANIA. j Come to Pennsylvania, where there's fun for the whole family. Pack a thrill a minute into this year's vacation. Historic shrines, WHEN YOU ao TO THE natural wonders, or the cool NEW YORK WORLB’SE air, peace of mountain-top and lake ; "n^y” A^A^UllD^1 f ft* awaiting you. What a land for out door sport! No matter what your favorite, you’ll get a new lift from itin Pennsylvania. Andtbeyoung* sters! Fun a-plenty, also the wealth of historic lore they’ll gather in the Keystone State will make classroom lessons seem real and living when schopl days begin again. There’s more for every body in a Pennsylvania vacation. View from Wyalusinjt Rocks, near Towancfa. Cmoo in. the wtter’* line! Mountain lakes and streams invite you to cool I , off and have a lot of fun. 40,000 miles of mod ern roads like this make it easy to go farther, see more. Gettysburg it among the his toric landmarks you'll want to be sure to visit. rprr PICTORIAL MAP AND FOLDER rncc HOSPITALITY PASSPORT Send for this complete puide to Pennsylvania —the historic and picturesque—profusely illustrated in color, with it you will receive the Hospitality Passport that assuresa cordial welcome. Address Pennsylvania Department of Commerce, Division H-109, Harrisbura. ARTHUR H. JAMES, Gwwntr RICHARD P, BROWN, Stcrtlsrj C*mmtrc» 1 i t 4 course laid out by an ex-rum-run ner who had learned the channel's tricks In prohibition days. The race is sponsored by the Cata lina - Hermosa - Manhattan Beach Aquaplane Association. Federal Court Clerks To Convene August 29 Clerks of United States District Courts and the Circuit Courts of Appeal will hold their annual con vention at the Wardman Park Hotel August 29-31, it was announced yes terday. Attorneys Jerome P. Barnard and John P. Hlllyard will be in charge , RESORTS. _CAPE MAY, N. J._ WINDSOR CAM MAY. NIW HUSKY, 1 I A Hotel Renowned for lie Pood end Service—It* Beautiful Bur roundlnca and Invltlnc Roeoltemv. BEACH HAVEN. N. J. SAT1 beths with eee water . . . Beat flihlftg . and bathing on New Jeraev eoeat Sere aelitf fnna HgJ Layer ... Flea tecnie eeorta. R. F. Engle. Mgr. 8UCCA8PNNA, InTj. "AWAY FROM IT ALL” . . . get rid of that "down-and out” feeling. Give youraelf j a real change at TRIPLE LAKE fcANCH. Get in trim with riding, gnlftr.w. lennla. awlmminc. boating, etc. Food and romforta at you like them. No extra chargea . . . Not reatricted. TRIPLE LAKE RANCH ^UCCAS^^^>L^^^angl^^Mt^j| ASBURY PABKTnTj7 Asbuby Carlton ASBl'RY PARK. N. J. 7th Air , Facing Ocean A refined popular-priced neean front hotel Fireproof. Thor oughly modern Every room with private lavatory or bath. Elevator, American Plan *."» up European Plan S.'LOO up OPEN ALL YEAR Phor.* 4**00 Ashurv Park LH. S. Jackson. < Manager 4 MAYVI EW Asbury Park, N. J. SI .*»rt tp European. Block from Beach. American or European. Runr.inr Water and Beautyreat Mattreise* in All Rooms. Tel Asbury Park l*^_ . SEA GIRT, N. J. OCEAN CITY, N. J. SUMMER where it's Cool . . where the spark ling surf, the whole some Boardwalk attractions, safely sloping beaches, re freshing sports and wise restrictions will make you say, "Here, at last, is the Land of - Heart's- Desire." For Beoutifully Illustrated Booklet, write Publicity Department JL14 till till. Cecil cm. N. I. For a family vacation, delicious food —232 rooms with baths, 3 outdoor sea-water pools— open sun decks, moderate rates. .1. HOWARD SLOClTM, Mgr. HflNSCOM Ftre proof Hotel ^ Restaurant Open to Public |(W 6th & Control Avo. I ma^ Ocean City. N. J. European Flan. ■ W Friv. Bath. Running Water in I ■■•All Rooms. Convenient to Beach.Jl Stores. Auditoriums._ BEACH FRONT between Snd and 3rd AMERICAN PLAN—FREE PARKING. Booklet K. A. YOUNG. Manager. _ re a Iters L. M. BRIGHTON PLACE NSAR MACH American Plan—Bathers' Patio _Booklet. _A. YARGER. Own.-Mgr._ HOTEL BISCAYNE OCEAN CITY, N. J.—MODERN. AMERICAN PLAN. Running Water or Private Bath. Surf Bathing Accom. Booklet. Elevator. Elizabeth Blundln___ WOODWARD-ARMS 10th & WESLEY AVE. Stop at the Best for the Least. Near Beach and Station. Homelike. bri V ri/ITC 8tt> and Ocean Ave. DCLLL VUfi Elevators—Central Bathing Mr, J. t. MoCONNELL. Mgr. of the program, with the latter serving as secretary of the General Convention Committee. Joseph W. Stewart, assisted by Willard Hart, heads the Committee on Arrange ments. Speakers are expected to include Justice Bolitha J. Laws of District Court, Francis W. Hill, jr„ president of the District Bar Association, and Henry P. Chandler, director of the administrative office of ^United ] States courts here. Portugal owns three colonies in I India, with an aggregate population of 600,000. RESORTS. _SPRING LAKE, N. J. RESORTS. _ SPRING LAKE. N. 3. I ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. -I THE WORLD'S PLAYGROUND has so many varieties of accommoda tion* and attractions, everyone can en joy an "Atlantic City Vacation." Bring the family and stay longer, because your dollar goes further. The finest surf bathing . . . the world's greatest Board walk . . . every land and water sport . . . palatial and modest hotels ... ro mantic evenings of moonlight and music, on piers out over the sea. For pictorial Booklet, also Yito/one Folder, address Mayor Thomas D. Tar cart. Jr . Room 119, City Hall, Atlan tic City, N. J. Naao_ Add roes_... _ — In tha MERRY-GO-ROUND Dinner and Supper Dancing NAT BRANDWYNNE And Hi* Orchestra * ENJOY A SUPREMELY GAY VACATION Early summer, a sparkling sea, and for your enjoyment—the glamour and charm of America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Bright cabana beach with direct-frora-room bathing . . . cool ocean decks . . . sea water baths ... a choice of sports. Tariff — from $5.SO Single, S’) Double. Also American Plan. RITZ-CARLTON ”-z^'/y WILLIAM MALAMUT, Managing Dimctor IN PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Take your family— by train, plane, ©r auto —ond rom* down1 We'll moke you* vocotion a revelot«on . pfeosont ond goy os long os you i»oy Doily Concerts by artists el the Philo Orchestra • Restricted Beach • Bathing from Rooms • Lunch m bothing attire on out open o>r Dmmg Ter* *oce • Sports, Doncmg. Entertainment • Social Director • Gome Room • Kindergarten • Suptrb French Cu>tme _ ^ !_ — RATES FOR ROOM. BATH Jk MEALS *6.50 A* in—the Seaton for Surf and Sun Health from the sea —sun-tan from above—a score of whole some family features —exclu sive beach and cabana colony — cool oceanfront decks — sea water in all baths — tempting menus —interesting rates. 5r( Sail for HOTEL MORTON ATLANTIC CITY | . Son Won- Pool... Stock \ Batkin*... Sea W«tt*« \ Botkt... Dentin*—Loot* \ Moynoti 4 HI* Morton .Codon • ■ ■ Writ* ftM \ tnodcoou r*t<j|i; \ ood ktockuto. Be//& Cap* O^mrtkipMqt. H0 LM HURST Oa Pietureauoe Penmylranla Ave. Anrnnd Hotel From Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. *3 -*17M —DAILY WEEKLY— INCLUDINO ALL MEALS BATHINI FROM HOTEL FRER PARKING Capacity Mi C. W. STITOR, Pus. KENTUCKY AVE.. 4th FROM BEACH Famous for It* Table for 30 Years NEW- AND MODERN. PRIVATE BATHS. Elevator to Street. Bathina Prom Hotel. PRIVATE LOCKERS. PHONE 4-0931. $3*50up DAILY,$20 up WEEKLY A. HEALY. OWNER AND MANAGER nOSCOBEL D^L Kentucky Are. Near Beach L/Uc’^loTEt Sf.SO l*»t* run.. "•"1 »«t«r PER PERSON 2 PERSONS IN A ROOM $0.50 ’ ^ with m bath 150 rooms . . . 100 vfith ocean view • • • rtataurant . dancinf . . . batbinf and parkinf . . . special weekly rates . . . writs for booklet. SPECIAL SUNDAY TO THURSDAY RATE EVERETT L. CORE. Man soar Center of Summer Activities Restful Atmosphere Oar Specialty U DELICIOUS FOOD American A European Plant Eugene twilkey, mpr. ___c » Delightful Location—Al the £•'*" » Eatensne leans Bathing-Casino privileges Spe cial weekly rates American * European plans. IT Si UP DAILY I a so DAILY W|«| Meal! 4 Eure a a Plan FAMOUS GRILL GARAGE OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT SHOREHAM Vk|l«l« A«t.. •« Inch t StMl I lir. $ fulfil ftrtk. iltntfr, frtt totk'p. latiiU rum, lananprlao *"• "'w. *125 if fly. Ml. bat I, *2.00 if. Spaa. tip. baftlat. Ilikar. loa.-Bpt. HOTEL-STANLEY Ocean End—Sooth Carolina Are. $1 Daily; $2.50 with Meals Elevator. Bar. Grille. Danelni. Bathinr. 1*0 Rooms. Spaeiona Parch. Meals Served Continuously from 8 A M. to A P.M Miller cottage 9 to 17 > CEPPCIA AU. *2.30 Dally. *17.50 Weakly, loeliftoi Cxrelloot Healt Batklu Park io«. Pkaae 4-9294. Cap. 250 (RERUN CMkTXANEL, Mpr. hotel RICHFIELD is* S- Kentucky Ave., Near Ocean European Plan (A up Per Every Boom with Rath ft Perpon TABOR INN Ocean end Connecticut ... Ave Same quality table maintained. *3.00 UP DAILY) SPECIAL WEEKLY Abo European Plan. Ownership Manatement. I P. k A M Dunn Delaware cmjpssrus Rooma. *1.00 np day. Running water. Priv. Bath. Bathinr Privilege*. WM. LAIRD. Prop FURNISHED OCEAN-FRONT APARTMENTS —5 or S rooma and bath. Reasonable for month or aeaaon. GEO. PENNINGTON SAO0 Boardwalk. j» i RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC tilt From Tuesdoy to Friday, July 9, 10, 11 and 12, Mr. R. E. EVANS, of Hotel Dennis staff, will be ot The Mayflower to quote rotes and assist you with your summer vaca tion plons. WALTER J. IUZIY, Iw. WAim j. iuziy, wc. J i, VACATION in SEA COOLNESS Leave sweltering street* behind, and dash to the cool* ness of the Seaside Hotel. Here the shore, food, and service are at their best. Enjoy a dip in the ocean, beach-lathe from your room, doze under a beach umbrella. Enjoy the Surf n Sand Room. Luxurious living at moderate rates. Make reservations today. PPM 'ii * » Friday to j ymmm^suNDAr^J «g| Y^r \y?m \ * r°C‘„, ®°'M \/w«ITI»0* \ S»°*° P«ckL——' *IJI»VA»IOM* P \ “fir«d.' *»» me p : vnrrTTTni if rAeV7! H k l! I i I fTfc — Madison Ottrietkmt Ocean at Ilimeu A w. NEW • FIREPROOF SPECIAL JULY RATE WEEKLY FOR TWO C*A ROOM, BATH, MEALS 0 § tf ATTRACTIVE DAILY RATES Daily Concerts <fr Dances OCEAN BATHING FROM HOTEL. Fetter b Hollinger, Inc. THE THE SHELBURNE AT YOUR SERVICE! For e cool, complete summer — distinctive appointments, airy guest rooms, colorful beach, sea view decks. Orchestra. Reasonable Rates. European Plan FAMOUS SHELBURNE GRILL Newly decorated Paul Arniwalde, Mgr Shelburne ATLANTIC CITY RATES FOR THE SUMMER SEASON ^)r»y»c/«y — ! AN CWTIPk BLOCAONTMK BOAWOWAUH -—-«.. I Environment Socially Desirable o«in d|n Yillo Room* • UIV Building. Kentucky Ave . Overlookinc Boardwalk and Ocean New Modern. Room and bath Excellent Meals Included Rates From $22.50 Weekly Rooms With Rath, $27..Ml I d Weekly Roof Sun-Deck. Open Porches. Every Recreational Feature Orchestra. DANCING. JOHN J. OBRIEN. MGR. KENTUCKY AVE, NEAR REACH j* t: aj, r^nw I g* ^B Poroeo Por*B«i I' WITH MEAL* ’ na PARKIN* : j Bathtac Wrack X. A. Johnaoa •: 1 Thwrtcr Cer. Atlantic & Massachusetts A*es. Roam* With RunrAnc Water RA or Bath*. Bathinc from r1 evil Hotel. Free Garace. From | Daily S. Thurber, Prop. MORTIMER VIRGINIA AVENUE—NEAR STEEL PIER S3-*. S|7*50wkiy. 3E EUROPEAN RATE ON REQUEST "Where Particular People Concrecate" C. V. MORTIMER. Owner and Met fkmn /ocated on Meautifui EL4jj|iB Pennsylvania Avenu* U 1 * PflL __***’_AWT|C CITY TREXLER S. Carelina At. nr. Beach. Europ. plan run. water. 11.00 UP. Free bathinc Prtr. toil, or bath; alio ainc. rmt. A. L. Trecler. taiViaiiTiuryii Tenn. Ave. at Bearpwalk. Brick conitruc tlen. Ocean view room*. Euree. Plan. Batee rnat Reitaurant-Taproem. L. B. Pollock. HOTEL EDISON Parkinc. Daily SI np. Special weekly. Row nine water all reomi. Bathinp priTileeto. i