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Lake Louise's Beauty Known to White Man Only Since 1882 Chateau and Hostels Now Serve Visitors as Early Chalet Is Outgrown BANFF, July 6.—Among the places in Canada which perpetu ate the names of members of the British royal family, perhaps lone is more beautiful than that which bears the name of Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, first royal chate laine at Rideau Hall, Ottawa. Lovely Lake Louise, in the Ca nadian Rockies, was called ‘'Lake of the Little Fishes” by the Indians. This name, however, did not pos sess the descriptive quality which is characteristic of most Indian place names in Canada, for when the lake was discovered by Tom Wilson of Banff in 1882, it was found to be teeming with trout. Mr. Wilson promptly renamed it Emerald Lake because of its marvelous coloring, which is always changing, sweeping the whole gamut of blue, green, amethyst and violet, undershot by varying tones of green and gold as if some magician were mixing col ors in its magic bowl. But it bore the name Emerald only until 1884. when it W’as renamed in honor of Princess Louise. Indians Led Way. The story of the discovery of Lake Louise is a romantic chapter in the history of the opening up of the Canadian Rockies. Mr. Wilson, a noted western guide, had pitched his tent near an Indian camp, and dur ing the night was aroused by the sound of an avalanche some dis tance away. The Indians told him It was the sound of thunder “from the Big Snow Mountain above the Lake of Little Fishes.” The next day one of the Indians agreed to show Mr. Wilson this lake, and the wonder of it left him almost breath less. The Indian told him there were other lakes higher up the mountains and that one of these was called “The Goats' Looking Glass” because Rocky Mountain goats came there to “comb their | beards.” This would be one of the ; “Lakes in the Clouds.” probably Mir ror Lake, which nestle high up the mountain side over 6.800 feet above sea level. These little lakes are among the finest examples of cirque lakes in the Rocky Mountains and lie actually above the clouds. Lake Louise is some 40 miles west of Banff, in the Province of Alber ta, which province also bears one of j the Christian names of Princess Louise. Resort Springs lip. For several years after the dis covery of Lake Louise, a small cha let housed a few guests who visited that part of the Canadian Rockies, but as the fame of its beauty spread.! accommodation was extended, cul minating in the erection of the Cha teau Lake Louise and several other hostels. Moraine Lake, in the majestic “Valley of the Ten Peaks.” lies about eight miles to the south. Along the north shore of this lake stands a huge semi-circle of frown ing mountains known as the Ten Peaks, which originally were given the names of the 10 numerals of the Stony Indian language. Wild life is abundant in this re gion, and includes big game such as Bighorn sheep. Rocky Mountain goat, deer, elk, moose, black and brown bear, as well as numerous smaller animals. Birds, too, are plentiful, and some 500 varieties of wild flowers await the nature lover . (in colorful profusion on the slopes j of the mountains. _ Miss America Pageant To Open September 2 ATLANTIC CITY, July 6.—Fifty five girls are expected to compete in the national finals of the Miss America Pageant here Labor Day to September 7. There have been few changes in pageant rules. Girls must be Amer . lean citizens of the white race, be tween 13 and 28 years of age, pos sessing beauty, charm and a degree of talent. No girl is eligible who is or has been married. The girls will assemble at Phila delphia Sunday, September 1, for registration and final instructions. A special train will make the trip to the shore the following day. There they will witness the arrival of King Neptune and flag-raising ceremonies i officially opening Pageant Week. In the evening there will be a fireworks display at sea and a bugle and drum corps contest, at the convention hall. One hundred gaily decorated floats accompanied by 20 bands will escort the girls in the American beauty I parade September 3. The annual Variety Club banquet will be held at the Hotel Traymore in the eve- ; ning and will be followed by a Mardi Gras, with several bands to provide I music for dancing along the Board- 1 walk. The convention hall will be the acene of three preliminary judgings Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. Contestants will be Viewed j In evening gowns and bathing suits ; end will demonstrate various talent, j Judges will select Miss America 1940 Saturday and she will be crowned et a coronation ball at midnight, j-_ I _TRAVEL. FREE Beautiful map folder de scribing New York... the Stats that has Everything. Address N. Y. State Hotel Assn., 221 W. 57th St., New York City. fkAViL AMERICA YEAR I BANNER TOURS TO ««*| YELLOWSTONE | 12 THRILLING VACATION DAYS 1 Departure from $4^ A.15 *"d »» •“SBSEW If U Washington [★Indian ceremonial dance* ★Old 3 Faithful ★Grand Canyon of Yellow- H •tone ★Salt Lake City ★Royal Gorge m ★Colorado Springs ★Will Rogers H Memorial ★Denver. See your Travel Agent today, or AMERICAN EXPRESS i 11414 F St. N.W. Willard Hotel Bldg. Phone NAtional Washington, D. C. ASK ABOUT THE NEW. DEFERRED 1 PAYMENT PLAN, FOR THESE TOURS 1 Amman ExpniJ Trnalm Cbtnmj Mt Pam Yaw Tati fmdj ) QUEBEC CONTRASTS—The narrow streets of Lower Town, in Old Quebec City, bring back memories of the days of early set tlers when Canada was ruled by the King of France. Here are the old and the new—narrow streets fringed with telephone and telegraph wires and on the height above the modern Chateau Frontenac, known to thousands of travelers as an , outstanding Canadian hotel. Puerto Rico Air Services Now Speed Vacationists SAN JUAN, July 6.—Though trop ical Puerto Rico has a network of hard-surfaced highways, some of which were hewn out of mountain sides many years ago by Spanish colonists, the Caribbean island now is adopting air travel on a broad scale. Most popular air route within the island is that from San Juan, the capital, to Ponce, historic Spanish city on the south coast. Over the old military highway autos must travel nearly 90 miles to cover a beeline distance of 40 miles, because of the rugged terrain and the many streams the road must cross. Careful motorists require three hours or more for the ride, but modern cabin planes cover the distance in a mere 25 minutes. Many visitors arrange to travel one way by automobile and then return by plane. Other airplane services connect San Juan with Mayaguez. a west coast city, and with the Virgin Islands, only 40 miles distant. Tour ists who come for the famous deep sea fishing can reach the best fish ing grounds at nearby Mona Island in a few minutes in a special plane operated for that purpose by the government of Puerto Rico. Planes also are becoming increas ingly popular for travel to and _TRAVEL. 7c c*7/icm PACIFIC nORTHUJEST CRLIFORfllfl VIA THE CtinadumTfaJuet BANFF... LAKE LOUISE . . . two world-famed resorts in magnificent Canadian Rockies. Banff Springs Hotel . . . Chateau Lake Louise. Swim, golf, fish, ride, l#ite skyline trails, rest or enjoy gay social life. Ask about all-expense stop-over tours. COLUMBIA ICEFIELD HIGHWAY... j Fringed by forests and flanked by Alpine peaks and vast glaciers. Spectacular tours from Lake Louise to the Columbia Icefield and return in big. comfortable busses daily. ALASKA.. . and the Yukon.. .an inspiring 2000-mile cruise on Princess liner along sheltered Inside Passage. Go ... for the fun . . . the scenery or the rest. 9-day “Princess Cruises" from $105. Special 11-day “Princess Cruises" from $125. Fares are from Vancouver, Victoria or Seattle and include meals and berth except at Skaiway. • CANADA WB.COMK U. S. CITIZENS i Low rail fares to or from Pacific Northwest and California via Banff and Canadian Rockies on Canadian Pacific through transcontinental air-conditioned trains. Between Vancouver and Seattle, 165-mile Princess liner cruise with stop at evergreen Victoria included on your ticket. Set Your Travel A tent or 114th & New York Ave. N.W. Wosh., D. C. Phone National 4235 I I k from Puerto Rico. There now are four round trips weekly to Miami, i Fla., with stops in Cuba. Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and a new twice-a-week stratosphere service to South America has been announced. Visitors to Bermuda keep up with' the news by reading Hamilton's two daily papers, the Royal Gazette and Colonist Daily and the Mid-Ocean. TRAVEL? MONTANA RANCH TRIP. July 21-Sept.2 Harvard grad, and law student wants *» guests for scenic and thrilling camping ranching experience in Rockies. Owns 610-acre ranch. Horses. pack trips, rodeo, fishing, swimming, excursions, etc. Auto trip West in 1910 station wagon. See Niagara Falls, Mt. Rushmorc. Bad lands. Custer Battlefield. Yellowstone Park. Teutons, etc. Exceptional oppor tunity. Very reasonable. Excellent ref. required. Write Box 299-H. Star ♦ TAUCK MOTOR TOURS » through EASTERN AMERICA Join a personally conducted vacation tour leav in* New York weekly In private luxuriouj club motor coach through NEW ENGLAND. CAPE COD. NOVA SCOTIA. GASPF ONTARIO LAND O' SKY. DEEP SOUTH’. 3 to 21 days, all experts/. from |35. 'Jl'. fr" N,. ., g TAUCK TOURS, 47S Fifth Ava„ N. Y. C. 1 or Coninh Your Lee el Tret el Aptnl Escorted W Tours to ^ r MEXICO Air-conditioned Pullmons, sight seeing, meals, best hotels. 15 days . . . $233 up. .COOK’S W 812 Fifteenth St. N.W. A NAtional 4572 _ STEAMSHIPS. WEEK-END HOUSEBOAT CRUISES ON CHESAPEAKE BAY ALL EXPENSES $15— to $24— (FROM BALTIMORE) •ach person—two to a room according to room soloctod 3 NIGHTS —2 DAYS PARTIES OF 10 OR MORE $3.00 LESS PER PERSON Leave Baltimore every Friday, 6:15 P.M., E.S.T. Return to Baltimore 6:30 A.M. following Monday. FARE INCLUDES ROOM and 8 MEALS ON STEAMER (Dinner Friday to breakfast Monday) The boat it your hotel from Friday to Monday. BATHING—Drett right in your stateroom—launch ferry from boat to beach at all hours, no axtra cost. LABOR DAY HOLIDAY STEAMER leaves Saturday, August 31st, returns to Baltimore, Ibesday, Sept. 3rd. FISHING FROM STEAMER Cruise of the Chesapeake Bay, York River and Virginia Seacoast. Steamer stopping Yorktown (affording dn opportunity to visit Colonial Williamsburg if desired) and off Ocean View. Bathing at Yorktown and Ocean View. Make up a party of friends. Never a dull moment. Social Directress, Orches tra. dancing games. Write for reserva tions. or ask for booklet. “Week-End Houseboat Cruises.’'—R. L. J©r.«es, G. P. A., Pier 10, Light Street, Baltimore. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY _]i A The Traveler's Notebook Tales the Tourist Picks Up; Japan's Rip Van Winkle and the Ghost Girl Who Turn a Ship to Stope By JACQUES FUTRELLE, JR., Travel Editor. Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle has his counterpart in many parts of the world, but in Japan one can visit what the Nipponese fondly tell their children is the grave of the parents of Rip’s an cient predecessor, Urashima-taro. In Yokahama. near Rempo-ji Temple, is an old stone pagoda. Here, the traveler is told, lie buried the mother and father of Urashima, a character known to all Japanese. For centuries they have heard of the kind-hearted fisherman and his adventure with a strange turtle. Legend says Urashima was born at Miura, near Yokoshuka, and that one day he saw some boys tor menting a turtle. He purchased it and set it free. Later the fisherman, walking along the beach, saw a huge tortoise rise from the sea and offer a ride upon his back. Urashima was carried beneath the waters to the realm of the dragon king. As he started to return to land, after a visit of three years in the magnificent palace, the princess handed Urashima a casket, with the stern warning not to open it. Back in the village, the fisherman found everything strange. None knew him and he recognized no one. Per haps, he reasoned, the secret to the situation lay in the casket. And he opened it. Smoke rase from the box, and Urashima-tarp suddenly aged. Well he might have been old. for Ura shima had left his home in the 22d year (487 A. D.) of the reign of Em peror Yliryaku and he opened the mystic casket in the reign of Em peror Junna, in 825 A. D. Delightfully terrifying are the tales the traveler hears in Canada's Gaspe region—if only he pauses to listen. The “quickie” tourist with a time-crowding itinerary would hard ly stop by the water front or on the farm long enough to strike up more than a nodding acquaintance with some native who, living close to a nature that is at times benevolent and at other times harrowing, knows the supernatural almost, but not quite, at first hand. And he tells about it with shuddering impressive ness. There is the yarn of the stalwart pair that challenged Satan to a _STEAMSHIPS. on the v KIINGSHOIM JULY 9th and JULY 30th 10-day c raises to Cap Haitian and Havana The need for clear heads and steady nerves was never so urgent as today. You owe it to yourself to keep fit. Rest and relax for ten glorious days. See pictureeque Haiti and enjoy gay Ha vana . . . .from *105.00 JULY 20th 9-day cruise to Havana from *100.00 AUGUST 10th 12-day cruise to San Juan, Cap Haitien and Havana . . . . from *125.00 AUGUST 24th ... Labor Day Cruise to Cap Haitien and Havana 10 days.from *105.00 SEPT. 7th • SEPT. 21st • OCT. 5th to San Juan, Cap Haitien and Havana, 12 days.from *125.00 Inquire of your Travel Agent or SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE 4 West Slst St, New York, N.Y. Or. 6-1440 10A0 ISLANDS*ST. LAWRENCE RAPIDS MONTREAL • QUEBEC • MURRAY BAY See Canada’s great panorama of wonders! Go independently as you please—or chooaa one of the popular all-expense cruise toura. | DRIVE TO SHIP’S SIDE. I Special arrangements for motor ists. Autoa carried at low rates. INDEPENDENT SAGUENAY CRUISES Dailv from Montreal to Quebec. CAQ Murray Bay, Tadoussac. Lower OO St. Lawrence. .3 rights, ft days. All-Expense Trips from Washington SAGUENAY DE LUXE CRUISE-TOURS To Montreal, Quebec, Ste. 8 Day# Anne de Beaupre, Lower St. eaaw ar Lawrence. Pullman accom- f modations, room with bath w at Manoir Richelieu (Mur ray Bay) and Chateau Frontenae (Quebec). Sightseeing. Personally es corted. .3 times weekly. FRONTIER-8AGUENAY CRUISE TOURS To Niagara Falls, Toronto. 11 Days lOOO Islands."8t. Lawrence e j ca Rapids. Montreal, Quebec, ' I Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Lower St. Lawrence. Pullman berth, room with bath at all hotels including Manoir Richelieu (Murray Bay), Chateau Frontenae (Quebec). Sight seeing. Personally escorted. Twice weekly. F^urRICHELIEBcmnsts Outstanding vacation hit g DAYS for the 3rd straight year! 4C750 Quebec, Lower St. Law- IJ # rence. Lake St. John re- w a. giott, the Saguenay. Ship FROM i, your “hotel"—with ape- MONTREAL cial entertainment, shore tripe, sight seeing. Every Mon. (AM CiRMtM Nm New Yak, I tip, IN.N1 * Ask About GREAT LAKES CRUISES All Expenses from Washinrton, 11 Days. $132.50. (From Buffalo, $79.50; From Detroit. $07.50.) For literature and tickets apply Geo. B. Canvin. 800 Lincoln-Liberty Bids., Broad A Chestnut Sts.. Philadelphia, or your R. R. or Travel Arts. No Passports Required. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES drink and were found drowned with “claw marks on their throats.” An extra hour at Barachois might evoke the tale. Or at Petite Vallee one picks up the story of taunting Rose Latulippe, who danced with the devil, the reckless event color ing her life; at l’Echourie, of the wails of the mother and child and the hollow voice that moans, “You have dragged me from my grave”; at St. George de la Malbaie, of t.he ghostly white hound. They are worth a pause. Legend has it that the thousands of sea birds that find sanctuary on Perce Rock, near the town of Gaspe, never aljght on a slender pillar of stone near by that has the appear ance of a schooner under sail. And thereby hangs another tale; A young French girl, Blanche de Beaumont, happily approached the shores of Canada to rejoin her fiance and marry him in Quebec. But pirates seized the ship, capturing her and taking her aboard their vessel. Fearful, she threw herself into the sea. That night, when the pirate ship neared Perce Rock, her ghost appeared from the waters, uttering a curse that turned the captain, the crew and the vessel to stone. It is known as the “ghost ship” of Perce. * * * * Highlights of Southern California's events in July: To September 15—Summer polo season, Santa Barbara Match games at Fleischmann Field every Sunday. To September 6—Summer garden tours, Santa Barbara. Private gar dens of Santa Barbara and Monte cito open to visitors every Friday. July 9-August 30—Symphonies under the stars, Hollywood Bowl. Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. July 13, 14—Balboa Bay Regatta, Balboa Yacht Club. July 16—171st anniversary dedi cation Mission San Diego de Alcala. San Diego. July 18-21—California Rodeo. Sa STEAMSHIPS. linas. Rodeo Association of America contest. July 20—Tournament of Lights,' Newport Balboa. July 19-21—Western Open Tour nament, Lake Park, Huntington Beach. July 21—Dog show, Hope Ranch Park, Santa Barbara. One thousand entries from all parts of Nation. July 23-28—Coronado Horse Show, Coronado. July 28—Annual ‘‘Plight of the Snowbirds,” Newport Balboa. July 24-28—Santa Barbara County Fair and Horse Show, Fairgrounds, Santa Maria. Attracts 30,000. Horse show nightly; one of outstanding horse show programs on California Circuit. Vaudeville twice daily. Livestock parade Friday. Auto races Saturday and Sunday. July 30-August 4—Santa Barbara fair and horse show. Pershing Park. Santa Barbara. Staged under Amer ican Horse Shows Association rules. Attracts society horsemen from all parts of Nation. One hundred classes. Flower show. Citrus and farm ex hibits. Chilean Expert Employed Nicaragua has contracted for the services of a Chilean economic ex pert to study the financial legisla tion of the country and to make rec ommendations for its improvement. STEAMSHIPS. SOUTH AMERICA] SAIL ON UNITED (TATES FLAG 33,000-TON LUXURY LINERS S.S.BRAZIL. S.S.URUGUAY S.S. ARGENTINA Fortnightly from Now York for Barbados • Rio do Janeiro Santos • Montevideo Buenos Aires • Trinidad 38 DAY CRUISES start at $360 tourist, $480 first class ($550 certain seasons). _ Consult Your Travel Agent or MOORE McCORMACK vy LINES »l‘i l»th St. N.W. NA. 2690 ^California and Mexico VIA HAVANA AND THE PANAMA CANAL NO PASSPORTS OR VISAS RIQUIRIP You cruise through American waters—follow a fascinating itinerary .. . gay Havana . .. the unforgettable transit of the Canal.. .quaint Aca pulco . . . finallv Califor nia and the Golden Gate Exposition. FIRST CLASS TOURIST CABIN ] *250»p ‘ISOup 10% Rpund Trip R*d*4ti*M on the American Flag Luxury Liners Washington from NEW YORK, July 26th, Aug. 30th-from CALIFORNIA, Aug. 13th, S«pt.l7th Manhattan from NEW YORK, Aug. 9th, S«pt. 14th-from CALIFORNIA, Aug. 27th, 0<t. 2nd Regular Sailings Thereafter 3 ADDITIONAL ITINERARIES 31 -DAY CRUISE • - $450 up. First Class $270 up. Tourist Cabin ONI WAY BY SEA ONEWAY BY RAIL OR AIR (Hometown to Hometown) $339 up. First Class $239 up, Tourist Cabin (Ratal ilightly highar by air) MEXICO “CIRCLE TOUR" $313 up. First Class $223 up. Tourist Cabin • Good news for thousands of Cruise minded Americans—a chance to cruise around America on the Manhattan or W ashington and enjoy all the features of the greatest American luxury liners ever built... superb accommodations . . . world-famous cuisine . . . tiled swimming pools ... 7 acres of deck... excellent movies and orchestras. A choice of 4 itineraries, too. Here’s the headline travel opportunity of 1940. ASK YOUR TRAVIL AOINT FOR DITAIIS United Ms Lines Offices in principal cities 912 15th Stroat N.W.' National 2690 i i Speed Limit Is Raised In Quebec Province QUEBEC, July 6.—Fifty miles an hour on Quebec's hard-surfaced roads is the new speed limit an nounced by the provincial govern ment. Accompanying the announcement of the speed limit, which formerly was 30 miles per hour, were the fol lowing warnings issued by Honorable T. D. Bouchard, minister of roads: Any speed or imprudent action sus ceptible of endangering life or prop erty is prohibited on al. roads of the _STEAMSHIPS. CST.r Washington to New York by roil. New York to Texas by sea. Return all-rail to Wash lnrton. A vacation packed with thrills: New York for the Fair; then 6 days cruis ing to Texas on a spacious oceon liner with meals, stateroom accom modations, deck sports, outdoor pool, dancing, talkies and a visit in Miami on route; return direct by roil. Or go to Texas by roil, return via New York. Stopover privileges. To bath New Ysrk and Cakfomia Fain: Rail-Ocean Circle Teur-Jl«6 up. Apply re Railroad or TRAVEL AGENTS, or CLYDE-MALLORY LINES ^ 1114 Llneoln-Llberty Bids . Phils, yJUJJ' province; unreasonable speed on hard-surfaced highways having no dwellings or establishments is banned; a speed in excess of 50 miles an hour on hard-surfaced roads having dwellings or establish ments with access thereto is pro hibited; a speed in excess of 40 miles an hour on mountain roads or gravel is prohibited; it is forbidden to pass on a curve or on a road with a pro nounced incline. The new law is effective imme diately. .. on American Flag Linars of the GREAT WHITE FLEET Cool Caribbean cruising plus the thrill of fascinating tropic ports. Sail alternately to Panama Canal Zone, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Havana; or to Havana (2 calls), Panama Canal Zone, Guatemala. Outdoor pool, deck sports, all out side staterooms, mechanical venti lation, delicious meals, orchestra. 15 days . . . s168uP Ev.ry Saturday from Now York So passports required for V. S. citizens Apply authorized Travel Agents or UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 1S1I K St. N.W.. Tel. Dlitrlet 7800 ... ON A GRAND URCRTIOH CRUISE! FROM BALTIMORE 1- to Dew England - to IDiami - to Dova Scotia - or Havana North or South —the grand Atlantic beckons you to carefree, breeze-swept vacation daysl Make up your mind today—where you want to go and how much you can spend. Then we'll provide the rest ... the good times on ship board ... the sports ... the dancing ... the delicious meals and comfortable staterooms . .. the hotel accommodations and sightseeing ashore. You've a score or more of cruises to choose from. For instance: BOSTON TOUR ... *52 MAINE COAST TOUR - *58 NOVA SCOTIA TOUR - *148 (Personally Conducted—August 9) Similar tour—not escorted—every Friday. W MIAMI TOUR- “ days *69 * —AND MANY. MANY OTHERS. A.k for "VACATION DAYS." a picture-filled booklet. I < telling the whole story of these end all • fhe other Merchants & Miners ell expense cruises. ' j *-*±*±i£±j*-- - -_ Apply M. & M. Travel Bureau. "XjP 1418 H Street. N. W.. Washing- T ton (.Telephone National * 4612) — or authorized tour . ist agents. f MIAMI-HAVANA CRUISE A glorious cruise down the coast, visiting Savannah and Jacksonville—with 2 days in Havana and 6 days in Miami and Miami Beach. Rate includes accommodations at the finest hotels and sightseeing to all points of interest. Return—due Baltimore August 8th. MERCHANTS & MINERS LINE From Baltimore July 23rd 17 days—$135 Personally Conducted (See above address)