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D.C. Exchange Volume Far Ahead of 1939 In Six Months Sales of High-Grade Bonds Nearly Double Last Year Bv EDWARD C. STONE. Trading on the Washington Stock Exchange in the first half of 1940 was far ahead of the 1939 period, both in stocks and bonds. Prices also made a most satisfactory record. | a survey of the six months discloses. Tine demand for high-grade bonds on the exchange was well toward double what it was a year ago. total ! dollar volume of trading reaching *316.500. against only $172,000 in the lame 1939 months, a gain of $144,500. Capital Traction 5s led the market with a volume totaling $246,500. Prices for the bonds ranged from 96% to 102. Most of the time they j were below par. but ended the half year at 100%, to yield 4.99 per cent. Washington Gas Light first 5s Were next in investment demand, registering a turnover of $26,500. Highest priced bonds on the ex change. they reached 131 % at one time and ended June at 126%. giv ing a return of 3.22 per cent. Wash ington Railway & Electric Con solidated 4s were popular, closing June at 107%, the high for the year, to yield 3.25 per cent. Other Bonds Remain Strong. Potomac Electric Power 4'4s were1 very strong, selling at 110'* at the end of the half year, yielding 2.50 per cent. Anacostia & Potomac River 5s closed at 1017R and City <fe Suburban R. R. 5s closed at par, both these bonds being much in the limelight because of the agreement j reached betwen certain bondholders | and the Capital Traction and Wash ington Railway <fc Electric Cos. re garding liability for the bonds at maturity. Two other bonds on the! exchange were strong. Chevy Chase Club 4>4s selling at 104'» and Co lumbia Country Club 41, s at 104. In the stock division there was a turnover of 11.727 shares in com parison with 8,520 shares in the first! half of 1939. Naturally, prices varied more widely than in bonds. The largest turnover was in Capital Transit, 2.521 shares changing hands. The stock closed at 12. against 15'4 earlier in the year and dispite the payment of a 25-cent j dividend on July 1 and steadily: mounting earnings. Turnover in Mergenthaler Linotype was nearest to Capital Transit. 2.038 shares. The stock closed the half year at 1434. against the year's high of 17 and a low of 12. The stock | has recently displayed more strength I following a War Department report i of two more good-sized war orders. | Lanston Monotype closed the period at 28 after opening 1940 at 32'». At recent levels the stock yields 7.14 per cent. Gas Common Stock Active. Quotations at the end of the half year on Potomac Electric Power 6 per cent preferred stood at 112, the last sale of the 51- per cent preferred was at 113. and Washington Gas common, which registered a turnover of 1.172 shares, closed at 24. Gas preferred ranged between 99 and 109 and closed at 103. In the six months one sale of 100 shares of Washington Railway & Electric com mon took place at S800 a share, while W. R. & E. preferred sold recently at 10814. Bank stocks made an excellent half-year record as a group. Na tional Capital sold recently at 162'2. i Liberty at 170, Riggs common at 255. Riggs preferred at 102, Ameri- j can Security at 230. National Sav- j lngs at 200L'. Washington Loan at j 247'j and Bank of Bethcsda at 30. During the half year Garfinckel pre ferred stock was listed on the ex change and sold at 26 to yield 5.26 per cent, the survey reveals. Tribute to Prescott Gatley. President A. M. McLachlen of the District Bankers Association yester day appointed the following mem bers to represent the association at the funeral of H. .Prescott Gatley tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church: Robert V. Fleming, president, Riggs National: Corcoran Thom, president. American Security & j Trust Co.: Ord Preston, president, Union Trust Co.; Bruce Baird, presi dent, National Savings & Trust Co.. and Floyd E. Davis, president, Lin coln National. Mr. McLachlen will also attend the services. Deep regret was heard in the financial district yesterday over the passing of Mr. Gatley, who was j chairman of the board of the Na tional Savings & Trust Co. He was president of the bank from 1934 until this year, a period during : which the bank showed notable progress. He was a practicing law ver much longer than a bank of ficial. No financier ever had more j sympathy from a host of friends1 during a most trying illness. Fifth District Trade Climbs. The Federal Reserve Board an nounced yesterday that department store sales in the Federal Reserve district, which includes Washington, in the first 26 weeks of this year, were 6 per cent ahead of last year. The national average was 4 per cent. The report shows that retail trade Jn this territory is moving forward steadily. Tire gain of 14 per cent for the four weeks ending June 29 compares with a 2 per cent advance for the similar period ending on! June 1 and a 1 per cent upturn at the end of April. The weekly report reveals the same favorable comparisons, the fifth district gain of 9 per cent over last year being exceeded only by the Dallas district with a 10 per cent upswing. Cleveland tied this trade area at 9 per cent, while the average for the whole country was 5 per cent. As noted yester day, the Richmond bank r^jorted Washington sales up 8.5 per cent for the same week. Women Heavy Stockholders. The American Telephone Co. re ports 635.000 holders of A. T. & T. ! stock, among whom are far more women than men—362.500 women, i 193.000 men; 44.000 joint acounts of individual men and women. 29.- 1 000 trustees. 6,500 institutions, cor- ! porations and private firms. Latest reports state that A. T. <fc T. has more stockholders than any other corporation. The company •ays that for the most part the 1 stockholders are people who have j put aside small .sums as savings. More than 210,000 hold from one to five shares each. The average number of shares held per stock holder Is 29. It has been stated that there are i New Auto Sales in Capital at Best Marks Since 1937 During June and First Half Gasoline Consumption Hangs Up Another All-Time Record Bv DONALD B. HADLEY. New automobile sales in the Dis trict of Columbia during June and the first six months of this year reached their highest levels for those periods since 1937, it was indicated last night by new car titles regis tered at the Traffic Bureau. During June 3.241 titles for new cji-s were filed, compared with 3,213 In the preceding month and 2.692 in June. 1939. For the* six months. 16,006 titles were recorded, against 15,318 in the same period last year. Totals for June and the six months of different years follow: ,, _ June S.x Months. Hu‘ --.'1.047 19.381 1 *»•'!«-.- 1.791 Id 018 iinti -3.093 is.si8 1940 - . 3.341 Ifi.rtOB Monthly Totals Oomoared. With the exception of February and April, titles in every month this year have been ahead of the cor responding 1939 periods. The moderate increase between May and June this year contrasted with a decline for the same time last year. Monthly totals for 1940 to date compared with the same 1939 months as follows: , 1940. 1939. January - 1.930 1.078 February- 1.833 3.181 March _ - 3.487 3.089 June -3.241 2.fiP2 On the other hand, registrations of all motor vehicles In the District at the end of June, third month of the 1940 tag season, were well behind a year ago. They were above 1938 levels, but also below comparable dates in 1936 and 1937. Because this downward trend contrasts sharply with steady registration gains in adjoining Vir ginia and Maryland sections of the Metropolitan Area, observers have concluded that a shift in population outward from the limited District area has been a major factor in the lower District registrations. District registrations’ at the end of June are compared below with totals for the end of the third month in other seasons. May in 1939 and March of prior years: Gross Trans- Net fer* total lO.'.l - 1 '21 ,f*8'2 *2.5*1 T l'*4 Qti -136.521 3.162 133 359 -- 148.562 6.800 141.163 ] - -- 1.19,585 9.864 149.1°1 O’i -tSS'U5 8.361 159 814 lo'io - 103.246 6.395 146 851 J ?'' ! 164.765 11.015 153 750 1949 loP.185 10,393 14S 792 Gasoline Records Set. From another quarter came word of additional all-time records in Dis trict gasoline consumption. Tax invoices filed for May showed that 13.817.640 gallons were con sumed in that month, more than in any other month in the history of the Capital. The May volume compared with 12.912.060 in the preceding month and was more than a million gallons ahead of 12.692.281 for Mav, 1939. It was even ahead of the 1939 peak of 13.027,904 recorded at the height of the motoring season last August. It also was almost double 7.161.787 recorded in the same 1930 month and more than treble the same 1925 month. District gasoline consumption in May and the first five months of various years follow: Put loot; , **»t. months. lo.Vi *908.115 16.646.816 ion- - 4.6S1.PSJ 19,439.611 9;a - 5 313.832 22.975.432 o.-,o ... .1.642.4,2 23.719.499 - 6493.953 27.430.864 §•*? - 7.161.187 36.576.325 no., ' --- 8.235.566 35.645.765 - --- 9 492.586 4)1.766.73" o'.ti 9.077.111 42.562.1 14 2:;4 9.382.16.7 46.4 74.163 „::3 - -- 9.911 155 42.640,964 „.;2 - - 16.836.868 46.894.138 J J .755.836 51.735.949 - '••i’v’43 52.919 319 oV, - - - 12.693.381 .56.151.998 1849 13.81, .640 60.898.257 May consumption carried forward a long series of all-time records ex tending back for several years. Totals for every month so far in 1940 have been ahead of a year ago. Including decimals for fractions of a gallon, they are given below with the corresponding 1939 figures: t ,, 1949. 1939 January . .. 11.018.537.90 10,3"3 894 70 Februaiy 1 o.650.627.40 9,879 189 38 March 12.499.393.20 11.348 774 80 Abril . 12.P12.060.20 11907.878 00 May — 13.817.640.00 12.692 281 60 Express Gains Cited. Despite a decline from the pre ceding month, railway express ship ments during June and the first half of 1940 set new records for those periods, the Railway Express Agency reported. June shipments totaled 154.660, against 174.471 in May, but were well ahead of 148.637 in June. 1939. For the six months, shipments ag gregated 961.047. against 882.534 in the 1939 period. While monthly totals are not available further back than 1937, each year with the exception of 1933 has shown large gains since 1930. and the 1939 total was more than 46 per cent ahead of 1929. Shipments for June and the first six months of various recent years follow: •June. Six Months. 1837 - . . 130.418 80(1.134 1838 _1‘>7.331* 801.884 1833 _ 148.037 88" 534 1340 _ 154.000 801(147 Every month this year has brought increases over a year ago in this important barometer of business ac tivity. Monthly totals for 1940 and 1939 are compared below: 1840. 1838. January _ 140:571 13- 451 February_ 140 448 130 483 March _ 175 658 164.16 Aoril - 163,-37 147.888 May_ 174.47 1 158.783 June _ 154.000 148.637 Postal Trends Similar. Postal receipts in the District of Columbia and at four important post offices in adjoining sections of the Metropolitan Area also declined from the preceding month, but for June and the six months stood in new high ground for those periods. District receipts totaling $623,599 were behind $694,092 in May. but were well ahead of $608,202 in June. 1939. They also contrasted with only $425.5i8 in June, 1930. For the six months District re ceipts reached $4,020,881, against $3,815,842 in the same 1939 period. District totals for June and the about 10.000 A. T. & T. investors in Washington. $136,000 Note Issue Approved. The Interstate Commerce Com mission has authorized the Norfolk Southern Railroad to issue $136,000 of 2's per cent equipment trust cer tificates. to be sold to the R. T. C. at par to finance a purchase of new equipment. i CAPITAL GASOLINE CONSUMPTION FIRST FIVE MONTHS EACH YEAR loud on Invoice* to the Toi Otlice Each lump Equals 3.000.000 Gallons 1940 1939 1937 1933 1929 1925 GASOLINE CONSUMPTION STILL CLIMBS HERE—The above I chart illustrates the sharp increase over previous years. first six months of different years follow; , June H month! 1028 ..._S4.17.0IIM $2.801,084 1870 _ .. ... 425.518 2.030.482 ! 1831 44.7.005 2.842.440 18.73 380.720 2.700,083 1823 444,188 3.001.514 18-74 458.103 2.847,748 1835 503.042 3,218.551 18.70 _ _ _ 583 522 3.582.010 1837 504.040 3.014.300 1838 - 588.001 3.571.822 1938 . _ _ 008.202 3.815.842 1940 - 02.7.599 4.020.881 Nearby Growth Shown. j At Alexandria Post Office, receipts for June totaled $12,427, against $13,322 in the previous month and $10,399 in June, 1939. They were far above $7,034 recorded in the same office in June, 1930. For the six months. Alexandria receipts advanced lo $80,302. against $67,718 in the 1939 period and only $42,252 in the same 1930 period. At the Arlington office, June re ceipts reached $11,390, against $12, 791 in the preceding month and $10,793 in June, 1939. Records do not go back beyond 1937. first full year in which the office was estab lished on an independent footing. Arlington receipts for the six months climbed to $76,375, against $65,951 in the same 1939 period. At Hyattsville. receipts during June amounted to $2,639, compared with $3,199 in the previous month and $2,599 in June, 1939. They also compared with only $1,103 in the same 1930 month. Hyattsville receipts in the first six months of this year totaled $16,607, against $14,662 in the same 1939 pe riod and only $7,209 in the 1930 period. Lag at Silver Spring. At Sliver Spring, June receipts reached $7,373, compared with $8,313 in the previous month and $9,638 in June, 1939. Here was the only point where June receipts failed to better a year ago. However, growth of the last decade was clear in comparing the latest total with only $1,594 for June, 1930. For the six months, Silver Spring receipts reached a new record ol $52,624 against $49,713 in the 1939 period and only $11,478 in the same 1930 period. Receipts at the four post offices during June and the first six months of different years follow; ALEXANDRIA. Six lnoA June, month?. j ---=~ f».330 $39,762 ; 1931 6.535 40.H39 J932 - 6.U98 41.121 19.1.3 - 6. ,4*1 4.1.839 ' 1934 - 10 395 48.913' 1900 8.313 04.193 1 1936 9-007 58.398 I }93< 10.618 03.308 1038 - 10.600 011 588 1939 10.399 07 118' 1940 - 13.437 80,302 i ARLINGTON. 19?? - -$8.OH $41,599 I 1938 9.511 54.101 !&,?, -- 10 193 65.951 ! 1940 - _ 11 390 16.315 HYATTSVILLE 1939 - _ J1.303 80.038 Hl.lll - 1.103 13*01 1931 - 1.451 7.58! 1933 - 1.349 7.090 i 1933 - 1.54 7 8.989 1934 1.913 9,043 •935 - 1.991 10.035 19.10 - 1.939 10.149 193. - 3.115 13.028 1938 - 2 659 14.488 ’939 - 3 599 14.063 1940 - 2.639 10.007 SILVER SPRING. 1939 -... $1,348 $7,525 1930 - 1.594 11.478 1931 - 2.018 11.195 932 - 1.599 11,353 1933 - 1.980 11.044 193* - 2,225 10.345 193.1 - 3.153 15,901 1930 - 0 122 30.049 1937 - 5.427 33.454 1938 _ 0.230 40.77° 1939 _ 9.088 49.713 1940 - 7.373 52,824 Tourist Changes Mixed. Very little conclusion on tourist trends can be drawn from the irregular showing of three impor tant barometers in June and the first half of this year. Compared with May and a year ago. June visitors at Smithsonian Institution decreased sharply, while Washington Monument and Wash-j ington Tourist Camp recorded sub- 1 stantial gains. For the six months Smithsonian visitors set a new record for that period. Monument visitors were ahead of a year ago, but failed to equal the same 1937 period. Tour ist camp cars and persons were well behind a year ago and were at the lowest point for the period since 1936. Smithsonian visitors in June to taled 246.365. against 288,465 in the preceding month and 295,125 in June, 1939. For the six months they totaled 1.143.693. against 1,131, 576 in the 1939 period. Monument visitors for June to taled 125,372. against 121,717 in the previous month and 115,230 in June, 1939. In the first half of 1940 they totaled 454,423. against 422.573 in the same period last year. The tourist camp reported 1,886 cars and 8,740 persons in June, com pared with 1,433 cars and 7,859 per sons in the preceding month and 1,945 cars and 10,218 persons in June, 1939. In the six months, it reported 5,896 cars and 26.250 per sons, compared with 6,577 and 30,005 in the 1939 period. Smithsonian, Monument and tour ist camp totals for June and the six months of various years are given below: JUNE. Smith- Wash'ton Tourist camp, soman M ment. Cars. Per ns. 1929 194,731 74,005 1930. 189.147 72,879 _ 1931 198.454 68.289 1932- 109.509 58.546 1.829 8.969 l Montgomery Reports Sharp Increase in Acacia Business Gain of 13 Per Cent Over Last Year Sets New Records Pointing to new high records in the first half of 1940, William Mont gomery. president of the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., reported yesterday that new business totaled $19,100,000 against $16,800,000 in the first six months of 1939, an increase of 13 per cent. Total insurance in force now stands at more than $414,220,000. the largest in the historv of the company and comparing with $406. 000.000 a year ago. At the same ' time. Mr. Montgomery reported, as sets have reached a new peak of $90,000,000. a gain of more than S6.800.000 as compared with June 30. 1939. A new high also has been reached in the volume of first mortgage loans placed in the greater Wash ington area, loans now aggregating more than $28,827,000. Bv far the greater proportion of these loans has been placed on single occu pancy dwellings in keeping with the company's policy of stimulating home ownership. The conservation record was the, best since the firm was founded, the lapse rate being less than 4' per cent, and below the national average, the report stated. Turning to June. Mr. Montgomery reported business the best for anv June in the comoany's history, a total of $5,900,000 being an increase of more than 33 per cent over June, 1939. First Federal Savings Reports Large Gains C. H. Ellingson. executive vice president of the First Federal Sav ings & Loan Association, announced yesterday that total assets had reached $7,616,289. a gain of $2,250. 000 during the past year. During the week the 10.000th savings share ac- : count was opened, being issued to 5-year-old Robert Rickman of. Silver Spring, his parents planning ahead for his education. A dividend amounting to $82,750 was paid by the association as of June 30 on savings accounts for the six months' period Just passed. Lend ing activity has also been highly satisfactory, the statement said. Noting unusual interest in home building, the association official said that in the last six months his firm loaned a total of $1,630,800 on first lien mortgages on homes in and around the Metropolitan Area of Washington. There is a greater demand in Washington at present for home financing funds than has been true for a number of years and home financing can be carried out at a lower rate of interest than has ever been available heretofore, Mr. El lingson said. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Julv 6 «.$»• ^United State? Department of Agriculture.—Salable hogs. 3ou: total. 3.800: no thorough test of market strength because of limited num bers: small lots good 230-250 pound butchers strong to 10 higher than Friday's average at 0.00-65: few 334-pound butch- J ers. 6.00: shippers took none; estimated j holdover. 500: compared we*k ago. good , and choice 180-3.30 pound butchers. 65-90 : higher, heavier butchers and sows. 65-80 up Salable cattle. 200: no: calves: com pared Friday last week, fed steers and yearlings. 25-50 higher: strictly good and choice offerings up most: good and choice grain-fed heifers. 50 higher; common and medium grades lost part of early advance, however: very meager supply strictly prain fed heavy cows, steady but all grass cow* 25-50 lower; bulls. 15-25 lower: vealers weak: largely fed steer and heifer run: strictly grass cattle confined mostly to cows, green” steer and grassy heifer sup ply being seasonally very small: gra.«s cow run larger than week earlier: only common killing steers sold under 9.00: very liberal supply. 10.25-11.25: numerous loads 11.50 11.15; practical top. strictly choice steers. 12.00: prime specialties, 13.00; best year ling steers, in load lots. 11.50: short load. 11.65; heifer yearlings. 10.85: numerous loads. 9.75-10.50: weighty cutter. cows stopped at 5.50 late in week: stock cr.ttle strong to 25 higher, meaty kinds up most. Salable sheep. 1.000: no direct: late Friday, spring lambs weak to 25 lower: fed yearlings and fat sheep 25 lower: best native springers. 10.50: six doubles handy weight Westerns, lightly sorted 10.25: compared Friday last week, local supply mostly spring lambs, largely Western ori gin: light supply yearlings and fat sheep; spring lambs around 15 lower, and fat sheen 50 lower: best native spring lambs on opening. 11.40: closing. 10.50: bulk on close. 10.00-10.50: throwouts mostly 8.25-8.75: fed yearlings. 7.75-8.25; only light fat native ewes late up to 3.50; ( bulk medium and heavy weights. 2.00-3.25. Stock Leaders Score Moderate Gains In Slow Session Week's Volume Slumps 1 To 1,385,010, New Low Since 1918 \ Whmt Storks Dili. Sat Frl. Advances _ 1M 243 Declines _ . 123 Unrhanaed __ 122 MT Total Issues _ 3H5 ft 13 By FREDERICK GARDNER, Associated Press Fin«nci»l Writer. NEW YORK. July 6.—Leading stocks today ended a typically apathetic Fourth of July holiday market week with the majority pointing slightly upward. As in yesterday's session, most traders elected to continue their outing until Monday in view of scant speculative inspiration to be found in either domestic or foreign news. While dealings were negligible throughout, they were ahead of the corresponding Saturday in 1939. Turnover for the two hours totaled 131.870 shares, smallest since the brief post-Independence Day pro ceedings last year, when the aggre gate was 113.320. The week's volume of 1,385.010 was a new low since 1918 and com pared with 1.442,130 in the same pe riod last year. In the preceeding week 3,585.410 shares changed hands. The day's curb total was around 20.000 shares against 87.000 on the previous Saturday and was a mini mum for the junior market in about two decades. Scantiness of dealings on the “big board" was exemplified by the fact only 365 individual issues were traded. Of these 154 were up, 89 down and 122 unchanged. Average I'p Saturday The Associated Press average of 60 stocks held an advance of 0.1 of a point at 40.3 on the day, but was unchanged on the week. Those customers who appeared in the financial district still were mod erately bullish, but most inclined to keep commitments light in view of a possible Nazi smash at the British Isles over.the week end. Restrain ing factors also, brokers said, were the approaching Democratic Na tional Convention and lack of details ; regarding proposed excess profits tax legislation Although some doubts were ex pressed of a nearby business upsurge, even under spur of the rearmament spending program, optimistic indi cators were to be seen here and there. With the exception of the! Pittsburgh district, where furnace! repairs were expected to limit steel output next week, predictions were . made of a sharp snap-back in mill ] operations elsewhere Iron in Advance. Among the day's modest share gainers were United States Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Chrys ler. United Aircraft, Lockheed, Ana- ! conda. Southern Pacific. Loft, Brook- i lytj-Manhattan Transit, Montgom- ' er.v Ward. Sears, Roebuck and New York Omnibus. A shade off were Douglas Aircraft. Wcstinghouse, Al- j lied Chemical, Johns-Manville and United States Gypsum. Up a trifle in the curb were Amer- : lean Gas. Bath Iron Works. Bell Aircraft. Electric Bond Share, E. W. Bliss and Brewster Aero. Stocks had their worst day of the week Monday, losing .4 of a point on average, as the Russian-Ruman ian upset proved a confusing cle ment for boardrooms The list did virtually nothing Tuesday, but man aged to register mild progress Wednesday. The market exhibited further modest improvement after the holiday, with stiffening of the British war attitude ciedited partly, for a revival of sentiment. __ Dividend Meetings NEW \ORK. July rt •Special).—Among the important companies which will hold dividend meetings this week are Adams Millis Corp . Best As Co.. Continental Can Co Interchemical Corp. Phelps Dodge Corp. and Reynolds <R. J.» Tobacco Co A list of the meetings of companies defi nitely scheduled is reported by Fitch In vestors’ Service as follows: Monday. July ft. Adams-Miilis Corp, common. 11 a m. Tuesday. July P. Best A* Co., common. 9:15 a m Interchemical Corp. 6% preferred and common. \! p m. Newberry (J. J.» Co.. 5% preferred “A.” 11 am. Norwalk Tire A: Rubber Co . 7% pre ferred. II am. Procter A Gamble Co., common. 1:45 p.m. WednesdaY, July |0. Continent?’ Can Co,, common. 9:30 a m i Phelps Dodge Corp common. 1*2 noon. Wooiwortn <F. \V.» Co., common. 10 am. Thursday. July II. Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. preferred. 10 a m. Reynolds <R J.i Tobacco Co., common I and common ' B ” *2 p m. Friday, July 1*. American Chicle Co., common. It2:30 D.m. Corporate Earnings NEW YORK. July 6 1/P1.—Corporate earnings reports issued during the week showing profits per common share included. Quarter Ended June I. 1P4P 1P3P. Wesson Oil S .SP(p) S Quarter Ended May 31. Murray Corn .34 Wayne Pump 1.11 .1.17 It Weeks Ended June 15. Kroger Grocery 1.27 1.25 Wagner Baking PS ___ St* Months Ended May 31. International Shoe S6 .*4 Flee Months Ended May 31. Addressograph-Multigraph .51 .46 Nine Month* Ended Marrh 30. Columbia Picture* .51 _ Year Ended April 30. Alaoma Steel 1.63 .20 p On preferred stock Foreign Events and Tax Plans Reported Clouding Outlook 8pecial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, July 6.—Despite all the defense contracts that have been awarded and despite what happened at the Republican National Conven tion, the immediate industrial out look is filled with uncertainty, D. W. Ellsworth, editor of the Annalist, points out in that weekly. In fact, he says, it seems likely some kind of business recession is at hand, if, indeed, one has not already set in. Contributing to the uncertainty, he explains, has been the collapse of France and apprehension over the outcome of the impending cam paign in England. These factors are clodding the outlook for for eign orders, with which, notably in the case of steel, have been the backbone of our business recovery in recent months. Fending administration measures, 4 he adds, also are clouding our busi ness outlook. The steeply gradu ated excess profits taxes are likely to make it difficult, if not impos sible, for private concerns to do new financing, so plant expansion would have to be financed by the Government or not at all. This, of course, is not a favorable business factor. In contrast to what had been ex pected if the war in Europe became more intensive and if the United States went in for an extensive de fense program, wholesale commodity prices, Mr. Ellsworth points out, have been drifting downward. “There is hardly any doubt,” he says, “that there is some connec tion between the action of important raw material prices within recent days and the proposed excess profits taxes. Speculative sentiment Is at a low ebb.” 1 A. P. MARKET AVERAGES—Economic barometers were mixed this week, with small changes predominating, as shown in the above chart, based on latest Associated Press statistics. Stock and commodity prices declined a very small fraction. Bonds advanced. Industrial activity gained for the ninth consecutive week, but continued to show a tendency toward leveling off. Wheat Is Depressed By Scattered Rains In Spring Belt Chicago Prices Down As Much as a Cent A Bushel at Times By FRANKLIN MULLIN', Associated Press Marker Writer. CHICAGO. July 6. — Scattered rains in the spring wheat belt, where moisture is badly needed, and fore cast of more precipitation possibly this week end and later next week depressed wheat prices here today. , Chicago wheat fell as much as a cent at times and closed 3a-ra lower than yesterday: July, 76',: Septem ber, 77-77'h. Prices at Minneapolis, ’ the principal spring wheat terminal, were oft as much as 1‘2 cents at one time. Com fell l-Vl58 cents at one stage and closed l-l3a net lower: July, 60;ia; September, 57-\-,2. This weakness was attributed largely to prospects of loosening up of supplies in view of the Government offer to permit farmers to redeem 150.000.000 bush els of 1937 and 1938 corn under loan substantially cheaper than the pre vious redemption rate. Oats closed ',-a, lower: soy beans, 'i-l’t down; rye. off toup. and lard. 5 lower to 2 higher. Grain range at principal markets: High Low Close Prev.Close .JULY WHEAT— Chic aeo :; >4 76*2 761, 77»«-'* Minneapolis 7SS, 7T3» 7P* 7S7« Kansas City 70s* 69>s 6p»a To3* Winnipeg—Prices at minimums. SEPTEMBER WHEAT— Chicago _ _ 773, Tfi’, 77 Minneapolis _ 7S'4 7 Pa 7S 79-: A1* Kansas Cay 71'* 70S 7<J7* :i»2-34 DECEMBER WHEAT— Chicago 7S'* 7 73* 7* 7S'2-'g Minneapolis _ 79’* 7 S'* 7A'* 793* Kansas Cay P-27* P34 P2 7234-73 JULY CCRN— Chicago op ? Rot 4 «n3* 61'* Kansas City 6‘2** 6*23» 6*23* 6-2,» SEPTEMBER CORN— Chicago 583 4 57*4 575* Kansas City 5534 543* 54s* 56'4 JULY OATS— Chicago 31', .31 31 31 3, Minneapolis _ 30 *29** 30 *29T* Winnipeg ^ 31 Ta 31 >* 313a 317g Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No 2. red. SO: No. *2. red. garlicky. 76. No. 3. red. resample. 76; No. 1 hard. SO: No. *2. SO. Corn. No. 1. yel low. fM’j-O.Va. Sov beans. No. yellow. S*234-S;jP: No 3. 8:2-S*:34. Oats. No. *2. 1 mixed. 3\y2-33 6-4 No. *\ white 34*2- : 3.Vi?. No. 3. 3.31 a-34. Barley, malting. 4S-5*7, nominal; feed, nominal. Domestic Copper Prices Lowest Since September Bj thp Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 6—Domestic copper consumers paid the lowest I price for the red metal this week since war smashed into Europe last September. In the sensitive custom smelter market copper sold at 107s cents a pound. Several of the smaller pro ducers also quoted this price, but the big primary producers adhered to the 11'2-cent base which they held since late February. Varying explanations were offered for the price declines: The French surrender removed a big customer fi;om the market and since then overseas demand has dwindled to the vanishing point. Leading brass mills shut down for the week for vacations and the usual inventory taking. Domestic consumers have their regular needs ordered for several months ahead. Some expected a lift in new business when tne na tional defense program gets rolling,' but until then an attitude of cau tion appeared the order of the day. The long Fourth of July holiday further tempered buying. Export copper was available at 10.50 cents, roughly one-third below a week ago. Lead and zinc also reflected holi day inactivity. Business was mostly in carload lots at unchanged prices. Listed Bond Values Higher During June By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 6 —The market value of bond issues listed in the New York Exchange rose to $47, 665,777,410 at the end of June ^rom $46,936,861,020 although total issues declined to 1,358, from 1,369 a month earlier. Average price per $1,000 bond in creased to $901.40 from $878.70. Par value declined to $52,879,297, 534 from $53,413,788,592. A spoke«man for the exchange said removal from listing of Brook lyn-Manhattan Transit liens in connection with unification of New York City transport facilities ex plained the rather large decline in the total of issues traded in the exchange. i New-Crop Deliveries Swept Higher in Cotton Dealings July Contract Drops As Traders Transfer Future Holdings B* the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 6—The July cotton delivery took it on the chin again today but distant months forged ahead when offerings came out slowly. The final range was 11 points lower to 10 higher. Operations in the spot month con sisted mainly of further evening up and transfer of holdings into distant deliveries. Strength of new-crop months was connected with talk in the trade of a probable loan on the new crop of about 9’3 cents a pound. Loan on the last crop averaged around 8'2 cents. Firmness at Bombay contributed to a steady start, when domestic mill buying and a little professional ! covering easily took care of small hedges. Holiday conditions ruled in Worth Street textile markets. Some dis appointment was apparent that more volume failed to develop dur ing the week, but hope of further Government buying was a sustain ing factor. Export Friday, 211 bales: season so far. 6.331,017. Port receipts, 5,657; port stocks, 2,467,494. Range follows: NEW Open High. Low Jul.v _nun mm mol loo4n October _ 9 :oi ft 45 ft m 45 December_9 14 ft 14 9.32 January_ ft 11 ft. 11 9 21 ft.lln March _ ft 0:1 !» 07 ft 00 pul May - 8.86 8 84 S.ftu OLD July ft 85 ft.85 ft.77 P.tS n Nominal Spot, nominal; middling (’a inch), 10.71. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS July 6 ,.7V—Cotton futures were irregular here today with dis tant positions supported by trade demands and July depressed by liquidations. Closing prices were steady, ft to 10 points net higher. Open. High. Low. Close. July __ 9.81 9.81 9.74 9.72b July (new) _ 9.89b 9 7!tb October .... ft.40 ft 50 ft 41 ft 48-49 December _ 9.51 P.35 9.31 9.34 January _ 9.12b 9.22b March _ 9 0 4 9.0 7 9 04 9 I Ob May _ 8.88 8.97 8.88 8.91 b Bid. Kertz Elected Chairman Of Fiduciaries Section Harold A. Kertz. assistant trust officer of the National Metropolitan Bank, yesterday was elected chair man of the fiduciaries section of _ the District Harold A. Kertx. Bankers Asso ciation for the coming year. Henry K. Dier koph. assistant trust officer, Riggs National, was elected vice chairman, and J. Wesley Clam pitt, jr.. assist ant trust officer, Union Trust Co., was named secretary. The remaining three members or the Executive Committee elected yesterday are Aubrey O. Dooley, assistant trust officer, Hamilton National; Earl G. Jonscher. assist- 1 ant trust officer. American Security & Trust Co., and Bernard J. Amiss, assistant trust officer. Washington Loan & Trust Co., retiring chair man. Mr. Kertz, new chairman, has been active in the section for the last six years. He attended George town College and was graduated from Georgetown University law school in 1928. He is a member of the District of Columbia bar, Dis trict of Columbia Life Insurance Trust Council. Board of Trade, Washington Bond Club. Early Birds Breakfast Club and Congressional Country Club. Murphy Volume Up 17 Per Cent From Year Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 6 —G. C. Mur phy Co., operators of a national chain of variety stores, today re ported June sales jumped 17 per cent to $4.3*7.795 from $3,758,316 in June last year. Sales for the first half of the year totaled $22.-1 568.660, or 12.9 per cent more than | $19,989,489 In the comparable 1939 period. I k U. S. Industry Faces Busiest Summer In Ten Years Huge Defense Orders And Freer Spending Assure Activity By FRANK MAC MILLEV, Associttea Prets Business Writer. NEW YORK, July 6—Riding a rising tide of war orders and retail trade, the Nation's industry seemed headed today for the busiest sum mer in a decade. Factories and merchants, business sources reported, faced a powerful combination of huge Government orders for battle equipment and freer spending by Mr. and Mrs. Average Consumer for clothes, household goods, automobiles, lux ury items. Trade analysts linked the cheerful ring of cash registers at the retail counters directly with the stir of heavy industry at Pittsburgh, Chi cago. Birmingham, Cleveland and the war-time production rush in air | craft, shipbuilding, tool and miscel | laneous machine making plants. ! Business reports said employment : in many places was on the upgrade, with prospects pay rolls would con | tinue to expand as industry be comes more extensively engaged on i the United Stated proposed *10, 000,000.000 defense program. A quick rebound in steel and other plants w'as forecast for the coming week following a holiday let-down over Fourth of July. Allowing for the usual Independ ence Day interruptions of work, pro longed in numerous factories and offices through the week end to per mit workers time off for summer play, analysts pictured business en tering the second half of the year at the highest production level sines 1929. Index Extends Rise. Up for the ninth consecutive week ! in the recovers’ from the winter and early spring slump, the Associated press index of industrial activity now stands at 105.7 per cent of the 1929-30 level compared with 83 5 a year ago. It has been climbing from the year s low’ of 93.6 in April. Hints of a leveling off in the pace of improvement, at least for the va cation period, were noticeable in late trade data. Many businessmen were disposed to move cautiously pending the heralded German smash against England. Peace talk in financial circles, at its height following the capitula tion of France, lost much of its tone of assurance when the Brit ish Navy pounced on French ships to prevent them from falling into Nazi hands. Business commentators reminded that a successful German blitzkrieg against the British Isles might be felt quickly by American industry because England's war orders have | become an important prop for many plants here. British Orders Placed. British purchasing agents an nounced the placing of $100,000,000 I in additional orders in the United States, making a total of $1,800,000 - | 000 since the war began. Most of this sum is for aircraft, but tha scope of buying has broadened in recent weeks, it was indicated. Steel orders were said to involve about 2.000.000 tons. The magazine Business Week sug gested the United States Govern j ment probably would take over most British war contracts in event of a Nazi victory. j "But the ultimate amount of mu j nitions business would be diminished j by the absence of foreign demand," ' the publication added. “And with domestic industry abl# to turn all its attention and re sources to domestic defense, there would be that much less urgency to build new plants and buy new equipment. "Moreover, American business | men, because of the war in Europe, have been building up stocks. Once the end of the war is in sight they'll change this policy. Businessmen probably will prefer to let their stocks run off. So internal orders within the domestic business struc ture would drop.” Tax Plans Feared. Administration proposals for steeply graded excess profits taxes supplemented the German threat against England in restraining speculation for the rise in the stock j market, brokers explained. Trading I in stocks ebbed to about the lowest ! of the year as the July Fourth j week-end emptied trading rooms. ' On the other hand the improve ment in business at home appeared to have stimulated investment de mand for bonds. The bond market j advanced leisurely, but consistently, while stocks idled. The rise in rail bonds particularly, brokers said, acknowledged the defi | nite turn for the better in that major industry. With the wheat ! crop moving to market in volume, rail loadings pushed up to the high est point since last autumn's spurt in traffic. Increased haulage of ore and coal to meet demands of expanding heavy industries, notably steel, was rated the chief force behind the advance in loadings. The resulting gain in financial strength enabled many carriers to plan equipment purchases and property renovation in anticipation of industrial needs when the United States defense pro gram gets into full stride, probably some time next year. Time Element Stressed. A. W. Robertson, chairman of Westinghouse Electric & Manufac turing Co., volunteering his com pany's services for defense, esti mated it would take from 4 to 24 months to' get into mass produc (SeelINDUSTRY, Page B-7.) Virginia Realty Sales $1,244,430 for Week By the Associated Press. NORFOLK, Va.. July 6—Sales throughout the State reported this week by the Virginia Real Estate Association aggregated $1,244,430, with a total of 374 deeds recorded. Richmond led with 128 deeds, $432,250 consideration; Arlington had 66 deeds, $373,700 consideration; Norfolk, 94 deeds. $202,500 consid eration; Alexandria. 29 deeds, $145, 703 considerations, and Roanoke, $7 deeds. $80,277 consideration. Although the total in both deeds and consideration were under the amounts reported last week, when 426 deeds gave new owners posses sion of property valued at $1,304, 387. Executive Secretary Otto Hollo well said business was well up to the seasonal level. i