Newspaper Page Text
Conquering Fuehrer Rides on Carpet of Flowers in Berlin Hitler, Back From War, Given Unprecedented Welcome by Capital Bv LOITIS P. LOCHNER, Associated Press War Correspondent. BERLIN. July 6.—Adolf Hitler came back from his conquests today to ride across a vast carpet of flowers and hear the tumult of a welcome such as Berlin had never seen before. The proportions of this home coming were Napoleonic—the press, in fact, in an article written by Hitler's own press-ahief. Dr. Otto Dietrich, compared the Fuehrer to both Napoleon and Caesar. I have ridden behind Hitlef many times—at Nurnberg party conven tions. when he entered Danzig last September, when he returned vic torious from the Austrian Anschluss. There always has been enthusi asm. but today it was different. The distinguishing feature was the complete abandon with which the population cheered, waved flags and cried “Heil.” I had a feeling that those hun dreds of thousands who lined the streets were happy, at long last, to have a chance to blow off steam. The Norwegian campaign had come and gone and yet Berlin con tinued its -wartime, work-day existence. Holland and Belgium were con quered, but nothing beyond a dis play of flags was arranged. Paris fell, France asked for an armistice, and Hitler had the satis faction of meeting its representa tives in the same railway car in Compeigne Forest where Marshal Foch, in 1918. dictated the terms. Again nothing happened in Ber lin. beyond 10 days of flag raising and the daily tolling of church bells. Like Busman's Holiday. But today it was like a vast bus man's holiday. I rode in a car behind Hitler's with four other newspaper correspondents, from An halter station to the chancellery. No one, unless he happened to stand before the chancellery when Hitler got there and saw the wounded veterans of Hitler's cam- j paigns. lined up in a place of honor below his balcony, would have thought Germany still was fighting : a war. While bands blared and church bells peeled, Hitler, standing in his car, smiled and saluted. Flowers of every kind and color carpeted his path. Thousands had 1 , brought flowers, despite the order that they must not throw them in the Fuehrer's car. The police had them piled in the streets and, a few minutes before Hitler's train pulled into the station from the west, uniformed Hitler boys and Hitler girls scattered them eagerly from curb to curb. The predominant note of the triumphal ride was military. To be sure, cabinet ministers and j party leaders rode in the triumphal parade, headed by the Fuehrer. There even was Dr. Hjalmar1 Schacht, who once piloted Ger-4 many's finances, paired strangely enough in a limousine with the Nazi-J philosopher Alfred Rosenberg, but' Dr. Schacht cut a curious figure in ! his high choker collar and slouch 1 hat in the midst of the brilliant uniforms. Throughout, too. non-military dignitaries were ranged behind men like Field Marshal Hermann Goer ing. Grand Admiral Eric Raeder, Col. Gens. Walther von Brauchitsch and Wilhelm Keitel. Makes Two Appearances. Hitler- did not speak, either at the station or at the chancellery. He made two silent, smiling appear ances on the chancellery balcony, and the police had to clean the Wilhelmplatz later because the peo ple wouldn’t go away. There was this other outstanding impression of my drive: The realiza tion tha* Germany still has enor mous reserves of manpower for her fight on England. The companies of troops before the station and along the route never, apparently, have been to the front. More than that, fresh, massed manpower presented itself in storm troop and Schultz Staffel forma tions. labor battalions. Nazi motor troops, numerous types of civil service employes, railwaymen, street car men and in the older classes of , Hitler youths. In one respect this homecoming i was true to tradition—“Hitler weath- j er” prevailed. The sun shone hot and bright— i so hot, in fact, that many people ! collapsed. Hitler came to the capital well ahead of Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, who is due to arrive tomorrow. It is understood that the visit is in the main a demonstration of the solidarity of the axis. Count Ciano is likely to go to the Western Front, whence Hitler came today, after visiting Berlin. Rumanian Ship Captain Sued in U. S. for Wages B> the Associated Press. CHARLESTON. S. C.. July 6.— The master of the Rumanian steam ship Prahova. having just experi enced difficulties w'hen 23 of his crew of 30 staged a sit-down strike because of salary trouble, had a new worry on his hands today when Ru dolph Sass, listed on the crew as a donkey man, filed a libel suit against him and the vessel in the United States District Court. The libellant asks that the vessel be condemned and sold so the wages he “has earned can be paid.’’ The papers were served on Capt. Alex ander Tiufiaeff, the master, today. So long as the wages remain un paid the ship may not sail. According to the suit she was scheduled to leave here July 9 for an unannounced destination. The Prahova has been in port since June 23 discharging a cargo of fertilizer loaded in Spain. I A 5x7 ENLARGEMENT ■ With Ercry • or 5 Eipeinrc EpII t 1 FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED . . . ACE PHOTO SERVI A PCX Rotlo Co.. 7*9 »th St. N.W. mt G GoorrctowB EIcc. Co.. 1706 Wipe. Arc. ■EUbc toft.*;** AM. Inti «;M rjL« k l BERLIN.—HITLER RECEIVES BERLIN OVATION—This pic ture, sent by radio from Berlin to New York last night, shows, according to the German caption, Adolf Hitler (standing) as he returned to Berlin to receive the acclaim of the population, who greeted him as a conquering hero. Gen. Wilhelm Keitel (left, rear seat), chief of the high command of the German Army, was among the officers accompanying Hitler. _ —A. P. Wirephoto. Nazis Spurn 5 Points Of Peace Declared Vital by Roosevelt Show Cleavage Between U. S. and Authoritarian States, Germans Say By the Associated Press. BERLIN, July 6.—President Roosevelt's expression of five points necessary for peace among nations merely shows again what a vast cleavage there is between the view point of the United States President and that of the authoritarian states, informed German sources said to day. Further, these sources said, since the United States is not involved in the European War, it hardly is conceivable that she expects to par ticipate in peace negotiations that will end the conflict. Hence. Mr. Roosevelt's remarks must be regarded, they said, as designed for home consumption. Yesterday at Hyde Park the Pres ident outlined his principles for peace as: 1. Freedom of information, knowl edge and press. 2. Freedom of religion. 3. Freedom of expression. 4. Freedom from fear of attack and threats of aggression. 5. Freedom from want; greatest possible cultural and commercial intercourse among nations. Hamstringing of Press Cited. Freedom of the press as outlined by the President exists practically nowhere, these informed Germans asserted, because finance, industry, j political parties, labor and other interests all work to hamstring the press. Freedom to express any Opinion, they pointed out. may be possible in a country with wide spaces like the United States, but in closely crowded areas like the German Reich it is impossible to permit everybody to say what he thinks. Twenty years of free expression under the German republic, these sources claimed, led only to 8,000. 000 unemployed and to destruction of religion ,and morals. The German people, they held, are perfectly happy to have the man who shoulders the responsibil ity for Germany's fate also deter mine its opinion. Let America think as it desires about freedom of opinion—but let it also refrain from interfering with the European way of doing things, these commentators declared. Washington's Silence Hit. In another expression pertaining to the American scene, Adolf Hal felcl, who usually reflects Wilhelm strasse opinion, commented sharply in the Hamgurger Fremdenblatt that Washington was remaining silent about "the danger of open hostili ties” off the French island of Mar tinique. (At Fort de France, Martinique, the French Admiralty said British cruisers have been seen off the coast for two days. Secretary of State Hull declined comment on an unofficial report that Britain was establishing a blockade to prevent movement of French naval units or planes from Mar tinique. The British have de nied it.) "Endangering of American secur ity by Germany and Italy is the sin gle prescription by tvhich the United States, under the spokesmanship of its President, can employ to justify its armaments program,” Halfeld wrote. "European powers which main tain no possessions outside Europe, and especially in America, are pro vided with officious warnings against encroachments in the Western Hemisphere. England, however, may wave its flag in the neighbor hood of the life vein of the United States—the Panama Canal.” Fannie Hurst Convalescing NEW YORK, July 6 <yP).—Novelist Fannie Hurst was convalescing in a hospital today from an appendec tomy performed several days ago. Dr. A. A. Berg said her condition was "good." Specializing in Perfect DIAMONDS And complete line of standard and all-American made watch:*. Shop at the friendly store— ycu'i* always greeted with *i smile—with no obligation to buyi| Charge Accounts In MLWurtzburgirC $01 G SMLW. Rumania (Continued From First Page )_ Gigurtu declared: “We will never forget ...” Jewish Songs Forbidden. Iron Guard Leader Horia Sima, Minister of Culture in the new gov ernment, forbade Jewish actors and musicians to perform in public and prohibited the playing of Jewish songs and music. It was announced also that Max Ausnit. Rumanian steel and muni tions millionaire, must serve a six year prison sentence and pay a fine of 250,000,000 lei. (The nominal value of the lei is about 9.13 cents. Ausnit, a Jew who recentlv em braced Christianity, and one of Ru mania’s leading industrialists, was put in custody last November in an investigation of allegedly illegal for eign currency operations and was displaced as director of Resitza, Ru mania's munitions trust. Although Gigurtu spoke of a “mi nority,” it was said in his behalf that his denunciation was of the Jewish people. The Premier told the country that the government had “decided in the future to collaborate in close contact with all those minorities which loy ally enter into the life of Rumania." “I do not consider as a minority of this category,” he added, “those who have repaid our good will with hate and idle words. We will never forget and we will not tolerate the people of Rumania forgetting the attitude which the jninority to which I allude had in our last hours of trial.” Warning Seen in Remarks. Foreign diplomatic quarters In terpreted the speech as a warning of severe anti-Semitic measures to come. Gigurti declared that the inclu sion "of our foreign policy in that of the Rome-Berlin axis is now an accomplished fact." saying that this "new orientation has become still more necessary by our domestic pol icy and our integral nationalism.” Gigurti began his broadcast with the statement: "Our first and most holy duty in these difficult times is to carry out the commands of our King in every respect.” This was interpreted as meaning that King Carol's position is solid and that he is not going to abdi cate, as has been reported elsewhere in the Balkans. He gave a hint of confirmation to reports that his cabinet is planning extensive nationalization of indus tries, including petroleum, remark ing: “Our national economy will un dergo great changes. It must be immediately and completely fitted into the new orientation of the country, which in turn will corre spond to the new orientation of Europe.” Last night squads of police pa- i trolled the streets of Bucharest and frontier forces in the North and South of Rumania were being fur ther strengthened. There was no fresh indication of the Reich's attitude toward Ru mania, following the formation of its new, avowedly pro-German gov ernment, but diplomatic circles ex- : pressed belief that the entire Balkan ; situation may be clarified after i Count Galeazzo Ciano of Italy con- | fers in Berlin today with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler. Rumania's new government issued the first of what is expected to be FULLER BRISTLECOMB HAIR BRUSH Doaan’t Ditturb the WAVE Cal) Dl. 3498 or Writ* 977 Nat'l Pre»t BMC. HOW’S YOUR HEARING? FREE HEARING TEST AT NO OBLIGATION! If your hearing is not on par, take our free Audio meter test. Your VACUUM TUBE ACOUSTICON is fit ted to your individual needs based on this accurate test. Pay for your VACUUM TUBE ACOUSTICON on our convenient budget plan. "Friendly service to the Hard of Hearing since 1902.” .1 a long series of anti-Semitic laws as 90,000 Rumanians, the rear guard of the Jewish migration, crossed into Russian-occupied Bessarabia. Discussion was reported going on between Berlin and Moscow about another tremendous transplanting of peoples—the return of 100.000 German Rumanians from Soviet occupied territory to the Reich. Thirty expelled British oilmen, two of them heads of American con cerns, left Constanta by freighter for Egypt. Many other Britons were departing voluntarily. The first anti-Semitic law forbade any public weighing machines to be operated by any one except a mem ber of the new totalitarian party, from which Jews automatically are excluded. , The new Minister of Education announced that the German lan guage henceforth will be featured in Rumanian schools. Rumania's Jews number more than half a million. La Follette Sees U. S. Put on Road to War B: the Associated Press. CHICAGO, July 6.—Philip F. La Follette, former Progressive Gover nor of Wisconsin, contended tonight that Democratic and Republican leaders “have taken this unprepared Nation a long way down the road to war.” "Those who now lead the Repub lican party, as well as the Demo cratic, are telling us that our first line of defense is in Britain and France,” he set forth in a prepared \ radio address. If these Republican ! and Democratic policies continue, | and if the war lasts, they will have us in it. If they do, we shall be as unprepared as Britain or France.” j Gov. La Follette opined that; the Allies' difficulties stemmed from "the disastrous idea that money can buy anything, even the defense of a nation. He added: “America will not begin her de fense until we restore health, strength and self-respect to our people—until every American is fired with a burning faith in our ! country that will make each of us , gladly pledge our honor, our for tune. and our lives for the defense of the United States.” Britain May Requisition Parts of Automobiles By the Associated Press. LONDON, July 6.—British motor ists must dismantle their automo biles and hand over parts of the mo tors to authorities if ordered to do so, a Ministry of Transport order said today. The order also empowers regional commissioners to forbid the use of any kind of vehicle on roads in dis tricts where an invasion occurs. Vehicles may be put out of action with the double object of render ing them useless to the enemy and to prevent the start of a huge ref ugee trek such as hindered Allied armies in France and Belgium. Union Conferences Allowed on Army Boats By the Associated Press. MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 6.—Na tional Maritime <C. I. 6.) Union employes of the United States Army Engineers may hold union meetings on Government boats as the result of a Memphis district labor case ruling. Reinstating five Negro workers discharged for making allegedly 1 false statements to Congressmen, | Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Robins, as- j sistant to the chief of engineers, made these rulings affecting all union employes on the 2,300 vessels under the Engineer Corps: 1. Union meetings may be held on j Government boats on employes’ time, if the sessions are open and do not interfere with operations: j (2) men receiving subsistence and quarters, when absent with due no tice, no longer must pay for meals they do not eat; (3) all efficiency j ratings of employes will be made public. After the five Negroes complained they were working more than regu lation 44 hours a week, the Memphis 1 district labeled the assertions false and discharged the workers. The three rulings resulted from com plaints employes made at a subse quent hearing before an Army board. 1 18 Saved From Vessel Torpedoed by Nazis By the Associated Press. LA CORUNA. Spain. July 6.— Three fishing boats reached here today with 18 survivors of the Pan amanian ship Santa Margarita (unlisted In Lloyds>, which was tor pedoed by a German submarine off this port Tuesday. Twenty-one of the crew are missing. Combating the Pain of Arthritis Thousands suffering from arthritis pains have found help in Mountain Valley Min eral Water, direct from famous Hot Springs. Arkansas. Mildly Alkaline. Deeply Satisfying. Indorsed by physicians for over 30 years. Phone ME. I ©02 for case. Mountain Valley Mineral Water ME, 1062 _1403 K 81. N.W. H£AR BETTER SOHOTOME Come in for a free Audiometer test of your bearing Sonotone Washington Co. 901 Washington Bldg. 13th St. and New York Ave. N.W. Phone District 0021 HEATING PLUMBING by Graduate Engineers Complete heating and plumbing j service by skilled graduate en gineers. We can save you money on any job, from cottage to sky scraper. No Money Down 3 Years to Pay Starting in October Estimates Free American Radiator Co. HOT-WATER HEAT Includes new At Low At Area Boiler and 300 feet of radia tion. 3 Yeart to Pay I Arco-Flame Oil Burner Fully installed in your furnace. 1 3 Yaart to Pay American Radiator Co. OIL FURNACE A new Imnroved American Radiator Co. Oil Furnace; in cludes Oil Furnace with Oil Burner, and an controls. Fully in sis lied.__ PREMIER OIL OR GAS AIR-CONDITIONING Comp lete, in stalled in 6-room home. . 3 Yeart to Pay W. P. A. Writers Plan Series of Factbooks With the last of the W. P. A. State Guide Books now nearing the publication stage, Unemployed writers are next to be assigned the task of compiling a series of State Factbooks, Mrs. Florence Kerr, as sistant commissioner, announced yesterday. The new boks will be encyclo pedias of useful information about each State in the Union and will be produced in the same manner as other publications of the W. P. A. writers' program. It is estimated a year will lapse before the first book is published. J. D. Newson, national director of the unemployed writers, said the predominant demand is for "com prehensive, inexpensive” Factbooks of a type permitting frequent re vision. The Guide Books for the most part were profusively illustra ted and priced generally above the reach of a wide reading public. The Factbooks, it was said, will contain much information of the kind usually found in almanacs, such as statistical data bearing on industry, cities and counties. But Any Mika Watah • CUanftd • Kenltiel • A4J«kU4 • Guaranteed OVK year. |?1iH work done by factory trained fidexperte— •/ condition, fc'ljwc can repair it. the more Important categories of information, Mr. Newson Indicated, will be summaries of the functions of the various State and Federal agencies operating within the State, biographies of public officials and addresses of State-wide organiza tions. Fire Strikes Famous Tucker Bird Sanctuary By the Associated Piece. SANTA ANA, Calil., July 6.—Fire on the B. F. Tucker estate, na tionally famous as a humming bird sanctuary, today destroyed Mr. Tucker s home and many rare -books and records he had willed to the Audubon Society. Mr. Tucker said he feared several hundred birds in the nearby gardens also had been burned to death. He estimated the loss, not counting the books and records, at about $7,000. Mr. Tucker, a retired Los Angeles and Long Beach banker, put a beaker of sugared water for hum ming birds outside his home 17 years ago. So many birds appeared he placed additional beakers about and began feeding other birds until now there are scores of beakers. Prom 6.000 to 8,000 birds of as many as 98 species cohgregate in the vicinity in the summertime. i Ettablithtd 1895 OUIS ABRAHAMS 0RNJ ON JEWELRY 3223 R. 1. An. N.l. Cosh for Your Old Gold __711 G St. N.W Otfcciag&faMcei DELC0REMY fmloit_ ■ 1716I4TSYN.W. NORTH 1583 ■■■■■■ SPECIAL bb ALL THIS WEEK • COMPLETE GLASSES BIFOCALS, (enuina • SINGLE VISION Krrutok white lenaea • FKAME OR RIMLESS to aee far and near. • EXAMINATION Rer value, S12.00. • CASE Jt CLEANER No*__ __ w FREE EXAMINATION ATTENTION! Know your eyesight specialist; who is he? Is he a COLLEGE GRADUATE! These questions are VITAL to your health and happiness. The College Degree Eyesight Specialist has at his fingertips the very latest in scientific methods known to man, to give you an honest and accurate diagnosis. A COLLEGE GRADUATE'S prescrip tion is your assurance of proper treatment for your eyes. Remember then, CONSULT A COLLEGE GRADUATE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Dr. Bernard B. Hillyard, 0. D., D. 0. S. j LmAAA p Al || HI Office at | Ola Raff. Kabn-Oppenheimer ■■■■ Specials in Bedroom Furniture t Making way for the advent of the new Sloane forward policy—soon to follow• Important groups these, all of them favorites— embracing the popular periods, holding fast to the Sloane standard of genuine cabinet woods in con struction. Savings up to half and more! The group illustrated is a Chinese Chippendale, in knotty pine, with handsome lacquered twin beds, nite table and hanging mirror. Complete with eight pieces. Reduced from $650 *325 \ American Hepplewhite Group, genuine Honduras mahogany. Twin beds of chair back design—bureau and dressing table with hanging mirror; bench. Reduced from $325 *159 Louis XVI Group, Cuban mahogany, with brass inlays In drawer fronts and panels of the twin beds. Seven pieces. Reduced from $745 *395 Modern Group, In rock maple, painted and glased in the French green tone; silverlike hardware and crystal mirrors. Eight pieces, with twin beds. Reduced from $325 *160 Separate Bedroom Pieces Chippendale High Boy; cabriole legs, ball and claw feet. Genuine mahogany. REDUCED from $120. * Hepplewhite Bureau, five commodious drawers. $90.75 Honduras mahogany. REDUCED from $45_ ** English Chippendale Knee-hole Vanity. Will serve also as a desk. Genuine mahogany. REDUCED $*7^C from $110_„_ 1 a Early American Queen Anne Low Boy; solid rock $OQ maple. REDUCED from $56_ 00 Louis XV Commode; genuine walnut construction. $*7RE REDUCED from $195_ Early American Queen Anne High Boy-Chest, solid $7 RE rock maple. REDUCED from $120_ • ® w&JSLOME TWJJ.JIH STUITbb i k ,