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I American Radiator Co. HEAT Hot-Water Heat COMPLETELY INSTALLED | IN • ROOMS Written Guarantee No Money Down Vr TO 3 TEARS TO PAT r. B. A. Rite*—1st Payment October Coal, Oil or Cat Eetlmate Free. Day or Nifbt ROYAL HEATING CO. 907 15th St. N.W. NAtl. 3803 Nlaht and Snn.. Rand. 832ft MATHUSHEK SPINET GRANDS The distinctive pianos—mu sically improved and modern ized versions of the old square grands. Very handsomely styled, they are available in designs to fit any decorative scheme . . . Early American (pictured), Duncan Phyfe, Sheraton, Mod erne, Louis XV, etc., and in any wood or finish you desire. Note carefully that these instruments are spinet GRANDS not to be confused with the present day spmet UPRIGHTS. Phone for booklet . . . National 4730. Reserve District No. 5.— REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Morris Plan Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on June 29. 194n. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 6211. U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (in cluding $579.79 over drafts) _ $3,690,705.92 5. United States Govern ment obligations, direct and guaranteed 67.500.00 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash Hems in process of collection 768.310.36 7. Furniture and fixtures $56450 98 _ 66.450.98 11. Other assets_ 4.577.31 12. Total assets_.$4,577,544.57 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of indi viduals. partnerships, and corporations __ $890,240.37 14. Time deposits of Indi viduals. partnerships, and corporations _ 2.670.542.87 17. Deposits of banks 45.000.00 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) 39.258.89 19. Total deposits $3,645,040.13 23. Other liabilities_ $157,513,45 24. Total liabilities _$3,802,553.58 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. £5. Capital stock: I <a> Class A preferred, i total par $2*0.000.00; retirable value $253.- • 750.00. i Rate of divi- y 600.000.00 dends on retirable I value is 4.18'e). _ | <cl Common stock. | total par $250.000.00J E« Surplus _ 117.000.00 E7. Undivided profits _ _ 101.469.03 E8. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred dtock) _ 5fi.62I.flfi IP. Total capital accounts $774,900.99 BO. Total liabilities and capital accounts_$4,577,544.57 MEMORANDA. fl. Pledged assets (book value!: (ci Assets pledged for purposes other than to secure liabilities_S26.000.00 (ei Total __ _$20,000.00 District of Columbia. City of Washington, ss: I. V. WALTON RHINE. Asst. Vice-Presi dent of the above-named bank, do solemnly gwear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. V. WALTON RHINE Asst. Vice-Prcs. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of July. 1940 (seal I WILLIAM R. SCHMUCKER. Notary Public. Commission expires Sept. 1, 1944. Correct—Attest: WILLARD G. BARKER. W CAMERON BURTON. EDWIN A. MOOERS. Directors. >.WMAL j Listen to ... 630 K. NEWS BROADCASTS 4 TODAY. 7:00 a.m.—News from Eu rope. 8:00 a.m.—European Situa tion. '1 10:00a.m.—A. P. News. 12:30 p.m.—News. 4:00 p.m.—News. 6:00 p.m.—News from Eu rope. 10:00p.m.—A. P. News. 11:00p.m.—War News and M a j. G t n. Fuqua. 12:00 p.m.—News. TOMORROW. 7:00 a.m.—News Here and Abroad. 7:25 a.m.—European News. ' 8:30 a.m.—Earl Godwin. 1 10:00 a.m.—News. 11:00a.m.—European News. WMAL 630 on Your Dial S Washington’s Leading News Station brings you headline news— as it happens. i WHERE POPULATION NEARS MILLION—This map of Washington, four nearby counties and the city of Alexandria, shows the area which has reached 962,742 in the 1940 census. Figures indicate both 1930 and 1940 census returns. Census Bureau Aids Defense Program With Industrial Data Tabulation of Facts Will Show Conditions In 37 Key Industries To give the National Defense Commission a more complete pic ture of the Nation's basic resources the Census Bureau will speed the tabulation of data for 37 key in dustries, Secretary of Commerce Hopkins announced yesterday. As field agents send to Washing ton the 1940 schedules on Ameri can manufacturing, the Census Bu reau will maintain day-to-day totals for these industries, showing com parisons between 1939 and 1937 as to the number of plants of each type, wage earners and value of | products. These tabulations will be ' available to the National Defense j Commission on a few hours’ notice, j ‘Among the industries for which the tabulation of data will be speed ed up are iron and steel, petroleum products, rubber, motor vehicles, ! aircraft and shipbuilding plants, ; food, textiles, machine tools, ma chinery and surgical and medical instruments and supplies. Returns from other industires less directly related to defense will be analyzed as soon as possible after the pre- , ferred group. Works at Full Speed. The Census Bureau is working at ; full speed on the returns of the I 1940 census of population. The first facts to be tabulated include the total number of persons, their sex, j their age groupings, the number who are employed workers and where these are located. After these facts have been gathered from the re turns. census tabulators will analyze the Nation's labor force. Workers fall into 12 broad classifi cations, as follows: Professional, semi-professional, farmers and farm j managers, proprietors, managers and officials; clerical, sales and kindred workers; craftsmen, foremen, and i skilled workers; operatives, such as semi-skilled workers and machine tenders; domestic servants, other service workers, including policemen and firemen; farm laborers and foremen, unpaid family farm work ers and laborers, except farm labor ers. Figures for these groups will be presented for each county in the United States. The decennial census of mines and quarries will also furnish valuable information for the Defense Com mission. Acording to the Census Bureau 90 per cent of the raw ma terials covered by this canvass are i used either directly or indirectly by the Nation's basic industries. Farm Figures Coming. Tabulation of the returns from the 1940 farm census are also being speeded up. This census will reveal the facts on the production of food stuffs, farm labor and the location of farm population. Many key-industries are now de manding proof of age and place of birth from their workers. Until re cently, only about 15 per cent of requests for proof of age received by the Census Bureau came from job seekers. The greater part of such requests had to do with old-age pen sions. Now, more than 50 per cent of current requests are from those seeking work. Since birth registration was not general in the United States prior to 1915, thousands of Americans are unable to secure official proof of age except throbgh census records. Last week the Census Bureau received 2,200 requests for proof of age. Barrymore Blackboard Saves Studio $25,000 By the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD, July 6 —That lit tle blackboard John Barrymore uses as a prompter for forgotten lines has saved his studio $25,000. Twentieth Century-Fox said It would complete the Barrymore pic ture, “The Great Profile,” Monday night, five days ahead of schedule at a $25,000 saving. Said a press agent: "John wasn't late once, there were no displays of temperament and— thanks to the blackboard—there were no miscues.” I - 1 How Washington Grew From 1810 To 1940 1810 . 8.208 1820 . 13.247 1830 . 18.825 1840 . 23.364 1850 . 40,001 1860 . 61.122 1870 . 109.199 1880 . 147.293 1890 . 188.932 1900 . 278.718 1910 . 331.069 1920 . 437.571 1930 . 486.869 1940 . 663,153 Census (Continued From First Page.1_ be shown as somewhat larger when the counting is finished. Many other results will be forth coming from the 1940 census, taken as of April 1, when the population division completes its tabulation, it was explained. These reports will include breakdowns of the popula tion figures to show ages, color, sex, place of birth, occupation, income and other items. It is unlikely, however, that any of these schedules will be ready before sometime in the fall. Area Manager Brown reported for the District of Columbia; Thomas E. Jones, for Prince Georges County; Hugh M. Frampton, for Montgomery County, and reports were filed in his absence for William A. C. Pettit for the other jurisdictions. * “Metropolitan Area" Not Computed. The section for which census fig ures were made public last night should not be confused with the so called “metropolitan area" around Washington, it was emphasized by census officials. The “metropolital area’’ is much smaller than the four counties surrounding Washington. Whether census figures will be com puted for it later depends on avail able appropriations, it was ex plained. Several sections of Washington showed increases according to Area Manager Brown. These included parts of the Southeast, such as Randall Highlands. Sixteenth street extended, the Petworth section east of Georgia avenue to the Maryland line, the American University area, and Connecticut avenue near Mary land. including Chevy Chase, D. C. Decreases, however, he said had been shown in some sections where the Government had razed residen tial structures to make way for new Federal office buildings. These in cluded the Southwest section of the city, and the so-called Northwest rectangle in the area of the Naval Hospital and gas plant. Texas Delays Willkie Non-Partisan Club Bj the Associated Press. DALLAS, July 6.—Eighty Texas Democrats and Republicans decided at a meeting today to delay form ing a non-partisan Willkie-for-Pres ident Club until after the Demo cratic National Convention. Marshall Kennady, Fort Worth Republican chairman, suggested the fight in Texas for the Republican presidential nominee could be waged best after the Democrats had se lected a candidate. The group originally had planned to organize the club today. Merrick Boys4 Camp To Open Tomorrow More than 80 boys have signed up for the Merrick Boys’ Camp, which opens tomorrow. The camp grounds, buildings and swimming beach are in shape for the campers. A total of 325 boys will attend during the season, which closes September 2. Each boy is permitted to remain two weeks. Included on the staff and coun selors are Gerry Stang, Pete Sachon, Julius Stanges and Freddy Bach, all Catholic University football players. FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT ROBT. B. SCOTT. DENTAL TECH. 80S 1 tth at F. Rim. 901. 90'i MEt. 1833 Private Waittnr Roemi Gfreenhill Institute The Only Institution in Woshing ton Devoted Exclusively to the Treatment and Correction of CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM Controlled. Operated and Supervised by Licensed Physicians Write nr Call for Free Booklet 3145 16th ST. N.W. Columbia 4754 DAY OR NIGHT HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Science has not yet found a prepara tion which will five relief to all hay fever and asthma sufferers. This is understandable when one realises that both of these conditions can be caused by many thinfs. sach as various pollens from flowers and weeds, perfume, ani mal hairs, improper diet. etc. However, science has discovered that many cases of hay fever and asthma act amaxlnf relief from the administration of a certain vital food element. Allerfen, a rich source of this important ele ment. fives relief to thousands of suf ferers year in and year out. In fact, if Allerfen is taken early enourh* hay fever and asthma ran often he pre vented. Allerten is put up in Inex pensive. easy-to-take tablets. TRIAL SIZE, 39c; REGULAR SIZE. • 1.00s ECONOMY. *2.00 1 FOR SALE AT THE VITA HEALTH FOOD CO. 619 12th 3040 14th St. For Drlivtry C»H COt. 31*80 HOW DOES YOUR WATCH RUN? KBP* :.r»,*.r: ffiS'ym eter. No Extra Chargo. REPAIR SPECIAL Thoroughly checked over and cleaned. KUC Guaranteed one year. WV Best Quality Crystals FITTED * ROUND 25« First Quality Main Spring Any m■k• with this adv. raaranteed 1 year. 75« ALL WATCHES GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION THE TIMEKEEPERS 913 PA. AVE. N.W. An unusual opportunity to pick up a l used upripht at a bargain price. Many \ line makes—Knabe. Steinway. Chieker \ Inr. Stieff. Kimball, etc. Bemember tbe " address—101B 1th St. N.W., out of the hirh rent district. JULIUS YOU CAN SAVE ON LANSTYLE FURNITURE IN OUR BIG fW3 ! ' r A sweeping clearance of Authentic Lanstyle quality bedroom, living room and dining room suites, occasional pieces, lamps, rugs, etc., all drastically reduced for immediate clearaway . . . items subject to prior sale . . . and many cannot be replaced when sold. No phone or C. 0. D. orders accepted. All items one-of-a-kind unless other wise specified. i — ■1 ■ 1 ■ . . $34.75 Simmons tcsy R2 Twin Studio Couch *2(X $22.75 Solid Maple Kneehole $ 1 CT.71 Desk 1 ° $6.95 Walnut Finish t*\ a i Occasional Rocker $2.19 Walnut Magazine Rack %/&C $44.50 Rayon Brocatelle Barrel £Oi?./3 Chair ^ ** $7.95 Round Plate Glass Mirror. $/j.92 Size 24x24 * $39.75 Mahogany t e ao Kneehole Bar Desk J 2* $22.50 Tapeatry Covered Lounge $ 1 /f.86 Chair * ' $39.75 Modern Walnut Dreaaer, $ 1 Q.67 Round Mirror ■* ^ $39.75 Modern Walnut Vanity $ 1 Q.67 Round Mirror * ** $24.50 Walnut Droplid t * s* n Detk; 3 Drawer a * £ Q* f4 only) $22.78 Solid Maple Cape Cod $11 Colonial Rocker ■* $1.49 Walnut Finiah End Table (21 to aell) * $20.00 Coil Spring Glider, Water $ 1 A >84 Repellent Cover ■* * $22.78 Mahogany Flame Top Poat Bed, $Q 91 Twin Size (1 only) ^ $22.75 Green Moire oc Boudoir Chair $Q'9o $24.50 2-Pc. Red and White Steel Porch Set, Water Repellent $ 1 /f.96 Cuahion * * $59.75 18th Cent. Mhgy. Conaole Table $0Q.56 Mirrored Back “ ^ $16.75 Modern Ivory and Chrome $£*.92 Torchiere " $7.95 Tuckaway Canvaa Folding Cota $ 1.98 (7 only) * $29.75 Walnut « * Hoateaa Cart, Sample * £ 2 *** $12.75 Swediah Modern Wheat $ C.61 End Table ^ $16.75 Swediih Modern Wheat $*7.89 Lamp Table * $33.50 Ivory Floor Lamp, Onyx Bate, $0.99 Silk Shade ° \ $9.50 Rattan Coffee t _ aa Table (2 only) . *2" ' $19.00 Carved Oak Q0 Hall Chair *9 $175 2-Pc. MODERN GENUINE MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE An outstanding value . . . massive modern design living room suite with honeytone mahogany base, covered in 100‘S. genuine mohair. Guaranteed sag less construction . . . reversible spring cushions. Consists of sofa and chair to match. Just 4 suites to sell. Open a J. L. Budget Account ^ LIVING ROOM SUITES REDUCED Was Now 3-pc; Rattan Living Room Suite_75.00 52.40 2- pc. 18th Century mahogany tapestry Living Room_129 00 96.00 3- pc. Solid oak tapestry covered Living Room Suite_140 00 98.40 2-pc. Kroehler made Living Room, boucle upholstery_140 00 99.50 2-pc. Figured tapestry Kroehler Living Room Suite_130 00 95.12 2-pc. Solid Mahogany 18th Century Suite, Boucle cover.. 145 00 108.00 2-pc. Kroehler made Mohair covered Living Room_160 00 118.70 2-pc. French custom made suite, embossed brocatelle._245 00 179.50 2- pc. Feudal ook carved frame suite, Burgundy mohair__275 00 199.60 BEDROOM SUITES REDUCED ‘sj ^Vas • N*w 3- pc. Solid maple Bedroom Suite, bed, chest, drejser—__ 58 Oo 38.49 3-pc. Mahogany 18th Century Bedroom Suite_98 00 56.62 3- pc. Modern walnut Bedroom, choice dresser or vanity. 119.00 72.00 4- pc. Bleached mahogany 18th Century Bedroom_190 00 139.00 4-pc. Burl walnut waterfall front Bedroom, round mirrors.225 00 166.00 4-pc. Solid mahogany Bedroom, 18th Century design__.239.00 186.00 DINING ROOM SUITES REDUCED / Was Now” 10-pc. Federal crotch mahogany Dining Room Suite... .245.00 186.50 7-pc. Mahogany Dinette Set, oval table, breakfront china-160 00 116.72 6- pc. Mahogany finish Dinette Set, buffet, table, 4 chairs -■_- 98 00 64.80 10-pc. 18th Century walnut Dining Room Suite ... -169.00 124.00 7- pc. 18th Century mahogany Dinette Suite. -149.00 106.00 10-pc. Duncan Phyfe Dining Room, mahogany finish_ 150.00 106.00 10-pc. Modern Walnut Dining Room Suite, 2 to sell_130 00 97.00 7-pc. 18th Century Mahogany Dinette Set . . -149.00 97.50 10-pc. Swedish modern Dining Room, bleached ma mahogany _ 160.00 118.00 Miscellaneous Items Reduced Was Now Mahogany finish Poster Beds, all sizes_ 7.00 4.49 Simmons helical tied Coil Springs (60 only)_10.95 5.79 Solid rock maple Spool Bed, twin size_ 27 00 14.97 Mahogany 54-inch Buffet- 36 75 16.62 All unfinished furniture now_One Half Price Coil Spring Folding Cot and Mattress_32 50 18.62 Modern walnut Vanity, round mirrors_ - 44.50 19.86 Solid Mahogany Virginia Sofa . __ -69.50 56.39 Solid maple Cricket Chair_ 6.95 4.77 Chrome and black metal Smokers (18 only)_ 1 50 98c Solid Mahogany Virginia Sofa_ 95.00 73.00 Solid Mahogany Chinese Chippendale Sofa_109.00 69.00 Solid Maple Wing Chair.._ 17.75 9.49 Burl Walnut Cocktail Table_ 7.50 3.98 Mahogany 18th Century Glass Tray Coffee Table. 7.00 3.98 Walnut Lamp Table_ 13 50 5.00 Mahogany Colonial Platform Rocker_ 24.75 16.10 Crotch Mahogany Duncan Phyfe Drum Table_ 24.75 15.99 18th Century Solid Mahogany 3-Tier Table_ 25.75 15.00 Summer Rugs, 27x54; One of a Kind_ 3.95 1.48 Solid Mahogany Blue Damask Tuxedo Sofa_109.00 64.18 Walnut Celerette, Complete Equipped__ 40 00 18.29 5-pc. Solid Maple Dinette Set_ 24.75 17.76 5-Pc. Solid Oak Breakfast Set_17.50 '11.61 Mahogany Fiddle Back Chairs___ 3.50 1.48 No Money Down on Approved Credit Open a “/• L.** Budget Charge Account JfULIUS VANSBURGH <~7umiture R| Company 909 r STREET, NORTHWEST