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American Industry Speeds Up to l£eet Totalitarian Pace Men, Money, Machines Poured Into Gigantic Task of Rearmament (Continued From First Page.) cal items of materiel, where it can be absorbed by industry, promotes the broadening of the base of pro duction and stimulates the rapidity with which such articles can be turned out.” Army Started With $47,000,000. ? Here are some of the things which the Army, Navy ajid industry, with out waiting on the recently-created Defense Commission, have done in broadening the production base: First, the Army. It started the congressional season with a modest grant of $47,000,000 for critical sup plies. In the list were such things as 131.789 semi-automatic rifles which it hoped to acquire by June. 1942: 744 new anti-tank guns, to be de livered in June, 1941; 144 new 90 millimeter anti-aircraft guns. Sep tember. 1940, and 392 light tanks, June, 1941. That, list was compiled only last May 1. Today it’s wholly out of date. Congress has since provided nearly a billion dollars for new Army equipment, not including planes, for which a 50.000 goal has been set. Col. James H. Burns, procurement expert in the War Department, says: "Three important steps have been taken to increase productive ca pacity: "1. The placing of large orders with arsenals and commercial plants • • *. (Congress has provided mil lions for “large orders.”) "2. Creation of additional capacity to fill the gaps and deficiencies of present productive capacity * • *. (The Government is putting up perhaps $432,000,006 to expedite arms production.) “3. Preparation of existing indus tries through planning and through educational orders and factory plans for the further production needed for a more extensive effort. ($30, 000.000 is forthcoming for industrial mobilization.) Additional Capacity Needed. "But, says Col. Bums, “if we in tend to prepare this country for a major national defense effort within the next two years, a further step is vitally necessary, we must start at once the creation of additional capacity * * Capacity is “negligible,” he says, in such items as ammunition, fire control, tanks, armor, airplanes, en gines. Capacity for high explosives is 20 to 30 million pounds a year, as compared with 100 million at the end of the World War. Aircraft capacity, doubled in the last year, must be doubled again or trebled to reach 50.000 planes a year. For such a major effort, Col. ‘Burns told Congress, $558,000,000 should be spent on ordnance plants, $35,500,000 on chemical warfare plants, $5,500,000 on Quartermaster Corps plants, and $364,000,000 on aircraft factories—a total of $963, 000,000, of which $597,000,000 would be needed for tools and equipment." The moment Congress passed an 11 per cent naval expansion bill this spring, the Navy was ready to launch the program. It was given 68 ships to build and expects to see them all afloat early in 194^ Money "Bottleneck” Eliminated. Now the program nas been ex panded again, and Congress has ap proved a plan for nearly doubling the Navy's tonnage and making it In six years the greatest fleet the world has ever seen. When asked by Congress what the principal "bottleneck” in naval ship building was, Rear Admiral Samuel M. Robinson promptly said, "Mon ey.” Next he put labor, and third, facilities. The money is assured now by ft $4,000,000,000 authorization for doubling of the fleet. Before that stunning amount was even whispered navy yards were ordered to proceed to a two-shift basis, with three shifts in view, and to add 15,000 men to their civilian forces of 28,800 within three months. It would take nine months "to get the full effect” of three shifts, said Admiral Robinson, but "we will be feeling the effect of it from the beginning.” Duplication Saves Building Time. With ample money, he said, the Navy could cut six or seven months from the four years it takes to build a battleship. On some ships, he added, it also could save eight months by duplicating ships already built. Duplication, he added, “is an integral part of the new pro gram.” Also an integral part was the authority to negotiate contracts for ships without waiting months for competitive bids—authority which retiring Secretary of the Navy Edi son gained from Congress in the last week of his term, after three years of trying. As for facilities, the eight navy yards and seven civilian yards in the United States now have 62 ways which are being or have been used for the construction of warships. There are 11 for battleships, which take four years to build; 17 for cruisers, three years; 25 for de stroyers, two to three years, and 9 for submarines, two to two and one . half years. Aircraft Carriers Planned. Among the 200 ships in the $4, 000.000,000 program might be nine battleships, five aircraft carriers (which require battleship ways), 24 cruisers, 122 destroyers and 22 sub marines. Present yards cannot now build so many ships in six years. How ever, the Navy soon expects to have *—— r FRESH No2 REALLY ^ \ STOPS PERSPIRATION — / ANP CANT HARM CLOTHES / -sr-' Not greasy—sticky or gritty. Keeps you Fresh as f. Daisy. Regular 4 60c Jar_5* FOR SALE BY ALL ' PEOPLES DRUG STORES *' K HOLLYWOOD. — NOW IT’S THREE—Janet Gaynor, ac tress wife of Film Designer Gilbert Adrian, gave birth to a son yesterday. The child was named Robbin Adrian. They were married last year in Yuma, Ariz. $250,000,000 to stimulate ship pro duction by purchasing and financing new equipment for yards. In addition, the naval expansion bill was planned to provide for new gun factories placed safely inland and for increased armor plate con struction. President Roosevelt indicated that some of the construction money itself would go into expanding facilities. Private industry was tied up with the Government activity in a thou sand ways. War orders from Britain and France had given it a head start in expanding to meet military and naval needs. Striding through the ice-cool cor ridors of the white marble palace that the Federal Reserve occupies, tall, broad" and ruddy William Knudsen symobilized the new link between Washington and the indus trial cities with their smoke smudged plants. Self-Sealing Tanks to Be Built. From those cities last week came messages like these: Baltimore—Glenn Martin division just equiped to manufacture self sealing gasoline tanks for airplanes. Indianapolis—Marmon - Herring ton, makers of all-wheel-drive ve hicles, tractors and tanks, to double floor space. Allison Engineering erecting large airplane motor plant. Milwaukee—Kearney & Trecker, milling machine firm sending much of its output to aviation factories, has finished $1,500,000 expansion, increasing capacity 100 per cent; doubling pay roll. Joplin, Mo.—Atlas powder plant to double capacity August 1. Buffalo, N. Y.—Bell Aircraft doubling floor space and pay roll for manufacture of interceptor air planes. Curtiss Aeroplane manpower doubled in past year; further expan sion expected. Cincinnati—Durable goods and machine tool industries centering in this area and lower Miami Val ley spending upwards of $1,000,000. Aeronautical Corp. of America, which moved from Cincinnati to Middletown to gain 100 per cent more floor space less than a month ago, planning another 100 per cent increase to permit output of 2,500 light planes a year. Watch Plant Makes Fuses. Newport News, Va.—Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock ex pects additions to its 11,000-man pay roll. Chicago—Elgin Watch tooling to produce time fuses for shells, be ginning at end of year. Detroit—Automobile men study airplane engines for “production line” handling. Charleston, W. Va.—Renovating naval ordnance plant. Expanding Kanawha Valley chemical plants. International Nickel adding $250,000 machine shop at Huntington. Nashville, Tenn.—New $1,000,000 aviation manufacturing corporation plant now employs 400, with 300 in training and expects to increase to 1,000; can make 90 light obser On Your V acation READ fbe , vation planes a month, besides com mercial .ships. Chicago—Twenty-six plants start enlargements costing $6,500,000. ' Forging Facilities Increased. Newark, N. J.—Wright Aeronau tical Corp. newly opened plant to turn out 1,000 plane motors month ly: now employs about 10.000. Pittsburgh—Mesta Machine Co. completing $1,000,000 enlargement of forging facilities. Memphis, Tenn.—Du Pont $30, 000,000 powder plant, financed by Allies, under construction: to in clude 100 buildings covering 2,400 acres. Hartford. Conn —Pratt &. Whitney (engine) division of United Air craft spending $8,000,600 on expan sion. Pratt & Whitney division of Nlles-Bement-Pond Co., machine tool firm of Hartford, recently, built $2,000,000 building, adding 1,200 new workers. Colt Firearms just leased 100,000 square feet at Hartford to accommodate increased business. Seattle—Navy pushing $4,500,000 drydock at Puget Sound to comple tion within a month. Builders working around the clock also on another drydock there. Los Angeles—Aluminum Co. of j America tripling plant to turn out; castings, forgings and rivets for air planes. Aircraft factories expanding. Welfare Fund Established ATLANTA, July 6 WP).—A $1,000, 000 trust fund for the promotion of religious, educational and health projects was created in the.will, pro bated today, of John Bulow Camp bell, Atlanta capitalist. Mr. Camp bill died last week while on a busi ness trip to Baltimore. w PRICED AT Easy terms gladly arranged. *• * For little more than the price of an ordinary piano you may become the delighted owner of this superb Knabe SPINET • • • Incomparable beauty of tone sings from every one of its 88 notes and its case of ma hogany finish ac centuates the daintiness of its design. SAMPLE SALE OF 1.59 to 2.99 PHILIPPINE HANDMADES • Bobby Suits • Baby Dresses • Toddler Dresses • Baby Boy Creepers • Pillow Cases 58c Bey*' er Girl*' Overall* fir Jackets . . . Silver spun rayon and cot ton in multi color stripes. Sizes 2 to 6. 38c n Girls' fr Boy*' 59c Sun Suit*. Seer suckers, crinkle crepes, cotton brood - cloths, piques, printed per cales. Sizes 1 to 6. A r lie Girl.' Rofuler 1.15 Sun Suit, and Sun Dreue*. Piques, crinkle crepes (no ironing necessary I, checked percales, printed broodclsth. Sizes I to 6. Hand made and hand embroidered! Hand scal loped! With dainty lace trims, contrasting pip ings. Of sheer cotton batiste and broadcloth. For infants lo 2 years. BABIES' SPECIALLY PRICED PHILIPPINE HANDMADES • Toddlers’ • Sun Suits Dresses • Baby Boy • Baby Dresses Creepers Hand made, hand embroidered. White and pastel shades. Dresses of fine batiste; creepers and sun suits of broadcloth. Infants to 2 years. Baby Sale Price . , . V/i / 19c Twining Pont* . . . Fine combed cot ton; yoke front. Elastic back. Sizes 1 to 6. 59c Baaeh Capa* .. . H e a v y fluff of cotton c h e n i 11 e on sturdy muslin. Medium size for 3 to 6-ers. 68c ^ Boys' or Girls' Hog. 1.15 Sports Tops . . . Jackets, sun suits, Short - alls, overalls of postel cottons ond san forized cotton gab ardines. For sea shore, country, city wear. Sizes I to 6. ORIGINAL 1.95 and 2.95 TOTS' DRESSES t i Special purchase from one of our better makers ... a once-a-season "buy" . . . plus dresses from regu lar stock. Organdies, dotted Swiss, hanky lawn and tissue ginghams. Flare, waistline and Princess styles . . . with lace, ribbon or embroidery trim. Pastel shades. Made with deep hems. Sizes 3 to 6 years. A ' f .. N j' , - i I kr ^ • " J I "v-v :>v KNIT WEAR & SWIM SUITS | 1.99 to 3.99 tobies' Wool , , „ , j . „ . Knitted Showh — - 97C tO 1,97 P 1.99 Br 2.99 tobies' Knitted 4= Hood sbewh... 97e to 1*47 1.15 Knitted Blankets & Shewls f?e US to 1.99 tobies' Sweaters - 57c to 97c J U5 to 2.99 Tots' <3 to 61 y* Sweeten ... 57c to 1.47 US to 1.95 Tots' Swim Seits (wool (r rayon!-.-. 57c ro 97e 59c toys' Last** Shorts- 29c 79c to 1.15 toys' Wool 6 Lost** Shorts-—.. 39c to 57c ■ ^ : j BABIES' BEDDING Acm* Muslin Quilted Pads 19c reg. 1 7x1 8 in._14e 39c reg. 18x34 in_28* 59c reg. 27x40 in_38c Fruit of the Loom Muslin Quilted Pads 39c reg. 17x18 in_24* $1 reg. 27x40 in... ...84c $1 Esmond Crib Blanket* . . . 36x50-in. crib size; sateen bound; nursery designs, 78c $5.95 Rayon Taffeta Com fort* . . . Down filled; pink or blue or two tones; baby crib size_3.99 3.95 Rayon Satin Crib Com fort* ... 10% wool, 90% cotton filled comforts; pink, blue or two tone_2.99 39c Kapok Filled Baby Pil low* . . . Sateen tops; pin* or blue; 12x16 in_23c Feather and Down Baby Pil low* . . . Sateen top; 12x 16 in.; pink or blue..78c , All Dawn Fillad ‘Baby Pil low* . . . Sateen top; 12x16; pink or blue..97e 1.25 Iimond Crib Blanket* . . . Rayon satin bound; 36x50 in. Plain colors or figured patterns; pink or blua_,_94e MISCELLANEOUS Cannon Gauze Pads, 4-lover thickness, 17x18 inch, 25c 18x34 inch (carrioge or bassinet size)_35c Cannon Gause Diapers . . . Ready for use; 1 doz. to package _1.45. • Birdseye Diapers ... All ready hemmed; 1 doz. to pcck age _94c Cannon Knit Diapers ... 1 doz. to package ..._$1 Cannon Wash Cloths and Towels; 2 wash cloths in package_12c Knit Towels .. .16x22 in., 19c 36x36-ln. Turkish Towel, 48c Absorbent Cotton ... in neat container _ 19c Aluminum Bottle Steriliser' . . . can sterilize 6 or 7 bottles _1.99 59c Comb and Brush Seti ... Hand pointed sets for in fants _48c Electric Bottle Warmers . . . With wooden handles, 99c BABY CLOTHING Hand Scalloped Gertruda Petticoats .. . Fine batiste, 27c Gertruda Petticoats . . . Hand embroidered batistes..38c Cotton-Knit Nightgowns . . . tie-string style for new babies _58e Toddlers' 59c Crepe Pajamas . . . One piece, self-help bock; pastel cotton crepe, 38c Fine Quality Flannelettes . . . Gertrudes, Kimonos, Gowns. Each _ .37e Toddlers' Overalls . . . Cot ton seersucker; bib front; 2 to 6 years_44c Hand Made Baby Drosses ... Yoke effect or little collars; I fine batiste_48c j Beys' 79c Wash Suits ... Sheer tops, broadcloth pants. Pastels and street shades. For baby bo>s and 3 to 6ers-59c 6.75 Electric Bottle Steriliser . . . Baby all-electric steri- \ lizer with nipple )ar and \ bottle brush _$5 1 10.95 CARRIAGE Spring gear; convertible drop front . . . suitable for stroller. Reclining back; rear storm curtoin. Black or © QQ grey. Oe77 _1ft . VZ/Z/iV 4.95 HI CHAIR Washable wood tray; safety strap; decorated back panel. Sturdily built of hard wood finished in _ _ maple or 3 QQ wax birch. 9*// INVEST IN TWIN INSURANCE . . . THEN IF THE STORK BRINGS TWINS, WE'LL DUPLICATE YOUR ORIGINAL LAYETTE! (Infants' and Children'! Shopi. Second noor. The Kecht Co.) TODDLERS' CHECKED PERCALE APRON DRESSES 39c (3 far $1) Pinafore etyle; fin* pin check percale... red or Mae. Sixes 1 to 4. BOYS' CRINKLE CREPE WASH SUITS 88c Button-on bolted moduli; cop sleeves; two-tone effects. 2 to € yeovs. INFANTS' 4.95 FIBRE BASSI* HETTES 3.19 Rubber costers and collapsible legs for easy mov ing; sturdy han dles. 3.95 STANDARD BABY SCALES 2*99 - Weighs to 30 pounds; metol troy. Ivory, or blue finishes. . Mode by Detecto. 4.95 PLAY YARD Roised off floor; -play beads; closely se\ spin dies. Folds compactly; hard wood finished ia maple or 3 QQ wax birch. 10.95 PANEL CRIBS Full 'Size; wide decorated panels; sturdy link steel spring. Mord va wood finished in maple or wax t OO birch. /»// ' (InfAnts’ Furniture, Fourth Floor.) (■