Newspaper Page Text
Rail Bonds Fade After Early Try At Higher Prices Morning Gains Are Canceled or Replaced by Losses Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F’ftn. Net change +.2 —.1 +.3 +.3 Today, noon 57.4 102.9 96.3 36.5 Prev. day- 57.2 103.0 96.0 36.2 Month ago. 51.9 100.3 93.7 37.9 Year ago.— 57.9 100.5 96.9 60.9 1940 high- 59.9 103.6 97.5 53.5 1940 low— 48.3 98.9 90.3 35.1 1939 high- 64.9102.0 97.5 64.0 1939 low— 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_ 111.5 Prev. day 111.7 M’nth ago 110.5 Year ago. 112.3 1940 high 113.2 1940 low. 108.4 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.—An early try at higher prices by the rail group fizzled out in later bond deal ings today. Morning gains were canceled or replaced with minor losses in many cases at the start of the last hour. Receiving more favorable atten tion after a slow start were such is sues as International Telephone 5s, Montana Power 334s, American & Foreign Power 5s and Common wealth Edison convertible 34s. Carriers pushed back included Nickel Plate 54s, Illinois Central 434s and Erie 5s of '75. Baltimore & Ohio first mortgage Jumped more than 2 in compara tively lively trade. Some normally inactive rails crept back into the trading spotlight dur ing the final hour. Marked up 1 to 3 points were Louisville & Nashville 34s at 84, Burlington 34s at 96 and Peoria & Eastern Illinois at 70. German issues tended higher in the foreign list, the 54# of '65 add ing 4 and the 7s of ’49 up 214. 5 i n Bank Offers Bonds To Refund Debt By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.—Public offering was made today of $9,500, 000 refunding farm loan bonds of the First-Trust Joint Stock Land I Bank of Chicago as the principal I step in a complete refunding of the outstanding funded debt of the bank. The selling syndicate included A. G. Becker & Co.; Harris, Hall & Co. and Lee Higginson Corp. The bank also arranged a 3 per cent insurance company loan for $5,000,000 and a $3,000,000 unsecured loan at 3 per cent from the First Chicago Corp. Proceeds of the public and pri vate loans will enable the bank to effect a maximum anniial interest saving of $358,000 through redemp tion of its $17,397,000 outstanding bonds. The First-Trust Joint Stock Land Bank is wholly owned by First Chicago Corp., all of the capital stock of which is held by trustees for the benefit of stockholders of the First National Bank of Chicago. Equity Corp. Waits Action On Stock Dividends By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 17.—Directors of Equity Corp., it was announced today, took no action on the $3 convertible preferred stock divi dend due at this time. Dividends of 75 cents each were paid March 1 and June 1. The company is an investing concern with total assets of around $16,492,000. N. Y. Shipbuilding Corp. Far Behind Orders By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA. July 17.—New York Shipbuilding Corp. has a to tal of $240,291,900 in undelivered contracts on its books, figures re leased today showed. The total in cluded 7 cruisers, 5 tenders and 1 battleship. Dividends Declared NEW YORK, July 17.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.: Passed. Pe-Stock of Pay Rate. rlod. record, able. Interallied Investing Corp. A. Special. Kennecott Copper_ 50c __ 8-31 9-30 Reduced. Phils Insulated Wire 10c 8 8-1 8-15 Decrease. Silex Co _ . 15c .1 7-31 8-10 Initial. • Mastic Asphalt Corp 20c_8-1 8-15 Regular. , Adams Millis 25c Q 7-25 8-7 Cen Ohio Steel Prod 25c 8-15 9-3 Cherry-Burrell Corp. 20C Q 7-25 7-31 do pfd _$1.25 Q 7-25 7-31 Chile Copper _ 5<lc 8-0 8-27 Dixie-Vortex A_624c Q 0-10 10-1 General Metals _25c S 7-31 8-15 Kennecott Copper_25c 8-31 0-30 King OH 15c Q 7-13 8-1 Meier Ar Frank _15c Q 8-1 8-15 Michigan Bakeries _15c 7-8 7-18 No American Oil Cons..25c Q 7-25 8-5 Oswego Falls _15 Q 7-20 8-1 Sovereign Investors_10c Q 7-31 8-30 American Book Co_$1 _. 7-16 7-20 Continental Oil Co_25c . W-3 0-30 General Foods _ 50c Q 7-26 8-15 R H Macy _ _.50c . 8-9 0-3 Okla Nat Gas_25c Q 9-14 0-30 Exera Dividend. Am Book. $1.00. New York Bank Stocks NFV YORK July 17 (JO.—National Ai aoclatlon and Securities Dealers. Inc.: .... _ Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2.40) 344 364 Bank of Man i.SOa) 164 18 Bank of NY .14)-ZIi; 310 318 Bankers Tr (2) _ SO 82 Bklyn Tr (4) .. -"it, 734 Cen Han Bk A- Tr (4) .I. 89 4 924 Chase Nat (1 40) . 304 324 Chem Bk A Tr <1.80)..II 433" 454 Commercial <8) 135 373 Cont Bk * Tr (.80)_ 12 j'34 Corn Ex Bk At T (3)_ 50% 51% First Nat (Bosi (2) _ 414 434 First Natl (100) _1620 lotto Guaranty Tr <12) _2)s 203 Irving Tr < 601 11 12 Manufacturers Tr (2) . 334 351/. Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_. 51 53 Natl City (1) _ 25'; 26% N Y Trust <5) ... 07 4 1004 Public (14) _ 31 33 Title GAT_ 3 4 a Also extra or extras. London Bar Silver, Gold LONDON. July 17 —Bar silver. 223*d ■P A. 'Equivalent 40.58 cents based on the dollar at $4.03). Bar gold, 168s, un changed. (Equivalent $33.85). IjONDON. July 17 <JV—Tin steadv; spot *}<?:* £264 b10a asked*Sk*<i; 'uture' il64 5s BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By print* wire direst t* The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. Domestic Bonds_ 4,470.000 Foreign Bonds__ 640.000 US Govt Bonds. 110,000 TREASUR Y. High. Low. Close. 2s 1948-50_ 103.22 103.20 103.22 2'is 1951-53_ 103.14 103.14 103.14 2%sl945 108.14 108.14 108.14 2 '/is 1950-52_ 105.19 105.19 105.19 2%s 1951-54_ 107.15 107.15 107.16 2%s 1956-59_ 106.28 106.25 106.28 2%s 1960-85_ 106.19 106.19 106.19 2%s 1955-60_ 108. 107.26 108. 3s 1951-55 110.16 110.16 110.16 3%S 1943-45 _ 108.20 108.20 108.20 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1944-49 .. 107.16 107.16 107.16 NEW YORK CITY BONDS 3s 19S0.... 96% 96 96% FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Antloquia 7s 45 A_ 11 11 11 Antloquia 7s 45 B__ 11 11 11 Antloquia 7s 45 C_ 10% 10% 10% Antioqula 7s 45 D.___ 11 11 11 Antioauia 2d 7s 57_ 10 10 10 Antioqula 3d 7s 57 ... 10 10 10 Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 57 56 57 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 56% 56% 56% Argentine 4%s 48.... 73 72% 73 Argentine 4 %s 71_ 63 62% 63 Australia 4 %s 56.__38% 88% 38% Belgium 6%s 49 _ 35 33% 35 Brazil 6%s 1926-57_ 11 11 11 Brazil 8s 41 _ 13% 13% 13% Brisbane 5s 67 45% 45% 45% Buen Air 4 %s Apr 76 43 43 43 Canada 2 y*s 44_ 84% 84% 84% Canada 2%s 45_ 81% 81% 81% Canada 3s 68 _ 71% 71% 71% Canada 3 % s 61_ 73% 72% 73% Canada 4s 60_ 78% 78% 78% Canada 6s 62___ 89% 89 89% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Jan _ 12% 12% 12% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd.. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 11 11 11 Chile 6s 62 assd . 11 11 11 Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 57. 11% 11% 11% Chile M B 6%s 61 asd 10 10 10 Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 22% 22% 22% Copenhagen 4 %s 63_ 23 23 23 Cordoba Prov 7s 42... 70 70 70 Cuba 4%s 49_ 97% 97% 97% Cuba 4%s 77_ 64% 54 54% Denmark 4 %s 62_ 26% 26 26 Denmark 6s 42 _ 33 32% 33 French Gov 7%s 41.. 50 49% 60 GerC A Bk 6s 60 July 16 16 16 Ger C Ag Ln 6%s 58.. 14% 14% 14% Get Govt 5%s 65 ... 17% 16 17 German Govt 7s 49_ 21% 21 21% Grt C El Jap 7s 44_ 81 81 81 Italy 7s 61 _ 48% 48% 48% Ital P O Crd 7s 52_ 28 27% 28 Japan 5%s 65_.... 67 66 66 Japan 6 %s 54_... 88% 88 88% Medellin 6',is 54_ 9 9 9 Milan 6%s 62 _ 30% 30% 30% Norway 4%s 65_ 35 35 35 Norway 4 %s 66_... 34 33% 34 Norway 6s 44_ 44 43% 44 Oriental Dev 6’4s 58. 53% 53% 53% Oriental Dev 6s 53 ._ 58 57% 67% Panama 5s 63 st asd.. 63% 53% 53% Peru 1st 6s 60_ 6% 6% 6% Peru 2d 6s 61_ 6% 6% 6% Queensland 7s 41_ 83 83 83 Rio de Jan 6%s 53_ 6% 6% 6% Sante Fe Prov 4s 64.. 55 55 55 Sao Paulo C 6%s 57_ 7 7 7 Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 9 9 9 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 32% 32% 32% Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 11 10% 11 Serbs 8s 62.. 9% 9% 9% Taiwan Elec 5%s 71.. 57 -57 57 Tokyo City 5 %s 61... 62% 62% 62% Tokyo El Lt 6s 63 ... 58% 57% 57% Ujigawa El P 7s 45 . 98% 98% 98% Uru 3%-4-4%s adj 79 35% 35% 35% Yokohama 6s 61 61% 61 61 DOMESTIC IONDS. Abltibl P&P 6s 63 38% 38 38 Adams Kxp 4s 4 8 _ 97% 97% 97% Adams Ex 4 Vis 46 st. 104 104 104 Alleg Corp 5s 44_ 80% 79% 80% Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 68% 68 68 Alleg Corp 5s 60 std-. 39 37 37% Allied Stores 4 Vis 61. 93% 93 93 Allis-Chalmers is 52. 108% 108 108% Am & For Pw 5s 2030 49% 49 49% Amlntl5Vis49 _ 99 99 99 Am T & T 3 Vis 61— 109% 108% 108% Am T& T 3 Vi a 66- 108% 108 108 Am T & T 5 %s 43_ 106* 106% 106% Am Wat W’ks 6s 75 . 105% 105% 105% Anaconda db 4 Vis 60 104 103% 104 Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 28% 28% 28% Ann Arbor 4s 95 42% 42% 42% Arm'ri Del) 1st 4s 55 101% 101% 101% Armour Del 4s 57 101% 101% 101% A T&S Fe gen 4s 95.. 106% 105% 105%. A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 103% 103%. 103'-. A T&S FeCA 4%s 62 107 107 107 Atl & Ch A L 5s 44 . 96 95% 95% Atl Coast L 1st 4s 62. 69% 69% 69% Atl Coast L 4 Vis 64_ 49% 49% 49% Atl Coast L 5s 45 _ 65 65 65 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48_ 27% 27% 27% Atlantic Refin 3s 63— 105% 105% 105% 8 &O 1st 4s 48 _ 68% 67% 68% B & O 1st 48s atd_ 69% 67% 69% B * O cv 60s std_ 12% 12% 12% B * O 95 A stamped— 28% 27% 28% B & O 95 C stamped_32% 31% 32% B & O 96 F stamped—' 28% 27% 28% B & O 2000 D stpd_ 28V* 28 28% B & O S W 60s std_ 45Vi 44% 44% B&O Toledo 4s 69 ... 54 53% 54 Bell Tel of Pa 5s 48 B 115 115 115 Bell Tel (Pa) 6s 60 C. 130% 130% 130% Beth Steel 3s 60_ 100 100 100 Beth Steel 3 Vi a 59_104% 104% 104% Beth Steel 3 %s 62 ... 106% 106% 106% Boston & Me 4%s 81. 63% 63 63% Bost&Me 4%s 61 std. 52% 52% 52% Bos & Me 6s 65 .. 67% 67% 67% Boston & Me 5s 65 at- 52% 52% 52% Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 65 64 64% Boston & Me 5s 67 st. 52% 52% 52% Bos NTAL 4s 55 ... 8 8 8 Bklyn Ed cn 3 Vis 66. 109% 109 109 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60 . 95 95 95 Buff Roch & P 67 std. 38% 38 38% Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60. 54 53V* 54 Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66. 104'-* 104% 104% Canada South 6s 62.. 73% 73V* 73% Canadian NR 4 Vis 61. 81% 81% 81% Can NR 4 %s 57 _ 81% 81'% 81% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 86 85% 8ff Can Nor 6Vis 46_ 96% 96 96 Can Pao db 4s perp—. 49% 49 49% Can Pac 6s 44__ 95 95 95 Can Pao 6s 64 _ 64 64 64 Celotex 4 Via 47 ww„. 80 80 80 Cent of Ga 5s 59 C_ 1% 1% 1% Cent of N J 4s 87 _ 12% 12% 12% Cent of NJ gen 6s 87.. 13% 13% 13% Cent NJ gn 5a 87 rg.. 12 12 12 Cent Pac 1st rf 4a 4». 65% 66 65% Cent Pacific 6a 60 . 46% 46 46 Cent P Th St L 4s 64.. 59 59 59 Cert'd deb 5%s 48 74% 74% 74V* Cham P&F 4%s 38-50 103 103 103 Ches&Ohlo 3 Via 63 Fj 106% 106% 106% Ches * O 8 Via 96 D_ 99% 99% 99% Ches* O 3%s 96 E_ 99% 99 99% C&O gen 4Vis 92 - 125% 126% 125% Chi B&Q gen 4s 58_ 90 90 90 Chi B&Q 4 Vis 77 _ 79% 78% 79% C B & Q rfg 6a 71 A... 86% 86% 86% C B&Q 111 dlv 3 Vis 49 96 94% 96 CB&Q 111 dv 3%s49 rg 92 92 92 CB&Q 111 div 4s 49... 101 100 101 Chi & E 111 5s 51 _ 13% 13% 13% Chi & E 111 5s 51ct- 12% 12% 12% Chi Grt West 4s 69— 28 27% 27% CM&StP gn 8 Vis 89 B. 20% 20% 20% C M & StP gen 4s 89.. 22% 22% 22% Chi Mil & St P 6s 76— 6% 6% 5% CM&StP adj 6s 2000- 1% 1% 1% Chl&bTW gen 3 Vi a 87. 13% 13% 13% Chi* NW gen 4S-87— 13 13 18 Chi &NW gen 6s 87— 14% 14% 14% Chl&NWrf 6s 2037.. 8% 8% 8% Chi RI&P gen 4s 88 ... 13% 13% 13% Chi RI&Pcv 4 Vis 60.. 1% 1% 1% Chi TH&S rf 6s 60_ 60 60 60 Chi Un Sta3%a63 .. 110 109% 110 Chi & W lnd cv 4s 52. 91% 91% 91% Childs & Co 6s 43 ... 44% 44 44 Cin G & E 3 Vis 66 . 108% 108% 108% CCC& StL gen 4s 93 66 65 65 CCC&StE rf 4%s 77- 51% 50% 61% Clev El 111 3%s 65 ... 105* 105* 106* Clev Un Ter 4 Vis 77— 68% 68% 68% Clev Un Term 6s 73— 76% 75 75 Clev Un Ter 6 Vis 72.. 82 82 82 Colo* So 4Vis 80 ... 27% 27 27% Col G&E 5s 62 Apr_106% 105% 105% Col G * B 6s 62 May.. 106% 105 105% Col G A E 6s 61 ... 105% 105 105 Colum RP&L 4s 65— 108% 108% 108% Comw Ed 3 Vis 68 - 124 123% 123% Coma Ed 8Vis 68 ... 110% 110% 110% Cons Ed N T 8 Vis 46. 105% 106% 105% Cons E NT db 3 Vis 48 106% 106% 106% Cona Ed N T Mil 66. 105% 105% 106% Consol OH 3 Via 61 ..106 105% 105% Consum Pwr 3 Vi a 66. 107% 107% 107% Consum Pwr3Vis69. 108% 108% 108% Consum Pwr SVis 67. 109% 109% 109% Conti OH ilia *8_106% 106% 106% Crane Co 8 Via El_— 104% 104 104 High. LOW. ClOW. Crown CftS 4%s 48._ 104 104 104 Crucible Stool 4H>(I 10414 10416 10416 Cuba Northn 616s 41. 26 25 25 Cuba RR 1st 6s 62_ 2716 2716 2716 Cuba RR 716s 46 A— 8114 3114 3114 Dayton P ft Lt 3s 70.. 10416 104% 10414 Del ft Hud ref 4s 43 . 5114 51 5116 Den ft ROW rf 6s 78.. 616 616 614 Det Edison 314s 66... 10914 10914 10914 Det Edison 4s 65 _11014 11014 11014 Det Edison 414s 61 10714 107% 10714 Det Term ft Tdl4s 61 94 94 94 Duluth SSftAt 6s 37 . 1914 1914 1914 Duauesne L<t 314s 65. 108 10714 10714 East R Minn 4s 48.__ 10516 10614 10514 Eleo Auto Lt 4s 62_ 107 107 107 Erie Ben 4s 96_ 26 26 26 Erie ref 6s 67_ 1214 12 12 Erie ref 6s 76_ 121. 12 12 Falrbks Morse 4s 56.. 10714 10714 10714 Firestone T 816s 48.. 104’6 10414 10416 Fla E C Ry 6s 74_ 614 6 3 Gen Am liv 5s 62 - 106 10416 10414 Gen Stl Cast 514s 49.. 7114 71% 71% Goodrich 416 s 66 _ 103 102% 10214 Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67 j.. 78% 78% 78% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G— 102V4 102% 10214 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 9544 95% 951. Grt N R Bn 4%s 77 E. 87% 87 87% Urt Nor Ry bs 73 _ 96% 96 96 Grt Nor Ry 6%s 62... 102 102 102 Gulf M & N 5%s 60._ 81% 81Vi 81% Gulf States St 4%s61 102% 102V* 102% Gulf St Util 3%s 69.. HO 110 110 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 30 29% 30 Hud & Man tnc 6s 67. 11% 11% 11% Hud & Man ref 6a 67.. 44% 44% 44% 111 Cent 4s 52.__ 89 39 39 111 Cent 4s 63 ....... 42% 42% 42% 111 Cent 4%s 66- 41% 41% 41% 111 Cent ref 6s 65_ 64 54 64 ICC&StL NO 6s63 A 45% 45% 45% Indust Rayon 4%s 48 105% 105% 105% Inland Steel 3s 61 .. 104% 104V* 104% Int R T 1st rf 6s 66... 80% 80% 80% Int RT 6s 32_ 33 33 33 Int RR 7s 32_ .. 77% 77% 77% Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 62. 9% 9% 9% Int Hydro El 6s 44 .. 50% 50 50% Int March Mar 6s 41.. 64 63% 64 Int Paper 1st 6s 47_102% 102% 102% Int Paper ref 6s 65... 104 103% 1034 Int T&T 4 %s 62- 27% 27% 27% Int T&T 6s 65 - 28% 28% . 28% Jones & L Stl 4%s 61. 97 96% 96% Kanaw & M 4s 90_ 85 85 85 KansC FtS&M 4s 36.. 32% 32% 32% Kans City St rf 6s 50. 65 65 65 Kan City Term 4s 60. 107% 107% 107% Keith’s 6s 46 .. 100% 100% 100% Koppers Co 4s 61 ... 104% 104% 104% Kresge Found 3s 50.. 102% 102 102% Laclede Gas 6s 42 .. 80 80 80 Laclede Gas 6%s 63.. 46% 46 46% Laclede G 5 %s 60 D_. 46% 46% 46% Lautaro Nitrate 75... 30% 30% 30% Leh New Eng 4s 65 80 80 80 Leh Val Coal 5s64std 30 30 30 L V RR con 4s 2003 ._ 13% 1314 13% L V RR 4s 2003 msd . 12% 12% 12% ! L V RR cn 4%s 2003.. 14% 14% 14% 1 Leh Val Term 6s 41_ 47%' 46% 47% Loew’s 3 %s 46 ... 103% 103% 103% Long Isl ref 4s 49 st.. 92V* 91% 91% Long lsld ref 4s 49... 92% 92% 92% Long Isl unit 4s 49_ 92% 92% 92% ! Loulsv G&E 3 %s 66_108% 108% 108% La & Ark 6s 69 ... 83 82% 82% L& Nash 3%s 2003.. 84 83 83 L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 87% 87% 87% L&N 4%s 2003 __ 95 94% 94% L & N 6s 2003 B _ 102 101 102 L&N So Mon jt 4s 52. 78 78 78 McCrory Strs 6s 51... 103% 103% 103% McKess & R 5 %s 50_. 95 93% 95 Me Central 4%s 60.. 48% 48 48% Manatl Sugar 4s 57.. 34% 34% 34% Metrop Ed 4%s 68... 110% 110%. 110% Mich Cent 4 %s 70 ... 60 59% 60 Mich Cons Uas 4s 63. 103% 102% 102% Mil Spa & NW 4s 47 .. 12 12 12 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38 .. 5 4% 41, M Str&SSM cn 5s 38 . 4% 4% 4% MStP&SSM 5s 38 gtd 5 5 5 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90_ 25'* 25% 25% Mo K&T 4s 62 B_ 13V* 13', 13', | Mo K&T 6s 62 A _ lfi% if; jp i Mo K&T adj 5s 67_ 5 5 5 J Mo Pac 4s 76 2 2 2 I Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 17% 174 474 : Mo Pac 5s 78 O ... ]7% 174 1741 Mo Tac 5s 80 H ctfs__ 16% 16% 16% Mo Pac 6s 811 _ 17% 17% 17%; Mo Pac 6s 81 let- 17% 17% 17% Mo Pac 5 %s 49 1 1 I Mob & Ohio 4%s 77.. 33% 32% 32"* Mob & Ohio 4 %s 77 ct 33% 32% 32% Mob & Ohio 6s 38 .. 40% 39% 39% Mob & Ohio 6s 38 ct.. 40 39% 39% M & O Mont os 47_ 24% 24% 24% Monong P S 4%s 60 . 110% 110% 110", Monong Ry 1st 4s 60 105% 105'* 105'* Mont Pwr 3%s 66 101% 101% 101% Morris & Es 3 »*s 2000 41% 41% 41% Morris & Es 4%s 65 .. 32"* 32% 32% Morris & ES 5s 66 .... 37% 37% 37% Mutual Fuel 5s 47_ 112% 112%. 112% ■Nat Dairy 3%s 51 106% 106% 106% Nat Distill 3 %s 49.__ 104 103', 104 Nat Steel 3s 65 . 103% 103*. 103% Natl Supply 3%s 64 103 102% 102% i New Eng T A T 5s 52 124% 124% 124% New Jer PAL 4 %s 60 106 106 106 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 53 64% 64% 64% N Y Central 3%s 62 . 57 56% 56% N Y Central 3%s 97.. 79 78% 79 N Y C 3%s 97 reg ... 74% 74% 74% N Y Central 3%s 46 — 80 80 80 N Y Cent con 4s 98_ 58% 58% 58% N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 54 53% 53% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 59% 58% 58% N Y Cen L Sh 3%s 98 60% 60 60% NYC Mich C 3 %s 98 .. 56 55 55 N Y ChiAStL 3%s 47. 88 87 88 N Y ChiAStE 4%s 78 67 66% 56% N Y CAStE 5%s 74 A. 66% 65 65% N Y Chi A St L 6s 41.. 79% 79% 79% NYConn5s53_ 106 106 106 N Y Edison 3%s 65 .. 109% 109 109 N Y Edis ref 3%s 66. 109 109 109 N Y G E HAP 6s 48 123% 123% 123% N Y L A Wn 1st 4s 73. 49% 49'/, 49% NY NH AH 4s 55 ... 14% 14% 14% NY NH AH 4%s67._ 17% 17 17% NY NH A H cl 6s 40.. 30 30 30 NY NH AH cv 6s 48.. 17% 17% 17% N Y OAW ref 4s 92... 4% 4% 4% N Y Queens 3 %s 65.. 109% 109% 109% Nlag E A O 5s 55_ 109 109 109 Norf Southn 5s 41_ 73% 73 73 Norf Southn 5s 61 __ 14 14 14 Norf A W 1st 4s 98... 124% 123% 123% North Am 3%s 49 _. 105% 105'-, 105% Nor'n Pac gn 3s 2047. 42% 42% 42% Nor'n Pac 4s 97 ... 68% 68% 68% Nor’n Pac 4% 2047... 49 48% 49 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 C— 54% 54% 54% Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 .. 61% 60 60% Ohio Edison 3%s 72. 109 108% 109 Otis Steel 4%s 62 ... 71 71 71 Oregon W RR 4s 61.. 106 106 106 Pac Gas A El 3%a 66 109 109 109 Pac TAT rf 3 %s 66 B 107% 107% 107% Panhand E T 4s 52... 104% 104% 104% Parmelee6s44_ 42 42 42 Penn Co 4s 83 _ 103% 103 103 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 100% 100% 100% Penn PAL 3%s 69 ... 108% 108 108 Penn PA E4%s 74 — 107% 107 107 Penn O A D 4%s 77.. 101% 101% 101% PennRR3%s62_ 85% 85% 86% Penn RR 8%s 70.— 90 89% 89% Penn RR 4% 81 _ 98 97% 97% PennRR4%s84E .. 98 98 98 Penn RR gn 4%s65.. 103% 102% 103% Penn RRdeb 4%s70 88% 88% 88% Penn RR gen 5s 68 .. 108% 108% 108% Peoria A E 1st 4s 40.. 70 69 70 Pere Marq 4%s 80—. 60% 60% 60% Pere Marq 6s 66 67% 67% 67% Phelps Dodge 3%s 52 109% 109% 109% Phila BAW 4%s 81 D 106 106 106 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 106 105*4 106 Phila Elec 8 %s 67 ... Ill 110% 110% Phila RCA Ir 6s 73.. 13% *13% 13% Phila RCA Ir 6s 49 — 3 3 3 Phillips Pstrol 3s 48.. 107 107 107 PCCAStE 4 %s 77 ... 99% 99% 99% Pitts C Air 4%a62— 98% 98% 98% PittsAWVa 4%s 68 A 62% 61% 62 PlttAW Va4%s60C- 62% 61 62 Port Gen El 4%s 60 . 71 70% 70% PtRATb6s 42 unst ct 89% 89% 89% PtRATb 6s 42 std ct— 89% 89% 89% PtRATb 6s 42 std_ 89 89 89 Postal Tel AC 6s 63„ 22% 21% 21% Potomac EP 3%s 66. 109% 109% 109% Purity Baking 6s 48. 104% 104% 104% Reading R 4%s 97 A. 70% 70% 70% Rem R'd 4%s 66 if. 99% 99 99% Rep Steel 4%s 66 ... 99% 99% 99% Republic Stl 4%s 61. 99% 99% 99% Republic Stl 6%s 54.. 106% 106V, 106% RloGr W 1st 4s 39 . 24% 24% 24% Saguenay Pw 4 %i 66 76 76 76 St E IMS RAG 4s 38.. 61 60 60 St E-San Fr 4s 60 A.. 10% 10% 10% St L San Fr 4s 60 ct— 9% 9% 9% St E-San Fr 4%s 71— 10% 10%, 10% St E San Fr 5s 60 B— 11 11 11 St L S W 1st 4s 89 ... 60 60 60 St L South Wn 6s 52- 15% 15% 15% St L S W raf 6s 90— 8% 9% 9% San AAA Pass 4a 43 66% 66% 66% Schulco 6%s 46 A_ 28 28 28 Seab'd A L ref 4s 69.. 2% 2% 2% Seabd A E con 6s 46— 4% 4% 4% Setbd A E 6s 46 ct_ 4% 4% 4% Shell Un 0112%s 14— 96% 96% 96% Silesian Am 7s 41_ 28% 28% 28% Skslly Oil Is 60_ 100 100 100 Socony Vae la 16_ 105 104% 104% High. iiOw. Close. So Bell TAT 3%a 63- 109 109 109 Southn Kraft 4 %s 46. 102% 102% 102% So Natl O 4%e 61-106% 105% 105% So Pac Site 46_ 64% 64% 64% So Pao col 4s 49- 41% 40% 40% So Pac ref 4s 65_ 60 60 60 So Pac 4 %1 63- 42% 42 42% So Pac 4%s 69- 42% 41% 41% So Pao 4%a 81. 42 41% 41% So Pac Orejc 4%a T7__ 48% 47% 47% So Pac S F Tel 4s 60. 73% 78% 73% So Ry 4s 66 - 57 66% 66% So Ry gen 6s'66_ 71 71 71 So Ry 6%s 56 - 76% 76 76% S W Bell Tel 3s 61... 166% 106% 106% Stand Oil N J 2%s 63 104% 104% 104% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 .. 104% 104% 104% Studebaker cv 6n 46.. 95 96 95 Swift 4CoS\s60 _. 105% 106% 105% Ter RR As StL 48 63. 110 110 110 Tex Corp 3s 69 ... 105 106 105 Tex A Pao 6s 77 B_ 67 66% 66% Tex A Pac 6s 79 C_ 66% 66% 66% Third Ave 4s 80 - 67% 66% 56% Third Aveadj 6s 60 . 20% 19% 19% Tide Wat 0113 %s 62. 106% 106% 106% Union on (Cal) Ss 59. 103 102% 103 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47_114% 114 114% United Drug 6s 58_ 83% 83% 83% Utah EAT Ss 44- 100% 100% 100% Utah Pwr A L 6s 44.. 101% 101% 101% Va Ry 1st 3 % 66_ 108 108 108 Wabash 1st 5s 39__ 42 41% 41% Wabash 5%s 76 __ 6 6 6 Wabash Det 5s 41_ '44 44 44 Warren Bros 6s 41 .. 31 31 31 Wash Term 3 %s 45 .. 107 107 107 Westch L gn 3 %s 67. 108% 108% 108% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 _ 49% 49% 49% W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg. 47% 46 47% West Va P A P 3s 54. 100% 100% 100% West Md 1st 4s 52_ 84% 841, 84% West Md 6%s 77 89 89 89 West N YAP gn 4s 43 108% 103% 108% West Pac 6s 46 A as.. 12% 12% 12% West Union 6s 51_ 67 67 67 West Union Ss 60 ._ 66 66 66 Wheel Steel 4%s 66 . 101% 101% 101% Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 22 21% 22 W C 1st gen 4s 49ctfs 20% 20% 20% Wls El Pw 3%s 68... 108% 108% 108% Wis Pub Svc 4S-61... 110 110 110 Youngst'n SAT 4s 48. 104% 104 104 Youngst’n SAT 4s 61. 106% 105% 105% Figures— What They Mean By JOHN L. BECKLEY, Associated Press Statistician, NEW YORK, July 17.—Fear that coining excess profits levies will weigh most heavily on industrial companies is evidenced, analysts say, by the behavior of the stock market. Railroad and public utility stocks have been making a better showing lately than shares of the country's big industrial enterprises. Volume of trading has been too small to provide a very conclusive argument, but the stock market averages i clearly reveal this tendency. Since the market hit at least a temporary bottom on June 10, the Associated Press average of 15 rail road stocks has come back from 13.0 to 15.4, a gain of 18.5 per cent. Utility Average Up. The average of 15 public utility shares has advanced from 30.9 to 35.4. a rise of 11,5 per cent. The average of 30 industrial stocks has risen from 52.3 to 57.3, a gain of only 9.6 per cent. The smaller recovery in industrial shares, analysts say. can hardly be explained on the basis of a poorer outlook—if the excess profits tax is left out of consideration. They admit that public utilities are con tinuing to show a strong growth trend and the railroads are looking forward to the best earnings in re cent years. But, they point out. tne prospects for factory operations and manufacturing profits under the de fense program are equally good or better. Fear that the excess profits levy will hit industrial companies harder than rails or utilities is based on the nature of their net earnings. Profits of manufacturing companies—espe cially those in the heavy, capital goods line—fluctuate more widely than those of public utilities. Also the rate of return which most in dustrials earn on their investment is much better than that of the rail roads. Already Limited. The rate of return which utilities : are allowed to earn on their invested capital has already been limited by regulatory bodies to relatively modest percentages generally well below those which are expected to be set as a limit for normal profits under the excess profits tax. In the case of the railroads, the return which has been earned on their investment in recent years has been so low that profits could in- I crease greatly before they would b° “excessive'’ on this basis. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO, July 17 (,TY—Following Is the complee list of transactions on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: .5TOCIS?, High Low. Close. .->0 Adams Oil & Oas 4% 4% 4% Ion Advance Alum 2% •;% ■>% ! 20 Allts-Ch Mfg ... .30% .711% 30% ]■)< Am Tel * Tel... l«o% itio% ioo% loo Armour At Co ... 4 <« 4% 4% loO Assoc Invest ... 31% 30 30 »v!aUo.n J=orp— 4% 4% 4% 100 Avia & Trans _ 2% 2% 2% 50 Bastlan-Bless_ 15 15 15 12,»5?ntlAx_Ai —- 28% 28% 28% in!! §*r“h,0,? Brew-~ 8 0 0 i?! inr^'Warner 16 18 16 :J50 Burd Piston Bing 2% 2V« 2V* 350 Butler Bros 5 5 5 20 Butler Bros of 20% 20% 20% 111 ph 8v of 80% 80 80% 3150 chi Corn % % % iiS^rslp=r CorD--- ««% 65% 05% loO Cities Serv _ rt 1000 Comwlth Edts 31 .70% ;kj% 100 Compressed Ind G 13% 13% 1.3% 2 Cons Oil ... o% 6% «% IJ'Opnt Steel nf-101 >2 101 % 101 50 Deere Ar Co_ 15% J5% 15% SOEversharp .HZ 2 2 2 150 Gen Finance _ 2 1% ° 18- 9e.? Motors _ 44 43% 4.7% JpGiilette 8af R 4% 4% 4% i! Goodyear T & R 14% 14% 147I 50 Gossard IH W! 9% p% n% 46» Ot Lakes Dredge 20 20 20 50 Harnlschfeger . 5% 6% 5% o'lnupp Mot _ I I % 35 Int, Harvester __ 4.7% 4.7% 4.7a, 60 Jarvis IW B) 11 11 11 " ,J6Ky ut Jr cum pf 44 44 44 100 Kingsbury Brew % % % 450 Llb-McN & L ._ £)’, e% 2o0 Lynch Corn_,20% 20% °0'5 100 Marsh Field ZZZ 11 11 11 a. _ '00 Mid West Corn. . 0% 0% 12Q0 Midland Unit Df 5% 5 5% oOMmn Brew _ __ 8% 8% 8% 24/ Montg Ward ... 40% 39% .39% 760 Nor Am Car . 5% 5% 5% 50 Nor west Bancorp 8% 8% 8% -go Penn R R . .. 28 20 20 466 Pressed StI Car_. 10 10 10 , AS 9uakeL Oats _ — 102 % 102 % 102 % 1 <2 Sears-Roeb _ 73% 72% 73 ,30 Stgnode 8tl pf ._ 27% 27% 27% 100 80 Bend L Wks._ 27 27 27 250 Std Dredge _ 1% 1% 1% ?6 Std Oil Ind ... 25% 25% 25% 50 Stewart-Warn 6 6 0 200 Sundstrd M Tool 25 24% 25 200 Swift & Co ... 10% 19% 19% 1,°i1Swln Int - 17% 17% 17% 13 Texas Corp _ 39% 39% .79% 250 Union Carbide . 09% 08% HP% 50 Unit Air Lines . 17 17 17 ‘O U 8 Gypsum __ 59% 58% 59% 200 U 8 Steel ... 62% 51% 61% inn'S, S f.W Pf -117% 11*% 117% loo Utah Radio _ 1% 1% 1% 100 Walgreen ... lfi% 19% 19% 30 West Un Tel _ 18% 18 18 50 Zenith Radio . 11% 11% 11% Stock sales today, 17,000 shares. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. July 17.— Sales. STOCK8. High. Low. Close. 8 Consol 76% 7H% 70% 100 Mar Tex Oil Co . .45 .45 .45 4000 Mar Tex Oil "A'’. .45 .40 .45 02 New Amster Cas 15% 15% 15% 10 Pa Wat A Power. 62 62 62 170 U S Fid & Guar 18% 18% 18% BONDS. $13000 Bal Tr deb 4s A 3.7 32% 32% 500 Bal Trans 6s A 36% 36% 36% Regular air service between Tokio and Bangkok has Just been Inaug urated. Electric Power Output Snaps Back From July 4th Lull Week Ended July 13 Also 6.8 Per Cent Over Last Year By the Associated Pre ,... NEW YORK. July 17.—Electric power output snapped back from the Fourth of July lull with more than expected vigor, it was disclosed by the weekly report of the Edison Electric Institute. Output for the week ended July 13 Jumped to 2,483,342,000 kilowatt hours, the institute said, or 9.6 per cent more than 2,264,953,000 in the preceding week and 6.8 per cent ahead of 2,324,181,000 in the com parable 1939 week. The Associated Pre*s power index advanced to 128 from last week’s revised figure of 126. A year ago the index, based on 1929-30 as 100 and adjusted for seasonal and long term trend stood at 122.8. 1940 1939 1938 1937 1934 36 High 130.5 129.5 117.2 125.2 119 8 Low 121.4 112.3 102.8 111.8 91.9 Percentage gains from a year ago were reported as follows by the instiute: New England, 3.1; Middle Atlantic, 5.2; Central industrial, 12.1; West Central, .6 of 1; Southern States, 2.6; Rocky Mountain, 21.6; Pacific Coast, 5.3. Oil Price Break Brings ! Regulation Plea By the Associated Press. AUSTIN, Tex., July 17.—After a price break in North and Central Texas crude, two members of the Railroad Commission declared to day Texas would be willing to take the lead in curtailed oil produc tion "in order to keep the industry properly regulated." Chairman Lon A. Smith and mem ber Jerry Sadler asked Gov. Leon C. Phillips of Oklahoma to call a meeting of the Interstate Oil Com pact Commission to consider the need for further reduction. Mr. Smith said he was at a loss to understand a 4-cent reduction posted by Sinclair-Prairie Purchas ing Co. for North and Central Texas crude yesterday. It was pointed out that at least one field in which the company takes oil recently was giv en an increased allowable on petition of the company. Smith declared he had not men tioned additional Statewide shut downs, indicating the regularatory body might consider curtailment j only in certain fields. Texas has I seven Statewide shutdown days eacn in July and August. 75-cent Price Set. By the Associated Press. TULSA. Okla., July 17—Sin clair Prairie Oil Marketing Co. has announced _it is paying a flat 75 cents a barrel for crude oil pur chased in Mexia and North and Cen tral Texas. The company formerly paid 79 cents a barrel for crude of below 29 gravity, with a 2-cent differen tial upward to $1.03 for 40 gravity and above. Budd Sees Easy Cut In 'Bad Order' Cars By the Associated Press. A prediction that there would be "little difficulty'’ in reducing the proportion of “bad order” freight cars to 6 per cent by October 1 was made today by Ralph Budd. defense commissioner in charge of transportation. The prediction»was contained in a communication from Mr. Budd i to President J. J. Pelley of the Association of American Railroads. Mr. Budd. who has urged that rail roads reduce to a minimum the number of freight cars needing re pairs as one means of augmenting defense facilities, said the contin ued rising trend of car loadings, ac centuated “the need for full per formance by all lines'’ of repair work. Lead Sold at $4.85 NEW YORK, July 17 (/P)._st. Joseph Lead Co. reported 350 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yes terday at *4.85 per 100 pounds East St. Louis, 150 tons at $5.05 New York, and 150 tons at the New York av erage. Commodity Prices Pr!lfW„.Jf9a,S' 17-—The Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of ■15 commodities today declined to 70 39 (new 1040 low). week »«>. 71.431 month ago. 71.7o; year ago. (14(19 ... , 1040. 1939 1938. 1933-37. High. - 75.29 75.22 74.37 98.14 ‘ Low - 70.39 83.78 63.86 41 44 (1926 average equals 100.) Other commodities data compiled by the Associated Press; .. COCOA—Futures closed 16 lower. Sales, 4.56!!; SS’rih. “StS"*’"1 D*C'mber CRUDE RUBBER—Futures closed 14 lower to 00 higher. Sales No. 1 standard. 4, contracts. July 21.90-22.00; Septem rHJbed^jpot.’ 2L75n.nber’ i8'75’ Smoked A7C9f™§:—®Potv Santos No. 4. «8“- /b; ■ 7* oV5». Cost and freight offerings included Samos Bourbon Ms and os at 6.40-7.MO. Santos No. 4 ‘‘D-’ fu tures closed S lower. Sales. 1,500 bags. 2UJ2- 6 ^>,5:M8epiep?f«r, December. 5. s«n Rio No. / 'A futures, unchanged. No sales. . LEAD—Futures closed 2-3 low'cr. Sales. 540.000 pounds March. 4.68b. Straits tin futures closed 37% lower to 10 higher Sales, 22.400 pounds. July 60.12 Hb. No sales in sin" futures. SUGAR—Futures No. 3 closed unchanged 1° 3,'?S£r' ,aBles- 12.700 tons. Septem ber- 1.72b; January, l.80b: March, 1.83b. No. 4 futures %-l lower. Sales, 2.1(M) tons. September. 0.94b; December. 0.98b; March. 1.01b. TOPS—Futures today absorbed liquidation by snot and commission in terests. Final prices were 1 to 6 points lower. July. 89.5b: October. 87.8b; De cember. 85.8. Spot, standard tops, 97 o, unchanged. * RAW HIDES—Futures closed 18-24 lower. Saies, 4.560.000 pounds. Septem ber. 9.42: December. 9.58-60: March, 9.,8n. Spot. No. 1 Western light native cows. 10%n. RAW SILK—Futures No. 1 closed 2-4 higher Sa’e" 20 bales. August. 2.50; September, 2.4*. .jiiaaii New York Sugar NEW YORK. July 17 OP).—Renewed September liquidation depressed world su gar futures to new lows for 1040 today. Midafternoon prices were oh to 2 points; March. 1.01; May. 1.02 Domestic futures were irregular. Re placement buying offset liquidation and prices ruled 1 point lower to 1 higher; September. 1.73: January. 1st. Philippine raws in spot position sold at 2.65 cents. 3 points below the spot sale late yesterday, Cubas, however, hela at 2.70 cents. Refined remained 4.50 cents a pound. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. July 17 (Ah.—Dry foods: Woolen goods—buying of lightweight sum mer apparel and tropical goods stimulated by warmer weather. Cotton goods held firm in small dealings. Rayon gooda: Pres sure continues in apot pigment tafietai with demand said to be satisfactory in spun blends of lower price types. Silk fabric trade slow, concern felt oxer new outlets reported for nylon in women'* un derwear and men’s hose. NEW YORK CURB MARKET or orlrmu tin direct te The Star. Stock- and Sales— Dividend Rata Add 00. Hlfh. tow. Close. Aero Sup(B) .25* S 5% 6% 5% Ainsworth .2Ext 1 5% 5% 5% Alum Co Am (2«) 160a 158 156% 156% Am Cynam B SO. 4 83% 33 33 Am Export .50* .. 8 10% 10% 10% Am GAE1 pf 4.75. 25s 111 111 111 Am General .13 3 3 Am Gen pf(2.50). 60s 27 27 27 Am Gen pf (2)_ 25a 25 25 25 Am Maracaibo . 2 4* 4 4 Am Meter(2.26e). I 29% 429% 29% Am Superpower.. 7 %, 4 4 Ark Nat Gas ___ 12 2 2 Ark Nat Gas(A). 3 2 2 2 Ark Nat G pf.iMk. 3 7% 7% 7% Aro Equlp't Corp. 1 11% 11% 11% Ashland OAK .40. 3 4% 4% 4% Atl Coast Flah ..12 2 2 Atl Coast L (Ik). 60s 13% 13% 13% Avory & Sons_ 14 4 4 Aviation A Tran* 6 2% 2% 2% Babcock A W.60s 7 24% 24 24 Baldwin Lo war.. 6 6% 6 6 Bath Iron (.25e)_ 8 14 13% 13% Beech Aircraft .. 1 4% 4% 4% Ball Tal Can <*).. 40a 97 96 96 Bell T Pa pf * 50. 26a 117% 117% 117% Birdsboro Fdry.. 1 6% 6% 6% Bliss lEfll 3 14% 14 14 Blumenthal (S).. 1 5% 5% 5% Bourjois (lx) -. 2 5 5 5 Brazilian TrLAP 2 3 3 3 Breeze Corp 60k. 2 5% 5% 5% Brewster Aero_ 5 9% 9% 9% Brill pf ... 60r 25% 25% 25% Brown For Diet.. 3 1% 1% ]% B NAEP 1st (5).. 60s 99% 99% 99% Cable Elec Prod.. 1 % % % Cal I He Tungsten 3 1% 1% 1% Can Col Airways 6 6% 6 6 Can Mar W 04e . 5 % % % Caro P&L pf (8). 60s 103 103 103 Caro PAL pf (7). 10s 107 107 107 Carrier Corp .. 5 8 7% 8 Celan pto pf (7a) 25s 122% 122% 122% Celluloid pf_ 25s 23 23 23 Cent NT Pw of 5. 40s 100% 100 100 Cent States Elec. 11 4 4 ft Cent St E 6% pf £5s 1% 1% 1% Chamberlain .ZOe 1 2% 2% 2% Chi Flez S (Ea)._ 80s 66 66 66 Childs pf _ 60s 13% 13% 13% Cities Service_ 10 6 5% 6 Cltlea Service pf g 75 73% 73% Cities Sve P& Lt (7) pf 17.50k.. 10s 95% 95% 95% Clev Tractor . 4 4% 4% 4% Col Fuel & l war. 5 4% 4 4 Colts Pat F A (2) 60s 73 73 73 Columb OH & Gas 2 1% 1% 1% Comwlth & S war 10 % % % Comun P S 1 80a. 60s 25% 25% 25% Conn Tel & Elec 1 % % % Cons G&E Bos 60 1 77 77 77 Cons Steel Corp 3 5 4% 4% Cooper Bess 1 7% 7% 7% Coop-B prpf2.25k 2 25% 25% 25% Corr’n&Kpf 4.50k 10s 62 62 62 Cosden Petrolm 3 1% 1*. 1*4 Crocker-Wheeler 2 3*4 3% 3*4 Crn Ck Int A .65k 4 3% 3% 3% Decca Rec 60 1- 5*4 5% 5*4 Dejay Stores ,30e 1 3% 3% 3*« Dornln St) & Coal 1 4% 4% 4% Duke Power 1.50e 25s 71 .71 71 Eastn G&F 6 Df 150s 20 20 20 E G&F nrpf 2.25k 100s 48 47 48 Easy W M(B) .50 3 3% 3 3% Economy GS (1). 200s 12% 12 12 Elec Bond & Sh 50 6% 6 6% Elec B & S pf (5) 3 62% 62 62 Elec B & S pf (6) 7 71 70% 71 Emp G&F 6% pf 90s 82 80 80 Emp G&F 7% pf . 200s 83% 82% 82% Emp G&F 8 pf. 50s 84% 84% 84% Emsco Derrick . 2 9 9 9 Equity cv pf < 3) lOOs 20% 20% 20% Fairchild Av ,25e 2 9% 9% 9% Fairchild hi & A 32 4% 4% 4% Fanny Farm 1.60 150s 19% 19% 19% Fire As Phila 2a 80s 61 60*4 60*. Fla P&L pf 6.13k 200s 10$% 109 109% 1 Ford Ltd t 16g)_. 1 1*. 1*. 1% Fuller (G A)_ 25s 11 14 14 Fuller pf (4) ... 50s 33 33 33 Fuller cvpf (3).. 25s 18 18 18 Gen T&R pf A < 6) 30s 99 99 99 Ga Power pfifi) 25s 96 96 96 Glen Aid C 375e 22 7*4 7% 7*4 Gorham Incpf 250s 11% 11% 11% Gulf Oil of Pa(l) 4 30 29% 30 Hall Lamp ( 80ej 1 7*4 7*. 7*4 Hammerrnill ,50e 100s 22% 22% 22% Hartford Kay on. 1 *4 *4 I* Hecla Min ,20e ..2 5 5 5 Heller (WE) 40a 5 8V4 8*4 8V4 Hoe( R)& Co A .. 3 9% 8*4 9% Holllnger G 65a. 9 6*. 6*. 6*4 Hormel&Co (2). 50* 34 34 34 Humble Oil ,75e. 4 53% 53 63% Hum’l Ross .30e. 1 5*. 5*4 6% llllnols-ia Power 1 3% 3% 3% lll-la Pwr dlv ct. 2 6% 6*4 6% Imp OH Ltd .60s. 4 6% 6% 6% Imp Tob Can 40a 1 7*. 7% 7% Imp Tob GB 613e 1 7% 7% 7% Ind apP&Lpf 6 60 80s 110% 110 110% Ins Co N Am 2i 400s 63*4 62*. 62*. Int Hydro El pf 1 8% 8% 8% Int Indust (.log) 3 1 1 1 Int Pe&Pwr war. 6 2*4 2% 2% Int Petrolm 1.50 15 9% 9% 9*. Int Petm reg 1.50 1 9*. 9% 9*. Int Vitamin (.SO) 3 4 4 4 Interst Home.60a 13 9% 9 9% Interst P Del pf 25s 4% 4% 4% Irving Air Ch (1) 2 13 13 13 Ital Superpwr A. 2 % % % JerCP&Lpf (6). 100s 100 100 100 Jones & Leu Stl 2 23% 23% 23% Kreuger Brew .50 3 5% 5% 5% Lake Sh M (le).. 3 11% 11% 11% Lakey Fdry & M. 5 3 3 3 Lehigh Coal .. 1 2% 2% 2% Line Mater 15e. 200s 8*4 8** 8% Lone Star .40e ... 2 9% 9% 9% Long Island Ltg. 11 1 1 Long Isl Lt pf B. 75s 30 30 30 Lynch Corp (2).. 360s 20% 20% 20% UoWlll msDredg 1 5% 5% 5% Majestic Radio 17 ik ik Marlon St Shovel 1 2*4 2*,« 2% Master Elec 1.20e 100s 30 30 30 Mead John (3a » 10s 139 139 139 M & M pt pf (2a) 25s 26% 26% 26% Merr-Chap & S .. 2 4% 4% 4% Mesabt Iron _ 1 % *» *4 Mich Bumber .. 1 % % %( Mich Steel T .30e 100s 5 5 5 Mid St Pet A .63e 2 3 3 3 Midvale Stl 2.50e 60s 109% 109% 109% Midwest OH 30 1 6% 6*4 6% Minn M & S 1.20e 500s 59% 58% 59 Miss R Pw pf (6) 20s 112% 112% 112% Molybdenum .50e 5 6% 6)4 6% Monarch M l.BOe 1 39% 39% 39% Mon LH&P 1.60.. 100s 18 17% 18 Mount City C_ 3 2% 2*4 2% Mount Prod 1.60) 1 5 6 5 Nat Bells Hess.. 12 % * 4 Nat Brew (2)_ 50s 16% 16% 16V. Nat Fuel Gas d) 1 11 11 11 Nat Oil Prod .60e. 1 33% 33% 33% NatP&LDf'6). 25s 90 90 90 Nat Sugar Refln. 2 8% 8% 8% Nat Tea pf - 100s 8 8 8 Nat Tunnel&Mln 3 1% 1% 1% Nat Union Radio 6 1 1 1 N Eng T&T 3.25e 40s 117 116% 117 New idea 1.60) . 1 13 13 13 N J Zinc 1.50e ... 60s 57% 57% 57% New Mex & Arlx 1111 NY&Hondur 1.50t 100s 16% 16% 16% NY Auction 3 2% 2% 2% NY P & L<t pf (6) 10s 104% 104% 104% NY P&i. pf (7) . 80s 116 115 116 Nlait Hudson Pw 5 4% 4% 4% Noma Eleotrlo — 1 3% 3% 3% Nor Am L.t & Pwr 1 % % % North'n Sta P (A) 4 11 10% 11 Norwst Eng .75e_ 100s 16% 16% 16% Ogden Corp a’tlon 6 2% 2% 2% Ohio Pwr pf«6) 10s 115% 115% 115% Okla Nat Gas.BOe 2 17% 17% 17% Okla NatG pf<*> 100s 46% 46 46 Okla NO cvpf 6.10 25s 113 113 113 Pao Gas & Elec 6%% pf 1.375 __ 1 29% 29% 29% Pao Gas6%pf1.60 7 33% 33 33% PantepeoOll__ 5 3 3 3 Pennroad_- 22 2 1% 2 Pa-Cent Airlines 2 17% 16% 16% Penn P&E pf (7) 25s 111% 111% 111% Penn W & P (4). 150s 60% 60 60 Phoenix Secur 6 8% 8% 8% Phoenix Secur pf 100s 31% 31% 31% Pitts 6LE (2e). 90s 57 56 67 Pitts Plats G(2e) 2 78% 77% 77% Plessant VW .05# .2 2 2 2 Premier Gold .12 1 ft ft ft Pb Svo Ind 36 pf 200s 48% 47% 47% PSInrt37prpf 60s 95% 94% 94% PugSd $5pf 2.50k 75s 76 76 76 Puget Sd P 36 of 100s 22 21% 21% Pug Sd Pulpl.25e 1 18 18 18 Quaker Oats (6). 10s 102% 102% 102% Radlo-K-Or ws._ 1 % % % Republic Aviat’n 2 4% 4% 4% Rio Gr G vtc- 12 % % % Pooh G&E pf D 6 60s 105% 105% 105% Rustless I&8 .30s 1 10% 10% 10% Rust l&S pf 2.60- 50s 42% 42% 42% Ryan Consol- 2 1% 1% 1% Rysrson H- 1 % % % Bt Regis Paper_ 6 2% 2% 2% Balt Dome Oil- 4 4% 4% 4% Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00 Hith. Low. Close. Seovlll Mfg .60*. 4 27 26% 2614 Soullln Steel. 3 8V4 8% 8% Scullln Steel war. 3 111 Segal Lock ... 10 ft % % Selherling Rub.. 1 414 414 4y* Selby Shoe .60e.. 100s 9 9 9 Shattuck-D(.lOe) 1 3H 374 374 Sher-Will 1.50e . 100s 73% 73% 73(4 Sher-Wlll pf (6). 10s 110 110 110 Silex Co (1.20a).. 300s 13 1014 1014 Simmons H & P_. 1 4% 474 47,4 Singer Mfg 16).. 40s 10514 105 105 South nUn Gas. 1 3% 3Vi 3V* Stand C& S 60s. 1, 714 714 774 Stand Drcdg 10e. 1 1%, 144 1*, Stand Oil O (1>__ 1 3OI4 30% 30% Sterchl Bros- 1 214 214 214 Siroock & Co_ 100* 9 9 9 Sunray OH 05# _ 7 114 1% 114 Technicolor BOe. 5 10 9% 9% Tol Ed pf (6) .. 10s 106 106 106 Toledo Ed pf (7). 10s 114'4 11414 114'4 Trl Conti war .. 1 % % Tubfza Chatlllon 16 6 6 Tubize Chat A.2e 60s 31 31 31 Udylite (,20e)... 2 4% 414 4'4 Unit Alrc’t P 10* 6 1114 1114 11 >4 United Corp war. 2 % %, %, United Gaa 7 1% 1% 1% Unit Gas pf 4.50k 1110 110 110 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 3 7/i 14 74 Unit Lt&Pwr pf 3 27 2614 26', Unit Milk pf 1.25i 10s 7414 74<4 74V* Unit Sh M 2.50a.. 175s 64% 63'* 64% Unit Specialties... 1 6V* 6V* 6% US Lines pf-' 1 2% 2% 2% U S Radiator__ 1 114 114 11, Unit Stores_ 3 6, A A Unit Wan Paper. 5 1% 1% 1% UnivCorpvtc._ 4 3% 3% 3% Unlv Pictures .. 2 6% 6% 6% Ut P& L pf 3.50k 75s 67 66% 66% Util Equity pf lk 60s 42% 42% 42% Walker Mining 3 ft ft ft Western Air Exp ‘1 4% 47, 4.7, Wichita Rlv Oil.. 16 6 6 Will ms (RC) . 1 4V* 4V* 4% Wolverine T ,25a 15 5 5 Wright Harg.4ua 16 3% 3% 3% r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies Rates 01 dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included, a Also extra or extras d Accumulated dividends paid last year e Dec:ared or paid so iar this vear f Payable in stock e Paid 1 *ta*y5.arJ h Casl1 or stock k Accumu lated dividends paid or declared this year Jir. Under rule ww With warrants xw Without warrants war Warrants. 24 Streamlined Railroad Cars Ordered for East Ey the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA. July 17.—Orders ! for 24 new lightweight streamlined j railroad passenger cars were an nounced today by the Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Co. The orders will substantially in crease the modern sleeper-coach service available to travelers in the Eastern section of the country, Budd officials said, but added they were not at liberty to announce the pur chasers. Chicago Grain By FRANKLIN MULLIN'. CHICAGO. July 17 (TP).—drop of more than a cent in wheat prices1 today wiped out much of the ad vance scored yesterday, and regis tered the market’s reaction as a result of mild profit taking, hedging and selling based on overnight rains, with promise or more in the spring wheat belt. Government experts reported stem rust is expected to cause consider able damage in East-Central Kan sas, but that damage in the soft wheat belt has been less than ex pected. Thatcher wheat in the spring belt has only a trace, but moderately heavy infection has de veloped in the few fields of suscept ible varieties in territory examined. closed *4-118 lower than yes tcrlej. July. ,3’*: September :4J«-% corn. ■’« lower to % higher: July. H2%-%. September. 58%-%: oats. % off to % up. Cash Grain. Cash wheat, No. 1. hard. 76% 77%: No 3 mixed. 74. light smut. Corn, No. 1, yellow, 63% -66; No. 2 661 *. Oats. No. 1, mixed, heavy, new, 32*4: No. 1, mixed. 31; No. 2. 31%; No. 1, heavy, red, new. 32%-%; No 2. white, 34-34%; No. 3, white, 32 %-3314. Barley, malting, 48-52, nominal; feed. 35-43. nominal. Soybeans, No. 3, yellow, 82. Futures Table. WHEAT— Open. Hiah Low Close. July -.74% .74% .73% .731, Sep - .75% .75% .74% 743,-% Dec. .7H5, .76% .75s, .75%-% CORN— July _.62 .62% .613, 82%-% Sep. -.58% .58’, 58,, .58%-% Dec . -.54 545, .533, .5334 OATS— July _ .303, ,3ji„ 50s, 3,1, Sep.. .28% .28% .28% .28% Dec . .29% .29% .29 .29% SOY BEANS— Julv .82% .83 82*4 S3 Oct. ._ .74% .74% .74 74 Dec _ _ _ _ .74 RYE— Julv . .433, 433; ,42!a .423, Sen - .45% .45’, 44 .44% Dec. . .48 .48 .48’, .46’, LARD— July_.. 5 70 Sep. - 5 85 5 85 5.80 5 80 Oct - 5 90 5.92 5.Sr 5 87 Dec. - 6.07 6.07 6.02 6 02 Jan. . ... ... ... 6.18 BELLIES— July -- - - 6.40 Sen. - _ _ 687 New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.—Final liq uidation of July contracts today highlighted an otherwise quiet trade in cotton futures. Old and new July deliveries ex pired at noon, with gains of 16 and 27 points, respectively. New crop deliveries were more or less ignored, despite an unfavorable weekly weather report. Prices eased under hedge selling and local realiz ing and in iate dealings were 1-4 points lower; October, 9.47; De cember, 9.36. Futures closed 27 higher to 9 lower. Old contract: .. , Open. High. Low. Close. •July 9.57 0.75 9.3tj 9.74-75 New contract: •July - 10.22 10.22 10.18 10.18 October 8.48 9.51 9.43 9.43 December . 9.37 9.39 9.32 9.32 January_ 0 o^n March - 9.1fl 9.18 9.08 9.08 May - 8.98 9.00 8.91 8.91 Middling «spot Mi inch). 10.63n. n Nominal. • Expired at noon today. New Orleana Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. July 17 uPl.—Cotton futures declined today under long liquida tion and easiness In securities. Closing Prices were steady, 7 points net lower to 22 higher. . , Open. High. Low. Close. •July - 9.55 9.80 9.50 9.80 October - 9.62 9.54 9.48 9.48 December _^ 9.40 9.40 9.33 9.33 January _9.31b 9.26b March _9.2o 9.20 9.10 n.llb May - 9.02 9.02 8.90 8.94b July < 1941) ... 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.74b •Expired at noon, b Bid. NEW ORLEANS. July 17 OP).—Cotton seed oil closed steady: bleachable prime summer yellow. 6.05n: prime crude, 6.12%b: July. 6.54b: September. 5.59b; October, 5.00b; December, 0.26b; January, 5.04b. b Bid n Nominal. NEW ORLEANS—July 17 OP).—Spot cot ton closed aulet. unchanged; sales, none; low middling. O.OOn; middling. lOOOn good middling. ll.OSn: receipts, 563; stock, 669.136. n Nominal. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. July 17 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Maturity. Bid Asked 4 July. 1946-44 . 111% 111% 3V« May, 1965-45 _106% 107*1 3 July. 1855-45 - 106}! 108% 3 Jan.. 1956-46 _105% 106% 3 May. 1856-46 _; 106% 108% Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co. Half-Year Nef Is $5,176,748 Biggers Says Firm To Make Specialties In Defense Program By the Associated i- ~ TOLEDO, Ohio. July 17.—Libbey Owens-Ford Glass Co. netted $5. 176,748 or $2.06 per share in 1940's first six months, directors were in formed yesterday. This compared with $2,654,813 or $1.01 per share for the same 1939 period. Directors declared a dividend of 50 cents a share, payable September 16, to shareholders of record August 30. Total manufacturing profit and other income amounted to $8,443 - 624 against $5,052,955 in six months last year. “The eventual effect on our busi ness of the world situation is not yet clear,’' President John D. Big gers said. “However, we are fully prepared to take care of all prob able needs of our customers in the automotive, building and allied fields and to manufacture certain glass specialties which fit into the defense program." Mr. Biggers, who is executive as sistant to W. S. Knudsen. manu facturing co-ordinator of the new preparedness program, said Libby Owens-Ford paid $2,269,292 for 70.24 per cent of the outstanding shares of Plaskon Co., Inc. "Established and prospective earn ing power along with interesting possibilities for future development adequately support tips investment." he added. National Biscuit Co. NEW YORK, July 17 (^.—Na tional Biscuit Co. today reported June quarter net profit of $2,411 613 after all charges, equal after pre ferred dividend requirements to 31 cents a common share. This com pared with $2,803,101. or 38 cents on common, in the preceding quarter and $2,885,263. or 39 cents, in the June quarter last year. McGraw-Hill Publishing. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. and subsidiaries earned net profit in the June quarter of $182,751, or 30 cents a share, against $238,580, or 40 cents a share, in the March quar ter and $119,436, or 20 cents a share, in the second quarter of 1939. Continental Motors. Continental Motors Corp. of Mus kegon, Mich., today reported net profit of $207,739 after all charges for the first half of its fiscal year ended April 30. compared with net loss of $126,233 for the corresponding period a year earlier. Pubyic Service Corp. of New Jersey. Public Service Corp. of New Jersey reported for 12 months ended June 30 net income of $25,563,222, equal to $2.85 a share on the common stock, compared with $24,820,774. or $2.72 a share, in the preceding 12 month period. Republic Net S3,337,730. CLEVELAND, July 17 <£>).—Re public Steel Corp. and subsidiaries today reported consolidated net profit, after all charges, of $3,337. 730 for the second quarter. This compares with $550,412 for the same period in 1939 and with $3,111,722.71 for the first quarter this year. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC BONDS. .. _ High Low, Close. a ! 4%s 67 104% 10* 104% Ala Power os 08 . 100% 106% 106% Am G A E 3%s 00 ._ 107% 107’, 107% aIT ? L 05 1,110 1«>1% 10) loll, Apoalach E P 4s 03 108 108 108 A?°ai) p -I'll A 125 125 125 K wf t*aL.,os 50 —- 105*2 105% 105% 5! I”d„4 *s •*3- 51% 51 51% As n a*wE-?s 25- I4** 14% 14*. AS Ct <V E .">*2^ <<. 1 4 II*. ill. As T & T 5**18 .55 A _ 65 65 65 Avery & s 5s 4s ww 100 loo 3no Bald Loco 6s 50 _ 11° n° nrt fell Te C 5s 57 B _ 100% 100% 100% % 9 Ss 0,1 C - 101 loo 101 3irm El 4%s 68 __ 90% 98% 99% Birming Gas 5s 59 __ 90’, 90% 90’, Can Nor Fwr 5s 53.. 76% 70*, 76*, Cent St El 5s 4s Hi)1? .’16*4 Cent St El 51 as 54 333b 3°». 3°3a Con S: PAL 5%s 53_: 75% 75 75% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod... 44 43% 44 Cities Svc 5s 50 78 77% 77% Cities Service 5s 58 77% 77 771J Cities Service 5s 66 _ 70% 79% 79% Cit s PAL 5%s 52_ 87% 86’, 87 Cit S PAL 5%s 40_ 88 88 88 Comnty PAL 5s 57 ... 94 94 94 £°ht G & e 5s 58 A... 91% 01 911. Cudahy Pkg 3%s 55 97% 97% 973. East G A P 4s 50 A... 80 79% 79* ! Edis El Illu 3%s 65 ... 110% 110% 110% El Pw A Lt 5s 2030... 83 82*, 82% Fed Wat 5%s 54 ... 99% 99% 99% Sa p't'r couon 4s 06 ... 103% 103% 103% Florida PAL 5s 54 ... 104% 104% 104% Gatineau P 3%s 09 05 05 05 Gen Pub ut 6%s 50 . 99% 9917 9914 Gen W WAE 5s 43 A 99% 90% 99% Georgia Pw 5s 07 ... loo loo ino Gien Alder. Cl 4s 05 71 70’, 70% Grand Tr We 4s 50 .. 00% 00% 00% Guard Inv os 48 A _ °9% •'’9% **914 Hon Gulf G 6s 43 . ' 102 102 10" Hygrade Fd 6s 49 A... 68% 68% 68% Hygrade Fd Os 49 B._ 68 68 08 111 Pw A* Lt 5*?s 57 98% 98% 98-% 111 Pwr A Lt 6s 53 A 106% ’06% nisi, lu,Pw & L 5%s 54 B _ 106 106 106 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A 72 7n% *•> Indiana Ser 5s 63 A... 70% 70 70% Ind PAL 1st 33,s 68 .. 105% 105% 105% Inti P Sec 6%s 55 C. _ 20% 19% 19% Inters' Pw ns 57_ 02% 02% 62% Interst Pw 6s 52 40% 393" qq," Ia-N LAP 5s 57 A .II 105% 105% 105% Ital Su Pw Os 63 A... 35 35 35 Lome Is Lt 6s 45 _104% 104 104% if* Pw A Lt fis 57.. 100% 100% 100% McCord R 6s 48 st_ 00 Ho 80 Melon , 5s 43- 5S>i 58% 58", Mil GAE 4%s 07_ 103 103 103 Miss Pow 5s 55 ... 104% 1043, 104’, Miss Pw A L 5s 57_104’, 104’, in,’. Mo Pub Svc 5s 00_ 93% 9.7 93 Nat P A L 5s 2030 B... 107% 107% 107% Nevad Cal El 5s 50_74', 74% 74% New E GAE 5s 47.. 66 65% 66 New E GAE 5s 50_ 00 05% 053; N Eng Pwr 3%s HI... ItlT’,],,?!3 10?-,J New E Pw fis 48 OR 07% 97% New E Pw 5%s 54 . 100 100 1(10 N Y A W Lt 4s 2004 100 106% 10H Nor A LAP 5%s 50 .101 in? lb" No Con U 5%s 48 A._ 4.7 4°>1 43 Norlhw P S fis 57 A... lo4% 104% 104s, Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62__ 1 n» 108-’, lOR’, Pac G A E Os 41 B_107% 107', 107', Pac P A L fis 55 _ 93’, 93% 93% Penn C LAP 4%s 77_103% 103 103 Penn Elec 5s 02 H... 107 190’, 190’; Pe"P A' 01 „D— »9', 99% Phlla El P 5%s 72 _ 113 112% 113 Pitts Steel fls 48 101 101*101 E”b o®, £.°,n 3>s 04 .. 105% 105% It).-,’, Pug Sd PAL 5%s 59 99'-, 99 99 Pug S PAL fis 50 C _. 95 95 95 Pu S PAL 4%s 50 D. . 93 92% 99% Safe H Wa 4%s 79.._ 106% 196% 100% Scullln Stee1 3s 51 ... 64% H4% 64% S E PAL Os 2025 A. 112% 112% 11,3! Sou Cal Ed 3%» 00 ... 108 108 108 Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B._. 108 108 108 Sou Ind Ry 4s 61 _ 43% 43 43 f?1» A* T 5s 01 A-104% 104% 104% Std GAE 6s 48 st . .. 71% 71% 71% Std GAE 6s 48 cv st.. 71% 71% 71% Std GasAEl fis 51 A... 71% 71 71 ftd Gas A El 6s-57_7l(5 71 71 Std GgsAEl Os 06 B.,_71% 71 71 Stand PwALt 6s 57_ 71 71 71 Texas Elec 5s 80 _106% 106% 106% Jex Pw A L 6s 50_100% lOO’.J iflO’l uiM? SsW st” *?* 8?H ®2H Unit 06s'^7569- % Unit LtAPw 0%s 74._80% 80% RfliA Unit LAR D 5%g 52. 91% 91 91 Unit, LAR M 6s 52 A .. 115% 115% 116V, Unit LAR M 6s 73 A._ 86 4 RR RR4 Va Tub Ser 6s 40- 99V, 99% 99% VaFQHE?ONii 46 A-103,/i 102^ ln2^ Cauca Val 7s 48 _ 9 9 9 Danish Con 5s 53 __ 23 22% *’•’% Ouant A W fls 68 A .. 44 44 44 Stinn <H> 4s 40 2d st.. 30 30 30 Term-Soc 0%s 53 A 22% 22V, ’5', ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New st fstpi—Stamped SNegotigblltty impaired by maturity. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK. July 17 (/Pi —Prices quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds: Rate Mo. Year. Bid. Asked^Yleidl IV, Dec. 104(1_ 101.5 1017 1$4 Mar. 1041-101.14 101.10 1»* June 1041-101.14 101.10 " l»/4 Dec. 1041- 101 25 101.27 1% Mar. 1042—_ 102.27 102.29 2 Sept. 1042,_.- 104.3 104.5 .OS 144 Dec. 1042-.- 103.20 10.3 2R 14 l June 1043_ 102.2 1024 39 ?fpt' -101-17 101.19 .49 1V» Dec. 1043_ 102.5 102 7 47 1 Mar. 1944- 101.19 101.21 .54 *4 June 1044- 100.23 100.25 .55 1 ftot. 1044- 101.19 101 «1 ,5R % Mar. 1945- 100.9 100.11 .67