Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) Vending machines 25. practically new. suitable for peanuts or confectioni. Warfield 3770.____ WASHERS—Sacrificing brand-new wash ing machines in crates at discounts of more than H0f„ off list prices: used Easy. A. B. C.. General Electric, Westinghouse. Maytag. Norge. Thor and others as low as $8; no money down; liberal trade-in. Tarms. SI weekly. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington's Largest Appliance House. 921 O St. N.W.. Entire Building. District 3737. Open Eves. Till 9 P.M. WASHERS, rebuilt and reposs.. 1-yr. guar., as low as $14.95. We are also FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE on the NEW BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY. MAYTAG. THOR. O E. AND APEX WASH ERS. Liberal trade-in allowance. Pay with your light bill. ’ ELECTRICAL CENTER. _S14 10th jit. N.W. National 8872. washing machines—sale of 1939 models at reduced prices: Maytag. $44: Norge. $39: Thor. $33; General Electric. $29: all new and complete, with filler pump hose. 10 ’JAYS' TRIAL Pay SI weekly. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th^ st. n w. WASHING MACHINE, automatic, 2 tubs, $15; electric blanket. $5. 3712 Ingomar st. n.w._No phone calls.__ WATER COOLERS. General Electric, sale or rent; reas. prices and terms. NA. 6800. G. E. Supply Corp., 13.30 N._Y. ave. n.w __ WATER COOLERS. G. E , floor models, greatly reduced. $5 per mo. Md. Elec. Co., 10«_Balto. blvd.. Hyattsvllle _ STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. Showcases. cash register. counters, shams, glass dividers, window fixtures, dress racks, adding machine. Apply 1412 14th st n.w.__19* ELECTRIC FANS. FLOOR MODELS. MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. EAGLE SALES CO., __ 1007 7th 8T, N.W._ RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living suite upholstered for $45; covering and new Inside material In cluded. made like new in finest tapestry •nd friezette: workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO.. 8509 14th ST. N.W._ COLUMBIA 10172, LUMBER. 1x6 T and G roofers_$32 1x8 sheathing _$32 2x4 up to 12 ft_$28 2x0 and 2x8_$32 8x10 . _ ___ _ $33 Also good prices on cinder blocks, brick, mortar and plastering materials. Lumber subject :o 5r- discount for cash ARLINGTON COAL & LUMBER CO. JACKSON 1880. FURNITURE. SENSATIONAL SAVINGS While they last. Prices in some instances seem unbelievable. Our advice is to be early We have listed a few bargains below; Just 3 odd waterfall walnut dressers, •old for $75. your choice. $24.75. 1 solid maple WINE BAR, sold for $45, •ell for $17.50. Repossessed overstuffed club chairs, sold for $22.50, your choice. $0.05. 6-pc. breakfast set. table refectory ends. HUTCH CABINET. 4 chairs, finished In maple. $50 value for $29.50. 3-pc. mahogany bedroom set, knee-hole Vanity, full chest of drawers. Panel full sizp bed. this is a snap at $31.50. TABLES, cocktails, lamp, coffee and end tables as low as 99c each to $3.95 each, worth double. GREEN/FURNITURE CO., 3600 Georgia Ave. GE. 2223. _Open Evenings._ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY GET OUR OFFER BEFORE YOU SELL. ARTHUR MARKEL. 918 F ST. N.W.. ROOM 301. NA. 0284._ BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture Wanted; contents of apts. or homes: also odd pieces. WE DO MOVING CAREFULLY AND REASONABLY. Georgia 1410. • FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china, glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings: highest cash prices pald. Call Murray. Taylor 3333._ FURNITURE, rugs, household goods, ete. Positively highest prices Also reliable moving at lowest prices for best results Call any time^ LI. 6488._ FURNITURE—Want enough household goods to outfit large place, also small piano. Evenings after_7. ME. 5255. 19* FURNITURE—We buy all kinds, also elec tric refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Call any time. LI. 2807._ SEWING MACHINE—We buy all types; repair. hemstitching. buttons covered. Pleating. 917 F st. RE. 1900. RE. 2311. ALL OLD GOLD silver and diamonds wanted for manufacturing: highest prices paid OPPENHEIMER 903 F st. n.w. • _ GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM. TEETH. DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH. A. KAHN, INC. 48 YEARS AT_935 F._ CASH FOR OLD GOLD Silver, watches, diamonds and old dis carded jewelry: full cash value paid. SEUNGER'S 818 F St. N.W. BOATS. OUTBOARD BOATS and motors on dis play; all makes of outboard boats. Bendix. Evinrude. Elco and Neptune motors: buy now on easy terms. S King Fulton. Inc.. 805 Maine ave. s.w ME. 9094_ OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS—Ben dix Elto. Evinrude Wolverine. Old Town. Many others. Largest display in town. Terms S. King Fulton, Inc., 805 Maine ave. s.w. _ CATTLE & LIVESTOCK. PACING MARE and sulky. A. Gray. Suit iand, Md, Call Spruce 0166-W._ SALE, 3 ponies, I spirited saddle horse. 2 other saddle horses and 3 large teams. This stock Is for sale due to closing farm. R. R. Gibson. Annandale. Va. Inauire of frlr Weakley or Mr Hummer. DOGS, PETS, ETC. ” BOARDING—STUD SERV.—PUPPIES. Hollywood Kennels, Wash.-Balto. blvd . g mi. north Md. U. Phone Hess. WA. 1824. FARM AND GARDEN. SALE—2-horse grass mower and a gas power lawn mower. Apply 748 Jackson pi. n.w. _ _ _BABY_CHICKS._ ROCKS. R I Reds. $7750 per 100. Con key's Y -O feeds. James Feed Store. 619 K «t, n.w. Metropolitan 0089. POULTRY Cr EGGS._ Rocks. Reds, New Hampshires; $7 the hundred. Best you can buy. J. B. Henry, phone Falls Church 3348. _ ROOMS FURNISHED._ *THE VIVIAN. 1723 G st. n.w.. offers lovely rms., all with running water, newly deco rated and furn., inner-spring mattresses. Venetian blinds showers, switchbd., elev.; single._$6.50 wkly up; dbles, $8.60 up. ALT0RA3. 1509 16tb st. n.w.—Attract, lurn. rms.. nr. showers: 24-hr. elevator and hotel serv.; $5 week and up*_ EBBITT HOTEL.' 10th and H sts. n.w.— Attractively furnished rooms with pri vate bath. Simmons inner-spring mat tresses. elec. fans, circulating ice water, beautiful lobby, colorful Spanish patio for rest or games; a block or 2 to best stores and movies and brief walks to Govt, of fices: $12 up weekly: special monthly rates begin at $40.50.____ PRINCE KARL HOTEL. 1901 K n.w — Attr. rms.. running water, lnner-spr. matt.; hotel._24-hr. switchboard sec. service,_elev. ‘GORDON HOTEL on beautiful 16th st.. between Eye and K—Cool rooms, near thowers, $6 up; double from $10.50 weekly: with bath from $12.50 weekly: 24-hr. ele vator and switchboard service; excellent dining room __ 3718 17th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished rooms: clean, comfortable: single, $4 ud: double^SO up._Hobart 9554._ 2128 H ST. N.W., downtown—Large rooms: clean, attractive; n.w.: phone; $15 single. $20 double-__ OPPOSITE PARK—2 double rooms. 1 with running water; convenient transportation. Apply 2030 Eye st. n.w._ 3819' MASS. AVE. N.W—Cool, front, cor ner rooms. In owner’s modern home; seml pvt. bath: gentlemen: excel, transp._ 1447 MASS. AVE. N.W . Highland Terrace .—Double l.h.k.. $7; double bedrm.. $7: ditto^twin beds. $7: running water In all. THE WESTMINSTER.' 1607 17th n.w.— Lovely rooms, newly decorated; running water: inner-spring mattresses: single. $5 lip: doub.. $7 up: showers: elevator. S-Rm._FYont English Basement_Apt.._$9. 2135 F ST. N.W.—Small housekeeping studio room. sink, grill; $15-$20 mo. Basement, $12.50. District 2135. __ 1462 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Nicely furn.. large front room: running water; board opt.; shower; desirable environment._ 2014 CATHEDRAL AVE.. nr. Wardman Park—Single or double: well furn; with porch: cool._CO. 6380._ 2201 MASS. AVE.' N.W.—Lovely singles, doubles; everything new: run. water, inner springs, switchboard: breakfast optional. 739 QUEBEC PL. N.W.—Large, nicely fur nished front rm.: pvt home; $5 wk.: con venient transportation. RA, 3630._ 5954 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Single, run ning water, next to bath; now available; reasonable._ ?ALF BLOCK FROM SHOREHAM—Room 2x28. fireplace, balcony, pvt. bath: also 1 •omplete floor (3 rms.), w. b. AD. 3120. ___17* DOWNTOWN. Burton. 2120 O st. n.w — 1 and 2 rm. acts.: gas. elec., refg.: $34 and uc: weekly rates If desired._ CATHEDRAL, nr. Conn.—Large, cool room, private bath: det.. aulet home; gentleman; ' ref.: $30. AD. 3584. 6417 13th ST. N.W.—Front room, newly furnished; excellent transportation; 2 In family: c.h.w. OE. 2310._18*_ PETWORTH. 4212 3rd st. n.w.—Larae front room, nicely furnished. 3 windows, aemi-prlvate bath. Randolph 6369._ B20 K ST N.E.—Large front room for 1 or 2 persona. Weekly or monthly rates. 8208 QUE ST. N.W.—Clean, well fur nished double rooms, quiet, desirable en vironment. Showers, phone, parking; convenient car, bus lines: reasonable. 1435 CHAPIN ST. N.W —Private bath. A-l spacious bedrm.; conv. 14th cars: detached pome; high, cool; gentleman: $18. CHEVY CHASE—Comfortable, cool room: porches, trees, attractive location; reason able. Wisconsin 2673. CLOSE IN: shower, phone: newly dec. and turn:-, single, $4-$5; double, $6-$8. 1434 Balmont st. n.w. ROOMS fURNISHKD. (Continued.) 820 EYE BT. N.E.—L*e._front rm.. l.h.k.: 4 windows; nicely furn.. inner-sprine mat treat; everything turn.: >6.50._ _ 1634 CONN. AVE., Ivy Terrace—Single room; also double rm.. with twin beds; meals opt. HObart 9863. 1300 XNQRAHAM ST. H.W.—Large room. 2 windows, in a corner, detached pvt. home; unlim. phone; $25 month._ 6112 CONN. AVE. N.W.—Refined surround ings. with private bath: references; gentle man or lady; $15 mo. WO. 3262. THE ROYAL TON, Apt. 54—Furn. rm. and kit.: also lte. rm., twin beds; elevator, free phone. District 6717._ 1623 M ST. N.W.—L.h.k. room and kitch en; sink, gas stove, conv. bath; lge. back porch; very cool; everything furnished; $30 monthly.____ » _ FREE RENT to settled, employed lady to share apt. of elderly lady for 1 month; no duties._2813 Quarry rd. n.w.. Apt. 2. * 1420 HARVARD ST. N.W.. Apt. 32.—Large double, comfortable bedrm.. adjoin, bath; rest.; unlim. phone. CO. 6979-W._ BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOM, next to bath; suitable one or two girls. Call evenings after 3 p.m, Michigan 3180. SENATE COURTS, 120 C st. n.e.. Apt. 301 —Newly decorated, cool, light room, ad joinlng bath with shower. 65 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—Large room, 2-3 to bath: twin beds; $3 each per week._Michigan 2651)._ 1328 FARRAQUT ST. N.W.—$15 mo.; attrac. rm for gent. In cool, quiet, re stricted neighborhood: close to stores and transp. _ 2120 P ST. N.W., "The Charlotte," Apt. 9 —Large, well-furnished front studio room; newly decorated; $6 weekly.__ 1623 K ST. N.W.—Very attractively‘fur nished 2nd-fioor single rooms: only $20 and $25 monthly. ___ 1735 EYE ST. N.W., "The Diplomat"— Newly furnished and redecorated singles, $20 and $24; also double,_$26._ 1341 L ST. N.W.—Comfortably furnished rooms, $5 to $6 weekly; also 1st floor_stngle, $3.50. 1657 HOBART ST. N.W , near ldtih and Harvard—Large sunny front room, south ern exp., large closet; unlim. phone; c.h.w.; private home: gentleman only; $20 month. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2126 R st. n.w.—At tractive front room. 4 windows, conv. shower tub. unlimited telephone._18*_ PETWORTH—Master bedrm., newt bath, second fl.: south, cool, quiet, reas. GE. 3147 after 6 p m. _* CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Pleasant south room, cross ventilation: detached home; y2 sq.Conn. ave._3724 Northampton st. • MAN AND WIFE have large well appointed apt- comforts Will rent attractive room to refined gentleman. Hobart 6053. 18* 1841 INGI.ESIDE TER. N.W.—Front single room, owner's home, for gentleman, $15. AD._5586. _ _ 13* 616 F ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished single and double rooms: reasonable rent: cen trally located; all modern^ Improvements. SUBURBAN, Conduit rd. n.w.—Cool, clean room, det. home: unlim. phone, conv. trans.-. Jtome atmosphere: reas. EM. 3448. CHEVY CHASE D.C., 3817 Jocelyn st.— Nicely furn., cool, semi-pvt. bath: $20. Emp. young womanjonly. EM. 6057. 1403 OAK ST. N.W.—Front room, double bed; c.h.w.; near 14th st. car; near Cava ller Hotel: reasonable. CO. 6922-W. _ WALKING DISTANCE. 1006 16th. at K—Attrac. room, cool, near bath; newly turn.; reas._ 18* BURLINGTON HOTEL. Enjoy the comfort and safety of a modern hotel. Large outside rooms. 4 squares from White House. $9-$10-$12-$14 Per Week. _VERMONT AVE._ATJTHOMAS CIRCLE. GRAFTON HOTEL, 1139 Conn. ave.—Large, comfortable rooms with Simmons Inner-soring mattresses: singles with running water, $7.60 wk. up: doubles. $10.50 wk ud: with Dvt. bath, sin gles, $12.50 wk. ud: doubles. $15.50 wk. up. “THE MAURY.” 701 19th st. n.w.-w-100 beautifully furn single and twin bedrooms, running water, neai snowers and tub baths, inner-spring mattresses, elevator. Nicely furnished recep tion room; single, $6.50 wk. up; double, $N_wk._ TABARD INN, _ . , „ 1739 If ST. N.W., Hotel of comfort, convenience and charm. Sumer rates from $2 single. $4 double: $10. $12.50. $15, $20 per week. Hobart 1277._Booklet._ J CAIRO HOTEL I f: Q St. Between 16th A 17th 1 I By the Week f I Single rooms *7 rn I I from_ yl.lV I ■ Double rooms CQ cn I | Special Monthly Ratet 1 I Large, Cool Roome I I Ree. Mgr., HObart 2104 Lr COLORED—1046 3rd ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished room and kitchen, second floor, modern, also inclosed porch. _ROOMS FUR, fir UNFUR._ 901 M ST. N.W.—Large front room, newly renovated, with private bath, c.h.w. ME. 9074.__ TAKOMA PARK. MD.. 83 Grant ave.— Furnished or unfurnished rooms: reason able- private home. Shepherd 0865-J. _ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1407 16th ST. N.W.—Large basement room, 5 windows: pvt. entrance: also other double; switchboard: good meals. LOVELY GUEST HOME: double rm., next bath, shower; large veranda gentiles only; food variety._1438 Kennedy n.w._ DOWNTOWN. 1219 Vermont ave.—Large rm.. sleep, porch, dressing rm.: suit. 4; every_con.: $2H mo. ea.; single. ME. 7204. 1448 GIRARD N.W., Ant. 41— Cool, clean? comfortable: adi. bath, twin beds; young men or couple: 832.50 ea._HO. 3667. 17* CHEVY CHASE—BEAUTIFUL RESIDEN tial section: new home; 2 sgle. rms., $12.50: double. $10 wk.: home-cooked meals._EM. 5270. __ 2715 CONNECTICUT AVE.. opposite Ward mar. Park Hotel—2nd front, suitable 2 or 3: reasonable. Columbia 9400. 18* ■ OLD ENGLISH,” 1635 Que st. n.w — Single, double rooms; attractively fur nished : showers: switchboard: $35 up. 18* LARGE double corner room, twin beds: those looking for refined home comforts with choice food. Call EM. 4696._ 1744 LAMONT ST. N.W —Lge.. cool. 2nd fl. rm.. next bath, shower: pvt. home; good meals: gar^ Hobart 4446. _ 1309 17th N.W., above Mass. ave.—Walk ing distance: single, double, one with bath; 25 years’ exp._We aim to please (owner). 1906 BILTMCRE ST —1 double. 2 single rooms, bath on one floor; good meals; gen tlemen only._ 2321 N. VERNON ST.. Arlington—Large fr. rm . next to shower; 10-cent bus zone; good Southern cooking._ Chestnut 8910._ MT. PLEASANT, 1806 Lamont st. n.w.— Delightful room, twin beds. pvt. porch: excellent Southern cooking. Also single. AD. 0212.___ 2401 15th ST. N.W.—Large double, triple front room, connecting bath; also large room for yount mail, share._ ATTRACTIVE PRIVATE HOME. Young man to share double with an other. Also single room. Dupont 1222. ATTENTION. GOVT. EMPLOYES? 1446 R. I. ave. n w„ 1234 Mass. ave. n w—Lge.. cool triples, men only. $30 to $32.50; dou., men or girls, $35-837.50; good food, good beds: congenial atmosphere: easy walk, dist._Dupont_3355._ 2619 WOODLEY PL. N.W. Near Wardman Park Hotel, overlooking Rock Creek Park—Large room and sleep ing porch, also single: fine food. DU. 9762. STUART HALL, _1704 18th ST N.W.—'NUF 8AID. BOLIVIAN CLUB, 1633 16th n.w.—Single rms.: also double rms.. with pvt baths: immaculately clean: beautifully turn.; unusual meals,_ THE MNOR, 2108 16th st. n.w.—For those who re quire the ultimate, a few most attr. va cancies. Under new management. MI. 1046. THE ABBEY, 1626 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Singles, doubles, spacious closets, phone each rm.; club lounge: hotel desk; walk, dist.: from 832.50. incl. delicious meals. 2209 MASS. AVE. N.W., An address you’ll be proud of. Inner springs. Unlimited phone. No "penny pinching.” Splendid big room, private shower. Shares in line big doubles, for both ladles and gentlemen._*40 up._ CALVERT HOUSE, 1401 16th st. n.w.—Ideal residence for business people: airy, outside room, pri vate baths; selective menus: switchboard; parking. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TODAY. THE MANSION CLUB, 2230 Mass. ave. n.w. Lovely, clean, cool, comfortable rooms: reasonable rates: meals optional, balanced diet; congenial hostess Mrs Beall. SUBURBAN ROOMS. ARLINGTON. 1411 North Glebe rd.— Colonial bed-liv rm. 25x18. spacious and cool, pvt. home, excel, section, gar.; 10c bus: suit, 2. OK. 0771._ ARLINGTON. 2529 North Buchanan—At tractive room: Mi block from bus; reason able: gentleman. CH. 1749 after 6 p.m. ROOM AND BOARD, employed couple; new home; air cond.; *40 each. CH. 1066.18* CONGENIAL GENTLEMAN to share nearby Va. home with couple. *15 per mo., privi leges; meals optional. Chestnut 3063. * RIVERDALE, MD.—Furnished single or double room, running water, shady porches. Phone Warfield 6905. herd S51B. / ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 024 N ST N.W.. Apt. 1—2 large room, private bath, a lane closets, gas range. Venetian blinds: heat and light furnished: $30 month. JKevaatl235 10th st. n.w._ ano MT. PLEASANT. ST. N.W.—Attractive room and kitchen, refg., all utilities lnel. Very clean. No loud radios. Also single l.h.k. room. Excellent transp. Older ?|~=i=J-2!S£l=£SSl||Ef!L_____=_:__ ROOMS WANTED. YOUNG WOMAN, Govt, employe, desires room in nearby sub,, with private family: convenient trans. Box 77-J. Star, 17* YOUNG MAN. college grad., Govt, employe, would like room with private family. Pet worth or vicinity. Sleeping porch, shower preferred. Must bo conducive to study. Box BB-J. Btar. ♦ HOUSES FURNISHED. ALEXANDRIA (217 S. ROYAL ST.)—RE stored Colonial house, partly fum., 3 bed rms.. 2 baths, library, 3 fireplaces: large garden. OWNER. NA. 7B38, RA. 2717._ GEORGETOWN SECTION—SMALL, COM fOrtable tt-rm.. bath: In quiet seet'on near park: to Oct. 1: $65. For appoint ment. DI. 170(1 COUPLE TO SHARE HOME IN BRENT wood, Md ; all facilities: $25 month. War held 1440._ CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—DELIGHTFULLY cool. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. 2-car garage: onejnonth or longer, Emerson 0511._ OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK— Well-furnished 0 rms., maid's rm.: gar.; refg.: bargaltv, HO. 4072 eves.__ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 3-BEDROOM corner house, across park: available for 2 mgnths. 5307 Nevada ave. n.w. EM. 1071. HOUSES FUR. OR UNFUR. AUG. 1—ATTRACTIVE. COMFORTABLE, detached brick home. nr. by Chevy Chase, Md., a.m.l.: insulated; gas heat, new refi., 2-car garage. *100 month. Can be seen any time. Call OWNER, Hobart 81)71, alter 6.ID* HOUSES UNFURNISHED. 611 EYE ST. N.E—NEAR SCHOOL AND playground: 6 rms.. b., h.-w.h.. elec.. $.15 National 1108.__18*_ CHEVY CHABB. D C., 3700 McKINLEY st. (nr. Coim. ave.)—$160. modern, de tached. large yard, landscaped: 10 rooms. 2 baths 5 bedrms.. maid’s room. auto, oil heat, G. E. stove and refrigerator. ME_0172. 3007 PERSHING DR.. LYON PARK. VA— New 6-rm. brick: 10 min. downtown; $76. Phone Oxford U6H-W.__ CHEVY CHASE. D. C . AND VA.—6 RMS . 2 bas. and 10 rms.. 2 bas.; nearby Va.; 5 rms.. ba.. bungalow, and 6 rms. 2‘j bas. FULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. DI. 5230. Office also open 7 to 9 x>.m._ 14.!!) WHITTIER ST. N.W.—AUG. 1: NR. Walter Reed: 8 rms., 3 baths, shower, a m i., new condition: oil heat. HO. 6803. GLOVER PARK—ATTRACTIVE H-ROOM house; oil heat, built-in garage, screened porches; excellent condition; $07.50. H. C. BISCOE. WO. 1700.___ 16.19 HOBART ST. NW—4 BEDRMS*. norches, refg . oil heat: $80. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO.. 805 H_n.w.__ BEAUTIFUL CORNER BRICK HOUSE, a.m.l., garage, oil heat, fine location. $65 month. 801 Nicholson st, n.w._18*_ BY RESIDENT OWNER—6-RM. DETACH ed house. 1 year old. nr. new elementary school, between Wisconsin and Mass, aves., ’» mile beyond District line. WI. 2314-R. BETHESDA — CENTER - HALL. 6 - ROOM brick; bath and lav.; large lot. trees, garage; 1 sq. bus: $80. OWNER, WI. 5161-J._ BETHESDA—5-ROOM BUNGALOW: 1 SQ. bus: screened porch, garage: large lot, trees:_$60. WI. 5161-J. OWNER._ FOXALL—8 RMS.. 2 BATHS. DOUBLE rear porches: gas heat, refg.: garage, deep yard. National 1040._or EM. 0141._ 1117 ABBEY PL N.E (BET. L AND M. 3rd and 4th'—Six rooms, bath, built-in garage, h.-w.h . basement: first-class con dition: $50._Call WO. 1474.__•_ MT. PLEASANT—10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS; very convenient location, in good sur roundings. Columbia 1801._ 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ONLY 1 YEAR old. modern; screened front porch, tiled bath, hardwood floors throughout: air conditioned oil heat; pretty front and back yards. Immediate possession. Well located at 3420 Dix st. n.e.; close to car line and shopping center. Come out. or call MR. PASCOE. Atlantic 2800._ CHEVY CHASE. MD.—3 BEDROOMS, OIL heat. 2 porches, large yard, refg.. $85. E. M. FRY. INC.. WI, 6740._ WOODRIDGE—NOW AVAILABLE. IN beautiful Woodridge: an attractive home like. 6-rm.. detached home, with spacious yard and garden, garage, automatic heat, fuel included at $65: excellent condition. D, B. NASH, owner. 1816 Bryant st. n.e._ CHEVY CHASE. MD.—COMPLETELY RE decorated, 3 bedrms.. large screened porch, oil heat. refg.. 2-car garage: $75. E. M. FRY, INC.. WI. 6740. __ 1049 PARK RD. N.W.—DETACHED. 6 rooms and bath, large lot, $52.50. W. H. WALKER. Shoreham Bldg._NA. 1680._ CHEVY CHASE. MD—NEW. DETACHED brick home. 7 rooms. 2 tiled baths, garage: unusuallv large front and back yards; $80. W. H. WALKER. Shoreham Building. Na tional 1 680._ DELIGHTFULLY DET BRICK. 7 RMS,. 2Va baths, gas heat, garage: nr. bus and La fayette School. 2941 Northampton st.: $100 mo. Emerson 4117. Also 5466 30th st. Available Sept. 1st.__ $55—CONV. BRIGHTWOOD: NICE H-RM. house, available immediately. Call REAL TY ASSOCIATES, National 1438._ $90—BEAUTIFUL 6-RM.. 2-BATH HOME In Chevy Chase, east of Conn. ave. Call REALTY ASSOCIATES. National 1438.__ 901 BUTTERNUT ST. N.W—DETACHED, corner, 7 rooms, 2 baths, garage. District 0864.___ _ ARLINGTON. $65: BEAUTIFULLY FIN ished. new, seml-det. brick 5-rm. house, lull basement, automatic atr-cond. oil heat, front and rear lawns: on bus line, near stores and school; 10 min. to downtown Wash._Phone OWNER. Woodley 7121. 640 14th ST. N.E. AND 1338'i E ST. N.E. —4 rms.. bath, newly decorated, $35.50. Open. Taylor 9698._ BRICK BUNGALOW, NEAR WALTER Reed—5 rooms, large lot; conv.. desirable neighborhood. Georgia 3803. 7205 7th st. n.w. __ __ 825 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W.—SEMI DE tached. 6 rooms and bath, garage: newly decorated: close to Georgia ave. shopping district: $60.75. 206 Cromwell ter. n.e.—6 rooms, bath, garage; $50.75 M MAY DOUGLASS. _ 1512 K St. N.W._NA^ 3560._ 5534 NEVADA AVE. N W —DELIGHTFUL home, consisting of 4 bedrooms. 2 baths: built-in garage: available August 1. In spection by appointment. YOUNG & SIMON. 340 Woodward Bldg. _ District 5180, .1212 QUINCY ST. N.W. Quiet, conv. neighborhood, conv. 14th and Park rd. shopping center, schools, trans.; ti rms.. 3 porches, auto, heat, ga rage^ ME.0045 orC0 2704-J._ NEW HOME—MT. PLEASANT. Bedroom and Bath on First Floor. 4 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Second Floor. Beautilul semi-detached home. 2 blocks off 16th and Columbia rd. Maid’s room, bath, oil heat, 2-car gar.: only $115 a mo. SHAPIRO, INC. DUPONT 7777. OUR CLIENTELE EXPECTS A WIDE CHOICE WE WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOUR PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY FOR QUICK SERVICE AND PERSONAL INTER EST IN RENTING YOUR HOUSE. CALL OUR MRS. LYNCH EVENINGS. CO. 7244. WAGGAMAN-BRAWNER. _ME. 386(1._ 1700 EYE ST. N.W. ~ CHEVY CHASE—$65. 5310 41st st. n.w.—Lovely brick, 0 rms., 3 bedrms., 2 screened porches, gar.; attrac. location. DIXIE REALTY C6., NA. 8880. CLEVELAND PARK, 3315 ROSS PLACE N.W. Center-hall plan, six rooms, H4 baths, refrigeration, insulated: newly decorated inside and out; quiet, cool location: near high school, theater and shops: $95.00. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. N.W._NA. 9300, ARLINGTON, VA., 2605 NORTH ELEVENTH ST—$47.50. Nice location, just off Wilson bivd. De tached bungalow. 5 rooms, newly decorated throughout: large lot. NAT. MORT. & INV. CORP., 1312 N. Y. Ave. N.W. NA. 5833. $67.50. MICHIGAN PARK. 928 PERRY PL. N.E. Practically new 6-room and bath brick home, automatic heat, screened, weather stripped: excellent condition: close to schools, stores and transp. Open for In spection. STAR FLASHES ——By Bruno j HOUSES UNFURNISHED. f tOontlnued.) 640 PARK RD. N.W. 0 rooms and bath, h.-w h.. recond. like new: *50 month. Key at <144. A. S. GARDINER, _1510 K N.W. NA. 0334. . CHEVY CHASE—$80. 3605 Quesada at. n w—Det. ched. 6 rms.. 3 bedrms , Inclosed porch, tile bath, oil heat, refrigerator: 2-car garage. DIXIE REALTY CO., NA. 8880. 1118 SPRING RD. N.W. Newly decorated brick residence contain ing 6 rooms and bath: just oH 14th at. car line: rent. *55. ROBERT W. SAVAGE, 813 Union Trust Bldg. NA. 3636. BURLEITH, RESTRICTED COMMUNITY NEAR SCHOOLS. CHURCHES. TRANSPORTATION. Several modern homes now avail able. 6 rooms and bath, some with porches, garage, refrigeration: *67.50. See Mrs. McKone. 3722 T at. n.w. SHANNON Si LUCHS CO. _1505 H St.N.W. _ _ National 2345. CHEVY CHASE HOMES. D. C. and Md. « to 11 rooms. 1 to 3 baths: several new brick; we invite in spection. LESLIE D. MEASELL. WO. 4733. m Completely Detached Home, 3918 INGOMAR ST N.W.—$110.00. Located in Excellent Section. West of Connecticut Ave. Beautiful center-hall plan; living loom with fireplace, dining room. 4 bedrooms, screened porch, kitchen. 2 baths, electric refrigeration; oil burner: detached garage. 1404 K. _CAFRITZ. PI. 0UHQ. 2911 28th St. NW. <■: BLOCK OFF CONN. AVE' Semi-detached brick. 6 lovely rooms <3 bedrooms). 2 baths, auto, gas heat, built-in garage, electrte refrigerator. *65 HENRY J. ROBB. INC., _1024 Vermont Ave.__District 8141. 3024 16th ST. N.W. Detached, 6 rooms, bath. Key CA7 Cifl at 3035 16th st Vif.OU 235 ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD. 6 rooms, bath. 2 screened $55 00 porches, b.-l. garage. ip o u 6406 6th ST. N.W. 6 rooms, bath, hot-water $57 Kfl heat, built-in garage. 1626 KENYON ST. N.W. 6 rooms, bath, brick, glass-inclosed rear porch, oil heat, gas, refrigera- $65.00 3511 T ST. N.W. B rooms, bath, oil heat, electric 00 refrigeration. tpvu.vv 215 N. WASHINGTON ST., Alexandria. Va. Detached, 12 rooms (8 bedrooms*. 3 baths, 3 sol&rftums. $200.00 H. G. SMITHY CO., 811 ISthSt^N.W. Nattonal_5003. _ Foxhall Village Several very desirable houses ranging in size from 6 rooms and bath to 8 rooms and 2 baths. In a most convenient location for all facilities. For further particulars, and to secure key for inspection, Phone BOSS b PHELPS 1417 K N.W. » Notl 9300 COLORED NEW BRICK HOMES—Open. 1483 Morris Rd. S.E. (Out Nichols Ave. S.E. to Morris Rd.) 6 rooms. 2 baths, air-conditioned, large yards. Refined neighborhood. Rent, $45. WAPLE & JAMES, INC.. 1224 14th St. N.E. PI. 3340. HOUSES WANTED TO RJENT. WE ARE ACTUALLY IN NEED OF FUR nished and unfurnished houses and apart ments in Washington, nearby Va. and Md. If your property is priced right and in good condition we can rent it immediately. List your property with us for aulclc action and prompt returns. ME. 1143. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. _ _1732 K St. N.W. _ WE NEED HOUSES In Northwest D. C. and nearby Md.. priced from $60 up. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7000. 3516 Conn. APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. TAKOMA PARK. MD.. 501 GREENWOOD ave.—$47.50; modern. 3 rms.. kit., bath, storage, pvt, entrance. SH. 4015-W. APT.. FURN. OR UNFURN.—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath: $35 month. Bus and cars at door. 1306 Lee highway, Arlington. CH. 1777. ___ FURNISHED—UNUSUALLY FINE, 3 RMS glassed porch, tile bath, el. kit., pvt. en trance. on 5-acre lawn: garage; adults; $75 mo. Also, furnished, 3 rms- bath, el- kit- pvt. entrance and porch. $45 mo - 10c bus. RUBY LEE MINAR. 2222 N. Glebejd. Ox. 0456.__17*_ UNFURNISHED 2 LARGE ROOMS, KITCH. en: elec, refg.: $32.50; gas, elec. Included. 3508 South 9th, Arlington._18*_ 11 IVY ST., HYATTSVILLE. MD. — 3 rooms, bath. 1st floor, private entrance, a.m.i.; shady yard; near car line. WA. 3129,_*_ NEAR LYON VILLAGE. VA.—*59.60. NEW APT. BLDG- 2 rms- d. a- kit bath, PORCH, locker, laundry, SUN DEClt. McCLAINE. 2100 Wilson blvd.. CH. 3300. TOONERVILLE FOLKS —By Fontaine Fox APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. (Continued.) BOULEVARD APTS.; ALEXANDRIA. VA $42.50—Living-bed room, full dinette, kitchen and bath. Prom $40.50—1-bedroom apt*. Prom $50.50—2-bedroom apts., over looking the Potomac River. Apts, furnished if desired. No children. Apply resident manager or phone Temple 4240 2 blocks south of last traffic light on Mt. Vernon blvd,. left-hand side of street._ MT. VERNON BOULEVARD J ALEXANDRIA. VA# Large, Coal Apartments at Unusual ^Low- Rates Moie space for less money. Commanding a glorious view of the Potomac River. Game Room, Laundry Facilities in Basement . . . Janitor Service Included. Ample Storage Space. 5 ROOMS*"** . $46 up •t Blocks Bcvond Last Stop Liaht in Alexandria, Va., on Mt. Vernon Blvd. Make Reservations Now, Phono 1 AT. 9414 or TE. 4017 L ^_#^gl APARTMENTS FURNISHED. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT -HOTEL. 20th and F sts. n.w.—1 room. kit., dinette, pvt. bath: day $3. 1 or 2 persons week. $18. mon'h. $00. Full service. Frigidaire, nicely furn _Natl._5425. 2135’ F ST! N W —SMALL HOUSEKEEP ing studio room. sink, grill: S15-S2U mo. Basement. $12.50._Dlstrict 2135. 1006 C ST N.E —LGE. FRONT RM. AND kit., sink, Murphy bed; attractively (urn.; $7._.__ 503 B srr. N.E.—2 LARGE, CLEAN 1 si floor rooms, porch, sink. Frigidaire; quiet Christian home: $40._ WALKING DISTANCE. 1736 18th N W.—1 room, kit., bath: nicely furnished; gas, e le c ._re f g.$4 2.5 0 up. EM. 1685. SKYLINE TOWERS APT —LARGE DOU ble expos, bedroom with twin beds; use of laree living room; pvt. bath; new furn. EM._840().__ ._ {.Vi" $56. $57—BUCHANAN APTS. 4526 13th st. n.w.—Liv. rm.. porch, bedrm.. k„ b.. incl. gas. elec._OK. 1883T eves._ THE THEARLE. 2122 P ST. NW—FRONT liv. rm . bedrm.. kit., bath. Nicely lurn.i Frigidaire: $57.50._ Also $45 apt._ 4800 GEORGIA’ AVE N.W —BEAUTIFUL !y furnished. 3 large rooms, dinette, lge. kit., bath. hall. Utilities. For 2 mos. to couple._Rent reas. Am. 33. RA^5847 610 G ST. S.E.. 2 BLKS. TO NAVY YARD —Beautifully furn. 2-rm. apt., next bath; sink, gas range. Frigidaire. phone, adults. COOL COR APT.. DUPONT CIRCLE area—2 rms.. kit., bath; also studio and bath._Michigan 2653 or_North 2705. 1727 P ST. N.W.—1 LARGE ROOM, kitchen, porch: elec., gas: 1st floor. PARK LEE. 1630 ” PK. RD —EXCELLENT loc.. cool. 2 exp ; attractive apts., 1, 2. 3 newly decorated rooms, hall, din . kit., bath, shower. Frigidaire; elev.; $50 to $80. HO. 7498. Transient or permanent. 1918 CALVERT ST. N.W.—NEW.’ ATTR. furnished 2 and 3 rms.. sleeping porch, bath: gas, elec., refg., ami.: adults. NICELY FURNISHED 2 ROOMS. PRIVATE bath. Apply at the Permanent Beauty Shop,_618_12th st n.w. ME. 9388, DETACHED HOME. PVT APT—3 OR 4 rms.. private baths: elec, refg.; garage opt.: residential._5606 14th n.wL GE. 5919._ SHOREHAM HOTEL—SUBLET FOR 8UM mer or longer, attractive kitchenette, breakfast room, large living room and bedroom: reasonable rental; adults only. NA. 0614._• 1694 LANIER EL. N W—LARGE FRONT housekeeping room, private bath; reason able. HO. 3736__18• _ MIRAMAR, APT. 404—LARGE LIVING rm., sunroom. dressing room, kitchen and bath: newly decorated. Inquire at desk._ SUBLET TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN AND batn, completely iurnished. 211 Delaware ave._s.w.. near Capitol. Apt 48. _ 18*_ 807 TAYLOR N.W., $40: 2 LARGE RMS., hall, kit., semi-pvt. bath: newly furn. and redecorated: entire floor. RA. 0862 eves. "WESTCHESTER. NICELY FURNISHED apt., living room, bedrm.. sunroom, dinette, kitchen: suitable for three persons: for in definite occupancy. $115 month. Call MR. KING._Woodley 7700. McREYNOLDS. 705 18th N.W.. APT. 900— Liv., dressing rm., bath, cnmol. furn., fan, radio, linen. MR. PERKINS. Apt. 422. OVERLOOKING LINCOLN PK.. 1106_E. Capitol—3 rms., pvt. bath. elec, refg., neatly turn,; beautiful location:_adults. 10th AND COLUMBIA RD.—DESIRE RE flned. Protestant girl to share homelike 2-rm. apt, with another; reas. DU. 53Hit. 1222. HEMLOCK N.W.—NICELY FUR., 1 rm.. kit., bath, elec. refg.. unllm. phone; reas.; gentiles._GE. 8688 after 6 p.m. NR. ROOSEVELT HIGH, 814 SHEPHERD st. n.w.—2nd fl., 4 r.. k , b„ gas. elec, refg.. $65: yard. GE. 7045 or HO. 4195. EXTRA SPECIAL—1445 SPRING RD. N.W., Apt. No. 201—Cool living. bedroom, kitch en, dinette. Murphy bed; nicely furnished. 21* $7.60 WK. UP—1 OR RMS.. KIT., private bath; gas. elec., h. w : cool, clean, quiet: nr cars. bus. 300.5 Georgia ave. 2431 E ST N.W. (NAVAL VILLAGE I— 1 bedr.. liv. r. dinette, kit., bath: near Army Navy. Int.: $48.60;_Apply janitor. 2708 ONTARIO RD. N.W. (1 BLK 18th and Col. rd.)—2 rms. kit.. 9 windows; nicely turn.; Frlgidaire: adults. CO. 4817. MT. PLEASANT. 1846 INGLESIDE TER — Bedroom, kitchen and porches; electric refg. and gas included._ 3604 iflth ST N.W.—ATTRACTIVELY furnished apt., cool living room, open fire place,JoedroonbJtitchen. bath._HO. 8105. 1446 V ST. N.W.—NEWLY DEC,. LARGE front room, two beds, kitchen, c.h.w.; $20 month._- _•___ illB 9th 8T. N.W.—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath. Frlgidaire: $16 per wk.; newly paint ed and decorated. ME. 9783._ 1428 CHAPIN ST. N.W.—1 ROOM, KIT., dinette, sleeping porch; furs, complete; $40 month. >, 1916 K ST. N.W.—1 ROOM. KITCHEN and bath; gas. elec, and refg. on house; conv. downtown._ME. 8398._ 1121 24th ST. N.W.—1 ROOM. KITCHEN and bath; convenient downtown; gas. elec, and refg. on house. Republic 9612. 2114 N si1. N.W.—1 ROOM. KITCHEN, bath; nicely furnished; conveniently lo cated: elec, and refg. lncl. ME. 1823. 1739 EYE ST. N.W.—1 AND 2 ROOM bachelor apts.. nicely furn.; elec, lncl.; convenient downtown. District 8548._ 909 20th ST. N W — 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath; gas. elec, and refg. on house; walking distance downtown. Metropolitan 9314. IN APT. BUILDING—2 BEDRMS.. LIVING rm., kitchenette, bath: everything furn.; reas. OWENS REALTY. ME. 0486. COUPLE WILL SHARE LARGE APT. WITH refined employed couple. Clifton Terrace, Apt. 402 West. TtLDEN GARDENS, 3020 TILDEN—DE lsSSa& s&'jftAMiK T°6vr>: —*---! APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) PELHAM COURTS, 2115 P ST. N.W.— Avail. July 31, bachelor apt., 1 room. 2 large closets, elec, grill, Frigldalre; nicely furnished.__ "THE AUGUSTA.” COR. N. Y. AND N. J. aves. n.w.—Unusually attractive, clean, modern, front apt., nicely furnished, in well-kept bldg., downtown: 2 rms.. k. and b.: $42.60: excellent class of tenants; res. mgr.__ art’CARROLL AVE.. TAKOMA PARK. MD‘ —First-floor apt., gas. elec. Included, $30. • NEWLY DEC.. 1 RM.. KIT., FRIOXDAIRK handsome furn.. southern exposure, garden entr.. telephone. $30. 1531 O at. n.w, _ TAKOMA PARK. D. C.—3 LARGE ROOMSr Frigldalre. 1st floor; private entrance; nearbus^ reasonable. OE. 7290._ 1334 loth 8T N.W.—1 ROOM. BATH, cedar closet; refg.. hot plate; twin beds; $7.50.__ _ AN ADDRESS OF CHARACTER. 2929 CONN. AVE. A modern fireproof elevator building, adjoining Rock Creek Park. Large 2-room, d'aiette. kitchen end bath apartment, taste fully furnished 24-hour elevator and sec retarial phone service. Rent Includes gas. electricity, refrigeration and phone serv ice. Resident Manager. _2fi2S»_CONN^ AVENUE. _ READY TO MOVE IN. Corner: like n#w: modern furniture: new equipment: very large living rm., bedrm.. large kitchen-dinette, glassed-in porch and bath: cool in summer: 2 rms.. kitchen and bath, built-in furniture that nas never been installed before: free bark ing. See these for price and location. At Rock Creek Park. nr. Taft Bridge. 2410 20th st. n.w RES MGR. ___ 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. •2 bedrms., liv. rm., kit . bath, nicely furn (4 twin beds): ref.: adults. CO. 1348. 2700 CONNECTICUT AVE., Apt. 105—Large studio room, kitchen, bath, foyer: switchboard, refrigeration. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, Connecticut Ave. at Woodley Rd. Furnished Apartments From One to Eight Rooms. Full Hotel Service. Phone Assistant Manager, Columbia ‘2000. APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. ATTRACTIVE APTS.. HIGH-CLASS NEIGH borhood; some furnished. Car available on appt._»MRS GREEN. Shepherd 6128. THE ALENDALE. NR. DUPONT CIRCLE 2008 N st. n.w.. Apt. 12—lst-fl.. cor. apt., facing 3 streets; 3 large rms.. kit., bath, elec, refg.: rent. $57.50. O. B. HOPKINS. 1120 Vermont ave. DI. 7271. or WO. 0929. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM. KITCHEN. BATH apt., convenient location, utilities included. 1319 Rittenhouse_st._n.w.__ WOODRIDGE. 4028 24th ST. N.E.— Newly decorated. 2 rms.. kit , bath. pvt. entrance; refg.. heat. gas. elec., auto, hot water; adults: $40. DE. 4135-J. DOWNTOWN—BACHELOR. 1325 13th at. n w., Ant. 48—2 rooms, bath; elevator aervice; Ideal lor 2 persona; conv. to everything; unfurn.. $35; furn.. $50 See Janitor or agent. NA. 3789. QUALITY AND ECONOMY. MARQUIS APT . 2308 ASHMEAD PL. N.W. SOUTH END OF TAFT BRIDGE. 3 RMS . K.. $30; 4 RMS.. K.. $75. Modern fireproof elevator bldg : secre tarial. phone service: refined clientele; furn. at. alight extra charge Hobart 5083 Excellent oporfment*...1 to 6 rooms...furnished or un* furnished...fireproof build* ing...delightful sun decks. 3SOO VOUXTIINTH STIIKT. N. W. • M* •>•••*!•.M|*. APARTMENTS WANTED. 2 FURNISHED STUDIO ROOMS. WOOD burnlnx fireplaces, kitchenette, bath: end express bus or in first car line; August 1. P. O. Box_62.__* GENTLEMAN DESIRES ONE-ROOM APT partly furnished with cook stove; s*ate price. Box »2-J. Star._•_ FURN.. 3 RMS. AND BATH. REFG : 2 children: not over 530 mo., near schools. Box 110-J. Star.•_ APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. "CEDAR COURTS.” TAK. PK.. DC.. NR Walter Reed. 410 Cedar st.—Liv. rm . 2 bedrms. kit.-din., scr. porch: conv every thing: *05: turn . $80 Mgr . GE. 053.1. DOWNTOWN APT . THE GRAYSTONE. 815 18th st. n w.—1 and 2 rms . kit., dinette and bath: Frigidaire on house current. 924 N ST NW. APT 1—2 LARGE rooms, private bath 3 large closets, gas range. Venetian blinds heat, light fur nished: $30 month. Keys at 1235 10th st.n.w. WESTCHESTER APT.. 1332 15th ST.-N.W. —Three rooms, reception hall, kitchen ette and bath, electric refrigeration. $57.50. CORNER APT—2 RMS.. KIT., BATH, across from Eastern High School: $45.50. See res, mgr.. IB 17th st. n.c._ HOB HOLBROOK 8T. N.E., APT. 1 — Three rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, base ment; heat and hot water furnished: in sulated. Apply HIMMELFARB PROP ERTIES. 474 K st. n w._ME. l 107._ 1 HI 7 KENILWORTH AVE.—FOUR ROOMS, kitchen and bath: heat and hot water fur nished: insulated. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES. 474 K st. n w. ME. 1107. 719 FERN PL. N W. (NEAR WALTER Reed)—2 room', kitchen, bath pvt. en trance^ heat._ light, gas included:_adults. 1729 35th ST. NW.—2 RMS KIT., bath. $41.50-$45. F M. PRATT CO.. 1017 K st._n.Vv._National_8682._ HI 2 F ST. - N E—ATTRACTIVE. 2-RM!. kit bath, modern apt.. $45: 1 rm.. kit.. bath, porch. $42.50. Just remodeled, never occupied._ Atlantic 2319-W. 1742 D ST. NE.. CORNER—2 ROOMS, kitchen bath, 7 closets: refrigerator, a m i.: pvt. entrance: $4fi: no objections to ln fant:_refs:: gentiles._ 3701 13th ST. N.W,.—2 ROOMS. DINETTE", kitchenette, bath. Murphy bed in living room. 3 closets; gentiles; 1 month's rent free: $45._ 12 S" ST. N.E.—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN', bat.h: quiet; newly decorated: electric refrigeration: adults: $37 month. 3701 13th" ST. N.W.—1 ROOM. SCREENED porch. Murphy bed, kitchenette, dinette. bath: gentiles: $39._ BEAUTIFUL NEW APTS.. LARGE LTV RM. with fireplace, din. rm.. tiled kit., 2 bed rms bath with shower: Venetian blinds, mod., attr.: heat control: gar.: also other 1-bedrm apts.: rear,. Inquire 1027 Flower ave.. Tak. Pk. SH 3189._ BRAND-NEW BEAUTIFUL APTS LGE liv. rm.. din., tiled kit. and bath. 2 bedrms.; gar. heat, ianitor scrv incl.: $50.50: con cession for Immed occupancy See OWN ER. 1103 Flower ave,. Tak. Pk . Md. 2415 E ST. N.W.—2 RMS.. KIT..'DIN-, bath; walking dist. Govt, depts.; $42.50. Apt._211.____ 2414 NORTH CAPITOL ST—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath, inclosed porch: gas. elec., heat_included. Dupont 4129. 3901 CONN. AVE.—ATTRACTIVE LIVING rm.. sun parlor. 2 bedrooms, full dining rm. apt.: all rooms extra large._ 4108 14th ST. N. W. APT. 3—LIVING room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, front and back porches, kit., bath. CO. 5373._17* $36.50—FAIRLEE. 1321 KENYON N.W., nr. 14th and Park—Lge. liv. rm.. bright, cheery: nice dinette, kit., tile bath, refg.: newly decor.; attr.. well-managed bldg._ 1 ROOM. MURPHY BED. DRESSING closet, dinette, bath: landscaped window, overlooking Rock Creek Park; $50. Ho ba rt_40n() ,_Ap L_414.___. 1731 "20th ST- LARGE LIVING ROOM, front. 3 windows, decorated soft green; kitchen, bath, shower, small bedroom; partialls^furnifhetMf desired: $42.50._ 18* 2500 K st! N.W., NR GOVT. DEPT8.-— Attractive, 2 rms., kit., bath. elec. refg.. $40. See res. mgr. UNION STORAGE CO.. NO 0104. 5404 1st PL. N.W.—LIV. RM., BEDRM., dinette, kit., bath, screened oorch: semi detached; $45._Georgia 3133._ _ TAKOMA PK.. 203 CEDAR AVE—ENTIRE 1st fl . det. house; 5 rms.. bath, porch: also 3 rms., kitchenette, semi-bath on Jnd fl.: garage, heat, gas and elec. furn. with both apts. :_some furniture. BH. 6857-J. 5330 COLORADO AVE. N.W.—APTS. OF 1 and 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 baths; reasonable rent Resl dent manager. Apt. 202._ “AVONDALE." 173* P ST. N.W.—2 RMS., kit., bath; redecorated: in fireproof bldg.; 24-hr. elev. service; $50._ 1704 GALES ST. N.E.—UV. RM.. BEDRM., kit., dinette, screened rear porch; refg.. heat and hot water furn.; near schools and transp.: $42.50 per mo. R. G. DUNN, 604 H st. n.e. Atlantic 8500. 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APTS.. $45.50 AND $62.50—Cool, quiet bldg., overlooking Rock Creek Park; elec. refg. on house; elevator. Call res. mgr., AD. 1130. or apply 1820 Clydesdale pi. n.w., directly north of 18th and Col, rd. 5301 8th ST. N.W.—2 LARGE. BEAUTI ful rooms, kitchen, for housekeeping; very reasonable. RA. 7218._ 1705 NORTH CAPITOL ST.—2 L. H. rooms, kitchenette, bath; just been redeco rated; utilities included; $35. ♦ 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. LIV. RM . KIT. and bath, $00; 2 large bedrooms, liv. rm„ kit. and bath. $50: one large bedroom, liv. rm„ kit, and bath. $40. 3023 1 5th st. n.w. 1110 W. VIRGINIA AVE. N.E.. APT. 1— Facing Gallaudet College. Modern duplex, 2 large rms., din., kit., bath. scr. porch, yard; oil heat, h. w. furn.; very reas. Dis trlct 2434. Other apartments available. 1760 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—LIVING room. 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen, bath; $52.50. Apply at beauty parlor, 19• 554 14th ST. S.E.—2 ROOMS. KIT., pvt. bath: newly decorated; a.m.l.: alec, refg.; reasonable. AT. 5144. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1306 RHODE ~~ ISLAND AVE~ ITW^2 rms.. kit.. Prleldatre. built-in tub and shower; charm and individuality; *50 mo. Call Decatur 3020.___ PETWQRTH, 6206 4th N.W—ATTRAC. cool. 2-rm., kit., pvt. bath apt.; elec, ref*., heat, gas, light: copy, tranap.; *40. 510 QUINCY ST. N.W.—2nd FL.. 2 OR 3 rooms, kit., bath. *36 and *42; all utilities, oil heat: attic; 3 expos. TA. 1663. 315 12th ST. N.X., APT. 1—2 NICE rooms, kit., bath, front apt.: heat, hot water reft, furnished: for onlv *30.50; completely redecorated. See lanltor or Phone DI. 2434. Other apts. available. DOWNTOWN. 11th AND E STS.—DE slrable corner apt. of 4 rms.. kit., and bath: newly papered and painted: *55. Inquire on premises._No. 501 11th st. n.w. VERY DESIRABLE TWO ROOMS. KITCH en and bath: elec. ref*. on house current: near Government Printing and Census Offices; cross ventilation: perfect condition; all outside rooms: *45. THE COLTON. ____40 Eye St. N.W._ 1J45 COLUMBIA * RD. N.W.—4 LARGE rooms, kitchen, bath, porch; refrigeration; *57.50. LOUIS' P SHOEMAKER. 171!) K St. N.W. _ NA. 1166. _ 17th AND EAST CAPITOL—CORNER APT.. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: *35. _ _2 17th J3t. 8.E. _ 314 V~8T. N.E.—2 RMS.. KIT., BATH, Frigldaire. *37.60-840. 51 Randolph pi n.w.—4-5 rms.. kit., bath Frigtdalre. *40-*47.50. INTERSTATE PROPERTIES, INC.. _DI. 0864._ HERE ARE VALUES. *43—120 Webster st. n.w.—2 rooms, kitchen bath; refg.: avail. August 1. S45-J52.50—5336 Colorado ave. n.w.— 2 and 3 lovely rooms, kitchen, bath: refg. WASHINGTON REALTY. OE. 8300 or 4455. *35.50—SPECIAL—8.35.50. 1006 K st. s.e.—5 r., b.. all outside rms.: like new: near Navy Yard. 3501 1.1th ST N.W. "STRATHMORE." (1.1th and Monroe Sts.l Modern, elevator building with colorful, cool units ot 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. DINETTE. BATH: $47.50 UP Inspect today Mgr,. CO. .1078. THE „ _ . AMERICAN COMPANY. 807 15th St. NA. 8032. 1770 COL.-RD: 4 rms.. kit . bath, porch $45.00 SHANNON * LUCHS CO.. _1505 H St. N.W. National 2.145. 2020 ONTARIO RD. N.W. Near 18th and Columbia Rd. 1 bedrm 2nd fl . front apt : 2 bedrm. apt. $45-$47.50: modern, fireproof bldg. 2800 CHANNING ST. N E. Large, roomy first-floor ant. in remodeled home: large inclosed rear yard: ideal for children. .1 rooms, kitchen and bath. $47.50. Gas. electricity, heat and hot water free. L. E BREUNINGER & SONS. 1730 K_St^N.W NA. 2040. HENRY LEE. 5 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $42.50 5V. H WALKER. Shoreham Building. 1711 35th ST N.W.—2 ROOMS. KITCH en. bath; refrigeration; $42.50 and $45 per mo. . LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1713 K St N.W. _ _ NA. 1106. 2.127 15th ST. N.W. . opp meruhan park AIR COOLED. ROOF GARDEN. 2 bedrm*.. liv. rm . dinette, kit., bath. $75. 2 rms.. dinette kit., bath. $60. 9,as; Elec . Refg. Included. _VICTOR CAHILL. NA. 6.113 2321 ASHMEAD PL. N.W., NEAR CON nectlcut ave. and south of Taft Bridge; 3 rooms kitchen and bath. $62.50 per mo., including gas and electricity LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1»13 K St. N.W. NA. 1166._ 1 *128 COLUMBIA RD.. "THE CAVENDISH " Cool, bright unit of .1 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath Many closets TWO EXPOSURES! OPEN DAY and EVENING. THE AMERICAN COMPANY. 807 15th St. _NA. 80.12. 1352 EMERSON 8T. N E 2 rms.. kitchen and semi-private bath; A-l condition; $30 tno.. including heat gas and elec. G H. LALEGER. 141<i H st. n.w. DI. 7810 • 1712 19th ST. N.W.—2-3“RMS., RECEF2 hall. kit., bath, Frigidaire. 1725*H st. n.w.—2 rms.. bath: 4 rms,. kit. bath. Frigidaire. 6805 Ga ave. n.w—2 rms., din., kit., bath. Murphy bed. Frigidaire. INTERSTATE PROPERTIES. INC., _ DI. 0864. THE STANLEY, 1411 HARVARD ST. N.W. S42 50 " rooms- kitchen, bath, dinette v and rear porch. _C. A SNOW CO.. 710_8th ST N W. DOWNTOWN, $32.50. 427 4th st. n w , across from park—3 rms.L bath: redec.;_h.-w.h._Taylor_1524. CONN. AVE.—3221 2 R . K . B . Shower. Dinette. Elev.. $43.50 "1708 NEWTON ST. N.W. Quiat location, near Rock Creek Park. Cool corner apt.. 3 rms.. kit., bath. S55. R"fricp*-Arjon Include^. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., Real Estate Dept._National 8080. ford Apts., .124 13th ST. N E AIR-COOLED BLDG. $48.50—Ground-floor-front ant.. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. Gas and refrigeration included. New building See janitor on premises or call Lincoln 8741. $42.50—DOWNTOWN. Large apartment at a surprftlngly LOW RENTAL. Quiet building, just above Penna ave . near many Govt, depts. Foyer Living Room. TWO Bedrooms. Kitchen and Bath LARGE ROOMS, with high ceilings. COR NER APARTMENT, with 2 exposures. _ 1133 24th ST. N.W. THE ARGONNE, 1629 COLUMBIA RD. Unusual apart., with 3 exposures. 2 bed rooms. living room, dining room. hall, kitchen, bath: in upper lfith st. Embassy 1 section Also 3-room apartment available. For Information. Call CO. 46.15. £no NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE—MODERN, fireproof buildine in downtown location and within walking distance of Govern ment departments; electric refrigeration, Venetian blinds: really large rooms: very attractive apartments. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath. Junior CfiQ Kfl dining rooms, solarium HENRY J ROBB, INC 1081 Vermont_Ave. DI._814t 2401 CALVERT ST. N.W. (Opposite Shoreham Hotel.) 2 rooms, kitchen and e'er; bath vOU Electric refrigeration included In rental. Elevator service, switch board. Resident manager. H. L. RUST CO., 1061 15th St. N.W. NA. 8100. DUPLEX APTS. “ 2821 7th ST. N.E. 2 rms., kit., din., bath. scr. po.: $46.50. Heat and hot water furn. Elec, refrigerator. 2109 R ST. 8.E. 2 rms.. kit., din., bath. scr. po.: $46.00. Heat and hot water furn. Elec, refrigerator SHANNON * LUCHS CO.. Realtors. _1505 H St. N.W. _ National 2345. 2007 O ST. N.W. 5 large, light rooms and bath: elevator and janitor; location Just south Dupont Circle. ONLY $55. HQWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.\9L__DI._7877. LOOK! 6301 16th ST. N.W. 2 beautiful rooms, kitchen, dinette, refg.. Plentiful closets, paneled walls. Venetian blinds, carpeted corridors: only $60; re frigeration. electricity, gas included _WASHINGTON REALTY CO.. OE. 8300. MODERN DUPLEX—$42. .5515 2nd st n.w.. Apt. 4—Large. 2 rms., kitchenette and kitchen and bath. 3 expos., back porch. large yard gas heat; open. H C. REINER. 1014 K St. NA. 6540. 1429 COL. RD. N.W. $35.00—Living room. 6x9 ft. dressing room. Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen. RESIDENT MANAGER, CO. 2704-J. THE COOLIDGE, 3100 Wisconsin ave. n.w., opposite Na tional Cathedral. Apt. 203—2 rooms, kitch en. tile bath and shower: rent. $42.60 mo.; *efg included in rent. See manager. Apt. 104. or ring Ignitor's bell. AIR CONDITIONED. RENTAL INCLUDES ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING. LIGHTING AND REFRIGERATION. THE EMPIRE, . . 2000 F ST. N.W. $62.60—Living room, dressing room with Murphy bed, combination sunroom and dining room, kitchen and bath. Resident manager, Republic 2081. HIGHTOWERS, 1530 I6th 8T. N.W. $82.60—Front apt., living room, bay solarium, bedroom, kitchen and bath. August 1. Resident Manager. Michigan 6565. Features of Both Buildings. _ All-electric kitchen, carpeted corridors, Venetian blinds, painted walls, parquet floors. _1404 K. _CAFRTTZ. PI. 9080 VERY DESIRABLE APT. 249 Oglfthorpe n.w.. Apt. 4—,2 rms.. din., kit , bath, shower: large Eoi4:h; fac ing nark. Heat, hot water, refg.; adults. Express bus. RA. 8356._ 2404 14th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $42.50 SHANNON ft LUCHS CO . _1505 H St, N.W. National 2345. 4226 7th ST., COR. VARNUM. . S and 4 rooms, modern, lsulated: re frigeration,, near Grant circle; reas. rentals. Inquire janitor or Phone OI. 8550. * APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. / DUPLEX APTS., COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT. 2001 2nd 8T. N.E. 216 T ST. N.E. ' 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath with shower, fully screened. Including rear porch: awnings, terraced lawns with gar den furniture, shade trees and shrubbery. Convenient transportation, near school* and churches. Complete Janitor service. Heat and hot water furnished. *47.50 and *52 50. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY _ UNTIL » P.M. RESIDENT MANAGER on Premises. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., 1519 K St N.W._ -PI. 1015, THE RITZ, 1831 EUCLID ST. N.W. Large Family Apartments. „ *75 and *85. 3 and 4 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath apartments. Refrigeration on housa current. A modern elevator blinding, convenient to stores, schools and transportation At tractive apartments. Venetian blinds. Resident Manager. CO. 10204 American Security & Trust Co., _ NA. 4815. 24-FOOT LIVING ROOMS ARE IN THE WINCHESTER PLAZA, JUST BEING COMPLETED NEW BLDG.—6501 14th ST, 1 BLOCK OFF Pith AT UNDERWOOD. Large Bedrooms. Junior Dining Rooms 1 room 19x20 ft., kitchen, bath __*45 00 2 rooms, jr. din. rm , kit. B7.50 Closets You Can Walk Into. „ „ ELEVATOR. GAS AND ELECTRICITY FURNISHED. Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M. ott . Manager—Apt. 102. SHAPIRO, INC.. DUPONT 7777. 1216 10th ST. N.W] Bachelor apt., $25: 1 and ° rms Vit hath. Frlgidalre on house *32.50-*45 ’ NEAR GOVT. DEPTS.—$45] In eight-story building, with 24 hour switchboard and elevator serv . ice: unusually large rooms, free re imeratton. etc. Select location only a few squares from main busi ness district. Foyer. Living Room. Kitchen and Bath. See Res. Mgr. at “The PENTILLY." _ 1812 K ST. N.W. 2151 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. liv£7° bP5°.°T,?nd bath- combination wTtE* «ro«Ii1 and, room, large foyrr JJSk firep,ace-, Wtchen. pantry and back porch, ample closet space: three exposures f/ntaL $*5. including all utilities * WM. H SAUNDERS CO.. INC.. _ 1519 K St N.W. District 1915 1830 POTOMAC AVE. S.E.~ h„Newly decorated :i rooms kitchen and tntiva£Smv!etj!)r D,rlvate: walking distance L««ir?avy Yard *11 modern conveniences m«t,;Kw,as H*ht furnished: $45 FEDERAL FINANCE CO., P15 New York ave n.w. NA. 74jh • PINE MANOR, " 5S11 14th st. n w.—Delightfuilv coni cross ventilation, new building adj Jto?ii Creek Park: a few vacancies: 1 room di I'nnm' y h.e.n ,and ba,-b 1 bedrm.. living ««fi™’.nln7tterkitchen and bath: *45 to aver aRASP7o'°f?S rooms' Resident man 1832 BILTMORE ST7n.w7 4 Rooms Kitchen. Bath. $80. 233 KENTUCKY AVE. S.IT ! ele?0rnetfrV7°°lllle*P„tewbit*h4oh6enat- h°‘ Water‘ 3219 MT. PLEASANT ST. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $39 so SHANNON fiz LUCHS CO _loh., H St. N.W. National 2348. 4901 1st N.W. 3 rms., k., b . screened porch, refg. $47.50 4925 1st N.W. 3 rms, k.. b.. screened porch, refg, $52,50 Storage and Laundry in Basement. Mgr.,_o051 N. Hamp. Ave. RA. 29.35. SPECIAL OFFER! Modern Downtown Apts. LOW-CUT RENTS. Fireproof bldg.: 24-hour switchbd . elev service, free refg • foyer, huge living rm , it ... bath, $35: choice corner apt. 2 rms., Kit., nail. $5o; cozy bachelor apt. $30. Tourair.e. 1030 R gt. n.w. DU. 6500 AT THOMAS CIRCLE. 1 RM., K„ $37; 2 RMS., $45. Modern elev. apt. bldg.: large, bright rooms, big closets BLAIR. 1321 M «t nw TALK O’ THE TOWN. LARGE DOWNTOWN APTS. AMAZINGLY LOW RATES. fireproof. 7<-story. elev.. switch bd bldg,; rooms large, bright, grand views; all off main hall: big closets: 4-5 rms. kit., bath. So, -$70; save rent by subletting few rooms 1015 N st. nw HO 4770 FOR SOLID COMFORT! 2 RMS., K.. $42; 3 RMS., $52. Modern apt. bldg, largp cheerv rms, huge closets, double exposure. WELLING TON. 1,01 P^rk rd n.w. CO. 5700 $69 50 * ROOMS. KIT., din . bathT 1616 16th ST. N.W. Cool corner, two-bedroom apart ment: southern and western ex posures; all rooms private to bath; refg incl.; C4-hr. elev. and switchboard service See MRS. RENNOE, res. mgr. DE _1600. 3520" 10th ST7n7W Either 2 or 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath: elec refrigerator and washer: locker house current: $40 or $59 NA 9"57 * $35.00 ;_ 1117 VERMONT AVE. Large, cool living rm., kit.. Frigid bath, cross ventilation. _ MARK WINKLER. RE, 2422 TWO CHOICE CORNERS^ Close to schools, stores, cars and buses. Both apartments are cor ners and both have comfortable PORCHES 342.50—Royer, Living Room. Bed room. Dinette. Kitchen. .rr „„ ^3th anti PORCH $35.00—Rover. Living Room. TWO Bedrooms. Dinette Kitch en. Bath and PORCH _ 1331 BELMONT ST. N.W. 432 EVARTS ST. N.E.', Apt. 4. , rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, screened porch and bath: gas heat. Open. $39.50. B. F. SAUL CO., _National 2100, 925 15th St NW 7019 GEORGIA AVE.; 1 Opposite Walter Reed Hospital. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and inclosed sun porch $s» sn 3 rooms (2 bedrooms), kitchen, di nette and bath «" sn 4425 14th ST. N.W. C rooms, kitchen and bath $42.50 Refrigeration on H. C Janitor Service. 6320 14th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $51 50 Heat. Oas and Refrigeration Furnished. 2504 10th ST. N.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $47 50 Refrigeration on House Current Res. Mar.. Dupont 1936 2520 10th ST. N.E. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $40 50 Refrigeration on Housp. E. M. WILLIS & SONS. _Investment Bldg. National_7479 SPECIAL BARGAIN. ' .1. .,IrLvm5 st- n,.w —0 big rooms and beautiful bath porches, yard and garage: just around the corner from chain stores, schools and movie: onlv s*>0 HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP. 1418 H St N.W._PI, 7877. THE NORWOOD, 1343 East Capitol st.. Apt 14_5 room, reception hall“ bath: elec _refg.-7$45 00: 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.w! 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, reception hall, large closets: 24-hour elevator and switch, board service _C._A. SNOW CO., 710 8th ST. N.W. 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. Beautiful 3-room, kit and bath apart ment. Located on the corner of the build ing. with exposures to the south, east and iKSurJnga p?rfect cross ventilation. It has abundant closet space. You will be pleased with the attractive modernized building, located on upper 16th aervice:4'h0Ur e>evator and switchboard C. A. SNOW CO., 710 8th ST. N.W. $62.50—THE ROYDON, __ 1619 R ST. N.W. Excellent Downtown Location Attractive unit, completely redecorated* elec. refg.. elev. and switchboard th?««’ posures; resident manager ' nr *x 3 Rooms. Foyer, Kit.' and Bath. American Security & Trust Co 16th and Pa. Ave. N.W. NA 481*. the ambassador 1 . 1750 16th ST. N.W. 1 rm., b.. dressing rm. on 1 rm.. kit., bath ' *2§*22 2 rms.. kit., bath, porch Jig! „4®ec* refrigeration^ on house current0 Restdent^manager #nd *le'*tor ®Sfc ^Walking Distance Downtown.) „ GOSS REALTY CO., - Eye N.W._ _JIA. 1353. LOW RENTAL—$27.50. Very complete, small CORNER apartment. In a oulet building, with in walking distance of downtown Comprises Foyer. Living Room" 2 Closets, Kitchen and Bath—SOUTH WEST EXPOSURE. Stores; cara and buses all convenient. - 1432 R ST. N.W. (Continued an Nest Page.) "