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DIRECTORS OF UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS J-— (Continued.) NORTHBROOK. “ 3426 18th ST. N.W. 1 large room. kit. and bath, jalcormS' and bath’ 2 exposures, RESIDENT MANAGER. COLUMBIA 7230. BEST N.W.—$52.50. The Westbury, 1401 Tuckerman n.w— fow available, cool apartment with cross ventilation: 2 large rooms, kitchen, dining ileove. bath: $52.50 includes utilities. Carpeted halls, etc. Apply Janitor or igent. National #78®.__ Downtown—Bachelor, $35. 1825 18th st. n.w—Elevator service: fine ildg . excel, location: convenient to cvery hlng; 2 rms . bath: ideal lor 2 Oovt. rorkers or couple. Apply janitor or agent, (A 8780. 2712 6th ST. N.E., APT 4. Two large rooms, kitchen, large dinette, ath: gas heat and screened rear porch, ley at No. 1, 2714. $40.50. B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100. 925 15th St^ N.W._ .732 TRINIDAD AVE. N.E. MODERN APARTMENTS. 8 rooms, d. a., kit., bath $45.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. NEW BUILDING. MONTE VISTA, 39th AND DAVIS PL. N.W. z bedrooms. 2 baths, living room. Jr. imng room and kitchen: $85.00. Light and gas Included Resident man ger Mrs Bterman. EM. 0590 WEAVER BROS. INC. DI 8300, THE COLORADO, 1352 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W 8 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath; $55.00. Elec. refR. on house. Convenient to :hools. stores and transportation. L. E BREUNINGER & SONS. J_730 K St. N.W. NA. 2040._ 5338 COLORADO AVE. N.W. rm . dinette, kit. and bath $40.00 Built-in bed. 2 exposures, completely re ecorated: convenient location. Resident ManaRer. GE. 5021. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO, Real Estate Dept. National 8080, 2141 ] WYOMING AYE. 1 Block Wett Conn. Ate. Spacious, cool apartment' of 3 bed rooms. 2 baths. 3 exposures: Just redecorated Available for imme diate occupancy. * $145 Per Month Apply on Promisee SIMMONS PROPERTIES NO. 8856 DI. 5666 MARYLAND COURTS 9th and E St«. N.E. 1 r.'lc, b. _ $36 2 r., k„ b...$42.50-545 r 2 r., din, k„ bi.$50-$57.50 , 3 r, k, b. _$60 Free Refrigeration Elevator Service Switchboard Service Day and Night See Resident Manager Phone LINCOLN 10490 The SHARON 2148 O St. N.W. Elevator service. Electric re- i irlgeration on house current. Resident Manager on Premise! MI. 6727 t rooms, kitchen and bath 847.50 B. F. SAUL CO. NA. *100 025 15th Et. N.W. Falkland A desirable and beautiful loca tion in the exclusive Northwest section, 300 feet elevation above downtown Washington. 3, 4 and 5 Room Apartments $50-$75 per Month Office 8305 tfith St. N.W. Shep. 4537 I^TILDEn / * ! sjatuz&nA \ Beautiful Private Gardens I for Use of Tenants. i ■ ^ rooms, kitchen, bath. $95.00 8 exposures _ 4 rooms, kit., solari um. m baths, 3 $115.00 exposures _ 24-Hour Switchboard Service Garage in Building Resident Manager, WO. 5334 Outstanding Values Heat and Hot Water Furnished Near Soldiers’ Home I'nusually Large Room! 220 Alliion St. N.W. 150.00— Ah1- No. 212—Living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen ®d bath; elec, refrigeration. Overlooking Park »K0 Clydesdale PI. N.W. Frigidaire. lust 2 blocks north of 18th and Col. Rd. 150.00— Ap1 No. 301—Living room, with Murphy bed. bedroom, Lnette kitchen and bath: electric re irlgeration. Right Downtown, Walk to Work 1119 N St. N.W, near Thomas Circle. *45 00—Apt. No. H—Rec. hall, llv inx room, bedroom, kitchen gnd bath; electric refrigeration free. Near Roosevelt High 4207 Arkansas Ave. N.W. ■67.50—Apt. No. 3—Living room, 3 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen gnd bath: elec, atove and refrigeration; Icreened rear porch. Near Walter Reed 7418 Georgia Ave N.W. 646.50—Apt. No. 3—Living room, . _ bedroom dinette, kitchen. Rnd bath, screened rear porch; elec rolux refrigeration. 7436 Georgia Ave N.W. 647.50—Apt- No. 304—Living room. . , _ bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath: Electrolux refrlceraton. Downtown 1223 K st. N.W. 640 00—Apt. No. 6—Lving room, w bedroom, kitchen and bath, rear porch. 1111 13th St. N.W. 625.00—Apt. No. 4—Bachelor apt., w ' living room and bath. 650.00—Apt, No. 1—Front apt. Rec. w hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. Automatic refrigera tion. 631 B St. N.E. 637.50—Apt. No. 6—Living room. w bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath: elec, refrigeration. 1404K CAFRITZ Dlst.9080 1601 Argonne PL N.W. Corner of Harvord St. Switchboard, Elevator, Cafe, Beauty Shop, Valet Shop. Modern apartments of 1 Room, Kitchen $AC.OO and Bath... . . .. ^9 2 Rooms, Kitchen IC4.50 and Bath ... 94 up T> Rooms, Dinette, Kitchen, Bath and $74.50 Porch _ 14 Mrs. 8axton. Res. M*r„ AD. 8710 WWk 738 15th St. N.W. DI. 6830 2807 Conn. Ave. Between l,r« TT/ . J/.., livini room, OOdley bedroom, bath. Road dinette, kitchen. and New kitchen .1 » i eonlpment. S l .at he oral exptwure,, larre Avenue elnaet,. elee. refr.. 2, - hour Res. Adam, elevator eerriee. Mrr. 68 a'4 Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. Decatur 3600 THE 2„o LINDBERGH "^.“nIw"* Near Government Buildings and Downtown Stores 1 room, dinette, $41 QO UD kitchen and bath _ r 3 room., dinette, $50.00 UD kitchen and bath _ T r Elevators, Switchboard. Service Doors, Frioldaire on House Current. H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th St. N.W. Natl. 5901 The Euclid 1740 Euclid St. N.W. A modern six-story elevator bid*, located only one square from 18th and Columbia road. ! $40.50 —for 1 art’s llvln* room with Murphy bed. furnished dinette, ultra-mod ern kitchen and tile bath. ; $49.50 This Is & new low rent for two rooms, kit., and bath in a building comparable to the Euclid. Large closets, excellent exposures. —RENTALS INCLUDE— FREE GAS FOR COOKING FREE ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT8 AND REFRIGERATION. See Resident Manager or ROBERT W. SAVAGE 813 Union Trust Bid*. NA. 3830. I THE ! I MARQUETTE jj 2115 Pennsylvania Ave. ! N.W. Central Downtown Location q n 1 room, kitchen and CAR AA G 3 bath _ OHOiUU G D G 3 2 rooms, kitchen and CRA RA P jj bath... $D4.0U | jj Electric refrigeration without. P n charge. Elevator and switchboard H J telephone service. Resident man- r jj ager. RE. 0265. | J } I I 3 r jj 738 15th St. N.W. DI. 6830 | 2737 Devonshire Place Connecticut A ve. and the Klingle Bridge Very desirable apt. consist ing of living room, Junior dining room, sun parlor, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths and kitch en, $115.00. Attractively furnished 1 and 2 room apts. Elevator and Secretarial Switch hoard Service. Refrigeration on Home Current. Garage. Berfhtr Parlor and Delicate*.en on Premlaea. Resident Manager on premises at all times to show apartments. Randall H. Hagner & Co. Incorporated 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 THE BRIARCLIFF 1862 Mintwood PI. N.W. $85.00—? rooms and bath (2 I bedrooms). Elec. refg. Large porch. Completely redecorated. THE MOZART 1630 Fuller St. N.W. S55 00—2 rooms, kitchen and * ' bath; front apt.. 2 ex posures: bright and cheerful; elec tric refrigeration. Venetian blinds. Resident manager, CO. 2652. THE CEDRIC 4120 14th St. N.W. S60 00—3 rooms, kit., dinette and * ' bath: elec. refg. Near schools churches, playgrounds and transportation. THE CAMBRIDGE 921 19th St. N.W. Excellent Downtown Location <50 00—1 room. kit., dinette and * ‘ bath. Elec. refg. Elevator. Res. Mgr.. MEt. OSfiS. THE WILLSON 1405 Harvard St. N.W. <50 00—3 rooms, kit. and bath. Elec. refg. Res. Mgr. THE RIPLEY 1424 R St. N.W. eas SO—" rooms, kit., bath end ” porch. Elec. refg. AMERICAN SECURITY Real Estate Department l.Mh * Pa. Are. N.W. Natl. Miff -_ — ■■■ — DESIRABLE APARTMENTS offering EXTREMELY LOW RENTALS 4S0 IRVING 8T. N.W. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette end bath: with refrigeration fur nished -481. AO 1422 N ST. N.W. One room, kitchen and bath, with gas. electricity and re frigeration furnished. Now 432.60 112 19th ST. S.E. New building, new features, com plete apartment service. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and large screened porch _ 440.00 Robert W. Savage 813 Union Trust Bldg. Natl. 3030 EMBASSY TOWERS 1620 Fuller St. N.W. 1 Block South Col. Kd. Select Apartments in a Most Desirable Neighborhood 1 room, Pullman kitchen and batht also 2 and 3 rooms, dinette, kitch en, bath and solarium; reasonable rentals. 24-Hr. Elevator Service Resident, Manager ADams 4248 ! BOSS & PHELPS | 1417 K St. N.W. NAtional 8300 4707 Corner 3 CONN. AVE. Dr«T‘ Large living room, foyer, dinette, kitchen, bath ond porch. ! One bedroom, dinette, kitchen ond bath Two bedrooms, dinette, kitchen ond bath Outside apartments, all large rooms, plenty of closet space, screened porches. » (Also o 1-bedroom furnished opt.) i St-hour elevator and switchboard service, carpeted corridors, attrac tive lobby, aaraaes and laundry fa cilities In buildlna. Convenient to churches, schools, stores and trans portation. All electricity on house current. Resident Manager. Em. 9909 GRADY BUILT AND MANAGED (Definitely Better) No. 3—5919 13th St. N.W. Heat, hot water and Janitor service furnished 3 attractive rooms, di nette. bath, kitchen and screened porch. (2 bedrooms.) Price_$60.00 OPEN 321 Adam* St. N.E. Apt No. 4 An individual building, attractive in appearance and plan, containing 3 rooms, kitchen dinette, bath and screened porch. Convenient to transportation and stores. j Price-$57.50 Key at Apartment N®. 9* J. DALLAS GRADY & SON 1101 VI. Ave. N.W. Dial. 3780 New Air-Cooled Skyline Towers 2730 Wisconsin Are. Two and three $68.50 1 rooms, kitchen to and bath_ - $97.50 E All Utilities and Secretarial Service Included. Res. Mgr., EM. 8400. Alto Towers 320A Wisconsin Ave. (Opposite The Cathedral) One, two and $45.00 three rooms. ,o kltehen, dining gee as alcove and bath »• O-ww Macomb Gardens 3725 Macomb St. N.W. One, two. three $47.50 rooms, kitchen. (n dining alcove and $$$.00 The Gelmont 1835 3rd 8t. N.E. Ont m n d two $45.00 I rooms. kitchen, (J dinette, bath_ $55.00 All utilities Included In rental. Appljr Apt. 1, BE. _ 2090. _ WMilVcavcr Bret., /nc.WWMM BIst. 8300 fg=s=s=ssBssa ■ — —i CHOICE APARTMENTS j Jhe Heatherington 1421 Man. Ave. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath; elec tric refrigeration, elevator and secretarial service. See Res. Mgr. The Lorelei 6024 8th St. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, Venetion blinds, electric refrigeration. Reasonable rental. 330 R. I. Ave. N.E. Desirable 2-room, kitchen and bath opts.; refrigeration on house current. Rentals, $40 month. 1440 N St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; gas, electricity, heat and hot water included in rent. $40. 1 Near Capital and Library 322 2nd St. S.E. Apt. 3—2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath_ ..$48.50 I BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K N.W. NAt. 9300 a A t MAfllsnfj; | TERRACE g 14th St. at Ktnntdy N.W. f UIGH, excellent location; new k building facing south, over , 'ooklng city. Plenty of large k closets, carpeted halls, elevator. roof garden, modern lobby. A f building of refined atmosphere at budget prices. ^ An anusnally nice apt. with I (exposures. 2 rooms, fhyer. dinette, kitchen and ££Q QQ ^ Gat and Electricity Fret. Call £ Resident Manager, Geo. 1990. L. E. Brenninfer k Seas ( 1730 K It. N.W. NA. 2040 ENJOY MANY EXTRAS AT * 2531 QUE ST. N.W. ~ Adjolninr Rook Creek ferh Juat Weat of Meaa. Are. in Georgetown. JO Min. Freer Downtown. I BOOM kitchen, dinette I OWm and hath. Murphy hed^.ilt-in Electric Refrigeration Included. Tiled bath. built-in ahower. modern kitchen, large cablneta. double dralnboard sink. See Reaident Manager er I HENRY J. ROBB, INC. 1024 Vermont Are. Dl. 8141 A Nice Piece to Live WILLARD COURTS 1916 17th St. N.W. ] Urge room on $30.00 7 large rooms, kitchen. <45 50 *• bath (corner ant.)-- f 24-Hour Elovator Sorvieo Mrs. Geo, Resident Manager J. DALLAS GRADY & SON 1104 It. Are. N.W. Diet. 3780 rTHE LEGATION-] 5420 Connecticut Avo. N.W. Corner at Leeation St. Conviniint to Chivy Chan ihopping center and hut Iranipartation Modern opts, of 3 and 4 rooms, foyer, kitchen and bath, porches—ele vator and secretarial telephone service— garage in basement. Rnidint Managir WO. 9406 ?38 15th St. N.W. DI. 6838 THE STRATFORD 2010 Kaloroma Rd. N.W. 2 IMIU, kitchen ' RAT SO end beth ... Re. Mgr,. DEc. 0307 FARADAY 1460 IRVING ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, dinette. M dreMlnc cloeet with roll- SAO.Dfl owmr bed And both . Living room. droning __ nlrr*b»th*h Mon,hT btd $35.00 2 room., kitchen. Urge foyer end bath (A win- n n n no ?i°om,T MT,n* "•"\Ur" $55.00 O-Story Elevator Building. Refrigeration on Roan. Re*. Mgr., AD. 10397 THE PARKSIDE 1457 PARK RD. N.W. ? I.r*omi- kitchen. Urge foyer and o5i» __ : Mfr"..A!>: $57,50 HAMPTON COURTS 2013 N. H. Ave. N.W. and°*bath -$32.50 $40.00 2 room., dinette. CKfl All kltehen and bath_f 9W.IIU «P 24-hoar owitehboard and elevator nrv ice, refrigeration on honae carrent. Re,. Mgr.. MIeh. 4280. PHILIP P. PEYSER fr CO. 1037 Inveatment Bldg. DIat. 3740 ’Round the Town Apartment Values NEW AIR-COOLED BUILDING TAYLOR TOWERS 4021 Ninth St. N.W. Large t room, kitchen, dinette, bath, dressing closet, foyer $51.50 8 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and foyer __ $01.50 Oas. electricity and refrigeration included In rent. Ventilating Fans in Kitchens. Slat Doors. Resident Manager. MRS. LEONARD. RAndolph 8433. 2812 Connecticut Are. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and screened porch, newly decorated_$70.00 2501 Calvert St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $65.00 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch $90.00 BLAIR PARK APTS. 7819-23 Eastern Ave. <To the right of Georgia Avenue at Dietrict Line) 8 rooms, kitchen, dining al cove and bath.. _$51.00 Carpeted halls, elevator service, laundry facilities, recreation room. Res. Mgr.. MRS. CUPPETT. Apt. No. 5. 7823 Eastern Ave. 8H. 4962. THE 8EDGEWICK. 1722 19th St. N.W. Living room. kit. and. bath..$39.50 2 rms . kitchen and bath_$48.50 Refrigeration on house current. Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Miller. DU. 3760. TBE FAIRFAX 1200 East Capitol St. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath $47.50 3101 Penne. Ave. S.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and _ bath $52.50 THE NORMANDIk 6817 Georgia Ave. X room, dressing closet, di nette. kitchen and hath . .$47.50 8 rooms, large foyer, dinette. kitchen and bath $61.50 Light and gas Included In rent. Res. ; Mgr.. OE. 5909. APARTMENTS OPEN DAILY AND EVENING FOR INSPECTION WEAVER Dist. BROS INC *«*• i •30° REALTORS THE EMBASSY 1613 Harvard St. N.W. I ti-hr. elevator lervlee. tecretarlal switchboard, Venetian bllnde. Large living ream, large Murphy bad, closet, kitchen, dinette end bath. S50 Res. Mgr., ADams 9400. Embassy-Harvard Corp. “A Diatinctive Location” la &alle 1028 Conn. Ava. Apartmant Saakar - If you ara looking for a goad downtown placa to liva, aaa ui. Wa hovo a faw different fixed unite to chooea from. —Manager on PromUot— kSWmm* 2900 Conn. Avo. * 2 rooms, kitchen ond both.$5250 up 3 rooms, kitchen end both-$70 to $35 Klectria Refrigeration t Elevator Switchboard Resident Manager No < 5. SMITHY CO. Ltl? »■ W. W. ML »HI 3616 CONN. AVE. N.W. 1 room, Murphy bed. kitchen, dinette and bath .. MO.on 2 rooms, kitchen, bath M.VOO bp Refrigeration on House. 3024 PORTER ST. N.W. 3 Booms, kitchen, dinette and bath _*00.00 Electric Refrigeration. 1321 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. 1 room. kit. and bath (35.00 ap Electrle Refrigeration. THE SHELBURNE 17th and 0 Sts. N.W. 1 room and bath S30.00 2 rooms, foyer, kit., bath. $39.00 np 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $05.00 Refrigeration on H. C. Elevators. THE PARKRIDGE 1073 Park Ed. N.W. 2 rms.. dinette, kit., bath. M7.S0 np Elevator. Refrigeration on House. H.G.Smithij Go. 811 15th St. N.W. NAtl. 3003 ®fje ©resfoett i 2126 Connecticnt An. N.W. 1 (Just South of Taft Bridge) Exclusive Residential Locality Attractive double exposure apart* ( ment having three large bedrooms. I library, drawing room, din Ins room, j kitchen, two baths and foyer. $157.50 Beautiful comer apartment, having two bedrooms, library imay be used j as third bedroom), drawing room, dining room, kitchen, bath and i foyer. $125.00 1 Continuous switchboard and 1=3 elevator service Reaidant Manager F North SABS B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. jgwgjggW - • ^(Lre art mtuuj places Iff dyt..‘WT f&£/t is fejT out ILtstc^tster | G£dr <uc UvsptcXtou# <r| our o^irdvttnjd', tjou. unit iirtuvC uj {ice *fdrt» U)t. uour offr emt o| ouf «mart/ ttxh-AmuK -Curwujroom c^wumo -WfiffmJ, iiXcfiuMji, 4tcL room, euul wotB fiWot'tes** p«rnu7rd$u. ^(QkUesk. 4000 Cathedral Are. N.W. Woodley 7700 non. J SIXTEENTH STREET Applications for Fall Rentals noiv being received CVTODERN home-like apart -' ol- ments, furnished and un furnished, of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath to town house units of 7 rooms, including 2 and 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, living room, out side porch, dining room, kitchen and butler's pantry. Hotel serv ice and appointments. Beautiful dining room and cocktail lounge. A few apartments new available for Immediate occupancy Phone COlumbie 7200 Bleberd (. Butler, Met. 1321 * 1329 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, bath_*32 50 2 rooms, kitchen, bath_$40.00 1417 NEWTON ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath - $47.50 Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident Manager. 2548 14th ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath *50.00 Elec, refrigeration on house current. 1400 SOMERSET PL. N.W. 2 rooms, din., kit., bath; Murphy bed, s w. exposure; utilities inch. $60.50 1420 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. 2 rooms, din., kit., bath $51.50 Refrigeration and gas Included. 3707 WOODLET ROAD N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath_*50.00 Refrigeration included. Resident Manager. 1201 CLIFTON ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath-$80.00 Electric refrigeration. _ _ 3222 WISCONSIN AVE. NW. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath_$45 00 Elec, refrigeration. PARK TOWERS j 2440 16th ST. N.W. 1 rm . dressing rm.. bath_$40.00 1 rm., dr. rm.. kit., bath .$52.50 2 rms Jtit.. din , bath, porch. $07.50 5 rms., kit.. 2 baths, porch, $120.00 Refrigeration on house current. Switchboard. 3 elevators, garage In building. Resident Manager. 900 19th ST. N.W. 1 room, kit., bath_$40.00 2 rooms, kit., bath__$00.00 Refrigeration on house current. Switchboard. 2 elevators. Resident Manager. 2901 16th ST. N.W. 3 rms., kit., b., inel. porch . $07 50 4 rms. kit., bath, porch $80.00 Fireplace. Electric refrigeration In cluded. 2311 15th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $70.00 (2 bedrooms). Electrolux refrigerator. 49 T ST. N.W. 8 rooms, klthen. bath_$39.50 Key, Apt. 1. |Shan non & luchSI Realtor* 1505 H St. N.W. NA. 2345 TAKE A NEW LEASE ON LIVINfi AND ENJOY THE ECONOMY OF LOW RENTALS Including Electricity for Cooking, Lighting und Refrigeration Ogren Gardens, 1445 Ogden St. N.W. - North of 14th and Park Rd. N.W. S47 SO—Living room, dressing room with Mur w * phy bed. combination sunroom and dining room, kitchen and bath. S65.00—Living room, 990.00—° • * ” • » combination * a p a rtment. sunroom and dining Reception hall. living room, bedroom, kitchen room, dining room. 2 and bath. bedrooms, kitchen and bath. Resident Manager, AD. A1SO MAJESTIC, 3200 16th St. N.W. Offering Vnueual Advantage* •52 SO—Living room. SB0.00—* e a u 11 ful w combination w front apart sunroom and dining ment. Large foyer, liv room. dressing room lng room, bay solarium, with Murphy bed. bedroom, kitchen and kitchen and bath. bath. Large Ban Deck far Convenience of Tenants Resident Manager, DC. 64M FSATURtS: Outride ell-electric leiteheni. Venetian Minds.' eentilatinp doom Parquet )loon; painted walls; quiet, carpeted corridors. "nrm* cafritz Laclede x 1223 Vennont , At*. N.W. Spacious, downtown apt. ot 4 rooms, forer, kitchen and bath..*75.00 3032 Rodman St. N.W. (Near Connecticut Are. and Porter St.) 2 rooms. kR, A bath. *45.00 1725 Laaier Place N.W. 3 rooms, dinette, k. A b , Including refrg_*02.50 W. H. WALKER Shorehans Building National 1680 The Beautiful New * CENTURY 2651 16th St. N.W. (Corner of Fuller St.) 1 mam, dreaalng ream, dinette, kitchen and bath. 2 roama. Jr. dlnlne roam, kitchen and bath. Bentalg Include electricity far light ing. cooking, refrigeration, etc., gecretarial phone eerrlee. Reiiiient Manager, AD. 2000 BOSS & PHELPS 1117 K N.W. NAtl. 8300 COMPARE PRICES L TILDEN HALL 1 3915 Conn. Are. 1 1 room. kit., bath, hall *45.00 I 2 rms.. kit., bath & hall $55 00 I Kiev., Elec. Refg.. Switchboard. THE WOBURN loin Kalorama Rd. N.W. 1 room, kitchen & bath *42.50 2 rooms, kit. and bath *52.50 Electric Refrigeration. Elevator*. THE ETHELHURST 1085 15th St. N.W. 1 room and bath S25.00 THE WOODSIDE 1900 H St. N.W. 1 room, dinette, dress, closet, kitchen and bath $45.on Refrigeration on house current. (Furnished it Desired.) THE WOODLEY ISAl Columbia Rd. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath *50 00 4 rooms, kit., bath, hall $85.00 Electric refrigeration on house current; elevator. THE FERNWOOD 14*8 Columbia Rd. 1 room, kitchen & bath, *40.00 2 rms . kit., bath, halt *4* SO Elec. Refg. on H. C.: Elevator. THE MELWOOD 1803 Blltmnre 8t. N.W. ! 1 r„ rec. hall. kit., bath 2 rms kitchen, bath *50.00 Refg. on H C.: Elevator. Switchboard (Furnished if Desired.) T. F. Schneider Corp. 1025 15th St. N.W. National 0339 1433 to 1443 Spring Rood N.W. (Just Off l(Ub St. and Near Sock Creek Park) 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, *50.00. Unusually large rooms, dress ing closets, Murphy bed. Free re frigeration. Excellent condition. Resi dent managers. Miss Harper, RA. 2041, Mrs. Child. RA. 85,11. THE NEW BERNE I11S 12th St. N.W. (At Mass. Are.) ♦ rooms, kitchen end bath, $02.50. Resident Manager. ME. 457.1. 901 20th ST N.W. (At Ere St.) 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $55.00. Janitor on premises. THE GUTHRIDGE 211« F St. N.W. (Convenient to Government Depart ments and Business District) 1 room, kitchen and bath. $38.50. Refrigeration on house current, ele vator and switchboard telephone serv ! Ice. Resident manager. RE. 0(54 5. 42 independence Ave. S.W. (Opposite Capitol Grounds) .1 rooms, kitchen and bath, $52.50. Resident manager. ME. 2559. THE PERSHING 3701 18th St. N.W. (At Spring Rd.) 2 rooms kitchen and bath. $57.50. Elevator and secretarial telephone service. Garages. Resident manager, TA. 5875._ 7300-10 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. 2 rooms dinette, kitchen, bath and porch. $45.(M)-$46.50. Resident man ager, GE. 2218. 204 F STREET N.W. C and 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. $30.00-540.00. Janitor on premises. 2229 BANCROFT PL. N.W. (Near 23rd St.) 2 43 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. $5P,00-$?5.00. Resident manager. NO. 5010. CHATEAU THIERRY • 1920 S Street N.W. (At 20th) 1 room kitchen and bath. $40.00. Resident manager. ML 6S24. 738 15th Dl. St. N.W. 6830 VALUES WORTH SEEING SEDGWICK GARDENS 3726 Conn. Ave. Foyer, living room with Murrhv bed. bath kitchen, dinette and incl. porch, southern exposure *52.50 Refrigerstion on house current, sec retarial switchboard Garage. Resident Manager. Mrs. Louise Guest. WO. 41 BO. 3800 14th STREET Large foyer living room 1. 2 and .1 bedrooms, 1 and 2 baths inclosed porch and kitchen. Refg on house current Elevator. Garage. Resident Manager. DOWNTOWN 1107 11th Street 1 room. Murphy bed. bath and kitchen. Gag furnished far re frigeration and cooking. THE WINSTON 3145 Mt. Pleasant Street (Near Iflth £ Columbia Bead.) 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and porch. *50.00. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. *flo. Electric refg. on house current. 1801 CALVERT STREET 1 room. bath, no kitchen. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr. 3314 MT. PLEASANT ST. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath. Electric refrigeration. Res. Mgr. 1026 15th STREET (Corner 15th and L Sts.) One room and bath, no kitchen. Living room, bedroom, bath and kitchen. Switchboard and elevator service. Resident Manager. 4701 CONN. AVE. Large foyer living room, dining room. 1 and 2 bedrooms, bath, porch, dinette and kitchen Rets, on house current Elevator. Sec. switchboard Garage. Resident Manager EM. 0803 4514 CONN. AVE. Large foyer, living room, dining room. 1 and 2 bedrooms, bath, dinette, kitchen and inclosed porch, ample closet space' earage. Refg. on house current. Elevator. Mgr. Woodley 4477 1818 RIGGS PLACE 1 room. Murphy bed. bath, dinette and kitchen #32.50 and #33.00. Electric refrigeration. 3409 29th STREET (1 Block West of Conn. Are. and Ordway St., near Vntown Theater) 22 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. #49.50. Refrigeration on house current. Modern plumbing. Newly decorated. Resident Manager, EM. 0208. 2127 P STREET 2 moms, kitchen dining alcove and bath. Electric refrigeration. Mgr. Raxdall II. Hagxer & Company INCORPO*ATCD Real Estate 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 Under Management of B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. National 2100 RHODE ISLAND GARDENS 230 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. Elec, refrInerttion, secretarial twitch board and elev. service. Resident manager. DE. 2093. i 2 rms., kit., d. a. and bath _. $50.00 739 NEWTON ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 1 rm . kit. and bath _$33.50 2 rms.. kit. and bath_941.50 THE ROCHESTER 1438 MERIDIAN PL. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 1 rm. and bath_ _ 927.50 3 rms.. kit., bath and porch_$47.50 •228 NORTH DAKOTA AVE. N.W. Gas refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath_$43.50 THE METROPOLITAN 200 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N E. 5-story elevator bldg. Secretarial telephone service. Gas. electricity and gas refg. Included in rent. Resident Manager. DE. 0928. 1 rm.. kit., d. a. artd bath.. $45.00 2 rms., kit., d. a. and bath_$53.50 A few furnished apts. 1445 SPRING RD. N.W. Electric refrigeration on house cur rent Resident manager, RA. 7182. 2 rms.. kit., dr. rm.. d. a. and •bath _$54.00 THE PARAMOUNT 829 QUINCY ST. N.W. Elec., gas and refrigeration Included in rent. Elev. Resident manager. GE. 8955. 2 rms. kit., d. a. and bath $52.60 3 rms., kit., d. a., foyer, bath and porch_$70.00 581# COLORADO AVE. N.W. Gas. electricity and refrigeration in cluded in rent. Resident manager. RA. 2663. Jrm . kit., d. a. and bath .-$45.00 rms.. kit., d. a. and bath..$60.00 SULGRAVE MANOR 5130 CONN. AVE. N.W. Modern elev. bldg., elec, refrigeration on house current. Secretarial switch board. Resident manager. WO. 4133. 3 rms.. kit., d. a., foyer, porch and bath _$67.50 THE BIRMINGHAM 2611 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W. Electric refrigeration. « 2 rms., kit. and bath_945.00 3 rms.. kit. and bath___$50.00 THE TULANE 2109 18th ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 4 sms., kit. and bath_$47.50 2421 E ST. N.W. I Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. ME. 2349. 4 rms.. kit. and bath-$58.50 1468 HARVARD ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. 3 rms.. kit., bath and rear porch-$45.00 THE INGLESIDE 1851 LAMONT ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms., kit. and bath_*40.00 THE CALIFORNIA 1775 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 4 rms.. kit. and bath_$42.50 THE DE SOTO 1300 MAS8ACHU8ETTSAVE. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit,, bath and porch-.*40.00 4 rms.. kit and bath_*62.50 GARDEN TOWERS 2325 15th ST. N.W. Modern elev. bldg. Secretarial tele phone service. Oas. elec, and re frigeration Included in rent. Resident manager. CO. 8863. 1 rm kit,, d. a., bath, foyer. bed closet - . *52.50 2 rms.. kit., d. a., sun porch, foyer and bath _#70.00 2517 K ST. N.W. Oas refrigeration. Elevator. Resident manager. DI 2678. 1 rm.. kit. d. a. and bath_941.50 THE RHODE ISLAND 1437 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Electricity and refrigeration on housa current: elevator. Resident manager. DE. 1552. 2 rms., kit., d. a. and bath—#54.00 THE LAMONT _ 1627 LAMONT ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 4 rms.. kit. and bath_*52.50 1460 EUCLID ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. AD. 8040. 2 rms., kit. ana bath_940.00 THE LE BOURGET 2127 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Elev. Resident manager. Elec, re frigeration on house current. 1 rm., kit. and bath _*41.00 3504 13th ST. N.W. Electric refrigeration. 6 rms,. kit. and bath _—.965.00 7 rms,. kit. and bath_*69.50 THE WEST VIEW 2123 EYE ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. RE. 2585. 2 rms., kit., d. a., rec. hall and bath %-*53.50 1726 17th ST. N.W. Elec, refrigeration on house current. Resident manager. DE. 0678-J. 3 rms.. kit. and bath_*54.00 _ I (Continual on Most Put.)