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APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) BRAND-NEW APTS. Only 10 minutes to Washington, con sisting of Uv. rm.. bedrm.. dinette, kit. and finished back porch which can be used as extra room. Heat and hot water turn.: heat controlled by each individual apt.: Venetian blinds metal kitchen cabi nets. 6-ft. O. E. refg.: $55 per mo. 1 blk. from schools, buses and shopping center. 151* 17th st. north. Arlington. Va„ or call Chestnut 3850. DUPLEX APTS. 5312 4th ST. N.W. _ Apt. 4—3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and screened porch: electric refrigeration: *60' BOSS Sc PHELPS, 1417 K N.W,NA. 8300. FORT VIEW APTS., 13th PI.. Bet. Port Dr. and Peabody St. 1. 2 and 3 Rms.. Kit.. Dinette and Bath. $47 50 to $71.50 (Gas and Elec. Included). Resident Mgr. on Premises— Randolph 1276. WALKER & DUNLOP, INC., 1200 loth St. N.W. DI. 0222. ~5051 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. ’ (2nd Bldg. From Gallatin StJ 2 and 3 rooms, loyer. din., kit., bath. All comer, fireproof, insulated, modem apt*.: $52.50 to $64.50: lnel. gas for cook ing and refg. Parauet floors, incinerators, vent. fans, ample closets, laundry facilities. Spacious, shady lawna surround buildings. 15 min. to downtown by auto. Res. mgr.. MISS CORBETT. RA. 2935._ COLORED—REFINED COLORED. ADULTS only. 221 F st. n.w. From $27.50 to $65. Free refg. Res, mgr.. ME. 5770. COLORED—637 3rd ST N.E —1 AND 2 rms.. kit., bath: $35 and $40. F. M. PRATT CO.. 1017 K n.w. NA. 8682._ FOR COLORED. _ 1312 22nd st.—2 rooms, kitchen, bath, *40 per mo. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1710 K St. N.W._NA._1160._ COLORED--—1019 20th N.W. 1 Room, Kit,. Bath. North 0120._ Colored—Flats and Apts. 11 Mrt N. J. ave.—New 2 r., It., tile b., $40.50. 12art 5th n.w.—2 r., k., b., el.. 8., $a«.50. H05 N. J. ave.—2 r., k., b., el., b., $25.50. 10 Eye n.e.—2 r., k., b., el., g.. $25.50. ao Eye n.e.—1 r.. k.. b., el., g.. $18.50. E._M. AIKEN, INC.,_800 H N.W,. NA. a55tt. _HOUSES FOR SALE._ $250.00 DO^VN—NEARLY NEW. DETACH ed. 5-rm. brick, large basement, deep lot; across from Govt. park. Owner transferred. Exceptional buy at $6,750. 608 Ridge yd. s.e. _ : 18* $5,950—SILVER SPRING SECTION—NIC* cottage home, large rooms, spacious unfin ished attic; P. H, A. loan. REALTY AS SOCIATES. NA. 1438 until 9 p.m. 2 BLKS. CH. CH. CIRCLE—NR. BUS. ctores. churches, schools (parochial 1 blk.t; all-brick, waterproofed, insulated; 7 rms., 1 ‘,<2 batbs, maid’s rm.. garage, auto, heat; $13,500. OWNER. Ed. 2807. $0.950—1 ELK. FROM SOLDIERS' HOME Park—Colonial br„ arranged as 2 complete apts.; oil burner, 2-car gar. OWNER, WO. 8308. IDEM. NEW HOMES. 1311 TO 1339 28th st. s.e : conv.; I block north Penna. ave. shopping center. Attr. 6 rooms, 2 complete tile baths, recr. rooms, large lots. 8elect yours now. Selling fast. Easy terms. Open. E. W. BAILEY, Developer-Builder. Adams 4786._ OWNER. BECAUSE OF ILL HEALTH. OF fers this fine 2-story California bungalow far below its real value. In a location I mile -from Navy Yard; most convenient to shopping facilities, transportation and schools. There are 2 large bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor, with magnificent views of the Potomac. The lst-floor arrangement consists of hall, living room with' fireplace, dining room and 2 ship-cabin rooms with built-in bunks, wardrobes and bookshelves. The lot, 40x275. is ideal for children, sum mer lawn parties, with its lily pool, pear and apple trees, lovely rambling rose arbors. Price, $6,500. Terms. Atlantic 2889. FOR SALE—IN TAKOMA PARK. D. C—5 room frame bungalow, with 2 extra rooms In attic, full basement, oil heat, instant, hot water, garage; $6,250. Shepherd 5345. after 5 p.m._____ MT. PLEASANT SECTION—THREE-STORY and basement brick, eight rooms, bath, oil heat: priced only $6,950; small down pay ment. balance like rent: close transporta tion. stores V. S. Hurlbert. NA. 3571 WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP., 931 H st.n.w.___ $5,925: DET. COL BRICK HOME. 2 BED rms, bath on 2nd fl.. full basement, covered porch, air-cond. automatic heat: near Md. country clubs; $5,925: F. H. A. terms. WI. 6932. REAL VALUE—CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—DE tached brick home. 1 sauare east of Conn, ave.: only $10,750. Huge living room, wood-burning fireplace, library, breakfast room, dining room, kitchen on 1st floor; 3 nice bedrooms, 2 baths, 2nd floor; stair way to finished, heated attic room: maid’a room and bath in basement, oil beat, built in garage: new-house condition. MR. TWEED. EM. 7155. 907 15th st._17•_ $9,250—BEAUTIFUL BATTERY PARK— Most unusual opportunity to purchase brand-new ERICK home in a finished com munity of attractive homes; you will find 6 lovely rooms, including smart kitchen and knotty pine den. Call REALTY AS SOCIATES. NA. 1438 until 9 p.m. BEST NEW VALUES—1311 TO 39 28th st. s.e.—Attractive brick homes. 6 rms. and 2 tile baths, concrete porches, club rms.; large lots; conv. location; cross new Penna. Ave. Bridge to 28th st.. turn left to houses; never before such values; terms low as $50 per mo.: selling fast: act im mediately. E. W. BAILEY, owner-builder, Adams 4786._ QUEBEC PL.. NEAR GEORGIA AVE. ti w.—Large 8-room <5 bedrooms). 2-bath home, in excellent condition. This home Is a real value at $6,950 and should sell to the first person to inspect. Can be seen by appt. only. Call Mr. Parker. DI. 3346. WAPLE & JAMES. INC._ CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—BEING TRANS lerred, 7 rms., det.: auiet street, near Conn, ave.; roof, sides insulated; oil burn er; 5 rms.. bath, 1st fl.; 2 rms.. bath, 2nd fl.: lavatory in basement: built-in heated garage. OWNER. Woodley 8810. CHEVY CHASE—BRICK COL.; 3 BED rms., 2 baths, fin. attic; $9,500: $2,000 cash, balance 1 trust. McCUNE. DU. 1603. 3419 PORTER ST. N.W.—TWO STORIES and basement, semi-detached, seven rooms, bath, two screened porches, garage, large lot: small down payment, balance $75 month: consider trade. D. C. property. V. S. Hurlbert. NA. 3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP.. 931 H st. n.w._ NORTH WOODRIDGE, MD.—BY OWNER, stone house, 6 rooms. 2 baths, screened PO’-ch, sunroom. large attic, built-in ga rage. beautiful recreation room with shower and lavatory, maid's room, large lot. 4610 Eastern ave. n.e, DE. 4905.21* LOOK! MODERN 6-R. BRICK, 3 PORCHES, oil heat, garage: only $5,150: easy terms, $32.50 monthly. Convenient n.w. section. WASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300 or 4455. 3717 WARREN £TT.. NR. BU. OF 8TAND ards—Attractive semi-det. brick, sun par lor. 3 bedrms., bath and a half, large heated sleep, porch, floored attic, brick gar., refg.: $9,500. NA. 1166, WO. 8716. N.E. BUNGALOW—$5,500—NR. RHODE Island ave.—5 rms.. tile bath, 2 porches, full basement, oil heat: all in new condi tion: lot 300 ft. deep. This is a real bar gain. Call Mr. Fillippo, REALTY A88O CIATES. National 1438._ , $5,260: SMALL CASH, EASY MONTHLY payments: nearby Maryland; 6 large rms.. а. m l., like new. garage. NA. 8682; after б. Taylor 5284. __ GREAT SACRIFICE, LESS THAN As sessed value: beautiful home and garden, 8 rms., large living rm., fireplace, sun porch, deck, insulated, oil burner. 2 72 baths; bus line; might rent. OWNER. WO. 4491. BETHESDA—A LITTLE MONEY, A LOT of house. Pi large rooms, garage, wooded lot, oil heat: $7,460. OWNER, Bradley 0232._ _ ___ 8922 BLAINE^ST. S.E.—NEW SEMI-DE tached 8 large rooms, air-conditioned. Banitas kitchen and bath. Small down payment. $38 per month. NA. 1613._ AT $6,750. A DETACHED HOUSE ON A Jot 45x147; living room 15x23 ft., fireplace, large dining room, unusually well-equipped kitchen, rec. room; oil burner: master bedroom 16x16; gar. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 0 p.m. 3518 Conn, ave. $7,360 — NEAR 3rd AND PEABODY— Here’s a lovely BRICK home, all large rooms, side porch, nice lot; a real bargain. REALTY ASSOCIATES. NA. 1438 until 8 p.m._ RETIRED GOVT. EMPLOYE WILL SELL at great sacrifice beautiful stone bungalow type house, situated on large wooded lot; only 15 min. drive to Capitol. Call War field 4138._ 3647 HIGHWOOD DRIVE S.E—JUST completed: spacious 8-room, center-hall brick on high elevation; 4 bedrooms, baths on first and second floors: oil heat, air conditioned. insulated, copper piping throughout; recreation room and garage. Will consider trade; exceptional value. Out Pennsylvania ave. to Carpenter st., turn left. Owner. Lincoln 7039._* EXCEPTIONAL OFFER FOR QUICK SALE —11 rooms. 2 baths, a.m.i.. large, shady grounds. OWNER, KM. 1678._ EXCLUSIVE NORTHWEST SECTION—6 r. bungalow, large yard, oil heat, full cellar; $7,000. Call LI, 0561, full detalls.* $4.500—NEAR STANTON PARK (WHITE location), convenient to Capitol, Library, etc. 6-r. and b. brick, b.-w.h., elec., etc. Newly dec. throughout. Property is clear and good terms can be arranged. E. A. GAR VEY. PI, 4508, Eve, and Sun., GE. 6690. OPEN DAILY FOR INSPECTION. 2 TO 8 p.m., 3316 Morrison at., 4 blocks east Conn, ave.—7 big rooms. 4 bedrooms, stairway to attic room, shaded porch, deep wooded lot, 62-foot front, garage: $500 under assessed value, $9,450. EM. 7155. F. A. TWEED CO.. 907 15th at,_20» AT $8,500. A DETACHED HOME ON Ex cellent, lot. Living room 15x26 ft. with double height broken arch, beamed ceiling, with balcony at one end. library on the balcony; two bedrooms and bath on the first floor and two bedrooms and bath on the second; oil air-conditioned heat. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 9 P.m.. 3518 Conn.__ $100 CASH. $55 PER 4o , INCLUDING taxes, all int. and principal; large, new. 6 room, all-brick house, while they last; $5,750 up. Act quickly. No. 14 Burns st. n.e. Open 8 to 9 daily. J. A. JORDAN, WO. 2728,21* BEAUTIFUL HTLLCREST. New homes, most modern, best of work manship and material; inspect today. 2024 82 80th it. a.e. Call OWNER, LL 0082. i HOUSIS FOR SALK. < Continued.) water heat with eaj furnace; best crade storage tank; expensive eas-loc fireplace; oak noora. Insulation, electric refrigerator, large combination cabinet for books and ehinaware; porches, garage and work (hop. Price, S8.S00.00. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1186. petworth. Near Beth Sholom Congregation and Tal mud Torah. 6 large rooms, brick, attic, h.-w.h.: excellent condition: deep lot. THOS E. JARRELL CO . REALTORS. 721 10th St. N.W. National 0766. CHEVY CHASE. HD. S8.950, A convenient location, close to all schools and bus: 4 bedrooms, bath and lst-floor toilet and lavatory; living room. 13x24 ft.: built-in garage: floored attic, side screened porch: oil burner; 60-ft. lot. EDW. H. JONES A CO . INC., __Woodley 2300._ CHEW CHASE. D. C. BARGAIN AT *7.350. Out-of-town owner must sell this de lightful 6-rm. home, near bus. stores and schools. For appointment to Inspect, call Woodley 2300, __ 2 FAMILIES. *9.600—*1,000 CASH. *67.50 MONTH. Unusual bargain, 8 spacious rooms. 2 complete kitchens, oil heat, b.-i. garage; convenient n.w. section. To inspect phone 8rrison. RA. 6416 or DI. 5252, with J. J. CONNOR. *6.500. D. C. BUNGALOW. .Northwest, l Block From Bus. 5 rooms, oil heat, fireplace, large lot. trees, floored attic Bungalows are hard to find ln Northwest D. C. 9500 cash, bal ance like rent. Phone WI. 6288 or NA. 0856 for appointment. NEW CORNER BRICK—*12.000. NEAR 16th AND LONGFELLOW STS. Beautiful six-room, two-bath home. Ideally located close to every home require ment and only a few minutes from down town. Spacious porch, air-conditioned oil heat, large kitchen, two fireplaces. New homes In this locality are hard to find— see this today, SHANNON A LUCHS CO., _1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. „ WOODRIDGE—BUNGALOWS. 2225 Shepherd st. n.e.—New 6-room brick, with every modern convenience. Terms. 2300 Monroe st. n.e.—5 rooms, on de sirable corner. *6.450, Other bungalows *5.750 up. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO.. _2381 R. I. Ave. N.E._North 7203 *5,950.00. Brick home, next to corner. 20 feet wide. 6 large rooms. Convenient to 14th and Park rd. THOS E. JARRELL CO , REALTORS. _721 10th St. N.W. _National 0765._ SEE 320 NICHOLSON ST. N.W. $10,250. Corner center-hall home. 8 rooms. 2 baths. 2-car garage, automatic heat: co'i out-of-town owner *14.500; might consider small house ln trade. To inspect call Mr. Schirmcr, THOS. E. JARRELL CO., Realtors. 721 loth St. N.W. National 0765. _ Evenings Call Shepherd 3581. WOODRIDGE DOES AS MUCH AS THE Government experts to beautify the city. This house of the quiet, dignified type, has done its share and also benefits from what has been done by the neighbors: is at a high elevation, near Rhode Island ave 6 rooms, oil burner dining alcove, fine con dition inside and out. Of rage for 2 cars. Price. *8,500.00. *1.000.00 cash. LOUI8 P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1166._ *8,500 - SEMI-DETACHED 4-BEDROOM BRICK, situated near Coolidge High and Whittier Schools, one square from stores and transportation. Large rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat with oil burner, new elec. refg. and gas stove, built-in garage. *8.950—DETACHED BRICK IN CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—8lx rooms, tile bath and extra lavatory, Colonial front porch, automatic hot-water heat with re cessed radiation, garage. On quiet street, near school and bus line. *500 CASH AND *60 PER MONTH UNTIL PAID SHANNON A LUCHS CO . _1505 H St. N.W.__National 2345. SPLENDID HOME—INVESTMENT. $,.950—33 T st. n.e.—Corner tapestry brick: fi large rms.. front porch. 2 rear porches. 3-car garage. Terms. Call today. S. A. YOUNG CO.. Shoreham Bldg. _National 3383. CLEVELAND PARK—*14,950. . ", THIS. <5 bed rms.). sleeping porch. 3 l»rjge fireplace, attic. SUPER CON STRUCTION, INSULATED- 2-car garage SWIMMING POOL lot 70X220T BIG TREES conv. schools, bus, shoDPlng center. _OWNER, CH. 3300, WO. 0979. HILLCREST ON HILL S.E ,, two new. brick homes nearing comple Hon: they will sell quickly gt price asked. nni *ffn, them,? Then, see them now. before it is too late. 2017 31st ST. S.E. <At 31st and V Place > WAPLE a JAMES, INC., 1224 14th St. N.W_DI.J1346. , MODERN—$6,460. ~ location; this home new: 8 rms. and bath, air conditioning: gar.: elec, refrg.: screens. HOUSE AND EXTRA LOT. $7,960 Across street from cool Soldiers’ Home: 6-rm. and bath semi-det. home: has 2 reduced!”11**. automatle heat- Price just I „ ‘ 9 ROOMS—*6.500. To settle an estate; 3-story dwelling in excel, condition: oil heat. GRAHAM A OGDEN. NA. 3689. 313 Woodward Bldg. _KVENINOS. WI. 1726. • H°££YWOOD PARK. SOUTHEAST. JUST OFF PENNA. AVE. S.E. , *^nd one-half baths, large lot. In beautiful location at Government reservation. Bedroom and lavatory ob first floor. This custom-built home for Die sacrifice price of *7.960. For gppolnt gfg* gg* “j4° P*'k’ WAPLE A JAMES. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK „ . . Price, *10.250. New. 2-bath. 6-room brick, attic, copper plumbing, deep lot. over 170 feet: 1 block to through bus line. Do not fall to see this exceptionalbuy. Call Mr. Nally, DI 5252 evenings, CO. 1972-J. With J. J. O’CON^ nv/R, DO YOU~WANT-A HOME? If you have *200 to *300 cash and a a?,od J°b- 1.can *ell mu a new 6-room, all-modern home, near Hillcrest s.e.. or »»nt Congress Heights. I have a £?* Just off Nichols ave. MR GLTODEN. DI. 3347, or DE. 0054-M o p.m. NEAR EAST-CAPITOL Small. Brick Home. _ . . , Excellent Condition. Io* for quick sale: small monthly 9178^or District Warfield 1315 SHERIDAN ST. N.W. A convenient Diace to live In. An 8-room Jnd r"bath hous*. recreation room and S“ilt'12,Jarag1eu%t 1 price “‘most a sacrl reSien^lx^eX^^bi'rs^SSd'^ld'^n W^vetr?%SAPL|0rA*SSm%C8.”si,^r Woodfey°4944 sbepherd 5200; evenings, *3,700.0FFOR A NICE BUNGALOW~NEAR AJabf.If1? avenue and Just far enough from J"® D'-’iDJc* to get you to vote. 5 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electricity, public „!Pd £ewer’ xacagF. high elevgtion. month"? bUS‘ s400"° cash, balance l-io shoemaker. - 1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1166. DON’T BUY That house for some one else. If you are renting thgt is exactly what you are doing. ih?.ivtv'wa ,1ew’ beautiful home ln an ex clusive Northwest community which you may purchase on terms far below your rent: new 6 rooms. 2 baths; large lot. on a iovely quiet street for the children; S“J5 b?,U8e„ ,is worthy of your Inspection. Call WI- 0415. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1732 K it. n.w. ,_ Must Be Sold, Near 14th and Colorado Ave. A handsome home of masonry construc tion situated on a beautifully landscaped lot 60 xl25'. First floor contains living room, dining room, library (or bedroom), breakfast room, kitchen and tile lavatory. Second floor—5 bedrooms. 2 baths, sleep ing Porch. Third floor—3 bedrooms and bath. The house is thoroughly modern and is equipped with AUTOMATIC HEAT. 2 car garage. Owner leaving the city, must sell. THOS. J. FISHER ft COM PANY INC.. REALT0R8. DI. (1830—OR EVENINGS CALL MR. O’DONNELL. TA. 5172, _ WESLEY HEIGHTS, 4 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. FIRST-FLOOR LAVATORY. $16,450. A beautiful home. In excellent condition, overlooking the Glover estate and very close to ’ ransoortation. This house sold at a much higher figure and represents a considerable sacrifice to the owner. It has a slate roof. 2-car garage, automatic heat and a most beautiful setting with lovely trees and shrubs. PHILLIPS & CANBY, INfc., _National 4000. 10M1 15th 8t. N.W._ NEAR 18th AND KAL. RD. $9,250—4 APTS. All brick. 25 ft. wide. 4 baths, 8 extra rooms, 3 elec, refrigerators, rear porches, large yard; can make another apt. In basement. A real bargain for home or Investment. Call us for further particulars. METZLER—Realtor, District 8600. * 1106 Vt. Ave. Sundays and Nights. Taylor 0680. 4 BLK8. FROM KEY BRIDGE—LARGE 6-ROOM BRICK HOME, $5,800. Foreclosure, priced new a few monthi ago at $7,450; large rooms, full basement, 3 porches, oil heat. Bo good It won’t last long. District 7740; evenings. EM. 6315. DOWNTOWN BARGAIN. - Large dwelling. L st. n.w., 1st commercial gone: assessed for $9,168; lot 81.47x100. Good for business or rooming house. Only $7,000. First time offered. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W,PL 7877. $25 Per month up. Why rentf Let us build your home. We help finance. WILLIAM M. KITCHIN ft CO.. Tower Bid*. NA. 8850. Evenlttts. RA. 2635. SILVER SPRING BUNGALOW. Several new bungalows, fi rooms and bath, basement and attic each: modern In every detail: priced from $5,750 up on moet reasonable terms. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO., NA. 0858. HOUSCS FOR SAUL BEAUTIFUL—DIFFERENT. High elevation, with • wonderful view. New stone front, Hlllerest, D, C.; 911.950. Bet on a high hill, secluded in midst of large oak trees, vet right In the eltjr. con venient to everything. Here Is a home that Is truly different, charming, and worth your while to Inspect. First floor, large beamed-celling living room. Dutch oven fireplace, bookcases, large picture win dows. a paneled den. balcony effect to din ing room, and modern kitchen. Second floor. 3 large bedrooms (2 are 22x14). un usual finish; two beautiful baths, large closets; basement has recreation room with fireplace, maid’s room and bath; oil burner; double garage with Inside en trance to house. Lot 108-ft. front, wooded setting and a wonderful view. ALL HOMES in this section have been built for Individ ual ownership. This Is an exceptional buy; 911.950. To reach: Out Fa. ave. s.e., across new bridge, up the hill to 31st st.. right on 81st to Westover drive. OWNER-BUILDER. NA^ 8789. Eves., wi, 5189.__ fearnaby Woods, 3250 Arcadia St. New center-hall brick home. In a setting of huge shade trees, on lot *3x121. A home in which to en joy living at Its best. Open dally 2 to 9 p.m. Reached vta. Western ave., 1 square past Plnehurst Circle, turn right Into Arcadia st. THOS. J>IFISHER St CO.. INC.. REALTORS, ~ WOODRIDGE BARGAIN. 3204 22nd ST,. AT R. I. AVE. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, a.m.l.: lovely lot. flowers, shrubbery. First offerlnt. „ 2926 20th ST. _ fl-rP0m brick, l square R. I. ave. See both of these lovely homes. _ H C. MAYNOR. 2314 R. I. Ave. N.E. NO. 4338. $97500. Attractive brick home, Just west of 14th p»r* has 10 rooms, bath; could be arranged Into 3 apts.: 4 rooms on 1st floor, 3 rooms and bath on 2nd. 3 rooms on 3rd; oil heat, auto, storage wa#er neater, elec, refg.: owner has pur Phone* &°Tt«rSt flU*Cl“jr’ Eve!” L. T. GRAVATTE, 729 15th St. Realtor. NA. 0753. SOUTHWEST BARGAIN. ~ F st.. next to 7th—Pine 3-story brick' ia„n,d bilc£ “ara*£ Can be easily section nt0 d 0at,‘ Splendid renting HOWENSTEIN* REALTY CORP _1418 H St. N.W_ _ PI 7877 $250 CASH. _ 2-FAMILY HOME. „ K r„00lJ5'2 complete kitchens, built-in garage, h.-w.h.v oil burner, screened and fnsujsted, monthly payments. $57.50, in DOWfW* O?orag?.d t!n^anC'' Cal1 MR STEUART BROS.. INC., _PI. 2431._ $12,500, Opposite Private Estate, Near Wardman Park Hotel. tapestry brick home, dellght lul situation, far enough removed and yet convenient to stores, churches, transporta y°IV„*tcv, Xh«re »re « splendid bedrooms. 2 tile baths, one glassed-in and one screened sleeping porch. 1st and 2nd floor mi'S wwo>ms .f ac,h ?‘,th fireplace, NEW OIL BURNER and electric refrigerator, maid's room and bath, garage. THOS J FISHER & COMPANY, INC . REALTORS. DI 8830 —OR EVENINGS CALL MR. O'DONNELL. TA. 517", BEAUTIFUL' HOME, ?itKai£n„oni.a 1Pvely. landscaped lot with a babbling brook cutting across the rear end. This home has all of the rural at moSbhere without its inconveniences. In addition to the very large living and dining rooms, this home features a paneled library on the first floor, with lavatory adjoining; .'1 unusually large bedrooms, large bgsement. built-in garage and auto matic air-conditioned heat. Make up your mind to see this home now. Call WI 0415. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1732 K st. n.w. IT’S HERE AT LAST. A 3-bedroom semi-detached brick. 2 baths; latest equipment. Bendix washer; large yard; only S7.250: P. H. A. ap proved: *51.2? per month includes prin cipal’ interest, taxes and insurance. 4704 12th st. n.e._Open 2 to 0 p.m. SHADE TREES—A VIEW. SPLENDID BRICK HOME—ONLY $4,889 , AND CLOSE IN. Nearly as close downtown as Dupont Circle. 5 rooms, bath, full basement; oil heat: more interior room and nicely fin ished. *489 cash payment includes title charge, then $31 monthly. See sample house at 1001 Colonial Terrace, only 3 blocks from Key Bridge. Cnestnut 5927 or Emerson 0315 ^_ CAPITOL HILLr^$7,500. , #7.500—Very convenient to Congres sional Ubrary and the Capitol. Retired Army officer selling because of ill health Brick. 2-story. 4-bedroom home. Call BOSS & PHELPS. NA. 9300. Evenings, Mr. Condtt. HO. 0200._ Towering Oaks, Chevy Chase, Bring to this in-town, detached Colonial home an atmosphere of unusual charm: this spacious, center hall and delightful liY,i,h?„roo11 pleas*s the eye: you especially will like the first-floor study and lavatory and the lovely garden-view porch: the three bedrooms and 2 baths are in ex cellent taste: well worth seeing. Call WI. 0415. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1732 K st. n.w 1501 GALLATIN ST. N.W." If you are looking for a real home, lovely grounds, huge trees. Inspect this. The moment you enter you are impressed with the charm, roominess and fine construc tion. Wonderful recreatton room and tile swimming pool are among the unusual features. Open day and night. MI88 REED._GEORGIA 8053. 4-BEDROOM BUNGALOW: Most unusual brick home. 2 baths, air conditioned, nice lot and conveniently lo cated in s.e. section. Call Mr. Pilllppo. REALTY ASSOCIATES. National 1438._ OPEN—7510 ALASKA AVE. N.W.—OPEN. SHEPHERD PARK. See this beautiful house today. BOSS & PHELPS. NA. 9300._ UPPER SIXTEENTH ST. You step into tomorrow today when you see the gracious hall of this ch&rmlng new home: its appointments include library and lavatory on the flrst floor, recreation room in basement, finished third floor and six additional rqoms; the lot is unusually large and the price is very low for this con venient in-town home. Call ME. 1143. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1733 K st. n.w. WESTMORELAND HILLS. An attractive detached brick home on a large lot. consisting of 8 rooms, ZVi baths; there is a beautifully finished rec reation room, den and lavatory on 1st floor: large screened-ln porch. Venetian blinds. There are 3 large bedrooms and 2 baths on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor is finished and has 2 large rooms and running water. The price has lust been reduced to effect Immediate sale. Will trade for small house. WILLIAM BOSWELL 927 15th N.W. ME. 3033, Eves., WI. 4410. CHEVY CHASE, D. C., CLOSE TO CONNECTICUT AVE. $10,750. A comparatively new house of brick con struction. with slate roof, 3 large bedrooms and 2 baths on second floor: living room, dining room, large den. kitchen and break fast room on flrst floor. Beautifully shaded and shrubbed lot with garage, automatic heat and refrigeration. Dlayroom for chil dren and finished attic. A home worthy of your attention. r~ PHILLIPS Si CANBY, INC., National 4800. 1012 15th St. N.W. $17,500 Near the Cathedral Just off Mass Ave. in a highly de sirable location, this beautiful Colonial home, less than S years old. is an outstanding offering. Con taining a wealth of lovely detail, it includes 4 bedrooms, large library, lavatory on 1st floor, club room with fireplace, built-in garage, auto matic heat. Corner Brick Chevy Chase’, D. C.—$S,750 Convenient to everything, 2 blocks west of Conn. Ave.. this big semi detached brick home, in excellent condition, is priced to sell. Con tains 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, living room with fireplace, very large dining room and kitchen, oil heat, built-in garage and very pretty lot. FRANK S. PHILLIPS . Can Received Until 9 F.M. District 1411 Edgemoor, Md. $9,250 fl rooms. 4 baths. 8 bedrooms (1 on 1st floor), ell heat, slate roof, side porch, terete. One block to transportation, parochial school and stores. On lane lot. Woodlond Section Beautiful Greenwich Forest. Bathesda, Md. 6 rooms. 2 baths, porch, tarate, automatic air-con ditloned heat. Nate root, 2-story brick. Lot 65x 140. wooded. 5500 Block Lambeth ltd. E. M. FRT, INC. Wit. 6740 4100 ■■mpfleo Lane. Betbeeda. NO. AH Htfffei* R«mi ••• "f7-/7/ “COVER MY HEAD, TOO, GIRLS .. . HERE COMES MY WIFE!” HOUSES FOR SALE. 1940 CANDIDATE. This is a distinctive Colonial home. Just 3 squares from desirable Chevy Chase golf course: the appointments In this lovely home will surely appeal, especially the VERY LARGE BEDROOM AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR: a large landscaped lot. built-in garage and all the modern con veniences that you would expect to And In a house much higher in price are in corporated in this desirable property. Call WI. 0415. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN, 1732 K st. n.w. Woodridge Section, $5,500. MosJ attractive bungalow. 5 rooms, bath, porch, breakfast nook, hot-water heat with new oil burner, very pretty lot (about 300 ft. deep* complete with flowers and shrub bery; entire property In very good condi tion. This is an unusually good buy. Better call today. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO.. NA. 0352.__ SPECIAL—$5,600. Jefferson st. n.w., near 6th—Attractive semi-detached brick. A large rooms, bath, auto. heat. Dorches. etc.; newly redeco rated: terms. Leo M. Bernstein St Co. ME. 5400. 2927 2nd ST. NORTH, CLOSE TO FORT MYER. LYON PARK. VA. Price. *6.450; small down payment, bal ance like rent. This is a real bargain. Owner will consider small house in trade in the District. OWNER, District 2724 qX Woodley_0432._ _ ._ MASS. AVE. EXTENDED" IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD. $6,250. Brand-new brick-and-frame construction, modern in every respect, automatic heat and refrigeration; insulated, slate roof, garage: beautiful lot 60 ft. wide The finest new-home value in Washington. PHILLIPS St CANBY, INC., _National 4600._101215th 8t. N.W._ Corner—Georgetown. A spacious home delightfully situated, all outside rooms. 1st floor—Huge center hall, living room dining room of ample size for entertaining, butler’z pantry, mod ern kitchen. 2nd floor—4 bedrooms, tile bath. 3rd floor—4 bedrooms, bath— attic (easily made Into studio). Features include fireplace in every room—OIL HEAT, large refrigerator, built-in garage. *14,750. THOS. J FISHER k CO.. INC.. REALTORS. DI. 6830—OR EVENINGS CALL MR. O'DONNELL. TA. 5172. ___ FIRST TIME OFFERED" BRICK BUNGALOW, 4105 21st ST N.E.. WOODRIDGE Modern corner brick bungalow. 5 rooms and bath, oil heat, large lot- beautifully landscaped, garage; price. *8.500: terma arranged TO INSPECT EKE LOUIS H. HALL, Realtor, 2125 R. I. Ave. N.E. HO. 6020. _Evenings and Sundays. DE. 2603. OPEN—10 SOLD—1 LEFT. 5422 44th ST. N.W. Solid brick construction: 2 master bed roorns attached garage, front porch. Priced Low—Easy Terms or Trade. BAKER REALTY CO . INC._DI. 1.112, OLD GEORGETOWN, 2721-2723 O st. n.w.—See Mr. Keasbey at this address for particulars on newest and most attractive 2 and 3 bedroom homes in this interesting part of the Capital. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN ___ $500 DOWN. 5-room and bath bungalow, in the Dis trict. overlooking Government park, on 50 ft. lot. plenty of trees, convenient to trans portation. stores, schools and churches. 41*11 Sherrier pi. n.w. Price. *5.750: easy terms. Directions: Out Conduit rd. to Ne braska ave.. left one block, right into Sherrier. Ooen Saturday and Sunday. N C. HINES 3- SONS. 1108 Investment Bldg. DL 7739. COST $15,950. - ONLY ONE YEAR OLD. NOW ONLY $12,950. NEW HOME—MT. PLEASANT. Bedroom and Bath, First Floor. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Second Floor. Semi-det., 2 blocks off 16th and Co lumbia rd.: recreation rm.. oil heat, maid's room and bath. 2-car gar. Dupont 7777. Exhibit Heme 56 Knowles Ave. Kensington, Md. *6,950 $500 Cash( Bal. 4 </2% With Monthly Payments Less Than Rent 5 rooms, bath Attached garage, large lot Air-conditioned heat Painted white—with porch Insulated—slate roof Destined and Built Br James Beaten Ce. Drive out Conn. Ave. to Knowles Ave. left t blocks to property. E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lane Wl. 6740 Bethesda, Md. DETACHED HOMES SKYSCRAPER CONSTRUCTION PER MONTH In WBSTOVn HOLS, the kiu tiennl line* Prenertiee Prelect at detached nrien hence in Arltns ten. Vs., N ninnies Irene Week* ins ten. PRICE, $4,890. F. H. A. Approved Drive over Key Bridge to Lee High way to Glebe Rd. lilt traffic light), turning left on Glebe Rd. to N. Wash. Blvd.—turning right on N. Wash. Blvd to property. Chestnut 8118 COLORED—9 LARGE ROOMS. 2 BATHS, modern; In fine condition; price end terms very reasonable. Phone DE. 5382 or DE. 1161. MR. DICKENS. COLORED—IMMEDIATE POSSESSION— Near 7th and K n.e. Beautiful semi-de tached, 8-rm. and tile bath brick; new ■as heat, hardwood floors, etc.; colonial front and double rear Inclosed porches; _ HOUSES FOR SALE. _ COLORED—WHY PAY RENT, WHEN $750 cash. $00 mo., buys 2.3 K st. n.e.? 10 rms., bath: elec., hot-water heat; con venient location. Dossesslon 10 days. Act. Apply 5503 10th st. n.w. _ • NEAR JR. AND SENIOR HIGH—BRICK or .stone, not over 8 years old: 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, lavatory on 1st floor, rec. room, maid’s room, 2-car garage; must be large rooms: price. $10,000: give address of house: will inspect and call owner. Box 414-0. Star. COLORED—2000 BLOCK ’3rd ST. N W.— An opportunity to start In your own home. $100 down, balance like rent, buys this 2 story brick, six rooms, bath, hot-water J>*»t. V. 8. Hurlbert. NA. 3571. WASH INGTON HOU8ING CORP., 031 H at. n.w. COLORED—KINGMAN PARK SECTION n e.—« rooms, bath, hot-water heat, hard wood floors, three porches, full basement: small oaymrnt down, balance like rent; pnlv one left. V. S. Hurlbert. NA. .3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP . 831 H »t. n.w, COLORED. $5.850—MODERN BRICK HOME. 6 good rooms and bath, rear porch; good rear lot with garage: h.-w.h.; property va cant gnd in good condition: near 6th and *}*■ n-e- on pretty street: easy terms. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO , NA. 0352. FOR COLORED. 306 O st. n.e.—6 large rooms, bath, cel lar; close to Union Station: $4 500. 45-A K st. n.e.—6 large rooms, bath. n.-w.n.. >4.500. HALL A BROS . 1204 H ST. N.E. LI. 1591. COLORED BARGAIN. 612 CEDAR RD„ _ CEDAR HEIGHTS. MD. $100 Down and Balance $30 Monthly, v »«">* reconditioned 2-story. 5 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, gas. electricity and larce lot FEDERAL FINANCE CO. 915 New York ave. n.w. NA. 7410. • COLORED—$6,450. _ Tth «nd H Sts. N.E.) Suitable for 2 families. II good rooms. 2 kitchens. Inclosed back Porch: h.-w.h.; •?Ci_r'stPrjr brick building on rear of lot suitable for workshop, garage or rental KlrJK!5ea;: reasonable terms. FLOYD E DAVIS CO. NA. 035*. HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. ®. TO 9 ROOMS. PREFER OLD HOUSE. Like possession within 45 days. D. C only nr CASni E A 9A0RVEY, 1120 Vt. ave. DI. 4508: eve, and Sun-Oeorgl.uupn * ,J*AT HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICES FOR °Jd D C- houses; no commission MRS. KERN_2632^ Wwwlej pi n.w, CO. 2675 CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR~FRAME, 2toLJ>ro.c°,i°redi. *n7 condition. E. A. BARRY 3439 14th st. n.w Columbia 608D. I WILL PAY CASH FOR D. C. PROPERTY, brick or frame, white or colored: quick settlement: no commission. See E H. PARKER. 1224 14th st. n.w. DI 3346 WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR YOURDl Pr,pr°pertT lf the price is right. Frame or brick, large or small, condition Immaterial. ... „ R A HUMPHRIES. _. 606 No Cap Realtor NA 0876, SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. ARLINGTON—PRICE. $4,200- TERMS; 5^ room frame home, perfect condition, full CH^esS') h’"w h” oU: 10c *»«• OWNER AUCTION 8ALE,~SATURDAY. JULY2o7aT -:J0 p.m. on the premises. 25 1-acre Fhoded lots located on Ritchie rd. at For .P^.ln^^JPeo^,e, County. Md. Sold to the last bidder regardless of price, by order of court for the Darcey estate. Terms. -3 ,' cash, balance 2 years. Beautiful lo cation. restricted neighborhood, 4 miles from Washington. Go out Pa. ave. s.e., B.£n J'ff on Alabama ave. and Marlboro ike. follow auction sign to property. Bar ecue dinner served on the grounds: public “Lvj**d- J. DUDLEY DIOGES, attorney and trustee. Marlboro. Md._ OLENMONT. MD.-5-RM BUNGALOW; °>1 h.-w.h., garage; near school; $300 cash. $35 mo. Only $4,850. Half acre lot. OWNKi. Kensington 108-J. • MD PARK. JUST PAST CAPITOL HOTS., Md.—(hie mile from D. C. line; about 3 acres. 2 houses: part of land bordering Central ave. or Annapolis road. Price for immediate sacrifice. $4,850. WAPLE A JAMES. INC., _1224 14th St. N.W._ DI 3346 SILVER SPRING, MD. $4,500. 5-room bungalow: oil burner, air con ditioned. new kitchen stove and Frigidaire; detached double garage: nearly 1 acre, wooded Low down payment. $40 month. Shepherd 0473. MR_KENDRICK SILVER SPRING. New 4-bedrm. brick bungalow. 2 bed £“*• »f>dJbath on 1st floor. 2 bedrms. and bath 2nd floor: screened-in porch, ga rage: nice wooded lot; near schools and transportation Fine residential section 'Oil heat.) Price lor auick sale, $8,460; easy terms. WM E. RICHARDSON, BROKER. 9598 Franklin Ave. SH. 6473 6-ROOM HOME, ~ LARGE LOT. »m.l„ h.-w.h.. garage: close M.^do^iflFSuSST PriC*' S5’850; W. S. HOGE, Jr., CH^ 0600._Eves. CH. 4719 SILVER SPRING. ~ ..New 6-room brick, center-hall plan, nice VTint room with porch, full basement, oil heat, large corner lot. 250 Ocala st 1 short Mock off Franklin ave. Open until 9 P.m. House furnished. $6,500. F H A financed. WM E. RICHARDSON. __95B8_Fninklln_ Ave. Shepherd 6473 HOUSES FOR SALE OR RINT. BY OWNER—BARGAIN—6-ROOM 8EML heat, built-in garage. 6408 7th st. n.w. GE. 4153. 17* SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. DEUGIfmn. HOME. BEAUTIFUL Es tablished community of North Woodslde— ?/i?So£(m JteoP0rchi5_ >«• lot- fenced. 3091 " d* Id' Sllver 8pMn*> Md. WI. WELL FURNISHED. IN COOL. WOODED HlHerest; Congressman last tenant; one half new duplex; 3 bedrras.. 2 baths, roof deck, yard; $60._1720 28th st. s.e. BUNOALOW 5 ROOMS. BATH: NEAR bus, school h.-w.h.: *50 mo. 920 South Glebe rd., Arlington, Va. SMALL NEW BRICK BUNOALOW. ESPE clally designed for working couple- auto matic apnllances: frequent transportation; garage: close In: $47.50 Warfield 8321. NEARBY MD., *11 25 WK.-5 RMS, TILE bath with shower h.-w.h.. buUt-ln garage; dandy; big porch Near stores, transp. Inquire 1342 Taylor ave., Rlverdale, Md. Warfield 1533._ ARLINGTON—6 ROOMS. BATH: 10c BUS gone; 60x130: wooded and shrubbed: oil h.-w.h.. screened porch: $4,750: attrac tire terms to right party. CH. 2440. REAL BARGAINS. One frame and one brick bungalow; B rooms. $4,990 each: terms. 7-room bungalow with 10 acres of ground. Less than $5,000. OLD DOMINION REALTY OO , OH. 8343. ARLINGTON, VA. 3 bedroom brick, bullt-ln garage. a.m.I.. h.-W.h.. 1 bath, sunroom, recreation room and lavatory in basement; $90. 3 bedrooms. 1 bath; white brick; oil heat, built-in garage: available August 1; conv. located: $65. W. S. HOGE, Jr., CH. 0600. Eves, CH. 4719. SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. WILL $200 CASH AND $40 MONTHLY purchase little home lor 37 Phone Co lumbla 5503-J now. _ INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED. PRIVATE INVESTOR WILL BUY FROM owner 4-family apt. or small houses. Give details. Box 37-J. Star. 20* BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. 815 7th ST. N.W. Opposite Murphy’s 10. 2 stories, r *-— — sell st bargain INVISTMINT PROPERTY POR SALE. INCOME PRODUCING. 1873 NEWTON ST. n.w.—Two 6-room apartment*, separata entrances. 4 extra rooms 3rd fl.: refrigera tion, auto. heat, larse lot, larca porches, trees: make oger. NEED MORE SPACE. WILL SELL NEARLY new Silver Sprint commercial bid*., faeina 3 streets; shop and offices 1st fl- offices 2nd fl.: over 10% not on investment as surad. BH. 5709 lor appointment._ DIRECT PROM OWNER: PRICE RS duced $1,500: 100% rented, new brick det. Colonial 3-apt. bldg, of 13 rms- 3 baths. 3 refgs.. 3 stoves: large lot; total monthly rental, $145; $1,260 caah. Shown by ap polntment only. OWNER. DU. 1663.__ A PROPOSED NEW CHEVY CHASE. D. C apartment hotel (lot contains 72.202 sq. ft.): a hotel llcenae permits concessions that will give this hotel apt. site prob sbly double the income that it would receive If zoned first commercial. The planned parking facilities (4(H) cars In the bldg.) would exceed any hotel apt. In Washington. The hotel license also per mits drug store, restaurant, cocktail par lors, night club, beauty parlor, barber shop, delicatessen, news stand, dentist and physician's offices and other valuable privileges. Tne late U. S. Census reports Washington and its Metropolitan Area the fastest growing bic city of its kind in the United States. This opportunity is offered to Investors who desire a generous income with safety. FULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w. Dl. 5230._Brokers' attention. ON MAIN N.B. THOROUGHFARE—SUB stantlal 5-r. and b. brick; bot-water heat, elec.: brick garage: zone eomm’l: rented $35 mo ; price. $3,160: free and clear. E. A. GARVEY, DL 4608. _Eve.. Sun- OB. 6690,_ A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY! $6,300— Eight-room and bath brick. In good section, three squares from Capitol, one from Supreme Court. Hot-water heat, two kitchens. Rented to one _white tenant at $00 per month. $8,600—Detached three-family dwelling In Takoma Park, one square from stores and transportation. One apt. of 6 r. and bath, 2 of 2 r- k. and b.; oil heat. Income $140 per month. $12.750—30 feet wide, one-story brick store on Northwest boulevard. Terrazo floors, oil heat. Leased to responsible cbaln organization at $1,440 per year. SHANNON & LUCHS CO _ 1605 H ST. N.W._NA. 2345. TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT. $7,600.00. Within 6 minutes of Navy Yard. 2 apts. of llv. rm.. 2 bedrooms, tiled bath, com bination kitchen and din. rms.: large porches: separate automatic heating plants. Occupy one. rent the other at $40 per month. Call Mr Schlrmer. THOS E. JARRELL CO . REALTORS. 721 10th St. N.W. National 0705. Evenings. Call Shepherd 3581._ DETACHED modern' n.w. home — Rented *50.25. Liquidation orlce is #5.200. ORAHAM & CODEN. NA. 3680 313 Woodward Bldt. _Eveninzs.WI. J 726._•_ „ ~—Convenient downtown; auiet. new: 20 apts.: over #10,000 yrly.; price. *55,000; good terms. _ •*—Large modern fireproof apt- below ?*■ -X- n w-: 100 units; splendid yield on #60,000 cash required. Other apt. prop erties of *20,000 up. For investment prop erties see: .. ANTON KOERBER. _ 1001 15th St. N.W. NA. 0789. Ultramodern Apartment Bldg., Having 14 units, recently completed: gross rents, $9,000: shows over 20% on invest District f)Tl5GLORrD8' 1013 16th «' ^ OUTSTANDING BUYS. I—* new small apts- 6 units each, rental $3,060 yrly.: price, *16.600. Also one of 8 units: price. #30.000. ATTENTION, INVESTORS. 8th st. s.w.—Attractive brick, six rooms, bath, gas. electricity, Let robe «9 4C(| heat: excellent condition «po,^OU O st. ne—Lovely brick, six «9 7«:ft rms- bath, h,-w.h.: excel, cond. Leo M. Bernstein & Co. ME. 5400. DOWNTOWN—3 COLORED HOUSES. 6 rooms each, rented for #80 per month. Price *7,500 for all three houses, on rea jonshle terms Mr Ralne. GA 3441. WAPLE A- JAMES. INC . PI. 3346. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. NEAR 20th AND PENNSYLVANIA AVE. n.w.—Brick building, suitable for auto mobile repair shop, paint shop. LINKINS CO . 1622 H at. n.w.__ BUILDING. 00x100. WITH ADJOINING rear lot 00x100. suitable manufacturing, laundry plant, auto dealer: offlce furnished: 15 min downtown: $135 mo. Hillside 0210. BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED. Gas Station or Site. _J^ LEO KOLB INC.. MI. 2100. _farms for sale. 150-ACRE DAIRY FARM. IN OPERATION: 125 acres cultivation and pasture. 20-cow block barn: also frame barn, other out buildings, elec., well with gas motor; stream: ii ‘rom.,D C.; Priced for quick sale. uibSfai rip JipP.e,r Montgomery County. MASON W. GRAY, real estate. P. O. Box ooftl Poole5Vi11'- Md- Phone Poolesville FARM8PAYrANDWIL][r ENHANCE.-GET data on many in Md.. Va. Terms. Few rent, trade._N. E. RTON CO- NA.J7907. FAIRFAX—ALMOSE NEW 6-RM. BRICK home. bath, central heating: bams and poultry houses. 17 beautiful rolling acres, traversed by lge. spring fed stream. 6 acres of woods. Situated on State hwy. ..onev,'’S0- >nd d*Hy mail delivery. 16 jnhes D. C. Only $7,500; terms. RALPH CRAIN. 4300 Lee Hwy.. Ch. 3259 ‘Hn- ACRES PRODUCTIVE LEVEL LAND, over Mi cleared or under cultivation: ideal for stock farm and country estate, was originally part of the Mt. Vernon estate. Five-acre lawn with numerous large shade trees: excellent ever flowing spring piped to buildings: only 12 miles from Washlng *°n. on State highway, electricty and telephone. Full description, price and tnPB Sf tfnaSlklf °n application dria' Va NORMAN' R- F- No- 3- Alexan _ YOU BE~~'THE'JUDGE ' “> without fear of contradiction that fv. !-• farm, priced at *7,500, is the best buy in Mont Co.. Md.. today I say this because I am Intimately ac quainted with the history of It over a period of 50 years and because of the fact (as your own builder will oulcklv tell you) the house and barn alone on the place be duplicated now for the price sd- , Within commuting distance: hard road, electricity high elevation, near Sugar . */ Mt: *2.000 cash, balance 30 years • t 4 J2PN A BRICKLEY. ACREAGE. ESTATES FARMS. AIRPORTS. Barr Bldg._ DI. 7321 or AD. 9771. „ ^ AUCTION SALE. Saturday. July 20. at 2:3(1 p.m. on the premises—25 1-acre wooded lots located on Ritchie rd. at Forestville. Prince Gjorges County. Md. Sold to the last bid der regardless of price, by order of court for the Darcey estate. Terms. 25% cash, balance 2 years. Beautiful location, re stricted neighborhood. 4 miles from Wash ington. Go out Pa. ave. s.e.. turn left on Alabama ave. and Marlboro pike, follow auction sign to property. Barbecue dinner served on the grounds; public invited. 7. DUDLEY DIGGES. Attorney and Trustee. Marlboro. Md. _ LOTS FOR SALE._ CHEVY CHASE. MD—LOT 50x180: ALL improvements: $1,000; $500 down. FR. 3547. BUILDING MECHANICS CAN START IN own business by buying lots in Maryland, near Central ave. in white new section, with co-ooeratlon of owner of lots. Com mitments for loans for 2 houses available. Call Woodley 2288. 8-9:30 p.m. • 70-FOOT FRONTAGE. HEAVILY WOODED, in Westmoreland Hill*: $1,880: terms. Ready for building. WI. 9888. THE DEVELOPERS OF CRESTWOOD offer you the opportunity of selecting a wide, beautiful lot In this highly restricted ln-town suburb. It is situated west of 18th st. at Quincy. Randolph. Shepherd, Taylor and Upshur sts. n.w. Only 9 minutes to the White House, yet right in Rock Creek Park. 50 line homes have been built and purchased and we will gladly build to your order._Taylor 2244. RA. 6728, SACRIFICE SALE BY OWNER. IN CHEV erley. Md. Wooded lot. good drainage, all Utilities. EM. 1891. $525 cash._ BETHESDA DISTRICT. NEAR SCHOOL bus: lots 80x120: beautiful site: $720 and up. Public water, gas, electricity, tele phone. Easy terms. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. _1719 K St. N.W. NA. 1168. FACING FORT DUPONT PARK. 50x100. shade trees. 1 blk. from Min nesota ave.: detached home section. Eve. Phones, LI. 4359. LI. 1000. LT. 8069. ADELBERT W. LEE, 13*3 g St, N.W._ DI. 4800. CONGRESS HOTS.. D. C.—GROUND FOR apts. or flats at 25c sq. ft.; all Improve ments In; main street. A. M ROTH. WOODWARD BLDG., NA. 7936._ BEYOND FALLS CHURCH—LOTS 100 BY about 200 feet, with One trees: $250; $25 cash. $10 per mo. Nice settlement. Ask for Col. Joyes. Evenings call CO. 5875. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1166. AUCTION SALE. Saturday. July 20. at 2:30 p.m. on the premises—25 1-acre wooded lots located on Ritchie rd. at Forestville, Prince Georges County. Md. 8old to the last bid der regardless of orlce, by order of court for the Darcey estate. Terma. 25% cash, balance 2 years. Beautiful location, re stricted neighborhood. 4 miles from Wash ington. Go out Pa. ave. s.e., turn left on Alabama ave. and Marlboro pike, follow auction sign to property. Barbecue dinner Served on the grounds: public Invited. J. DUDLEY DIGGES. Attorney and Trustee. Marlboro, Md. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 2 lota. American Unlv. Park, near 45th st. n.w., about 40 by 124 each: clear: $2,500 for both: beautiful location. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP, 1418 H Bt. N.W. District 7877. LOTS WANTED. WANTED. LOTS FOR ROW OR DE tached homes, any good section of D. C. Give location and beat cash prlee. Box 8-J, Star, CASH AT ONCE. Wanted to buy from 5 to 10 lots In good section D. C Write or phone, giving full particulars and lowest cash price. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H 8t. N.W. DI. 7877. WAREHOUSES FOR SALE. WAREHOUSE SITE—#15,000.00. Corner, railroad siding. 13,000 sq. ft. of ground and 2 brick buildings. Call Mr. Schlrmer, THOS. B. JARRELL CO.. REALTORS. T2X 10th StreetN.W. NA. 076*. Evanlngt, Call flhg»har« Mil. 1 a COUNTRY PROPERTY WANTED. BY GOVT. EMPLOYE. PERM. PAT ROLL: house: on bu* line. Box 96-J, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. TRADE M.500 EQUITY IN NICELY FUR nlehed 3-bedroom detached: oil heat, nice lawn; near schools. church. 3303 10th it. n.e. MI. 7987._20 • _ WILL TRADE ALL OR PART OP 71-ACRE subdivision In Md.. 10 mi. of District, for equity In apartment or other income prop erty. LAND IS A SAFE INVESTMENT. Box 101-1. Star. • H-RM. HOUSE. V1CINITT WARDMAN Park, 28th at., or adjacent: prefer semi det.. reas. priced. Will trade 8-rm. house. %5oMS"D.0nWALOT.rtINC,.ment' 815 11th at. N.W. District 75S7. REAL ESTATE SALEOREXCHANGET WILL ACCEPT LOTS OR ACREAGE IN exchange for income proDerty. Oive par ticulars. Box 7-J. Stir __ EXCHANOE COMMERCIAL EQUITY FOR 1840 car of La Salle class: will rent for S100; financed. DR. BRYAN. Dupont 0948,__ 17* *40,000 IN PROPERTY' MOSTLY CLEAR' annual rents. *8.000: trade nart or all for equity ant. house, hotel or clear farm: agents attention. 1410 H st. n.w. Room 227. _ • NEW HOME—MT. PLEASANT. ’ Cost. S1B.950: Now *12.950. • 1 Block of 16th and Columbia Rd Bedroom and bath on 1st floor: semi det.. 8 rooms. 3 baths, rec. rm, maid's room, bath, oil heat, gar. Dupont 7778. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 6 Vi ACRES LEVEL FARM LAND, il MILES from Washington In good neighborhood. Electricity, phone, mall route, school bus. ?B!L3Swn;.*1B mo VERNON M. LYNCH St SON. office. 7 miles out Colum bia Pike. Phone Alexandria 5906. Open eves., closed Sunday._ BUILDERS—DEVELOPERS Acreage, large and imall. close to Wash ington. suitable for subdivision and low cost housing prolects. TH08 E. JARRELL CO . REALTORS. _721 10th St. N.W. National 0765._ 40 ACRES. ALL BEAUTIFULLY wooded, excellent for villa sites or one acre plots subdivision. Very desirable location. 4‘i miles south of Alexandria, on State highway and electricity. Price. $200 per acre S R. NORMAN, R. F. D. No. 3, Alexandria. Va. _ACREAGE WANTED. BY GOVT. EMPLOYE. PERM PAY ROLL;' i a., where no restriction against 2-rm. house being built; on bus line. Box 95-J. Star._ • PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Operating Under Uniform Small _ Loan Laws. GOING-A WAY LOANS This summer enjoy the kind of vocotion you've o I ways wanted Travel agencies offer travel plans to fit every mood. If it will take a few more dollars to see you through, rome to Domestic for the extra money. You can also borrow to meet any other financial need. DOMESTIC Finance Corporation A SMALL LOAN COMPANY ROSSLYN, VA. MT. RAINIER, MD. Arlington Tr. Bldg. 3701 K L Are. 2nd FI. Cheat. 0301 Phone Mieh. 4674 Silver Spring, Md. Alexandria, Vo. 7002 Georgia Ave. 103 8. Woih. St. Phono SHep. 0150 Phone Alex. 1715 • "FIRST IN FRIENDLINESS” MONEY TALKS If you are steadily employed—mar ried or single—you can obtain a Kraft Loan on your signature alone. Call A1 Kraft before noon—have the money that afternoon. All loans kept strictly confidential and interest is charged only for actual days money is used. Call Al Kr&ft MICHIGAN 2900 Or drop in at Kraft Loans 3303 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. LOANS Yo $300 ON YOUR SIGNATURE Occasionally bills get higher and higher and you see no relief in sight. In order to meet your obli gations borrow on your signature, consolidate your bills and repay the borrowed amount in easy monthly payments. Employed women as well as men may make use of this plan. Call, write or phone MARYLAND PERSONAL BANKERS 7912 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland Phone SHepherd 2852 YOU .. . can get a loan of $100.00 if you can make monthly payments of $7.04,___ Cash Loan Amount You Pay ^fou_Qet_ Including All Charges Weekly Monthly $25.00 $0.42 $1.76 50.00 0.82 3.52 100.00 1.63 7.04 150.00 2.43 10.56 200.00 3.24 14.08 300.00 4.85 21.11 Payments include all charges as pre scribed by the 'uniform Small Loan law.’ Loans made on your own signature. No security required. No credit inquiries are made of relatives, friends or employer. Apply in morning and get money the same day. Just telephone, give ua a few facts —then call for the money. PUBLIC SMALL LOAN CO. 2028 North Moore Bt„ Rosslyn. Va. Telephone CHestnut 2444 CARL H. BARCLAY. Jfyr. PEOPLES PERSONAL BANKERS 3308 R. I. Ave.. Mt. Rainier, Md. Telephone DKcatur 1240 H. L. HART. Mgr. LOANS without security on your Signature Alone Snly Si'taelude lnterert- ™ You receive the full amount you bor row. No red tape; strictly confiden tial. can repay at any time. JUST PHONE State Loan Co. A SMALL LOAN CORF. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 3300 Rhode Island Ave. DKcatur 8563 1300 2^ri^-F.ege&VdB^ A WATER MONT PROPERTY. SALE OR RENT 8-ROOM COTTAOE-ON Terms reasonable** 8? 4,J23J>*l«re 2 P.m. OE. 6417 after 2 p.m. D*? ^i^r,3TR¥' COTTAGE. 27 MILES C. Completely furn. Pvt. artesian w»n Cetotejed throughout. Porch, front and Ml*h Bi'™ f vR«nt. *85 mo . of gale, S-,.600._Ajreal bur. WA. 9167. CHESAPEAKE BA watelr * Knitf?!***''. ‘S' el«- runnlni Porches. “S&. feple^aiT1"1' •* hSd ni^r2rROOM COTTAOE AT WOOD: fo7-J.' mar 5creentd “O"11' «»coSV ®ROR®HAM BEACH—LOVELY NEW 6. KVh?UL*a55va11I mod. eonv., sleeps 7; excel, syhlng. $26. Dupont 2131 after 6. ^i.hlS&8»J1tr««Unntii ■wt SHERWOOD TORE8T—-SALE OR~nv»n | yaionm?n'ift^actiVi!f’ furnished cottaae 7 rooms, Z baths. aH conven. AD. 0388 ^OTT AGE! COM pletely famished, screened porch, alec | stQ*e» shower. Phone National ooHQ. |_OFFJCES FOR RENT LET "YOUR TELEPHONE SECRETARY" answer your phone when you are out o your offlce. Call DI. 27(15 for detail. THE MANAGEMENT OP THE LAFAYETT] Hotel solicits a sufficient number of high class clients to occupy the 1st floor of thi J“fj} ** offices Excellent for those wh, M?«t.h?2?HC025enlent entertainment facilt Rent? ond » central location f.y"uerHo“i able' *** MR' WIUA L* «02 P ST. N.W.—19 AIRY. LARG1 decorated: aKTMmbSde slred_rlght^now. ROGERS. NA. 8137. r— 1719,14th ST. N.W _ ~?rge area with excellent window space &^w«.8t furmshed^'fM 813_Unlmgg?u^TBiyg,SAVAOKNs ^ _LEGAL NOTICES. PARKER * WYATT, Attorneys. Southern Bldg. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THI blaaniN?,i?tate* ,f°r thp District of Col™ 114 ZjtaiE?, °t L,Kmited Partnership:. Nt .—Notice is hereby given that th Sfar htreTafter named. now being a Mm (Via general and special partners of limited DartnershiD formed pursuant t the laws of the State of New York an Dlatrlc? i? ^“Pt'n^e to do business in th “P-ttrict of Columbia as a limited partner “hlo. have filed In the Office of the Cler of the District Court for the District t Columbia a certificate of limited partnei ! fPiV. ahich contains the terms of sue u?derdwh^hnef,ShhiB T"' Pame of the fir, 2 ?fr*hich such oartnership is to be con c?^itdi ls ®MITH- BARNEY A- CO. Th rnnheal».?aturf j0f. ^e business lntende In transacted is that of underwriter »nHrirtUt?rs a"d custodians of. and broker «curlS'r.!Jn'i stocks, bonds and 6th. jeeorlties and investments of every kin and character, including grain and othr ^°“?m°dltles The names of all the generi ?P.H.,??(Ci? Partners interested thereii distinguishing which are general and whlc a[e special partners, and their respectiv Pari nS.of fesidence are as follows: (Generi lartners) Joseph R Swan. 435 E. 52n war^,i on E. 80th St. N. Y., N Y • Edwin A pis] Walker Vain”i ^n,L l6;and- N. Y ; Burne waiKer. 10.21 Park Ave N Y v v Charles B. Harding. Rumson. N. J • Edwar ! u smith. Jr.. ' Sweetwaters.” Provident i vedn't tejnont, Pa.: John W Castles. Cor vent. N J.. Irving D Fish. Fox Run Len ' tTo^onW1Av' c<Jhh : Feed E. Koechlein. H4 union Ave Elizabeth. N J : w Edwl Willmms. non Chariotte Rd . Plainflel 1 xt.ij Edward C Sayers. Washington Lan Meadowbrook^ Pa : Ralph B Johnson, f 8u' iN jX " N- Y.: William Barclr rifi?!11!.*' Ilolmdel. N. J ; Harcourt Amor Tei^'r.i Mass^ Ogden PhiPDs. Rosly Long Island N. Y . J Ritchie Ktmba N. F. D. No. 2. Morristown. N. J • Ka Weisheit 221 Blvd.. Mount Lakes. N. J Ph'”'o W. Brown. Haddon Rd . Scarsdal rmmVvSlDney Tyle.r’ Rydal. Monfgomei n?i\-,Ly.„„P ■ ‘SD,“cial Partners( Philemc Dickinson. Chestnut Hill. Phlladelph prunty. Pa : Edwin A Fish. Locust Valle Lv.n*/S an<2." N Y The amount of capit which each special oartner shall ha' contributed to the common stock ls i follows. Philemon Dickinson. Edwin A. Fish. *500.000. The period , which the DartnershiD is to oommence ar the period at which it is to terminate a as follows: The partnershiD formed the close of business on December 31. 193 shail continue from and after the clone business on June 30. 1940. for the ter o. three years and six months to ar iP<*c,?b*r 31 • 1943- and lts me« bership shall be constituted as set for herein from and after June 30, 3 940. ar u1]all,o^",,lnu'‘u t0 and ‘"eluding Decemb ?uhJect to earlier terminatit upon certain contingencies set forth the aforesaid certificate. Filint the ee fmcate as aforesaid and this Dublicath £n^cSa«on?d bv. the retirement from sa limited Partnership, prior to the openli of business on July 1, 1940. of Jay Cook theretofore a SDecial Partner _Jy8. COE A RICHARDS. Attorney* the district court of ti Umted Slates lor the District of Colui S.1®—Holdinsr a Probate Court.—In KnwS .°.IvVu.tor. ?' Svbhax. someUm known as V. Hurst Synhax. Dccrascd - a {SrerJSiS? No-—ORDER8 FTX1* HHW £AXF.?°R trial and provtod P.UP^IC*ATION—The notification lneH’n Ihe MnaiV1* issile® in this case Tula validity of the Daoer-writinx dat day of February. 1940. Durporttne 5? RnhJtst 7lU *bd testament of Viet H, PyDbax- deceased. havins been return as to Dorothy Piper. Irene Taylor, the' u yH^1kh' rsJ at law and ne*i to kill Rn??.t? yMd5cfastdl ?nd H,len tvheatla Burrell Not to be found." It Is. by t Rwtjr£rsth45. l!t day of July. 1940. o DERED: That said issues be set down 1 JE1*1 on the 1st day of October. 1940. a that this order and the substance of st issues be DUblished once a week for fo »eeks m the Washineton L: ^fbotter and twice a week for the sat nenod in The Evenine Star, the substan of said issues belne as follows: One: W the pacer writine filed In this Court a thirnJf»dat nthe Jth day of February. 104 L„e Jast will and testament of Victor Synhax deceased? Two: Was the st ?ab*r, JJi'bia dated the nth day of Feb? Inn Jit!0; bumortine to be the last a and testament of Victor H Synhax < "/^d. executed and attested in due fo? virE? wr'nJjS.1*"7. .Three: Was the st Xld'ox H Synhax at the time of the ma ini Vld subscribma or of the acknowlec ins: oy ner of the said paper writine sound and disposina mind and caDable “valid deed or contract? Fbt J !»*«? vld DaD*r writinx dated the s d®y <jf Rtbru*r5'- 1940. obtained, or t on thereof, or the subscript i 2i*reto b,rocu"d from the said Victor Syphax. deceased, by fraud or deceit on ticed upon the said Victor H. Synhax some person or persons? Five* W*a t said paper writine dated the 9th day Ft, *,ry' J940. obtained, or the exet non thereof procured from the said Vie ?,',.^yDhaxi deceased, by the undue : fiuence or duress, or coercion of some p ■'°u °r oersons? DANIEL W. ODONO S55w^u™Ice- tSeal.) Attest: THEODO Rovlster of Wills for th?D Cnfirt 1 £?Iumbla Clerk of the Pribt Wr consent: GEORGE E. “*.**?•„ A,tomey for Caveatee. Jy8. IN TOT MUNICIPAL COURT OP >T District of Columbia—DR. LLOYD SHANKLIN. 1414 16th Street. NW lngton. D. C„ Plaintiff, vs FLORIDA M TOR LINER GREYHOUND 1TO!«N/ WashtnRton. D. C.. Defendant.—LAW 1 1 n—ORDER OF PUBLICATION_A sint11!. DEFENDANT—The object of t suit Is to obtain a Judgment, for the 1 Sef?nrtS°iy‘I Property of the plaintiff by I defendant The defendant la a non-re dent of the District of Columbia On n tion of the Dlaintiff. it la. bv the Co” this ninth day of July. 1940. ORDER Ii?c 1 l!{f?dant- Florida Motor Lin inc.. cause its appearance to be entei on, beJor* the fortieth day* I elusive of Sundays and legal holida 853i2.n*«fa%f the dat« the flVst PI lu\tlorder t0L defendant t Rhnnlff CaUJC Whj th* £th^i««0Khave*Jud*ment as »ct for otheoferise the suit will be proceeded w default: provided a fr of this Order be published once a week S58SaT tr^opKy- RA1 BLANCHE NEFP. Cleric. JylO.17,24. BRICE CLAGETT, Attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP T United States lor the District of { lumbia.—IN THE MATTER OF- jrnrr S WARDELL. RECEIVER7 DISTRICTS TIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON WAS INGTON. D. C.—MISCELLANEOUS Hn^ —ORDER NISI.—Justus RWar dell as'I oetrer of the District National Bank* Washington, having reported to the Coi that he has received an offer fr Messrs. H. Lamar Henderson and Jr U>eb to purchase for $1,585.00 cash varf< assets of said savinga bank consisting bills receivable, Judgments, overdrafts *a other choses In action and chattels hav^ a total book value of $313,240 -*i .I scriptlve list of which is attach.,;.’.t petition herein on file with ih» ruiSw1 this Court and Is alT ojen 4? faS&tl at the offlee of the Receive?.!???!. Street Northwest on all bu>lne» tween the hours of Ba.i.ndVsnV °2 Saturdays from » i.m to i"°n8i fe^,rt5Hd ,J„U5!U? *L Warden having f^tt «c.°ro?i!Vyf gM *authorf*a”Ionf Jn'n'e^d ^ petition herein and dated July R l nifl ft® \^lnd^na?V.Tcf..1,nd5h.Ju' avi.i«fd*t alh or be,ore the 1st day emf^nf tirovided. however, that the7 wishing*.°rdw,r 1?lsl 2? Published wa**>lngton Evening Star as a lei three times and once ' ..fn if. in*t01J Law R-eporter prior to t *ai,H !*t day of August. ]»40, the flirt said publications to be at least ten da PJjor t° sald date, and provided furtl th^ tu the event any higher offer la to S».d. '.khii P*rson making such increas S?e*i/fw "kulre? to submit an of exceeding the oner in the said petit! herein by at least five per cent and' th m®king such increased of !«?’’ d?.re,1ulrt? t0i *ubmlt the game to t offlee of the Receiver at 1«14 K 8tri Northwest on or before twelve o'clo noon of the said 1st day of August, ] 9 AiLaa*-1*nm«nts of assets are to be ma S«{1S8J.I*2°?,?5»2r *«}■*■»» Of any Hi BOLITHA J. LAWS. Justice. (Seel ) A tv