Newspaper Page Text
__STORES FOR RENT. trt. PLEASANT ST —STORE WITH 3-RMj act. above, cellar, rear entrance: store h»» new front: low rental. OWNER, wo. 6803. WAREHOUSE. 60xR0. CENTRALLY Lo cated, near downtown: very reasonable; lleht furnished tree. 60 O st. n.w. Du boat 1101. . 1507 KENILWORTH AVE. N.E. Large store, in popular suburban com munity- Ideal for tailor, shoemaker or laundry; rent. *40. ROBERT W. SAVAGE 813 Union Trust Bldg._NA. 3630. NEAR 14th ST AND PARK RD.. 1473 Soring rd. n.w.—New store, double show windows: ges heat: just next to 14th et. and a very attractive store: onlv *55. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W. ■ PI, 7S77. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. PER sonal Indorsement strlctlv confidential. H. C. REINER CO.. 1014 K N.W. XNA. 6540. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE8 OP Interest on first trust on Improved D. c. property. JESSE L. HE IS KELL. 1115 EYE ST. N.W. MONET ON SECOND TRUST We will buy second trust notes D O. neerbv Md or Va Reasonable rates NAT MORT * TNV CORP 1812 N T Ave NW Natl 5833 CASH IMMEDIATELY For lst-trust real estate loans In D. C. at to 6rJ: let us combine '-our 1st and 2nd trusts Into one loan for term of veart or monthly payments: no chares for appraisals HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., ?418 H St. N.W. PI 7877. PROPOSALS. “ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. The Housing Authority of Baltimore City will receive sealed bids for demolish ing and removing all buildings, etc.. In connection with Project F-MD.-2-3—Clar ence Perkins Homes, until 2 p.m. (E 8 T ) on the 24th day of July, 1940, at 37 Commerce Street. McCawley Building, Bal timore. State of Maryland, at which ttme and place all bids will be publicly opened •nd read aloud. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory performance and payment bonds. Attention Is called to the fact that not less than the minimum wage rates as set forth In the Specifications must be paid on this Project. Specifications and drawings. Including contract documents, are on file and may op obtained at the office of the Housing Authority of Baltimore City at 37 Com merce Street. McCawley Building. Balti more. Maryland, by depositing *10.00. which will be refunded to each bidder who returns the drawings and specifications in good condition within 10 days after the opening of bids. The Housing Authority of Baltimore P'tv reserves the right to reject any or all b ds and to waive any informalities in bid ding. Bid security will be required as set forth In 'he specifications No bid shall be withdrawn for a period Of ten (101 days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Housing Authority of Baltimore Cltv HOUSING AUTHORITY OF BALTIMORE CITY. , , . , „, JAMES R. EDMUNDS. Jr.. ^ July 5. 1940Chairman. __auction sales. _tomorrow._ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS, 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING. KNOWN AS NO 1235 ROCK CREEK PORD ROAD N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 6681, folio 433. et •eo.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE EIGHT EENTH DAY OP JULY. AD i 940. AT THREE O CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being the following described land and premises situate in the County of Wash ington. District of Columbia, known and!nluit2!pcl a® lot numbered twenty-nine a —9> in Charles B. Hamilton’s subdivision of lots tn square numbered twenty-nine hundred and thirty-eight (29381 as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 81 at •OllO 161. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for *4,200.00. further particulars which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be Paid tn cash. A deposit of *500 00 re quired Conveyancing, recording, etc at purchaser s cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver trusteend re!0^ at discretion of the WILBERT McINERNEY. Substituted Trustee Under -_ __. Civil Action No. 6347. ALFRED L. BENNETT. 1010 Vermont Avenue. . .Iol Parties Secured. JyQ. ?HOS. J. OWEN & SON AUCTIONEERS, 1431 Eye St. N.W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE TWO AND A HALF STORY SEMI-DETACHED BRICK DWELLING. KNOWN AS NO. 6121 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 6693. folio 163. et °Lthe ltnd records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in front ol the KSKlK*-- ?P. THURSDAY. THE EIGHT EENTH DAY OF JULY AD 1910. AT THREE-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the fol jowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being known as lot numbered flfty tour (64) in .the subdivision made by the Chevy Chase Land Company of Mont gomery County. Maryland, in square num bered nineteen hundred eighty-nine (1989). as per plat recorded in the office of the Aurveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 77 at folio 79. Subject to the cove nants of record Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of ♦rust for $6 988..So. now overdue, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said /i? ^ paAd iP c*sh. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording. ,?*• Purchaser’s cost. Terms to be 5£5lP1lec#wttl?A^.lthin. thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be Advertised and resold at the discretion of me trustee. WILBERT McINERNEY. Substituted Trustee Under . _Civll Action No. 6347. ALFRED L, BENNETT. 1010 Vermont Avenue, . Jy6AioT2J5T7 ParUt5 SeCUred‘ FUTURE. Adam A. Weschler A Son. Auctioneers. FURNITURE OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Bv order John B. Colpovs, United States Marshal, and from other sources. A!SD „ODD pieces, radios, refrigerators, personal e f - FECTS. ETC. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E Street N.W. FRIDAY | Commencing at » O'Cloek A.M. At 10 A.M. i OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ! . Bv order United States Marshal. Jyi7.i8. THOS. J. OWEN <t SON. Auctioneer*! 1431 Eye Street Northwest. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO 114 FLORIDA AVENUE NORTHWEST’ By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 5950. folio 85. et sea, of the land records of the District of Co lumbia, and at the request of the party aecured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY, THE TWENTY FIFTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1940, AT THREE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M . the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 177 in D B. Groff's sub division of lots in sauare 551. as per plat recorded in Liber 19. folio 187. of the Records of the office of the surveyor of the listrict of Columbia. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the Purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured bv first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $3nn will be reauired at time of sale All conveyancing. recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the Property at the risk and cost of defaulting Purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C HENRY P. BLAIR, . . „ ALLEN C. CLARK. . Iyl5. _Trustee*. _ ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING. SIX ROOMS AND BATH. CNE-CAR GARAGE. NO. 2027 ROSEMONT ave n.w. . Br virtue of a deed of trust recorded In Liber No. 72ho. folio 485. et seq.. one 5/, 'he land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will ofTer for sale by public auction, in front of Premises on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF JULY. 1840. AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described property in the Dis trict of Columbia, to wit’ Lot 121 in 8. Gruver's subdivision of lots In Bqusre ,018, as ncr plat recorded In the x?" bf the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 08 at folio 77. TERMS OF SALE: $1,500.00 of the purchase money to be paid in cash, bal Lnci.v.Dafab,1<‘J.,100° »er Sl.000.n0 per month including Interest at 5V4 Per cent until paid, secured by Building Asso ciation first deed of trust upon property * 7i.rr $asil.„At„°DUon °f purchaser. A deposit of $?00.0o required of pur chaser at sale. Examination of title con ▼eyanclng. recording, revenue stamp's and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms aC0mnlled »“h within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise trustees re serve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in gome newspaper published in Washington, D-C-- or deposit may be forfeited, or wnh forfeiting deposit trustees may avail fhemseUfs 0f any legal or equitable rights •nlnat defaulting purchaser. CLARENCE E KEFAUVER. C. GAY HARRELL - WILLIAM E. POULTON. JrlS.17,20.22,24. Trustees. AUCTION SALES. __FUTURE._' THOS. J. OWEN ft BON. Auctioneer*. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE IM PROVED REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OP A MODERN EIGHT-STORY BRICK AND CONCRETE APARTMENT BUILD ING. CONTAINING THIRTY-NINE APARTMENTS. LOCATED AT 1724 SEVENTEENTH STREET N.W.. WASH INGTON D C. WHEREAS, default having occurred In the payment of the principal of and Interest on the debt secured on the here inafter described land and oremises by a certain deed of trust bearing date Septem ber 17th. 1025, and recorded September 18th. 1025. in Liber 5620. folio 01. ol the Land Records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the written request of the Eresent holder of the bonds secured there y the undersigned, the Trustee, will sell »t public auction, ln front of the premises, at THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. ON THURSDAY. AUGUST FIRST. A.D 1040. the following described land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Washington, ln said District of Columbia, namely: Orlgi nftLI£,i.Tw.'!lv* (,r* ln Squire One Hundred and Fifty-four (154). also Darts of Original Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in aaid Square One Hundred and Fifty-four (154), said parts of Original Lots Ten (10) and ®*ev*n (11) being described gs follows. VI*: Beginning for the same at the Smjth comer of said Original Lot Eleven *nd running thence North on Seven ,Street Twenty-flve (25) feet, thence West Ninety-six (0(1) feet, thence South Twenty-flve (26) feet and thence East Ninety-six (90) feet to the place of begin nhig; together with gll buildings and im provements of every kind and description which have been erected or placed thereon, including all engines, boilers, elevators, dynamos, and also all. each and every of the permanent or Immovable interior im provements ar.d fixtures of every kind and description ln or upon said premises, or d!>*d *,? connection therewith, together with all and singular the ways easements, rights, privileges and appurtenances and hereditaments to said premises belonglna or <n anywise appertaining. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash, the bal ance to be represented by notes of the purchaser payable in equal Installments ln. one *nd tBO years after date of sale, with interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum and payable semi-an nually. secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser A deposit of *6 000 in cash or certified check on a local bank or trust company will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, title examina tion. recording and revenue stamps, etc.. to be at the expense of the purchaser. The terms of sale to be compiled with witbln fifteen days from the date of sale, in de-, fault of which the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser. after five days’ advertisement of such resale m some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. UNION TRUST COMPANY OF THE DfSTRICT of COLUMBIA. Trustee. By GEORGE E. FLEMING. (Re.n Attest- ViCe Presldent ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Auctioneers. Ho?SEOLD FURMTTJRE AND EFFECTS. ageEcha^ges A0CT1on for sroR Notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY. The, itSui DA If OF SEP 1 EMBER 1940. COMMENCING AT NINE O’CLOCK A M . and continuing each Tuesday and' Friday *H,is sold- we will aell at public auction, at Weschler's. 916 E street P-*!" t0, *nf°rce our liens for storage ?J?d.>..r«0,her char*«s- goods stored with us v? °J ci, A- .Barker (safe). Mrs. £?•. S,Iook? Franklin, w. R. Brown. £h'„ 5? Mf-aJ lS Cassidy, p. B Clark, mhVWnCl'i Robert E. Clawson. Mrs. SJf* U. Day. Mrs David Dickson. Mrs. A. Franx G W. R. Harriman. Mrs. Q. Hecht. Df- A. F. Hopkins, Cathryne Husson, gj>»r e» B. Jarvis. Miss Mary Kenny. Mr. SfruSL*’ K'.rie- V- c Lankford. August G Liebmann. Mrs. Jeanette Moran. Mr C J. Pwrns. dr-; Mrs. B. W. Parkins. Miss M. M. fet.nSn Ritharos. Mrs. Vincent T F- ?.ltter- J- w- Rs,»n- Miss anion, Mrs. Mary R. Stamm, J. Q. TrfUrr. Miss Mary Twomey. Mrs. R. J. Aalke,. Mrs. C. R Ward. Mrs Margaret Whitaker, S. B. Woodridge. Parties in interest please take notice MERCHANTS TRANSFER , * STORAGE COMPANY. W.1' -* _ 920 E St, N.W. THOS. J. OWEN ft SON. Auctioneers, 1431 Bye ST. N.W. TRUSTEE18 SALE OF VALUABLE FOUR & SW 2310 ashmead place By virtue of a certain deed of trust dd 7 recorded in Liber No. 6386, folio e , se,Q •„ 91 1R“d records of toe District of Columbia and at the request of the narty secured thereby, the under signed trustee will sell at public auction, >n front 0f the premises, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JULY. *• D. 1940. AT THREE O CLOCK PM., the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 24 ln aquare 3®*i, in David A. Baer and others' sub d vision ot lots in "George Truesdell's Ad dition to Washington Heights,” as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia ln Liber 65 at XOilO o4. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed oi trust for $69,600. further particulars ol which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid one-third in cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years with, interest at 6 per centum per annum, secured by second deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit ot $2.5oo required. Conveyancing, recording revenue stamps, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustee. BENun' oAER Jr.. 1yl2. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 2204 DOUGLAS STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 7080. folio 297 et seo.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the Party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at pupbllc auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1940. AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 30 in James A. Yager and Mary H. Yager's subdivision of tots in block 19, "Langdon Park." as Per plat recorded in the office of the sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 73 at folio 124. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur chase-money to be paid ln cash, balance In two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 6Vi per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording. revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tees reserve the right to resell the prop erty at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published ln Washington. D. C. J. E. EASON. R. E. ANKERS. jyl7.19.22,25,27Trustees. OFFICIAL NOTICES. COMMISSIONERS OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. July 17. 1940.—Notice is hereby liven that in accordance with the pro visions of an item authorizing changes in the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia contained in D. C. Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1914 (Public Act No. 43ft. 62nd Congress), approved March 4, 1913, as amended by an Act approved April 30, 1926 (Public Act No. 158. H9th Congressi, the Commissioners of the District of Co lumbia will give a public hearing in the Board Room of said Commissioners in the District Building on MONDAY, AUGUST ft. 1940. at 10 o'clock a m., to all persons Interested or owning land within the^rri tory affected by proposed changes m the plan of the permanent system of highways, located in the District of Columbia, and described as follows: 1. Proposed change in said plan in the Northeast Section located within the territory bounded on the north by Evarts Street, on the north east by Montana Avenue, on the south bv land lying south of W Street, proposed, and on the west by 14th Street, proposed, pro viding for a change in the location of W Street, proposed, adjacent to Montana Avenue, and for additional proposed street area within the above described territory. 2 Proposed change in said plan in the Northwest Section located within the ter ritory bounded on the east by Rock Creek Park, on the south by Beech Street, and on the northwest by Western Avenue, pro viding for a readjustment of the plan of proposed streets within the above described territory lying between Oregon and Western Avenues. 3. Proposed change in said plan in the Southeast Section affecting the loca tion of K Street, proposed, between 30th 8treet and Pairlawn Avenue. 4. Proposed change in said plan in the Northwest Sec tion located within the territory bounded on the north by Zoological Park, on the east by Adams Mill Road, on the south by Calvert Street, and on the west by Water side Drive, eliminating from said plan a proposed street running northerly and northeasterly from Biltmore Street at its intersection with Calvert Street. Plans showing proposed changes within the ter ritory described above, numbered as Maos 2.376, 2377 2378 and 2379. are on display in the office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia, Room 40ft, District Building, and may be examined by interested parties during business hours prior to the hearing 8uch plans will also be displayed at the hearing, and the Commissioners will con sider any suggestions or protests concern ing the proposed changes, as shown on above mentioned plans. MELVIN C. HAZEN. JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG. DAVID McCOACH, Jr.. Commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia. Jyl 7,18.19.20,22,23,24,25,26,27.29,30,31; aul. TRAILERS FOR SALE. TOV EXPECT MORE in a VAGABOND and you get It See them at Cherry RID Camp U 3 I Berwyn. Md TRAILERS, new and used; easy to deal with Elcnr Coach Co.. Canary Trailer Camp Rt l Berwyn Md_ GLIDER TRAILER CO. of Chicago wishei to announce the display of a complete line of Glider trailers. All models have 2 doors, priced from $595. Small down payment, 2 ?ears to pay. Just 4 miles north of Dls rict line on Route 1. House in Tree Trailer PaTk. Berwyn. Md. M. E. Worth, factory representatjve._ AUTO SHOPPING SERVICE. hear about the new service? If you want a reliable ear, we can give you expert, impartial advice. The service We A... AUTOMOBILES WANTED. DRIVE TO CROeSTO^N MOTOR*, ret more cash for your car. 1821 Bledene bure rd. n.e. at N. T. ave. LL 7272. _ WANTED LATE-MODEL CARE. We'll cay too cash prices for spy lete model car Open evenings Call North 7857 The MANHATTAN AUTO * RADIO CO.. 1705 7th st. n.w_ WE PAT CASH FOR TOUR CAR. PRANK SMALL. Jr., _#15 Pe. Are. 8.1. Lincoln 2077, DON'T Bias, UNTIL TOU SEE US. BARNES MOTOR8, 1220 14th St. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAT OFF THE NOTES Leo Rocea Inc. __4301 Conn Are Emerson 7900 _AUTO TRUCKS FOB SALE. DODGE 1936 *,4-ton panel, in excellent condition. A lot of truck for a chew price. Call private owner. Dupont 7602. FORD 1936 1‘/4-ton cab and chassis: good mechanical condition. Call Decatur 0180 Between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. FORD 1937 ‘‘86” pickup: fine con<L $195; 1936 Dodge pickup. $185. Terms. Sun Motors. 955 Fla, n.w._17*_ CHEV. 1937 l'/4, chassis and cab. *185: '36 stake. $165; '33 >4-ton. $65. Sun Motors. 955 Fla, n.w. DE. 0358. 17* FORD 1935 "85” sedan delivery: tight body; paint, tires and motor okey; $225. Hill * Tlbbltts. 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9850.__ _ ____ FORD 1937 "85" pickup: good mechanical condition, good body and rubber: *275. Hill As Tlbbltts. 1114 Vermont ave. NA. D8ft0. DODGE 1938 de luxe panel; priced^to sell quickly; motor, tires and paint good: $345. Hill As Tlbbltts 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9850._____ CHEVROLET 1938 pickup: In splendid me chanical condition, all good tires; terms If desired: *360. Hill Ac Tlbbltts, 1114 Ver mont ave. NA. 9850.__ FORD 1936 panel: a real good buy; tires and paint excellent: $180: terms. Hill Ac Tlbbltts. 1114 Vermont ave._NA. 9850 STUDKBAKER 1940 1-ton stake body with cab: slightly used: save considerable; NOW *746. Lee D. Butler, Inc., 1121 21st n.w. District 1218.___ TRUCK CLEARANCE. '36 O. M. C. long wheelbase. *175. '36 Chevrolet, short wheelbase. *150. '35 Titern-tional ven. $150. '35 Chevrolet light delivery. *95. '36 Dodge. 3-ton. extra-long stake, *290. 3 International hydraulic dumps. $125. Due to our crowded conditions, all trucks must go ROBERT HERSON AUTO FXCHANGE, 72 Florida ave. n.e. MI. 7100. FOR ANY MODEL TRUCK OR PANEL See PARKWAY, 3040 M St. N.W. MI. 0181. CHEVROLET short flat body truck, *05. Ford ‘a-ton panel. *05. International 1-ton panel. *150. Dodge l'/a-ton cabin chassis. *105. All In exceptionally good-running con dition and real bargains. International Harvester Co., 001 Bladensburg Rd NE Atlantic 3008. Open Evenings. I _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALT_ BUICK sedan: mileage. 19.258; 6-ply tires; pasted lnapection. Call DP. 7:122. _17* BUICK 1938 model 41 touring sedan: orig inal gun-metal finish very good, excellent motor and 5 nearly new tires; fully equipped and truly a fine BUICK for *825. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145. BUICK 1939 Century 4-door trunk sedan; black finish, low mileage by original owner, rubber like new. seat covers, very attrac tive car in excellent condition mechani cally and in appearance: $825. PACKARD. 24th and N gts. n.w. Republic 0145.__ BUICK 193? touring sedan; original blue finish very good one-owner ear, who has given it the best ol care, fine motor, good rubber, very clean interior; low price, NOW *495 CHEVY CHASE MOTORS. Chevrolet Dealer. 7105 Wisconsin Ave. _WI. 1636._ BUICK 1938 5-ocaa. 4-dr. tr. sedan, model 61: beige finish. 6 steel wheels, extra large trunk, white sidewall tires. SDOtless interior. You certainly will appreciate the unusual value we offer in this clean car: $595. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co . 1222 22nd st. n w. NA. 3360. Ooen evenings, closed Sundays.^_ CADILLAC 1937 5-oass. 4-dr trunk se dan. 8 cyi.. model 65: black finish, white sidewall tires, original seat covers still on csr. radio and heater. This Is a very clean car: *575. C. C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Op#n evenings, closed Sundays. CADILLAC 1938 5-pass. 4-dr. tr. sedan. 8-cylinder, model 65: large trunk, derk blue finish, excellent tires, spotless In terior. Heater and defroster. This clean car surely had the best of care. You will find It in remarkable condition: $946. C C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co., 1222 22nd st. n w. NA. 3300. Open eve nings. closed Sundays.__ CADILLAC 1936 5-oass. 4-dr. trunk se dan. 8-cyl.. model 70: custom-built Fleet wood body, original black finish. The re markable condition of the Interior will In dicate the excellent care given this fine car. Heater and defroster; $475. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sundays._ CHEV. 1933 cabriolet, coach and coupe, $79 each: '34 coupe. *65; '35 coach. *145. Sun Motors. 955 Fla. n.w._17*_ CHEVROLET 1938 cabriolet; far above average: big trade allowance: easy terms; $526 Hill Ac Tibbitts, 1114 Vermont ave. NAa 9850._ CHEVROLET 1939 de luxe master coupe: this guaranteed TREW Value used car. finished in a lustrous jet black, has been driven only by its original owner: the mileage Is exceptionally low. and we feel that It is an unusual bargain at $575: easy terms, liberal trade. TREW MOTOR CO., 1626 14th st. n.w. and 14th and Pa. ajye. s e "Our 26th Year.”_ CHEVROLET 1936 coupe: this car is me chanically o. k.. but the paint is poor. Will make somebody a lot of transportation for our low price of only $148. H B LEARY. Jr., At BROS.. 1.321 14th 8t. N.W. Hobart 4900. CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe sport coupe; original Mack finish very good, radio and heater, motor thoroughly checked in our own shops. 5 very good tires, clean interior and priced low at $376. CHEVY CHASE MOTORS. Chevrolet Dealer. _7105 Wisconsin Ave._WI.1836._ CHEVROLET 1937 de luxe town sedan; low mileage by original owner, excellent black finish, unusual clean car that we have priced to sell at once; NOW $395. CHEVY CHASE MOTORS. Chevrolet Dealer. _7105 Wisconsin Ave._WI. 1636. CHEVROLET 1936 de luxe sport coupe; black finish very good, fine motor and 5 very good tires, very sporty car: suitable for business or pleasure; NOW $285. CHEVY CHA8E MOTORS, Chevrolet Dealer. 7105_Wlsconsin Ave._WI. 1636. CHEVROLET 1937 town sedan; radio and heater, fine motor. 6 very good tires, very clean Interior and reduced to sell at once for $387. Lee D. Butler. Inc., 1121 21st n.w. District 1218._ CHEVROLET 1937 master town sedan; traded from original owner: finish is ex cellent, good tires and it performs per fectly: $375. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. n.w. Dl. 9141._ CHEVROLET 1940 Master de luxe 4-door trunk sedan with radio: used 2 months: to take pver my 22 monthly payments of $32.36; $89 down. You sava $180.70. North 3593, Ext. 78._*_ CHRYSLER 1940 Royal sedans—We, have four (4) of these demonstrators, one finish ed In beige, one In blue-maroon and two tone maroon: all have de luxe radios and defroster heaters. Very low mileage. An to be sold at a large discount. Your old car may be the down payment._ H. B. LEARY. Jr., At BROS. (Chrygler Distributors l, 1612 You St. N.w:_H0. 8000._ CHRYSLER 1938 .Imperial trunk sedan; equipped with radio and heater, beautiful green flfctth. very clean car both Inside and out, motor and tires far above average. Reduced for immediate gale to only $498. H. B. LEARY. Jr.. At BR08., __1321 14th St, N.W. Hobart 4900. CHRYSLER 1939 Royal Coupe: finished in beautiful polo green, has had very low mileage by original careful owner, factory radio equipped. Compare this car at this price, $668. H. B. LEARY. Jr„ At BR08.. „ 1321 14th St. N.W. Hobart 4900._ CHRYSLER 1937 Royal trunk sedan; has new blue finish and is in beautiful condi tion throughout, radio equipped, spotlessly clean, tires are very good: reduced for Immediate sale to only $398. H. B. LEARY. Jr.. At BROS.. , _1321 14th St. N.W. Hobart 4900. CHRYSLER, latest 1934 de luxe ''6" sedan: 6 wheels, trunk rack: ear can hardly be told from new; 22.000 miles; upholstery spotless, brand-new Firestone tires, excel lent throughout; only one owner elnee new; S245. Cross Town Motors. 1921 Bladeni urg rd. n.e., at Mew Yerk are. t A AUTOMOBILKS FOR SALK. __ (Continued.) CHRYSLER 1937. 5-pasi7~4-dr. trank d«n, A cyl.. C-lfl Royal: black paint. apotleM interior, all good tlrea and a splendid motor. Hera surely la real value In a clean ear; $398. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1223 22nd at. n.w. HA. 3300. Open evenings closed Bundeys. CHRYSLER 1938 Airflow eeden; safety personified, integral built body end frame, trunk, radio, heater, economy overdrive. By far the Bloat modern car available at $-348. PAUL BROS., 6220 Wlsconaln. DE 80T0 1936 Air-flow sedan; low idlle *•*•. good condition, aaat covers radio, heater: $280. Woodley 7098. after 8. DE SOTO 1939 de luxe trunk sedan; Sere 1* an excellent late model—modern Styled end engineered car for big, worth-while saving; room, power, safety: more men you would expect at $845. DOWNBVVTNO prices at PAUL BROS,_522(TWlsconiln7 DE SOTO 1938 de luxe 4-door eeden fbiaclt finish, low mileage: one owner: exception ally clean car: real value, $605: liberal trade, convenient terms. Mid-City Auto Co.. 17H 14th st. n.w DE. 5059. Open eves. Washington's Oldest De Soto-Plym outh Dealers.____ DE SOTO 1938 2-door touring sedan: black finish very good, o.g. motor end 6 very good tires, clean Interior; splendid family car for only $337. Lee D. Butler, Inc., 1121 21st n.w. District 1218.__ DE SOTO 1938 5-pass. 4-dr. trunk sedan: bleck finish. sDotless Interior, all good tires and splendid motor, heater and de froster. Don’t let our low orice mislead you for this clean car is remarkable value at $425. C. O. C. Ouaranty. Caoltol Cadillac On., 1223 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Ooen evening*, closed Sundays. __ DE SOTO 1937 convertible sedan: perfect condition, soortleat looking lob in Wash ington: best offer takes It. Owner. DI. 5580. 9 a.m. to 6 p m.__ DE SOTO 193* 4-door touring sedan: black finish very good, motor thoroughly checked and fully guaranteed. 6 very good tires, fine heater, clean interior: low orice NOW, *525 PACKARD. 24th end N its. n.w. Republic 0145, _ DE SOTO 1937 de luXe 4-door trunk sedan: this car was traded In recently on a brand new 1940 Dodse. and It has been thor oughly reconditioned: it’s fully guaranteed and we ofier one-year free lubrication service: reduced to $485: liberal trade for your present car. TREW MOTOR CO, 1'26 i^th st n.w end 14th and Pa. ave. s.e._“Our 28th_Year”_ DODGE 4938 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan: you 11 appreciate the safetv end dependa bility of this guaranteed TREW Value car: finished In Jet black, the mileage Is low and Its broadcloth upholstery is spotless: one owner owned it: now only *535. TREW MOTOR CO., 1528 14th st n.w. and 14th and Pa. ave. a.e._“Our 26th Year."_ DODOE 1938 de luxe coupe' excellent fin ish. o k. motor, very good rubber and clean interior, ideal car for business or pleasure; will sell quickly for *295. PACKARD. 24th end N st« Republic_0145. DODOE 1938 de luxe 2-door: equipped with trunk, other extras, appearance excellent; $495 Hill k Tlbbltts, 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9850. __ DODGE 1938 trunk sedan; equipped with radio and heater, original black finish is perfect, seat covers, excellent motor and tires. Reduced for Immediate sale to only H. B. LEARY. Jr., k BROS . 1321 14th BLN.W. Hobart 4900. _ DODGE 1937 2-door trunk sedan: equipped with radio and heater, excellent black finish, very clean car throughout, motor and tires are in fine condition; reduced for immediate sale to only $308 , H. B. LEARY. Jr., k BROS.. 1321 14th St. N.W. Hobart 4900. FORD 19.39 coupe: $439: $95 down. $8 per week; will take trade. Mr. Tiger. STATE FINANCE CO., 10th and H its. n.w,_RE. 0246. FORD 1939 de luxe coupe; this Is the 2 passenger de luxe business model, finished in a beautiful maroon, and fully guaran teed by us: very low mileage, good tires, one-owner driven: a real value at $535: easy terms and liberal trade. TREW MO TOR CO. 1526 14th st n.w and 14th and Pa. ave. a.e. “Our 28th Year." FORD 1938 Fordor de luxe trunk sedan: radio, atti active areen. clean Interior. 5 fine tires, reconditioned motor: very good !r every way: $29 down, rasy terms. FRANK SMALL Jr.. _1349 Good Hope Rd. S.E, LI. 2077._ FORD 1939 de luxe Tudor sedan; black factory finish custom radio and heater built in: looks new and performs flaw lessly: 6 best tlrea: bargain price. $589; easy terms: liberal trade allowance. FRANK SMALL Jr.. 1553 Pa. Ave, *S E._LI 2077._ FORD 1938 station wagon: natural wood body, glass inclosed; powerful and economi cal 85-h.p. motor that's in fine condition, rubber and interior very good: $558. PACK ARD. 24th and N ats. n.w. Republic 0145. FORD 1935 coach; clean inside and out. quiet motor, radio: $95. Sun Motors. 955 Fla, n.w. DE. 0358. ___17* FORD 1938 "85" de luxe sed.: trunk: re possessed; good condition; $295. Terms. Sun Motors. 955 Fla, n.w. DE. 0358.17* FORD ’36 sport couoe; cleanest and sportiest Job Jn town. Good credit! Any terms._ 156_ljtn st. n.c. FORD 1935 de luxe Fordor sedan: 267000 miles: white sidewall tires, tailor-made mIp covers, built-in radio, heater; black finish like new: $185. Cross Town Motors, 1921 Biadehsburg r<L_n.e.. at New York ave. FORD 1937 Tudor sedan: radio, heater, clock, tires almost new: 29.008 miles: ex cellent finish: $265. Cross Town Motors, 1921 Bladensburg rd. P.e.. at New York ave. FORD 1937 Tudor trunk sedan: black finish, spotlessly clean lnalde and out. tip top mechanical order: best brakes and tires; $25 down. Balance easy. FRANK SMALL Jr.. _ 733 11 th St. S.E_U. 2077. FORD 1937 cabriolet; popular model, spe cial paint job. In top of condition: $395; terms. Hill & Tlbbltts, 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9850. ____ FORD 1936 "85” dump: has two-yard body, good rubber, motor okay: $396. Hill & Tlbbltts. 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9858. FORD 1937 convertible sedan, original finish, excellent mechanically: trade and terms: $456. Hill k Tlbbltts, 1114 Ver mont ave. NA. 9850. __ FORD 1937 club convertible; low mileage, excellent in appearance and mechanically, radio; $475. Hill k Tibbitts, 1114 Ver mont ave. NA. 9850. _ FORD 1938 club cabriolet; excellent paint and motor: big trade allowance and terms; $325. Hill k Tibbitts. 1114 Vermont ave. NA 9850._ FORD 1937 "80" Tudor: has trunk; paint, tires and motor good: a real bargain, $289. Hm^& Tlbbltts, 1114 Vermont ave. NA. FORD 1938 "85" convertible sedan: radio and heater: low mileage, perfect condition; $•"96. Hill k Tibbitts, 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9850.__ FORD 1937 ’‘85" Tudor sedan; renewed mechanically: paint tires okay: $310; lerms. Hill k Tibbitts. 1114 Vermont ave. NA. 9860.__ _ FORD 1936 Tudor sedan: quick sale: In excellent running condition. Call AT. 1476 after 5 o m.___ FORD 1938 Tudor de luxe trunk sedan; beautiful gun-metal finish, eauipped with heater, spotlessly clean both lnalde and out and motor and tires are far above aver age. Reduced for Immediate sale to only •Oj g H B. LEARY. Jr., k BROS.. 1321 14th St. N.W. Hobart 4900. £ NO^RIC^INCREASE | I At Coast-In, Pontiac 1 X 9AQ CHEVROLET Master 2- ♦ ♦ Vv doer touring sedan. Radio, ♦ ♦ heater. W.-w. tires. SCCA ♦ X Sale price_ VVV J ♦ CHRYSLER Royal 4-deor t .* vQ de luxe touring sedan. 2 X Radio, heater. W.-w. fiCAA X ♦ Hres . 909 ♦ ♦ ———— x X 900 FORD Fordor de luxe "85" 1 ♦ 00 sedan. Beautiful maroon. ♦ j I;..*489: | rgo PONTIAC club coup, ♦ 1 09 "8." Golden CACA t X beige. W.-w. tires... 099 e I9Q7 BUICK Special 4-door i Of touring sedan. W.-w. X tires. Beautiful CJAO X black .. *499 ♦ JATf PACKARD sport coupe. 2 2 Of Completely recondi- ♦ ♦ tioned. W.-w. tires. CAAA ♦ l Only .. •Z991 ♦ —i——■ ♦ ♦ I Alii DOWN PAYMENTS 1 LUVV made coast-in ♦ FAMOUS. AUTOMOIILIS #QR SAU. FORD 1036 club convertible coupe; new p»lnt. new top, new tlree, motor In In* condition, very /lean Interior; truly a nna ear lor only *345. CHIVY CRASS MOTORS. _ Chevrolet Dealer. __7106 Wisconsin Ave._WI. 1636._ FORD 1037 conv. coupe; new 11tht gray paint, new top. dandy motor, 5 very good tires, clean Interior, very sporty ear that w. h.r.creduced^oulck^Sow *305. 7106 Wlacon’iyVve.0**Wl. 1636. FORD 1936 Tudor; radio, needs rings and SlmonU; $160. Ml! 4340 between 6-6 P.m._JUM_ FORD 1936 Tudor aedan; black flnlab Ilka 5«*; »Hp covers; unusually clean; sac., $165; terms. Call CO. 6186-M, dealer._ ford 1837 "85” Fordor sedan; black Snlah: excellent running condition, radio, hfater. trunk; amaxjns value on a DOWN SWING price of *280 at PAUL BROS.. 5220 Wisconsin, wo. 3161._ GRAHAM 1938 aupar-eharger "B” trunk sedan; radio, heater, .mating performance, modern safety, beat all-around condition. An Individual car In style, etc. DOWK SWINO prlce offer, *645. at PAUL BROS.. 6230 Wisconsin n.w, Woodley 2161._ HUDSON 1938 4-door touring aedan: blue flnlsh very good, equipped with radio and heater, flne motor and very good rubber: cai reduced to *62S. PACKARD, 24th and N sta. n.w. Repub lic 0146._ HUD80N 1036 coupe; a real bargalnr*28S; on your own term*. Hill tc Tlbbitts. 1114 Vermont ave._NA. .0850. __ LA SALLE 1038 5-pasa. 4-dr. trunk aedan: excellent flnlsh. flne. clean upholstery; all good tires: radio and heater. You will And this clean car real value at *875. C C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co,. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, closed Bundaya. m LINCOLN custom 1035 sedan: 30.WKI actual miles condition immaculate In every detail, chauffeur driven, one owner only; cost °® at »39R cush. PAUL BROS.. 5220 Wisconsin. WO. 2161. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1030 5-pass. 4-dr' sedan; deep maroon flnlsh. white sldewali tires, spotless interior. Including seat covers Installed when car was new. This surely is a clean car: *825. C. C C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co,. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sundays. __ MERCURY 1030 4-door sedan; radio and heater, low mileage, excellent appearance: J745. HIU dt Tlbbitts, 1114 Vermont ave. N/L_ H850.__ OLDS '34 6-cyI. 4-door touring: radio! trunk, new tires; *125. Call 5-6 pm, Plitsmtn. ME. 8060._. OLDSMOBILE 1030 2-door trunk sedan: radio and heater; model 70; the original gray flnlsh is perfect, upholstery clean and shows no wear, perfect tires; smooth, quiet motor: $675. Pohanka Service. 1128 Soth at. n w._ DI. 0141._ OLDSMOBILE 1040 demonstrators, six and eight cylinders. 2 and 4 door sedans; at ‘fMth'e discount and a fair allowance on your old car. Pohanka Service. Olds Sales and Service Since 1823. DI. 0141. 1128 20th_st._n .w._ OLDSMOBILE 1833 touring coupe: dandy !h™?.r.;,Jood ,rubh*r- w*ll five you many ihousanda of miles of excellent service f.?,r ,only S11T . L*' D. Butler, Inc., 1121 21st n w. District 1218, PwSSw®,.?*? 39:tS 4-door trunk sedan. 8 "1"?r„,° a,.\d heater, the tan finish “ .“' S' n-w 2 spare wheels in fender *?"* ,?;lth_metal covers, interior spotless. f‘ra® I1K'L n<‘w,' Very attractive and your ‘"S9*S.t3on *113 “nv nee you of the former flne care; *615. 0141 k 8ervice' 20th at. n.w. DI. HORNER’S CORNER I OFFERS 50 BUICKS AND OTHER MAKES ! AT REDUCED PRICES fl939 ° °Dc°J $595 [ fQ7 Chevrolet Mailer De aaap • I Lue Town Sedan #OV0 *37 ?,«kk8K;-414D,,r $495 ’37 ?oupe Opera Seat JJJJ | f 40 Bulek Spec. 4-Deer at a I m 09 Trank Sedan ____ fOltf I4Q Plymouth 2-Dr. Trank P14P 09 Sedan; Radio . #979 ’39 vOOPe 46-8 Opera Sea, 9795 ’39 U4le. Reate/ $895 ’38 coup*,r ‘'6"c,n’- 9625 ’38 ££;TT,-rt .... $545 I4A Plymeuth De Luxe §SM( 09 4-Door Trunk Sedan . #999 140 Olds “A'’ 70 2-Deer POOP 09 Trank Sedan _ 9009 Stanley H. Horner, Inc. 6th & Flo. Ave. N.E. ATI. 6464 i _AUTOMOW LB .FOR SAUL OLDSMOBILE 1938 I'DIU. 2-door trunk aedan. fl-erl : excellent blue finish, toot les* Interior, all cood tires and a snlendid motor. This dean car represents real value at 9525. O O. O. Guaranty. Oanttol Cadillac_Co.. 1222 22pd at. n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, aloeed Bunders. OLDSMOBILE 1939 dub boupe; excellent condition: radio, heater; reasonable. WU consln 4440-W, after 6 p m. PACKARD 1938 4-door trunk sedan: take over notes, and $60 cash. Phone Mr. C. W. Bteln, Michigan 1379.__ PACKARD 1935 sedan; 12 cylinders, fl wheels: $150. cash or terms. T. C. Lee. Bhepherd 5606._ PACKARD 1937 model 120 4-door touring sedan: blue finish very good, motor thor oughly checked In our own shops and fully guaranteed. 5. very nod tires, eery dean Interior: $495. PACKARD, 24th and N sts n.w. Republic 0145,_ PACKARD 1938 model 120 4-door touring sedan: brewster green finish, motor thor oughly checked In our own shop and guar anteed, fine radio, good rubber, dean ln to/tor; tow price NOW. $645 PACKARD, 24th and N sts, n.w. Republic 0145. KBST&ff” *30 CMh c,u PLYMOpra 1937 4-door touring sedan! excellent .black flnlsh. floating-power en gine excellent, safe hydraulic brakes, very |o™_ rubber . and clean Interior; $396. 3<th *n<* N sts. n.w. Repub HC 0140._ PLYMOUTH 1938 2-door sedan; a trunk lob in exce lent condition: $455: trade and NAm985() * flbbitts, 1114 Vermont ave. 1837 **• Iux* coupe; splendid S.e,?hLnl£?&;. excellent; $365. 9850* Whitts, ilJ4 Vermont ave. NA. PLYMOUTH 1935 de luxe couDe: heater, aood tires, excel, anpear.: guar, perfect me chanically; $189; terms. Owner, DI. 8876, __19* PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe 2-door trunk “dan; »n exceptionally clean black auto mobile thats in tiptop mechanical condt lmmedlate5,«a?e™oI>onlyt!?i:i8. Redueed for _ 1321H14?b.^, J!:; *H0biir? 4900._ PLYMOUTH 1937 4-door de luxe trunk s*d»n; excellent black finish, one of the cleanest ’37s we have ever had to offer. Motor and tires are excellent. Reduced for immediate sale to only $278 „„„ H. B. LEARY. Jr.. & BROS.. _1321 14th 8t. N.W._Hobart 4900. PLYMOUTH 1937 r. s. coupe: black flnUh~, steel body, hydraulic brakes: guaranteed tow m‘lea»e; only one owner; DOWN SWING price of $360 at PAUL BR08. 5220 Wisconsin. WO. 2161. _ PONTIAC 1933 4-door sedan: good paint and tires and It runs good. A bargain at only $9o._Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. n.w. Df. 9141.___ PONTIAC 1P3R de luxe "O’' town sedan; original black finish like new; one owner; driven only 7.000 miles: *526. Cross Town Motors, 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e., gt New_York ave._ DEPENDABLE USED CARS QUALITY CARS AT 1 BARGAIN PRICES GUARANTEED O. K. 1939 Chevrolet Matter RJAQ Coupe_V’Ww 1937 Chevrol . t De COOQ Luxe Town Sedan_ 1938 C h e v r o 1 e t De CjlQQ Luxe Sport Sedan_ Qvww 1937 Chevrolet Mat!~ ter Sport Sedan_0*w¥ 1936 CH e v r o 1 e t De RAM Luxe Coach_ 1935 Chevrolet Da MM Luxe Sedan _ WV9 1938 Chevrolet De fJ4Q Luxe Town Sedan_ y4*W 1937 Chevrolet Mat- R48Q ter Coupe_ ▼**■* 1938 Plymouth De RiOfl Luxe Coupe_ ▼*” 1936 Oldsmobile 6"JPOOQ Trunk 2-Door 1938 Ford “85” $399 75 Other Reconditioned Fine Cara—Liberal Terms and Trade 1130 CONN. AVE. District 4200 Open Evenings and Sand aye HERE IS YOUR CHANCE ONLY 6 CARS WILL BE SOLD AT THESE LOW PRICES! ’38 Do Soto 4-Door Sedan_S465 ’39 Chevrolet Panel Truck_S465 ’38 Ford 2-Door Sedan_S365 ’37 Packard “6” 4-Door Sedan_8425 ’37 Lincoln-Zephyr 4-Door Sedan_8465 ’38 Do Soto 4-Door Sedan__S315 WRITTEN GUARANTEE—OVER 30 YEARS OF FAIR DEALINGS L. P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W.—DECATUR 4303 P“MY USED CARS MAKE GOOD OR I DO" IE OWNER lit curs in oar stock traded In on new Studo Expertly reconditioned—fully fuarnnteed. sharply under the market. Former owners’ in reauest. •, a | I fl 1938 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER COUPE B Spotless Mark finish. Immaculate interior. A-l meeban- A W0 A Hr ■ b*l condition A one-earner car (former owner's name SI ^ TS «l ■,."1«s‘) **“* has hod excellent care. Vacnnm sear _ n . P M ■ far easier shiftins. No Cash Needed! Tear Old SW WW W ■ Car mar he Fall Down Farmeat_ ret 1939 WILLYS OVERLAND SEDAN, w, Spotless black finish. New-ear ap Ith pearance and performance. Verr m economical to oper- ~ ^ m T ate. Ne Cash Needed! X/fl 0*7 f Year Old Car Mar Be M Fall Down Farment . AUTOMOttUS FOt SAUL C 1084 Witt, coupe: finished In very attractive car Inline condl nlcajjr and in appearance; low _.T CHASE motors. _ Chevrolet Dealer. 7105 Wisconsin Ave._WT. 1636._ PONTIAC, late 1986 de luxe 4-door town sedan: 27.000 miles: upholstery spotless, like new car. radio, heater, brand-new tires; $325. Cross Town Motors. 1921 Bladensbura rd. n.e. at M. Y. ave. TERRAPLANX 1937 coupe: blue finish very rood, fine economical motor, rubber very food, clean Interior and fine heater: $325. PACKARD. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 014S.. AUTOMOilLIS EOK SALE. STUDEBAKER 1935 Dictator sedan; motor very food, fine rubber, very clean Interior; well worth *247. 8ee It today at Lee D. Butler, Inc., 1121 gist n.w. District 1219, WILLYS 1938 de luxe coupe; driven 11. 000 miles by orlxlnal owner, excellent black nntsh. very food rubber; economical 7105 Wisconsin Ave._Wl. 1838. ZEPHYR 1930 4-door sedan: renewed motor, food paint and tires; *425. Hill to Tltwltts. 1114 Vermont ave. HA. 9860. ZEPHYR 1939 H-passenfer sedan: low mlleafe. clean throuchout. quiet motor; *805; terms. Hill to Tlbbltts, 1114 Ver mont ave, HA. 9850. ’ 'I ' $125 Down Bays any 1939 Ford $100 Down Bnys any *1938 FOfd $20.85 a Month buya any ’39 Ford | [XJ '39 FORD DE LUXE FORDOR_9599 My record speaks for itself I hava immaculate interior, white sidewall ■ tires, and I look and run like new. You'll pick a winner when you vote for me, and all you put in the ballot box is $125 down. My full price. $589 |Xj *39 FORD DE LUXE TUDOR..3569 I’m runnin, on this platform:—More driving pleasure for my constit uent* »t lower cost I hsve flawless black finish, ill steel top ,na bodv. hydraulic brakes. $125 down and 24 months to pay_$560 0 ’39 FORD TUDOR SEDAN_$499 3 Yes sir. Tm cotng for a second term During my first term. I did everything asked of me. and received the best of care. I carry new car guarantee, service and terms, and 1 11 fulfill every promise. $125 down, and tha lull price____ $489 [Xj *39 FORD COUPE, EXCELLENT -*469 | Ladle* »nd gentlemen, my keynote speech is brief and to the point Til give you thousands of miles of trouble-free motoring, with the least possible expenditure. Only *125 down delivers me. and Til deliver the goods -*469 [xj '39 FORD CABRIOLET, SPECIAL! $619 j Whether you belong to the Democratic or the Republican Party—string along with me and get real nerformance for your vote. Make a reciprocal trade agreement with Uncle Joe. Plank down *125 eash. and take me away -- [x] ’39 MERCURY DE LUXE TUDOR—SMC j 2? running mate. Together, we'll sweep to new motoring glory. Y2Hn & Proud of my powerful .smooth-running motor, my handsome white side wall tires, my smooth flowing lines. To buy mg. all you have ::ia to delegate is---9000 [Xj ’37 UNCOLN-ZEPHYR SEDAN—SMS T was •looted in 1937 on the Luxury Ticket. Now Tm uo for re election. with a real economy platform. I have lustrous green finish, radio and perfect paint and tTrea. Just say the word and take me away for -*443 [XJ >38 DODGE COUPE, REDUCED—SAM J I don t want to be an Isolationist* so take me away for_9469 [X] ’30 BUICK CONVERTIBLE SEDAN, SMS You won't see me kissing any babies, but Til really travel far to make friends. Come up to Convention Headquarters at ChernervlUe. an5 ^if.foi.theTitx.urv'2u* ®Viek.wlth r,d'°- he,t«r •nd built-in trunk* in a i a me. Take 24 months to pay...____$989 [Xj ’37 PACKARD ‘120’ TOUR. SED., $440 If you’re looking for an economical administration. Tm your Candidate. I have spotlesa black finish, a good radio, and Til live up to the 30 planka In Uliele Joe'a reconditioning platform_*449 "Naxt ta a Naw Car, a Charnariaad Car la Baat” 1_ \ IW