Newspaper Page Text
P.M.| WMAL, 630k. | WRC, 950k. | WOL, 1,230k,. | WJSV, 1,460k. (2:00 Convention Session Convention Session Luncheon Music Goldbergt soriil 12:15 ■" Witter Compton, nows Alice Blair, soriil 12:30 " " Wilkithon Ri't to* Happiness, sor. 12:45 " *'** "Jim Parsons, songs Bold of Lite, serial 1:00 {Clipper Ship—News Light of World, serial Sports Page Dr. Malone, serial 1:15 Typical Family {Grimm s Daughter, sr. ” " Joyce Jordan, serial 1:30 !N. B. C. Program Valiant Lady, serial ” " Fletcher Wiley 1:45 ‘ " **_Crocker, cooking * ~_My Son and I, serial 2:00 DivorceOrphans, serial Mary Marlin, serial Sports Page Societ” Girl, serial 2:15 Honeymoon Hill, serial Ma Perkins, serial " ” News 2:30 Other Wife, serial Young's Family, sor. ” ' Scattergood Baines,». 2:45 Piein Bill, serial IVic and Sade, comedy " _Elinor Leo_ 3:00 War News—Matinee Backstage Wife, seriallWalter Compton, nows Dugout Chatter 3:15 Club Matinee Stella Dallas, serial 'Sports Pago Baseball Game 3:30 " " Lorenzo Jones, serial |. " " a 3:45 Matinee-News Widow Brown, serial 1 " ~" r *~4:00 Rocky Gordon Girl Alone, serial Sports Pago l Baseball Gama 4:15 Malcolm Claire Ufa's Beautiful { " " " " 4:30 Mass. Handicap Church in Wildwood .Mass. Handicap _ 4:45 Bud Barton, serial The O'Neills, serial ISports Pago" " 5:00 Evening Star Flashes It's Five O'clock News—Melodies Dance Time 5:15 lorry ot Circus, serial " " Jimmy Allen, serial " " 5:30 Ear Teasers—Scores News—Tunes Cocktail Capers Sullivan, news ^ 5:45 Lowell Thomas, news Some Like It Old WalkathonThe World Today 6:00 Easy Aces, comedy {Fred Waring's Orch. Sports Resume Amos and Andy, serial 6:15 Mr. Keen, drama 'European Round Up Walter Compton, nows lanny Ross, songs 6:30 Revelers, songs IStreamlinec, music Lone Ranger, serial Mr Meek's Ventures _6:45 News—Star Sports KaItonbom, nows ” ” ” " 7:00 TMs Our America. {Hollywood Playhouse F. Lewis, |r, nows Question Bee 7:15 “ ” ” Variation Syncopation " " 7:30 What Would You Dot Plantation Party Dance Music Dr. Christian, drama _ 7:45 » "I," '' “Dr. Christian—News 0:00 Green Hornet {Abbott and Cosfello Stamp Romances {Star Theater *:15 | " " Carlos Molina's Orch. " ” 0:30 News—Music ;Mr. District Attorney String Serenade New York Symphony 0:45 Jenkins-Armstg. Fight j ” * i “ “ I " ' 9:00 Jenkins-Armstg. Fight Kay Kyser's Kollege R. G. Swing, news |Glenn Miller's Orch. 9:15 " " " " News—Music (Public Affairs 9:30 " mm Pageant of Melody j News of the War 9:45 _* ***'{Convention News 10:00 Baseball—Dem. Plat. Convention News Lenny Keller's Orch. Trout, Hill, nows 10:15! " Winnipeg Symphony Arch McDonald 10:30 Jimmy Dorsey s Orch. News—Music News Harry James' Orch. 10:45 j " ”_Alvina Roy's Orch. W. A. Douglas_" **_ 11:00 European News Bill Crago, Sports Jack Teagarden's Orch. Late News 11:15 Convention News Night Club, music " Arthur Herbert's Orch. 11:30 Music You Desire Will Bradley's Orch. Gus Arnheim's Orch. News—Music 11:45 _Nine's Orch.—News * *_Leighton Noble’s Orch. 12:00 News—Night Watch Sign Off Dance Orchestra Chas. Hector's Orch. 12:15 Night Watchman ” " " 13:30 " Art Whiting’s Orch. Xavier Cugat’s Orch. 13:45 _ i _Dance Music—Nows 1:601 News—Sign- Off { (Linger Awhile iWoather EVENING STAR FEATURES TODAY Star Flashes, latest news with Bill Coyle; WMAL, 5:00 p.m. Star Sports, sports headlines by Michael; WMAL, 6:50 p.m. THE EVENING'S HIGH LIGHTS 7:00 p.m.—WMAL, This Our America evaluates in dramatic fash ion the land, water and mineral resources of the Nation. 7:30 p.m.—WJSV, Jean Hersholt stars on Dr. Christian in the play “Second Chance," about a small town doctor. 8:30 p.m.—WRC, Mr. District Attorney tangles with the “Perfect Crime.” 8:30 p.m.—WJSV, New York Symphony featured in all-Russian program under the direction of Efrem Kuntz. 8:30 p.m,—WOL. Jean Deslauriers conducts augmented string sec tion of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Orchestra from Toronto. 8:45 pjn.—WMAL, Lew Jenkins and Henry Armstrong battle in non-title fight at the Polo Grounds. 9:00 p.m.—WRC, Kay Kyser holds another session of his “Kollege.” 9:30 p.m.—WOL, Mack Harrell, Metropolitan Opera baritone, guest on Pageant of Melody. SHORT-WAVE PROGRAM 6:15 p.m.—BERLIN, Popular Music, DJL, 15.11 meg., 19.9 m. 6:35 p.m.—BUDAPEST, “Singing Youth,” HATS5, 9.62 meg., 31.17 m. 7:00 p.m.—MOSCOW, Broadcast in English, RV96, 15.24 meg., 19.7 m.; RNE, 12 meg., 25 m. 8:40 p.m.—ROME, Guitar duo, Cetra vocal quartet, 2R03, 31.15 m.; 2R04, 25.40 m.; 2R06, 19.61 m. 8:45 p.m.—LONDON, “News From Scotland,” GSD, 11.75 meg., 25.5 m.; GSC, 9.58 meg., 31.3 m. 9:30 p.m.—BERLIN, Dance Tunes and Cabaret, DJL, 15.11 meg., 19.9" m., DJD, 11.77 meg., 25.4 m.; DXB, 9.61 meg., meg., 31.2 m. 10:00 p.m.—ROME, News in English, 2R03, 31.15 m.; 2R04, 25.40 m.; 2R06, 19.61 m 11:00 pjn.—LONDON, The News, GSC, 9.58 meg., 31.3 m. 12:40 a.m.—TOKIO, A Talk in English, JZK, 1516 meg., 19.7 m. 3:00 a.m.—MOSCOW, English Period, RV96, 15.34 meg., 19.7 m. A.M.!TOMORROW'S PROGRAM. __ 6:00 Gordon Hittenmark i Arthur Godfrey 6:15 '* " I " " 6:30 Today’s Prelude " " (Art Brown ” ' < 6:45 ’’ "__I " ’’__ 7:00 News—Prelude European Situation ;Art Brown European Roundup 7:15 Prelude—News Gordon Hittenmark " " Arthur Godfrey 7:30 Lee Everett " “ Walter Compton, news ” 7:45 ** _Art Brown _Hugh Conover, news 8:00 Lee Everett . News—Hittenmark Birthdays—Brown Women of Courage 8:15 " " Gordon Hittenmark Art Brown Magic Carpet 8:30 Earl Godwin, news " " Walter Compton, news Store News ^ 8:45 Breakfast Club_**_Art Brown_Bachelor's Child, ser. *9:00 On The Mall Man I Married, serial Art Brown Kitty Kelly, serial 9:15 Vic and Sade, comedy Midstream, serial Mrs. Northcross Myrt and Marge, serial 9:30 Mary Marlin, serial Ellen Randolph, serial Keep Fit to Music Hilltop House, serial 9:45 iChas. Magnan, piano By Kathleen Norris iWalter Compton, news Stepmother, serial 10:00 News—Brown Book David Harum, serial {Successful Living Mary Lee Taylor 10:15 Clark Dennis, songs Road of Life, serial I Harold Turner, piano Life Begins, serial 10:30 Wife Saver Against the Storm Hits and Bits Br Sister, serial 10:45 Paradise Thunder Guiding Light, serial [Johnson Family, serial Aunt Jenny's Steries 11:00 News—Garden Talk .Woman in White Tune Time Kate Smith Speaks 11:15 ^Convention News {Convention News Navy Band Girl Marries, serial 11:30 i Farm and Home Hour Mary Mason " " Helen Trent, serial 11:45! ” I " Carters, serial Our Gal Sunday, serial P.M.l__ 12:00 Farm and Homa Hour News—Tunas Luncheon Music Goldbergs, serial 12:15 Between Bookends Mrs. Roosevelt Walter Compton, Revs Career Alice Blair, sr. 12:30 Clipper Ship Your Treat Walkathon K'l w Happiness, ser. 12:45 Clipper Ship—News Devotions_Church ot Air_Road ot Lite, serial 1:00 Looks From Here Light of World, serial Sports Page Dr. Malone, serial 1:15 Traveling Cook Grimm's Daughter, sr. " ” , Joyce Jordan, serial 1:30 Marine Band Valiant Lady, serial " " Fletcher Wiley | 1:45 _Church *Hymns" **My Son and I, serial 2:00 DivorceOrphans,serial]Mary Marlin, serial (Songs—Sports Society Girl, serial' 2:15 Honeymoon Hill, serial Ma Perkins, serial (Sports Page News 2:30 Other Wife, serial (Young's Family, serial ” ' Scatter'd Baines, ser. 2:45 Plain Bill, serial !Vic and Sade, comedy " *_Elinor Lee_ 3:00 War News—Matinee Backstage Wife, serial Walter Compton, news Dugout Chatter 3:15 Club Matinee Stella Dallas, serial Sports Page Base Bail Game 3:30 " " Lorenzo Jones, serial " " " " 3:45 Matinee—News Widov Brown, serial " '' " 4:00 Rocky Gordon Girl Alone, serial Sportspage i Base Ball Game 4:15 Malcolm Claire Life's Beautiful ” ' " " 4:30 Irene Wicker Church in Wildwood " " " " ^ 4:45 Bud Barton_The O'Neills, serial '' "__ *"5:00 Evening Star Flashes It's Five O'clock News—Music Dance Time 5:15 Jerry ot Circus, serial " " Jimmy Allen, serial " " 5:30 Ear Teasers—Scores News—Tunes Cocktail Capers Sullivan, news 5:45 Lowell Thomas, news ISome Like It Old Walkathon iThe World Today LETTER-OUT | UPPER I Letter-Out for pristine. | _ _ GAITER Letter-Out for superior. • 2 „ VESPER Letter-Out and they're at the top. o 3 4 OSPREY Letter-Out and he plllaces. 4 5 THAMES | | h*11"*0"1 ,or d,**r*c«' g Remove one letter from each word and rearrange to spell the word called for In the last column. Print the letter in center column opposite the word from which you have removed it. If you have "Lettered-Out” correctly you wheel. Answer to Yesterday’s LETTER-OUT. Letter-Out (E) ALIENS—NAILS (they take a pounding). (D ELATES—TEASE (pester). (O) OBLATE—TABLE (eat at it). <P) PACKED—CAKED (It hardened). (E) SALIENT—STALIN (the “Man of Steel”). Bedtime Stories By THORNTON W. BURGESS. Up over the hill trotted old Gran ny Fox. She was on her way home with a tender young chicken for Reddy Fox. Poor fteddy! Me had been shot by Farmer frown’s boy and now was so stiff and sore that he could hardly move, and could not walk at all. It was his own fault. Yes, sir, it was quite his own fault, for he had been showing off and he had been careless, or he never would have gone so near to the old tree trunk behind which Farmer Brown’s boy was hiding. Old Granny Fox never makes such mistakes as that. Oh, my, no! So now as she came up over the hill to a place where she could see her home, she laid the chickens down and then she crept behind a little bush and looked all over the Green Mea dows to see if the way was clear. She knew that Bowser the Hound was chained up. She had seen Far mer Brown and Farmer Brown’s boy hoeing in the cornfield, so she had nothing to fear from them. Looking over to her doorstep she saw Reddy Fox lying in the sun and then she saw something else, some thing that made her eyes snap and her teeth come together with a snap. It was Peter Rabbit sitting up very straight, not 10 feet from Reddy Fox. “So that’s that young scamp of a Peter Rabbit whom Reddy was go ing to catch for me when I was sick and couldn’tt I’ll Just show Reddy Fox how easily it can be done and he shall have tender young rabbit with his chicken!” said Granny Fox to herself. So first she studied and studied every clump of grass and every bush behind which she could creep. She saw that she could get almost to where Peter Rabbit was sitting and never once show herself to him. Then she looked this way and looked that way to make sure that no one was watching her. No one did she see on the Green Meadows who was looking her way. Then Granny Fox began to crawl from one clump of grass to another and from bush to bush. Sometimes she wriggled along flat on her sto mach. Little by little she was draw ing nearer to Peter Rabbit. Now, with all her smartness, old Granny Fox had forgotten one thing. Never once had she thought to look up in the sky. And there was Ol’ Mistah Buzzard sailing round and round and looking down and seeing all that was going on below. Ol’ Mistah Buzzard is sharp. He kn^w just what old Granny Fox was planning to do—knew it as well as if he read her thoughts. His eyes twinkled. “Am certn’ly can’t allow lil’ Peter Rabbit hurt, Ah certn’ly can’t!” muttered Ol’ Mistah Buzzard, and chuckled. Then he slanted his broad wings downward, and without a sound slid down out of the sky till he was right behind Granny Fox. “Do yo’ always crawl home, Gran ny Fox?” asked Ol’ Mistah Buzzard. Granny Fox was so startled, for she hadn’t heard a sound, that she jumped almost out of her skin. Of course Peter Rabbit saw her then, and was off like a shot. Granny Fox showed all her teeth. “I wish you would mind your own business, Mistah Buzzard!” she snarled. “Certn’ly. certn’ly. Ah shly will!” replied Ol’ Mistah Buzzard and sailed up into the blue, blue sky. POINTS FOR PARENTS By EDYTH THOMAS WALLACE. Give the baby, who has lately learned to walk, safe opportunities for practice. Father—We must keep the yard well raked and fill up all the little holes so that baby will be safe here. Mother—Baby gets so restless, penned up here on the porch, but hell fall and gSt hurt if I let him out in the yard. JOLLY POLLY A Little Chat on Etiquette By JOS. J. FRISCH. A POCKET BOOR MANUFACTURER REPORTS MORE ORDERS TRAN HE CAN FILL. MOST OF OS NAME MORE POCKET ROOKS TRAN WE CAN FILL. C. C. S.—When the plate is passed for a second helping, the knife and fork should not be held in the hand but should remain on the plate. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the leaflet, “Manners at Table.” Sleeping Woman Walks to Son's Grave Brisbane, Australia, recorded its strangest case of somnambulism re cently when a Woman, who had lost her only son in an accident, walked asleep 3 miles to a cemetery and returned almost to her home before waking. Without disturbing her husband, she left her bed, went to the grave, removed a vase in which flowers had died and carried it away with her. She was within 250 yards of her house when she dropped the vase, shattering It, and was awakened by the noise. THE RED KNIGHT w# The Sunday star's 16-page colored comic book.) By John J. Welch and Jack W. McGuire “The master again para lyzes THE tSLAND-AATANWHILEl PARLIAMENT MEETS — LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE (More of Orphan Annie’s thrilling adventnrec in Ike colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) By (jfQy i MOON MULLINS (Laufk ml Moot% Mullins on Sundays, lot, in 'tko colored comic section.) By Willord 1{ 1 | Aft, 1 DID NOT! J f ‘-tS'IJm I JUST COULDN'T •VOU /Srr AKJY HA! IF YOU ^WANTED BANK OR BUSINESS l WANTED. j] REFERENCES, BOY?” UP MRS BOMBOUS, L and— * r know now _ . j . ^.... ^ .I | TARZAN (Step up with Tartan's thrilling adventures in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) gy g(JgQf g jgg BlIfrOUgHS TOMMY SHIVERED TO HEAR HER LAUGH AT DEATH. WHAT GAMBU'S HASTY ARROW MISSED. V -*W- SHE HAD ONLY ONE ARROW. WAS THEN TARZEELA'S BOWSPRANG IT MUST DO ITS WORK WELL.- THE WINGED SHAFT FOUND GAMBU'S HORRORS* WOULD SHE LIKE LIGHTNING INTO POSITION. IT DID.' EVIL HEART. HE TOPPLED FROM THE LEAD HIM ? ? __ _'_ TREE. TARZEELA LAUGHED. SERGEANT STONY CRAIG <s,om* Croix's over, Sunday iu the colored comie section.) By Frank Rentfrow and Don Dickson S^the J 32£92S',J1,Ji v«wasE?ML-nus\nwNK noi/Re wrong, bill hmardAthaTs W6HT, NOU TUCK \ POLICE / HASN'T SHOWN UP IN ANT TELUN6 ABOUTSPIES) WISE. HE COULDN'T TOO 6EY W6HT) MAMA’S WN INTO HIS ) LOCATED [PAWNSHOP, AND NO DOCTOR AND STUFF 16 A f HAVE KNOWN VOU BACK IN BED- ( LITTLE SACK. ME AND L I^M'_NG GUN- LOT OF BALONETJ HAD THE RING UNTIL TOITVE BEEN 1 FINK ARE HEADING \ [ASSAILANT? ) SHOTWOUNDS. >r- UP TOO LONG/TOWARD TOWN FOR J NOW ■ B<T 0F hCTlON^/ DAN DUNN (Dan Dunn continues his fight against crime in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) By NOMlOfl MofsH THE CHIEP TELLS GOING DOWN TOWN, EH? OK- BUT l A (S'FUNNY- DAN TELUN' ME THAT TWO STORES WILL VOU WAIT OUTSIDE C'N ONLY > ME T MIT- AN' THEN WERE ROBBED WHILE FOR TEN MINUTESv'P t WAIT TEN NOT SHOWN' UP" YOU WERE WATCHING DON'T JOIN YOU BY THEN MINUTES- HELLO, SONIA" THEM- IS THAT SO AHEAD — I'VE GOT I GOT A DATE- QBE! YOU'RE, SOMETHING TO DO ER.-AN . RIGHT ON TIME/ BEFORE I LEAVE— APPOINTMENT// (There’s real adventure in The Sunday Star’s li-pafe colored comic booh.) By S. L. Huntley V m nr.