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No Tourists Hotels Tourist facilities within the boun daries of the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park in North Caro lina and Tennessee will be limited to automobile camp grounds and picnic areas, under a policy ap proved by Secretary of the Interior Ickes. Because of its elongated shape and its location, plus its limited road mileage, a visitor can adequate see that part of the park accessible by road without the necessity of stop ping overnight within its boundaries. Thus the National Park Service is given an unusual opportunity to de velop a large wilderness park with out the intrusion of the customary tourist facilities. Hotels, lodges and cabins located at points near the park boundaries in both North Carolina and Ten nessee now afford accommodations, STEAMSHIPS" ON THE AMERICAN II DAYS *120 up Including Shore Trips NASSAU • MIAMI HAVANA From New York Wednesdays, July 31, Aug. 14, 28, etc. Back in New York Sunday afternoon Cool and carefree cruises . . . the gay Munorgo way. Professional en tertainment ... realorchestra ... all outside staterooms...outdoor pool. 2 visits at Nassau, including famed Paradise Beach. 2 visits at Miami, 50-mile motor tour. 2 days and a nightin Havana with sightseeing. No passports required for U. S. citizens. ” to "mi aurs ™ NASSAU InlAlnl Round Trip Stueor III Nissan *100 M Fin . . . *65 IP Applv any authorized Travel Agent or 1511 K St. N.W., Washington. Tel. District 7800 MUNARGO LINE ^ COMPANY k TOand « from California AND MEXICO through American waters via . Havana, the Panama Canal, Acapulco, Mexico—on the Amer ican Flag Luxury liners Washington from New York, July 26th, Aug. 30th from California, Aug. 13th, Sept. 17th Manhattan from New York, Aug. Oth, Sept. 14th .front California, Aug. 27th, Oct. 2nd k Regular Sailings Thereafter <*250Up$150Up FIRST CLASS TOURIST CABIN 10% Round Trip Reduction A choice of 3 other itineraries in cluding 31-Day Round Trip Cruise, Combination One Way Sea-One Way Rail or Air Trips andspecial Mexico"CircleTour.” No Passport* or Visas Required. SEE YOUR TRAVEL agent FOR DETAILS U.S. Lines •12 15th Street N.W. NAtional 2690 Offices in principal cities. hr FUN AT SEA... for FUN ASHORE... Choose this TO MIAMI (from Baltimore) All the pleasure ... all the leisure C£750 Of luxury cruise life . . . with the / — added thrill of a full day and night in beautiful Miami. Sail aboard a 9 DAYS large, modern liner. En|oy sports, parries, relaxation, fine food, com- All fortable accommodations, fascinat ing sightseeing . . . have all costs EXM!IS6S paid before you leave. OTHER GRAND CRUISES TO NEW ENGLAND NOVA SCOTIA. CANADA AND HAVANA For booklet, giving full details, apply MAM. Travel Bureau, 1418 H St., N. W„ Washington (Tel. National 4812)—or authorized tourist agents. \Merehantsjand Miners SPEED SPLASH IN THE CATALINA CHANNEL—Trying out for the world’s only “open water” aquaplane race, to be run August 4 from Catalina Island to Manhattan and Hermosa Beach, Fred Olds takes a spill at 50 miles per hour. Because of the likeness of the planes to ironing boards, the race is often called the “Ironing Board Derby.” I Passenger Steamers Again | Piy the Mississippi MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 20.—Thou sands of Americans who know the Rhine, Nile, Thames, the Volga, the Ganges, the Irawadi and even the Amazon, have neither been near the Mississippi except to cross it on a train at night. Just why this should be it is hard ! to say; perhaps because distant pas ; tures are always greener, perhaps the makers of travel posters or com posers, like Johan Straus, are to blame, or perhaps because trans I portation on the Mississippi had been allowed to fall into decay. Trere are no waltzes which ex STEAMSHIPS. SOUTH AMERICA | SAIL ON UNITED STATES FLAG 33,000-TON LUXURY LINERS S. S. BRAZIL. S.S. URUGUAY S.S. ARGENTINA Fortnightly from Now York for Barbados • Rio do Janeiro Santos • Montevideo Buenos Aires • Trinidad 38 DAY CRUISES start at $380 touriit, $480 first dau ($530 c.rtain s.aiont). Co mult Your Travol Agonl or MOORE MeCORMACK LINES 912 15 St. N.W. NA. 2699 !-. top cruise ran « cuoi ininnn seusi <5mr on Um S. S. NORONIC and HAMONIC ... the largest, finest lake liners : Cruise to the Land of Sky Blue Water I Enjoy a full round of gay entertainment under able Cruise Directors—with gala sightseeing ashore. Choice of independent cruises or all-expense trips. ALL-EXPENSE TRIPS from Washington 1 Buffalo... Niagara Falls 11 DAYS Datrait... Sarnia "Soo" Canal... Part Arthur Fort WIHarn...Duluth Personally Escorted. Including Pullman accommodations, outside berth on steamer, all meals, sightseeing. Every Wed. and Sat. INDEPENDENT CRUISES Includes meals, berth, sightseeing. From De troit 7 days-$67.50...Buffalo-9 daya-S79.50 ON VOUR Turn WEST-Includa a refreshing cruise between Detroit (or Buffalo) and Duluth. Fine rail, highway connections. AUTOS CARRIED AT LOW RATES CRUISES TO THE SAGUENAY - Ask about fascinating trips through French Canada to the Saguenay. S3* from Montreal $97.43 from Washington. For literature and tickets apply Geo. B. Canvin. kOO Lincoln-Liberty Bldg.. Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, or your R. R. or travel act. No passports required. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES [ NORTHERN NAVM8ATI0N DIVISION toll the “Muddy Mississippi’’ (who’ll write one?), no castles on its heights, no elephants “a’pilin teak” along its creeks, no toiling coolie trackers dragging barges up the stream, no fantastic feluccas, no burning ghats and no crocodiles. But “Old Man River” has no need to borrow from others, for he has plenty of charac ter of his own. First-class passenger transporta tion has now returned to the Mis sissippi. Passenger steamboats such as have not been seen since Civil War days are in service. The Gor don C. Greene is one of these steam ers, a stern wheeler so quaint and picturesque that it would seem to have stepped from an old print. There's a radio, however, and a phonograph. French Restaurants Dot Montreal MONTREAL, July 6—There are many well-known French res taurants of popular price with many charming little French eating houses in the neighborhood of St. Catherine, Drummond and Rochester streets. STEAMSHIPS. 10-Day Cruise to Cap Haitien and Havana The need for clear heads and steady nerves was never so urgent as today. You owe It to yourself to keep fit. Rest and relax for ten glorious days. See picturesque Haiti and enjoy gay Ha vana.~.from $105.00 AUGUST 10th 12-day cruise to San Juan, Cap Haitien and Havana..from $125.00 AUGUST 24th . . Labor Day Cruise to Cap Haitien and Havana 10 days-- from $105.00 SEPT. 7th, SEPT. 21st, OCT. 5th to San Juan, Cap Haitien and Havana, 12 days.from $125.00 Inquire of your Travel Agent or SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE I 4 West 51st St., New York, N. Y. Cir. 6-1440 TRAVEL. The Versailles is a reproduction of the Montmartre with a typical French menu, French songs and mu sic. The Au Latin Qui Bouffe, famed for its art student waiters and clas sical music, will this summer have a garden terrace in connection with STEAMSHIPS. Washinrtan to New York br.jkjarr rail. Nrw York to Texas bv $I1Q55 sea. Return all-rail to JJI VYashintton. WW “P A vacation packed with thrills: New York for the Fair; then 6 days cruising to Texas on a spacious ocean liner with meals, stateroom accommodations, deck sports, outdoor pool, danc ing talkies and a visit in Miami en route; return direct by rail. Or go to Texas by rail, return via New York. Stopover privileges. Tu buth Raw Yath and CaPferala Fafrt: RaH-Ocoan Ctrcta Tawr-J144 up. Apply f or TRAVEL MENTS, or CLYDE-MALLORY LINES fa 1114 Llneeln-Libertr BMc„ Phlla. vj?' SEND FOR THIS FREE BOOKLET! Plan your trip in detail with this 20-page booklet which gives all the answers...where to golf, fish, swim...road maps,customs infor mation...where to find Canadian Pacific Hotels. Trips through quaint French Quebec...the Maritimes...English Ontario. Canada welcomes U. S. citizens passports. • Get booklet from your auto club or Canadian Pacific, 14th and New York Ave. N.W., VWash., D. C., National 4235. I Your .American Dollar/ Go Further in Canada Thit Year. GO WEST A. vl B tUe CAREFREE WAY —on an Sdcosited ^on/i! Just see how much more pleasure you can get for your money on a Northern Pacific Escorted Tour! Before you decide on your vaca tion,send for our illustrated book let describing many glorious Western trips. Gives all-expense costs, itineraries—everything you want to know! You’ll like the arrangements made for your comfort on these trips—air-conditioned Pullmans —finest hotels—no restrictions on meals—and a courteous escort along to take care of baggage, res ervations and every detail! Mail coupon for free booklet now! ••• I •• NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY •••••••• I NcU Baird. BOO Sherehaai Bide., | I Wasblncton; Ph. Natonial 0670. Please seed ae free Escorted Tour Booklet* I aa ialeicstcd la Western trip ■« f - trovro or two am-cottomottre Its main restaurant, which will face on St. Oregolre street. Outside the city are the French Inns of Auberge Delamalson Orlse at Pont David and the Cafe Martin on Mountain street Both these spe cialize hi a French cuisine. Among the French night clubs are Chez Ernest, Chez Maurice and Chez Stein. Chez Paul, on st. James street, Is famed for its specialty luncheons, while Chez Maurice combines French with Chinese dishes. Drury’s on Osborne street is Mon treal’s celebrated English chop house and combines an English and French menu, with the Stable on Bishop street famed for Its fashionable aft ernoon tea. Sponge Flowers Hold Perfume for Months MIAMI, Fla., July 6.—Flowers made from sponge which absorb and retain the fragrance of milady’s per fume for months are the odd cre ations of Eloise ana Della Child at Miami, Fla. Heretofore merely a bathtub or auto-washing accessory, the low ly “Thylum Porifera” through the deft, creative touch of these girls have been transformed into glorified, flower-petaled dress pins, lapel and hat ornaments, bobby pins, hair novelties, bracelets, anklets and even decorative bathing attire. The Child sisters have graduated from one sponge to thousands and from a workshop at home to a plant travel! and skilled employes to whom they have taught their art. It takes a worker 20 minutes to turn out a sponge flower. The petals must be cut, assembled, wired and trimmed. Red, baby blue and pink are the most popular colors. Size ranges from 3 Inches to % of an inch across. The wearer may apply her favorite perfume and the fragrance will linger for months. Use of American toiletries is in crcaalng In Africa. TRAVEL. EASIEST TRIP "ABROAD" Hear the soft music of French . . . explore a real walled city with cobbled streets . . . In friendly old ©uebec. By motor, 00 miles from U. 8. Border. By train, over night. Oateway to lower St. Lawrence, shrine of 8te. Anne de Beaupre. Sague nay, Oaspe. Rates at Chateau #3.60 up per day (European). Your travel agent or any Canadian Pacific ofllce; C. E. Phelps. 14th and New York Ave. N.W., Washington. D. C. NAtlonal 4236. Canada welcome, V. S. citizen? No poet port. Chateau Frontenac NEW SCENIC ROUTE ****** TO PACIFIC COAST *^0^ NOW open—the new 130-mile Co lumbia Icefield Highway connect ing Banff and Jasper National Parks. By booking your trip west via Ca nadian National, you can see the scenic "high spots” of the Canadian Rockies without duplicate mileage. Low summer tourist fares permit this new routing for only $35.25 : additional for 2-day motor trip, in cluding first class hotel accommo dation and meals, from Calgary to Jasper...No passports required. A. P. LArr, 922.15th St. N.W. Telephone N Aliens! 2333 CALGARY Cuban Electoral Court Announces Final Returns By the Associated Pres*. HAVANA, July 20.—The Supreme Electoral Court announced tonight the following final official returns from Cuba’s presidential election of last Sunday: Col. Fulgenclo Batista, 024,777; Dr. Ramon Orau San Martin, 508, 168: Reinaldo Marquez Camacho, 8,212. TRAVEL. TAUCK MOTOR1 TOURS * Hunch EASTERN AMERICA Join a personally conducted vacation tour leav >"*, New York weekly in private luxurioua club motor coach through NEW ENGLAND. CAPE££DV.F O'1A SCOTIA, GASPE ONTARIO, LAND O’ SKY. DEEP SOUTH. } to 21 days, dll txpenie, from $55. Wrfrc for fret illmtrdtfj took No. ,t» TAUCKTOURS. 4TB Fifth Ave. N. V. C. — »f Consult Your Lacul Trot el Af..i ******* *~* *******ft * * * FREE Beautiful map folder do- * j * scribingNew York...the Sute * ie that has Everything. Address + * N. Y. Sute Hotel Assn., 221 * * W. 57th St, New York City. J * TRAVEL AMERICA YEAR I * ****************** _TRAVEL._ In Air-conditioned Pullman ■ !, * Con I Summer Vacation No passport* required I 16 Marvelous Vacation Days ■ 1 *232” WASHINGTON HB Departures from Chicago every Sunday until If Decamber 8th Mi fe Visiting: tr Mexico City tr Toluca S fif —Desert, of the Lions tr Puebla S§f f and Cholula * The Pyramids and B Ifi GuadalUDe * Taxco ★ Cuerna- B L-. vsca tr Xochimilco. frf F' All slxhtseelne by nrlvate motor. H p, Aslt your Travel Acent today, or AMERICAN EXPRESS _ 1414 F St. N.W. _ Willard Hotel Bide. p P Phone NAtional Mtt |f Washinirton, D. C. | !»SK ABOUT THE NEW. DEFERRED 1 PAYMENT PUN, FOR THESE TOURS Q Am truss Euprtsr TrsptUri Cbtgmt S| liliiilg Ajssji Prtrtct Yotar TrsttiFmdr SW.;^tI Wcm^m (10 BUDGET i I VACATIONS I Check your» m |5NA ond return this M > ad for detailg * from Washington □ 1. Week In a White Moun tain resort _g84 □ 2. Montreal-Saguenay Riv er cruise-tour. 8 days. 88 □ 3. Motor coach tour thru New England. 7 days.. 104 □ 4. ' Kungsholm'' cruise to West Indies, lo days . 105* □ 5. •'Voodoo” cruise to Haiti (from Phila.> 13 days.. 110 □ 6. Week on a Wyoming Summer Ranch. 10 days. 123 □ 7. Great L a k e a-Niagara Palls cruise-tour. 11 days .. __ 133 □ 8. West Indies cruise on the new 8.S. "America.” 12 days- 150* □ 9. Cook's ‘ Heart of the West” California tours. 1* days .. _. _200 C !#• Cook's Popular Tours to Mexico. 14 days_237 C Check here If interested in monthly payment plan. • Fare from New York Hundreds of other big values at Thos. Cook fir Son— Wogong-Lits Ine. 812 15th St. N.W.. Washington. National 45*2. Air Conditioned lor Your Comfort TO and FROM the AMERICAN and NEUTRAL Islands of The Virgin Islands • Puerto Rico • Haiti • Cuba (St. Thomas) (San Juan) (Port au Prince) (Havana) . Ajfi * / NO Passports or Visas Required Maiden Voyage AUGUST lOn. followed by sailings AUG. 24th. SEPT. 7th, SEPT. 21st, OCT. Sth, OCT. 19th Subsequent voyages will be announced later. / ★ Complete 12-Day Voyage (from New York to St. Thomas, t| pA San Juan, Port au Prince, J.OUuP Havana and back to New York) » TVT o finer, more beautiful liner ever sailed forth on a Maiden Voyage than this new American Queen of the Seas. Imagine how glorious these trips to the scenic West Indies will be—with all the added excitement and acclaim which the AMERICA’S entry into service will win. Here is the ship of today—the highest achievement of shipbuilding art. Eight great decks for play and relaxation... luxurious, comfort able and spacious accommodations—the American standard of living afloat, the highest in the world... a huge tiled swimming pool... pre-release movies... gala entertainment in a stunning nightclub ... a per fect cuisine served in air-conditioned dining rooms. For complete details consult your Travel Agent or United States Lines 912 15th St. N.W. Tel. National 2690 Offices in principal cities