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Alexandria Families Hosts to Visitors Mrs. David Russell Jones of Phoenix Arrives for Stay With Mother and Sister ALEXANDRIA, Va„ July 20.—Mrs. David Russell Jones and her daughter, Miss Margaret Jane Jones of Phoenix, Ariz., arrived this week tor visits with Mrs. Jones’ mother, Mrs. Arthur Graham, her brother-in law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Augustine Latane, and also Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Taylor. Mrs. Harry Newton Cootes has been visiting Admiral and Mrs. An drew C. Pickens this week. She will spend a few days with Comdr. Wallis Gearing, U. S. N„ and Mrs. Gearing, in Belle Haven before going to Vir ginia Beach lor the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Cootes, widow of Col. Harry Newton Cootes, U. S. A., has sold their home at 1020 Prince street to Capt. and Mrs. James R. Randall, Mrs. Frank Maguire and Caroline Angela Maguire, wife and daugh ter of Dr. Maguire of San Diego, Calif., are here lor a two-month’s visit with Mrs. William Wallace West. Mrs. Maguire formerly was Miss Llnd sey West of Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dare have a cottage at North Falmouth on Cape Cod for a month, and have with them his sister, Miss Gertrude Dare of Swarthmore, Pa. They also will have as guests during their stay their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and* Mrs. Edgar Dare and their children, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Paige, and their children. Miss Kathleen Traunce of San Diego, Calif., spent the week with her cousin, Miss Minnie Henderson, en route to Mattapoisett, Mass., to visit another cousin, Miss Lannon. Mrs. Benedict Wheatley and her house guest, Mrs. Willis Holcombe Wills of Lynchburg, Va., are spend ing several weeks at Holiday House, near Alexandria. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Arnette have returned from a month’s stay in Rochester, Minn., and alsQ visiting relatives in Bristol, Va. Mr. and Mra. McFarland Return From Visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McFarland have returned from a visit to his mother, Mrs. J. W. McFarland, at her home at Green Bay, Va., and were accompanied home by their daughter, Miss Barbara McFarland, who had spent a month with her grandmother. Mrs. R. B. Wilson, also of Green Bay, returned with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, for a visit, t Mrs. Charles T. Hellinuth and Mrs. Annie Patterson are spending a week in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. C. Raymond Hellinuth and their children return this week from that resort. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wheeler of Howardsville, Va., are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Fannon. Miss Phyllis Shepp of Kevser, W. Va., is the guest of Miss Ann Mc Dermott in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. McDermott. Mr. and Mrs. William Topping and their son, Jack Topping, re turned this W'eek from a visit to relatives in Lynchburg, Va., and were accompanied home by Mrs. Topping's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Roberson of Lynchburg. Mrs. Henry C. Sumner and Miss Shirley Sumner are spending the remainder of the summer with rel atives in West Orange and Jersey City, N. J. Rice Being Used in India To Determine Guilt Rice is being used in parts of India to determine guilt, according to reports received in Bombay. Natives suspected of crimes are forced by magistrates to chew the MRS. EARL B. GROVE. Before her marriage June 1 Mrs. Grove was Miss Kathe rine Cunningham. She is the daughter of Mr. Katherine Cunningham of 5528 Hato thorne place. —Hessler Photo. dry grain. Such Is the influence of fear on salivary glands that if a person is guilty the mouth remains dry and chewing is difficult, often impossible. Queen Quality I i BOOT SHOP I SALE I I Entire Slock of I I QUEEN QUALITY I I VITALITY I I WHITE SHOES ■ ■ Reduced to H 1 I 4.90 5.9O 0.90 1! II Formerly to $9.75 I ■ Including dark shoes. ■ I Sizes 4 to 10 . . . AAAA ■ | vm @ualii ~ i». r IT. H.W. i WHERE TO HINE. Luncheon, 55c to 1.00 Dinner Doily, 85c and 1.00 Sunday 1.00 Holiday l.M 1 HELP YOURSELF AT THE ”<SaU &'t" A Regular Feature of Our b5c and 75c DINNERS • GREENWAY INN 2915 Connecticut Avenue 18th A Columbia Road N.W. AIR CONDITIONED DINE WITH US TODAY SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Olher Dinner*, t?5c. 91. Served I *!-K P.M. rFor the City’s Finest Food,] I served amid fragrant flowers. I U-» Dine at IVY TEKKACE I—* I Indoor*, the Harden or the Terrace I ! 75c $1.00 ; Served 11:00 to H::iO V Morylond Fried Chicken, Hot Bread ' and Homemade Desserts Our Specialty J|W 1630-34 lV I Conn. Ave. ERRAQ O'Donncll'i Form* PLANTATION DINNERS —are the talk of the country side. The gold-'u-fried ehicken. juicv steaks, “ocean tang" sea food and delicious drinks are the reason. Drive out today. Marlboro Pike. Md.. ft mi from District Line. Dancing Satur day Nights to Sidney's Music. Telephone HlIKide ®OI*J /•dONNEL1s\ MARM*/ Formerly Griffith Farms Tavern Now- O'Donnell Owrned and Operated FOR THE CONFIDENT BUYER 24-HOUR EGGS Large Size, 35c dez. Pullet Size, 25c doz. DIRECT FROM OUR FARM TO YOU ► Graded and Candled < NO DELIVERIES— 38 Varieties of Butter OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYS Crust Pies Baked ' Daily All baking personally sapor- L c„k ^ , nsed by Mrs. Stephanson. Assorted Tea Cakes STEPHANSON'S Just /fcross Penna. Are. Bridge—Drive Out! 28rd fir Peeije. Aye. S.E. AT. 7900 ■ ^ RALEIGH HABERDASHER Season’s Outstanding Fashion Scoop! IMPORTANT NEW COAT STYLES-SUPERB QUALITIES IN IMPORTANT FURS-RICH NEW FABRICS! » J '* Coats you'll see after the sale at $69.75 to $79.95! n il HITS THESE FURS USED WITH A LAVISH HAND: SILVER FOX BLENDED MINK PERSIAN LAMB DYED KOLINSKY SQUIRREL BEAVER SKUNK RACCOON BADGER CANADIAN LYNX The season's top-flight fashions in Fur-trim med Coats! Every one NEW . . . extravagant rippling collars, tuxedo panels, scarfs, plastron fronts of fur tell a brilliant fashion story! Every coat with that unmistakable fineness in styling, workmanship, fur and fabric . . . that bespeaks a better.Coat, a RALEIGH Coat, with more emphasis than any price tag can! $98.75 to $110 COATS & SUITS Handsome with Blended Mink, Beaver, Persian Lamb, Silver Fox, Ocelot luxuriously used on fine woolens. $129.95 to $139.95 COATS Enormous collars, full-length plastrons of Silver Fox, Persian Lamb, Blended Mink on fa mous fabrics! 4 MONTHS TO PAY on our Extended Pay ment Plan. No down payment no car rying charge. First payment Sept. 16. MINK-DrED MUSKRAT f i After Sale, $245 Muskrat takes a new beauty treatment and becomes a luxury fur.. . one of the most popular in our Summer Sale! Hollander-blended in rich mink tones ... newly soft and light-weight with out losing its famous durability. Here's fur coat luxury at a grand saving. % Mink-dyed Muthrat; after tale $135. ' Now, $108 Sable-dyed Muthrat; after tale $186. New, $148 Fither-dyed Muthrat; after tale $376. New, $230 ! I* . .. Other Fur Coats in Our Summer Sale FUR COATS, after sole $149, now_$120 FUR COATS, after sale $325, now.$260 FUR COATS, after sale $550, now_$440 -A WHOLE YEAR TO PAY! On our Fur Coot Payment Plan. On purchases aver $160, 6 to 12 months , 1 to pay. First payment due Sipt. 16th. 1 Lay-Away Hew requires d * / * v- *>>«. % < .• $ ....... .. BLENDED MINK flaret wide m revert and panel on a tide-tied coat, tit. SABLE - DYED SKUNK from col lar to border on lavishly paneled side-tied coat, $SS. SILVER FOX rip- . pling brilliantly in- * to a new soft huge collar on princess slim coat, $5t. BLACK PERSIAN LAMB jacket jplas tron with new soft ness on slim-flttei coat, $58, DYED KOLINSKY 6-skin scarf (de tachable) on fitted basic black coat. Both grand soloists, tss. OTHER PAYMENT PLANS: LAY-AWAY PLAN: $5 de posit will hold $58 Coot or Suit till Oct. 1st; $10 on Coots $79.75 or over. SIX-MONTH PLAN: Spread payments over 6 months on Coats $79.75 or more. Small carrying charge. USE YOUR CHARGE AC COUNT: billed Oct. 1st. Open an account now.