Newspaper Page Text
TODAY’S CROSS-WORD PUZZLE HORIZONTAL. 1 Goblin self greatly exhalted 7 Girl 94 Sun god 11 Foie part of a vessels 35 Popular smoke 15 To believe 99 South American Mn 21 En epic poem guage 22 Landed 1°0 To satisfy 23 Country of Europe 101 Locations 24 Strip of dried dough 103 Principal chamber of 25 Spreads for drying a Greek temple 28 ToTep heavily 104 Poetic: alwa^ 30 Symbol for tellurium 105 "To change 31 Falsifier 107 Cape 32 To weep 109 Gaelic seagod 33 Weblike membrane 110 European 35 To abscond 111 Land measure 36 Invisible emanation 112 Spherical 38 Poetic: It is 114 Hard-shelled fruits 39 Interjection 116 Tame 40 Intensive pronoun 118 Pocketbooks 42 Part of “to be" 119 Fresh sets 43 Beyond 121 Ridge glacial deposits 45 Compass point 123 Ripped 46 Goddess of the hunt 124 Shops 47 Grants 125 Sea-eagles 50 Soared 127 To quell 52 Thigh armor 129 Lends 54 Opening 130 Since 55 To bring forth young 132 Group of six 57 Pieces of turf 134 Knave of clubs 60 Heavenly being 135 Company of actors 61 Kind of resin 137 Paid notice 63 Man’s name 139 Syncopated 65 To send in return 141 To stupefy 66 Pastries 142 Trojan king 67 Voracious fresh-water 144 Heraldic device fish 145 Nahoor sheep 68 High hill 146 To declare 70 Small particle 148 Hebrew month 72 Religious ceremony 149 Artist 73 Pronoun 151 Babylonian deity 74 Heraldic bearing 152 Unclosed 75 Persian elves 153 To behave 77 Part of eye 155 Luck 79 Short sleep 156 Separate entry 80 Patagonian deity 158 Ornament consisting of 82 Indo-Chinese language a series of tooth-like 83 Scamps projections 86 2.000 pounds 160 Agreement 87 To put In relation 161 Poker stake 89 Rule 162 To grant 90 Person who thinks him- 163 Strike out VERTICAL 1 Two-masted sailing 74 Greek coin vessel 75 French capital 2 Musical drama 76 Boxes 3 Substance 78 Metallic dross (pi.) 4 Goddess of the harvest 81 Greek letter 5 Frencn article «? Earned 6 Feudal manor-house 84 Music: as written and adjoining lands 85 Hawaiian frigate-bird 7 Not of scale 87 Spiced condiment 8 Music: high 88 Bar 9 Father 90 Engine 10 Pendulous mineral for- 91 To come into operation mation 92 To mutilate 11 Pungent 93 Appearance 12 Slang: to annoy 95 Walking stick 13 Crude metal 96 Happens again 14 Plural pronoun 97 Weird 15 Barometer 98 Lock of hair 16 Symbol for cobalt 102 Employing questions 17 Mountain pass 103 River in Africa 18 To prepare for publi- 106 Approaches cation 108 Beginning 19 Ordinary 110 Foremost 20 Succinct 111 To expiate 27 Appellation of Athena 113 Unit of force 29 Philippine Island 115 Pronoun tribesman 117 Lettuce genus 30 Ottoman 118 Public warehouse 33 Bell-rope 120 Mariner’s instrument 34 Mulberry 122 To notify 36 Symbol for actinium 124 Priest’s cassock 37 Moving about 126 Remnant 40 Measures of length 128 Precipitation 41 Untrue 129 Only 43 Hindu prayer rug 130 Tilled land 44 To cut 131 Keeps 46 Brief synopsis 133 Printer's measure 48 Folding bed 136 Concerning 49 English river 137 To anoint 51 Mask worn at mas- 138 Europeans querades 140 Jewels 52 Tapestry 142 Former 53 To combine 143 To dole 54 Japanese beverage 145 Tool for removing 56 Sign weeds 58 Fabulous giant 147 Female ruff 59 Stairs 149 Writing implement 61 Wire measures 150 Scarlet 62 Made right 152 Japanese sash 64 North American rail 154 Article 67 Part of speech 155 Symbol for calcium 69 Old English coin 157 Pronoun 71 Large number 159 Spanish article Answer to Yesterday’s Puzzle. q|pIe| IiIrI ItIqIpIeIrI NON A0E_1*JITH| %M0IPAI -LL%RIalIxyst ATKP|C U L T 0 T slip A l| pf e m i TTol LK LV n AIM I§.fcE ^ I P A | R A B. £ I L 2. H 11 £ 2 1 £ £ a.R£BNE £ E B F E R i^lRlElAlpj [iM’lAlMl Law Enforcement Parley To Take Up Espionage Social section meetings on espio nage, sedition, propaganda, treat ment of aliens and similar subjects have been arranged for the Federal State Conference on Law Enforce ment Problems of National Defense, to be held at the Department of Justice Building August 5 and 6. Those scheduled to address the conference general sessions include Attorney General Robert H. Jack son, Gov. William H. Vanderbilt of Rhode Island. John Lord O'Brian, former special assistant to the At torney General; J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Judge Richard Harts one, president of the Interstate Commission on Crime: Ellwood J. Turner, Speaker of the Pennsyl vania House of Representatives and chairman of the Council of State Governments; Lawrence C. Jones, attorney general of Vermont and president of the National Associa tion of Attorneys General, and So licitor General Francis Biddle. Cleveland School Band Will Give Concert Here The Cathedral Latin School Band v of Cleveland, Ohio, which is tour ing this section, will give a concert at the District War Memorial in . Potomac Park at 7:30 p.m. tomor row. The band, brought here through the interest of Senator Donahey of Ohio, will play for the first time a composition entitled the “Roose velt March,” written in honor of the , President. The band is led by Glen Phelps. Annual Moonlight Hike Taken by Trail Club Members of the Potomac Appa lachian Trail Club took their annual • moonlight hike last night in the Shenandoah National Park. Leaving the city yesterday after Boon by bus and automobiles, the party was led by Charles P. Thomas ' of Silver Spring. Md. There were .two hikes of different lengths. One ’ was from Hawksbill Gap to Thorn ton Gap. Both parties joined for a Mop on Marys Rock for sunrise. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time 23c line___ $ .69 3 times 20c line_ 1.80 7 times 19c line (consecutively) 3.99 Transient advertisements cash. Additional space pro rata. Claims for errors must be made in time for correction before the sec ond insertion. DEATH NOTICES—$1.25 per in sertion for 10 lines or less; 15c per line for additional lines. Situations Wanted Reduced Rates 3 lines, 1 time, 20c line_ $ .60 3 lines, 2 times, 18c line_ 1.08 3 lines, 3 times, 15c line_ 1.35 Business cards under Special No tices and all advertisements under Personal 3c per line additional. Business advertisements under Sit uations Wanted will be charged the regular classified rate. The Star is the great “Want Ad” medium of Washington, and the rates charged are far lower than those of newspapers in other large cities. Noth ing is so cheap considering the results obtained. SPECIAL NOTICES. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts unless made by myself. THOMAS E. OJOONNELL. JR.. 3(121 O st. n.w. 21* _ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR any debts other than those contracted for by myself. S. G. SIDELINGER. 210 4th st._s.e._ 22* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts or bills other than those contracted by myself. CHAMPION H. NORRIS. 5043 Blaine st. n.e__21* I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE TOR ANY debts other than those contracted by my self. MR. PAUL KRUM. 3327 M st. n w. _____21*_ INVALID ROLL INGCH AIRS—For rant or sale: new and used, all styles, all sizes: re duced prices. UNITED 8TATK8 STORAGE CO. 418 10th at n.w ME 1S44. _LOST._ BAR PIN. set with pink stones; lost July IT on F st. n.w.. bet. 11th and 14th. Re wa rd. North 6354._ BICYCLE, girl’s blue Elgin with clock and speedometer. Reward. Shepherd 6852. BILLPOLD. brown, containing money and identification. Call Randolph 4091. Reward._ BILLFOLD, brown, in shopping center. 49th st. and Mass. ave. n.w. Reward. James M. Smither. Call CH. 3556 after 6 p.m.__ BOSTON BULL, female, black with white breast, Takoma Park (Md.) tag. Owner, H. E. Allen son. Lost vicinity Fern st. a nd_Bl a i r rd._Rew ard. Call OK. 7406. CAT "Mltzie." female. Maltese, small ears: missing since Tuesday noon. Return to 2432_Tunlaw_rd._n.w._Reward._21 •_ CHANGE PURSE, black, containing rail road ticket and cash. Reward. Phone Woodley 5334, 404-0._ GLASSES, with gold chain; lost at ball park. Reward. Phone North 0796. HOUND DOG. black back, tan legs; D. C. tag 20873, Thurs., July 11. Reward. 226 V st. n.w. HO. 0696. _23* NOVELTY BRACELET of colored signal flags, Tuesday night, July 16. on Broad moor Hotel grounds; present from my late husband._WO. 6900. Apt. 120. « WEDDING RING, yellow gold, 8 diamonds. 1007 E st. s.e. Lincoln 5653-J. Reward. WRIS^ WATCH, lady's. Hamilton, white gold, diamonds. Finder phone B. M. Robbln. attorney, Republic 1406. Reward. _22* $100 REWARD. Pair pearl shirt studs contained in en velope in wallet lost July 15th on Penn. R. R, Pullman train en route Newark to Washington. D. C.. or possibly in Wash ington. Return to J A Lyons. A. R. Lee FOUND._ PLEASE report all (fcses of cruelty to animals to the Washington Humane So ciety. lt!31 New York ave. n.w. Telephone NA 284t». The only society in the Dis trict of Columbia having authority to in vestigate cruelty complaints and initiate prosec u t ions._I HELP MEN. ADVERTISING SALESMAN—Handle brand new display with action pictures, in color, for windows, inside of store. Box 190-J. Star. _ __ __* AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER, or one in terested taking snapshots; exp. unneces sary: man. young._Box_442^G. Star. ARTIST, advertising agency; must be ex pert layout and figure man; steady job. fine future. Send sample and personal history to D. C P. O. Box 1240. Replies strictly confidential. _ AUTO MECHANIC, experienced on Fords. Cali Mr. Bixler, Adams 8004, Monday a m. between 8 and 9.___ AUTO MECHANICS. 2. first-class; expe rienced only need apply. No others will be considered. See Mr. W. R Harwood. Call Carl. Inc.. 014 H st. n.w.. between 0 and J1 a m. Tuesday ______ AUTO SALESMEN, sell Ford. Mercury, Lincoln-Zephyr and used cars; liberal com mission plan, plus bonuses, plus transporta tion: floor periods: excellent working con ditions Phone Mr. Smith, Adams 8002, Monday for appointment. AUTO PARTS SALESMAN;"must have per sonality and experience: must be capable of producing from the start. Harris Armature Co . Oth and O n.w._ • BAKER, colored, for restaurant; local ref erences: give salary expected and age in reply._Box 307-G, Star._ BODY AND FENDER MAN: prefer one with knowledge of radiator reDalring: steady work. 1118 20th st. n.w. _ BOY to learn engraving. AddIv 1311 G st. n.w , Room 503. ' BOY. honest and energetic. In general mer chandise store: part-time work: school boy preferred, living near 7th st. n.w. Box 243-G. Star._ _ BRICKLAYERS WANTED. Landon School. Wilson lane. Bethesdu, Md. Apply Mon day morning. _ CANVASSERS. 2 men to contact home owners: salary and commission, transp. furn._Monday. 0-10 a.m.. 1737 W at. s.e. CARPENTER. FINISHER. APPLY 4012 WIS. AVE OR CALL AD. 6273._ » CARPENTER, neat, remodeling: nearby Md. 2 or 3 mps. work. Box 153-J. Star, »_ CEMETRY LOT SALESMEN—To an ex perienced man we will give a generous commission arrangement, auallfled Dros pecis. full co-operation in selling and closing and a weekly drawing account. Here is the best cemetery proposition around Washingion. Our salesmen are making big money working our successful sales plan. State age and experience. Box 115-J, Star._ CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN, combina tion. experienced, for one couple in small apartment. Republic 1100. Ext. 217._ CIGAR CLERK, must have experience. Give age, experience and reference. Box 174-J Star._• _ COLLECTOR, installment experience, with sales ability; $;[ft wk salary, plus liberal commission; must have car. Box 229-G. Star._ DANCING INSTRUCTORS for Arthur Murray. No teaching experience needed. 22 to 30 years: college education, ability to dance well, strong personality. Au T.,V°n„s.,!or 'raining course held Monday, 22, 10 to 5. Ethel M. Flstere. direc tor of Arthur Murray Studio. 1101 Conn, ave._ DELIVERY BOY. over 18 yrs. old and nnsky, permanent job: small wages to start. 800 13th st. mw._21* DRIVER wanted, white, must know District. 1306 H st. n.e, between 4 and 6 p.m. DRY-CLEANING CLERK, young man. ex perienced preferred' steadv job. Apply 1342 N._Y. ave. n.w Monday. JUNIOR SHOE SALESMAN (good appear ance). permanent position; state all par tlculars. qox 228-J. Star._ MAN, ambitious, energetic. 21-35. for es tablished life insurance debit; reasonable income to start, rapid promotion; bond re quired. Call NA. 7716 Monday lor ap pointment._ MAN may have room, exchange for help after working hourse in rooming house. Box 152-J.8tar._ « MAN, experienced in throwing high chim neys. Call Mr. Haddad, CO. 6005. 2 to 4 P.m.. Sunday._ MAN for outside work in service department of well-known local organization. Must have neat appearance, fair education, be able to drive light car. Box 412-D. Star. HELP MEN. (Continued.) MAN who went* opportunity to advance can be placed as dealer for local company. Some sales experience helpful. Apply 978 National Press Bide., 3_to 4._ MAN to act as local dealer for Ice. na tionally advertised organization; married preferred; some sales experience would be helpful but not necessary._Box 413-D. Star. MAN. young former gas station attendant, grocery cleric, or house-to-house salesmen, wanted for established laundry and dry cleaning route. In reply state age. educa tion. If married or single, list of previous employers and If at present employed. Salary and commission to begin about S.u week._Box 300-G. Star.__ MAN. middle-aged, business exDerience Im perative for general supervision of small offlce; modest salary. Interesting emoloy ment^_st»te_ouallflCBtlons._Box_l 14;J. Star. MAN. responsible, to drive truck, pick up jobs on commission. 8.VI4 Georgia ave. Georgia_1433.__ MAN. young, mechanically Inclined, to service phonograph route; not afraid oi long hours and night work; must hsve good car; straight salary. Hirsh Coin Ms chine_Co.._130»_New_ Jersey ave. n.w. _ MAN, young, white, to drive motorcycle. Doyle_Prlntlng_Servlce_^l!U8_Eye_st. n.w. MAN. 40 to 56. with g flair for sales workj no exp. req.: sales by apnt.: about $25 week._1427 Eyejvw, Rm. 20ft. 9.30 to 3. MEAT CUTTER, experienced, in grocery store; state salary and references. Box 231-0. Star. __ MECHANIC HELPER, ready for work Mon day a .m._Jones, rear 524 10th »t. s w._• MEN wanted for retail produce routes; should earn from $35 to $50 per week: must have best of reference and small cash bond. Apply Sunday until 4 p.m. at 2015 4th st. n.e.. Apt. B-l. Monday until 3 p.m., 1302 5th st. n.e. If these require ments cannot be fulfilled, please do not answer._ __ MEN. experienced, sales dept., groceries; 2 days’ training; salary. $15 and com.; good proposition man with sedan. Rm. 415, 031 Pa. ave. n.w.____• _ MEN—We need three at once who are willing to work for $20 per-week to start. These are permanent, full-time openings for neat-appearing white men 25 to 55 years who can furnish references. Apply 9 to 11 a m. 513 K st. n.w._ MEN. young (2>. under 22. for nosltlon as crew manager and organizer with International Circulation Company. Inc . Previous magazine experience required. Car helpful but not essential. See Mr. Cooper._8-!» p.m., Cairo Hotel. _ MEN experienced with car. to vacuum clean furnaces Phone District 4442 be tween 8 and 10 a m._ __ MEN of food character and reference for industrial debit and ordinary life in surance work. Work is permanent and offers every opportunity for advancement: salary and commissions. Basis of remuner ation, nice personality and ability to deal with the public essential. Bond required. Apply Box_478-G._Star._ PAINTERS, first-class, ready to work. Mon day 7 a m. See Mr. Hudson. Shady Brook Apts., 4800 block Conduit rd. n.w. _ PORTERS, colored, several exp. porters needed for large organization Good salary and steady employment. Ask to see Mr. Beck. 3107 M st. n.w PORTER, who can sine or dance. Apply after 8 p.m The Brown Derby, 3333-A Conn_ave n.w.__ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN^ young man. capable of contacting high-class clientele; W C & A fr. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO., 1119 17th St_N.W __DI. 4404._ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN experienced only, on lots and homes. Apply Aurora Hills Offlce. 2301 S. Arlington Ridge id.. Va __ ___ __ RESTAURANT MANAGER. Rive age. ex perience and reference excellent oppor tunity for right party._ Box 174-J. Star. • SALESMAN, experienced, for retail grocery trade; stale age and exp. Box 132-J.^Star SALESMAN and window trimmer, for men s wear store: good opportunity for experi enced and ambitious young man. Call Warfield N40H for interview SALESMAN who has been successfully sell ing some commodity to merchants of Cen tral Va.: pst. mfr. of several largely used food staples has desirable permanent posi tion for producer, give particulars: confi dential._105 South st.,_Balto.._ Md._ SALESMAN for fruits, vegetables, sea food Eacho Fish Co.. 22 Municipal Fish Market. __ SALESMAN, experienced paper man. to call on printing trade; state experience, salary, etc. first letter: strictly confiden tial. Box 123-J. Star. SALESMAN experienced roofing, siding, in sulation. complete remodeling. Leads fur nished good proposition. Call Monday, 12 to 2. 1042 National Press Bldg SHORT-ORDER COUNTERMAN to act as night manager. Give age. experience and reference Box 174-J. Star._• SINGING WAITERS Apply ft p.m the Brown Derby. 333.3-A Conn, ave .n.w. SOLICITOR for laundry route: excellent opnortumtv for right man. Call Taylor 8755. after 6 p.m. Monday. SPECIAL delivery driver for laundry in stitution. Graduate of local high school; I thorough knowledge of city: driver’s per mit: bright future for diligent, intelligent worker, starting salary. $20 per wk State age. education, refs, and other essential le t a Us. Box 411-D. Star._ UPHOLSTERER—Must be experienced: guaranteed year-around Job. Tiralla. Inc., 4843 Mass. ave. • WANTED—Young man, printing dept, ex perience in composition. Apply E. C. Bryan. 813 13th st. n.w. WINDOW CLEANERS wanted, experienced only._Apply looi H st. n.w.. 2nd fl WHY WORK TERRITORY pounded daily by other companies *’hen you can work territory worked only 2 or 3 times a year, by a company offering a selection of 20 of America's leading magazines? Commis sions up to 13', plus front. Spot veri fication only. Transportation furn. No selling out to crew managers Pay daily or weekly 5-day wk to producer Apply Sunday. 2 to 4 p m. Sep Mr. Dan Wagner. ! 402 Oth st. n.w.. Rm 210 THE J R. WATKINS COMPANY wants an ambitious man with car to take over ftOo family rural route in Anne Arundel Co. No cash investment neeessarv. Write F. R Haigh. Box 307. Newark. N. J. EASY OCCUPATION—Sell olayin? cards to friends, others. Make big profit« all year. Show new monotrammed cards: other exclusive designs Low prices. Pocket i size sample outfit FREE General Card 400 S. Peoria st . Dept M-417. Chicago. • FURNITURE SALESMEN. Washingtons fastest growing furniture store, serving a high clientele, requires ex | perienced furniture salesmen. Good salary and future await the men who qualify [ Give all particulars in your letter. All replies held In the strictest confidence. Address Box 172-J. Star. fc 1EAUY work—52 weeks a year—avail able now for a few resDonsible men in this district, in association with an enterprise which. 16 years ago. opened its first office in New York and today operates hundreds of offices throughout the Nation. This organization during the past 12 years: —Has not discharged nor laid off a single employe whose character and work have been satisfactory in any of these. —Has not cut any salaries or commis sions but has increased many. —Has increased its business tremendous ly from year to year. —Can introduce you to many men with larger regular income than they have ever earned before. —Has. due to Increasing business, been making additions every year to its large, new factory purchased for cash in 1932. —Deals with its own dealers direct, sales made only through these dealers, and yet. without any investment or risk on their part, furnishing tested methods for im mediate substantial earnings. This company, which still has the greater part of its potential market to develop In this area, will start several men with some business or trade experience at once. Apply Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock sharp at 205 Denrike Bldg.. 1010 Vermont ave. n.w. Men with flexible minds and responsive to new ideas, between the ages of 26 and 45. preferred._ _ _ BOOKMEN^ Investigate Doubleday’s Encyclopedia: highly recommended: new attractive sell ing features: medium priced, low terms: highest commissions advanced. Write details, including phone number, present connection: confidential. P. O. Box 407, Richmond ,_Va. _ SALESMEN To sell YORK OIL BURNERS. No house to house. Good draw arrangement. Apply 7028 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md. SALESMAN, WITH CAR. Leads furnished. Apply Holland Furnace Co., 1760 Columbia rd. n.w._ PALAIS ROYAL. Applications will be received for steady position from mature men. 28 years and up. who are able to adapt themselves to new sales merchandising plans. Prefer ence will be given to reliable, neat-appear ing married men with ear* Apply employ ment office. 8th floor. 1(1 a.m. Monday._ YOUNG MAN WANTED. Over 24, neat appearance, used to hard work: good earn ings. Apply Thursday morning, 9:30 to 12 only, at 205 Denrike Bldg., 1010 Vermont Ave. N.W. SALESMAN—Position open for a thoroughly experienced radio salesman; must have complete knowledge of ra dios; state experience, age, give references in first letter. Excellent opportunity for person qualified. Box 477-G, Star. 3 NEW-HOUSE SALESMENS We have an excellent opportunity lor experienced men with D. C. or Md. license. See Mr, Balter. 1420_K at. n.w._ SPARE-TIME WORK—Will $30 per week in addition to your present earnings solve your financial problems? If you are employed, neat, pleas ing personality, and own an automobile, write and get particulars. Box 344-G, Star. * _HELP MEN. BOOKKEEPER, Experienced, muet have had experience In automobile buslneee. Excellent opportunity for right party. Olve experience, age and «alanr_expectcd. Box 230-0. Star._ FLOOR MANAGER, Experienced young man, 25 30 years of age, must be at least 5 ft. 10 in. tall; college training preferred. Apply Employment Office, 4th floor, Lansburgh’s Dept. Store. ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE: Must have good background selling radio. Must be a thorough advertising man. Not a space salesman. Good salary. Five men have failed at this job because they could not match the salary. National Advertising Agency. Only completely detailed applica tions considered. Box 254-J, Star. HELP MEN fr WOMEN BUSIN KBS MANAGER AND BOOKKEEPER In private school: Differ some one who can teach aecretarlal subjects. Slate qualifications and five references. Box 347-O.Btgr.___ COUPLE, no children, woman for house work. man general farm work: board, room. $.'15 month for both. Box 155-J. Star. _• COUPLE, white, settled: room and private bath In exchange for wife'a services: em ployed sober handy man preferred .1014 14th st. n.w . Monday, bet. 10 and .1. COUPLE, white, mlddle-aaed, room In ex change for wife's services: sober, handy man preferred. 1300 17th gt. n.w. DISHWASHER and small duties, morning and night: live in._Lincoln 10191). MAN AND WIPE, for select n.w. romine house: free rent for services; husband must be employed: ref. required. Box 170-0. Star._ _ _ RAPID TYPIST, also file clerk: experience with mailing Hats, letter shop work desir able._Box_l01-J. Star._ salesmen! MEN. over 25, with cars, to assist me in my business. Apply 12 to 1, 3308 14th ■t. n.w.. Room 220. YOUR OWN local shoe business. Free out fit starts you! Big commissions, bonus shoes. 208 stvles. $2.05 up Experience unnecessary, tanners Shoes, 1551 A. Bos ton. Mass._ MEN. 3. over factory age. for Rawleigh router,. Large organization. Good profits to willing workers. Steady work. Write Rawleigh s. Dept. DCO-4-113, Chester. Pa. • RBVc/A lT 170IVARY loud-speaking inter communication system. Talk privately, back and forth, to one or any number of stations, even 2.000 feet away Any sta tion originates calls. One electrical con nection. No servicing. Easily installed. Guaranteed Technical experience unnec- I essary Two-minute demonstrations. Thou sands prospects, factories, offices, auto deal- j ers lumber yards, restaurants, etc We carry the accounts Fcee trial to custom ers—sells itself. New low price. Men earning big comma, weekly. Protected territory available. FREE DEMONSTRA TOR OFFER. John Warren. sales man ager. Dept HA. 75 E Wacker. Chicago • SALESMEN, calling on lumber, coal yards, ice plants Revolutionary new invention. Free trial 8ells itself. Can handle as side line. Requires little time. Hen earn ing big com ms weekly. Orders financed by factory. Protected territory available. Sales manager 2440 Lincoln ave.. Dent. L-232 Chicago. • SALESMEN' Collect $4 profit from every service station and garage. New invention, revolutionizing industry. Vernon Co.. New ton. Iowa. • BIG MONEY-MAKING opportunity: exclu sive line; work uniforms, coveralls, jackets, pants shirts: advertising embroidered: everv business prospect: outfit FREE. Mas ter Co Dept 7-21. Ligonier. Ind. • AUTO SALESMEN (3), new-car salesmen, and 3 used-car men: transportation and gasoline allowance furnished: must be ex perienced and have references. Applv 132 Md. ave . Hyattsville, Md. See Mr. Glaser. Closed Sundays._ INSTRUCTION COURSES. BURTON LINOTYPE SCHOOL. TOT Oth st. n.w . can train you for better-payine position: enroll any time; summer rates. • AIRPLANE DRAFTING lausht at home: pleosant profitable work- start training at once. Write for American School Bulletin. Box 2504. Star _ __ ___ HIGH 8CHOOL prepares for college or business: standard text furnished: study at home. Write for American School Bulle tin^ Box ‘.’.'{M-J. Star TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD <P7 B. X > instruction, only $10 for complete course. Wash. Business Bureau. 227 Bond Bldg. • AUTO LESSONS—Reliable white man. any hours: cars furnished permits secured, parking for tests. Noel. Emerson 6853. • ROGERS WELDING SCHOOL—Day and evening classes. Learn under experienced instructors and workmen: welders are in great demand. 1913 M st. n.w. Day. Ster ling 9X01: night._ Atlantic 8156-J. COACHING in first or second grade work, by experienced public school teacher. Call mornings. Woodley 8444. PRIVATE DANCE STUDIO—Learn to dance in 3 hrs.: lessons any time by ap pointment *!715 Conn, ave . CO. 9400 • TUTORING, grade and high school sub jects. esnecialK English: also Civil Service! 50c lesson. CO. 0540-W. TUTORING, home or ours; math.. Ens~. h s. gr. subs.; exams.: sh.. typing; special summer course. $5; rent type, $•! mo 4 mos.. $8. Box -274-J. Star • SUMMER CLASSES in TELEPHONE (P B X.> ooeratinc. typewriting FREE. Short, interesting, profitable NEW classes start ing this week. Miss Page. 1311 G st . Room ,.’04 NA ”340 AUTO DRIVING taught by experts: easy parking a specialty; dual controlled cars assuring perfect safety. Permits secured Md . Va. and D. C Easy Method Driving School. Randolph 83X4 or Randolph 8397. WELDERS ARE IN DEMAND. This is your opportunity to learn under a qualified welder instructor with experience in rail road shipyard rteel mill, boiler, tank shops and oil refineries. The various Jobs where welding is required in these plants are ex plained. such as locomotive flues sheet flues super-heater tubes, crown sheets, door necks, mudbars. etc. Call Lincoln 4104; eves , Hillside_0558-J. TELETYPE MACHINE7'latMrmodel7“with instruction set; original cost, $110: sell for balance, which is $75: payments $5 a month. Cail LI. 4385 any time after 8 p m. _ ”3* law GRADUATE will teach LatiS. French and Italian: studied abroad. Box 13»-G. Star._ SHORTHAND REPORTING SCHOOL Instruction in reporting technique un der direction of reporter of extensive ex perience reporting committees of United States Senate and House of Representa tives commissions and departments of Government and courts. Quantity note taking to develop speed and accuracy THAD E. RAGSDALE. 927 Fifteenth St. N.W. _ Republic 31 65. CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS Civil service arithmetic, spelling geog raphy and clerical tests, questions and answers Complete. Si. Mental tests. 50c. Brentano’s—All Branches Ballantyne’s. 1421 F—Hecht's Librarv. • DIGNIFIED PROFESSION Open to all. Learn massage and Swedish gymnastics. Professional and home courses. Also by mail. District 1223. Michigan 7800. • LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. WARFLYNN BEAUTY CULTURE 1210 G St. N.W.. Over Nup.tnt's Dress Shop. _ District 1702. MABELLE HONOUR, Beauty Instruction in the Best Methods. FREECATALOGUE. GRADUATES PLACED. 1340 N. Y. Ave. (Est. 23 Yrs.) ME.J7778. SUMMER SCHOOL. o.8Ii9RTJ- Intensive and EASY courses In Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping and Calculating Machines for beginners and REVIEW students for EARLY employment. NEW classes NOW starting. Positions for graduates BOYD SCHOOL, 1333 F St._National 2340._ CALCULATING MACHINES. Short, EASY. Interesting course—Comp tometer, Merchant. Priden. Monroe, Bur roughs, etc. Thousands used in Government and in private business. Touch Typing New classes starting. BOYD SCHOOL, 1333 P st. NA. 2338, BEAUTY CULTURE WANTED! 10 girl, to learn beauty culture at g special low price. Offer limited to this month only. Call in person for details. MODERN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. __1317 r ST. N.W._ CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. 7 A M. TO 11 P.M. DAILY. Special Every Day. Every Night. ALL INSTRUCTION PAPERS FREE. Card Punch. Post Office. Statistical. File Clerk. Calculating Machine. Sten.. Tyo. Begin at once. The Civil Service Prepara tory School, 6gg_12th st. n.w. ME. 0337. » SALESWOMEN. LADIES—Christmas cards, hottest line! Biggest, fastest money makers! De luxe quaiov personals: stationery: amazing LOW-PRICED personals: 8 crackerjack box assortments: exper. unnec. Samples. Wallace Brown. 225 Fifth ave.. Dent. 5807. New York._• _ LADIE8—Christmas cards. 50 for 91. with name: 35 sensational, exclusive designs. Fast-selling box assortments. Profits every where. without experience. Samples free. Noel Studios. 9 E. 20th. Dept. 1912, New York._ _• LADIES—SELL NYLON hosiery with fa mous snag-proofed silk hosiery. Sensa tional oppor. Write, samples. Snag-Froofed stocking. American Mills. Dept. M10168, Indianarolit. Ind. * _AGENTS._ MAN to travel, by old reliable firm. Bonus and weekly cheek. Exp. unnecessary. Me 1047 Van Buren. ehlcaso!^_*_ HELP WOMEN. AGENTS and orcanixatlons — Christmas card box assortments and personal cards are now ready. Get started NOW. Bit commissions. Earl's, Inc., 412 N. J. ave. nw.__• ARTIST, aeneral knowledge and experience In commercial art. Earl's. Inc., 412 N. J. ave. n.w,___* BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced, with lollowlnt. vicinity 14th and Spring rd. Apply In person 1445 Otis pi. n.w. _ BEAUTY OPERATOR. expert In all branches ot beauty culture, following pre ferred: good salary. 727 12th st. n.w. ME. S446._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, colored, lst-elass. for nearby Md. Good waving and eioqulg nollng. no license needed. Box 350-0. Star. BEAUTY OPERATOR, well experienced, all around; apply at 16 E st. n.w.. Bellevue Hotel. Monday after 10:30 a m._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, thoroughly experi enced all-around operator. None other need apply. Following preferred. 905 lbth st. n.w._National 2865. __ HOUSEKEEPER, white, take charge house hold meals, no night work. Interview at 3311 13ttist. n.w. Monday._*_ BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER for gen eral office work, in Industrial bank. Please write fully, stating, age. experience, salary expected and phone number to president, 344 Washington Bldg.__ CANVASSERS (2). 8-1 daily, except Satur day, nothing to carry or sell. Apply Mon day 8 a.m. ready to work. Salary and commission. 2815 14th n.w._ CHRISTMAS CARDS—More for the moneyl Gorgeous designs with name. 50 for SI. Pay you big profits. Leading 21-card *1 assortment. You make 50c. Complete line other fast, easy sellers. No experience needed. Samples on approval. 8CHWER. Dept. 877, Westfield. Mas...__* CHRISTMAS CARD8 TO MAKE MONEY. 22 of the best selling boxes to choose from. De luxe 21 for *1 box. cost you only 50c. special combination oner. Deal In Washington. No need for delay. We give 2-day service on 50 for *1 Imprint cards «nd dally delivery service. Come In for free samples G. T. Breakenridse Co.. Rm. 210. 1405 Eye st. n.w. NA. 4702...... COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, on small farm: also one handy man. Phone for appointment. District 3750. _ __ DANCING INSTRUCTORS for Arthur Mur ray. No teaching experience needed. 22 to 30 yrs College education. Ability to dance well Strong personality. Auditions for training course field Monday. July 22, 10 to 5. Ethel M Fistere. director of Arthur Murray Studio. 1101 Conn. ave. DRESSMAKER, experienced, must be good In alteration and remodeling, to open new shop in downtown section and manage. Box 14S-J. Star._ _ EXTRA MONEY — Sell Christmas cards. Low as 6o for $1. with sender's name im printed. Large profits. Samples free. Also new "Supercraft" 21-ca:d *1 assortment. Other fast sellers. Experience unnecessary. Phillips Card. 82 Hunt. Newton. Mass._•_ EXTRA MONEY GALORE—Up to 100% profit. Show friends supreme Christmas card assortment Deal with le»rf»- ° fast-selling boxes. rv»c‘ one up' 58 outstanding name-imprinted cards. Extra bonus. Experience unnecessary. Special combination offer. Write today for samples on approval and free money-making details. Doehle Co.. Dept 39,_Fitchburg. Mass. GIRL white. 29-30. plain cooking, tray service, small institution: live in; local ref Box 218-J Star._ _ • GIRL white, gentile, general housework, care of infant: employed couple live in: | ¥3(i month. Call Monday. Lincoln 0082-J. i GIRLS, ladies, inexperienced: food sales 1 dept.: salary. $13.50; two days’ training. 1 Suite 415. 931 Penna. ave. n.w._ _ •__ HOUSEKEEPER, white, not over 40 years I of age. for general housework. Box 151-J. 1 Star. 21* LADY, young. 25 to 35 years, billing clerk; fast typist: steady position: handle volume details: experienced office worker: $80 month start: Drompt advancement: reply own handwriting; references. Box 04-J. Star. LADY white, under 35. to keep house and care girl of 7 in motherless apartment. Must be good cook, clean housekeeper and thoroughly competent in caring for and keening little girl happy Must be refined, healthy and pleasing appearance, not servant type. Good character and reli ability paramount: no fly-by-nights: $40 month to start: permanent for right party. 2520 13th n w. 0 LADY to sell Nylon hosiery by Real Silk; sales bv appt . high earnings if selected. 1427 Eye n.w., Rm 210 9:30 to 3 LADY, young 19 to 25. for a leading dancing school. Must have winning per sonality. knowledge of music, dancing, bookkeeping, be a convincing talker with pleasant voice and willing to learn every thing connected with dancing school busi ness. Answer In detail, giving birth date and education. Box l«9-J._Star._ • LADIES—Christmas cards. Sell 50 ex clusive assorted personal Christmas cards. , $1—free samples. Leader 21-folder *1 i assortment on approval. Costs 50c—worth j S3. Rainbow. 42-B West 1 8th st.. New York. LADIES—Make monev easilv. $#.50 first order 15 boxes exclusive copyrighted Christmas cards. 9 other boxes Free portfolios 50 for $1 personals. Stationery. R-equest approval sample. Terry Studios, 214 Weatfleled, Maas._ LADIES—Up to 100% profit. Show friends sensational Christmas card assortment. 9 boxes Cost 50c uo 58 personals Samples on approval. Bluebird, 13 Fitchburg, Mass. _ LADIES—Extra money easy selling friends $1 assorted 50 exclusive personal Christ mas cards Free samples. Boxes. 30c up. New England Art, North Abington, 705. Mass.___ LADIES—-Are you waiting for a Govern ment appointment? Use your waiting time for money-earning time. Inquire 939 Penna. ave. n.w , 2nd fl.___ LADIES (2). young, under 25. for position as crewr manager and organizer with In ternational Circulation Company. Inc. Pre vious experience required: car helpful but not essential See Mr. Cooper. Cairo Hotel. 7-s p.m. _ LADIES—We pay you $5.00 for selling ten $1 boxes. 50 beautiful assorted name imprinted Christmas cards, sell $1.00— vour profit 50c. Free samples Cheerful Card Co.._28-S White Plains. N Y _ j MARKER, experienced in dry cleaning i plant Premier Cleaners, rear 033 H st. j n.,. I NEWEST CHRISTMAS earn sensation. "In ; dividunlized greetings "—ran be "personal ized” to relatives friends with unique metal lic seals. 24 FREE with 21-card $1 asst, otic profit. Easy seller. Name-imprinted Christmas cards. 50 for fl Other smart assts No experience. Samples on approval. Friendship. HOB Adams. Elmira. N. Y. • OFFICE WORKER, knowledge of short hand and typing. Apply 1 p.m. Monday. July 22. Broger's Display Center, 1326 B st. n.e. __ __ SECRETARY, preferably with legal ex perience: must be accurate and have pleas ing personality. Opportunity for gentile not over 28 Answers must give full in formation as to experience, education, references and salary expected. Box 65-J. Star._•_ SECRETARY for doctor, knowledge of lab oratory preferred State age. experience. salary and description._Box 312-G. Star. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER — Position open in September: single. Protestant, with culture and education. Submit sample handwriting, stating shorthand speed and salary^expected. Box B.'t-J. Star._ SHIRT POLDERS, experienced. Apply Dupont Laundry. 2535 Sherman ave. n.w , Monday 8 a.m. STENOGRAPHER.’ knowledge of book keening. bet 28 and 32. native Washing tonian: perm, position. State experience, salary, age married or single, phone num ber. Box 244 -G 8: ar.__ STENOGRAPHER—Literary dictation Sun day afternoons 2 to 5. Permanent State where educated, age. salary expected. Box 24fi-J._Star __« TITLE CLERK and typist for automobile concern, notary preferred: only exper. need apply Box 351-0. Star. _ WOMAN, white, 30-45. to care for B-yr.-> old boy. 7 a.m. to B p.m.. 5 days week; must live in vicinity of Parkland. Md. Box 71-J. Star._* WOMEN—Make money In your spare time Introducing a medically Indorsed skin cream and sunburn remedy to your friends. We'll help you get started—no capital In vestment required—good income from the first day. Phone Mr. Howard between 3 and 7 p.m.. Hobart 9638._ CHRISTMAS CARD MONEY-MAKERS Earn large cash profits dally. Sell beau tiful 21-card f 1 assortment. You make 50c. Christmas cards WITH SENDER’S NAME. 50 for $1. up. Exquisite designs, big val ues. 8 other easy sellers, including 25-card parchment, gift wraps. Experience unnec essary. Sample outfit FREE. WETMORE ft 8UQDEN. INC.. DEPT. SMJ, _749 Monroe Ave.. Rochester. N. Y. * CHRISTMAS CARDS. 50 FOR $1. WITH NAME—BEET OUT. NEW! SENSATIONALf Personal Christ mas cards with sender's name, low as 50 for $1. Big profits. Lmrge selection. Also new 21-card "Beauty Queen" SI Christmas assortment. Your profit. 50c. Many other fast-selling assts. No experience needed. Samples on approval. Chilton Greetings. 147 Essex. Dept. 202. Boston. Mass. » NEW CHRISTMAS CARD PLAN. ... GIVE FREE GIFT COUPON With Southern Beauty bnx 21 Christmas folders. Retails SI. Up to 1007 profit. Sensational order-getting idea! Personal cards with name. 50 for $!. Other money makers Free samples. Southern Greeting Cards. Dept. 7. Memphis, Tenn._•_ CHRISTMAS CARDS—FIFTY. $1, With name. Other series, 25 for $1.25, $1.50 SI.95. Sample folders free. The leading 21 Christmas SI box. cost 50c. Sample on approval. Personal and business line. Sample book. 60 designs. Com missions up to 407,. SUNSHINE ART STUDIOS, Dept. 118._154 Nassau. New York. BOOK SALESWOMEN. If you are experienced bool: saleswoman Investigate the QOLDEN HOUR, the most appealing Juvenile set In America. In expensive. without competition. Drawing account and highest commission!. NEW ORGANIZATION. Write Immediately, giv ing complete details Including present con nection. Confidential. Foundation Press, Richmond. Va._ ___ BOOKKEEPER, Experienced, must have had experience In automobile business: excellent oppor tunity for right party: give experience, age, and salary expected. Box 136-0. Star___ 50 CHRISTMAS CARDS, $1, With name. Also 25 engraved etchlngg. $1.95. with name. Big profits. 12 DIFFERENT BOX ASSORTMENTS. Religious etchings, eomle. gift wrapt. ev»rrd»y. Get samples HKRTEL CO., Dept. C-5, 305 W. Adams st.. Chicago. • HELP WOMEN. (Continued.) STRAIGHT “SALARY: TIN EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. SEE R. A. MOOREPIELD. ROOM 204. AN NAPOLIS HOTEL. 8UNDAY 1 TO 8 P.M. THREE WOMEN Over 25. to flu vacancies with nationally known grocery company. Good appear ance and reference required. Willing to work for good, steady Income. Experience not necessary. WE TRAIN YOU. Apply. 8 to 11 a.m.. 513 K at. n.w. CHRISTMAS CARDS, THE BIO SO-FOR-Sl LINE Sensational sellers. Huge selection with customer's NAME IMPRINTED. 60 for $1. Big profit. Includes novelty, religious, business designs. EXTRA—De luxe per sonal Christmas cards at 25 for $1 and 8 blg-value box assortments 4 beautlfui sample outfits FREE. General Card, 400 S. Peoria st.. Dept. A-222 Chicago._•_ Experienced White Cooks. 204 ColoradoJBldg. R*. 318*. • GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES, Your own hosiery free. Sheer 3-thread crepe all-silk hose. 3 pairs to a box. Sell 4 boxes at $2.67 per box and receive a box of 3 pairs free for your efforts. Free sam ple given. Washington Merchandising Co.. 938 Penna. ave. n.w.. 2nd fl SALESLADY — EXPERIENCED MILLINERY. APPLY MILLI NERY MANAGER, AMES, 1222 G ST. N.W. • YOUNG LADY, experienced in checking credits and han dling collections, to manage credit department for large men’s clothing store. Must have references. Prefer one who is now employed and seeking better opportunity. Liberal salary. All replies strictly confidential. Box 187-J, Star. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TY FOR AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR DRESSES AND CLOTH COATS WITH ONE OF WASHINGTON’S LEADING STORES, ONE QUALIFIED FOR BETTER TRADE; OPPORTUNITY FOR YEAR-’ROUND WORK AND ADVANCEMENT TO RIGHT PARTY. ALL RE PLIES STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. H. ZIRKIN & SONS, INC., 821 14th ST. N.W_ HELP DOMESTIC. COMBINATION waitress and maid col- ! ored. for boarding house; must have px- t perience and references Do not phone. 1 N H ave n w. Apply after I o a m. COOK, first class: 2 in family; no Sun day._622-M._Wardman Pk. Hotel. GIKL. white, for g.h.w. and care of in fant; live in; $35 monthly. Phone Lin coln 2714-J. GIRL for general housework and care of child: small salary and good home. Box 159-J. Star.__ «]• GIRL. exn.. g.h w.. plain cooking, help care I child: city refs., health card re quired: live in: $7 wk. TA 5382. GIRL white general housework and care of 2-year-old child, live in. nearby Va. Chestnut 8715 GIRL, white, general housework, plain cooking, laundry 3 in family: live in: willing worker; $8 wk. RA 5954. GIRL OR WOMAN white gen l house work and cooking: sm family suburban Va upstairs room; $8 to begin. CX. 89-W-3. GIRL OR WOMAN. wh:te. for genl. house work: no cooking: good home: $25 mo.; ref. EM. 7 263._ HOUSEKEEPER, white, light household duties in family of one; room and b«ard. small salary. Chestnut 7493. • HOUSEKEEPER, white: live out: refs.; $35 mo Shepherd 6852. HOUSEKEEPER and cook for small fam ily: live in rets.; must be reliable. Phone Emerson '552 HOUSEKEEPER, white, for g.h.w . plain cooking references; care of children: live in. 3599 20th n.e. • HOUSEKEEPER and g.h.w. for small home in Virginia, suburbs: middle-aged white woman pref. WO. 7100. HOUSEKEEPER, w'hite between 25 and 45 employed couple. 1 child; live in;, salary._Shepherd 5793-J HOUSEKEEPER, refined, white, 25 to~45 yrs : cook for 3 adults: $25. room and board; good home to right party. TA 5577. _ HOUSEKEEPER-COMPANION^pleasant and refined. References. Call weekdays. LI. HOUSEKEEPER, white. 20-40 care of one child, live in: references required. Call Warfield 2517. _ MAID, colored light skin, to care for child: sm. am. Apply Sun., between 9 and 11 a m. 325 Delafleld pi n.w.. Apt. 4. j MAID white or colored, for general work ! for lad* living alone must be abl* to j drive a car: ref required Box 138-G. Star, i MAID, white or colored, housework cook ing. care of baby; stay nights. Dupont 1290. ‘ WOMAN, white, middle-aged, g.h.w . cook. 1 care for 1 small child; live in. AT. 7122. ! 44119th st. n.e. ! WOMAN for genl. housework: must be good : cook and laundress: room. bath. $12 wk 6807 Glenbrook rd.. Bethesda. Md. WOMAN, white, middle-aeed. care of apt. and small boy; good cook. 214 7 O s:. n.w . Apt. 209. WOMAN for general housework: must be neat; local ref ; live in. 5128 Nebr. ave. n.w. EM. 1202. * WOMAN, white, for general housework. 6 afternoons a week. Apply in person. 2525 Minn, _aye. s e.. Apt. 29. • WOMAN, must be good cook and clean houseworker; not over 40; to go awav for summer. Call ME. 3623 Mon. or Tues., bet. u a m.-7 p.m. WOMAN, white, cook, g.h.w., laundry: 2 in family; live in: no Sun.: nearby Va.; $25 mo.; refBox_141-G. Star. WOMAN, girl, white, light housework; live in: board, room. $25 mo. to start. In quire Mrs. Davis._ 1368 Kenyon st. n.w. WOMAN, white; housework, care of 2 children: live in. _Phone Warfield 4085. WOMAN, young, white, as housekeeper; live in 221 2nd st. s.e. _EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. BUSINESS._ BEAUTY OPERATORS, experienced, jobs waiting, no registration fee. Employment Agency. 710 I4th n.w. NA. 3o66. MANY VACANCIES in music, home eco nomics. science, vocational and industrial education, others. Balto Teacher^ Agency. 516 N. Charles st., Baltimore. Maryland. POSITIONS—Grocery store help, restau rant help and drugstore help. Many other positions open daily No charge unless placed. ATLAS AGENCY. 527_9th st. n.w. TEACHERS WANTED—FALL OPENINGS. Chemistry, mathematics, home economics, physical education, languages, comm'l art _204 COLORADO BLDG RE 1712. POSITIONS OPEN. Stenog. <f.) 3. insurance expr., single, gentile, perm.: age. 20-25. Stenoe (f.t. dictaphone opr., good Eng lish background: age 20-30. Stenog. <f.). age 20-30; gentile: law an't expr.- n«rm. NEED 10-15 EXTRA stenographers daily for current openings Place many up $35 week. Male stenogs. and bookkeepers, typ ists. No charge unless placed BOYD EMPLOYMENT, 1333 F St. _ E*t. g» Tni. HELP WANTED. Hotel p b x. opr . m.; salary $135 mo. Cashier, m.. sm loan co ; salary. *15. Fountain nj*r.. m.: salary. $21.50 Gas att.. mechanic, m : salary open. Steno.. i . Insurance broker: salary open. Steno. dictaphone, f., lawyer: salary open. Steno. beverage mfgr.; salary. SIR Steno., J. assn.: salary. $25. Asst. bkpr. f.. general, ledger: salary. $22.50. Steno.. f.; live nr. Mt. Rainier: sal. open. Typist, credit clerk, f.: salary open Addresso. oper., shtd., {,: salary open. Cashier, food checker, f.: salary open. Hotel, din. rm. hostess, f.: sal.. $80 mo. and meals. Housekpr.. f.: $50 rm. and board Wait ress. f. (8 openings*: mim. sal. Millinery salesgirl, f : sal.. $20. PERSONNEL SERVICE, 1311 O St. N.W. Kst. 7 yrs._ _ DOMESTIC._ RELIABLE AGENCY: DE. 5581. 1402 11th. has cooks, houseworkers. nurses, laun dresses, day workers, part-timers, chamber maids, housemen, couples.• PERSONAL. BUSINESS CARDS WITH CALENDAR ON back. 1040-41: $1.50 for 1.000: rubber stamps reas.: staple mach., 08c. RA. 8203. • WANTED. PRACTICAL NURSING CARE for Invalid lady In either private or nurs ing home Non-bed type. Reasonable. Box 220-J, Star.___ NURSE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR SICK ones in own home, private bath; drs.' refs. LI. 1588-J. __ _ 24* WOODRIDGE — MOTHER'S CARE FOR child, large yard, best food, private room. Hobart 7758.__ PHOEBE LINCOLN NURSINO HOME FOR aged and Invalid: day and nichl care; doc tor's refs. 2218 and 2223 Wis. ave. n.w. EM. 4877._ PROFESSIONAL DRESSMAKING; ALSO alterations; draperies; skilled: special dresses, $4; hems, 50c. 24-hour service. Coats, suits. 844 G st. s.e. Lincoln 0877-W any time. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. COLORED: alterations: will go out by the day: rea sonable; excellent reference. MI. 8331. * GOOD NEW HOME FOR CHILD. AGE limit 3 to 6 years, experienced mother. .Shepherd 2420. Ext. 100. PERSONAL. (Continued.) RE8T~AND ABSOLUTE PEACE” TOR THi sick, one or two invalids, semi-invalids, convalescents or elderly persons In my modern country home. Beautiful, lawn, trees. 20-foot porch (where kindness, leva and patience rulei. Hospital beds, wheel chairs, tray service, trained nurses day and night, fresh fruit, vegetables, poultry, eggs. Prescribed diet catered to. Special izing in bed patients. No alcoholics or contagious cases References from well "• successful physicians. Wisconsin 1048. Nr. Bethesda. Md. • FURNITURE REPAIRED. UPHOLSTERED and refinished in your home. Slip covers to order George T. Shannon. 1101 15th gl. n.w. DI 3867. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERER- 1st-CLASS'. Will do work reasonable. At homes if de ted. Ail kinds of slip cover work. J. D. ROSS. Jr.. Georgia 1071._ MIDDLE-AGED FOLKS—FORGET YOUR cares at the FROLIC. Games, contest-, Every Friday. 8:20-12. 1414 loth st. ji.w. Columbia_1H02-R WANTED, SUPERVISION WITH BOARD and room for 12-yr girl in vicinity of Httwt vl! <P'?h School. MRS LILLIAN HUNT 1010 A st. n.e . Apt No 1, 22* BOY8-GIRLS. COOL ROOM8: *20 MONTH. Supervised camplike activities, swimming, coaching, music. Accredited school. North 8344 COLONICS. DIATHERMYr”ULTRA_ VIO let. reducing and sinus treatments _ DR. FREDA R. OSTROW. WI, 2671. • LADY CAN ACCOMMODATE SEVERAL AT beach cottage week ends. Transportation Box "fio J s?ar tlleS only' References. PIANO STUDIO—COMPLETE COURSE IN popular music Adams 2409.__ • !1UR8,5 W(IL,L ROOM AND BOARD ONE OR two elderly ladles in private country home near Silver Spring. Kensington 24.W. • VITA MASSAGING MACHINE RE8TORED Nlwn*^nrfrtduced rTy w<’1Eht forty pounds. Phone'WO.' ?952. A"y °fl"- Pree lris1' d,en?TF.Ii»Mnd,ORv,:ird YEAR'LAW STU^ 2L. »to shart R!ce- reconditioned ..-room apt Expense reasonable 917 18th *st- n w Phone ME. 5707. Ext 58. • SPECIAL' REDUCING. 6 TREAT . *5~RE RpnnTDF1 A^Dr°i5i; ITults assured' bath . REDUIRE ATELIER. NA. 8134. 1030 K n v.. • owmY WOULD„ LIKE to meet lady ?rinsnKr.rar' ?' n,*- 10 !,hare expenses on trips, refs. Box loh-J. Star. • QUIET COUNTRY HOME FOR INVALIDS people: graduate nurses: rea sonable prices. Falls Church 3 377-W. * CAMP MONTROSE — CHILDREN 8-1° year*, -for their first summer away - A l ra?esS’ (ir'-M sea,',,on Catalogue. Weekiv rates. ?lh.oO. Monthly rate Churches cTarknvilJn ’ lA™ MRS L A COMPANIONSHIP EVENINGS OFFFRFn Msar itm •£?“•* Sssbjs Ai“^-consciousness. French. Air cooled stiyjja ^ MI. 8565, Ext. 50*2. • NUM^OHCfttt OF EXCELLENT REPU tat.urt will e ve your loved ones best of gp£e 00d and every comfort possible, &HIROP RAC T I C PHYSIOTHERAPY treatments given in your home women oniy. DR. ADA VVAHLEN. Columbia 7'0‘J. • ??ss,-flk°P.DS private kindergar: ten 1222 Massachusetts ave n.w.: school | ox dancme and nursery; hour, day or week 8:20 to 5:20. * ALL DRESSES REDUCED~TO~COST AT the Little Shop. J H>5 G st. n w., Rm.Cn.v | SUMMER RECREATIONAL SESSION BE !i«s ?,n 1st a* Temple School. Mana* tafsr(.ya D c-* Limited number ol refined children aged 3 to 10 yrs. Out door life on modified camp plan HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY~ MY own method Results effective for a life time or money back. Write for booklet No Y™.8* or, surgery DR SOMMERWERCK. J3h.» Columbia rd Adams 0388 j IF YOU ARE BOTHERED WITH~BII LS | or need EXTRA MONEY for vacation ju t I give me a telephone call You can eer «|00 and need r?pay only ?] 63 per week, which includes interest, the only chares Other amounts in proportion Just call JACK 'SESSIONS. Michigan 6510. LETTERHEADS. SIGNS SHOWCARDS* Reasonable prices. First-class work. Phone 1 Taylor 0085. _ HAY FEVER. SINUS—TERPEZONE Inhalation method Free trial treatment. Dr. Smith. 1385 Conn Ave Hobart_l048. i CATHERINE DONOVAN, j Born Washing’on D. C.. 3 845 Fafhef William Donovan, mother Ella Narnten. Probably married Edward Green or Edward Bechler: counsins named Murphv and I Kane or Keane. Relatives address JOSEPH A McCABE, 1312 Homewood ave., Bal’i* more. Md MEET FRIENDLY FOLKS' THROUGH FAY THOMPSON , ME. 211ti weekdays, or B >x 40U-H. Sfar 1 Valley Mill Farm Camp. Girls. All Aces—Boys to 1*2. Archery, rifle range, swimming, tennis etc.: trained counsellors: fresh farm prod i ucts: low rates MRS R F VIERLINO ! Silver Spring. Md. Phone Ashton 3646 SUMMER CAMP Boys and girls. *.* to 1*2 yrs of age da and boarding swimming riding, hikci crafts dancing nature lore COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL. _?*<»1 Georgia Ave Shepherd 1 fi74 _ PERMANENTS, SI.25; ! ,,Waye, 15c: Manicure. 15c. ME. 777* i Mabelle Honour School 1340 N Y. Av< Cathedral Hall School. Supervised play all sports swimming ages to 3 0. 5*201 16th st. GE 6544 • BABIES AND YOUNG CHILDREN. DAY AND BOARDING Supervised by graduate nurses an trained teachers Tran^nortat’on COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL. 1 2401 Ga Ate SH 1(574 Peter Pan Summer Camp. 801 FERN PL NW.. RA 0100 Special tutoring, music. French, dancin; swimming hiking, outdoor life Trap, free: rev rates. Children pre-schot ] through oth grade. hilltopcamp! ,.Pay and boarding for young chlldrci l.Oo 21st st. n.w.. Arlington. Va. __ _Chestnut 2803. • Cynthia Warner School Now at Our New Address. loOO Carroll Ave . Takoma Park. Shepherd 4812. Nursery Through Third Grade. Development Through Joyous Living “ BEAUTY PARLORS. EXCESSIVE WEIGHT safely reduced' wor derful French method used. Dr Dell Ledendecker. 3025 O st. n.w Mich. 112( MOTOR TRAVEL._ LADY DRIVING TO NORTH DAK0TA~0 or about August 3. wants 3 passenger help drive: exchange references. Phor Temple 2044 EASTERN KANSAS \VG. S>~ VIA " S' Louis. K. C. fin: take 2 or 3; in.'i Studebaker. RA. 2220. evenings. • DRIVING TO SEATTLE VIA CHICAGO I 1040 Plymouth: leaving August 1st; desu one passenger ref. in exchange. C. 1 CRITCHER. Lorton. Va • WANTED—T RANSPORTATION B couple to So. Dak. between Aug. 1st. 15tl ref. Republic 2081 Ex. fill. • CALIFORNIA. 1040 STUDEBAKER " MO? day or Tuesday: take two, reasonabl HARTMAN. ME. 1504 _ DRIVING TO MUSKOGEE. OKU"."jUI 27 via Tenn. and Arkansas: take two pa senaers: share expenses; 1030 Chevrolr Phone Randolph 8887. • GENTLEMAN DRIVING" TO MAIN Thursday July 25. wishes companio: share expense. Phone Wisconsin 23fi evenings. GENTLEMAN “DRIVING " NEW — OLD! mobile to Des Moines. Iowa, via Chicac August 1st. returning via St. Louis Ai gust 15th: references exchanged. Br 252-J. Star • GOVERNMENT EMPLOYE CAN~TAKE passengers to Columbus and Cincinnat Ohio: leaving July 24th. LI. 2930-J. COUPLE SAILING FROM SAN FRANCISC desire person to drive their sedan to D C or will drive your car out WI. 5907. LOS ANGELES THIS WEEK. RET. ABOU August :t. 1939 Dodge sedan; ref. exci RA. 897 7.__ IOWA. LEAVING AUGUST 1 FOR VICI? ity Ames. Take one or two passenger Dupont 1727._ • LEAVING AUG. 3rd' FOR-ATLANTA-3A 2 passengers: share expense; refs, exchani ed. Return Aug. 10th. LI.3887-J. • WANTED 2 PASSENGERS'TO CHICAGl leave August 1. 1940 Dodge sedan. Refe encesJ_Call GE. 0728. _ • DALLAS. TEXAS: LEAVING JULY 29tl can take three, share expenses: referenc exchanged. L. JOHNSON. Shepherd 20o • DRIVING TO (CALIF. AUG.-llTwANT passengers to any point between Wasl U'SiPJL aR<l San Francisco. EDW. BOYLE. RA. 0002.__ DRIVING TO TEXAS AUGUST 3. accon modate 2; returning August 21; good ca careful driver. LI 7525-W. CALIFORNIA OR CITIES EN ROUTE: COT Pie leaving in few days: 1940 Mercury: re exch ME. 0540. Apt. 1J7. jja WANTED." PASSENGER I man)) to “Cali y ~4th' Exp- travel'rs- DI. fi45 £*Xl. «iU9. 21* LEAVING FOR MONTREAL 8ATURDA' via Syracuse; room for two Call ORIE1 CO 7833-W 5:30 to 8:30 LEAVWG FOR PHOENIX AtUZON Monday morning. July 22. via 8t Lini returning 29th: room for 3; share expens 1040_car. excellent driver Woodley 323 VACA HON TO MIAMI. NEW PONTIA leaving August 17 desire congenial con pany^share^expenses. _ Hobart 4928 "] DRIVING TO SHELBY N “’cT 8UNIDA CO1 ”42R11’ Cln take thr**’ *h»re expend ___SITUATIONS MEN! ACCOUNTANT, expert, part-time bool staried‘ audited, balance! *ax reports: ^ity refs.j_ reas._RA. 3131. ^7 C thoroughly experienced. ai audrUm Jr^WarfS?ltd°39fi>2. °®Ce ARCHITECT-DESIGNER. IS-years'-exn 180.7. Star*11' d“lr,a COnntcUon' (Continued on Nest Pag*.)