Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS MEN. _ (Continued.) BOOKKEEPER, knowledge accounting, 15 years’ double entry; city references: profit and loss and itatcmcnis. North 8805._23• BOY with elevator operator’s permit wants work. Phone Dupont 9515._ BOY. 21. experienced in housework; hon est, reliable; best references: urgent. Ran dolph 7822 after 2 p.m._ _ BOY. colored, wants job of any kind; exper. chauffeur. Washington permit. Hobart 0696. _ _ DISHWASHER, colored, exp. houseman, porter^willing worker; refs. HO .0057. "CAN YOU USE” a crackerpack collector? Phqne Hunter. CH. 3505. _* _ CAN YOU OFFER a permanent posi tion to a man well versed in business, sales, sales direction? An intervi w will convince of ability. Box 112-J. Star. 21* CEMENTING, stuccoing, brick work and plastering. Wallace, Michigan 8733._ CHAUFFEUR and houseman, colored: best refs.: exoer.. reliable dependable. Adams 5756-J between 9 and 4 p.m. _ CHAUFFEUR, colored, exp. in city: free to travel: best refs.; working now, desire change RE. 3438._* CHAUFFEUR colored, thoroughly experi enced. college education, single: formerly with naval officer: references. HO. 7307. CHAUFFEUR, truck driver, delivery car, handyman around store or house: hones*, reliable young colored man: good ref erences. Dupont 3307. CHAUFFEUR TRUCK DRIVER, colored^ desires job; 2 years’ experience. Frank lin 1537 _* __ CHAUFFEUR colored, with own car. de sires work with family; exp.; ref. Alex andria 2761._21* CHEF, colored, experienced, absolute tem perance. wishes position, hotel, club or cafeteria; references furnished. AT. 0303 ELEVATOR OPERATOR ~ or dishwasher, licensed. Cleo Peoples. 318 N. Y. ave. n w DI. 5946 EVENING WORK WANTED: youne man. accounting deeree automobile available after 4:30: typing, bookkeeping, clerical or outside work. Box 116-J. Star. . FILIPINO, married, wishes to secure per manent job in private family as cook, houseman or valet. Excellent city refer ence Box 224-J. Star FIREMAN, experienced, wants room, and board opt., in exchange for spare-time duties. Box 4X1-0 Star HOUSEMAN colored. *»-7.n*r ~*rt-time work gardening. Hobart 5278. aftemuo*^ HOUSEMAN, handv with tools, good paint er. electrician: colored: excellent refer ences. J. Mills. 1429 9th st. n.w. JANITOR. 5 yrs' exp; good reference. Call Dupont 9122. MAN. young (24*. 2 years’ exp. elect, helper wants work of any kind. Call Hillside 0294. MAN. young, colored, desires night job as elevator operator. Phone Dupont 0030. Call Sunday only. MAN. young, colored, from the country, wants work of any kind. AT. 8425. • MAN. young, colored, experienced, good ref., wants work grocery store, light de livery^ has permit. AT. 1596 __* MAN w*shes work of any kind as hotel apt and helper truck driver. ME. 7112. • MAN. young, colored. 1 8. wants a job dish washing. kitchen helper or anything. Call AT. 3811-J. *_ Man. colored, young, wishes work as house man. bus boy dish washer or general labor; honest and reliable DI 8244. MAN wants job as janitor, quarters: handy with tools; 7 yrs'. exp.; good refs. Dis trict 7119. _ MAN. young, colored. 18. high school graduate from South, desires work of any kind. CO. 6632. MAN with ’36 lVa-ton stake truck wants to do hauling for concern or contractor: full Qr part time. Call GE. 5129. Ask for Mr Avancena. * MAN. colored, age 25. wants work_ as : chauffeur, houseman, gardener. MI. 3788. j MAN, colored, wants job as chauffeur or truck driver: experience. Call LI. 9054. MAN. good pduc.. personab’e. snXor. sales exp. and ability: consider anything of merit: refs. Adams 6472. MAN, young, colored, high school grad uate. desire* work of any kind. DE. 4492.__ MAN. colored, would like norter job: has 5 and 10 cent store experience;. D C. per mit. willing worker George J. Autry. 910 M_st._n.w.. basement. _ MAN. colored wants a job as janitor. Call Dupont 4128._ MAN. colored, neat, reliable wishes w’ork as houseman, waiter, in public, private: good refs. Hobart 2128.______ __ MAN. colored 22 wan's tob as driver or porter: experienced; references. Call De catur 1849.__ MAN. exper. plumber, steamfitter. or main tenance man. wishes steady work; sober. reliable. Box 2526. City.__ MAN. colored, h. s. education, sober, hon est and clean police record and refer-* enres: light, complexion and married: age 30; qualified for work as a doorman, storeroom, shoe shop common laborer and .delivery truck jumper; accept other work. Box 183-J. Star.___* MAN. white. 26. wants job as funeral director’s assistant. 7 mos.’ experience. B. F. Seay. Randolph 3132. Mon, a.m. * MAN. 27. neat, personable, atty. 6 years all-round athlete, captain univ. golf and swimming: consider anything; lull par t iculars. Box 233-J. St ar.___ MAN. young, colored, reliable, desires work of any kind after 2:30 P.m.: chauffeuring pref : excel, ref _LT. 1105-J. MEN. young, colored, want'truck driving of any kind. Call from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; references._DU. 3549._ _ PAINTING, papering, plastering: colored mechanic: 15 years' experience; by day. North J7658.__ _ PAPER HANGER and painter wants work; have all tools; reasonable; white; estimates. LI. 1308-R._ PART-TTME JOB by middle-aged man (writer); light duties, preferably pm. hours. Box 240-J. Star._ PATENT and trademark searcher, experi enced manufacturing chemist and phar macist; permanent or per diem basis. Post Office Box 1159. Washington. D. C._* PORTER or daytime janitor, colored; b°st refs.: 5 yrs.’ exp. Box 262-J. Star. 22* SALES EXECUTIVE available as executive or salesman. Willing demonstrate ability. Salary._BondaJ?le. Box__ 1H6-J. Star. • SALESMAN, age 30. experienced food line, also 6 years’ experience grocery store manager, have car: accept out-of-town position._Box 222-J. Star._*_ STENOGRAPHER-CLERK, experienced, de sires employment month August, or what have you? Box 111-J. Star._*_ TRUCK DRIVER, colored, experienced, willing to work hard: ready for work, references. Call North 9362.___*_ WATCHMAN, white, best of city references, experienced. Emerson 3947,L. SITUATIONS MEN bWOMEN. MAN AND WIFE, colored wish job as houseman and maid. Phone Hobart Ask for Katie._ SITUATIONS WOMEN. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. Catholic. 12 years' experience, desires position with Catholic or other gentile firm. Address Box 2H7-J. Star. _ __» CHILD'S NURSE exp hk. Govt emo. couple preferred, no infants. In Va. only. Week ends off. $10 week. Call Sunday afternoon 1004 Mt. Veernon ave., Alex andria._Va._ * COMPANION to elderly person, capable of taking entire charge of home or small apf. house: very dependable, good driver; would bo out of city._GE. 8414._ COMPANION-NURSE, conscientious, thor oughly experienced, for elderly lady in re fined home: best references. North 1.919. • DRESSMAKER wants work by the day. work in tailor shop: summer dresses made reasonably. North 0590. _ DRESSMAKING, alterations. 1262 New Hampshire ave. District 0020._ GIRL, white, high school graduate, take care of children: experienced; will leave city._Phone Taylor 1149. HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, refined, with girl 7. clean housekeeper, good plain cook, settled, home-loving type, desires good home in small adult family; $20 mo. DE. 2910._ _ * HOUSEKEEPER, exp.. lor Govt. emo. cou ple; likes children, no Infants: week ends off Call after noon Sunday. 1004 Mount Vernon ave.. Alexandria._21 • _ LADY, young, desires work by day or week; willing jto learn._CO. 10457. Apt. 4.__ NURSE, trained, experienced, middle-aged, wishes care ot young infant. Box 190-J, Star.___-_ NURSE, advanced, pracitical. wishes a posi tion with physician, dentist or private home: reference. Hobart 7689._•_ NURSE, practical, in or out of town. Chestnut 5945.__ NURSE, practical, hospital training, long experience, doctor * refs.; reas. Mrs. Lee. Franklin 3768. ..... NURSE, hospital training: best doctors’ refs.: take any case or by day or hour*. LI. 0I61L_ __il_ NURSE. GRADUATE, white, reference, un incumbered. wants position, nurse and companion to elderly lady or child; capable housekeeper; $50 mo., r. and b. Colum bia 5563-J.___ PRACTICAL NURSE. «are for Invalids. ln: fants. share good home, with couple, adult, smalt wages._DI. 2794.___ RESIDENT MANAGER, young, attractive, capable and experienced, desires position offering salary, free rent and utilities. Box 211-J. Star. ___ SECRETARY-STENO.-TYPIST, experienced, capable, some bookkeeping; law office exp., min^sa 1 ary. Chestnut 8965._~ {_ SECY-STENO.. several years’ experience: conscientious, efficient: permanent, tempo rary; typing home: excellent references. AT. 9398-W. __*_ STENOGRAPHER OR TYPIST desires posi tion. part or full time: nominal salary: references. Call ME. 153*.____*_ TYPIST, switchboard operator, with knowl «§• ^bookkeeping; experienced. Call SST desires~ work it~home; manu me**; & "«52t$J'elopes’ etC; reasonabIe wTr”kSrinn^x^.<rt , manuscript and thesis work guarantV.rtnlnS*’ pn«s reasonable; WAiTRFi r -:,71-H'-Star:_* - three: ben refs* * won tyBisl' exp' *5 aJ* AT. 4276 s" * Uling to work Imrd. ke^?^'practical™ mjrse 1?Bna8in* hou.Sj" Position of companion; W.%?DJ1^,v*lld.' jujuse, good nurse To'lwe "work, rooming : refi/ soi ZOO-'j? Star?001'' *°.°d SITUATIONS WOMEN. (Continued.) WOMAN, reflned. companion elderly per son. care of child, any light work, for room and board, small salary. AD. 8278._ WOMAN, reflned. middle-aged, trained in home economics, diet, business: part time in home, office. Box 26B-J. Star. * WOMAN, experienced, desires position in motherless home: capable charge rooming or boarding house. Box 137-J. Star._ WOMAN, reflned, white, wishes position as linen maid or laundress in institution. HobartJ*682.___23* WOMAN, experienced, wants position as flrst-class or second-class cook In tearoom or restaurant. Call CO. lflfll._ SECRETARY, executive ability, acquainted with local architects and builders: ex perienced In office manaaement. sales di rection and personnel: Strayer graduate, with college background. Box 194-J. star. 22* WANTED by July 2 7. position by young white practical nurse with housekeeping experience: dependable: excellent refer ence. Write particulars. Box 260-J, 8tar. 23* _SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. COLLEGE GRADUATE neat and reliable, interested In whole time or part time work. 1921 8th st. n.w.. telephone MI. 283 fl.____ COOK, g.h.w.. exp. (col ), go sway or D. C.: not under 810: references._NO._4915._ gOOK and laundress, flrst-class. or flrst oor work; refs. 2503 M st. n.w., Apt. 6. GIRLS (2). colored, want jobs as mother’s helper child’s nurse; stay some nights. 2716 O st. n.w._ * GIRL, colored, wants job as general house worker; good reference. Phone ME. 2890. GIRL, colored, wants day’s work for 3 days weekly; references. Telephone Michigan 2474._Ask for Beatrice._ GIRL, colored, part time or day’s work; reference. Hobart 4761. 22* GIRL, colored, wishes work of any kind or mother’s helper._U 9044. • GIRL, colored, neat, wants part-time work, days or full time: reference. Hobart 0799.• GIRL, colored. Southern, high school grad uate. wishes full or part time job: city reference. RA. 6138. _ • GIRL. col., wishes work as maid. gen. house, or in beauty parlor; go home nights. CO. 4066. ______ • GIRL, colored, wants pa**'t:..»«- work of any kind; refs. district 1210. GIRL. coW*A wants cleaning, light laun dry stay nights; city refs. Phone 0761. GIRL for general housework, neat, with reference: no Sundays._ME. 5497. GIRL, colored, wants job as mother’s helper_or nurse maid._Dupont 6956. GIRL, colored wants part-time work, 8-4 p.m.; no 8undays: $7, car fare; ex perienced. Lincoln 13A8-J. GIRL, colored, reference, wishes dav s or Dart time work, general housework. Mich igan 4908. GIRL. neat, colored, wishes day’s, part-time or full time, plain cooking; city reference. Call HO. 6756. GIRL, colored, reliable, with good refer ence. wants job as cook or maid. HO. 0612._call all week. GIRL, colored, neat, wishes part time or gh.w.. exp. cook; no Sunday; flrst-class ref. EM. 7460. 9 a.m. GIRL, colored, wants general housework, part time or day’s work; city ref. Hobart 17.14._ GIRL, colored, reflned. 11 yrs. one job. wishes g.h.w.; stay nights; $9 per week. Decatur 3617-J. GIRL, colored, from country, wants part time or general housework. MI. 2962. GIRL, colored, wishes general h w., good plain cook: respectable: live in: small family._Decatur 5332-W._ GIRL, colored, wishes general housework, plain cooking; ref. MI. 5488. 2208 12th st. n.w. GIRL, colored, light, desires job. g.h.w : part or full time: reference. Phone AT. 0523._ _ • GIRL, colored, from N. C.. desires work of any kind. AT. 4742._ • GIRL, colored, wants part-time work, general housework: honest, reliable. Call Metropolitan 0185. GIRL, colored, neat, desires gen. house work, full or part time. Phone Hobart 5873. GIRL, young, wants work of any kind: re liable. 1617 Corcoran st. n.w., Lucile Brow n._ GIRL, colored, from Virginia, wants job a* mother’s helper. Call DE. 5276. GIRL, colored, wishes position for g.h.w.; good cook; city ref. NO.1884. GIRL, colored, wants to live in or leave town: good cook, cleaner; ref. Hobart 6926._ _ GIRL, colored, wants light housework or nurse; stay nights; city ref. Randolph 8311.___ GIRL, colored, wants job. plain cooking. general housework; ref._RA._8168. GIRL, colored, neat, reliable, intelligent, desires general housework, cook: fond of children; ref._DU. 0806._ GIRL, colored, desires general housework or nurse job. Call North 6598. _ GIRL, colored, wants work as g.h.w ; good city ref. Call MI. 6959._ GIRL, colored, youne. w'ants place as mother’s helper or light cleaning. DE. 2094-J. Rebecca.__ GIRL, colored, desires g.h.w.; no Sundays. reference. Dupont 2516._ GIRL, colored wishes general housewrirk. plain cooking; excellent cleaner, willing worker. Dupont 6180._ GIRL, colored^ wants part-time, day’s work of any kind; references^ Call MI.J7993. GIRL, colored refined, competent. 10 yrs ’ experience. wrants morning’s or day’s work; city references. Michigan 7371. __• GIRU col., wishes full or part time eve ning work: can furnish ref. Call Hobart 7679 any time. _ GIRL, colored wants general housework or part_time Reference. Call Hobart <13*. GIRL, white, would like position taking care of child between 3 and 6. Call At lantic 5937. __ GIRL, colored, reliable, good g.h.w.. laun dry. cook; refs.^ no Sundays. AT. 8949. GIRL, colored, wishes job afternoon and moning work; good refs; reliable. Call Lincoln 3012-J.__ GIRL, colored, neat, experienced, wants full or part time job. or day s work; city refs. Call Mon.. LI. 5325-J. GIRLS, colored. 2. want part time or full time work; with good references. Hobart 4918. _ GIRLS (2). colored, want general house work; willing workers; will stay nights; ref._Hobart_8729._ GIRLS. 2. experienced maid and cook, with best of city reference, want jobs; stay or 20._Call MI. _7818. GIRLS (2). desire day’s, part time or full time work, plain cook, experienced nurse; live in or out. 800 Vi New Hampshire ave. n.w. _ GIRLS. 2. with references, want part-time or day’s work, char or elevator operator (no Saturday*. AT. 3672-J. • GIRL, col., wants work ?s mother’s helper or housemaid; exp. Adams 7264. 2272 6th st. n.w._ GIRL, colored, wants part time, day’s work, or altering clothes; city refs. Hobart 8292. GIRL, colored, reliable, with exp. wants general housework. Call before 10 p.m. Hobart 2537. ________ _ GIRL, colored, wants part-time or all day work, except Friday; references. DE. 0237._ _ GIRL. Southern, colored, reliable, wishes general^ housework. MI. 4191. GIRL, colored, wishes general housework; experienced: ref.: stay nights._HO. 6845. GIRL, light colored, desires day s work or four days a week; experienced. Call Ho bart 3548. GIRL, colored, no laundry unless light. 2303 N st. n.w\ GIRL, colored, neat, wants g.h.w. Tele Dhone_CO._7877-W. GIRL, colored, general housework, or by the day: exp. cook. North 4828. GIRL, colored, neat, reliable, excellent cook and g.h.w.. wishes work, full or part time: highly recommended; no phone. 1101 Kenyon st. n.w. GIRL, colored, desires job nurse, mother’s helper stay nights or half-time work; exp. Michigan 6465._ • GIRLS. 2. colored, want general house work and cooking, exp.; references. Call HO. 8713. __ GIRL, colored, wishes job as mother’s helper; stay nights. Hobart 6387. GIRL, colored, Va , w ants job as chamber maid. office girl or g.h.w.; city refs. Adams_10493. GIRL, colored, reliable and dependable, wishes part-time work, chambermaid. Call Atlantic 6635 Sun. H_i m._to 5 pjn._ GIRL, colored, wishes work of any kind; no Sundays; go home nights. Dupont 5606._ __ _ GIRL, colored, neat, wishes g.h.w. for em ployed couple or part-time mornings. Randolph 4679.__ GIRL, colored, wants general housework, plain cooking; live In; city refs. Call Georgia 9400._ GIRL, colored, attractive, wishes house keeper's position. Cali before 5 p.m. Sunday Michigan 4552._ GIRL, colored, wants morning part-time job; neat and reliable; city ref. Ll. 4143. • GIRL, colored. Virginia, wishes Job as mother's helper or nurse._ME._6833.__• GIRLS, colored (2). want general house work part time, evening only; exp. Call HO. 8713._* GIRL, colored: intelligent: desires work ol any kind. lull or part time. Go home. A-l references. HI. 0937._•_ GIRL, colored, wants work; full time, part time or day's work; sleep out. Ref. LI. 4503-J. _* GIRL, colored, neat, wants job as nurse; city refs. Stay nights._ME. 4364._ GIRL, colored, wants part time or days work, no Sunday._Refs_District 3559. GIRLTcolored. wants work as child's nurse; day's work: refs. District 9860._ GIRL, colored, wants job as mother's help er; fond of children, pleasant dependable, high school educ. Rrfs._ME._2084:_ GIRLS. 2, colored, want work any kind, full or part time; good health; evening work; refs. Lincoln 4210. _ GIRL, colored, wants 3 or 4 day's work a week._Metropolitan JJ926._ GIRL, colored, wants g.h.w.. cook, laun dry. care ot children; stay some nights. Ex per._City refs. District 6971._ GIRL, colored; Southern, wishes work of any kind; reference. Phone ME. 0892. GIRL, colored, wants lob i.h w., mother's helper, fond of children; refs. Decatur 5825-J._______ GIRL, colored, want* g.h.w., or mother'* helper, live in or out. call Clara Bugfs. 47 DeTree* it. n.w. a I v SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. (Continued.) LAUNDRESS, out by the day. alio to take hone._North 2589. ___ LAUNDRESS, experienced, first ciass on shirts, wants work out by day: Tuesday, Wednesday: references. Dupont 5342. LAUNDRESS, work to bring home: 1st class_refs._ North 3558. LAUNDRESS, first class, wants work at home or out: large, sunny yard. Phone Michigan 851 _ LAUNDRY to take home, day work, also curtains: good raf. AT. 7599._• MAID desires position in small family. North_3878. _ •_ MAID colored, reliable, wishes part time or day’s work, plain cooking; reference. Harth 3788.__ MAIDS (2>, colored, seek part-time work; one is good cook: refs. Dupont 855(1. MAN wants Job. 'ake care of bachelor sot. or sick man: can .do plain cooking. De catur 0003.__ _ (SCHOOLGIRL, colored, wishes work as mother's helper. 84 per week. Phone MI. 5248. SERVING, cooking, day’s work or laundry; colored, experienced._Call Adams 4895. VIRGINIA GIRL, colored, wants Joh as mothers helper; references. Call Michl gan 3253 after 10 a m. WOMAN, colored, wants work, part or whole time: good cook; with city reference. Call Hobart 468J. _ WOMAN, young, wants general housework A-l references. Call Michigan 9210 after 1 o. WOMAN, colored, experienced on salads, OUi'mI *9049 short' orders' wants job. WOMAN, colored, reliable, wants job: do mestic work: city references. Call DI. 3495. 818 1 st st n.w _ WOMAN, colored, wants day’s work; refs.: no Sunday. Call Dlstrict 4723. WOMAN, colored, desires g.h.w. or day’s fork: no nlshts 4.33 Delaware aVe. s.w. WOMAN, colored, wishes position: livht housework: mornings, cleaning bachelor apt. Hobart 5189. • WOMAN white, reliable, wants day's clean ing. Call Emerson 3951. WOMAN, colored, neat desires work. full, part time or day's work: aood plain cook: refs. ME 4289. WOMAN, colored, w’shes housework, nttrs %r iirl as mother's helper CO. 428.3-J. WOMAN, colored. rein.,.,* «-«i house work or part time: refs. 1833 Vs. r HO. 0298. ’ WOMAN, colored, wants g.h.wi-cooking, care for children: experienced: private home or boarding house. DE. 4455. • WOMAN, colored, country, wants work; good cook: no nights: refs. Decatur 2391. WOMAN, young, colored, wants work, good plain cook, serves well, best ref.. Md. end na j . to. (ravel. Write Dorothy Bridgett. Waterfall. Va. • WOMAN, colored, neat, wants work part time or dav s, any kind: city reference. Atlantic 5310. WOMAN, colored, reliable, wants dav’s work or part time: no Sundays. North 4399. WOMAN, colored, wishes dav’s work or part time mornings: with good reference. Adam* 2.12 j-W. WOMAN, colored, experienced, wants iob 'Sn.0!.ans' kind of work; reference. WOMAN, colored, wishes work of any kind; bcsLLcfer?nce. LI. 9455-W. WOMAN, colored, reliable, wants day’s work or laundry take home, experienced. Duoont lo84. WOMAN, young, colored, clean, willing hoiiseworker: home nights. Susie Anderson, on Myrtle st. n.e. • WOMAN, colored, wants day’s work, good laundress, experienced cleaner: good ref. Dupont 8ii0‘., • WOMAN, colored” neat, reliable: part or fuh time, general housework: in Chevy Chase: ref. WI. 6137-J. WANTED BY A COLORED”GIRL Place part time; no Sunday. Dupont 1225. ,D£,Y®’ P m- worlc Quick, cheerful and reliable. Mary White. ME. 0939 AM ANXIOUS to place my colored maid, excel cook, good laundress, diligent, thor honest. Box 311-G. Star.__ repairs & service BASEMENT and wall waterproofing; caT- ' rages, porch inclosures, overhead garage Phaul. NpVe«VlSr reDlaCe’ J°hn J Mc CARPENTRY, cement work; any repair or addition; doors, porches, steps, fences, walks, etc.: reasonable prices; save by dealing direct with lst-class mechanic; A-l references. Goodman. DU 6843. • CARPENTER ALTERATIONS. shelving. reDair?* painting. R e. .Moore. -.600 Mozart d1. n.w. CO 7879-M • CARPENTRY—Shelving and kitchen cab iPiS'J’ Remodeling and repairing of all kinds. Nathan Waldman. Lincoln 6583-W.* CARP ENTERIN G—Recreation rooms. ! screens, general repairs; reasonable terms. L. R. NELSON. Republic 0645. CARPENTER Recreation rooms, , , bookcases, shelves, screens, remodelmg. etc. S. J. Mack, 2006 CHAIR CANEING ~ UPHOLSTER u'ik-er,Sn,^Pll.nted- £LAY ARMSTRONG.’ 4-35 10th st. n.w. Phone ME. 2082. DRIVEWAYS, walks, basement floors~re P*'rs_°f a>> kind made by Park Cement ing_Co. Phone_Shepherd 2875-J 2°* ELECTRIC WIRING ®y f7s Elee rKa‘"r^d^h0Uses * R?««I fiiPC Co _.|609 J3eorgia ave. Rand. 8391. General Improvement. Practical exp., foundation «iPa*nt,nK' Daoer hanging, floor i ISLi,® *steriPe' e,c • repairing. carpen comPlete building trade service. ?l?9?nErirP h 9; interior and exterior: anri^ia f Dr,ce; also Plastering and roofing. Call any time. HI. 0157-w. PAPERING: reas.: white me «‘5- SPeco jS^WmS* WPek- Frce PAINTING, PAPERING, .FLOOR FINISHING: LOWEST PRICES in IASS eu»r8nteed JONES DCUG LASS. The Singing Painter." SH. 6429. _ _ 23* ha{JGING. painting, plastering-; L«* white mechanics: free estimates. 4622 Wis. jve EM. 2065 _ • painting; work guaranteed. fSthiS0!!?.?1 nrices: looking for work; father and son Randolph 8771. PAPERING, painting, decorate- «t summer ?Jlceb,Doiny own work Atlantic 4172 Mr Edwards PAPER HANGER wants work; will save you money; work guaranteed; al-o paint ing and plastering, Adams H465-J • PAPER HANGING, this week only. $8 50 Per room: 1040 washable, papers work guaranteed Michigan 5115. PAPERING R20ms #5 up: painting: ,. , white mechanic. Keener. Lincoln 4105. _ PAPERING and painting—Work~done~to please you John Tolson. AT. 7512. 24« PLASTERING, repairing plaster and stucco work guaranteed: reasonable. W. Fairall. 41 S st. n.w,_MI. 7208 PLUMBING AND HEATING, Jobblng~and remodenng a specialty: 24-hour service. Harry E. Williams. North 6248. Radio Trouble*) Pree est-; work guar. A*u“uic • I mo. Honest prices. MID-CITY Radio Shop. 0-0 p.m. NA. 2802. SAVE 20% DURING July! Carpentry brick work, waterproofing, painting, plastering plumbing, houses built: work guaranteed. LI. 8000-W. • STAIR BLDG by corttract: all work guar anteed E. J. Martin A Son. (50^ Eye UPHOLSTERING 1/ftmyiAomr wotk done In house. Weaver. AD. 104 7. AD. 8401. _ UPHOLSTERING “ Pur"i,u1ry ~«F rt»?i>/ad' —W'brk done at your home if DI1041 C1 Mor^ls• 1804 L st- n.w. $2—PIANO TUNING—$2." Steinway. Chlckering. Knabe: organs. ..free7o'fr2r.k guaranteed. A-440 Wm. Woolley. 4118 Oth st. n w. Randolph 4688. ___ * CAMERA SERVICE & REPAIRS. GET PRIZE-WINNING enlargements with new solar enlarger. Revolutionary in de sign Valuable enlarging treatise FREE. See it at your dealer. Burke A James. Inc.. Chicago. • CAMERA REPAIRING. FULLER A d’ALBERT, INC. 815 10'h St. N.W. Phone National 4712. _ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS. BLACK TOP ROADS CO. . „ BUILDERS OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS. TENNIS COURTS Estimates Guar Work Terms We GO anywhere. NA 0464 Nights. PI. 2648 _MATTRESS RENOVATING. MATTRESSES REMADE, $3 UP. STEIN BEDDING CO., 1224 12th ST. N.W._ME. 1115. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. HOT-WATER HEAT, $275. Complete 6 rms.; Red Flash Boiler. 100 ft. rad.; no cash: 3 yrs. to pay. 1st pay Oct.: guaranteed. Coal, oil or gas. ROYAL HEATING CO., _NA. 3803._Nile and Sun- RA. 8520._ Build—Repair—Remodel. Complete Building Service. Lowest Cost, 25 Yrs.’ Experience. JAMES R. KIRCHEN. SH. 6847-J^ HOT-WATER HEAT ~ AND OIL BURNER. Both completely Installed. $415: terms. Greenwood 2061. EXPERT REMODELING, IMPROVEMENTS. Lowest Price. Best Terms. SOUTHERN CONTRACTING CO., P05 N. Y. Ave. N.W._NA. 2158. « GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic. Deal with a Reliable Firm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., P15 New York Ave. N.W. NA. 7410. Night. NA. ^417. 26* HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. _ (Continued.) NOW IS REPAIR TIME. SUPERIOR IS at Your Service to Attend Both Your REPAIRING AND REMODELING NEEDS. Plumbing Tiling Painting Recreation Room* Papering Stuccoln* Inclosed Porches Heating Roofing Plastering Gutterina Remodeling Prom Cellar to Attic. Home Too Large (or Convenience Can Be Made Into Apartments. Payments as low as SS Pe( Month. Have Work Done Now—Payments Start In September. ASK ABOUT OUR F. H A. PLAN. ALL WORK GUARANTEED A Superior Job Though Best. Cost Less. SUPERIOR CONST. CORP., 1331 G 8T. N.W. Metropolitan 2405. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TEXACO STATION, fully equipped, busy corner in fast-growing section: present owner there 10 yrs.: leaving city. Call Mr Owen._ Atlantic 6330. BAKERY AND PASTRY~8HOP, est. 3 yrs'. Must be sold because of ill health. Leaving city. Sacrifice for only $1,500. 6211 Georgia aye n.w_ _ LEAVING CITY. I must sell rooming house of 0 rooms showing good profit, full or partly furnished: reasonable cash offer accepted. 2135 K st. n.w._ 21*_ DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT and gas sta tion. For lease or sale: fully equipped for gas. oil. or tire service. Modern heated and ventilated wash rack. 55-car capacity, office space and storage 'Pace. Low rental; 6-year lease. Box 346-G, Star. _ __21* PARTNER WANTED to establish business on 50'r basis- ability to operate store* in 4 sections D^C^_Box 76-J, Star. _25* __ HOTEL—50 rooms elevator: rent. $°50: doing excellent business: $1,000 cash, bal ance terms to r eht ■'•any. George Rogers, 60 1 F st. p.w. NA. #137._ WANTED—Man or woman wiUa $5 000 to take interest in an aerial phot graph busine s. This idea is new and I can show von where you can becotr* Inde pendent rich in short time. No time fo>- TrjfWs Don’t wa^t® »uv unless you have the money and are ready to do business it it appeals to you. Box 125-J, Star. _ » CAFETERIA—Nicely equipped, good loca tion: average. $450 weekly; breakfast and lunch: owner leaving city. NA. 5571 or CO 0667-J._ __ _•_ GAS STATION and 2-room, kitchen, bath apt : $200 necessary for start: low rent. Apply Mr. Barrett, Dude Ranch, Ber wyn. Md. ON-SAT,E LICENSE. light wines and beer; lor sale reasonable. NA. 2331. Mr. Ryan. ' 21* SMALL ROOMING HOUSE on K st., which shows a profit above all expenses. Full price. $250.00 R A. JULIA 1200 Eye St NA. 7452. IF YOU WISH to sell your rooming or boarding house you may be assured of sincere efforts by our office. R. A. JULIA. 1200 Eye St NA. 7452. SILVER CAFE. 1033 7th nw . for sale; well equinped. on-sale light wines and b®er. Sterling 0012. _ _ _ 21* GROCERY fine corner store: low rent: $500 cash. oal. terms. Splendid oppor tunity 2130 Ga. ave _ 21* STORES, small and large. Reasonable rental Fastest-growing section of Alex andria. Adjacent to new 2n bowling alley. J. H. Poladian 2425 Mt. Vernon ave. Phone Alexandria 314# GROCERY, meats, light wine, beer: estab lished bu> : reasonable: doing over $600 weekly CO. 6556 21* MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACT— Le'ge national organization wants imme dietely resp -nsitle men who can place sub stantial down payment, purchase new or good used motor truck; long-time contract provided to pay notes, all expenses, good living, excel, return investment Full de tails request : references. Box 31-E. Star. SERVICE STATION — Owner employed. Being transferred Sell half or all 2106 R. I. ave. n.e. until 6 p m. Sunday. AN ATTRACTIVE and profitable rooming house of 12 rooms, near Columbia rd and ! 14th; oil hear. $200 monthly income; $500 cash handles. R. A JULIA. 1200 Eye St NA. 7452. A TOURIST HOME of 12 rooms on Rhode : Island ave. offered for sale with a down j payment of $300. Let us show this to you without any obligation R A. JULIA. 1200 Eye S» NA. 7452. FOR SALE—Rooming house cheap must sacrifice. 1310 33rd st. n.w.. phone MI. 056.;. * DRESS CONCESSION in modern specialty snop; percentage, busy section of north fast. Box 231-J. Star._ 27* PAWNBROKERS EXCHANGE. cleaning, pressing, repairing, ladies' and men s fur nishings: a good living. Call North 61X7. _ 2 5 * DELICATESSEN STORE, good location: business $300 per week: price, $2,300; cash. _$ 1.500. Box 473-H Star. 22* TEN-ROOM HOUSE, northwest section: well furnished: clean, cool, by owner bar gain. Box 234-J. Star._ 22* RESTAURANT, downtown. $400 weekly: low overhead: selling account sickness; $3*>00 fno brokers*. Box 235-J. Star. • FOR PURPOSE OF EXPANSION, will sell interest, national mfg. product, with service and $500; refs. exch. Box 163-J. Star. • GENERAL" MERCHANDISE STORE, down town: not open nights or Sundays: com pletely stocked: Coco-Cola sales Day rent: phone booth; will remove part of stock or fixtures to reduce price if not wanted, plan ning to retire; $1,000 cash. Box IXO-J. Star. • ROOMING HOUSE, nicel* furnished: 3 Frigidaires; for sale b.v owner $300 down, small bal. 004 Mass. ave. n.e • 11-ROOM HOUSE on Mass, ave . near 10th: filled with roomers: very clean; $500 han dles. R. A. Julia 1200 Eye st. NA. 7452. A LOVELY ROOMING HOUSE and home on Kalorama: 4 baths. 14 rooms: fully occu pied. and may be bought or terms. R. A. Julia. 1200 Eye st. National 7452. ASSOCIATE WANTED for established busi ; S®8?-either active or silent, investment of $3,000 required. fully secured: gentile onlv; splendid opportunity for right man. Box 140-J. Star. • STORE thriving country town: $/**o wkiy. cash business: closed Sundays: nice home, modern conveniences; owner ill: sacrifice, will finance. H. Fehier, 2 E Lexington st . Balto . Md TOR LEASE—Diner, cabins, filling station: a m.i., Richmond-Wash, highway. 2X miles Wash. Box 171-J. Star. 24* ?£w^L^R —New. modern, going proc. home: exceptional location fast-grow ldriaS»W» n community- Phone Alexan DISTRIBUTOR for Washington and Bal- i timore and adjacent territory wanted to handle product used by all types of man ufacturing concerns, who indorse it high ly. fills economic demand; is not com petitive: has no approach problems. To party possessing sales’ Instinct we offer unusual opportunity to operate own busi ness: carries good profit: repeat orders Investment $600 to $1.*»00 required for working inventory. Reply must include outline of experience, age. phone, to ob tain interview. Bank and business refar ences exchanged. Please do not answer if unable to meet above qualifications. Box 135-J. Star. • NEW STORE, just completed, with two modernistic show windows, beautifully t finished oak floors, high ceiline: suitable for any business; opportunity to lease or purchase 2406 18th st. n.w. (near Co lumbia rd). NA. 6717. * GROCERY. MEATS, corner store: colored trade: nice living quarters: fine cash busi ness: 5-year lease: well eq. and stocked; price, $3,000: terms. Box 271-J. Star. • 1457 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Furnished apt. of ;> rms.. screened porch, yard; leasor to take over 0 boarders. CO. 0506. DELICATESSEN, corner location, n.w. sec tion: good business, between $450 and $500 week: $4,500: no agents. GE. 0500. • MODERATE INVESTMENT’ OPPORTUNITY i?r ambitious man with services, in dis tinct farm home building project within 20 minutes drive of Washington. Box 100-J. otar. • ROBIN HOOD archery range, fully equipped: owner has other business needs cash. Bladensbure rd. and Channine st.. nr. A. Az W.: contact at range. LI. 4041.* RESTAURANT, liquor, beer and wine; fully equipped: n.w. section: lone lease, rpas. rent: sacrifice. Box 54-J. Star. • CORNER GROCERY-MEAT MARKET, in K°°h. n.w. colored section: all cash busi ness: $500 weekly: big stock: clean fix tures: sacrifice price. $2,600; $1,000 ca<h. balance easy terms. RA. 7703. • CAFETERIA, downtown, near new Lafay ette bldg.: does $800 wkly. now. $1,000 wkly in winter: .^ats 180: closes 8 p.m. and Sundays: price. $8.5(>0: easy terms. Bob Hollander, 907 Tower Bldg.. 14th & K. TOURIST HOME on Balto. blvcT., Route No. 1, near University of Md.: 12 rms.. 3 baths: oil heat: $250 monthly income, plus owner’s apt.: $3,000 cash handles property and furniture. Mr. Purcell. ME. 181 »>._ ROOMING HOUSE, 22 rms.. double Ba raga: rent, $130: Income quoted $385; “mb'Ptfly furnished and filled: only SU800; terms. Mr. Armstrong, ME. 4813. ROOMING HOUSE, 13 rms.. 3 bath: mod !tI)Ju£nlt5,re; rent- $100: 20th and Mass.: $600 handles. Mr. Armstrong. ME. 4813. MEAT BUSINESS: best location in large market: reasonable rent, modern equip ment; wonderful opportunity. Phone Em erson 1168, Sunday or evenings after 7 p m. _ • A REAL opportunity for salesman with executive ability to secure an established BOing electric appliance business: $1,000 cash will handle. Bpx 245-0. Star. lO-ROOM HOUSE, real bargain: five 2 room apts, all rented; rent. $80; Income, $152 month._223_8th st. s.e. ROOMING HOUSE—4 complete apts., full basement; near school, bus. stores; 3 elec, boxes: all filled: good paying business; will sacrifice for cash, account of illness. 607 6th st. n.e. 2-STORY BRICK BLDG., suitable for work shop or warehouse, approximately 20,000 so. ft.; water, gas, elec. Apply 813 7th st. n.e. __ DELICATESSEN, established in IS114: fully equipped; owing to sickness, owner will sacrifice: located In largest market In Washington._Apply 813 7th st. n.e. DRUGSTORE, n.w.; business approx. $20. 000; sacrifice for $5,000: cash needed. $500, balance easy terms; owner retiring; ofl-sale beer, wine; post office. Star ad agency, notary, etc.; can be used as patent medicine store: no pharmacist necessary. Attorney. Box 413-G, Star. ^ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. _ (Continued.) DRUGSTORE, does $500 week: priced very low thli is a "reel buy.” Box 259-J. Bter.___ « BEAUTY SHOP, smell, neighborhood of movie end shopping center: well estab lished, good business; $450 cesh. Box 214-J, Ster. • 5-AnS-IO-CENT STORE—Smell buelnees', no competition, bright future: low rent; elderly ledy owner 111. will secrlflce for $000 cesh. _ Box 205-J._Star._• BAKERY, fully equipped, to rent to some financially responsible beker. Nice cake and pie business. Fully established, with no Investment. Rent. $00. Box 247-0. 8tar DRY CLEANING and laundry agency; n.w. sec.: low rent. Must sell; will sacri fice for_cash. Box 5-J, 8tar. _ • DELICA.. CONF., off-sale beer, upper n.w.: every equipment, well stocked: good bus., fine future; apt. above: long lease: price. $2.200: terms. Box 281-J. 8tar. FOR SALE—Colored rooming house: fif teen <16, rooms; occupied; reasonable; good investment. National 40:t!i PARKING LOT near Government build ings; sale cheap as owner has accepted Government job. Phone after 0 p.m. Monday. _ Randolph _4700._ • BAKERY STAND in large market: estab. business, short hours: easy to operate; price. $775._Box 250-J. Star. _• NAVY MAN TRANSP. offers small guest house, exclusive: nearby Va.: 7 rms.. :tVa baths, rent. $115: Income. $.100. $S00 for quick sale^ CH^JOHO. • RESTAURANT—Will sacrifice most attrac tive place on Baltimore blvd.: doing a nice business: beer and wine bar and dining room: apartment above: hot-water heat: arge parking space: open Sunday: will pay Jo Investigate. Woodwards’ Restaurant, Laurel. Md. • GROCERY-MEATS, high-grade residential section; well equipped and stocked fine business: low rent, including apt.; price, $5,500. Box 283-J. Star. • VALET SHOP, well equipped, near 1 8th and You n.w Colored community. No close competition. Low rent. Rood business. Terms. Worth your inspection National 1468. * COMPLETE four-chair, modern barher shoo equipment, green; reasonable. GE <303. • DRUGSTORE. corner: equipped and stocked; long estab.: 7-year less**; price $3,800: terms. Box 28H-J. Star • TATTOO give away. Owner •rciv/ij* town 1812 Adams Mill rd., opp. Gulf sta. Sacrifice DELICATESSEN and conf. living quarters: sacrifice, price reasonable. Box 245-J, Star. • CAFETERIA, adjacent Govt. Jjldgs : serving breakfast and lunch only: long estab : in come rooms above more that rent bldg ; price. *1.050 cash. Box 264-J. Star. • RESTAURANT—Will sacrifice reasonable Meals beer. Cash and terms. Near corner. Rooms above. 2106 18th n.w. CLEANING and pressing shop, located busy section n.e.: established 17 yrs same owner; gross over $300 wkly.: low over- j head; $4 500: terms to experienced partv, owner retiring. Phone National 1044 • GASOLINE. ACCESSORIES; corner station, long established. great future: fully equipped low rental, most unusual oppor tunity for $1.0oo. Box 278-J. star. • BAKERY and restaurant in shopping center - Reasons for selling. Write Fox 203-J. Star. • RESTAURANT, food only, short hours, air conditioned: equipment and fixtures the best: crossing $2,300 monthly, rent. *loo: $2 ooo cash will handle. Phone National 1628 • DELICATESSEN, groc., magazines, fruits, ■ veg ; mod. fixtures; illness, other bus. Best offer 6524 Ga. ave. n w. RESTAURANT, food only; nearbv Mary land. very clean spot: grossing over *400 wkly.: rent. *70: *2.000 cash will handle. Phone National 1628. • MODERN RADIO SERVICE BUSINESS, some sales, full line instruments. Terms. Other business 6523 Georgia ave. RESTAURANT, with beer and whisky li cense at busy intersection: doing *450 *5oo wkly : rent. $loo monthly; long lease; modern fixtures: priced to sell: $1,200 cash will handle: owner has other in terests. Phone National 1644 • LOCATION FOR CUT-RATE DRUGSTORE or concession in busy market or building Box 415-G. Star. BARGAIN—8-room house, business with j s*ore. gas pumps, other buildings needed; financed or trade. Box 387-G. Star LARGE BOARDING HOUSE, near-in:" 22 rooms, very beautifully furnished; rent, $lo<». Call Leta Lister. AD. 6623 or AD. ‘*446. • PEANUT VENDING MACHINE ROUTE, all ! new. Columbus dp luxe model, splendid I joea’ions ip Ba'iimor- Investment of 1 *50(1 required. E. O. Likens, 924 5th st. i n w. ROOMING HOUSE, near lBth and K sts.— 1 ti rooms, :i batns. excellent location and good business: price, $2,250 terms. Leta Lister. AD. HH23 or AD 9440 • FOR SALE—Cleaning, pressing shoe re pairing business; very nice: particulars R. M. DE SHAZO. 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • DELICATESSEN AND LUNCH, including sale of Property: excellent location, good income nn property and business Owner leaving city. Priced to sell: $7,000 will handle bolh. DAVID RIFKIND. 710 14th at.ji.w. NA. 4995 Call bet. 9 and 12. 14 RMS. nr. Scot Cir., well furn.: reas. rent; $1,500. handles _OWENS REALTY—ME. 0480. BEAUTY SHOP and school: income about $20,000 yearly: large profit: sacrifice. R M. DE SHAZO. 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • 1H RMS.. 4 anart's and 4 sleeping rms . 4 baths, rent $125: $1,050. easy terms. _OWENS REALTY—ME.JMBH__ HIGHWAY NO. 1. BEER SEAFOOD DINNERS, sandwiches: seats ,0: beaut, equipped: nice 3-room, bath apt. above: rent. $oo doing nice business: 15 miles Wash.. *2.000: terms R M. DE SHAZO. 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • 13 RMS . nr Dupont Cir.. rent $75; in come over $200. $000 handles. OWENS REALTY—ME 04 89. BEAUTY SHOP, downtown, rent. $55 wkly ; beautifully equipped: $1,000: t"rm.' R M. DE SHAZO 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • BOARDING HOUSE. 1 7 rms ! 4 baths. Fully Furn.: Priced Right OWENS REALTY—ME 0480. ROOMING HOUSE, near G. W. Unit . II rooms, income. $190: $80o: te-m* R M. DE SHAZO. 1123 14th NA. 5520. • ALL APART. 16 rms , 4 baths, fully furn.; rent $95. price $1,800. 11 rms. all aparts, 3 baths, gar.; $900 easy terms .. OWENS REALTY CO 1,13 H St N.W . Room 410. ME 0480. GROCERY meat beer and wine Georgia ave. including living quarters; rent $85 per month: business. $400 per week- price. *4 000. half cash. D4VID RIFKIND 710 14th st. n.w. NA 4995. Call bet. 8 arid 12. DELIC.. sandwich., conf : nice place; rooms: wond. opp small cash: $000 Oroc meats: $1,000 wk.: 90'. cash: splendid opd : some terms: investigate. t.uncheonette. fount., beer: wond. opp. for r-aht parrv: *5.000 terms Chattel mortlaae note discount A S ECOX'OMON. HO 2472. DU 0917 • GUEST HOUSE. LARGE; 40 RMS., 15 BATHS. At Dupont Circle—Oil heat: rent. $500: ! long straight lease: check income: one 1 of the most exquisitely furnished houses j we have ever seen: present, owner 18 years: | price. $8,800: large down payment re quired: snown bv appointment onlv WINFIELD & THURM, “Wash.’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.” »»« 10th St. N.W. NA. 0654. FOUNTAIN, luncheonette: Conn, ave.: out side tables: very attractive: books open ior Inspection: $1.500 terms M. KEACH. 1010 Vt. Ave. RE. 1919. NEAR CAPITOL—14 r.. all apts.; good in come: $500 down. RE 1174. , .7AY REALTY CO. • ROOMING HOUSE—14 RMS. (7) 2-RM. APTS., $75 RENT. 5th st. near E. CaDitol: real kitchens with sinks, electric refrigerators and stoves; all filled nricert to sell: $M5o down EDWIN L. ELLIS, ‘‘Capita"* Largest. Guest. Hou'« Broker” 1910 Vermont Ave.. Rm. 217. NA. 3310 • ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN. 17 RMS., RENT, $90. Near 3rd and E n.w.—Oil heat., garage: incume quoted $245: always filled: running water in many ants, and rooms: good furnitur" n-ice. $1,209: down *5no WINFIELD & THURM, “Wash.’s Largest Rooming Houce Brokers.” _ 908 10th St N.W. NA. 9054. ROOMING HOUSE, 9 rooms: 50 down; 2»/2 baths; $00 rent: near 1st and R. I. ave. n.w. Pr’cp $500. better hurrv EDWIN L. ELLIS, “Capital's Largest Guest Hon"- Broker ” 1010 Vermont Ave., Rm. 217. NA. 3310. • GUEST HOUSE—14 RMS. $750 DOWN PAYMENT. Rhode Island ave.. no far from 16th i 5-w. Income filled auoted by owner over $boO montniy (room ana board* EDWIN L. ELLIS, "Capital's Largest Guest Hour- B-nker ” 1010 Vermont Ave.. Rm. 217. NA. 3310. • ROOMING HOUSE. 16th st.—Near hotels: 15 rms., 5 baths, water in 3 rms.; clears $250' per month. M. KEACH, 1010 Vt. Ave. RE. 2919. !_ • | GUEST HOUSE, 16th ST. 14 rooms: expensive furnishings: all filed; large gar.: house and location A-l: oil heat: legitimate reason for s hing: will sell, $1 .150. down. EDWIN L. ELLIS, "Capita"* Largest Guest Hour- Broker." 1010 Vermont Ave.. Rm. 217. NA. 3.710. • WINFIELD & THURM, "Wash ’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.” Have plenty of prospective buyers for your ROOMING OR BOARDING HOUSE BUSINESS AND FURNITURE. For quick and satisfactors' results see— WINFIELD & THURM, “Wash ’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.'* 908 10th St. N.W. NA. 9B54. ROOMING HOUSE APTS.. 12 room*. 3 baths; not far from 14th. Park rd.: $77.50 Rent (2) apts.. have private baths; long lease; all filled; $1,000. terms. EDWIN L. ELLIS, "Capital’s Largest Guest House Broker." 1010 Vermont Ave., Rm. 217, NA. 3310. * RMS., APTS., N.W.—1« rms., newly dec.: 3'/s baths; rent. $100; income, *300; straight lease; $1,500: terms. M. KEACH, 1010 Vt. Ave., RE. 2919. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT, one of best In eltjr; $400 wU/.; besut. equipped: $.’1,500: terms. R. M. DE 8HAZO. 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • BEAUTY SHOP—Wash.’s most excl. 20 booth, modern equip.; long established; good lease; bus. quot., $25,000 per year. A»K2?J2l2S9sltltm t0 * reliable buyer. ?£XIEURFJCIND- 710 14,h ,t- n.w. HA. 4905. Call betweenjt and 12 noon._ _ ROOMING HOUSE. 10 rooms: rent. $80: beaut, fur,: twin beds; 2 nice Frlgidalres; best sec.; total price. $580. R- R DeJHAZO. 1123 14th. NA. 5520. • ROOMINO HOUSES. Large rooming house. 1 block from Capi tol: good returns. 12 rooms. In apts.: good Income: N at. n.w., near 14th: $850. Two 11 -room houses, near Dupont Cir cle; bargains _ A M COOPER. 1008 Eye St. N.W, NA. 1332. _Eve. Ask lor Mr. Beal. HO.7047. ROOMING HOUSE. Lamont st. gear 17th n w. 11 rooms. 3 baths, oil hear valuable furniture: hard to beet: $000 down. EDWIN L. ELLIS, “Capital’s Largest Guest Hou*» Broker.” 1010 Vermont Ave,. Rm. 217. NA. 3310. • SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING—IT PAYS Rooms and apts. 10 rooms. 3 baths, oil heat; rent. $75: good furniture through put; income quoted over $200; ail new lnnerspring mattresses; price. $1,000; term*. WINFIELD & THURM, Varaest Rooming House Brokers.” _908 10th B. N.W._NA. 9854. ROOMING HOUSE. Dupont Cir.: 21 rms.7 5 baths; rent. $150; income, $375; nice buy; $2,000 terms M. KEACH, 1010 Vt. Ave. RE. 2919. GUEST HOUSE^-20 RMS7 Near 10th. Col. rd. n.w.—Large dining room and kitchen on 1st. floor, best of fur nuu.r. arge yar.; parage cate :ng to nice oeoDle* long established. You will like this piace. snown by appointment: $".oou randies. EDWIN L. ELLIS, L°r?-st Guest Hot’.’ Broker.” 1010 Vermont Ave.. Rm. 217. NA. 3310. • A REAL MONEY-MAKER. Mostly apts downtown; 1.7 rooms. 2 baths; renl, $85. with an Income of over *•’00: always filled: price reduced to 2bl,*.00: ♦erm- fn- quick sa’e WINFIELD & THURM, "Wac h’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.'* Kith St. N.W. NA. 1W54. CONVALESCENT HOME. Oood location, equipped, operating suc cessfully, sacrifice to settle estate. 4103 Conn ave. wo 44 8" LIST YOUR ROOMING HOUSE With me. Can sell immediately if price is ARMSTRONG1'MEen48<13 CaSh ***• . CHATTEL NOTES U'lrrhased—l-Dav Service. BOB HOLLANDER, ?<£Ll25*r Ride.. 14th and K ME. 4813. RESTAURANT. Downtown—Whisky. air conditioned: does $1,000 weekly: can easily be doubled: f‘?,f.l.Sunb»vs; seats 150: near new $8. Govt. bldg, opening soon; well equippr-o n-lce $12 OOtt: verv easv terms. BOB HOLLANDER, „ Exc u*ive Agent for Owner, no, Tower Bidg., 14th and K. ME. 4813. BOARDING HOUSE. WISCONSIN AVE ; rooms. 3 baths; several garages: rent. $.».-> very nicely furnished and clean; sacrifice for onlv $000: terms: a bargain. WINFIELD & THURM. ‘ ^w1oh .’s. ^ar"st Rooming House Brokers.” _90S loth St N.W. NA. 9654. HABERDASHERY. Downtown, long established. mPn's wear s'ore: doing good business: low rent, good lease. See Mr. Ewell. 1417 L st. n w. BUSINESS. HOUSE & FURNITURE. Popular downtown section, lge. cor brick lit rms. 4 baths: operated 10 years as looming house Will sell entire going business reas , with small down pavment balance one trust. P C Heigle. NA.'SSSOi Rooming House Beautiful. 10 rm«,t 5 baths: Income. $380: newly decorated and painted: elaborately fur nohed real monev-maker. rare bargain’ price only *2.800. with *1.500 down'. H’irrs" Call RE 2200 1 01 0 Vermont eve. JAY REALTY COMPANY. BOARDING HOUSE UNUSUAL. 13 ROOM8. 4 BATHS. OIL HEAT Double garage: rent. $12.5: near !9th and Kalorama rd.: furniture far above average: price. $2,250: term*: worth more. WINFIELD & THURM, "Wash's Largest Rooming Hou'e Brokers” _0OH loth St. N.W. NA. 9654. REAL OPPORTUNITIES. - You are cordially invited to investi gate our exceptional listing of restaurants, bars, sandwich shops, hotels, cafeterias, valet shops, haberdashery, grocery, drug and liquor stores. Transactions guaran teed by trial. WE FINANCE BUSINESS PUCES NICHOLAS J. GASTON CO.. Suite 501. Woodward Bide. DI. 7765. • ALL APTS NEAR 2nd AND~C~N.E. 15 ROOMS: RENT. $75: INCOME. $250. Leaving a nice two-room apt for owner. oil heat. 3 Electroluxes, running water in most apts.; always filled: goed lease: price. $1,560. terms See this barcain WINFIELD & THURM. "Wash ’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.'* _908 1 Oth St. N.W. NA. 9654. Rooming House Bargain. 13 rms.. near Thomas Circle: nicely furnished bargain prirp. ANOTHER. 12 rms. 3 baths, near Greyhound Station: ; lu^"' ’ homr: only S3<mi JAY REALTY COMPANY, | RE 2290. 1010 Vermont Ave., Rm 1115, • _ BOATS. CHRIS-CRAFT 31-ft. inclosed cabin cruiser, separate stateroom, sleeping 0 persons: din ette. refrigerator. Monel metal gallev stove, full-size toilet; 85-h p engine double reduc tion gear; boat serviced b> shipbuilder; in first-class condition. Unable to use but i little._National 7771._ FOR SALE—Used Johnson outboard motor. 9 h.p Apply E. B. Ale. Johnson Dealer for Alex and vicinity. 430 S. Washington st . Alex.. Va CABIN CRUISER. .WxlO'8"—Like new; bargain. Roy’s Auto Oil Service, rear 1726 15th st. n.w Hobart 9634. SLOOP. 16-ft., excellent cond . $150. Now at Gaiesville. Md. Call Chestnut 0320, evenings. • WOLVERINE OUTBOARD- MOTORBOAT. 14-ft.. prac. new: fully equip.; also Johnson Sea Horse twin motor perfect cond : reas. 1334 Hemlock st. n.w GE. 1623. Monday. 13-FT. CENTURY RUNABOUT. Philippine mahogany: fully equipped: used 3 months: 24-h.p. Johnson Sea Horse motor, complete ly reconditioned: speed. 30 miles per hr.: $250 cash. LI. 6282 before 9 or after 2. CABIN CRUISER. 22 ft], 2 years old: 14 m !es per hour: must sell: ’eaving city: $200. Capitol Yacht Club. Boat No. 13-8 45. Call Lincoln 5288-M. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR. 13.3-h.p.. onH 18-ft. boat. Se* Thr^her. Cedar and Park aves.. Cedarhurst. Md.. Sunday. OUTBOARD BOAT. ll,2-ft.. in perfect con dition: $40. Rear of 5202 Oth st. n.w. FISHING CRUISER. 40x9 ft., cabin Dead ris** type. 4 bunks, toilet. 70 h.p. Gray motor. Located on West River. Md. No reasonable offer refused. Box 142-G. Star. RAISED-DECK CRUISER. 50-foot: thor oughly modern: finish*.'- 1936: for inspec tion and details phone District 6685. • I WILL ACCEPT a good boat as part pay ment on good production farm. Allow up to $3,500.00. Call Bowen. Chestnut 5294. • Mr-tor bo «t 'FNGlNEf Kermath marfiS motor. 50-h.p . with 20-16 wheel dual lg ' i O'-* $150. Phono Adams 0210. £EA SLED 8'j ft., very fast, new paint; $22.50 or best offer. 2114 14th st. n.w. 8 to 8 p.m. wkdys. _ SAIL BOAT. 26x8'/j, good condition, new sail': $150 Phone Shepherd 1578. CABIN CRUISER. “Mi-No Mi-No." 24x8. model A motor: bunk, toilet. 14 life pre servers. extinguisher: $200. Cramptons Boat Yard.____ EVINRUDE SPEEDITWIN and Oldtown Sea boat m excellent condition. Adams 5431. BOAT ENGINES—Osco Ford conversions: Red Wing engine: used engines. Emerson 4(i43 after 6_p.m._* DODGE: solid mahogany Runabout. 32 Mi ft.. 75-h.p. motor; good condition; $650. Washington Boat. Sales Corp.. Main ave., foot M st, WI. 4322 or ME. 9453._ OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS—Ben dix Elto. Evinrude Wolverine. Old Town. Many others Largest display in town Terms S. King Fulton. Inc.. 805 Maine ave. s.w._ TODD CRUISER for sale, fully equipped, ready to cruise. Address P. O. Box 443. Annapolis. Md.__ OUTBOARD MOTOR. Evinrude. sport 4. 16 h p. with starter and generator. Phone Adams 2443.__ WANTED outboard motora regardless of size or condition: cash for same. 737 11th st. s.e EVINRUDE and Elto outboard motors: Thompson boats New and used; service and parts: used parts: factory repreaenta rlves. 737 11th a.e._ MEADE SAILING KYAK. complete, ready to go. $75. consider boat, auto trade. Dick, Warfield 9396.__» CRUISER, 47 ft., double cabin: sleeps 9; completely equipped, gear, linens, silver ware. china, etc.; large cockpit; excellent condition: In commission for Immediate use. at Corinthian Yacht Club: quick sale necessary, or trade. Phone or writ* Mr. J H. Longshore. 1427 Eye st. n.w. ME. 0643 or DE. 0800._ CABIN CRUISER. 40-foot. 10-foot beam: $500: terms. Call Georgia 9389 Saturday from 5 to 7. Sun.. 9 to 1- a m._ CABIN CRUISER. 30-ft. for sale. $350: ready to go. Wm. A. Henderson. Msine ave. and N at. s.w._81*_ CABIN CRUISER. 36-tt. keel. 10-ft. besm; built 1036: fully equipped, ready to go. Sacrifice, S500. TE. 4131._ 4-CYLINDER Wisconsin marine motor. 30 h.p., built-in transmission, good condition, $35. Atlantic 1553.__ FORWARD CABIN. 10-ft. Kermath engine; excellent condition. Reas. Mr. Gray. WO. 0400. BOATS. __ (Continued.) CABIN CRUISER. 28x9. Easy terms. Consider boat In trade. Trummell's Boat House, above Penn. ave. bridge s.e. NEW 12-ft. canvas-covered sport runabout. Call Alex. 1883 alter 8 p.m. Monday or Tuesday. _ • 14'4-FOOT MOTOR BOAT," S30. Atlantic 03 94. J8-8T. 5'-10" BEAM, open: fast. Carries 8 easy; radio; can be seen front of gas works, toot of Anaeostla Bridge. No. 13P853. Bargain for cash. Hobart 8439._• CABIN BOAT. 20*4x10 feet. 8-40 Cray motor: good condition. Named *'Bay hpund”: to settle estate: In water at Bene dlct Maryland. See Cent Thomas Shorter, or call R. N. Jones, Woodley 1878. after 8 p.m. EVINRUDE 1939 MOTOR. ~cost 598 50. scl 55a. Used motor, 2 h.p., cost $$9, sell 36ok ®oa *■' ifi h- £>• Johnson. WA. MOTOR, used 27300 miles. frUa. 1939 Dodge motor, used 300 miles: S1~°* «l2sUL?onl v*8 motor. 550. BETHESDA MOTOR SALES. _ 6809 Wise. Ave._ Wise. 2637. MI SC E LL A N EOU S FOR SALE. ACCORDION—It isn’t necessary to buv an instrument if you want to find out if you would like learning to play. If you are a responsible person we will loan you an accordion without charge or deposit of any kind. The only cost is a nominal fee for private lessons, which you pay for as they are taken, not in advance. This plan is also available on other in struments. NA. 4730. Kitt’s. 1330 O st. (middle of the block between 13th and_14th sts.). _ - ADDING MACHINES, Dalton. Burroughs. Corona. Unusua’bargain. See today. 1448 Park rd.. Apt. 7. CO. 4625. Blaustein’s. AIR CONDITIONER, portable room cooler; quietly filters and ventilates: cools and de humidifles by electric refrigeration; in vigorating comfort for home or ofTW Will sacrifice: demonstration^ WO. 6263. • AMPLIFIERS, 515 up; microphones, all kind". 53 50 up speakers. 52.59 no; com plete system sold or rented. 100 H st. n w. DI. 6650. ANTIQUE and modern household furniture and ornaments: Encvc,onedin Brittanica; owner le-**. ins city. 174 2 Wis. ave.. Ho bart 1013 ANTIQUE golf-leaf paneled mantel-mirror. 59x24 priced ioa. 6867 Wisconsin aie., Bethesda. • ANTIQUES—Corner cupboard, cherry drop leaf table. blanket chest, orig. hdwe.; fine chests 5201 Wis ave. ANTIQUE—Chinese screen. 4-fold carved 550; Oriental ruv. 9x12. 5150 value 5500; mandarin coar, 525: oblong teakvvood cof fee table. 520: fiorentine console table, 559. value 5759. silver coffee «er» ice. 525* china chop suey set. 30-pr 525: Spanish shawls. Lorraine Studio*.-. 3529 Conn. ave.. Adi. '* I. Woodlejv 3869. ANTIQUES. 2532 Wilson boulevard. Ar- ! lington. Va. “If* fun to look ’ ANTIQUES from estates iarge collection, china, glass, silver, books, prints, mirrors, furn Edelson. til8 5th n.w ANTIQUES—Assortment of beautiful Dres den vases and figurines Fine collection of service plates, mahogany and walnut chests of drawers. Al«o large Quantity of silver china and class. Sommer prices prevail Murray Galleries, 1724 29th st. n.w. DU ATTIC FANS. 25'7 ofT: closing ou* entire stock; your opnortunltv to save onlv a few left. Harris Armature Co.. 9th and 0 n m • AUTO GENERATORS repaired exchanged >3 50 un: new guarantee Elec repairs any car Clift's. 2002 K n.w. ME 6232. ! ATJTO RADIOS for Ford. Dodae. Plymouth, j Chev., etc.; Zenith all-wave for trailer or boat. 100 H st. n.w. AUTO RADIOS good. 58 and up: good home and batterv «ets. cheap 6522 ! Georgia ave. GE. 1433. BABY CARRIAGE black leatherette: col lapsible; 57. 4033 7th st. ne. Dupont 1 1 8,->. • ; isAHY COACH, Whitney de luxe, excellent condition, black and chiome, $15; cost I 828.50. Oliver 8905. baby WALK EH. : bath. $1; scales, $2: nursery chair. 75c: metal double bed. ,4 glass window ventilators. $1 : lady s blaek cloth coat, badger collar, sire 20. $5. 4212 3rd st. n.w. Randolph 6269. BAGGED 8AWDDST 23c bag: 5 bags. $1 delivered" for store floors end mans other uses Phone AT 1400_HECHINGER_CO BAKERY EQUIPMENT—Cake mixer, roll divider, scale. 22-in. a. c exhaust fan, 1 «rtU presj. Justus. DE. 47B5-W. I BASEMENT AND WALL WATERPROOF 1 ing—Advisory or corrective service. Phone | John P. MePhauL WO. 6223._ BATH TUBS. used, complete with new fit tings $10: new toilet outfits, complete. $12.50; flush tanks $7: Ig. stock plumb ing and hearing material at lowest prices. 828 Florida ave. n.w. no. 3921. | BEAUTY EQUIPMENT. 2nd-hand. ezeel lent condition: nrice verv reasonable: sell ing jut small shorn CH. 7320._ BED. spool Jenny Lind antique, walnut, and marble-top chest, table, night stand $60. Emerson 8399. BED. SPRING. MATTRESS, dining table", buffet. chairs, radio. Prices ’way down Sunday before 2. 521 Tuckerman st. n.w. * BED. complete with spring and mattress. $10.09 OPEN EVERY NIGHT. Follow the crowds to ACME”—THE STORAGE WAREHOUSE WHERE EVERYTHING IS MARKED AT A SACRIFICE. Acme Moving & Storage Co.. 46] 8 14th st. n.w. Georgia 7902. OPEN NIGHTS. "P. S —We have 4 beautiful jugs."_ BEDS. soft, mattresses, small stores, dishes, chairs: best price takes them. 1413 21st jt._mw. _ • BED. springs, mattress, dresser, chiffonier, vanity dresser. $25. No dealers. 742 Princeton pi. n w. BEDS, dining room.--gateleg table, chiffo rnbe. chairs breakfast set. rugs. WE DO MOVING. Edelman. 3303 Georgia ave. • BEDS. Twin Poster (1 Pair In Maple. 1 Pair in Mahogany'. Lovely Beds With Double-Deck Coil Springs and Felt Mat Terse.? See These Qualify Beds. "ACME RETAIL STORAGE." "For Your Conveni ence OPEN EVERY NIGHT " Closed Sun day. LIVING ROOM. A "Truly Beauti ful" Mohair Suite fLlke Newi 2 Pcs "Dusty Rose." 1 pc. "Turquois" The Customer Told Us "Sel’ It—I Need the Money." "It s a Swell Buy " "We Have No_Store——No Windows"—"Merely ACME RETAIL STORAGE." "Everything on Dis °ur Warehouse " ACME MOVING AND STOR.AGE. 461$ 14th St N.W . GE 7002 OPEN NIGHTS Call Us for. ‘Talk of the Town Moving and Storage Rates. BEDROOM SUITE. 6 ocs . used 2 months: bargain for cash. 6222 Blair rd. n w. Georgia 2051 BEDROOM SUITE. 3-Piece, walnut, good condition, cost $225. sell for $20 3745 Brandywine st. n.w. EM. 3055 BEDRM SUITE, like new: rad:o. 3 end tables. lamp, chair, stool, etc : $50 Sun day. J2 to_2. Apt. 8. 1619 L s', n.w. • BEDROOM SUITE. 3 pieces, good condi tion. 825._5818 5th st n.w.. ra. 4697. BEDROOM SUITES. 2. compete walnut. Sirrtrions mattresses, like new: $50 and $100. Georgia 5825. 1348 Jefferson st n.w. BEDROOM SUITE, walnut, four pieces; very good condition: practically new inner spring mattress; $40. 4018 Kansas ave. n.w. RA.7956. • solid maple.- "ACME-STOR AGE MUST SELL FOR THIS CUSTOMER QUICKLY. Bed. chest a :d dresser, layer oAL?,?,tUessJ*n.d coil spring: VERY REA SONABLE. Walnut dining room (0 pcs 1. sacrifice: 3-pc. velour living room (looks like It might be no days old': 2 single metal beds 1 Simmons), with coil springs and good mattresses. .$13.00 each; dining room chair. $1.00: comfortable folding and reclining beach chairs with striped material 6(lc: small sewirg machine icood condition). $7.50: ir-box. $4.00: 5-pc dinette. $8.00. FOR SENSATIONAL BAR GAINS FOLLOW THE ARROW TO ACME” "No show windows.” "We hav' no store ’ Everything on display "right in our warehouse.” OPEN NIGHTS. “Low est local mov ng and storage rates, for in sured _ service.” ACME MOVING A STORAGE CO.. 4618 14th st. n.w. Georgia 7002. OPEN NIGHTS. "P. S.—We have 4 beautiful rugs.” BEDROOM walnut: ACME STORAGE .must sell ; bed. vanity and wardrobe. $21.00: maole dinette, table. 4 chairs, china cabinet: SACRIFICE. Living room. wine boucle. 1 chair, blue; LOOKS NEW. Maple cricket chair: 6 cu. ft. elec, refer. (Kelvinator). absolutely perfect con dition (see it connected in our warehouse). ’We have no store—no show windows"— our salesroom IS RIGHT IN OUR WARE HOUSE. FREE FIREPROOF STORAGE and local moving estimates, acme MOVING * STORAGE CO. 4018 14th st n-w. Georgia 7002. OPEN NIGHTS. P. 9—Wr have 4 beautiful rms.” BEDROOM, mahogany. Here is a beautiful 4-cc. suite, with serpentine "crotch" fronts. "Lovely mirrors”: fine coil spring and good mattress. "We don’t know what the customer paid for the suite. BUT SHE MUST SELL AT A SACRIFICE, so don’t delay. Odd buffet nTd china, dining room table (oak). 5 One oak dining room chairs: "cheap " 08k porch swing. $7.00: looks new. Walnut bedroom. 3 pcs., very rea £££abIe- _2-pc- Hying room (looks new). $29.00. Solid mahogany (bleached Swed ish modern), vanity with large oval French mirror: a magnificent niece 7-oc. bleached solid mahogany dinette suite (wait until you see the ladder chairs). ’This Is one of the finest suites we have ever had and it can be bought at a "give away price" OPEN NIGHTS. “Acme has no show windows—it owns no store.” _Our salesroom is right in our warehouse." ACME MOVING k STORAGE CO.. 4618 4th st. n.w. Georgia 7002. OPEN NIGHTS._ BEDSPREAD. large, handsome, hand crocheted, popcorn design: $20. Temple 1661 or write P. O. Box 191. Alexandria. Va. BICYCLE, lady's, Rollfast. Also pair man's riding boot*, both practically new. De catur 4699._21 • BICYCLES—See our rebuilt bicycles before buying. GEORGETOWN BICYCLE AND UTILITY SHOP. JB11 Wis. ave. MI. 9100. BICYCLE, ballon tires, racing, used less than three months: perfect condition: S25.__Phone_WA. 8893._ _ _ • BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. PING-PONG TABLE8. Conn Billiard A Bowling Supply Co.. 810 9th at. n.w. District 4711. _ BOILERS—30-h.p. ASME. 100* w. pT, Leffel. Scotch Marine, complete with stoker, year old. perfect condition. 15-h.p. ASME. 100* w. p., O. As 8., vertical, complete with oil burner and controls, electric auto matic-feed water system, practically new. perfect condition._Lincoln 10340. BOILER, hot-water, oil. American W-0412 nearly new: several others: cheap. PH. 5708 between 7:30 a.m.-5 p m. weekdays. BOILERS AND 8TACK. ASME. Code: ex cellent condition: economic type. Also water tube. Peebles Chemical Co- RE. 2723. BOTTLES lara. lues, crowns corks, caps as 1% .t^rac »7 euBo* c° &«w&r,,-h"d- 828 r “• ave MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) BOOKCASES. 24 section* 3~top* end-! n,n*v*i:«1SUiarmre<1 rolden °*lt. Meke offer. box star. **) • BRICK. LUMBER AND PLUMBING ' MA TERIALS REMOVAL NOTICE. We hiv» closed our Southwest yard. It* entire stock ha* been combined with that of our Northeast yard. Here you will find th« greatest Rejection of used material in the prices Foundation to roof at rock-bottom ..J.hf «ptlre personnel of our Southwee* »*r" wlU be glad to serve you at our l.»th and H Sts. Northeast Branch. _ HECHINOER CO._ CABIN CRUISER. 36'xl(V8\ like-n'wl 7 v, Auto Oil Service, rear 172H loth tt. n.w._ Hobart 06.24, CABINET RADIO, ha* attachment, for' hard of hearing; reasonable. 1.181 Monroe st. n.w CAMERA. Kodak Vollenda. 7-.l S~Radion*r lens, compur shutter, carrying case; $18.00. Lincoln 6127-J. • ^MKR J.3 AND PROJECTORS a t "berg* In prices. Eastman lfl-mm. camera and pro lector. $4<> both. 10(l_H 5f n.w. CAMERA, reasonable. In eo"d condition? Georgia^]78rfXtraS’ Ien* W ****''*■ CAMERA. Pilot, miniature, reflex, jp' 2.4 Cofumbia*r067™w.r ShUU"’ aUt°' flIm adv‘ CASH REGISTER. National, late mode!? and adding machine: very cheap. 144# Park rd. Apt. 7. CO. 4825._Blaustein’s. CEDAR CHEST. $8; lounge chair, $8: studio ♦ s&rin2 and mat tress. $15._jjH2Q_28th st. s.c„ Apt. 5. • CLIPPER LAWN MOWER—Hand-powered sick e mowpr for tall grass and weed*. 12* &.-1 w $1,V° Fred Freiwald. 4078 Coiumbia pike. Arlington. Va. Phone Ox ford 1004-J. CLOTHING-Ladies’ dresses, coatsi suit? size> -0 and 48 Complete wardrobe. Very re?s. Living room mite, chair*, scatter rugs, porch chairs. Dupont 8330. COAT. Hudson seal, perfect condition? dm™ 8: *oin;: South reason for selling. Phone Emerson 4455. anf1 money changer? ideal (or theater or market; bargains, time clock, ski inn h st. n.w. COMPRESSOR, with motor, perfect con dition. $1(1. K107 Randolph st nw DENTAL EQUIPMENT for sale. Cal! D‘s i, ? 4V‘J or see Dr. William Von Eiff. 5118 Medical Science Building. ?m'TA,';.n INSTRUMENTS. ~ no- comole*.? Md rLn ?n tlJfl0reo',vS- T*l'om» Park. Md Call all day Sunday. UNIT, in a’l-around excellent n0.?'!10'1; very rca.onable. Address Box .-♦i'-Ct. star. DIAMONDS left with us from sale of an fa!,lcLsome ,rad^-in*. About ] carat, beautiful diamond se: m Tiffany setting. paJr d'amond earring- , set In gold. Ve*'n of the 2 diamona? little less than 1 carat a wonderful bargain at $125. % very unusual diamond brsee’et. 5Pt with -•* diamonds anodised for $800, I Pf.Jiif *sacrifice for $335 diamond sun* i . r?_ v -b t larue diamonds, a true in ! ;PSo?luL ,?? v,*'* On be r-e**n a4 Shah A: Shah .i.l F st. nw National 5543. DIAMONDS jewelrv nr.d watches at about one-third present day values All articles guaranteed as represented. Rosslyn Loan Companv Rosslyn. Va DIAMOND solitaire. lady’s about *T~rt~; P,a'- diamond settio-: sacrifice. $275; broker Box 227-J. Star • DIAMONDS from estates and private par nes at sacrifice prices for quick sale. Fir.§ per.ect d-arnond. I3, carats, with platinum moun'in'* f or $500 Diamond mounted Hu ova watch. wa<= $208. for $10o. Per fect diamond little jess than 4 carats; ?^’npr take *750 Fine perfect dia mond 1-ttle loss than 1c»rat*. f0r $400. Ask for Mr. OpDpnheimer. 00.3 F st n.w. DINTNO ROOM SUITE.~oak 0-piece*fine cone it ion. $25. 4821 16th st. n.w. Geor gia 1213. DINING SUITE. «135. value «.jnn Dun can Phyfe sola. $50: liv. suite. $45: cor ner closet. $45: antioue chest drawers, knee-hole desk. $15- Oriente1 rugs. 5-9 *“■: mandarin coat Lorraine Studios. <520 Conn ave.. Am. 21. WO .1880 DINTNG ROOM SUITE lu-piece; also 7 ru'. ft. Friaidalre; both reasonable. 1110 Va. ave. s.w. • DINING RM SUITE fine condition. 4814 Morgan dr Chew Chase. Md. WI 4850 • DINING ROOM SUITE 10-pc . like new. gia’ &nsV ®!air rd- n w • Phone Geor PrNING RM. SUITE handsome 10~pc". imported walnut, like new: cost $808. sac. ulS'n Jb'.w*™? Aots corJllh and N sts n.« Apt 101. Dupon 5219. Dealer Home jSun . Mon. rill 8 p.m. 1 ri'uJ1 mnv. 60nr ysrd'- ton-«oU~an<J—fill: ^MWV( 4t once- c*n Shepherd EASY CHAIR, new. Karpen with foot stool: $30: cost $45. WO. 7378 *• new_fansSt^colunVbia ^0-/“ 0sciII‘tin« ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRE. a c ln-nerferf working condition: $18. 1214 N. Cam st * 80Ecycies S?G™«?-2-h P single-phaseT d°ut,Cr!r-h ^ » ctSmoS^d R1*09' Emerson11 no8nWer exhau5t fan' 2 ‘P*«d» ELFCTRIC RANGE all porcelain, rlorir Jl{?deJ-^utoniatic with clock: 36x22: reus n 1 • Dealer. ELECTRIC RANGE8=8ttndard makes at trade-in* & 92° 3^ey„dwown: !lbfral ffi1‘S.cSSS??rt ,aoS3 consm'^ve.^wa^nT^ Co ' 4905 Wls* ENAMELED STNK, good, used, 18x24 roll riir with jack $2.49: big bargain for homes, summer cottages, etc Hechinger Co ENGLISH BICYCLE, girl’s. three-SDeed 5r»a^’ - hand brakes, lights: almost new: record? n&0hh5? VanscrLbin* machine and vtv5 d 4 bui ln,o(!.on(i condition $15: 2453 and‘ 53’50- CaI1 Columbia FANS. $9.95. Special closeoutT 12 lrT. new a. C . 1st gradf*. heavy duty: original cartons. Carts^ U?08 J4th. "4'^n-i6-1; c . ¥11 UP-d. c„ $.1~up": i7o H. , -motored, new. 2-speed p-destal. SSl|S15|7J?th*n.w0; 1S' exh"_*12 up‘ P,AN *.c- 10-inch Westinghouse osciPat ran Vld-oipeTe? c?ntr"' *5: also smaller ran. no. _Lincoln_ 8351-W. ftnMrS‘ Ji.Vf' closing out entire stock, rour opnortunity to save: 6nlv a O^n w1’ Harris Arma*ure Co. 9th aid fA?: ?encrai Electric. 10-inch. d. e. cur otS1 .f3 „speeds-, Wlll tradp or sell. 5822 9th st n w. Georgia 2213._ niilL *.and * circulating; •‘Emerson . c°oIcrs installed at special bargain prices._Call Emerson 8863. ;t,n and up: 8-in—osc~?2 98l used d c tans 18-in. osc.. $!) 95: « ' J,U,ft5.i, •«-}»• o»e.. ¥5 95. Apex Ele? tin 9 * 1 th St' n w- at G °pen *ves. G- E- and Westinghouse. I8"T •’ ^ecds. oscillating, direci current; A-l condition._North 5398. _ “ lcnl’ FANS-Fresh'nd.aire. circulators, extreme. mt—0, iet running: special discounts in :,f'‘5"la l? direct current models. Demonstration without obligation. Easy erms g. O. Likens. NA. 8797 FLOORING, used: free of nails; specitl." ^ i Per l-OOO bd . ft delivered: smaller Quantlties_sllghtly_higher. Hechinger Co. REFRIGERATOR. Fervel-Electrolux. 5 cu. son 089seCt condiUon: reasonable, Emer PRIGIDAIRE. size suitable-store-or"board ■W. h?use; doors: white porcelain, in side and out: good cond : rets. WO 8323. FUEL OILS, gasoline or chemicals stored! in gallons one cent per month, via tank car or truck 200.008 cap „ THOS J CROWELL! Estb 1915. South Washington. Va. _RE. 4411. FURNISHINGS of 8-room apt., mostly custom pieces, will separate; oriental and domestic rugs; private sale; owner leaving coy. Open 10 to 10 today. 711-A Stoneleigh Court. ME. 0848 FURNITURE—Mahogany dining set. rugs, phonograph, other articles. Phone Mich igan4280. Br. 711. _ FURNITURE—8 rooms furn.. 2 refg. Must sell. Can rent house. $50 month. 1017 Mass ave. n.e._ Atlantic 1237. FURNITURE—DavenDort, chairs. Otto man. coffee table and occasional tables. RA. .18,4. 4720 3rd pi n.w.. Apt. 2. FURNITURE: dining rm. and bedrm. suited walnut; inner spring mattress. Oeo. 4321. OO* FURNITURE^—Victorian side chair. $8.75: Va. sofa, exquisite. $54.50; Dolly Madison chair, custom made. $22.50._WO. 9091._ FURNITURE—Contents of model home at sensational savings: brand-new living rm.. din. rm . 4 bedrooms, chairs, tables, desk, mattresses rugs, lamps, etc 5311 Mass. ave. n w. Emerson 1083._lint, decorator.) FURNITURE, contents 12-room house: beds, rugs lamps, linens, dishes, silver ware. piano etc.: good condition. Priced lor quick sale. 2801 13th st. n.w._ FURNITURE BARGAINS—Fine quality fac tory floor samples at great aavings for cash. Stahler s. 625 F st. n.w. Open till 9. FURNITURE. 10-piece walnut dining furni ture. $70: twin metal mahogany beds with coil springs; reasonable. Sunday, week dayg after 6 p.m- OE. 7695._* FURNITURE—Table and mirror, mahog any; reasonably priced. Apartment 20-A. Alban Towers. Can be seen all day Sunday and after 8 p.m. dally.__ FURNITURE, divan with slip covers. $10: 9x12 rug. $12: chair. $5: end table. $1: china cabinet, oak. $10: double bed. com plete. $10: radio. $5. 118 Park ave.. Ta koma Park. Md. Shepherd 4633-W. FURNITURE SACRIFICE—Sewing ma chine. 3115 elec.: bicycles, 2 and 3 wheel: beds. SDrings. mattresses. 2 love seats and odd chairs: private party. 1318 10th n.w.« FURNITURE—Storage lots and others, like new. bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm.. liv. rm.: on sate dally 9-5 at Metropolitan Warehouse. 50 Florida ave. n.e. _ FURNITURE—Living room suite, maple breakfast set. studio bed. odd chairs, etc. Excellent cond. Cheap. Must break up home Taylor 9198. 272 Carroll it., Takoma Park, D. C__ FURNITURE used In model homes for dis play purposes—10-pc. dining room suite. $80: Duncan Phyfe sofa. $35: Chippendale sofa. $40; lounge chairs, $12.60: French sofa. 1-pc. down cushion, $79. Hilda N. Miller 1294 Upshur st. n.w._ FURNITURE—Living room suite, beautiful 2-pc., like new. sacrifice, $80. Bedroom suite, handsome 7-pc.. lncl. brand-new inner-spring mattress: sau. $100. Chest drawers. $15. Handsome 9x12 Wilton rug, like new, with pad. $24 8x11 American Oriental rug. with pad $20. Drop-leaf table. $18. Solid mah. 2-ai. bookcase, $25. Hoover vacuum cleaner, all attach.. Ilka new. $20. Also occa. and lounge chair*, odd tables and lamps. The Alabama Apt,, cor. 11th and N *u. n.w.. Apt. 201. DU. 5219. Dealer. Home Sun.. Mon. uaUI 8 p.m. (Continued on Mast Pag*.? *