Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. (Continued.) FURNITURE—All sorts of fine used furni ture at rock-bottom summer prices. Large assortment of occasional chairs, ward robes, new baby cribs and mattresses. Now located at our new and larger quarters at 1436 H st. nr See Mr. King Sunday 10 to 2. eves, until 8. Atlantic 4464._ FURNITURE—Must sell 2-pc. tapestry liv ing room suite: 1 odd club chair, 1 settee. See Janitor. 1030 3 8Ui st. n.w.. any time. FURNITURE—Nearly new Wilton rug. Ox 12. $40: maple double ben. excel, springs and mattress $22.50: I. E F. lamp $5. Michigan 0330. 4025 7th st. n.e.. Apt. 1, nr. Catholic University. FURNITURE—Englander day-bed. walnut’ coil springs. $12: single bed. complete. $10; 8ellers kitchen cabinet. 40 in. wide, $8; companion table. $3. 1 to 3 p.m. only, 8325 Holmead pi. n.w. CO. 0144. FURN—Bargain, leaving town. Mah. fateleg table. 5 chairs. $10. $18 lamp. $6; 10 lamp $4: llv. rm. se* and chest of drawers. f>8. CH. 2000. Apt. 827. Col. VII. FURNITURE—Table and mirror mah., reas. priced. Apt. 34 Alban Towers. Can be seen any time after 6 p.m. GARAGE DOOR—Convert or replace with modern overhead hardware. Oarages built. John J. McPhaul. NO 6223._• GAS RANGE, in good condition. $15. 1307 Randolph st. n.w.__ GAS RANGES—Genuine allowance up to $25 for your old range; terms low as 15c per day. nothing down: save up to 40rr: all sizes, from $19.05, $29.95, $39.00 and up; factory rebuilt ranges from $12.50. J. S. Le Fevre. 2007 K st. n.w. RE. 0017. GAS RANGES, new. standard makes; dis counts up to 50% off. used as low as $8: no money down: liberal trade-in allow ance. Atlas 921 G st. n.w. PI. 3737. GAS RANGE, enameled. 4-burner, side oven, storage space, used, good condition: big bargain $7.50 delivered_Hechinger Co. GAS RANGES for all city or bottled gas, $24 up: used elec, ranges, $20 up. Oil burners. Crowell, complete installations. $1/9.oO min ; Honeywell controls. 275-gal. tank; two-year unconditional guarantee. THOS J CROWELL. Estb. 1915. South Washington. Va_RE 441_1. GAS STOVE, flat top. almost new; cost $85; sell $25. Kitchen cabt,. white: 10 gallons outside white and cream paint; bargain. 1222 Shepherd st. n.w. GENERATORS-STARTERS. $3.50 up; larg est assort.: install immed.: small charge; elec, repairs; 26th year. CARTY. 1608 14th GLASS. Ameriran pattern, some colored; slipper collection, china, foreign dolls. 1626 Fort Myer dr.. Arlington Va. GOLF SETS (2>. good condition: cheap. Gabardine coat. blue. siz° 38. 1340 Pea body st. n.w. Taylor 7884. BAND SAW. 20": 4-inch jointer, machin 1st lathe, paint spray, bath outfit, sink, 42": elec. pump. Warfield 3608. HOT-WATER HEATER gas.’and 30-gallon I tank, one year old. District 7173. HOUSE BEING TORN DOWN—Furniture’, dishes cheap. 6-piece oak recreation room set. including platform, rocker, $10.00. Afternoons. 226 1st st. s.W. • INVALID WHEEL CHAIRS, crutches. Hos pital beds and commodes: new and used; all styles: reduced prices; will rent; also folding chairs. United States Storage Co.. 418 10th st. n.w. Met 1843 KELVINATOR. radiola. double-bed size Vit-O-Net electric blanket. Call Oxford 0397.__ _ LIVING ROOM SUITE. 3-pc., blue velour: bed-davenport. 2 matching chairs, like new. 6222 Blair rd. n.w.. GE 2051. LIVING ROOM SUITE. 3-pc.. mahocany frame, cane back: cost $225. sell $35. Weekdays. 3 824 Belmont rd_n.w . Apt. l. LIVING ROOM CHAIRS and tables, double cot and pad, porch furniture. Call Wo. 6351._ • LUMBER, new and used: on No. 1 high way 8 miles south of Alexandria. Tem ple 3120. MATTRESS, very fine, innerspring. hair with coil spring and stand attached: very reasonable. 1026 16th st. n.w.. Apt 703-A. ___21*_ MINK FUR COAT, genuine Jap. size 14. completely renovated with all-silk satin lining, full length; $175 cash. Box 84 -J, Star^ _ ♦ MOTORS—Fractional h p. a. c.. d. c. mo tors: Westinghouse. G. E.; cheap for quick sale. 5768 Georgia ave. n.w. • MOTORS, new and used: motor repairs, brushes, belts for refrigerators, washers: all types and sizes. Harris Armature Co., Oth and O. n .w. • MOTORS, a. c.-d. c., all sizes repaired, new bearings, rewinding, brushes: exch.; expert refrigerator repairs. CARTY. 1608 Mth._ MULTIGRAPH Davidson automatic fric tion feed, completely equipped; priced rea sonable. Medical Credit Assn., 1122 Eye at. n.w. _ ME. 1173. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Before you buy anything musical see Hynvui rtatner's Music Store aoo j*ave 73’ ltth st n.w. NEW MOLESKIN swagger coat; beautiful w-ararofce trunk: in pxcei’e*' t condition. Write Miss C. Birchfield. 1758 K st. n.w. • OIL BURNER $14!*5<>: completely in stalled fully guaranteed: M H. controls and 275-gal. tank; pay nothing until fall. $5,63 per month J. S. Le Fevre, 2007 K st. n.w. RE. 0017. OVERHEAD garage doors, almost new. 8 x S': double row glass: complete, $25. 1101 Wilson blvd. Rosslyn.___ OVERSTUFFED SUITE. .1-piece, newly re upholstered in high-grade taoestry. latest floral pattern; can give terms. Call at 1235 l oth st _ r. . w PAINT FAIL, red roof paint, 98c gal : white lead. 50 lbs.. $4.95; turpentine. 49c cal ; ladders, for rent or sale, cheap Moore Hardware. 191.1 7th st. n.w. DE. 5090. PAINTING—Charles Jacoue's "Return of Flock": close client's acct.: bargain. Atty. T. Edward O Cor.aell._424 5th at. n.w. ♦ PIANO. Ivers & Pond, upright, sweet tone. $20: also bureau. 45'a in. long, $8. 1015 N st. n.w.. Apt. .104. PIANOS—Apt. size Huntington. $125: 2 am size Arthur Jordan. $100 and $65: old Chickering grand. $80. Uprights— Imnerial. $.15: 1 pianos in good condition, $10 each. Smith's Storage Co . 1.11.1 You. NO. .1.141_ PIANO, upright, excellent condition, $20. Costello. ME. 6020. _* PIANOS—July sale of real bargains; Stein way grand, Ktmbel grand. StiefT grand, spinet. Francis Bacon apt. uort., several good practice pianos', from $25 up. At American Storage. 2801 Georgia ave. Lawsom__*_ PIANO, slightly used, latest model Knabe spinet, now for sale at a worth-while re duction over the new price. Looks like a new Instrument. New guarantee. Easy terms. NA. 4710. Kitt's, 1330 G st._ PIANO, slightly used; latest model wal nut baby grand, very special, only ,$180; small apartment size, but has full 88 note kevboard; new guarantee; easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt’s. 1330 G st. _ "PIANO—slightly used, small apartment size Wurlttzer baby grand, $195: In un usually good condition; easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt's. 1330 G st._ PIANOS—Used uprights, $5. $10. $15 cash: also lowest prices and easiest terms In the city on spinets and grands, new and used. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w._______ *PTANO—Used Knabe gTand in very good condition, $295; unusually well toned, it's Just the Instrument for a real musician. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop. 1015 7th si. n.w._ ___ PIANO—Small size, fun-keyboard spinet, only slightly used. $109; very easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt's. 1.130 G st. (middle of the block between 13th and 14th sts.l._ PIANO—Slightly used studio spinet, $95; easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt's, 1330 G st._____ "riANOS FOR RENT—New. small size, lat est model instruments, only $4 monthly; grands, *8 monthly: money paid as rental applies on purchase price If you decide to buy later. NA. 4730. Kitt's, 1330 G st. n.w._ PIANO—Used full-keyboard spinet, in very good condition. $105; easy terms. Repub lic 1590. The Plano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w._____ PIANOS FOR RENT. $2.50 monthly and up: if you decide to buy. rental money will be deducted from purchase price. Re public 1590. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w. __ ___ PIANOS—Do you know that we maintain the largest piano-teaching studios in the r;ty? We specialize in beginners' courses and all our instruction is absolutely pri vate and given by one of a select staff of college-trained instructors: if you are Interested in giving your child lessons drop in and let us show you around and explain to you how little our beginners' courses cost; only $15 for both private lessons and the use of a piano In your home (approved persons only). NA. 4730. Kitt's. 1339 G st (middle of the block between 13th and 14th sts.l. _ PIANOS-—We have a good used Knabe and a used Steinwav grand for sale at Worth-while savings over their original new prices: in unusually good condition; new guarantee: easv terms. NA. 4730. Kitt’s, 1.130 G st ,_n. w PTANO—If you have an old upright or player you're not using, why not let us call for It? We will give you a credit good now or in the future on any piano, radio, phonograph or musical instrument In our store. NA. 4730. Kitt's, 1330 G st. n.w. (middle of the block).__ PIANOS—Sale on slightly used pianos. Lenox spinet, mah., $95: Minlpiano spinet. $137; Emerson spinet mah.. $189: Betsy Ross spinet, mah.. $195 Very easy terms. LESTER PIANOS. INC. 1231 G st. n.w. PIANO CLEARANCE—Floor 'samples, etc. Like new. Betsy Ross spinet, walnut, re duced $100: Betsy Ross spinet, mahogany, reduced $100; Betsy Ross spinet, ebony, reduced $110; Betsy Rqss spinet, mahog any. reduced $150; Emerson, small ma hogany grand, reduced $175. Many other splendid bargains; $5 down delivers: 5 years to pay. LESTER PIANO CO.. INC.. 1231 O st. n.w. District 1324. PIANO. Chickering. Brewster baby grand: leaving city, must sacrifice. Chestnut 7600,_Branch 448.__• PIANO. Chickering The place where you get the PRIVATE PARTY BARGAIN, with » new guarantee. Not Just another dealer. Hamer's Hobart 5120. PIANO. Knabe, beautiful walnut Don't buy before you compare. Can be seen Sunday^ Ratner’s. Hobart 5120. PIANO walnut Marshall A- Wendell; $195 cash. Call Lincoln 5617-J PLATINUM PIN with 49 diamonds. $500. Randolph 1.167._ _ • FLAYER PIANO. $35.00; pbonoeraph. elec . $5.00; ladder 35 feet. $5.00. William Cheri._641.1 8th st. n.w. _ • POOL TABLE regulation size, completely equipped with billiard blocks, $40. Wls c on sin 636.1.__ _ PRINTING PLANT, complete with 3 presses cutter, cabinets and large amount of type: In operation: must be seen to be appreci ated^ Phone Metropolitan 4464. _ __* JADIATORS 3-column. 38 Inches, ll and 4 section; $6.50 and $8.50: cannot de ver. Oliver 8905. RADIOS—4-band; none over $8: others. *2.50 to $6.5Q. Stephenson'* One Day ■ervlce. 1307 H gt. n.w. • _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. RADIO. Phiico. brand new: was $20; re ceived as gift; will sell cheap. Adams 0528._ RADIO, R. C. A, late 10-tube table model, world-wide reception. Today only $16. ME. 0435. 1110 M st, n.w._ RADIOS for cottage, home or recreation room; plenty good sets; fully guaranteed; $5 to $25. 100 Hjt.ji.w.___ RADIOS—$6 trade-in allowance for your old set on any new set in stock from $12.95 up. Apex Radio Co., 709 9th st. n.w.. at O. Open eves. tlll_9. RADIOS, $3. all makes. 100 more Just from storage Some repossessed, all per fect. Original values to $200. H20 N. Y. ave. RANGE, combination coal and gas. oven heat control 3 ovens; perfect condition. District 7173. RECORDS—Clearance sale used records, 12 for $1: includes Glenn Miller. Shaw, Bing Crosby. Dorsey, etc. Apex Radio Co., Too Oth st. n.w. at G. Open eves, till 9. REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. good as new. i $5o; 5V2-cu-ft. capacity: possession July j 31 st. Emerton 8302. REFG.. $15 up Surplus stock. Must sell, need storage; 20-in. G. E. fl. fan, #19.95; barber’s sink. $7. Jan., 1475 Col^rd. REFRIGERATOR, elec, Coldspot. fiVa cu. ft.: like new. Call Monday. 515 North Nelson. Arlington. Oxford04H 1 -j. • REFRIGERATOR. G. E., 5 cu. ft, ’39 model. $05 Cali all day Sunday, 1825 N. H. ave. Apt 1 io._ REFRIGERATORS guar, rebuilt, repos^ sessed and floor samples. All standaid makes as low as $24.95. Terms PAY $1. WEEKLY with light bill. We are one of THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE RE FRIGERATOR SERVICE SPECIALISTS IN WASHINGTON ELECTRICAL CENTER. _ 514 10th St. N.W. _ National 8872. REFRIGERATOR ELECTRIC DI8PLAY CASES, new and used: all sizes at deep cut prices: no money down: liberal trade in. Atlas. 921 Q st. n.w. DI. 3737. Open eves. Jill 9 p m. REFRIGERATORS, elec.: apt. and family size: very finest condition: cheap. 2320 Chester. Anacostia._ • REFRIGERATOR, all porcelain, Norge: cost #1 <5; good running order; private home; $40. Columbia 3572. Call Monday. • REFRIGERATOR, large family size G. E, in good condition. Apply 729 Shepherd st. n.w. 21* REFRIGERATORS—New and used. $20 up: guaranteed up to 5 years: easy terms. P O Smith, 413 H st. n.e. Lincoln 0050 REFRIGERATORS—All makes and sizes, domestic and store type, for groceries, outchers. etc : very reasonable. 480? Bethe'-da «ve, Bethesda Md. REFRIGERATORS, reconditioned, limited number, guaranteed. $25 and ud. York Radio Co, 3322 Georgia ave. n.w. REFRIGERATORS, repossessed and re built. All makes, all sizes, over 200 to choose from F'rigidaire. Westinghouse, G. E., Kelvinator. Leonard. Coldspot. Norge, Crosley. All fully guaranteed. Prices from $10.95. Terms. Three yrs.’ free service warranty. Extra large trade allowance. Shop us before you buy and save. LUX APPLIANCE CO, Washington's Largest Refrigerator House. 811 9th St. N.W. _ RE. 1175. REFRIGERATORS—Atlas Appliance Co, WASHINGTONS LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE, will sell immediately at new low prices brand-new 1040 standard makes of refrigerators, with factory 5-year guar antee. All these refrigerators are brand new. in original factory cases, and are being sold at the lowest prices we have ever offered. We occupy an entire 3-story building and we are refrigeration special ists. Wh.en you buy at Atlas your pur chase is backed by our experience of over years There's a reason! In this year, when dollars count—before buying any refrigerator we ask you to compare At las trade-ins—compare Atlas low net prices—compare Atlas ‘'after-purchase" ■.4 hour service. You'll see why smart buyers have made Atlas Appliance Co. Washington s Largest Appliance House. We have a group of Westinghouse. Fricid aire. General Electric. Crosley. Kelvina tor Norge, Copeland and others that have been used, but are in perfect condi tion which we are slashing the prices as low as $24 on these models. We also have a group of 1030 refrigerators in original factory cases which will be sac rificed at 05'.r off list prices. No money down. Long, easy terms. Unusually lib eral trade-in allowances. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washingtons Largest Appliance House, 921 G St. N.W. Entire Building. District 337. Open Eves. Till 0 P.M. RESTAURANT BOOTHS. 4, like’new. $35 each; t> tables, cormica tops. $0; 8 chairs. $~.o0 each: Silex 2-burnrr gas stove $8. Indian Spring Tavern. Fou* Corners. Md . one mile north Silver Spring 22* Winchester. 5~* heavy barrel;’ also Bausch & Lomb Ox spotting scope and shooting equipment. Taylor 0225. RUG, 0x12; also 5-piece dinette, occasional chair. 705 18th st. n.w., Apt. 905 • RUG. broadloom. 0x12, burgandy; 0 mos. old. excellent condition. Originally. $47 50; sell for $25. Moving our, of town. 2010 Kalorama rd. n.w.. Apt. 21, SAXOPHONE—No need now to put off starting lessons on that instrument you htiye always wanted to know how to plav. If you want to start we will loan you an instrument without charge or deposit of any kind. All it costs you is a nom inal fee for private lessons, which you Day for as they are taken, not in ad vance. You are free to take the instru ment home if you wish. The same offer is availjihi£ on marimba accordion, trum pet. drums, guitar, violin, clarinet, trom bone and xylophone. NA. 4730. Kitts, 1330 G st. _ FURNITURE WAREHOUSE SALE • BEDS (Simmons) complete _$10.00 • BEDROOMS_$21.00 • DINETTES _$9.00 • LIVING ROOMS, ,$29.00 • DINING ROOMS,,$31.00 • ODD PIECES. Sensational Values Acme Storage Co. (Acme Retail Storage) 4618 14th St. N.W. GEorgia 7000 OPEN NIGHTS Bargains in Used and Floor Sample PIANOS GRAND PIANOS Wm Now Meldorf_$495 $165 Bellman_$450 $175 Arthur Jordan $675 $325 Fischer_$750 $395 Chickering, $1,450 $595 SPINETS-4JPRIGHTS Was Now Shoninger_$475 $98 Huntington, $255 $155 Cable & Sons, $325 $165 Huntington Moderne __$255 $175 Bradbury ___$325 $195 Kimball_$395 $295 Baldwin_$395 $295 Steinway_$750 $345 VERY EASY TERMS NATIONAL 3223 JORDAN’S CORNER 13th &G Sts. A MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. RODS, domestic "Belgium'': three 0x12. two 8x10-8: used very little: cheap lor cash,_6222 Blair rd. n.w., Qg. 2051._ SAWS and lawn mowers sharpened like new. Moore Hardware, 1013 7th at. n.w. DE. 5000._ _ SACRIFICE—Eastman 18-mm movie pro jector. list $275.00: De Vry 18-mm. movie camera, list $00.00. Best offer. GA. 2840. • SECRETARY. Governor Wlnthrop. ma hogany finish; nearly_new._WI. 2988. SEWING MACHINES, recond., $7.50 up; new machs.. 10c day; reDairs: free ests. Singer Sewing Mach. Co., 811 12th n.w. NA. 1118. 8EWING MACHINES, very good buys: port., $15 up: con. elec., $20 up, treadles. $5 up; S1,lAu,ar-: 8in<t<!r Don.. $211.50; Singer con., $40.50 with o-yr. guar . incl. sewing Inst. Other .food buys Terms Repairing. Open eves, till It. 1)17 F n.w. RE. 1900. RE.2911. SEWING MACHINES—Elec, port." $15: Singer treadle. $5 up; tailor. $15: Davis Mfg. elect. T. F„ $2o: repairs, $1; rents, $.1 up. Aear. dealer. MI. 9080. • STORAGE—Nine warehouses. We deliver" Rate’ J,LSSPta per Fq- ft- Per month. _ THOS J. CROWELL, Estb. 1915. South Washington, Va. RE. 4411. STRING BASS. $25: also other Instru ments at lowest prices in city. Open eve nings. T. O Morarre Music Service. 805 Kennedyjst. n.w. Georgia 8511. STUDIO COUCH very little used. $25. AT. 5605. _ * STUDIO COUCH, practically new. $80; Simmons. Inner-spring. $25. 1126 11th st. n.w.. Apt, 407. No dealers._ TABLES, 2, oak; rug, elec, sewing machine, kit. cupboard, trunk, thermos jug, pillows, mattr._pads;perfectcond. Woodley 4491. TENT—Reitschel tourist tent, y ft by 9 ft.; good condition._Phone OE. 4180. TIME CLOCK. '■'Incinnat* cost $225 ex w.,«nL eo'iditicm. $50; check writer. $95. 1020 Kearney st^n^e._Dupont 0424. TYPEWRITERS_L, C. Smlth'No. 8. A-l, $14; Monarch, standard keyboard, $9 Underwood, rebuilt, only $19, Rentals. $5 monthly. Free delivery. MacDonald. HOD 13th n.w. 25* TYPEWRITERS-—L. C. Smith. $13 50. Underwood. Royal and portables. Bargains today. 144b Park rd , Apt. 7. CO. 4825. Blaustein s. TYPEWRITER Rental Service. 5718 18th n.w. Geo. 1889—Underwoods. $1.85 mo , 4 n>os. in adv.. $5.55. no d"l.. $1 add) dtp. VACUUM CLEANERS. G E . Eureka Royal. Hoover; rebuilt and guaranteed; $i: 95 up J. C HARDING & CO.. INC Electrica Headquarters. 517 10th St NW. NA. 2180. VACUUM CLEANER, motor-driven brush with attachments; perfect condition; $9.00. 1701 Park rd. n.w.. Apt ini. • VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt” and floor samples. 1-yr guar.; all popular makes, as low as $9.95. ELECTRICAL CENTER 514 10th St _N.W. __ National 8872. VACUUM CLEANERS—HOOVER. sm.V EUREKA. $8.95: ELECTROLUX. *18 95 with att.. rebuilt and guar, like new 1 yr BEST BRANDS CO.. 805 11th St. N.W. National 7779. 22* WASHERS. Maytag and ABC Com panion. runs perfect, $8 each. 1907 Ran dolph st. n.w. WASHERS—Deep-cut prices on brand-new washing machines in crates at discounts of more than liOV off list prices Used West inghouse. Maytag. Easy. ABC.. General Electric, Thor. Norge and others as low as No down payment. Terms as low as $1 weekly Libera! trade-in allowance ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington's Largest Appliance House. 0-1 G St. N.W.—Entire Building. __ District IlT.'li. Open Eves. Till !> P.M. WASHERS rebuilt and reposs.. 1-yr. guar . as low as $14 1*5 We arc also FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE on the NEW BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY. MAYTAG. THOR. G. E. AND APEX WASH ERS. Liberal trade-in allowance. Pay with your light bill. ELECTRICAL CENTER 514 10th St. N W, National 8877. F»ilT»E STOP CHASING around town for that odd piece or for that matter an entire suite of furniture—We I list below a partial list of savings you can make. New, repossessed and used furniture included. Hur ry! or you may be disappointed! Dining Room Suite, 10-Pc. Re possessed. Excellent condition. Ob long extension table, server, buffet. Red leather seats on chairs. Cost when new $395. For this sale, $79 3-Pc. Mahogany Bedroom Suite. Dust proof construction. 5-ply ve neer. Chest, on chest. Full size dresser with separate mirror. Handsome panelled poster bed. This is a floor sample. Regular price, $135. For this sale.$88 Cocktail, Coffee and Lamp Tables. Reg. $6.50 to $10.00. Yours for $3.95 Magnificent Odd Dressers left over from expensive suites; values to $75.00, Your choice__ $24.75 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite, full-size bed, dresser and chest: floor samples; were $89.50 and $92.50. Either one for -$58.50 Beautiful waterfall walnut. 3-Pc. Overstuffed Moderne Living Room Suite; sold for $150.00. Yours for - $49.00 Thl« is a repmsfsscd Suite. New 5-Pc. Book Sets, still in their original packings; all colors and combinations: also maple; sells reg- i ularly for $17.50. Your choice, _$10.95 -GREEN’S 3600 Georgia Ave. GE. 2223 Terms. Open Evenings ACCORDIONS Serenelli and Figli, 48 Bass $32.00 LeMar, 48 Bass_ 47.50 | Carmen, 80 Bass_74.50 Soprani, 120 Bass_90.00 Wurlitzer, 120 Bass_145.00 Wurlitzer, 120 Bass with three switches 195.00 Excelsior, 120 Bass Concert Grand Model_260.00 SAXOPHONES ■ Melody Master, E Flat Alto $32.00 Pan-American, E Flat Alto.- 39.50 Holton, E Flat Alto_41.00 Conn, E Flot Alto_44.00 Martin, E Flat Alto_55.00 LeMor, B Flat Tenor_60.00 TRUMPETS and CORNETS LeMar Silver Trumpet, gold bell _ $21.00 York Silver Trumpet, gold bell _ . 24.00 LeMar Cornet, gold lac quered _ - 27.00 Gretsch Cornet, gold lac quered _ - - 38.00 LeMar Cornet, gold lac quered __ 27.00 Conn Trumpet, gold lac quered - 45.00 Buescher Trumpet, gold lac quered . 52.00 Others from $7.50 up. CLARINETS Cavalier, B Flat, metol_$12.00 Pedler, B Flat, metal_26.00 VERY EASY TERMS NATIONAL 3223 JORDAN’S Comer 13Hi 6 6 Sts. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. WASHERS AND IRONER8. new and used; Darts and service for nil makes. PROCTER & RIDGELY, 3624 14 th st. n.w. CO 10000 WASHING MACHINES—Sale of 1030 mod els at reduced prices; Maytag. *44; Norge, *30; Thor *33: General Electric, *20; all new and complete with filler Dump hose 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Pay *1 weekly. Republic 1500. Plano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w. _ WASHING MACHINE, spinner type floor sample: reg. *U}0.05 model for *60 cash. Apex Electric Co.. 709 9th st. n.w.. at G. Onen eves, till 9. WATER COOLER, operates on city pressure. *10.00; one 275-gal. oil storage tank, *7.50. Randolph 1494. • WATER COOLERS. G. E and Westing" house; brand new; pay *1.25 weekly J C. Harding Co., Inc., electrical headquarters, 517 10th st. n.w. WATER COOLERS. General Electric, sale or rent. reas. prices and terms. NA, 6800. G E Supply Corp„ 1330 N..JT. ave. n.w WATER HEATERS, all sizes: 30-gal. auto matic storage. *50.50, Installed. Terms, 17c a day Call RE. 0017. WELDERS, portable motor, generator type, 400 ampere Wilson; practically new. Standard Automotive Supply Co.. Inc.. 1835 14th jst n.w. HO._1000._ COMPLETE FURNISHINGS in maple for 2-room &pt,; good condilton; reasonable. Phone_ District 2560. _ WILL SACRIFICE for cash, new Duart 24 heater permanent wave machine. 3635 13th st. n.w. • MILLWORK SPECIALS. We now have a few single garage doors available in certain sizes at reduced prices; also certain sizes, overstocked, in our reg ular stock of interior doors as well as odd items of doors and sash. Also odd pieces of plywood and other wallboards and No. 2 fir pickets on the sale. Subject to prior sale. EISINGER MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Bethesda. Maryland. Wisconsin 6300. Neon Signs, Only $1.25 Week. Inside or outside. Made to your order. Factory representative. Chestnut 8114. TENOR BANJO, GIBSON. _ CALL COLUMBIA 8865. ♦ ELECTRIC FANS. FLOOR MODELS. MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. EAGLE SALES CO., _ 1007 7th ST. N.W. _ RE-UPHOLSTERING Three-piece living suite upholstered lor "4.>: covering and new inside material in cluded; made like new in finest tapestry and fnezette workmanship guaranteed LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO . 2669 I4ih ST N.W COLUMBIA 10172. LUMBER. 1x6 T and G. roofers _ _ __ *32 1x8 sheathing _ __ _ 32 2x4 up lo 12 ft_ I 28 2x0 and 2x8 _ _ __ 32 2x10 . I . 33 Also good prices on cinder blocks, brick, mortal and plastering materials. Lumber subject to 5', discount for cash ARLINGTON COAT. Ac LUMBER CO.. _ JACKSON_1880. f ‘a l'uirrace'l0th,n* Ts A V EY • Diamonds I f • Jewelrv 1 1 • Field Glasses • Cameras • Shotguns • Musical Instruments • Typewriters, ete. FREE PARKING MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. j NEW HOSPITAL BED to rent, $5.00 per i month_CO. 74H»._ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. AMERICAN OR fORElGN COINS stamp collections. autograph letters Dought j Hobbj Sh p 71 fl 17th st n.w Dlst._1272 BABY CARRIAGE, good condition. MI. 4280. Apt. 301 • BABY CARRIAGE for twins. ~ Lincoln 512 • - j . • BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture wanted: contents of apts. or homes also 9&Lp;«Cfr WE DO moving carefully AND REASONABLY. Georgia 1410. • BOOKS, all kinds and old Natl. Geo . best , cash prices. Phone Met 1*40 or bring m Storage Book Shop. 420 Kith st. n.w CELLO of known make, must be in good condition bargain for ca*h. Also Hill case. Box 120-j. star • CLOTHING—Highest prices paid for men’s used clothing Berman’s. 1122 7th st. n.w. Met. 37H7. Open eve COINS, gold, all dates and denominations. Highest prices paid. E. O. Likens. 924 5 th st.nw DELCO LIGHTING PLANT or other make. 110 volts a. c . 500-800 watts. 228 Madi son st. n.w. TA. 35in « DntT for fill, about 200 yds.'Baltimore pike. Berwyn 450. FURNITURE, bric-a-brac china, glassware. ! rugs, silverware, paintings, highest cash prices paid. Call Murray. Taylor 3333. FURNITURE, rugs, household goods etc Positivelv highest prices Also reliable moving at lowest prices for best results Call any time LI. 5488. HEATER—1 used 30-gal. automatic aas storage heater. RA. 1494. • OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS for 8x7 opening Telephone Hillside niOn-J PIANOS—We buy and spII used pianos of all kinds Republic 1590. The Piano Shop JO 15 7 th st. n.w REFRIGERATOR. General Electric. o cu. ofoinot over 3 years old' CaI1 Lincoln RESPONSIBLE PRIVATF PARTY will store piano free for use: no children; best care. Box 157-J. star *11' SEWING MACHINE—We buy all types: repair hemstitching. buttons covered. Pleating. 917 F st. RE. 1900. RE. 3311. SODA FOUNTAIN or Bob Tail unit, mod ern. in good condition, for cash. Berwyn 480._ WANTED—Desk, kneehole: must be in good condition and cheap. Vienna 1«9-J. A BETTER PRICE PAID for old gold, plat inum Jewelry. diamonds, watches and diamond watch cases: condition unim portant. was we use same in our mfg. dfot. NEW YORK JEWELRY CO.. _737 7th St, N.W. 35* GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER. PLATINUM. THETH. DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH. A. KAHN, INC 48 YEARS AT 935 F. ABSOLUTELY ~ HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY GET OUR OFFER BEFORE YOU SELL. ARTHUR MARKEL. 918 F ST. N.W,. ROOM 301. NA. 0284. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Silver watches, diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry; full cash value paid. RELINOER S 81S_F_Bt._ N.W. JUNK WANTED] Highest Cash Prices Paid Always Scrap Iron and Metals, Papers and Magaxines, Rags, Batteries, Tires and Furniture It will pay you to bring your accumula tion here. You’ll find us reliable. Call us for prices. Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. WASH. RAG & BAG Co. 215 L St. S.W. Dl. 8008 COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL. PA. WHITE ASH COAL—Chest., stove, egg. $10: p.ea. $8: buckwheat. $7. Our coal is washed and put In your bin. Buy now. as prices are going higher very soon. TA. 57 92. BABY CHICKS. BLOOD-TESTED CHICKS from State-ap proved flocks, $7 per 100; ducklings, kcets and turkey poults: Jamesway poultry equipment and Pratt's feeds. L. E Beach Hatchery, Norbeck._Mdt Ashton_4133. _ COWAN’S baby-started cnicks. Md.. 0. S approved and pul. tested Co-op prices Cowan’s Hatchery. Bowie Md Ph 2341 ROCKS. R I Reds. $7.50 per 100. Con key’s Y -O feeds. James Peed Store. 619 K st. n.w. Metropolitan 0089._ BLOOD-TESTED *ABY CHICKS. Reds, Rock. Wyandotte Buff Orp., Minorcas or lee. Eng. Wh. Leghorn. $4.95 per 100. plus post. Ducklings. $10 per 100; turkeys. $.30 per 100. Quaker Brand Chicks, 37 Pearl st„ Bridgeton. N. J._ • CHICKS L*e types S. C. W. Leghorns. ° $4.90 100. B. and Wh. Rock. R. I. Reds. $4.90 100. Large Eng. Wh. Leghorn pullets. $9.00 100. N. H. Reds. $5.50 100. Lge ckls., $3.00 100: asstd. breeds, sexes, grades. 100, $3.45; blood-tested breeders: 1 Oik, live del., r. P. prompt shipment cash or C. O. D. LAWRENCE HATCHERY. DEPT. V. McALISTERVILLE. PA._ POULTRY Gr EGGS. PULLETS, N. H. Reds, English White Leg horns: heavy laying strains: 3V4 mos. old; $1 each. Charles Burgdorf. Rollins ave . Cap. Hgts. 317, J3eat Pleasant. Md._^ 300 WHITE LEGHORN pullets. 3 months old: will sell in small lots. Russell Bryan, Olney. Md._ WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, 6 weeks old. 15c each. Nairn and Nairn. Wheaton. Silver Spring. Md.__ APR.-HAT. LEG. PULLETS. 30c lb.: broil ers. 17c lb.; also equipment. J. W. Mat tingly, Glen Echo Hts.. Md. Bradley 0184. • 625 BABY CHICK ELECTRIC BATTERY brooder, used once, fine condition. R. L. Thee. Route S. Vienna. Va. • _ FARM AND GARDEN. GIANT IMPORTED PANSY SEED exceed ingly scarce; orders taken now lor plants ready Sept. 15. $1.50 hundred: Steeles and Trlmmerdau giants. 75c hundred. Wis consin .1528._J17 W. Leland. • GERANIUMS. 5c. not In bloom: In bloom. 10c ea.; fresh petunias and scarlet sage; coleus. Ashton Nursery. 0440 Georgia ave. n.w.. at Underwood._ service. Dnioinc. planting, *.nt n*' s°ddinB. lawns made, reno vated. tree work. W. C. Walker, 232 Emerson n.w._RA. Olio. SALE—-2-horse grass mower and a gas pfWnrw a*’n mower- Apply 748 Jackson DONALD m7~BLOCH. ~~ Landscape Service—SoddinK a Specialty. WARFIELD_45fl3._• _cattle & livestock. k^olle: cart, harness. Kodrf^'.^bri? us- , Fletcher, 4113d nock Spring rd . Arlington. CH. 0774. 2 GOATS lor sale cheap; Mrs. V/ B Pumphrey^ Wheeler rd„ near Congress Heights. D C. Phone Jjocust 38-F-.'(. HORSES, two Western Jumpers 14-1 and * or ladles or young men; may be seen Rt Potomac Riding School: sacrifice. 23* j GENERAL WORK HORSE. $85. Telephone ! Hillside_0471-J. MULE, sound, good worker. $40~ Sulli van s Dairy^Telesraoh rd.. Alexandria.JVa. MARES—2 big, young work mares: 1 6 gaited saddle horse; 1 small mule. 5 years old; 1 small pony. 6 years old; cheap. 2234 Pa. ave. s.e., end of ave. bridge._ HORSES, mules, ponies: riding or work: $25 up; harness, saddle, pony cart. 736 12th st. s.e.. rear. 2 FRESH COWS. $55 and $60; one Guern sey, also 2 Guernsey heifer calves, started to raise. $10 and $15: good stork: sin^lp and double harness, $30 set; plows and other articles. c. M. Hirst, 127 West Broad st.. Falls Church. Va. PURE-BRED POLAND CHINA BOAR or .Tor- I sey bull for sale or trade, cheap. Ken sington 305-W. YOUNG GUERNSEY and Ayrshire cows. ! good milkers; gentle: tuberculin and blood tP,Vrdw> N‘ VassilicfT. Hunting Hill. Rock ville. Md. WANTEtV—-Cattle and hordes to pasture, nearby Md. _ Michigan I 71 ft • SHEEP ffir sale. Will trade for cattle or colts. Emerson 8399. PACINO MARE and sulkv. A Gray. Suit iand. Md _ Call Spruce 0160-W MARE. 3-gaited sorrel, bridle and saddle. Reasonable. 1806 Minnesota ave. s.e. MARE registered. 6 yrs. old. sound, gentle to ride, for lady; cheap. Wm. Barr, rear 738 12th st. s.e. • ABERDEEN ANGUS BULL, high-bred, reg istered. 2 years old: reason for selline. must get unrelated sire for herd, price, $100, 031 Investment Bldg. DI. 0787._ DOGS, PETS, ETC. PUPS, mixed Spitz, 8 weeks; $2 and $3. Jackson J863-J. IRISH SETTERS rep., firld and bench lines; hunting dwe boarded. Joe Cox. Forest Glen. Md. SH. 4991-W DASCHUND PUPPIES, registered, sired by champion Wisconsin 4756. SETTER PUPPIES, thoroughbred English, j from trained stock, guaranteed field dcgs. | $16 and $12. 515 South Fillmore st.. Arlington. Va. • CROSSBRED SCHNAUSER PUPPIES $3; splendid pets and watch dogs. Pirrsen. Sandy Spring. Md. Phone Ashton 3821. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, thorough breds. 6 weeks old. males and females; reasonable. Warfield 0962. KITTEN—Good home wanted for kitten. Phone Oxford 6966-W. Sunday. • BOSTON TERRIERS, registered A. K. C : very reasonable for quick disposal, leaving city. Columbia 1874 PERSIAN CATS and kittens, silvers and reds pedigreed: house broken. Chestnut 2747. 4676 4th st. S.. Arlington. Va BORZOI, fawn color, male, blue ribbon winner, to party with large estate or i grourds. Call Woodley 7656 between 12 . and 3 p m. • BOSTON TERRIERS; must sell Sunday: ! also 2 cocker spaniel pups: well bred dogs; i $5 and $16. 5128 Nebraska ave. n.w. GREAT DANE PUPPIES, fawn color; cheap for quick sale. WI. 5339. COCKER SPANIELS, reds, buffs: pure bred, healthy puppies. Michigan 6766. POINTER PUPPIES 8. 6 weeks old litter registered: excellent breeding. Call Em erson 3699 WHITE COCKER SPANIELS, thorough breds. clear white: long ears, beauties 5 months. 1823 M st. n.w • HEALTHY PUPPIES mixed German, police and Spitz- mother wonderful child's pet; male. $2; females. $1. Kensington 8-F-2. AIREDALE PUPPIES champion sire and grandsire: healthy sturdy affectionate: priced reasonably to good homes A D Kiefer. 403 Takoma ave Takoma Park. Maryland. Shepherd 2030 • WANTED—Airedale or bul1 terrier male pup about 6 months old house-broken pre ferred; must be reasonable Cali after 6 pm.. Shepherd 5J13-J • GREAT DANES—Fine fawn and bnndle puppies for sale reasonable; 7 weeks: cham pionship pedigree, excellent specimens. 205 N. Fillmore st.. Arlington. Va. * POMERANIAN. PEKINGESE PUPPIES; tiny toys hraw coats, adorable pets. Miss Hunt. Rosedere Kennels, Fall Church 1496. • IRISH SETTERS 3 mos., reg A K cl sell; very reas. Glassman. Franklin Park. E. Falls Ch.. Va. CH. 5941 IRISH SETTERS <5>. broken, registered. $16 up. Wm. Barr, rear 738 12th st. s.e. 21 • MANCHESTERS tiny toy. males only; lov able Pets,_ 1313_3eramum st. n.w HEALTHY PUPS 5 wks. old $5; pure-bred mack Chow Chow mothei gentle, afifec Uonate 4713 Lee hgy. Arlington. Va. 21* BOARDING—STUD SERV —PUPPIES Hollywood Kennels. Wash.-Balto blvd . - mi. north Md U Phone Hess. WA 1824 DACHSHUND PUPPIES. 5. for salc.~regis tered. 7 weeks old. Clayton Ricketts. : Pofomac. Md • j C. AND S KENNELS, pure-bred pups and ! doss: cockers. Scotties: bargains. Between ! Camp Springs and Meadows. • TINY TOY MANCHESTER TERRIERS. 3 months to year old: eligible for registra lion. 205 Anacostia_rd. n.e. • SCOTTIE male black. :( month,. A K c" registered: very healthy: strong bones' reas. time payment. EM. 9101. STANDARD black French poodle puppies: Dachshund maie puppy, red. $1-5, no papers: 2 Boxer females show prospects tops in blood lines. Jonedith Kennels. Fairfax. Va_. Fairfax 177. • KITTENS Persian pedigredR.~ beautiful red. pink, white, smoke silver 24no Tilden st. n.w.. Rock Creek Park WO. 1 242. COCKER SPANIELS, reds, buffs, also red and white parti' registered DOBERMAN PINSCHERS, females Hollywood Kennels. Wash.-Balto blvd . 2 ml. no. of Md. U. Phone Hess. WA.J824. AIREDALES—Protect your home and fam ily with high-class pups: registered; will sacrifice. $15 up._District 5570. BOSTON BULL TERRIER—1 male 2 mos old. excellent blood line: reasonable to good home: reg. A. K, C. 7511 12th at.jmw. " PEKINGESE PUPPIES beauties, end grown Prices.: reg. A. K. C cheap. 2104 Addison Chapel rd.. Kenilworth, Md. Phone Un coin 051.7-R GERMAN SHEPHERD or police, onre-bred. very reasonably priced. WI. HEALTHY THOROGHBRED rocker span iel puonles. red or black 0 wks. old reg $20-$25. 44.29 Davenoort st. n.w. BELGIAN Schioperke puppies: champion strains: dependable small watch dog- gen tle. loval. Spring Lodge Kennels." Brad ley 002‘J. • BOSTON TERRIER, mule. 3 £„K\?-:„rc*sonable- 414 Gallatin st. n.w'. OB. 33 , O. LARGE STUDIO WITH 2 PIANOS AVAIL - able by day. week or month: for vocal or instrumental teachers. Reis. 1728 Conn ave MI. 8108. • SMALL FOX TERRIERS. 8 weeks old* rea sonable. 108 Ave. F. District. Heights'. Md. DACHSHUND, registered, excel, stock, m. brown. 8 yrs., prize winner f . black and 5!™.nn yrs.: $126, $75 respectively. I, 20 Hobart st. n w WILL GIVE to good home onlv mixed Trem Si’?;,.13 SJL8- °ld: ?*>' be small. J. T. Phillips. Wheaton rd . Md. SH. 5970. CHOW, black male. A. K C. registered, champion blood lines; sacrifice, $85. Dis trict 2758. FQ.X TERRIERS- 4 males. 7 weeks old beautifully marked; very reasonable. 30°4 Wadder st. n.w7. • I A. K. C. Registered Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Woolner "Where you will be treated with courtesy and your dog with kindness." BREEDER OF Wire Fox Terriers ALL TERRIERS COMPLETE $^00 GROOMING J Hand-Plnck*d. Bathed. Nails Filed. Teeth Cleaned. Protect yoor family by keeping your dug free of ticks. BOARDING Of Selected Dogs Separate Runs, Inside and Out. New Insulated t-uildlnrs. You. or Friends, may Visit Tour Dog Anytime. If You Love Yonr Dog Visit Our Kennels, Then Decide Uovs Called for and Returned In Airy. Glass Enclosed Station ..agon On A1I Kennel Services, Also Insured Against Loss by Fire or Theft by Travelers Ina. Co. AH Without Extra Cost. FHONE ROCKVILLE, MD., 246 Washington Grove, Md. See Road Signs on Route 24S 4 miles north of Roebvllle. * DOGS, PETS, ETC. (Continued.) CHOW DOG, beautiful male. $10; owner leaving town. Cheetnut 3854. COCKER AND 8COTTIE PUPPIES, excel lent stock; studs from Eng. and Amer. champion blood lines. Robard Kennels. Riggs rd. and D. C. llne n.e. RA. 8918. • WANTED, a good home for 8-month fe male German shepherd. 4717 Yuma st. n.w. _* CHOW PUPPIES, lovely litter of blacks. Also some nice reds. John Anderson. Glenmont Md. Phone Kensington 148._ E8KIMO SPITZ PUPPIES, males and fe males. priced reasonable 1216 Montello ave. n.e._ ____ COCKER SPANIKLf red. lull grown, male, $25. 1301 35th st. n.w. SPRINGER SPANIELS, black and black and white, males and lemales; reasonable. Chestnut 0950._ BOSTON BULL, female, spayed. 3 years old: for good home will sacrifice: unable to care for; good watch dog. CH. 3780. ENGLISH BULLDOG, female, red brlndle: fine pedigree: exceptionally good brood matron. Emerson JI091. _ BIRDS BOARDED. Canaries. $1 Week, $3.76 Month. ATHERTON'S PET SHOPS. Six-Nineteen F St. N.W. NA. 4702. 6429 Georgia Ave._1355 Wisconsin Ave. GOOD PUPS—CHEAP DANES AND SCHNAUZERS. 6800 Western Ave. Chevy Chase. W<$. 9660. DEE CEE KENNELS. Dogs boarded. See our large shady runs. Fox terrier puppies: personal su pervision of Mrs. E. R. Routt. SH. 3720. " SPECIALIZING. Boarding Cats. Established 14 Years. Especially equipped separate houses, with sale outside porches: personal attention; veterinary supervision. Mrs. V. Pedone. 1411 North Nash st., Radnor Hgts., Ar lington. Va. Phone Oxford 1411._•_ MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS. 3 beautiful male puppies. Layhlll Ken nels. Kensington 581-W. CANARIES BOARDED. Expert care LEE BANKS, 1407 R. I. ave. n.w. Michigan 2199. _ BOXER PUPS. One brindle male, two fawn females, 7 mos. old: ears cropped, eligible for A. K. C. registration. Championship stock. Closing out at $7 5 and $05. Columbia 5757. Mon day morning. DOGS BOARDED, 35c DAY. CATS BOARDED. 25c DAY. CALL—DELIVERY DOG HOTEL, 68(10 Western Ave. Chevy Chase. WO. 0680. 20 COCKER SPANIEL Puppies, choice registered specimens. E. B McIntyre, on Georgia ave extended. 5 miles north Silver Spring traffic light. Turn left at sign in lane to farm at Glenmont Heights Telephone Kensington 245-W_ TICKS AND FLEAS Will not bother your doer if kept sprayed with P. O. C tpine oil» compound Also a deodorant 50c. 75c $1.25. At your near- I pet opt store._ ROOMS FURNISHED. NEAR CENSUS—Single or double: young gentleman: extremely reas.: gentiles. Rob inson 221 O at. s w. Apt. c^23. 21* DOWNTOWN. 1410 M st. n.w. Apt. 506— Attractive, new furn, near bath; cool, awnings, quiet, phone._all-night elev. DOWNTOWN 2305 Washington Circle— Large, cool, quiet room and kitchen: elec, refg . gas. elec, linens and laundry furn.: 1st floor. Adults. Refs. No drinking. $38 mo. Also basement rm • 1 h.k, $20 mo. 7608 ALASKA AVE N W —Large front room with private bath, in private home. References exchanged. Georgia 2554. 1715 1st ST N W—Nice rooms, $3.50 and 1 $! week. _Also basement room. $2.50 wk. ' 4iiln 15th ST NW—Comfortable room in private home for 1 or 2 persons, 1 with . porch, 1 with private bath: c.h.w, phone. Reas. Convenient car line bus. ! CLEAN, quiet, housekeeping rooms: also sleeping; $3 per week up. 416 10th st. s.w._ i $15 DECATUR ST. N.W.—Single room, j convenient location: reas. RA. 3680 Sun I day. 2] • ! SUBLEASE studio rm, suitable piano or vocal studio. DuDont Circle vicinity. At tractively furn. Bay window. Box 184-J Star. 21* 2234 QUE ST. N.W, near Dupont Circle— Large second-floor front room, well fur nished. auiet: reasonable. 21* 1310 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.—Front ] room, twin beds, private bath, gentlemen, ! unlimited phone; reas. Taylor 8691. Ill MADISON ST. N.W.—Master bedrm^ pvt. bath, twin beds. 2 closets: gentile gen \ tlemen or empl. couple GE. 29KT : 5420 NEWARK ST. N.W.—Private"" bath | and entrance; cool: overlooking Potomac at Little Falls; 15 min. downtown. $30 i Per mo 21 • 13927' 14 th ST. N.w.—Dble. room, well furnished, near hath: private home; cm ! Ployed people._Taylor 4128. _ CO-OPERATIVE CLUB. 1007 Eye it. n.w.— Ideal downtown location: showers, comfort: $4 wk up: hot water always: gentlemen. 14d? MASS. AVE N.W, Highland Terrace —Bedrooms, l.h.k. rooms. 1-rm ants.: $6 to_#ln,_ 1401 COL. RD. N.W, Apt. 308—Large front room, nicely furnished: reasonable 3118 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W.—Large front room, suitable for couple or 2 gen tlemen; unlim. phone; $35 month. Adams 6626. 1113 11th ST. N.W—Front !I h.k “room, running water. $6.50 Also single and double room. $4 and $5 weekly. 1628 21st ST NW—Highly desirable room and private bath for gentleman. Excellent l location, reasonable DU 4770. 3700 JENIFER ST N W . 1 block off Conn" ave.—Well-furnished room with twin beds j for 1 or 2 adults. _ ‘ OFF CONN AVE . nr. Hot Shoppe—Single oofs50, exp- attr Bvt- home. Call WG. 147(1 HARVARD ST. N W . Apt. 32~—Large I douhle. comfortable bedrm, adjoin, bath; : reas ; unlim. phone._CC. 6970-W. CHEVY CHASE D C.—Pleasant south room, cross ventilation: detached home: i sq. Conn. ave. 3724 Northampton st. • 1654 HOBART ST. N.W.—Lee. rm, twin beds, ad.l. shower bath: also smaller rm, edj. slepp porch for 1 or •’ Uni. phone: conv. transp.: adult family: no other roomers: gentlemen. CO. Sols. DOWNTOWN—Homelike large room for gentleman: good ventilation. 1101 15th n.w, Sherman. Apt. 401. _ MT. PLEASANT. 3168 17 th st. n.w".— large front rm, *2 block streetcar, bus; gentleman $4.75 wk. CO. 2075. _ 1344 KENNEDY ST. N.W,—Nice. large room, in det. pvt. home of adults; excel, transp : reas Georgia_5361 2100 19th ’ ST. "N.W, Apt'. 301—Cool studio room: gentleman. Call after 6 D m. IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—Larged we'l-furnishcd room, twin beds, private oath: attractive lst-ffoor rm. with pvt. bath: room with semi-pvt. hath: in cool, comfortable, well-kept. Drivate adult home: 1 block__to bus. Woodley 7157. CHEVY CHASE, Nehraska ave, off Conn.— Master bedrm. pvt bath, in pvt. home: gentlemen preferred: reas. EM. 5661. LARGE front" ROOM, near bath; single or double._1211 B st. it.__ 1413 21st N.W.—Very large front rm, newly decorated, twin beds or studios: air cond.: suitable for professional mpn; uni. Phone: walking dust.: $5 _wk. each. • 1347 MONROE ST. N.W, near TiVoli— Semi-Dvt. bath: lady, employed: home at mosphere: reasonable. _phcne HO:_1)706. 820 EYE ST N.E—Lge. front rm, Lh.k.; 4 windows; nicely furn, inner-spring mnt tress^everytjung turn.: $6.50. One. S5.50. 2101 s ST. N.W.—Single room, 3 large windows 2nd fl, semi-pvt. bath, telephone: conv._trans. and meals._ 2524 13th ST N.W.—Large front room: 2 men: twin beds, large closets; $25 mo.; small_room, 83.60._AD. 9236. 1623 35th ST N.W.—Large single, desira ble for peimanent gentleman with satis factory references; detached house. Du pont_778S.___21*_ 1302 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W.—Private home of adults: lads' preferred._21* TAKOMA PARK. D.' C„ 7109 Chestnut ft. —Nicely furn rm, double bed. nr. bath; eonv._transp.: gentlemen pref. OE. 6015. 728 LAWRENCE ST. N E—Large cool room, near Catholic University. Call Hobart 32972_ 2518 4th ST. N.E.—Clean, bright room, pvt. family: on bus line; $3.50; board optional. THE VIVIAN. 1723 G st. n.w, offers lovely rms, all with running water, newly deco rated and furn, inner-spring mattresses, Venetian blinds showers, switchbd, elev.; single. $6.60 wkjy up; dbles, $8.50 up. ALTURAS. 15C9 16 th st. n.w.—Attract furn. rms, nr showers: 24-hr. elevator and hotel serv.t $6 week and up._ EBBITT HOTEL. 10th and H its. nTw.— Attractively furnished rooms with pri vate bath Simmons Inner-spring mat tresses. elec, fans, circulating ice water, beautiful lobby, colorful Spanish oatio for rest or games: a block or 2 to best stores and movies and brief walks to Govt of fices: $12 up weekly: medal monthly rates begin at 840.50._ PRINCE KARL HOTEL. 1901 K n.w.— Attr. rms, running water, inner-spr. matt.; hotel._24-hr. switchboard_sec. servlee._elev. GORDON HOTEL" on beautiful 16th ’st" between Eye and K—Cool looms, near showers. $6 up: double from $10.50 weekly: with bath from $12.50 weekly: 24-hr. ele vator and switchboard service; excellent dining room____ THE "WESTMINSTER 1607 17th n.w — Lovely rooms, newly decorated: running water: inner-spring mattresses: single. $5 up; doub, $7 up; showers: elevator. 3-Rm. Front English Basement Apt, $9. CATHEDRAL, nr. Conn.—Large, cool room, private bath: det, quiet home; gentleman; ref : $30. AD. 3584. 1634 CONN. AVE, Ivy Terrace—Single room; also double rm. with twin beds; meals opt. Hobart 9863._ 65 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—Large room; 2-3 to bath: twin beds; $3 each per weel-._ Michi"an 2659. 06 ALLISON ST. N.E . nr. Soldiers' Home— Furnished rm, next bath, c.h.w, new home: reas._rent. ^Randolph 8G32.__ 1825 16th ST N.W.—Attractive front room, single. $20: also twin bedroom; all privileges: reasonable._ 1357 EUCLID" ST. N.W.—Single room. 2nd floor, next bath; continuous hot water, phone; near ear and bus line._ 1370 SPRING RD. N'W.—Large double, front rrom; siso single, $15-820 month; near 1-anspcrtation. 1807 BILTMORE ST, N.W, lust off llth and Col rd.—Rooms, suitable for young ladies, $4: two In room. $6. ROOMS FURNISHED. (Continued.) 3733 MORRISON N.W.. mlTconn. ave.—2 beautifully furnished rooms with adjoin In* bath, double or single, southern ex posure; ideal lor employed married couple or gentlemen; quiet surroundings: conv. transp.: across street from shopping dis trict and movie. Rhone Woodley 7039. • 14th ST. N.W.—Large front room. 115 month: convenient to transportation; gentlemen._CO .0140. 122® meridian PL~N w7(Off 14 th)—Lg. front, quiet; modern bath, shower; single or twin. Reas. Reference. }***<■NEWTON N.W—Light bousekeep SLi Ij room, also bedroom; everything furnished:_convenient bus and car. 3IS05 24th ST. N.E.—Nice"-roo»T3~wln Aath; Rma11 Private family; restricted neighborhood. MI. 2504. ]919 mth 8TN.W., Apt. 23—Attractive * °L doubJS. room, adjoining bath; unllm. phone. ML 2095. MAN. young, employed by Government, wants partner to share large front room; separate beds: next bath: 512 month; present partner leaving Aug. 1. 224 8th st. S.W.. pear_Smithsonian. • VALLEY VISTA. Apartment 01272032 Bel mont rd. n.w.—Cheerful room, large closet: front apartment; tlrl (gentile); reasonable. • 3107 lrtth 8T. N.W.—Single and double! comfortable, convenient, attractive. Also garage._ • 304 E ST. 8E.—Newly furnished room, private entrance, for gentleman; references; near Navy Yard. FR, 5203. OPP NORTH CAPITOL, ft7 Que st. n.e — Comfortable sleeping room, unlimited phone, S3.50: waiting dlst. Oovt. depts. 3032 N 8T. N.W.—2 rooms and bath, pri vate entrance. Also 2 double rooms on 2nd floor, with or without board. MI. f ll#o9. 1307 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—2 nicely furn. rms., 1 double and 1 single; conv. trans.; reasonable.__ ATTRACTIVE CORNER RM~4 windows, next bath, in large apt.: gentleman. Clif ton Terrace. Apt. 402 west._ 4224 10th ST. N.W.—Army officer’s widow has 2 single rooms, semi-private bath; | breakfast served. 2548 14th ST.. Apt. 5 (nr. Euclid)—Lady: bright, airy, front, lovely furn , uni. phone: breakfastjpriv. opt.: 518._ PRIVATE HOME, cool, comfortable rm., running water walking distance downtown: gentleman: refs MI. 5013._ NEAR BUREAU STANDARDS—Cool, south room for 1 or 2 ladies modern: transporta tion convenient . Woodley 8504. GEORGETOWN. 1332 tuTUT n.w — Large twin bedroom, southern exposure, unlimited _phonej_conv. to bus. *\ST N.W.-^Small studio room, sink, fr/n 2J35Pin* porch* mo. Dis -1^.0 P ST . N W.. ‘The Charlotte." Apt. 9 Large, well-furnished front studio room; new]y decorated; $« _weekly. OVERLOOKING SHOREHAM HOTEL— Large front room, newly decorated; single or double AD. 3120 3310 HOLMEAD PL. N.W.—2 rooms for Jhk. 1st floor: sink and range, porch; adults. Rent. $25. Adam? 1002. 20th AND PARK RD N.W.—Large club room. fireplace pvt. shower garage; gentle men; unlim. phone._ Adams 1048. rt^ST N.E.—Large, airy front" room for 1 or 2. Reasonable. Atlantic oO^S-M. ! ^^TMORE ST. N.W.—Facing Dark: * lovely, cool double, single rm., excel bed. I shower, phone: close to buy car. PETWORTH. 719 Yarnumst. n.w^—Single rm front, nicely furn.. $3 50 Der wk. Unlim. telephone. Taylor 4041. 1307 SHEPHERD ST N W.—2 delightful ! adjoining rooms, unlimited phone: >2 blk v.r£i.e5c?J1?it VRn\v t0 bureau and Navy Yard, suitable for 2 or 3: $3.50 each per son. _Call or phone Georgia 2200 i ST. N.W —Master bedrmTTp'rT- i vate bath with shower. 2 large cedar closets; private residence, unlim. phone i 1032 LINCOLN RD " N £.—Large room completely furnished for ligh i housekeeping |».JS{fffi„,g}l0S5k80“ or tw° y0UP£ FOXHALL—2 double rms V- blk transn,* Phone*Wood?ey*youIlg refs.: gar. balh1 SJcsetN^ace^'nVxt bath: unlim. phone Georgia "577 gw® fas Urs’Jss.'xi | rpfS.. next lavatory; $8.5o. 22* 2116 O ST ,VW—ROOM $2 50. D . xr Room $3.50. Pit. House Baths. Phones Each PI. • i ?T N E —1 or 2 rooms: comfort - ■ *o!e, l.h.k. or meals if desired: •’ ladies or I oonPlo Preferred, Call 7 to ft pm* I m,??,GRrPGE ';-0!l 'Quincy st. n.e.—On I 2aS->. '■ larK* room: new home: next bath; ! ' 4 ntr_single: $,T1(1. double: parking. * room RD —A pleasant double fer0red ^HOtrfi720°n^yOUn£ peop;e ^ ri?.„^VARDMiN' Garfield st. n w — nn,r»£,e * Vth P°rrh: 2nd floor, near bath: quiet home for gentleman. AD. loos. rmH1 MT. PLEASANT ST.—2 nicely furm ,™?-. s,ror together: kitchen, privi fa mfly conv'* ,ulet neighborhood; small 1720 MINNESOTA AVE: S.E—AttracT single rm : for gentleman: convenient to bus, cars. running_hot_water. AT. 0320. Ki«m~^^GEE rm- for lady: newly furn : «Lx?,?ni!}5 express bus line. Call RA •JK5H after fi p m . j£®2 ,ST, b ^ —Front master bed room. nicely furn.: private bath, phone. CHEVY CHASE D C—Cool, redecorated fmfe ,r,?no:, in Private home, near bus line. Woodley 6385. JS£5 CTOTTmiDEN ST~n;w7—Master bed room with private bath: cont hot wa*er 1 conv, transp,: reas._Randolph_6211. 1440 COLOMBIA RD. NW. APT 31 — i £ar*e r? ■ oewly furn . next bath, south, expos for business lady. $20. R 8T. N.W.—Large, attractive front room, twin beds. 4 windows: also single room with porch: unlimited phone BEL°}V piJPONT CIRCLE—Spacious stu' 81°™- designed for bachelor man or girl: fireplace, book space, very lee closer, dress ing alcove, except, accessories; $32 18°l Jefferson pi. n w 4027 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE N.W—Two $.?£ e Iurmshed rooms for rent, $15 and 2830 27th~ST. NW. off Conn ave^ Conv. ro bus: 2 large, attractive rms: rent single or double: S20-S25. LI. 4341-W. KLINGLE RD. N.W.—Front room, nicely furnished, private bath with shower: private family: unlimited phone. 182, LAMON'T ST—Front room, semi P"va,;t.bath' Private family: gentlemen. tU. Z i on. I*<>1 COL, RD. K.W., Apt. 314—Attractive rm.. adjoining bath; 1 or 2 persons, in home of 2 adults: elevator. CO. 8723. 1312 PARK RD.—Light housekeeping rooms: clean, newly decorated, linen serv ice, use of washing machine. 1433 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.. Aptf'Cl — Nicely furnished front room: »2 blk «treet car and bus: home privileges; 2 in family: suitable 1 or 2 persons. 1401 GIRARD ST. N.W., Apt. 8—Furnished room; cool front room, southern exposure; reasonable: gentlemen only. -333 WOODLEY PL. N.W.—Master*bed room. private bath, twin beds; also 1 single. Adams 7288. 4807 48th ST. N.W.—Lovely single or dou ble rni.: new brick dot. home, big yard; unlim. phone: on bus line; reas. EM. 8008. 314 E. CAPITOL. Apt. 53—Single or double rm . newly furn., inner-spring mattress. Call after 8:30 or Sunday. 1430 GIRARD ST. N.W.—Large front room, southern exposure, semi-private bath, 2 beds: gentlemen preferred AD. 7288. 1324 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large front rm.. rcaliy pretty. $4. Maid, pnone service. Quiet, refined place. CONDUIT RD. N.W.—Cool, clean room, det. home; unlim. phone; conv. trans.; nome_atmosphere; reas^ EM. 0448. IJW ADAMS MILL RD.. facing Rock Creek Park—Master bedrm., pvt. bath: also adJ. single room: $20 ca;_CO. _8587. 1717 K ST. N.W.. "The Clierwick"— Laiee single, near bath. elec. fan. $25. B-as®5Lent. single^ running water. $20 mo. 1011 OTI3 PL. N.W.—Large light housp Kecping room, running water. Frigid.; r^as. Also_front_sleeping room. • N ST. N.W.—Single bedroom, cross ventilation; double studio room; maid service; reasonable. • ~~33 N.W.—Large desirable room. n^xt hath and shower; references ex changedgentlemen only ?2?£ HOEMEAD PL N W~'ir bit: east l„1\.aiLd Rarfc Jd-—Single rm.. »dl. mod bath det. house: porch; free reserved harking: $15 month. CO 0144. • 1^42 GALLATIN ST. N. W„ vie.-14th: •>0"0 blk —Third-floor room, semi-private bath: well ventilated: elec. Ian; $16 month: gentleman • 1 ST„ N.w.^ciol. well-furnished room, twin beds, Inner-spring mattresses, large closet, semi-private bath, unlimited phone: breakfast; private home for young ladies; Also single. _ 01» 1844 COLUMBIA RD.—Nicely furn room, twin beds, use of Prigidaire: reasonable' conv. trans . southern exDOsure, RIVER ESTATE—lst-flQor aameroom, Pri vate entrance, kitchenette, bath. $40: 1 or 2 mem_WI 5289. _ _ AIRY, A'l'i’k.. QUIET—Studio rm.. seml nvt bath: refined lady. Sherman, 16th andJ,jvw„_Apt. 703. DI. 3518. 3806 W ST. N.W.—2 single rooms, newly furnished, m Glover Park section: semi private bath. 21* 313 EAST CAPITOL ST —1 l.h.k. rm^ 1st fl., newly decor., Electrolux, range, ln ner springs: fully equipped._$7.60._ 1510 BUCHANAN ST. N.W.. off 16th *t — Large, airy room for l or 2: pvt. home; cafeteria near._Randolph 7180._ 1436 CHAPIN ST. N.W.—Private bath. A-1 spacious bedrm.: conv. 14th cars : de tached home: high, cook gentleman: $18. 1305 P ST. N.W.. $3 week; clean, cool. rm.. running water, innerspring mattress; walk ing distance. __ 16.30 10th ST. N.W.—Cool and airy, large double and single rooms: porches: break last room, grill.__ MEN—Write your own ticket, entertain or be quiet: extra cool, twin beds, shower; free phone. For a surprise call AD. 3027. NEAR WARD man. opposite Rock Creek Park; attractive single room. In private home; shower: men only. Adams 0343. 1770 CHURCH ST. N.W.. 1 block Dupont Circle—Large, double front rm.. 4 win dows: 2 closets; phone In room; inower; very rest. _ ROOMS FURNISHED. 920 19th. Medical Center—Large briihtT nngie and double rooms; twin beds, c h w ; 13 per wk up. • 1715 UPSHUR N.W.—Running water r.rT batn. shower; corn, lcc water; $20 em ployed gentile. RA. 3460. • CLEVE. PARK, near Conn.—Attractive front room: private home; one adult, gen tleman: §8, WO. 3481 • 2900 BUNKER HILL HD. N E —Near bath: oil hep.t: one bus fare; gentleman preferred._WA. 2801. • 2^00 CONN. AVE. N.W.—Large, cool room for adjacent bath: attractive apart ment; |30 each. CO. 8106. 203. 3838 GARRISON LT.. Chevy Chase." D.'C.— Large 2nd. floor lront; private bath; reas onable. Woodley 7588. • 2807 38th PLACE N.W.—Gentleman~or couple. Cool, attractive room, porch; 10 8te. downtown bus. Woodley 3354. • 909 LAWRENCE N.E —Cool, master “bed room, 3 exposures, in det. borne: new twin beds, innerspring mattresses., constant hot, water: IJjlk car. $7.50. HO. 7413. • 1301 N N.W.—Front Eng. basement, 4 windows; private entrance; running water; walking distance. • 2110 18th 8T. N.W.—Light housekeeping. Nice comfortable rooms: $3 to $5. 2 big bath rms.; for quiet refined people. No liquor, no radio. Rev. K. D. Blackwell. Hobart 1155.__ THE CHASTLETON. corner 16th and R. Apt. 834. Bright, attract, rm., adi. bath; no other roomers; ^walking distance._ 3717 YUMA ST. N.W.—Large front room with dressing room and private bath; un Um. phone; j-easonable. WO. 1091. PETWORTH. 3727 New Hamp. ave. n.w — w large, cool rooms., det., quiet home; conv. transp. Taylor 3288. CHEVY CHASE. dT“c~38 11 Jocelyn at. P w,—Living rm. 10x20; lge bed rm.. pvt. bath^kitchen privUeges WO 6911._ 1823 K ST. N.W., downtown—-Cool isingle room; $18. Also 2nd. floor singles; $20 and $24 monthly. __ 1814 EYE ST. N.W.—An excellent loca tion: nicely furn. single and double rms.; rear bath and ahowcr; $34-880. 928 M ST. N.W.. “the Aristocrat."—Very desirbale l.h.k. rms. with running water; $8.50. with Frigidaire: $7. 1341 L ST N.W.—Attractively furnished and redecorated front l.h.k. rooms, near bath: $5.50 and $8 weekly. 1327 L ST. N.W.—Large, cool rooms, equipped for l.h.k.; $8. With kitchenette. 22 JEFFERSON ST. N.E.—Attractive, cool front room. 3 expos., 2 closets. 1 or 2; reas. Randolph 7628. DUPONT CIRCLE—3 720 P st. n.w — Single room next to bath Dupont 2904. 3640 N. HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W —Double room twin beds; also room to share with another gentleman. NR. WARDMAN PARK, Shoreham—2 cor ner rooms, pvt. bath, separate entrance, suit, bachelor or employed couple CO. 2877. 329 K ST. N.E.—Extra large furn. front room windows: l.h.k ; radio; pvt. entrance; couple; $8 wk. LARGE FRONT ROOM, twin beds: small adult Jewish family: board optional; uni. phone. 1406 Spring rd. n.w. CO. 5194-M. CHEVY CHASE D C. ‘a block Conn, ave—Large. attractive room. 2 expo* . adj. bath and shower. $20 mo. EM. 4735. 1212 L ST N.W.—Large front room. 3 windows, next bath unlim. phone, to Protestant gent., reasonable MT. PLEASANT. 3342 3 8th ST N.W—Lz cor rm.. 5 windows newlv decor ; wili turn, to suit: men pref ; $25. Also single rm.: unlim phone Hobart 1995. 3332 MASS. AVE N W. Thomas Circle. Cumberland, apt 21—Large rm . new,y furn., sgle. or dble : nr. bath; twin beds. 1419 R ST N W.. Apt. 21—Nicely fur nisned room. cool, convenient location; $20 mo • I •'>23 M ST. N W—L h.k. rooms, kitchen, con.* bath, gas stove, sink, large porch: 'ery cool. $30.00 monthly. Also front apt.. 3 large windows. • GENTLEMAN—Cool, attrac rm.. semi-pvt. bath. pvt. home of 2 adults: best n.w.; reas.: exceptional Adams 4984 • SENATE COURTS. 120 C st n e.. Apt7'301 yKnd.iC°ra.ud uC°01- ilght r00m joining bath with shower. 22* 4800 GEORGIA AVE N W.TXptT 41—Large', front, private room and sun porch: inner spring and Beautyrest mattress: semi-pvt. entr and bath; 15 mm. downtown; $5 weekly. Taylor 5682. 909 13th ST N.W . on Franklin Park— Cool, neatly furnished room; sleeping or l.h.k.: continuous hot water: $3 wk. up. II V ST N.W.—Large, front rm.: twin beds; blk R. I and North Capitol; rea sonable. DU. 6972. CHEVY CHASE. D C 7~1 block Conn. ave. [ —Large room, well furn.. next bath, in ! home: unlim. phone. Emerson 5119 2217 NAYLOR RD. SE. above Minne sota ave—Convenient Navy Yard: 2 front single* next bath: $2o. $25 mo.: gentle men: satisfactory refs.; pvt. detached home. Lincoln 4181-M. GREYSTONF. Ar*. 503. 815 18rh **. n w. —;Girl share lovely, cool room with an other: downtown._ ME. 3 692. • DUPONT CIRCLE. 1707 P *t. n w —Large, double room twin beds: also single room, running water: gentlemen MI 0435. NEAR WARDMAN. where It's cooler 2 large 2nd fl rms.. single or double, with ♦win beds:_large_porch AD_ 3342. COOL, lge frt.. lse. wins, and clos.r •q. Rock Creek: shower; easy parking: frt. basement: shady Lamonr st.. 31857. YOUNG LADY desires another youre lady to share cool, attractive apartment; rea sonable^ pecatur_0640-J • 407 ROCK CREEK CHURCH ROAD N W — Large master bedroom facing Soldiers’ Home grounds; in private home- private lavatory: $25, single: $15. double, in cludes unlimited nhone GE 8412. • 706 KENNEDY ST. N.W—Large room with porch; one. $15 a month: two. $2o. GE 6717. __ _• COOL quiet, south master bedroom, next bath: bus; $15. 433 Emerson. GE. 3147. • 1722 3 9’h N.W.. Apt. 112—Large atUdiO room or share furnished apt. with em ployed lady: reasonable• SHERMAN APTS 308, J 5th and L s:s. —Small bed-sitting room, next to bath. Southern exposure. Lady. 5504 30th ST. N.W’.—Well furn,. private bath, shower lee. closet doub'e exnos.; cool: reas.: gentleman. EM. 0221. 1.029 3 9th ST. N.W—Large, cool, attrac tively furn. rooms: 1 with pvt. bath, fire place: cross ventilation. MI. 8015 DUPONT CIRCLE—Large. comfortable room, with or without board, for retired lady._ Hobart 9622. 2614 CATHEDRAL AVE , near Conn. ave. —Single or double, twin beds, well furn . porch: cool. Columbia 6380. 4620 15th ST. N.W.—Airy room, semi private bath: private family: $16; break fast opt : cars, buses convenient. NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK—Lgc. master bedrm. del. brick, twin beds; 3 expos : pyt. shower; 2 closets: ext. phone, or attrac. front rm., 2 expos., semi-pvt. bath. lge. Cioset: attrac. /urn.: garage; reas-_ No other roomers._RA. 3808. 1709 R. I. A\^B. N.W.—Large single roomT Di s trie ? *399 5lh’ unlimited Phone- Lady. NEAR DTTPONT~CIRCLE~~i n iovely apart ment: refined young man as roommate to another; private showerj_ref. Call DE_0633. UNIVERSITY PL. N W—Convenient *° , l , arJd Fairmont: large front room forJit*■■ everything furnished. $6 wk □ AIR CONDITIONED I W» cordially invite you to fl live in this beautiful con- fl venient hotel. If you teek fl other information inquire As- fl sistant Manager. K Sinrle roam, with SCI) fl b»th. ser month. T[l|l M Double room, with C fC fl bstb, ser month. »IJ1 H All rooms hsve outside ex- fl posures and combinxtton tub fl ! and shower. jH Conveniently located to ell fl Government buildinss. fl 15th 81 Sts. N.W. I Formerly the LEE Boom I fContlnuwTotT Next Ps«t.)"