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ROOMS FURNISHED. _ (Continued.) 172B HOBART ST. N.W.. l'b!k. lBtlTend Harvard—Few min. downtown: unusually airy rms.. next Hollywood bath, porch. Park view: mod. home of cultured couple: at city’s highest and coolest, spot. 3605 16th ST N.W.—Large double room, twin beds; also single room, inner-spring mattresses: c.h.w.: near bath with shower: unlimited phone, reas. DE 1422-W. pUPONT CIRCLE. 1367 Conn ave.—Two lovely studio rms.. pvt bath. Elev. to 3rd fl. Inquire before 8 p.m. NO. 1022. ONE BLK. FROM CAPITOL—A beautiful, large front room for two gentlemen, in bachelor's apt.: new. modern fur : ad joining bath: reasonable. Atlantic 3044. * -6132 7th ST. N.W.—Master bedroom, priv. bath, c.h.w.: tel.: adult family; very at tractive. $5 Gentleman. Call after 11:30. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1734 P st.~n w.. Ant. ~1—Large front room, private bath; unlim. phone (gentleman!. 1503 30th ST N.W. Apt. 6—8ingle or double room, twin beds, shower bath, im maculately clean. NO. 7390. PETWORTH. 101 Farragut n.w.--Good size single airy rm . 3 windows, semi-pvt. hath express bus at corner. GE. 3808._ BLOCK SOUTH DUPONT CIRCLE—Ex ceptional room, modern private bath, shower, in quiet home: spotlessly clean; for discriminating Rentleman. DE^_0830. LARGE FRONT ROOM, detached home: young lady: reasonable; near 16th st. bus jine. Hobart 6920. WALKING DISTANCE 3 312 18th n.w.—Single rooms, cool, r«ttra. furn.: inner-springs; reas. 21* DETACHED PRIVATE HOME, £708 14th st. n.w.—Large front master bedroom. 2 closets, twin bed?, private bath; for 2 gentlemen: 835 mo. GE. 72J1 \._ ATTRACTIVE PRIVATE HOME. Young man to share double with an other^ Also_single room. Dupont 1222. GRAFTON HOTEL, 3139 Conn. ave.—Large, comfortable rooms ♦ ith Simmons inner-sprint? mattresses; singles with running water. 87 5o wk up: doubles 810 50 wk ud: with nvt bath, sin gles. 812 50 wk ud: doubles. 815.50 wk. ud “THE MAURY.” 701 19th st n.w—100 beautifully furn single and twin bedrooms, running water, honj .mowers and tub baths, inner-soring fnatMesses, elevator. Nicely furnished receo t on room; single. 86.50 wk. up; double. 8s wk LAFAYETTE HOTEL, 3 6th and Eye sts. n.w.—Rooms with bath : end radio, for 1 person from 812.50 ner ! week: for 2—from 8S per week each Stu d o-tvpr rooms if desired Air-conditioned : lobbv dining room and cocktail room Roof | lounge open to September 30. Call MR. j WILLS, mgr., for inspection. District 4210. \ 1732 MASS. AVE. N.W. Lar?°. cool, attractive rooms, semi-pri- j ♦ ate bath, $22.50 up; ladies only. HO. 1 3630. THE TABARD INN 1733 N ST. N.W.. Hotel of comfort, convenience and charm. Summer rates from $2 sinble. 84 double: 1 810. $12.50. $15, $20 per week. Hobart 1211 Rooklet. MASTER BEDROOM. PRIVATE HOME. Newly redecorated, convt. trans.: rea fnnable 21251st M. n.w. Dupont 5750. PENN AVE. AT isrh ST SUMMER REDUCTIONS. HOTEL ROGER SMITH. Beautifully furnished rooms and suites, farh with private bath, specially reduced just fer the summer months. De luxe accommodations start as low as $55 single Si'.d $00 double; complete hotel service re lieves you of all drudgery. Moderate priced restaurant and Washington's most rrpnlar roof garden—The Starlight Roof. ^National 2' 10. COLORED 1122 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Turn, room, next bath, newly redecorated; $4 weeklv._ COLORED. 1752 S st n.w. Girl share cheerful front room, with another, congen ial, home _like privileges. S2.50 wk. COLORED 425 Columbia rd. n.w. Front room for 2. Georgia 6013. COLORED. 740 Harvard st. n.w One i hall room, furnished, quiet home. Adams 6210. i COLORED—603 ACKER ST NF. between E or.d F. oih and 7th—One beautifully fur pished room, convenient to car lines. 22* COLORED—1731 Corcoran st—Large ; from room, also 2 smaller rooms; nicely furnished: single or double. 21* COLORED—2815 13th st. n.w —Clean, comfortable, near bath: suitable for 2; convenient car, bns. CO. 4o<)3._ ROOMS FUR. Cr UNFUR. fr,02 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—Ind floor room. l.h k. optional: also room. :S1.">0 ITth Ji w . l.h.k.: single. $5; dble. $6. AD. 0574. 3 1x17, 3 WINDOWS, double closet, next semi-pvt. bath; kit. privil.: buses at cor ner; $25._Georgia $721 after 6. REFINED COLORED—1322 Hamlin st. r.e—1 or 2 persons. 1442 Que st. n.w.— Large front, room, unfurn.. $10. Guy Tinner 1326 You st. n.w. NO. 4007. COLORED— 1227 Harvard it. n .w.—At tractive large front room, on 2nd floor, rear bath. $20 mo.: reference required. COLORED—1 unfurnished and 2 fur nished rooms. Refined people desired 1112 Fairmont st n.w._ ROOMS UNFURNISHED. J614 V ST. S E.—3 bright housekeeping rooms: sink: h.-w.h.; gas; lawn: $35. Lin COl 1 0268-W. 1338-A B ST. RE—2 rooms, kitchenette, remi-bath: newly decorated employed couple: $52.50: gas. elec . heat included. • 1 522 CONN. AVE N. W —La r e e bright studio room, unusual closet space. Call Dupont 0041. GEORGETOWN. 3307 R st. n w.—Laree room, fireplace, connecting perch. Maid service. Quick transn. MI. 0705 5612 KANSAS AVE N.W. — Two large rooms kitchen, a.m.i Frigidaire and gas on house current; convenient to transpor ts t ion 21* 8110 MT. PLEASANT ST N.W.—Attractive room and kitchen, refg . all utilities incl. Very clean No loud radios. Also single l.h.k. room Excellent transp. Older fettled wornen_preferred._ SUBURBAN ROOMS. COOL FURNISHED ROOM: double ma hcjjny bed. shower and tub: one block to bus: large, s .ady lawn and screened porch. WO. O'M i. ARLINGTON—1 block from bus. In min utes from downtown: air-conditioned: rea sonable. Phone Monday, Oxford 0713. Girls only. _ ___*_ LYON VILLAGE. 1 HOT N Hartford st — Fmp. couple: new home, air-cor.d., porch: excel, meals. CH. 1066._ ’ 2 OR it ROOMS furnished or unfurnished ciec. refs . a m i.: large suburban home; rent seasonable. Walnut 6806. __ ‘ARLINGTON, VA.—Large, cool, newly turn. rm.. 3 expos.: nr. bus 10 min. down town. 3105 N. 17th st Chestnut 0356. ARL,. VA.7 -1031 30th rd. no.—Cool cnr. rm . for gentleman, ad1- bath; priv ileges: $15 mo. Chestnut 3063. _* TAKOMA—Large, beautifully Turn, rm . nr bath. ch.w.. modern home: pleasant surroundings. Shepherd 3005. 'NEARBY VA. — A'tr . cool eornrr room, fur nished: shower: union, phone gentlemen; breakfast optional. Chestnut 5040. ROSEMONT. Alexandria. Va.—Cool, fur nished bedroom, private bath. 604 John son pi.. Alexandria 3040. TAKOMA PARK. MD.. 1 ! 5 Maple ave.— i,2 bloc': express bus and cars, large room. next_shnwer bath. $3o mo SH. '.stM-W. NEARBY ARLINGTON VA—Bedroom for 3 or 3 gentlemen; J0-minuic bus ride. Chestnut 1374. _ 312 FILLMORE ST.. Arlington, Va — Fur nished room, next to bath: use of kitchen If desired: bus at door._ _ _ *14 MONTH—-New home, exclusive section, lawn, swings, outdoor games; 10c bus, "003 N. Utah. Arlington, Va. " 1842 KIRKWOOD RD.. Arlington. Va.— Furnished bedroom, next to bath, home privileges: convenent to bus; go min to city. CH 0073. __ _ . __ _ 3002 20th RD. N.. Arlington—Comfortable, cool room, next shower bath. 1 block from Lee highway and N. Irving st. ALEXANDRIA. VA. — Lady Government employee would like lady to share new home; cost not more than board. Tctnplc SJ 85 after 6 _p.m._ FURN. 2-ROOM COTTAGE, shower, no housekeeping; gentlemen preferred. Horse shoe Hill Inn. phone Falls Church 1UH. ARLINGTON. VA.. 1705 N Oak st.—Cool, pleasant, nicely furnished rooms, conv. r’ls, ear line. 1,05 N, Oak st. Oxfoid 0642-W. __ _ __ 1100 20th ST. S. ARL.. VA —Newly turn, room, suit 1 or 2; also steeping porch. Delicious meals._Jackson 1660.___ FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, large Colonial home, refined family, nearby Maryland. Phone Marlboro 135-F--1. ~I_ ARL,., 1411 N. Glebe rd-—Lge.. cool Co lonial rm.. 25x1 H. twin beds; pvt. home; gar.:_Hie bus. Oxford 07 COUNTRY BOARD._ itODERN, good cats, quiet, bathing; near Tcw-anda «0-sR week. Keystone Valley Farm. Wysox. Pa...... BOARD ON FARM. bath, good food; rees auto transp. to city. Mrs. Du Vail. Rock vlllo-Norbeck rd. Kens. 12-F-5._ CHILDREN BOARDED—Modern country home. perm, or wkly.: refs. Gaithersburg 1420. Mrs. E. T Johnson, Silver Spring. Md. Route 7 (Colesville).___ BOARD CHILDREN. 4-13: big farm: swim.: reas.; rets. Call H W. Blunt, ir.. Farm. Mrs. Dyson Mullins, Gaithersburg, Md. Gaithersburg lti-F-11. _ _* GOOD BOARD farm. 40 miles Wash.. D C.: elec., shady lawn. South, cooking; no bath: si per day. Mrs. Randolph Bmith._ Waterfall Va _*_ BEAR MTS.; country home! a.m.i.; best food: Si.25 per day: riding GE. 287P or write D E Shiflet. Churchville. Va. • NEAR MOUNTAINS: cool, modern: best, food. well served. $7.5n t(! m week : references. Call GE. 0753. or write Mrs. Landon Hoover. Woodstock. Va • RIVERSIDE FARMS—NR. mountains, riv er: modern home: screen, porches; $7-$9 weekly Call lone distance, or Lincoln 2035. Mrs._Chas. Burner. Woodstock. Va. • WANTED TWO BOARDERS in large" airy home, twin beds; half hour to city; sin 00 a week: references: tiled bath and shower fhone Emerson 0422._ e ‘ THE MASSANUTTEN. Fishing, boating and swimming, ah koine comforts: excellent food; cool loca tion: $10 a week. THE MASSANUTTEN. B. F. D. 1. Middletown. Va. ROOMS WANTED._ WANTED, by elderly lady, quiet, one room for light housekeeping. Box tlKil-J. Star. L.H.K. RM.. cr. vent., refg.; quiet det. home neigh.: conv.: n.w. city; empl. woman. Box 220-J. Star. ♦ GENTLEMAN desires large corner, com fortable room, in refined home in or near Aurora Hills, Arlington._ Box :14!I-G. Star. GENTLEMAN—Room or small apartment with private family; outlet to fenced yard desirable for dog; near Wardman Park; permanent. Box 257-J. Star._ • GOVT. CIVIL ENGINEER. 4.1. wants cool room near Port Myer. Box tlSl-J. Star. • ROOM, small, comfortable: elderly lady: south Scott Circle; ground floor pref.; state price. Box '.'H4-J Star. _• ROOM private bath by two employed men. in Woodridge; state price Box JtlH-J, Star. » LARGE FRONT STUDIO, also small sleep ing room; Wisconsin at Mass. ave. section preferred. Box lt!4-J. Star. • ROOM, with private entrance, on side street, n.w.. by carpenter. Box 215-J, Star___ . . GENTLEMAN desires “room“with “private family wcinlty of Dupont Circle. Stare _Box Stai. 21* YOUNG lady desires room vicinity Fox after°5 ^°mdUlt rd' phone Dupont 01»18, COUNTRY BOARD WANTED. YOUNG MAN. Jewish. would likeUo take up tannins; emp. part time; vjill pav rm . bd.; near cityand trapg, Box 122-J. Star • PERMANENT HOME for lO-yrT-oid son of f"JP- Parents, rural Md. or Va. Give de Box ->irC-J SUrre *nd monthly rate _ROOMSJVI-m BOARD. >>11 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—Nicely fur nisned, cool room, shower, private de tacned home, home cooking; reasonable. |.>24 UPSHUR ST. N.W.—Nicely furn.. 2 le rms,. bath, excellent board; pvt. fam ily. garage; reasonable. RA. 7021. 1 006 BILTMORE ST. N.W.—Well-ordered private home: double, single; co^l. comfort able: delicious meals. CO. 0.140. CHEVY CHASE D. C—Single room for Vpr2griSd«*%inKPri»«te l\ome- meals optional, very rea.'ionable. Woodley S221. LARGE F’RONT ROOM, private bath, for Iadlcs* excellent meals. $:»0 per month. Emerson .’1140. v,cin.,fv- Private home. Front bP.1 ;>^llhm• Phone, home atmos pneie. „M4 2,th st n w. CO. 7225. ROAD—Attractively fur 7515 d0UbIe rooms; excellent food. CO. 4.>01 IOWA N.W.—Available Aug. 1 Cool, Gemelmaii. e$?o?ntGEOOIo»;s2XCellent meals* iiinKi s- CAROLINA AVE. SE—Single or conv °tran°snl * •»”■’* lrLI?,cJ*--sprine mattress; torn, tramp. $.{.> to $.*,.50. Lincoln 7ou5. *0 14 1 STH ST. N.W.—Large attrac sinelp or double rms. twin beds inner-spring and $dfiXCel- meals’ sood traisS.6 Idd'sS BEAUTIFUL HOME, lg. grounds fpnms Reasonable10* Wisconsin °4«f’>youn* people’ weekly. Others, board opt. ME. 7204. KWORKi R«.MSrUSfeBajB»»*S J.Ida SHEPHERD N.W'.—l dblp rm wi'h fr&’ f*1]’ rtw-—Beautiful rooms, new riII^ltUru telephones. running water in rooms, showers, elevator, flue board2.5* BET. 14th AND lHth N.W_Varanrv inr 54H0eman *n Dvt °et- home; $.45. Adams tr-rtiln^ ST. N E—Girl will share at t . ctiv e maple twm bedrm., new pvt. home every convcn. AT. 7047. * 401 l >>h ST. N.W.—Desirable vacancies ' lor young people; cool, good location and good meals. MAKE YOUR HOME where you will receive beneficial results achieved through proper eating. Coolest snot in town. WO t;450. 27 15 CONNECTICUT AVE . opposite Ward man Park Hotel—2nd. front; suitable ” or h; reasonable. Columbia 0400. 22* 1SH7 KALORAVA RD.—New studio, sin 2ler dbtes: living rm, pvt. tables, select menu; privileges. CO. .5270. LARGE double corner room, twrn beds: ho'-e looking for refined home comforts W ith choice food. _Cal! EM 4000. ■"Jl K ST N.W.—Nicel” furnished sincle •nd double cool rooms, wonderful remita :ion for home-cooked meals; downtown. 24* -*‘-o CONN.—Roommate for young man: private bath roommate for young l»dy; also single: unlimited phone. 21* 3•*().■» N. H AVE N.W.—Vacancv for 2 men in large basement room, half bath. >.io each. Larce triple room. pvt. bath, >40 Also vacancy, double room. $35 417 ONEIDA PL. N.W.—2 bedrms. and sitting room suitable 3 or 4: or will rent separately: conv._transp. RA. 9236 M"T PLEASANT. 1806 Lamont n.w.—De li £ n t f u 1 rm . twin beds, pvt Dorch: excel. Southern cooking._Also single. AD. 0212. ‘2204 Q ST. N.W.. near Dupont Circle— eewlv dpeorated doub’e room1-': suitable 2 or 3 ANo single rooms: exce’lent meals. 3 431 GIRARD ST N.W,—Gentleman to share large room, private porch, running water: $35 month CO 2876. 3 227 MARYLAND AYE. N.F.—Room, board and laundry. $8 per ween. 21* WALKING DISTANCE—1 7 92 16th n w — Government clerks: t double. 1 triple: ex cellent food: congenial atmosphere: >32 _ 24* 4 13.4 N H AVE. N.W—Jewish family; nearly turn, front rm . twin beds. adj. bath: trans at door Taylor 7879. 2927 MASS. AVE N W.—Beautiful double rm . semi-pvt. bath, exceptional meals, ar private table Reas. Hobart 7155. 3 492 NEWTON ST. N.W, AD 4073—Room with board, lunches packed. $8 weekly. NEAR GOVERNMENT BTDOS.. 920 19th n w —Cool, comfortable single and double rooms: excellent meals: reduced rates * 1297 S. 20th ST. A-lington. Va.—Cool room, twin bpds: eood food, beautiful view; porches: conv. buses. 4 897 WYOMING AVE. 15 min. out. Mr. Pleasant cars. Conn, buses S'.nele for man. large room for 3 men; semi-private bath; 83,2 50 each. Double 2nd floor. $40.00 third floor $35.00: nicelv furnished. • 1852 MINTWOOD PL. N.W.—Large, front room, twin bed‘-‘ *’ closets. 5 windows: best furniture: free phone; well-balanced meals: vr y reas. CO. 67 7 8. 3914 MORRISON ST. N.W.— Beautifully furnished, large corner double room: dou ble or new twin beds: semi-private bath; quiet, cool: garage: private family. 1225 CLIFTON ST. N.W.. 1 blk. 3 4th—At tractive rooms for young neople: excel lent meals, uni. phone, parking; $35 $37.50. JEWISH HOME. ■ NTCE FURN7 RM.,~ SUN PORCH. COMMUNICATING BATH. TILE SHOWER: NEXT R C. PARK: 10 MIN. DOWNTOWN BY AUTO : SUIT. 2 OR 3; BD OPT : REAS. AD 7950. 23,19 19th ST. N.W.—Young man to share lep cool. clpan. 2nd-fl. front rm : refined hoire: congenial group of young neople; except, meals. 1214 MADISON ST. N.W—Lae., beauti ful riou. rm., twin beds; refined, pvt., de tach. house; delightful for summer. GE. 3615 11th N W.—Lovely room. 2nd floor, i adjoining bath: strictly white neighbor hood; pvt. family: country board: $30. 397 B ST. N.E.—Lge.. cool double rm7, j twin beds; home cooking._ PORTER. APT. 372. 15th and You sts. n.w.—Front room, with or without board; co/itinuous elevator service, phone. 2070 GARFIELD, near Wardman—Attrac tive sitting-bedroom and porch for one or two: home atmosphere: reasonable. 3 353 INGRAHAM ST. N.W —Attr. double room, bath adjoining; very cool; conv 14th st. cars._ buses. GE. 6192. 3320 16th ST. N.W.—Singles, doubles: de licious food, served any hour, sandwiches packed free: reas. CO. 7956. „ „ 3 311 EUCLID N.W. ; I.arce lst-fl. front, twin beds: attrac i uve cuest house: jolly young people; $30 month, per person, with 2 meals. TERRACE HALL. 1445 MASS. AVE. N.W. Comfortable single room, running water also nice double room: spacious dining room: delicious food: reasonable rates. 23* STUART HALL, _1704 1 Rth hT. N.W.—FROM $42.5ft. Martha Washington Seminary. Fifteen degrees cooler than downtown Large rooms. 2 buildings. Extensive grounds. Delicious meals. Marking space. Convenient transportation. 3640 16th CO. 0294. CARROLL SPRINGS INN, FOREST GLEN. MD. — BUS TO DOOR. 20 Acres Lnwn. Garden—Outdoor Pool. _PHONE SHEPHERD 2040, OR 5781. » 1610 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. Refined home for discriminating people. One block from Dupont Circle._ 1706 New Hampshire Ave. Singles, doubles, private and adjoin ing baths: $40-545. Cool, distinctive home: elevator. Fine meal.^_ MAEFRED ARMS, 1720 10th and 2019 Conn. ave. n.w,— Exclusive guest houses. MI. 3201._20* 2131 MASS. AVE. N7W. Lovely double rooms with private baths and showers. Other large cheerful rooms with private baths: exceptionally good food. Why not enjoy the hot summer in this beautiful ex-embassy home with several other young people? Very moderate prices will happily surprise you. DU. 9404. NEW GUEST HOUSE, 2300 10th ST. N.W. Newly dec., cool rms., facing park. Single, double; twin beds: in. spr. mattresses. ♦ THE ABBEY, 1626 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Singles, doubles, sbaclous closets, chone each rm.: club lounge: hotel desk: walk dist.: from $32.50. incl. delicious meals. ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) BOLIVIAN CLUB; 1663 16th n.w.—Single rms.: also double rms.. with nvt baths: immaculately clean: beautifully furn.: unusual meals. THE MANOR. 21 OR 3nth st. n.w.—For those who re oulre the ultimate, a ftw most attr. va cancies, Under new management. MI. 2 048. CALVERT HOUSE, 14 01 18th st n.w.—Ideal residence for business people; airy, outside room, pri vate baths; selective menus: switchboard: parking. BELMONT'GARDENS^ house, *lesV than'"a"*>n * b°"‘,ln* _Dupont 0,06. _ Switchboard. 1909 N ST. N.W. , Walking distance to Govt bldgs. Newly furnished, single and double. $35 and .too mo. 2620 16th~ST.~N.W; A delightful home residence in the em* Hl*h- c°o1 location for summer with garden and trees. Large loublc. Social environment. Hotel service. gxcpUent food. Columbia 8*280._gi * —ROOM AND BOARD SERVICES. FREE SERVICE—SAVE TIME. °ucs‘ ^e- Associated at Washington Room Exchange, with 700 well-located homes, offer single, double and group rooms, some with running water, private bath, iit consistent rates. A director with car shows available space free to potential guests Phone Columbia 8560._•_ ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. ®^UHFLOR—Board. 1 or 2 rooms and bath m vicinity of Rock Creek Park StarUbUrb8n: °Ulet Dlace only- Box MAN DESIRES ROOM AND BOARD: no other roomers: state price; Brookland section. Box 34R-G. Star. ™™™r* DETACHED HOME. Arlington F-L =?rpf- Occupancy Aug. 1. Box j , &iar. • R.!JTh«r,aL1DY aild diuehter desire room Sarbv^G^Stl*8^’ °f AlfXandrla or WANT ROOM and board for 3-yr.-old 5,‘rl' „$n. week: n.e. section or nearby Va. box ..iji-j, star. • i'a'or?^nio.i»MEfl desire - single rms. or double, wholesome meals: congenial surroundings, suburbanlike location; rea |nab^ Bo""ratPS' loc»tlor.,.in APARTMENTS FURNISHED ji'JI ALLISON ST. N.W—TWO ROOMS, large porch: elec, refrigeration, gas, phone included: employed adults only TA °5til LRANCTS SCOTT KEY APT.-HOTEL. 2(1 th ?nd. F *'*• —1 room. kit., dinette, pvt. bath, day $1. 1 or 2 persons week, $18 mon h. $t)0. Full service. Trigidaire. nicely furn^_ Natl. 5425. 17.1U 18th ST N.W.—CONVENIENT”Gov ern :n e n t departments: t and " rooms 'twin beds), kitchen, bath, shower:' $45 up. Si'.' ’*•>*• *57—BUCHANAN" APTS 4.V’rt l.lth st. n.w.—Liv. rm„ porch, bedim., k„ b. tncl. gas. elec. GE. 1881. OVERLOOKH^C. LINCOLN PK.. lIOfi”E. Cnmtol-I rms.. pvt. bath. elec, refg., neailv furn.: beautiful lpcation: adults. E™ SPECIAL—1445 SPRING RD N w'. Ah 7 -"l—Cool living, bedroom kitch en. dinette. Murphy bed. nicely furnished. __ _ 21* 1!!5 !>th ST. N.W.—.1 ROOMS. KITCHEN, ^aih. Frigidaire: $15 ncr wk.: newly paint ed and decorated. ME. 11781. 7'1t:P.E!LoARDENS- 1020 " TILDEN—DE" lightful , -r. apt.. ;i exp : cool, auiet: over looks garden Dark FM 425(1 or WO. 7525. PI/.1 ADAMS MILL RD —ONE ROOM, oatn. kiccnen. dining alcove. Most aitrac tive outlook, opposite park quiet, cool, ex clusively residential: nr 18th and Columbia rd Everything furn. Year lease. Ref. 21* DETACHED HOME—PVT APT . 2 RMS , kit., bath, porch, elec, refer. Residential. OaraRr opt_5503 14th n.w GE 5.019. Hi«LfAiNDo P ,STSl N W.—SUBLET IN d< finitely -r.. k . b apt : $50 including utilities WI. 9313 even’ngs 24* 1430 MARYLAND AVE N.E —5 RMS AND path, heat furn.. newly decorated: Ige front yard. Apply 82(> Eye n.e. LI. 7058-W. NEW HOME. .125 18th ST. N.E — ATTR . modern apt. all conveniences. 2 rooms, kit., private bath Utilities inch inis CALVERT ST N W • NEWLY DEC", attrac.. 2 and .1 r.. sleeping porch, bath, gas. _elrc : adults. THE MENDOTA. 2220 20fh ST N W — One large and one .small bedroom, living room, kitchenette, bath: completely fur nished for housekeeping. linens and silver. North 1114 1 n.12 BILTMORE ST N.W . NEAR " 18tn and Columbia rd.—Cool bedroom, living r:>om. dinette, kitchen, private bath: com ply ^furnished: gas, elec, refrigerator. SKYLINE TOWERS. 27111 WISC AVE”. Apt. 2—Nicely furnished apt: living room. - bedrooms, dinette, kitchen suitable 4 persons: $175 mo.: electricity and gas included^ lt'15 K ST. N.W.— 1 ROOM, KITCHEN and bath: gas. elec, and refg. on house: conv._downtown ME. 8.1 tlx. nil 24th ST. N.W.—1 ROOM." KITCHEN and bath: convenient downtown' gas. elec and rejg. on house. Republic 0512. £>V* N. ST. N W —1 ROOM. KITCHEN, ba’h. nicely furnished: conveniently lo cated: elec, and refg. jncl. ME 1821. 17.1!) EYE ST. N.W—1 AND ”2"” ROOM bachelor apts., nicely turn.: elec inch; convenient downtown._District 8548. mil' 20th ST. N.W.—1 ROOM. KITCHEN, bath. gas. elcc. and refg. on house, walking distance downtown^ Metropolitan 0314 2J.5 ST. S.E.—LARGE FRONT ROOM and kitchen: newly decorated, attractively iurnisneq: parking free: reas .1 RMS . KIT.. PVT. BATH, ENTIRE 1st et)°l. Quiet house. 1 expos., conv. trans.. adults. 418 Rittenhouse st. n.w. KEYSTONE. 22nd AT PENN.—GIRL SH apt. others: 1. r.. s. r.. din., k . dr r. b.: beaut, view. RE. 2848. Ex. 005. .1504 ltith ST N.W—ATTRACTIVELY iurmsned cool apt., living room, open fire place. oedroom. kitchen, bath, porch. * 18.17 MONROE ST. N.W—.1 ROOMS AND oi in. ;.nd fl.f lovely studio couch, elec refer : inner-snrine mattr : $50 mo.: every thinu incl. Columbia 0015. LADY TO SHARE COOL 2-RM. APT. ^lth another: twin beds. 3 exposures* screened porch: gentile. EM. 2971. • }•'»*> ST. N.W. -ON HEIGHTS AT Central High School: 12 min. to 14th and G Sts.; 2 or .1 rms., kit., elec, refg., pvt. bath._ 1175 IRVING St7”NW.—ONE ROOM: kitchenette, private bath; adults oniy; reasonable. • DOWNTOWN. 534 20th N.W.—COMFORT ably furn. room and complete kitchen, rrieidaire; well-ventilated front apartment. • TAKOMA PARK. D. C—2 RMS. KIT, bath, well furnished: good section, near shopping; newly decor.; 1 fare exp. bus.; Mo. 415 Cedar st. SUBRENT APT. IN MODERN DOWNTOWN apt hotel: everything furnished; accom modate thiee ME. 0540. Apt. 117. 21* TUDOR HALL. 10 th AND MASS~ AVE. n w.—bearms.. living rm.. dining rm.. bath: 2 expos.: nicelv furn.: .4-hr. elevator and switchboard service. R-.s mgr $75. M. MAY DOUGLASS, 1 >12 K st. n.w. NA.J150O. l.'?7 11th ~ST. N.E.—BASEMENT APT. Gas heat, electricity included. Reason able. _ J.™? 20 th ST.' N.W.] APT. 2—2 RE nnrd ladies to share attractively furn. apt. with one other: reasonable. the CORDOVA. 20th AND FLA^ AVE.— SUi> et. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath; beau ufully furnished Apply_res. mgr. ATTRACTIVE. MODERN APARTMENTS^ completely furnished. 1. 2 rooms- attrac tive rates: inspection invited. 1361 Fair mont st. n.w. NEAR CAPITOL—2 ROOMS: KITCHEN: bath; nicely furnished: entire floor: Frigid aire, linens, silver, gas, elec. 125 5th st n.e. ___ 21* CONCORD APT., COR. 1816 N. H. AVE— 2 rms„ bath, cooking facil., elcc. refg.. fire place: free rent to Aug. 1st. NO. 4120 BACHELOR APT.. NEWLY DECORATED and furnished, large liv. rm.. fireplace, bath, elec. refg. 1821 16th st. n.w.. Am. 2._ 317 YOU ST. N.E.—2 OR 3 ROOMS. NICE ly furnished aDt., Frigidaire. screened-in Porch; conv. to everything._ COLUMBIA RD , NEAR 16th STT—FRONT bed-living room, kitchen and private bath: elrc refg.; $46, including gas. elec.: also I h.k. rm.. $20: newly dec. AD. 0060._ 1727 P ST N.w.-i LARGE RM.. KITCH en, porch; on 1st fl.; elec, and gas; rea sonable.___ DUPONT CIRCLE—INDIRECT LIGHTING, one room, kitchen, newly dec.; elec, refg.; clean, qtnet: $40. 1763 P st. n.w. THE CLIFTON. 1323 CLIFTON ST. N.W.— 3 rooms and kitchen, nicely furnished; nice for 4 adults; $17.50_each._See janitor. 22* SUBLET — STUDIO APARTMENT: ELEC, refg. grill; private bath, suitable for one. ltith and Irving n.w._Emerson 2162. 21* WANTED '— YOUNG LADY' TO SHARE palatial apt. Adams 1806.__ in5 N ST.' N.W.—2 ROOMS 2nd FLOOR; adults; $8.50 week._ GEORGETOWN — COMPLETELY FURN. room and kit.; new Frigidaire; inner-spring mattress; $8.50 wk. 3158 O n.w. DU. 1132. 1733 17th ST. N.W. —' LIVING ROOM. Murphy bed; kitchen, pvt. bath: $42. Also 1 rm.. Murphy bed. large kit.. $38. All completely furn._ Frigidaire._ 330 EMERSON ST. W — 2 ROOMS front: Frigidaire; pvt. home: gentiles. Tay lor 1624. 427 INGRAHAM ~ST. N.w! — 4-ROOM apt., coot, weli-iurmshed. piano, unlim. phone;_Protestant adults: excel. _transp. ■ARDMORE.” NEAR WAR AND NAVY Depts. Newly decor, mod. apts., 2 or 3 rms., elec, refg.. tile baths, c.h.w.. $8 wk. up 1861 G ST. N.W.—NEAR WAR AND NAVY Depts. Newly decorated modern apts., private entrance: $7.50_wk. up. _ 5231 WISCONSIN AVE. N W —2~ROOMS, kitchen, bath, screened porches: refrigera tion. lights included. $55a garage extra; adults. Woodley 0007. 21* THE AIR-COOLED KENNEDY-WARREN oilers an attractively furnished 2-room apt. consisting of living room bedroom, bath, dining alcove and kitchen; available for 2 or 3 months. Adams 9600._ 1418 SPRING RD. N.W — 2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath: 3 exposures: utilities furn.; semi-private entrance: c.h.w.; auto, heat. THE AIR-COOLED KENNEDY-WARREN offers, available Aug. 1. a beautifully fur nished 1-room ept. of living room, dressing room bath, dlntng alcove and kitchen, for 1 month. Adam* 0600. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) BASEMENT APT.—LAROE LTVINO-BED room. bath, kitchen with refg,: pvt. ent. *7 wk.. *30 mo. Apply 1306 Columbia rd. gjpf 0°°L STUDIO APT.. MODERN KIT., frlgldalre c.h.w., all utilities included. »«0. 3125 Warder at. n.w^Randnlnh 8180. TAKOMA—2 RMS.. PVT. BATH7 CLEAN, mod.; convs.; basement apt.; *25; near SHre*:4oVrar* **P' bUS' 24 Carro11 *ve tnette apt., Murphy bed, Prlgldalre, c.h.w.; gas, elec. lncl.^SI.SO^LI.J165-J. ;™* °PARIO „RD N W- (1 BLK.' 18 th Smd! C?’- rd-'—2,.,rm8 • klt ■ 8 windows; nlcely furn^prigidalre; adults. CO. 4817. 3 ROOMS. RECEPTION HALL. LARGE pantry and bath: best of furniture; light and gas; no children; rent. $50. 3312 5th st. n.w. • NEAR CATHOLIC UNfVERSITYrAPT7 42i at 1210 Perry st. n.e.—Young lady desires 2 others to share 5-room apt.; refs, re quired._ SUBLET 2-RM., KIT7TpT.7cOMFLETELY Aueust and flepl - *42.50 mo. RA. 5-ROOM APT7 PRqM'2-TO”(rMONfHS, v olmty Wardman Park, completely and attractively furnished. CO. 8106. 202. COOL BEDROOM. NICELY FURN" screened Porch, kit., pvt. garage; reas.'; 485*' I1,lghborhood' nr- bus. Randolph 1276 OWEN 1PL7n7e7^2—BRIGHT, LAROE. clean rooms, kitchen. Frlgldalre, bath; couple desired; reasonaljle. 22* 3 ROOMS. BATH. MODERN; BEAUTIFUL Petworth. near churches, schools, theaters, frlgldalre; reas. summer rate. 4713 8th at. n.w._ • 1826 17th ST. N.W.—-2 LAROE RMS", kit., pvt. bath; a.m.l.; Frlgldalre; adults; after 2 p.m. _ CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—COOL. SPACIOUS; 5 rms., 2 scr. porches, large liv. rm.. flre place: beaut turn.; 3 expos. EM. 2763. 1740 D ST S.E.—1 ROOM.-KIT.7 BATH"; large cool porch: conv. transp : reasonable. 1217 18th ST. N.E.—COOL: Trm.7 KIT., basement: pvt. entrance; Frlgldalre; reas. Lincoln 8318, 2 ROOMS FURNISHED- FOR LIOHT housekeeping; gas and lights funv*!md 301 L_st. n.e. o;>« 1306 SHEPHERD ~ STN W —•> " LGE from rms.. newly furn.: Frieidnire; gas range, utilities incl. Taylor 0341. i ATTRAC : 1 ROOM, KITCHEN. BATH; pvt. entrance: phone: 1 o-minute bus serv ice. avail. Aug. 1. 700 18th st. s.. Ail.. Va. 1801 D ST. S.E.—3-RM. APT : NICELY lurn.. corner home: 0 windows: Electrolux; lights, gas. phone, semi-bath: $45. FURN. BASEMENT APT ; NEW HOME: 3 rooms, nvt. bath and entrance 2,,11 Bunker Hill rd. n.e. MI. 3856. 11 I rt VERMONT AVE. N W APT 1—DE liehtful double studio bed-liv rm., 6 lge windows, kit, din., bath: reas. GEORGETOWN—2 RMS.. KIT . BATH command quiet; mod. apt. bldg . reas. DU. SUBLEASE; AIR CONDITIONED7^ RMS , b«‘b: .July 21 10 sept. 30. Marlyn Apts.. 3000 30th st. Emerson 0700. 2210 E NW—LARGE. WELL FURN7RM.' bath. kit. dinette; Insulated bldg.: new refrigerator, stove: near Navy, War. In terior. See to appreciate. ME. 6600. GIRL TO SHARE LOVELY COOL ROOM with another: downtown Greystone. Apt. 503. 815 18th st. n.w ME. 1602. • 1503 TRINIDAD AVE N.E.—.3 ROOMS and bath: Frigidaire: com. hot water: $45; adults; refs. Call Atlanfc 1K20-W. 22* 117 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.—COOL AT ina,^IVnyJflirn^h<“du ,'rm • tiIe bath apt : entire ,nd fl. det. home: everything n^w; entirely private: Frigidaire: lawns, lily pond: garage: $no. V14' COLUMBIA nn'NW-UDY. SHARE 1 j: 71. apt Of larre hvlng rm . kitchen, dinmg rm combined, bedrm . private bath: heat, light, gas furn. After 5 pm, CO 0.592. •f’-’j 13th ST N W—•’ L APOE~"POO» kitchenette, electric refrigeration: suitable 4 adults: newly decorated: near trans portation. 1*62 PARK RD N.W—2 ROOMS- KIT . oath, porch: clean, cozv; overlooking park Frigidaire: adults: $5n _ DOWNTOWN. WALK DIST~1313~RHODE Island ave n.w.—2 rms.. kit., bath. elec, refg,. c h w . cross ventilation LARGE ROOM. PRIVATE KITCHEN~GAS~ elec refg oil heat, unlim. phone, garage if desirpd: suitable for business couple, reas. 802 Decatur st._n.w. RA. 6994. 3 ROOMS. KITCHEN. PRIVATE BATH. Electrolux. 445 Mass ave. n.w ME 2960. 1 LARGE ROOM AND KITCHEN WORK ing couple preferred. 2009 Que st. n.w. Michigan 9573.____ STUDIO APT.. 50-ft. living room, fireplace, balconv with 2 bedrooms. 4 closets, tile bath, kitchen. Frigidaire: delightful location near Rock Creek Park 2 blocks car and bus lines. Columbia 5562. 2633 CONN. AVE—BACHELOR APT., large, room, lse closer, maid service, free parking snace. gentleman; 535 mo. Available at once._ 2112 F ST N.W., APT 109—YOUNG lady to share with another furn. apt.. 2 rms . kitchenette and bath. 522.50. ME I 4' 14. 1814 BELMONT RD N.W—ENTIRE 3rd n.. 3 lte, rms. bath, elec rrfg. $«o; quiet, refined adults only. AD 2918._ 1319 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—l KM . KIT,, refrigeration; sink, c.h.w., phone. 532.50; adults only _ FURNISHED APT" SUITABLE FOR ~3 adults; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: 555. 1440 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. Apt. 43. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO SHARE A T room apt. with 2 others: very reasonable. Apply 2 H10 N_ st. n.w.. Apt. 23. WANTED—2 GIRLS TO SHARE 5 room apartment. Telephone RA. 7950. MT. PLEASANT. 3210 11th ST. N.W.— One room, kitchen, semi-bath: Frigidalre; gas. elec. Inc.; $7.50 per wk. 22* GIRL TO" SHARE ONE-ROOM KITCHEN", bath apartment. 1321 Kenyon st. n.w.. Apt. 102. • 2101 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE —2 ROOMS", kitchen and bath, cosily furnished, im mediate occupancy. Call Dupont 7020. PARK LEE. 1030 PARK RD —EXCEL lem loc.. cool. 2 exp : attractive apts.. 1, 2. 3 newlv decorated rooms, hall. dm., kit., bath, shower. Frigidalre: elev.. $50 to $80. ho. 7498. Traiii*ent or permanent. SUBLET—"i RM. KIT. AND BATH, NEAT ■y furn, to Sept 1 or longer; walking fflst, DI 1400. Apt 415. • 5000 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W—3 LARGE rooms, kitchen, private bath. Electrolux; oil heat; continuous hot water. DOWNTOWN, 1914 H N.W.—EXCEP tional 2 r.. 1st fl.: porch, new spring mattress, tiled kitchen. Frigtdaire, phone; reasonable. _ _ _• 18th AND COLUMBIA RD.. 1945 BILT more st.—Lav. rm„ bedrm.. kit., bath: at tract. lurn.. spotlessly ciean, adults (gen tiles); _$55:_gas. elec., relrg. includea. NEAR WARDMAN PARK HOTEL—8PA cious 1 cm.. with junior dining rm.; com pletely well lurnisnea._CO. 3091-J. ♦ TAKOMA PARK, D. C.—First floor, pri vate entrance; '1 room, kitenenette and porch. $36. 7135 7th st. n.w. SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM USUAL btemve—Wallace Bryant s most attractive, artistic apartments. Lots oi sunshine. 1916 G si. n.w. Also 912 19th st. n.w. WOODRIDGE — 1 OR 2 EMPLOYED laoies to snare with 1 lady moaern aet. home; kit. ana home priv. Mi. olio. NEAR 18th AND COL. RD—RETIRED man like gentleman share 2 rms.. kit., batn apt.: pvi. bedroom; reas. Box 236-J, Star. . • THE AUGUSTA. COR. N. Y.AND N. J. aves. n.w.—In this beautifully kept down town corner bids, a clean, modern, nicely furnished front apt.; 2 rms., kit. and bath; $42.5(1; res. mgr. THE ST. NICHOLAS, 2230 CALIFORNIA st. n.w.—Two rooms, kitchen ana bath for vacation period. Phone DU. 8853. _ • 1204 QUINCY ST. N.W.—ATTRAC. FURN. 2 rms., sun Dir., din., kit., bath; conv. transp.: gas. elec, lncl.; adults; $55. • YOUNG MAN TO SHARE WITH ANOTH er. 2-room apt ; twin beds, telephone, transportation: Aug. 1. 930 Randolph st. n.w.. Apt. 7. _RA. 8766. _• TWO GIRLS WILL SHARE WITH AN other. large, delightfully cool apt., fur nished by selves: overlooks Rock Creek Park. Apt. 120. Broadmoor Hotel. • TAKOMA PARK—1 AND 2 RMS. KIT., semi-pvt. bath, $22.50 and $25.00. 33 Carroll ave. _ YOUNG LADY TO SHARE APT. WITH another: walking distance Govt, bldgs.; reasonable: gentiles only. Hobart S4H8. _ 2562 UNIVERSITY PLACE, NR. NETHER land Legation, bet. I4th and loth sis.— Studio room. kit., din., bath with shower; all utilities incl. ^completely lurn : $45 mo. 72 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.. BET. FIRST and North Capitol sts.—Bed-living room, kit , din., next bath: everything included; $8.75 week; nice home CONGENIAL GIRL TO SHARE ATTRAC tive. cool, corner ant. with another. 2000 Conn. ave.. Apt. 610. _ 3822 31st ST MT. RAINIER—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath: elec, refrg.; nvt. home; everything included._Warfield 1040. 309 EYE ST. N E —I LGE. RM.. KIT., porch: dec. refg., sink, gas stove; $38 mo. Adults. • 15 THIRD ST. N.E.—1 AND 2 ROOM apartments with kitchen, dinette. Drivate baths and showers, including all utilities. Everything new. strictly modern. Adults only. • SUBLET FURNISHED APT.—ONE~ROC>M. kitchenette, bath, shower: convenient; reas onable. NA. 8981. 705 18th_N.W. _• 1107 MASS. AVE. N.W—BEAUTIFULLY furnished, lovely 2 rooms, kitchenette and private bath apt.; cont. hot water; in Ideal location- 5 minutes to downtown; refs, ex changed.___23* NEAR MAYFLOWER HOTEL—BASEMENT room and kitchenette. $5: also room, $3.60. Private entrance. 1816 M st. n.w. 629 MASS. AVE. N.E.—L. HOUSE KEEPING apt., tront: silver, dishes, linens, elec, and gas. 6ot water: reasonable. 22* 1604 17th ST. N.W—2 APTS.. ROOM AND kitchen each: basement; Frigidalre, range. Emmoyed adults. References; $25. BEAUTIFUL 2nd FLOOR APT.—CONN, ave. near Taft bridge. Foyer, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath; utilities furn; beautifully and completely furn. Rent most reasonable. ME. 1143. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN._1732 K n.w._ 1234 10th ST. N.W.—LARGE FRONT room, kitchenette, 1st. fl.. completely fur nished: sink, range, breakfast set: newly decorated; clean home; 828._ MT. PLEASANT. 1839 LAMONT ST. N.W. —Basement apt., pvt. entrance; also sleep lng room with twin beds. CO. 7895-W. PARK CENTRAL APTS., 120—BEAUTI fully appointed, modernism apt., to ihara with girl. Ml. 0640. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 3700 MASS. AVE. N.W.—SUBLET VERY attractive, cool, 2 rms.. bail), kitchenette, dinette, porch. Emerson fi.'Kid. • 1713 M N.W—BEDRM.. LROE KIT.: bath 2nd. fl.: storage rm.: ’rge. hall: newly dec.: linen furn.t phone: #50 month. DESIRABLE a-MAN FURN. APT. (JEW if„Llnvl%5 4th man *n- Main, meals, laundry. Share expenses. CO. HH48. ■2.8’?8 27th ST N.W—HUGE STUDIO, living-bedroom combination: kit., dinette, bath: everything new; prlv. home: adults: QUiet.__ "MIRAMAR"—LAPT OR TWO TO SHAItE 55{.-„w*th. another lad.v. or sublease. MI. 5600, Apt. 821. Call after 5 p.m. • NR POOP EVE IT HIOH. 814 8HEPHERD 3.. 4 r., k . b . gas, elec, relg., $112.50; yard. GE. 7045 or HO 4105. ___21* hii‘-„„ALLI.89N 8T* .n.w.—well-furn: bedroom, sitting rm.. kitchen-dinette, semi rbn1taVF£lgldalr*: cb w ; adults, or suit, for 4 or^5 young men. ?,Pt* J" Georgetown with youne woman ar bart Klt: ®25* 2700 Que a’- Ho n:ir.-4 ms:. ?™v'k^>.atb■ ,kitL* L eXDOS ■ refrig.; also i rm,. kit., priv. bath; reasonable. 2 LARGE. COOL ROOMS. KITCHEN AND rota, Plenty ctoicts, loOP Kearney st. n.e. jM14_8th ST. N.W —ENTIRELY PRIVATE. 2nd. floor. .1 rooms, kitchen and bath: cool: -J.i.{»B s,2reJV ?uiet clean* reflned home; adulfcs. Va block to_ bus. 2 JLOOR—2 * ROOMS, KITCHEN^ BATH ?breh. 111 Mass. ave. n.w. No obtec tion to children._ • 1840 INGLESIDE TERRACE N.W.7 EDGE Greek Park—Sleeping room and tcon>0rche!vJe ec- Tff* and gas in cluded. $30 mo. Adams 5171. Uni13 J„7th, ST NW—BEAUTIFUL '.7-RM. £EhBrIYate la,vat°ry gas, elec., unlimited phone, elec. reft.. $50 mo.: adults. 1457 MONROE ST N.W—INSULATED elec °V^d 3 r00ms* hath, gas and 1342 MONROE ST. “ N.W —f ROOMS, porch. 1st floor: sink. Frigidaire; $8 50; elec.,_gas. etc.. Included._ i-'1,"1 ,gglumbia RD. N.W.—ATTRAC tive studio liv. rm.. din, kit.. Frigidaire. 0"tin'’ ***• elec" *37-60: adults. Woodley teacher WILL SUBLET WELL-FUR nlshcd bachelor apartment. Kith and co htmbia rd. location. Chalfonte. 2.14. Adams 2«1 8 “UNIVERSITY-Pl7~ N W —DOUBLE nrnniVmi,r20,2L lwln.JS!ed\ running water; unlimited Phone. AD oifio 2644 14th ST, N.W.—CLEAN; 1 ROOM. $1inhwrJevtC cFrlY’dair''- aaf- elec ; $8 and *10 week. See lanitor. JJ:18 7'h ST. N.E —NOTHING LIKE IT Ilf I71* —y.,(0/ ,he m<?ney A veritable little .[or, a outet married couple, tin floii? hi'I.2,j“rw- co°! fr°nt rooms. 2nd floor, by bath: corner house. « windows •> S,,<S?,3' rnninletelv and attractively fur nished with everything to keep house: «rl»i»?trf- sl,nk in kitcben. corn, hot water. c f*ns washing machine and ?e„ roneY n basement, sewing ma chine, near stores and car lines- 5 min utes by auto to all Govt depts: so LA SALLE 1(128 CONN.—1 AND 2 " RM~ furn *Ph(oh 3e»“tlfu“y* newly, completely ju^rn., high grade, now vacant. GLEAN. ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM b*drooms, kitchen, dinette, sleeping porch completely fnrn.; $40, 1428 Chapin st A4*4 EUGLID ST. N.W.—3 BIG RMS ^ -nd-fl front sink. Frigidaire $1° "wk • utensils and linens included. " 1 «<h. DECATUR lAno! ' Sublet furnished studio apartment to responsible party. $42.50 a month n1?rTnmP<koEfIDEuTERRAGE N.W. - rooms, kitchen, baih- heat and hot water included. Key at Am. 2—2nd floor Available immediately $5o -on ,-,u U T GRAVATTE ‘-I* ‘nth Realtor. NA 075.7 DOWNTOWN—$75. ~ , furnished apartment in eight-story building writhm lu*»t a few squares of most Govt Depts Laree rooms: free refrigeration 24 hour switchboard and elevator serv lCMcK^oyer^ room, bedroom, i W.and bath. Tastefully fur ipcIu<fin« some linens, china and kitchenware See res mar at— “The PENTILLY ” _ 1812 K ST. N.W. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. - PARK CENTRAL. CORNER ][lth AND F STS raiGIDAIRE CURRENT FREE nc>tcJtahTT^dnEv, r00mJ with built-in di Murnhlbm,d 2 Chairs, dressing room with hidilY. 5 d* C07y Aforoom with Murnhv I hmi, iCi.tC.'icn uWlth a«»!eial cabinet', tiled 1 linens rfb'howcr: fully couirpcd with | linens, dush-s and silver: electricity and , included in rental. Open and Lighted Until 10 p \f igs Manaser. Met-opoluan OMd _CAFRITZ DI poAO < 332 12th ST. S.E ~| gas. re“2'sfa2d bath: good condition; heat. EUGENE A. BARRY . _343fl 14th St. N V^. CO. SOSfl $67.50 2 ROOMS.nK^TCHEN A; BATH. Free gas. elec, and refg2 large ’ rooms, cross ventilation in bed room. reconditioned and ncwlv lurnished throughout: 24-hour elevator and switchboard serv _ . MOUT5'SMEm^::,0THE MON 1448 PARK RD. N.W., Tl . THE FULTON. LlYin.i rTom- * bedrooms, kitchen bath, shower I «.newly dec-rated and furnished Sleep- i well inner-spring mattresses on all bed” kom eEht ar,d. ,refri*eratlon free: well-j w>otHrt2^cpr0r,l b d~ • most convenient i location, resident manager. j READY TO MOVE IN~ ~ G°rner:. fdte new: modern furniture* I hcrirmeau!?nienti, .v.ery !arcp living rm. i i&rge kitenen-dinette. glassed-in i porch and bath: cool in summer. *2 rms. i kitc.ien and bath, built-in furniture that I nas never been installed before: free park- * U17 . ’bese for price and location. A* Rock Creek Park, nr Taft Bridge. 2410 2nth st n w RES MGR 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W.~ 2 bedrm.c., liv. rm.. kit., bath, nicelv furn._(4 twin beds): ref.: adults^ CO l.?4s. i WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, Connecticut Ave. at Woodley Rd. Furnished Apartments From One to Eight Rooms, Full Hotel Service. Phone Assistant Manager. Columbia 2000. DOWNTOWN 1618 2lst St. N.W. Between Mass. Avenue * R Street One Block from Connecticut Ave. One Room, Dinette, Kitchen, Both Units at Moderate Rents (ias, F.lectricity and Refriger ation Included in Rent AMPLE PRIVATE PARKING SPACE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Open 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. Sunday APARTMENTS^FUR. OR UNFUR. 631 FARRAGUT ST. N.W.—3 ROOMS' kitchen, private bath: c.h.w., heat, elec gas. Gentiles. Also basement apt AIR-CONDITIONED LIVING ROOM.“~DI nefte and bedroom: sublet for last two ®onths of unexpired lease MARLYN APTS.l Apt. 408. Emerson 8406. • DUPONT CIRCLE (1325 N. H. AVE N wT One and two rooms, kitchen and bath, fur nished or unfurnished. All utilities in cluded: $30. up. GEORGETOWN. 1230 ~ POTOMAC ST'N W — 1 room, k'tchen and bath heat, light, gas. Phone MI. 6736 or SH. 5110 23» 200 UPSHUR ST. N.W. BY SOLDIER'S Home—Small apt . reduced to man who can look after place. Modern. PETWORTH: ENTIRE 2ND FLOOR. LARGE porch, a m i., for l.h.k.: refined employed couple: $25. Taylor 004(1. after 1 p m. ATTRACTIVE APTS.. HIGH-CLASS NEIGH borhood: some furnished Car available on appt. MRS. GREEN. Shepherd 6128 1427 PERRY PL. N.W.—REAL HOME7 cool furn. or unfurn apts: screened porches: S25-S35 mo._Hobart 6027. 2716 WIS. AVE —1 AND 2 BEDRM. APTS avail, to quiet adults with high standards of housekeeping. Small owner-managed bldg. High elevation. Woodley 2160. YOU ARE INVITED TO CONSULT US about your requirements. This Is the only apt. house in Washington with a swimming pool, roof garden, gymnasium and other features to promote your health and happi ness. 2-rm. aDts. at $70 and up HAR VARD HALL. 1660 Harvard st. n.w. Phone Columbia 6714.__ QUALITY AND ECONOMY. LE MARQUIS. 2308 A8HMEAD PL N W. SOUTH END OF TAFT BRIDGE 3 RMS.. K., $60; 4 RMS.. K„ $75 Modern fireproof elevator bldg.: secre tarial. phone service; refined clientele; furn at flight extra charge, Hobart 5083 _ fxcelTent oportments...1 to 6 rooms...furnished or un furnished-fireproof build ing...delightful sun decks. '*£?at/a/ier *100 rOUBTIKNTH STRUT. N. W. »»«• e- M|r. APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. (Continued.) 1 «3 ~ 10th RT. N. VJ'.—LOVELY-fi-RM er”.^ reasonable; fireplace and private ga rage. 100% AIR-CONDITIONED TWO-ROOM APARTMENT. LOVELY TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS with large living room and bedroom, din ing alcove, kitchen and bath. Individually controlled air-conditioning. Located in the beautiful, cool surroundings of the exclusive Wesley Heights section; fur nished oi unfurnished. MARLYN APARTMENTS, 39th and Cathedral Ave. N.W. EMERSON 0700. CONCORD GARDENS’ 1301 Concord .ve corner SOOO block 13th n.w —New cross-ventilated air-cooled apartment 2 rooms kitchen dinette bath Venetian blinds, large rooms, kitchen fans, convenient shopplriR center coif course. yV>.r"yL p««. churches and schools RE FRIOERAriON AND COOKTNO INCLUDED IN RLNT Resident manager. Ant. 108 Randolph 33flfl _ _APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. 2 LARGE. COOL 'ROOMS. KIT.. PVT! bath; large closets, telephone, garage, '•“■l close * In; no children. Chestnut ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR:—NEWLY~ DECO rated; 2 large rooms, kitchen. Inclosed porch, unfurnished, private bath; on bus line; reasonable. Warfield 2420. ALEXANDRIA. VA..—ATTRACT..' TJHFOR.'. 1st fl corn apt.. ;i expos., lg. liv. rm.. 2 bedrms.. din., mod. kit., bath, screened porch, auto, heat., instant, h w. Included. On Mt. Vernon ave. bus line. 10c tflre D. C. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call Alex andria 3077, UNFURN . 2 'RMS.:~GA8~ST0VE: ELEC semi-bath; gas elec, incl.; adults; >30. 4100 18th at. S.. Arl.. Va._ 2103 N. LINCOLN ARLINGTON- -4 rooms, range, refg., bath. storagp space; con venient schools, churches, stores, bus; c h w. • SUITLAND. MD —3 LARGE ROOMS, bath, porch, garage: (unfurn. 1: 10 minutes downtown. Phone Spruce 0342. NEARBY VA—UNFURN . 2027 LEE HIGH way. 2 rms.. kitchen bath, screened porch, am.i. Chestnut 5810. ARLINGTON. VA —15 MIN. FROM CON stitution ave,: unfurn.: 3 rms.. kit., bath: gar.: use tennis court: refg., gas, elec.; trees, stream. Chestnut 3070. 008 BALTIMORE PIKE RIVERDALF MD roon?S- kitchen, bath: furnished: in cluding elec.. gas: ¥0 week 8(10 JEFFERSON AVE . E. “ RIVERDALE. ™,d"— 1 or rooms, kitchenette, bath; Electrolux: private entrance. LYON PARK VA—LOVELY 3~ROOMS. dinette, sleeping porch: excellent location; reasonable. Day, OX. 2410; night CH. 4140._ COOL. LIGHT APT IN BEAUTIFUL wooded section overlooking river.—Bedrm.. liv rm.. kit., dinette; pvt. ent : ¥50. tncl. uul. 000 s. 20th rd . Arl. Jackson 1054. COMFORTABLE 4-RM. APT VIENNA — Conveniences: ¥30 Der^mo Vienna 100-J. 1011 N. EDGEWOOD ARL . VA.—FURN : liv.-bedrm., pvt. bath, kit.-din.: shade; porch: utilities incl : 15 min. D. C : adults. ¥25—FURNISHED: 2 R . HOUSEKPG : 1st a onc fare: large, shady grounds. Phone Hillside 0440-M. SLAVE QUARTERS OF MARTHA WASH ington property. In Alexandria: avail at nominal rental to responsible young couple with artisHc flair._ Box 45-G_Star. TAKOMA PARK—PRIVATE' APT^ 314 £?£ro . avf-—rms- kit., bath. l«?e. porch, **•>• AddIv 222 Park ave . SH .3662-W IN ROSEMONT—UNFURNISHED. .3 RMS . kitchen and bath: heat linht and water furn._ Call Alexandria 3231 ^ •’770 N. LEXINGTON" ST,. ARL‘. VA — Unfurn . 2 r k . b.. G. E. refg.. mod gas stove, adults only; emo. couple pret.; heat, elec, incl.: *27 Oxford 1343-W 4-ROOM APT NO BATH RENT. ¥25. 1301 s Monroe st..__Arlington Va. 4!I10 N Hth ST.. ARLINGTON—FUR mshed. 4 rooms and bath, utilities incl • pvt.: adults: 10c bus. Chestnut 1305. • ST N ARL. VA.—■2 RMS . kit . bath, recep. hall utilities furr - oil heat: no children: unfurn. CH. 215?. 33!!i BUNKER HILL RD . MT RAINIER. Md —Newly dec 2 rooms, bath: see to ap Dreciate: reasonable ] block transp DECATUR HGTS MD .14 ELEANOR AVE —3 cool rms. kit. pvt. bath: elce. refg.: 5 ; conven. schools, churches, stores, a block_bus. Warfield 3013 2001 N. CLEVELAND ST. ARL. VA.—1 ,ce. rm., kit., bath. ear. elec refg : «.T’ 5o 10 quiet people. Columbia 03(18. 3223 ASH ST MT RAINIER—UNFURN. *«.. shower bath, refg., h.-w.h... am i ; cood location, 2nd floor. * FURNISHED TWO ROOMS. KIT. AND T Er> sood cond Andy LEOSAMANN _ ChlUum rd.. Chillum. Md. APT. FURN. OR UNFURN — 7 ROOMS a!1 dter month Bus and cars Jjj ,21. Lce highway, Arlington. TAKOMA PARK—NEW LARGE 5-ROOM a2i.. 211 taat'„water. Phone Shepherd 4 i oJ-J. 718 Roanoke ave. MODERN 3-ROOM APARTMENT SPRING Lake M.aner- Wash.-Balto. blvd., Laurel, Md. Phone Laurel 248. 104 s Hist. CAP HGTsClID—3 RMS. kit.y semi-private bath; rets, utilities me!.; A,TLRtrrrVFLV, BURNISHED ONE-ROOM ;a'2,dL0 couchi. kitchen, bath, private en trance^ Electrolux, ¥35 monthly covers SlntT n0. children Shown after 5 aaib. all dav Sunday Eastern, southern. ?!*£?,?. shady vard: IS minutes p> bus to ashinpton: convenient to evrrv- ; thing 1~1 North Cleveland st., Arh”c- ! ton. Va._ __ . • ! *PT LARGE ROOMS; 1st FLOOR: i newly decorated, screened porch, shade 01! heat, city fare: adults 1227 N. Utah •1 Arlmaton._Va Chestnut 22.3S 22* PHtLF?,:APr •"> ROOM* BATH GARAGE: S1 Q.a^d water incl.. ¥H5. Inspect Sat. | end Sur. nr weekdays "ftcr H n.m. 4005 Larcom_lane north. Arlington, Va • I 3, RMS. KITCHEN AND BATH: GAS AND - fVrn ; unfurnished: newly decorated. 0750 L hlshway- Arl., Va. Chestnut ! 3 ROOMSTKIT:: PVT~B ATH :~GAS.'ELEC ~ adults: unfurnished; ¥35. 4213 Perrv st" Brentwxrod. Md._ ' • COOL, CLEAN. MODERN 4 ROOMS.' UN furn.. tile bath. 4 exposures, 1st floor: pnvate^ntrance._Phone Warfield 2025. 321 N. QUINCY'ST . ARLINGTON. VA— 3-room unfurnished apartment, first floor. Oxford 22, 5 HYATTSVILLE, MD~ 90H BALTIMORE BLVD. Furnished: *2 rooms, kitchen, bath $.30 00 ^^OPIRE APARTMENT NO. 1. MT_VERNON_CpRP.. NATIONAL 55.30. APARTMENTS OUT OF TOWN. EXCHANGE ¥75 MONTH FURNISHED ■ ih ®ab Francisco for equivalent in D. C. Call chestnut 8773._ _APARTMENTS WANTED. GENTLEMAN DESIRES ONE ROOM” partly furnished or unfur. with cook stove State monthly rent._Box 21.1-J. Star. * BUSINESS WOMAN OWN CAR. WANTS permanent private small unfurn ap4 . bath range, sink. Frigidaire, yard; $25 mo. Box 212-J. Star. • YOUNG EMPLOYED COUPLE DESIRES well-furnished apt.. vicinity upper Georgia Box 0<rI<JS<StarSCribe fUlly’ staUn* price GENTLEMAN DESIRES SMALL FURNISH ed apt., vicinity Interior Dept., now- to Sept. 1st; must be air conditioned. Phone Monday. Republic lXfiO. Ext. 401S. SMALL APT. TO SUBLET FOR SUMMER. ~L rooms: preferably porch; adults: n w. Box 242-J. Star. • REFINED LADY DESIRES ONE OR TWO room apartment (or single roomi. fur nished: must be air conditioned, quiet: about fi weeks; preferably near Congres sional Library. Box 221-J. Star. * WANTED—FIRST-FLOOR THREE OR four room flat or duplex, unfur., reason able. Box 24T-J. Star. _ • EMPLOYED COUPLE (NO CHILDREN! desire, furnished, two rooms, kitchenette, pvt. bath with shower, all utilities; state price, location Box 25S-J. Star WANTED. BY tl ADULTS—QUIET. ”oUT ?ld? apartment with 2 exposures in elevator bunding or on 1st floor: 2 bedrooms- elec tric refrigeration. Address Box Ifi7-J. Star. ARLINGTON. VA—:t ROOMS, "ITCHEN. bath, unfurn.. by August 1. About $j(i. Chestnut ol <5. Aup- 1; FURNISHED 1 ROOM, KITCHEN and bath; downtown apt. bids, preferred; $50 top._Box 210-J. Star. 21» REFINED BUSINESS GIRL, Jewish, would like to find girl who has established apt., and would like to have me share it with her. Preferably upper Conn, or Wis. Avd. Phone Emerson 7404, after 10 a.m. JCO-OPERATIVE APTS. FOR SALeT 4 ROOMS AND BATH. COR. BEAUTIFUL Sft$llP,sh,re Gardens; small cash payment, i JM/.51 a month including all costs. Rental value, S60. EDMUND J. FLYNN. Wood ward Bldg. RE 121S: or apply eves, and Sunday. Apt. 103, 223 Emerson st. n.w. tigj. 5/41. _ MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE. FLATS FOR RENT. 1510 M ST. N.W., APT. 3—6 CTT heat furnished *15 00 loot) B st. n.e.—4 r„ b., elec, rein..' heat furnished 40 on p7 5 r- b • h.-w.h. 35.00 *• o e.—Store and 3 r.. h 35 00 JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., :|14 G St. N.W._ _ DI 2500, 508'', 2nd ST. SE.. NR CAP.—0 R. b7 h_-w.h ; newly dec.: sen. nnrch and yard. Furn. own heat: *42.50. NA. 0721. COLORED—110 10th ST SE—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath; *27.50. LINKINS CO.. 1622 K st. n.w.___ APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. HOUSEKEEPING APT.. .3 ROOMS. KITCH en and bath completely renovated: lefrige rat.or on house current; *15 month 4'’”0 7th st. n.w._ £j» 1110 w7 VIRGINIA AVE. N.E.. APT" I — Facing Gallaudet College. Modern duplex. 2 large rms., din., kit., bath. ;cr. porch, yard; oil heat. h. w. furn.: very reas. Dis trict 2434. Other_ aparrments_available. 1436 OGDEN ST. N.W. — ‘S APTS. 2 rooms, k.. h. and hall each; kitchens with built-in cab. Also sink with cab., new stoves. Prigidaire; redee . Venetian blinds; gentile adults. See janitor.__21* 1216 RANDOLPH ST. N.E—3 RMS7KIT., bath; gas, elec., heat; 845. COOL. QUIET; ALL OPEN: LARGE 1 room, dressing room, closet, kit. bath apt.: elec., gas. relg, inch: elevator; rent reas. 1126 11th st. n.w.. No. 407._ 4222 14th ST N.W— 1 AND 2 ROOM, kitchen and bath apts.: newly decorated: Prigidaire on house current; janitor serv ice^ reasonable. DOWNTOWN APT" THE ORAYSTONeIgS 18th st. n w.—] and 2 rms.. kit., dinette and bath: Prigidaire on house current WESTCHESTER APT . 1332 15th" ST. N.W. —Three rooms, reception hall, kitchen ette and battn eiectric rMrigeraUon. *57.60. 1106 HOLBROOK ST N E.. APT 1 — Three rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, base ment: heat and hot. water furnished )n sulated Apply HIMMELFARB PROP ERTIES. 4,4 K st. n.w. ME. 1107. 1 61 7 KENILWORTH AVE —FOUR ROOMS, kitchen and bath; heat and hot water fur Sg^r.4P.g?,t?!?-. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES 474JC st. n.w _ME. 1107. 3701 13th ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS. DINETTE, kitchenette, bath. Murphy bed in living room, 3 closets; gentiles; 1 month's rent free: *4:>. 3701 13th ST. NW—1 ROOM. 8CRFENED porch. Murphy bed, kitchenette, dinette, bath: gentiles: *30. BEAUTIFUL NEW APTSTTaRGE LIV RM With fireplace, din. rm.. tiled kit . 2 bed rms. bath with shower: Venetian blinds, mod., attr.: heat control: gar.: also othpr 1-bedrm. ants.' reas. Inauire 1027 Flower ave.._Tak.Pk. _8H_318ft. _ 2415 E ST. N.W.—2 RMS. KIT'7 DIN-, baih; walking dist. Govt, dents.' *4° 50 Apt _21 1. 2414 NORTH CAPlfOL~"ST—"'7" ROOMS, kitchen, bath, inclosed porch: gas. elec. heat Included. Dupont_ 4120. 3 LARGE REDROOMS." LIV Rm7~KIT. and bath. *60: 2 large bedrooms, liv. rm.. kit. and bath *50: one large bedroom, liv rm::_kit: andjbath. *40. 3025 Lath st. n.w. {ITT 2nd ST N.E.. APT. 204—I ROOM, kitchen and bath, *35; open. See janitor. 143(1 " MARYLAND AVE ~ N E.—5 RMS and bath: heat furn.: newly decorated' Ige^front yard. Apply *20 Eye n.e. LI. 1 833 ~ NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE “ N W —1 rm . dressing close* bath with shower: 24 hr. switchboard elevator service. *30 CORNER PATHEDRAL AVE.. 2860 2Mh st n.w.—Soacious. 2 rms . large hall, kitchen, bath: ideal location adults: *50. INGLESIDE. H*08 ]st ST N W—5 LGE^ rms . bath norch. Kelvlrator: A-l cond . real home. S°e janitor. S5Q.5Q. RA. i«65. •'* J o 12 th ST N F", A PT ~ 1—2 NICE i rooms, kit. bath, front apt : heat, hot wa*rr r«»fg. furnished- fo*- onlv «30 5«»: ‘ completely redecorated. See Janitor or Phone DI. 2434._Other apts. available 3tt(»l CONN AVE. — ATTRACTIVE LIVING rm,. sun pallor. 2 bedrooms, full dining rm apt a)l_rooms extra laree. ANA COSTIA U; 11 “ QUE ST. ~S e7—LG front rm. 3 expo*- kit. semi-pvt. bath, back per.: gas. light heat furn.- *37.50. STTTDTO APT 2 ROOM* KITCHENETTE* bath, flrenlace: partlv furnished Inauire Jo 14 Conn, ave., or_2 Riegs Court. Cl i ROOMS AND PATH * ATR-COND* mat. elec and gas: new gas range and elec Frigid private homr no other roomers: walking distance of Navy Yard, Capitol anri Library. ]<»02 B st. s.e. 5330 COLORADO AVE* N W — APTS OF I and 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen 2 baths: reasonable rent Resi dentmanac^r Ant 2<>2 1 7th AND EAST CAPTTOL—CDRN’ER APT", rooms, kitchen and bath- *35 _ 2 17th St. S.E 1 BLK OFF CONN " WOODBINE APTS . ~.7tb -st -■-3 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath: *45-«55 3(11 (i TILDEN ST N W ~APT 404—77FULL expos . full-size din. rm . kit., sunrra . liv. : rm 2 bedrms . 2 baths: most attr.. garden, trees; <roiet._cool: garage, wo 3627. 203 CEDAR AVE . TAK. PK.—1st PL . 5 j rms., bath, porch: 2nd fl., 3 rms.. kitchen ette. semi-private bath. sep. entrance: heat. gas. elec. ref*., garage, c.h.w with both apts.: some furniture: lovely location. , _____ 21* 3021 15th ST. N.E.—4 ROOMS. KITCHEN. 1 private bath, irt new-house condition: hea+ i gas and light furnished Ready now: *45 per mo. Call North 7203 or inquire 2381 1 R. I ave. n e. F\CI7°v. rockTr eek pk—2~ rmsTTk. and bath: gas, light, refg. furn ; private home. nr. bus: Ideal for couple: reas.: ga rage avail ; $45. 2262 Cathedral ave. n.w. • ! DUPLEX. 2 RMS.. KITCHEN. MODERN bath „wltb shower, screened porch, yard. ■321 Decatur st. n.w. Apt. 4. „„ MT PLEASANT. Vj-- Irvins ft. n w.—Cool. Newlv dec ant 6 rm< and hath: r h w oil heat. Adults^ $57,50. _ Adams S3] 5-M. 3(18 ]!)th ST, N.E,—3 RMS" PVT."BATH! , 3 J»°~ with all utilities inch Entire '-nd floor- convenient transportation. 1515 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.—2nd-FU am.. .. rms. kit., pit. bath, shower, heat, cas. elec, furn,: bus at door. _ 1733 20th ST. N.W ." WITHIN WALKING nistancp downtown—r? rooms, entrance na.I, kitchen, bath: excellent condition: *t*o._ JACK HAYES, realtor. Dupont 7784. P fj;.NW.-2 ROOMS AND BATS Good condition. Near Govt depts. $30 R. O. BELT. Union Trust Bldg. 21* THE CRESCENT 1HS5 CRESCENT PL Si*-.—~ r^0I2VSin-e.,te- hath: $32.50 and $40. R. O. BELT, Union Trust Bldg. 21* 2 LARGE' ROOMS KIT AND BATH newly decorated: *40. Open. 010 R I ave. n.e._Decatur_l 877. 1575 SPRING PL. N.W. <3015 1 Oth ST.l— kl'\bath: near cars and buses; large lawn; Frigidaire; $52.50. « 1 .AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. $45~.5(>—AND ,quiet bldg., overlooking Rock Creek Park: elec, refg, on house: elevator £f>L , HSU- AD 1130. or apply 1820 and Col rdPl' ” dlrecUy north of 18th 8 < 15 PORT LAN D ST. S. E—3” ROOMS' private bath; utilities furnished. Atlantic . . • > - VV . 1020 D Ni.—2 nMS.~KIT.7pVT- BATH insulated home: convenient transp.; Elec troluxrefngcrator._ 1822 MASS AVE. S.E. -— 3 ROOMS" kitchen private bath: gas, boat, elec elec refg . c.h.w : $45. Adults. LI. 1832-J ANACOSTIA 1017 lfith ST. S.E —2 LGE rms., glassed porch, kit., bath: redec •' insulated: utilities: .*44.50. AT. 1841-W 050 KENYON ST N.W—2 ROOMS phoneH's'-pf5* eCC" hea*- Frigidaire, tele nli’!1 9ePrgIA AVE.—2 LARGE ROOMS heat. Mohr gas. f„- l.h k . s:n': tel Large yard. Porches. $35. TA. 2700, 2<il;.' WOODLEY PL,. NR. CALVERT BndRe—lst-fl. front. 1 rm.. k. and b. Ore mace. $4o. inc. cas. elec. Adam; 0170. HAMILTON CTS.. 3140 N ST NW —irl trac., 4 rms.. k.. b.: $50; elec, refr ■ Vs mar UNION STORAGE CO\ NO. OHl-i: 4014 GA. AVE N.W."—NEWLY DFCO rated o rooms, kitchen, pvt. hath; Frig ldaire. heat. gas. elec. Included. $30.50—FAIRLEE. 1321 KENYON”N W~ nr. 14th and Park—Lge. liv. rm . bright, cheery, nice dinette, kit., tile bath, refg.: newly_decor.: aUr.._well-managed bldg. 1300 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.^2 rms.. kit., Frigidaire. built-in tub and shower: cnarm and individuality; $50 mo. Call Decatur 3020. TAKOMA PARK. MD—MODERN. COOL, • ft front, larsc living rm.. dining rm., kb . bedrm., tiled bath, shower. 3 closets, laundry: nr. bur. stores; adult- $57 50 ,21 Erie ave. SIT. 45B3-W. SII. 5814. 21137 K ST. N.W.—3 RMS.T KITCHElC bath; rent. $47.50. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 17,*n k n vr. J ' I ♦> TAYLOR ST. NAV—TOO ROOMS" kitchen, bath, utilities, phone furn.; Rarnge: ac^uits^ Rentjle:. HA. 47u‘*. •'Min ] 8th N E .—ENTIRE 1st Fl”: ?. rooms, larce kit.. *2 porches, pvt. ent : heat, light, gas: $40.__ • 1704 GALES ST. N.E —LIV. RJ'lTrEDRMT kit., dinette, screened rear porch; refg, heat and hot water furn.; near schon's and wansp.: $42.50 per mo. R. G. DUNN. H04 H st^n.e._Atlantic 850o. 1,1 K ST. N.W.—LG. 2 RM. APTS.. RE dccoreted; 1 furn.; heat, lights, gas; $28 S32-S30. Reduced. _ TO" SUBLET—ATTRACTIVE ONE-ROOM, kitchenette, bath apartment; unfurnished: modern, new building: cool 1314 Mass, ave. n.w.. Apt. 61L_Ph. ME. 3477. • 3000 CONN. AVE—2 RMS.. KIT.. FOYER and bath. $.->-> month on yr.'s lease. AD. 4800. Apt. 325. L. G. DORROH._ 4820 N. H AVE N.W.—2-BEDROOM duplex, on bus line, near school and stores; heat, hot water. Electrolux. Janitor fur nished. Open eves, and Sun._EM. 54711. 5006 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W.—3 LARGE rooms, kitchen, private bath; Electrolux, oil heat ( continuous hot, water._ 1125 MD. AVE. N.E.—ON THIS BEAftTI ful ave.. in modern well-kept apt. bldg.: 2 rms.. k. Ar b: front apt.; Frigidaire on house current; $42,50.__ DOWNTOWN APT.—2nd FLOOR FRONT: attractive: 2 r.. k.. b.: also good for busi ness,_Key in hat store. 508 11th st. n.w. 1023 H ST. S.E—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, private bath, large porch: heat, light, gas. refg,. hot water: adults._ TAKOMA PARK, D. C.—ENTIRE 2nd floor, detached home: newly decorated; 3 rooms, private bath and entrance, oil heat. 4 expos., large yard, shade, garage: unL. $45: express pus. 7135 7th st. n.w._ 237 GALLATIN ST. N.W—2 ROOMS, modern kitchen, bath: gas. elec.; $45. Or 1 rm.. kit., bath. HO. 0396._« CHALFONTE (APARTMENT 5271—TAKE over lease Aug. 1; l room, kitchenette, bath with shower, large dressing room, with inclosed clothes closet: dining room in building; switchboard service. Can be seen Sunday Irom 1-0. • • APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. __ (Continued.) 1 105 N ST. N.VV.—i ROOM KTTPvrrv« e«c and bath; electricity ™d iiSudSC' he*fMrihtKITiCHEN'. EATH: INCLUDING non- i»h!’h,*’Iec- rcfr:2 ;_ 1 st-class Condi. st°nn t/° cbldten. *o2.o0. 1231) Quincy BT. N.W.—:MODERN, COOL 2 n?imVnk,n' bh h; lnclospd porch. Utilitlc* incl. Comer house. Adults. 4024 8th STREET N.E—DUPLEX APT, rflr nnr°ehmsa>,'dlnittc- kl,chpn- hath anti rear porch. Abundant closet apace; *60 00. Open Sunday. , • TtAK°M.A parkz:, room! dinette. Kit., porch, pvt, entrance; cool Quiet; laret lot; Utilities: 82R.00. SH. 2i 16-5 • TAKOMA GARDEN APTS— BRIGHT^AND fi“y; •* WO*-: *4». incl. heat and h. w„ net “ -rm^rmy,suntm.i din., bath; *42 50. S?cl>, htn.s.. kit- bath and a.m.t : near D. C. bus. 6o Elm ave , SII. J2458. THE AUGUSTA. COR. n/ y7 7fc- N! ~j7~AVEsf n.w.—In this beautifully kept downtown corner bide.: :s rms.. k. & b.; front corner, overlooking city; splendid view; clean and modern: Frigidaire on house current; $45; res. mgr. 1/32 N ST N.W-rROOM KITCHEN cUc and bath shower, fireplace; gas elec. refg. incl : $40._ See Janitor. _ PETWORTH. 5004" 7th "sT! n7w.—2 rooms, kitchen, semi-private hath: gas electric..-Frigidaire: couple pref.; $39.50. 2001 N CLEVELAND ST.! ARU^'VA — 1- jVi ,Tmkit., bath. gar., elec, ref*.: *32.oO to qulet^people.^Columbia 6368. BURKE ST. S E —RECREATIONAL ’’eht and gas furnished; adul.s only: no animals: 2 rms. • WOODRIDGE. 2016* MONROE ST N E — Attr. 4 rooms, incl. sleeping porch, bath, nvt. tntr.t adult*._no. 3868. 21st AND G STS N.W—CORNER~APT7 4 rms,. bath, oil heat, Frigidaire- recondi tioned: opp. G. W. U .jGovt, bldgs 1500 MERIDIAN PL N W — FIVE-ROOM 5“JSFf!>'', fl;M floor: oorchesf rent *50 AD0!r 1511 Oak st._n w. • 434 16!h ST. R E—ENTIRE-2nd—FL7T2 rms.. kit., semi-pvt. bath, screened porch; gas. elec, and heat furn LI 3181. IS 9th ST. N.E.. THE DAVMAR—n RMS ' Kitcn.. bath: Ras furn.: *47.50. Resident manager, AT 5050. STUDIO APT.—UNUSUALLY-COOL APT : large living room, fireplace, bedroom, bath, ki chfir Frigidaire- in buildine overlook Inc Rock Creek Park: 2 blocks car and bus lines, Columbia 5562. 4 LARGE ROOM8 BEDROOMS'! ki.ehen, pantry 2 porches, garage: high and graded schools within 2 blocks: heat a"d wa,er: Hth st. car line; $60. OB. “179. • 64 0 LAMONT-ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS? Sf.^hen. bath. 2nd floor, corner home, *3, ,pji.A Qpen 3 to 9 BROOK LAND—3007 7th ST. N.E —THREE rooms, inclosed porch: utilities incl re fnger.. phone: nicely located: $40. POTOMAC AVE, S E -3 RMSt lhk i ^eat, gas- telephone, elec. refriger, tnel.t teas. Lincoln 5946. 213 34th ST. S.E.—1. 2 or 3 rooms! V. 7 vV'ga". -<?1" iV* h ■ p!pc-’ 8as incl., $27.5O-S4g.50.__ AT. 0089-J. 3 705 NORTH - CAPITOL ~St!^2 l7h K. rooms, kitchenette, bath: airv bright; re decorated; utilitiesjncluded: $35.00. • 1646 NEWTON ST. N w_3 RMS-". ,ub.aitb', shower: Frigidaire: insu lated. utilities Inch. $50: adults. CO. 2307. 1338 N. CAPITOL ST . APTS 1 AND ™oom- and bath; papered and painted. Tike Lnc^udlog heat and hot water; price, $o2.50 and $45.00. Apply 65-' H at n e HOWENSTEIN BROS • 3432 CONN AVE N.W —-DESIRABLE 2 rooms, k and b.. newly decorated, only $45 also 3 rms.. k. and b.. only $5t!50 <19 FERN PL. N.W. (NEAR WAITER f***d),—2 rooms, kitchen, bath, mu en trance. heat_light. gas included: adults ~5rmsB kAIRnRP hN SEMI'BASEMENT. orw4Se,i K‘t-- Pv.t* bath: pvt. entrance: bright ?efg : $3i.50Cmonnth. 8as' “,ht> hMt 8nd 1388 TUCKERMAN ST N.W.—2~ ROOMS k,ltphen dinette, bath. $53: gas refg In cluded._See resident manager. n-I3-t?rt SflT„„ S-Eh—ROOMS. BATH; XN cluded^d$.'f(?°per "molk. JiKht. refg : redecorated; adults. • BEDROOMS, LIVING ROOM! DINING room dinette, kitchen, tiled bath- c hV fi5« *-R *UZlTn^ei' "50k m°at Shepherd koma Park 4 L 8 Branch Parkway. Ta TAKOMA—FRONT: tl RMS KTT—m-r ShepherdC'27ro7-w.Cl0SftS:' 5t0ra8P; c°up!e! TAKOMA PARK—NEW - ° ROO\f*T~STTTinir mmums | ^Afi7:rpDh\ST,cdD0n^^y0^-I7^V^ ™m k^Ah J126 N. H. AVE~h'W — ?eETA,CRPp'?EPEp ^7^318-2™ porchf "rem7 SEE OUR COOL. MODERN FIRST-ET~ Wis. ave ~'b' H 11 Dl’ n w ■ cor- 2300 '>10 PARKED N.W—HFfL-•r-RMk~ b-- redecorated^: 7>™1Rovt,C^PY HIGH—2 ROOMS. KIT ! -h,dhe8dth partly PfuIrn!eHobarti;4135at 2- famnytbouse ®ft' fiAT nf' avet1IEW || O- "or iwMinT“ii NortS gJW .nN sertuce*1 ..nblk8away$37Afk‘ D^strictC752^/ MT. RAiNIET. 3110 DATE ST. N E —5 R sts. aKey 3lknJ)UaS:eSt0WA.12t3n84nd •{210 33th ST N.W —LARGE—rmo~ aSdult^arrr^ndeT8d'8aredPnV8'e ™h: ~d:H°hpe| bath;E heatEf7rl Z^re^T^ Call Hoith^O^ sSLfS. S aAn^ gooS iise^ bedr'o^' tVlV^th™^ «r D C “ CRnv:EiCrePoned P0rph- $38 to *4Pf NA. f 73?: ^VcfRjtvp f7R49VeStnlent Bld»'^S~M furnished, reasonable: adults. HO. 5780 DOWNTOWN—3 ROOMS. BATH- FRTGID MARSHAII0rom»ViCe: pe,ps°nable. W. p. A.A.isiiALU 9-9 New York ave. NA. 8067. 4108 14th ST. N.W.. APT T_T Twain ,bn*nR room. 2 bedrooms' front and b-ck Torches, kit., bath. CO 6373 s“. RIGGS ROAD—ELECTRIC KITOmThr' "p"<> ”vln* reom. bSfriom^th’’ ?£ ra-p. reception hall: pvt. entr.: beautiful Rroi;nds:_ncar_U. cfJMd. Berwyn 3‘23-J. • 1400 PA. AVE. S.E.—3 ROOM®; ITT rcTrE”** d?w: ss™ M14 l-Uh ST. N.W. — NEWLY tSf^« hlsh^vard^mi hea'i ~ bedrms.: exclusive; iiikii. yarn, oil neat: red. rent aur. 1. • CLEVELAND PARK —CORNER ADT ~T ixT i^e'Xe^d^rdSir^S ^ ManS^t' !?rc—FIRST FLOOR—6903 8?I.C,2737^: i*’.0/- A 8T s E:—~ ROOMS. KTTCHEN b?*';;. Oden porch: gas. electriictv. heat in cl u ded: con y. loc a tion: reasonable, ki!tchenSInrtLh ,vST, N-F—2 ROOM87 adults" d b ,h: hPat- Kas- electricity; kufhe^V&f^^lTROOMS: refg.: heat included: 845 M i338 AVE N.W.—BEAUTIFUL I room. gRchen, bath, built-in tub and shower: Frigidaire; quite large: S35. 1705 LANIER PLACE N.W.—2nd FLOOR 1 dinette, kitchen, bath. 3 closetg; $47.50,_adults: no pets. 1920 KEARNEY ST. N ErTwOODRIME— fc*r5e r.m • bedroom, dinette, kitchen, ' bath, Frigidaire: cvt. entrance: S50, incl. gas, heat, elec. Adults. DU of24. xi?*6HL57- N.E.—4"'roOM8. KIT., TILS natn, pantry, front porch: auto, heat; Lin|olnta4nC28-JPark: ‘dUltS °Dly; *entllM 5500 Oth ST. N.W—ATTRACTIVE COR ner apt.; 2 rms.. kitchen, bath; $47,50, 1100 25th ST. N.W . WALKING DISTANCE —Dealrable 2 rooms, kitchen dinette; Ire* refg.: bath, screened norch: $40. GEORGETOWN — NEWLY DECORATED ~ ro°ms- kit- dinette. Frigidaire. bath, porch: 2 expos : adults: $38.50. 3241 Nn.w. NR. BLADENSBURG RD . 1829 L ST N E. —2 rooms, newly dec.: kit., dinette, bath. refg.: pvt, playgrounds: $40.50._ _BARGAIN—OPEN 10 TO 1. 91R 4th st. n e.—2 lovely rooms, kit,, private bath; utilities included; $32. ME. 5400. *42.50—045 LONGFELLOW 8t~NW 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, refg.; vacant. fc, SJ3—120 Webster st. n.w.—2 room*, kitchen, bath: refg ; avail. August 1. *45-852.50-—5338 Colorado ave. n w — S.a2!&.? 'oveiy rooms, kitchen, bath: refg. WASHINGTON REALTY. OE 8300 or 4aaa . *42.50—IN WELL-KEPT BUILDINGS: 3 ' rooms, dinette, modern kitchen, bath: Ve netian blinds; adults. 1882 Ontaria ai. or 3024 Wls. ave, n.w. (Continued on Next Pag*.)