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DIRECTORY OF UNFURNISHED APAPTMFNTS j (Continued.) |i4 v ct~nx—“Tims., kit.. iXm Prljidaire. $.'17.5n-$4n. . 61 Randolph pi n.w.—4-5 rms.. kit., bath. Frigidaire. $40-$47.50. INTERSTATE PROPERTIES, INC.. — _ _DI. 0864. V Ftf )^th ST N.W-—2-3 RMS., RECEP. hall. kit., bath. Frigidaire. .-1725 H st. nw.—2 rms., bath: 4 rms., lit., bath. Frigidaire. . 6805 Ga. ave. n.w.—2 rms., din., kit., lath. Murphy bed. Frigidaire. INTERSTATE PROPERTIES. INC., .___DI. 0864.__ WIND VENTILATED BUILDING. r COPLEY COURTS. 1514 17th ST. N.W. Lowest rents in city for comparable ac s> Commodations and inclusive service. Apartment of two rooms with connect », Jng bath, furnished dinette and outside w kitchen. All utilities and switchboard in cluded *n rent of $60.00. » Apartment of one extra large room. foyer, furnished dinette, outside kitchen > and bath—$45.50. * Resident Manager. Telephone Decatur 0300. v 1310 ORREN ST. N.E. 2 rms., din., kit., bath, porch; $35. Gas heat. SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. . ^_1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. ** $35.50—-SPECIAL—$35 50. 1006 K st. s.e.—5 r.. b.. all outside .<* l^ns,; like new;_near Navy Yard:_ 1430 G ST. N.E. _ 2 RMS KIT AND BATH. S3S.50, KELLEY. STEELE & BRANNER. DI 7740. 3219 MT. PLEASANT ST. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $39.50 SHANNON A; LUCHS CO.. ^_1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. 010 L ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, large rec. hall; »'fefrigeration $50. 2501 14th ST N.W. .»• 2 rooms, kitchen dinette, bath, porch; * tefrigeration elevator: $45. w 2503 14th ST. N.W. m 4 rooms, kitchen, bath, porch: refriger t;ttor, elevator: $55 » ‘ 400 EVARTS ST. N.E. * 3 rooms dinette, kitchen, bath: all i Utilities furnished: $61 50. ; P. J. WALSHE, INC., I 1107 Eye St. N.W _ NA. R4t>R. _ * "233 KENTUCKY AVE S.E. 8 Front 3-room apt., bath heat, hot water, jfclec. rcfrg.: like new; $42.50. _ __ ;. 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. * 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, reception hall, large closets; 24-hour elevator and switch bo F rd service _C. A. SNOW CO- 710 8th ST. N.W. f* *2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. ^ Beautiful 3-room, kit and bath apart ment. Located on the corner of the build ing. with exposures to the south, east and north, insuring perfect cross ventilation. It has abundant closet space. You will be pleased with the attractive, modernized building, located on upper 16th at. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. * C. A. SNOW CO.. 710 8th ST. N.W. _ f 3435'R ST. N.W. \ 2 rooms, kitchen, foyer, bath $47.50 MT. VERNON CCRP . NATIONAL 5536. NEW GLOVFR PARK APT : 2655 41st ST. N.W., $55.00. WfSt on Calvert at Wis. Ave. to 41st St., Right to Apt. ** 2 rms.. kitchen, dinette, bath with show F #*r: refg : Venetian blinds, laundry facili ** ties- locker space; cross ventilation. ALL * UTILITIES FURN EXCEPT PHONE. * FLOYD E DAVIS CO^ _ ; “MODERN DUPLEX—$42. i 5515 2nd st. n.w.. Apt. 4—Large. 2 rms., ’ kitchenette and kitchen and bath. 3 expos.. ■ back porch, large yard gas heat: open. ^ H, C. REINER. 1014 K St._NA. 6546. 1429 COL. RD. N.W. $35 00—Living room. 6x0 ft. dressing loom. Murphy bed. dinette, kitchen. RESIDENT MANAGER. CO. 2704-J._ FOR SOLID COMFORT! 2 RMS., K.( $42; 3 RMS., $52. Modern apt. bldg., large cheery rms., huge closets, double exposure. WELLING TCN. 1701 Park id. n.w^ CO. 5769. . DOWNTOWN, NEW BUILDING. Front apartment, 2 rooms, kitchen, di nette and bath with shower. Fireproof, elevator building. Parquet floors, built-in kitchen cabinets, ventilated corridors, etc. Rent includes gas and electricity. $U7.50« BARI ARMS. 1727 R ST. N».W,_ FORD APTS., 624 I3th ST. N.E AIR-COOLED BLDG. $49.50—First-floor, front, apt. Living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath. Gas and refrigeration included. New building. See janitor on premises or call Lincoln §741.__ “NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. Easy walking distance of downtown ac tivities. Large one room with wood-burn ing fireplace and high ceiling: Pullman kitchen and a large modern bathroom: painted walls. A front apartment with afternoon sun. All gas and efectricity included in rent: $50.50. __1717 19th STREET N.W._ NEW BUILDING, 5301 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W-. 1 room, dressing closet kitchen, dinette * nd bath (Murphy bed*. $45. Also Available— 2 bedrooms. living room, dinette, kitchen and bath AIR COOLED—ROOF GARDEN. Rental Includes Gas and Refrigeration. ^ See or Call Res. Mgr., RA. 2014._ j 1708 NEWTON ST. N.W. Quiet location, near Rock Creek Park. .^Cool. corner apt . 3 rms.. kit., bath, $55. R°frieeration Included. 4 THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., Real Estate Dept. National 8080. CORNER APT—$42. 2 rms. kitchen, dinette, porch, Ve netian blinds, refg. 1301 Orren n.e. OTHER CORNER APTS. IN N.W. _ SAM ROSEY, AD. 2700._ 18th AND COL. RD. N.W. 17 89 Lanier place. 0 rooms, kitchen and bath, newly decorated: 7 large closets, re frigeration 2 exposures, screened porch: very cool, quiet, refined atmosphere; con . cession to good Unant. AD. 8789._ THE CRESTHILL, - 1430 Belmont St. N.W. £ rooms, kitchen and bath $40.00 ^B rooms, kit., bath. 2 porches $00.00 f Newly decorated apartments. Elevator and refrigeration included. Res. Mgr.. Adams 3370 J \ THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., < ^ Real Estate I>pt. NA. 8080._ \J MODERN BUILDINGS. THE WHITECROFT. >*> 1301 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. *8 rms., kit., bath, refrigeration $52.00 ** KENYON—1372 KENYON ST. N.W. f'4 rms., kitchen, bath. refg. $50.00 * ’ TOK10—3228 HIATT PL. N.W. AT 15th AND PARK RD. 8 rms., kit., bath, free refg _ $49.50 *1 ATLANTIC—1/05 10th ST. N.W ‘ 1 rm.. kitchen, uath _ $33.50 rms.,' kitchen, bath_40.00 JS rms., kitchen, bath_ 45.00 SUNBURY—1212 M ST. N.W. 1 rm . kit., bat.h, refg. _$37.50 2 rms.. kit., bath, refg-47.50 1207 M ST. N.W. 8 rms.. kit., bath. refg. _$47.00 ATHERTON—2112 F ST. N.W. 1 rm.. kit., bath. refg. $33.50 UNHEATED DUPLEX. £*' 1254 HOLBROOK TERRACE N.E. 4 I rms., kit., bath, porch __$39.50 1211 SIMMS PL. N.E. , 8 rms.. kit., bath, porch__ $39.50 1 1307 CHILDRESS ST. N.E. 8 rms . kit . bath, porch $39.50 FRANCIS A. BLUNDON, t* •_805 H St. N.W.__ <fi9 Sfl 3 ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH. ~-«pu,O.OU 140() pAIRMONT ST. N.W. ' and Corner "apt. with large rooms: - so arranged that it could be SAfi 00 used as a 2-bedroom apartment. Reception hall, large kitchen, free gas. tile bath, light floors. ,, ivory woodwork: 24-hour eleva >, tor and "switchboard service, j . _Res. mgr.. CO. o.’l.'iti._ BRAND-NEW APTS. Only 10 minutes to Washington, con sisting of liv rm.. bedrm.. dinette, kit., bath and finished back norch which can be used as extra room. Heat and hot water furn.: heat controlled by each individual apt.: Venetian blinds, metal kitchen cabi nets. fi-ft. G. E. refg.: $65 per mo. 1 blk. from schools, buses and shopping center. - 1516 17th st. north. Arlington, Va., or tall Chestnut 2850. -- ST THE FLAGLER, * 736 22nd ST. N.W. Convenient Downtown Location. * 1 room and bath . _ $30.00 * 1 room, kitchen and bath $40.00 f Refrigeration, elevator and switchboard f / service Res. Mgr. RE 0692. V THE MARCHETA, PI 121 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. room, kitchen and bath _ . $37.50 rooms kitchen and bath $50.00 Resident Manager. RE 0630 THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., I \ Real Estate Dept. NA. 8080. f T GARDEN VIEW, ' 4673-89 CONDUIT RD. N.W. Close-in 2-room. kit. and bath apts. with ■pacious lawns and free auto Dkg.. $46.50. KELLEY, STEELE & BRANNER. DI. 7740. 5400 7th ST. N.W. 2-r.. k.. b corner apt. Newly deco rated. Rent, $42.50. Apply .Unitor, 21* 2231 BANCROFT PL. N.W. Most desirable neighborhood, accessible to all parts of the city, within walking distance of many. Apt., large living rm., dining room. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2*'* baths, inclosed porch. WALKER & PRESCOTT. INC., 5_Dupont Circle. Realtors._North 5314. 3 EXPOSURES—$52.50. New, modern bldg., overlooking public park; 2 rms.. kit., dinette, bath. Vene tian blinds, ras refg. Rent now and se lect your own w&llpripor, etc. CONCORD MANOR. 5611 5th st. n.w., corner Con cord ave. BRAND-NEW DUPLEXES, HOLBROOK AND QUEEN STS N.E 2 rooms, dinette, sleeping porch, yard. Modern throughout. Oil heat and hot i water furnished. Largest rooms we have ever built. Ready August 1st. STEUART BROS.. INC.. __DI. 24.34—8 to fi P.M._ HOMESTEAD, 812 Jefferson 8t. N.W. Air cooled, gas and elec, included. Eleva tor service and garage. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath $58.50 BRIGHTWOOD COURTS, 5320 8th ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $55 00 Fully insulated, slat doors, painted walls; gas and electricitv included. _ THEO L. HEITMULLER. GE. 8775. _ BRAND-NEW BUILDING. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath. 3 ex posures, Venetian blinds, painted walls, all gas and elec, included In rent: $56.50. Apply 4211 2nd st. n.w. Just north of Upshur street 1326 GIRARD ST. N.W. Front apt .. liv. rm.. bay windows. Are-, place, bedrm.. lg. closets, high ceilings, kit., built-in cabinets, elec refg., built-in bath, shower: free parking. nn 2 rooms kitchen, bath, 3>JU.UU 1400 FAIRMONT ST N.W Large kitchen, free gas. tile bath: plenty closet space: 34 hour elevator and switchboard service See res mRr., MISS _McNeill, co. <>336. _ 1433 K ST. S.E DUPLEX APT 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, screened porch. Available immediately: $37.50. L. T. GRAVATTE, _720 15th St Realtor. NA. 0753._ 119 MASS. AVE. N.W. $35.50—2 rooms, kitchenette and bath: elec. refg.. heat and hot water incl. Key with janitor L. T. GRAVATTE, •_770 15th St._ Realtor. NA. 0753. DUPLEX APT. REDUCED. 4006 KANSAS AVE. N.W. 2 r.. k, dinette, bath: elec. refg.. screened porch; $40. H. I. COLEMAN CO., _1010 Eye St. N.W. ME. 3888.__ “ 1471 IRVING ST. N.W. Desirable apts.: close to transp. and 14th s». shoppins district. 1 rm.. kit., bath, glass incl. porch $35.00 3 rms . kit., hath $45.00 1476 NEWTON ST. N.W. 2 rms., kit., bath, elec. refg. on house current $4 5.00 700 MADISON ST. N.W. Modern bachelor apt. $32.50 1 rm., kit., bath - __$35.00 2 rms., kit., dinette and bath $-*5 00 969 RANDOLPH ST. N.W. Modern 3 rms. kit., hat' $52.50 THE DENVER, 1410 CHAPIN ST. N.W 2 rms., kit., bath: gas, elec. incl. $40.00 4 rms.. bath *55.oo 1410 EUCLID ST. N.W. 5 *org° rms. and bat^ *”5.00 PLANT & GORDON. INC.; 1374 Park Rd N W _CO. 0838. DUPLEX, 3118 13th ST. N.W. 5 rms., bath, porch and yard: h. w.h.: garaee $45.00 5614 7th ST NW. Modern. 4 rms. bath, double rear porch and yard $47.50 PLANT & GORDON, INC . 1374 ParkJld^JLW._CO. 0638 'ecc on 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, poj.uu 3130 FLORIDA AVE. N.W. Spacious, cool apartment In a rv r *«ouiet residential building just - west of Connecticut «ve.; ref erences required: 24-hour eleva tor and switchboard service. See resident manager THE FARNSBORO. North 1537. Downtown, Bachelor—$35. 1625 16th n.w.: convenient to every thing: fine building excellent, location: elevator service. Apply janitor or agent. NA. 6780. 2 RMS., KIT. BATH—$40. 1234 13th st. n.w.—Attractive apt.: h»’f film. *nnl>ier at *50. , DIXIE REALTY CO.. NA. 8880. ESCAPE THE HEAT! rrs cool in takoma park1 SEE THESE MODERN NEW APTS Lawns, trees, model kitchen and baths: choice of 1 or 2 bedrm«. Rentals incl. heat. jan. serv.. garage Some units with diT>«r»s -onm 1103 FLOWER AVE . TAKOMA PK„ MD DIXTE REALTY CO., AGENTS. NA. 8880 __ WO. 9100_ DOWNTOWN APTS. 1737 F at. nw—1 r.. k.. b $38.88 818 22nd st. n.w.—1 rm., k.. b. . $32.50 2134 F st.—2 rms.. kit., bath $37.50 ; 2134 Pa. ave. n.w.—2 r , kit., b. $40.00 2114 Pa. ave. n.w.—2 r.. k.. b. $43.50 2134 F st. n.w.—3 r.. k . b. $45.00 ! DUPLEX BARGAIN. 3142 O st. n.w.—5 rms.. bath : 2nd floor of 2-family flat; front and back porches: $50. CHAS. L. NORRIS, 2135 Pa. Ave. N.W. ME. 2113 3520 10th ST. N.W. Either 2 or 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath. elec, refrigerator and washer: locker: house current; $40 or $47.50. NA. 0257. * 1320 NICHOLSON ST. N.W. New bldg., carpeted halls. 1 and 2 r., k., din., refe.. $38.50-$48 50._ GE. 8300._ BEST VALUE IN fclTY. 1 R„ KIT., BATH, S35. Beautiful suite, in first-class fireproof bldg., elevator, switchboard: Ige. rooms., free refg. 1630 R st. n.w. DU. 6500. 4901 1st N.W. ” 3 rms.. k„ b. screened porch. refg. $47.58 4925 1st N.W. 3 rms., k . b . screened porch, refg. $52.50 Storage and Laundry in Basement. Mgr.. 5051 New Hamp. Ave RA. 2035. i *en nn 2 rooms kitchen, bath •pDU.UU 1819 G ST. N.W anri Two lar*e. bright rooms, tub and shower bath; cross-ventila 00 H°n in bedroom: free gas elec tric and refg.: light oak floors: 24-hour elevator and switch board service. Res. mgr., the MONMOUTH. 1819 G St. N.W. ME. 5630. 5619 1st PL. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath: conv. location to stores and trans $42.58. 846 IRVING ST. N.W. Desirable, newly decorated apt., with lovely, large porch: conveniently located to stores and trans. Allowances made If you have your own refrigerator 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. $43.50. 223 8th ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath, $37.50. 725 2nd ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $.38. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. 1905 KALORAMA RD. N.W. Modern 1-rm., kit., bath apartment: I utilities included: $40. Call RA. 2876._ WALK TO WORK. 1616 16th: ST. 2 BEDROOMS. Living Room. Kitchen. Dinette. Tiled Bath with Shower. Southwest Corner Aot. $67.50. Slat Doors. Carpeted Corridors. 24-Hr. Elevator & Switchboard Service. Decatur 1600. MARK WINKLER. Republic 1422. 1230 HOLBROOK TERTNl New: 3 rms., kit., din., bath, $.51.50: includes h.. h.-w,. refrigerator: stippled painted walls: other ants, at $42.50: nr. stores and trans. HAMILTON CON3TRUC TION CO.. 1524 P st. n.e. AT. 2036._ NEW BLDG., AVAIL. AUG. 1. 1316-1320 C at. s.e.—Modern apts., 2 nice site rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath; gas heat. $32.50 and $35.00. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO., 733 12th St. N.W._NA. 0352. 4936 WISCONSIN AVE. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. elec, refg., with or without double garage. GUARANTY REALTY, INC., 1706 K St. N.W._National 0567. CATHOLIC UNIV. SEC., 1035 PERRY, COR. 12th, N.E. 2 RMS. KIT. AND BATH. $39.50. SEE RES MOR. PHONE MICHIGAN 2994. 432 EVARTS ST. N.E., Apt. 4. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, screened porch and bath: gas heat. Open. $39.50. B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100. 025 15th St. N.W. A TALK O’ THE TOWN. LARGE DOWNTOWN APTS. AMAZINGLY LOW RATES. Modern, fireproof. 7-story, elev., switch bd. bldg.: looms Urge, bright, grand views: »!1 off main hall: big closets: 4-5 rms., kit., bath. $57-$70; save rent by subletting lew rooms_1015 N st. n.w. ^O. 4776. 19x20-FT. LIVING ROOMS ARE IN THE WINCHESTER PLAZA, JUST BEING COMPLETED. NEW BLDG.—6501 14th ST., 1 BLOCK OFF lbth AT UNDERWOOD. 1 room. 10x30 ft.: kitchen, bath $45 00 1 room. Rollaway bed. grill, ref._$37.50 Closets You Can Walk Into. ELEVATOR GAS AND ELECTRICITY FURNISHED Open and Lighted Until 10 P.M Resident Manager—Apt 103. SHAPIRO, INC., DUPONT 7777. BETHESDA APARTMENTS. BRAND-NEW—4515 AVONDALE ST, Just East of 7000 Block Wls. Ave. 3 rms. kit., bath refg., porch_ $55.00 4535 AVONDALE ST. 3 rms.. kit. bath, refg. _ $56.50 4005 HAMPDEN LANE. 3 rms.. kit., bath. refg. $40.50 OPEN FOR INSPECTION. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON, _805 H St. N.W. LOOK! 6301 16th ST. N.W. 3 beautiful rooms, kitchen, dinette, refg.. plentiful closets, paneled walls. Venetian blinds carpeted corridors: only $00: re frigeration. electricity, gas Included. ^WASHINGTON REALTY CO., GE. $300. 7019 GEORGIA AVE., Opposite Walter Reed Hospital. 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and Inclosed sun porch $53.50 3 rooms <3 bedrooms), kitchen, di nette a"d bath $63.50 4425 14th ST. N.W. 2 rooms kitchen and bath $42.50 Refrigeration on H. C. Janitor Service. 2504 10th ST. N.E. 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $43.00 Refrigeration on House Current. Res Mar 1036 2520 10th ST. N.E. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $4(1.50 Refrigeration on House. E. M. WILLIS & SONS. $10 Investment Bldg. National 7470. THE COLORADO, 1353 LONGFELLOW ST N W 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. $55.00. Elec, refg on house. Convenient to school*, stores and transportation L E. BREUNINGER & SONS. _1700_ K St. N.W._NA. 2040. CONVENIENT TO NAVY YARD. 529 G ST. S.E. 3 r., k. and b. $13.50 3 r.. k din. r . h. and b $50.00 _ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. 2151 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Two bedrooms and bath, combination living room and dining room, large foyer with fireplace, kitchen, pantry and back porch ample closet space: :i exposures. Rental, $85 ‘ncl”d n<» all utilities. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., _L510 K St. N.W. District 10J 5. MODERN APTS. NR NAVY YD. 726 11th S.E., No. 3, $30.00. 2 Romps. K’t . Path. P^rch. Arro’a He»t. ! 760 12th ST. S.E., $42.50. j Apt. No 3—3 rms <2 bedrms.). kit., di- I nette. bath with shower, screened porch. ' refg ; gas heater; redecorated. Key No. 4. i FLOYD E DAVTS CO _733 12th St. N.W._ National_0352._ 2451 18th ST. N.W. 2 and 3 rm. kit. bath apts.; redecorated, heated; 835 iin 3155 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W. j Apts, of 2 and 4 rms, kit. and bath, refg.. neated Apoly janitor. $35 up. FLOYD E DAVTS CO, _733 12th St. N.W_National 0352. GLOVER PARK DUPLEX 2504 41st N.W., No. 1, $55.00. Modern apt.. 2 rms . kit . dinette, bath with shower, screened porch, relg . Vene tian blinds, iocker space HEAT. HOT WATER FURN. FLOYD E DAVIS CO, 733 12th St_N W National 0352. 5912 " 9th ST. N.W.; $47^ Marietta Park duplex—2 rms., kit., lge. din, tile bath with shower, inclosed rear porch, refg . gas heat. Ooen for inspection. FLCYD E DAVIS CO. 733 J2th SL_NAV._National_0352._ 5741 COLORADO AVE. N.W. AIR COOLED 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and $55 00; New. modern building; Venetian blinds, built-in bookcases, carpeted halls, tiled baths with shower. Gas for cooking, re frigeration and electricity included in r*nt. Large fenced-in yard for children Very convenient to stores, churches, schools, etc. Sc? Manager in Apt 106. Open and Lighted Eves. HENRY J ROBB INC. 1024 Vermont Ave._District 8141. SO 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. DINETTE AND BATH. Rent includes elec and ref? : convenient to all shopping and theaters: 10-minute bus service downtown: Conn ave. choice residential section elevators. Res.' mer, EM. 8719. _ 1410 IRVING ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath $30.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO, _1505 H St. N.W._National 2345. THE ARGONNE, 1629 COLUMBIA RD. Unusual apart., with 3 exposures. 2 bed rooms. living room, dining room. hall, kitchen, bath; in upper 16th st. Embassy section _For Information._Call CO. 4635._ SPECIAL OFFER! Modern Downtown Apts. LOW-CUT RENTS. Fireproof bldg.: 24-hour swltchbd . elev. service: free refg : foyer, huge living rm, kit., bath. $35: choice corner apt.. 2 rms, kit . bath., hall. $55: cozy bachelor apt.. $30. _T°uraine.1630 R st. n.w. DU. 6500. 5408 1st PL. N.W., Faring New Hampshire ave. Spacious, modern, 2 bedrooms: liv. rm . kitchen, dinette, bath with shower. $59.50. 1 bedroom apt.. $52.50. Studo apt., $30. Exceptional closet space: painted walls: ventilated doors; heat, hot water. Manager. THE STANLEY, 1411 HARVARD ST. N.W. $42 50 - rooms* kitchen, bath, dinette and rear Dorch. C A. SNOW CO.. 710 Sth ST. N.W. Krt ROOMS, KITCHEN H- BATH. 3150 lflth ST. N.W. Corner Lamont st.: big. bright rooms, large dinette: new apart ment building, with 24-hour ele vator service: parquet floors. Venetian blinds throughout: gas. electricity and refrigeration in cluded in rent. 8ee res. mgr., __ MRS. FORS YTHE.HO^ 2122._ 4630 New Hamp. Ave. N.W., Apt. 2. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and screened porch; gas heat. Key at premises. $38.50. (Elec. Refrigeration at *2 00 Increase.) B. F. SAUL COMPANY, 025 15th St._NA. 2100. *nm fBIB-COHDITIONEO \ ; ^£SSS&, B| 21 You're bound to be cool. Relax on our roof deck. Ventilating fans in kitchens. 4 Feu Choice Snitet Remain. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath. Rents Include All Cm and Elec. *48“ & *67“ OPEN Ur INSPECTION uuumomj£l^mmmm^mmm^mmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmm^^btmuuum i VERY DESIRABLE APT. . 249 Oglethorpe n.w.. Apt. 4—2 rms.. din., kit., bath, shower; large rorch: lac ing park. Heat, hot water, relg.; adults. Express bus__RA. R35B.___ DOWNTOWN, $32.50. 427 4th st. n w„ across from park—3 rms.. bath: redec.; h.-w.h. Taylor 1524. CONN. AVE.—3221. 2 R.. K.. B„ Shower. Dlnette. Elev., *49.50. " 1216 10th ST. N.W. Bachelor apt.. $23: 1 and 2 rms., kit., bath. Frigidafre on house. $32.50-845._ DUPLEX APTS., COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT. 2001 2nd ST. N.E. 216 T ST. N.E. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath with shower, fully screened. Including rear porch; awnings, terraced lawns with gar den furniture, shade trees and shrubbery. Convenient transportation, near schools and churches. Complete Janitor service. Heat and hot water furnished. *47.50 and *52.50. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY. UNTIL 9 P.M. PF^TDEN’’’ manager "n Premls-s. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., 1519 K 8t. N.W.___PI. 1015, COTTAGE CITY. MD. 2R Barney Bt 2 rms - kit., bath din., norch: heat and hot water lurn. Key in apt. 3 *45.00 R. V. MARCERON, _ fi 13 15th St. N.W._ NA. B5RR. APARTMENT* AT THE ALBAN. 3715 Wood’ev rd.—5 r.. b.. elec, refrg.. $60. JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., 014 G St. N.W DI. 3550._ NEAR GOVT." PRINTING" OFFICE. Attractive apt house: 2 rms.. kitchen. 1 bath; newly redecorated: all utilities furn. PRICE, $35 TO $42.50. Sp® Janitor. 25 M St. N.W. FIDELITY MORTGAGE INVESTMENT CO., 1105 £ N.W. NA. 2431. SUMMER SPECIAL. 2000 16th ST. N.W. 24-HR. ELEVATOR SERVICE. ELEC AND GAS INCLUDED. 2 rms.. kttchrnette and bath *40 See Mrs. Neal. res. mgr., or call DE. 7RK5-J. . _ _ 2404 14th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $42.30 SHANNON <fc LUCHS CO . _1305 H St_N.W._National 23j5- ! NEW BUILDING MONTE VISTA, 39th AND DAVIS PL. N.W 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. living room. Jr. dlnine room and kitchen. $83 Light and aas included Resident man aMrs Bierman EM 0390. WEAVER BROS., INC. DI. 8300. ! THERE’S COOL BEAUTY IN THIS 3-RM.. K. AND B APT Garden view. 3 exposures, near river. > lake and hills, 4569 Conduit rd n.w. Spacious lawns, free auto ok™ KELLEY, ! STEELE * BRANNER. DI 7740. f HOUSES FOR RENT With Apartment Advantages ^ Only a large-scale development like Skyland could offer such serv ices and popular prices Livine room, dining room and kit. on 1st floor. 2 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor Ample (J/J1 f\(\ closet space. As low as 3DJ*T Hr Apartment I/chted Until 9 P M. and fi. tftth A Good Hope Kd. 8. ML For Information Call AT. >400 TO INSPECT: Drive eut Pennsylvania V Avenue t. E.. te lllh St., turn right nne f 7 (Mtinut #n stress llth Street Bridge te \ / first traffic light, turn left ca Geed I 1 Ham Bend, felles te teg ef hill / f* 25th ** C' \t-3ss-—,r\ Sfii*->»-\ \ Tiisp-J Sulgrave Manor 5130 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Modern elevator building with electric refrigeration on house current, secretarial switchboard 2 rooms, kitchen. EA end enclosed porch Jtn 1 Sill dinette, foyer, bath ■ ••• Resident Manager Woodley 4133 B. F. SAUL CO. 023 13th St. N.W. NA. 2100 V4LLEY VISTA 2032 Belmont Rd. Overlooking Rock Creek Park One of Washington’s smart apartment buildings located in the exclusive Belmont Road section, just off Con necticut Avenue. Dining room, Valet Shop, Beauty Shop and Drug Store. Living room, dressing room, dinette, kitchen, bath, in closed porch with bed, south ern exposure. $52.50. Living room, Murphy bed, dressing room, large bed room, dinette, kitchen and bath. Overlooking Rock Creek. $67.50. Foyer, living room, jr. din ing room with double expos ure, dressing room, one and two bedrooms, kitchen, bath and inclosed porch, overlook ing Rock Creek Park. $75.00 And $82.50. Washington Management Corp. As sat HObsrt <00t THE NORWOOD, 134.1 East Capitol st.. Apt. 14—5 rooms, reception hall,_bath;_elec._refa.:_$45.00. 'if) 2 ROOMS. KIT. AND BATH, $04.DU DINETTE AND SCREEN PORCH. 4007 CONN. AVE. Elec., gas and refg. Included In rent; beautiful apt. in Wash ington's best res. section, cor ner Conn: ave. and Tllden st.: 34-hour elevator and secretarial __ service._Res. mgr WO. 0.135. 5740 COLORADO AVE. N.W. iSnuth of 13th and Nicholson Sts. N.W.I. Modern building: gas refrigeration; car peted hails and stairs. 1 room, kitchen and bath. $45.00. Resident Manager. RA. 5080. B. F. SAUL CO., »25 15th 8t. N W. NA. 3100. SLEEPING PORCH APTS7 SHORT WALK TO OFFICE. Close downtown; modern bldg., in beau tiful sylvan setting: huge living rm.. di fit-, dress rm.. Murphy bed. bath. *40: with sleeping porch. *47.50; spacious apt of 4 rms.. porch, huge closets. *70: light and refg free._ 3514 Que st. n w. SLEEPING PORCH APTS. 4 RMS., $52; 5 RMS., $65. De luxe modern n.w. bldg ; convenient to everything: large rms. Argyle Apts., cor. l*7th and Park rd. n.w. CO. 1183 NEAR UNION STATION. GRAND 4-RM. APT., $35. Modern bldg.: large, bright rms.. newly redecorated Big value. _MF. ruin AT THOMAS CIRCLE. 1 RM., K., $37; 2 RMS., $45. Modern elev. api bldg.: large, bright rooms, big closets.BLATR. l.V.M M st. B.W. $62.50—THE ROYDON, 1010 R ST. N.W. Exeellent Downtown t.ocatton. Attractive unit, comnletelv redecorated: eler. relg.. elev. and switchboard: three ex posures: resident manager. 3 Rooms. Foyer Kit. and Bath. American Security & Trust Co., 15th and Pa. Ave. N.W. NA. 4815. THE RITZ, 1 031 EUCLID ST. N W. Large Family Apartments. *75 and *85. fl and 4 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath apartments. Refrigeration on house current. A modern elevator building, convenient to stores, schools and transportation. At tractive apartments. Venetian b’inds. Resident Manager. CO. Hr204. American Security & Trust Co., _ NA. 4ft 15. *35—TWO RMS . KIT AND BATH—*35? Comnletelv Redecorate-1 ;ir H St N.W. CHAS. D. SAGER, NA. 0036. The L'Enfont 1731 28th ST. S.E. Live Where Cool" Electric refrigeration. Venetian blinds, carpeted halls. Gas in cluded in rent. Practically new building. Resident manager. One room, kitchen, dinette ond bath. Murphy bed. $40.50 Two rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $52.50 B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 2100 2900 Conn. Ave. * i 2 rooms, k i t c h p n ond both_$3250 up ' ' 3 rooms, k i t c b ^ ond • bain_$70 to 585 Electric Refrigeration Elevator Switchboard Resident Manager H. G. SMITHY CO. [in t^m si. w. w. HA. MM New Air-Cooled Skyline Towers 2730 Wisconsin Aye. Two and three $70.50 rooms, kitchen ♦«* and bath $97.50 All Utilities and Secretarial Service Included. Res. Mir.. EM 8100. Alio Towers 3208 Wisconsin Ave. (Opposite The Cathedral) On., two and $45.00 three room*. (|> kitchen. dininc C7C AT) alcove and bath Macomb Cardens 3*35 Macomb St. N.W'. One. two. thrfe $47.50 rooms. kitchen. dinina alcove and $g5 QQ The Gelmont 1835 3rd St. N.E. One and two $42.50 rooms, kitchen. tn dinette, bath $55.00 All Utilities Included in Rental. Apply Apt. J. PE. 2800. Weaver Bro9.f /nc.WH _PIst. 8300 _ ’Round the Town Apartment Values NEW AIR-COOLED BUILDING TAYLOR TOWERS 4021 Ninth St. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, dinette, bath, large foyer and dressing closet $51.5(1 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath, large foyer and large closets. $82.50 Gas. electricity and refrigeration included in rent. Ventilating Fans in Kitchens. Slat Doors. Resident Manager. MRS LEONARD RAndolph 8433. GUDE COURTS. 928-32 Montgomery Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath.' inclosed porch $81.50 Light and gas included in rental. Res. Mgr., MRS. REED, SH. 41118. 2812 Connecticut Ave. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and screened porch, newly decorated_$70.00 2501 Calvert St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $65.00 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch $90.00 BLAIR PARK APTS. 7819-23 Eastern Ave. (To the right of Georgia Avenue at Dittrict Line> 2 rooms, kitchen, dining al cove and bath $51.00 Carpeted halls, elevator service, laundry facilities, recreation room. Res. Mgr.. MRS. CUPPETT. Apt. No. 5 7823 Eastern Ave. SH. 4962. THE 8EDGEWICK, 1722 19th St. N.W. Living room. kit. and bath $39.50 2 rms.. kitchen and bath_$48.50 Refrigeration on house current. Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Miller. DU. 3780 THE FAIRFAX 1200 East Capitol St. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath $47.50 3101 Penna. Ave. S.E. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath $52.50 THE NORMANDIE 6817 Georgia Ave 2 rooms, large foyer, dinette. kitchen and bath $61 50 Light and gas Included In rent Res. Mgr.. Mrs. McGovern, GE. 5900, APARTMENTS OPEN DAILY AND EVENING FOR INSPECTION WEAVER Dist. BROS INC Wash. 8300 REALTORS Sleeping Porch Apts. SILVER SPRING. I. 2 AND 3 BEDRM8. MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO.. _7008 Georgia Ave, Shepherd 5100._ HIGHEST RIDGE IN CITY. Opposite National Cathedral, 3010 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. New bullt-tn kitchen cabinets, latest style, all-white Detroit Jewel stoves with heat control and new linoleum; two rooms, furnished di nette. kitchen and bath with show er; free Prigldalre; elevator. Res. mgr.. Apt. 102. Large rooms, plenty closet space. J. C. WEEDON CO 1727 K St. ILW. ME. 3011. FT. DAVIS APT.," OVERLOOKING THE NATION S CAPITAL. 3867-71 ALABAMA AVE. S.E. •- rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and foyer. | $55.50; eas and electrtcitv included m rental. Res. mgr., Mrs. Klingsohr. AT. 55o:t WEAVER BROS., INC., DL_8300. AIR CONDITIONED. RENTAL INCLUDES ELECTRICITY FOR COOKING. LIGHTING AND REFRIGERATION. THE EMPIRE, 2000 F ST. N.W. $02.50—Living room dressing room with Murphy bed. combination sunroom and dining room kitchen and bath. Resident manager, Republic "OHl. HIGHTOWERS, 15.10 lrtth ST N.W. $8*2.50—Front apt., living room, bay solarium, bedroom, kitchen and bath. August 1. ResMent Manage*-. Michigan 6565. Features of Both Buildings: All electric kitchen, carpeted corridors. Venetian blinds, painted wails, parquet floors. 1404 K. C A FRITZ PI. 9080. PARK VIEW, OUT MASS AVE. WAY. MiM»i Fulton st. n.w.—*2 rms.. kit. and bath. $60 See res mgr Phone EM. 5741. 762 PRINCETON PL. N.W., Apt. 3—$43.50. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, bath; ' gas heat, electric refrigeration; screened rear porch. Open B. F. SAUL CO., _0*25 15th 8t._NA.J! 100. Located only a few blocks from the central retail business and theater section. Suites with in closed porches, latest type kitchen equipment, painted walls and hardwood floors, 24-hour elevator and switchboard serv ice. Rents include gas for cook ing and refrigeration. Apartments consisting of recep tion hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, inclosed porch. $52.50 to $65.00 In. Mrr. NA. 9«8;i Washington Management Corporation 7033 Belmont Road N.W. 4710 Edgemoor Lane Bethesda, Md. Live In cool suburb of Eagemoor in modern bldg, close to theaters churches, schools, stores and recre ation facilities. Excellent trans portation. ample parking. 2 and :\ rooms, kitchen, dinette, foyer and bath_ __ S49.50 u 1842 16th St. N.W. Live on fashionable 10th St.— Front apt consisting of 4 rooms, kitchen, bath and enclosed porch $70.09 1650 Fuller St. N.W. ■'< rooms kitchen. b»th and porch N«ar 16th and Euclid $52.50 The Cordova 20th & Florida Avc. N.W. rms., kit.. Oath $55.09 El*c.. refg. incl. in rent. Elevator, switchboard • Spacious rooms, cool and delight ful roof garden, refined atmosphere convenient to stores and transro. ration. Park Manor 3039 Qua St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Near stores and transportation $42.50 THE OLIVER 2217 14th St. N.W. 4 rms . kit., bath, rear porch, elec, refrigerator $50.00 R. MARBURY STAMP & CO. 212 Southern Buildir.* Oi»t. 8157 APARTMENT DIRECTORY $30 to $65 Including Refrigeration 214 Man. Ave. N.E. 1 room and bath. 1 and 2 rooms, kit., bath, dressing closet. 2 rooms, junior din ing room, foyer, kitchen and bath. $32.50 to $55.00 Elevator A Elec. Refrigeration Claiborne 518 H Street N.W. 2 rooms and bath. 4 and 5 rooms, kitchen and bath. $37.50 to $47.50 Electric Refrioeratwn 1206 10th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kit. and bath. $45 and $52.50 Including Refrigeration 1661 Park Road N.W. 2 rooms kitchen and bath $45 and $47.50 Electric Refrigeration 1440 Rhode Island Are. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $55 to $70.00 Electric refrigeration STERLING 1915 Qalvert St. N.W. 4 and ft rooms, kit. it bath.. $62.50 and $65.00 Electric Refrigeration 2426 19th Street N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $80 and $90 Including Refrigeration HAMMOND COURTS 30th and Q Sts. N.W. ft rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. •WASHINGTON tOAN • AND TRV5T -COMPANY mo r Street N.W. mental Dew. NA. 8440 DUPLEX—GLOVER PARK. .Apt. 4. 2213 40th st. n.w.—2 rooms, dinette, kitchen. b»th and screened porch. «*l«osures. $42. J. C. WEEDON CO., 1727 K n.w. ME. .2011. DUPLEX—GLOVER PARK. HEAT FURNISHED. Ant. 4. .2000 Edmunds st. n w.—2 rooms, dinette, electric kitchen, bath and large screened porch; refrigerator; full basement; laundry lockers; *51.50. J. C. WEEDON CO., 1727 K n.w. ME. .2011. DUPLEX APTS. 2821 7th ST. N.E. 2 rms., kit., din . ba., scr. porch. *10.50. Heat and hot water furn. Elec. refrigerator 2109 R ST S.E 2 rms., kit., din., ba.. scr. porch. *40. Heat and hot water furn. Elec, refrigerator. SHANNON Ac LUCHS CO . _1505 H St. N.W. _National 2.245. THE GELHAVE, 405 10th St. N.E. 1 Room, Kitchen and Bath, $.25. 2 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath. *47.50 Elec. Ref;, on H. C. Res. Mgr., PR. 0,249. L. E. BREUNINOER Ac SONS. 17.20 K St. N.W. National 2040. 5119 2nd ST. N.W., APT. 1. Two rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and porch. Refrigeration. Heat furnished. Key at Apt. 2. $47.00. B. F, SAUL CO., 925 15th St. N.W. NA._2100._ 1772 COLUMBIA RD. N.W: . 3 RMS , KIT AND BATH. *30 50 KEI.LEY. STEELE Ac BRANNER. DI 7740. Davenport T errace 4800 Connecticut Ave. A croup of four—5-story building* with spacious ground*—safe for children—schools nearby. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $50.00 to $57.50 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $62.50 to $69.50 Resident Manager. Emerson 1012 Apartment 701 Otis Place N.W. Economical Cool Convenient Only one apartment left Has two bedrooms, living room kitchen fully equipped. Wertinihnuse refrigerator, painted walls, tiled bath with shower. Venetian blinds, copper screens, fullv insulated gas range, insulated roof, laundry facilities Convenient to street car and bus. shopping center, school Mutt be teen to be appreciated f FORELANl X 2nd & A St*. N.E. ^ 1 Room. Kicthen. Foyer & Bath. Refrigeration included See Janitor. $37.50 Up i L F. Eliot Middleton / \ 205 Investment Bldg. M Rep. 1181. M $52.50 to $54.50 Includes Gas for Cookfnf * Refs. One & Two Bedrooms Foyer, liv. rm.. din., kit., bath. Parquet floor?, vent. fans. Inriner M**’ anip,e Uondry facili Cool, shady lawns surround R FIREPROOF INSULATED Rnildinfs. Cross ventilation in every apt. 5051 New Hemp. Ave. 2nd Bide from Gallatin St. Res. Mrr.. Miss Corbett. BA. 2».i.y Only 15 min. to downtown hr auto. Duplex Apartments 4001 to 4029 9th St. N.E. 2 and 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, elec, refg., $42.50 to $55.00. 3918 W St. N.W. Apt. 2—3 rooms, dinette, kitch en, bath and screened porch. Refrigeration and heat included in rent, $62.50. 2209 & 2211 40th St. N.W 2 and 3 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, elec, refg., $42.50 and $50.00. 4024 8th St. N.E. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, di nette, bath and screened porch _$50 to $62.50 1620 B St. N.E. Apt. 2—3 rooms, dinette, kitchen, tiled bath with shower, private yard, and screened porch, $45.00. Key at Apt. 1, 1618 B St. All Above Apts. Have Screened Porches BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K N.W. NAtl. 9300 4226 7th ST., COR. VARNUM. _»"<1 * rooms, modern. laulated: re rrlgeratlon, near Grant circle; reas. rental*. Inquire Janitor or phone GE. 3560. • SIBLEY, 15 M ST. N-Wi r.^. rooms, kitchen and bath. ?39.60i refrigerator. See res. mgr.. Apt. 11. _j- C. WEEDON CO . ME 3011. 2138 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. -Km! kAB.lnSd bJU>t WMt C0nn' V* PETWORTH—CORNER. -CHOICE C-RM AND KIT. APT. „ „ r?f11 Courts. Del* field pi., cor. 3rd st. u rD*ltd„ c,>rridors. recreation room, ^uinnrr room, heat nnd hot water included. >*7.50. See res._n,gr Phone RA. 5017. | K€ I t * $ 2700 QUE Street N.W. ? dl C. J. LANK8. Manager. 4 j I room, dinette, kitchen, both * J (some with porch), $42.50 to $50.00 J * 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, both 4 * (some with porch)_$55 to $67.50 4 t4 rooms, reception hall, kitchen, J bath, lorge screened porch $100. 4 •4r Rent Include* gas. light, relrlgera- 4 tion. secretarial, phone service 4. * Your Inspection Invited 4 rJ. X 11 i A460 4 The Beautiful New CENTURY 2651 16th St. N.W. (Corner of Fuller St.) 1 room, dressing room, dinette* kitchen and bath. 2 rooms, jr. dining room, kitchen and bath. Rentals include electricity for light ing. cooking, refrigeration, etc.* secretarial phone service. Resident Manager, AD. 2000 BOSS & PHELPS HIT K N.W. NAtL *30# Downtown Apartments (Just South of Pennsylvania Ave.) 2515 K Street N.W. Completely Air-Conditioned One room, kitchen, dinette, dressing closet and bath. $52.50 Two rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath. $65.00 Resident Manaaer, DI. “fWift 1010 25th Street N.W. One room, kitchen, dinette, dressing room and bath. $45.00 Two rooms, kitchen, dinette, foyer and bath. $60.00 Resident Manaaer, ME. 2*52 Gas, electricity and refrigeration included in rent in both build ings. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St N.W NA. 210# CHOICE APARTMENTS The Lorelei 6024 8th St. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen ond both, Venetian blinds, electric refrigeration. Reasonable rental. 330 R. I. Ave. N.l. Desirable 2-room, kitchen and bath opts.; refrigeration on house current. Rentals, $40 month. 1440 N St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; gas, electricity, heat and hot water included in rent. $40. BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K N.W. NAt. 9300 AIR-CONDITIONED An ultramodern apartment with year-’round built-in air-conditlonlna. with outside air filtered and passed over temperators in each room with occupants con trolling Individual room temperatures by means of thermostats, in warm weather from a plant capable of producing the equivalent of 150 tons of ice par day. Added features of club room, delightful roof terrace and garage in building. Display apartment by M. Lipnick. »wi., 5900 A Distinclive Address Apartments available for Army, A few apartments with large attrae- Navy, Diplomatic Certs and a live living room, dining alcove, bed- trlrri.d ,1," room, many unusually large closets. seieciea clientele. modern kitchen and bath. $77.60, $79.50 up. All Rentals Include Qua. Eectrieltv , and Secretarial Service. (Continued on Next Ps«e.)