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DIRECTORY OF UN.FI JRNISHFD APARTMENTS ___(Continued.) DUPLEX APARTMENTS *5000 Two rooms, kitchen, dinette ana bath with shower. Large con i crete screened porch; use ul yard; rent includes heat, hot water and janitor service. RANDOLPH STREET N.W. 2222 Que St. Modern, fireproof, overlooking Fork Creek Park, jusl west of Mass. Ave. Cargo rooms, built-in shower. Ele vator. 4 Rooms, Kitchen ond 2 Baths $87.50 to $105.00 T R I B B Y fiI2 Evans Buildinr DI. 477*. 1909 B St. N.E. 2 rms.. kit., dinette, bath and screened DOrch. cElectric kitch en) __$45.50 8417 Maple Ave. Silver Spring, Md. 1 bedrooms living room, dinette, kitchen, bath and screened porch. $00.00 4017 7th St. N.E. $ rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath Rnd screened porch, reduced to $55.00 5256 44th St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and screened porch $17.50 322 Delafield PI. N.W. S rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and Porch . $17.50 5100 North Capitol St. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 318 Delafield PI. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and norch. $17.50 4804 3rd St. N.W. 2 rms., kitchen, bath, porch $17.50 Wm. H. Saunders Co. INC. 1519 K St. N.W. District 1015 lL?3CLO' I V SIXTEENTH STREET Applications jor Fall Rentals note bring received <"VrODERN home-like apart menls, furnished and un furnished, of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath to town house unifb of 7 rooms, including 2 and 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, living room, out side porch, dining room, kitchen and butler's pantry. Hotel serv ice and appointments. Beautiful dining room and cocktail lounge. A few apartments now arailabla for immediate occupancy Phont Columbia 7200 Ktchard S. Butler, Mir. Smbsn •ff- Beautiful Private Gardeni (S for Use of Tenants. ra 5 room,, kitchen, bath, $80.00 I 3 exposures _ ® 4 rooms, kit. solari I urn. Hi oath., 8 <H5 00 exposures 24-Hour Switchboard Service Garage in Building Resident Manager, WO. 5334 2 Bedrooms. Foyer. Lhr- j inr Room, Dinette* / . Kitchen A Bath. New / condition. / j $80 / / 3 Room*. Kit. & / Ow / Bath. *59.50. / / '•'•/i/ •/$/ j ADm / Mt. pleasant / 'W / cars and bus W * / line less than / ^ / block away 21 / hr. elevator service / II4 /Secretarial telephone / 1/ / Laundry room. Re / Ua’ / friaeration on house r / current. Convenient to ’V. / atorcs and theater. ^ / RESIDENT MANAGER 4707 Corner CONN. AVE. **Vtreet Large living room, foyer, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch. One bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath. Two bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and both. Outside apartments, all large rooms, plenty of closet space, screened porches. (Also a 1-bedroom furnished apt.) 21-hour elevator and switchboard service, carpeted corridors, attrae churehes. schools, stores and trans portation. All electricity on bouse current. Resident Manager. Em. 6800 Modern Duplex Apts. 1369 NICHOLSON ST. N.W., No. 3 M rm*. <!i bedroom*), kitchen, di nette. tile bath with (hower. 3 exposure*: openi .19 .Ml. 4721 3rd PL. N.W., No. 1 •j room*, kitchen, dinette and bath. .38. 6612 14th ST. N.W., No. 2 rooms* kitchen, dinette and bath, Venetian blinds* S40.A0. 3912 YUMA ST. N.W., No. 3 3 room* CZ bedroom*), kitchen, di nette and bath, .53. 711 RANDOLPH ST. N.E., No. 3 'l rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath, $10. Above ants, have screened porchea and larae rear yards. Floyd E. Davis Co. 133 1-th St. N.W. NA. 0.3.Vi Available August 1st A BETTER DUPLEX FIRST SHOWING 48 Apartments—16 Rented 1332-76 BRYANT ST. N.E. 2 large rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath, screened rear porch, refrigerator. Only Large rear yard. Southern Exposure, Convenient to new shopping center, street cart and buses. Representative on Premises Drive out Rhode Island Are. N.E.. south on Brentwood Road to Bryant St. Iadjoining Brentwood Village/. J. DALLAS GRADY & SON 1104 Vt. Ave. N.W. Diet. 37SO Now Available in This Distinguished Apartment Residence One 1-room apt., consisting of living rm., dressing rm., bath, din. alcove and kit. Eastern exposure. One 2-room apt., consisting o/ living room with in-a door bed, bedroom, large dining alcove, kitchen and bath. Rentals Include Secretarial Telephone Service. Elee.. Elec. Reft, and Gai \ M&NNEEY-WA1RIREN W'ashington’s First Air-Cooled Apartment 3133 Connecticut Ave. ADams 960( Dining Room Garage HI llllll VILLAGE 1831 Summit Place, Northwest (One Block 0(1 Harvard Street) Ready For Inspection Reservations Being Made For August 1st Occupancy FEATURES: —Painted Wall* —Venetian Blinds —Fully Insulated Gas Ranges —NORGE Refrigerator —Tiled Baths with shower —Parquet Floors —Copper Screens —Laundry Facilities —Bus and Street Cars nearby —Shopping Districts within few blocks —Close to Schools and Churches —Cross Venti lotion —Kohler Cabinet Sinks —Insulated Roof Directions: From ISth st. tfcest on Harvard to 18th, left on 18th st. to Summit, one half block to building. OVERLOOKING . ROCK CREEK PARK A Delightfully Different Place to Live Economically and Comfortably *5750 to $6250 Electricity, Gas and Refrigeration Included At no other time In the history of apartment house development does your rental outlay bring greater returns. This lovely Colonial Apartment protect— HARVARD VILLAGE—is supreme in the many services and attractions it has provided for its residents. Overlooking the wide expanse of Rock Creek Park, surrounded by magnificent trees—always cool in summer. One of the unusual features Is the landscaped terraces and gardens. Do not delay making your reservation. Come, see how delightful apartment living may be. Apply Rental Office on Eremites OPEN Sot. & Sun. I to 10 P.M.—Doily 3 to 10 P.M. Randall H. Hagner St Company incorporated Real. Estate 1321 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 1941 Columbia Rd. N.W. Modern eight-story apartment building. 24-hour elevator and secretarial switchboard service. Carpeted hallways. 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, C<7 CA enclosed porch and bath Foyer, living room, bed alcove, bedroom and bath. Junior din- MA Ing room and kitchen v'u Furnished at Slightly Additional Cost Refrigeration and all elec trie current an the house. Resident Manager, Adams 4619 s. A PELHAM COURTS 2113 P St. N.W. 2 rooms kitchen and bath. S32.30 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. *73.00 Refrigeration on House: Switch board. Elevator 1220 N St. N.W. 1 room kitchen * bath, *31.00 up Electrolux Refrigeration 1930 K St. N.W. 1 room and bath *30.00 2008 16th ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, dinette and bath *37.30 Gas, Electricity and Refrg. Included 1526 17th ST. N.W. 1 room kitchen and bath *33.00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. (12.30 up Electric Refrigeration H.G.SmithqCo. 811 15th St. N.W. NAtl. 6003 CLOSE-IN 1-Rm, Kitchen and Bath Apt. 4560 Conduit rd., front, corner: free euto pke : $:io 50 KELLEY, STEELE 4c BRANNER. PI. 7740. _ WHY PAY MORE? 3824 CONN. AVE. N.W. No. 22—2 rms., kit. it bath, *45.00 THE PARKER. 3300 Kith St. N.W. No. 502—6 rms., kit. & bath. *82.50 THE DETROIT 1140 Meridian PI. N.W. No 31—4 rms.. kit. dt bath. *52.50 THE CLIFPROCRNE. 1835 Calvert St. N.W. No 5—4 rms. kit. dt bath. *55.00 THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th 8t. N.W. No. 43—3 rms.. kit. dt bath. $42.50 1440 CHAPIN IT. N.W. No. 23—1 room. kit. dt bath refr dt electr. furnished *40.00 CHAS. E. TRIBBY Owner «l 2 EVANS BLDG. Phone District 477S ._ A The NEW HEATHERINGTON APARTMENTS 1421 Massachusetts Ave. ★ JIIST WEST OF THOMAS CIRCLE ... ON THE TERRACE WASHINGTON'S FINEST DOWNTOWN LOCATION Very attractive 1-room, kitchen and both opts. Electric refrigeration. Elevator and secretarial service. Repre sentative on premises. Im Resident Manlier, er BOSS b PHELPS 1417 K St. Realtor* NA. 0300. Aceot. TERRACE 14th St. at Kennedy N.W. HIGH, excellent location; new building tacin* south, over looking city Plenty of large closets, carpeted halls, elevator, roof garden, modern lobby. A building of refined atmosphere at budget prices. An unusually nice apt. with X exposures. 2 rooms, bi"h“'' klteh*B *nd $60.00 Go, and Electricity Free. Call Reeident Manager, Geo. 7900 L. E. Breuninger & Sons 1730 K 81. N.W. NA. 2010 ] NEW! AIR-COOLED! INSPECT THE EVERGLADES 23rd and H Sts. \.H. Summer downtown can be pleasant, too' Live here where you have the comfort of a suburban address Individually air-cooled corridors and'a delightful roof deck make July days less oppressive. So central, too, that it's just minutes to your Department. One room, foyer, sun One room, foyer, junior pooch, dressing room, bedroom, dressing room, kitchen and bath- kitchen, bath_ ELECTRICITY (tor cooking, lighting and refrigeration) and SWITCHBOARD SERVICE included in rent. Inspect our Exhibit Apartments Furnished by The Palais Royal RESIDENT MANAGER CONVENIENT . . . AIR-COOLED MUNSON HALL 2212 Eye Street N.W. Modem downtown apartment featuring ventilating doors, painted wails, parquet floors, Venetian blinds, and carpeted corridors. Enjoy both the roof deck and the "evergreen garden" that adjoins the building. 1 room, foyer. Sun porch, dressing room, kfchen, both, 2 exposures. 2 rooms, foyer, dinette, kitchen ond both. RENT includes ELECTRICITY (for cooking, lighting, refr gerotion) and SWITCHBOARD SERVICE RESIDENT MANAGER ENJOY THE GARDENS AT AIR-COOLED MILTON HALL 2222 Eye Street M.W. Needy \'i acre of grass, shrubs and walks secluded from the street offer a restful midday retreat from summer hat. This is o PLUS feature in addition to the roof terrace and corridors flushed by cooled air. 1 room, sun porch, dressing room, kitchen ond both. 1 room, foyer, din ette, kitchen end both. (2 exposures1 RENT includes ELECTRICITY (for cooking, lighting, ref ngerction) end SWITCHBOARD SERVICE i ^ RESIDENT MANAGER THE 8-Story, Modern, Fireproof WEST END 2124 Eye Street N.W. Located one-half block south of Penno Ave ond "strolling minutes" to many Government offices Ventilating doors insure a free, cool circulation of oir ond o roof promenade provides o delightful spot day or mte. 1 room, kitchen MCOO ond both_ 2 rooms, foyer, kitchen $CC.OO ond bath_ 2 rooms, foyer, dinette, $CQ.50 kitchen ond bath_ 03 RENT includes GAS, ELECTRICITY, RE FRIGERATION and SWITCHBOARD SERVICE RESIDENT MANAGER THE Recently Completed, Fireproof Capitol Hill 127 C Street \.E. In the shadow of the U S Capitol, one-half block east of the Senate Office Building. A close-by, time-savmg address, for employes of these Federal offices. Capitol features include a roof promenode with a view of the Hill. One room, dressing room, $/i A .50 dinette, kitchen and bath_ I I Two rooms, foyer, dinette, $cc.5o kitchen and bath_ Gas, Electricity and Refrigeration included in the rent RESIDENT MANAGER THE Downtown, Centrally Situated WILLSONIA 1830 K Street A.W. Near new Doctors' Hospitol and two Medical Build ings Ventilating doors and the roof garden give to this intown address comforts of far more remote locations. Walk to your office' Save carfare end minutes' One room, dress ng room, kitchen, bath $^Q.50 and screened porch_ *17 ■% Two rooms, foyer, kitchen , SCO.50 ond bath_ U»7 RENT includes GAS, ELECTRICITY, RE FRIGERATION and SWITCHBOARD SERVICE RESIDENT MANAGER Modern, Fireproof, 12-Story! THE KEYSTONE 2150 Penna. Ave. N.W. From within this apartment residence you derive the "best" in downtown living, from otop its 12 stories an unrivaled pano roma of the entire city. Live here . . . walk to work . . . save time! One room, foyer, dress ing room, pullman kitchen and bath. One room, foyer, sun porch, dressing room, dinette, kitchen, bath. RENT includes GAS, ELECTRICITY, REFRIGERATION end SWITCH BOARD SERVICE RESIDENT MANAGER Delightfully Air-Cooled! THE EDDYSTONE 1301 Vermont Ave. N.W. One block north of Thomas Circle. Easv walk to shopping, financial ond theatrical districts. A quiet, residential neighbor hood. Cool air circulated through the corridors and the breeze-swept roof prome nade make downtown living comfortable, too! 1 room, foyer, sun (t r Q C A porch, dressing room, *r * **” kitchen ond bath. V w Two rooms, foyer, di nette, kitchen ond bath. ELECTRICITY (for cooking, lighting ond refrigeration) and SWITCH BOARD SERVICE included in Rent , RESIDENT MANAGER (Oeattnaad m Next t*f.)