Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) ARL—ATTRAC.. NEW. SKMI-DET., 2 bedrm. brick: oil: 10c bus; stores, school; only #50. 902 8. Highland. RA._290R. 3048 THAYER ST. N.E.. BLK FROM Rhode Island ave.—4 rooms, bath: heat. light, gas furn.; #45.___ WM R. THOROWOOOD. 2024 Rhode Island Ave. N.E._DE. 0317. 1*14 STAPLES ST. N.E.—2 ROOM8. kitchen, bath, back porch; $32.50 STERLING USHER CO.. HO. 8880. 610 QUINCY ST N.W.—ADULTS; 2 OR 3 rooms, kit., bath. $30 and #4~: all ut ill ties, oilheet, attic; 3 expos. TA. 1603. 3519 13th ST N.W.—$42.50 UP. NEW ly remodeled apts.. built-in cabinets In kitchens, new shower baths, beautifully renovated torousnout; 1 and 2 bedrooms. BRODIE A COLBERT. INC.. 1707 Eye St. N.W. NA 88, o. 2020 ONTARIO RD N.W. North 18;h and Col. rd.—Modern 2 rms.. kit. b; Iront; 2nd fl. 3 rms., kit., b.: #45-54 7.50. Res. mgr.. Adams 5308._ 1711 35th ST N.W —2 ROOMS. KITCH en, bath: refrigeration at owner s expense. #42.50-545 per mo. . _ LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1710 K Sl,N W._NA. 1166.— — COOL—QUIET—COMFORTABLE 4031 Davis PI. N.W. Delightful living room, bedroom, large dinette, kitchen and bath, beau hot water, refrigeration and gas furnished, conven tentlUANKdS. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411,_ " ■ 1103 C ST. S.E. 5 rms kit., bath, white section: modern bldg.: rent only #45. Key Apt. 4._ ' EVANSTON. 3427 13th ST. N.W. Exceptionally bright, so and e. exp.; - large rooms, kit.-dinette, bath, porch;_ EVANSTON. 34*7 13th ST. N.W. Wonderlul apt . 3 exposures, lge. screened rrr.h, liv. room 1 or 2 bedrooms, loyer. b._Adults only. _ ._| NEAR DOWNTOWN AND GOVT DEPTS COMPLETELY REDEC. ADULTS ONLY. 2nd-Fl. From Apt . 3 Rooms. K.. B Also 1st F... 2 Rooms, K.. B Modern. LAVEN1A. 618 F ST. N.E. <EQ9 'afl IN MODERN 2-FAMILY HOME. aDOl.UU w Farrasut pi. n w.. 1 block east cf N. H. ave. at Gallatin st.—Contains liv. rm bedrm kit rim., bath: private en trance, includes lies', light gas. refg ■ etc. j EDMUND J. FLYNN. Wooov ard Bldg. Re public 1218 CCE BEAUTIFUL HAMPSHIRE GARDENS. *pUtJ at N H. ave.. Emerson 3rd and Far ragtit sts. n.w.—Corners; .1 rooms, kit. and ba'h (restricted1: eves, and Suns.. Apt 103. 225 Emerson si. n.w. GE 5741. EDMUND J. FLYNN. Woodward Bide.. Republic 1218. 1420 ~ CHAPIN ST. N.W. Near Meridian Park. Central High. End 5. front. 2 bedrooms $S,.50 Others. $38.50 to 547,50: newly decorated. - Heat, ho! water refrigeration, incinerator. ] SHANNON & I.UCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W National 234,0. NEAR NAVY YARD- 747 10th ST. S.E.. I Apt 8—5 rooms and bath. $40: adults . only: heat furnished. Sec janitor. _J. c. WEEDON CO„ ME. 3011._ FLAT—047G ST N.E | 2nd floor: 5 rooms, bath: h.-w.h.. elec., $37.50: kev downstairs, j. C. WEEDON CO.. ME. 3011. _ . _ 707 20th ST. N.W,. APT. 4. Opposite G. w. U : 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, screened norch. Ww BRODIE A- COLBERT. INC.. 1707 Eye St N.W _ NA. 88,5. fwo'ROOMS KITCHEN. DINETTE AND bath with shower Gas ar.ri electricity in cluded in rent: $51.50. See resident man- i *e"'^ 060 RANDOLPH ST N.W._ . j 1667 GOOD HOPE RD. S.E •> r k b. din.: sas incl. $4* ,o0-$4s„->h 1315 PEABODY ST NAV 0 ,n » •: r.. k b rim sas me’. $o0-$o~.5<i OAK TERRACE 3710 l*-'th ST N E. *2 rms , k din., b 1537 KENILWORTH AVE. NE -Key Apt. 1, 4609 Quarles).—2 r. k.. b.. $,10.o0-$4.v 1309 COLUMBIA RD. NW. oo ~ 1 EDWARD P SCHWARTZ. INC./ 1014 Vermont Ave. N.W DI o - ’ 0 *" 314 V ST NE—2 RMS. KIT., bath. Frigidaire. $37.50-510 j 51 Randolph pi. n.wr-—4-.-> rms.. kit., bath Frigidaire. $40-54 , oO , : INTERSTATE PROPERTIES. INC DI. 0)-h4. j 1712 16th ST N.W.—2-3 RMS.. RE- I eep hall. kit., bath. Frigidaire 1725 H st n w.—2 rm=.. bath: 4 rms., kl* bath. Frigidaire. , . «$05 Ga. ave. n.w .—2 rms . dm., kit | bath Murphv bed. Frigidaire INTERSTATE PROPERTIES INC . DI 0864. 2 7 1 6 SHERMAN AVE N.W. :t rooms, kitchen bath reception hall gcreened-m rear norch- Areola heat, locker : gpace and laundry facilities in basement. $42 50 FLOYD E DAVIS CO 733 12th St NW NA 03.a 2. 300$ TO 304 4 R ST. N.W.—5 R , B: ELEC. WITH HEAT AND JANITOR SERV ICE FACING BEAUTIFUL MONTROSE PARK $-40.50 TO $43.00. A L. GRINDLEY 036 N. Y. AVE. • 4019 KANSAS AVENUE N.W.. NO. 4 2 rms.. kit., bath, screened porch, pri vate yard: dunlex: $35. Avail. Aug. 1st. 1828 BURKE ST S E . NO 2. 7 rms.- kit., bath: heat and hot water; gonvement, to Navy Yard: #40 WAPLE A- JAMES. INC, j 1224 14th St. N.W. . DI 3346. S141~H ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN gr.d bath. ___ j 2327 loth ST N.W OFP. MERIDIAN PARK AIR-COOLED. ROOF GARDEN 8 bedims., liv rm.. dinette, kit., bath: S.o. 2 rms . dinette, kit., bath; SbO. Gas. Elec.. Rets: Included VICTOR CAHILL. NA. 6313_ ’ NEW APARTMENTS._ 17th ST AND NORTH ODE ST. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA. Every one loves a new apartment, so erhv not make the smart move no* and live m one in Arlington? The one-bedroom unit is simply delightful for only S4R.50. end if you so desire you may have the two bedrooms for $02.50. Thev will be complet«d about Auaust 1st (a few completed July 15th) and are lust now being placed on the market by GEO H RUCKER CO. Agents. Oxford_01fl7 __ hn I SEATON PL. N.E—2 ROOMS. KITCH *n. bath, gas heat and refrigeration. 4soft Reservoir rd, n.w.—2 room*, kitcn bath, screened rear norch and refrig eration. M2.50 ea« heat C W SIMPSON CO.. 1024 Vermont Ave ME 57no. J428 P N.W 2 RMS. KIT,. BATH. 845: 3 rnomy kitchPn. bath, porch. S52.nO. 1 420 R st. n v — 1 rm . kit . bath. $2$..-Mb 2 ’■m> . kit . bath. 542.50: 3 rms.. kit., bath, f>52 50. C W SIMPSON CO . INC.. 1024 Vermonj Ave. N.W. ME. 5/00. BRIGHT CORNER APARTMENT. TWO rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath, featuring painted wall-. custom-built kitchen cabi nets. Venetian blinds. Rent includes gas end electricity. $82.50 See Resident Manager. _ 285h 15th ST. N.W._| 2020 ONTARIO RD. N.W. \ Near ]Rth and Columbia Rd. 1 bedrm 2nd fl . front apt.: 2 bedrm. j up*. M5-$1T.5u: modern._ fireproof_bldg. COOL. NEWLY DECORATED ONE AND two room kitchen, dinette and bath apart \ merits. two exposures, every convenience: walking distance of most Government de par'ments: $35 up THE COLTON. 40 Eye St. N.W._ l 1828 COLUMBIA RD., THE CAVENDISH." Cool, bright unit of 3 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath Many closets. TWO EXPOSURES' OPEN DAY and EVENING, i THE AMERICAN COMPANY <07 15th St. National 8032._ 3501 13th ST. N.W. STRATHMORE " (13th and Monroe S’O Modern elevator building with colorful, cool units 1 of 2 ROOMS KITCHEN DINETTE BATH $41.50 UP. Inspect today1 Mgr. CO. 307H. THE AMERICAN COMPANY. <01 3 5th St. National 8032. 40? 3rd ST. N.W. 9 rooms and bath $30.00 ft rooms kitchen and bath $35.00 Sec Janitor on Premises. iTl4 D ST S.E.—7 R. K.. B e]er h -w h (adults’ $30.00 2*54 Conn ave. n \v.—1 r.. k._35.00 826 $th st. ne —2 r.. k. refg. 4 0 00 722 F s» * v .3 r k.. h.-w h. . 35.50 4031 1st st nw—2 r.. k.. lefg 1315 Tk rd n.w.—3 r.. k.. refg. 41.5o ! Jl5 Col rd t: w.—4 r k . refg. (Mi.00 111" M st n.w—2 r k. refg. 55.00 S8M Conn ave. n.w.. Apt. 30—4 r.. k reft 75.00 THOMAS P. BROWN. 015 4th St S.W. NA 0872. fain NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.—MODERN fireproof building in downtown location j and within walking distance of Govern ment departments: electric refrigeration. Venetian blind:- really large rooms: very attractive apartment.1 fi rooms, kitchen and $55.00 ba t h 8 moms, kitchen, bath. Junior CgQ 50 dining room, solarium ^ i HENRY J ROBB. INC.. m 1024 Vermont Ave DI 8141._ 301 1 Oth S.W. S rms. kit., bath (heated). $35. 3«22 11th ST N.W. 2nd FLOOR 8 rooms, kit. bath, norch h -a h.. $40. $"$ OTIS PL N W . NO 2. 3 rnv. <2 bedrooms) kitchen, bath rear Porch, Areola heat: redecorated $33 50. 4!** M ST S.W. ? 8 rms . V. d b . Areola. S”7 50 5 FLOYD E DAVIS CO , . T83 12th Si N.W. National 0.757. *220 W7S. AVE— 1 R K B $75 1 R B . *»5. Metropolitan 41100. Dupont 1700. • jm COL RD. 4 rms. k.t.. bath, porch 44 5 00 SHANNON & LUCH8 CO ir.Qfi H S; N W,_National 7.145. I PRESCOTT ARMS. 1701 71st ST. N W • rooms, kitchen, bath $32,50 S rooms, kitchen and bath .77 50 flOI RHODE ISLAND AVE NE — .1 rooms, kitchen, bath, screened oereh: newlv decorated 57.50 4 rooms, kitchen, bath, screened Perch . 55.00 line r st nE. New Building. S rooms, kitchen, bath, gas refriger ation $52 50 1448 GIRARD ST Kf.-l room, dining alcove, kitchen, bath: gas. Included __ 37.50 1711 PENN A AIT N.W. 4 roomt kitchen fcith $50.00 IfT. VXRNON POi AND NEW YORK art. n.w.—f reems kitehen bath 3n 00 * raema, kHchen_ir.d bath _48.00 MM M WL fcW. Starlet *52*. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 17*5 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—4 ROOMS, kitchen, bath, refrlaeratlon; *57.50. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 KSt. N.W. NA. 1108. AT 18th AND OAK STS. N.W. Apt 32, 3515 Hertford pi.—2 rooma. kitchen, dinette and bath: corner; south west exposure: hostess kitchen. Venetian blinds: many modern features: $60. Apply Apt. 2. ____ J. C. WEEDON CO.. ME. 3011._ *50.00—1116 11th N.W.—*3 R.. K.. B.. heat. $45.00—2226 1st n w.—2 r.. k.. b.. h.-w.h. $40.50—1710 Lincoln rd. n.e.—5 r.. b. $37 50—720 11th s.e.—4 r.. k . b,. Erie. $25.00—1243 N Cap. st.—2 r.. b„ elec. COLORED $15.50—2708 Olive n.w.—2 r.. k.. elec. THOS D. WALSH. INC.. 815 11th N.W DI. 7558. 1830 POTOMAC AVE. S.E. Newly decorated. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath completely private: walking distance to Navy Yard: all modern conveniences: heat, gas and light furnished; $45 monthly FEDERAL FINANCE CO. 015 New York ave. n.v. NA. 7410. 22* __ APARTMENT VALUES. 1016 7th st. n.w.—2nd and 3rd fl.. 7 rms bath, 2 toilets, elec., aas. H.-W.H. $75.00 411 2nd st. s.e . No. 2—5 rms.. kit. bath. elec. aas. H-W.H. 60.00 2417 North Cap. st. No 2—3 rms., kit. bath, elcc., aas. H.-W.H. 50 00 loot New Jersev ave. n.w.—2 rms.. kit. bath. elec. aas. H.-W H. 45.00 713 3rd st. n.w,. No. 2—4 rms.. kit.. bath, elec . aas H.-W.H. 45.00 2023 4th st. n.e.. No. 0—2 rms., kit.. hath, elcc . aas. H -W.H. 35.50 228 10th st. n.e., No. 4—2 rms.. kit., bath. elec., aas, H.-W.H. 42.50 1108 Montcllo ave. n.e.—2 rms., kit.. hath.' elec., rss. H.-W.H. 42.50 105 6th st. s.e.. No 107—1 rm. kit., dinette Murphy bed. elec., aas. H -W.H 36.50 9 H st. 11.61.. No. 2—3 rms.. kit., bath, elec., aas. H.-W.H. 35.50 lie* 9th st. n.w—2 rms.. kit. bath. elec ?»s. H.-W.H. 35.00 11 M st. n.w. No. 3—2 rms. kit.. hath. e|pc . a*>' H-w V 27 50 R. A. HUMPHRIES, sos North Cpritol St Realtors. NA. 6730. I COLORED. 1207 PARK RD N.W—2 r.. k. b. dinette $45. $47.50 E. P. SCHWARTZ. ! INC,. ] oi4_Vermont _r»ve._DI. COLORED—BROOKLAND” 134$ FRANK hn st n.e—3 rms.. k.. b h.-w.h.. 1.. $42.50: car.. $43.50. DU. 8787. weekdays.* COLORED—1718 CORCORAN ST N.W 1 room, kitchen, bath $32.50 3 rooms, kitchen, bath 47.50 ! NEWLY DECORATED LINKINS CO 1032 H ST N.W. COLORED —2S\’0 11th ST. " N.W —3 room. bath acts.; $35 50 and $42.50. j Hobart 2838 COLORED—2 RMS KIT . BATH. ELEC . gas. Frisridaire. $35: employed adults; ref. i LI. 5002. FOR COLORED 131*2 2*2nd st. n.w—*2 rooms, kitchen. * bath. $40 dpr mo LOUIS T SHOEMAKER. _1719 K St N.W. NA. 11 Rd. COLORED—153*2 15 th ST N.W — 2 R. k.. b. and porch and gas. electric.. heat furnished For first-class colored adults. $45.50 Der month. Can be seen by »d pointment. • COLOR ED— 1 3 *2 o M ONTELLO A VE N. E. — I lee. rms.. lge, kit., pvt bath; newlv I decor; conveniences, h.-wh.; reas : re-! fined COLORED—ATTRAC.. *2 RMS . KIT . bath: also 1 rm , kit.; convenient loca- ' tion; utilities inch 18HK California st. n.w FOR REFINED COLORED—1707 S ST. n w.—*2 r.. kit. and b.. elec refg $45 .. T st. n.w.—1 r . kit., use of bath; ligh' L>rn • GUY TINNER. 13*20 YOU ST. N W. NO 4907. COLORED—175*2 P ST. N W —BASEMENT am . 1 rm.. sem»-kit . bath, light hot 1 water. _*R?._lncluded. $22.50. PFRINEn COLORED—MODERN 1-RM apt . tile bath (showerL table-top gas j range. Frieidaire: rpnt $45 Key a? 1st fi 813 40th st n e 1 . block from 40rh stop, car line. DIXIE REALTY CO 1 41 .__L_st. n.w ^O^ORFD—1 St-FL APT. MOD. BRICK det bldg.. 4 rms . bath, screens, .shades, white table-top gas range rent. «39 50 .32 50th sr. n e Key at 1st fl 813 40th nr DIXIE REALTY CO.. 1417 L st. n.w. COLORED—THE PRINCETON 1430 V St. n.w —0 r.. k . b . p!pc rpfe $4*2 50 ! CHAS. L. NORRIS, *2135 Penna Ave NW Rg, 2112. COLORED 1440 W St NW 1 rm . kit . bafh. nas and elpc. furn.: excellent condition $35.00 R. V. MARCERON, _fiL'I 15th S*. N.W. National 058$. APARTMENT—COLORED 22 QUE ST. N.E., 1st Floor. 4 Rooms. Hall. Kitchen and Bath. Heat and Electricity Furnished $52 50. A D TORRE REALTY CO 102.5 North Capitol St._ DU. l*25fi COLORED APTS.—HEATED 589 Col. rd n.w.—2 r. k.. s.-pv. b. $33 5n 222 K st. n.w.—2 r.. k. 25 50 733 Oth st se—1 r.. k.. pvt. b. 30 50 1137 7th St. n.w.— 1 r.. k. pvt. b. _ 25 50 1103 9th st. n w.—3 r . k. 32.50 UNHEATED APTS. 017 M -st. n.w. 2 r.. k. $22.50 .321 U st. n.w.—1 r.. k. 22.50 S. LEE HARRISON. 905 Npw York Avf. N.W. Republic 3435. HOUSES FURNISHED. WILL SH ARE RESORT' HOME. CONDUIT rd.. 15 min. to Washington reasonable 4 months' tease. Rockville JI-F-fl. 18117 35th ST N.W—MASS. PARK. FIN est residential section 4 bedrooms. 3 haths. porches, beautiful grounds: G E oil heat: lease b» OWNER. EM. 5303 • OVERLOOKING ROCK CR PARK—COOL bargain, well furnished: t: rms . md s rm.. gar . refg HO. 4071. Sun. and eves, • COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN TO SHARE : with widowed woman fl-room-and-basement I house: reasonable rent, references ex changed. Box 144-J. Star. • , H BEDROOMS. 1 BATHS. L. R. D. R . i sunroom. garage 10 mm. town $Sn mo. • SOKTaylor n.w. MI. 8541. 13* SIX WEEKS. JULY 17-SEPT. 7—FIVE rooms, bath porches: large, shadv yard, flowers, garden, ideal for children: rea sonable loin N. Quincy st.. Arlington. Va CH 4438. • J RMS BATH. ELEC. RANGE. REFC^. h.-w.h ; yard, shade; overlooking Potomac - adults: $31.50: car line. MI 0458. ATTRACTIVE TOWN HOUSE. COMPLETE >y furnished. 4 bedrooms 1 baths maid's room: available until Sept. 15, DU. 7473. CHEVY CHASE. MD—FOR AUGUST. CO loninl brick, *» room* 2 bath*. screened porch: cool, comfortable. convenient; SS5 mo. Phone Wi’yconsin til?*!. 4-H RMS. AJ4t) B: AMI: HEAT AND elec inr].: luc hu«- 10 min. D C- near Ft. Myer. CH. 34 01. CHEVY CHASE D C —COOL. 0 RMS . 1 scr. porches, large liv, rm. (fireplace) beautifully turn. EM. 1103. ALEXANDRIA (111 8 ROYAL ST )—RE Stored Colonial house, partly film . 3 bed ims . 1 b ohs library, 3 fireplaces large garden._OWNER. NA. 7330. RA. 1717 LYON PARK VA.."ml NORTH DANVILLE st.—Lease. 5 rms.. bath 10 mm. D. C: I refs.: adults: *05. FACING ROCK CREEK PARK. 31"7 Adams Mill rd. n.w.—Unusually well fur mshed: 3 bedrooms 1 baths 1 sleeping porches, large living room Frigtdoire. ml beat. 1-c enrage. Seen by appointment. Dupont 537.3. ««• 05 V ST N.W—ft ROOMS. BATH VERY comfortably and complete!* Turn.: large yard: elec, refg.: oil heat: reas. to respon sible tenant. Lincoln 1034(1. CHEVY CHASE. D C.—DELIGHTFULLY cool. 4 bedrooms, 1 baths. 1-car garage: cue month or longer._Emerson 0511, CHEVY CHASE D C. JOCELYN s'.—3 bedrms. 1 baths, completely furn. j Until Sept. ] 5. Reas. ' HETHEKDA—DUTCH COLONIAL— 1 RMS 3 sleeping mis . fireplace, oil heat, front porch, garage: large yard: nr. schools: v 7 5. Columbia 1.317. 451 1 MAPLF AVE.. BETHESDA.' MD —5 nns.. 1 bath, garage, gas heat. $80 Georgetown, on 1 floor—5 rms.. bath, com i Pletely furr. . $<!.", J WESLEY BUCHANAN. ME. 114.3 1731 K NW. $55 uo—1U3!I LAWRENCE N.E -—(> R. B. h.-w.h.. ear. $5U uu—.30(13 Otis n e.—fl r.. b.. h.-w.h $4u.uu—Snjttand Md—7 r b. modern. THOQ D. WALSH. INC . 815 11th N.W. DI 7558. _ 134 5 SHERIDAN ST. N.W , Beautiful modern studio home, com pletely and attractively turn . fi rooms, recreation roor*’ ■* h''th*oo,v,e. oorches. earp'1' funeonnhlf) r#**'1 ’^1 ’"''ality. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. j Builder will rent absolutely new homes, j Conveniently located in established Brirht 1 wood section: .*{ or 2 bedroom house with ^arnee; automatic^ heat and new. modern FRANK S."PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. 4106 38th ST. N.W. Lovely, large spacious home. located j in North Cleveland Park: 7 rms.. 1 baths, i automatic oil heat: single garage: every : room furnished In a delightful manner. O’*"-’ from 1 1q u no* ■ Si' in FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. For One Who Would Buy Such a Home were they in the market for a permanent .home: 1st fl.—studio liv. rm.. din. rm kit., .screened porch. 1 bedrm . bath: 2nd fl—1 bedrms. nursery, full bath: full basement with 1J bath: 1**. wooded lot plenty of forest trees: Ideally furnished. Will rent for I or 1 yrs. a' $ I On per mo. To tnsneet mil M- Deer cir 134 1 J. WESLEY BUCHANAN^ 1505 Delafield PI. N.W. To rent for 3 months or longer: well furnished corner house: 10 degrees cooler than downtown; convenient to car and bus: porch, lawn, shade trees: garage: 3 bedroom* second floor. 2 baths; 2 rooms third floor: reasonable rental. Can be seen Sunday, io n m. to 6 P.m. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. N.W. NA. P30f>. HOUSES FUR. OR UNFUR. 2 BEDROOM6 LIVING ROOM. SUN porch, kitchen, bath: belt, lliht: reeondl ttoned 845 mo. 5209 Ullnela tve. ».t. 3841 11th ST. N.W.—# RMS . BATH- 3 Jfdrms..-fur *70; unfur. SS7.S0. OWNER RA. 7711. 21* I5®®*?! i HOUSKS UNFURNISHED. 226 BALTIMORE AVI.. TAK. PK.—6-RM. MDeitry brick; sun parlor, inel. front peh . racr. rm.. yard, tree*. SH. 2434. 901 BUTTKRNUT BT. N.W—DETACHED corner, 7 rooms, 2 baths, tsrace. District 0864.___ 3007 PERBHINp DR.. LYON PARK. VA — New 6-rm, brick; 10 min. downtown; $76. Phone Oxford 11B6-W. _ BETHESDA — CENTER - HALL. 6 - ROOM brick; bath and lav.: large lot. trees, garage; 1 so. bus; $80, OWNER. WI. 51BL-J. BETHESDA—5-ROOM BUNGALOW; 1 8Q. bus; screened porch, garage: large lot, trees: $60. WI. 51B1-J._OWNER. DELIGHTPULLY DET BRICK. 7 RMS.. 2V4 hsth*. hest. garage: nr bus and La fayette School. 2941 NorthamDton st.: *100 mo Emerson 4117. Also 54BB 30th st. AvailableSept. 1st. 5-ROOM HOUSE. OIL HEAT. OARAGE, large yard, trees; *56. 427 Garfield ave.. Hyattsyille, Md._WA._2846.___ 534! BROAD BR rd. — DETACHED brick. , rms.. bath; Insulated, oil heat; gar.: $90. OWNER. WoodJeyJSOin Bi4 RANDOLPH 8T. N.W—H ROOMS, bath. 2 Inclosed porches, oil heat; convt. to car and bus._GE. 0389. CHEVY'CHASE D C —7 RMS . 2 BATHS. - screened porches. Ire. living rm flrr place: oil hest. 3933 Livingston st. n.w NEW B-RM. BRICK. DESIRABLE NEIGH borhood. auto. heat. Insulated, screened porch, fireplace, ggrage: JS75. TE 1454. 3515 QUEBEC ST. N.W.—SEMI-DETACH ed. 8 rooms, oil heat, fine condition: *85. Convenient location. Georgia 1202. CHEVY CHASE. MD.—fi ROOMS. NEWLY decorated, oil heal, insulated beautifully ^emiscaped lot with pool. OWNER. WI. i 084. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—R ROOMS. GA rage. oil heat, relrg.: near. schools, play grounds and bus. rent. S8ti. wo. 184B. 3136 Oliver st. n.w. TAKOMA PARK—3-BEDROOM HOME Urge living room, oprn fireplace. ga rage *(ij per month new paper and paint._bhepherd 5799. 4 BR TILE BATH L. R.. OPEN PIRE place: rent, *U5: fine n.w. section. OWNER. Wisconsin 7845 21* 4IIH CARROLL AVE.. TAKOMA PARK MD. —.1 bedrooms, oil heat. Frigidaire. ga rage. inclosed yard: *05. WI. 7234. 1431 FESSENDEN N.W—tl ROOMS AND bath oil heat, garage; bus and car trans portation^ *7(1._ EM. 1385. 903 VARNUM ST. N.W.—LARGE SIX rooms and attic, $50. 21* MARIETTA PARK. 323 MADISON 8T. J ' .™... semi-detached brick. 4 bedrms., I1; baths, oil heat, refg, heated f8r ■ decorated, nr. schools, stores. bus;_ *85. Call Taylor 2997 or Woodley SILVER SPRING. MD —NICE H RMS . i1'?1; I*1*® lot> garage, *60 mo. Shep nerd I i>8il-W. LET MRS CHRISTMAN HELP YOU Finn » home in the Bethe.^da. Chevy Chase | area. Choice houses. S50 no Office open | ?^!‘wrryftnd Sunday. WI. liHJi.i, PAUL M. LUDT. rem estate. 6000 Wia. ave 4!*1T CHEVY CHASE BLVD.—6 ROOMS. • creencd porch; elec, stove ref re., garage; Si?»Tm?.- Call Mrs. Christman. WI. 6693. t*AUL M. LUDT. rial estate. tltHio Wls. ave 222 CHANNINO ST. N.E —li ROOMS._IN closed. heated porches, auto, heat and refrigeration Insulated weather-stripped excellent condition. *62.39. Available Au gust I. Located 3 blocks north of 3rd and R. I. ave n.e._DU. 042tl. « 4338 RIVER RD. N.W—n RMS. 3 screened porches, garage, oil heat, nr schools, stores, churches MRS JENKINS EM . ill.-}. 3627 11th ST. N.W.— 6 RMS BATH, gar., ^porches. *60: newly dec. OWNER. KA. till, op , ?hfjir0v.41sti ?T N W ROOMS, bath shower, oil heat: in cnod condition near senoo . Armv officers preferred: rent $80. Woodjey 3015. eg, CHEVY CHASE. D C—H-ROOM. DET house, oil heat, double garage, porch. large_vard; $100._5412 41st st n.w POWHATAN PL N.W—SEMI-DE tached. tt rooms. 2 baths, recreation room j near schools and trans. Open Sat. and ' Sun. Randolph 5813, H ROOMS. DETACHED HOUSE WITH garage. 1 year old. excellent condition £sC,?,’l?JE,'C81 0,1 heat. beautiful yard OIVNER. Wisconsin 2314-R. 5422 13th N.W.—fi ROOMS 2 BATHS. I garage, oil heat, electric refrigeration, newly decorated: open Sunday. 512 BUCHANAN ST N.W—COMPLETELY redecor.. 6 rooms, inclosed porches, auto matic heat garage: Jarge yard, open CHEVY CHASE MD.—3 BEDROOMS OIL hear. Ice yard: near transportation; ga rage. rrfe.: *85 E M FRY INC WI 0740. 5-RCOM BRICK BUNGALOW WOODED tot, oil hot-water heat, attached garage. 1 attic. *50. Cell Mrs. Christman. WI 6B93 PAUL M LUDT. real estate. 660(1 Wls. : avr Office open eves, and Sundays. ! 121 tnth ST. S.E.—fl R. B. H.-W.H gar : *45. THOMAS P BROWN. 615 4th st. sac National 0872, 5321 NORTH CAPITOL ST—DETACHED corner lot. 7 rooms, oil burner. 2-car j gar,; *05 mo. Call RA. 3155 or RA. 2977. 1 CHEVY CHASE. MD—NEW. DETACHED brick home. . rooms. 2 tiled baths, garage; unusually large front and back yards, $80 : W. H WALKER, Shoreham Building. Na tional 1 680. 47fi PEABODY ST. N W.-—SEMI-DETACH ed, 4 spacious bedrooms, living room, din ing room, inclosed porch, kitchen and bath. Oil heat, insulated, excellent condition Beautiful yard and shrubbery. OWNER. ME 1 1 ft.or eves. Warneld_4474. 771S flth ST NW—FINE CONDITION ft rms. garage; to party renting S-rm i house; auto, heat, S Frigidalres; «flft mo ! ■l-rm. apt, now rented; $7ft income SI« CRITTENDEN ST. N.W —fl ROOMS. 7 porches, extra basement recreation room, garage, yell-planted yard. auto. heat, hot j 7?-CT Completely reconditioned $hn. OWNER._Woodley 4111. ALEXANDRIA—DETACHED BRICK JEF ferson Park; R iargc rms , 7 bedrms -"j baths, sun parlor, recreation rm . garage, a m i. It is not just another house Must h" -per, to b" sopreciated Rent. SR7.SO Also R rm.. l'i bath, nearby. SKft. J H POLADIAN. '.’4'.‘ft Ml. Vernon ave.. phone Alexandria 714s RITTENHOUSE ST N.W . 17.TI—fl rms . 7 baths. 7 porches, recr. rm . laundry; oh heat, excel, neighborhood* nr. schools, shoDping center theater transp NEW DETACHED BRICK HOME; SIX spacious rooms, two beautifully tiled baths large screened porch; air-conditioned, in sulated: space for recreaiion room ter raced lawns, shade trees, garage: close-in., fashionable residential community, tranx potiation. shops, grammar, junior and high, schools; unusual ooportunlty for respon sible party. Call MR. HERMAN. NA. 44!I7. MT. PLEASANT—10 ROOMS. 7 BATHS’ very convenient location, in good sur^ roundmgs._Columbia 1 Kill. !MI1 BUTTERNUT ST' N W —DETACHED 0K™tr' * rocms' ' garage. District NEWLY RENOVATED—.!I! :h N ST N W — r*f*- rp<l”lred: adults: No’4'ltTUY rINNER’ i:,-« You st. n.w. COUPLE TO SHARE HOME IN BRENT field l4 4(i * facilities: *•;:> month. War R ROOMS AND BATH: HEAT. ELECTRIC uy and gas included in rent. Inquire at lo.» H st. n.w. * BEAUTIFUL WOODRIDGE. 24 08 -oth n.e.—Attractive o-rm. Colonial cottage every convenience: splendid condition; de tached insulated, weather-stripped ga raKe: larve vard with gardens close down town: countrylike surroundings: screened porches: $60. D. S. NASH, owner. ls|i; Bryant n.e. WOODRIDGE. 2219 QUINCY ST. N.E—6 rooms, detached: gas heat: finished attic; large lot: $75. Hobart 4624. • BETHESDA—(5 EXTRA LARGE ROOMS sunroom. maid s room: all newly decorated: garage: $80. Bradley 0222. ROCK CREEK ESTATES — BEAUTIFUL detached brick with bedroom and bath on 1st floor. 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd. maid's room and bath in basement: 2-car garage; 3 years old. Shown by an no i n t m e n t. Phone weekdays. 9 to 5 NA 0753. 3124 SOUTH DAKOTA AVE N.E—8 I large rms.. nice lot: close to schools stores and car: in new-house condition: $* 2.50 per month. NO. 7203. or inquire 23.xl R. i. ave. n.e. PETWOPTH. 423 DECATUR ST. N.W.—6 rms.. bath. 2 screened porches, garage: nr. schools, churches, bus: $65. GRADE JUNIOR HIGH AND ROOSEVELT High all within 3 blks.: 6 rms.. redec : 2 incl sleeping porches: double gar.: $65. 1359 Taylor st. n.w. Open. 5405 13th ST. N.W.—8 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. ! oil heat, built-in garage* leasee may choose own decorations: $85. Call Emerson 0091. TK. PK—5 R . B. SEMI-DET.: GLASSED porch 6 Alleghanv. Can be seen betw. 5:30 and 6:30. $37.50. SH. 4067-J. BY OWNER—6-ROOM SEMI-DETACHED brick, excellent condition, auto. heat. 6408 7th st n.w. Georgia 4153. _ VA. AND MD.—4 AND 5-ROOM BUNGA- I lows. $30 to $45—0 rooms 2,-> baths. $70. FULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w. Office plso open ' to_ 9 p m. DI. 5230. 5011 BATTERY LANE. BETHESDA. MD — 6 rms . bath, large yard, oil heat , near school and shopping district; $60 month. Call Bradley 0070. ARLINGTON. VA—LARGE 4-BEDROOM house, grounds: library, lavatory on 1st fl.: oil heat, newly decor. Georgia 0088. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—3804 KANAWHA n.w.—Detached house, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, garage, oil heat: G. E. refrigerator: ideal location. 1 block west Connecticut ave. • 422 6TH ST N.W.—7 ROOMS KITCHEN, bath: front and rear yards, double garage; apply Rm. 19 810 F st. n.w._ 2728 13TH ST. N.W.-3-STORY, 3 APTS, and rooms. $75. Natlonal_8«82.__ 6320 7TH ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS. 8EMI det., refrigerator, fenced back yard. Ex cellent condition. $55 month. Phone RA. 6294. 613 FERN ST. N.W.—7 RMS., BATH, hot-water heat, elec, and gas. porches; attic and basement; $62.50. TA. 2760. 1217 RIDGE RD . SILVER SPRING—6 room bungalow, newly decorated, all mod ern improvements incl. oil burner, elec, refg.. instant, hot-water heater, modern gas range, porch, double garage. Nr. churches, gchools. shopping center and bus Rent. $60 mo. Shepherd 1939. HOUSIS UNFUKNISHIP. *B3 50—2118 lit 8T. N.W.—8 RMS , bath, oil burner: will recondition. 1615 K >t. BEITZELL. Dlgtrlct 3100._ BEAUTIFUL CORNER BRICK HOUSE; line location: a.m.l.; oil heat: aarate. Open all day Sunday. Gentile? 801 Nicholson at. n.w. Rent. SB5. • NEW FOUR-ROOM STUDIO BUNGALOW; Insulated; large closet, bath. 2 porches, one of which Is sleeping porch: open fireplace on half acre beautiful erounds. with shade trees, on Nicholson lane and Rockville Pike near Chevy Chase-Bethesda neighbor hood. Must be seen to be appreciated. Immediate possession. Phone Wisconsin 3IBB or Wisconsin 4207. 1117 ABBEY PL. N.E. (BBT. 3d AND 4th. L and Ml—Six rooms, bsth. finished hard wood floors basement, stationary tubs, built-in sarace: first-class condition: JSO. Key 111H. Call Woodley 1474. * 1 bOfl D ST NE—11-ROOM HOUSE. 2 baths, garage: auto. heat, c.h.w 2 com plete housekeeping apts. with 2 Prlgld aires: can furnish one apt. SILVER SPRING — CHARMING. PRACTI cally new B-room brick Colonial, well-kept neighborhood of home owners: auto, heat wood-burning fireplace, attr. kit. and bath: garage: Insulated, weather strlooed: short walk 1-fare buses, cars SH 333B. NEAR GRANT CIRCLE—B RMS.. MOD ernized; shower; gar.: screened porches. Emerson^ 1104. 310 RITTENHOUSE 8T.' N.W.—7 ROOM8. kitchen, bath, recreation room. 2-car built in garage; gas heat: large yard: rent, *80 mo. Inspection by appointment only. Call Shepherd 4830-J._ DETACHED WHITE BRICK HOME 420 Oak drive Silver So'lng: center hall. B spacious rooms IV, tile baths, basement lavatory, all-modern kitchen, screened porch built-in garage: oil heat, air condi tioned insulated; wooded lot; near all schools shopping transn SH. BUMS. 184 1 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—SUITABLE for rooming house: 10 rooms and 2 baths. nfwl* decorated: *110. AMER 8EC. A- TRUST CQ. NA 4815 1510 LAWRENCE ST. N E —5-ROOM nungalow. h.-w.h. Convenient, bus, stores: immediate possession. $.50. Phone North boo *. 0 BETHESDA 927 FA TR FIELD DRIVE. Living rm . fireplace and bookshelves, din ing rm.. 2 bedrooms modern kitchen: full basement and attic, fenced back vard $05 Available August 1 WI. 4 170. hS5yY«u^HAtSE’i D, ROOMS 2 10 rooms and 2 baths. FULTON R. GORDON, 1427 Eye st. n w. Dist. 52.90—Office also open 7* to 9 pm. 22IK CATHEDRAL AVE—7 R ,~2 b7 aT tic. basement; oil heat: elec, refg.: opposite wooded park; $90. Call CO. 0944. 1692 ARGONNE PL.. ft BLOCK FROM 16th and Col. rd.—7 r., bath: oil heat: elec, refg.: $85. Call Columbia 0944 GLOVER PARK. 2411 OBSERVATORY PL n.w.—Attractive 6-rm . bath house, floored attic, large screened porches, new oil burn er. garage: excellent condition; $67.50. H C. BISCOE Woodley 1700. OPEN—4506 IOWA AVE —6 RMS 1800 Irving n.w—8 rms.. fine condition con venient^ sections: reduced GE 1122. • OPEN—5106. 7th ST 5111 8th, 516 KEN nedy—Fine condition Reducrd. moderate priced homes, others GE 1122. • 1499 WHITTIER ST.. OFF 16th—* rooms. 9 baths, varage: newly dec.. Aug. 1st. Hobart 5862. 1812 KENYON ST N.W.—6 R AND ! heated si porch: overlooking Rk. Ck Pk 2 baths: gas heat: finished basement with toilet: insulated: open todafr 115 SHADYSIDE AVE CAPITOL HTS • Md—6 rms. bath with modern improve- i ments; stucco: plenty of grounds, shade: i $98. ARL.—ATTRAC. NEW SEMI-DET 2 b^d-m. brick, oil heat: 10c bus: stores, jehool: only $50. 902 S Highland RA. 2908. JEFFERSON PARK NEARBY VA-—At tractive. 6 rooms: good condition h*rd- > wood floors, sun porch. Rarage. OWNER. AD 9249 2208 98th ST. N W.—CORNER GLOVER Park—6 rm* . aMic. scr. porches, garage, etc.: $69. Also 1419 Shepherd st. n.w.— 6-rm. home, just vacated by Armv officer; *75 F A MALONEY. Woodley 7649 2221 28th ST. N W.—6 RMS . BATH, refs auto. heal, garage $67 50 mo Will sell on terms. $500 cash. $60 mo. F. E MALONEY. Woodley 7649. 1998'- E ST N.E—4 R B : NEWLY dec. $95.50. 99 Todd pi. ne: 5 r b. good cond . *27.50 Open TA 969$ MT PLEASANT—-NEW-HOUSE COND . P rms 2 b Call CO 0979-W 6 ROOMS BATH. $98.50. 954 1 6ih st. nw (nr. Georgia ave. at Newton* Will make repair* DIXIE REALTY CO. NA K$8n. 999 WILLARD AVE FRIENDSHIP Heights Md—5 bedrms.. 9 baths, garage, oil heat. amt. $95. 7118 S'ratford Rd.. Be'.hesda Md—6 rms. 2 baths, garage, a m i . $76.25. 95.9$ N H ave. n w—7 rms . hath, ; hot-water heat, near everything. $70. 7! N. Y ave. n.e.—9 rms.. 1 bath. $45.50. J WESLEY BUCHANAN. ME. 1149_ 1L92 K N W. 1 $2$ OTIS PL. N W —6 ROOMS. BATH, h -w h . electricity: $55 1704 r st. n w.—8 rooms. 2 baths, h-w h , $65 C W SIMPSON CO 1024 Vermont Ave ME 57 00 1107 10th .lT, RE-fi ROOMS. BATH, h.-w.h. electricity; $90 UNKINS CO .1622 H ST N.W. 244$ TUNLAW RD N.W.. N*ar Calvert st.—6 rooms, bath, screened porches, gar $62.50 Also Benron st.: corner home. 7 room*. V? baths, etc. $85. F. E MALONEY WO. 7649. CHEVY CHASE. D. C DETACHED. 6 room*, porches, oil+ieat. Near Lafayette j School $75. Emerson 5424. ONE YEAR OLD. Nr. Cath Univ —2829 4th n.e : 6 rms. and b . auto, ht : lav. and shr in basement: Ire hack yrd $62.50. Ca 1 Shep. 5.226-W or Hobart 2002. CHEVY CHASE. D C . 9255 Patterson st. n.w.—9 bedrooms 2 ! baths, saraee. refrigeration. automatic heat, corner lot with trees. $loo mo 6190 92nd s', n.w.—9 bedrooms, l’a' bath*, screened porch, inclosed sun porch, j refrigeration, garage; just redecorated: $$5 ' month. 6970 91st pi. n.w. in Barnaby Woods— 9 bedrooms. 2 bath*, studio living room, refrigeration, garage, large wooded lot, j ; $105 mo. Call us for these and other houses now available for rent. EDW H JONES * CO.. INC _5520 Conn Ave. Woodley 2900. $67.50. MICHIGAN PARK. 928 PERRY PL. NE , Practically new 6-room and bath brick home, automatic heat, screened, weather stripped excellent condition: close to schools, stores and transp. Open for In spection. 1341 4th ST S.W. ~~ 4 rms., elec . water _ $20 00 445 IRVING ST. N.W. ! 0 rms . bath, h -a.h.. 2 porches $45.00 929 M ST. N.W. 8 rms. (5 bedrms ). 2 baths, h.-w.h. $05.00 1341 4 th ST. S.W. 4 rms,. elec . water $20.00 FLOYD E DAVIS CO. _ 733 12th St. N.W National 0352._ SUBURBAN HOME BETHESDA NEIGHBORHOOD Corner Bells Mill rd. and Old Georgetown j rd.—7 rms <4 bedrooms), bath, oil heat, ] refg : nice lot. Key next door. $50. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. _ 733 12th N W._National 0352._ DON’T ROAST THIS SUMMER! 1 It’s Cool Out by Soldiers’ Home Park. 3052 Park ol. n.w.. overlooking Soldiers’ Home Park Modern home, four bedrooms, two baths, two rooms on inclosed sleeping porch near trollev. two bus lines and I schools; rent, $7 5. L. T. GRAVATTE. NA. 07 53. 1212 QUINCY ST. N.W. Quiet, conv. neighborhood, conv. 14th ; and Park rd. shopping center, schools, i trans.; 0 rms.. 3 porches, auto. heat, ga- ! ! ra,re. ME. 0045 or CO_2704-J. ' CHEVY CHASE D. C. — DETACHED brick, center-hall home: 6 rms.. 2 baths, auto, heat elec refg on high knoll wHh view; modern: in excellent condition: $95. J H. GORDON. WOODLEY 1935. 134 1 KENNEDY ST N.W — <5 R . B.. ELEC.. H -W.H ; DETACHED: NEWLY PAPERED | AND PAINTED. $7 0.00. 109 MASS AVE N.W.—0 R . 2 BATHS, i ! OIL HEAT - o A L. GRINDLEY. 936 N. Y. AVE. • MT. PLEASANT BARGAINS 1718 Kilbourne pi. n.w.—$75. 7 rms.. bath: brick garage. 1762 Kilbourne pi n.w.—$75. An un usual 0-rm brick; like new. BRODTF At COLBERT 1707 Eve St N.W. NA. 8875. 1.608 WEBSTER ST. N.W.—8 ROOMS. 2 baths, lavatory m hasement and on 1st floor- oil heat, built-in carage: extra large I rooms: excellent condition; $100. 3227 WALNUT ST. NE.-4 rooms and I hath, hot-water neat. S45.75. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. ! 925 N. Y Ave N.W. Relators. NA. 97 97. OPEN 517 RTTTENHOUSE ST. NW.— Lovely seml-det. 6-rm. brick; A-l condi i tion auto heat, ref*. new stove: $57.50. j W ASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300 or 4455. CHEVY CHASE. MD. — 3-BEDROOM house, completely redecorated: oil heat, screen porch: $85. E. M FRY. INC . WI. 6740._ 1721 NEWTON ST. N.W. 6 rms.. bath, h.-w.h. $60 75 Randolph St. N.W. 7 rms., bath h.-w.h.. rfp.. pcr $55 2305 Tunlaw Rd. N.W. 6 rms.. bath, h.-w.h., * screened porchfs $52.50 3950 Blaine St. N.E. 5 rms., bath, automatic heat; new $50 610 K St. N.E 6 rms.. bath, h.-w.h.- reconditioned $40 WAPLE A' JAMES. INC.. _1224 14th St. N.W._ DI. 3346._ 319 WHITTIER ST. N.W—OPEN. NEW SEMI-DETACHED BRICK HOME. 6 rooms. 2 baths, refrigeration, oil heat, garage: on shaded lot. facing Gov eenment park Convenient to stores, schools and transportation. Rental only $70. WAPLE A- JAMES. INC . 1224 14th St. N.W._DI. 3346. NEW. SEMI-DETACHED. CENTER-HALL entrance; 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, finished recreation room, terraced porch, fenced-in garden, automatic neat (gas furnace). air conditioning; $90: open for inspection. THOS. J. FISHER Si Co., INC., 738 15th St.DI. 6830. REAL VALUES—SEE TODAY. 234 Upshur n.w.—7 r.: 2 family $57.50 4010 Marlboro pi. n.w.—6 r.. oil h. 60.00 WASHINGTON REALTY. OE. 8300 or 4455. 3045 ALBEMARLE ST.—6 R.. 1 B.$85.00 1414 Sprinr rd. n.w.—6 r., 1*4 b.. 85.00 i 1723 Hobart st. n.w.—6 r., b.. gar.. 75.00 C/ HOUSIS UNPURNISHID. 4*1? CONDUIT RD. N.W.—LOT. 83x200: attractive detached heme, containing 4 bedrooms. recreation room. 3 batha: oil hot-water heat. 2-ear garage, beautiful ahade treei and shrubi. Open Sunder, 11 to 1. 4 to 7:30: #110. J. MCKINNEY BERRY. Exclusive Agent, 1383 WIs. Ave. N.W._MI. 0513-0514._ «10 KEEFER FL. N.W.—NEWLY DECO rated: 8 large rms.. bath, basement, h.-w.h., garage: only #52.50 per month. 3211 Georgia ave.—8 large rms., bath, oil heat, a.m.t., #52.50. 3835 11th st. n.w.—8 large rms., bath, h.-w.h,. #45.50 per month. 1720 3rd st. n.e.—7 large rms., oil heat, only $311.50 per month. URCIOLO REALTY CO.. ME. 4041. 5302 8th 8T. N.W.-—8 R„ OAR., $60. 408 Crittenden n.w.—8 r., gar.. $87.50 6235 8th n.w—8 r„ auto. h., gar.. #70 <09 Ingraham n.w.—8 r.. mod . gar., $70. 442 Jefferson n.w.—7 r . gar.. #75. 1301 Jefferson n.w.—8 r. gar. $85. Above excellent conditloin. Mon. GE. 0179._ . 818 PARK RD. N.W 6 rms.. bath. Areola heat *40. „ 3322 19th ST. N.W, 8 rms bath, h.-w.h.. #55. „ , 712 ROXBORO PL N W. Semi-det., 8 rms.. bath *55. 88 V ST. N.W. 8 rms . bath, garage. $80. _ 1413 BUCHANAN ST N.W > jms .bath, recreation rm.. elec, refg., gas heat. *75. „ 1723 HOBART ST N.W. 8 rms . incl. breakfast and sleeping porches, garage, gas heat. *75. „ 3118 10th ST. N.W, 8 rms.. 2 baths, incl. breakfast and sleeping oorches 2-ca.r garage. *75 17th ST.. NR ALLISON. One of Washington's finest neighbor hoods Semi-detached modern. 7 rms.. garage S’#10o' ref" ' lar*e f,lcepin* porch' n by Aonolntment ,.,-PLANT A- OORDON. INC.. 1.1.4 Park Rd._N.W. CO 0838 PETWORTH—CORNER BRICKT OPEN—53.37 5th ST. N.W .> rms., ,3 porches. new gas range, re la«^lorir»*to,r*lt.1 wa,,,J brick garag For further Information ROGER MOSS, DI. 3121. _ 027 15th St. N.W, ARCHITECT'S DETACHED “ BRICK HOME. 4340 ARGYLE TERRACE N.W. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths, din ,rmu' ,opa,n s,atr h»"' kitchen. 1 *'**• rrf* : *100.00 per mo Temple 5143 oj * NEW, DETACHED. 6 ROOMS AND BATH, no>*t-'n garage, on 50-ft lot. air condi tioned oil heat: convenient transportation. S“,s „*nd stores. *75 mo. Sample SSitVXK*,ve n w 001 COn‘ N. C. HINES & SONS, 1108 Investment Bldg. _ DI. 77.30 or EM 406*!. _ 3419 PORTER ST. N.W. 8 rooms. 2 screened porches, full base men* bath, i toilet WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP. 931 H St. N.W. NA 3571. _ OPEN 517 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W. Reconditioned: seml-det. br.. it rooms, 'able-top ranee, elec rcfriierstion. semi finished basemen*, auto water bea'er. ROGER MOSS, DI. 3121. _837 18th at, N.W. VACANT AUGUST 1 NEW 8-ROOM brick house, garage, oil heat: Arlington. Va.; reasonable rent. CH. 59**7. FOR RENT. sin N. Can. 7 rms. bath, h.-w.h. $80.75 lJl.'-'J? Can - $ rms.. b, h.-w.h., 811.75 1-69 Shepherd n.w.. 8 rms . b . h -w h 4ii 5o GEORGE I. BORGER. _641! Indiana Ave N.W NA 11350 CLEVELAND PARK, 3515 Quebec st. n.w.—8 rms. bath. Oil rood condition $85 mo N C. HINES A SON'S. District 7739 or Emer son 4t>82. 322 ALLISON ST. N.W. " 8 ROOMS BATH—*65 decorated throughout. Garage. HARRY A. OLIKER CO., _ f» I « 1 Sth St. N.W._ _ NA 7157 BUNGALOW—$50. 3118 Channin* st. n.e. nr. Bladen*: burg rd—H rms. 1 hath DIXIE REALTY CO NA. 8880. Sunday WO. 9100 147 TODD PL. N.E. Convenient: !2-storv home. H rooms. *! glassed-in porches, attached garage, oil heat lease «o.V _MT VERNON CORP. NA 5530 KENSINGTON. MD. iRirge corner home. No 19 Lincoln ave : 9 rms bath, oil heat, refe . 3 porches. 7 car gar situated on about acre of cr^und Completely Furnished, $85. FLOYD E DAVIS CO 733 12th N.W. _ _ na 0352. MODERN ROCK C°EEK PARK HOMF 2014 PIERCE MILL RD. N.W. 7 rooms fa bedrooms'. 1 >i bath*: ajjto Bta i- Ras heat: 1-car garage. 2 glassed-in porches. Open: $75 month , FLOYD E DAVIS CO 733 12th St. N W National 0952 INSPECT TODAY. 3133 OLIVER STREET N.W. Chevy Chase. D C—-Detached brick A rms 3 bedrms.. *1 bath*, ree. rm.. fln, attic: nil heat. Others this section. $75 un DIXIE REALTY CO. NA. 8880. Sunday WO 9100 GOLF CLUB MANOR, VA., 47ns 37th St North. 6 rms 3 baths, oli burner, garage excellent condition $85 00 R. V. ’MARCERON. 613 18th St, N.W._ National 8888 640 PARK RD. N.W. R rooms and bath, h.-w.h.. recond like nea. Kev at 841 A. S. GARDINER. _1510 K N.W._ NA 0334 6910 8th ST. N.W. 7 rooms reception hall, oil heat. refriaeratlon: house in perfect condition, excellent location. "DT ONLY 887 50 THOMAS P. BROWN, _815 4th St. 8.W. NA. 6872, 3700 HARRIS ST. MOUNT RAINIER, MD. Modern bungalow. 8 rooms. 2 baths; convenient transportation, schools MT VERNON CORP NA. 5538. NW' 9 R . B . OIL HEAT *60 00 loft Kentucky ave. s.e.; 6 r„ b . h.-w.h. k\o so JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., _914 G St. N.W __ nr 3580._ Cool, Northwest, $52.50. The Westbury.. 1401 Tuckerman. always to degrees cooler here: new. modern car peted halls etc., cross ventilation first floor: 7 large rooms, kitchen, dining al rove. and bath. One other available at $49..o(l Apply JANITOR or AGENT; Na tional 0789. , NEAR CONN. AVE., 2771 Woodley pi. n w.—8 rms.. 2 heated pprrVt*. : nnr • r(nnr)let®,,‘ r®rw*ted- «70 ALTY 00 NA 888n- Sund,,!r; ATTRACTIVE HOMES. 577 Somerset pi. n.w.—5 r . b.. h.-w h.. hu'lt-in gar.; to bf r»riec. $50 50 914 Spring rd n w.—8 rms,. bath. h.-w.h : newly Dapered 50 50 1671 D st. n.e.—Arr fnr 7 fam ■ 2 r. k. b. nn each fi,: built-in gar.; auto beat ... 70 00 15"7 Park rd. n.w.—ill rms.. 8 bed rms.. bath: oil heal .__ so.Of) Barnabv Woods—Det brick fi rms 3 baths, elec, refg.: oil heat ' insul. _ _ _ 100 00 4700 Dover rd. iBrookdalei—Modi ern det. brick fi rms,. bath, maio * rm., oil heat. elec. refit insul.. bit.-in eerace 10ft 00 L. T. GRAVATTE. 729 15th St. N.W. REALTOR NA. 0783. 41 R ST. N.E. 7 r., b.. h.-w.h.. elec. $5" 50 h. 1. Coleman co„ 161" Eve St. N.W. ME 3888. NEW BRICK HOMES. 4370 RENO RD.. COR. WINDOM PL. N W. 8 rooms, beautiful baths, screened porch, gas air-conditioned heat. Onen daily. LESLIE D. MEASELI- WO 4733. CHEVY CHASE HOMES. D C. and Md.. 0 to 31 room*. 1 to 3 bath** severs! new brick We invite in spection. LESLIE D. MEASELL, WO. 4733. ROOMING HOUSE ON KALORAMA RD. near Columbia rd.—17 rooms. 3Va bath*: $150.00 a mo A. S. GARDINER, 1519 K St N.W._ NA. 0334._ WOODLEY PARK. TOWN HOME—.1005 .14th ST. N.W’. 4 bedrms., 2 bath, maid's room and bath: oil het‘: redecorat'd: suitable Army. Navy, diplomatic or Govt, executive; $125 mo _SHANNON ft LUCHS NA. 2.145._ 442 JfiFFERSON ST. N.W. 575 00. Semi-detached: 8 rooms, bath and shower: oil burner: l-car caraac. WASH LOAN & TRUST CO., _f)00 P N.W._NA .1440._ 2111 S ST. N.W. 13 rooms .1 baths. 2 lavatorl'a $125.00 2611 13th ST. N.W. 6 rooma and bath $62.50 712 6th ST. N.W. 7 rooms and bath 555.00 WASH. LOAN & TRUST CO., _000 P N.W. R. E. Dept. NA. 3440. OPEN TODAY, 1 TO 5. .171.1 T STREET N.W. Nr. Weatern High: aeml-det. brick; 0 rms.. 3 bedrma.. 1 bath; ante, heat; refrg.; 2 porches: gar.; $75. DIXIE REALTY CO. NA. 8880. Bundar. WO. 8100._' CLEVELAND PARK, 3318 ROSS PLACE N.W. Center-hall plan, tlx rooma, I Vi hatha, refrigeration, intuit ted: nearly decorated inside end out: Quiet, cool location; near high ichool/theatar gadI chops: 888.0a. U1T *i£ir>r PHBLPgL MM. K HOUSB UHfUKNISH«P._ WESTMONT—ARLINGTON, .HOT COLUMBIA PIKE 8 room*, kitchen and bath. *00. . 843 SOUTH IVY 8T. _0 rooms, kitchen and bath. *50. KELLEY. STEELE it BRANN1R DI. 7740. 1307 QUINCY ST. N.W. 8ix rooms, kitchen, beth. 2 Inclosed rear porches *05 3015 ORDWAY ST. N.W. Six rooms, kitchen, bath, pantry, front porch basement $80 4117 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W. 8ix rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, two ear garage. oil hee> *85 28 9th ST. S.E. Five rooms, kitchen, bath, basement *50 GOSS REALTY CO., 1405 Eye 8L N.W. NA 1353._ 5310 41st ST. N.W., Chevy Chase. D C.—Brick: 0 rms.. 3 bedims., tile bath. 7 acreened porches, flre Place: garage. Call OWNER. WO. 01 no. CONVENIENT LOCATION. 1441 E st. s.e.—8 rms.. bath *47 50 130 F st. s.e.—8 rms.. bath., h. w.h,. garage *»!o.on 2227 F* '•«. n w—17 rms.. 3 h *125.00 CHAS. L. NORRIS, 2135 P>. Ave II.W. RE. 8118. Completely Detached Home, 3018 INOOMAR ST. N.W.—*110.00 Located In Excellent Section. West of Connecticut Ave. Beautiful center-hall plan: living room with fireplace, dining room. 4 bedrooms, screened porch, kitchen. 2 baths: electric refrigeration: oil burner: detached garage. 1404 K. C A FRITZ HI. 0080. NEWLY RENOVATED. $40—828 11th st. n e.—0 rooms, bath, elec., gas., h.-w.h. *40.50—.318 14th pi. n.e.—H rooms, bath, elec., eas h.-w.h *45—1404 Md. ave n.e.—4 rooms, hath, elec . a».s h -w.h. *45—3474 0th st n.e.—0 rooms, hath. elec , gas. h.-w h.. reig . gar *50—1704 Staples st. n e.—« rooms, bath, elec.. rar h.-w.h . nil. *55—2305 Tunis*’ rd. n.e.—8 rooms, bath, elec., gas. h.-w.h. *55—27 10th st. n.e.—8 rooms, ba'h. elec aas. h.-w.h . arranged for 2 families: 7-car. car. *85—747 81:go ave.. Silver Spring—7 rooms, bath, elec., tas. h.-w.h., refi.. gar. , det. NEWSOM, _1110 H St N.E LI. 2071._ OPEN TODAY, 1 TO 5. 803 SOMERSET PLACE N.W Attrac. semi-detached brick; 5 rms . 7 bedrms. bath.; gar Nr. new high school and bus. Only *52.50. Others in this sec tion DIXIE REALTY CO. NA. 8880. Sunday. WO. 0100. _ HOME VALUES. 5340 Belt rd. n.w—6 rms . 2 baths, elec. gas. recreation room, oil heat $90.00 1 6.521 First st. n.w.—7 rms.. bath. elec ga«. H.-W H . refs gar 75 00 635 Gallatin st n w.—0 rms bath, elec , gas. H.-W.H., 2 inclosed | porches 75.00 4403 Kansas ave. n.w.—6 rms.. bath elec. gas. H.-W.H. 65.00 4419 New Hampshire ave. n.w—6 rms bath. elec., gas. H.-w H . (gas* 65.00 I 3106 Park pi. n.w—6 rms . hath, elec . gas H.-W.H.. 2 inclosed porches, re's .5.5.00 j 58 Eve «♦ ^ w.—7 rms., bath, elec . Rts H.-W.H.. garage 55.00 6l.t Roc!: creek church rd. n.w.—6 rmr.. bath, elec . gas H.-A H. 52.50 313 K y*. n.e—6 rm.« . bath. elec . gas. H.-W.H. 50.50 19 N st. n.w—7 rms bath, elec.. aas H.-W.H., 2-car garage 50.00 1031 10th st. n e.—6 rms.. bath, elec gas. H.-A H. 45.00 I 1655 You st. jr.e—6 rms.. bath. elec gas. H.-A H. 45.00 ; 1600 Gale? ft n.e.—6 rms., bath ! eier.. gas. H.-W.H. 37.50 : 5815*7 Southern ave Cap Hghts. Md—5 rms,. bath. elec., gas, 1 H -W.H. 35.00 1 1600 Gales st n.e.—4 rms . water, elec.. toilet In yard 22.50 1111 D st. n.e.—5 rms . ga« water 20.00 DUPLEX APARTMENTS 150o H ?t n.e —2nd fl : 4 rms.. ba’h elec gas H.-W.H. $35 50 ■ 1358 E st ss e . No 2—rms. kit.. bath elec gas. H.-W.H. 35.00 ; 1018 N Capitol st.—4 rms.. kit.. bath, elec gav H.-W.H 35.00 j 809 N. CaDitol st.. No. 3—2 rms.. kit., bath elec ., cas. H -W.H. 27.50 R. A. HUMPHRIES, *08 North Capitol St Realtor, NA. 87.30. 3201 MORRISON ST. N.W., Chew Chase. D C.—4 bedrm1.. 2 bath*. 1st floor »av., living porch oil hear garage. 8100 Open Sunday F. E. MALONEY, Wood lev 7 649. 3633 VAN NESS ST. N.W.. « rooms <3 bedrooms'. 2 ba h* semi detached oil heat: newly decorated. Rental. $100 per mo. Ooen Sunday 1 i to fi pm or call CO 4328 BOSS & PHELPS. _14I7 K N.W. NA 0.300. WESTOVER, ALEXANDRIA. VA BRAND-NEW BRICK HOMES FOR RENT. $52.50 a"hom*°m $55 00 Oil burner. hot-water hast, tile bath with shower. Convenient to stores and schools. 15 minutes downtown Washing ton. 10c BUS FARE To reach: Take Washlngton-Mt Vernon blvd to Bashford lane list street before entering Alexandria >. Right .3 blocks. FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE 1208 Colonial Ave. Temple 5187. _V S. HAMILTON. Temple 4000. Foxhall Village Several very desirable houses ranging in size from 6 rooms and bath to 8 rooms and 2 baths. In a most convenient location for all facilities. For further particulars, and to secure key for inspection, Phone BOSS & PHELPS M17 K N.W. Natl 9300 Exclusive Maryland suburbs of Wash ington. All restricted; com plete safety and proper en vironment for your children. Edgemoor and Kenwood, 10 rooms and 3 baths, suit able for entertaining. Only $200 per month. Greenwich Forest. 6 large rooms, 2 baths, a lovely home with servants’ quarters. Only $125. Other Attractive Homes The only exclusive Md. office hoving o listing of houses ond estates in the county from $60 per month up. E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lone Wis. 6740 Open to 8 P.M. Member el Md. Re«l Eslxte Asxo. , COLORED—MODERN 7-RM. DET HOUSE 734 50th st. n.e. Rent, $45.In. Will be vacant Ausust 15th. DIXIE REALTY CO- 1417 L ST. N.W. COLORED. 23 K ST. N.E.—II ROOMS. I bath. elec., h.-w.h. Reasonable rent. OWNER Ta.vjor 0043.__* _ COLORED. 1415 Morris rd. s.e.—8 rooms, bath, hot-wster heat; $42.50. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO . 825 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Realtors. NA. 8787. For Regularly Employed Colored. 2-R.. K.. B. APT8. 1458 P si. n w.—$37.50. 1246 8th st. n.w.—$.32.50. 518 2nd st. n.w.—$18.50 3.30? 8th st n.w.—$26.60. 603 N. J. ave. n.w.—$24.50. 12 Eve at. n.e.—$24.50. 1-R . K.. B. APTS 1810 California st. n.w.—$36.50. 1242 5th st n.w — $21.50. 32 Eve st. n.e.—S20.50. 436 N st. n.w.—$14. NswIt Record, end Open for Inspection. Washington Housing Corp., 831 H at. N.W. National_3S71. COLORED—216 DIVISION AVE. N.E.— New house, 7 rooms, bath; a.m.i.: rental, $60, National 2405._25*_ COLORED. New Brick Homes in Anieostla—Open. 1479 and 1481 Morris Rd. S.bT tout Nichols Are. 8.B. to Morris Rd.) 6 rms. 2 baths, automatic haat, larte fenced yards; refined neichborhood: near bu* w&leTIiaSSqr flfe 848 mo 1224 14th Bt. N.W.PI, 3348. 11 rms., bath, hot-water haat with oil bUr"e,; 'WAPL#7* JAMBB, INC., 1224 14th Bt. N.WPL 3348. COLORED. 509 D ST. N.E. _ Newly,, renovated ituece; » mi, and . :» HOUSIS WANTED TO RENT. w/ntxd unfurnished house in Chevy Chase. 3 bedrms., S80 per month. For occupancy Sept. 1st. Box_24l-G. mar. 4 OR MORE BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. Vi cinity ol Alice Deal. Chevy Chase: Auiust 1: «lv« Price, details._Box 41 fl-O. Star. PURNI8HED. DETACHED HOUSE BY young professional couple, for August: rea sonable; near car or bus. Box lt!2-J. Star. ____ 21* HOUSE IN GOOD SHAPE. 2 OR MORE baths. State rent, kind of heat, location. Box 253-J. Star.__ • WANTED TO RENT WITH OPTION TO buy reasonably priced home In Washington or suburban area._Box_47»-G. Star. FROM PRIVATE OWNER, 8 OR 0 ROOMS, city or suburban, good condition: retired man:_ under *37.SO._Box 243-J Star. YOUNG GOVERNMENT EMPLOYED COU ple desire sm house and yard, stove, refg.; preferably in District; not over *45. Box 13 G. Star, COUPLE DESIRES 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, in Va. Oood neighborhood, near 14th st. D. C. bus CH 1833 Monday. • WE NEED HOUSES Ir. Northwest D. C. and nearby Md. priced from *80.00 up TH08. L. PHIL LIPS. WO, 7000. 3518 Conn HOUSES FOR SALE. SACRIFICE 8-RM. MOD BRICK. GOOD Va. section; $1,000 below loan valuation; $6,950; terms. OWNER. Tempi# 1454 MT PLEASANT SECTION—THREE-STORY i and basement brick, eight rooms, bath, oil heat; priced only $6,950: small down pay I ment. balance like rent: close transporta tion. stores V. S Hurlbert. NA. 3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP . 931 H Rk_n w. _ CHEVY CHASE. D C.—BEING-TRAN8 ferred. , rms. del.; quiet street, near Conn ave : roof, sides Insulated: nil burn er: 5 rms. bath. 1st fl.: 2 rms.. bath 2nd 6.: lavatory in basement: built-in heated garage._OWNER. _Woodley 88 ] 0 3419 PORTER ST N.W.—TWO STORIES and basement s.mi-detached, seven rooms, bath, two screened porches, garage, large lot: small down payment, balance $75 month consider trade. D C property. V. R Hurlbert. NA 3571 WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP . 931 _H st. n.W. NORTH WOODRIDGE. MD —BY OWNER, stone house. 6 rooms. 2 bathvS, screened Porch. sunroom. lar-e attic, built-in ga rage. beautiful recreation room with shower and lavatory, maid s room, large lot. 4810 Eastern ave. ne_ DE 4J*n.=s 21* $5,250 SMALL CASH. EASY MONTHLY payments: nearby Maryland 6 large rms.. а. m.i.. like new. garage. NA. 8682. after б. Taylor 5284 $100* CASH. $55 PER MO . INCLUDING taxes, all int. and principal: large, new. 6 room. all-brick house while thev last: *5.750 up. Act quirkla No. 14 Burns st n r Open 9 to 9 daily. J A. JORDAN. WO. 2728. _ 21* 4851 BAYARD BLVD. NEAR 49th AND Western ave.—5 rooms tile bath: lot 4(ixlO(i Wisconsin 02,14. $5.250—BY OWNER: 5 ROOMS BATH. 3 porches: Dunigan built 5411 5th st. nw Georgia 5127. after 5:30 pm 320 17th PL. N E —7 ROOMS l'j BATHS, basement finished for living quarters: new house cond tion: near schools. Navy Yard stores. OWNER. Oliver 1733. 31* BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL*’ 3~ BED rms.. 2*i b den screened porch, many features. excellent construction. slate i rro ropn*r pinir.~ A homey home. Come 1 to 5323 28th st. n w 5701 18th FT N.W.—EXCLUSIVlT^LARGE 14-rm detached cor. home completely modenv cost $50.0oo lo build: suitable for embassy, legation or professional res o—'C': *n ?h* rlite n-r? of 16th st. Will sell for $25,000. Owner has other ! tnv unices v-all MRS. BEALL. RA 0038 or Duponr. 9543. $6 956 — ON BEAUTIFUL CHELTENHAM dr., just beyond the Bank of Bethesda. right off Wis. ave 2 block near parochial and public school*. Catholic church Prot estant churches, stores and bus. New 8 room Colonial brick homes, finest con struction with all modern features, big wooded lot 8500 down, easy payments; 28 different designs to choose from: 6 sold. Exhibit horn? 4524 Cheltenham dr. PAUL M. LUDT real estate. 8800 Wis. ave.. cor. Bradley blvd WI. 8893 REAL SACRIFICE. 2 DOORS 5th AND O 485 O 6f. n.w —14 r . 4 b . new cond fac ing Govt. park. 1st comm : $250 to $500 cash: rent. *85. Exchc. Open OWNER 21* CHEVY CHASE—BRICK COL 3 BED rms 2 baths, fin. attic: $9,500 $2.(»oo i cash balance J trust McCUNE DU 1883. NF*R AVE 38r h AND rHESAPE 4KF Near schools. 8-rm brick, tiled bath garage bus; practically new OWNER. EM. 0 182,. NEW BRICK BUNGALOW WHICH HAS 2 bedrooms now 3 available when needed Monthly payment* including rax?'. insur ance interest, principal. $39 62 Restrict ) ed highly developed, verv a'Tactive neigh borhood in Arlington tor bus zone Buy direct from owner. You mMst see this 1 house to anpreciate the quality and the price. Don't cal! unless you are genuinely : interested. For location, etc . call Chest nut 5699 1 OPEN SUNDAY—4 230 CHESAPEAKE ST n.w.—Corner, near Woodrow Wilson High School end *r hieh: 7 rooms, tile bath. < fireplace, open porch, attached garage oil heat; first-class condition only $7,950; j terms._Emerson 411_7. TF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY ; in a new detached brick home call Shep ; herd 5799 and arrange to see our homes: ! 5 rooms, slate roof, concrete porches, extra fine kitchens, on wooded lots: priced at j *5.890.__ I 4526 15th ST. N.W.—6 RMS.. 2 IN ! closed porches; gas heat: in excellent con dition: vacant. For real buy call OWNER. RA, 4263._ ! 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. IN NEW : condition, for sale br owner Can b* seen Sunday from 12 to 4 p.m. 615 Gist ave.. 1 Sil, Spr.. Md._ NEW 5-RM. HOME. LARGE LOT; RE4 sonabl* priced convenient payments OWNER 825 N. Abingdon st... Arl . Va j Chestnut 2785. _ | EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY N.E. Washington; 6-room bungalow, lot 50 by ! 150: price. $5,950 To a reliable party. *100 down. $50_month._Woodier_1360. CHEVY CHASE—BRICK COL : 3 BED rms.. 2 baths fin attic $9 500: $1,000 cash, balance terras^ McCUNE. DU 1863 ’AOS KENNEDY ST N.W.—1 st'COMMER ctal. 7 rooms- 7 complete kit.: $1.00(1 cash. $45 nerjno. Building and loan. GE 78:17. COME. SEE 74 WEST PEYTON AVE . MT Ida, Alexandria. Va. *1 blk east of Russell rd.i A nice detached home bargain on ease terms, with 1 rms.. bath. 7 glass-inclosed porches: h.-w.h ; garage- nr. bus, school and^store. In fine condition. National^iRl.Y ATTRACTIVE. NEW! 1311 TO 1339 178th st. se Specials. block north Penna. ave. 0 nice rooms. 7 baths, large club rooms. hardwood trim- real values, easy terms to suit: most convenient location Open Sample. 1311 78th st. s» Your opportunity Inspect at once E. W. BAI LEY^ owner-builder. Adams 4788 NORTH CLEVELAND PARK. 3715 WIN dom pi. n.w.—« rms. 7 baths, attic, large lot: new condition: will accept reasonable offer Open Sunday ;!-« p.m OWNFR. PI. 4340 LI 7637. _71 • CHEVY CHASE. MD.—NEW HOME OF stone, brick and frame. 1. r.. d, r.. lav,, kit . 3 b r . 7 baths, rec. rm.. maid's room and bath, garage. landscaped lot: reduced $1,500 for immediate sale direct from owner and builder; orice. $17,700 WI 7845._ _ _21« NO CASH PAYMENT: 108 WOODRIDGE ave.. Nortnwood Park: $100 monthiv for 1‘a years $75 thereafter pays everything. COFFMAN REALTY CO.. Shepherd 4123. OWNER HAS LEFT CITY. MUST SELL OR rent exceptional 7-room. 7-bath home. 704 Montoomerv ave. Sil’er Snr'ny $11,750 rent. $100 COFFMAN REALTY. ^H 4173. MASS AVF N.E— !l ROOMS. NEWLY decorated: near schools, churches and car line $7 POO. $750 cash, balance terms. GEORGE ROGERS. K04 F st. n.w. NA. 8137. KALORAMA RD . NEAR lgth—13 RMS.. .1 baths, excellent condition. Price. $>(i $1,000 cash, balance terms GEORGE ROGERS. 604 P st. n.w. NA. 8137 $8.630—NEAR NEW NAVAL HOSPITAL and Health Center New brick 6 rooms. 2 baths, porch, garaae. oil heat, large wooded lot: near transportation. Terms. Call OWNER. Wisconsin 5547. BY OWNER—CORNER BUNGALOW IN desirable section, just outside District. Thoroughly reconditioned throughout $5.. j $50. « Pershing ave.. Colmar Manor. Md • VETtY DESIRABLE HOME. LOCATED IN TAKOMA PARK. D. C.. worth the money Call Shepherd 5345 today for appointment. $250 CASH. BALANCE $4 7.50 MONTH Near Stanton Park: H-r. and h. brick, h.-w.h.. fire : everything in new condition. Price. $4.5uO. E A GARVEY towner), DT. 4508. E\c._nnd Sun.. -GE. 6666. 14.:0 GIRARD N.W.-LARGE HOME suitable for roomer.',. Reduced lor ouirk sale; might trade. Adams 7286 evenings. GREAT SACRIFICE." LESS THAN AS .-•ssed value: beautiful heme and garden. 8 rms., large living rm., fireplace, sun norclt deck. Insulated, oil burner. 211 baths; bus line; might rent. OWNER. WO. 4401._ 3647 HIOHWOOD DRIVE S E —JUST completed; spacious 8-room, center-hall orlck on high elevation: 4 bedrooms, baths on first and second floors: oil heat, air conditioned. insulated. copner piping throughout: recreation room and garage. Will consider trade; exceptional vaiue. Out Pennsylvania ave. to Carpenter st., turn left. Owner. Lincoln 71)36,_• LARGE ROOMING HOUSE. NR DUPONT Circle—Completely furnished, with new fur niture: 22 rooms. 6 baths; everythlna modern: small down payment. LETA LIS TER. AD. 6623 or AD. 6440. __ •_ CHEVY CHASE. 137 AND 136 E. BRAD ley lane—Just completed. 2 lovely 6-room homes, on wooded lot.-: secluded neighbor hood: breakfast nook, screened porch, at tic. garage: a.m.i.; priced for ouick sale. Emerson 2666. __ _ OWNER MUST SACRIFICE SEMI-DE tached. 8-room house. Mt Pleasant sec tion; priced below assessed value; terms. RA. 1797._ • SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICE ON NEW 5, 6 and 8 rm. houses on easy terms; extra large lots._AD. 6273.____ • COOL—TAKOMA. D. C—BEST BARGAIN 523 Fern pi. n.w.—Bungalow. ioi 5ux 2(10; garage: fruit trees, fish pond. Don't miss this opportunity. GE. 1122._• _ $5.750—PETWORTH—REAL BUY: OPEN. 5111 8th at. n.w. See this unusual buy; convenient settlor. Georgia 6484.__ • _ $500 CASH, BALANCE $65 PER MONTH: near McKinley High School: attractive brtek corner: 6 Urge rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. front and roar porches. 2-car garage. For inspection call URCIOLO REALTY CO.. NICS LITTLE 4-ROOM FRAME. FULL HOUSIS FOR SALI. "I (Continued.) | NEAR UNION STATION NT®.—Flint 3 story brick house, h.-w.h.. oil burnes double garage: $8,000.00, terms. LLOYR R. TURNER. 800 7th st. g.w. _ • 1 LOVELY 7-ROOM BRICK, NEWLY Rtf conditioned: gas. h.-w.h ; built-in garage! dry basement, large attic. Venetian bltMUl Front and rear porches. Conv. to schools; shopping and transp. $8,450 for quick sale. „ 3548 Rock Creek Church rd . opp 380<i New Hamnshlre ave. n.w. Eves, and Bun. Phone OWNER, EM. 3438 m 7205 BRADLEY BLVD. BETHESDA^4 bedroom, center-hall brick: screened porch amusement rm.; built-in garage; O E o burner; large attic fan: lot 75x2m $1,000 below market. $11.70( Fine location for children. OWNER, Wli consin 4351. $2.750—NEW HOUSE—$27.50 PER M< Includes taxes' Small down Daymen GOSS REALTY CO . National 1353. 3018 CALVERT ST —CORNER. GLOVE1 Paik—7 large rms . 3 baths; oil heat; ree reation rm . garage Price. $0,500: eas terms. P. E. MALONEY, agent. Woodle 784fb_ 5 RMS LOCATED 1807 N TAYLOR ST Arlington. Va. See now at low pries See OWNER at same. _ CONGRESS * HEIGHT8 D C — 3-ROOl frame bungalow, nice yard. $1,500; $20 cash $25 monthly A. M. ROTH. Wood ward Bide NA 7 038. TWO-FAMILY — ON MASS. N.E. AN1 10th—7 r, b ; h.-w.h., oil burner; gtragi Quick sale, $0,750. Call WAKINGS. War field 2232. evenings or before^ 10 jt.m._23 $7 050—114 E BRADLEY LANE. CH. CH Md —0 rms. bath, kitchen, garage; ntc ground*._Nr achoola buaes._ete._ _g| NEAR POUR CORNERS. MD.—$1,390 2 room cottage, lot 00x210 ft. Elec , well Make your own terms MR. GLIDDEN. DE OII54-M after 0 p m. Day. PI. 3347 WELL-BUILT HOUSE. 0 ROOMS, PIN* lnt. excellent location priced right. Terms. Terms. See MR SMITH. 4200 1st st, g.e, CHEVY CHASE—DIRECT FROM OWNER. Detached brick. 0 rooms, lst-floor lava tory. air-conditioned recreation room, custom built. Open after 2 pm. today. 5308_Broad Branch rd WANT A FARMHOUSE* IN*"UNIVERSfrZ Park? This 10-room frame house mtaht strike you that way in comparison with the snappy neighborhood but it has hot* water oil furnace, oak floors on 1st and 2nd, the fine trees and 10.000 feet of land help the farm Idea; price, $9,000, $800 I cash. $88 per month. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1188. 1315 SHERIDAN ST. N.W. $8,950. V Unusual circumstances forces owner tft sacrifice his 8-room 2-bath house at abwe price. It also has recreation room, built in garage. Colonial front porch routhed ! in plumbing: easy to arrange as 2 apts. i This house Is in fair condition. 1'/» blocks | from Sheridan Theater. shODPing center and best schools and transportation around Washington. - cash and balanc* financed Call Mr. Weaver. Woodley 49441 WAPLE k JAMES. INC . t Silver Spring Office 8433 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring. Md. Shenherd 5200. WEST OF THE D C LINE ABOUT 1 miles and near Fort Sumner of Civil Waf days. Massachusetts ave. is not far away, but is not yet an approach The very attractive masonry house was built fof seclusion and modern comfort as needed for a small family The living room is j large and charming with its beautiful , plank noorina set with wood pegs, beamed ceiling and handsome, wide fireplace with novel storage for the wood. There a ret other novelties, some original and th« house is one of those interesting place# ! not found in cut-end-dried plans. There are *, bedrooms, bath extra lavatorv. ga • face and the land measures about 127x1.55 feet The high wire fence protects the family from marauders and keep' the do* at home. Price. $11.500.00. Call Mrs. Burgess. \VI 4253. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER, 1719 K St, N.W. _NA. 1108 • ALTA VISTA. BETHESDA—NEAF. SCHOOL and bus. attractive one-story brick house of 0 rooms and bath air-conditioned with gas: lot 60x120 ft. Price. $7,159.00. On be leased at $65.00. LOUIS P SHOEMAKFR 1719 K St. N.W, NA. 1150. j A REAL HOME COMPLETELY TOR nished: with income sufficient to carry all expense, all conveniences: perfect condiw Lon: n rooms exclusive n w . near ]*rh and Allison: must have S3 000 cash. . , r * m.i.. built-in garage. 12^0 block Penn ne $4,750. N.E.-—5-r. bungalow remodeled like new: frame and stucco: larae lot. ea«-y ■ terms $4,500: must be **en to appreciate. r _ CHAP D SAGER P'4 14th St. NW NA 003*. Even in 2 s WO 05 $0 ALEXANDRIA FR AMF HOUSE OF $ room*. bath. hot-water h*at. on lot about 4Kxl'.:j ft. with side alley and *J-car ga rage Within a half block of King st. i no’ far from the new theater, this substantia] house can be made into apart ment* It need* reconditioning, but the price is VVOOO on J-OUJS P SHOEMAKER. 1.10 K St. N W NA 1 1 ** «0 f>50—WOODRIDGE—LARGE R-ROOM detached home fine neighbor hood: wooded lot: garage Fn» MUNDJ. FLYNN. Woodward Bid* , _RE ,_121S CLEVELAND PARK—BEAUTIFUL HOUsi Of suburban character, but near Connect!* *’6 *AT- an<1 within 15 minutes- drive ot the Government offices. The larae rooms and extensive verandas make this the proper house for entertaining as well as comfort There are R bedrooms, the living room and dinmr room are each “’hx'M ..eT and there is a library on the 1 at floor. Thi land has a frontage of about ICO feet. Price, $ifi..5nnoo _ LOUIS P SHOEMAKER, _1.19 K St. N.W. NA. 1155 *9 950—NEW. DETACHED BRICK-^l rooms. 2 baths: near tth and Underwood sts. n w. Trades con sidered EDMUND J FLYNN. _Woodward Bldg. RE. JCL? RESTRICTED N.W, $1 450.00. $750 CASH. LOW PAYMENTS. Pretty English Normandy homes, eon : taming six large rooms. 2 complete baths i 'one In basementt. elaborate kitchen, deh j cately stippled walls, large closets, daylight basement close to schools, churches, i L™"*!**.*Mr Reavis, Emerson 4k 12. with BEITZFLL. DI. .'lloo . $p 050—CHEVY CHASE. D C — CORNEfi h rooms. 2 baths, built-in garatS? o.l beat;,cost $i:1.000, EDMUND J t TOYNN. Woodward Bldg. R| SILVER SPRING—NEW BRICK HOMEri large bedrooms, tiled bath, recreation root*! Drive out Georgia Ave. to R.TOO block, right on Bonifant St. 3 block to Cedar Et and Houston Ave , bear left on Houston l ,03 Houston Ave , Wrill take your home ■ trade F H A financing if desire! Near St. Michael’s Church and SchoJ .___ SHepherd 4PH0-J. ‘4006 BAYARD BLVD.—6 RMsTBATHTci , a 66-ft, lot: auto heat, insulated, screetw 1 •awnings: a great value at S5.P50 Opi daily and Sunday: out Mass, ave to Wes* ern ave . right to Leroy pi . left to Bavaat , blvd . right to home N C. HINES & SONS _110R Investment Bldg DI. 7739 if x, - t-lT 7th STfN.W Near St, Gabriel’s parish. Newly dec** rated, semi-dot. brick, 6 Ige rms . 2 indC porches: oil burner: recreation basement! , 3-car g,rase: priced t0 sell: terms. |*ft ‘ it today, :t to 6 p m. 1237 MORSE ST. NE. 7 Newly dec. semi-dc'. brick 6 Ige rms* bath, new oil burner: Ige. yard: garage far f,'arl °"L 8350 c»sh. balance lilt* rent. Open todav. 3 <o 5 _URC’iOLO HEALTY CO ME 4941. WILL TRADE NEW HOME—MT PLEASANT. i. Cost $15,950; Now >1”.95P 1 Block of . Bedroom a dft . H room room. b«th. _ojl _ 3iio BLOCK* WHITTIER_ST_N.wTT 9 Built, k Sold Before Completion— There Is a Reason If you want one of the best. 5 rooms at - baths, garage, wooded lots: near tran Ssno k°P sch00>-' and stores They a ' $500 below anything near this value: terr j to suit. Open from 10::in a.m to 8 p.m. WAPLE N JAMES. INC . | _L:.-4-1 ,th s? . NW __ District 3345. | S-D. BRICK. SO. EXPOSURE. ~2 OPEN. “ft 607 ONEIDA FL N.W. GOOD VALUE. 1 Natural trim throughout, oak floor*. 5 closets on 2nd floor, 2 cedar lined 4 BEDROOMS—2 TILED BATHS, Screened br porch, built-in garage: within walking mstance of schools, stores: rapid transportation nearby ROGER MOSS. DI. 3121. __ ft2r_.l_Sth.8t. N.W. _ BEAUTIFUL HILLCREST New homes, most modern, best of work manship and material: inspect todav °n°4. 83 85th st, sc. Cell OWNER. LI. Opjc. NEW CONGRESS HEIGHTS HOME: See Our New, Honestly-Built Home. „ „ 3315 5th ST S E Onen Froni 1 UM .o ti PM. Sunday. JOS A. HERBERT * SONS. _515 E Capitol St_Lincoln 0129. S6.950—8th AND CONCORD AVE7, Near Nativity and Paul Junior Hlah Schbfcl « rooms, bath. 2 Inclosed porches, elec, reft., insulated, etc. Arranged and can be used for 3 families. PI- 591,._W, L MOORE._QE. 2803 . PLEASANT—J7.950 ,, 5 BEDROOMS AND 2>a BATHS Very desirable home with many attrac i tive and modern features, such ay first door lavatory hardwood floors, insulation, elec, refs., etc DI. 8917. W. L. MOORE. OE. 28(j2 .DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME’ If vou have #300 to S300 cash and a good job. I can sell «ou a new 6-room, all-modern home, near Hillcrest. s e Trades considered MR OLIDDEN. DE. 0054-M after 6 p.m.. or pi, 3340. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. EXCELLENT location, 4601 48th st. n.w.—5 rooms, bath, gas heat, full basement and attic, large lot. garage: will sell very cheap THOMAS P. BROWN. _815 4th St. 8.W, National 8872. „,,THE CREAM OF THE CROP. _8515 Sligo parkway. 108 Woodridge aw*. Montgomery ave.. Silver Spring Set the different.,, between hemes and housea. COFFMAN REALTY_C01L Sheohe rd_41_23. ^ STONE AND BRICK. « ROOMS *>4 baths recreation and maids rooms. Tot I]??1.?,?' exceptional trees and setting. 8515 Sligo parkway, Silver Spring; *11.950. _COFFMAN REALTY CO.. SH. 4123. YOU SHOULD SEE THIS HOME' If you are looking for large rooms and large, shaded lot; house less than 2 vears old. lacing Govt park Convenien' to trans portation. schools and stores One of best n.w. sections. CtU Mr. Orem. OS. 464#. Of PI. 3348 (CMtios* « K«n «■•&> t