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HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) . GEORGETOWN^ A eery lovely small brick house, all modern improvements, moderately priced. DRUMMOND REALTY CO.. HO. 291)1. SPRING VALLEY, 4004 40th ST. N.W. OPEN SUNDAY. 10 A M. TO 7 P.M. English-design brick home, containing living room, dining room, library, break fast room and kitchen; bedrooms and 7 baths; large storage space; recreation room of knotty pine. W. C k A N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1119 17th St. N.W. _DI. 4464. OPEN. CONVENIENT NORTHEAST. CORNER BRICK. NEAR EASTERN HIGH. 1701 D ST. For One or Two Families. 0 Rooms, 3 Large Porches. Built-in Garage. Buy on Easy Terms. ROGER MOSS, DI. 3121. __92716th St. N.W. _ SPRING VALLEY, 4912 TILDEN ST. N.W. Beautiful stone and stucco house in ex cellent condition, less than 2 years old. located on a large, beautifully landscaped wooded lot. First floor—Living room, din ing room, pantry, kitchen, mezzanine floor, library and full bath. Second floor —4 large bedrooms and two baths: large •tOrage space in attic. Basement, maid’s room and bath, recreation room and 2-car garage. OPEN SUNDAY. 10 AM. TO 7 P.M. W C <fe A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1119 17th St. N.W._DI. 4404. TERMS LIKE RENT. To responsible party we offer this 4-bed foom Dutch Colonial home located in WESLEY HEIGHTS, 4405 KLINGLE ST. Situated on a large lot with fine trees »nd beautifully landscaped. One block from school. \2 block from bus. Priced 510.500. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A M. TO 8 P.M W C k A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO.. _1119 17th St N.W._pi._4404._ 6-Bedroom Detached House, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. 4019 48th ST. N.W . In good condition, recently painted, new roof, new oil burner; lot 100x110; detached garage 59.000—Low cash payment, monthly Bayments like rent. OPEN SUNDAY. 10 AM TO 7 P M. W C k A N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1119 17th St. N.W._DL_4404. SPRING VALLEY RESALE." Owner having left the city wishes to dis pose of his lovely brick home located on a good size lot. Contains living room, li brary. dining room, pantry, kitchen and lavatory on the first floor: 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on the second: servant s room and bath in basement: 2-car garage. W C. & A N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1119 17th St. N.W._DI. 44H4._ HILLCREST ON HILL—S.E. 2 new brick homes nearing completion. They will sell Quickly at price asked. Have you seen them? Then see them now belore it is too late. 2017 31st ST. S.E. (At 31st and V Place. > WAPLE A JAMES, INC . 1214 14th St. N.W. DI. 3348. i 2927 2nd ST. NORTH, Lyon Park. Va.—Close to District. Fully detached- fi rms.. bath, oil burner, detached *ar., beautiful wooded lot. $250 CASH. Balance like rent. DI. 2724 or eve.. Woodley 0432._ SAVE, SAVE, SAVE Do to 51.000 in Michigan Park. The owner said to sell new brick homeR. lge. rooms, only builder giving a Bendix washer with each home, has lge. yard, finished recr. room, same eouipment will be found in 815,000 homes. F. H. A. approved Price only Sfi.850 and S4S 12 ret month includes principal. Interest, insurance and taxes. Also larger homes lor 57.250._4702 12th st. n.e._ JUST THINK, ONLY $4,950. Nearby Md. Delightful home containing 5 rooms and bath: beautiful grounds; must see to appreciate. ROBERTS E. LATIMER _7733 Alaska Ave._GE 1270. 1406 DELAFIELD PL. N.W. 5 RMS. 4 BEDRMS. 2 BATHS. OIL HEAT MOST ATTRACTIVE TERMS REA SONABLY PRICED. DESIRABLE NEIGH BORHOOD PAUL P. STONE, REALTOR, TA. 2244._TA. 3311._ “NEW HOME OPPORTUNITY. Detached, large lot. adjacent to Hillcrest. * big rooms— 3 DOUBLE BEDROOMS, Colonial front porch; high elevation, in vigorating view, excellent restricted sec tion. Come out and see them or phone for our auto service to the houses. Model Home Open to 9 P.M. 3943 S ST. S.E. To inspect: Out Penna. ave. s.e. to end. cross Ala. ave. one block turn left one block, then right to houses. The Price Is Low. Terms Reasonable. WAPLE & JAMES, INC., 1224 14th St. N.W. DI. 334B. UNBELIEVABLE! 4 BEDROOMS: *fi,800: 2 BATHS New brick nearby Md. 21-tt. 1. r raneled flreolace. oil heat, large lot. lovely rees. F. H. A. Woodley 3R01. OUTSTANDING VALUE. Uniaue. charming floor plan in 7-room brick Sligo Park home: 3 bedrooms with spacious closet. 2 baths on 2nd floor, den and bath on 1st floor: entrance hall un usually large: dining room, beautiful 22x17 ft. living room, on lower level with French doors opening on terrace, overlooking Sligo Creek. Outdoor fireplace. landscaped grounds, beautiful tall oak trees. Game room in cellar: garage, beautiful lot. Must be seen to appreciate. Phone Shep herd 3041. __ _ _ OPEN “SUNDAY. 227 T st. n.e.—Reconditioned, like new. pmi-det ached. 7 large rooms, bath. auto, negt, new stove, sink, suitable for 2 fam ilies or renting rooms. Near all con veniences. Price. $5,950: $500 cash, bal ance $50 mo. % E. M. AIKEN. INC.. gOO H St. N.W._NA. 3550: Eve ■ MI. 6857. SILVER SPRING. Located in an established and growing fommunity. a real home with plenty of space the rooms are large, the lot is 50x150 with trees: this is a 3-bedrm.. 2 bath. all-brick house, slate roof, copper screens, rock wool insulation, heat, built in gar . side porch with deck, stairs to attic, fireplace. Transportation 1 blk. Priced at 58.500: terms. Come and see Saturday afternoon or Sundav. open. To reach: Right at Silver Spring traffic light, out Colesville rd. to Franklin st.. then to Wire ave.. right on Wire tn 220. 1 Or call HELEN H VEIT, real estate. SH. filfioor SH. 3526.__ ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW In desirable location.' containing 5 rooms, bath, full attic and basement. D. C. transportation. 4803 Westwav drive. Out Mass. ave. to Western ave., right to Westwar drive, left to home. MONTGOMERY REALTY CORP . 7 Wilson Lane. Bethesda._WI. 2 4.31._ STONE-FRONT HOME In beautiful Kirkside. Md. 4 large bed rooms. 2 large baths, large den and bath, on large lot. Priced right. Also 3-bed room. 2-bath, den and bath home. 304 1 OLIVER OUT WIS TO OLIVER. RIGHT 1 BLOCK TO HOME MONTGOMERY REALTY CORP Wilson Lane. Bethesda. WI. 2431. MARIETTA PARK, Semi-detached Brick. 326 OGLETHORPE ST. N.W. 6 large rooms. 2 baths, natural trim, large kitchen, finished clubroom. automatic neat, built-in garage: convenient to parks, recreation center and schools. Your op portunity to buy a fine home in one of Washington s best locations at a real price. Open Sunday Or Call Mr. Bennett. GE. 2298. WAPLE & JAMES, INC., 1224 14th St N.W. _ _DI.334B._ ^DIRECT FROM OWNER. Nrw brick Colonial: $500 cash. Si00 month. Located in beautiful Bradley Hills. 7 rooms. 2’2 baths: 2-car garage: very large lot. WI. 2648-7860. ‘WOODRIDGE BARGAINS. 3204 22nd. 'j su. north R. I. ave.; large B-r.. 4-bedroom home: garage; ideal loca tion. A 514.000 home for only SO.750. Open 2025 20th—Lovely new fi-r. brick, well planned. Your Inspection invited. It's different. Terms. H C. MAYNOR At CO.. 8314 R. I. ave. n.e. North 4338._ $25 Per month up Why rent? Let us build your home. We help finance. WILLIAM M KITCHIN Ac CO.. Tower Bldg. NA. 8850. Evenings. RA. 2635. ARMY MAN TRANSFERRED Must, sell new home, never occupied: 3 bedrooms, each large enough for twin beds: tile bath and shower, large living room with built-in bookcases, spacious dining room, efficient kitchen, '/a bath on first floor: attached garage. slate roof, screened porches, large wooded lot, high elevation: nearby Virginia. Can be han dled with 51,000 down. S55 month. Box 133-J. Star. TAKOMA PARK. D C. Near Schools. Churches. Stores. Etc. Delightful home of 8 rooms and bath; good porches, cellar, attic, slate ’roof, ga rage; large lot. nicely landscaped; whole property In excellent condition. Price. 58.500; terms. TRINIDAD ST. N.E . NORTH OF FLA. AVE. One of the nicest Oolonial-type houses In this locality. Large rooms, porches, garage: in excellent condition throughout. Price. Sfi.350. JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., District 3511(1._014 O St. N.W. $500 DOWN. 5-room and bath bungalow, in the Dis trict. overlooking Government park, on So ft. lot. plenty of trees, convenient to trans portation. stores, schools and churches. 4011 Sherrier pi n.w. Price, 55.750: easy terms. Directions: Out Conduit rd. to Ne braska ave.. left one block, right into Sherrier Open Saturday and Sunday. N. C. HINES At SONS, 1108 Investment Bldg. DI. 7738. SPECIAL BARGAIN. R. I. ave. n.e.—For business or home. B-room and bath house. 50x150. on this f«st-tTpwinc sireei: act ouick: only 553100. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H fti, N.W. DI. 7877. i __HOUSES FOR SALE.__ TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. Near 3rd and Madison Sts. N.W. 8 rooms, hdw. fls.. oil heat, in fine con dition; facing Govt, park; price reduced for quick sale. Mr. Lynch. RA. 1242. or WAPLE A JAMES. INC- PI. 334ft._ NEW HOMES—84,990. .85,350. 8300 CASH. 845 MONTH. High elevation, all rooms big: large lot. Only 2 left, see them today. Possession with deposit. 3938 BLAINE ST. N.E. Out 15th and H sts. n e. through Ben nina. turn right on first through street to Blaine, then right to house Open to 9 p.m. WAPLE A* JAMES. INC, 1224 I4th St. N.W. District 334ft. CLEVELAND PARK—$14,950 9 rms. (5 bedrms.). sleeping porch, 3 baths, large fireplace, attic. SUPER CON STRUCTION. INSULATED: 2-car garage. SWIMMING POOL, lot 70x220. BIG TREES: conv. schools, bus, shoDPing center. OWNER. CH. 3300. WO. 0979._ RECONDITIONED HOMES. Have several reasonable houses as low as 85,000 that can be purchased on low monthly payments. For Information call Mr. MacMurra.v. TA 0818. WAPLE & JAMES. INC, 1224 14th st. n.w. PI. 334B. 1277 OWEN PL. NX Vacant, like new. ft rms, 2 rear porches, garage: easy terms: consider lots in trade. Mr Glidden, DE. 0054-M after ft p.m, or WAPLE & JAMES. INC, PI. 334B. NEAR BRADLEY HILLS COUNTRY CLUB" 250 ft. south of Bradley blvd.. on 7 Locks rd Beautiful acre lot. new brick. 4 bedrms, 2'i baths, planked floors, at tached 2-car garage: thoroughly modern countrv home: nrice 8)2 500. MARTHINSON A CO . National 8ftft2. CHEVY CHASE. 5253 43d ST—CORNER brick and stucco house, ft rooms and bath. |tR«eloosash, bronze screened, gas heat: _ . Open All Day Sunday W C A A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO., 1119 1 ,th SJ. N W.__PI, 44fi4. _ , 4543 GRANTRD. N.W. , This large, detached house, containing ft rooms, electric lights and hot-water heat, !s. on s beautiful wooded lot. containing about of an acre of ground, in one of Washington s prettiest and most convenient sections. This house is in excellent con dition and is priced right We will consider a trade or any reasonable offer. J B. TIFFEY, _Georgia_!iH70. _ BUNGALOW. NR. 3rd AND QUACKENBOS n.w.—5 lovely rms . fireplace, floored attic: excel, condition. 1 blk. to stores, buses, schools and recreation center A real value at only Sti.lSft. HO. 5319 WASHINGTON REALTY_ CO, _GE_S300. OPPORTUNITY. NEW, 2_BATHS. NEAR Navy Yard. Capitol and other Govt, depts. Every modern equipment. Recreation room. £lce, l0,t.vJ,rlc<'- S7,95(l; easy terms. MRS 5 8Bt LI. or call E. W. BAILEY. Adams 478ft. „ . BE SURE AND SEE. Sft.,50 buys 2-family house. Open o4lb 8th st. n.w. Separate apts, each 3 rms, kit, bath, garage convenient to bus. stores Submit an offer. GE. 1122. • A HOME ONE READS ABOUT BUT SEL dom has opportunity to purchase. The lot is ,0 ft. wide by 1H5 deep, in Wood Mde Forest section. Studio living room, large dining room. The kitchen is un usually attractive in every detail. Bed room and bath on first floor 2 bedrooms end bath on second floor, with lounge or oen off master bedroom: an unusual pan eled recreation room and full bath: at tached earase First floor is trimmed in rained chestnut. Less than inspect, call Mr. Nycc. DI. ou;*with WM. M. THROCKMORTON, _ Invest. Bldg._Realtor._ 10-ROOM HOUSE, $7,950. CHAPIN ST.—NEAR 1 5TH OVERLOOKING MERIDIAN PARK. *°r boarding or rooming l hea,L Earage A-i condition. Reasonable cash payment, balance in gafn.tflCail 1 Sl^ l° £et thiS bar' OPEN—10 SOLD—1 LEFT. 4522 44th ST. N.W. „ ®°1,id br>ck construction: 2 master bed rooms. attached garage front porch ■A^Sfl&S-kHS’! TZmS Bargain. $5,050. Bargain. lst SHOwme—ERicK BUNGALOW. _ RECONDITIONED like nevv 5008 Westway dr.. Crestview. Md. Cozy ?"r00jn bungalow, tile bath, attic: large hwv?gh elevation. To reach: Go 2 port^s* WPSw 0t Western ave • at Daven __BAKER REALTY CO . INC. DI. 1312. OPEN DAILY—INSPECT. 4808 WESTWAY DR.. CHFSTVIEW MD 3 Sold—Only 1 Left. HiH"'ne.HareA ro?,m£: front DOrch: »’r con ditioned Go .( blocks west of Western ave. at Davenport st. n.w BAKER REALTY CO., INC- DI 1312. $6,150—SEMI-DETACHED. 1713 B ST. SE OPEN TODAY, 2-5. LOT 24x132: 8 RMS. INCLUDING IN CLOSED PORCHES. DE LUXE KITCHEN 2yto£LIJ*JBING AND ELEC FIXTURES: attic dayOght cell a AUTl^ EttY^EF,^HED- SEE IT TODEAY^R 231 GALLATIN ST. N.W. „ brick home: 8 large rooms. J?s„. beautiful recreation room; gas heat built-in garage: large lot o0.M F thorowgood. ... -t R. I- Ave. N.E. Decatur Q317 •™(?^idge-Two"-F'amily~Home; 3(148 Thayer st. n.e.—8 rooms. 2 baths: front porch: lot 45x185. Garage: Sfl.isn. First-floor apt.: rented. $45. "no. 7v7f- P THOROWGOOD _-3^4 R. I. Ave. N.E. Decatur 0317. WOODRIDGE, COR. BUNG. 2703 South Dakota ave. n.e.—First attfi!ctLve^corner bungalow. « room*. tile bath. open fireplace, large lnfC-«v'o2 eC- refc • ?nlshed *ttic. nil heat: shrubbery. *5SKf: fr0nt DOrch: bcautlful _ -°-4 R. I. Ave. N.E. Decatur 0317. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. WEST OF 14th N.W.—NR. BUCHANAN. Full 20-ft.-wide brick, oil heat, front and rear porches, attic; near grade jr. and high schools. SE?-THI£ VALUE TODAY. _ ME, H04.">. Evenings. Woodley (indfi. Compare—Compare—Compare. 3965 ALABAMA AVE. S.E. $7,250—$7,750. Six fine large rooms. 2 baths, automatic air-conduioning heat, streamlined kitchen beautifully landscaped lawn with fenced k?,« s' the outstanding new-home buys in Washington. Built bv Max Sugar to exacting specifications. Open daily and svndav. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO.. 92.i N. Y. Ave. N.W._Realtors. NA. 9797. BUY-OF-BUYS. 1856 PARK ROAD N.W. 8 beautiful rooms, bath: redecorated and in immaculate condition. Extra lavatory, tun basement, automatic hot-water heat screens and other useful items go with yie-.ProDtriy Priced for a quick sale at *..,.i(i on easy terms. Onen Snndav CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO.. 025 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Realtors. NA. 9797 1439 KENNEDY ST. N.W. BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED 'a block east of 18th st.: Hi rooms. 2'i baths, inclosed porches, finished attic; oil «?etinn0tn4"!t,5U:. originally sold for $lS.ono. Open. Priced to sell at $12,500. A, D. TORRE REALTY CO. 182.1 North Capitol St. DU. 1258 $45 A MONTH! No?/. Navy Yard. st. Elizabeth's Naval , ultramodern. 5-room, semi-detached brick homes: gas air-condi tioned. Small cash requirement. ii?hUtJ,'ch?il.av,r s e- 10 Alabama, left to i.J.T, E1 1 rikht t0 Congress st. Exhibit I'M 8 CongrC55' EDMUND J. FLYNN RE Facing St7 Gabriel’s Church; Detached Home, $6,950. nrAr«?i I50"16 P large rooms and bath. *P f™SCP' °,n burr|er. garage, large lot. A-l condition: terms to suit , EUGENE A. BARRY. _01^3 14 th St. N.W._CO. 8388. POTOMAC HEIGHTS. DETACHED BRICK—$9,500. h#.Jrftnmtub,fiant,ial br,ick home includes 4 DUrP yriarge ,livin* room with flrc piace. dining room, large modern kitchen with electric dishwasher: oil heat: garage ,°n a beautiful corner lot wfth fish pool, lovely trees and shrubs it is For tdeCta'ilsenralI|t nt? iast transportaUon. 5924det*‘ f C*1 Mr’ Raym°od. Randolph FRANK's. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411 _Calls Received Until 9 P M ’ $9,500. Det. Briclj, 8 Rooms, 2 Baths Lot 95 ft. Wide: just oft Conn. ave. above Nebraska aye. Center-hall plin. 4 bed rooms and 2 baths on 2nd floor Oil heat modern in every respect. Eves or Sun phone Woodley 0290 or oun' L. T. GRAVATTE, —* Mh8t N.W. Realtor. NA. 0753 4042 FESSENDEN STTN/w! New detached brick, excep tionally convenient to schools and cars. Four bedrooms, 2 baths, brick garage. We all want quality, but few know it. This Scotch builder’s record for quality and dry cellars provides the backing for your faith. Price, $10,500. Open today from 1 to 6. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1719 K St. N.W. NA. 1166. SUBURBAN BARGASL Attr. 7-room home with wonderful possi bilities. beautiful landscaped grounds. Can be shown at any time ROBERTS M. LATIMER 7733 Alaska Ave. GE. 1266. K HOUSES FOR SALE. 2 FAMILIES JO.500—*1,000 CASH, *07.50 MONTH. Unusual bargain, 8 spacious rooms. 2 complete kitchens, oil heat, b.-l. garage; convenient n.w. section To Inspect phone Orrison. RA. 6416 or DI. 5252, with J. J. O'CONNOR.__ .1000 16th ST. N.E. Large detached home. 4 bedrooms, h.-w. heat, covered front and rear porches; lot 50x145: front, side and rear yards laden with hedges, trees and flowers; price re duced to $6,250 to settle estate. Can be seen only by appointment. T. J. LANE, Jr., National 0438. BUNGALOW, S.E. _ , LARGE, SHADED LOT, Priced $5,450 for quick sale. $500 cash and $40 monthly. Call MR. FOSTER, Warfield 017K or DI. 3346.__ LOOK! PETWORTH. NEAR GRANT CIRCLE Open. 712 Webster n.w.—7 r„ 2 b., oil, rec. rm„ garage^ OE. 1122._• PETWORTH—HOME OR INVESTMENTr Open and lighted. 4431 Ga. ave.— Corner. Be sure_and see this.GE. 1122.• PETWORTH—OUT STANDING BUY Open and lighted. 727 Webster—10 rms.. .1 b.; det. cor.: oil. gar.; exchange for smaller or_lots. OE.1122. • COOL—ML PLEASANT—^SACRIFICE Open—1800 Irving st. n.w.—Owner se cern $1.0011 for $4,100 equity; $52.50 mo.; stone, semi-detached; R rms., 1 Vi b: oil; elec, box; little cash, less Lhan rent; ex change smaller or lots. GE. 64S4. • . WORTHY BARGAINS, r, ^ v. st «P?>a-r„"AI *{• n e—H rooms, bath, h.-w.h. ?4.3nO. E st.. near 14th st. s.e.— •> rooms, bath, h.-w.h. $4.50o Shown by Co^siirToV d^sr c>u MR' BEDELL' WOODRIDGE BUNGALOW. 2225 Shepherd st. n.e. New. all-brick. 5-room bungalow with finished 2nd floor; fully insulated and weather-stripped: gas. not-water heat, fireplace, modern kitchen: close to bus and stores. Open daily until dark. ooc,^0?011100® realty CO. _3381 R. I. Ave. N.E. NO. 7303, OWNER SACRIFICE iN.'l'l Jackson st. n.e. Large 6-room bungalow with 3 finished rooms in attic: h.-w.h. nice porches, large lot, high loca tion: close to Rhode Island ave. and stores. JH.oOU. or make up an offer all cash. Open Sunday p.m. until dark, or call North 730.3._ HOLLYWOOD PARK .SOUTHEAST JUST OFF PENNA. AVE S.E. ' Six rooms, detached, one and one-half baths, large wooded lot. oil heat: beautiful location, at Government reservation. Bed room and lavatory on first floor This home f°r the sacrifice price Peck/ wapleT& james^incL Cdi %m°« TAKOMA PARK, MD. e„-1-"jPoDl2r,avp,—Ncw 5-room, all modern, furred and insulated brick bungalow with built-in garage. Situated In quiet neigh borhood. on large, well-shaded lot. $500 cash and easy terms._ Georgia 2257. A NICE LITTLE HOME ON SHERIDAfTsT'. n.w., convenient to all schools, transporta tion and stores. Semi-detached brick. H rooms and bath, screened and insulated; oil burner: very easy terms, better than rent Call Mr. Nyce. DI. 6093. with WM. M. THROCKMORTON, 201 Invest. Bldg._Realtor, WESTGATE. New 3-bedroom Colonial houses with porch, terrace and garden room; $0,650 Delightful surroundings, unusual garden possibilities To inspect: Turn right oil Massachusetts ave. ext. onto Newport ave.. go over hill to Flint dr. Open daytime. SACRIFICE. BETHESDA, MD., $5,650. Built, to sell for $6,450. 5 rooms, all brick, full basement, air-conditioned: large lot fully landscaped. Nothing like it for the price. 2 more rooms can be in 2nd floor. _ Inspect Anytime. 21/ Southwick St . Huntington Terrace. Left at Bank of Bethesda. 1*2 Mi. Off Old Georgetown Rd. SMITH BROS., Owners-Builders. WI. 4554._CH. 0746. • NEW FOR OLD. DETACHED—CLEVELAND PARK. $9 950—Charming brick, 2 squares west of Conn. ave.. 7 rms.. 2 baths (bedroom and bath cn first floor). Garage. See it. • t4in 60th st. n.w.. at once lor a good deal! Eve. or Sun. ohone AT. 6226. L. T. GRAVATTE, _729 15th St_Realtor _NA. 0753._ BEING TRANSFERRED. Army officer leaving for Panama is offer ill" his fine detached brick home on a lot ft/ ft. wide, in Silver Spring area at greatly reduced trice. Has 8 rms.. 2 baths, (bedrooms and bath on first fl). Brick garage. Price. $12,750. Eve. or Sun phone CO. 8166. L. T. GRAVATTE, 729 15th St._Realtor. NA. 0153. OPEN TODAY, 12 TO 5. 1020 MASS. AVE. N.E. Attractive 3-story and basement brick, situated in the better part of n.e. 9 large rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. full basement, etc. Completely reconditioned like new. Ideal for home or rooming house. Priced for quick sale for only $7,959 on easy terms. Leo M. Bernstein 8s Cb„ ME. 5400. Stone-and-Brick Bungalow7 NEAR MASS. AND WESTERN AVENUES. . $6,950. 4914 WESTWAV DR.. CRESTVIEW, MD. See this lovely home at once: $900 cash, balance $55 month: no renewal nf trusts. Contasns 5 large roms, floored attic, fire place. recreation room: oil heat: located in i a lovely quiet neighborhood on a large beautifully landscaped lot. To reach: From Davenport st. and Western ave.. follow ‘ Westway drive to home or call _BAKER REALTY CO INC.. DI. 1312. I OPEN TODAY, 12 TO 5. I 2541 THIRD ST. N.E. Delightful corner brick, on large, spa cious grounds. 5 lovely rooms, tile bath, auto, oil heat, porches, gar., etc Con- i veniently located. Beautifully recondi- j tloned Here is a home VALUE that can t be beat for only *5.ft50 on term.' YOU MUST SEE THIS TODAY. Leo M. Bernstein & Co.. ME. 5400.! REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE, TRADE OR TERMS. Westmoreland Hills Section. 8 ROOMS—21/2 BATHS. A lovely detached brick home on large lot. panel den and lavatory on 1st floor, large screened-in rear porch, finished recreation room with bar: 2nd floor has 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths: 3rd floor has 2 rooms, running water. A splendid buy. . WILLIAM BOSWELL. ME 3033. 927 15th_N.W._Eves.. WI. 4410. HOUSES SUITABLE FOR ROOMING OR BOARDfNO DOWNTOWN AND OTHER LOCATIONS 1(1 TO 40 ROOMS AND UP REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT SEE OR CALL MR FITZGERALD. EVENINGS. „ RA. 4487. WEEKDAYS CALL WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th St. N.W._ _•_NA. 9654._ OPEN TODAY, 12 TO 5. 619 JEFFERSON ST. N.W. Attractive semi-det. brick, situated In the HEART OP BETTER BRIGHTWOOD 6 lovely rooms, tile bath, auto. heat, spacious grounds, porches, etc. Completely recondi ypned and ready to move in for only *5.650 on easy terms. Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. WOODRIDGE BARGAIN. 2025 20th st.—New brick, 6 rooms, oil heat It’s different. Open. OWNER on premises. North 4638.___ OPEN TODAY, 12 TO 5. 4438 KANSAS AVE. Shown for the first time, this attractive Colonial brick is truly an outstanding buy. 6 large rooms, tile bath, h.-w.h. porches, etc. This home has been beautifully re conditioned and priced for a quick sale for only $5,950 on terms. Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. ~ NEAR NAVY YARD. Semi-detached brick. 5 rooms: newly conditioned: $3 250, $250 cash and $35 monthly. A. M COOPER. 1008 Eye St._ N.W._NA. _ 1332. OPEN TODAY, 12 TO 5. 5603 N. CAPITOL ST. If you are looking for a DREAM HOME, don't fail to see this charming corner brick, situated on large, spacious grounds, surrounded by fruit trees, grapevines, etc. Has 7 lovely rooms (4 bedrooms I. tile bath and shower, large kitchen and dinette, porches, faces two streets and conveniently located near everything. Priced extremely low for only $7,950. Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. BEAUTIFUL—DIFFERENT. High elevation, with a wonderful view. New stone front. Hillcrest,-D. C„ $11,350. Set on a high hill, secluded in midst of large oak trees, yet right in the city, con venient to everything. Here is a home that is truly different, charming, and worth your while to inspect. First floor, large beamed-celling living room. Dutch oven fireplace, bookcases, large picture windows, a paneled den. balcony effect to dining room, and modern kitchen. Second floor. 3 large bedrooms (2 are 22x14). un usual finish: two beautiful baths, large closets: basement has recreation room with fireplace, maid's room and bath; oil burner: double garage with Inside en trance to house. Lot 108-ft. front, wooded setting and a wonderful view. ALL HOMES in this section have been built for individ ual ownership. This is an exceptional buy; $11,350. To reach: Out Pa. ave. s.e.. across new bridge, up the hill to 31st st.. right on 31st st. to Westover drive. OWNER-BUILDER. NA. 6780. Eves.. WI. 5183. Call us. We will take you to the house._ 4 BEDROOMS. Randle Highlands—‘Attractive brick. 2 baths, breakfast room, pantry, large cellar; Va block from bus and school. Must be seen to be appreciated. Open all day. 1823 30th st. s.e. (l*2 block from Penna. ave.). ADELBERT W. LEE, 1343 H St. N.W._District 4800, IMAGINE THIS! Chevy Chase. Md.. near Wisconsin or Conn. ave.—Beautiful setting; large lot; 2 bedroms. bath. 1st floor: 2 bedrooms, bath, with heat, on 2nd; 2-car garage, needs repair. Price. $7,200; $2,000 cash, balance 1st trust, 5I7. WI. 2835._ What a Beautiful Place! $0,350. Detached brick in Chevy Chase. D. C.— 8 reel rooms, on 130 ft. ave., close to everything; 2 baths; nil heat; beautiful 1WUOONBIN 2835. RATIONAL 3580. * HOUSES FOR SALE. 1501 GALLATIN ST. N.W. If you are looking for a real home, lovely grounds, huge trees, inspect this. The moment vou enter you are impressed with the charm, roominess and fine construc tion. Wonderful recreation room and tile swimming pool are among the unusual ^?i.Urf„si._°Den *nd night. MISS REED._GEORGIA B053. $15,000 VALUE FOR $12,950. «33fl Western Ave.. Chevy Chase. New brick Colonial center hall, rt big rooms: lot <0jc15N; trees; alr-condltionedl Insulated attic. Out Conn. ave. to Chevy Chase Circle, right to house. SMITH BROS. & CO., INC.. Builders. WI. 46.14. CH. OT4B. » College Park, Md. Bungalows Nearing Completion F. H. A. Approved $38 per Month Drive nut Wash. Bnltn. Blvd., turn right at the Lord Calvert Inn; pro ceed t block past car tracks to Dart mouth Ave., turn right then 1 block to Harvard Rd. and houses. Concord Realty Co., Inc. RAndolph 0316. 5916 G». Are. N.W. Brightwood, D. C. New Detached Brick $8,250 Without a doubt this is one of the best home values to be found in the N.W. section of Washintton today. All brick construction, in sulated. slate roof, big completely equipped kit., air conditioned. In cludes living room with open fire place. dining room. bedrooms, beautiful tile bath, full basement, brick garage. Convenient to all schools, fast transportation. This is an exceptional buy. OPEN SUNDAY AND DAILY Ouf Georoia Are. to Quackcnbot St . noht to 111 QUACKENBOS ST. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. Open Sunday, 11 to 6 American University Park 4317 4«th St. 3 hearooms. 3 baths, breakfast room, paneled library, finished attic, built-in garage. corner lot. Bethesda 303 Lincoln Si. Huntington Terrace. Living room. 15x3fi, with double heightb broken arch, beamed cell ing. with balcony at one end. Li brary on the balcony. 3 bedrooms and bath on 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and bath on 3nd floor. Oil air conditioned heat. *8..M>0. Prom Bank of Bethesda drive out Old Georgetown Road about 1 mile to Lincoln Street on left. 771 Dale Drive Woodside Forest 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, attic fin ished as bedroom: recreation room *’ith fireplace in basement: screened porch: auto, heat: built-in garage, beautiful trees. $12,500. *• can". Thos. L. Phillips 115 FRANKLIN STREET CHEVY CHASE VIEW KENSINGTON, MARYLAND 7 Rooms,—2 Baths Lot 166x190 A beautiful wooded site *2 souares west of Conn. Ave. in a highly re fined and new residential district. Bryant afrconditioned heating sys tem. Garage. Financed in F. H. A. on attractive terms. OPEN SUNDAY OWNER ON PREMISES Drive nut Conn. Ave. beyond viaduct to one souare beyond Saul Road, left on Franklin 2 souares. See Our New Offerings Michigan Park Heights Sample— 4621 13th St. N.E. (Sargent Rd.) Detached Houses Semi-Detached Houses Group Houses • In every price range, all on very reasonable terms to fit your budget. Selling before completion. Act quickly. Paul P. Stone, Realtor TA. 2244 TA. 3311 Ready Soon A new group of those individual center-hall homes that have already attracted nearly 100 families. AVONDALE 2 and 3 bedrooms, garage and large porch. Living room with re place Also available 10 differ ent orchitectural designs from which to choose. Probably the last time we shall be bale to offer these homes at their amazingly low prices. Prices Range From $6,950 to $7,750 Open Daily and Sunday. 10 t» 0. Out Michigan Ave. vast Catholic Untversitu to tilth St. N.S., turn left 2 blocks to Avondale. 0.0. DEVELOPING Co. Owners A Builders Dist. 3830 ONLY by COMPARISON CAN YOU DETERMINE VALUE Exhibit Horae 0032 N. Capitol —and yen’ll find nothin* to com pare with these exceptional ft-room homes built to eastom-ouality stand ards by a master builder. Out New Hampshire Ave. to Gal latin St. N.W.. right 2 blocks to North Capitol. OK. Mr# HOUSIS FOR SAIL MORE HOUSE FOR LESS MONEY *7,950 8ix rooms. 2 baths, rec. room. auto. J>e»t. very best construction, in tine N.W. section, overlooking Govt Park. N. and 8. exposure. Delight fully cool in summer, with real country atmosphere. p. and B. porches with nice yard. See and be convinced of the true value of these homes. Open Daily, 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. ?ut. Wisconsin Ave. to Calvert St. to 39th St., left to 3808 W St. N.W. Wm. S. Phillips NA. 3995 Eve. TA. StBO • 1545 Upshur SI. N.W. 1st House Off 16th Originally $19,500 now sn,250 9 rooms, 2 boths . . . 2-cor go rage . . . deep lot . . . oil burner . . , new house condi tion. Open Today, Em. 5363 Crestwood One of the finest wooded residentiol districts lying nearest to the heart of Washington, bordering the cool, scenic stretches of Rock Creek Pork. In this lovely subdivision ot 1731 Shep herd St. N.W, just 1 block west of 16th St., we present a fine new 7-room home with mony extra features at only *17,950 Designed by LOUI8 R. MOSS Built by EDWARD A. HYDE Furnished by HILDA N. MILLER » Edmond J. Flynn Bldg. Woodlawn Section Beautiful Greenwich Foreet 5500 Block Lambeth Road $7950—to—$8350 Six New 2-Story Brick Homes 6 Rooms, 2 Baths Insulated Completely Porch—Garage Oil-Air Conditioned Heat Lot 65x130—Wooded Slate Roof—Copper Pipes E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lane, Wi*. 6740 INSURANCE COMPANY FORECLOSURE TODAY'S BEST VALUE 1737 Lanier Pi. - ( 18th 4 Col. Rd.) . $7,250 $1,250 Cash $48 per Month a 7 Large Rooms O 3 Large Porches O New House Condition O New Electric Refrigerator O New Gas Range O Oil Burner Open Sunday 1 to 6 HARRY ROD 817 G Street NA. 4525 CHEVY CHASE, MD. 138 East Bradley Lane Privacy of small eatate in moderate priced home. Spacious grounds 118 ft. by 170 ft., with small brook, beautiful flower garden, shade trees, shrubs and outdoor fireplace. Seven rooms, ltvtng room (2.1 ft. by 14 ft. two baths, oil heat, screened porch, garage. Quiet street—splendid neighborhood, convenieent to schools and stores. Priced under $10,000 With a substantial amount of cash, this house ran be financed for ft 15.00 per month. To reach: Drive out Conn. Ave. to Bradley Lane, turn east to 138, the last house on rtoht. Phono Wl. 2151. NEW BRICK HOMES (Taken Over Under Mortrare) Four with 3 and 4 bedrooms, two baths, two with first-floor lav., excellent neighborhood, adjoining Edgemoor and Green wich Forest, convenient to bus, stores, schools, etc. Price, Net, $8,600 to $9,100 Subject to first mortgage 17,500, ?0 years, 5%, small cash pay ment, Saving By Bnyinr Direct From Owner CALL MR. BORDEN Wise. 2386 or Rep. 3161 Exhibit Home 56 KNOWLES AVE. Kensington, Md. *6,950 $500 Cash, Bal. 4% % With Monthly Payments Less Than Rent S rooms, bath Attached garage, large lot. Air-conditioned heat. Painted white—with porch. Insulated—slate roof. Designed and Built by James Heaton Co. Drive out Conn. Ave. to Knowles Ave., left 2 blocks to property. E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lane Wl. 6740 letheida, Md. HOUSIS FOK SALI^ OUTSTANDING VALUE. $8,950. 4827 CHEVY CHASE BLVD. 6 rooms, 2 baths, extra iterate room and attic. Large recreation room with hard wood floors and fireplace. Only one at this price. Inspect Today or Call WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 151» K at. N.W._District 1015, WOODRIDGE BRICK. 1029 Quincy st. n.e.—Attractive de tached home: A rms., tile bath, shower; in good condition; finished attic, recrea tion rm., oDen fireplace, modern kitchen, concrete front porch, slate roof, copper autters, down spoute: weather stripped; Insulated: screened: brick garage; near schools, bus. stores. Open until 9 p.m. WM. R. THOROWOOOD. 2024 Rhode Island Avc. N E._DE 0317. NEW WOODRIDGE HOME, 412* 18th pi. n.e.—Beautiful corner stone home; 6 rms., 2'/a baths, large living rm , stone fireplace, modern kitchen, recreation rm. with fireplace, slate roof, oil heat. Insulated: weather-stripped, screened, built-in garage. Price reduced *1.300 for quick sale. Consider house In trade. „ WM . R. THOROWOOOD. 2024 Rhod Island Aye. N.E._DE. 0317. SAVE $1,000. Two slightly used homes, like new: one five rooms, the other six rooms. Both are brick, have built-in garages, air-condition ed. elec, kitchens; fine, large lots. Honestly priced *1,000.00 less than new. Terms to suit. Open Sunday. R. H. CARLOCK. owner. 6421 Ridge dr. Out Conduit rd. */a mi. past D, C. line to Brookmont. _ • COLORED—2000 BLOCK 3rd ST. N.W.— An oDportiinltT to start in your own home. *100 down, balance like rent, buys this 2 £t°ry brick, six rooms, bath, hot-water .?—W'lrlben NA. 3571. WASH INGTON HOUSINO CORP . 113 l_H st n.w. COLORED—KINGMAN PARK 8ECTION n.e.—« rooms, bath, hot-water heat, hard wood floors, three porches, full basement: small payment down, balance like rent; onlv one left. V s. Hurlbert. NA 3571 WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP . 931 H st, n.w. COLORED—1257 HAMLIN 6T Njf-^7 rms., bath: large lot: bedroom on 1st fl.; SB.300. District 7739 or Emerson 4062._ COLORED.—EUCLID ST. NEAR 16 th — MI. *8564*,* MI.b664l'. **«««»«: ■ COLORED —758 19th ST. N.E.—6 R. k “ lit p%cbes: a.m.l.; perfect condition; will sacrifice for quick tale. North 6364. _ • COLORED—0 RMS., 2 BATHS. H.-wTh^ elec.: semi-detached. 13th st. nr. Logan Circle, Terma. North 1308,_de. i i bo. COLORED. — BEAUTIFUL DETACHED corner house, long yard, overlooking park: - rms.: hardwood firs.; oil heat: knotted pine recr. rm.: price_reas._NO. 8598. COLORED—7 RMS., TILE BATH, H.-WiH., elec : corner house, nr. 11th & Park rd. Terms._North 1309. Decatur 1160. COLORED.—2 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 6 rms.; auto, oil heat; $5,950. $500 cash. Easy terms. R. W. HORAD. MI. 7626. COLORED—« RMS- H-W.H, GAS. elec.; Colonial porch: $4,750. $500 cash; easy terms. R. W. RORAD. MI.J7626. COLORED.—AN UNUSUALLY ATTRAC tive home in very desirable n.w. section. 9 rooms, hand-carved woodwork, porches: oil burner; large basement: lovely rear yard; metal wfatherstripped: 2-car ga r*!e-. y°H, »re looking for something put of the ordinary, here it is. Inspection by appointment. Call MR. SHREFFLER, .ill8, EDMUND J. FLYNN eve". LU. UOflfJ. COLORED^S.'IOO CASH; 2-FAMILY house, 10th and O st. n.w.: 6 rooms, kitchens. $250 cash. Bennett pi. n.e.. iwS'iAJrooms, modern. Bennlng rd. n.e. I 1144 Kenilworth ave. n.e. • COLORED—IN NEARBY N.E. SECTION: P_Jj" h-w.h.; full cellar, hardwood floors, l.!ii!lS,i!!.,baik,,por£b, Colonial front porch, reception hall, ideal condition: now va cant- For Inspection call DE. 1115 or DE. 11 toZ. COLORED.—NEAR 13th AND R STS. N.W. el^c.; Xull cellar, double ga ^lll«^.1ll«2W111 ““ 41 b4rMln COLORED.—1702 SWANN ST. N.W._ For sale or rent to responsible colored ten f,”*8,’, * houu*e o', unusual charm and dis unction. Si to 12 Monday. COLORED—"BEST’ BUY ON-THE HILL " 2819 13th ST. N.W. Iar,*1 rms; 1 and baths, oak fnriiv in1 heat;, 2-«r brick garage. Open usd4tn I'l ai?" 0 7 B m- Owner instructs c£ept. any reasonable oiler. Re ?iiht.b InS on,e, thal the once will be you 1 4nd We wlU make the terms suit _URCIOLO REALTY cry l me. 4941. COLORED. ~ ~ j— INCOMPARABLE VALUE. N.E. A «™i vy2Uw l?a£’e been looking ior. hath ^ft cl!ed brick with 8 large rooms, bath, hot-water heal. This house has ,ree-n‘ly reconditioned, extra side ahu l?»™red ! ey' . Priced very reason 1nns: *hown by arpt. Call MR BEDELL. CO. 5385. or PI. 3346. —WHY PAY RENT] WHEN 105rm5UK'.*v.80 ,mo-’ .buys 23 K st. me?? bath. elec,, hot-water heat; con AWfrsioa‘Iffti. ^t5*nSg°n 10 d4»- A“ POSSESSION— , “J^.7tb *nd K n.e. Beautiful semi-de tached. 0*nn. and tile bath brick: new f“Jh'Jnrf h.JJ.'Jw008 floors, etc.; Colonial SHg and double rear Inclosed porches: $500 eash easy monthly terms. fndA8u?AOVEEY66900Wner'- “■ 4508; 'Ve' COUJRE^-DFTACHEIJ—ONLY^4?fMr i3tbvand Irving sts. n.e.—5 rms.. &fufTo!l',ndeioc.rti?n: h4rdW°°d fl6'; PI. 8917. W L MOORE GE. 2802. g2lS?®D —TERMS AS LOW AS $100 tr?,. « *31.50 MONTHLY —• Southgate S’-ArlJnE&ni*Xa". 13th *nd Queen new SA.880: 6. 6. 7 rooms. 20 snid-anJi55nd/.hoSI*esJon Attractive lots: in 0rld,,?«, n.h*4r^00d floors, hot-water ?ile?lric»nd tlon,*d beat: close in: 2 bus en?siJ[ f.are Pn*7. Come out and see this fine Nation for yourself. To reach: Drive CnlnrnM.Li?v0 n, Memorial Bridge, then out tr°cim8b888Dlke' tUr° Cft 0n ®ueen st. Dis r £21£r£i?^?lorida ave. n.e. c " rooms, bath, hot-water heat, elec., gas. R:c3W&%osnN,y ,°,0,. t4rms- LLt?° „ .. for COLORED. K,st-. n e—4-story brick. 11 rooms. vh!,t: suitable for 4 »Dts or cash ?x“1Ient condition: small oanDa,S k baIance monthly. Price. JAMES. 344 ‘* WAPLE * _ ~ COLORED ,4,.H .Bj^iful Eastland Gardens. . in, ,*„nd Kenilworth ave. n.e—Purchase wh?i *".& a2 frdid. neighborhood. 40x147: mnS^Daid *~59 ,0 *500 I will build a fado m52me w HOWARD s OCTT. Colo sa,ldsm!ndeF_ M°°cHiyES Llncoln FOR COLORED . 1306 MARYLAND AVE N E ennH rnnni',.bath' b-w-b-. all rooms in au?ct «?.d 1 °£- Prlced very low f°r ra cki<X«>e* Ea£7. '"ms. MR lynch, gf 33482- 0r WAPLK & JAMES. INC., COLORED BARGAIN. larJa>3int? «ann * ~1? k*ncloseri Torches, urge lot, $500 c*sh, bal. rent. Exchange. —-- ---21*_ est Y*fft!<UrIHn?l?SI.Ii,lSS AND MV GREAT ls there has not been any foreclosures on any property I have sold. COLORED. st P°in b*auU,2Lho“' on Clifton baths" el*cS?"xas,* t^ta,kr.VT$ h2 class'f,n?triyhonlyThlS house ls lor a flr«: m/ii*0 1828 15th st. n.w.. beautiful 0 ™ecmst,r“h.-ldh garage hardwood fl00rs *5l.A?.P2,n,’m’*nt Call North 7655. BENJ. F. FLETCHER, 2008Jitfb 8t N-W. or 10.3*1 15th St N.W. Before Buying a Home 8ee Me." • __ COLORED. BROOKLAND BARGAIN. 1218 Irvin* st. n.e.—Lovely 11-room North 4338. $T’85°' bargain* °Den* COLORED BARGAIN! M2 CEDAR RD„ CEDAR HEIGHTS. MD $100 Down and Balance $30 Monthly. hath wriC0,nditi0n!d’ 2 *tory: 5 rooms. Pgtb* Pbtt'waS" h«»t. gas- electricity and lfrge J°k federal finance co , 915 New York ave. n.w. NA. 7410,_• „ COLORED. 1262 HAMLIN ST. N.E. EXTRA SPECIAL MUST BE SOLD TODAY. stucco over cinder block, slate-roof construction for minimum main tenance cost. Six extra large rooms with bath for complete comfort; ideally located near buses, schools, churches, stores for convenience and priced way below value for quick sale on easy terms. Automatic hot-water heat; monthly payments can be as low as $37.50 to Perpetual Building loan Association. At *7,500 this is an outstanding property. Open for your in spection Sunday afternoon and evening. Other times by appointment with Mr. cooper. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO., 925 New YorkAve^lw. NA. 9797. __ COLORED. 925 WESTMINSETR ST. N.W. Rooming house, opportunity knocks but once; 9 rooms, including 8 bedrooms above 1 st floor close to ears, theaters, buses, walking distance downtown; must be seen to be appreciated. Open. Repriced lor oulek sale. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO., 925 New YorE^tw^lw. NA. 9797. COLORED—BARGAIN. Near 15th and New Hampshire ave. n.w.—6-room, tile bath, brick home, in new-house condition: new oil burner in basement, h.-w.h.. etc.: priced amazingly low._$6,950; easy terms. STERLING FISHER CO.. 2123 14th st. n.w. HO. 8880. _ HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. WJSH TO BUY MED.-PRICED HOU8E. payments like rent. What can you offer? Box 181-J. Star. _» FROM OWNER. 20-FT. HOME. NORTH of Fark rd„ nr. 14th; have Quick buyer. Box 114-J, Star.« BUILDER WILL PAY BEST CASH PRICES Box ISV-jk'star U mlxad “glghborhoodi. HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. (Continued.) BRICK HOUSE, VICINITY OP CAPITOL. with back entrance. Give full details In original letter. Box 274-0, Star. WANTED TO RENT WITH OPTION TO buy reasonably priced home In Washington or suburban area._Box 480-0. Star._ R-ROOM HOUSE IN D. C. (WHITE OR colored) for Investment. State cash price. Box 255-J, Star._ « 6 TO 9 ROOMS, PREPER OUJ HOUSE Like possession within 45 days. D. C. only. All cash. E A. GARVEY. 1120 Vt. ave. PI. 4508; eve, and Bun., Georgia 6690. I PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICE8 POR old D. C. houses: no commission. MR& KERN 2832 Woodley pi n.w, CO. 2875. CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME »njte or colored any condition. E A. BARRY 3439 14th st. n.w Columbia 6088. WANT BUNGALOW. IN CHEVY CHASE. Pi £v_or Glover Park, between *7.000 and *8,000; must hgve trees; will consider any good n.w. location. WI. 2431. 6 ROOMS. WELL LOCATED IN CLEVE »and or Glover Park; frame or brick: must have nice lot; price between *8.000 and *0.000, will pay cash; owners only. WI. WE HAVE-CASH BUYERS TOR YOUR D. C‘. property If the price la right. Frame or brlcx. larga or small, condition immaterial. „ R- A HUMPHRIES. _808 No. Cap. Realtor. NA 0878. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS POR D. C. brick or frame houses of 8 or 7 rms., white or colored; condition Immaterial. Immedi ate sale If priced right. For quick results call __ F. ELIOT MIDDLETON. 205 Investment Bldg. RE. URL COLORED— PLEASE HELP ME FIND'fi lm . 1 or 2 bath brick: good neighbor hood: reasonable; am frantic North 8384 » HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT. GLOVER PARK. 2.303 TUNLAW RD. N.W.. at 37th st.—Center-entrance plan, large room. 4 bedrooms, oil furnace, Frigidaire: newly redecorated; nr street cars. buses, stores. Western High and Georgetown Medical Schools; *70 mo. Open, OWNER. WI. 3803. 5331 1 8th ST. N.W.—8 RMS TaLL~MOD. improvements; may be Inspected Sundav, or_call Shepherd 3835. Bilver Soring 201. 8 RMS.. BATH. ARRANGED FOR 2 FAM llies; recently redecor. OWNER. 245 Long fellow st. n.w. MODERN 8EMLDETACHED SEVEN-ROOM nome n good, conveniem neighborhood; recreation room; 2 baths. Box 199-J, Star. • 3-jP holly aveTtakoma PARK-MD — Lot 55x-.o0, flower and vegetable garden; n-rm. house, inclosed sleeping porch, sun room on 1st fl.. canvas sun deck over ga fh5n.:.»v:eIi?18urefEon wble- can be financed Cal?UIh Fi 85 > A ’ 5hown by appointment. 4. B.R.: FINE-N/wTsECTION: Wh^sta’ 7845 °n '_aSy temS' OV™FR owner: ^ SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. ?™M?Fh MD—5-RM. BUNGALOW. $300 Vash, $35 mo ‘o£fy "iXg1 acre lot._OW_NER! KenSmgton l08-J ARLINGTON—4-RM. BUNGALOW; LARGE lot. nr. Wilson blvd. and Glebe rd A bartain_at $3.750, Oxford 1633. K-RM BUNGALOW: 10c BUS: A M I • fenced rear yard. lg. trees, gar, newly recond. Terms less than rent. OX. 2479. ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BRICK HOME. * 'e bath with shower, fireplace. ar*nu ot: . air-conditioned; must sell_at once._Phone Warfield 2090. TAKOMA PARK. MD. 336 BALTIMORE ave.—Owner leaving city. Will sell to first person making reasonable offer New i.-room corner detached brick bungalow. Large lot. Schools, churches P H A Sara. psar^1|-nJciuding ,axes iess ALLENTOWN. MD ON FRIENDLY RD . ~0 minutes to Navy Yard—New brick stucco bungalow. 4 rooms, bath built-in tub, shower, de luxe electric kitchen and kitchenette: circulating oil heater, electric water heater, all steel sash: lot 52x250; small down payment and monthly pay ments. .ake Route 5 to Camp Springs corner, turn right 2 miles. J. R WHTT MAN. NA. 9646._o““ 4 ROOMS. 2 MORE UNFINISHED. HARD wood floors, h.-w.h., bath, electricity, tele phone, 5 acres of land, beautiful knoll, fruit, loo boxwoods, beautifully land scaped. garage, barn chicken house, some wood, small stream; $7,000 Out Columbia pike to Annandale. Va.. on Ravensworth JS > 'a mile to property. Phone Alex. 5941. ; W A. PRYE. owner. 4 ROOMS. A M I.. LARGE CHICKEN 1 house, garage 2 acres of land, beautiful flowers and shrubbery. Price. $4,000. Out Columbia pike to Annandale. Va . on Ravensworth rd., mile to property. Phone Alex. 5941. W. A. PRYE. owner. $> DOWN AND MONTHLY PAYMENT8 of $Rp will purchase this practically new lovely stone home of 3 bedrooms. 2 baths • 0-ft. lot. garage, oil heat. 2 fireplaces. Pnce_$l 0.250. Located at Cheverly. Md. PI. 7740: eves.. EM. 6315._ $10° DOWN PAYMENT. $65 MONTHLY? will purchase this new semi-detached brick home. 6 rooms, bath, hot-water oil heat. *»r»«e. large lot. Price. $6 950. Located or*CHJ0592“! V'lla,e’ ArI- v*- DI- 7740. CHEVERLY-MD —MODERN «-RM. BUN galow. oak floors, garage: large lot land acaped: perfect condit. Warfield 3369._ REPOSSESSED BUNGALOW: DISTRICT Heights. Md.. 360 Washington blvd.: 5 large rooms, h.-w h.. excellent cond.. level IP*: mice. $4,700: 10'- cash, balance $32 36 per month, incl 4^*-, jnt Vacant. Open for inspection Sat. and Sun.. Many others from $2,000 up Phone or tall for lis.. H. O. L. C. homes for sale in Prince Georges County. Md. DUNN & CO. .33.33 J*- I- ave.. Mt Rainier. Md. Approved H. O. L. C broker. Hyattsville 49. TAKOMA PARK — CORNER. 7— ROOMS: lot 66x200: large shade trees, shrubbery and flowers: large garage- oil heat. h. w . !**• ««: : beautiful porches; Electrolux. Box 195-J._Star. _ WITH 3 HOUSES?-BETWEEN Bethesda and Rockville: $400 acre; ready for_development._Box_147-J. 8tar. 21* 2J{?, ACRES WTTH STONE. HOUSE-HALF fj°id Ofowtcwn rd. between Bethesda and Rockville; $225 acre Box J. otar. o]» hPthEhJ,y.?jL?' MD — bix-room and J.,h0 «: - * m i full basement: flftrv*d ’°n. '5x150; $4,150. hundred and 0539 d y erms' Phone Hillside SPRING SECTION?-909 ~DOMER excentinr1°iTeJy bedrooms de luxe kitchen. ^^»^f,p,i.on, dln*na and iiving rooms, full. naah.‘.-?atem.eni:, / H- A.-approved. See nhnn-SQ(V*St J5?30 buv. A. J. WADE. Phone Silver Spring 333. 21 • COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS? BATH: 1 '1 iftria ?round in Md 6 miles D. C. (elec, alt.), reasonable for caslv BERWYN 9-F-6. ?ARGAIN—OWNER MUST SACRIFICE-^ ;°°m jr«me house; lot 125x200. shade, imnu * eei ,nd berries, flowers galore. ?mPle garden space, large barn: 3 blocks 58555? 0945hi,h *chooU. 10c bus Urt. ARLU4GTON—5-RM. CAPE COD BRICK? "replace, tile bath, floored attic, h -w.h. dry basement, nice, shadv lawn: 2 vrs old; A. financed. OWNER. Chestnut ? APP A1 B^UTIFUL BRICK-CORNER bungalow, two large bedrooms, garage perfect condition: about $1,500 ate"1^-,.1903 N-utah ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM HOUSE ON 1 w miles from Washington over hard i!a*r5e li,ving room with fireplace. *Ief *nd J*r*« basement: beautiful shade and shrubbery: convenient L°. RR?; ®cho01 »nd churches: price, $8,000; SON Hii0^' ?al $5°,*>e*; mo. See MA SPS ,HIHST. Annandale. Va.. at the end of Columbia pike. Phone Alexandria 5812. Closed Sundays. 1V? ACRES WITH 7-ROOM HOUSE 5 miles from Alexandria over good road: has S' n«w kas range, large cabinet sink. Myers deep-well pump, and circu L.iikL b;at": several outbuildinas: good ?«i8,hJ>orho?d:. * comfortable small home for the modest price of $4,009: $500 down, Ann™* $?° ocr mo. See MASON HIRST. Annandale, Va.. at the end of Columbia Sundays™ * Aiex*ndri» 5813. Closed ALEXANDRIA—5 RMS., TILE-BATH? " tmieetne$RPQ-<Cihe« aarage. maid s rm and toilet. $6.9o0: 6 rms.. 1'*, baths, built m garage, screened porch. $8,250: F. H. A n^Th’ uath4'* bullt,,in karage. large screened ?®tty oiP5 "c- rm - 2 fireplaces, toilet in basm.: $7,500: F. H. A. 0 rms, 1 la baths, toilet In basmt . very $R Rsn Cwriw" 1 "r'3l»ce5- built-in garage: H A 5 rms - Koghsh: $4,750; used, needs some repair. All houses near schools: also a new houses, near Belle Siveo^untr5r Club- W. H. BACON. JR.. UA. JP71. BELLEFONTE AND WASHINGTON AVE.. Va.—2 semi-detached. 5 rooms *n“ _bath, full basement, oil burner, air conditioning heat, space for recreation room. Colonial handmade brick construc tion with limestone entrance. Solid brass hardware and lighting natures, screened and Insulated gas ranges. Large lot with beautiful shade trees shrubs and grass. 1({e bus fare to Washington. Priced to sell at $5,250. To reach Drive upper rd. to Alexandria, through Del Ray. turn right on Bellefonte. OWNER. Temple 4279. CAMP SPRINGS, MD—NEW HOUSE. 5 rms., bath, h.-w.h.. hardwood fls.. full base ment, floored attic; lot 80x220. $4,500; *300 down. $35 mo. Nr. Camp Springs, new 5-room house, bath, elec., 2 acres land. $3,150: *300 down. *30 mo. DAN ABBOTT. Clinton 20-W, LOVELY 7-ROOM. 2-BATH BRICK HOUSE a m.!., hot-water heat. 5 acres. 20 min. downtown: *7.950, Call Spruce 0374-W. SMALL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL HOME Ex clusive neighborhood, golf club section: all or part of 2 acres with house. Box 275 O. Btar. 6-ROOM COLONIAL BRICK HOME WITH all modern improvements. This house must be seen to be appreciated. No. 21 E. Chapman st. Drive over Russell rd. to Chapman st.. turn at Chapman st. 2 blocks. GEO. M. REYNOLDS, 624 King. Phone Alex. 0933.'» LOT—1 BLOCK SCHOOL. BUS. STREET cars Improvements: 50x110: $300. 64 Prince Edward st.. Bdmonston. Md. * CHEVY CHASE VIEW—MODERN 6-RM. house, large lots, shade. Other lots 60x 175: *350 to *400: terms. Oakland Ter race. 11300 Ga ave. H. A. FRAZER. Kensington 374-J. FOR SALE—VERY BEAUTIFUL HOME, six rooms and bath and playroom: all mod ern improvements; very large yard with big ahade treei: *5.750: very easy terms. 206 N. pak st , Palls Church. Va. See EDWARD T. FENWICK. Woodward Bldg., city. HISTORIC SITE OVERLOOKING POTO^ mac R.—7 acres in Alexandria corp. limits; fimrmiV943 b" lmtenant bouse, gar. BS8HSS0K® k • SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) nearby md —8'-room"~cottage. fine road* tngri<B*>d»i' front on Stgtg 5S «nn° 12? ft- (Jeep; unusually low price, $1,800. Also beautiful building site ni r* nCr.£.s.ibn± State road. 4Va miles of D c Cal) OWNER, Lincoln 0019. 1 27. B],th^^KV8IL^mPFR 3 MILES BEYOND Betnesda—8-room frame house on a 4-acra Fine grove of big oaks, nicely rear1 d si Worm"" *£d veketable garden in between*}? *wm -5 jMn1* 8UD' *a 8729 W,C, * A N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO., »» gt. W:W. __DLj4404 TACOMA park—a six-room BUNOA^ UWdJs^dthr"orhr,°?r- ContmuousUhot 125 ACRES BEAUTIFULLY LYING"ACR E - age (Belmonti. at Richmond, Va.: 10 min. u,te* center of city 200.000 population™in fishi25.h£ge;Ji*nd,,on?* residence IS most r?.Siii2??bile i*ntl BODular section of cut. Attliriivi SJS"*te- Commission to brokers. viv,ctlvt Dri£e- easy terms K. T. CRAW LEY, owner^Box 1254, Richmond. Va. * MUST SELL $700 EQUITY IN NEW 4-RM* home, acre ground; $3,760; nearby Mary land. Box 168-J, Star. ' . ARLINGTON. VA.—8 ROOMS.' 3~BEDRMsT arranged for 2 apts.: edge Lyon Village 2521 N. 1 8th St. Price. $6 80?“ tem^f?: sfternddon°Wner ,nxiou5 10 **“• °otn *““• HERE is A BARGAIN~ON~A~WTLLIAMS burg Colonial. 8 rms . a m.1.. attach gar , ! 5n lavatoryibcautifu1 grounds, lot 75* 150: 10th and O sts.. Rivervlew. Alex . Va.. 1 mile south of Alex Turn Va right tt gag station, proceed 1 blk to home. This homa can be purchased on very reasonable terms: down payment Its secondary consideration: rnust. deal with responsible parties. CO LONIAL INVESTMENT CO.. 1429 L st.. n w_DI. 6150. Open Sunday 12 to 7 pm. NEARBY VA. —P RACTTCALLY NEW stone house, on main highway, suitable for tearoom, tourist home or trailer £.ailiRiJ9.ts of room for expansion OEORGI ROOER8. 604 F st. n.w. NA. 8137. $200 DOWN—NEW BRICkTfTRMSTBAtH. full basement, nr. Lee highway; good buy ®i7 term* r- F- 8HIPLEY* $100 DOWN. EAST FALLS CHURCH—5 rms., bath, h.-w.h . full basement; 2 extra rms. on 2nd fl.: house 1 yr old: $4,800; balance easy terms. F. F. SHIPLEY, Ox ford 1511 -W BUNGALOW. 4 ROOMS AND'BAThToIL £?,aiinalL,J!tlIities; conveniently located: $2,850: $200 cash. $26 mo. Call at 70$ Monroe avc.. Rlverdaie. Md. • GLENMONT. MD.—5-RM. BUNGALOW! off h--wh.. garage; near ichool: $300 cash. $35 mo Only $4,950. Half acre lot. A. B. MILLER Kensington 108-J. FAIRFAX—2 A BEAUT. 8-R. HOUSE Jhd krounds: shade trees, serv. rm.: $13. $o00. Also 2 a., mod. home. $3,500: lib or*88term5' R' D' GRAHAM' Fairfax 61 3904 So! 7 th ST.. ARLINGTON—MOD ern br. bungalow $4,950: $400 cash $4$ a mo.: act Quickly. MORAN, Oxford 2259. * . Lnuren *1 3-N°°M HOUSE. NOW RENTING"FOR gtet asa.wiU “n for *5'oo°ei6h BATTERY PARK. MD. — BY OWNER'. Early American white brick. 6 rooms. 2 baths, oil heat: lot 50x165. WI. 7192 $7,950—COLONIAL 5-RM.. BATH BRICK! corner lot 80x90. floored heated attic, lge. screened porch, built-in gar.: trees 204 Sargent rd„ Chllium. Md. _MI_8721. NEW BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS. BATH! 'arkc closets, built-in kitchen cabinets and bookcase, large basement, front porch, oil . alr:conditioned , heat, fireplace. ?th}ww >sb*stos sldin*: Urge lot. R. C. CLINE, owner. McLean. Va. MD. PARK. JUST PAST CAPITOL HQTa! Md . one mile from D. C. line. About 3 ,2 houses, part of land bordering e‘ or Annapolis road. Price for jAMii.a^CS“DI.C334*«4’850' WAPLB & ONE OF THE MO8T DESIRABLE SMALL Ae»». ln. the vicint7 of Washington! Acreage, streams, woodland, fine modern f.0,1?'; necessary outbuildings: in hunting i?ction. Priced very reasonable. Appoint ment only. Phone 247-jeairf.T Va. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 4 V, ACRE8"MOD^ ern home.. "By-the-Way.” Route 1. 5>» miles south Alexandria. • * h‘^hlN°TO?—Rooms! bath! row 0lf- h.-w.h.: close ele and o'kh schools, stores and bus; $32.45 mo. Cali OWNER. Oxford 1347". - REAL BARGAINS' in"VIRGINIA One frame and one brick bungalow: 5 rooms. $4,990 each: terms. .-room bungalow with 10 aerei of ground. Less than $5,000. 01 In ini aCreTt0 8 acres ,n small Parcels lor barker screaae available °LD_DOMINION REALTY CO . CH. 6343. „ „ TAKOMA PARK " Homes. $4 500 and up. Apts for rent. k£fs for sale. Make your selection at our office. HARRY P. WILLIAMS 8H 6358 _BRICK HOMES "* Tnrit.dfn'".n—$33 50 PNR MONTH. 4 rnom? K.a,’lt5 « ms,y»hce and Interest. 5 rooms, bath, floored attic, oil heat. « £-!i0T^5n ,PBR MONTH BUYS Heights, Mda}h,n0,1FheHat A^p&K* velopment. 200 established home? La ing>dranld0tt!r.5«nCi}yHConT*niences- 'nclud ma rama transportation: water, sas and sewerage. Phone Warfleld 2636. a *2,8u °^r?a.150 DOWN S25 MO~ 4-rm.. bath buncalow: larae Int • «■ t * enfant loc»fiort near bus line.’gehoola! stores. Phone OWNER. WA. 1697 » ™ i NEW bungalows! — £t?rie<S Porch and garage H LiIi™’?lf° ‘2, $6,500 00. CLIFTON AskJ^,SF^ris?SiC,eenMcL<an- Vlrgmia «. „ 40 ACRES—7 MILES D C " 5502 cash- *3° mo.: 6 rooms. ihu-Vri2ltyv. ROO<I water- 2 fireplaces, garage. h^*no„h0us<-- spring. constant flowing brook. 20 acres clear Und. fertllt Kll “ — . . . _ TOURIST HOME. West side Wash.-Balto. blvd . 5 Biles D C . cabins' 'l00 F soaee for 5°°T,S- l1 -w h . I'l baths, full shad?. S7'.5d°0Ubterms1Ve l° ™aln 'ntrlnCe' ! _Call HTat^UejB^4U'^re<5? WA. 1231 $3,990. “ « „ fCO CASH- $40 MONTH. Int baih bungalow: garage. Urg* fenced, shrubbery; convenient loc» ?.n;H0n.balTd ‘"c;1- 1 block from Rhode h l., '.b"! »,"? car line, near stores. 4450 hr-h bar°cbl*l and public schools. OWNERh W1!5 2S673 BrentWOOd- Md' C*U ,, „„ brick HOMES TnMi.6?4 0W—$33.50 PER MONTH. Rn5)S.™^tKtK[es« lnsurance and Interest. 5 rooms, bath, floored attic, oil heat. $5.950—$39.50 PER MONTH BUTS noth?.’ uH*th' oiLh<‘*‘ brick, in Roger! Heights. Md.: an P. H. A. approved dt velopment. 20Q established homes. Largo wooded lots, all city conveniences, includ ing rapid transportation: water, gas. alee, and sewerage. Phone Warfield 2636, „ COUNTRY HOME * Many Desirable Features. Including: 1. 30 min to Capitol or White House. — Surrounded by beautiful homes. 3. High, dry 3i-acre lot. 4. Brick, with slgte roof. 5. CooDer gutters and spouts. 6. Copper water pipe >. Full-length patented screens. 8. Weather-stripped and insulated. 9. Hardwood floors. 10. 8 rooms. 2 full baths. 11. Large screened porch with gwnlngl. 12. 2 built-in garages. 13. 2nd-floor library. 14. 2 real fireplaces. 15. Oil heat—summer-winter hookup. 10. Electric kitchen. 17. Owner will accept reasonable offer. For Information, call Shepherd 4796-J. .. , COUNTRY HOME. Montgomery County. 33 miles from Dis trict. Nine rooms, bath, insulated, steam heat, stoker; four porches, garage, tool room. shop, chicken house: four seres, lawns, flowers, shrubbery, orchard: com muting distance to Washington. Terms right. C. F. BUSSCHE. Bartlesville. Md. Phone_ Poolesville 2643. wR5?„B.U,NGALOW- BLEC.. WELL WATER! lot 50x220; in small subdivision. 8 ml. ■rom D. c.. 2 blks. from cement road; $2,650; good terms. 3-rm. cabin. 5 acres of good land, well »»'"■ °!l,?°od road. 17 "»• D. C.; price. $1,100: $100 cash. $15 mo. 3-rm. cottage, elec . well water, nice size lot In small subdivision. 8 ml. lrom D .IL.-—?1-'001 terms JESSE R. HARLOWE, R. F D. No 3. Alex.. Va, Alex. 0786 4 ACRES. 5-ROOM HOUSE; HARD ROAD, close to Rockville; $1,800. *1 800 TiU*—4'room bdn»l»w. electricity, « ji^ii^ngton Grove—A very attractive H-room. two-story house, hardwood floors. £“ bu,rI?e^ beautiful sun parlor, large, beautiful lot; $5,000. ‘ ' Peasant—5-room bungalow, ad vertised for a quick sale: $4,000. ,*c5es' jh*rd r°*d- b-room house: eiectricity and running water: plenty of "ttle f»rm; $6,300. BBED B. CUSHMAN. 106 N. Adams St, _ Rockville 389. Open Sunday. • MUST BE SOLO 7-room modern dwelling, h.-w.h.. hard wood floors, etc.: small barn, chicken house firti Sr'nSSff *cre5- on the west wish01 t8e I!fw *h?rtcut from Si?!?-. »Z?orii*; f-mile south of Camp Springs. Md. Priced for quick cash gale Open Sun.. July 21. _ .. „ JOHN A. BRICKLEY Suite 209-210 Barr Bldg, PI, 7321. SILVER SPRING. “ New fl-room, brick, center-hall nlan. ntc* w ^ Dorch, full basement, <St corner lot. 250 Ocala st.. 1 *$vi,5ornF.unHt.“i __9509 Fnmkltn ATeCHA8hepherd 6473 Stone House, Two Corner Lots and Stream. home with chapel-cell hedTSomi n?> J°Km.J4x22 *nd ^replace: 3 b^rooms. JVj! bathe, acreened porch and Pncn porch. breakfast room with built-in 'psthcr seata. recreation room with flra 5 S-e *n,d modern bar. equipped with run ning water and gas; oil heat, slate roof# outdoor ^replace and stream. 1404 70x300; 1 blk. to bus; already financed. GREEN & MAGRUDER, __ 2840 Wilson Blvd.. Arl., Va. CH. 3838—Oxford 1272. Evea- CH. 6787. CAPE COD COLONIAL, 18 QUINCY ST.. HYATTSVILLE. MD. Due to illness owner will sell hit custom built brick home which is less than a year old. located on a double corner lot with., magnlflcient oak spreading 150 feet, en hancing the beautiful setting. 7 rooms, bath, lavatory and screened porch. Pine paneled 2nd floor. Price. *8.500. OPEN 8UN., 10A.M. TO 6 P.M W. C. A A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT COt 1119 17th St. N W. PI. 446* (Continued on Nest P»*e.)