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SUBURBAN PROPERTY POR SALE. , , (Oontinuad.) X. 1 ACMI. NEW 7-jfooM BUCK a.m.l.. oil nest; maid's room and basement; double aerate; beautiful Mttint. CLIFTON H. LAUOHUN. McLean. Va._ SILVER SPRING, MD. $4,500. B-room bungalow: oil burner, air con ditioned. new kitchen store and Frlgidaire; detached double garage: nearly l acre, ■wooded. Low down payment, $40 month. Shepherd 6473. MR. KENDRICK._ FIRST TIME OFFERED. New. modern. 4-rm. bungalows: oil heat, elec, water heaters, built-in tubs. lge. gar den-size lots. 100x200. Priced from $2,650 to $3,250 Small cash and easy monthly payments. Open Sunday, July 21. WESTOVER GARDENS, CAMP 8PRING8. MD. JOHN A. BRICKLEY, INC., OWNERS AND BUILDERS. Directions: Route 5. IV2 miles south of Camp Springs. Turn left H mi. Suite 200. 210 Barr Bldg,_PI. 7321. 2 ACRES—$295. High, rolling, heavily timbered: all-year road: 18 miles D. C.: $25 cash. $15 monthly. MARTIN T, WEBB AND SON. Annandale. Va. Phone Alex. 5916. _ ' $190 CASH, $57.50 MO. Will buy a new 5-r. and b. brick home in Lee Hgts., Arl.. Va. Air-cond. oil. screened porch: large lot; 10c bus: 1 block to shop ping center; only 2 left at these terms. ALBERT H. COHEN. CH. 1661 _Realtor._1042 N. Irving St. 15 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN WASHINGTON. Modern 6-room house In restricted Va. community: oil heat, rock wool Insulation; 1 block 10c bus. schools and shopping cen ter. Already financed. Price. $6,500. GREEN & MAGRUDER, 2840 Wilson Blvd., Arl.. Va. ___ Chestnut 3838—Oxford 1272._ 5 COMPLETED, 4 SOLD. Now a new group of 7 all-brick homes are ready: considered the best Plan, the finest constructed homes in Arl.. Va.; h rms.. full basements, air-conditioned, de luxe equipped kitchen, fireplaces, large porches; ideally located on 10c bus. 15 min. to Wash. Drive through Clarendon on Wilson blvd. to 4736 Wilson blvd. The Model Home. CH. 1061. ALBERT H. COHEN, realtor __ $650 DOWN, F^H. A. APP. ON FOUR ACRES Nine-room, club-style home: studio liv ing room, 22x34. with large stone fireplace: screened porch. 50x10; recreation room. 22x34: 4-car garage; historic old spring, stream, large shade trees; 0 miles from downtown Washington; open for inspection, by appointment, from noon until 5 P.m. today GREEN & MAGRUDER, 2840 Wilson Blvd.. Arlington. Va. _Chestnut 3838. Oxford 12.2. SILVER SPRING, MD. Five-room bungalow: large corner lot; 011 heat: built-in garage, fireplace, screened porch. Venetian blinds: near to schools, ; churches and transportation. Call SH. 422P-W.___ TAKOMA PARK. Ill Grant ave.—K rm. house in .excel lent condition: on large lot. Price 55..50; reasonable terms. Open for inspection. WM E. RICHARDSON, BROKER. 9590 Franklin Ave. SH. 0473. _Silver_Snring,_Md._ STONE CAPE COD. New home on half-acre lot: living room with fireplace; recreation room, screened porch. (4 bedrms.i, 2 baths; oil heat rock wool insulation: more land available, j 12 miles from Washington._| GREEN & MAGRUDER, 2840 Wilson Blvd.. Arlington. Va. Phone CH. 3838—Oxford 12.2. ~ REAL VALUE! 5-ROOM, NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLED BUNGALOW, OPEN FIREPLACE, $6,450.00, $350 CASH; $48 MONTHLY. 4626 5th ST. SO., ARLINGTON, VA. Large living room, open fireplace, large Window’, window each side of fireplace, archway to dining room, glass door opening to concrete porch ilO’xl.T). en> tile drainboard. plenty drawers, cup boards. inlaid linoleum, Magic Chef range, front bedrooms, linen and clothes closet, other bedrooms. 1 closet: modern bath room. built-in tub. shower curtain, tile baaa aifci floor, mirrored cabinet, hand basin: stained woodwork, hardwood floors, attractively papered; plenty floor plugs, weather-stripped, screens throughout. Stairway to full pine-floor attic, can be made into room: 4-in. rock wool insula tion: full basement, steel beam and crol umns. oil burner, summer and winter hookup; laundry trays, connection for toilet; steel windows. Flagrock walk to entrance; sod ana shrubbery, lot 50 ft. by 120 ft. deep; pri vate graveled driveway Conveniently located, Ideal neighbor hood, near bus and school. Our 105th home in subdivision. Inspect day or night, no salesmen: do not use follow-up system, do not believe in it. _ ______ ATTRACTIVE 5-RM. HOME. SUN PORCH, BATH, BUILT-IN GARAGE, LARGE LOT. FREE AND CLEAR OF MORTGAGE. 4707 6th ST. SO., ARLINGTON, VA. Well-built 5-room asbestos-shingled home; large lot. tio ft., fronting 2 streets (one Is S. Pershing drive. 8,-ft. front L large trees; southern exposure; cement Walk from street to front porch. Large living room, archway to dining room, double windows: inlaid linoleum in kitchen. Roper gas range. Electrolux refrig erator, sink plenty room for breakfast set. large, roomy pantry, plenty shelves: sun porch; large bathroom, inlaid linoleum, washable Sanitas walls: 2 communicating bedrooms connected with closet, newly pa pered. good-sized, heated, finished attic, i Celotex walls serve as Insulation, can be Used for den or another room; full base Sient, laundry trays, oil burner hot-water eat: storage closet: large built-in garage. All city improvements: gas. water, sewer, etc.: near bus and school, price only 56,450: 5490 cash. 559 per month until Paid: no trust to renew. 104 SOLD. MANY TREES. $350 DOWN AND $48 MONTHLY. NO RENEWALS! PRICE, $6,450. 4415 4th ST. SO., ARLINGTON, VA. Sxcept tonally well-built, five-room, mod ern. new bungalow; asbestos shingles (re- , Quires no painting': large lot. 50-ft. front by 169 ft. deep; southern exposure. Large living room, open fireplace, and irons, bookcases. 2 bedrooms, large closets and shelves. All modern bath, shower millt-ln tub, tile floor, mirrored medicine cabinet: all rooms attractively papered. Dining room with china closets: kitch en has tile sink and drainboard, inlaid linoleum, overhead cupboards, plenty draw ers, modern gas range Large unfinished attic, pine flooring. 4 ln rock wool insulation; will make another extra large bedroom: full concrete base ment. large steel beam and columns, ample light tnd head room, oil burner, hot-water heat, summer and winter hookup, laundry trays. _ ... . , „ Hardwood floors throughout. fully screened, plenty sod and shrubbery, modern electrical fixtures, floor plugs, city water, sewer, gas and electricity: Flagrock walk from street to front porch: graveled Pri vate driveway to rear stoop, which has Iran hand rail. Inspect day or night. Bus passes door: near school. ATTRACTIVE, NEW WHITE PAINTED BRICK BUNGALOW, OPEN FIREPLACE, LARGE LOT, ALL IMPROVEMENTS, ONLY $7,250. $400 CASH, $50 MONTHLY. 4666 3rd ST. SO., ARLINGTON, VA. Well-built, modern. 5-room, white feinted brick bungalow; lot 58-ft. front by 140 feet deep: large living room, bookcase, open fireplace, andirons, screens, coat Closet, glsss door to concrete side porch: arehwar to dining room: good-size kitch en. bullt-ln cabinets: Armstrong inlaid unoleum, expensive Magic Chef gas range, acid-resisting sink, tile drainboard; two large bedrooms, closets in each: linen Closet. connecting tile bath, built-in tub, Shower. mirrored cabinet, cabinet under Concrete cellar under entire house, steel beam and columns, copper pipes, hot-water neat, oil burner, summer and winter hook up, laundry trays; large, unfinished pine floored attic, can be made into room: 4 ateel windows, 4-m. rock wool insulation Oak floors throughout, plenty plugs, at tractively ospered. modern electrical fix tures. flr Joists first and second floors furred walls, fully screened and weather: stripped, gutters, downspouts. Fenestra atoel windows. ntcrock walks in front and rear: plenty aoa and shrubbery, private graveled drive Vrat. Our 107th home built in subdivision Inspect day or night. Near bus and school! O’HARA & SONS, LEE BLVD., ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA. RES. PHONE—OX. 0123. OFF. PHONE—OX. 0663. SUBURBAN FROMRTY FOR SALK. SEMI-DETACHED. Of the better class, lust being completed, only three blocks from Clarendon center. Thoroughly Insulated, very economical Oar-wood oll-burntng. air-conditioning heating Diants. Five rooms. $5,990; six rooms. $6,090. Approved br P. H. A. Piret group of 6 ready to occupy. Open eves. L. S. HURLEY, Lincoln St. at Wash. Blvd. CK. 9816. _Three Sold—Three Left._*_ 7 ROOMS, 2 BATHS—$6,350. Full cellar, porch, alr-conditloned heat, oil burner, oak floors, fireplace. Insulated, weather-stripped, screened; Vi-acre corner lot; bus. elec., tel.: small cash payment, bal. less than rent, MARTIN T. WEBB AND SON. Annandale. Va. Ph. Alex. 5916 or 2419._ _ _ _ Vz-ACRE, MODERN BUNGALOW, $3,950. 5 rooms, all modern: sewer and water connected In house, plenty of shrubbery; immediate possession; Va block off Lee blvd. $250 Down H. KADAN, VIENNA (VA.) 63, HOBART 5933. _ • jTacres—MODERSHHOMEu $4,150.00. Stucco, fireplace, tile bath, full base ment; on old Georgetown pike: about 17 2V),es from District; small down pay., bal. $40 monthly. H. KADAN, VIENNA (VA.) 63, HOBART 5933. _ • cq qqn NEARBY’VIRGINIA. Modern bungalow, two bedrooms, large living room, dinette, bath with shower, oak floors, air-conditioning heat, oil burn er. rock wool insulation metal weather strtppmg Located on quarter-acre lots, with all improvements. To reach: Drive ISrn Teft 'W™ sts' Falls Church' J. H. CHAMBLISS, __Phone 1433 or 2121. $399 DOWN—NEW ~ 2-FAMILY BRICK HOUSE. °ne, of the most beautiful sections 2L.im8t25,\ Home or Investment: will f°r month each. Five rooms, i kitchen and bath. 1st and 2nd floors: oil! /?*** .air conditioned, insulated, weather- j stripped, 2-car garage. For appointment, ; __CALL WARFIELD 4470. Waverly Village, Va. NEW FIVE AND SIX ROOM BRICK HOMES BUNGALOW, CAPE CODS, TWO STORIES Every Modern Appointment Seven Minutes to Washington F. H. A. APPROVED $6,250 Up TO REACH: Over Key Bridge, out. Lee Highway to block N. Utah St., left into development. N. C. Hines & Sons 2116 Wilson Blvd. CH. 2410 Lyon Village, Va. Optn 10 to 8 2806 Key Blvd. Immediate possession 6 rooms and tile bath, newly renovated, oil hot-water heat, large well-shrubbed lot and de tached garage; $500 or more cash, balance rent. N. C. Hines & Sons, 2116 Wilson Blvd. CH. 2440 SUIURRAN FROFIRTY FOR SALK. $150 DOWN, $30 MO. BARGAIN. . 8-room, bath bunaalow; arlce. 83.280. K few other real bun. FRANK H. HIBBERD, _3402 Rhode Iiland Avenue._ BETHESDA, MD. 8617 GARFIELD ST., IN HUNTINGTON TERRACE, Attractive new home, 6 large rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, bed room and bath on 1st noor; dressing room; garage, auto, heat, air conditioned; beautiful shaded lot. Will consider small cash payment, monthly payments less than rent. Open today and Sunday. L. G. WHITE. Real Estate, 7101 Wis. Ave. WI. 7600. Bethesda, Md. * HYATTSVILLE, MD. Just Completed First Showing $7,500. F. H. A. approved. Bayley Ave. at Wine Ave. All brick, 6 large rooms, built-in goroge, large lots. Perry Boswell, Inc. 3304 Rhode Island Ave. hl.E. WA. 4500. f ALPINE Its rolling hills and green fields will appeal to you. New Homes, $4,750 5 rooms, both, shower, full closet, floored attic with two dormers; air condittoned heat; oil burner; hordwood floors; fireplace; weatherstripped: closets galore. $300 cash; balance like rent. Homesites, $250 No cash: easy monthly payments Have just opened a new section of 26 de sirable home sites, 20.000 to 40,000 souare feet each; some wooded, some clear, some with stream. Price. S250 up. To inspect: Cross Memorial Bridge fo Arlington wall, left 1 mile to Columbia pike and traffic light, right on Colum bia pike 7..J miles to Alpine on le/t. Martin T. Webb and Sen. Annan dale, Va. Ph. Alex. .4916-2419 Kou Can Own a Home for.. $10,60 little.. •lO'perMo West Lanham Hills, Md. Come out Today and See the De Luxe Model Home $3,550 $350 Cash—$25 Per Month Over 160 homes already sold TO REACH: Out Washington-Balti more Bird, to Peace Cross. Right on Defense Highway t miles to West Lanham Hills on right. PHILLIPS H. CLARKE CO. Operative Builders Pioneer Low Cost Developers Phone WArfield 3660 j $3,500 8200 Cash STSE1**. $32,50 Monthly '•* acre. A nice country home with all modern features. Drive out today over Lee Highway to Fairfax High School, then one block to right. Sign at entrance. R. F. RILEY Phone Fairfax 176 ..a.aa............. Four Lovely Homes in Arlington, Va. __ am a ( 9830 So- St. in OAKCREST ... A new \ 7 f? Cal J group of beautiful fi-room brick Colonial homes “ I nnil i »bien feature attractive breakfast alcoves. I sVVV I located near the junction of Arlington Ridge • l Rd. and South Glebe Rd. $7 OCA ( J8^8 No. 17th St. . . . Beautifully located f -Oilll < 5-room bungalow. Owner occupied. Inspection ■ J¥W¥ 1 invited. Near 17th and North Glebe Rd. SO OCA ( 808 So- iSth St., VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS . . . M rill J Brick Cape Cod with built-in garage and wl ■ V w 7 recreation- room. Practically new. Very rea ' I sonable terms. a. a.a ( SI-8 So. 20th St.. VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS . . . SC ncn J 8 lerge rooms. 2 fireplaces . . . recreation S'!! If nil 7 room All improvements in and paid for. Con VlVVV / Crete street, curb and gutter A really line » I buy on terms to suit purchaser. All these homes are open for your inspection. See them today or call J. LEE PRICE 2301 Arlington Ridge Rd. Ivy 1272 IN WILTON WOODS -Nearby Alexandria Wilton Woods offers tor sole this ehsrming Early American Colonial heme, Woods*^Subdivisionby * well'kn,w“ ■»***•«*«•» its Individual setting in Wilton The house has many unusual features. It Is brick and Williamsburg clapboard, painted white with Mess Green blinds. Many line eld oak trees are situated on his halt-acre corner plot. There is a large screened pereht also • terrace off the Ilyins room. The large dining room has a bay window and porch lead ing to side yard and garage. There is a front hall entrance, raised living roam with log-burning, black marble fireplace, book nook and picture window. A powder room, coat closet and, fully equipped kitchen complete the downstairs. The upstairs has three large bedrooms, live closets, sky blue bath and outside deck with iron ratling. Master bedroom is very spacious, has dual closets. Colonial mantel and log fireplace. Hot-water heater, oil burner, game room and laundry are In basement. Maid's quarters can be added at nominal cost. The house is reasonably priced at >9,509. Financing available. To reach Wilton Woods, drive out Duke Street Extended in Alexandria to Telegraph Road, then JV4 miles to property, to minutes drive to Washington. WALTER C. CRAIN Resident Owns* and Psvelspse Telegraph Road, Alexandria _Temple 4284 SUBURBAN BROBIRTY BOR SAL1. 5530 CONDUIT ROAD — " DETACHED brick: 6 Nome; oil heat: built-in carace; l^rte yard: in excellent condition. CHAS. D. SAGER, NA. 0036. TAKOMA PARK. #5,760—Beautiful bungalow; live extra large rooms, two porches; beautiful yard; new oil-burning heater, new roof, fireplace; masonry garage; in heart of Takoma; convenient schools, bus. stores; terms. Out-of-town owner Will sacrifice 8-room house on one of the most attractive lots In the park; oak floors, fireplace, oil heat, **£,W;L„excell*nt neighborhood. #6.750—New brick house, In attractive new subdivision. F. H. A, financed. R D, LILLIE. 335 Maple Ave.. Takoma Park. SH. 3307 • HILLANDALE If interested in a home of $9,000 or more, see this subdi vision. Each site has half-acre or more. Several homes com pleted and under construction. Over sixty sold. High eleva tion; reasonably restricted; values established. Twenty five minutes from downtown via New Hampshire Ave. or Piney Branch Road or call owner Shep. 3355. • SACRIFICE!! *4,950 27 Arundel Avenue Hyattsville, Md. Brick bunealow. five roams, bath, finished attic, screened rear porch, hot-water heat, detached I arase; lane let. fine shade trees. Con rrnient to schools and stores. Bus Bssses door. One of the eutstand i( banains an today's market. Open Sat. and Sun. TO REACH: Out Waihineton Baltimore Blvd. to Arundel Ave., left 3 blocks to house. Phone WI. 6363 In Nearby Virginia 6028 Lee Boulevard Only 6 Miles From Lincoln Memorial $6,950 up Unusual Terms We feet that these homes represent Metropolitan Washington's most outstanding values. Located in a community of beautiful stone and brick homes, on large, deep lo‘s with shade trees (Lots from 65x160 up). 6 rooms; 3 bedrooms ond bath on 2nd’ floor; 1st floor has large living room, dining room, kit chen ond breakfast room Attached garage A responsible party may purchase one of these homes with small down pavmenf ond balance less than : rent. « - To Reach ■ Cross Memorial Bridge, turn right to tra/llc light at Lee Boulevard and Arlington Ridge Rd. Follow Lee Boulevard for s miles to Lee Boulevard Heights and homes. OPEN SUNDAY umm> Jarkaon 186S-186A 2300 So. Arlington Ridge SURPRISE VALUE 1414 So. Pollard St. Arlington, Virginia Three (3) Bedrooms) Only $5,660 F. H. A—$36.25 JR One bedroom easily takes 2 double beds . • . Full basement . . . Copper water pipes ... Oil air-conditioned heat . . . tile bath, built-in tub and shower . . . Modern kitchen with unusual cabinet space . . . Complete insulation • • . Metal weather stripping . . . Screens . . . Large lot. 5S'xl68', sodded, shade, at tractive shrubbery, flagstone walk . . . Macadam street (ail new houses) . ; . Vi block to bus. Open—-Lirhted Eves, and Sunday Owner — F. E. Carter — Builder Chestnut 0812. To reach: Drive west on Columbia Pike to So. Glebe Rd.. left to 16th St . right to So. Pollard, right to homes. *200 GASH New. modern 5-rm. brick bungalow; 3 bulH. 2 sold; full basement, large attic, suitable for 2 large rms.; double hung steel windows, O. E. refrigeration; shady lot; fully in sulated walls and roof, alr-condi ' oned oil heat; this house Is in sight of Washington and cenvenlent to buses, schools, stores; $6,500. To Reach; Out Hth Street past the Airport to 18th St., turn rloht 1 blocks to property; lit 18th Street. South. New, modern 5-room bungalow. 1313 North Stuart Street; $5,250; $300 cash, balance like rent. Call Jackson 1903 or Jackson 1880 SUBURBAN PROP, SALE OR RENT, 5 TO 20 A.. 10 MI. D. C. LINE. MD.: cleared and woodland with stream. Sale price. *50 to S200 a. Rent, *10 a. JACK BEALL. 3400 Newark st. n.w. WO. 5070. MODERN STONE AND FRAME HOUSE. In beautiful country setting, 3 acres. 12 miles D. C.: “OLEN. MD.,'T in center of Potomac Hunt Country, near Congressional Country club; 2 bedrms., 2 baths, servant's room and bath. Call owner. R. S. ALLEN. Sunday, MB. 1438; weekdays. ME. 4466 SUBURBAN PROPERTY WANTED. WHAT CAN YOU OFFER TO RELIABLE people: no down payment; reasonable monthly payments. Box 223-J, Star, ♦ 5-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN; *250 D. P„ S35-S40. Before noon. Phone CO. 5503-J. • IN NEARBY MARYLAND—5 OR 6 ROOM bungalow or house; ground for raising chickens; reasonable, Warfleld 8786. 2 OR 3 BEDROOMS. PREFERABLY BUN galow-type house within 10c gone. Arling ton. Va. Can pay $2,000 cash. Price must be around $6,500 or less. Want posses slon In about 30 days. Box 385-0, Star. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. ARLINGTON. VA.—NEARLY NEW BRICK home, 2 bedrooms, l‘A baths, with base ment apt. of 3 rooms; refg.; large yard; 10c gone. CH. 8430. • AFT.. 8 RMS., A.M.I.. FOREST OLEN, MD. Shepherd 3835 or silver 8nrlng 201._ ARL —ATRAC., NEW, SEMI-DET.. 2 BED rms. brick; oil heat; 10c bus; stores, school. Only $50. 902 S. Highland. RA. 2908. 2 LARGE 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSES, $45 ea. Mod. apt., neat and clean. $35:;ice. Alexandria. Va.,_ ARLINGTON. VA.-* ROOMS. 3 BED rooms. garage; nice lot; fine location; *70 month. OWNER. Chestnut 2774. SUBURBAN PROPERTY POR RENT. (Continued.) ARLINGTON. VA.. 28 N, OAKLAND ST.— Nearly new 6-room brick home, detached; quiet location. Lincoln 7478-W. ARLINGTON. VA—NEW S-RM. HOUSE! large lot: automatic oil burner: c.h.w.; reae. 8615 8th at. south. CH. 0613. NEW 6-RM. BRICK BUNOALOW: OAK floors, oil heat, attic, garage, garden, new paving; close In: by owner: S48. WA. 8321, TAKOMA PARK—4-RM. BUNOALOW. screened porch, finished attic; conv. loca tlon; »8Q. BH. 2696-W. CORNER BRICK, 6 ROOMS; ALMOST new; oil heat; 10c bus; S80 month. Phone Oxford 0878. ___ KENSINGTON VIEW, MD. — MODERN house on Kensington rd., near Oeorgla ave,. 3 miles from Silver Spring. 2 bedrooms, bath, large living room, hardwood floors kitchen, nice cabinet, elec, range, refrig erator, large attic, alr-conditloned heat: bullt-ln garage: large front and back yeards: city water._Phone GE. 4Q22. ARLINGTON—NICE, 3-BEDROOM BOUSE, trees and ground; exclusive residential; a.m.l.; 875 mo. OWNER. Phone CH, 2220. ARLINGTON 26U N. 11th ST.—3-RM. cottage, porch; city water, elec., oil heat; 827.60 mo. Oxford 0665-W. BUNGALOW. A.ML; BUILT-IN OARAGE: conv bus service. 832 Valley at.. Mary land Park, Md. Phone Hillside 1086. ALEXANDRIA—NEW: 8 RMS., IV, TILED baths; bullt-ln garage: screened porch: $80; 8 rms., bath, garage, maid’s room. 2 screened porches. $70: less on 3-yr. lease; large home. Russell rd . $78; both houses near school. __W. H. BACON, JR , Oxford 2871 ■ 23» ARLINGTON, VA.. 12 80. HIGHLAND ST. —Unfurnished: 6-room and bath (3 bed rooms) _ bungalow!_$60^_all_conyi;_yard._• B-ROOM AND BATH BRICK BUNGALOW'; large attic, built-in garage, a.m.l.: $40. 418 Richard ave.. 1 bl. east of Crystal Spring ave.. Hillside. Md. • TO DESIRABLE TENANTS—6-ROOM RE decorated Colonial home; 3 bedrooms l’i baths double garages: oil heat; automatic hot water: complete electrical equipment; '9 minutes downtown. Jackson 1964-M. 808 26th st. S . Arlington Va. • COOL WOODLAND. 3-RM.“COTTAGES^ elec furn 30 min. to Wash.: $1 per day. P. W. McLAUGHLIN. Fairfax Park. Burke, Va„ 10 ml, s.w. Alex, Rd, No. 644._22* SMALL COTTAGE. WHEELER RD. CON gress Heights, Md.: $25 month: yard: bath, electricity. Owner, DR. FLETCHER. LI. 0318. 2i • 6 ROOMS. H.-W.H.. GAS ELECV GA~ rage; $55 mo ERVIN REALTY CO., call HyattsvlUe 0334. _ 9209 FRANKLIN AVE. 204 LEIGHTON ave., 811. Spr.. Md.—4 rms , bath; h.-w.h., gas. elec., elec, refg.: 2nd fl. Insulated and finished also. Large wooded lot. NEW 3-BEDROOM 2-BATH BRICK RES ldence: all modern conveniences. Corner lot. acre: garage; $65 mo.; air condi tioned 2701 8. Glebe rd . Arlington. Va. AT. 3242. Eves, and Sunday, CO. 6008. mr. Haddad. BERWYN MD—$42.50 MONTH: B-ROOM-. bath bungalow: all conveniences; near trap*. BURCH REALTY. Berwyn 83._ BRENTWOOD. MD , 4013 SHEETZ AVE — Bungalow, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, oil _l*r**' Now avail: $52.60. DUNN Sr. CO . 3333 R. I. ave,. Mt. Rainier, Md. Hyattsvllle 48._ ROCKVILLE. MD.. 11 LAIRD 8T—0 rooms, bath: newly painted, papered: new gas range, oven control: elec, refg., gas storage hot-water heater; large grounds, beautiful shade trees; V, block main high way and bus stop. Open Sat. pm. and Sun. Phone Rockville. Md.. 42-tA NORTH" WOODSIDE. MD—5 ROOMS, modern, screened porch: oil heat: large lot; ?araee__ Phone Shepherd 5929-J. __ LYON PARK" VA — UNFURNISHED, 6 rooms, bath. large sleeping porch, shade trees: garage; convenient, to schools, stores and transportation. Available August 1._*80._Woodley 9249. ARLINGTON NORTH—CAPE" COD BRICK, iirm?ms,J,*th;$iJ5 6 rooms, bath, garage. Williamsburg Colonial, 2 fireplaces, trees. J>1yP2Ud, outdoor fireplace: $85. Both by OWNER. Chestnut 3424. Consider sale 7 ROOMS, 4 LARGE BEDROOMS. 2S baths, oil heat, gas range, elec refg; "»1Jr located, near corner Washington and Broad sts . in Palls Church. Va . 29 ■ fitT: «*eellent location for i 1esidence and office for doctor, mb Phone MR. CHURCH. Palls Church (Va.) 2039 NEW HOMES | Calf Woodfev ^121 5 r°°mS- b*'h' 011 he,t' BETHESDA, MIL New house 9 rooms. 2>,i baths, recrea i tion room, maid s room, large attic. 2 25*R“Sf»- garage: reasonable. WI. 6271. ni)(il Wilson lane. _ BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. ! NEARBY VIRGINIA—SUITABLE FOR u£if 2ra'l(^Ce:«T-?df‘rn brick building 2517 j Wilson blvd ; *33 Per month. Call Oxford <«* SSjESpraTTOE lnius,rlal “htcr opposite C. & P. JfKpbone Co : modern one-story, fireproof, daylight bldg . 42x82. 14-ft. celling, to be erected for suitable tenant Warwick MON-rOOMERY. 1955 WUson b^evar* DOWNTOWN BUILDING. Brick building containing approx. 4.009 sq. ft. on 2 floors; hot-water heat oil r,!8Pi®r» 10 n-w- 2fid commercial roar Idaal lor any typo business: reasonable rent. _ r. ELIOT MIDDLETON. _295 Investment Bldg. RE. 1181. 5,000 sq. ft Brick Building Cement floor, 20-ft. ceiling, 2 huge drives, 2 loading platforms, I block from r. r. siding, s.e. Centrally lo cated. Can be used for warehouse, garage, manufacturing, junk business. Long lease, reos. rent. For Appointment, Mr. fallen, LI. 7373 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1252 21st ST. N.W. NEAR DUPONT Circle—Store and 2 apts., h.-w h., elec.; monthly tenant: terms. NA. 1408. • 25 c SQ. FT.; PAVED ST.; RAILROAD siding avail.. 1 block District line. E. N. LIOHTBOWN, Warfield 1325. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE—GOING Busi ness, including large dance hall, lunchroom, beer parlor and equipment. 8-rm. house; all mod.; fine shade: on Lee highway. 16 miles D. C.: $15,000, PAUL T. POWELL Herndon. Va. Phone 133._ 21* EXCELLENT BUSINESS PROPERTY! fronting 2 streets, with or without business. DE. 5000 weekdays. 1913 7th st. n.w. CORNER ON ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL roads to Chesapeake Bay resorts, about an acre of land, at top of hill and at inter section of three other roads. Gas and lunch stand of 4 rooms, also 5-room house. Price, $4,000.00. _ LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1718 K St. N.W. NA. 1166. WILSON BOULEVARD, IN ARLINGTON'S high-grade business section: 2 stores and 2 apartments. Rental. $2,640.00. Ex S23SfoOOO°Ut 8700 00 p*r y'»r- Price. , ’ , „ LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. _1718_K St. N.W._NA. 1166, 815 7th ST. N.W. Opposite Murphy's 5 A 10, 2 stories, about 2,500 sq. ft. Will .sell at bargain price of $20,000, or lease at $200 monthly. Will consider an offer. Inquire 808 8th st. n.w. J. RAPPAPORT. atty. • CHICKEN DINNERS. IN SUBURBS; 20 min. from downtown on heavily traveled pike; large modem house, well-equipped kitchen, ample dining space; beautiful lawn and trees, garden, barn, chicken house, tenant house, smoke house; 17 acres: well located for tourist camp; owner retiring: will take income property in exchange or sell on terms; A-l opportunity. Call Mr. Drew. RE. 1181 F ELIOT MIDDLETON. 205 Investment Bldg BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED. WANT TO SUBLEASE 50x50 SPACE manufacture vanilla flavoring, aceess gas, h.c.w. Box 248-J. Star. • ATTENTION REALTORS — DESIRE TO rent coalyard or part of yard. With scales preferred. Box 303-G, Star. INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) WILL OTLL *1.360 SECOND-TRUST note.pwtat *20 month. Will net 10%. For detail*, phone Chestnut 9310. 1st COMMERCIAL ZONE. H ST.. BI tween Lath and 14th n.w.: 11 rooms. 2 baths; easily remodeled; S35.000. Box 299-0. Star, NEAR 3rd AND KENNEDY N.W.—DET. br. 4-apt. bias, of 2 bedrooms each; re duced from *16,800 to *16.250. DU166.1. DIRECT PROM OWNER; PRICE RE 100% rented; new brick det. S3te?**a3"fpt' bw.g- 43 rms.. 3 baths, 3 *«**■( 3 etpvee; large lot; total monthly rental, $145: $1,250 cash. Shown by ap polntment only,_OWNER, DU. 1663! P,ARlK MD.—11 ROOMS. 2 IN arranged for 3 epts.; all conveniences; newly painted; oil heat: Insu lated. large lot; on bus line Phone OWNER. Shepherd 606°-J ___ • i-PAMILY APT. ON WIDE AVENUE N?W Bech apt. 2 rqoms, kit. & bath, rear porches: all rented for *1,880 year net rents. Price. $12,000. Mr. Ralne. RA 3441. WAPLE A JAMES. INC. DI. 3346. LARGE 8-ROOM. 3 BATH HOME, CLOSE ,ect ??'' 011 burner, modern equipped 51-c_ 9' j enflre property completely re ,c22Ved' *ea,ed to good white tenant at $65 per mo. on 3-year lease. $6,000. 1- & L. trust. Price. *6.260. Call Mr. Parker, DI. 3346. WAPLE A JAMBS, LARGE STORE. 6~RbOMR TILE^BATfL t';-®. " ■. oj,1, burner, on a good street; «B <innof Jiorl.I* »ve.; white; a bargain; $8,000. See Mr. Pendleton. .... WAPLE A JAMES, INC., _1224 14th St. N.W. __DI. 3346. NEW, DET. APT. 4% X RENT. 27 Rent’ *14,200. _ SAM ROBEY. ADAMS 2700. R£NT8 *68.50 MO.—PRICE, *4,000. J-apt. brick bldg., 2-car garage, separate $“• elec meters; has *3,000 bldg, assoc. 2fith »t. n.w. rENT8 *139 MO.—PRICE, *12,000. , ’l13 Pea it. n.w.—Large store and 2 IK** *pt'- double garage; has *10,000 bldg, assoc, loan. — MR. H. SIMON. Owner, Cairo Hotel. SILVER SPRING. Large store with offices above. Lo on. G*- 4V* m center of business sec r.°.9' rent*d. Parking space in rear of building. MARYLAND REAL E8TATE CO . _ 7906 0a. Ave._8H.6100. RENT,4300 YEAR; PRICE, $3,000. Store in growing n.e. section. EUGENE A. BARRY, _ 34.19 14th 8t. N.W. Columbia 6086. _ Several Outstanding Buys. 2 stores and 2 ants.; Income. $2,032 yr, I store and ant., n.e.; income. $1,740 yr. 1 store end 2 apts., n.w.; Income, *2,400 yr. *«.: 1,ncome, *1,500 yr. *e*rly rental, *11.250. STERLING FISHER CO., _ 2123 14th St. N.W._Hobart 8880._ REAL BUY. ••>JXn!nhei£t7',L unit*- Annual rental over JS.JOO. Priced right. $5,000 cesh will nandle; balance terms, or might consider cle5E;.'£.c£5t, c*1! Mr. cerney. BRADLEY. BEALL & HOWARD. INC . _National 0271 Southern Bldg. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Shows about 20"7 annual net return of $*.400 on $12,000 cash Investment. Property can be picked up for one-sixth of original cost! Guaranteed lease pays $4,200 year. Tenant makes repairs. Price. $20,000. ADLAI MANN, Agent, _WoodwardBldg_ME. 1201. SELECT INVESTMENTS. East Capitol st.; small apt.: belongs to estate; nrlced right. Six brick houses; rent. $2,100.00; nrice. $18,000.00. 8ix SPveS Aath brlclc: rent. $50 mo; price. $4,500.00. Two 6-rm. & bath bricks: rent. $00 mo : price. $8,500.00. Store and apt.; rent. $84 mo.: price. $7,000.00 Two 4 rm. and bath bricks; rent. $00 mo ; price. $6,000.00. Four 2-family flats: first com.: excellent value. If you are interested in investments. I can meet your require ments. Just call A. S. GARDINER. _1510 K St. N.W._ _NA. 0334. OUTSTANDING BUYS. J.-r* u*w„ *m»ll apts., 5 units each, rental S3.0t,o yriy each; Price. *16.500. Also one of 8 units: nrice. $20,000 "—Convenient downtown: new: 20 apts ■ over $10,000 yriy.; price. $55,000: good terms 3—Large modern fireproof apt. helow nwJ 100 units; splendid yield on *00,000 cash reouired Other apt prop erties « up. For investment prop erties sea: . ANTON KOERBER. __ 1001 15th 8t. N.W. NA. 6789. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT—COLORED Six-family brick apt. bldg., each apt of 3 rooms and bath. Tenants furnish heat ano nnv $27 5n ner mo Pr-ce. $11,500 JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., District 3560, 914 Q gt N W. INVESTMENT PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED 4-family flat, new. in District. Box 408-D. Star. PRIVATE PARTY WILL PAY CASH FOB good investment property. What have you to offer? Box 165-J. Star.21* OUT-OP-TOWN REAL ESTATE. OHIO FARM. ETC.. WANTED IN TRADE for Washington suburban home; Arison* considered Box_398-J, Star. 22* MOVING TO FLORIDA? _ Buy a modern 5-room home, new. on Florida coast; $2,950. Phone MI. 9846. 21* WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. GARAGE WAREHOUSE. 30x110 — ALL concrete building. $50 month; rear 540 Morton at.n.w._ IN THE SILVER SPRING BUSINESS 8EC tion. warehouse and storage space suitable for body and fender shop, paint shop. etc. MUNGER HOLLINGSWORTH CO.. Bethes da Bank Bldg.. Bethesda. Md._WI. 4652. NEARBY VIRGINIA—WAR;EHOUSE SPACE for rent, 20x36: $15 month. CaU Ivy 1093 for information._ S4 N S E - AVAILABLE IN 2~ WEEKS7 25x100. 15 feet high: $150. THOS D. WALSH. INC.. 815 11th N.W.PI, 7558, STORES FOR RENT. LARGE DEEP STORE. CAPITOL HOTS., Md.. Just over D. C. line—Suitable furni ture. dry goods, specialty shop, etc.; reason able rent lease. Inquire H. CLAY ESPEY 313 Southern Bldg. NA. 2283.__ 5113 GA. AVE.—MODERN STORE (LA dles’ dress shop) and 7 r„ b.. apt. with 2 incl. porches: avail, about Aug. 1. E. P. SCHWARTZ. 1014 Vermont ave. DI. 0210. NEAR NEW GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS' 622 4th st. *.w.—Approx. 75 ft. deep or mo re.__22* 1802 20th ST. N.W.—GOOD POR ANY business: heat and hot water: $70. THOMAS^ P. BROWN. 615 4th st. s.w. no P ST N W.^CORNErTLARGE SPACE; ‘ojlet and running water; $55 per month. CHARLES E TRIBBY. 510 Evans Bldg. DRY CLEANING CORNER STORE. RENT, $40: equipped, renovated: established trade. Owner in hospital, sacrifice. $80. 200 5th st. s.e.2i» NEW STORE JUST COMPLETED: MOD ernlstic front, high ceiling. 2406 18th st^n.w. (near Columbia rd.). NA. 6717. • 2102-2104 R. I. AVE. N.E.—2 STORES, in new condition. Call OWNER, NO. 0619. MT. PLEASANT STORE—STORE AND apt. above, cellar, rear entr.: store has new front: rent, $85 mo, OWNER, WO. 5603. STORE POR RENT, INCLUDING SHELVES and counter: rent reduced. 710 7th st. s.w. Bee TURNERS 2465 18th ST. N.W., NEAR INTERS EC - non—Large store for rent: rent reduced District 5021. __ $50.00—3742 12th NX—20x35. $40.00—1336 11th s.e.—20x40 THQS. D. WALSH, INC.. _815 11th N.W._DI. 7558. 226 7th ST. S.E.—STORE, 7 LARGE RM8.. h.-w.h Rent reasonable. 3211 Oeorgla ave.—Large sore. 6 rms., ell heat. 2 baths: $85 per month. _ URCIOLO REALTY CO.. ME. 4»41. 1234 13th ST. N.W. Ground-floor store, moderniied front, approx. 500 sq. ft.r$75. Also apts. above. DIXIE REALTY CO., NA. 8880, 2504 NAYLOR RD. 8.E. 27x42—1,134 sq. feet, double modern show window, basement under entire store: $52 month. , P. J. W ALB HE INC., 1107 Eye St. N.W, _NA. 6468. STORE OR OFFICE WITH MEZZANINE I7I2Com.Avs.N.W. Percy H. Russell Co. 1731 K St. M.W. Com. Ave. & K Vary Mnlla tan 2,150 of. ft. floor Mom Tbia ftna buatum'locottao Du • own. Am. Mote* of M foot «* to M fact daaptowida oanr lee alky. W2fl liMoAil %mtk Taal XfcT US*lk ■ iftfm »—■ Ain. ILW ";’r ; STORES FOR RENT. (Continued.) " 3003 14th 8T. N W. , At corner of 14lh Ac Columbia rd. Excel lent itore location. $75.00. WISCONSIN AVE A P ST. S.e. corner of Wit. ave. it P st. Large (tore available August 1st. 3915 14th ST. N.W. In excellent condition: rent. $00. 3345 PROSPECT AVE. N.W. Corner, block north of 34th & M st*. Key at 1229 34th st. n.w. $45.00. 2010 K ST. N.W. Downtown, on busy thoroughfare. $40. 616 MINNESOTA AVE. N.E At Bennlng road. $40.00 per month. OUARANTY REALTY. INC.. 1706 K St. N.W. National 0687, LARGE STORE. Large store of 2 rooms and toilet: com pletely redecorated: reedy to move in: ideal for any type business: rent, $37.50. 1329 B st. n.e. P. ELIOT MIDDLETON. 205 Investment Bldg. Republic 1181._ Near 14th St. and Park Rd., 1473 Spring rd. n.w.—New store, double show windows; ges heat; just next to 14th st. and a very attractive store; only $55. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W, DI. 7877. 5311 GATAVCN.W. Large store, suitable for any business; heat furnished: $65. GEORGE I. BORGER, 643 Indiana Ave. N.W._NA. 0360. 815 7th ST. N.W. Opposite Murphy’s 5 A 10. 2 stories, about 2.500 so. feet. Will sell at bargain price of $20,000, or lease at $200 monthly. Will consider an offer. Inoulre 808 otb at. n.w. J. RAPPAPORT. atty._•_ 1411 14th ST. N.W. $55.00. Nice large store, approximately 15'x35'. with show window. Suitable for almost any kind of business. Key at 1415 14th st.. on corner. R. MARBURY STAMP & CO., _212 Southern Bldg._ DI. 8517,_ 3427 SHERMAN AVE. N.W. Corner Sherman ave. and Park rd.— Lae. storeroom, suitable any business: $65. EUGENE A. BARRY. _3439_14th St. N.W,_CO. 6086. STORE VALUES. 1232 14th st. n.w.—8tore, base ment __ _ $275.00 1500 H st. n.e.—Store, large corner __ . 250.00 800 K st. n.w.—Large store, elec , gas. 2 toilets 175.00 2605 Conn. ave. n.w.—Store. 2nd . floor _ _ _ _ 150.00 1537 Good Hope rd. s e.—Large store, elec., gas Cheated) 125.00 4825 Georgia ave. n.w.—Store. elec., gas. h.-w h.. 20'x60' 76.00 636 North Capitol st.—First fl„ elec., gas _ 75.00 44o New York ave. n.w.—Store. „ *!*=•■ was ... __ - 27.50 8 G st. n.w.—Store, elec, gas. h.-w h. . 50.00 R. A. HUMPHRIES, 008 North Capitol St., Realtor. NA 6730 OFFICES FOR RENT LE DROIT BLDG , 800-810 F ST. N.W.— Large, bright offices, shops and studios; low rentals. Apply Room 18. TWO DESIRABLE OFFICE8 WITH 8EC retEHal service or will share part of store. Located in heart of medical center. Low rent: light free. Phone Republic 3019. Mezzanine floor. 024 17th at., near K. • FURNISHED DESK SPACE ORENTTRE room In lawyer's suite: splendid oppor tunity: reasonable. Suite $o«. 1319 F st. n.w. _ 3 LGE. RMS . SECOND-FLOOR ' FRONT, attrac. bldg Vermont ave. near K st. Apply DIXIE REALTY CO..J417 L st. n.w. LET ' YOUR TELEPHONE SECRETARY" answer your phone when you are out of your_offlce. Cal! DI._2705_for details 602 P ST. N.W.—19 AIRY. LARGE rooms: newly decorated: any number de sired right now ROGERS. NA. 8137._ DENTIST. SPACE WITH PHYSICIAN IN Don 16th at Will decorate to auit. Call Randolph 4323. DOCTOR’S OFFICE^ 1st floor. Apt. 1, 2222 Que st. n.w.— 4 rooms, reception hall, kitchen and 2 baths. Ideal location off Massachusetts ave. Will decorate to suit tenant. CHARLES E. TRIBBY, 510 EVANS BLDG.. ____DISTRICT 4778 _ _OFFICES WANTED. OFFICE SPACE DESIRED BY YOUNG lawyer. Irish American descent, graduate of class A law school: has own practice; references exchanged Box 203-J. Star 21* _DESK SPACE FOR RENT. WISH TO CONTACT CONGENIAL PER son to share expense of office. Box 240-J. Star.___•_ _ SEASHORE PROPERTY. GEORGE SHOCKLEY REHOBOTH BEACH Delaware'—Cottage and apartment hall Mock board walk, gas, electric refrigera* tlon, not water: month or weekly roomers August. ^M^!. *401 j?!^00 f°r thg m0Dth 01 SUMMER HOMES. LARGE MOUNTAIN COTTAGE — PUR nished: 13 rooms. 7 bedrooms, 2 baths; electricity, hot water: 6 acres: adjacent to Orkney Springs Hotel. $35 per wk., $100 per balance of season. Gentiles. Call WO, 8496. SUMMER ESTATE ON CAYUGA LAKE. N. Y.—14-room house, plus servants’ quar ters and other buildings on 3Vg acres of landscaped grounds: $25,000 value. Sell gt 507? or more off to liquidate inheri tance Inquire N. B BURDETTE, ex ecutor. 1300 Virginia st.. Charleston. W. Va.___ , LARGE BEACH cottage! FINE ~VIEW gay; main street: Cedarhurst: $700 cash. DR. FLETCHER. owner Lincoln n.'ilS 21* __SUMMER CAMPS. CAMP MONTROSE—CHILDREN 6 TO 12 years, "for their first summer away " All sports. 14th season Catalogue. Weekly rates. $16.50. Monthly rates. Churches aaarrksvJeR VdND M*S' L' _A' *ANDALL. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMP. LOWER PA tuxent, St. Marys County. Modern conven iences, sunervise swimming and sports. Sail boats and rowboats. Rates, $12 per week. Lincoln 4992. _ cynthmTwarneiTcamp" 1500 Carroll ave., Tak. Pk.. Md. Children, two to 10. day or boarding camps; 2 acres of ground; limited enroll ment; excellent counselors._ Peter Pan Summer Camp. 801 FERN PL. N.W. RA. 0100. Special tutoring, music, French, dancing, swimming, hiking, outdoor life. Traiu. free: reas. rates. Children pre-school through 6t^ grade, __ SEND YOUR BOY to CAMP LETTS, A BOY’S OWN WORLD. MODERN FACILITIES. EXCELLENT FOOD. CAREFULLY CHOSEN LEADERSHIP. BOY8 8 TO 18. WRITE OR PHONE CAMP DIRECTOR. Y. M. C. A., 1730 O ST. N.W. NATIONAL 8250. FARMS FOR SALE. E?.PER. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 36 miles to D. C.. 130 acres, good tillable land, brick house, outbuildings, high ele vation. woodland and streams; near churches, school and stores; no reasonable offer refused. Box 140-G. Btar. CULPEPER CO.. VA.—210 ACRES. ON good road: electricity available; 7-room house, two barns; buildings need paint; a distress sale at $4,000: one-fourth cash, balance easy terms. Ehone 135. H. B. MITCHELL. Herndon. Va. A VERY OLD HOU8E. WITH SCENIC setting, on 12 acres; small stream, hard road; 25 miles of D. C.; 10 rooms, heat, lights and bath; price. §4,800; $2,000 cash, balance terms. Phone 135. H. B. MITCHELL. Herndon. Va. RIVER-FRONT FARM. 350 ACRES. Va mile beach, good anchorage, excellent ducking shore; Colonial dwelling on high ridge with magnificent view; 8 rooms, basement, bath; electricity, hot-water heat, 2 tenant houses, large barns, silo: excel lent soli, ip good condltlop: 46 miles Washington; $20,000. LEONARD SNIDER, La Plata. Md. DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY HOME ON 40 acre farm, near La Plata. Md.: e-room, wall-constructed dwelling; large rooms, bath. heat, artesian well; beautifully landscaped: tenant bouse and farm build ings; $8,500. LEONARD 8 NICER, La Plata. Md._ SUBURBAN FARM OP 13 ACRES. 8 MILES from Washington and within y, mile of bus: the house has 6 rooms, full basement, unfinished attic, bath; hot-water heat and elec.: the land Is productive and gently rolling, with a stream across the beck; garage and chicken houae: suitable for sub division; price. $8,260; $1,250 down. bal. $50 per mo. See MASON HIRST. Annan dale. Va.. at the end of Columbia pike. Phone Alexandria 5812. Closed Sundays. CLOSE-IN FARM OF 120 ACRES WITH beautiful.building site where the old house stood; about 80 acres In cultivation, bal ance wooded: large barn and other farm buildtass. This farm Is 12 miles from Washington and just off a fine road; It la priced tow, so one can afford to build the kind of boms ha wants; price. $7,000: •J.OOO Oman, bolenee $75 per month. Sec MASOW HHM|T. Annandale, Va, at the CohunMa Dike. Phone Ales. 6812. FARMS FOR SALE. — (Continued.) , 273 ACRES. fiO_ACRE8*TIMBER, GOO0,'' g-rpom dwelling end barn; ordinary ou& buildings: farm Is well watered: most rea sonably priced at *4,000. POTTS & ORIF PIN, Frederick, Md. BULLETIN DETAILS 55-ACRE OENERAL fc™* rich, heavy soli, about 20 acregtj heavily wooded, close to beautiful laksts: hard-surfaced road. Colonial style home: 6 1 rooms, bath, electricity; large barn, general S1 s»«riflce f°r *3.500: terms. BRAY > $ MacGEORGE. estab. 1901. Vineland. BAROAPI. CASH price: *1.600; 20 ,s- o-room house, needs remodeling; lif,week-end and summer home, se J™,?• », nahlng hunting, swimming. n*»r beautiful Lake Jackson. Va.. 45 min Utes D, C. LIPSCOMB Chestnut 8812. UNEXCELLED HOME BITE OF \6o~7l‘: ' 30 min. Univ. of Va.: hard road: estate 4280; AnL'702,h' *lth tem5- ClU .MI ADMINISTRATOR SALE 159 - ACRE* farm. adj. city limits o7 Rockville. Good frontage on Frederick rd Must be sold to settle estate. Will go at less than *100 Per acre. Unexcelled lor aubdlvlding. ,. 230 acres chclce farm land, with good «-qn. house, good barns and outhouses. In., high State of cultivation: has 1-mlle front age on River rd. Also Dawsonville and Seneca rd. Will sell for less than *80 per acre Take action necessary. For In- . formation see. phone or write. E. 8. PRICE 1 5c CO.. 1010 Vermont ave. n w. Phone Metropolitan_3850 or ME. 3549. REAL PARM AT REAL BARQAIN PRICE: 358 acres: Montgomery Co.. 18 miles from white House, on hard road: good improve ments: 6 everlasting springs; all in tlvation except about 20 acres; price, $125 per acre. Qpx 386-0. Stgr. IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE LARGE OR 8m i *crct*e eouipped dairy or blue grass ^ stock farm, or lust a cosy home—conven lent yet quiet—I have 250 of these places t tor sale Including some fine colonial es tate,. These properties are located In Fair- ■ fax and adjoining counties and range from 'acre to 5.000 Most of them are within 2s mS}¥J5l Washington and on hard roads See MASON HIRST. Annandale. Fairfax County. Va at the end of Columbia pike Phone Alexandria 5812 Address Route 3. Alexandria. Va_(Closed Sundays.)_ OVER 30 ACRES. 12 MILES FROM WASH- ' ington Fairfax County Frame house on., knoll, bath, screened pehs.. barn, chicken house, orchard. 2 streams. Chestnut 6445. . 135-ACRE FARM. 22 MILES FROM D. C.. In Va. 2 houses, barn, henhouse, hog and - cattle pastures, fenced 45 acres arable. In the fox-hunting section. 2 miles to Potomac River. 8ee by appointment. $2» - Per acre.^Terms. C. L. CULP, 942 Va. ave^.j ■ CULPEPER CO.—FINE'DAIRY PARM. 458 ► acres. 8-rm. house, bath and lights, 30-cow - dairy barn, horse barn, granary, orchard Owner has milk contract Washington mar- i Bargain at *15.000. Terms. E. M. McClure; Richmond. Va. • GENTLEMAN S ESTATE AND FARM: 18S acres tillable land; good outbuildings: sit uated on high ground: only 8 miles from Washington on good road: located next tau *25.000 small estate owned by prominent’-* lawyer; will sacrifice for *14.500 to close estate: very low terms to reliable party. Phone National 1828. • CENTRAL AVE . MD., 12 MILES 2U!„„H0£;fb frontage, stream, elec.; on corner. |o00. 20 acres, wooded land. lor colored. $350: terms. AT. 3076. Call eves. COUNTY, VA.—STONE HOUSE.. . furnished; fireplaces: a.m l.: near moufl- . EM 0009 ’ 8trcam’ reasonable. OWNER, * . =_ONLY-$93-pERACRi: . - A8HTON. MD. 20 miles from Washing ton; 78 acres of rolling fertile farm and woodland, fine stream for watering stock, including a fi-room and bath dwelling.-, large barn, tool shed and electricity. * , , „„ „ p. J. WALSHE. INC- .r 1107 Eye 8t. N.W.__NA. 8468. . CHARLES COUNTY. MD.—NICE 81-ACRE * tarm on hard road and overlooking the. Potomac River. The 7-room house. 2 t»cs bacco barns and other outbuildings are-. - in good condition Well, springs* small rest*™8 timber^ ^fce°f$.^So“nd ,aIl0a’ ABOUT 22 MILES FROM THE D~C , ■‘be, near a hard road; about 250 acres. . b°l far from Chesapeake Bay. About 150 acres cleared, plenty of water. Price s! oonf°r tobacco' “ wnaiu houses. I _!71?_K St. N.W._NA.1168 . I pObNG FARM. 298 ACRES, HISTORIC 12 ! fn°T«rS? ba,ths, and shower, setting - ®e K^Pve. of trees, fine lawn and £.hl?Lds’ orchard. vineyard, all necessary thildiSB’ 1nniudintf 2 tenant houses Hal! ! ™£*i».nd un?er cultivation and in good I condinon: price. $11,500; terms Realty. loth St. N.Vt. va BOOS , _OR__WALDORP,_MD^omCE MUST SELL, IMMEDIATELY! beautiful farm, Jo^enfenl tT^ty"'^’ ! tPwoCBorch'areds' rU'S *creS' 5lJr'" cultivated, orchards. 5 springs, timber new 8 Sub^tarUaf’ rWn barn’ comPlet«iy fenced i ouDstantiai down payment. Very umali Tour?satsmanrtU;i»?,hlS 18 a ?are opportunity iourists ana sight-seers please don’t waste your time. Call MR BOWEN ow“er* Phone Chestnut 5294. 5131 Col. pike. Arl ; i*--- 2i» SECTION—180 ACREB. 80 acres in blue grass, the rest In ex • te of cultivation. Perfectly f'uccd with woven wire, divided Into Helds all »‘nh cunning water. At the edge of 1 fbe village, on a State road.- Stock, wops £?dvi. omen,t, Included. Bam6 are full excellent growing crops, cows, horses. - mares. 1 with foal, pure bred Fu.i line machinery, a good 10-room house. 8!' hne'lectncfty. thoroughly modern. TfPant house. 2 barns, numerous outbuild j?*a- »kT? be *old for $15,000 to the first man that comes—and it is a buy' w C - BaUo AfMd & C°" First Natl Bank Bldg!. $5.500—ABOUT 20 MILES NORTH 140 acres; bargain, to settle estate Good17 Soufe- large bank barn, other build «« non trf*ms larae meadow.—Large six-room house, with all 1 rhi«S? ^5?’^?ceV less tha0 100 acres best j Chester loam: terms. Also small farm ! only $rUooo lar8e banlt barn and dalr™ j \rn^L£,f.-tile-,n08t beautiful old houses in Montgomery County, remodeled bv Wash-" i mgton architect: modern conveniences ncw well watered farm * | „ landing .,flp!d. Baltimore bike large’1 acreage, railroad facility large stream - nn> •, , . D. LILLIE 825 Mtple Ave.. Takoma Park. 8H *>30? • a fn°° fKEDBRfCK PIKE:" CLOSE * Splend.d farm, large, practicallynew $27 50nCOmIOrtable house- tenant hoSie* _ ■24&. acres, improved with a main housn barn thnT£»tenant bouses, electricity, dairy, stream$!5 mead0W with * lat***'! rt« „ improved with a 60-cow tenantbhouse* Sggfooo" °UtDulldina5' two * mo%rnaCr.eftr.^re &*nfeo*Uh ** Cedar S^e^fe d*ry *«y * 40 acrbsnId,1Hn8^l„P0frs,l02. t'> °u3 story frame houS^elecuicity^^i1;. *; possession b°o S|iiit °me machlnery- *3,500* Sunday81* ^'teraeCdr*!l 0nfaffueangdasWsOP07?d &? i ; $12,000. 4° mUcs t0 city; GREEN & MAGRUDER ~ Fairfax Brancb Office. Phone Fairfax 284-j CHICKEN DINNERS. ' . In suburbs. 20 min. from downtown n#» SgfSJ&.artBBSasS °wn" retiring; will take income prSSSS tnnl.v haSSn SI “JL0n i*™a; A-l oppor Lenity. Call Mr. Drew, Republic 11 ri v M^IOT MIDDLETON. 205 Investment Bldg REAL E8TATE 1 - - FOR SALE. tenUon*aref ‘hat deserve *ny buyer’! at .„.192iacres "car Hamilton: good buildings1 * Including one-half of crops; $10 600 , ll4 acres near Lovettsvlile; A-l build-’ tags and farm land; $9,000 DUIla bu?ldinlCsfeS$4n50a0 EVer8r"n »°°d lnes” S2r750e*r Bluemont: «*cellent build- - *414w%oy,5.l£r<??o «!l-modern houset . w*.~oo. $500 cash. $,^0 per month. * * hous!;C$4,000*r R°Und HUli 800d 8-roo“ ? C. C ELSEA. Realtor. _ _Bluemont. Va. an Heart or Horse Country, ... Montgomery Co., Maryland. ,/ cattle farm, well watered and:a road BSMf- 1Rc*t*<5 °n » macadam Owner’a^house,0 tenant ^se^ur^ Uon.°2tnream” "* ln eXceUent ,Jlty» *crea of well-watered land, ma fcro?.*0,iit ln 8-room frame home - *** condition: many outbuilding”' Located on macadam road. SI 00 acre. ** , 183 acres, 8-rra. frame home, £* “ *°'ldmank.2fl?.re.tSg‘ S^Sfa.1% _ 1119 17th at. N.W. District 4464. 180 Acres, Horses. lT Cattle, * Machinery, crops Included: on State hway.t stream; good 10-rm. house, elec 70-ft cement-basement barn, silo. 3 hen houses*J independence home.” *4,600. part down*, ANNE ARUNDEL CO. 28 acres on paved highway, in thickly - water-front area. Improved by1 b 7-room, bath, furnace heat and electricity, 3liiSr7.„J6,l2£2S*l Large combination — K5SSS5. oth.rnbu"id! iS&d at mIsoo**1 condltion- •“"W® - 8-8. HO. 3707; Sves, DU. 4827, .?? FARM BARGAIN. i —5® ^lth. 7-room home. silo, bariji! and lOO apple trees. 2,000 feet of real/ Wl8conMo ™ t.^fon Mommy