Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. *40,000 00 IN PROPERTIES. MOSTLY clear; annual rents, *8.000; trade part •3 or all for equity apt. house, hotel or farm; ■tents' attention. 1410 H st. n.w. Room 227. tv" • , LOS-ANGELES-SUBURB, CALIF.—BEAU tiful 3 siores, 2 apts.. 1 lot; *8.000. Sale or exchange for D. C. property, clear. Owner, B. BAODOYAN. Verduto City, Calif. VIRGINIA RANCH, NEAR WASHINGTON, to sell or trade for Western land, 185 head of beef cattle, well improved. Box 138-J. Star._• sal2-RM.. 3-B. COLONIAL BR. HOUSE. NR. * New Market. Va., on U. S. No. 11. with or a without acreage. Ideal est., tourist, bus, I cabins, gas. etc.; low taxes; exch. for Md. or D. C. prop. H. W. BECRAPT, owner. Wash. Grove. Md.. on premises._ WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE LARGE . North Beach. Md.. home, valued *3.600. ,, clear, for small Arlington home or Va. a Isrm. AD. 7075-J__.__ I «. HEVY CHASE—0 RMS (5 BEDRM8.1; would exch. for smaller houst or bungalow. Box 102-J. Star. 21* =-“ .. '■ REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE THOROUGHLY MOD ern 50-foot raised-deck cruiser for farm or suburban real estate. Details and inspection phone District 6685._• _ 174 A, 6 R.. BARN. NEAR WARRENTON. for home; ladv city worker. Box 16, Rem Ington. Va. Value. $35 J>er_a._• 320-ACRE STOCK RANCH. *2.500: clear; for a house or acreage equity: submit trade. CO. 8287. OWNER. fi-RM. HOUSE VICINITY WARDMAN Park, 29th st., or adjacent: prefer seml ,det.. reas. priced. Will trade 8-rm. house, -Hr. 14th and F'alrmont as part payment, a THOMAS D WALSH. INC.. I , 815 11th St. N.W, District 7557, ] COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Sfcoo ACRES IN HEART OP THE P0C0N08. ftimberland with beautiful lake site; good ■ fishing, hunting: suitable for country Restate, commercial development, club, ■ camp Good road Adapted to winter and ' summer sports. Address Al-Wa-Da Cabins, ■ Greentown. Pa. __• a STONE HOUSE. CLUBHOUSE: CLUB i house, residence, hotel, camp, trailer sites. a water, sewerage, electricity: fishing, boat J lng. bathing; high. safe, sanitary; Poto 4 mac River. 70 miles Washington; hard ■ roads. Address R. L. REINHART. Shep aherdstown. W. Va. • 2 COUNTRY PROP. SALE OR RENT. j BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC VIRGINIA ES jtate. east of Blue Ridge, on two main high Eways. near Charlottesville. 90 miles to ■ Washington. D. C. 9 rooms. 3 baths and I ,lavatories insulated, laiest electric, plumb ing atuT heating equipment, spacious porch, beautiful woods and springs, par tially furnished or unfurnished with either 6. 10 or 90 acres:, property suitable for business: reasonable Call or write BOS WELLS TAVERN ESTATE, P. O. Gordons yllle, Va._ • LOTS FOR SALE. fvALUABLE CORNER LOT. FOR ANY BUSI Iness; 50x1.30. Wilson Blvd. and Lincoln 1st . Arlington, Va. OWNER. Randolph 11141.____ _ __ *60x150. IN DEL RAY, VA.: NEAR sschools and churches: 10c bus. lare: $750, (“terms. Phone National 1628. » _ IfLEASANT RIDGE — WOODED ACRE yiome sites for small country estates. $60<l; JF. H. A. approved: will build individually designed houses, complete with lot. $4,500 Tip: beautiful sites, hills, small streams. Wide street frontage. Drive 3 miles from Palls Church toward Annandale. MR MORROW, owner, at home on premises. * DESIRABLE LOT IN NATIONAL ME morial Park Cemetery (Masonic section); reasonable for cash. Box 237-J. Star. •_ NR. SILVER HILL, MD. (BARNABY Manor Oaks)—Fine shade. 100x300 ft.. $300; 2(V> down. $10-$15 mo. DAN AB BOTT. Clinton 20-W.____ (60X100. ZONED FOR APARTMENTS OR ssroup houses; right off new Minnesota .ave. »e._Lincoln 0268-R. _ 'BUILDERS' ATTENTION—30 EXCELLENT lots, close in. Art: low price, terms. Day. Oxford 2416: night. CH. 414(1. 23^ HIGH. WOODED BLG. SITE. 40x1(10. AT American Univ.. Spring Valley: all imnrov.; price. $1.400. Emerson 2015. BEAUTIFUL LOT. NEAR 26 th AND Perry sts. n.e.: 50x130; price, $1,800. Box 466-H. Star.____ • CHOICE WOODED LOT IN EXCLUSIVE Westmoreland Hills; all improvements in; $1.880; terms. WI. 9888. CHEVY CHASE VIEW, NR. CONN. AVE.— 100x186. $1,500; naved street, sewer and water. Emerson 4117__ CORNER LOT. ON 16th ST. N.W.. FAC ing Govt. park. Shade trees. Only 50c per sq. ft. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 1731 K st. n w. fexCELLENTLY LOCATED," FACING"MINN. ave. and a small nark, suitable for a semi detached home or two-family apartment; lot 25x140 feet: price. $1,660. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Penna. ave. s e CHOICE LOT. 94 FEET FRONT; 50HARD wood trees, imp., bus service; convenient to golf and countrv club; Arlington. Also 65-foot lot. ROBERT E. HEATER. CH. 6622._ 21* 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTH IN DISTRICT Heights and several lots In the District. Call Lincoln 1014.___ OPPORTUNITY TO BUY WOODED LOT jn Rock Creek Hills. Md. 130 ft. frontage. Beautiful view of valley and Rock Creek. All Improvements. *1.975. HO. 7608. CONGRESS HGTS . D. C.—GROUND POR apts. or flats at 25c sq. ft.; all improve ments in; main street. A. M. ROTH. WOODWARD BLDG., NA. 7936._ $400—-A HIGH. WOODED LOT. 74x150: secluded, in secluded Mohican Hills and west of Massachusetts ave. extended. Call Mrs. Burgess. WI. 4253. _LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1 -19 K_St_N_W.__NA._11RR _ NEAR CONDUIT RD . ABOUT l1 j MILES ^ beyond D. C. line: near cars; lot 64 by about 180; high, with trees, citv water ^reliable: $500. on easy terms. Call Mrs. urgess. WI 4253. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. - 1719 K St. N.W.___NA. 1166, LARGE HILLTOP WOODED LOT. Overlooking Washington and Potomac River: huge oak trees: all improvements; restricted, bargain. Inquire 2301 South Arlington Ridge rd.. Arlington. Va. . $10 DOWN, $10 MONTH. Large lots, few choice ones left. Edmon son rd., turn at Cross in Bladensburg to East Riverdale: owner on premises. Ed monston rd. at Jefferson ave. Phone War field 2362. M. GREENBLATT. ABOUT 3 MILES BEYOND FALLS CHURCH and near Lee highway—Lots 100 ft. by 206 ft., with gorgeous old trees; a place to picnic all summer. Price. $260; $25 cash, •10 per mo Ask Col. Joye^ eves.. CO. 5876 LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. I 1719 K St. N.W. National 1166. (ABOUT 3 MILES BEYOND THE BANK OF 'Bethesda by Old Georgetown rd.—Lot 60x •120 ft. As low as $720, $25 cash, $15 per •month. Go right by Beech ave. to Just beyond the school. Water, gas. elec and surfaced street. Plats sent on application. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. . 1719 K St. N.W. National 1166. $800 AND $1,000. _ Detached homesites; beautiful Summit Park. D. C. (adjoining Hillcrestl: nicely wooded; comparable lots are selling for twice these prices. Branch office, 601 Alabama ave. s.e. Lincoln 1000. ADELBERT W. LEE. , 1343 H St. N.W._PI, 4600. Overlooking Washington. A choice homesite now available In ; fine of the highest sections in Beverly Hills. Heavily wooded, all Improvements, near rapid transportation. We will build on '.Four plan or we will furnish ours THE BEVERLY REALTY CORP., 3907 Mt. Vernon Ave. i- _Temple 6335. Hillandale Half acre or more to each site, from $1,100 up. Wooded or cleared, level or rolling. High elevation. Reasonably restricted. City utili ties. Here values are established, as is the character of the develop ment. See it and compare values. Twenty-five minutes from down town via New Hampshire Ave. or Piney Branch Road, or Call Shep. 3355 , Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow i> the answer to the rapidly growing demand tor well located suburban property. It you have long cherished a desire to estab lish yourself in a well-planned, highly restricted suburban community, you II be interested in seeing Sleepy Hollow. Every site a half acre or more. Pic turesque winding roads, through deep woods and pleasant valleys, individu ally built homes blend into one to form an ideal setting for YOUB OWN small estate. Sleepy Hollow offers you a different kina of living in a different kind of atmosphere. Located only 15 minutes from Wash ington over the new Lee Blvd. INVEST NOW In a choice site whether you contemplate building at once or at seme future date. Vi-Acre Sites, $500.00 up Easy Terms Out Lao Boulevard to O/Rco EAKIN PROPERTIES, INC. Falls Church 1573 Falls Church, Va. LOTS WANTED. ! COLORED—' SOUTHGATE VALE" (CL06E I in va. subdivision)—Lots 40x100, Urge J oak trees, high elevation: $49fi. Ask MR , SOWERS, off Columbia pike and Queen st. SA. 4004. IfuiLDER WILL PAY BEST PRICES FOR (round suitable tor apartment building. White or colored. Box 228-J. Star. • CASH AT ONCE. Wanted to buy from 5 to 10 lots In good •action D. C Write or phone, giving lull particulars and lowest cash price. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1*18 H St. N.W. DI. 7877. i ACREAGE WANTED. TRACT8, FIVE ACRES OR MORI. WITK ln 10 miles of D. C., preferably on or near railroad or highways; state location and price. Boi^lMKhjj^r. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 1 ACRE, $300; $10 DOWN. $10 MONTH; 165 feet frontace on good gravel road at Annandale. Near school, church, stores, trans.: 10 miles from Wash. VERNON M. LYNCH & SON. office 7 miles out Columbia pike. Phone Alex. 6906. Open evenings, closed Sundays.__ BUILD ON CREST BLUE RIDOE; 10 AND one-half acres on Appalachian trail: ele vation. 1 ftoo: timbered: good road. Wash ington. 50 miles, Bluemont. Va.; church, school and stores 2 miles; $750. Box 209j-J. Star._•_ 1 Va ACRES WITH 225 FT. FRONTAGE ON 18-ft. macadam road running from Lee boulevard to Annandale: wooded mostly with oak and has good building site; 9 miles Iron Washington, clear of debt. Price. $700: $i00 down. bal. $26 per mo. See MASON HIRST. Annandale, Va.. at the end of Columbia pike. Phone Alexandria 5812. Closed Sundays.__ WATER FRONT. OR 8TATE ROAD—5 acres or more: suitable high-grade homes: also business locations on new Potomac Bridge highway. Advise requirements. LEONARD SNIDER. La Plata. Md. WALDORF. MD —5 ACRES FOR $100; 1 acre building site. $150; real bargains. 1209 13th st. n.w._ _ WOODED SITE. ELEC.: ON HENSON Creek, lVj mi. E. Suitland; $300: terms. Drive out. SHELLEDY, Lincoln 4869-J. * i* ACRES. STREAM. $18 PER A. 180 A. 3.400 feet on Lee highway, $50 per a. R. D. GRAHAM, Fairfax HI or 88. 26 HOMESITES. The greatest value of all time. Beau tiful homesites of Va to 1 acre on all-year road and bus lme. 9 miles D. C. Some wooded, some clear, some with stream. Prices. $300 up; no cash: easy monthly payments. To inspect: Cross Memorial or Highway Bridge, left to Columbia Pike, right on Columbia Pike 8 miles to "Alpine.’• _WATER FRONT PROPERTY. WANTED TO BUY—SMALL FARM OR wooded lot on water front, within 10 miles of D. C. Box 475-H. Star. _•_ FRONT CHESAPEAKE BAY—LOTS BOX 100; $300 00: worth $1,000: none better anywhere: finest fishing, bathing; near Point Lookout. AT. 3190._» CAPE ANNE—RENT. FURNISHED, ON Ches. Bay: a.m.l.. Inc. boat. 27 mi. from D. c.: $30 wk. OWNER. CH. 6024._ SELBY ON THE BAY—03-FT. FRONT age; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Emerson 4455._ SEASIDE — 3-RM. COTTAGE, LARGE screened porch, awnings, elec, and bath; $18 wk Apply the VERNON COTTAGE, 16th and Maryland ave.. Seaside._ _ AT BEVERLEY BEACH—FURNISHED COT tage for sale or rent; electrically eoulpped, artesian well: price and terms to suit. DR. BACON. Burlington Hotel, NA._8047._ BAY RIDGE—WATER-FRONT "SUMMER home: beautiful view of bay; city improve ments: will sell at a bargain See owner at HQ River drive or Call_Bay Vista_2951. SALE <5r RENT—LOVELY SUMMER home, on Patuxent (3 bedrooms, large living room). Lincoln 6H00 or Hillside 0283. BETHANY BEACH. DEL.. NR. REHOBOTH —Furn., spacious, seaside cottage. 4 bed rms., 2 baths, lg. pvt ocean front, maid's quarters and garage. Metropolitan 017 2. $000—HILLENGAS COTTAGE AT PINE WHIFF. South River—All screened, elec, and well. 3rd house from nier. Sat. and Sun._Weekdays. Hobart 2233. _ COLONIAL BEACH—COTTAGE. NEW: 3 lots: $150 cash. $2o mo.; water, elec. OWNER. Box 177-J. Star. 21* TOR SALE — BROADWATER ON BAY", completely furnished. 9 rooms. 5 bedrooms 3 baths, fireplace. Inclosed porch. Florida shutters, electric kitchen, artesian water, boathouse with sun deck: l hour from Washington. OWNER GE. 1252. Through Marlboro to Welles Corners to Southern Md. blvd. left at Bristol, follow Cape Ann sign to Broadwater. "The Shack." Open July 20^ to 28. BUNGALOW. 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED. $10 wk.: 4 rms., furn.. $20 wk. Elec, water, shower, linens: screened porches; facing bav._ Chestnut 7748. FOR SALE—NORTH BEACH: 7 ROOMS, unfinished bath. 2 lots, splendid view: $1.100; easy terms. Box 146-J. Star._21* MASON S BEACH. ON CHES. BAY. 27 MI. from D. C.—For rent, large, well-furn. cottage bath: all conv.; fine fish and bath. AD 2065. 21* | BEACH FRONT COTTAGE FOR RENT. ! through Labor Dav; beautiful view, shade, deep water off pier: 23 mi. D. C <40 min. ’ downtown). For information. NA._ 0995. i PINEY POINT SHORES. MD—FOR SALE. 4-room cottage, furnished, on large lot; close to water. OWNER at Lincoln 374o-w. ____ 21* ROOM WANTED FOR WEEK ENDS AT Bay Ridge by business couple, with or without board. Box_130-G, Star. COLONIAL BEACH. "THE VICTOR." 1st st. and Bryant ave.—Neatly furnished cot tage. clean; gas, elec., bath. Hillside 0528-W. _ • OHE8APEAKB BAY—A T T » AC T I V E. t clean, well-furnished cottage, lerge screened porch, electricity, good water in kitchen. Frlgidaire. fine beach, bathing and fish ing: accommodate 5 or 6: $20 per week: special rates after August 10 Attoly Lom bardy Lodge. Fairhaven P. O.. Md. Phone North Beach 117-F-23 SOUTH RIVER PARK. MD.—SUMMER home: large living room with fireplace. 3 bedrooms on first floor and large room second floor, bath, electric range and re frigerator in kitchen. 10-ft. wide screened porch around front and side: furnished throughout. This property has about 135 ft. water front and faces South River Bridge and must be seen to be appreciated. ! J. T. MANNING, tel. Annapolis 5345 or i Oxford 0378. _• _ BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED WATER" front, house. 11 rooms (furnished), modern conveniences; excellent condition, anchor age fishing; $6,500 terms. LEONARD SNIDER. La Plata. Md._ __ _ RENT—ROOMY COTTAGE. WELL FUR nished. modern: Fairhaven: August 1-23; reasonable. Address inquiry to Box 191-J. Star. _« WILL PURCHASE COTTAGE OR LOT. Fairhaven Clips: pay all cash, no dealers. Box 201 -J. Star._ ♦ ON THE BAY—MODERN. BUILT TOR year-round occupancy; 8 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room 16x31 ft., two large screened Sorches; artesian well. 120-ft. frontage on ay. excellent view; very suitable for resi dence. club or business: a lovely place. 45 miles from D. C.; price too ridiculously low to be mentioned here. Phone ME. 3796.___• _ PINEY POINT—LOT TOR SALE. 60x260. $1,650: courts subdiv. Call MRS. THOMAS. 1501 Mass. ave. n.w. Sterling 9558. CHESAPEAKE BAY COTTAGE, 32 MILES from D. C.: electricity and modern con veniences; $30 week 6531 7th st. n.w.. or phone Georgia 0294 any time after 6 pm. Tuesday._» COLONIAL BEACH. BOARDWALK ON THE river front, desirable li-rm. cottage, all con veniences; $25. MRS. SMITH. Atlantic 6654-J. COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—SALE OR RENT. 3 furnished cottages on lot 50x150. Rea sonable. Phone Atlantic 1077. AVAILABLE FROM JULY 27th. WATER front log cabin, near Beverly Beach; mod ern conveniences; rowboat. Refined fami lies. Chestnut 3826. * PINEY POINT—SMALL COTTAGE~FUR" nished. for sale. OWNER. Chestnut 4921. • SUMMER COTTAGE EPPING FOREST. Md.; water view; acc. 10; conveniences; 3 lots:_$2.900. MR. SURGUY 23* VIRGINIA BEACH—COTTAGE. ALL OR part; restricted section. Phone Oliver 0432._Available now._Reasonable rent. MA80NS BEACH—WATER FRONT COT tage. sale or rent; excellent swimming and fishing. Call Lincoln 2702. COLONIAL BEACH, VA—NICE 4-RM cottage for sale at $10 month. Box 246-G. Star. KENWOOD BEACH—SEE RAUNCH 13 for your vacation. All modern, 5 rooms. Georgia 7316. HERRING BAY. MASON'S BEACH—BEAU soletl cottage, accommodate 6-8: 32 miles; nice for children; $12.00 week. FOR SALE—SNUG HARBOR, MD.. AT tractlve 5-room and bath house, 2 in closed porches: Electrolux, gas, furn. or unfurn.. 32 miles from D. C. on Chesa peake Bay. Atlantic 7905. COLONIAL BEACH COTTAGE TOR RENT by the week or month. MRS. REBECCA M. GUTRIDGE. Colonial Beach. Va. ♦ BEACH- FRONT COTTAGE, fSYLVAN Shores on South River, for lease by owner. If you desires a clean, neatly furn. cottage in a quiet, restful, beautiful spot at a fair price. call _G._W. WALTERS, Alex. 1084. COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—NICE 5-ROOM water front cottage, furn.; elec.; accom. 8: $20 wk._MI. 2038._• _ SYLVAN SHORES—TOR RENT, 6 ROOMS and bath, a.m.i., large screened porches: shady, water front lot. Warfield 3249. * FOR SALE—2-RM. COTTAGE AT WOOD land Beach; elec., screened porch; sacrifice. Box 107-J, Star._■ BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES ON NICE stream: good fishing, swimming and boat ing: about 4 acres in each lot, with high, rugged cliff and large shade trees; 15 mi. D. C.: $200 per acre; terms. JESSE R. HARLOWE, R. F. D. No. 3, Alex., Va. Alex. 0786.___ IF A PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE SEE Scientist Cliffs for renting or purchase. On bay 4.6 miles beyond Prince Frederick, at Fort Republic. Atlantic 0661 eves. _ EPPINd" FOREST. MD. Stucco home, 1% stories 4 rooms, 2 screened porches, floored attic, electric range, tee box, furniture. *2,760; *260 cash. S2o per month. MT. VERNON CORPN.. NATIONAL 6536. MASONS BEACH. CHESAPEAKE BAT. Beautiful water-front lot. 50x176. and pretty 6-room and bath cottage, beauti fully furnished; can accommodate 15; large dormitory velvet lawn with abund ance of shrubbery and flowers. 600-ft. pigr and sand beach. Open Saturday and Sunday for Inspection. Drive through Marl boro. take Solomons Island rd. to Bris tol about 2Vj miles past river, turn left and follow sign to Deals, cross bridge to Masons Beach and ask for Dr. Willson's cottage. FOR SALE OR RENT. 1515 K St._BETTZELL, PI, 3100, CEDARHUR6T. On Ches. Bay. 31 miles D. C. (near Shady Side. Md.l; inspect new sample cottage; *2.450. complete; others. #795 to $4,600; log cabins built to order; easy F. H. A. terms: lots for sale. $5 and *10 mo.; visit Cedarhurst; good roads, sea wall. pier, boat harbor; one of the better summer colonies: gentiles only. Agent at Cedar hurst or W. M. BAUMAN, 1 Thomas Cir cle. NA. 6229. Circular on request. ARUNDEL-ON-THE-BAY. 50x150-foot lots, ahoice locations, *10 down. *2 per week. Mr. Cassel. 926 9797. WATER FRONT PROPERTY. (Continued.) * WATER FRONT LOT AT KENWOOD Beach on Cheupeake Bay; high land, fine beach, public water and electricity, herd road; price. 9860. _ LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. _1719 K St. N.W._NA. 1188. BARGAIN—SOUTH RIVER PARK, MD Over an acre in beautiful ground!, fenced; modern home, furnished; tile baths, serv ant s quarters, garage; In perfect condition, ready to move In. This small estate 25 miles from D. C., via Central ave„ priced less than 'h original cost. Merchants deliver to the door. Terms. THE MARYLAND REALTY. _916_10th St. N.W. • NA. 8085. „ SOUTH RIVER. Beautiful 7-rm. brick all-year bungalow, a yrs. old. Thoroughly modern In all re .Lot 1.07 acres. River frontage >' . riparian rights. High-class neighborhood. STEFFEY, INC.. 3.10 N. Chas. St.. Balto. Md. AT CAPE ANN ON CHESAPEAKE BAY. about „7 miles from D. C. line—Improved farm house at one of the most magnificent ocatlons on the bay. adjacent to one of the parks and close to the harbor, modern equipment. 4 s eeplng rooms, garage and rJ1 furnished tor family use. Re strlcted development. You will be lucky to I*1 'hi* end you can get It at once. Price, h«i'8f?nniT^rms' S:1, • 50 cash. Also on the „i?„;Eont ,ls A cottage, not so large. ?'V5°9 .Go through Upper <!„?,y J°»d nupber 4 to the Vh.n beyond the Oaut River. Then «o right by road 418 about 2 miles s?gt?r !t° ’ ^Urn end follow Cepe Ann ,‘to J^UIS T SHOEMAKER. —J? 19 K St. N.W._National 1188. BRING YOUR IMPRS8SICNS AND OPIN IONS OF LONO BEACH UP TO DATE VISIT THIS PROPERLY RESTRICTS BSACH COLONY AGAIN AND KoB YOURSELF THE MANY PB8TPABT.F tm. PROVEMENTB AND CHANGES RKCMJTLT New public water system. New en ro*d. under State construction. Elec tricity and telephone installed. Much TSireeti»WOrw lnd new w^#Long ?e*ch more attractive m#f»IVK^er«?t?2re,4 Lot* or homes on low ho°unstchsIyforPa,y«?e'ntS P H A-epproved “Pt *>00 AND UP. Wide, white sand beach, sale for chil f^.n ni5xc,«UHnt fiehh}* »?d crabbing. 450 JXJ. pler t0 deep water for rocking chair fishermen. Private pavilion and bath houses for property owners and guests We urge comparison with other beaches. Drive to entrance. 8 miles south of Prince Frederick on Solomons Island rd. For Ulustr.ted folder, write M. E. ROCKHILL. INC., ST. LEONARD MD. MUST CLOSE" ESTATE. F|ne home, a m i , completely furnished. ??nbfyo. WU1 sacrifice; hour s ride. Bo* 119-J, Star. _ • POINT PATIENCE ON PATUXENT RIVER. located on widest part of this beautiful river, «0 mi. D. C.: lots and cottages for sale: long terms to suit purchaser: elec tricity. water system, telephone service: good harbor, fine sand beach, safe bathing, excellent fishing: State road to property: *2 mile from Solomon's Island on Route 2 O , POINT PATIENCE, INC . Prinee l^ederick.^Calvert County, Maryland. CALVERT CO. A Patuxent River harbor property 1 acre and17-room bungalow; beach near by. In excellent water sports area ol the Patuxent. Price. $1,900. . THEODORE F. MENK 1724 20th N.W. 9-5, HO. 3707. Eve ning and Sunday to 1 p.m. DU 48"7 _Water-front List Furnished.' ~ ' CALVERT BEACH, “Oem of th** Chesaocake A Delightful Spot of Summer. .. j Cooling Breezes. Wide Sand Beach. Fine Shade. Fishing Pier. Beautiful Water-front Lots at lowest Prices on the Bay. Terms as low as $5 down. $5 monthly, and you can start building right away. Cottages for sale. $100 down. $15 mo Let us show you the real bargains we 1 nave and how to get the most out of living m & cozy home b* the sea ...9omf!. d0^n *and brin* your bathing sur and corn off. . ,G° t*lrou*h, Marlboro to Bolomons Island rd.. lake oolomons rd. through Prince Frederick, to Calvert Beach sign 7 miles below Prince_Fredenck. HOLIDAY BEACH ON CHES apeake Bay. A real vacation spot. Cool breezes, splendid view of Maryland’s Eastern shores, quiet, restricted, cot tage sites with shade, $79. Terms. Cottages financed as low as $15 mo. Directions, through Chesapeake Beach, turn right, go 2 miles south to sign. * A ittfM Setting tor ■ Kettfn) Sommer BiS Loti $00.00 UP Easy 50x150 T«rm* Brand-New' Collates for Sale ovEPlMjfliACH Oh Paved State Highway No Mud—No NETTLES NOT an Amusement Park The Modest Price asked for a Choice Lot in this desirable restricted com munity is increasing its popularity. White Sandy Beach sloping into deep water. Visit this beautiful Place then let us talk it over. Title guaranteed - clear. To Reach- Drive out Pa. Are. SB., through Cover Marlboro to Wavsons Corners, right on Route US to Beach. Drive Oat Today “COVE POINT BEACH" Calvert County, Md. Drive down TODAY, select i lot and let us help you plan, finance and build a cottage at "FAIRHAVEN" Lovely, refined, established summer village on Herring Bay. only 27 miles away Ton will like FAIRHAVEN! It is aulet, private, restricted! Charming homes with flowering lawns, delightful neigh bors; cool, bay breeges; boating, bath ing. Ashing. Fairhaven office open—Sunday, 10:30 to 6:30; Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 2:30 to 6:30 F.M. DIRECTIONS: From Upper Marlboro to Bristol (via Solomons Island road) left to Sears Corner, nght to Fairhaven. CHAS. W. HOPKINS, SH. 3336. FRANKLIN MANOR REACH On Chesapeake Bay 27 Miles From D. C. (Rentricted) Drive down today or any day and see our new complete mod ern homes all ready to move in. F. H. A. approved. Payments as low as $20.90 mo. Choice lots, 50-ft. frontage, $100. Follow signs from Hill’s Bridge. Mr. Springer, Mgr., on property. Nat. 1828 for information. CLUB HOUSE OPEN. SHOREHAM BEACH On Chaaapaaka Bay Nearest and finest beach on bay. Refined—Restricted—Private Cottage, $2£00 ft rooms, front and side porches. Completely furnished, ready to move In: water and automatic pump: all plumbing, elec. Financed $25 monthly. Choice Lott, $100 BAY VIEW Motor Route: Bennino Road to Central Ave. thru Capftol Heights and DavidsonviUe. left on Annapolis Road, turn right on Mayo Road, left after passing Mayo School and follow arrow signs. E. S. HIKE & CO. 312 Bend Bldg. ST. 9551 TIRES FOR SALE. 5,000 GUARANTEED FACTORY RECONDITIONED TIRES r^oSa*45 Six# ** 9 P.M. GUARANTEED WASHINGTON TIRE SUPPLY 1102 11th St. S.E. LI. 7373 AUTOMOB ms WAHT1P._ rORD 1937s best for around 9200. on term*. Box S30-J. Star.» DRIVE TO CROSSTOWN MOTORS, cat MBS tor your car. 1821 Blsdens bur« rd. n.e. at N, T. are, LI. 7272. HAVE 9200 CASH and 1930 Ford Tudor, s1'1*' radio, heater, trunk, perfect motor. ME°°848l' Want lata any make. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR~ _ FRANK SMALL JR.. 218 Pa. Ave. S.E,Lincoln 2077. WILL BUY 1939 Chevrolet four-door sedan, black preferred, from private party. Will pay cash or assume payments. If reasonable. £l»ct real bariatn In ellmlnatlns dealer cosu. Write W. C. Corbett 4008 8th st. n.e. __ S WANTED—'38 or '37 Chevrolet or Plym ““th 2-door; pay cash; no dealer. Box 241-J. Star._„ • WILL GIVE yr*. rm. and bd. and assume Bayments for cood automobile, about to e repossessed, CH. 3830._•_ WANTED LATE-MODEL CARS. We II pay top cash prices for any late niodel car .Open evenlns*. Call North V&1 , The MANHATTAN AUTO S RADIO CO.. 1706 7th St. n.w____ _ DON'T SELL UNTIL YOU SEE US. BARNES MOTORS, 1220 14th St. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES .... Leo Rocea. Inc. 4301 Conn. Avs. Emerson 7900. _TRA]LCRS FOR SALI. TRAILER and camping outfit: will accom modate fl: #100. Trailer without equlp ment. 860._Emerson 3838._ TRAILER, new baggage or sleeping. #87 or best offer today. 1811 47th pi. n.w. (at Reservoir). _____ • SPECIAL OFFICE TRAILER. 18 ft., fully equipped, excellent condition, roomy, plenty cabinet space, many windows, well lighted: suitable for real estate office or used car lot. American Trailer Co.. 4S11 Wisconsin aye._wo. 3232. FRUEHAUF TRAILER VAN? 22 rtTiongT? ft wide, steel body, rt ft. high: good rubber: Commercial Lincoln6 8^88? C°- {*10 Mt °ltvet rd TOO EXPECT MORE In a VAGABOND Camp ° D *s‘ [» B«^y^heSd,t Ch,rr> Hl1' TRAtLERS. new and used: easy to deal SlSp. gt"1?. Berwyn.Sad C‘n"’ TraU” and"PlymoutlPtrailer™ctfmpare^ur S *Pd .?Iice* *J5° oxiT *** finance for Jft frldnmt.monBh8' ®peSial offer tor all serv 0 i®Jr#-«f®eilU8 to6*y. American Trailer Washingtons; oldest and largest dealer in the East. 4511 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Open eves, till 10. KS,CP- of Chicago wishes *5 *"P°ur>t' .{he display of a complete, line of Glider trailers All models have 2 doors, priced from $o05 Small down payment. 2 i1,0 p,y J|lst 4 miles north of Dls —Jft 'lne on Route 1. House In Tree Trailer Park. Berwyn. Md. M. E. Worth, factory representative. MONEY TO LOAN. money to loan at lowest rates of interest on first trust on improved D. c. property. JWBE_L1JHEISKEIX._11XS EYE ST. N.W. CHATTEL NOTES Purchased, money same day. No charaes BOB HOLLANDER. ME. 4813. PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. OperatingUnderUnifornTSmaU Loan Laws. LOANS without security on your Signature Alone Easy, Convenient Payments Son you repay 82c per week Jinn you repay $1.B;| per week $150 you repay *2.4.1 per week *200 you repay *3.24 per week $.100 you repay $4.85 per week ONLY CHARGE* lnC‘Ud* ™ You receive the full amount you bor row. No red tape: strictly confiden tial can repay at any time. JUST PHONE State Loan Co. A SMALL LOAN CO^f. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS C 3225 Rhode, Island Av*. DEeatur 5553 ’222 P*oril*vAv* SHepherd 5600 1-00 Lee Highway—Facing Key Bridge _CHestnut 3224 YOU .. . can get a loan of $100.00 if you can make monthly payments of $7.04. c»»h Loan Amount You Fay . You Get <_Includlng>_All_Charges_ Weekly Monthly $25.00 $0.42 $ 1.76 50.00 0.82 3.52 -100.00 1.63 7.04 150.00 2.43 10.56 200.00 3.24 14.08 300.00 4.85 21.11 Payments include all charges as pre scnbei by the Uniform Small Loan Law Loans made on your own signature. Ho security required. No credit Inquiries are made of relatives, friends or employer. Apply In morning and get money the same day. Just telephone, give ua a few facta— then call for the money. ARLINGTON FINANCE (A Small Loan Co.) 2006 N. Moore St. Rosslyn. Va. Telephone Chestnut 1800 H. A. WOOD. Mgr. BUDGET FINANCE CO. 6982 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda. Md. At East-West Highway Telephone WIiconsTn 4373 __JAMES COOLEY. Jr.. Her. REPAIR LOANS Your car may need some work or equio ment to put it in shape for summer driv ing. You can obtain a quick cosh loon here to pay your auto or repair bills. Mony local citizens also borrow from Domestic to take a vocation, pay old debts or for any reasonable need. DOMESTIC Finance Corporation A SMALL LOAN COMPANY ROSSLYN, VA. MT. RAINIER, MD. Ariinrton Tr. Bldr. 3301 R. L Ave. 3nd FI. Chert. 0304 Phene Mich. 4674 Silver Spring, Md. Alexandria, Vo. 7003 Georrle Ave. 103 8. Weeh. 81. Phone 8He». 8150 Phone Alex. 1718 "FIRST IN FRIENDLINESS” AL KRAFT $AY$ . Employed women may ob tain a Kraft Loan on their signature alone—all loans strictly confidential — money advanced the same day if you call before noon. Interest is charged only for actual days the money is used. Call Al Kraft Michigan 2900 Or drop in at Kraft Loans 3303 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. I MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE. DJP*AN 1937 Scout 48; In fine condition. recently overhauled, food tlree. extra equip* ment. Woodley 4486.• HARLEY-DAVTOSON 1938. elde parts box', tow bar; excellent condition; 990. 1920 Kearney_»t. n.e. DO. 0424. ptDIAN MOTORCYCLE. 1939. with aide box. In food condition: 9228. Mn-CHKLL g MOTOR8 INC 1807 14th St. N.W._Hobart 0800, 21* 1938 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. model 74: new motor: *125 cash Call between 6 and 7. Chestnut 4134. _ AUTO PARTS. MOTORS. BODIES AND PARTS. '37 Ford'. •jO Plymouth, 34 Pontiac and othere. 958 Fla, eve, n.w. Decatur 0388. * __AUTO SHOPPING JSERVICE. HEAR ABOUT TOE NEW SERVICE? If you want a reliable cnr. we can give expert. Impartial advice. The service COheiS«.*£Pu nothing, saves time and trouble. ■JgBgPJLCAjt Service, Hobart 5100 * _AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. DIAMOND T dump. 1*A to 2 yard body; aA5leelo®“y Federal, model 18. Brockway Motor Co., Inc.. H08 R. I. ave. n.e. «RS.V?.°tET.i,nit{L.m*ster P'ckup: canopy: ■r10'l cash. 4513 Kansas ave. n.w._ £SI'VJ?.?LET ,e«Un delivery, 1938, *295: reconditioned, ready to roll and the ap pearance will Increase your .business 50C». irade and terms to suit your business. Inc ' ''Arllntton's Own" Chevrolet Dealer. 2825 Wilson blvd.. Chest nut 9090. Ask lor Mr. Henderson or Mr. Groson._ CHEVROLET 1937 dump body; 4 new tires, passe-! D. C. inspection; sacrifice; cash or terms. Esso Station, 49th and Mass, ave. n.w.__ i838 pickup; all-steel body! hft'lrouljc brakes, smooth, thrifty motor; all good rubber: *379; easy terms. _733 11th St. 8.E._LI. 2077. h?i?.hR'9I<ET delivery; recondt L£2eidi./I?%‘2ted black, guaranteed, *285: P°d** Panel delivery. *345; J938 fhevro et panel delivery, *305; 6. M. A C. i*™,* t?„?Xlt.your business. Phone Wis SlIPJ'iL J'I'l!,.lor demonstration. CHEVY CHA8E_CHEVROLET, 7105 Wisconsin ave. FDRD 1935. 158-inch chassis and cab; «nrinV«dUhi ,dual wheels end tires, helper best mechanical order, very clean; ready to work; *219: e»sv terms. FRANK SMALL, JR., 13«8 Good Hope Rd. 8.E. LI. 2077. 1333 4-cyl. ’/j-ton. *65: 1931 ChevI Saa wi.l#4° ‘""Pfcted. *95. Sun Motors, 955 Fla. n.w. nE 0358. • .I?37 tyd- dump; good condition! no further use for a i«n * Viri2Cerv„? ’ ‘ 6i: .tenn8 If necessary. Sr°..L234 ‘20d;e J-ton panel. *75; can be seen and demonstrated. 4515 14th st. n.w. £°Rp 1930 Panel; original green finish, (L. rtJre*in^per^ect Performance: bargain !*ni? down- Logan Servlscenter, 2017Jira. ave^n.w. ME. 2818. 112-Inch stake; little-used! ov*r*H condition, good rubber; *539; !f,*y guaranteed; liberal trade 1553 p frank small. Jr , _1553 Pa. Ave. S.E.__LI. 2077. I®88 furniture van! 12-ft. body! *"5DSi Di?y,5*nu; l'3 Payments at ?iL!Sl So?*M§!. PSHntl.f796mtil C0H,Vm FORD Model A truck pickup. 1931 • in *-0ynd«CfKndltion: pas8 in*Pectlon: 575 caah! <_ofn st. *.w. 1 'i-ton cab and chassis; good SmC- . condition Call Decatur 0180 oetween « a.m. and 5 p m. PORD 19.19 panel. 85-h.p.; looks like new extra special. *549. • _ TRIANGLE MOTORS _1401 R. I. Ave. N.E._DE. 6302. TPT-Pntw ®200 crane mount IV |L Eord: *-cylinder dual wheel 7u?wJ0&.th*s“': Perfect condition; *225. 1920 Kearney st. n.e. DC. 0424 3 LONG wheelbase stake bodies. ~*45 up' Gong wheelbase, closed type bodv *7n 1939 Chevrolet closed ceb. new. *80 l'a yd. hydraulic dump, used by Govt.. *125. S. J. MEEKS SON, _622 O 6t. N.W. TRUCKS.' ’38 Chevrolet pickup__ *34 3 ’fJ5 2°d*e df,iuxe Danel_III.!!” 345 .17 Ford ‘‘83 pickup_ *05 E°rd sedan delivery __ __I 3t> Ford "Ha" "-yard dump ... _ 395 HILL & TIBBITTS, 1114 Vermont Ave. NA. 9850. SPECIAL!! I9M CHEVROLET Panel T r n c k. C Uae it before ^ yon bny it. L P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. USED TRUCKS ’37 *395 >TR Chevrolet eoae '-4-ton Panel_5395 1 *3Q Chevrolet taoe IH-ton Cah and “oa *36 F#rd lVi-ton Cab and (lae 00 Chauie. 131" w.b. ♦I*® ’314 Chevrolet 114-ton 14-ft. CEOB 00 'take. 1*1" w.b._ >?C Chevrolet 114-ton done 00 1?-ft. 'take_ ’36 3^4-ton* Tract®-$650 ’37 ™ „n P'«et $325 MANY OTHERS—TERMS riElfflETT APERATlNGf ERYICE J Sales v Leases ^Mantoanc 30 M St. N.E. MET. 0S05 TRUCK PRICES REDUCED Don't Miss This Sole 1940 International Panel _1375 1039 International Stake. 1030 Dodee Panel_330 1938 Dodee Panel _ 325 lo:i7 Dodee Panel_275 1037 Ford Panel_313 1037 Ford Panel _273 1030 Chevrolet Panel_ 200 1030 Ford Panels _SI83 and 100 1035 Chevrolet Panel_ . 103 1032 Chevrolet Panel __ 50 1929 Chevrolet Flat _ 50 Mott of Theta Reconditioned All Barggint INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. 001 Bladensbnre Rd. N.E. At. 3998 Open Evenlnee AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUSTIN. English 1937 convertible road ster. 22 miles to gal. At Rosenoerry’s, Conn, and N st, n.w. 8188._ AUSTIN 1934 coupe: good condition; rea sonable._Chestnut 1274. Private owner. BUICK 1937 trunk sedan, model fll;~this popular car can be bought lor your car. as down payment and balance to suit your budget: $525. MITCHELL'S MOTORS. INC.. Hobart 0890. _1507 14th St. N.W._21* _ BUICK 1938 convertible coupe; low mile age; white sidewall tires: excellent condl tlon. Wisconsin 4489. 6-8 p.m. BUICK. small sedan. 1935:~pvt. owner will transter balance due to responsible party. Hobart 3867 Sunday.__ BUICK 1939 convertible sedan: new-car condition, white-wall tires: $939. Call Mr. Harrington. Columbia 9853, 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday, all day Monday. BUICK 1940 51-0. torpedo-type convert ible super-sedan: gun-metal paint, red leather upholstery, black top. white-wall tires, radio, heater, defroster, air-condi tioning unit: driven 1.200 miles: new-car warranty; this car cannot be distinguished from new and must be seen to be appre ciated; must sell; terms, trade. Adams 1273. Dealer. _ BUICK 1933 coach, with trunk; good con dition every way; sacrifice, $75. Stored Arrow Oarage, rear 1402 S st. n.w. Open till 2 p.m. Sunday.•_ BUICK 1938 2-dr. trunk sedan: radio; spotless; only $379: your car in trade. Lincoln Park Motors. 141 12tb st. n.e. AT. 8200. BUICK 1937 special club coupe; 6-wheel equipment, excellent black finish, radio and heater, 8 nearly new tires. Immaculate interior; truly a fine car for $535: 90-day written guarantee; most liberal terms In city. SUPERIOR MOTORS. 1509-11 14th st. n.w. Dupont 1300. Open Sunday till 8 p.m. BUICK 1939 4-dr. trunk sedan; choice of "Special” and “Century” models; ready for Immediate delivery at substantial savings, with written guarantees and the most lib eral finance plan in city at SUPERIOR MOTORS. 1509-11 14th st. DU. 1300. Open Sunday till 8 p.m._ BUICK 1037 4-door trunk sedan; 8 wheels; original finish; a perfect one-owner car; if you are looking around for an excel lent used car see and drive this one be fore yqu bliv: It will more than please the most exacting buyer: $498. LUSTINE-NICHOLSON, Hyattsvlile, Md, BUICK 1938 “41” sedan: excellent con dition throughout: reduced to $646; open Sunday. COLUMBIA MOTORS, 11th and M ata. n.w. BUICK 1037 Century 4-door sedan; 8 wheel equipment, excellent black finish, fine heater, motor and rubber excellent, immaculate Interior and Butler Bonded; *497.Igw. D. Butler. Xne.. 1121 21st n.w. District IBS, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Oontlnued.) BUICK 1938 2-door trunk sedan: low mlle Sita Krf*Ct: ®728- OREEN-IJ&ID8AY, 262S Sherman ave. n.w. Adams sooo._ CADILLAC convertible coupe. 1934; 1m Connecticut. WO. 8401. 4*dr- tr. »«dan, 2r*;u"dcr, model HR; larce trunk, dark blue finish, excellent tires, spotless in terior; heater and defroster. This clean *“r*ly h»d the best of cere. You will find it ln remarkable condition; #945. C. £. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 ;,-nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings. ciowb oundiyi. CADILLAC convertible sedan. 1937; lovely condition; can be bought smell down pay ment; no finance charge lor bal. MI. 9014. Rear 3232 ~* st_n.w. • JADILLAC 1930 5-pass. 4-dr. trunk se dan. 8-cyl., model 70; custom-built Fleet wood body, original black finish. The re markable condition of the interior will in dicate the excellent care given this fine car; heater and defroster; #475. C. C. C. Guaranty Caoltol Cadillac Co . 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sunday*. _ CHEVROLET 1940 demonstrator, master de luxe town sedan; completely equipped, including grille end trunk guards and hot water heater. This car has had the best 2f i-efre..,lP<1 guaranteed for 90 days. Substantial reduction and terms to suit. Addison Chevrolet Sales, Inc., 1522 14th *t. n.w._ CHEVROLET 1936 coach:"- *163 Saerl flee; mortgage foreclosure, Mr Sommer ville, parking lot, 219 2nd *t, n.w. all day oun. CHEVROLET 1987, maetirT *345n~one ciT‘ gbsolutely mechanically perfect, heater; smooth, powerful motor, *}**"* ,ifod wHh money-back guarantee, Just the car for business and pleasure. Being sold to settle pending deal at terms ~ fit r**tt !n with your present budget, Kenyon Peek. “Arlington’s Own'* Chev r ~!8-s wn«Qn blvd CH #000. Ask for Mr_Croson_or Mr. Henderson. 1288 master de luxe town Bedan. radio and beater: original let-black 0nUJ.nd,Vnegryv.f^r,,C,t,V*'37kn •SSSSSTd Sh1iliii,rro11 ,u T,t- »• c 1 9:i7 c°upe: privately owned"; Hoinn h5*tfr *5? neJ! Ure,: excellent con dition. reasonable. Oeorgls 7819. • 1,J39 master de luxe coupe. Tv'" Value ear driven by ll* original owner ir. lill d ln * *hJny Jel black. The tires • r£ and Interior appointments Iifh pfl™l- , At ,tbe low nrice of #575. r»rh»mrms to, 5V 1 you- this guaranteed nvl- is ?° qu|ckly , Buy it today st the -OuT 26th Yegr” 4 h •** P* *ve " 1986 coach; black finish. ?h‘/"d ,upholV,erx very clMn- smooth. eood tubber. Reduced Price. #.89; 10 „ down, be'snce easy; 00 and MfH PI.U>OAN S' 18th nucSaS1^!as35 *_wo-door sedan; “lm maculate. $18,5. Flood Pontiac 40,>1 Connecticut ave. WO. 8401. ««!:Vfi9LET l9.32 two-door sedan. 6 cvl.1 S65. Immaculate. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut^_WO. 8401. l939 de luxe coupe: one i?.?ier’/s . low mile*. Flood Pontiac. * 11 Connecticut._WO 8401 CHEVROLET 1937: orivate owner will sell": 4-door with trunk; good condition low mileage; for_*300. Shepherd 5783-W. radmD h.?'??. *"door: excellent-condition: Ii5iV;jhe*ter- 1 new tires: 4200. 706 In dependence ave. s.w. DI. 1608 CHEVROLET 1940 Master de luxe-coach: dition-le™,o£*n nil!!0 m,leS: excellent con M?dio. Will accept small car ln trade. No dealers._WO. 5114. f.ttBVBOLET 1932 coupe: 1n good condl tlon. >65 cash. 21W_2nd st. s.e. 1935 coach: exeellent-eondT tion throughout: today s specisi: *189; E-Z terms._3798_Ga. ave. RA. 9899. *tgtion wagon: bargain ave**n • OREEN-L7NDSAV, 2525 Sherman ave. n.w._ Adams 8009. CHEVROLET 1939 blsck de luxe “-door* excellent condition; heater, defroster; pri vate owner: *535. DE. 9088. P 1383 coach; clean- runs rea?140J S st n ’w. °nCe' Arrow °"*.**’ CHEVROLET 1030 coupe, de luxe; inT maculate: $240. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. CHEV. 1037 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan: T«4Cr !ent co£d,tl°n fcnd appearance: clean interior: radio: sacrifice $325: terms and i trade. Acme Motor Sales. 1805 West Va. ave. n.e._ • J-937 de luxe town sedan: finished In ebony black: mohair uphol ,s,cii"f.'d »l * wholesale price today only. $328 LUSTINE-NICHOLSON __Hyattsvllle. Md CHEVROLET 1939 town aedan: very at tractive car; driven very little by original ! owner; motor fully guaranteed: 6 like- i new tires, very clean interior: any demon truIy * bargain at *595. 199 ®th*r ,flne c»r* ARCADE PON TIAC. 1437 Irving at. n.w._Adams 8500. CHEVROLET 1034 master de luxe 4-door sedan; custom built-in trunk. 6-wheel job: original black finish: red wheels: velour uoholstery: unusually clean: a rare buy at. *5 down: $11.97 month: ask for No. 20-A. KEARNEY MOTORS. 5023 Conn, ave. WO. 5115. _ CHEVROLET 1933 coach: paint fair: good y.r?,s- run* o.k.: $95. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th at. n.w._PI, 9141._ CHEVROLET 1940 special de luxe sedan; maroon: low mileage; same as new condi tion throughout: substantia] reduction: *™s. Call Mr. Taylor. WI. 5517 or MI. CHRYSLER 1936 Air6ow sedan: safety personified, integral built body and frame: trunk, radio, heater: economy overdrive. Bv far the most modern car available at $.345. PAUL BROS.. 5220 Wisconsin. CHRYSLER 1936 ‘‘6'’ de luxe^2-door se dan: custom seat covers: radio and gas saving overdrive: one-owner car: bargain price st $9 down. *18 month. KFaPvey MOTORS. 5023 Conn, sve._WO. 6115. CHRYSLER 1939 Windsor 4-door de luxe sedan: absolutely like new: de luxe heater, several extras: driven very little: this car must be sold on acc. of death: orlvate owned; cost *1.309 8 mo tao: will sac. *695._Phone JDuuont_l 277. Mr. Parks. • CHRYSLER imperial de luxe sedan: six wheels: like new; In storage 4 years; small down payment- entire cost. $185. MI. 9614._ rear_3232_P st. n.w. _ • CHRYSLER 1935 Airflow 4-door sedan: fine condition sacrifice; immediate aale; $195. 3342 M st. n.w. Dealer. CHRYSLER 1937 Imperial sedan: actual mileage. 1,.521. We challenge you to find a better car anywhere. Its outstanding appearance and mechanical condition is beyond comparison „ MERSON Sr THOMPSON. ,nd Plymouth Dealers _ 6859_Wls. Ave._WI. 5195. DE SOTO 1935 4-door touring sedan: ex cellent condition in every wav: *195. or best offer, 3342 M at, n.w. Dealer_ PE ®DTO 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk ae This ear has just come out of our shop—-thoroughly reconditioned and serv iced,by our expert mechanics. The finish is gun metal and it looks like new. Our reputation and guarantee assures you of dependable trsnsoortatfon for manv years. E*s* terms. See it at the TREW MOTOR CO.. 14th and Pa. ave. s.e. “Our 26th Year." 19/}8 Airflow sedan. de~luxe: overdrive, radio, heater, etc.; every re finement: small down payment, bal. no finance charge. MI. 9614. Rear 3°32 P st. n.w. • PE, SOT?: owner must sell T93fl~custom~ built. 2-dr. sedan- radio and heater, white side-wall tires, fiber seat covers; $266. Phone Ivy 1276._ _ _ • DE SOTO 1938 convertible sport coupe: harmonising blue with blue trim, modern appearance, one-owner condition, radio, neater; most rftractive at *545. PAUL BROS.. 5220 Wisconsin. WO. 2161. P*?. S°T° 1938 4-door touring sedan; golden bftee finish, verv modern lines, motor in fine condition. 5 very rood tires: splendid famiW rs- for only «.V39. Ask for car No. 2 McKEE, 5100 Wisconsin avel Emerson 5869,_ DE SOTO 1936 2-door trunk sedan; bar fain et only *2.35; ooen Sunday. CO LUMBIA MOTORS._11th and M sts. n.w. DE SOTO 1939 de luxe trunk sedanThere is an excellent late model—modern styled and engineered car for big worth-while room, power, ssfety: more than Y?!LWou.,d..ri£ect at $645. DOWNSWING prices at PAUL BRQ8.._S22n Wisconsin. DODOS 1937 2-door sedan; excellent blue finish: radio and heater: fine floating power engine- safe hydraulic brakes: very w1 **n car: $417: Butler Bonded. Lee D. Butler. Inc, 1121 2lit o.w. District 1218. DODOES—1939 de luxe 2-door, radio, emt*’ #fl28: 1938 de luxe 4 22°,r..“df,ni h*»ter- v*ry clean. $500; 19.38 de l“*e 2-door sedan, radio, heater. $450. ««nnB£FH“DA MOTOR SALE8. _6800 Wls. Ave._WI. 2857. PODGE 1936 convertible coupe; radio! heater; really beautiful: $346: terms, trade: owner. District 8875: call Mon. «^2PB..i23.8.d* luxe town 4-door sedan: ?5(Svi uBJiolatery. motor, tires like now; 1-..000 miles: summer seat covers: $245, Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladensburg rd! n.c,. at w. Y. avt, _ OppOE 1937 4-door touring sedan; excel JSJfiJblack finish, good rubber, clean ln terlor, excellent floating-power engine. g»fg hydraulic brakes; $429. Ask for Car Vo" Emerson MfliL* 5100 W1,C0D,iD >ye P9P9J. ^our-door sedan; lmmacu Conn|^c0u7.PCTWS288040ri>Od P°PtUC- 4231 tlac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401, dodge(1938 2-door trunk sedan: spot InsMe and out: excellent perform ance .reduced to $495; open Sunday. CO LUMBIA_MOTORS, nth and M sts. n.w. DODO* 1939 4-door touring sedan: aplenl dld ,f•“}]'I* car. in the best of condition mechanically; 5 very good tires, safe hy draulle brakes, clean interior and well work $645. Over 100 other fine cars at ARCADE PONTIAC. 1437 Irving st n.w. Adams 8500._ DODOE 1937 2-door touring aedan; very good finish, excellent and economical float ing-power engine, safe hydraulic brakes, very clean interior and 6 very good tires; $4.35. Over 100 other fine cars at AR CADE PONTIAC. 1437 Irving it. n.w. Adams 8600._ DODOE 1935 de luxe 4-door aedan; cus tom seat covers: original black finish: priced to sell quick at $169; $5 down. $10.56 month: ask for No. 11. KEARNEY MOTORS, 5023 Conn, ave. WO. 6116. DODOE 1936 de luxe 2-door; beautiful fin ish: clean, well-kept interior; trunk: near new tires; modern steel aafaty; only $280. A DOWNSWING price at PAUL BROS.. 6220 Wisconsin B.W, WO. 2161. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALI. DODGE block 4-door tad an; perfect eond ; "** “rjcihydr broket: sacrifice WO: worth more 2009 Kllntle rd. n.w. AD. 7950. DODOE 1936 de luxe. #279: o one-owner cer. low mileage. original finish, Immacu late Interior, good rubber, mechanically A cor you can use for business and Rl?*iur® j£r on* '*•' and then trade It In for more than you are poyini for It. Terms to .ultjour Present budeet, Kenyon Feck, onoXr0let. 2*26 Wilson blvd. CH. Croson Asb t0T Mr- Henderson or Mr. P9P9J? 1837 de luxe 4-dr. touring-sedan: original black finish: equipped with radio. This car has had exceptionally fine care. Behlegel A Golden. 333 Carroll si., Tak. Pk.. D. c, Randolph 8416. DODOE 1038 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan. This triple-cheeked Trew Value car guar 52.- ? - »*f*tr, dependability and eeon omy it finished in a smart Avon green, with good tires tnd very clean -loholstery. *?,•"* * one year's free lubrication policy and offer this BETTER used ctr an*°wLr *M0' TREW MOTOR CO . 14th end Fa, ave. s.e._"Our 26th Year,'' DODGE 1935 coupe: rumble seat: black finish, excellent condition throuehout. good flrlnln?1 ?ontha on balance. nspAME8^818SC*NT*R' 2017 Va' ave' DODOE 1937 4-door de luxe sedan: trunk, ,bIa.cJ1'.excellent condition. 8375. 4855* ' 1,19 Lamont ,t- n w- Columbia SutTi.1 Jusi r*P»lnted and com E>hnn7 M-lrhaue<lL e,h,flP ,or oulck sale, tton ** North 108‘ lor demonstra FORD 1940 convertible coupe: onl»~37oon *1<5 off; private owner. Woodley coupe. 85-h.p.; a perfect car with new-car guarantee. Special. #595. .... „ TRIANGLE MOTORS. _1401 R. I. Ave, N.E._DE. 6302. FORD 1934- as Is. #62: mortgage fore^ closure: really a bargain. Mr. Sommervllle, Parking lot. 219 2nd st. n.w. All day Sun. FORD 1939 de luxe: #429. unpaid bsltnce: sacrifice. Mr. Summerville, oarking lot, 219 2nd_ *L__n :w._All__dsy_6un._ _ ^836 2-door: heat and music: ex cellent condition' selling for #189 to Emo w?*1?af*'. Mr- Sommervllle. oarking lot, 219 2nd st. n.w. All dar Sun FORD 1935 sedan: first *93 cash takes end looks rood bargain Mr 8om "'.'rville, narking lot. 219 2nd st. n w. All day 8un. *°RD 1838 coupe, very clean-excellent condition; sacrifice unpaid balance. #715 Mr. Sommervllle, oarking lot, 219 2nd _n.w._All day Bun. 525P £e luxe 2-door: mortgage fore cloeure for balance: #239 Mr. Soromer ville. parking lot. 219 2nd st. n.w All flty Bun. __ FORD 1936 2-door: mechanicsn*~ perfect: clean uoholstery. Soecial at #769. „ TRIANOLE MOTORS _ 1401 R I^Ave. N E___ DE 6397. JQ.HD 1935 Tudor trunk sedan: good eon Sacrifice : no down payment, your terms._Warfield 7187 1936 Tudor sedan; radio heater, white-wall tires, punmer sett covers: re possessed: pick up two payments, no extra finance charges. See Mr. Duke, mgr., LOGAN S. 18th tnd M. DI. 5817. FORD 1936 Tudor. *199: original black finish, a one-owner car. low mileage. Just the car for business and family use at its actual worth. At terms to fit right in with your present budget Money-back guarantee. Kenyon Peck. Inc . 7875 Wilson blvd.. Arl.. Va. CH 9000. Ask for Mr Croson o r Mr. Henderson. FORD 1937 coupe: beautiful-gray finish: $■’*85 *mC* v ptrtect: a r®*1 bargain at TRIANGLE MOTORS 1461 R. X. Ave. N.E. _____ DE 6307 FORD 1938 eouoe "85"- white-wall tlresT attractive blue finish, sootless Inside and out: runs fine; #395: easy terms. LOGAN SERVISCENTffft. 2017 Va. ave. n.w. ME. FORD 1938 station wtzon: hood and lenders painted dark green, in very fine condition. 8ervice Station. Georgia gve. and Kennedy st. n.w. RA. 9825 FORD 19.3* Tudor sedan: attractive green: looks and runs fine: plenty of clean, de pendable transportation for only *85. LOGANS- 18th and M DI. 5817. FORD 1937 club cabriolet: gun metal: new top, excellent motor, fine rubber: only S*19. lO', down balance easy. LOGAN'S. 18th and M._ DI. 5817. FORD 1940 Tudor sedan:~lust a little over 1.000 miles: will sell st big reduction. Service Station. Georgia ave. and Kennedy st. n.w. RA. 9825. _ ford 1939 model 85 Tudor: only 13.000 actual miles. We will allow you *300 for your 1930 Ford Plymouth or Chevrolet 4if in average condition) and the notes will only be 818.89 month. MERSON & THOMPSON Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers. _8859 Wls. Ave.__WI. 5195. FORD 1938 2-door 85-h.p.:~beautlful~black *46*9 : *xceptlon*115' clean. Special at TRIANGLE MOTORS 1401 R. I. Ave. N.E. _DE. 0302. FORD lj®8 de luxe Tudor touring sedan: *v6n: also de luxe 1936 business coupe. *240: outstanding In appearance and con ditlon: reduced prices: fully auaranteed. Schlegel * Golden. 333 Carroll at.. Tak. Pk.. D_C Raudolph 8416._ FORD 1938 Tudor sedan; black finish like new: slip covers: unusually clean: sac., *165; terms. Call CO, 6186-M. dealer. FORD 1934 Tudor: motor, upholstery, body: good condition: *60. 139 Quincy pi. n.e. MI. 2586._• FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor trunk sedarT. If you really want economy plus power here s what you’re looking for. This guar anteed Trew Value Ford, finished In a smart maroon, has low mileage, good tires and is in excellent mechanical condition. Buy it today for onl* *475. Easy terms at the TREW MOTOR CO.. 14th and Pa. ave. s.e. “Our 26th Year."__ FORD 1933 de luxe Tudor: black finish, excellent motor good rubber: *9 down. 20 months on belance. LOGAN’S SERVIS CENTER. 2017 Va. ave._n.w._ME. 2818. FORD 1938 d. 1. Fordor touring sedan. Washington blue finish: extras include white siHe-wall tir*s. rsdi". heater, clock and de luxe steering wheel: mechanically perfect. Come In and see this car today. *419. McKEE SERVICENTER. 22nd and N Sts. N.W, _ Metropolitan 0400 FORD latest 1938 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan: used very little by one owner: driven 10.000 ml.: like new throughout: mohair upholstery: like brand-new car: *495. Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladens burg rd n.e.._at_N. Y._ave.___ FORD 1940 de luxe 3-passenger coupe: black finish: in excellent condition through out; will sacrifice for *575: owner leaving city. 4124 Edmunds st. n.w.. Apt. 301. Woodley 0778._• FORD 1936 Tudor trunk sedan: excel lent condition and apoearance throuch out: *195 1805 West Va. ave. n.e._« FORD 1936 Fordor de luxe trunk sedan: excellent condition: orig. black finish: radio: a real buy, *225: terms and trade. Acme Motor Sales, 1805 West Vs. ave. n.c.« TORD 1938 de luxe coupe: excellent condi tion and appearance: radio: a real buv. *325: terms. Acme Motor Sales. 1805 West Va. ave. n.e._• _ FORD 1936 Tudor trunk sedan: black: thoroughly reconditioned; yours today for only *198. LUSTINE-NTCHOLSON, _Hyattsvllle. Md._ FORD 1939 coupe: new-car appearance and performance; specially priced at only *439: will take trade and arrange pay ments. Mr. Titer. 8TATE FINANCE CO., loth and H sts. n.w. FORD 1937 Tudor: 85-h.p.: radio: re duced to *295 for quick sale; your old car as down payment and easy payments ?n the balance. COLUMBIA MOTORS, l.lth and M sts. n.w. Open Sunday. FORD 1936 2-door trunk sedan: radio: perfect condition: reduced to *235 for open . Sunday. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 11th and M sts. n.w._ FORD 1938 de luxe 4-door sedan: smooth, economical V-8 performance: 4 good tires; special at only *395. COLUMBIA MO TORS, _U.th_and M sts. n.w. FORD 1936 de luxe Fordor trunk-sedan: Jefferson blue finish: custom seat covers, a beauty at only *289: *11 down *'>1 handle: ask for No. 26. KEARNEY MOTORS. 5023 Conn, aye._WO._5116. FORD 1937 “85" Fordor sedan; black fliw isb; excellent running conditon: radio trunk: »m»*ing value on a DOWN BWINq price of *280 at PAUL BROS., 5220 Wisconsin. WO. 2161. FORD 19.35 Tudor: green; reconditioned throughout; *179: 10'. down, balance easy._LOGAN S._l 8th and M. DI. 5817. FORDS 1936 de luxe Tudors, trunks: five to pick from: S249 each: guaranteed In yrltlng 90 days; 1077 down, balance easy. IXXJAN’S. l8th_and_M._DI. 5817._ FORD 1939 ”85’’ coupe: black factory finish, upholstery clean and bright, all good rubber, best mechanical order: smart personal car and thrifty for business use: *529: 1077 down, balance easy: 90-day DIlt5S17U,r*nt**. LOOAIr8' 18th »“<* M FORD 1938 de luxe Fordor sedan; maroon original finish: very clean In and out, fine motor, excellent tires: $495; guaranteed 90 days In writing: 1077 down, balance eaay, LOO AW B. iVa and M DL 5817. FORD 1936 de luxe Fordor trunk sedan: radio, heater; not a cleaner one to be found; runs fine: best tires; *25 down, balance easy. LOO AN 8ERVISCENTER. 2017 Va. ave. n.w. ME. 2818,_ FORD 1940 company official cars: lust released tor nrivate sales; used little by department heads. Tremendous discount, new guarantee, best trade allowance: same as brand-new condition. LOO AN PKRVIS CBNTER. 2017 Va. ave. n.w. ME. 2818. FORD 1936 convertible club coupe. Excel lent eonditlon; new ton; white-wall tires; *296, Call Bradley 0070. FORD 1938 "88’' Tudor sedan; very clean and sound; will serve you long and eco nomically; good rubber: *430. 1077 down, balance easy. LOGAN’S. 18th and M. DI. 8817. FORD 1937 Tudor sedan. Black finish, up holstery spotless, an exceptionally clean ear throughout. Driven only 18,000 miles by very careful owner. Has had excellent care and Is in perfect eonidtion. An unusual value at this lowwice: *299. McKEE SERVICENTER. 22nd and N Sts. N.W. _Metropolitan (>400.__ FORD 1934 coupe. *89; ’33 roadster. *88: ’34 phaeton. *110: '34 coach. *79. Sun. 968 Florida n.w_• FORDS—1931 coaches, coupes, roadsters, cabriolets. Victorias and trucks; *36 up. Sun Motors. 968 Fla, n.w. Dff. 0386. » FORD 1930 snort coupe; in good condl tlon; *40, 614 7th st. n.e. FORD 1939 de luxe Fordor sedan; ma roon; radio, heater, all dual da luxe eoutn ment: driven little, spoeart brand-new; faultless condition; *619; 90-day written guarantee: 1077 down, balanet easy. IAIOAN, 18th and M. DL 5817. _AUTOMOB I LIS FOB SALI. IORD 19382-door *5 de luxe; Sft40; exi eel eond.; heater; pvt. owner. 800 Ran* dolph »t. n.e.. Ant. 3. HO. 6268.__ TORO 1933 coach; excellent paint, tlresl perfect every way; sacrifice. $65. Stored Arrow derive, rear 1403 B »t, n.w. Opee til I_3 jp.m. Sunday.__ • FORD 1934 coupe; excellent condition! full price. $103; to satisfy unpaid Hen. Mr. Somerville, parking lot. 219 2nd it n.w. All day Sunday.__ FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan] new brakes, good tires and motor; $196. 3380 M st. n.w.. Monday, D FORD 1937 Fordor sedan: beautiful *6F3k green, n ohair upholstery, splendid V-l motor, ft fine tires; reducer to $329: 90. day written guarantee: lot- down, balanet easy. LOGAN'S, 3540 1 4th st. n.w. DI FORD 1936 convertible coupe: today's apo clal; *297. TOWN A COUNTRY MOTORS. 1707 14th St. N.W._MI. 8906. ^ FORD 1936 Tudor trunk sedan; black only $249; E-Z terms. Lincoln Pari Motors. 141 12th st. n.e AT. 6200. FORD 1936 Tudor touring sedan: rfdio trunk; motor and tires excellent: only *lf down and $19 a month. 3708 Ga. ave RA, 9899. _ __ FORD 1936 Tudor; good condition, nea rings, radio and heater; $175. Apply park lng lot. 122 O at. n.w._* FORD 1940 club convertible coupe; beau, tiful maroon finish, white-wall tires, radie and heater, seat covers, spotlight: eoua to new in every detail, fully guaran teed; $825. . H. B. LEARY. Jr.. A BROS. 1 st and New York Ave N E. HO. 6012. FORD 1936 convertible coupe: rumble seat] $225. GREEN-LIND8AY, 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. Adams 8000.__ FORD 1939 cabriolet: perfect condition: *639. GREEN-LIND8AY, 2525 Sherman ave. n.w. Adams 8000. _ FORD 1938 coupe; ney brakes, radio, tires- *200. Chestnul 7500. Apt. 202. FORD 1934 coupe; good transportation, ‘ BETHESDA MOTOR SALES 6800 Wis. Ave. WI. 26.57. ford latest 1936 snort de luxe coupe; i looks and drives like new car: real bar 1 ptrt3r wiU sacrifice. Mra I Hill, 156 11th st. n.e.. Apt. 1. j FORD 1936 Tudor sedan: radio, heater: I beautiful maroon spotless upholstery; Xojxed to sell, will sacrifice equity foi ; take over note due: already financed; i save $100 For information call owner. j Mr. Winkelman. Randolph 42*0. _ j FORD latest 1935 de luxe roadster: new j top and curtains: food motor, finish and ] tires. *2.000 miles: white side-wall tires; passed D. C. inspection. $225. Cross loan Motors, 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e. at N. T. ave.__ FORD 1936 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan: driven 24.000 miles: food motor, finish and upholstery: new tires: $225. Cross town Motors, 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e., at N. _Y. ave. __ _ PpRD 1936 de luxe Tudor sedan: original black finish very good excellent V-8 motor. 5 very good tires. $25 seat covers: truly a bargain at $279 Ask for car No. 20]. McKEE, 5100 Wisconsin ave. Emerson 5K69. FORD 1938 de luxe Fordor sedan: excel lent finish. motor in fine condition. 5 very good white-wall tires, clean interior, special price. NOW $469 Ask for cai No. 158. McKEE, 5100 Wisconsin are. Emerson 5869. FORD 1939 coupe: immaculate condition one owner; $399 Flood Pontiac. 4121 Con necticut, _WO^ 8401._ FORD 1937 Tudor sedan- 85 hV~ d» luxe: immaculate; $150. Flood Pontiac 4111 Connecticut_WO 8401._ _ FORD 1936 Tudor sedan. 85. de luxe; immaculate: one owner; $130 Flood Pon tiac. 4111 Connecticut wo._84nL. GRAHAM 1938 super-charier “6” trunk sedan: radio, heater: amazing performance; modern safety; best all-around condO'di An Individual car in style, e'e. DOWN SWING price offer. $545. at PACT, BR06 5220 Wiaeonain n.w. Wood!ey_2161_ HUDSON 1935 4-door sedan: large space for luggage: original factory green fin ish: wholesale price. $187: nothing down, balance $11.60 month LUSTINE-NCHOLSON. j_Hyattsvilie. Md PDSON 1940 4-dr. sedan: built-in f. and w. sidewalls; like new; owner aac. c»il RA. 5607.__ • HUDSON 1939 de luxe 4-door sedan: radio and heater, beautiful original finish, im maculate interior. One-owner car with low mileage. In fact, looks and perform j e^ce ar, absolutely -econo to a new car This car is being sold to settle pending deal ■* * original cost, Kenyon Peck. 1815 Wilson blvd.. Arl , Va. Chestnut 9006. Ask for Mr^Her derson _or Mr. _Croson. HUDSON .;'40 4-door sedan: low mile age: privately owned: excellent condition; must sacriflce. Chestnut 8995. LA SALLE 1931 sport coupe; rumble seat, excellent paint, tires: perfect every wax; privately owned by doctor: sacrifice $65. Stored Arrow Garage, rear 1402 S st. n w. Ooen till 2 p.m. Sunday._• LA SALLE 1938 5-pass 4-dr. trunk sedan: excellent finish, fine, clean upholstery. a!; good tires: radio and heater. You will find thia clean car real value at $675 C.c. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co 1222 22nd at. n.w. NA. 3300. Open eve ninga. closed Sundays ___ la SALLE 1938 de luxe aedan: radio a'nd heater: excellent condition; priced to sell. $596 MITCHELL'S MOTORS. INC . Hobart n«00. _1507 14th St, N.W, 11* LINCOLN custom 1935 sedan: 30600 ac tual miles: condition immaculate in every detail: chauffeur driven, one owner only; cost $4.860; tremendously off at $395 PAUL BROS.. 6120 Wisconsin. WO. 1161. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1939 4-door aedan; 11.000 miles; accessories'. $785; full price to liquidate unpaid mortgage; cash or terms. Mr. Somerville parkin* lot. #19 2nd st. n w. All day 8undty LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 de luxe six-pass sedan: excellent condition and ansearancs throughout: radio and heater sacrifice. $385; terms and trade. Acme Motor Sales. 1805 West Va. ave. n.e. • LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 aedan: special | two-tone paint, company car. very low mile ??!,U=l'S"\'c*r guarantee. GREEN LINDSAY. 2515 Sherman ave. n.w. Adam, LINCOLN-ZEPHYR- i 936selling a is $165; mortgage foreclosure. Mr Somer ville parking lot. 219 2nd st. n.w. All day Sunday. MERCURY 1940 company official car; lust released for private sale: used 1.700 miles by department head. Tremendous discount, new guarantee, best trade allowance: sama as brand-new condition. LOGAN SERVIS CENTER. 1017 Va. aye. nV MKliria. MERCURY 1940 4-door sedan: low mile age: radio and heater: perfect condition: new-car guarantee. Special. $895. TRIANGLE MOTORS. _1401 R. I. Ave. N.E._DE. 6305. MERCURY 1940 4-door trunk aedan; ma roon. General tires, low mileage; one ?55irJ.5?"8: new-car cuarantee. GREEN LmDSAY. 2515 Sherman ave. n.w. Adama MJGICURY 1939 club coupe: formerly owned by a Mr. Warner, a well-known busi nessman of Bethesda. Md.; equipped with radio, seat covers, white sidewall tire*, puncture-proof tubes, elee. fan: paint ilka new. mileage low; $400 less than the oria inai cost. MERSON * THOMPSON. «o-£hy,.?ler.*nd Plymouth Dealer, 6859 Wls. Ave. Yitl. 5195. MERCURY 1939 4-door aedan; radio and heater; beautiful black finish: perfect con dition: white sidewall tires; apotliaht. Sea thia one. Special. $733. , TRIANGLE MOTORS. _1401 R. I. Ave. N.E._DE. 6305. NASH 1938 Ambassador eight 4-door ae dan Perfect condition; only 16.000 miles: sacrlflce_to settle estate; no dealera. Col umoia 4 * 70-J. OLDSMOBILE 1938 4-door trunk aedan. 8 cylinder. 0 wheel equipment; radio and heater: attractive tan finish: your inspec tion will convince you of the fe-r.iaa - — er's fine care; far above average condition: SJf.J011****- *385. Pohanka Service. 1118 20th st. n.w. DI. 8141._ OLDSMOBILE 1839 4-door sedan; for gala because of death of owner to settle an estate Car practically new. Priced verv reasonable_CaU ME. 5.333 orjeves.JTA. 4983. OLDSMOBILE 1938 de luxe 4-door s»dan: I!!!10, .*nd heater: original black finish fjual to new: priced to sell. $595. MITCHELL'S MOTORS. INC.. Hobart 0660. _ 1507 14th St N.W.__21* OLDSMOBILE 1936 8-cvlinder 2-door se dan: radio: exsellent cond : 30-day guar antee: $165,_3342 M at. n.w. Dealer. OLDSMOBILE 1936 de luxe 8 town sedan1 original sun-metal finish. radio and heater: _*rVlT *n outstanding value at $315. Schlegel & Golden. 333 Carroll at., Tak. Pk,. D. c. Randolph 8416, OLDSMOBILE 1939 club coupe, excellent condition, radio, heater; reasonable. Call Wisconsin_5847. OLDSMOBILE 1937 "fi" 2-door aedan. uolden brown finish, radio and heater. All sleel top and body bv Fisher, no-draft ven tilation. hydraulic brakes. Snotless inte rior. mechanically perfect, tlrea A-l eond’ tlon. Don't wait! See this car today! Priced at only. $398 McKEE SERVICENTER, 22nd and N Sta. N W. ! _Metropolitan 0400._ OLDSMOBILE 1936 coach; good condi tion; new tires: sale by owner; *350 cash. Call Atlantic 3247-J. 11 to 5. OLDSMOBILE 1939 coupe. **#* ffiMtlyFt condition 11.000 miles: sasrtfiaa fair quick aale. Woodley 6824. after 5 * OLDSMOBILE 1939 2-door trunk aedan. mo<lel 70. alx cylinder: radio and heater: hat had exceptionally fine ear* by orlctnal owner; attractive gray finish. We Invite Sour most careful Inspection: #645. Po »*41* 8erT C*' 1128 20U> »*• »•». DI. OLDSMOBILE 1935 4-door trunk aedan. 8 crlinder: new paint: good tlrea; upholstery clean: smooth, quiet motor: a real ralue at only #215. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th at .n.w. DI. 9141. _ S»?8^fOBKL^ 1235.„4-<,<x>r trank sedan: s>u*i 2uwheels: $309. OBEEN-UNDSAY. 2525 8herman_ave. ji ,w._Adama 8000. GIDSMOaiLE 1938 trunk 1-door sedan: -ejlimler: *«♦» OBEEN 8000 AY' 2526 8herm,n *Te- n w- Adami OLDSMOBILE 1036 2-door sedan: 6-cylln der; the original green finish la perfect: fine tires: spotless Inside: good motor- hai had only one owner: $195. Pohanka Sere lc«- 1126 20th at. n.w. DI. 9141._ OLDSMOBILE 1939 trunk aedan. *'60": original black: panama seat covers: ona owqer: A-I condition in every way: 30-day guarantee: drive it today and decide for yourself whether It caq be duplicated si thia ridiculously low price: $619. LUSTINE-NICH0L80N. _Hyattsvilie. Md.__ OLDSMOBILE 1933 4-door aedan: 8-cvlin der: attractive maroon finish: clean ins^d-; good tlrea and It runs oerfeetly: #196 Pohanka Service. 1116 20th at. n.w. DI 9141.___ (boatinned ea Men Pace.) )