Newspaper Page Text
AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. <Contlnutd> OLDSMOBILE-1938 5-pass. 2-door trunk sedan. 6-cyl.; excellent blue finish, spot less Interior; all good tires and a splendid motor. This clean car represents real value at $525. C. C. C. Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300, Open evenings, closed Sundays._ OLDSMOBILES—1939 8-cyl„ 4-dr. touring sedan, very low milage. $745; also 1939 de luxe "6” club coupe, radio and heater equipped. $695; 1939 6-cyl. de luxe 4-dr. touring sedan. $695. These cars all carry written guarantees. We finance all our own sales and can offer you much better terms at low cost. SUPERIOR MOTOR8. 1509-11 14th st n.w. Dupont 1300. Open Sunday till 6 p m._ OLDSMOBILE 1937 2-door sedan: eco nomical 6-cylinder motor in fine condition, new two-tone finish, equipped with radio and heater, excellent rub6er: $449. Ask for car No. 142. McKEE. 6100 Wisconsin. Emerson 5809.____ OLDSMOBILE 1936 two-door sedan. 6-cyl : Immaculate; one owner; $300. Flood Pon liac. 4221 Connecticut._WO. 8401._ OLDSMOBILE 1939 4-door trunk sedan: R-cyltnder, push-button radio: heater: automatic transmission: a one-owner car that reflects its perfect care in every re spect; new-car appearance and perform ance at a usejl-car price; sold new for over $1,200; sacrifice for $768. LU8TINE-NICHOLSON. _Hyattsville. Md._ OLDSMOBILE 1937 6-cyl. 4-door trunk sedan; only $425; open Sunday. CO LUMBIA MOTORS. 11th and M sts. n.w. OLDSMOBILE 1940 demonstrator; six and eight cylinder; (wo and four sedans; liberal discount: fair allowance on your old car. Fohanka Service. Olds Sales and Service since 1923. 1126 20th st. n.w, DI. 9141. OLDSMOBILE 1931 coach, looks and runs good, has good tires; $95. Pohanka Serv ice. 1126 20th st. n.w. DI. 9141._ OLDSMOBILE 1937 2-door \runk sedan: 0 cyhnder: radio, attractive gray metallic finish, good tires; upholstery clean and shows no wear; perfect motor: $435. Po hanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. DI. 9141. PACKARD 1940 ‘'6" 4-door sedan: 11.000 miles: perfect mechanical condition black finish: $250 cash, take over monthly pay ments._Owner. Temple 4797._ PACKARD 1933 conv. coupe; looks and runs like new. being sold by original owner, who has to have larger car. Morn ing and eve. weekdays. Sunday until noon and eve ; $195 1364 Kenyon n.w. PACKARD 1940 "HO" 4-dr. trunk sedan: 6 Cyl.: radio, heater, etc.; 0.090 miles: bargain: $750. terms. _ CO. 3075._Dealer. PACKARD 1936 4-door sedan: good tires, new paint superior radio; private owmer; $340. WI.5905. ___ "PACKARD 1036 “120” sedan: the most popular car produced by Packard. It’s for mer owner will gladly tell you of the care and attention he has given this fine car. Name your own price and terms. MERSON A: THOMPSON CHRYSLER A- PLYMOUTH DEALER 6859 Wisconsin Ave, WI. 5195. PACKARD 1932 sedan; lor vacation: fine mechanical condition, good rubber and top. original finish; snap. $125. Owner. Co lumbia 9287. __ _ PACKARD 1938 4-door trunk sedan; radio healer; $575. GREEN-LINDSAY, ■_.» 25 Sherman ave. n.w. Adams 8000._ PACKARD 1937 business coupe 120 C: dark green finish, clean upholstery, ex cellent tires; heater. This is a clean car; $345 C. C. C Guaranty Capitol Cadillac CO . 1223 22nd st. n w. NA. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sundays.__ PACKARD 1937 spt. phaeton: absolutely like new; original paint; new white Gen eral tires: radio: several extras: must sell on account of illness: $475. Phone Du pont 1277, Mr. Parks. ____ PACKARD 1937 model 120 4-door touring sedan: excellent black finish, motor in fine condition. 5 nearly new tires, very clean i interior; $469. Ask for car No. 22,. McKEE, 5100 Wisconsin ave. Emerson 5869. ___ PACKARD 1937 model 120 convertible cabriolet; very sporty car. finished in a . beautiful deep maroon, motor in fine con dition. 5 like-new tires, new top. spotless interior, equipped with radio and heater, your opportunity to own and drive this unusual car at a new low price of $449. Ask for car No. 54. McKEE. 5100 Wis eonsin ave. Emerson 5869. PACKARD 1937 four-door sedan. 6-cyl.: Immaculate: one owner; $399. Flood Pon tiac. 4221 Connecticut;_WO. 8401.__ FIERCE ARROW 1932 4-door sedan. $60. BETHESDA MOTOR SALES. 6800 Wis Ave^_WI. 2657. I PIERCE-ARROW custom built 1929 i phaeton, red Morocco leather upholstery, smart appearance, excellent condition; fIC.y Call Temple 4t>1 _ 1940 CHEVROLET MASTER DE LUXE 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN An exceptionally fine ear at a re duced price of.. Sold with our PO-day written euaran tee. Liberal new-car finance terms at low cost. SUPERIOR 1509 14th DU. 1300 Open Sunday Till 6 P.M. CHRYSLER SALE SAVE *100 AM body styles. Cnapes, 2-sloor Tourings, 4-door Tearing!, Convertible Coapes, Convertible Sedans Gaaranteed and isiimt i. B. Ltary, Jr. & Bret. Kwt fr N. Y. Are. N. L HOBART 6012 •PEW SUMDAY QUALITY CARS at LOW PRICES 'ST Ford "S3" Tudor Trunk 'ST Ford “SS" Re Luxe anno Fordor Sedan WW 'ST Ford "88” De Luxe €404 Coupe _ _. . €<1100 'ST Ford "SO” Tudor Trunk £2Q9 ’ST Ford "SS” Conr. Sedan. OdTE Radio, new top_ •** * 0 '88 Ford "83” Conr. Sedan. €EAE Radio, healer_ OOOO '38 Ford "85” Tudor Trunk 38 Ford "83” De I.uxe Tudor '38 Ford “83" De Luxa MOA Fordor Sedan _ OAOE 38 Ford "83” Club $499 M StZZZ $469 *39 Ford "85” De Luxa (EOT Tudor ... Wb * '39 Ford "83” De Luxe (BCT Fordor Sedan._ 000 I 'SO Ford "83” Da Luxa CEftl Coupe. Radio_ Ww * '38 Plymouth Do Luxe S-Dr. (JAP Trunk Sedan_ W09 '38 Dodle De Luxa t-Door (JAP Trunk Sedan_ '89 Mercury 8-Pax. 4-Door. MJe Radio, /heater_ _ € 140 '8* Lincoln-Zephyr 4-Door COQE Sedan __ '8T Llnroin-Zephyr 4-Door. €E4E Radio_ ODtD *88 Lincoln-Zephyr 4-Door. (JAfi Radio_ WfcD 50 Other* to Choo*e From Alwayt a Batter Deal at Hill & Tibbitts 1114 Virmont Ave. NA. 5850 OPEN SUN. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH 1938 coupe: radio and heater: low mileage: like new car: 9396. 8343 M at, n.w. Dealer. PLYMOUTH 1938 sedan. 9378; a -ar for pleasure and business. See it and drive It today Kenyon Peck. Inc.. 2825 Wilson blvd. CH 9000. Ask for Mr. Henderson or Mr. Croson. PLYMOUTH 1934 coupe. *95; good motor, nice looking, bargain: must sell soon; reason for low price. 4515 14th st. n.w. Randolph 4220. Hilltop._ PLYMOUTH 1936 r. s. de luxe coupe; clean as can be; a real bargain: 10't down takes It away. See and drive It today: easy payments. LOGAN SERVISCENTIR. 2017 Vs. ave. n.w. ME, 2818._ PLYMOUTH 1937 2-door trunk sedan: original gray: low mileage: fine radio, heater: best running condition, all good tires. Bargain price: 10rV down, balance easy. LOGAN 8ERVI8CENTER. 2017 Va. ave. n.w. Mg. _2818._________ PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe coupe: 19,000 miles: perfect cond.: must sacrifice: no down payment, your terms._Warfield 7187. PLYMOUTH 19 01 de luxe 4-door sedan: gun-metal gray finish: new-cgr appearance: also new-car terms and new-car war rsnty; only *595. Schlege! * Golden. 333 Carroll 5t„ Tskoma Park. D. C. Randolph 8418_ 1!i.3^ rt» luxe 4-door touring ?n?*n'.Jet*b *ck ,®nt*h »nd interior looks «aaone®» Uv,ery, low mileage: reduced to f?4 *®lelRI £ Golden. 333 Carrol! Pk.. D C. Randolph 8416. i ?038 coupe: black finish, L„ih.e,r best mechanical order QndHl res‘ down, balance easy: 3xio Yxn?*n *uarant« LOOAN'S, 3840 14th st. n.w. Dl, 5631._ 1934 coune: black, rumble «eixci. %?.* -,nd funs fine, good rubber; is?h»»d0^,nr' balance easy. LOGAN'S, INth and M._pi. 5817. ”BgSS™ '937 2-door trunk sedan: fine tires and appearance like »Private nwn«r: *325. R-nub ile 3458 on Sunday only between 1 and 4. • PLYMOUTH 1930 de luxe touring sedan: fine cond.: original paint: *179; terms. Sun Motors. 955 Florida n.w. • PLYMOUTH 1935 convertible coupe: ex cellent condition: selling for unnaid bal S?!;®’.)*.!83' Mr. Somerville, parking lot. 219 2nd St. n.w. All day Sunday. PLYMOUTH 1935 de luxe sedan: radio, original black: custom seat covers: bar gain at only *195: Sin down. *13.37 mo.: ■?* for No >2 KEARNEY MOTORS, 5023 Conn, ave. WO. 5115. PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe 4-door tourlnng 7edsn with trunk: original gray finish: JO* mileage: *399: your car in trade. Uncoh,ooP.rk Motors. 141 12th st. n.e. ,1?40 4-<!°or touring sedan. 0,fflc,aI. car: white-wall tires: radio, ^ostantial saving. Lincoln Park Motors. 141 ! 2th st. n.e._AT. 8200. PJ-TMOUTH 1935 2-door sedan: original black finish; *219: E-Z terms. 3708 Georgia ave. _RA 9899._ P^YMOUTHSr-iH''!9 de luxe 2-dboTtouF mg. gunmetal finish. *475; 1938 de luxe l"d >°f touring, new tires. *395; 1937 de luxe 4-door touring, late series. *325. «RnnBwFHB?DA MOTOR SALES _nKOO Wis, Ave. wi. ‘J857. J!tyMOUTH 1940 de luxe 2-door; heater; GwrguVlIS: 5 C**h; n° de*lM‘' 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk „£reen; ll-OOO mi.; mohair 5’ 11 j n*» o*r: all new tires; .2.mot,nnand Sol®!1' nothing like this m town; S39o. Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e.. st N. Y. ave. For a Good Deal Drive to Our New Location 5100 Wisconsin Ave. bet. Garrison fir Harrison Sts. McKee Phone EM..5869 Open Till 10 P.M. SPECIAL!!^ 1938 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Try it before you buy it_ L. P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. Here Is Your Chance to Save First Years Depreciation on DE SOTO AND PLYMOUTH 1940 Company Officials and Demonstrators Good Selection of Colon L. P. STEUART, Inc. 14*1—14th St. N.W. DEeatnr 4804 MI *2# CARL 'on ONE YEAR. Guarantee PLAN / The 12-month cnsrantee plan Insicnia on the windshield of a Hudson or Terra plane is your assurance that your in vestment in the ear it protected by eur exclusive sales plan. It is a hish-srade car that has been carefully cheeked and put in the best of condition. It is priced to represent real value. Car No. 727A—1938 "Hudson Built" Terraplane 6-cyl.. J 02-horsepower, 118" wheelbase 2-Door Tourinc Sedan. Im maculate interior condition, mechanic ally reconditioned. One-owner car. Oricinal finish. Tires (JIB like new _ #449 Car No. 8.77A—1938 Hudson 8-eyl., 92-horsepower 2-Door Tourinc Sedan. 112" wheelbase. Economical on cas. oil and tires. Many unusual miles of trouble-free transportation. Oricinal finish. Motor, tires, battery and interior are exception- fifiAB ally coed_ . - #999 Car No. B32A—1938 Hudson 8. 112" wheelbase. 92-horsepower Business Coupe. Unusually clean car. Oricinal black finish, excellent tires and A-l mechanical condition. Hudsons of this model hold many economy 9AAC records - #499 Car Ns. 72fiA—19S7 Hudson 8-cyl.. 4 Door Tourinc Sedan. 128-ineh wheel bases new metallic blue finish; motor and tires In excellent condition; lux urious Interior; heater for comfort; radio for your pleasure; a SAAB barcain at _ #999 Car Ne. 7.3IA—1938 "Hudson-Built" Terraplane 2-Door Tourinc Sedan. Me chanically o. K. Clean ear inside and out. Very economical to op erate ^and lew upkeep is $265 Your old ear in trade and C. 1. T. forms to euit your budget. 60 OTHERS—$50 TO $250 AUTOMOBILIS FOR SALt. PACKARD 1038 convertible coupe: high grade ear in best condition mechanically, egoellent finish and 6 Uke-new tires. Im maculate interior; your opportunity to own and drive a PACKARD (or *596. Over loo other fine cars at ARCADE PON TIAC. 1437 Irving st. n.w. Adame 8500. PLYMOUTH 1030 d. 1. 2-dr. trunk sedan: radio, heater, has only had one owner and the very best of care. It Is Just like brand new and a real bargain; terms as low as >5 down, 18 months (or balance; carries a written guarantee. SUPERIOR MOTOR8, 1609 14th st. DU. 1300. Open Sunday till o p.m.___ PLYMOUTH 1038 de-luxe 27door sedan; radio, heater, almost brand-new. A real value at *586: written guarantee; best tems tn clty at SUPERIOR MOTORS. 150B-11 14th st. n.w. Dupont 1300. Open Sunday till 6 p.m. PLYMOUTH 1038 convertible coupe; lm “«ul}te: one owner: *435. Flood Pon tlac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401._ PLYMOUTH 1935 coupe, de luxe: uhrnaeu 1P^t.£gnd4ljifin:co0nnn\e?rcr;^Cor00d PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe 4-door trunk redan; black; English woven, hand tai lored. custom seat covets; perfect car In fvery respect; new-car volume forces us to **“ “ W l^stine^nicholson,"^' *438 _Hyattsvllle. Md._ PLYMOUTH 1939 4-door touring sedan; excellent finish, economical floating-power engine: excellent, safe hydraulic brakes; JE.jny other fine PLYMOUTH FEATURES; lubber *nd interior excellent: only *505. Over i00 other fine cars at ARCADE PON TIAC. 1437 Irving st. n.w. Adams 8500. PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan; new black paint: custom seat cov *r»: w* must move this car at once so will sell outck at book price of *370: ask for No- KE.AR^5Y MOTORS. 5023 Conn. ave. WO. 6115.___ PLYMOUTH 1936 4-door trunk sedan: original black finish: good tires and It runs Perfectly; *235 Pohanka Service. 1120 20th st. n.w. PI, 9141._____ PONTIAC 1940 coupe: driven 2.000 miles By official of this company: new-car con dition mechanically and in appearance; substantial reduction, will give you top nrice for your car in trade: over Inn other fine cars for your selection. ARCADE PONTIAC. 1437 Irving st. n.w. Adams 8500.___ PONTIAC 1933 two-door sedan: immacu late: *118 Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con necticut _WO. _8401.__ PONTIAC 1937 sedan: sacrificing for un paid balance. *329: mortgage foreclosure. Mr. Semmerville. narking lot, 219 2nd st. n.w. All day Sun._ _ PONTIAC 1938 de luxe 0 coupe: original dark-blue finish, radio and heater: one „ Yy>ly guaranteed: reduced to *49.1. Schlegel & Oolden. 333 Carroll st.. Takoma Park. D C. Randolph 8410. PONTIAC 1938 coupe de luxe. 0 cyl.t one ?'!’?.er;„lmm*cuUtei *425. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401.__ PONTIAC 1930 four-door sedan. 8 cyi: Federal Reserve Board employe sole owner; Immaculate: *330. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. R401. PONTIAC 1938 coupe: black: recondl tioned: 90-day written guarantee. Only *449: 19^ down balance easy. LOOAN S. 18th and M. PI. 5817. PONTIAC 1935 four-door sedaiT oTcylT: WO5'840?°Od Pontilc’ *221 Connecticut. PONTIAC 1930 4-door sedan with trunk: black finish; radio: today's special: 819 down: total price *199. Lincoln Park Mo tors, 141 12th st. n.e, AT. 0200. PONTIAC 1939 coupe, fl-eyl.: 12.000 miles; immaculate: one owner; *499. Flood Pon tiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. SPECIAL!! 1936 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Fine two - tone color — 90-day guarantee_ L P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. GOOD WILL SALE OF Pontiacs jjlCANTIC REDUCTIONS )«A PONTIAC Club Coupe “A” 09 w. W. tires. Golden aap A in if elec '"L *' 0059 fOO PONTIAC “S’* 4-Doer Town 09 Sedan. 8.000 act- APPA ual^miles. W. W. SQyJJ |Q7 PONTIAC *'6'* Tudor Town O I Sedan. Beautiful black. W. w. tires. Com- AJAA nletely r e c ondi I f|Uf Down Payments Made fcWff COAST-IN FAMOUS! (ORSTINMfr Cot. Mi oi* Ufc' %’jiJL aal mmi M AUTOMOIIUS FOR SAL!. PONTIAC ’SB 4-door tr.; excellent con VTvfoth JBkfafR: MODtUy *ttu Sherman »v«. n.w. Adams 8000.__ PONTIAC late 1938 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan; finger-tip gear shift; driven 7.000 ml. by oaf owner; finest upholstery; motor like new; aeldom used; *526. Croutown Motors. 1921 Bladenaburg rd. n.e.. at N. Y. ave. _ PONTIAC 1937 de luxe 8-cylinder. 4-door trunk sedan; new two-tone finish, radio and heater, motor in fine condition, very good rubber, clean Interior; *409. Ask for Car No. 145 McKEE. 5100 Wisconsin ave. Emerson 5860.__ PONTIAC 1938 2-door. 6-cyl.; one owner: Immaculate; $425. riood Pontiac. 3221 Connecticut. WO, 8401.__ PONTIAC 1934 four-door sedan: lmmacu t\ki 81 WO. r8401 .P°nt‘‘C’ 4321 C0nneC' PONTIAC 1939 four-door sedan. 6-cyl.: Immaculate: one owner: *590. Flood Pon tlac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401._ PONTIAC 1934 two-door sedan; one owner; immaculate; *140. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. PONTIAC 1936 four-door sedan' 6-cyl7: j72?‘eA1S5e:„one owner; *330. Flood Pon tlac. 4221 Connecticut.. WO. 8401. c.°nv- ““P*: excellent con dltlon throughout; sacrifice. *75. thafa all. Acme Motor Bales. 1805 West v« ave. n.e.* PONTIAC 1937 2-door trunk sedan; a real f*r t0 *oJoj your vacation In; ready for ‘^oossnda of miles of trouble-free service: tun-metal finish; good motor and tires; *398y t0 wtjoles,le prlc* todsy only LU8TINE-NICHOLSON. _Hyattsville. Md _ fONTIAC 1939 2-door touring sedan; Just traded in on a new 1940 model; original “wner gave It the best of care; original finish like new. tires and Interior excel NOW. S*fl45COold«err 100 o°a,erhlfln«flnc*.rs*.ri “"f 1 ^-door sedan; looks and runs good, a bargain at only $95 po hanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w. DI. STUDEBAKER 1037 4-door touring sedan; fine finish, excellent motor. 6 very good *345. ClOver uro0ro:theDr*fine c!rs't[ ah" Ad.Dm.gl5ToTIAC 1437 Irvin« st- “*• AKER 1935 Commander convert ible coupe: radio: rumble seat' exr.n.nt condlttoiu_*ljB5ijurai.jOT;_l«l06*®t 19i° Rrealdent 4-dr. cruls drlve? by president of the com ,Po*.Hy»r,,8dl0n*qutpDed^ e«ulv»lent to new: sold with new-car guarantee and terms » V *ul«t»ntl»l discount; top 8TZnFniK?3d c*,**1**1 terms. HILLER oliiDEBAKliR. 8206 Qa. aye. SH. 1372. RTUDEBAKER 1938 President-convertible emnnn>h *V- ®nishe<l in cream; equipped with radio, heater, overdrive; mo tor in best of condition; rubber and in ''•‘lor .hke new; 8847; Butler Bonded0 Lee D. Butler. Inc- 1121 21st n.w. DI. 1218. STUDEBAKER 1937 Dictator 6 coupe; ra dio and heater. $350 " fi8n,>B£TH1?DA MOTOR SALES _6800 Wis. Ave. VVI. 2657. STUDEBAKER 1939 Chamnlon 2-door club sedan: one-owner car. driven very little, equipped with radio and heater, economical operation: $597: Butler Bonded. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1121 cist n.w. District 1218. DEPENDABLE MR%)gigla| USED CARS FIRST QUALITY RECONDITIONED VALUES GUARANTEED O. K. 1937 Chevrolet Da MM Luxe Town Sedan_QwWw 1937 Chevrolet Da MAA Luxe Sport Sedan_QwU 1936 Oldimobile "t ' CQAQ Trunk 2-Door_Qw«" 1936 Chevrolet De MAft Luxe Coach_ !$369 1938,Ford “85” COM ¥sna+i— 1938 Plymouth Da MAA Luxe Coupa_ 1939 Chevrolet Matter MAA Coupe_ IP"N 1937 Chevrolet Matter MJ& Coupa_ 193S Chevrolet De (88A Luxe Town Sedan_ ▼!»* 65 Other Reconditioned Valuet Liberal Termt and Trade 1130 CONN. AVE. District 4200 I Open Evcningt and Sunday$ YOB CM’T BUCKOOT Tim Vaises *H FORD min t|9R M» . *S1 CHEVBOLET Cost. tlE Cavit. New to* 4 tire*. "* 13 BVICK «-D**r $|35 * Hi: *235 *W DODGE 4-Door He- *111 Ran. Goo4 ratktr . 1 “ 36 CHEVROLET Ctirk 7,".?*!: S285 •34 FORI* Ceane tf3S Ramble Seal »1 *» *37 LASALLE Dlxe. *r (ICC 4-Deer Tear. „ Red. Radie., Seat Cererx. Lew Mileaxe. Like New. IS rLYMOUTH X-Deer *||E Sedan. Like new.. . °*Kr 10% DOWN *8.w5> 11 All il ATT All auto and MANHAI IAN radio co. 1706 Seventh Street 91, W. Hprth 7667 Often Set. to 11:30 P. M.—Sun. 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. }j*j iji;;’ OPENS- LIGHTED UNTIL 9 RM.* FEATURED FOR SUNDAY >00 Buiek Crape. tCAE 09 New condition_ 0099 >07 Dodre Coupe. COOK Of Bumble oeot_ 0099 >00 Chryeler 4-Door C90R 00 Trank Sedan. 0*90 >00 Boiek coupe. OROR 00 Clean; grand_ 0999 >07 Bniek 4-Door OR9R Of Sedan. Spotlegg... 09*9 >Oft Boiek 4-Door nnitg 00 Trank Sedan_ 0099 >07 Packard 4-Door fJJR Of Trunk Sedan_ 0449 *40 Chevrolet Cmm. MAB 09 New condition ... #9£9 *47 Chryiter 2-Deor 04 IB 0 I Mu. Immaculate. #949 *40 4-Dear OJOR 90 Trank Sedan_ #499 *40 Mercnry 2-Doer OOJE 99 Trank Sedan_ #049 *40 Olda. 2-Deer ABAE 90 Trank Sedan_ #9<9 >07 Tantiae 2-Deer OJJR 9 I Trank Sedan: eleaa. #449 >00 T'raienth Ceaee. AJAB 90 Very feed_ #4£9 ^ImIID00CO&(® 4th & N. Y. A LINCOLN 10111 OPEN SUNDAY ! AUTOMOilLIS FOR SAUK. STUDEBAKER 1930 Champion 4-dr. cruls In* sedan; beautiful maroon flniah; radio equipped; low mileage by one owner, name on request: very clean Interior; priced to sell immediately; only. >649: top allowance and easiest term*. HILLER STUDEBAKER. 8206 Oa. ave, SH. 1372. STUDEBAKER 1937 Dictator coupe; paint, tires, motor and general condition of this fine car far above the average; low In price at S377. Leg D. Butler. Inc.. 1121 21ct n.w. District 1218._ STUDEBAKER 1939 Champion de luxe coupe; extremely low mileage; has cltma tlxer; Hke new In every respect; tiros show no wear; Interior very clean: reduced to sell immediately. 9589: top allowance and "•‘lest terms. HILLER STUDEBAKER, 8206 Oa. ave. SH. 1372._ STUDEBAKER 1937 business coupe. Beau tiful maroon finish. Equipped with heater, very roomy luggage compartment. Imma culate Interior. A-l mechanical condition. New-car appearance and performance at a greatly reduced used-car price. Only 9356. McKEE SERVICENTER. 22nd and N Sts. N.W. Metropolitan U400. STUDEBAKER 1934 4-door sedan; new paint, spotless inside, line mechanicelly. *o«l rubber: 919 down, balance easy. LO OAN oS»RVI8CENTER. 2017 Va. ave. n.w. STUDEBAKER 1938 Commander sedan; black finish, radio and heater, excellent motor, very clean Interior. 5 very good tires, truly a fine car for $549. Ask for car No. 148. .McKEE. 5100 Wisconsin ave. Emerson 5869._ STUDEBAKER 1937 business coupe; black finish very good, immaculate interior, very good rubber, clean interior: splendid car for business or pleasure: $399. Ask for car No. 1 <5. McKEE. 5100 Wisconsin ave. wncrion 58H9. _ STUDEBAKER Commander. 19.34: itcri flee. See Retallac * Mealy 4326 Wli. are. n.w. Phone Woodley 9780. _ MECHANICS' SPECIALS 2 Days Only! ’33 Ford Tudor No. 228 (110 ■32 Chevrolet Sedan No. 283 _ 30 ■3A Ford Fanel No. 313 03 '3* Pontiac 2-dr. Tr«. No. 333 80 '38 Chev. Sed. D'IVy No. 301 130 ■33 Ford Sed. D’llv’y No. 401 80 ■37 Chev. D.L. Coach No. 453 1A0 ’38 Chev. D.L. Coaeh No. 478 140 MANDELL CHEVROLET 1800 Nichoh Ave. S.E. LI. 9488 Open Eul 1939 OLDSMOBILE ("6" DELUXE) CLUB COUPE Very attractive car in excellent condition mechanically and in appearance; equipped with ra dio and heater.. M-day written rnarantee and moit liberal terms in city. 1509 !4Hi DU. 1300 Open Sunday Till 6 P.M. _AUTOMOIILIS Htt SALI. STUDEBAKER 1932 sedan: first *36 takes: clean. Mr. dommervllle. oarklna lot, 219 2nd st, n.w. All dar Bun._ TERRAPLANE 1033 conv. coupe; fine condition throughout: a real bur. M5. 1805 West Va. are, n.e. ♦ TERRAPLANE 1033 Pordor sedan; first class condition; 9100. 641 14th st. s.e. Lincoln 8815-J. __ VULLY8 1037 sedan; excellent overall condition: very clean; good rubber; whole sale sacrifice price; 9108. LU8TINE-N1CHOLSON. Hrattsvllle, Md. W1LLY8 1039 de luxe sedan: black fln ish: mileage lesejhan ».2S*o miles: S495. MItCHfiX’8 MOTORS. INC.. Hobart 0600. 1507 14th 8t. N.tP 21* ,1938 4-door sedan: exceptional ■l3^°T?ty-BtIKg.WHOb>rt20,9.00 PACKARD WASHINGTON. FINE USED CARS. ALL PRICES. 24th Sc N STS. N.W. . j RE. 0145.l LOGAN'S SPECIALS! 3540 1415 Si. N.W. HO. 4100 1939 Mercury Tuva Sedani 1B3S Plymouth De Lazo SJM 1938 Ford “S3'* rorder Tr.l 0000 1938 FomI^ "S3'* Tudor Tr.l 0000 1937 Plymouth De Luxe 0<1BA 4-Doer Tr. #0w9 1937 Chevrolet Mailer De fdih Luxe Town Sedan_#Wv 1936 S3. S269 1937 Ford De Luxe Ferderi 020Q 1934 Ford Ferder OAA Sedan . #09 Many others. 10% down on any ear. No endorsers required. ADDISON rmcHivM I a Bargains Yon Can Bay with Confidence |4A Chevrolet De Lax* REAR 49 Sport Sedan . «C90 197 Chevrolet De Lax* f97E 91 Tawn Sedan _ 9419 197 Chevrolet De Lax* CORE 4 I Butlnei* C*av*_ 4499 ’36 Chevrolet De Lax* . $295 199 Ford Tudor CAIE 00 Trunk Sedan.. 0010 We Have Fifty Other Excellent Ufted Care in Stock for You to Chooee From ADDISON-CHEVROLET 1522 14th St. N.W. Drive in Church St. Entrance HObart 7.MH) Open Eveninr*. Sunday* THESE SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES FOR MONDAY ONLY (Clotad Sundayt During July and Augutt) 1939 OLDSMOBILE TOURING 2-DR., R. b H. "only* $637 1939 HUDSON *6* TOUR. SEDAN, R._I "only* $627 1939 WILLYS-OVERLAND 2-DR. 1 "onlY* $427 1939 FORD TUDOR SEDAN *onlY* $387 193$ STUDEBAKER CL SED., R. fir H„ OVERDR.! "only* i $597 1937 LA SALLE SEDAN i "only * $497 1937 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN, 6 WH., H, | "only* $487 1937 PACKARD SEDAN j"only* $397 1936 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR SEDAN, R. fr H, j "only* $367 1936 BUICK 41 TOURING SEDAN | "only * $387 1936 PACKARD SEDAN, RADIO b HEATER | "only * I $327 “MY USED CARS MAKE GOOD OR I DO” HORNER’S CORNER OFFERS 50 BUICKS AND OTHER MAKES AT REDUCED PRICES f 1939 > 'OLDSMOBILE "6" 70 2-Door Trunk Sedan l *665 j Model 41 Trunk Sedan Black S. *795 J 939 Buick 46-S Opera Seat Coupe_S795 ’39 Buick Spec. Model 41 4-Door Trunk Sedan_—S645 ’35 Buick Spec. 4-Door Trunk Sedan_S325 *33 Buick 56 Coupe_SI75 ’36 Buick (Rdmst.) 4-Door Trunk Seodan—$425 ’39 Buick (Rdmst.) 4-Door 6-w. Sedan..SI,095 ’37 Buick Century 4-Door Trunk Sedan.—S545 OTHER MAKES ’37 Chevrolet Master Do Luxe Tour. Sedan.$395 ’37 La Salle Opera Seat Coupe; low ml._$525 ’36 Chrysler f*f6” Conv. Coupe_$625 ’38 Olds “6” Trunk Sedan_$545 ’39 Plymouth Do Luxe 4-Dr. Trunk Sedan!.$595 ’37 Packard “8” 4-Door Trunk Sedan_$435 ’39 Dodge Do Luxe Coupe__ $595 ’38 Pontiac “6” Sport Coupe, R., H._$565 ’33 Do Soto Sport Coupe ..._$145 ’39 Ford Do Luxe 2-Door, R., H.__—$585 ’39 La Salle Trunk Sedan, R.,N. WhitoWall Tjros . . $895 STANLEY H. HORNER, INC. FU. aM“ ^ AH (4(4 AUTOMOBILIS FOR SALI. | SPECIAL. Cadillac 1930 4-door sedan: radio, •water white tires: selling to close estate. Woodier 6902. LINCOLN-ZEPHYRS 1937 4-door sedan; original black finish, clean interior with custom seat covers since new; actual 25.000 miles on this one-owner car; #427. 1937 coupe; black finish. whtte-waH tires, excellent motor; one owner; #397. TOWN * COUNTRY MOTORS. 1707 14th St. N.W._MI. 6900. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUICK6 i Vl? Model 41 4-door trunk aedan: orif* Inal black finish, clean interior, custom t&«;,o41rnv)47'W' 'XCf“ent motor *ni n,.1,^frri1 conrertlble coup*, beautiful miroon finish, new white-wall tire*, radio and heater: excellent motor: $447 „ Buie* coupe: original black flnl-h. #447 lnUrlor' nnooti> motor. 5 aood tires; „TOWK * COUNTRY MOTORS. iii*l.l.lth 8tL M W- MI. 6600. f TRADED CARS ^ ■ *30 Bulek Rpeclal 4-Dr. «7QC I I Trunk; cleani lew nlleace I I ’lo Ford Conor: k. i II Ok'ie I I Cow nil rate. Orl*. eondit. ▼**» I M '30 Bulek 01 Cent. Redan; Otoe I » « wheels, lew nl., black. ▼v<9 M XlUllLIS-BuickZ I SILVER SPRING | <516 Goorgio Avo. SHop. 6544 I BUCK 1938 2-DOOR SPECIAL TRUNK SEDAN One owner car in immaculate . _ _ _ condition, ex- fCQC cellent rubber, J * J fine motor. ••-Day Written Gaarantea. Mnt Liberal Terms in City SUPERIOR 1509—14th St. DU. 1300 Opan Sunday Till 6 PM. i V:M :: «a M *125 DOWN Buys Any 1939 FORD • • • *100 DOWN Buy a Any 1938 FORD f% O E A MONTH BUYS - JLff »Q 3 A 1939 FORD V-S ’39 Ford De Luxe 8CQQ Fordor_ ’39 Ford De Luxe 8EAA Tudor _ ’39 Ford Tudor $489 ’38 Ford De Luxe A1AA Fordor_yWJ ’38 Ford Tudor .... $379 ;?»*>"* S369 Coupe __ *37 Ford Tudor ... $279 _$299 ’37 Lincoln-Zephyr MJQ Sedan __ '39 Mercury Tndor $689 *39 Plymouth D. L. 2-Dr. $689 c” °“,w $489 *38 Plymouth D. L. 2-Dr. g^gg ’37 Buick D. L. Tour.. 8 $669 2LTT..$379 ’37 Studebaker Coupe _ ’37 Plymouth Coupe “Next to a New Car a Chernerized Car Is Best” 1939 FORD COUPE 1939 FORD CABRIOLET 1939 BUICK CONV. SEDAN RADIO A HEATER 989 1937 PACKARD 120 SEDAN RADIO '449