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f Clarita nf uHjattka 'DORSEY, ALINE M. We wish to thank e$r friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy extended us at the passing of my daughter. MRS. ALTNE M. DORSEY. Also Rev Beason of Mount Zion Church. Rev. Jones of Rock Creek Baptist Church. Mount Zion Church. River rd , and school. Johnson City Club for their beautiful floral tributes, and Orange Blossom Club for their contribu tions. MRS JAMES DORSEY AND FAMILY AND MR. AND MRS. CASSINS PARKER. HERRMAN. WILLIAM WANN. We sin cerely appreciate the kindness of our friends and relatives during the illness and death of our husband and father. WIL LIAM WANN HERRMAN. Dratlm ABRAMS. JOHN W. On Sunday. July 21. 1940. JOHN W. ABRAMS. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Funeral from Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. July 24. at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. . 23 ALEXANDER, OTELIA. On Sunday. July 21, 1940. at her residence. 345 Elm st. n.w., OTELIA ALEXANDER. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home, 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BALLENGER. JAMES E. On Sunday. July 21, 1940. JAMES E. BALLENGER Notice of funeral later. T. Frank Mur ray funeral service. 741 11th st. s e. BARNES. CHESTER. Departed this life Friday. July 19. 1940. after a short ill ness. CHESTER BARNES He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted sister. Mrs. .Sarah Lee: three brothers, a devoted fri°nd. Florence Gross; three nieces and ether relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes fiz Matthews i funeral home. 014 4 th st. s.w where funeral services will be held Tuesday. July 23. at 1 p.m . Rev. Edwards officiat ing Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. BENTON. HAROLD M. On Sunday. July 21. 1940 at Mount Alto Ho^uitai. HAROLD M BENTON, the beloved husband oi Alice 3enton. Remains resting at the Chambers Georgetown luneral home Graveside services and interment at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednes day. July 24. at 10 a.m. 23 BLACKSTON, HENRY. On Saturday. , July 20. 1940. HENRY BLACKSTON. de voted son of Lucilla Blackston. grandson of Henry and Josephine Washington. He also is survived by two aunts, two uncles %nd other relatives and friends. Remains resting at his late residence. 1819 Vernon st. n.w.. where funeral serv ices will be held at 9:39 a.m. Tuesday. July 23, followed by mass at 10 a.m. at «$t. Augustine's Church. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by Mal Van fiz Schey. * BRADFORD, MAY PERCY. Departed this life Sunday. July 21, 1940. MAY PERCY BRADFORD, the beloved wife of Robert Bradford. She also is survived by ■four daughters. May Percy Asqew. Ruth Bishop. Emma and Peggy Bradford: two tons. Hughes and Thomas; five sisters find six brothers, and other relatives and triends. Funeral notice later. • I CARTER, JESSE. Departed this life Sunday. July 21 1940. at Otren. N. C.. JESSE CARTER beloved son of Jimmie Car ter. devoted husband of Rose Carter, lov trg father of Joseph Carter, brother of Mrs. Bessie Rolling Mrs. Emma Ander eon. Mrs Rosie Golden. Annie. Mildred. Bertha and James Carter. He also is sur vived bv other relatives and friends. Re gains resting at the funeral home of John (T Rhines a- Co.. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. CRAVEN. I.OIS. On Sunday. July 21. 2940. at Glenn Dale Sanatorium. LOIS CRAVEN. Remains resting at the Geo. W. Lewis Co funeral home. 2032 8th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. DAN BRUSKI. CARRIE E. On Satur day. July 20. 1940. at her residence. 1 125. Orren st. n e.. CARRIE E. DAN BRUSKI (nee Bigelow), beloved wife of William J. Dan Bruski. Funeral will be held from the Timothy Hanlon funeral chapel. 641 H st. n.e . on Tuesday. Julv 23, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem inass at Holy Name Church at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited. 22 DAVIDSON, RUTH. On Monday. July *2. 1940. at her residence. ;ui? Warder ft. n.w . RUTH DAVIDSON, beloved wife Of James Davidson Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral borne. 2901 14'h st. n.w . on Wednesday. •Tuly 24. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill vemetery. 23 DONNEL, EDWARD HUNTER. On'Sun day. July 21. 1940, EDWARD HUNTER DONNEL. beloved husband of Cora Etna Donnel and fafher of Edward H.. jr. Mar garet R.. Lois M. and William L. Donnel Funeral services on Wednesday. July 24. at- the residence. 804 Madison st. n w., •it 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill. 23* EASTMAN. EMMA C. On Saturday, .tuly 20. 1940. in Philadelphia. Pa.. EMMA C EASTMAN, wife of Chief Pharmacist E. C. Eastman. U. S. N. Funeral services at Arlington Chapel rn Tuesday. July 23. at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. FLEISHER. GEORGE P. On Sunday. July 21. 1940. at the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. William D. Appel. 3365 Runny mead? pi. n.w.. GEORGE P. FLEISHER. beloved husband of the late Gertrude W. Fleisher. Remains resting at the Berhesda funeral home of Wm Reuben Pumphrey. £005 Wisconsin ave.. until 5 p m Monday. Funeral services and interment Ken callville. Ind. FLOOD, RICHARD JEROME. On Sun day. July 21. 1940. at his residence. 439 Washington ave.. Riverdale. Md.. RICH ARD JEROME FLOOD, beloved husband of Mary A. Flood <nee Larman) and father pf William W . Richard J . jr.. and Joseph Jlinton Flood of Riverdale. Md.. and prother of William G. Flood. Funeral from Chambers’ Riverdale fu neral home on Wednesday. July 24. at 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Jerome's Church. Hvatts ville. Md.. at 9 a.m. Interment Glcn tvood Cemetery. 23 FOLLIARD. THOMAS B. On Sunday, luly 21. 1940. at Mount Alto Hospital. THOMAS B FOLLIARD, beloved husband r, f Laura G Folliard. Remains resting at his late residence, 6528 Ridgewood ive.. Chevy Chase. Md. Funeral from his late residence. 6528 Ridgewood ave.. Chevy Chase. Md.. on Wednesday. July 24, at 9:30 a.m. Re quiem mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 23 GARNER. ARDELLE.. K. On Sunday. July 21. 1940, ARDELLE K. GARNER, the beloved daughter of Baynom D. and Katherine F. Garner (nee Jenkins*, sister of Donaway B. Garner. Dorothy Kittridge. Thelma Mitchell and Helen Beach. Services at her late residence. 1048 Bladensburg rd. n.e. Notice of time later. Services by Chambers' Southeast funeral home. GREEN, MARY C. On Sunday, July 21, 1940. at her residence. 1401 29th st. r w.. MARY C. GREEN, beloved daughter of the late Thomas J. and Catherine Gorm- ! jev Green and sister of Alice Green. Funeral from her late residence on Wednesday. July 24. at 8:9(* a m. Requiem mass at Holy Trinity Church at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. 29 HARRIS. JOHN HENRY. On Friday. Julv 19. 1940 at Emergency Hospital. JOHN HENRY HARRIS of 58 Defrees st. n w., husband of the late Susie Ellen Har ris and father of Mrs. Hilda Robinson. Mrs. Marjorie Padgett and Radcliffe J.. Luke W. and James J. Harris. Also sur viving are two sisters, the Misses Alice and Beatrice Harris, and many other relatives find friends. Remains resting at his late residence. Funeral services at 1 p.m. Tuesday. July S3, at the McGuire funeral home 1820 9th st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. • HULL. HARRY S. On Sunday. July 21. 3 940. HARRY S. HULL, beloved son of Mrs. Mary Hull. Funeral services and interment Belle lonte. Pa. Services by Chambers’. ICHILIAN. SARKIS A. On Sunday. Julv 21. 1940. at his residence. 021 Quincy st. n.w.. SARKIS A. ICHILIAN. beloved husband of Statira Jane Ichilian snd father of Arfna and Harold J. Ichilian. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. July 24. at 2:90 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 29 JAMES, GERTRUDE. On Sunday. July 51. 1940. at her residence. 497 H st. n.w,. GERTRUDE JAMES. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 989 Rhode Island ave n.w. Notice of funeral later. JAMES, GERTRUDE. Officers and mem bers of Columbia Temple. No. 422. I. B. P. O E. of W.. are notified of the drath of Daughter GERTRUDE JAMES. Session of sorrow’ on Monday. July 22. at 7:90 P.m. Funeral Wednesday. July 24. at 12 noon, trom Metropolitan Baptist Church. BEATRICE EDWARDS. D. R. GEORGIANNA HENRY. Sec. JOHNSON, WILLIAM LEONARD. Sud denly, on Sunday. July 21. 1940. at Provi dence Hospital. WILLIAM LEONARD JOHNSON, beloved son of James and the late Wirtie Johnson of 1010 K st. n.e., beloved brother of Lillian Cramer. Notice of funeral later. 29 JONES, ABNER. On Saturday. July 20. 1940. at his residence. 47<> G pi. n.w., ABNER JONES, husband of Isabella Jones, father of Lillian Dubuclat. Glendora Mason. Minnie Jones. Lucy McIntyre. Cynthia Scott. Lula Dean. Etta Bailey. Leonard. Ruben. Milton and William Jones and brother of Warren Jones. He also is sur vived by 19 grandchildren 4 great grandchildren. other relatives and friends. Funeral from the Malvan & Schey fu neral home, New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w.. Wednesday. July 24. at 1:90 p.m. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. * FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. Wilfiam Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E._ Lincoln S200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the or.ginal W R. Spear® establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. N„anW FUNERALDESIGNS. CEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. .EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0108. °.nd" fundijV Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece*! 1214 I st. N.W. National 4276. Bratton JONES. MART. On Wednesday. July IT. 1940. at Mackinac Island. Mich.. MARY JONES, sister of David and Jesse James. Janie Crump and Sallie Hatch: aunt of Ida Elgin. Eugenia James. George and Edward Hatch. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Tuesday. July 23. at 1 p m., Rev. W. R. Evans of ficiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 22 JONES, MARY. Officers and members of Columbia Temple. No. 422. I. B. P. O E. of W.. are notified of the death of Daughter MARY JONES Session of sor row on Monday. July 22. at 7:30 p.m. Funeral Tuesday. July 23. at I p.m., from Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w BEATRICE EDWARDS, D. R. GEORGIANNA HENRY. Sec. JOY'. CHARLES B. On Saturday. July 20. 1940. CHARLES B. JOY. husband of the late Etta Joy. Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave n.w.. on Tuesday. July 23. at 10 a.m. Please omit bowers. Interment private. 22 KIDRICK. LOUISE. On Fridav. July 19. 194n. at Gallinger Hospital. LOUISE KIDRICK. beloved wife of Thornton Kid rick, mother of Thomas Hill. Anna May Owens, Lucillie, Thornton, jr., and Louise Kidrick. Funeral Tuesday. July 23. at 1 p.m.. from Boyd’s funeral home, 1238 20th st. n.w. Rev. White officiating. KOINER. GARNETT. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 21. 1940. at his home. Mont rose. Md.. GARNETT KOINER. beloved hus band of the late Mary C. Scherrer Koiner. Funeral services at his late residence Tuesday. July 23. at 2 p.m. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery, near Rockville Md. LEE. TY’LER. On Saturday. Julv 20. : 1 94m. at his residence. 2352 Pomcro.v road 1 s.e.. TYLEK LEE. beloved husband of Be atrice Herbert Lee and father of Josephus ■ and William Leo. He also is survived by ; foil* grandchildren and one brother. Wil liam Lee, /Remains may be seen Tuesday, , July 23. at his late residence, after 2 p.m. Funeral Wednesday. Julv 24. at 1 pm., from People's Congregational Church. M st. between Oth and 7th sts. n.w. Rev. F. A. I Elms officiating Friends are invited. In terment Harmonv Cemetery. 23 LOWE. CARRY. On Saturday. Juiy 20. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. CARRY LOWE, mother of the late Virginia Kelly I and Mary L. Hall and George Lowe. She also leaves one brother. Thomas Henson: I other relatives and friends. Remains test ing at Eugene Ford's funeral home 1300 South Capitol st.. where remains may be I viewed Monday after 4 p.m Funeral Tuesday. July 23. at O a m., from St. Vincent dr Paul's Church. In I terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. * I I MALLON. CARRIE L. MORSMAN. Sud denly, on Sunday. July 21. at 2 a m., at her residence, in the Woodward Apartments. 2.41 1 Connecticut ave.. Mrs. CARRIE L MORSMAN MALLON. widow of Robert Patrick Mallon and mother of Miss Winifred Mallon of Washington. Services will be held Tuesday afternoon. July 24. at 2:40 o'clock, at the Church of the Reformation, on Capitol Hill. Inter ment will be in Congressional Cemetery. MARGIL1S. BETTEE. Suddenly, at the Bet tv Bacharac Home, in Atlantic City. BETTEE MARGULIS. She leaves one brother. Joseph M. Margulis Funeral services will be held at ‘.he home, Tuesday. July 24. • McBEE. CRAYTON E. Suddenly, cn Saturday. Jclv 2<>. 1040. CRAYTON E. McBEE. beloved husband of Gladys McBer. Non of Nena B. McBee. brother of Pickens Butler. Henry Brisgs and Irving T. McBee. _ Funeral from Chambers* funeral home. •~»17 11th st. se.. on Monday. July 22. at 2 D.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. MCCARTHY. C ATHERINE F. On Sun day. July 21. I04n. at her residence. Mount Olivet Cemetery. CATHERINE F . widow of Michael J. McCarthy and mother of Mrs. Margaret Counihan. Mrs. Lucy Haves. Mrs. Catherine Simons and Harry and Edward McCarthy. Funeral frorrf above residence on Tues day. July 24. at 0:40 a m. Requiem mass at Holy Name Churrh at 10 o'clock Rel atives and friends invited. Interment at : Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavuil. McGEE, JOHN FRANCIS. On Sunday. July 21. 104o. at the residence of Mrs. Tnomas F. Newyahr. 20!# S. Abington st . Arlington. Va.. JOHN FRANCIS McGEE. beloved uncle of Mrs. Winifred Rector of New York. Mrs J. F. Egan. Denver. Colo., and John E Boland. Chicago. III. F’uneral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 417 Pa ave. s.e.. on Tuesday. Julv at 8:40 a.m.: thence to St Aloysius Church, where mass will be offered at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. MrINTIRE. LIZZIE PARRISH. On Sat urday. July 2o. 104o, at 5447 Conn. ave. n.w . LIZZIE PARRISH MrINTIRE. beloved wile of the late Henrv Mclntire and moth er of Mrs. George M She and the late Mrs. William T. Galliher. Funeral from the V L. Speare Cn fu neral home. 1(100 H st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 2.3. at 3 p.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 22 MEYER. AIGI ST WILLIAM. On Satur day. July 20. I!*to. at his residence. *14 loth st. ne. AUGUST WILLIAM MEYER beloved husband of Maud E. Meyer and father of Dot and Margaret Meyer and Frederick Price. Funeral from St. James' Episcopal Churrh on Tuesday. July 23. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prosppct Hill Cemetery. 22 MITCHELL. JOHN HENRY. On Mon day. July 22. 1040. at Oallineer Hospital. JOHN HENRY MITCHELL. He leaves to I mourn five sisters. Carrie Russin. Sallie j Unchurch. Betty Loti Jones. Annie Mae [ Johnson and Eila Jeffprs: five brothers. I William and Josh Mitchell. Lynwood. At ; water and Needham Winston: other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Eu gene Ford s funeral home, 1300 South Cap itol st. Notice of funeral later. ! MORGAN, SARAH. On Saturday. July 20. 1040. at her residence. 1202 Q st. n.w.. SARAH MORGAN, devoted moLher of Leroy | and Daniel Harris. Webster and Edward ] Morgan. Sophie E. Harris and Roxana Mor } gan. She aiso is survived bv one sister, one brother, other relatives and friends. j Funeral from the Malvan A- Schev fu ! neral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w., Wed i nesday. Julv 24. at 3:30 p.m. • NIFMEYER, WILHELMINA KNEFELY. I On Saturday. July •_»o. 104*). WILHEL- ' MINA KNEFELY NIEMEYER. beloved mother of Mrs. Marie N. Huxley and Mrs. Louise N. Windmayer. Funeral services from her late residence. 7142 Alaska ave. n.w., on Tuesday. July 23. 104*>. at II a.m. Interment Balti more. Md. 22 ; PARRISH. DOROTHY. On Sundav. July 21. 1040. at Garfield Hospital. DORO THY PARRISH, daughter of Andrew B. and Harriett S. Parrish of Hartford. Conn., and sister of Mrs. William J. Miller of 201 1 4.7th st. n.w. Services and interment Hartford. Conn.. Wednesday. July 21. PEARCE. .11 LI A DE OR AW. On Mon day. July 22. 104 o. JULIA DE GRAW PEARCE, wife of the late Williams Carter Pearce. She is survived by her daughter. Mrs. Hardinia Taylor Schuirmann. wife of Cap?. R. E. Schuirmann. U. S. N.. and two grandchildren. Williams Carter and Har dinia Taylor Schuirmann. Services and interment will be held in Richmond. Va.. on Tuesday. July 23. PICKETT, DODDRIDGE w. On Sun day. July 21. 104<i. at Emergency Hospital. DODDRIDGE W PICKETT, husband of the late Isadora Pickett and father of Mrs. Harrv E Moore and Nannie Pickett. Friends arc invited to call at Gawler’s chapel. 1750 Penna. ave. n.w0 where serv ices will be held on Tuesday, July 23. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. REINTZEL, SARAH. On Sunday. July 21. J040, at the residence of her son-in lav. T. F Williams. 007 12th st. ne.. SARAH REINTZEL *nee Payne), beloved wife of the late Powhatan J. Reintzel and moiher of the late Lula I. Williams. She is survived by three grandchildren. Helene Reintzel and Joseph Williams of Wash ington. D C and Norma Reintzel of Chat tanooca. Tenn. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e . where services will be held on Tuesday. July 23. at 1] a.m. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. ROACH, BENJAMIN F. On Sunday. July 21. 1040. BENJAMIN F. ROACH, be loved husband of Bessie M Roach, brother of Mrs. James Gibbs and Mrs. Anna New man of Washington. D. C.. and Ottaway Roach of Vcro Beach, Fla., and John Roach of Los Angeles. Calif. Funeral services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Tuesday. July 23, at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. 23 ROBINSON, GEORGE WILLIAM. On Sunday. July 21. 104n. GEORGE WIL LIAM ROBINSON, loving brother of Mar garet Eveleigh of Cleveland. Ohio: Blanche Henson and John Robinson ol Westmore land County. Va. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home, 1300 South Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. SANGER, SOPHIA B. On Monday. July 22. 1040, SOPHIA B SANGER, beloved daughter of the late Raphael and Caro line Sanger. Funeral from her late residence. 2714 Ontario rd. n.w., on Wednesday. July 24. I at 10:30 a.m. Interment Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery. 23 SHERRY. WILLIAM E. On Monday. July 22, 1040. at Sibley Hospital. WIL LIAM E. SHERRY of 1320 11th st. s.e., beloved husband of Etta E. Sherry (nee Su’ton). Notice of funeral later SIMMS, MARY I). Departed this life on Saturday. July 20. 1040. at Garfield Hospital. MARY D. SIMMS. Remains rest ing at the residence of her sister. Loretta Landon, LI22 Sumner road s.e. Services will be held at Holy Redeemer Church, on Wednesday. July 24. at 10 a.m. Solemn high mass. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangements by Barnes A* Matthews. SIMMS. MARY. The officers and mem bers of Columbia Temple. No. 422, I. B. P. O. E of W . are notified of the death of Daughter MARY SIMMS. Session of sorrow on Monday. July 22, at 7:30 p.m. Notice of funeral later BEATRICE EDWARDS. D. R. GEORGIANNA HENRY. Sec. SMITH, ALBERT J. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 21 1040. ALBERT J. SMITH, aged 56 years, beloved husband of Ber nardette Mcnyihan Smith and father of Bernadette Wood. Mary L. Smith and Sister Anita Maria. Funeral from his late residence. 526 Oneida place n.w.. on Wednesday. July 24 at 0 a m. Requiem m**s at Nativity Church at 0:30 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Cedar Hill Cem etery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 2,3 STOVER. JOHN DEE. On Sunday. July °1 1040. at 6:30 P.m.. at Arlington. Mass., the home of his daughter and son-in-law, R. H. Wambaugh, JOHN DEE STOVER. aEFuneral services at Bender’* fun*ral parlor. Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday. July 23, at 4:30 p.m. Navy Buys More Liners For Use as Auxiliaries Secretary of the Navy Knox an nounced today that the Navy had purchased the passenger ships Santa Barbara and Santa Maria from the Grace Line for conversion to aux iliaries. The two ships, previously in South American trade, were purchased for $1,300,000 each. They are of 15,000 tons and built in 1928. Last week the Navy purchased the passenger liners President Grant and President Jackson, each of 14,000 tons, also for use as aux iliaries. Bratus TAYLOR, JACOB H. Suddenly, on Fri day. July 19. 1940, at Ligonien. Ind., JACOB H. TAYLOR, beloved husband of Florence H. Taylor of Kensington, Md. Funeral services at the Bethesda fu neral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wis. ave., on Tuesday. July 23, at 11 a m. Interment Rockville Union Ceme tery. 22 THOMPSON, FRANCENIA. Departed this life on Saturday. July 20. 1940. at Phila delphia. Pa . FRANCENIA THOMPSON. She leaves to mourn their loss one sister, Louise Rumford; one brother. Rev. F A. Seaton: a niece. Loretta Fisher, and other | relatives and friends. Remains resting at ; the Barnes & Matthews funeral home. 014 i 4th st. s.vv Notice of funeral later. TII.SON, THOMAS C. On Saturday 1 Julv 20. 1940 at his residence. 1899 Ingieside terrace n.w. THOMAS? C. TIL SON. beloved husband of Maty Josephine Tilson. Funeral will be held from the above resl- ' dence on Tuesday Julv 23, at 8:30 a m. i Requiem mass at the shrine of the Sacred I Heart at 9 a.m Relatives and friends I invited. Interment Mount Olivet Crme- 1 tery. 22 TRACY. WILMER LEE. Suddenly, on j Sunday. July 21. 194o. at his residence.) 9821 South Dakota ave. no. WILMER LEE TRACY, beloved husband of Merry Christmas Tracy and father of Virginia Lee Tracy. He also is survived by his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Tracy. Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home. 1900 N st. n.w., where services will be held on Wednesday, July 24. at io:30 am. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment private. 23 WASHINGTON, CLAYTON. On Sunday July 21. 194o. at Garfield Hospital. CLAY TON WASHINGTON, beloved husband of Hattie Washington and devoted stepfather of Hilda Gregg and son of James and Mag gie Washington of Brandywine. Md Re i mains resting Tuesday. July 23, after 2 p.m.. at the residence of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Phillips 2229 Flagler place n w. Funeral Wednesday. July 24. at 2 P m , from Asburv Methodist Church. Brandy wine. Md.. Rev L. C. Braxton officiating. Interment church cemetery. 29 WELLS. < . A. M. On Sunday. Julv 21. 194o. at 1852 Columbia rri n.w., Wash ington. D C\. C A M. WELLS beloved husband of Alma Wells and son of the late Dr. Charles and Marv Hyatt Wells. Remains resting at Oasrh’s funeral home. 4b Maryland ave . Hvattsville. Md Services a' the Pinkney Memorial Epis- i copal Church. Hyattsville. Mb., on Tups- i day. July 29. at 11 am Relatives and t friend., invited. Interment Fort Lincoln < Cemetery WILLIAMSON. SARAH V On Mondav I Julv 22. 1940 at 2929 Uoton st. n.w. SARAH P WILLIAMSON (nee HeiskelM. widow of Irvine Williamson. Remains rest I ing at Birch's funeral home. 9094 M st. n.w. : Services at the Washington Heights Pres- , i byterian Church. 1892 Kalorama rd nw.' on Wednesday. July 24. at 2 pm. Rev • John C Palmer officiating. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 23 WILSON. BRAINER1) D. On Sunday. July 21. 19 40. at his residence. 1323 Cor bin place n.e . BRAINERD D WILSON, beloved husband of Lucile H Wilson, father j of Lucile W. Trout and B. Douglas Wilson. Funeral from Chambers- funeral home. ; 517 Jlth st. se . on Tuesday. July 23. at I-.* 15 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. : Interment Arlington National Cemetery, i Please omit flowers. 23 WILSON, RRAINFRD D. The comrades ! of Richard J. Harder, Camp. No. 2, Uni*ed Spanish War Vet erans. will assemble at 12:30 p m. Tuesday. July 23. 1040. at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11 th st. s.e., for the funeral of our late comrade. BRAINERD D. WILSON. Interment Arlington National Cemeterv. VICTOR McCLOSKEY. Commander. H. L. LESLIE. Adjutant. WILSON, HATTIE H. Departed this life after a long illness, on Saturday. July 20 104o. HATTIE H WILSON, beloved wife ot Henry B. Wilson and mother of Leona Puts. Robert. Clinton and Margaret Wjl son and adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Howard. Remains resting with L E. Murrav a Son. 12th and V sts. n w. Funeral Wednesday. July 24. at 2 P m., from above-named funeral parlor. Inter ment Lincoln Cemetery. 23" W IRS( HING. RALPH S. Suddenly, on Jl,lv ‘-1. 1**40. at his residence. •0^4 20th st . Mount Rainier Md.. RALPH ? ♦ JRSCHING. beloved husband of the late Mary A Wirsching and father of Stanley A and Jack O. WTirsrhing Re mains resting at Chambers’ Riverdale fu neral home. Notice of funeral later. In iHmorfam TOLLMAN, RL'TII J. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. RUTH J. COLEMAN, who left us three years ago today. July 22. 1037. A mother who gave us the best of her life. Who cherished our secrets, our sorrows and strife. Who taught us to love, who taught is to pray— Our mother in Heaven. God bless you todav HER LOVING CHILDREN. • CONTEE. WALTER B. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our be brothci* and uncle. WALTER B CONTEE. who left us to dwell in Heaven nve years ago today. July 22. 1935. ^e,„Tb,as. Passed that vale of shadows, r and chilling tide; In that bright and glorious city He shall ever more abide. Until we meet acain. THE FAMILY. • DAVIS, RALPH J. in memory of mv friend. RALPH J DAVIS, who died six years ago today. July 22, 1934. Deco in my hrart is a picture Of a loved one gone to rest: In memory’s frame I shall keep it, For he was one of the best A FRIEND. • IAILKNER. ELLA. Today recalls the memories of our darling mother and grand mother Mrs. ELLA FAULKNER of Mad ison. Va who passed away two years ago today. Julv 22. 1938 HERJ?AIJGHTER. MRS. SALLIE FOSTER. AND GRANDDAUGHTERS. ELIZABETH WILLIS AND LENA F. ADAMS. • HGllRAS, ROSE MARIE. In loving our daughter and sister. ROSE MARIE FIGUERAS. who died four years ago today. July 22. 1930. book of life there are memories Of hapov moments we’ve known, And recorded in love is a blessing Of a wonderlul daughter, our own. You've rone, but the treasure you left us Is truly a value untold— A life filled with deeds of kindness And beauty of heart and soul. DEVOTED DAD. MOTHER AND SISTERS. • MEYER. ROSE D. In loving memory of our dear mother. ROSE D. MEYER, who died two years ago today. July 22. 1938. Gone to the light that shines so fair. Gone from the earth of sorrow and care. Resting those hands that did their best: Gone, dear mother, gone to rest. Forgotten to the world bv some mavbe. df « r in memory *pu will always be. HFi?~£9VING DAUGHTERS. ELIZABETH. ROSE AND HELEN. • PASSENO, EVERETT C.. JR. In sad remembrance of our son. EV ERETT C. PASSENO. Jr., who passed away six years ago. July 22. 1934. Oh the memory of the morning As we stood with aching hearts. To see the one we loved so dearly Must from us forever part. We know’ we have not lost him. For that could never be: He only gone on a journey. Where God guards him constantly. MOTHER AND DAD. • POOLE. THERESA (NEE SULLIVAN), remembrance of my dear friend. THERESA POOLE, who departed this life one year ago today. July 22. 1939. Loved in life, remembered in death YOUR PAL. VINCE. • TAYLOR. THORNTON E. In sad but lovinc remembrance of mv dear father. THORNTON E. TAYLOR, who entered into eternal rest July 22. 1937. Loved in life, remembered in death DEVOTED DAUGHTER. IDA MAY BOARDLEY • TAYLOR. THORNTON E. In loving memory of my devoted father. THORNTON E. TAYLOR, who passed away three years ago today, July 22. 1937. We shall meet with many a loved one That was torn from our embrace, We shall listen to their voices And behold them face to face. HIS DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MILDRED V. MESHAN. • Head of Maytag Firm Dies of Heart Attack B» the Associated Press. NEWTON, Iowa, July 22.—E. H. Maytag, 56. chairman of the Board of Directors and president of the Maytag Co., died after a heart at tack Saturday night at his sum mer home in Lake Geneva, Wls., company officials announced here last night. The washing machine manu facturer had been ill for more than a week, but his condition was not considered serious. Funeral services will be held here Wednesday afternoon. New York City's reservoirs cover 23,645 acres. Charles J. Duveen Dies YONKERS, N. Y„ July 22 OP).— Charles J. Duveen, 69, retired deco rator and antique dealer, who in troduced Elizabethan period furni ture to America, died yesterday after a long illness. Soldiers Win Awards For driving government motor vehicles in the Panama Canal De partment for six month* without an accident, eight soldiers recently won the Panama Canal Depart ment safe driver award. Domestic Rugs • Oriental Rugs We are entering the closing days of the Mid-Summer Clearance-more important this year than ever—because of the Forward Program that soon goes into effect—and for which the way must be cleared. Odd rolls of Carpet... Discontinued designs of Domestic Rugs... Broad loom Rugs, cut from ends of rolls... Certain patterns of Oriental Rugs that have outstayed the Sloane time limit...But the Sloane quality is here... all perfect merchandise; no "seconds/' and in the popular colors. Many Reductions Below ,Wholesale Cost Collection of Broadloom Rugs Weove Color Size Regulor Sole Plain Green 9x12 $57.45 S25 Twist Walnut 9x12 $105.60 S4© Plain Blue 9x9.9 $79.40 $30 Plain Taupe 9x8.6 $87.00 S2© Twist Grefn 6x12 $72.80 S15 Plain Taupe 12x12 $160.00 **35 Twist Green 10.4x12 $135.00 **45 f Plain Tan 11x12 $320.00 S©|J Plain Taupe 12x13.8 $210.00 **55 Twist Taupe 9x12 $105.00 S4© Carpet Rugs Made up from ends of fine plain and figured carpets. Size 27x54. Institutions, tourist homes, etc., will find this a wonderful opportunity. Regularly $4.50 to $6.75 Clearance9 sl*25 to sl*75 12 Plain and Figured Rugs With deep luxurious pile and in the popular colors. Size 9x12. Regularly $49.50 and $55 Clearance, s29*50 Chinese Han-Tuf Rugs Hand-made—reproductions of fine old Aubusson designs. 9x12 size. Regularly $175—Clearance Persian and Chinese Rugs A collection of beautiful patterns—hand woven, thick pile—the type of Persian and Chinese Rugs that give sturdy service. Size Regular 11.11x9__$295 12.3x9.2 _$295 12.6x9.4_$295. 11x8_$275 12x8.6_$250 12.3x9.3 _$245 11x8 ____$275 12.2x9.4___$295 12.7x8.11_$295 11.3x8.5 _$295 Choice, Over-size Oriental Rugs These are the larger than usual salon sizes, Each characteristic in design and coloring of the district from which it comes— TREMENDOUSLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE. Weave Size Regular Sale Akbar_ 15x12 $1100 *495 Kirman -19.6x10.9 $1325 s895 Sarouk-16.4x11.2 $1095 *675 Akbar-12.4x10 $595 8285 Shalistan_ 14x10 $275 8198 Gorevan-16.6x10.5 $495 s295 Khanbagh 17x11 $795 $575 Kirman_14.11x8.11 $895 *585 Sarouk_17.7x9.9 $1,150 875© Akbar - 13x10 $650 8315 Kirman-16.3x11.10 $1,200 8885 COURTESY PARKING W7 Of T Cf (~\ A XTT7 CHARGE ACCOUNTS CAPITAL GARAGE W • l\ I. ULVJAIN£j AVAILABLE 711 TWELFTH STREET