Newspaper Page Text
Sss His "LIFE HOUSE," dscorated by Tbs Palais Royal Homs Consultants^ 4711 Rsssnroir Rd. N.W. ITwo Poster Beds! Two Mattresses! Two Coil Springs! ALL FOR Buy on Our Budget Plan TWO POSTER BEDS: TWO MATTRESSES: TWO COIL SPRINGS: Thera's an old-fashioned chants In the graceful, turned pests that makes these btds distinguished. Walnut, maple or mahogany finishes an gum weed. Standard slant. The Faltd* Royal, Bedding , . . Fourth Floor Men's J^kOCK INCHAIR I UNION SUITS 1^ Reg. Sixes 36 to 46; Also Slim Jims ond Stouts Were T^c $1.00 / Were $1.50 • Regular $1 Union Suits of checked nain sook. Sizes: Regu lar, 36 to 46; slim Jim, 36 to 46; short stout, 38 to 46. La Regulor $1.50 Union Suits of ploid nain sook. Sixes 36 to 46. The Palais Royal, Mens Shop , , , First Floor FOR SUMMER GROOMING! Tussy Regular $1 Deodorant, 50c A delightful white cream, delicately scented. Effective for three days. You con buy two jars for the price of one while this special lasts! Tussy Vacation Cream, $1 A rich cleansing cream specially formuloted to keep your skin soft and smooth in the summer months; 14 Vi ounces. Tussy Reg. $2 Tropical Spice Cologne, $1 A huge flacon of this delicotely scented cologne . . . fresh and fragrant and refreshing. Also in Mountain Laurel ond Natural frogrances. The Palais Royal, Toiletries ... ' First Floor Her* one-piece, silent interlocking steel coil unit*, encased in soft layers of cotton felt. Choice of heavy, serviceable cotton cot ticking. Stondord sixes. Miatty MfJtJy NwMrU <taa) c«H* im NCk *p*foi; atmmpiy nMlnsM t* mm ytan *f aarriea old Mpmi In rtmijmd ataaa. T. A. G. Hose Have a Special Crepe Twist That Makes Them Appear Sheerer and Makes them Wear Longer! 3 Pairs I $2.90 Lady Washington hose have a special crepe twist weave that makes their texture smoother and less susceptible to snags. Also, it has that dull finish that you like so much. Sizes 8 Vi to 11. Exclusive with The Palais Royal The Palais Royal, Hosiery . . . First Floor Regular $2.45 Satin Slips Sizes $*| .84 38 to 44 | These slips are made in short and average lengths for hard to-fit figures. Pure dye, pure silk satin in tearose. The Palais Royal, Lingerie . . . Third Floor July Clearance DRESSES 40 Dresses of royon chiffons ond rayon sheers. Pastels, whites ond prints. Sizes for misses ond women. Were $10.95 -$7.47 35 Summer Dresses in solid colors and prints. Sizes for misses and women. Were $12.95 -$9.47 The Palais Royal, Better Dresses . . . Third Floor • Treadeasy • Alrstep • Mayflower • Princess Royal FAMOUS FOOTWEAR Exclusive With The Palais Royal 260 Pairs $6 and $6.50 \ '*Air-St«p,-1 45 183 Pairs $6.75 1 Princess Royals_/ 157 Pairs Reg. $8.75 ) Mayflowers_ .. SC-45 201 Pairs $6.85 to $8.85 3 Treadeasys_/ Every pair taken from our regular stock! Styles, ma terials and colors to wear now and in the FalF! Sizes 4 to 10, widths A AAA to C included, but not all sizes in all styles and makes. White, white combinations, and solid navy, block or brown. ALL SALES FINAL; NO MAIL, PHONE OR C. 0. D. ORDERS. The Palah Royal, Footwear . . . Second Floor Nature’s Children Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) By LILLIAN COX ATHEY. When we hear the mention of tobacco, we naturally think of neat rows and broad fields of the wide leafed plant either In bloom or ready to be harvested. This Is, of course, the cultivated tobacco of today. The wild tobacco, a member of the famous nightshade family and a close relative to the lyciums, is another plant. There are 50 or more species of tobacco In this country and by the aborigines throughout America It was looked upon as a sacred plant. The Idea of smoking it has no part in the thought of these people. To them It was a most solemn act and the ceremony connected with the rituals when the tobacco was smoked was a religious one. A sacrifice of great import was to be made, to invoke divine aid or to avert divine punisn ment. Even to this day the orthodox i //# Indian continues to t>urn tobacco In all his religious rites. He never touches the cultivated plant Ipr this purpose. It must be the spe cially prepared leaves of the wild variety. The younger generation, however, have departed from the ways of their forefathers. They have learned to smoke for pleasure, much to the distress of the older members of the tribe. The tree tobacco is a shrub or small tree. Some of them grow to be as much as 20 feet high. In the waste places they flourish, are seen thriving even along the dry stream beds and borders. Here they form dense thickets. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB &eceuse time goes too Pest Por me I cent do helP the things I ought I heve two lives , the one I jext j And one I only live in thought. / \ wc- 0*4 CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Llnee (Minimum) 1 time 23c line_ $ .69 3 time* 20c line. 1.80 7 times 19c line (consecutively) 3.99 Transient advertisements cash. Additional space pro rata. Claims for errors must be made In time for correction before the sec ond insertion. DEATH NOTICES—»1.25 per In sertion for 10 lines or less; 15c per line for additional lines. Situations Wanted Reduced Rates 3 lines, 1 time, 20c line_$ .60 3 lines, 2 times, 18c line_ 1.08 3 lines, 3 times. 15c line_ 1.35 Business cards under Special No tices and all advertisements under Personal 3c per line additional. Business advertisements under Sit uations Wanted will be charged the regular classified rate. The Star is the great “Want Ad” medium of Washington, and the rates charged are far lower than those of newspapers in other large cities. Noth ing is so cheap considering the results obtained. SPECIAL NOTICES. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR any debts other than those contracted for by myself. S. G. SIDELINGER. 210 4th st. s.e._22*_ I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANT purchases, debts or obligations incurred by any one other than myself. VINCENT MADDEN. 3800 14th st. n.w,_• _ A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 Provides same service as one costing MOO. Don't waste ‘‘Insurance money.” Call DLAL with 25 years’ experience Lincoln 8200 LOST. BILLFOLD, brown, containing money and Identification. Call Randolph 4091. Reward.______ _ BILLFOLD, brown, containing money and Identification. In Shoreham Hotel. Call Milton Strauss. Randolph 4081, Reward. HOUND POO. black back, tan lets: D. C. tag 20873, Thurs., July 11. Reward. 226 V St. n.w. HO. 0696._23*_ SETTER PUP. 6 weeks old. strayed from .liver rd. and Newport ave.. Glen Cove. Md . Sun._>5 reward. Phone WI. 6336. WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER, male, black and white. Reward. Emerson 6009. WRIST WATCH, lady's. Hamilton, white gold, diamonds. Finder phone B. M. Bobbin, attorney, Republic 1496. Reward. _found,_ POGKETBOOK. lady's, found In Anacostla. Friday. July 19. Apply at Apt. 3, 1707 V_st._a.e._ REPORT lost, stray, unwanted animals to Washington Animal Rescue League, 71 O st. n.w North 6730. • TOONERVILLE FOLKS The native home of this tobacco is Argentina. The seeds were sent to the Royal Botanic Garden In Edinburgh in 1827. The plants were highly prized. They were grown under glass and given the scientific name of Nicotiana glauca. From Argentina the plant spread north ward to Mexico and the Southwest ern United States. It loves to find an abiding place in old walls and crannies. From these vantage spots some handsome shrubs have de veloped. According to the records, this to bacco made Itf debut in California during the imssion period. Today this immigrant is looked upon as a pest, a far cry from the past when it was planted as an ornamental shrub. The tree tobacco has beautiful, glossy leaves, which are fringed with delicate purple. The flowers are golden-fringed, resembling some what the trumpet-flower. There are blossoms appearing throughout the year. It is a perennial and it can be checked back by severe prun ing. In Mexico the common name for this plant is buena moza, which means ‘‘fine girl.” _HILP MIN. BODY AND FENCER MEN, 2. experienced only Apply Mr Bixler. Oreen-Lindsay Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. BOY, white, with small car. for delivery. Apply Mother Froman's, ,1108 9th st. n.w. CEMETRY LOT SALESMEN—To an ex perienced man we will give a generous commission arrangement, auallfled pros pects. lull co-operation in selling and closing and a weekly drawing account. Here lg the best cemetery proposition around Washington. Our salesmen are making big money working our successful sales plan. State age and experience. Box 116-J. star.__ COUNTERMAN, experienced. Apply after 6 p.m., O'Donnell's. 1207 E st. n w. See Mr._Orlnder. _ _ GRIDDLE AND SANDWICH MAN, expert- i enced; no Sundays. Dlkeman s, 009 15th st. n.w. _ MAN for outside work In service department of well-known local organization. Must have neat appearance, fair education, be able to drive llght_ear._Box 412-D. Star_ MAN who wants opportunity to advance can be placed as dealer for local company Some sales experience helpful. Apply 979 National Press Bldg.. 2_to 4._ MAN to act as local dealer for Ige. na tionally advertised organization: married preferred: some sales experience would be helpful but not necessary. Box 413-D. Star. MAN. 21 to 35. h. a. educ . able to meet customers, haberdashery, no exp.: about I *25 wk. 1427 Bye n.w.. Rm. 206. 9:30-3. I MAN. young, under 22. to assist manager in circulation campaign, traveling 48 States; must be Interested In permanent position and able to leave town on short notice; rapid advancement if qualified; ex penses advanced and transportation fur nished. See Mr. Cooper, Cairo Hotel. 8 to 9 a.m._ No phone calls._ _ __ MEAT CUTTER, experienced, in grocery store: state salary and references. Box 231-d. Star_ _ MEN—We need three at once who are willing to work for $20 per week to start These are permanent, full-time openings for neat-appearing white men 25 to 55 years who can furnish references. Apply 9 to 11 a m 513 K st^n w. MEN OR WOMEN, colored—We have open ings In our order department for Intelligent and neat-appearing men or women: average earnings for women. $1(1 to $20 weekly for m'n. $20 to $35 weekly. Aonly 8 to 1 1 a m Tuesday or Thursday. 2603 P st. n w. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, young man. capable of contacting high-class clientele, excellent opportunity. W. C. A A N MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO., 1119 17th St N.W._ PI. 4484. 8ALE8MAN. experienced, for retail grocery trade; state age and exo. Box 132-J Star _ 22V SALESMAN who has been successfully sell ing some commodity to merchants of Cen tral Va.: est. mfr. of several largely used rood staples has desirable permanent posi tion for producer: give particulars confi dentlal. 105 South st.._Balto . _Md SODA DIBPEN3ER8. experienced; must be over 21. Apply Olen Echo Park. Md._ WINDOW CLEANERS wanted experienced only. Apply 1001 H st. n.w .Jlnd fl._ A STEADY, good-paying Job available for mature married man with car must be over 24 and be able to present neat ap pearance. Apply Tuesday, between 4 and 5 p.m., 1909 Maas, ave n w.. second floor. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for a real promotional or physician's detsll man; going business, nationally known product. Phone Columbia 9858. _ WHY WORK TERRITORY pounded dally by other companies when you can work territory worked only 2 or 3 times a year by a company offering a selection of 2n of America's leading magaslnes? Commis sions up to 13c- plus front Spot veri fication only. Transportation furn. No selling out to crew managers Pay daily or weekly. 5-day wk to producer l”i]v weekdays. 8 a m. or fl p m. See Mr. Dan 'VaRner. 402 6th st. n w.. Rm. 210. BOOKMEN Investigate Doubleday's Encyclopedia; highly recommended: new attractive sell ing features: medium priced, low terms: highest commissions advanced Write details Including phone number present connection: confidential. P. O. Box 407, Richmond. Va. SALESMEN To sell YORK OIL BURNERS No house to house. Good draw arrangement Apply 7928_Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md. BOOKKEEPER, Experienced, must have had experience In automobile business. Excellent opportunity for right rgrty. Give experience, age »nd salary expected. Box 230-0. Star._ I NEED A MARRIED MAN" Sales service and some flellvery: must be hard worker, have car and able to meet obligations on around $35 week to start: position permanent, no canvassers Annly to director of personnel, brsnch store. 3548 14th at. n w.. 10 to 12 only. S. KANN SONS CO. Permanent position open Tor man with car: retail sales experience helpful, per sonality and neat appearance essential: compensation and duties discussed at In terview: married man preferred: must have car. Apply Employment Office. 4th floor, 0210 am, Tuesday. HELP MIN b WOMEN DISHWABHER and small duties, morning and plghtj_jjggjg^ Lincoln 10199. SALESMEN. MEN. over 25, with cars, to assist, me tn my business. Apply 13 to 1, 3308 14th st. n.w.. Room 2S0. SALESWOMEN. _ BUSINESS. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED for dally OPENINGS Many Disced at S35 week. Experienced and OOOD beginners NEEDED: ripld typists, exper. bookkeepers, etc.: female and male. BOYD AGENCY, _1333 F Bt._(Est 22 Yrs.l _DOMESTIC. RELIABLE AOKNCY. DB. 65(11. 1402 11th. has cooks, houseworkers. nurses, chimber maids. day workers. Dart-timers, housemen. 26* CAMERA SERVICE * REPAIRS. CAMERA REPAIRING. FULLER A d'ALBERT. INC. 815 lOih at. N.W. Phone National 471*. —By Fontaine Fox THERE IS COIN© TO BE SERIOUS TROUBLE DOWN AT THE DEPOT BEFORE THE SUMMER IS OVER „ .- -sm ~ — ■ ■■ j i llil* » _INSTRUCTION COURSES. AUTO DR I VINO taught by .Xpert*; easy parking a specialty; dual controlled ears assuring perfect safety. Permits secured y»- »nd D. C Easy Method Driving School.^Randolph 8TK4_or Randolph 8TA7, RECENT LAW GRADUATE will teach Latin" Slid Italian; atudled abroad. Box Ut i-G.Star, WELDINO LESSONS, tinder Instructor, SB yrs. industrial experience. Mr. Baxter. Lincoln 41114; night. Hillside 05ft«-J._ • STENOTYPE MACHINE, latest model, with Instruction set: original cost. *110; sell for balance, which Is *75; payments *5 a month. Cail LI. 4:iftfl any time alter fl ^tn. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE! ,0,warpi-ynn beauty culture. K10 G St. N.W,. Over Nur.fnt * Dress Shop. __District 17 ft-:. _ MABELLE HONOUR, Beauty Instruction In the Best Methods. f?.E*.9AJAI'oau® graduates placed. I, 14(1 N, Y. Ave. (Est. -;:i Yrs.) ME. 777*. SUMMER SCHOOL, ®H9RT: Intensive and EASY courses In Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping and ktiCrV]?.!,*n,f Machines for beginners and REVIEW students for EARLY employment. NEW classes NOW starting. Positions for graduates. BOYD SCHOOL, J. 1.7.1 _T St.__National 7540. CIVIL SERVICE exams! _ 7 A M. TO 11 P M DAILY. Soecial Every Day, Every Night. ALL INSTRUCTION PAPERS FREE Card Punch. Post Office. Statistical. File Clerk. Calculating Machine. Sten.. Typ. Begin at once. The Civil Service Prepara tory School. 529 12th st. n.w. ME 6337. • _HELP WOMEN. AGENTS and organizations — Christmas card box assortments and personal cards are now ready Get started NOW Big commissions. Earl s, Inc , 412 N. J. ave. nv, • LADIES—Amazing money-makers: sell 50 embossed personal Christmas cards. $1: free samples: sensational added novelty feature 21-box on approval. Empire Card. Elmira. N. Y. LADIE8. create your own 1ob. Don't waste valuable time that you could utilize earn ing a real income. Inquire 939 Penna. ave. n.w., 2nd floor. _ _ SILK PRESSER. experienced. In cleaning Diant._1924 Nichols ave.s.e. TITLE CLERK and typist for automobile concern, notary preferred: only exper. need apply_Box 351-G. Star__ WAITRESS, experienced, must be over 21. Apply Uptown Restaurant. 3433 Conn. ave. n.w. between 2-4 Monday._ WAITRESSES, experienced, must be over 21. Apply Glen Echo Park. Md WAITRESS, white, experienced: must have personality. Terminal Grill. 1101 F st. * w. • WOMKN—Make money in your spsre lime introducing a medically Indorsed skin cream and sunburn remedy to your friends. We’ll help you get started—no capital in vestment required—good income from the first day. Phone Mr. Howard between a and 7 p.m . Hobart_Afl.TR_ THREE WOMEN Over 25. to All vacancies with nationally known grocery company Good appear ance and reference required. Willing to work for good, steady income. Experienct not necessary. WE TRAIN YOU. Apply. 9_to 11 ajn.. 313 K sc n.w._ LADIES (5), to demonstrate ! coffee. Neat in appearance, with pleasing personality. Salary dis cussed at interview July 23 from 10 to 12. Ask for Mr. Mitchell, ; 525 E. Custis st., Colonial Inn, Alexandria. Va._ HELP DOMESTIC._ OIRL. white, for g h w. and care of In fant: live in: 535 monthly. Phone SheD h-rrt 2714-J._ OIRL OR WOMAN, white, gen'i house work and cooking: am family, suburban Va. upstairs room. 58 to begin. CX. 89-W-3.___ WOMAN, girl, white, light housework, live in board, room. 525 mo to start. In Quire Mrs. Davis. 136* Kenyon st. n.w. WOMAN, settled, good cook, willing worker, lond of children: live in. Emerson 5407. _SITUATIONS MEN._ ACCOUNTANT, expert. pgrt-t ;me book keeping: books started, audited, balanced: t ax_repor ts; city ret s.: re as._RA .3131__ BOOKKEEPER, knowledce accounting. 15 years' double entry; city references: profit and loss and statements. North 8805. 23* CHAUFTEUR colortd. thoroughly experi enced college education single: formerly with naval officer references. HO. 7307. COOK, colored, boarding or road house: thoroughly experienced best refs 1250 New Jersey_gve._n.wt_District 2838. MAN exper. plumber, steamfltter. or main tenance man wishes «teadv work; sober. reliable._P. O Box2528. City._ MAN. colored, wishes work as waiter, bus boy porter, elevator ooerator; A-l ref erences. North P851._Jones MEN. ysung, colored, want truck driving of any kind Cal! from 8 a m. to 3 p m ; references._DU 3540.__ PORTER or dirtime Jani'or colored, best refs.: 5 yrs.’ ext). Box 282-J. Btar. 22* SITUATIONS WOMEN. SECRETARY-STENO -TYPIST, experienced, capable, some bookkeeping law office exp.; min. salary. Chestnut; 8935._27* WOMAN, refined, white, wishes position as linen maid or laundress in institution. Hobart 968*1._23* WOMAN, experienced, wants position as flrst-class or second-class cook in tearoom or restaurant_Call CO. 1961._ SECRETARY, executive ability, acquainted with local architects and builders: ex perienced in office management, sales di rection and personnel: Sprayer graduate, with college background. Box 194-J. star. no m WANTED by July 27. position by young white practical nurse with housekeeping experience dependable: excellent refer ence. Write particulars. Box 260-J 8tar. 23 • SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. _ fobK and laundress. first-class. or flrst floor work; refs. 2503 M st. n.w.. Apt 5. GIRL, colored part time cr day's work: reference^_Hobart 4781._22J_ GIRL, colored, reference, wishes day's or part time work, general housework. Mlch lg»n 4808._ _ GIRL, colored, general housework, full or part time: reference. Call after 8 p m. Michigan 3531.___ GIRL, colored, wgnts a Job. work In store. waitress, general housework_North 8588 GIRL colored, warts work as mother* helDer or to care for children: reference. Michigan 8639.__ GIRL colored, wants part-time, morning's or day'* work; willing worker; reference. Dupont 4989.__ GIRL, colored, wgnts part-time morning's, evening* or general housework; city ref erence. Call Michigan 8088 _ GIRL, colored, wishes t h w„ cooking or cleaning: good references. ME. 2840. ask for Luvennle._ LADY, settled, wgnts work as pl«tn cook and general houseworker. Call ME. 5041. WOMAN, experienced, wants nart-tlme or full-time work and laundry to take home. CallMetixmolltan 3029._ WOMAN, colored, young, desires g h.w or day's work: ref. 4528 Dlx st. n e. * REPAIRS ft SERVICE. CARPENTER ALTERATIONS. shelving, closets, repairs, oalntlna. R. E Moore. CHOP Mossrt ol. n.w. CO. 7879-M._* nARPTTNTTJlt? Recreation rooms. 1 fill bookcases, shelves, screens, remodeling, etc. S. J. Mick. 2009 Col. rd. NO. 8421. CHAIR CANEING {£HOU?™h* rockers splinted. CLAY ARMSTRONG. 1235 10th sUji w._Phone ME_2082._. DRIVEWAYS, walks, basement floors, re* pairs of all kind made by Park Cement-t ing Co. Phone Shepherd 2875-J, 22*_ ELECTRIC WIRING ! lets, repairs old houses a specialty Regal Elec. Co . 3809 Georgia eve. Rand. 8391. PAINTINO. PAPERING; reas.: white me chanics: special prices this week. Free estimates. CO. 1974-9198 _ PAINTINO, interior and exterior: lst-clasa mechanic: special prices for kitchens and baths: mix own paint._Taylor 3090._ PAINTING, PAPERING, FLOOR FINISHING: LOWEST PRICES la years; work guaranteed. JONES DOUG LASS. ‘The Singing Painter." SH. 9429. PAPER HANGING, this we A only. *8 59 Per room: 1940 washable, sunfest capers: work guaranteed. Michigan 8315. PAPERING., painting; work guaranteed! rock-bottom prices: looking for work! father and eon. Randolph 8773._ PAPERINO, painting, decorate: at summer MrC*kdw?rtlsT 0Wn workl At,,ntle <372. Llncoln_4395. PAPERING and painting—Work done to please you_John Tolson. AT. 7532. 24V PAPERING, painting: washable 1940 Pita terns: $8.90 room: insist on better work. Solgei, Taylor 5825. 445 Kenyon n.w. ___28* PAPERING, painting, roof work: reasoSh able prices. Melvin Markley, ME. 8748. __23* ' PLASTERING and cement work: no Job too small, none too far: reasonable. District 4570._WllUam_Thomas. 707 M st. n.w. 24* PLUMBING AND HEATING. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty: 24-hour aervics. Harry 1. Williams. North 8248._ Radio Troublp'? Free work guar. ~*7~u . L x „ 77 TIT' • 3 mo. Honest prices. MID-CITY Radio Shop. 9-9 P. m. NA. 2802. STAIR BLDG by contract: all work guar anteed. E. J. Martin tc Son. 68 Ey« n.w- 23f _ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS. fBBSSS. DRfcAYw8orfENN^?URUt Go anywhoro. NA. 0464. Nights. DL 2648 k