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PERSONAL. kURSE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR SICK onet in own home, private bath, drs.' refa. LI. 1&88-J._ 24*_ WANTED. SUPERVISION WITH BOARD and room lor 12-yr. girl in vicinity of Hyattsvllle High School. MRS. LILLIAN HUNT, 1619 A at. n.e.. Apt. No. 1. 23* HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own method. Results effective for a life time or money back. Write for booklet. No drugs or surgery. DR. SOMMERWERCK. 1335 Columbia rd. Adams 0388._ IF YOU ARE BOTHERED WITH BILLS or need EXTRA MONEY for vacation. Just Rive me a telephone coll You can get S100 and need repay only SI R3 per week, which Includes interest, the only charge. Other amounts in proportion. Just call JACK SESSIONS. Michigan 6510. ___ MEET FRIENDLY FOLKS THROUGH FAY THOMPSON 14S. SI 16. After 5. or Box 400-H. Star. 28* MOTOR TRAVEL. Lady driving to north Dakota on or about August 3. wants 3 passengers, help drive: exchange references. Phone Temple 2844 _ HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. HOT-WATER HEAT, $275. Complete 6 rms.; Red Flash Boiler. 300 ft rad : no cash; 3 yrs to pay. 1st pay Oct.; guaranteed Coal, oil or gas. ROYAL HEATING CO., NA. 3803, Nlte and Sun.. RA. 85211. Build—Repair—Remodel. Complete Building 8erviee. _ Lowest Cost. 25 Yrs.’ Experience. JAMES R. KIRCHEN. SH. 684 7-J. __25* GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic. Deal with a Reliable Firm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., f*l 5 New York Ave N W. NA. 7418, Night. NA 7417. 26» _BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED to establish business on 50rf> basis: ability to operate stores in 4 sections D. C. Box 76-J. Star. 25*_ HOTEL—50 rooms, elevator; rent. $250; doing excellent business: $1,000 cash, bal ance terms to right party. George Rogers, 604 F st. n.w. NA. 8137._ DRESS CONCESSION In modern specialty snop; percentage; busy section of north east. Box 231 -«L_St ar. _ __27*__ PAWNBROKERS EXCHANGE. cleaning, pressing, repairing, ladies' and men’s fur nishings; a good living. Call North 6187. ___ __ 25*_ DELICATESSEN STORE, good location; business $300 per week: price, $2,300; cash._$ 1.500._Box 473-H. Star. 22* TEN-ROOM HOUSE, northwest section; well furnished: clean, cool; by owner: bar gain^_Box 234-J._Star._ _22* FOR LEASE—Diner, cabins, filling station: a m i., Richmond-Wash, highway. 28 miles Wash._Box 171-J. Star.____24*_ ROOMING HOUSE. 13 rms.. 3 bath: mod ern furniture: rent. $100; 20th and Mass.: $600 handles. Mr. Armstrong. ME._4813. A REAL opportunity for salesman with executive ability to secure an established going electric appliance business; $1,000 cash will handle. _Box 245-G, Star._ OPTICIAN wanted: established place, cen trally located, good opportunity for right man: replies confidential.^ Box 108-J. Star. WINFIELD & THURM, *‘Wash.’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.” Have plenty of prospective buyers for your ROOMING OR BOARDING HOUSE BUSINESS AND FURNITURE. For quick •nd satisfactory results see— WINFIELD & THURM, “Wash.’s Largest Rooming House Brokers.’1 P08 loth St. N.W._NA. P654. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE._ ACCORDION—It Isn't necessary to buy an instrument if you want to find out if you would like learning to play. If you are a responsible person we will loan you an accordion without, charge or deposit of any kind. The only cost is a nominal fee for private lessons, which you pay for as they are taken, not In advance. This plan Is also available on other In struments. NA. 4730. Kitt's. 1330 G st. (middle of the block between 13th and_14th sta h_ ANTIQUES—-Assortment of beautiful Dres den vases and figurines. Fine collection of service plates, mahogany and walnut chests of drawers. Also large quantity of silver, china and glass. Summer prices prevail. Murray Galleries, 1724 20th st. n.w. DU. 1211 _ ANTIQUES—American pattern glass, some colored, slipper collection, china, foreign dolls._1626 Fort Myer dr., Arlington. Va. ATTIC FAN8, at dealer's prices, to close out 1939 models: 6-room house fan as low as $48.50, Call Mr Warner. NA. 3068. AUTO GENERATORS repaired, exchanged. $3.50 up: new guarantee. Elec repairs, any car. Clift's, 2002 K n w. ME. 6232._ BEDROOM SUITE. 3-piece* fuli-slie bed. dresser and chest: floor samples, were $89.50 and $92.50, either one for $58.50; beautiful waterfall walnut. GREEN FURNITURE CO. 3600 Georgia Ave Georgia 2223. Terms—Open Evenings.___ BEDS, dining room, gateleg table. chlfTo robe. chairs, breakfast set. rugs. WE DO MOVING Edelman. 3303 Georgia ave. ♦ BOILERS—30-h.p. ASME. 100# w. P.. LefTel. Scotch Marine, complete with stoker, year old perfect condition. 15-h.p. ASME. inn# w. p., O. fz S.. vertical, complete with oil burner and controls, electric auto- i mafic-feed water system, practically new. perfect condition._Lincoln 10340._ BOILERS AND STACK. ASME. Code; ex cellent condition', economic type. Also water tube. Peebles Chemical Co . RJ7 2723. BREAKFAST SETS. new. 5-plece. still In their original Dackings. all colors and combinations: also maDle: sells regularly for $17.50. your choice. $10.95. GREEN FURNITURE CO . 3600 Georgia Ave. Georgia 2223. _Terms—Ooen_ Evenings,_ Erick, second-hand. 626 F st. n.w . see Mr. Rawlett-_22*_ BRICK. LUMBER AND PLUMBING MA TERIALS REMOVAL NOTICE. We have closed our Southwest yard Its entire stock has been combined with that of our Northeast yard. Here you will find the greates’ selection of used material In the City Foundation to roof at rock-bottom, prices. The entire personnel of our Southwest yard will be glad to serve you at our 15th and H Sts. Northeast branch. _HECHINOER _CO.__ 5ENTAL EQUIPMENT for sale. Call Dis trict 4377 or see Dr. William Von Eiff. 608 Medical Science_Building.___ DINING SUITE, small. $135. value. $500: Duncan Phyfe sofa. $50: liv. suite. $45; corner closet. $45: sntioue chest drawers, $25: knee-hole desk. $15: Oriental rugs, $35 ea : mandarin coat. Lorraine Studios. 3520 Conn, ave.. Apt. 21. WO. 3869, ELECTRIC RANGES—Standard makes at deep-cut prices: no money down; liberal trade-in. Atlas. 921 O st. n.w._ ELECTRIC RANGES, refrigerators and washing machines. $19.50 up. Very good condition. District Electric Co.. 4905 Wls aonsin ave. WO. 4902._ ENAMELED SINK. good. used. 18x24 roll rim with back $2.49: big bargain for homes, summer cottages, etc. Hechlnger Co. FANS—$1.39 and up; 8-ln. osc.. $2.98; used d c Ians 16-in. osc . $9.95: 12-in. osc . $7.95: 10-ln. osc., $5 95. Apex Elec. Co.. 709 9th st. n.w., at G. Open eves. till 9.__ FURNITURE: dining rm. and bedrm. suite, walnut! Inner spring mattress. Geo. 4321. FURNITURE—(Victorian side chair. $6.75: va. sofa, exquisite, $54.50; Dolly Madison chair, custom made. $22.50. WO. POfll. FURNITURE BARGAINS—Fine quality fac tory floor samples at great savings for cash. Btahler’s. 625 F st. n.w. Open till 9._ HlRNITURE—Storage lots and others, like new-, bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm, liv. rm.; on safe daily B-5 at Metropolitan warehouse. 5J1 Florida ave. n.e.__ FURNITURE of several rooms, very rea sonable; no dealers. Mr. Adams. 700 6th st. s.w._* FURNITURE—Magnificent odd dressers left over from expensive suites; values to $75. Four choice. $24.75 _ GREEN FURNITURE CO . 3600 Georgia Ave. Georgia 2223. _Terms—Open Evenings._ GAS RANGES—Genuine allowance up to $25 for your old range; terms low as 15c per day, nothing down: save up to 40%; ell sizes, from $10.05. $20,05. $39.00 and qp: factory rebuilt ranges from $12.50. J _8._Le Fevre. 2007 K st. n.w. RE. 0017. GAS RANGES, new. standard makes; dis counts up to 50% off. used as low as $8; no money down: liberal trade-in allow ance. Atlas 021 O st. n.w. PI, 3737. GAS RANGE, enameled. 4-burner, side oven, storage space, used, good condition: big bargain: $7.50 delivered. Hechlnger Co. GENERATORS-STARTER8. $3.50 up: larg est assort : install immed.: small charge; elec, repairs: 26th year, CARTY. 1608 14th. OIL BURNER. $149.50; completely in stalled: fully guaranteed; M H. controls ind 275-gal. tank; pay nothing until fall. $5.63 per month J. S. Le Fevre, 2007 K st, n.w. Re. 0017. PIANO. Ivers & Pond, upright, sweet tone. #20: also bureau. 45Vi in. long. $8. 1016 N st. n.w.. Apt, 304._ PIANO, slightly used, latest model Knabe spinet, now for sale at a worth-while re duction over the new price. Looks like a new instrument. New guarantee. Easy terms. NA. 4730. Kltt's, 1330 G st.__ PIANO—slightly used, small apartment fize Wurlitzer baby grand. $105; in un usually good condition; easy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt s. 1330 G st._ _ PIANOS—Used uprights. $5, $10. $15 cash: also lowest prices and easiest terms In the city on spinets and grands, new and used. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w._ PIANO—Small size, full-keyboard spinet, only slightly used. $100; very egsy terms. NA. 4730. Kitt s, 1330 G st. (middle of the block between 13th and 14th sts.). PIANO—Slightly used studio spinet, $05; easy terms. NA. 4730. Kltt’s, 1330 G st. PIAN06 FOR RENT—New. small size, lat est model instruments, only $4 monthly; grands. $8 monthly: money paid as rental applies on purchase price if you decide to buy later. NA. 4730. Kitts, 1330 O st. n.w. PIANO—Used full-keyboard spinet, in very good condition. $105: easy terms. Repub lic 1690. The Piano Shop. 1015 7th it n.w. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued) PIANOS FOR RENT. *2.80 monthly and up; If you decide to buy. rental money will be deducted from purchaie price. Re public 1500. The Piano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w.__ __ PIANOS—Sale on slightly used pianos. Lenox spinet, mah.. *95: Minlplano spinet. *137; Emerson spinet, mah.. *199; Betsy Ross spinet, mah.. *195. Very easy terms. LESTER^ PIANOS. INC.. 1331 O at. n.w. PIANO CLEARANCE—Floor samples, etc. Like new. Betsy Ross spinet, walnut, re duced *100; Betsy Rom spinet, mahogany, reduced $1(10; Betsy Ross spinet, ebony, reduced $110; Betsy Rom spinet mahog any, reduced *150; Emerson, small ma hogany grand, reduced *175. Many other splendid bargains: *5 down delivers: 5 years to pay. LESTER PIANO CO., INC., 1231 O st. n.w. District 1324._ RADIOS. *3, all makes. 100 more lust from storage. Some repossessed, all per fect. Original vtl leg to *200. 020 N. Y. ave. REFRIGERATOR ELECTRIC D18PLAY CASES, new and used: all sizes at deep cut prices: no money down: liberal trade in. Atlas. 921 G st. n.w. DI. 3737. Open eves, till 9 p m. _ REFRIGERATORS—New and used. *20 up: guaranteed up to 5 years: easy terms. P. O. Smith. 413 H st, n.e. Lincoln 8050. REFRIGERATORS—All makes and sizes, domestic and store type, for groceries, outchers. etc.: very rAsonable. 4807 Bethczda «ve„ Bcthesda. Md__ REFRIGERATORS, repossessed and re built. All makes, all sizes, over COO to choose from Frigid* ire. Westlnghouse. O. E., Kelvinator. Leonard. COldspot. Norge. Crosley. All fully guaranteed. Prices from *19.95 Terms. Three yrs.' free service warranty. Extra large trade showance. Shop us before you buy and . LUX APPLIANCE CO., Washington s Largest Refrigerator House. _ 811 9th St. N.W._RE. 1 175. U®^7JIOERATO]R8—Atlas Appliance CoT Washington s largest appliance HOUSE, will sell Immediately at new low prices brand-new 1940 standard makes 2Lr.'/rigf!',at?I5’ wlth, f«ctory 6-year guar antee. All these refrigerators are brand new. In original factory cases, and are being sold at the lowest prices we have ever offered. We occupy an entire 3-story building and we are refrigeration special ists. When you buy at Atlas your pur chase is backed by our experience of over -5 years There’s a reason! In this year, when dollars count—before buying any refrigerator we ask you to compare At las trade-ins—compare Atlas low net prices—compare Atlas “after-purchase’' -4 hour service. You’ll see why smart buyers have made Atlas Appliance Co. Washingtons Largest Appliance House. We have a group of Westlnghouse. Frigid aire. General Electric. Crosley. Kelvina tor Norge. Copeland and others that have been used, but are in perfect condi tion. which we are slashing the prices as low as *24 on these models. We also have a group of 1939 refrigerators In original factory cases which will be sac rificed at 95V off list prices. No money dow>n. Long, easy terms. Unusually lib eral trade-in allowances. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washington s Largest Appliance House. G St. N.W. Entire Building _District 3,37. Open Eves. Till 9 P.M. REFRIGERATOR. Servel-Electrolux. 5 cu. son 089f8Ct contlltlon; ™»sonable. Emer RESTAURAjnt BOOTHS. 4. like new, *35 !a 1 'lW'J1,corn)i5a tops. *9; 8 chairs, eSch,: sl£x --burner gas stove, *8. Indian Spring Tavern. Fout Corners Md one mile north Silver Spring 22* ® AXOpHONE—No need now to put oft starting lessons on that. Instrument you na.\e always wanted to know how to play. If you want to start we will loan you an instrument without charge or deposit R? ?ny kind. All it costs you is a nom inal fee for private lessons, which you pay for as they are taken, not in ad vance. You are free to take the instru ment home if you wish. The same offer is avaiiefjJ* on marimba accordion, trum pet. drums, guitar, violin, clarinet, trom bone and xylophone. NA. 4730. Kitt s, i •»•>(> st. sr-wiNU MACHINES, recond . *7.50 up; new machs., ]0c day; reDairs: free ests Singer Sewing Mach. Co., «ll_12th n.w. NA, 1118. SEWING MACHINES, very good buys: port., $15 up; con. elec.. *20 up. treadles. *5 up: M»r-: S^ger port.. *20.50; Singer con . ^49.50 with 5-yr. guar . incl. sewing inst. „b“-y!U Terms. Repairing. Open eves, till Jt. 91 ,_P rnw. RE. 1 900. RE 2:111. p^?Lf.?7^C.ocki*t1, cofft* *nd lamp Tables. Reg *0.50 to *10. yours for *3.95. GREEN FURNITURE CO . 3000 Georgia Ave. Georgia 2223. __Terms—Open Evenings. _ STRING BASS. *25: also other Instru ments at lowest prices in city. Open eve T,t °' Mor»rr* Music Service. 805 Kennedy st. n.w, Georgia 0511. TYPEWRITERS—L. C. Smith No. «7aTl *14; Monarch, standard keyboard. *9 rebuilt, only *19. Rentals, sno^^l.hly- Free d'Bvery. MacDonald, i,un n.w. 25* TYPEWRITER Rental Service, 5716 16th n w. Geo. 1883—Underwoods, *1.85 mo.. 4 mos. in adv„ *5.55. no del.. »l addl. dep. VACUUM CLEANERS—HOOVER. *12^95' BUpBKA. *8,95; ELECTROLUX. *16.95. with att. rebuilt and guar, like new 1 yr. on- , BEST BRANDS CO.. 80o 11th St. N.W. National 7773. 22* WASHERS—Deep-cut prices on brand-new washing machines In crates at discounts of more than 00^ off list, prices. Used West mghouse, Maytag, Easy. ABC , General Electric. Thor, Norge and others as low as : It -ILv,Sownr .E4yn?e?t- . Terms »« low »« ' ** weekly Liberal trade-in allowance. w ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. Washingtons Largest Appliance House, 0?L n W—Entire Building District 3,-1,. Open Eves. Till » P.M. WASHING MACHINES—Bale of 1939 mod^ "* reduced prices; Maytag. *44: Norge *39; Thor *33: General Electric, *29: all new and comDlete with filler pump hose 10 DAYS TRIAL. Pay *1 weekly Republic lo90. Plano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w. WATER COOLERS. General Electric, sale 9? "n'; reas, prices and terms. NA. 6800. G. E. Supply Corp.._l330 N V ave n w ELECTRIC FANS: FLOOR MODELS. MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. EAGLE SALES CO , _1007 7th ST. N.W. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living suite UDholstered for *45: covering and new Inside material In cluded: made like new in finest tapestry and friesette: workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO.. 2509 14th ST. N.W. COLUMBIA 1017" LUMBER. 1x6 T. and O. roofers__ *32 1x8 sheathing _ __ 30 2x4 up to 12 ft_ " or 2X6 and 2x8 -32 - X1 I) __ _ _ gg Also good prices'on cinder blocks,'brick. mwr.t4l ?n<* Plastering materials. Lumber subject to S'* discount for cash ARLINGTON COAL * LUMBER CO.. JACKSON 1880. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture wanted: contents of apts. or homes: also DO MOVING CAREFULLY AND REASONABLY. Georgia 1418. • FURNITURE — Want enough household goods to outnt large place: also small piano. Evenings after 7. ME. 5255._28* FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china, glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings: highest cash prices paid. Call Murray. Taylor 333.1._ FURNITURE, rugs, household goods, etc. Positively highest prices. Also reliable moving at lowest prices for best results. Call any time. LI. 6488. SEWING MACHINE—We buy all tyjsesT repair, hemstitching. buttons covesed, Pleating. 917 F st. RE. 1900, RE. 2311. A BETTER PRICE PAID for old gold, plat inum. Jewelry, diamonds, watches and diamond watch cases: condition unim portant. was we use same in our mfg. dept. NEW YORK JEWELRY CO., _727 7th St. N.W. 25* GOLD—BRING YOUR OUJ GOLD. 8IL yUR- PLATINUM TEETH. DISCARDED JEWELRY WE PAY CASH. A. KAHN. INC. 48 YEARS AT 935 F. ALL OLD GOLD, silver and diamonds wanted for manufacturing: highest prices paid OPPENHEIMER. 903 F st._n.w. • ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR YOUR GOLD. DIAMONDS AND JUWELRY GET OUR OFFER BEFORE YOU SELL. ARTHUR MARKEL. 918 F ST. N.W., ROOM 301. NA. 0284 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Silver, watches, diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry; full cash value paid. SELINGER’S, 818 F St. N.W. BOATS. DODGE; solid mahogany Runabout, 22*4 ft., 75-h.p. motor; good condition: *850. Washington Boat. Sales Corp.. Main ave., foot M st. WI. 4322 or ME. 9453.__ OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS—Ben dix. El to. Evinrude. Wolverine. Old Town. Many others. Largest display in town. Terms S. King Fulton, Inc., 805 Maine ave. s.w.___ DODGE 1940 MOTOR, used 2,300 miles, f1 -5. 1939 Dodge motor, used 300 miles; $125. 1938 Ford V-8 motor: $50. _BETHESDA MOTOR SALES, 8800 Wise. Ave. _Wise. 2857, CATTLE fir LIVESTOCK. HORSES, two Western jumpers 14-1 and 14-3; for ladies or young men; may be seen at Potomac Riding 8chool; sacrifice. 23*_ HORSES, mules, ponies: riding or work: $25 up; harness, saddle, pony cart. 736 12t,h st. s.c- rear. PACING MARE and sulky. A. Gray, Sult iand. Md. Call fjggjgjLS166-W. _ DOGS, PETS, ETC. BOARDING—8TUD SERV.—PUPPIES. Hollywood Kennels, Wash.-Balto. bird.. 2 ml. north Md. U. Phoife Hess. WA. 1824. FARM AND GARDEN. SALE—2-horse grass mower and a gas power lawn mower. Apply 748 Jackson pi. n.w. BABY CHICKS. ROCKS. R I Reds. S7.50' per 100. Con key’s Y -O feeds. James Feed Store. 619 K . ROOMS FURNISHED. THE VIVIAN, 1723 O st. n.w., offers lovely rms., all. with running water, newly deco rated and turn., inner-spring mattresses, Venetian blinds showers, swltehbd.. elev.; single, $6.50 wkly up; dbles, $8.50 up. ALTURAS, 1509 18th st. n.w.—Attract. turn, rms., nr. showers: 24-hr. elevator and hotel serv.: $5 week and up. DOWNTOWN 2305 Washington Circle Large. cool, quiet room and kitchen; else. r.,t* 6^A*1A”du.line,iu«d $38 mo. Also basemwt rm.. Lh.k., Ho mo. ROOMS PURNISHKD. _ (Continued.) EBBITT HOTEL. 10th and H itl. jn.W.— Attractively furnished rooms with prl vate bath. Simmons Inner-spring mat tresses. elec. fans, circulating ice water, beautiful lobby, colorful Spanish patio for rest or tames: a block or 2 to best stores and movies and brief walks to Oovt. of fices^ at S4(P.B0**k m0BtB,T r*‘“ 715 1st ST. N.W.—Nice rooms, #3.50 and 84 week. Also basement room. >2.60 wk. 1310 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W—Front room, twin beds, private bath; gentlemen; unlimited phone; reas. Taylor 8691. Ill MADI80N ST. N.W—Master bedrm.. pvt. bath, twin beds. 2 closets: gentile gen tlemen or empl. couple. GE. 2987. CO-OPERATIVE CLUB. 1607 Eye at. n.w— Ideal downtown location: showers, comfort; #4 wk. up; hot water always; gentlemen. 1447 MASS. AVE. N.W.. Highland Terrace —Bedrooms, l.h.k. rooms, 1-rm. ants.; to 910._ 8T'. ~!**• front rm7. l.h.k” 4 windows; nicely furn.. Inner-spring mat tress; everything turn.: #6,60. One. $5.50. 2101 8 ST. N.W.—Single room. 3 large windows. 2nd fl.. seml-pvt. bath, telephone; conv. trans. and meals. PRINCE KARL HOTEL7-1901 K n.w— Attr rms., running water, lnner-spr. matt.: hotel, _24-hr. switchboard sec, service, elev. GORDON HOTEL, on beautiful 16th~ st7 between Eye and K—Cool rooms, near showers. $6 up: double from #10.60 weekly; with bath from $12.50 weekly: 24-hr. ele vator and switchboard service; excellent dining room THE WESTMINSTER-i607—17th n.w— Lovely rooms, newly decorated: running *’*tej; Inner-spring mattresses; single. $5 up. doub- $, up; showfrs: elevator. .I-Rnr_Front_Engllsh_Ba^ementApt.. $9. 1634 CONN. AVE.. Ivy Terrace—single room; also double rm. with twin beds; meals opt. Hobart 9863. 65 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W—Large room. .-3 to bath: twin beds; $3 each per week._Michigan_26BP._ 66 ALLISON ST. N.E. nr. Soldiers' Home— Furnished rm., next bath, e.h.w., new home:_reas._rent._Randolph 8632. 1825 16th ST N.W.—Attractive front room, single. $20;-also twin bedroom; all privileges: reasonable._ 1357 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Single room. 2nd floor, next bath; continuous hot waier, ph°ne:_near_ear_andj>us line. _ 13,0 SPRING RD. N.W.—Large double front room: also single, $15-$20 month' neartransportation. 1307 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—2 nicely furn. rms., 1 double and 1 single; conv. trans.: reasonable._ 8T" ADt- » <nr. Euclidi—Lady: *lry,/font- lovely furn., uni. phone: breakfast nriv. opt.: $18. PRIVATE HOME. cool, comfortable rm., w,,eri w»'klng distance downtown: gentleman: refs._MI. 5013. GEORGETOWN. 1332 .'llii st7—n7w7— Jbedroom, southern exposure, uiyimlted phone: conv. to bus. F ST. N.W.—Small studio room. sink, frlct "|*5 * P°rCh; $15-*'-'5 mo- Gis 21 p ST.-N7wT7'The Charlotti7'-Ait77R —Large, well-furnished front studio room; newly decorated: $6 weekly. OVERLOOKING 8HOREHAM HOTEL= ^r5*„fKr,ont room, newly decorated; single oraouble._AD. .1120. og* N NW—Front Eng. basement. ~4 windows, private entrance; running water; walking distance._ 27* ST.,.N wr—Master bedrm.. prl tate bath with shower. 2 large cedar closets: private resldence._ur.llm. phone. $15;—SINGLE rm. for lady; newly furn ; beginning express bus line. Call RA. 22S6_after 6 p.m. • 1505 CRITTENDEN ST. N.W.—MasteMsed room with private bath: cont. hot water; conv. transp : reas. Randolph 6211. 1440 COLUMBIA RD. N.W, APT 31^ Large rm- newly furn- next bath,'south, expos- for business lady: $20 14.1.1 COLUMBIA RD N.W.. Apt. 21—1 Nicely furnished front room: */a blk street car and bus: home privileges; 2 in family; ' suitable 1 or 2 persons. 2633 WOODLEY PL. N.W.—Master bed room, private bath, twin beds; also 1 single._Adams_?2K8. CONDUIT RD. N.W.—Cool, clean room, aet. home: unlim. phone: conv. trans ; home_atmosphere;_reas. EM. 9448. 1844 COLUMBIA RD.—Nicely furn room, twin beds, use of Frigidaire: reasonable: conv. trans.. southern exposure._ 2700 CONN. AVE. N W.—Large, cool room *or _ adjacent bath: attractive apart ment: $20 each. CO. 8106. 202. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. 3611 Jocelyn st. Li*ing rm 10x20; lge bed rm.. pvt. bath; kitchen privileges. WO. A911. 1623 K ST. N.W., downtown—Cool single room: $16 Also 2nd. floor singles; $20 and 5*monthly. 1614 EYE ST. N.W.—An excellent loca tion: nicely furn. single and double ran.; near bath and shower; $24-1*30. "the Aristocrat."—Very r?*s- with running water; $6.60. with Frigidaire: $T._ i'211 N W.—Attractively furnished redecorated front rooms, near bath. $5.56 and $6 weekly. —Large, cool room., equipped for l.h.k.; $6. With kitchenette. | 1 ?«^E1'rErt89.N 8T. N.E.—Attractive, cool front room. 3 expo*., 2 closets. 1 or 2; I Randolph 7628. SENA-ra COURTS. 120I; at. n.e.. Apt. 301 ^Ne»ly decorated, cool, light room, ad Joining bath with shower. 22* l^h.ST. N.W on Franklin"Park Cool. neatly furnished room: sleeping or i n k : continuous hot water: $3 wk. up. ’'’If CATHEDRAL AVE. near Conn. ave. °r double, twin beds, well furn.; porch, cool. Columbia _638n. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1367 Conn. ave^Two lovely studio ran., pvt. bath. Elev. to 3rd n. Inquire before 8 p.m. NO. 1022. ANACOSTIA, 1415 Good Hope rd. s.e.— Large room. 2 windows, newly furn.: gen tleman preferred: $20 per month. • 1047 BILTMORE N.W—Front, second floor, southern expos : reasonable to three 2.°ung men or employed couple. • 1757 CHURCH ST. N W,. between"?" and Que sts.—Double room, shower; gentle men: $25.00. • DUPONTCIRCLE, 2126"r st. n.w.—Attrac' tive single room. 4 windows, well furn ; convenient shower, tub: unlim. tel. • 7700 ONTARIO RD NW—Large outside IJ"- * 7 closets, next bath: suit able _2: $75: good transp. CO 8616-J. 1342 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Attractive room, equipped for housekeeping. Frlgid lmmac.,_qulet._weIl-conducted house. 423 HAMILTON ST. N.W—Bedroom.” pri vate shower; gentiles: employed couple or gentlemen._Oeorgia 8361._ GRAFTON HOTEL, Cphn. ave.—Large, comfortable rooms with Simmons inner-spring mattresses: singles with running water. $7.50 wk. up: doubles. $10.50 wk uo: with ovt. bath, sin gles. $12 50 wk. up: doubles. $15.50 wk. up. “THE MAURY.” 701 18th st. n.w.—100 beautifully furn single and twin bedrooms, running water, neai showers and tub baths. Inner-spring mattresses, elevator. Nicely furnished recep tion room; single. $6.60 wk. up; double. $8 wk. _ _ MASTER BEDROOM. PRIVATE HOME. Newly redecorated: convt. trans.; rea sonable. 2425 1st at, n.w. Dupont 5750. COLORED. 425 Columbia rd. n.w. Front room lor 2, Georgia 6013_ COLORED—803 ACKER ST. N.E., between E and F, 8th and 7th—One beautifully fur nished room, convenient to car lines. 22* ROOMS FUR, b UNFUR. 11x17. 3 WINDOWS, double closet, next seml-pvt. bath; kit. privll.; buses at eor ner: $25. Georgia 8.21 after 6, ROOMS UNFURNISHED. GEORGETOWN, 3307 R st. n.w.—Large room, fireplace, connecting porch. Maid service. Quick transp, MI. 0705._ 3110 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W.—Attractive room and kitchen, refg., all utilities Inel. Very clean. No loud radios. Also single 1 h k. room. Excellent transp. Older settledwomen preferred, SUBURBAN ROOMS. TAKOMA—Large, beautifully furn. rm.. nr. bath, c.h.w.; modern home; pleasant surroundings. Shepherd 2095._ TAKOMA PARK. MD.. 115 Maple ave— Vi block express bus and cars: large room. next shower bath. $20 mo._8H. 2824-W. 1100 20th ST. 8. ARL., VA —Newly furn. room, suit l or 2: also sleenlng porch. Delicious meals._Jackson I860._ ARL., 1411 N. Glebe rd.—Lae., cool Co lonial rm., 25x18. twin beds; pvt. home; gar.; 10c bus, Oxford 0771._ 2 OR 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; elec, refg., ami.; large suburban home: rent reasonable. Warfield 6808, ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1411 KENNEDY 8T. N.W—Nicely fur nished. cool room, shower, private de tached home, home cooking; reasonable. __23 » 1842 KALORAMA ROAD—Attractively fur hashed double rooms; excellent food. CQ. DOWNTOWN, 1219 VERMONT AVE.—Cool, rear basement, pvt. bath, twin beds. 97 weekly. Others, board opt. ME. 7284._ 1325 16th ST. N.W.—Beautiful rooms, new furniture, telephones, running water In rooms, showers, elevator, fine board. 23* 302 16th ST. NX.—Girl will share at tractive maple twin bedrm., new pvt. home: everyconven._AT.7647._ 2715 CONNECTICUT AVE.. opposite Ward man Park Hotel—2nd, front; suitable 2 or 3; reasonable._Columbia P400._22*_ 1867 KALORAMA RD.—New studio, sin gles dbles; living rm.. pvt. tables, select menu; privileges. CO. 3270. LARGE double corner room, twin beds: those looking for rellned home comforts with_cholce_food._$all_EM. 4606;_ 1641 K ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished single and double cool rooms; wonderful reputa tion lor bome-cooked. meals; downtown. 24* 412 ONEIDA PL. N.W—2 bedrms. and sitting room, suitable 3 or 4; or will rent separately; eonv. transp, RA. 9236. MT. PLEASANT. 1806 Lamont n.w.—De lightful rm.. twin beds. pvt. porch: excel. Southern cooking. Also single. AD. 0212. 2204 Q ST. NW., near Dupont Circle— Newly decorated double rooms; suitable 2 or 3. Also single rooms: excellent meals. WALKING DISTANCE—1702 16th n.w.— MODERN MAIDENS ah Riifttt Irnrnl Af faim S*nH« “MISS HECKLE. I WISH YOU’D KNOCK OUT THIS LITTLE BATCH OP LETTERS WHILE YOU’RE ON VACATION.” ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) 1207 8. (loth"ST.. Arlington, Va—Cool room, twin beds: good lood; beautiful view; porches: conv. buses._ 1#S3 R. I AVE. N.W.—Desirable vacancies for Muni people: meals. Location and surroundings ideal. Free parking._ TERRACE HALL. , 144.-. MASS. AVE. N.W. Comfortable single room, running water; also nice double room: spacious dining room: delicious food; reasonable rates. 2-'t^ STUART HALL, _1704 I8th ST. N.W—-FROM $42.BO. MAEFRED ARMS, 1720 2Hth and 2010 Conn. ave. n.w.— Exclusive guest houses. MI. .1201._ 2ft* 2131 MASS. AVE. N.W. Lovely double rooms with private baths and showers. Other large cheerful rooms with private baths; exceptionally good food. Why not enjoy the hot summer in this beautiful ex-embassy home with several other young people? Very moderate prices will happily surprise you. DU. 0404. THE ABBEY, 1020 RHODE ISLAND AVE N.W. Singles, doubles, spacious closets, phone each rra.: club lounge; hotel desk; walk, dist.: from >.‘12.50. incl. delicious meals. BOLIVIAN CLUB, 2R33 Ifith n.w.—Single rms.; also double rms.. with pvt baths: Immaculately clean; beautifully furn : unusual meals. THE MANOR, 21 OR Jftth st. n.w.—For those who re quire the ultimate, a few most attr. va cancies. Under new management. MI. !04tt. CALVERT HOUSE, 1401 lftth st. n.w.—Ideal residence for business people: airy, outside room, pri vate baths; selective menus; switchboard; parking. ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. MAN. Government employe, will p»y *50 for furnished room, private bath, one meal daily, 6 o clock supper. Sunday excepted. 50?_2 7(N J. Star. _■_ APARTMENTS FURNISHED. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT -HOTEL. 20th and F sts. n w.—1 room, kit., dinette, pvt. bath; day *3. 1 or 2 persona week, *18. month. *60. Full service. Frltidaire, mcelyfurn, Natl. 6425. 17.36 18th ST. N W.—CONVENIENT Gov ernment departments; I and 2 rooms Itwln bedsh kitchen,_ba tb. shower: *45 up. *53 *55. *57—BUCHANAN APTS . 4626 13th st. n.w.—Llv. rm.. porcH; bedrm.. k„ b.,incl._aas._elec;_GE._1883._eves._ OVERLOOKING' LINCOLN ' PK,. 1106 E. Capitol—.3 rms., pvt. bath. elec, reft., neatly furn.: beautiful location: adults._ 1115 fttb ST. N.W —.3 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath. Frlkidalre: *15 per wk.; newly paint ed and decorated. ME. 9783. TlLDEN GARDENS. .3020 TILDEN—DE likhtful 7-r. apt.. 3 exp.: cool, auiet: over looks garden nark._EM. 4260 or WO. 7525. DETACHED 'hOME—PVT. APT.. 2 RMS , kit., bath, porch, elec, refg Residential. Garage opt._55(l6_14th n.w. OE. Mill. 2ist AND P STS. N.W.—SUBLET IN deflnitely 2-r.. k . b. apt.: *50 including utili'ies. _ WI. 9.313 evenings._ 24* 1430 MARYLAND AVE. N.E— 5~RMS. AND bath: heat furn.; newly decorated: lge. front yard. ADDlr 82u Eye n.e. LI. 7958-W. 315 Hth ST. S.E—LARGE FRONT ROOM and kitchen: newly decorated, attractively furnished Darking free: reas ATTRACTIVE. MODERN APARTMENTS" completely furnished. 1. 2 rooms: attrac tive rates: inspection Invited. 1361 Fair mont st. n.w. COLUMBIA RD„ NEAR 10th ST.—FRONT bed-living room, kitchen and private bath: elec refg ; *40, including gas. elec : also l.h.k. rm,. *20: newly dec._AD. 0000. DUPONT CIRCLE—INDIRECT LIGHTING, one room, kitchen, newly dec.; elec, refg.; clean, quiet: <40. 1763 P st._n.w._ THE CLIFTON, i.323 CLIFTON ST. N.W.— 3 rooms and kitchen, nicely furnished: nice for 4 adults; *17.50 each. See janitor. 22* 1115 N ST. N.W —2 ROOMS 2nd FLOOR; adults; *8.50 week. _ _ 339 EMERSON ST. N.W. — 2 ROOMS, front; Frigidalre; pvt. home; gentiles. Tay lor 1624. __ "ARDMORE,” NEAR WAR AND NAVY Depts. Newly decor, mod. apts.. 2 or .3 rms , elec, refg.. tile baths._c.h w.._S8_wk. up 1801 G 8T. N.W.—NEAR WAR AND NAVY Depts. Newly decorated modern apis., private entrance: *7.50 wk. up. NEAR CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. AFT. 42. at 1210 Perry st. n.e.—Young lady desires 2 others to share 5-room apt.; refs, re quired. 1276 OWEN PL. N.E.—2 BRIGHT. LARGE, clean rooms, kitchen. Frigidalre, bath; couple desired; reasonable. _22* 1826 17th ST. N.W.—2 LARGE RMS., kit., pvt. bath; a.m.l.; Frigidalre; adults; after 2 p.m.__ MT. PLEASANT. 8210 17th ST. N.W.— One room, kitchen, semi-bath; mgldaire; gas. elec, ine.; *7.60 per wk. 22* 2 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping; gas and lights furnished. 301 L st. n.e._2.3*_ FURN. BASEMENT APT.; NEW HOME: 3 rooms, pvt. bath and entrance. 2211 Bunker Hill Td. n.e. MI. 3866,_ il7 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.—COOL. AT tractlvely furnished 3-rm., tile bath apt.; entire 2nd 11.. det. home: everything new; entirely private: Frigidalre; lawns, illy pond; garage: *60._ DOWNTOWN. WALK. DIST.. 1313 RHODE Island ave. n.w.—2 rms.. kit., bath, elec. refg., c.h.w., crosa ventilation._ 620 MASS. AVE. N.E.—L. HOUSE KEEPING apt., front: silver, dishes, linens, elec, and gas, hot water; reasonable. 22* APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) PARK LEE. 1H30 PARK RD.—EXCEL lent loc . cool. 2 exp.; attractive apis.. 1, 2. 3 newlv decorated rooms, hall din., kit., bath, shower. Prigidalre. elev., *5(1 to S8U. HO. 7 408. Transient or permanent. 3822 31st ST.. MT. RAINIER—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath; elec, refrg.; pvt. home; everything included._ Warfield KUO. 1107 MASS. AVE. N.W.—BEAUTIFULLY furnished, lovely 2 rooms, kitchenette and private bath apt ; cont. hot water; In Ideal location o minutes to downtown; refs, ex changed- 23* 1004 17th ST. N.W—2 APTS.. ROOM AND kitchen each: basement: Frigidatre. range. Employed adults. References; *25. BEAUTIFUL 2nd FLOOR APT-^CONN. ave. near Taft bridge. Foyer, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath: utilities furn; beautifully and completely furn. Rent most reasonable ME. 1143. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. 1732 K n w. 1713 M N.W—BEDRM, LRGE KIT.: bath 2nd fl : storage rm.: lrge. hall- newly dec.; linen furn.; phone: *50 month. DESIRABLE 4-MAN FURN. APT. iJEW lsh) Invites 4th min In. Main, meals, laundry. Share expenses. CO. 0048. LADY TO SHARE LOVELY TWO-ROOM and kitchenette apartment. In shopping district on Connecticut ave. with another. Call Emerson 5]33._ • 3000 ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD N W — 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, Frigidaire; *42.50. Columbia 10003. _ 2517 14th ST. N.W.—LARGE. COMP, furn. studio room. for housekeeping; shower bath: *35. incl. gas. elec 8770 2nd AVE. SILVER 8PRINGT MD— Spacious room, kit , bath, open fireplace: i near shopping center and conv. to bus line' *37.50. Shepherd 2080. VIC ]4lh AND PARK RD -—LARGE ROOM, kitchen, semi-private, constant hot water; weekly. *8. 1304 Monroe st. n w. YOUNG MAN LOOKING FOR 2 OTHERS to share modern]* furn. apt : can conduct olace on co-operative basis: very reas. 1 3230 P st n w. _ 1828 INGLESIDE TERRACE N.W. 7 rooms, kitchen, bath: heat and hot water Included. Key at Apt. 2—2nd floor. Available immediately; *50 L. T GRAVATTE. _720 15th Realtor. __ NA. 0753 _ 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 2 bedrms . liv rm . kit . bath nicely furn. (4 twin beds): ref : adults CO_ 1348 WARDMAN PARK HOTEL, Connecticut Ave. at Woodley Rd. Furnished Apartments From One to Eight Rooms, Full Hotel Service. Phone Assistant Manager, Columbia 2000. APARTMENTS PUR. OR UNFUR. GEORGETOWN 1230 POTOMAC ST. N W. — 1 room, ki'chen and hath heat, light, gas. Phone MI. 87.70 or SH. 5110 27* ATTRACTIVE APTS , HIGH-CLASS NEIGH borhood: some furnished Car available on appt._MRS GREEN. Shepherd 5138. YOU ARE INVITED TO CONSULT ^US about your requirements This Is the only apt. house in Washington with a swimming pool, roof garden, gymnasium and other features to promote vour health and happi ness. 7-rm. aDts. at $70 and up. HAR VARD HALL. 1050 Harvard st. n.w. Phone Columbia 5714 THE ALFNDALE NR. DUPONT-CIRCLE’ 2000 N st n w . ADt 12—lst-11. cor. apt., facing 3 streets: :i large rms . kit., bath, elec refg rent. $57.50 O. B. HOPKINS. 1120 Vermont ave. DI. 7271. or WO 0020 100% AIR-CONDITIONED TWO-ROOM APARTMENT. LOVELY TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS with large living room and bedroom, din ing alcove, kitchen and bath. Individually controlled air-conditi<Tning. Located in the beautiful, cool surroundings of the exclusive Wesley Heights section; fur nished or unfurnished MARLYN APARTMENTS, 39th and Cathedral Ave. N.W. EMERSON 0700. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 1106 HOLBROOK ST. N.E.. APT. 1— Three rooms, kitchen, bath, porch, base ment: heat and hot water furnished: In sulated. Apply HIMMELFARB PROP ERTIES. 474 K st. n.w. ME. 1107. 1617 KENILWORTH AVE.—FOUR ROOMS, kitchen and bath: heat and hot water fur nished: insulated. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES. 474 K st. n.w. ME. 1107. 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. LIV. RM.. KIT. and bath. $60; 2 large bedrooms, liv. rm,. kit. and bath. $50: one large bedroom, liv. rm.. kit, and bath. $40._3025 15th st. n.w. 332 2nd ST. N.E.. APT. 204—1 ROOM, kitchen and bath. $35: open. 8ee janitor. 1430 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.—5 RMS. and bath; heat furn.: newly decorated: lge. front yard. Apply 820 Eye n e. LI 7058-W.__ CORNER CATHEDRAL AVE., 2860 28th st. n.w.—Spacious. 2 rms., large hall, kitchen, bath: Ideal location: adults: $50. INGLESIDE. 1008 1st ST. N W —5 LGE' rms.. bath, porch. Kelvlnator: A-l eond., real home. See janitor. $50.50. RA. 1665. 3016 TILDEN ST. N.W.. APT. 404—3 TOLL expos. full-sixe din. rm.. kit., sunrm., liv. rm.. 2 bedrms.. 2 baths: most attr.; garden, trees: quiet, cool: garage. WO. 3827. 1308 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—2 rms.. kit., Frlddaire. built-in tub and shower: charm and Individuality: $50 mo. Call Decatur 3020. j STAR FLASHES —By Bruno JOAN CRAWFORD IN 'ROSE MARIE? * - AN 'O^-D SILENT PICTURE — JOAN WAS WORKED AT THE SAME STUDIO FOR IS" ARS — A RECORD HELD ‘ NO OTHER PLAVER.. MIDV DEVINE. 1UE NEXT OLDEST VETERAN OF A SINGLE STUDIO, MAS Mctf *80im /wo- «lj\ om the- enure UAN4D, SWAM awerne Seldom WORKS 5.T THE SAME StUCHO Us| TVAJ SUCCBiSWE. PICTURES. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) DOWNTOWN APTCtHE ORAYSTONE. *15 18th at. n w.—1 and 2 rmi.. kit., dlnatta and bath: Frtgldalre on houie current._ 1822 MAES. AVE. S.E. — 3 ROOMS, kitchen, private bath: gas, beat, elec., elec, refg^e.h.w.: *45. _AduIts._LI. 1832-J._ 850t KENYON ST. N.W—2 ROOMS, kitchen; gas, elec., heat. Frlgldalre. tele phone; #35. __ 1 BLK OFF CONN.. WOODBINE APTS , 28.31) 27th «t.—2 and 3 rooma, kitchen, ba^a; *45-$r>6. 1804 POTOMAC AVE. S.E.—3 RMS., bath: l.h.k , heat. gaa. telephone, elec, refriger. Inch: rega. Lincoln 51)411. 3432 CONN. AVE. N.W.—DEBIRABLE 2 rooms, k. and b„ newly decorated, only $45; also_3_rm*.._k. and b.._only *57.50.__ 710 FERN PL. N.W. (NEAR WALTER Reed)—2 rooms, kitchen, hath, pvt, en trance: heat, light, gas included: adults._ 100 15th ST. N.E.—TWO-ROOM FRONT apt., unfurnished; utilities furnished: *27.50; adults._22* •'210 13th ST N.W—2 LARGE- RM8~ 3rd floor; newly decorated: private bath; adultsj_partly lurn. If desired^ 4108 14th ST. N.W.: APT. 3—LIVING room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, frunt and back porches, kit., bath. CO. 5373. 22* 1400 PA. AVE. S.E.—3 ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath; newly papered: reasonable. Apply In drug store. 1320 ST APLE STL nTe'^J ROOMS, adults" and bath: heat- electricity; 1020 KEARNEY ST. N.E., WOODRIDGE— Jf.rge r.m • bedroom. dinette, kitchen, bath, Frlgldalre: pvt. entrance: *50. lncl. gas._heat. elec. Adults. DU. (1424._ (I1; ®th ST. N.E—4 ROOMS. KIT., TILE b?tb' aPan.try’ Jr°nt Porch; auto, heat; L*nSoln_4«28-J “ ‘ “Ult’1 0nly; **nUle5 MARYLAND COURTS, Oth-ANDESTS. P e “7 - r » din., b.. s and w exp.; *J4 •an'ilaa’ *witcbb<h service, elec. refg. Inch, *50-*55. LI. 10400. M,OD- APTS. IN CONGRESS HQTS~ •> r- “Pts ; 1,11 utilities furn. And fufnd nl' V.f?mlly »p,»-: "eat. hot water *urn-_GE._595u or LI. 50rI.8Tie.4NKW:“tOYELY COOL APTS:; mhitT *'.*,*,,tche£n 5ath- ami- rest ricted white section:_*42 50. _ Emerson_8l08. _ , 2801 ADAMS MILL RD.. THE CLYDES Aot- "St.l r"11' kit., bath: newly decor.: new Frlgidaire. _See lanltor. '■22 OthST. N.W—3 RMS , KIT.-DINING rm,. bath. gas. elec., heat: private home; gas furn.: *45 mo.: handv for Govern ment employes._ District 8584. F1??08!,1^0*0-ELBCTRIC' KITCHEN. Di nette. living room, bedroom, bath- garage: reception hall: pvt. entr.: beautiful grounds; near_U of Md. Berwyn 323-JX. _ • ONE ROOM. KITCHEN." DINETTE AND h sh°w.,‘r: gas and electricity in £gcdr d r : *4 ! r’"- See resident man _I_ADO RANDOLPH ST. N.W._ 3510 13th ST. N W.—*42.50 UP. NIW remodeled apts. built-in cabinets In kitchens, new shower baths, beautifully renovated throughout: 1 and 2 bedrooms BRODIE A- COLBERT, INC . _1.0, Eye St. N W.__NA. 8876._ _ 707 20th ST. N.W.. APT. 4. Opposite O W. U : 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, screened DOrch *85 BRODIE A: COLBERT. INC.. - 1.0. Eye St. N.W._ NA. 8876. i»tn ST N.W. PARK AIR-COOLED. ROOP GARDEN t bedrms.. liv rm.. dinette, kit., bath; *76. 2 rms . dinette, kit., bath; $60. P»?l, Elec.. Refg. Included _VICTOR CAHILL. NA. 63] 3. NEW APARTMENTS, lith ST. AND NORTH ODE ST, ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA ■very one loves a new apartment, so why not make the smart move now and live in one in Arlington? The one-bedroom unit 1s simply delightful for only *48.50. and * ■ you so desire you may have the two bedrooms for *02.50. They will be completed about August 1st fa few completed July 15th) and are just now being placed on the market by \ GEO. H RUCKER CO., Agents. ___OxfordOl f>7. BRIGHT CORNER APARTMENT. TWO i rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath, featuring painted walls, custom-built kitchen cabi- I nets. Venetian blinds. Rent includes gas and electricity. *62.50 See Resident Manager, __265615th ST. N.W_ _ | COOL. NEWLY DECORATED ONE AND two room, kitchen, dinette and bath apart two exposures, every convenience: walking distance of most Government de partments: S*{5 up THE COLTON. _49_Eye 8t. N.W. ,, i°2 -Ird ST. N.W. 2 rooms and bath _ , $3n nn 3 rooms, kitchen and bath ' II$35 00 _Janitor on Premises._ 233 KENTUCKY AVE. Of h0t W,tW 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. 3-room. kit and bath apart ment. Located on the corner of the build ing. with exposures to the south, east and north, insuring perfect cross ventilation. It has abundant closet space. *>e Pleased with the attractive, modernized building, located on upper 16th aervice4"h0Ur eievator and switchboard C. A. SNOW CO.. 710 8th 8T. N.W. "NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE.' Easy walking distance of downtown ac tivities. Large one room with wood-burn ing fireplace and high ceilir.g; Pullman kitchen and a large modern bathroom; psinted walls. A front apartment with afternoon sun. All gas and electricity included in rent: *5050 * _1717 10th STREET N.W BRAND-NEW APTS. Only 10 minutes to Washington, con sisting of liv rm . bedrm . dinette, kit., bath and finished back uorch which can be used as extra room. Heat and hot water i controned by each individual apt Venetian blinds, metal kitchen cabi ^h' 9* ref* ■ S55 per mo. l blk. *r°™ s,ci\°ols-. buses and shopping center. L*'th st„ north, Arlington, Va.f or call Chestnut_285o. BRAND-NEW “DUPLEXES, HOLBROOK AND QUEEN STS N E - rooms, dinette, sleeping porch. y*rd. Modern throughout. Oil heat »nd hot *»ter. fHrnisiled- Largest rooms we have ever built. Ready August 1st. STEUART BROS.. INC.. _ __ DI._24.I4—-6 to 6 P.M. _ BEST VALUE IN CITY. 1 R., KIT., BATH, $35. Beautiful suite, in flrst-class flreDroof bldg., elevator, switchboard: lge. rooms., freerefg.1030 R st^ n w _DU _6500. 1905 KALORAMA RD. N.W. „tim0deri? -klt- batb apartment: utillties lncluded: *40. Call RA. 2876 1230 HOLBROOK TER. N.E’ New: 3 rms., kit., din., bath. *51.50: includes h . h.-w.. refrigerator: stippled painted wails: other BPts. at *42.50: nr. stores and trans. HAMILTON CONSTRUC TION CO.. 1634_P at. n.e. AT. 20.18._ 19X20-FT. LIVING ROOMS ARE IN THE WINCHESTER PLAZA, JUST BEING COMPLETED NEW BLDG.—6501 14th ST., J BLOCK OFF 16th AT UNDERWOOD 1 room. 10x20 ft.; kitchen. bath__.*45.00 1 room. Rollaway bed. grill, ref_$37.50 Closets You Can Walk Into. _ ELEVATOR. GAS AND ELECTRICITY FURNISHED. Open and Lighted Untli 10 P.M. Resident Manager—Apt. 102, SHAPIRO, INC., DUPONT 7777. 2151 CALIFORNIA ~ST. N.W. Two bedrooms and bath, combination living room and dining room, large foyer with fireplace, kitchen, pantry and back porch: ample closet space; 3 exposures. RentaL *85. including all utilities. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 1519 K St. N_W._District 1015. THE ARGONNE, 1629 COLUMBIA RD. Unusual apart., with 3 exposures. 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, hall, kitchen, bath; in upper 16th st. Embassy section. _Por Information, Call CO. 4635. THE STANLEY, 1411 HARVARD 8T. N.W. $42 50 2 r°°n>s- kitchen, bath, dinette V and rear porch. _C. A. SNOW CO.. 710 8th ST. N.W. VERY DESIRABLE APT. 249 Oglethorpe n.w.. Apt. 4—2 rms., dm., kit., bath, shower: large Porch; fac ing park. Heat, hot water, refg.; adults. Express bus. RA. 8356. DOWNTOWN, $32.50. 427 4th et. n.w.. across from park—3 mi., bath: redec.; h.-wh. Taylor 1524. CONN. AVE.—3221. 2 R.. K. B., Shower. Dinette. Elev.. *49 50. 1216 10th ST. N.W. Bachelor apt.. *26: 1 and 3 im. kit., bath. Prlgldalre on house. S33.60-S45. DUPLEX APTS., COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT. 2001 2nd ST. N.E. 216 T ST. N.E. t and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath with shower, fully screened, including rear porch; awnlngg. terraced lawns with gar den furniture, shade trees ahd shrubbery. Convenient transportation, near achools and churches. Complete Janitor aervlce. Heat and hot water furnished. *47.50 and *52.60. OPEN DAILY AND 8UNDAY. __UNTIL 9 P.M. RESIDENT MANAGER on Premises. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., 1519 K St. N.W, PI. 1015. APARTMENT AT THE ALBAN. 3715 Woodley rd.—5 r.. b.. elec, refrg.. *60. JOHN SCRIVENER & BRO., 914 O *8t. N.W_DI. 3560. Sleeping Porch Apts. SILVER SPRING. 1. 2 AND 3 BEDRMS. _ MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO . 7908 Georgia Ave. Shepherd 6100. I&ILTON HALL. dOOWEVK* APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. 1830 POTOMAC AVE. S.E. . Newlr decorated. 3 rooms, kitchen and hath; completely private; walking distance to Navy Yard: all modern conveniences; h«»1' , *»s_and light furnished; $4li monthly FEDERAL FINANCE CO.. H15 New York ave. n.w._NA. 741H._22*_ DOWNTOWN, NEW BUILDING. 1 room kitchen, dinette and bath with shower. Fireproof, elevator building. Par quet floors, built-in kitchen cabinets, ventl e*ecfrHUty ;d #4*?. 5 ij*“* inClud" *nd _BARI ARM8._1727 R ST. N.W._ YOUR CHANCE! Modern Downtown Apts. LOW-CUf RENTS. Fireproof bldg.; 24-hour switchbd., elev. service; free refg.: foyer, huge living rm„ kit., bath. *35: choice corner apt.. 2 rms., Bit . hall. bath, *55: cozy bachelor apt., ».**•■_Touraine, ltt;to R st. n.w. DU. «5<m. 2001 SIXTEENTH ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, reception hall, large closets: 24-hour elevator and switch board service. _C. A. SNOW CO , 710 8th ST.' N.W._ REAL HOMEY APTS.! 2 RMS., K., $42; 3 RMS;, $52. Modern apt. bldg., large, bright rms,. huge closets, double exposure. WELLING TON, 1701 Park rd. n.w._CO.STiilt. FORT VIEW APTS., 13th PI., Bet Fort Dr. and Peabody St. 1. 2 and ,’i Rms , Kit,, Dinette and Bath. $47.60 to $71.50 tGas and Elec. Included). Resident Mgr. on Premises— Randolph 1275. WALKER & DUNLOP, INC., 1200 15th St. N.W. DI. 0222. STROLL TO WORK 1 RM., K., $37; 2 RMS., $45. Modern *>». apL bldg.: large, bright rooms, big closets. BLAIR. 1321 M st. n w TIP TO THE THRIFTY. LARGE DOWNTOWN APTS AMAZINGLY LOW RATES. k,Mk°Stra' fireproof. 7-story, elev.. switch bd bldg.; rooms large, bright, grand views; 5 °£,(FaiJ!-h<,ai : bl* closets: 4-5 rms.. Kit., bath, $5 <-$<(); save rent by subletting few' rooms. 1015 N st. n.w. HO_477»i COOL N.W.—$52.50. THE WESTBURY, 1401 TUCKERMAN N W Always 111 degrees cooler here; new. modern, carpeted halls, etc Now available, corner apt. with cross ventilation. 2 large rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath: #52 5u APP‘y iamt0r °r Economy Apartments w.5SFKPE2„W1TH bbtant gas HEATERS—BEAR YARDS—SCREENED PORCHES. Just North of Florida Awe. N.E. 1706 Weat Virginia Awe. N.E. $36.50~Apt- N°- 3 Bcc. hall, liv 7.. . . I"S room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath; screened rear porch. Large Apartment 1615 Corcoran St. N.E. $45.00—Apt- No- Litring room, . . ._ 2 bedrooms, dinette, kitchen and bath. Res. Mgr.. 1650 w. Va Ave NE Apt. I, Line. 3623-R. 1404 K CAFRITZ DUt. 9080 BEST VALUE IN CITY The Montgomery Cor. N. Capitol and M 8U. Opp. Sibley Hospital. Apts., 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. Plenty closets. Heat. Hot water. Light and air. Elec tric Refrigerator. $44.00 to $47.50 The Washington Loon & Trust Co. Real Est. Dept. pno P St. N.W. NA. 3440 W DUPLEX^! ^ APARTIIEIITS<r^ *50«° Two rooms, kitchen, dinette end bath with shower. Large con crete screened porch; use of yard; rent includes heat, hot water and janitor service. 953 RANDOLPH «> STREET N.W. ,5= LIVE WELL and SAVE Work! \ RIGHT Downtown / I [I RAMA R Cor. 15th Sc R. I. Are. N.W. A pleasant downtown residential neighborhood $47.50—Llvln* room, cozy sun ... „ , room, dressint room with Murphy bed. kitchen and bath. $52.50—LlTl“* room with built T. . In dinette table and chairs, dressing room with Murohy bed. cozy sunroom with Murphy bed, kitchen and bath. Frigid air e current FREE: ventilat ing door*,' RADIO in every apart ment; Quiet, carpeted corridon; bellboy tervict; tun garden. Resident Manager, Mich. B600 Opened and Lighted Until 10 P.M. 14th and K CAFRITZ Dlst.9080 COLORED—2 RMS., KIT.. BATH. ELEC. LlS’600'^ld*ire’ ®'i5; emDloTed *dults; ref. COLORED—ATTRAC.. 2 RMS^ kll\ path; also 1 rm., kit.; convenient loca tlon: utilities lncl. 1888 Callfornia_st1_n;w. APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. UNFURN.. 2 RMS.; OAS STOVE. ELEC trolux. semi-bath: gas. elec, lncl.; adults: 330. 4100 18th at. 8.. Arl7Va SOTTLAND. MD.—3 LARGE ROOMS, bath, porch, garage; (unfurn.); 10 minutes downtown. Phone Spruce 0342. a7°H P4RK,- VA.—LOVM.T 3 ROOMS, dinette, sleeping poreh; excellent location; reMonable. Day, OX. 2416; night. CH. ♦140.__23^ DECATUR HOTS.. MD., 14 ELEANOR AVE. —cool rms., kit., pvt. bath; elce. refg., feh-Si conven. schools, churches, atores; V* block bus. Warfield 3013. £££• ETON; OR UNFURN.—2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath: $35 month. Bus and cars CH d1777 1308 highway, Arlington. 5 LARGE. COOL ROOMS. KIT.. PVT. bath: large closets, telephone, garage. close In: no children. Chestnut 4852. after 5 p.a. TAKOMA PARK—NEW. LARGE. 5-ROOM 9*1 heat, hot water. Phone Bhepherd 4753-J. 718 Roanoke aye. 104 8. 61st cap; HGT3.. MD.—3 RMS., kit., seml.prlvate bath; relg.. utilities lncl.; 332. _22* COOL APT.. LARGE ROOMS: 1st FLOOR: newly decorated: screened porch, shade, oli heat; city fare; adults. 1227 N. Utah -—Arlington. Va. Chestnut 2238, 22* > COOL. CLEANrMdDERN 4 ROOMS. UN^ fum.. tile bath. 4 exposures. 1st floor; private entrance. Phone Warfleld 2025. HOUSES PUR. OR UNPUR. HOUSES FURNISHED. It BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. L. R., D. R Wnro£m-, 2n min. town; $90 mo. .((IK Taylon n.w._MI._8541._23™ ATTRACTIVE TOWN HOUSE, COMPLETE ly furnished; 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. maid* loom; available until Sept. 15. DU. 7479. TO„ SHARE home IN BRfNT wood. Md.; all facilities; $26 month. War nplfl J440. 23* J® y ST KW—6 ROOMS. BATH. VER? comfor ably and completely furn.; largo .tlec- „ref* : °H heat; reas. to respon sible tenant._Lincoln ] 0340. chase, d. c—delightfully cool. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage: on- month or longer_Emerson 0511._ 4511 MAPLE AVE. BETHE8DA. MD — 5 rms.. l bath, garage, gas heat. *80. Ple?erfytj'n0*«5n00r~S rm“-' bdth- *°m* ME. lJ,4yESLgT BPC^A^k N W. HOUSES UNFURHISHEP. DR.. LYON PARK. VA — Ph?ne° Oxfo?51Clki;5«-wmln- d°WDt0wn: *7*' BZJHESDA — CENTER - HALL. S - ROOM brick, bath and lav.; large lot. trees, garage; 1 sq. bus;_*80._OWNER, WI. 6161-J. BETHESDA—6-ROOM BUNGALOW- 1 SQ bus; screened porch, garage, large lot. trees: $60. WI. 6161-J. OWNER. d‘RM- BRICK. DESIRABLE NEIGH nnreh heat- ‘“sulated. screened Porch, fireplace, garage;_*75. TE. 1464. 4431 FESSENDEN N.W.—6 ROOMS AND bath- oil heat, garage; bus and car trans portatlon:_$70._EM. 1385. 4338 RIVER RD. N.W.—6 RMS., 2 screened porches, garage, oil heat nr EM0°777*t0reS’ churches- MRS. JENKINS.’ CHEVY CHASE. D. C—R-ROOmT DET house; oil heat, double garage, porch; large yard:_$loo._5413_41st st. n.w H ROOMS, DETACHED HOUSE. WITH °,ld- ,exc<■!lf■n, condition. owiiwJ,CaIsj7 01 beat; beautiful yard. OWNER._Wisconsin JM14-R. 436 PEABODY ST. N W.—SEMLDETACH^ ed. 4 spacious bedroom-, living room, din Gif rh°!^' lriclos,ed Porch, kitchen and bath. Oil heat. Insulated, excellent condition. * yard and thrubbery OWNER, ME .1115._or_eves._Warfield 4474 3124 8OUTH DAKOTA AVE. N.E.—S large rms., nice lot: close to schools. «-om. ^25 car;.Jn ofw-house condition; *-<5i^DPTr InonHl. NO. 1203. or inquire M*j R.I.ave n.e. hY-uOWNE,?—R-ROOM^ SEMI-DETACHED brick, excellent condition, auto. heat. 6408 Ith st. n.w. Georgia 4153. mw's A^tn ,MIijT4 AND 5-ROOM~BUNGA lows. $.i() to $45—b rooms "2*/•» baths $70 PULTON R. GORDON. 1427 E?e ,C n w. Office tlso open_7 to 9 p m. DI. 5230. ARHINCTON. VA—LARGE 4-BEDROOM house, grounds: library, lavatory on 1st n,. oil heat, newly decor. Georgia 0088. h«Yh'1™8T- N W—7 ROOMS KITCHEN7 bath, front and rear yards, double garage; apply Rm. in. sm F st. n.w. * ~728 I;1TH ST N.W.—S-STORYTT"APTS and rooms $, r,. National 8682. JT? ST n.w.—6 roomsTsemi iei;„.re,rl‘'!rator- fpnced back yard. Ex 6*94nt condltloD- S5o month. Phone RA. WOODRIDGE. 2217 QUINCY ST. N E —8 rooms attached gas heal: finished attic; large lot; $76^ Hobart 4024. i ROCKVILLE. MD.—7-BEDROOM-HOUSE. LV*e,<tnl<J,S9‘;bh' garage, refg . oil heat: *55. Call OWNER. Wisconsin 8741. SILVER SPRING: 2-STORY HOUSE. PRAC tically new. oil heat. gar., trees. $H5 Sil ver Spring; largp brick bung . attic, rec. room. $<>o Cleve Pk : semi-der . « r. gar auto_ heat, $70. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. Woodley 7BO0. 1518 Conn. BURLEITH BARGAIN—SAVE *1 5~ON_AU- 1 gust rent: superior neighborhood: housa "!*unusual features; immediately avail. NON % luCHS. EmerSOn ~15° 01 BHAN* A RUNGTON—-*5 5; BRAND-NEW. SEMI* Jf.J- brick. S-rm. house, full basement, auto, air-cond. heat, front and rear lawns; on bus line: nr stores and school: 10 mm. to downtown Wash. Call WO 7121. 707 C ST SE—BRICK NICE CONDI^ 'ion: K rooms, ami.: white tenant, refs: rent. *38 50: 1 blk Cong Library Ooen | 1 to I. ApDly WASH LOAN A: TRUST • BETHESDA-0 ROOMS. 2 BEDROOMS? bath, first floor: practically new. fine con j ditlon: $,5 Bradlev 0222. **•^60—8118 1st ST. N W—8 RMS?? I 5?,h oil burner: will recondition. 1515 K st. BEITZELL. District 7100 BETHESDA .727 FAIRFIELD DRIVE? [Living rm. fireplace and bookshelves, din ing rm.. 2 bedrooms modern kitchen: full basement and attic, fenced back yard. *05. Available August 1. WT. 4170. LH,EYY„CuHASE , n „ C—8 ROOMS? * cvttt heat also 10 rooms and 2 baths. nS'T?on.5ljS?RDOiN’ J4-~ E>e st. n w. Dist. 5230—Office also open 7 to 9 p m. WHITTIER ST. Off' l«tb—« { «>« • *»«• ■ 133812 E ST N E.—4 R B ; NEWLY *35.50. 33 Todd pl. « 7: B r b? j sood cond , $37.50. Opem_TA. 9898 ! *37.50—TAKOMA" PK.: 5 R“. B.7 8EMI det.. glassed porch. 8 Alleghany. Can be seen betw._5:.(0^and 8:30. SH. 4087-J j 5.702 8th ST. N.W.—8 R. " GAR «8n" | Crittenden n.w.—8 r.. gir., S87?50 ' J w-—R r., auto, h., gar.. $70 iYS Ingraham n.w —8 r . mod., gar.. $70. fon,J ,ff«rson n w —* r.. gar.. $75. J.,01 Jefferson n.w—8 r. gar «85 Above excellent condition._GE ‘ 0179. HrLht? I»LL A-RPa AVE • friendship Sr^eat.^mT3 SSS™1*" 3 bathS> *araKe S'ratiord Rd„ Bethesda. Md —8 rm,^• r- bbThs. garage, a m i.. $7« 25 ho^aRterNvheHat. Tear" e^hi^5 V^** $45.50N’ Y- aVe' ne—9 rmE- I bath. sew . .WESLEY BUCHANAN. —ME-. 114.1. 1732 K N W. GLOVER PARK HOME. ' Close to Everything 2422 29th ST. N.W h i «.* baths, recreation room. glassedKanaae$7.?‘W- h'at’ 3 porch«- 1 __ To Inspect Call COOLEY BROS., Investment Bide . _14*.l ■_Eves . WO 4708, CHASE. D C. DETACHED. Schqol°^$75P0 Emerson ^S«4.Ne»r L*,ay«*« BURLEITH" HOME? * 1923 38th ST. N.W. , « rooms and bath, automatic hea*. elee brick garag%rat$L5do. D°rChes' 1&r|" yard* To Inspect Call BROS.. Investment Bldg . —DI 14 8 L_ WO. 4 30g. 1-1 mt. pleasant bargains. ■ h.,1h‘15L£iIbourne pl- n.w.—$75. 7 mt., bath: brick garage. 178-2 Kilbourne pl. n.w.—$75. An un usual tJ-rm. brick: like new BRODIE A; COLBERT 1.0, Eye St. N.W. NA. 8875 VACANT AUGUST 1. NEW 8-ROOM brick house, garage, oil heat: Arlington. Va.; reasonable rent._CH. .5927. _ COLORED—218 DIVISION AVE NE— K0U,?'- T TSWS- bath- » rental. SHO. National 2400.__26* _HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. WE NEED HOUSES In Northwest D C. add nearby Md. I priced from S80.00 up. THOS. L. PHIL j LIPS. WO. 7900, 3518 Conn. |_HOUSES FOR SALE. ! MT. PLEASANT SECTION —THREE-STORT and basement brick, eight rooms, bath, oil heat: priced only ¥6.950; small down pay ment. balance like rent: close transporta 'jpn; stores V. S Hurlbert. NA. 3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP.. 931 H sjnw A DETACHED HOME AT *8.750 ON~A tree-covered lot 50x150. Three splendid bedrooms, attic, lst-fl. lav., large screened porch, auto. heat, built-in garage: one-half block from transD THOS L. PHILLIPS. WO._79()U until 9_p m._3518_Conn. 3419 PORTER ST. N.W.—TWO STORIES and basement, semi-detached, seven rooms, bath, two screened porches, garage, large lot: small down payment, balance ¥75 month: consider trade. D. C property. V. S Hurlbert. NA 3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP H at. n.w._ *11.950—CHEVY CHASE VIEW. HERE'S a smart Williamsburg Colonial, especially built by owner; large rooms, the best of equipment: den and lavatory on 1st fl. large recreation room in basement; huge lot 100x225. See this wonderful value promptly REALTY ASSOCIATES. Na tional 1438 until it D m._ ¥5.250; SMALL CASH. EASY MONTHLY payments: nearby Maryland: 6 large rms, a.m.i., like new. garage. NA. 8682: after <l._Taylor_5284._ ¥6,960 — ON BEAUTIFUL CHELTENHAM! dr.. Just beyond the Bank of Bethesda, right off Wis. ave 2 blocks; near parochial and public schools. Catholic church. Prot estant churches, stores and bus. New 6 room Colonial brick homes, flnaet con struction with all modern feature!, big wooded lot: ¥500 down, easy payment!: 26 different designs to choose from; 6 sold. Exhibit home 4524 Cheltenham dr. PAUL M. LUDT, real estate. 6600 Wii. ay!., tor. Bradley blvd. WI. 6693. COME, SEE 24 WEST PEYTON AYE!. Ut. Ida, Alexandria. Va. (1 blk. east of Russell rd.) A nice detached home bargain on easy terms, with 6 rms.. bath. 2 glass-lnoloaed porches: h.-w.h.; garage; nr. bus. sehool and store. In line condition. Notional 8875. ATTRACTIVE. NEW. 1311 TO 1880 28th at. a.a. Specials. Vi block north Poona, are. 8 nice rooms. 2 baths, largo elub rooms, hardwood trim; real value#, easy terms to suit: most oonvenlent locution. Open. Sample, 1.311 28th st. a.a. Your opportunity. Inspect at once. E. W. BAI LEY. owner-builder. Adama_478B._ MASS AVE ' N Ej—9 ROOMS. NEWLY decorated; near school#, churches and ear Mn*, *7.90(1 *<50 cash, balance terms. GEORGE ROGERS, 804 P st. n.w. NA. Ol.» I . A DETACHED BRICK HOME WITH POUR bedrooms and two baths, located In a wooded section of lovely homes. Attic fin isned as bedroom; recreation room with fireplace, acreened porch, auto. heat, built in «»£•««: *12 950. THOS L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until I* p.m._3518 Conn._ ¥250 CASH. BALANCE *47.50 MONTH. Near Stanton Park: «-r. and b. brick, h.-w.h., elec.: everything in new condition. E.rlc^'.^'600- E- A. OARVEY (owner). DL_4508._Eve, and Sun,. OE. 8690. CONGRE83 HEIGHTS. D. C—3-ROOM frame bungalow, nice yard. *1.500; J2(>0 cash *25 monthly. A. M. ROTH. Wood wardBldg._NA.7936. TWO-PAMILY — ON ” MASS N.E. AND 10th—7 r„ b.; h.-w.h., oil burner; garage. Quick sale. *6.760. Call WAR1NGS. War ffcld 2232. evenings or before10 a.m._23^ NEAR POUR CORNERS. MD —*1.390. 2 room cottace. lot 80x210 ft. Elec., well. Make your own terms. MR GLIDDEN. PI. 0084-Id after 8 pm. D«y. PI. 3347, (Oontinuad on Nest Page.)