Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES FOR SALE. (Omtinued.) *6.250—NEAR 14th AND RHODE ISLAND *ve. n.e. Here’* the brand-new BRICK norai, all modern, that you have been look ing for; 6 unusually nice rooms, porches, fenced yard. A real opportunity. Call Mr. Johnson. REALTY ASSOCIATES, Na tlonal 1438 or Adams 0084._ KALORAMA RD. NEAR 18th—13 RMS. 3 baths, excellent condition. Price. $8,000. *1,000 cash, balance terms. QEOROE ROPERS 004 F st, n.w. NA. 8137._ NEW DETACHED COLONIAL BRICK, li rms., alr-cond. suto heat, fully insulated roof and side walls: porch: *5.925. 5018 Ventnor rd.. Oreen Acres, off River rd., beyond Western ave. Wisconsin 6932. EXCLUSIVE NORTHEAST SECTION — 6 r. bungalow, large yard, oil heat, full cellar: *6.950. Call LI. 0561. full details. * *5,350—NEW 18' SEMI-DET. HOME, NEW row house. *4.990: consider trade: small cash payment or F. H. A. terms. Mr. Olidden, DE. 0054-M after 6 p.m.. or DI. .3346.___ *8.250—OHEVY CHASE. D. C. (WEST OF Conn, ave.)—Brand-new detached BRICK home. 6 large rooms. 2 baths, lovely porch, recreation room: all the latest equipment. Wa recommend this listing as the best buy of 1940 in this most convenient section. Call promptly If you want real value for your money. REALTY ASSOCIATES, Na tion* 1_14 38 unt 119 p.m_ SELECT YOUR OWN PAPER. FIXTURES etc, In this new center-hall, detached brick. Three bedrooms, two baths, large living room, oil heat, garage, attic Priced at *11.250, It will bear insoectlon and ^omnarison. THOS L. PHILLIPS. WO. V9QQ until 9 n m._3518_Conn. *5.850—BY OWNER: CORNER BUNOA low In desirable section, just outside Dis trict. Thoroughly reconditioned throughout. 6 Pershing ave.. Colmar Manor^Md._28* RESTRICTED N.W. *7.460.00. *7 50 CASH. LOW PAYMENTS. Pretty English Normandy homes, con taining six large rooms. 2 complete baths tone in basement), elaborate kitchen, deli cately stippled walls, large closets, daylight basement: close to schools, churches, transportation. Call Mr. Re-vis, Emerson 5812. With BEITZELL. D 3100 _~ WILL TRADE NEW HOME—MT. PLEASANT. Cost *15.950; Now *12.950. I Block of 16th and Columbia Rd. Bedroom and bath on 1st floor; seml flet., 8 rooms. .3 baths, rec. rm., maid's room, bath, oil heat, gar. Dupont 7777. BEAUTIFUL HILLCREST. New homes, most modern, best of work manship and material: inspect todav. 2024 53 36th st. s.e. Call OWNER. LI. 0082. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. Near 3rd and Madison Sts. N.W. 8 rooms, hdw. As., oil heat. In fine con dition; facing Govt park: price reduced for julck sale. Mr Lynch. RA 1242. or MAPLE & JAMES. INC.. DI. 3346. NEW HOMES—*4.09a *5.350. , *300 CASH. *45 MONTH High elevation all rooms big: large lot. Only 2 left, see them today. Possession with deposit. 3938 BLAINE ST. N.E. Out 15th and H sts n.e. through Ben ping. turn right on first through street to Blaine, then right to house Open to 9 p.m. WAPLE A- JAMBS. INC . _ 1224 14th St. N.W. District 3346. RECONDITIONED HOMES. N*ve several reasonable houses as low *s *5.000 that can be purchased on low monthly payments. For information call ¥/wJ2aS¥urray' TA 0S1S WAPLE & JAMES. INC.. 1224 14th st. n w DI. 3346. WOODRIDGE BUNGALOW. 2225 Shepherd st. n e New. all-brick. 6-room bungalow with finished 2nd floor; fully insulated and weather-stripped: gas. hot-water heat fireplace, modern kitchen; close to bus and stores. Open daily until dark. _WOODRIDGE REALTY CO . _ 2381 B. I. Ave. N.E. NO. 7203. _ OWNER SACRIFICE 1833 Jtckson st. n.e. Large 6-room Bungalow with 2 finished rooms in attic: n -w.h . nice porches, terse lot. high loca tion; close to Rhode Island ave. and stores. 56.500. or make up an offer all cash. Open Sunday p.m. until dark, or call North 7203._ HOLLYWOOD PARK. ■SOUTHEAST JUST OFF PENNA AVE SE Six rooms, detached, one and one-half paths, large wooded lot. oil heat: beautiful location, at Government reservation. Bed room and lavatory on first floor This custom-built home for the sacrifice pr.ce of 51.950. For appointment, call S O. Peck. WAPLE JAMES. INC. DI. 3346. $7.950-—NEW BRICK HOME NEAR FOX ALL HEIGHTS. Only 12 minutes from White House, close to Our Ladv of Victory Catholic Church. Six lartre rooms, extra shower off master bed room. recreation room: air-conditioned oil heat. SI,000 cash and $56 per I month until paid '50—-DETACHED BRICK IN BRIGHT WOOD Built by private owner of quality materials and occupied only 3 months. Six rooms, tile bath, large attic, screened porch, slate roof- air J?eaf- WILL EXCHANGE FOR SMALLER PROPERTY 114-950 — DETACHED 4-BEDROOM. 2 BATH HOME, on beautifully iandscaped wO-foot lot in Chevy Chase. D C.. west of Conn. ave. and near every home requirement. Snacious New England true, with center hall, sunroom. den or breakfast room, large kitchen and maid s room on the first floor. The 1 charm of this home can only be ap preciated upon inspection. Moderate terms arranged. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. - H BT. N.W_NATIONAL 2345. 2927 2nd ST. NORTH, Lyon Park. Va.—Close to District. Fully detached. 6 rms.. bath, oil burner, detached far., beautiful wooded lot. $250 CASH. fcwiS 0432. rent- “■ 2724 0r • SAVE, save, save Cp to $1,000 In Michigan Park. The pwner said to sell new brick homes, ige rooms, only builder giving a Bendix Sa;*er with each home, has lge. yard, finished recr room, same equipment will be found in $15,000 homes. F H A approved Price only $6,850 and 848 12 per month includes principal interest. Insurance and taxes Also larger homes tor $7,250._4702 _12th st. n e. _ 1406 DELAFIELD PL. N.W. * RMS- 4 BEDRMS . 2 BATHS. OIL attractive TERMS REA IoRHOOD PRICED DESIRABLE NEIGH PAUL P. STONE, REALTOR _ TA. 2244._TA. 3311. CLEVELAND PARK, $10,500'. To Settle An Estate. An OUTSTANDING BARGAIN. Detached five bedrooms, two complete baths, two fireplaces; oft heat, electric refrigeration; *wo lovely porches, .several fine, big trees on lot; on a quiet, shady street; very little SlAffl9300f* f°r chUdrfn- BOSS & PHELPS. f $25 Per month ttp. Why rent? Let us build ??ur„0252.<™.We he!t> Nuance. WILLIAM M KITCHIN A CO . Tower Bldg. NA. CS50. Evenings. RA. 2635. $250 Cash, Bal. Like Kent. Briek bungalow. 5 rooms, tile bath, attic easily converted into additional bedrooms, cellar, porch, rock garden, beds of flowers, white Picket fence. Your opportunity. Located on Georgia ave. pike. Sheo gerd 5962. OUTSTANDING VALUE . Unique, charming floor plan in 7-room brick Sligo Park home; 3 bedrooms with spacious closet. 2 baths on 2nd floor, den and * 2 bath on 1st floor; entrance hall un usually large; dining room, beautiful 22x17 ft living room, on lower level with French doors opening on terrace, overlooking Sligo Creek. Outdoor fireplace. landscaped grounds, beautiful tall oak trees. Oame foom In cellar; garage, beautiful lot. Must be seen to appreciate. Phone Shep herd 2679 _ DIRECT FROM OWNER. New brick Colonial: $500 cash. $100 month. Located In beautiful Bradley Hills, v rooms. 2’i baths; 2-car garage; very large lot. WI. 2648-7800.__ "WOODRIDGE BARGAINS. 3204 22nd. so. north R. I. ave ; large 8-r„ 4-bedroom home: garage: Ideal loca tion. A $14,000 hpme for only $9,750. Open. 2925 20th—Lovely new 6-r. brick, well planned. Your h—nectlon invited. It's different. Terms. H C. MAYNOR & CO., >314 R. I. ave. n.e. North 4338. _ SPECIAL BARGAIN. R I. ave. n.e.—For business or home. 8-room and bath house. 50x160. on this fast-growing street: act ciuick: only $5,000. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W.PI, 7877. 4 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. WEST OF 14th N.W— NR. BUCHANAN. Full 20-ft.-w!de brick, oil heat, front and rear porches, attic; near grade, Jr., and high schools. BEE THIS VALUE TODAY. ME. 0045. Evenings. Woodley 0006. SUBURBAN BARGAIN. Attr. 7-room home with wonderful possl lllltles. beautiful landscaped grounds. Can >e shown at any time. ROBERTS E. LATIMER. 7733 Alaska Ave._OE. 1266. Bouses suitable for rooming or BOARDING. DOWNTOWN AND OTHER LOCATIONS. 10 TO 40 ROOM8 AND CP REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT. SEE OR CALL MR FITZGERALD. EVENIN08. RA. 4487. WEEKDAYS CALL WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th St. N.W,_ NA. 9654. CLEVELAND PARK, $9,950 New-House Condition. Very attractive detached center-hall dwelling on a quiet, dead-end. tree-lined gtreet (safe for children>. Three bedrooms, one complete bath with shower and an extra lavatory on 2nd floor. Very eco nomical hot-water heating plant, maid's room and lavatory; garage. Excellent terms can be arranged for a responsible purchaser. BOSS & PHELPS. NA. 9300. $7,450. PETWORTH (ST. GABRIEL'S PARISH), 322 TAYLOR 8T. N.W. Colonial row brick. 6 large rot ms snd bath, 20 ft. wide, spacious porches, large eloseta. parquet floors, special eablnat sink, ell burner. Very reasonable terms. LI. 7063-W. $350 CASH—INSPECT! 1379 AND 1385 N. C. AVE. N.E. 6 rooms bath, h.-w.h.. elec.; perfect •ondltlon; o rare opportunity to own a real home with monthly payments less than rent; price. $5,850. OPEN until 9:30 p.m. WILL TRADE. NA. 9257. • HOUSES FOR SALE. SILVER SPRING. Located In an established and trowing community, a real home with plenty of space, the rooms are larae. the lot Is ROxlBO with trees: this is a 3-bedrm.. 2 bath. all-brick house, slats roof, copper screens, rock wool insulation, heat, bullt in ear., side porch with deck, stairs to attic, fireplace. Transportation 1 blk. Priced at *8.500: terms. Come and see Saturday afternoon or Sunday, open. . To reach: Richt at Sliver Sprint traffic light, out Colesville rd. to Franklin st.. then to Wire ave.. rltht on Wire to 220. Or call HELEN H. VEIT, real estats. SH. 0700 or SH, ,'1520. Woodlawn Section Beautiful Greenwich Forest 5500 Block Lambeth Road $7950—to—$8350 Six New 2-Story Brick Homes 6 Rooms, 2 Boths Insulated Completely Porch—Garage Oil-Air Conditioned Heat Lot 65x130—Wooded Slate Roof—Copper Pipes E. M. FRY, INC. 4703 Hampden Lane, Wis. 6740 $9,850 New Center-Hall Colonial Here is one of the best buys we have been able to offer in a long time. Includes very large living rm. with fireplace, dining room, lst-floor lavatory. Big, completely equipped kitchen. 3 bed rms.. screened side porch, garage. It is beautifully aitu ated on quiet shady street in the best part of Potomac Heights. Very convenient to fast transportation. $17,500 Near the Cathedral Just off Mass. Ave. In a highly desirable location, this beautiful Colonial home, less than R years old. Is an outstanding offering. Con taining a wealth of lovely detail, it includes 4 bedrooms, large library, lavatory on 1st floor, club room with fireplace. built-in garage, automatic heat. FRANK S. PHILLIPS Calls Received Until t P.M. District 1411 COLORED—2non BLOCK 3rd ST. N W.— An opportunity to start in your own home. $100 down, balance like rent, buys this 2 story brick, six rooms, bath, hot-water heat V 8 Hurlbert. NA. 3571. WA8H INGTON HOUSING CORP,. 931 H at. n.w. COLORED—KINGMAN PARK SECTION n.e.—6 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, hard wood floors, three porches, full basement: small payment down, balance like rent; °nlv °£S left- v. S. Hurlbert. NA 3571. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP,. 931 H st. n.w._ COLORED—IMMEDIATE POSSESSION— Near 7th and K n.e. Beautiful semi-de tached. 6-rm. and tile bath brick; new gas heat, hardwood floors, etc ; Colonial front and double rear inclosed porches; $500 cash, balance easy monthly terms. E. A. GARVEY (owner). DI. 4508: eve. and Sun . GE.0090. COIiORED SACRIFICE. Attrac. Col. brick, situated nr 15th and H sts. n e.; 0 lovely mu . bath, h.-w h . porch, etc.; recond ; priced for only $5.95(1, on terms Leo M. Bernstein & Co., ME. 5400. HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. 6 TO 9 ROOMS, PREFER OLD HOUSE Like possession within 45 days D. C only All cash E A GARVEY. 1128 Vt. ave. DI. 4508; eve, and Sun., Georgia 6690. : PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICES FOR old D c houses: no commission MRS KERN 2632 Woodley pi n.w CO. 2675 CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME, white or colored, any condition. E. A. BARRY 3439 14th st. n.w Columbia 6086. WANT BUNGALOW. IN CHEVY CHA8E. D. C.. or Glover Park, between $7,000 and $8,000; must have trees; will consider any good n.w. location. WI. 2431.__ H ROOMS, WELL LOCATED IN CLEVE land or Glover Park; frame or brick; must have nice lot; price between $8,000 and $9,000; will pay cash; owners only. WI. 2432, __ WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR YOUR D. C. property if the price is right. Frame or brick, large or small, condition immaterial R A HUMPHRIES. _ 808 No Cap. Realtor NA 0878. WE HAVE' CASH BUYERS FOR D. C. brick or frame houses of H or 7 rms.. white or colored: condition immaterial. Immedi ate sale if priced right. For quick results call „„ F. ELIOT MIDDLETON. 2On Investment Bldg_RE. 1181, SUBURBAN PROPERTY £OR SALE. TAKOMA PARK — CORNER. 7 ROOMS; '°t 66x200: large shade trees, shrubbery and flowers: large garage oil heat, h w £as- beautiful porches: Electrolux. Box 195-J Star. ALEXANDRIA—5 RMS.” TILE BATH. 2 screened porches garage, maid’s rm. and toilet. ¥6.950; 6 rms., 1'3 baths, built in garage, screened porch. ¥8.250: F. H. A. o-rms. bath, built-in garage, large screened porch, knotty pine rec. rm.. 2 fireplaces, toilet in basm ■ ¥7.500: F. H. A. 6 rms.. English. 1 Vi baths, toilet In basmt. very large rec. rm., 2 fireplaces, built-in garage; ¥8.850; F. H. A. 5 rms.. English: ¥4,750; used, needs some repair. All houses near schools: glso 3 new houses, near Belle Haven Country Club. W. H. BACON. JR., OX. 25*1. 23* NEARBY MD.—8-ROOM COTTAGE. FINE lajge grounds. 160-ft. front on State road to 185 ft. deep: unusually low price. ¥1.800. Also beautiful building site of 2 acres on State road. 4% miles of D. C. Call OWNER. Lincoln 0619 27* 6-ROOM HOUSE. NOW RENTING FOR $40 per mo.; will sell for ¥5.000 cash. Chestnut 0050 SILVER SPRING. New 6-room brick, center-hall plan, nice living room with porch, full basement, oil heat, large corner lot. 250 Ocala st.. 1 short block off Franklin eve. Open until 9 p.m. House furnished. $6,500. F H. A. financed. WM E. RICHARDSON. 9509 Franklin Ave. Shepherd 6473._ SILVER SPRING, MD. $4,500. 5-room bungalow: oil burner, air con ditioned. new kitchen stove and Frigidalre; detached double garage: nearly l acre, wooded. Low down payment. $40 month. Shepherd 6473. MR. KENDRICK. TAKOMA PARK. Ill Orant ave.—6 rm. house In excel lent condition: on large lot. Price $5,750; reasonable terms. Open for inspection. WM. E. RICHARDSON, BROKER. 9599 Franklin Ave. SH. 6473. Silver Spring. Md, INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. PRACTICALLY NEW APT. BLDG., 14 units: well rented: excellent location; bar galn price. Phone National 2280._ 23* ON MAIN N.E. THOROUGHFARE—SUB stantial 5-r. and b. brick; hot-water heat, elec.; brick garage: zone comm’l: rented $36 mo.: price. ¥3 150; free and clear E. A GARVEY. DI. 4508,_Eve.. Sun., GE. 6690. WILL SELL ¥1.360 SECOND-TRU8T note, paying ¥20 month. Will net 10%. For details, phone Chestnut 9319. NEW PROPOSED HOUSING PROJECT” Near new major Government project, 20 year 4% amortizing loan: at end of 20 years should have clear Income property and cash equaling $2,500,000. FULTON R GORDON, 1427 Eye st. n.w. DI. 5230 Brokers’ attention. LARGE STORE. 6 ROOMS. TILE BATH, h.-wh.. oil burner, on a good street; sei’h of Florida ave.; white; a bargain; $8, .00. See Mr. Pendleton. WAPLE A JAMES. INC., 1224 14th St. N.W._DI, 3346. A GOOD INCOME WITH SAFETY' $5,300—Eight-room and bath brick. In good section, three squares from Capitol, one from Bupreme Court. Hot-water heat, two kitchens. Rented to one white tenant at $60 Der month. $8,500—Detached three-family dwelling in Takoma Park, one square from stores and transportation. One apt. of 5 r and b„ 2 of 2 r., k. and b.: oil heat. Income. $140 oer month. $12,750—30 feet wide, one-story brick store on Northwest boulevard. Terrazao floors, oil heat. Leased to responsible chain organization at $1,440 oer year SHANNON A LUCHS CO , _ 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. ATTENTION. INVESTORS $4 950 BuTS 2 bricks, nr. 13th •p-x.Btiu „nd B sts n e . B rms b>th each: total rent. $55 month. It can't last. LEO M. BERNSTEIN A CO , ME. 5400. FARMS FOR SALE. 60 ACRES SHENANDOAH VALLEY: BLUE SMALL FARM. 21 ACRES. 16 MILES TO D. C : bungalow, barn, stable, etc : excel lent soli: electricity and phone available: conv. to school, church and store: $5,000. HENRY L. MORRIS. Upper Marlboro. Md. Phone Marlboro 92.« ADMINISTRATOR SALE. 159 - ACRE farm. adj. city limits of Rockville. Good frontage on Frederick rd. Must be sold to settle estate. Will go et lets than $100 ner acre. Unexcelled tor eubdlvidlnt. 230 acre* choice farm land, with good 8-un. house, good barns and outhouses. In high state of cultivation: has 1-mlle front age on River rd. Also DawsonvlUe' and Seneca rd. Will aell for leta than §60 per acre. Taka action necessary For In formation see. nhone or writ*. X. a. PRICE A CO.. 1010 Vermont ave. n.w. Phone Metropolitan 3650 or MX. 3549. LIFE'S LIKE THAT -By Fred Neher <»*— » ei 11 i*H,i* *mnmI "I CAN’T TELL YOU WHAT I WISH TO SEE HIM ABOUT . IT’S A MILITARY SECRET!” SUBURBAN PROP. SALE OR RENT. 5 TO 30 A.. 10 MI. D. C. LINE. MD.; cleared and woodland with stream. Sale price. $50 to $200 a. Rent. $10 a. JACK BEALL, 3400 Newark st, n.w. WO. 5070. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. ARLINGTON, VA.—0 ROOMS. 3 BED rooms. garage: nice lot; fine location; $70 month. OWNER Chestnut 2774._ ARLINGTON. VA.. 28 N. OAKLAND ST.— Nearly new 6-room brick home, detached; quiet location. Lincoln 7475-W.__ NEW 3-BEDROOM. 2-BATH BRICK RES idencet all modern conveniences. Corner lot. % acre: garage: $65 mo.: air condi tioned. 2701 S. Glebe rd . Arlington. Va. AT. 3242. Eves and Sunday, CO. 6005. MR. HADDAD__ ARLINGTON—NICE. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, trees and ground: exclusive residential; a.m.l.; $75 mo. OWNER. Phone CH. 3220. ALEXANDRIA—NEW: 5 RMS., lW TILED baths: built-in garage; screened porch. $80; 5 rms., bath, garage, maid’s room. 2 screened porches. *70: less on 3-yr. lease; large home. Russell rd.. $75; both houses near sthool. W. H. BACON. JR., Oxford 2571._88* COOL WOODLAND. 3-RM. COTTAGES: elec. furn.. 30 min to Wash.: *1 per day. P. W. MCLAUGHLIN. Palrfax Park. Burke. Va.. 10 ml, s.w. Alex. Rd. No. 644. 22* 9209 FRANKLIN AVE.. 204 LEIGHTON ave.. 811. Spr.. Md.—4 rms , bath: gas. elec., elec, refg.: 2nd fl. Insulated and finished also. Large wooded lot. LOTS FOR SALE._ NR. SILVER HILL MD. (BARNABY Manor Oaks)—Fine shade. 100x300 ft.. $300; 20L down. $10-$16 mo. DAN AB BOTT. Clinton 20-W. __ BUILDERS’ ATTENTION—30 EXCELLENT lots, close in. An.: low price, terms. Day, Oxford 2416: night. CH. 4140. _ 23*_ *1.880—UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO Ac quire a desirable wooded lot in exclusive Westmoreland Hills: restricted community, off Mass ave. at Western ave.: easy terms. WI. 9888,__ WATER FRONT PROPERTY. SALE OR RENT—LOVELY SUMMER home, on Patuxent (3 bedrooms, large living room). Lincoln 6860 or Hillside 0283. BETHANY BEACH. DEL.. NR. REHOBOTH —Furn . sDaclous. seaside cottage, 4 bed rms. 2 baths, lg. pvt ocean front, maid s quarters and garage. Metropolitan 0172. FOR SALK — BROADWATER ON BAY. completely furnished. 9 rooms. 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, fireplace, Inclosed porch. Florida shutters, electric kitchen, artesian water, boathouse with sun deck; 1 hour from Washington. OWNER. GE. 1252. Through Marlboro to Welles Corners to Southern Md. blvd. left at Bristol, follow Cape Ann sign to Broadwater. "The Shack. Open July 20 to 28. ROOM WANTED FOR WEEK ENDS AT Bay Ridge by business couple, with or without board. Box 139-G. Star._ COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—SALE OR RENT. 3 furnished cottages on lot 50x150. Rea sonable. Phone Atlantic 1077._ CAPE ANNE—5-RM COTTAGE. "IBIS.’' 27 miles D. C., completely furn.; pvt. artesian well: Celotexed throughout; porch, front and both sides: sleeps 8: $23 wk. or sale. $2.500._A real buy._WA. 9157. EPPINO FOREST MD. Stucco home I'/a stories 4 rooms. 2 screened porches, floored attic, electric range. Ice box. furniture. $2,750; $250 cash. *■..> per month. MT. VERNON CORPN. NATIONAL 5536. OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. OHIO FARM. ETC.. WANTED IN TRADE for Washington suburban home; Arisons constdereo Box 198-J. Star. 22* ADAMSTOWN. MD—COMBINATION 7 room dwelling and storeroom, with (as station. Due to sickness, will sacrifice for *2.500. with terms if desired. 8. T. HICK MAN. 7804 Georgia ave.. Silver Boring. Shepherd 0760. OFFICES FOR RENT LE DROIT BLDG.. 800-810 T ST. NiW.— Large, bright offices, shops and studios; low rentals. Apply Room 18._ LET “YOUR TELEPHONE SECRETARY” answer your phone when you are out of your office. Call DI. 2705 for details. 602 T ST. N.W —19'' AIRY. LARGE rooms: newly decorated: any number de sired right now._ROGERS. NA. 8137._ DENTIST. SPACE WITH PHYSICIAN IN suite on 16th st. Will decorata to suit. Call Randolph 4323. _ STORES FOR RENT. NEAR NEW GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. 622 4th st. a.w.—Approx. 75 ft. deep or rnqrej22*_ 2102-2104 R. I. AVE. N.E.—2 STORE8. In new condition. Call OWNER, NO. 0518._ 80 T ST. N.W.—MODERN NEW STORE in busy white section: rent reduced to $45. Emcraon 8108._ Near 14th St. and Park Rd., 1473 Spring rd. n.w.—New gtore. double show windows; gas heat: Juat next to 14th st and a very attractive store: only $55. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W, PI, 7877. _ MONEY TO LOAN._ LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. PER sonal Indorsement, strictly confidential. H. C. REINER CO., 1014 K N.W, NA. 6540, MONEY ON SECOND TRUST We will buy second-trust notes. D. O.. nearby Md. or Va. Reasonable rates. NAT. MORT. & INV. CORP.. 1312 N. Y. Ave. N.W. National 5833. PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Overating Under Uniform Small __Loan Laws._ LOANS $ $300 ON YOUR SIGNATURE Your name, your credit record, your reputation are all priceless. Keep them clean. If you're short on money to meet obligations, borrow the cash you need. Em ployed women as well as men may borrow on their signature only and repay In easy monthly amounts. Call, write or phone MARYLAND PERSONAL BANKERS 7912 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland Phone SHepherd 2852 LOANS without security on your Signature Alone Easy. Convenient Payments *50 you repay 82c per week $100 you repay $1.63 per week $160 you repay $2.43 per week $200 you repay $3.24 per week $300 you repay $4.86 per week Above payments Include Interest, THE ONLY CHARGE. You receive the full amount you bor row. • No red tape; strictly confiden tial. can repay at any time. JUST PHONE State Loan Co. A SMALL LOAN CORP. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. (Continued.) Operating Under Uniform Small Loan Laws. YOU . . . can get a loan of $100.00 If you can make monthly paymenU of $7.04. Cash Loan Amount Ton Pay _You Get_Including All Charge*_ Weekly Monthly $2500 $042 $1.76 50.00 0 82 3 52 10000 1 63 7 04 150.00 2.43 10.56 200.00 3 24 14 08 _ 300 00 4 85 21.11_ Papmentt include all charges as pre scribed by the "Uniterm Small Loan Law." Loans made on your own signature. No aecurlty required. No credit inquiries are made of relatlvea friend* or smployer. Apply in mornlns and get money the same day. Just telephone, give us a few facts— then call for the monty. STANDARD LOAN SERVICE 3328 Rhode Island Avenue FRIENDSHIP PERSONAL LOAN CO A502 Wisconsin Ave.—Near Hot Bhoppa Oop. Car and Bus Terminal Telephone Wisconsin 2600 WM. T FRASER. Mar. "LADIES' DAY" IS EVERY DAY AT KRAFT LOANS . —and we DO mean you! If you are steadily employed you can obtain a Kraft Loan ON YOUR BIONATURE ALONE—you can have the money the same day if you call before noon —and you can be sure the negotia tion will be kept strictly confidential. Interest is charged only for actual time the money is used—end there are other advantages in seeing A1 Kraft about your money problems. MICHIGAN 2900 Or Drop in at Kraft Loans 3303 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. “GOfNG-AWAY LOANS This summer enjoy the kind of vacation you've always wanted. Travel agencies offer travel plans to fit every mood. If it will take a few more dollars to see you through, come to Domestic for the extra money. You can also borrow to meet ony other financial need. DOMESTIC Finance Corporation A SMALL LOAN COMPANY MT. RAINIER, MD. net B. L Art. Phan* Mieh. UTI Silver Spring, Md. 7 net Gaorrta At*. Phana SBae^MM ROSSLYN, VA. Arllnrten Tr. Bits. Sni PL Cheat. MM Alexandria, Va. 103 8. Weeh. 8t. Phene Ales. 1718 "FIRST IN FRIENDLINESS" OFFICIAL NOTICES. COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, July 17. 1840.—Notice ii hereby given that In accordance with the pro vision* of an Item authorising changes In the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia contained In D. C. Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1814 (Public Act No. 436. 02nd Congress), approved March 4. 1813, as amended by an Act approved April 30, 1826 (Public Act No. 168. 69th Congress), the Commissioners of the District of Co lumbia will give a public hearing in the Board Room of said Commissioners In the District Building on MONDAY. AUGUST 6, 1940. at 10 o'clock a m., to all persons Interested or owning land within the terri tory affected by proposed changes In the plan of the permanent system of highways, located In the District of Columbia, and described as follows: 1. Proposed change In said plan In the Northeast Section located within the territory bounded on the north by Evarts street, on the north east by Montana Avenue, on the south by land lying south of W Street, proposed, and on the west by 14th Street, proposed, pro viding lor a change in the location of W Street, proposed, adjacent to Montana Avenue, and for additional proposed street area within the above described territory. 2. Proposed change In said plan In the Northwest Section located within the ter ritory bounded on the east by Rock Creek Park, on the south by Beech Street, and on the northwest by Western Avenue, pro viding for a readjustment of the plan of proposed streets within the above described territory lying between Oregon and Western Avenues. 3. Proposed change in said plan In the Southeast Seetlon affecting the loca tion of K Street, proposed, between 30th Street and Falrlawn Avenue. 4. Proposed ehanse In said plan In the Northwest Sec tion located within the territory bounded on the north by Zoological Park, on the east by Adams Mill Road on the south by Calvert Street, and on the west by Water side Drive, eliminating from said plan a proposed street running northerly and northeasterly from Blltmore Street at Its Intersection with Calvert Street. Flans showing proposed changes within the ter ritory described above, numbered as Maps 2378. 2377 2378 and 2879. are on display In the office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia. Room 408. District Building, and may be examined by Interested parties during business hours prior to the hearing. Such Mans will also be displayed at the hearlnc. and the Commissioners will eon “ or protests.oonoern | of the JUM6JT.IMM1I WAREHOUSES FOR HINT. nr THE SILVER SPRING BUSINESS SEC tlon. warehouse and storage space, suitable lor body and fend A shop, paint shop. ete. MUNOER HOLLINGSWORTH CO.. Bethes da Bank Bldg,, Bethesda, Md WI. 4662. PROPOSALS. a8SSig>bu«..^8S8on‘,?r^ r«tT,1«t,ii4.r*d.“ind24Diuir Navy Department. Washington. D. C., and then and there publicly opened for four one-story storehouses on concrete founda tions with steel frame, sheet steel walks, concrete floors and steel roofs at the Naval Magaxlne. Washington (Bellevue), D. C. Specification No. 9942 and accompanying drawings may be obtained on application to the bureau. Deposit of a check or postal money order for S10. payable to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, is required as security for the safe return of the drawings and specification. B. MORBnx, Chief of Bureau. 11 July. 1940. OOMMIBSIONJBiS. D. C . WASHINGTON. July 22, 1940.—Sealed proposals will be received »t Room 509, District Building, until 2:00 o'clock P.M. (E. S. T.) August 6. 1940. and then publicly opened, for widening, paving and repaving the road way of 12th st. s.w.. between Mary land ave. and Maine ave., with about 4.800 square yards of reinforced cement concrete pavement, or alternate. The attention of bidders Is directed to the special provisions covering subletting or assigning of contract and to the use of domestic materials. Attention of bidders Is particularly called to the reauirements as to conditions of employment to be ob served and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. Apply Room 427. District Building, for proposal. The act ing director. District of Columbia Anploy ment Center, la Mr. Edwin Jones. 808 1 st. n.w. Ju22, S' "”■■■*■ . * I m - "* am. .: LEGAL NOTICES. PARKER A WYATT, Attorneys. ' Southern Bldg. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States for the District of Colum bia.—Notice of Limited Partnership: No. 114.—Notice la hereby given that the partners hereinafter named, now being all of the general and special partners of a limited partnership formed pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, and desiring to continue to do business In the District of Columbia as a limited partner ship. have filed In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court for the District of Columbia a certificate of limited partner ship which contains the terms of such limited partnership. The name of the firm under which such partnership Is to be con ducted Is SMITH. BARNEY Ac CO. The general nature of the business Intended to be transacted Is that of underwriters, distributors and custodians of. and brokers and dealers In. stocks, bonds and other securities and Investments of every kind and character. Including grain and other commodities. The names of all the general and special partners Interested therein, distinguishing which are general and which are special partners, and their respective places of residence are as follows: (General Partners) Joseph R. Swan. 436 E. 52nd St.. N Y.. N. Y.: Henry E. Butler. P. O Box 111. Red Bank. N. J.; Radclifie Ches ton. Jr. Oreland. Pa.: Charles 8 Cheston. Sklpoack Pike. Whltemarsh. Pa.: J. Ford Johnson. Jr.. Ambassador Hotel. Park Ave. and 61st St., N Y . N Y.: John W. Cutler. 68 E. 80th St. N. Y.. N. Y : Edwin A. Fish. Locust Valley. Long Island. N. Y : Burnett Walker. 1021 Park Ave.. N. Y , N. Y.: Charles B. Harding. Rumson. N. J : Edward B Smith. Jr.. "Sweetwaters." Providence Rd. Edgemont. Pa.: John W. Castles. Con vent. N. J.: Irving D. Fish. Pox Run Lane. Oreenwich. Conn.: Fred E. Koechlein. 641 Union Ave.. Elisabeth. N J : W. Edwin Williams. 900 Charlotte Rd- Plainfield. N. J : Edward C Sayers. Washington Lane. Meadowbrook. Pa.: Ralph B. Johnson. 50 E. 10th St., N. Y- N. Y.: William Barclay Harding. Holmdel. N J ; Harcourt Amorr. Ipswich. Mass.: Ogden Phipps. Roslyn. Long Island. N. Y ; J. Ritchie Kimball. R. F. D. No. 2. Morristown. N. J.: Karl Welshelt. 221 Blvd.. Mount Lakes. N. J.: Phillip W. Brown. Haddon Rd- Scarsdale. N. Y.: Sidney P. Tyler. Rydal. Montgomery County Pa : (Special Partners) Philemon Dickinson. Chestnut Hill. Philadelphia County. Pa : Edwin A. Fish. Locust Valley. Long Island. N. Y The amount of capital which each special partner shall have contributed to# the common stock Is as follows: Philemon Dickinson, *600.000: Edwin A. Fish. S500.000. The oeriod at which the partnership Is to commence and the oeriod at which It Is to terminate are as follows: The partnership formed at the close of business on December 31. 1937. shall continue from and after the close of business on June 30. 1940. for the term of three years and six months to and including December 31. 1943. and Its mem bership shall be constituted as set forth herein from and after June 30. 1940. and shall continue to and Including Decembe’ .31. 1943. sublect to earlier termination upon certain contingencies set forth In the aforesaid certificate. Piling the cer tificate as aforesaid and this publication are occasioned by the retirement from said limited Partnership, prior to the opening of business on July 1. 1940. of Jay Cooke, theretofore a Special Partner. Ir8. au2_ COE A RICHARDS. Attorneys. m THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States tor the District ol Colum bia.—Holding a Probate Court.—In re Estate of Victor H. Syohax. sometimes known as V. Hurst Syohax. Deceased.—Ad ministration No. 56.396—ORDERS FIXINO NEW DATE FOR TRIAL AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION —The notification as to the trial of the Issues in this case relat ing to the validity of the naper-wrlting dated the 9th day of February. 1940. purporting to be the last will and testament of Victor H. Syphax. deceased, having been returned as to Dorothy Piper. Irene Taylor, the un known heirs at law and next to kin of Edna Grey, deceased, and Helen Wheatland Burrell. "Not to be found." It Is. by the Court, this 1st day of July. 1940. OR DERED: That said issues be set down for trial on the 1st day of October. 1940. and that this order and the substance of said Issues be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter and twice a week for the same oerlod In The Evening Star, the substance of said Issues being as follows: One: Was the oaper writing filed tn this Court and bearing date the 9th day of February. 1940. the last will and testament of Victor H Syphax deceased? Two: Was the said paper writing dated the 9th day of Febru ary. 1940. purporting to be the last will and testament of Victor H. Syohax. de ceased. executed and attested In due form as required by law? Three: Was the said Victor H. Syohax at the time of the mak ing and subscribing or of the acknowledg ing by her of the said paper writing of sound and disposing mind and canable of executing a valid deed or contract? Four: Was the said paper writing dated the 9th day of February. 1940. obtained, or the execution thereof, or the subscription thereto procured from the said Victor H Syphax. deceased, by fraud or deceit prac ticed upon the said Victor H Syphax by some person or persons? Five: Was the said paper writing dated the 9th day of February. 1940. obtained, or the execu tion thereof procured from the said Victor H, Syphax. deceased, by the undue in fluence or duress, or coercion of some per son or persons? DANIEL W. O’DONOO HUE. Justice. (Seal.l Attest: THEODORE COOSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court. We consent: GEORGE E. C. HAYES. Attorney for Caveatee. Iy8.,24.29.31_ BRICE CLAGETT. Attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co rasfeici&^Di%uSra —ORDER NISI.—Justus S. Wardell as Re ceiver of the District National Bank of Washington, having reported to the Court that he has received an offer from Messrs. H. Lamar Henderson and Jesse Loeb to purchase for $1,585.00 cash various assets of said savings bank consisting of bills receivable, judgments, overdrafts and other choses In action and chattelk. having a total book value of $313,249.21, a de scriptive list of which is attached to the petition herein on file with the Clerk of this Court and Is also open for inspection at the office of the Receiver at 1614 K Street Northwest on all business days be tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and said Justus 8. Wardell having further reported to this Court that he has been authorised to accept such offer by the Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, sub ject to approval by this Court, as Is shown by a true copy of a letter contain ing such authorisation annexed to the petition herein and dated July 8, 1940. It is by the Court this 15th day of July 1940. ORDERED. That the said offer of Messrs. H Lamar Henderson and Jesse Loeb be accented and that said sale shall be ratified and confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary or a higher offer be made on or before the 1st day of August. 1940, provided, however, that a copy of this Order Ntei be published in the Washington Evening Star as a legal notice at least three times and once in the Washington Law Reporter prior to the said 1st day of August. 1940. the first of said publications to be at least ten days prior to said date, and provided further that in the event any higher offer Is to be made, the person making such Increased offer shall be required to submit an offer exceeding the offer In the said petition herein by at least five per cent and that the person making such increased offer shall be required to submit the same to the office of the Receiver at 1614 K Street Northwest on or before twelve o’clock noon of the said 1st day of August, 1940. All assignments of assets are to be made without recourse or warranty of any kind. SEtt * V.S' ByjyPHgLl£flM. HAMILTON. Asst. Clerk. AUCTION SALES. t TOMORROW. a DOUOHKRTT ACCTI<gN_yL»S. INC.. AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES Con of All Makot and Modtli Tuesday, July 23rd 7:30 P.M. Lata Modal Ford*, Plymouth*, Charrolot*, Dodfo* and Other Make* 1741 Johnson Avo. N.W. (Mtm 14th ul 1M, B •■*'■> AUCTION SALIS. (Continued.) TOMORROW. THOB. J. OWEN 4c SON. Auctioneer!, 1431 Eye ST. N.W. "SKISK PMEMKESNO. 2310 ASBMEAD PLACE By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In Liber No. 8386. folio S* ‘S' loud records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustee will sen at public auction. In front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OP JULY. A. D.. 1040. AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M . the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 24 In square J541 In David A. Baer and others’ sub d vision oE lots In "George Truesdell’s Ad dition to Washington Heights." as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia In Liber 85 at ZOllO o4. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $811,600. further particulars of which wllli be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid one-third In cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years with, Interest at 8 per centum per annum, secured by second deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the SR*!?!?. ot purchaser. A deposit of S2.500 required. Conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustee. . ...... BENOIT BAER Jr.. _iyl2.18.17,19.22 Surviving Trustee. Adam A. Weaehler M Sea, Auctioneers. FURNITURE By order Roni R. Snyder, Attorney tor an Estate; Edward J. Berdans, Com mittee; Helen C. Cox, Admnx., and from other sources. «fiOD PIECES. MODERN FRIGID AIRE AND OTHER REFRIG ERATORS, RADIOS. UNENS, ETC. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E St. N.W. TOMORROW CemaMnetar at • O’clock A M. French Bed Room Suite, 3-Piece Leatherette Office Suite, Metol Glass Top Coffee Tables, Victorian Walnut Short Safa, Compo Garden Urns, Porch Chairs, China, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac, Chickering Grand Piano, Mahogany High Post Beds, Mahogany Dining Room Suites, Upholstered Chairs and Davenports, Books, Silverware, Orien tal and Domestic Rugs, Metal Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Refrigerators, etc. At Public Auction At Sloan’s 715 13th St. TUESDAY July 23rd, 1840 A( 10 A M. By order of the Merchants Transfer and Storage Co. and others. Terms: Cash. C. G. Sloan A Co.. Inc.. Aucts. Established 1891. AUCTION SALES. FUTCKE. Adam A. Wetehler A Bon. Auctioneer!, • IS E Street N.W. Estate Sale paintY_glass LEAD—COLORS BRUSHES—FIXTURES By Auction at 1712 7th St. N.W. WEDNESDAY July 24, 1940, 10 A.M. Inside and Outalde Paint, Enamel. Varnish. Stain. Colors in Oil. Dry Colors. Calaomine. White Lead. Shellac, Asphaltum. Wall Site. Whitint. Patch in* Platter, Cleaner, Alnminnm and Bronte Powder. Baof and Furnace Ce ment, Remoter, Polish. Wax. Wood Dye, Brashes. Dusters. S an donee r. Steel Wool, Serapers, Turpentine, Ginas, etc., also Counter Seales. Glass Tabla, Stove, etc. Terms: Cash. Gladys Mayhew. Administratrix estate Geer re Mayhew, also known as Georre L. Mayhew. deceased. Ad ministration No. S.V83*. James B. Flynn. Attorney. Washinrton Loan and Trust Buildinr. jy22.23 THOS. J OWEN * SON. Auctioneer*. 1431 Ere Street Northwest. TRUSTEES- SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO 114 FLORIDA AVENUE NORTHWEST Br virtue of * certain deed of trust duly recorded ir. Liber No. 595(' folio 85. et seq . of the lend records of the District of Co lumbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY FIFTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1940. AT THREE-THIRTY O'CLOCK PM . the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 177 in D B. Groff’s sub division of lots in sauare 551. as per plat recorded in Liber 19, folio 167. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with Interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $300 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording. revenue stamps, etc . at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be. complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days- advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. HENRY P. BLAIR. ALLEN C. CLARK. Iyl5. Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEE* SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 3204 DOUGLAS STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 7080. folio 207 et see., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the Party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at pupblic auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1040. AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 30 in James A. Yager and Mary H. Yager's subdivision uf lots in block 18, "Langdon Park,” as Per plat recorded in the office of the sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 73 at folio 124. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur chase-money to be paid In cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 5Vj Per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property spld. or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording. revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tees reserve the right to resell the prop erty at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In Washington. D. C. J. E, EASON. R. E. ANKERS. 1rl7.1P.22.2S.27Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' BALE OF DETACHED BRICK AND FRAME BUNGALOW. NO. 1610 WHITE PLACE (24th ST.) S.E.. CON TAINING 6 ROOMS AND BATH. HOT WATER HEAT. TWO-CAR METAL AND FRAME GARAGE By virtue of a deed of trust, recorded In Liber No. 7083. folio 415, et seq., one of the land records of the District of Colum bia, and at the request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will oiler for sale by public auction. In front of premises, on TUESDAY, the THIRTIETH DAY OF JULY, 1040, AT FOUR-THIRTY O’CLOCK PM., the following-described Property In the District of Columbia, to wit: Lots 40 and 41 In square 6578 In Roley Lee White and others' subdivision of part of a tract of land now known as "Floral Hill” as per plat recorded In Book 21 at Page 47 In the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia. TERMS OF SALE: Fifteen per centum of the purchase-money to be paid In cash, balance In monthly Installments, repre sented by promissory notes of purchaser payable $1 for each $100 including inter est at six per cent per annum froart day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon property sold, or all cash, at option ol purchaser. A deposit of $300 required of purchaser at sale. Examination of title, conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and notarial fees at oost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to reeell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In Washing ton. D. C., or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trustees may avail themselves of any legal or eoultable righto ggatnst defaulting purchaser. RAYMOND J. VnfRBUCHKN, in».fS!$22&M ‘ ***“*"®7b*g*ggg. ' AUTOMOBILES WANTIP. WE PAY CASH FOB YOUR CAR. FRANK "MATJ. jr . 2X6 Pa. Av«. 8.E._Lincoln 2077. WANTED LATE-MODEL CARS We'll say top cash prlcei (or any late model car Open evenlntt Call North 7587 The MANHATTAN AUTO S RADIO CO.. 1706 7th at. n.w. . _ DON'T SEUT UNTIL YOU SEE UK BARNES MOTORS, 1220 14th 8t. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR WE PAY OFF THE NOTES Leo Roecft Inc.. 430). Conn. Are.Emcraon 7800 TRAILERS FOR SALE. roc EXPECT MORE In a VAQABOND and you cat It Sea them at Cherry Rill Camp. 0. S. 1. Berwyn. Md TRAILERS, new and uaed: easy to deal with Elcnr Coaeb Co.. Canary Trailer Camp. Rt. 1. Berwyn. Md GLIDER TRAILER CO. of Chicago wishes to announce the display of a complete line of Glider trailers All models have 2 doors, priced from $595. Small down payment. 2 years to pay. Just 4 miles north of Dis trict line on Route 1. House In Tree Trailer Park. Berwyn. Md. M. E. Worth, factory representative. AUTO SHOPPING SERVICE._ HEAR ABOUT THE NEW SERVICE? If you want a reliable car. we can give you expert, impartial advice. The service costs you nothing, saves time and trouble. FIND A CAR SERVICE. Hobart 6100. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. CHEVROLET L938 pickup; all-steel body, hydraulic brakes; smooth, thrifty motor; all good rubber: $379: easy terms. FRANK SMALL. JR , 733 Ilth St. 8.E. LI. 2077. FORD 1936 158-lnch chassis and cab; heavy-duty dual wheels and tlrea. helper springs, best mechanical order, very clean; ready to work: *219. easy terms. FRANK SMALL, JR , 1349 Oood Hope Rd. 8 E. LI. 2077. FORD 1939 112-lnch gtake; little uaed, best overall condition, good rubber; $639; easy terms; guaranteed; liberal trade allowance. FRANK SMALL. JR. 1553 Pa. Ave. B E. LI. 2077. FORD 1935 1 Va-ton cab and chassis: good mechanical condition. Call Decatur 0180 between 7 a m. and 5 p m. ,_ SPECIAL!! 1939 CHEVROLET Panel T r n c k. $ Uie it before ^ yon bny it. L P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. TRUCK PRICES REDUCED Don't Miss This Sole 1940 International Panel _$575 1939 International Stake. 1938 Dodge Panel _ 350 1938 Dodge Panel _325 1937 Dodge Panel_275 1937 Ford Panel _315 1937 Ford Panel _275 1938 Chevrolet Panel _ 200 19.3ft Ford Panels S185 and 100 1935 Chevrolet Panel_ . ._ 105 1932 Chevrolet Panel 50 1929 Chevrolet Flat 50 Most of Thcso Reconditioned All Bargains INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. BOX BUdrnibarf Bd. N.E. At. 3BB8 Optn E.tnlnn AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUICK 1939 convertible sedan; new-ear condition white-wall tires: $939. Call Mr. Harrington. Columbia 9853, 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday, all day Monday. CADILLAC convertible coupe. 1934; lm^ maculate; $250. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con necticut. WO. 8401. CADILLAC 1935 four-door sedan: small 8: immaculate: $385 Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. CHEVROLET 1935 two-door sedan; im maculate: $185. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut ave. WO. 8401. CHEVROLET 1931 two-door sedan. 6 eyl.; $85: immaculate. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. CHEVROLET 1939 de luxe coupe: one owner: $490: low miles. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. CHEVROLET 1930 coupe, de luxe: Im maculate: $240. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut._WO. 8401. CHEVROLET 1940 master de luxe 4-door trunk sedan, with radio: used 10 weeks. To take over my 22 monthly payments of $32.35: $55 down. North 3593. Ext. 78. • DODGES—1939 de luxe 2-door, radio, heater, sett covers. $025; 1938 de luxe 4 door sedan, heater, very clean. $500; 1938 de luxe 2-door sedan, radio heater. $450. BETHESDA MOTOR SALES. 0800 Wis. Ave._WL_j8657._ DODGE 1936 de luxe town 4-door sedan: finish, upholstery, motor, tires likt new: 15,000 miles: summer sett covers; $545. Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladensbur* rd. n.e.. at_N._Y._ave.__ DODGE 1938 four-door sedan; Immacu late: one owner: $280. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. DODGE 1937 four-door sedan, 0-cyl.; Im maculate: one owner: $385 Flood Pon tiac. 4221_Connecticut;_WO._8401._ FORD latest 1938 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan; used very little by one owner: driven 10.000 ml.: like new throughout: mohair upholstery; like brand-new car: $495. Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladen* burg rd n.e.. at N. Y. ave._ FORD 1939 2-door 85 de luxe; $540: ex cel. eond.: heater: pvt. owner. 800 Ran dolnh at. n.e . Apt. 3, HO. 8266._ FORD 1938 convertible coupe: today's spe cial: $297 TOWN & COUNTRY MOTORS. 1707 14th St. N.W.MI. 0000. FORD 1940 club convertible coupe; beau tiful maroon finish, white-wall tires, radio and heater, seat covers, spotlight: equal to new in every detail, fully guaran teed; $825. H. B. LEARY. Jr.. 4c BROS.. 1st and New York Ave. RE. HO. 8012. FORD 1934 coupe; good -transportation, $75. BETHESDA MOTOR SALEB _0800 Wis. Ave._Wl. 2657. FORD latest 1930 snort de luxe coupe; looks and drives like new car; real bar gain; private perty will sacrifice. Mrs. Hill, 155 11th st. n.e.. Apt, l._ FORD latest 1935 de luxe roadster: new top and Curtains: good motor, finish and tires; 22.000 miles; white side-wall tire*; passed D. C. Inspection: $226. Cross town Motors. 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e., at N. Y. ave__^_ FORD 1936 de luxe Tudor trunk sedan; driven 24.000 milts: good motor, finish and upholstery; new tires: $226. Cross town Motors. 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.e., at N. Y. ave._ FORD 1939 coupe: Immaculate condition: one owner;_$399. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con nectlcut. WO. 8401._ FORD 1937 Tudor sedan. 86 h.p., de luxe; Immaculate; $260. Flood Fontlac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401._ FORD 1936 Tudor sedan. 85. de luxe: Immaculate: one owner; $230. Flood Pon tiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. OLDSMOBILE 1839 club coupe, excellent condition, radio, heater; reasonable. Call Wisconsin 6.847.__ OLDSMOBILE 1936 two-door sedan. 6-cyl.: immaculate, one owner; $300. Flood Pon tlac, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. PACKARD 1937 four-door sedan. 6-eyI.; immaculate: one owner; $399. Flood Pon tlac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401._ PIERCE ARROW 1932 4-door sedan. $60. BETHE8DA MOTOR SALES. 6800 Wls, Ave.Wl. 2867. PLYMOUTHS—1939 de luxe 2-door tour ing. gunmetal finish, $475; 1938 de luxe 4-door touring, new tires. $395; 1937 de luxe 4-door touring, late series. $325. BETHESDA MOTOR SALES. 6800 Wis. Ave._Wl, 2857. PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan; nile green: 17.000 ml.; mohair upholstery: like new ear: all new tires: excel, motor and finish; nothing like this in town: $395. Crosstown Motors, 1921 Bladensburg rd, n.e., at N. Y. ave. PLYMOUTH 1938 convertible coupe; Im maculate: one owner: $436. Flood Pon tlac. 4221 Connecticut. Wo. 8401. PLYMOUTH 1935 coupe, de luxe: immacu late condition: one owner. $215. nood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Wo. 8461. PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe 2-d00r trunk sedan: low mileage, all new tires. This car will please the most critical buyer. ME. 6344:_ after 6 o.m.. EM. 2875. Dealer. PLYMOUTH 1940 de luxe 4-door sedan; heater and defroster, low mileage: former owner forced to sell $220 off of new price. MB. 6344: after 6 pm. EM. 2875. Dealer. PONTIAC 1933 two-door sedan: immacu late: $118. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con ncctlcut. WO. 8401. PONTIAC 1937 sedan: sacrificing for un paid balance; $329: mortgage foreclosure. Mr. Scmmervllle, parking Tot, 219 2nd at. n w. All day Sun._ PONTIAC 1933 coupe de luxe. 8 carl.: one owner; immaciiate; $426. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. PONTIAC 1935 four-door sedan. 8-cyl.; $195. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conaeetlout. WO. 8401. PONTIAC 1939 coupe. 6-cyl.: 12.000 miles; {CTliVoSStffiSSl:1^: &F*>n AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued.) PONTIAC late 1938 da luxe 2-door trunf sedan: finger-tip gear shift; driven 7.000 ml. by OQg owner; finest upholstery; motor like new; seldom used; *625. Crosstown Motors. 1921 Bladensburg rd. n.g.. at W. Y. ave,_ PONTiAC 1938 four-door sedan. 8 eyl,! Federal Reserve Board employe sole owner: Immaculate; #330, Flood Pontlae, 4S2I Connecticut. WO. 8401._ PONTIAC, 1934 four-door sedan: lmmacu ‘Ml_wo.j840i PentT“ PONTIAC 1939 four-door sedan. 8-eyTi Immaculate: one owner: *590. Flood Pan tiac. 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8401. PONTIAC 1934 two-door sedan; one owner'; jggSSffia- 8FlyT Pontiac, i22i tiac. 4321 Connecticut. WO. 8401. STUDEBAKBR 1840 President 4-dr. eruls lng sedan; drtven by president of the com •<Iu|ODed; equivalent to new: *°W n*w"“r guarantee and terms: will sacrifice at substantial discount: top allowance and easiest terms. HILLER STUDEBAKBR, 8208 Oa. ave 8HT 1372T STUDEBAKBR 1937 Dictator 8 coupe; ra dio and heater. *350 „ BETHESDA MOTOR SALES. _8800 Wls, Ave._WI, 2857. STUDEBAKBR 1939 Champion 4-dr. cruis ing sedan; beautiful maroon finish: radio equipped: low mileage by one owner, name on request: very clean Interior; priced to sell Immediately; only *849: ton allowance and easiest terms. HILLBR STUDEBAKBR. 6208 Oa. avr SH. 1372. STUDEBAKBR 1939 Champion de luxe coupe; extremely low mileage: has cllma tlxer: like new In every respect; tires show no wear. Interior very clean: reduced to sell immediately, #589: top allowance and easiest terms. HILLER STUD EB AKER, 8208 Oa. ave. SH. 1372. SPECIAL Cadillac 1938 4-door sedan; radio, heater, white tires: selling to close estate. Woodley 5962. LINCOLN-ZEPHYRS 1937 4-door sedan; original black finish, clean Interior with custom seat covers since new; actual 25,000 miles on this one-owner car. #427. 1937 coupe; black finish. whlte-waH tires, excellent motor; one owner; #397. TOWN & COUNTRY MOTORS. 1707 14th St. N.W._MI. 6900._ BUICK8 1938 Model 41 4-door trunk sedan: orig inal black finish, clean Interior, custom covers since new; excellent motor and tires; only $847. 1938 Bulck convertible coupe; beautiful maroon finish, new white-wall tires, radio and heater; excellent motor; #447. 1937 Buick coupe: original black finish, dean interior, smooth motor. 5 good tires; TOWN & COUNTRY MOTORS 1707 14th St. N.W. MI. 6900. SPECIAL!! 1938 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Try it before $ |? yon bay it_ "fQy L. P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. For a Good Deal Drive to Our New Location 5100 Wisconsin Ave. bet. Garrison & Harrison Sts. McKee Phone EM. 5869 Open TiU in P M. SPECIAL!! 1936 DE SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN Fine two - tone C A A color — 90-day ^4 J fl guarantee_ U I V L P. STEUART, INC. 1325 14th N.W. Here Is Your Chance to Save First Year s Depreciation on DE SOTO AND PLYMOUTH 1940 Company Officials and Demonsfcators Good Soloetion of Color$ L. P. STEUART, Inc. 1401—13th St. N.W. DEc. 4800 MECHANICS' SPECIALS 2 Days Only! 'SS Tori Tndor No. 22*_$119 'St Chorrolot Sedan No. MS_SB '3* Ford Panel No. SIS_ BS '34 Pontlae 2-dr. Tr». No. 833 M 'SS Cher. Bed. D’It't No. 391 139 'SS Ford Bed. D’Ut't No. 401 09 *37 Cher. D L. Coach No. 4SS 109 '30 Cher. D.L. Coach No. 478 149 MANDELL CHEVROLET 1800 Nichob Art. S.E. LI. 9488 Open Eves. CHRYSLER SALE SAVE >100 All body style*. Coupes, 2-door Tourings, 4-door Tourings, Convertible Coupes, Convertible Sedans Guaranteed and easiest terns. H. B. Utry, Jr. & Bros. Firtf b N. Y. Are. N. E. HOBART 6012 OPEN SUNDAY