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Ungorio, stockings Slissr Summer blouses %AA-1- ««_iM ...UL wwwm IWOOT WiTH OAKITE In a faw —ly doum. WATCH FOA MAM MMIATS AT TOUR AROCtM I I I IH ■■■■■*!'■ OAKJTE,.. grease — dissolving cleaner, cleans even In Ice water. Thl* price to baaed on the amount el "*r QUICK DBYQfO ENAM EL needed to aaake S lawn chain, a table and eettee^Un new. CemMuetlen Offer.. • ran rut “II” EiiulAA *»i Paint Brash %J(JC Rtfular fUO Valut. faffA 0 0 CAN DO FT ifotWefy IN YOUR SPARE TIME Chairs, tables picture frames, floors screens and other surfaces that look so shabby now can look like new (or only , a few cents and a few minutes with a can of "61” and a brush. “61” QUICK DRYTNO ENAMEL Is easy to use, flows on smoothly, freely . . . without trace of a brush mark. It dries in 4 hours, laavtnc a sparkling hard finish. One coat generally covert. If you prefer, we will recommend a reliable painter. FREE DELIVERY ... emit MEtropolitmn 01 SO [ »**ow V TO J !l Thebe or* protective values in Ultra* refined Clorox obtainable in no ether product. It is fra* from caustic and other harsh substances...ultra-gentle in bleaching...intensified in disinfecting efficiency. Clorox makes white cottons and linens o beautiful WHUE-white, brightens fast colors. In kitchen end bathroom cleansing ltd** odorizes,disinfects...assures greater home health security. And Clorox is effective yet gentle in its many personal uses. Simply follow directions on label. in niw siiNmizie semi with iast-om cabs ^__ Cm na.O» Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star JR FLIGHTSDULY ff ”• EASTERN to TNEW YORK EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR with friRioit additional schedules on the half hour durinf rush periods. GOING 5:00 A.M. 6:45 A.M. 7:00 A M. •:00 A.M. 9:00 AM. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:15 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 6.-00 PM. 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. •iOO PM. 3:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 12:30 A.M. RETURNING 6:30 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 8:00 AM. 8:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 1*1:00 AM. 12:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:15 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. All $th*4vh j *p*rat* m fotttrn Stmmdmrd Tim* • Flight-Steward service on all planes. Snack-bar service on all flights; full, course compli mentary meals at regular mealtimes. For reservations phone any hotel transportation desk or travel bureau, or call your lo cal Eastern Air Lines Ticket Agent at: REPUBLIC 3311 EAST! RN faJtoeL IrKrnnFJjYnttmrtam/mr 1,000 British Children To Be Sent to U. S. Without Convoy Group Will Represent Cross-Section of English Families 1) the Auoclated Frni. NEW YORK. July 25 —A thousand British children—from poor and well-to-do homes alike—are des tined to leave within the next few weeks In unconvoyed ships for the safety of the United States. The United States Committee for the Care of European Chil dren said a blanket authorisation for the transfer had been Issued by the State Department upon assur ance the children would not be come public charges. Those selected are to be taken in the order they are found on a list of some 200,000 registered for mass evacuation. Committee Chairman Marshall Field said British authori ties were Instructed to make certain that those selected represent a cross section of English families. J. Bruce Kremer Rites Attended by Notables Funeral service* for J. Bruce Kremer, 61, lawyer and former ex ecutive secretary of the Democratic National Committee, which he also had served as vice chairman, were held today at his home, 4926 Glen brook road N.W., where he died Tuesday. Burial was in Rock Creek Cemetery. The list of honorary pallbearers, which Included many notables, was as follows: Vice President Gamer, Secretary of State Hull, Postmaster General Farley, Justice Stanley F. Reed, Senator Barkley, Senator Clark, Senator Murray, Senator Pittman, Senator Tydings, Senator Van Nuys, Senator Wheeler, Homer S. Cum mings. Will H. Hays, William G. McAdoo, Daniel C. Roper, William A. Julian, Treasurer of the United States; Jesse Jones, Federal Loan administrator; Justice Harold M. Stephens, Joseph R. Jackson, Harry W. Blair, Stephen Early, secretary to President Roosevelt; Frank Bird, Ugo Carusi, Linton M. Collins, Earle Daveler, William Dolph, James Hob bins, Emil Hurja, D. C. Jackling, D. M. Kelley, C. F. Kelley, Herbert Petty, Justus Wardell, J. E. Woodard and Dr. John Wynkoop. Planes (Continued From First Page.) we can develop and every device we can adopt to give our air force bigger and better advantages when we come to grips with the enemy,” Lord Beaverbrook said. He added Britain's own aircraft production reached a record pro duction last week, and that the output so far for this month was double that of the same period a year ago. "If we are put to total by fire we think we can demonstrate that workers in the aircraft industry will not fall you. "At our posts we will stay on duty, we will stand at our benches, we will meet and defeat the enemy who dares to drive liberty from the land of freedom.” Americans Thanked. He thanked British housewives for their contributions of aluminum pots for the aircraft industry, “and also those American friends who give generously, for America is very necessary to us.” “Our own aircraft industry has always been reinforced in its labors by the American manufacturers,” he continued. “Since this ministry was formed, we have purchased in America 12,115 engines for airplanes. Most of the aircraft frames will be built in Britain, and the American engines will be flttted here. “The types of engines we have both are powerful and modem tried and tested in many a long Journey across the American con tinent, reliable in cloud and storm and in ice and snow. • • •.” 300 Retail Grocers To Meet Here Tuesday Three hundred retell grocer*, inembers of the Independent Food Distributors, end representatives of various allied Industries will attend the first of a series of monthly meet ings next Tuesday evening at the Annapolis Hotel. Hecto Lazo, executive vice presi dent of the Co-operative Food Dis tributors of America, will speak. The meeting will be turned over to members of the Florida Citrus Com mission following his speech. Horace Herr, secretary of the Na tional League of Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Distributors, will dis cuss the merchandsilng of fruits and vegetables. W. B. Blix will be In Minnie Mint Suggests these four Q famous packages! Tuck them in your market basket with the groceries ... U-ALL-NO ... they’re just the thing for visitors, bridge parties, dinners and outings! Get them at your grocer’s or druggist’s. • U-ALL-NO Attar Dlaaar Patties Gay-colored patties in a variety of flavors! In the wine-red label. • U-ALL-NO Attar Dlaaar Jelly C eaters Enticing jelly centers in assorted flavors. In the bud-green label. • U-ALL-NO Attar Dlaaar Striped MM Jaunty red stripes encir cling pure white mint. In the sky-blue label. • U-ALL-NO Attar Dlaaar MM The snow-white mint that melts in your mouth. In the golden label. • QUALITY THAT HASN'T CHANCED FOR FIFTY YEARS Thos. D. Richardson Co. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. charge of an auction demonstration. Isaac Jacobson is president of the Independent Food Distributors and Aaron Levin is the executive sec retary. , War Department Orders Plane 'Landing Mats' »r the Associated Press. McKEE8PORT, Pa., July 85.—The Reliance Steel Products Co. has been commissioned by the War Depart ment to make 400 tons of steel for specially designed airplane "landing mats” for use at Langley Field, Va. Ordered onan experimental basis as part of the national defense pro gram, the mats can be used for emergency plane landings in the absence of permanent fields, or where landing surfaces have been smashed by bombardment. The mats are made In 6-foot square units, any number of which may be attached together (or a smooth surface. They may be taken apart quickly for transportation to other areas. Slovak Jews Drafted BERLIN. July 29 <JP) (By Radio).— All Jews in Slovakia between 18 and 90 were ordered to report for labor service today, the German radio reported from Bratislava, the capital. Get Tender, Juicy Meats at Your A&P— All Sold With Money-Back Guarantee! FRESHLY KILLED FRYINC CHICKENS BARRED Ih O ROCKS Mm ^ ONE PRICE—NONE HIGHER GENUINE SPRING LEGS of LAMB NONE PRICED HIGHER SMOKED HAMS CHUCK ROAST COOKED HAMS TENDER, JUICY ROUND Steoks '““"31c ^33c SIRLOIN STEAK Ib 35c PORTERHOUSE STEAK ,b. 41c TENDER STEER Ribs of Beef n>. 23c ONE PRICE—NONE PRICED HIGHER , SUNNYFIELD SKINNED AJ. 10 to 12 lbs. Avg. ID. VIB Whole or Shook Holf m I STEER BEEF 17c NONE PRICED HIGHER 1D* | f KINGAN'S RELIABLE „ Aff. BONE-IN, 10 to 12 lbs. ID. aM>|6 Whole or Shank Half feV • ASSORTED Cold Cuts ■/: ib. 9C PICKLE, VEAL OR HOME MADE LOAF CLAW CRAB MEAT n, 31c FRESH SEA BASS 2 ib.. 19c CROAKERS PORGIES ib. 7c RED FISH FILLETS ib. 13c .... ll^rHBFJiaafflKBniMIIEnaBBEaeBaBBffiar-iri^tat^il.ijitiiiii^-iSntsirawyB.- rasai Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! LUSCIOUS RIPE LARGE ELBERTA WATERMELONS PEACHES 26 to 30 Whole ^ Ac A „ At lbs. each Melon Am JW | jw NEW POTATOES 10^. 15c ORANGES CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 20 for 25c LA*«fWRSIAN ( SiEDLISS FULL-POD LIMA LIMES T fOe j GRAPES 2 15c BEANS 2lb- 15c 1 timiTirrti«iriTrnmiimwiimniniTmiiiniiiiiii-Ti-MiMiiiiiiMMMiniiMiii«iiwii mm ______ . * 3.r*: mOER. ...Ui !L$S#,.: 1 .1 NEW 1940 PACK PEAS 3 - 20e TOMATOES STANDARD QUALITY Nc«2 5C DEL MONTE PEAS 2 Nlf 23e DEL MONTE PEACHES 2N-27e IONA PEACHES ci=* 2No- 23c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 29c Java A 100% BURE HYDROGENATED Ln' Kc 3 ,b‘ 3 QC W©X© VEGETABLE SHORTENING CO" 3 CIDER VINEGAR 2 *><**■ 25c Tomato CAMPBELL'S 3 Vw 20c l*m ANN PAGE 16-ox. i A* llflHI Slock Raspberry Jar I af ® Quince Jelly ,Te 2 ,££,17* Grape Juiced 11« & 21* Grape Juiced 21. & 39c AGP Apricols 10* AGP Frail Salad N,„,„u" 14* MR a PRIDE ASSORTMENT 1-lb. AE. a De lie CAKES b COOKIES box itf6 Bartlett Pears *« SV 12* Cherries S°fopppies^I> a* ig* Campbell’s Beans 3 ‘^19* Ann Page Beans 5* HirMFiM nutley 9 lib. 17* niaijjjariHB brand c pifl 116 Pound Cakes kedS^ 27* Layer Cakes TeVc!*»• 15* Marshmallows !£ 15* Tissues fflff 2 *5.” 15* Window Sereews 2«zf »■ 39* Fill INSECTICIDE ** 10c 21* Kirkman s »** 5-17* Kirkman’s cmn &I9* Kirkman’s rawm 3 13* Kirkman’s "S8P 3 •>.. 13* While Sail SOAP FLAKES pkg. 12* Maxwell HOUSE COFFEE 23c Saaka »>««« hag '£ 28* Chicken »«»oned 39* Salmon C0lD„2?'AM 2 £S 29* Mnstard v!ffiA 2 £ 16* Redi-Meat A„T£fT 19* Com Flakes sf,eu 2 II* Staley’s Starch J£. 9* Hillr WHITE HOUSE M ull ME. milll EVAPORATED “I cans &9C Gerber’s dry cereal p<v- ||c My-T-Fine DESSERTS 3 PAR1- 14* Sparkle DESSERTS 3 Pk*»- 10* ’ ANOTHU REASON WMY^R EVERY 7»h FAMILY BUYS A&P COFFEE! I <IGHT O’CLOCK f 3 L 39c pound bag 13c I Dairy Foods! OUR FINEST CREAMERY Butter »t 30c SUNNYFIELD PRINT lb. 32c LARGE ftn. of 3 1 . eggs CRESTVIEW ldoz. z I c C_ LARGE etn. of 3 3. eggs sunnybrook i doz. He Cheese *AJfER?c]Sr 2 -.43c PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP cake 5C New Both Size 3 cakes 25c New! BATHROOM TISSUE 3rolu •Safe, Soft, Unusual Strength %%£&$&"* 4%i0 CHIPSO 8C & 19* OXYDOL 2 37* 2 Small Pkgs. 15c P&G SOAP For Laundry $ b«* 25® : iitfRfciLiiWtWM'wTj;- miw BE SURE TO TRY OUR A&P Soft Twist AOrP SUPER MARKETS: y • 18th ft RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. 6205 GEORGIA AVE. 3412 CONNECTICUT AVE. 4121 13th STREET N.W. 4439 CONNECTICUT AVE. 3648 GEORGIA AVE. _ 4851 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. 5810 lit STREET N.W. 3105 NICHOLS AVE. S.E. riteM In thl* atTertlMmeat chine* anly with marhct Mnlitton*. Price* nntni n*r*ln will remain In Hit I thrn th* elaaa •< hailn*** lit.. Mr 27 th, In ’JJlJ