Newspaper Page Text
titarfa of (Eiyankfl BROWNING. ESTHER N. We with to express our appreciation to our friends for tbe beautiful flowers, cards and kind deeds durlnc the Illness and death of our daughter and sister. ESTHER N. BROWN XNO. MR. AND MRS. ALBERT BROWNING. MRS MILDRED B. WRIGHT AND AL BERT W. BROWNING. ROACH, BENJAMIN F. The family of the late BENJAMIN F. ROACH wish to express their sincere appreciation to the relatives and friends for the many floral tributes ana kindness during their re cent bereavement. SIMMS. MARY D. The family of the late MARY D. SIMMS wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and all organizations for their kindness during her illness and the many beautiful cards, floral tributes and cars on the occasion of her death HER SISTER. LORETTA LANDON. • THOMAS, SADIE BARNES. We wish to acknowledge with deeo appreciation the many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes during the brief Illness and at the death of our daughter, sister and aunt, SADIE BARNES THOMAS. We also wish to thank the co-workers of the Gov ernment Printing Ofllce, Rev F. M. W. Bchneeweiss. Rev. M. F. Newman. Rev. J. A Browne and Rev. James E. Young. FANNIE A. BARNES VIOLA B. REID AND FANNY VIOLA REID. • Sbatba BARDEN, HOWARD W. Suddenly, on Tu«sday. July 23, 1P40. HOWARD W. BARDEN, husband of Alice E. Barden. Funeral from the V. L. Speare Co. 10PP H st. n.w., on Friday, July 26, at 11 am. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. IProvidence. R.I., papers please copy.) 26 BEAN, JAMES THOMAS. On Tuesday, July 23. 1P40. at his home. Rockville. Md.. JAMES THOMAS BEAN, aged 81 years, beloved husband of Emma Jane Bean. Funeral services at the Colonial funeral home of William Reuben Pumphrey. Rock ville. Md. .Friday. July 26. at 8:30 a.m. Re duiem mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church at 9 am. Interment St. Mary's Ceme tery, near Rockville. Md. 25 BOLDEN. JOSEPH. On Thursday, July *5. 1040. JOSEPH BOLDEN, son of Janie Bolden, brother of Nina. June and Widmon Bolden. He also is survived by other rela tives and friends. Funeral from the Malvan & Schey fu Beral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n w.. Sat urday. July 27. at 11 a.m. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. • BRADBURY. EDITH MAUDE. On Wednesday. July 24. 1040, at her resi dence. 2011 Klingle rd. n.w., EDITH MAUDE BRADBURY, wife of the late Wy man H. Bradbury and mother of Mrs. Robert B. Berberick. Friends are invited to call at Gawler's chaoel. 1750 Penna. ave. n.w.. where service* will be held on Friday. July 26, At 1:30 P.m. Interment private. BRANNIN. KATE C. On Wednesday. July 24, 1040. at her residence. 6411 S. 4th st.. Arlington. Va . KATE C. BRAN NIN. widow of the late James W. Bran hin. She is survived by Mrs. Eliza B. Moncure and Mrs. Prances Conway of Arlington. Va.. and James M. Brannin of Washington, D. C. Remains resting at the Wheatley fu neral home. 800 King st.. Alexandria. Va... where funeral services will be held on Fri day, July 26. at 4 pm. Interment Ivy Bill Cemetery. BRAXTON, EDWARD. On Wednesday. July 24. 1040. at Gallinger Hospital, ED WARD BRAXTON. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home, 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BRITTINGHAM. JAMES FRANCIS. On Wednesday. July 24. 194<i at his home in Hew York. JAMES FRANCIS BRITTING HAM, beloved brother of Mary E. Britting ham of Baltimore. Md. and Henrietta gnttlngham of Washington. D. C.: uncle of enrv Lawrence Brittingham of Wash ington Maj. James Francis Brittingham of Fort Bragg. N C.: Mrs. E. Roger Boyle and Mrs. John T. Doyle of Washington. D. C. Interment at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. BROOKS, FREDERICK D. On Wednes day, July 24. 1040, FREDERICK D. BROOKS, husband of Mamie Brooks, brother of Robert Brooks. Many other relatives and friends also survive. Remains may be viewed after 4 pm. Friday, July 26. at Frazier's funeral home. SSO R. I ave n.w., where funeral services will be held on Saturday. July 27. at 1 :■'!<> pm. Rev J Elliott officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. -6 BROWN, OLLIE. On Monday. July 22. 3040. OLLIE BROWN, sister of the late Cleopatra Brown. Reuben and John E. Brown. She also is survived by other rela tives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the Malvan A Schey funeral home. N. J. ave. and R at. n.w.. where funeral will be held Fri day. July 26. at 1 p.m. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. * BRUCKSCHEN. WALTER S. on Wed nesday. July 24. 10411. WALTER S. BRUCKSCHEN. the beloved son of Frank •nd Bessie (nee Adams) Bruckschen. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Saturday. July 27. at 1 f'.m. Relatives and friends invited. In erment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. ,26 BURGAN, WALTER L. On Wednesday, July 24, 1940. at the Washington Sani tarium. WALTER L. BURGAN. the beloved husband of Mary Burgan and father of LeRoy and Esther Burgan. Friends may call at the Takoma funeral home, 254 Car Toll st., Takoma Park. D. C. Notice of services later. CHIVERS, DR. HENRY LEE. On Tues day. July 23, 1940. Dr. HENRY LEE CHIVERS. husband of Mary M. Chivers. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . Friday. July 26. ■ t 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cem •tery. COLLINS. MARGARET. On Wednesday. July 24, 1940. at her residence. 5719 1st »t. n.w.. MARGARET COLLINS, beloved wife of William M. Collins and mother of Mrs. Harold L. Hamill. Mrs. Ralph C. Masters. Richard E . William M . Ir.. and John R. Collins. Remains resting at the above residence until 10 am. Friday, duly 26. Interment Staunton. Va. CORUM. ALBERT. Departed this life an Wednesday. July 24. 1940. at Gallinger Hospital. ALBERT CORUM, the loving brother of Deacon Moalboad Corum of Friendship Baptist Church He also is sur vived by five other brothers, five sisters and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John' T. Rhines & Co. fu Beral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. CRAVEN, LOIS STELLA. On Sunday. July 21. 1040. at Glenn Dale Sanatorium. ,OIS STELLA CRAVEN, daughter of the ate Robert and Maude Craven. She leaves to mourn their loss one sister. Frances Jones: one brother. Roy Craven, end a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. July 27.. at 1 p.m., from the First Baptist Church of Ross hm. Va.. Rev. J. D Catlett officiating. Remains in state at the funeral home of Ceo. W. Lewis & Co., 2032 8th st. n.w., Thursday, at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 26 DECKER, ERNEST R. Suddenly, on Wednesday. July 24, 1940. at hts resi dence. 809 Sheridan st. n.w.. ERNEST R. DECKER, beloved husband of Frances E. Decker and father of Margaret and Ray mond G. Decker. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Friday. July 26, at 9 am. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem ttery. 26 DECKER, ERNEST R. Officers and members of Fort Stevens Post, No. 32. the American Legion, are notified of the death of Comrade ERNEST R. DECKER > and are to assemble for services at 8 p.m Thursday. July 25, 1940. at Ryan’s funeral home, 117 Pa ave. s.e. Interment Arlington Rational Cemetery Friday. July 26. DENEALE. WILLIAM A. On Wednesday. July 24. 1940. WILLIAM A. DeNEALE. son of the late William Y. and Anne E. DeNeale •nd brother of Mrs. Annie E. Reardon ■nd Mrs. Jeanette Y Lashhorn. Funeral services at 4<02 9th st. n.w., On Friday. July 26. at 3 p.m. Relatives •nd friends Invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. DODSON. FRANK. On Tuesday. July *3. 1940. PRANK DODSON, husband of Martha P. Dodson and father of Mable Adams. He also is survived by other rela tives and friends. _ . . Funeral from the Malvan & Schey fu yieral home. N J. ave. and R st. n.w.. Saturday, July 27. at 2 p.m. DUNKUM, GRATZ E. On Wednesday, July 24, 1940, at Garfield Hospital. GRATZ x DUNKUM. husband of Louise W. Punkum and father of G. Everard Dun lum. Ir. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. B.w., until 1 P.m. Saturday July 27. Funeral services at the Calvary Baptist Church. 8th and H sts. n.w.. on Satur day. July 27, at 2 P.m. Interment (pri vate) at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 27 EDGAR. REBECCA W. On Wednesday, July 24, 1940, at her residence. 1430 Oak »t. n.w.. REBECCA W. EDGAR, beloved Widow of Wilfred P. Edgar and sister of Mrs. S. W. Purdum of Hyattsville. Md.. and Mrs. Bessie Dick of Albuquerque. N. Mex. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. July 27. at 3 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 28 FINDLET. GERTRUDE M. On Thurs day, July 25. 1040. at her residence. 4701 Connecticut ave. n.w.. GERTRUDE M. FINDLEY, wife of Earl N. Findley. Services at the grave. Arlington National Cemetery, on Saturday, July 2<> at lO^aun. FOSTER. ALBERT WHITE. On Tues day. July 23, 1040, ALBERT WHITE FOS TER of 4604 Kansas ave. n.w., beloved husband of Ruth Thomas Foster, father of Donald Thomas Foster, son of T. A. and Carrie Foster and brother of Leon Foster •nd Mrs. Anna Ruth Petitt of Rich mond. V*. . Services »t the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday, July £6. at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Aw. N.E Llneela_52M V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the orlclnal W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. Natlana|BESOT djPPT—w—— CEMETERY LOTS. S LOTS IN BEAUTIFUL CEDAR HILL Cemetery: very reasonable. Oxford 2997. Ash for Mr. Barber. After 7. CH. 6421. A CRAVE SITES IN FORT LINCOLN .Cttutery. Substantial savings. DE. 41S5-J. after 5:30 n.m. Bretlp FOSTER. ALBERT W. a special com munication ot Petworth Lodge. No. 47. F. A. A. M„ la called for Friday, July 36. 1040. at i p.m., at the Lodee Hall. 4300 Oth at. n.w., for the puroose of afford lne Masonic burial rltea to AL v • BERT W. FOSTER, late a mem ber of Joppa Lodee. No. 40 of Richmond, Va. GEOROE R. DOUGLAS. Master. Attest: HERBERT W. LUDWIO. Bee. FRIZZELL. CARLOS. On Thursday. July 35. 1040. CARLOS FRIZZELL, beloved son of Richard V. and Bessie Agnes Friz zell and brother of Juanita and Donald Frizzell. Services at Chambers’ Georgetown fu neral home on Saturday, July 27. Notice of time later. FUSS. ETHEL. Suddenly, on Monday. July 22. 1040. at Springfield. Mo.. ETHEL FUSS, beloved daughter of the late Thomas A. and Zora Fuss. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4 th st. and Mass. ave. n e,. where services will be held on Friday, July 26, at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. GEIGER, WILLIAM FRANCIS. On Wednesday. July 24. 1040. at his residence, 1775 California st. n.w.. WILLIAM FRAN CIS GEIGER, beloved husband of D. Teresa Geiger. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday, July 27, at XI a.m. Interment Prospect Hill. 26 „ HALL, PERCY. On Wednesday. July 24,1040. at Doctors’ Hospital. Washington. D C.. PERCY HALL of R32 South Glebe rd . Arlington Va.. beloved son of the late Arthur and the late Elizabeth Hall. He Is survived bv three brothers, Harry. William and Arthur Hall, and three sisters. Miss Annie Half Mrs. Cornelius Miller and Mrs. Eleanor Duxbury. Remains resting at his late residence, where private funeral services will be held Friday, July 26. at 11 a.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. 25 HARRISON, MITCHELL ARIS. On Wed July 24. 1040, at his residence. Pi. n.w , MITCHELL ARIS HARRISON, beloved son of Aris and Bessie Harrison and brother of Bernard, George and Alexander Harrison. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Friday, July 26. at 1:30 p.m.; thence to St. Christine’s Greek Orthodox Church, 6th and C sts. s.w.. where funeral services will be held at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 25 HAWKINS, EDNA MAY. Suddenly, on Tuesday- July 23, 1940. EDNA MAY HAW KINS, beloved daughter of George and Lillie May Wims of Emory Grove. Md.; l*0Jbf.r.,„?f Estelle. Carroll. Worthington and Wilbert Wims. She also leaves one grandson, five brothers and many other relatives and friends. Body may be viewed after 6 p.m. Thursday. July 25. at the Snowden & Davis funeral home, Rockville, Md. Funeral Friday. July 26. at 2 pm., from Rocky Hill Church. Clarksburg, Md., Rev. McDonald officiating. 25 HEREFORD. RICHARD W. On Wednes day, July 24. 1940. at his home. New Up ¥£J„J?arlboro- Md- RICHARD W. HERE FORD, husband of Edgar Sllngluff Here lord. TT„Servi,c,es ,uat Trinity Episcopal Church, upper Marlboro. Md.. on Friday. July 28, at 3 p.m. Interment church cemetery. HUTCHINS. FRANCIS N. Suddenly, on Tuesday. July 23. 1<»40. at Irwin, Pa, N. HUTCHINS, beloved husband of Maud Hutchins, son of Anna and Pay ton Hutchins, brother of Gladys Bunday. stepson of Clarence Leslie, son-in-law of Ida N. Bell, brother-in-law of Estella Mont gomery and Herman Bell. Remains can be viewed on Friday. July 28. at 4 p.m., at his late residence. 318 3rd st. s.w Funeral on Saturday. July 27. at 1 p m . fromBarnes A Matthews’. 814 4th st. s.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. JACKSON, JOHN A. On Tuesday. July ft?'*}?40, JACKSON, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Jackson. He also is survived by lour brothers and four sis ters. 4,v?ecrJiain‘VS5Mn* at the funeral heme. kL‘ *Ln<iLMass«ave* ne-* where services will be held on Friday. July 28. at 3:30 P.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. a,ADELE. On Wednesday July .4 1940. ADELE JOYCE, beloved wife of _,H Joyce and daughter of Frank wolf and sister of Mrs. J. D. Robbins. Mrs. J. F. Ervin and Mrs. Charlotte Bass. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4}b.,<5t' an3, Mass,i ave. n.e.. where funeral services will be held on Friday. July 26. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited, interment Congressional Cemetery. KANE, ELIZABETH HANDY. Departed this life Monday. July 22. 1940. in Balti more, Md.. ELIZABETH HANDY KANE, loving wife of George Kane of Baltimore, Md-: sister of the late Charles and Car rie Handy, stepdaughter of Frances Handy of 1203 4th st. n.w. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains mav be viewed at the above-mentioned address after 4 p.m. Thursday. July 25. Funeral Friday. July 26. at l p.m.. from Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Interment Harmony Cemetery. , LANE. JEANNE MAUDE. On Wednes day. July 24, 1940, at the residence of her daughter. 4813 Woodway lane n.w.. JEANNE MAUDE LANE, beloved mother of Mrs. Glen F. Jenks. Mrs. Robert Salvidge of Omaha. Nebr.. and Thomas D. Lane of Albion. Mich Services at National Cathedral. Beth lehem Chapel, on Saturday. July 27. at 10:30 a.m. Interment private. Services by Chambers’ Georgetown funeral home. LEE, ANNE L. On Saturday. July 20. 1940. ANNE L. LEE. mother of William N Lee of Washington. D. C.: W. A. Lee of Lakeland. Fla., and R. T. Lee of Raleigh. N. C. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until 1 p.m. Thursday. July 25. Services and interment Raleigh. N. C. LUXFORD. CELIA M. s On Thursday, July 25, 1940. at her residence. 6638 Barnabv st. n.w, CELIA M. LUXFORD. widow of Albert Luxford of Manistee. Mich., and mother of Mrs. Harvey God dard. Mrs. Frank Leminger of Washing ton. D. C.. and Miss Margaret Luxford of Milwaukee, Wis. She also is survived by three sons, Donald Luxford of Washing ton. D. C.: Earl Luxford of Chicago. 111., and Ronald Luxford of Madison. Wis. Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w.. where services will be held on Saturday.. July 27. at 2:30 p.m. Interment In Acacia Knoll, Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 26 MAGRUDER. DOLLY WILSON. On Wednesday, July 24. 1940. at her home. 9018 1st ave.. Woodside. Silver Spring. Md., DOLLY WILSON MAGRUDER, wife of the late William Pinkney Magruder. for merly of Hyattsville. Md. Body resting at the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral home, 8424 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Md. Services at the Grace Episcopal Church. Woodside. Md.. on Friday. July 26. at 10 a.m. Interment church cemetery. MESSMER. SERGT. HARRY C. On Wednesday. July 24. 1940. at Soldiers' Home. Sergt. HARRY C. MESSMER. aged 61 years, son of the late John and Mena Messmer. formerly of Wilmington. Del. Surviving are a sister. Mrs. Derestus Booye ot Northfleld. N. J.. and a nephew, Leonard Reinholz of Northfleld. N. J. Funeral services at Soldiers’ Home. In terment in National Soldiers' Home Ceme tery Friday. July 26. at 10 a.m. 26* MESSMER. HARRY C. Col. John J. EDI Astor Camp. No. 6. Dept, of D. C.. U. S. W. V., deeply re grets to announce the death of comrade HARRY C. MESSMER. UKUmB at U. S. Soldiers’ Home. D. C.. Ha* JulY 24. 1940. Funeral, with _military honors, from Soldiers' Home Chapel at 10:40 a.m. Friday. July 26. Interment in Soldiers’ Home National Cemetery. JOHN F. COYNE. Commander. E. P. K. 8CHROEDER. Adjutant. • MITCHELL, JOHN HENRY. On Mon day. July 22. 1940. at Galllnfer Hospital. JOHN HENRY MITCHELL. He leaves to mourn five sisters. Carrie Ruffin. Sallie Unchurch. Bettle Lou Jones. Annie Mae Johnson and Ella Jetlors: five brothers. William and Josh Mitchell. Lynwood. At water and Needham Winston: also other relatives and friends survive. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st.. where remains may be viewed Thursday, July 25. at 4 p.m. Funeral Friday. July 26. at 2 P.m.. from Mount Zion Pentecostal Holiness Church. 6th and T sts. n.w.. Rev. G. A. Keller of ficiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. MORONEY. IDA R. On Tuesday. July 23. 1940, IDA R. MORONEY, the beloved wife of William W. Moroney. mother of William W., Jr.: John A. and Mary J. Moroney: Sarah W. Bozzi. Catherine E Thornton and Gertrude R. Shepherd. Services at the Chambers funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e.. on Friday. July 26. at 8:30 a.m.: mass at St. Theresa's Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 26 MOSHEUVEL, JOSEPHINE. On Thurs day, July 25. 1940, at Emergency Hos pital. JOSEPHINE MOSHEUVEL (nee Raines, beloved wife of Anthony J. Mo sheuvel. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. NAIRN. MARGARET B. Suddenly, on Thursday. July 25. 1940. at her residence. 934 4th st. n.e.. MARGARET B. NAIRN (nee Collier), beloved wife of Walter L. Nairn and mother of James F„ Mary E„ Agnes L., Walter L.. Jr.; George E. and Thomas F. Nairn, and sister of Joseph A. and John B. Collier. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon fu neral chapel, 641 H st. n.e.. on Saturday. July 27. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Aloyslus Church at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 26 OFFUT, WILLIAM H. On Monday. July 22. 1940. WILLIAM H. OFFUT of 1113 Holbrook terrace n.e.. husband of the late Anne K. Offut. father of Mrs. Mamie White. Sarah Walker. George Of fut, Mrs. Irene Powell and Richard Offut; stepfather of Louis E. Diggs. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home, 30 H st. n.e., until 4 p.m. Thurs day. July 25; thereafter at his late resi dence. where services will be held Friday, July 26. at 1 p.m. PAINE. NANNIE PENNINGTON. On Tuesday, July 23, 1940. at Emergency Hospital. NANNIE PENNINGTON PAINE of Jarrettsville. Md.. wife of the late Wal ter T. Paine. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. July 26, at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 25 PAINE. NANNIE F. Special meeting of the Lebanon Chapter. No. 25. Order of the Eastern Star, called for Friday. July 26, 1940, at 9:30 a.m., in the Masonic Temple, to attend the funeral of our late sister, NANNIE P. PAINE. LILY MCKENZIE. Secretary. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. MODTOA^IAFHiaMRApHONE NAT OIOS. <£?££&? Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. item he. Ml* F Si. N.W. National AS7S. ♦ ifc. 57 Americans at Lisbon LISBON, Portugal, July 25 OP).— Fifty-seven Americans headed for the United States were among 250 war refugees from Mediterranean ports brought here today by the Greek liner Atrtki. Bottlffi , PARKER. LEO GRAHAM. On Thurs day. July 25. 1940. LIO GRAHAM PAR KER. son of the late Col. Leo O. and Mrs. Grace Graham Parker. Funeral (private) from hla late rest dence. Falls Church. Va.. Saturday. July 27. at 10 a.m. TO* PHILLIPS. WILUAM F. On Wednes day. July 24. 1940. at his residence. Olfi O st. s.e., WILLIAM F. PHILLIPS, retired Pennsylvania Railroad employe. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Friday. July 20. at 3 p.m. Interment Concessional Cemetery. , 8CHIECK. FREDERICK W. On Tues day. July 23. 1940. at Baltimore. Md„ FREDERICK W. 8CHIECK of 2730 Wis consin ave. n.w.. beloved husband of Ila Riddell Schleck and father of Richard. DeWItt and Allen Schleck. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2001 14th st. n.w., on Friday. July 20. at 3 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. SIMMS. SERGT. LEWIS. Departed this life Tuesday. July 2.3. 1940. at Walter Reed Hospital. Sergt LEWIS SIMMS. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Mrs. Ethel Simms: a sister. Mrs. Etta Morrow; two aunts, Mrs. Gertrude Smith and Mrs. Mary Voune; stepmother, Mrs. Oeonta Simms; four uncles. Mr. Jacob Simms. James and Edward Lyons and Char'es Simms, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at Boyd's funeral home. 1238 20th st. n.w., Friday. July 20. at 1 p.m.. Rev. O. Oliva Wins of ficiating. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery at 2 p.m. • STEWART. HANNAH. On Monday. July 22. 1940. at 8:1ft p.m.. In Cleveland. Ohio, HANNAH STEWART (nee Schroth). be loved wile ol the late John P. 8tewart. mother of Ann S. McKinley and sister of Charles G. Schroth. Burial services at Mount Olivet Ceme tery on Friday. July 2(1. at 9 a.m. Services by Chambers' Southeast funeral home. STEWART. HANNAH. On Monday. July 22. 1941). at 8:15 p.m., in Cleveland. Ohio. HANNAH STEWART (nee Schroth), beloved wife of the late John P. Stewart, mother of Ann 8. McKinley and aister of Charles O. Schroth Burial services Friday. July 26. at 9 a.m., at Mount Olivet Cemetery. 25* THOMAS. WILLIAM H. On Tuesday. Julv 23. 1940. WILLIAM H. THOMAS of 2207 Georgia ave. n.w.. husband of MAry Thoms s. father of Mary. Martha. Charles. Isaiah. Sylvester, and brother-in-law of Henry Johnson. Also seven grandchildren survive. Remains resting at Ridgely At Hicks' funeral home. 1400 s st. n.w Funeral Saturday. July 27. at 2 p m, from the above-named funeral home. Rev. E. Strange officiating. Interment at Payne’s Cemetery. WARD, NEWTON. On Thursday. July 25. 1940, at St. Petersburg, Fla. NEWTON WARD, beloved husband of Edith Williams Ward of Washington. D. C. Funeral services at the home of his sister Mrs. Mary Ward Canter. 523 7th st. s e.. Saturday. July 27. at 2:30 p.m. 26 WEBB. JAMES H. On Wednesday, July 24. 1040. at his residence. 1328 G st. se. JAMES H. WEBB, beloved husband of the late Mary Hayes Webb and father of James T. Webb and Mrs. Harry J. Thompson. Funeral from his late residence on Sat urday. July 27. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sts., where mass will be offered at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 26 WERNER. RICHARD B. On Tuesday. July 2.3. 1040, in Chicago. HI.. RICHARD B. WERNER, beloved husband of Grace E Werner (nee Maydwell). Friends may call at the William Cook mansion. St. Paul and Preston sts.. Baltimore. Md.. on Friday. July 2(1. after 10:15 a.m. Funeral services at 11 a.m. Interment Druid Ridge Cemetery. 25 WILLIS. CONVERSE. Departed this life Wednesday. July 24. 1040. at his residence. 118 8. Peyton st.. Alexandria. Va.. CON VERSE WILLIS, devoted husband of Mrs. Fannie Willis, loving father of Mrs. Lottie Kilgo. Tiny Fesco and Clinton Willis and brother of Mrs. Cressy Dover. Other rela tives and friends also survive. Remains resting at the funeral home of John T. Rhines A Co.. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. WISE, FREDERIC MAY. Brigadier Gen eral. United States Marines. Retired. On Wednesday. July 24. 1940, FREDERIC MAY WISE, brigadier general, United States Ma rines. retired, beloved husband of Ethel 8ewall Hardy Wise, brother of John Adams Wise. Mrs. Josiah Macy. Mrs. James D. Wise and Duchesse de Richelieu. Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Friday. July 26. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington Cemetery. 25 WISNER. G. FRANKLIN. On Thursday. July 25. 1940, at Garfield Memorial Hos pital. G. FRANKLIN WISNER. beloved husband of Rosella B. Wisner. Body rest ing at the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral Jmme. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Notice of services later. In Urmnrtam CRICKENBERGER. OLIVER f. In lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. OLIVER P. CRICKENBERGER. who left us two years ago today. July Loving and kind in all of his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days: Sacred and true in heart and mind. A beautiful memory he left behind. DEVOTED WIFE AND SON. • FERRY. MAUDE A. In remembrance of our dear mother. MAUDE A. FERRY, who departed this life four years ago to day. July 25, lit.'in. HER DAUGHTERS. MARGUERITE. AG NES. BERNERDETTE AND ADELAIDE.* GORDON, CATHARINE. In sad remem brance of our dear mother. CATHARINE GORDON, who departed this life one year ago today. July 25. 10:19. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our eyes shed many a tear: God only knows how we miss you At the end of this one year. DEVOTED SON. AUBREY. AND 8I8TERS. • IARDELLA. CHARLES T. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear brother and uncle. CHARLES T. IARDELLA. who passed away one year ago today. July 25, 1939. Gone, but not forgotten. THE FAMILY. KRIEMELMEYER. WILLIAM A. In lov ing memory of our dear husband and fa ther, WILLIAM A. KRIEMELMEYER. who departed this life two years ago today. July 25. 1938. Down the road in memory’s garden. Just two years ago today. The one we loved and deeply cherished _ To the great beyond was called away. HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. • JONES. HENRIETTA C. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother and aunt. HENRIETTA C. JONES, who departed this life one year ago today. July 25, 1939. We have only your memory, dear mother. To live our whole lives through: You are the one we can never forget. Because we are always thinking of you. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. NAOMI E. ANDERSON. AND HER NEPHEW. DA VID 8. BARBOUR. WEBSTER. GENEVA AND CHARLES. In sad but loving remembrance of our de voted parents. GENEVA WEBSTER, who died eleven years ago. May 19. 1929. and CHARLES WEBSTER, one year ago today, July 25. 1939. Forget you? No, we never will. We loved you then, we love you still: Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away. THE CHILDREN. • WOLFE. WILLIAM. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband and father. WILLIAM WOLFE, who departed this life two years ago today. July 25. 1938. WIFE AND DAUGHTER. » COLLINS FUNERAL HOME Francis J. Collins 3821 14th St. N.W. Tiltphon. Randolph 7117 r Air * ? Conditioned * The new home of James T. Rvan is this institution's an swer to the constantly increas ing demand for Rvan service. Completely air-conditioned for vour comfort during the not • summer months. This Institution has the facili ties that provide tor every pos sible requirement. And remem ber that Rvan service is always available to every one, regard less of financial condition, Ryan Da Lux* Asnbulane* Sarviea it the Loot Ward in Ambulan ca Sarviea. Phan* AT. 1700. Missing-Fingers Men on Bus Give Police Rare Coincidence. This is the case of the Impossible coincidence, which substantiates a theory that a number of people have long advocated—namely, that men with two fingers missing off their left hands are not necessarily fugi tives from a chain gang. Shortly after midnight, police re ceived a call from North Carolina, from a policeman who asked if the local officers would be obliging enough to step down to a bus station and arrest a colored convict who had escaped from a chain gang. The convict was known to be on the bus and he wouldn't be hard to spot, the North Carolina officer said. For the third finger and the little finger on his left hand were missing. Detective Sergt. Thomas Nalley and Policeman c. O. Rouse were given a complete description of the fugitive and sent down to appre hend him. There was no sign of the suspect on the bus, so the police men went to anbther station. There they found another bus pulling in. They boarded it, looked over the passengers and within a few seconds spotted a colored man who fitted the description exactly. They looked at his left hand and found that the two fingers were missing. So they detained him. He pro tested loud and long that he was no chain gang fugitive, but that is an old story. Sergt. Nalley was leading his prisoner away when his eyes fell Mrs. Lizzie Kander, Cookbook Author, Dies By the Associated Press. MILWAUKEE, July 25.—Mrs. Liz zie Black Kander, 82, author of the Settlement Cookbook, well-known to housewives the Nation over, died suddenly in her home here yes terday. The cookbook was the outgrowth of her social work among Jews here. She personally tested all recipes in each of the book's 23 editions. on the left hand of another colored man on the bus. The same two fingers were missing from the same hand. The second man fitted the description as to height, weight, etc., as well as the first. So Mr. Nalley grabbed him. He also denied the remotest connection with chain gangs, North Carolina or police. For a long time Mr. Nalley talked to the two. Then he thought of something. He made them pull up the legs of their trousers. The first man’s legs were unmarked—but near the second man’s ankles were the marks left by shackles. He took the second man to the 1st precinct after releasing the first suspect. A few hours later police found the prisoner semi- j conacioua after an attempt to hang hlnuelf in his cell. He was removed to Oallinger Hoe Pital for observation, after he vowed to police that they would never re turn him alive to North Carolina. ajbirector Due PRIMARY DUTY of both cemetery and funeral director is sympathetic service. A calm, unhurried selection of burial space, made before need, aids materially in giving this service to which every family, is entitled. • Drive out Pennsylvania Avenue, S. £., to Cemetery Cates; open until 7:00 P. M. (jsd&r Hill wu iny ton A Wo,l i3taulifu( (Cemetery. W.W:CHAMKaf) Protect your J loved one with a 1 Perfection j' * Solid Metal, I Air-Seal Vault i - *rtld start weighing «W pounds, kullt on tho princlpto «C ' firing ML No wooden parts or glued joints to loosen, •y Aksolote protection tram the elements of earth. Always dry i and moisture-proof, hermetically sealed for complete protection. L_—■ ■^degua^cev he lady has the right idea ... The newspaper can be very rough on fam ily discipline . .’. but when you’re an ad vertiser with a bill of goods to sell, it can do things for your sales curve that will warm the chambers of your heart. Take a tip from this outraged wife-and mother ... if you have anything to say to the family, or to any member of it, have your message “printed in the paper.” The newspaper has always had a way of cap turing and holding the attention of the entire family ... and of doing a firsteSass selling job for advertisers. And* today, when interest m news of the world is at such a high pitch, the newspaper is naturally a more logical, more econom ical, more profitable place for your adver tising than ever before. THE BUREAU OF ADVERTISING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION of which gtftttUtg &tar * A mbhk SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING With newspaper advertising you con...(If reach 0m LARGEST NUMBER of your potential customers... Qltell)nar story to the ¥IMOt£ FAMILY...(3(eon centrate your efforts on the markets that offer the BEST OPPORTUNITIES...(4) TIME YOUR ADVERTISING to meet your needs and changing conditions ...|5) get QUICK RESULTS when you wont them...i6i BUILD GOOD-WILL os well as sales...(7) tie your message TO THE NEWS end make R more Interesting..AB) give your ads a LOCAL TOUCH, o home-town favor...(9) ILLUSTRATE YOUR PRODUCT and Rs Mes...ttO) NAME THE LOCAL STORES that sell your product...lUfstep up DEALER DISTRIBUTION ond dealer eoaperation...ondll2l do all Rasata LOWER COST than with any other medium.